Paper: (100 MARKS) : Agriculture & Forestry

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Part-I: Agriculture (50 marks)

I. Concept of Integrated Agriculture: Components of natural resources as bases for
agriculture production (Land, Water, biological, Environmental, Solar, Energy)
II. Challenges in Pakistans Agriculture: Present scenario and future prospects.
Analytical overview: issues and strategies for improvement of crop management,
livestock management, fisheries, cottage industry, resource management and rural
development. Institutions and policies: issues and options.
III. Elements of Climate and their Relationship with Crop Growth: Farming Systems,
biological nitrogen fixation, soil profile, structure and texture, soil fertility, soil erosion
and conservation, water logging and salinity
IV. Genetic Improvement for Crop Production: GMO crops, Seed production
V. Horticulture: Floriculture, landscaping, pests and diseases of agriculture crops and
their control, integrated pest management.
VI. Rainfed and Irrigated Agriculture: Agriculture mechanization, land tenure and land
reforms, role of agriculture in national economy.
Part-II Forestry = (50 Marks)
I. Forest, range lands and wild life importance and significance
II. Forest management and utilization, wood based industries in Pakistan, silviculture
III. Range management and utilization
IV. National and international forest wealth statistics
V. Role of wildlife as value addition to forestry
VI. Forest based wildlife reservations of Pakistan and their management, eco-tourism
VII. Forestry, agroforestry, social forestry and forest biometrics
VIII. Socio-economic and ecological impact of manmade forests
IX. Watershed Management and role of forests in prevailing climate change dilemma
X. National forest laws and policies at national level, biodiversity & environment
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
S.No. Title Author
1. Shaping the Future of Water for Agriculture World Bank, USA
2. Participatory Rural Development in Pakistan Khan, M. H
3. Agriculture in Pakistan Khan M. H.
4. Economic Survey of Latest Years
5. Agric/Livestock/Machinery/Rural Developments
Censes of Latest Years
6. Fundamentals of Soil Science Henry D. Foth
7. Manual of Plant Production Abdul Manan.
8. Principles of Field Crop Production Martin., J.H. & Leonard,
9. Diseases of Field Crops Dickson, J.G
10. Irrigation Principles & Practices Isrealson, O.W.
Vaughn, E. Hansen.
11. A Text Book of Plant Pathology A.V.S.S. Sambamurti
12. Breeding Field Crops Poehlman
13. The Principles of Agronomy. Harris, Franklin Stewart
14. Forest Types of Pakistan Champion, H.G., S.K.
Seth and, G.M.Khattak
15. Manual of Silviculture for Pakistan Champion, H.G., S.K.
Seth and G.M.Khattak
16. Trees of Pakistan M.I. Sheikh
17. Range Management in Pakistan M.A.A. Qureshi
18. Comprehensive Forestry B.A. Raza
19. Farm Forestry in Pakistan, M.A.A. Qureshi
20. Forest Management G.M. Khattak,
21. Wildlife Ecology, Conservation and Management A. R. E. Sinclair, J. M.
Fryxell, G.Caughley
22. Basics of Forestry & Allied Sciences Dr. Masood a.a Qureshi


I. History of Environmental Thought
Environment and Sustainable Development, History of Environmental Movements,
Industrial and Agriculture Revolution, United Nations Conference on Human Environment
1972, Our Common Future 1987, Rio Summit 1992, Agenda 21, World Summit on
Sustainable Development 2002, Millennium Development Goals.
II. Sustainable Development Issues
Population growth, Poverty, Biodiversity loss and its Conservation, Energy security (energy
conservation and alternative energy resources), Urbanization and sustainable cities,
Carrying capacity and ecological footprint. Food security and sustainable agriculture.
Ecological restoration.
III. Interdisciplinary nature of Environmental Science
Orientation on convergence of various social and natural sciences to evolve a new
discipline of environmental science: Environmental Biology, Environmental Chemistry,
Environmental Physics, Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Toxicology,
Environmental Economics, Environmental Geology, Environmental Geography,
Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Sociology.
IV. Environmental Pollution
Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Soil Pollution, Noise Pollution, Solid Waste, Water Logging &
Salinity, Deforestation, Desertification, Eutrophication, Global and regional air
pollutionproblems (Greenhouse effect, Global Warming/Climate Change, Ozone Depletion,
Acid Rain).
V. Climate Change
Climate Pattern at local, regional and global scale. Different types of climate including
tropical and mid latitude climate, polar climates. Climate change processes, Drivers and
Indicators of Climate Change, Effects of Climate Chang on natural and societal systems.
Carbon foot print. Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM), REDD+. Global environmental politics on climate change: role of India,
China and USA (Copenhagen Accord 2009).
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
VI. Environmental Governance
Policy, legal and institutional frameworks for governance of environment in Pakistan:
National Conservation Strategy of 1992, National Environmental Policy Act of Pakistan
2005, Environmental Protection Act of 1997, Pak-EPA (Review of IEE/EIA) Regulations
2000, Hospital Waste Management Rules 2005, Pollution Charge Rules, Sample Rules,
Solid Waste Management Plan 2005, Hazardous Substances Rules 2005, National
Drinking Water Policy 2009, Sanitation Policy, National Climate Change Policy 2012.
VII. Global initiatives
Brief on some of the Multilateral Environmental Agreements ratified by Pakistan,
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Cartagena Protocol on Bio-safety, Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Convention
on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar
Convention), Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS), United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Kyoto Protocol to UNFCCC,
Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer, United Nations Convention
to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
VIII. Environmental Assessment and Management
Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Environmental
Management Systems (ISO 14000), Occupational Health & Safety management systems
(OHSAS 18000), Participatory Approaches to Environmental Management, Technological
Approaches to Environmental Management, Approaches to Solid Waste Management,
Disaster Risk Management, Pollution Control Technologies, Geographic Information
System & Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Management.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
S.No. Title Author
1. Environmental Economics in Theory and Practice. Hanley, N. Shorgen,J,White,B

2. Industrial Safety Health and Environmental Management Jain R.K. Rao S.S
3. Environmental Science: Earth as a living Planet, 9th ed. Botkin, D. Keller, E. 2014
4. Environmental Geology Facing the Challenges of Our Changing Earth Erickson, J
5. Environmental Geology. Keller A.Edward
6. Earth Science. Tarbuck. J. Edward Lutgens K. Friederick
7. Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationship Enger ED, Smith, B.F
8. Basics of Forestry and Applied Sciences, Concepts and Theory Masood A.A Qureshi
9. Environmental Science: Working with Earth Miller. T.G
10 Disaster Management: A Disaster Managers Handbook Carter N.W
11 Disasters and Development Cuny, F.C.
12 Disaster Management: Warning Response and Community Relocation Perry R.W. Mushkatel,
13 Energy: Crisis or Opportunity, An Introduction to Energy Studies Diana Schumacher
14 Environmental Geology Carla W. Montgomery
15 Environmental Health; Ecological Perspective Kathryn Hilgenkamp
16 Official Website of Govt. of Pakistan www.environment.
17 Official Website of UN Environment Programme.


Part I (Marks 50)

Physical Geography
I. Factors controlling landform development; endogenetic and exogenetic forces; origin
and evolution of the earths crust; physical conditions of the earths interior;
geosynclines; continental drift; isostasy; sea-floor spreading; plate tectonics;
mountain building; volcanicity; earthquakes; concepts of geomorphic cycles; landforms
associated with fluvial, arid, glacial, coastal and Karst cycle; groundwater.
II. Elements and Factors of climate, structure and composition of atmosphere, insulation,
temperature, Pressure belts of the world; Heat budget of the earth; Atmospheric
circulation: planetary,monsoon and local winds; Air masses and Fronts; Hydrological
cycle; Types of condensation and precipitation; Factors of global distribution of
III. Origin of oceans and seas, Characteristic features of the ocean basins, temperature,
salinity distribution cause and effects, Ocean floor deposits, their characteristics and
classification, Ocean circulation, Waves, currents and tides, their nature, causes and
IV. Factors of climate and Environmental change. Transformation of nature by man;
environmental degradation and conservation; Nature and Types of pollution. Problems
caused by pollution, Global Warming, Global Environment Patterns, Environmental
Hazards and Risk Management.
Part II (Marks 50)
Human Geography
V. Origin and Diffusion of Culture, Geographic patterns of culture, Classification of
Languages, World Distribution of Languages, Indo-European Languages, Origins of
Religions, Diffusion of Religions, Global Distribution, Regional conflicts, Ethnicities and
Nationalities, Ethnic Conflicts, Ethnic Diversity in the World, Factors of Ethnic
Cleansing, Ethnic Cleansing in the World, Development Indicators, Economic
Indicators, Social Indicators, Health Indicators, Development through Trade, Impacts
of development Indicators.
VI. Factors effecting Agriculture, Subsistence Agriculture and population growth,
Commercial Agriculture and Market Forces, Sustainable Agriculture, Types and
Distribution of Agriculture, Factors of Industrial locations, The Industrial Revolution,
Industrial Theories, Distribution of Industries and Industrial Estates, Renewable
Resources, Recycling Resources, Sustainable resources.
VII. Factors of Population Growth, Components of Change, Population Structure, The
Demographic Transition, World distribution of Population, Over and under Population
threats and their consequences, Models of Internal Structure of Cities, World Urban
Patterns, Settlement Theories, Patterns and Problems within urban areas.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016

VIII. Politics, Geography and Political Geography, State as a Politico-Territorial

Phenomenon, State, Nation and the Nation-State, World Politics and International
Relations, Geopolitics of uneven Development and Globalization of Capital,
Geography of Tourism and Recreation, The demand for tourism and recreation, The
supply for tourism and recreation, The impact of tourism and recreation: (Socioeconomic
impacts, Physical-environmental impacts), Global patterns in health and
diseases, Models in medical geography, Recent issues and developments.
S.No. Title Author
1. Discovering Physical Geography 2nd ed. Hoboken:John Wiley &Sons,Inc. Alan F. Arbogast
2. Introducing Physical Geography. Hobken: John Wiley & Sons Alan Strahler, (2011).
3. Atmosphere, Weather and Climate (7th ed.). London: Clays St. Davis. Barry, R. (1998).
4. Meknights Physical Geography A Landscape application 10th ed PHI Learning, New Delhi.
Darrel Hess (2012).
5. Text Book of Population Geography, Randam Publications, New Delhi. Dr. Martin Ardagh
6. Atmosphere, Climate and Change. New York: Scientific American Library Graedel, T. (1995).
7. An Introduction to Oceanography. Johnson H. (1996).
8. Economic Geography, Randam Publications, New Delhi. Philip Emeral (2013).
9. Essentials of Physical Geography 8thed Australia. Robert E. Gabler& James F. Petersen (2007)
10. Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography 7th ed. New Jersey:Pearson Prentice
Hall Robert W. Christopherson
11. Tourism Geography: Randam Publications, New Delhi. Shweta Singh (2013).
12. Elements of physical geography. New York. John Wiley. Strahler, A. N. (1998).
13. Natural Disaster Management: New technologies and opportunities, The Icfai Uni. Press,
Agartala. Subir Ghosh (2012).
14. Economic Geography 3rd ed. PHI Learning, New Delhi. Truman A. Hartshorn (2010).
15. Environmental Geography: Science Landuse William M. Marsh (2005).
16. Geography, Regions and Concepts. U.S.A John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Blif, H. J. (1971).
17. Human Geography. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Blij, H. J. (2000).
18. Population Geography Oxford: Pergamon Press. Clarke, J. I. (1965).
19. Human Geography Cultural Society and Space. (5th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. De
Blij. H. J. (2003).
20. Political Geography: The Spatiality of Politics. (3rd ed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited. Dikshit, R. D. (2001).
21. Agricultural Geography: Issues and Applications. New Delhi: Gian Publishing House. Dube,
R. S. (1987).
22. Human Geography Landscape of Human Activities. (8th ed.). New York: Mc.Graw Hill Higher
Education. Getis, Fellman. (2005).
23. An Introduction to Agricultural Geography. London: Hutchinson. Grigg, D. (1984).
24. The Geography of Tourism and Recreation (1st ed.). London: Routledge. Hall, C. M; & Page, S.
25. Economic Geography. New York: Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs. Hartshorne, T. A. &
Alexander, J. W. (1988).
26. Geography & Health: A study in medical Geography. New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing
Izhar, F. (2004).
27. Geographies of Global Change. Blackwell
Publishers Inc.
Johnston, R. J. (1996).
28. Urban Geography, New York: McGraw Hill. Kaplan, Wheeler (2009).
29. Human Geography Place and Region in Global context. (2nd ed.) .New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Knox Paul L. (2001).
30. Agricultural Geography. London: Longman. Newbury, P. A. R. (1999).
31. Contemporary Human Geography. New Delhi: PHI Learning Private Limited. Rubenstein
32. Tourism Geography (1st ed) London: Routledge. Williams, S.


I. Muslim Rule and Heritage in India (712-1857): Political History Arrival, foundation
and consolidation of Muslim rule in India, important rulers of the Slave Dynasty and
the Mughals. The Spirit and legacy of Muslim civilization, Art, Architecture and
literature, Public Administration under Muslim Rules. Sultans, Kings, Economic,
Social, Judicial, Civil and Military system during the Muslim rule, Industry, trade and
commerce under the Muslim patronage, Financial Administration.
II. British Rule in India: 1857-1947: British Imperialism, origin and growth of the East
India Company, Causes and effects of downfall of the Mughal Empire in India, War of
Independence in 1857:Causes and effects.
III. Constitutional and Political Reforms of the British Government (1858-1947)
and growth of the Political Parties Indian Congress
IV. Muslim Struggle for Independence: Role of Shah Wali Ullah, Syed Ahmad
Shaheed and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan towards regeneration of the Muslim of South
Asia, All India Muslim League, Partition of Bengal, Simla Deputation, Lucknow pact;
Khilafat movement. Nahru Report Quaid-i- Azams Fourteen Points.
V. Pakistan Movement: Allama Iqals Allahabad Address 1930, and Round Table
Conference. The Congress Rule intheprovinces-1937-1939, Lahore Resolution 1940,
various Missions and Plans for the partition of the South Asia. Founders of Pakistan:
Quaid-i-Azam, Mohsin-ul-Mulk, Syed Amir Ali, Ali Brothes. Sir Agha Khan, Chaudhry
Rahmat Ali, etc.
VI. History of Pakistan (1947- Todate): Pakistans early ChallengesQuaid-i-Azam as
Governor-General, various attempts at constitution making.
VII. Military in Politics: Ayub Khan, Yahya, ZiaulHaq and Pervaiz Musharaf regimes,
Civil Military Relationship in Pakistan,
VIII. Separation of East Pakistan: Causes and Effects,
IX. Working of Democracy in Pakistan: Liaquat Ali Khan to Firoz Khan Noon (19471958), Zulfiqar Ali Bhuttos Period,(1971-1977),Benazir, Nawaz Sharif ,Revival of
Democracy: 1988-1999, Restoration of Democracy (2008 to date), Role of Major
Political Parties and Pressure Groups in the history of Pakistan.
X. Foreign Policy of Pakistan (1947-1999)
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
1. Political Parties in Pakistan: 1947-58 Afzal, M Rafique, 1986
2. Government & Politics in Pakistan Ahmad, Mushtaq, 1970
3. Party Politics in Pakistan: 1947-58 Aziz, K.K. 1976
4. Indias Struggle for Independence Chandre Bipin, 1989
5. Constitutional Development in Pakistan Chaudhary, G.W. 1959
6. Wavell and the Days of the Raj: Britains Penultimate Viceroy in India, Chawla, Muhammad
Iqbal, 2011
7. Nationalism and Communal Politics in India. Hassan Mushirul 1991
8. The Charismatic Leader: Jinnah and the Creation of Pakistan Hayat, Sikandar, 2007
9. The Culture of Power and Governance of Pakistan 1947-2008 IIHAN Niaz, 2011
10. Muslim Civilization of Indo-Pakistan. Ikram, Shaikh Muhammad, 1966
11. Pakistans Failure in National Integration Jahan, Rounaq, 1972
12. Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan Khan, Hamid, 2005
13. The Muslim Politics in Punjab Qalb-i-Abid ,S, 1992
14. The Muslim Community of the Indo-Pak Qureshi Ishtiaq Husain, 1962
15. The Struggle for Pakistan Qureshi, Ishtiaq Husain, 1965
16. Pakistan: The Formative Phase Sayeed, Khalid Bin, 1968
17. The Military and Politics in Pakistan1947-86 Rizvi Hassan Askari
18. Pakistan A Modern History Talbot, Lan, 1999
19. Politics and the State in Pakistan Waseem, Mohammad,


Part I (Marks 50)
I. Pre-Islamic Near East: An Overview
Political, Social, Cultural, Religious and Economic Conditions in the Near East
including Arabia before the dawn of Islam
II. The Dawn of Islam: The Prophetic Age (570-632)
Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): A Chronology of the Major
Events in his Life
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Motivator (Daai), Major points of his mission
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Military Leader/Strategist
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Political Leader/Head of the State
III. The Pious Caliphate (632-660)
Caliph Abu Bakr (632-34): Apostasy Wars and Consolidation of Islam
Caliph Umar b.Khattab (634-44): Establishment of Administrative System and
Expansion of Muslim Empire
Caliph Uthman b.Affan (644-56): Problems and Issues in the Muslim Community
Caliph Ali b.Talib (656-660): Rise of Factionalism
Abdication of Imam Hasan and Establishment of Umayyad Dynasty (660)
IV. Political System of Islam under the Prophet (PBUH) and the Pious Caliphate
Nature of Islamic State
Form of the Government
Functions of the Islamic State
Sovereignty of God
Caliphate or Vicegerency of Man
Appointment of Caliph
Shura or the Consultative Body and its Role
V. Institutional Development of the Muslim Civilization:The Early Phase (622-660)
Development of Law and Judiciary in Early Islam
Administration and State Conduct
Defense in Early Islam
Educational System
Propagation of Islam
Financial Administration
Heritage and Culture
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
VI. The Umayyad in Power (660-749)
Political History of the Umayyad Dynasty
Statecraft and Administration under the Umayyads
Society and the Development of Arabic Literature.
Cultural achievements
Part II (Marks 50)
I. The Abbasids of Baghdad (749-1258)
The Abbasid Revolution and the Establishment of the Abbasid Dynasty
Administrative Structure under the Abbasids
Development of Scientific Knowledge under the Abbasids
Muslim Philosophy under the Abbasids
Cultural achievements
II. Spain under the Muslim Rule
Spain under the rule of the Arabs and Moors (711-1492)
Political Fragmentation and the Fall of Granada (1492)
Muslim Contribution in the Realm of Culture, Arts and Architecture
III. The Crusades against Islam
Major Encounters and Actors (1092-1228)
Impact of the Crusades on Muslim-Christian Relations
IV. The Ottoman Empire
Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Turks (1299-1923)
State, Society and Economy under the Ottomans
Treatment with the Religious Minorities
Contribution towards Culture, Arts and Architecture
V. Sufism as an Institution of the Muslim Society

Origin and Development of Sufism

Contribution of the Sufis to the Muslim Civilization
Relationship of the Sufis with the State and Political Authorities.
A critical Look at Sufism
VI. Islam and Modernity in Contemporary World
The Emergence of Islamic Modernism
Intellectual, Political, Economic, Social and Educational Aspects of Islamic
Dissemination of Muslim Learning in the West
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
S.No. Titles Author
1. Discovering IslamMaking Sense of Muslim History and Society Ahmad, Akbar
2. Islam: Ideology and Leading Issues Ali, Anwar.
3. The Spirit of Islam Ali, S. Ameer
4. Aspects of Islamic Civilization: The Muslim World Depicted Through Its Literature Arberry, A. J.
5. The Preaching of IslamA History of the Muslim Faith Arnold,T.W.
6. The History of Philosophy in Islam Boer,T. J. De.
7. The History of Islamic Peoples Brockelmann, Carl (ed)
8. Spanish Islam Dozy,R.
9. Studies on the Civilization of Islam Gibb,Ham
10. The Religion of Islam, Vol. I & II Gaqwash,Ahmad A.
11. Classical Islam:AHistory6001258 Grunebaum,G.EVoni
12. Cambridge History of India Holts, P. M. and Lewis, Bernard.
13. Islam Resurgent: The Islamic World Today Irving,T.B.
14. Islam: From Prophet Mohammad to the Capture of Constantinople. Lewis, Bernard
15. Islamic History. Munir, Muhammad
16. Islam and The Modern World Nadvi, Abu Hasan Ali.
17. The Making of the Past: the Spread of Islam Rogers, Michael
18. A History of Medieval Islam Saunders, J.J.
19. Introduction to Islamic Civilization Savory, R.M. (ed)
20. The Legacy of Islam Schacht, Joseph& Bosworth, C.E (eds)
21. Islamic HistoryA New Interpretation AD 7501055 Shaban, M.A.
22. The Abbasid Revolution Shaban, M.A.
23. A History of Muslim Philosophy Sharif, M.M.
24. Muslim Thought :Its Origin and Achievements Nadvi Muhammad Hanif
25. Studies in Islamic History Siddiqi, Amir Hassan.
26. The Revolution which Toppled the Umayyads Neither Arab nor Abbasid Agha, Saleh Said
27. Sirat un Nabi Vol. I & II Noumani, Shibli
28. Rasol-e-AkramkiSiasiZindagi Hamidullah, Dr. Muhammad
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
S.No. Titles Author
29. Khilafat-o-Malokiat Syed Abul Aala Maudoodi
30. Ahd-e-Nabawi main Riyasatka Nash o Irtaqa Ahmad, Dr. Nisar
31. Siddiq-e-Akbar Akbarabadi, Saeed Ahmad
32. Al-Farooq Noumani, Shibli
33. History of Islam Najeebabadi, Akbar sha`
34. Painting in Islam Thomas, Sir A.
35. Early Islamic Pottery Lane, A.
36. Muslim Calligraphy Ziauddin, M.
37. Islamic Art & Architecture Kuhnel, E.
38. Daira Maarif e Islamia (relevant articles) University of Punjab
39. The Cultural Atlas of Islam Ismail Raji al-Faruqi


I. The Sources of Islamic Law
The Quran
The Sunnah

II. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
III. Islamic Criminal Law
Qisas and Diyat
IV. Islamic Family Law
Separation by Repudiation (Talaq)
Separation by Mutual Agreement (Khula)
Judicial Separation (Faskh)
Post-Divorce Maintenance
Child Custody
V. Islamic Law of Contract
VI. Islamic Banking and Insurance
VII. Islamic International Law
VIII. Islamic Law and Human Rights
IX. Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939
X. Muslim Family Ordinance 1961
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
S.No. Title Author
1. An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law Dr. Hussain Hamid Hassan
2. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence Mohammad Hashim Kamali
3. Theories of Islamic Law Prof. Imran Ahsan Nyazee
4. Islamic Law of Contracts and Business
Tahir Mansuri
5. Family Law in Islam Dr. Mohammad Tahir Mansuri
6. Outlines of Islamic Jurisprudence Prof. Imran Ahsan Nyazee
7. General Principles of Criminal Law Prof. Imran Ahsan Nyazee
8. State and Legislation in Islam Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Gazi
9. Mahomedan Jurisprudence Abdur Rahim
10. Islamic Law of Inheritance Hamid Khan, Advocate
11. Munir Principles of Muhammadan Law Munir Ahmad Siddiqui


PAPERI (Marks-100)
I. Mechanics
VectorsDots, Cross and triple products, Gradient, divergence and applications.
Newtonian laws of motion; calculus based approach to kinematics, forces and
dynamics, conservation law of energy; conservation of linear and angular
momentum; Dynamics of rigid body; spin and precession; gyroscope;
Gravitation; planetary motion and satellites; Kepler's laws; centripetal forces
Special theory of relativity. MischelsonMorley experiment and Einsteins
postulates; Lorentz transformation; time dilation and length contraction;
equivalence of mass and energy.
II. Fluid Mechanics
Surface tension; Viscosity; Elasticity; fluid motion and Bernoullis theorem.
III. Waves and Oscillation
Free oscillation with one and two degrees of freedom; forced and damped
oscillations and phenomenon of resonance. Simple harmonic motion. Traveling
waves and transmission of energy; Phase and Group velocity; standing waves.
Basics of sound waves.
Reflection, Refraction, Interference, Diffraction and Polarization of waves;

interfero-meter and Newtons rings; Diffraction Gratings and their resolving power;
spectro-meters. Electromagnetic wave equation; normal and anamolous
dispersion; coherence, lasers and applications.
IV. Heat and Thermodynamics
Perfect gas and Van der Waals equation; Three Laws of
Thermodynamics, internal energy, temperature, entropy. Thermal properties of
Simple system production and measurement of low temperatures; kinetic
theory of gases; Maxwellian distribution of molecular velocities; Brownian
motion; Transport phenomena. Classical Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics and its
application; Quantum BoseEinstein and FermiDirac Statistics.
PAPERII (Marks-100)
I. Electricity and Magnetism
Electric field due to point charges, Gauss law Electric potential and Poisson and
Laplaces equation Dielectric medium and Polarization; Capacitance;
Moving charges and resulting magnetic field; Amperes law; Vector potential;
Magnetic properties of matter; Transient current; Faradays law of
electromagnetic induction; Alternating current and LRO circuit. Maxwells
equations; Poynting theorem and Poynting Vector. Maxwell's equations in integral
and differential form.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
II. Modern and Quantum Physics
Operators and quantum states, observables, time dependent and independent
Schrodinger equation, angular momentum, spin-1/2 particle in a magnetic field,
wave mechanics, particle in a box, tunneling, one-dimensional harmonic oscillator,
Heisenber's uncertainty relationship and indeterminacy based on commutation
properties of operators, Bohr theory and quantum numbers including electron
spin; Paulis exclusion principle; Spectra of simple systems with one or two
valence electrons. Photo electric effect Compton scattering; pair
production; Landes g factor and Zeeman effect. Raman effect; Waves and
particles and De Broglies Hypothesis.
III. Solid State Physics
Crystal lattice and structure, Bravais lattice, free electron model, Band theory and
electron in a periodic potential, Fermi energy and density of states, n and p type
semiconductors, physics of the transistor and MOSFET, dielectric properties,
magnetic properties and origin of magnetism.
IV. Nuclear Physics
Structure of Nuclei; Radioactivity,, and decay. Methods of detection, Mass
Sepectrometer. Accelerators. Phenomenon of fission; reactor and nuclear
power, nuclear fusion and its application, Elementary particles and their
S. No. Title Author
1 Perspectives of Modern Physics. A. Beiser.
2 Fundamentals of Physics. Halliday & Resnick
3 Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields and Waves.
D. Corson & P. Lorrain.
4 Heat and Thermodynamics. D. Zemansky
5 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics D. Griffiths
6 Modern Physics Serway, Moses, Moyer.
7. Solid State Physics C. Kittel


I. Nature and Scope of Psychology: Definition and scope, Psychology as a Science,
Schools, Perspectives, and Models of Psychology, Recent Trends
II. Biological Basis of Behaviour: Nervous System, Neuron and its function, Central
and Peripheral Nervous System, Endocrine System
III. Sensation and Perception: Sensory process through sense organs, Perception,

Gestalt Principles, Binocular and Monocular cues, Illusions and Extra Sensory
Perception, Determinants of Perception
IV. Learning and Memory: Nature and Forms of Learning, Types of learning: Classical
and Operant Conditioning, Reinforcement, Extinction, Discrimination, Punishment,
Observational Learning, Theories of Learning, Types of Memory, Process of
Memory, Forgetting, Theories of Memory
V. Motivation and Emotion: Homeostasis, Factors affecting Motivation, Biogenic and
Social Motives, Measurement of Human Motivation, Theories of Motivation,
Emotions, Types of Emotions, Physiological changes and Emotion, Theories of
VI. Psychological Assessment: Attributes of Psychological Measures, Validity,
Reliability, Item Analysis, Norms, Modern Test Theory, Selection and Training,
Educational and Clinical Assessment, Ethical Standards and Legal Issues
VII. Personality: Determinants of Personality, Factors in Development of Personality,
Theoretical Perspectives, Traits and Types, Personality Assessment and
Techniques, Cross-Cultural Issues.
VIII. Intelligence: Theories of Intelligence, Types of intelligence (IQ, EQ), Assessing
IX. Social Influence and Group Dynamics: Social Facilitation, Attribution, Conformity,
Obedience, Altruism, Attitudes, Social Norms.
X. Developmental Psychology: Physical, Cognitive, Social and Emotional
development in Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood and Old Age
XI. Abnormal and Clinical Psychology: Concept and causes of Abnormality, Clinical
Assessment and Intervention, Different disorders such as Schizophrenia, Mood
disorder, Anxiety disorder, Personality disorder, etc. Psychological treatment
including different Therapeutic techniques.
XII. Organizational/Industrial Psychology: Leadership styles, Decision making, Work
motivation, Organizational Culture, Stress and Conflict at Work and its Management,
Organizational Socialization, Job related Attitude, Sexual Harassment, Glass Ceiling,
Human Computer interaction.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
XIII. Health Psychology: Beliefs and Behaviour, Models of Health Psychology,
Assessment and Intervention, Models of Stress, Chronic and Terminal Illness, Role
of Social Support.
XIV. Forensic Psychology: Psychology and Law, Investigation, Confession, Eyewitness
Testimony, Working with Offenders, Juvenile Delinquents, Drug Addicts, Sex
Offenders etc.
S.No. Title Author
1. Applied Industrial/Organizational Psychology Aamodt, M.
2. Introduction to Psychology Atkinson R. C., & Smith, E. E
3. Social Psychology Baron, R. A
4. Introduction to Forensic Psychology Bartol, C. R
5. Foundation of Physiological Psychology Carlson, N. R.
6. Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior Coon, D., &Mitterer, J.
7. Development Across the Life Span Feldman, R.
8. Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. D., & Fernald, P.S
9. Introduction to Psychology Atkinson & Hilgards, Fredrickson, B
10. Forensic Psychology Fulero, S. M., &Wrightsman
11. Foundation of Psychology Hayes, N
12. Introduction to Psychology Kalat, J. W
13. Abnormal Psychology Kring, A. M
14. Psychology Myers, D. G.
15. Psychology: Concepts and Connections Rathus, S.
16. Life Span Development Santrock,J. W.


I. Public Administration: Concepts, Approaches and Context
Definitions; Role and Scope of Public Administration in Society; Issues in Public
Administration Theory and Practice Democracy versus Bureaucracy, Politics versus
Administration, Efficiency versus Equity; Core Values of Public Administration Rule
ofLaw, Efficiency, Equity and Fairness, Responsiveness; Traditional Public
Administration; New Public Management; New Public Service; Governance Approach
to Public Administration; Islamic Concept of Public Administration; Historical roots of
Public administration in Pakistan.
II. Public Organization: Classical and Contemporary Theories and
Bureaucracy; Scientific Management; The Human Relations; Leadership, Motivation,
Network; Governance; Strategic Management; Public Choice; Administrative Culture;
Types of Organizational Structure; Organization of Federal, Provincial, and Local
Government in Pakistan; Administrative Culture of Pakistan; Inter-governmental
Relations at Federal and Provincial level in Pakistan.
III. Public Policy Planning, Implementation and Evaluation
Strategic Planning and Management; Planning Process; Policy Analysis; Policy
Implementation; Program Evaluation; Planning Machinery; Role of Donors and
International Institutions in Public Policy and Management; Policy making and
implementation of Federal Government of Pakistan.
IV. Budgeting and Financial Management
The Budget as a Policy Tool; The Budget as a Managerial Tool; Principles of
Budgeting, Auditing and Accounting in Government; The Line-Item Budget; The
Performance Budget; Program Budgeting; Zero-Base Budgeting; Outcome-Based
Budgeting. Planning and Budgeting in Pakistan.
V. Managing Human Resources
Spoil versus Merit System in Public Employment; Personnel versus Human Resources
Management; Close versus Open System of Public Employment; Functions of Human
Resources Management; Challenges of Adopting HRM in Public Sector.
VI. Administrative Law
Meaning, Scope and Significance; Nature and Contents of Administrative Law,
Administrative Ethics, Delegation of authority and Legislation, Administrative Tribunals;
Administrative Law- Pakistan.
VII. Public Management Skills
Communication; Decision Making, Conflict Management; Leading,
AdministrativeBuffering; Managing Change; Managing Diversity; Stress Management;
Delegation; Public Service Motivation; Creativity and Problem Solving; Issues of Public
VIII. The Civil Service of Pakistan
Historical Background of Civil Service, The Structure of civil Service; History of Civil
Service Reform; Management of Civil Service; Institutional and Cultural Context of
Civil Service; Role of Civil Service in Good Governance, Gender and Civil Service.
IX. Organization of Provincial and Local Government
Governance Structure of Provincial Administration; Organization of Provincial
Secretariat; Organization and Functions of Provincial Authorities and Agencies and
their Relationship with Government Departments; Post-devolution Local Governance;
Organization and Functions of District Government and Administration; Organization
and Structure of City District Government; Issues and Challenges of Local
X. Governance and Administrative Reforms
Theories of Administrative Reforms; Types of Administrative Reforms, Privatization,
Regulation, De-regulation, Decentralization, Business Re-engineering, Quality
Assurance; Administrative Reform in Pakistan.
XI. Public Administration: Accountability & Control
Bureaucratic Responsiveness; Representative Bureaucracy; Citizens Engagement in
Public Service; Accountability & Control, The Concept and Approaches to Public
Accountability ofPublic Service; Institutional Framework for Administrative

Accountability; Legislative, Executive and Judicial Control over Administration,

Administrative Corruption; Role of Civil Society in Good Governance, Media, Interest
Groups, Civil Society Organizations; The Situation in Pakistan.
XII. Public Administration and Development
Role of Public Administration in Development; Concept of Development
Administration; Difference Between Development Administration and Development
Management; Changing Role of Public Administration in Development, Issues and
Challenges in Public Administration- The Pakistan Situation.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
S.No. Title Author
1. Public Administration Denhardt, R
2. Public Administration Understanding Management, Politics and Law in the Public Sector
David H. Rosenbloom
3. Public Administration Caiden, Gerald. E,
4. Public Administration for the Twenty-First Century Cooper et al,
5. Organization Theory for Public Administration Harmon, Michael M. & Mayer. Richard T
6. Public Administration and Public Affairs Nicholas Henry,
7. Classics of Public Administration Shafritz, J. and Hyde,
8. Public Administration Dictionary Candler, R. & Plano, J
9. Reinventing Government Osbourne, D. and Gaebler, I.
10. Bureaucracy, Basic Books Wilson, J. Q.,
11. Evolution of Pakistans Administration System Braibanti, Ralph
12. Human Development in South Asia: The Crises of Governance Khadija Mahbub-ul-Haque
13. Bureaucracy in Pakistan Kennedy, Charles H.,
14. Public Administration and Law Beckett, Julia & Koenig Heidi O.
15. Public Administration: A Comparative Perspective Heady, Ferrel
16. Public Administration and Public Management:
The Principle Agent Perspective Lane, Jan-Erik
17. Governance: South Asian Perspective Hasnat Abdul Hye
18. Governance, Economic Policy and Reform in Pakistan Abdus Samad
19. Government and Administration in Pakistan Jameelur Rehman Khan
20. Public Administration: with special reference to Pakistan Sultan Khan
21. Public Administration in India Hoshiar Singh
22. Public Administration in Asia Vol. I & II Kalyanaraman Srinivasan
23. Organizational Theory and the Public Sector Christensen, T., Laegreid, P., Roness, P. and
Rovik, K


I. Definition of Town Planning, Goals and objectives of Town Planning: Town
Planning as a multi-disciplinary approach and relationship of Town Planning with
other professions.
II. Historical Perspective of Urban Planning: Planning of historical towns in the
world. Examples of planned towns in Europe, Nile Valley region, Euphrates and
Tigris Valley region and Indus Valley region (Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Kot Diji and
Mehr Garh) and Gandhara Civilization.
III. Urban Rural Differences and Hierarchy of Settlements: Urbanization and its
effects on the environment of urban areas.
IV. History of planning in Pakistan: 5 year plans.
V. Managing Urbanization
How to manage urbanization
Best Practices
Land use classification policy
Building and development control
Removal of encroachments
Introduction to Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
VI. Housing community and Economic Development: To prepare professionals with
the skills and knowledge of equitable development. Commitment to expanding
opportunities and providing quality life for disadvantaged groups.

VII. Public Policy and Urban Design Management: Solving social and environmental
problems using:
a. Economics
b. Policy analysis
c. Political science
d. Urban Design
VIII. Sustainability, Environmental Policy and Planning: How society conserves and
manages its natural resources and works to promote development.
IX. Urban Information Systems: Use of planning related software and spatial analysis
tools and systems i.e GIS.
Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
S.No. Title Author
1. Introducing Town Planning Clara Greed
2. Introduction to Town and Country Planning John Ratcliff
3. Town Planning for the Third World A.K. Bhatti
4. Contemporary Urban Planning J.M. Levy
5. Land Use, Planning, and Zoning Peter J. Loughlin,
6. Town and Country Planning in the UK J.B. Cullingworth, Vincent Nadin
7. Town Planning in Practice Raymond Unwin,
8. World Cities and Urban Mike Janks
9. Urban Land Use Planning Philip R. B
10. Environmental Science: A Global Concern William P
11. Megacity Management in the Asian and Pacific Region (Vol-2) Stubbs, Jeffery Giles Clarke
12. Dying Cities: Surviving the Urban Jungle Somaiya N
13. Handbook on Urban Sustainability Springer
14. Emerald Cities Urban sustainability and Economics Joan Fitzgerald
15. Growing Greener Cities Eugene Birch, Susan Wachter
16. The Earth scan Reader in Sustainability Cities David Sattethwaite
17. The Poverty Curtain Dr. Mehboob ul-Haq
18. Reflections on Human Development Dr. Mehboob ul-Haq
19. Smart Cities Anthony Townsend

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