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January 1999


Cement mortar linings for cast iron pipes,

steel pipes, and steel fittings


This standard,
together with DIN EN 545,
January 1995 edition, and
DIN EN 598, November 1994 edition,
partially supersedes DIN 2614,
February 1990 edition.

ICS 23.040.99; 91.100.10

Anwendung von Zementmrtel-Auskleidung fr
Gussrohre, Stahlrohre und Formstcke

In keeping with current practice in standards published by the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO), a comma has been used throughout as the decimal marker.

This standard has been prepared by Technical Committee Zementmrtelauskleidungen of the Normenausschuss Rohrleitungen und Dampfkesselanlagen (Pipelines and Boilers Standards Committee).
This standard differs from the February 1990 edition of DIN 2614 in that it has been harmonized with
DIN EN 545 and DIN EN 598.
Previous edition
DIN 2614: 1990-02.


1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Normative references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Types of cement mortar and cement mortar lining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Design of linings at ends of pipes and fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Water aggressive to concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Suitability of cement mortar linings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Evaluation of cracks and gaps in linings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 Commissioning of pipe systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Mechanical properties of lined pipelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Annex A Fresh mortar analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Annex B Resistance of organic modifiers to saponification . . . . . . . . . .
Annex C Determining the corrosion resistance of cement mortar
to acidic water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Explanatory notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Continued on pages 2 to 12.

Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst.
In case of doubt, the German-language original should be consulted as the authoritative text.


No part of this translation may be reproduced without the prior permission of

DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,
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Ref. No. DIN 2880 : 1999-01

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Page 2
DIN 2880 : 1999-01
All dimensions are in millimetres.


This standard covers cement mortar linings for pipes and pipelines as in DIN EN 545, DIN EN 598 and ISO 4179,
for onshore and offshore pipelines as in DIN EN 10298, as well as for buried pipes as in DVGW-Arbeitsblatt
(DVGW Code of practice) W 343.
Pipes and fittings with cement mortar linings are used to convey different types of water, such as drinking water,
untreated water, sea and salt water, and brine. Such linings may be deemed to be protective coatings as defined
in DIN 50902, and serve to
improve the hydraulic properties of the pipes,
prevent corrosion damage (cf. ISO 8044) such as
damage to the pipe material due to pitting,
impairment of the hydraulic properties of the pipeline due to incrustation by corrosion products,
impairment of the water quality due to the presence of corrosion products.
To ensure the linings fulfil their purpose, they shall be sufficiently resistant to various media. This is achieved
by selecting linings which meet the requirements of this standard as specified for the application under consideration. This standard also gives guidance on the commissioning and operation of water pipes with cement
mortar linings (see also DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 346).

Normative references

This standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the titles of the publications are listed below.
For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this
standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of
the publication referred to applies.

DIN 1045-3
DIN 1045-4
DIN 1048-1
DIN 1164
DIN 1986-3
DIN 2614
DIN 50902
DIN EN 545
DIN EN 598
DIN EN 10298
DIN EN 14647
DIN ISO 3310-1
ISO 4179 : 1985
ISO 8044 : 1999

Plain, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures Design and construction

Plain, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures Specification, performance, production and conformity of concrete (Application document for use with DIN EN 206)
Plain, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures Workmanship
Plain, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures Supplementary specifications governing the production and conformity of precast concrete elements
Testing concrete Testing of fresh concrete
Special cement Composition, requirements and conformity evaluation
Site drainage systems Operation and maintenance
Cement mortar linings for steel and ductile iron pipes and fittings Application, requirements
and testing
Protective coatings on metals Concepts, application methods and surface preparation
Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water pipelines Requirements
and test methods
Ductile iron pipes, fitting, accessories and their joints in sewerage applications Requirements and test methods
Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines Internal lining with cement
mortar *)
Calcium aluminate cement Composition, specifications and conformity criteria *)
Test sieves Technical requirements and testing Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth
(ISO 3310-1 : 2000)
Ductile iron pipes for pressure and non-pressure pipelines Centrifugal cement mortar lining
General requirements
Corrosion of metals and alloys Basic terms and definitions


DIN 1045-1
DIN 1045-2

*) Currently at draft stage.

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ATV-Arbeitsblatt A 110 Richtlinien fr die hydraulische Dimensionierung und den Leistungsnachweis von
Abwasserkanlen und -leitungen (Guidelines for the hydraulic design and performance testing of drains and
ATV-Arbeitsblatt A 115 Hinweise fr das Einleiten von Abwasser in eine ffentliche Abwasseranlage (Instructions on the discharge of waste water into public sewerage systems)
DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 302 Hydraulische Berechnung von Rohrleitungen und Rohrnetzen DruckverlustTafeln fr Rohrdurchmesser von 40 bis 2 000 mm (Hydraulic design of pipelines and pipework systems Head
loss tables for pipe diameters of 40 mm to 2 000 mm)
DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 343 Zementmrtelauskleidung von erdverlegten Guss- und Stahlrohrleitungen Einsatzbereiche, Anforderungen und Prfungen (Cement mortar lining of buried ductile iron and steel pipes Areas
of application, requirements and testing)
DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 346 Guss- und Stahlrohrleitungsteile mit ZM-Auskleidung Handhabung (Handling of
cast iron and steel pipe fittings with cement mortar linings)
DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 347 Hygienische Anforderungen an zementgebundene Werkstoffe im Trinkwasserbereich Prfung und Bewertung (Health requirements for cement-bound materials used in water supply
systems Testing and evaluation)
Verordnung zur Novellierung der Trinkwasserverordnung (German Regulation amending the German Drinking
Water Regulation), as of 21 May 2001, BGBl. (German Federal Law Gazette) I, 2001, No. 24, pp. 959 980
BS 915-2 : 1972 Specification for high alumina cement Metric units
NF P 15-315
Liants hydrauliques Ciment alumineux fondu


For the purposes of this standard, the concepts specified in the DIN 1045 series of standards apply, in addition
to the following.



Organic admixture that increases the workability of cement with a particularly low water content, i.e. that with
a solids content lower than about 1 %.


Polymer modifier

Organic addition that improves the corrosion resistance and other physical properties of cement. The polymer/
cement ratio, k, is lower than about 10 %.


Mix ratio

The ratio by mass of sand to cement, whereby the latter may contain up to 10 % pozzolana.
NOTE: When determining the influence of the water/cement ratio on the lining properties, it should be taken
into account that as the mix ratio increases, the density remains the same if the water/cement ratio also
increases (e.g. cement mortar with a mix ratio of 1,0 and a w/c ratio of 0,3 has a similar density to that with
a mix ratio of 2,5 and a w/c ratio of 0,4).
The mix ratio and w/c ratio of fresh mortar can be determined using the methods described in Annex A. These
methods may also be used for mortar with a polymer/cement ratio of 0,1, for which the methods specified
in product standards might not be suitable.


Types of cement mortar and cement mortar lining

Composition and designation

Tables 1 and 2 specify symbols for cement mortar and cement mortar linings according to composition and the
lining process used, respectively. The effects of the lining process and mortar composition on the lining itself
are described below.


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Table 1: Designation of cement mortar types (CM)
Symbol for
cement type

CEM I and CEM III as in DIN 1164


HS cement as in DIN 1164

Description (e.g. material used)


High alumina cement as in BS 915-2 or NF P 15-315

No organic modifier

Plasticizer *)

Polymer modifier *)

*) See subclause 4.5 and Annexes B and C.

Examples of designating cement mortar:
CM S-L cement mortar containing HS cement and plasticizers
cement mortar containing high alumina cement and no plasticizer/modifier
any cement mortar containing polymer modifier

Table 2: Designation of lining processes (CML)

Lining process


Centrifugal casting

Centrifugal spraying


Manual lining



Examples of designating cement mortar linings:

CML III-S-R lining of HS cement with polymer modifier, applied manually
lining of high alumina cement, no modifier, applied by centrifugal spraying
lining applied by centrifugal casting


Lining processes

Pipes and fittings shall be lined either by means of centrifugal casting (process I in table 2) or centrifugal
spraying (process II in table 2). Manual lining (process III in table 2) may be used for repair work, to make good
the joints during pipelaying, and for the lining of fittings.
The process used has no influence on the resistance of the lining, as long as the mortar used has equivalent
values for the water/cement ratio and mix ratio. Lower water/cement ratios produce greater density, which can
be advantageous in linings in pipes that convey water aggressive to concrete (see clause 6). Linings containing
mortar having a relatively high mix ratio have a lower tendency to crack and are used especially in pipes of large
nominal sizes.
NOTE: There are two variants of process II (centrifugal spraying): In one variant the lining is smoothed by means
of subsequent rotation at a speed greater than ten times the acceleration due to gravity, and the resulting
lining is equivalent to that obtained using process I. Because mixing water is expelled in this case, test
samples are to be taken directly from the applied lining. This variant of process II, as well as process I, are
to be used at the works only, and not on the site or storage area. If the lining is applied using process II but
is not smoothed by means of rotation, it is equivalent to that obtained using process III. This variant of
process II may be used on site or at the storage area.
Mortar with a relatively low mix ratio, or where necessary for technical reasons, mortar containing a polymer
modifier (type CM R; see table 1) is used when the lining is applied at the site by centrifugal spraying or manually.

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Cement mortars

The resistance of linings containing cement type CEM I *) varies very little from that of linings made with cement
type CEM III *), except where pipes convey salt water or brine, in which case cement type CEM III is more
suitable (see subclauses 7.6 and 7.7).


CM A type cement mortar

CM A type cement mortar (high alumina cement mortar) is extremely resistant to aggressive water (see clauses 6
and 7). Curing conditions can have an effect on the degree of this resistance.


Cement mortar containing organic admixtures

All organic admixtures and additions used in mortars are to be resistant to saponification. The saponification
resistance of mortar can be determined using the method described in Annex B.
4.5.1 Cement mortar containing plasticizers (CM L)
CM L type cement mortar with a low water/cement ratio is highly resistant to cracking and can be made resistant
to aggressive salt water (see clauses 6 and 7).
4.5.2 Cement mortar containing polymer modifiers (CM R)
CM R type cement mortar is highly resistant to all aggressive water (see clauses 6 and 7).


Repair mortar

Mortar used to repair lining damage and for making good linings at welds generally has a fairly low mix ratio
and often contains a polymer modifier (type CM R).


Cement mortar for water supply pipes

Admixtures and additions used in cement mortar linings of pipes conveying drinking water and untreated water
shall meet the requirements specified in DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 347.


Cement mortar for pipes conveying acidic water

The corrosion resistance of CM A type and CM R type cement mortar to acidic water (see subclause 6.3) can
be established using the method described in Annex C.


Design of linings at ends of pipes and fittings

Socket ends, flanged ends and threaded ends

Pipes with ring seal socket or spigot ends of either the push-in type or the type intended for welding shall be
lined to the bottom of the socket or spigot. Any ring seal grooves are not to be lined.
In the case of flanged socket pieces and collars (see DIN EN 545), the lining is to be applied in such a way that
it is possible to slip the fitting onto the pipe barrel.


Ends to be welded

Pipes of size DN 600 or greater that will be exposed to vehicular traffic are normally to be jointed by butt welding
(see figure 1). The lining shall end about 25 mm before the pipe end. After the joint has been made, the unlined
space is to be filled in with repair mortar.

1 Lining applied at works

2 Steel pipe
3 Lining applied on site
Figure 1: Butt-welded joint in steel pipe intended for exposure to vehicular traffic (schematic)
*) Symbol as used in DIN 1164.


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The following designs may be used for pipes and fittings whether they are intended for vehicular traffic or not.
Linings are to be applied to the end of the pipe or fitting and then cut back at least 3 mm as shown for design A
or design B in figure 2. Design A should only be used where the lining thickness is at least 8 mm.


Design A

Design B

Steel pipe
Lining applied at works
Welding gap
Figure 2: Preparation of joints in steel pipe for butt welding, irrespective of exposure
to vehicular traffic (schematic)

Butt-welded joints which are not subsequently made good may only be used in pipes conveying water which
acts in such a way that the sealing and closing of the gap in service (autogenous healing) is ensured (see
clause 8).
Spigot/socket joints as shown in figure 3 shall be used in pipes that will not be exposed to vehicular traffic and
where continuous internal protection is required (see clause 8). An organic or inorganic sealant that is suitable
for the jointing method used shall be applied to the inside of the socket prior to jointing pipes. Any excess
material which protrudes after connection shall be removed with a pig.


Lining applied at works

Lining applied on site
Steel pipe
Figure 3: Spigot/socket joint for welding (schematic)


Water aggressive to concrete


Cement mortar linings are susceptible to attack by the water conveyed. This can lead to a disruption in service
due to the loss of sand particles, especially when the water flow is reduced during the interruption of operations,
where there is high turbulence at bends, and above all when pigs are used. Furthermore, there can be a
considerable reduction in the lining thickness over time.
In addition to being subject to attack by acidic water, linings might also be subject to spalling when they come
in contact with the specific ions in salt waters.

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NOTE: For the purposes of this standard, aggressive water is differentiated according to its salt content as
Table 3: Designation of salt water

Approx. salt content, in g/l

Salt-rich water

Salt water, sea water



Over 100

The different types of water that are aggressive to concrete are described below.


Sulfate-rich water

Sulfate ions can react with certain types of cement mortar, leading to an increase in volume which will cause
cracking and spalling. Resistance to sulfate ions tends to increase with a decreasing water/cement ratio, and
is considerably greater at concave areas than at convex areas.


Acidic water

When acids cause calcium to leach out of the cement mortar, the lining softens, causing erosion in the presence
of mechanical stress such as that caused by the use of pigs. The concentration of these acids, not the pH value,
are used to determine the possible extent of this attack. Experience has shown that there is no significant
concentration of acids in water with a pH value over 7,8.
The acid found in water is primarily excess carbon dioxide, the concentration of which can be determined using
equation (1).
Dc(CO 2 ) = c(CO2 ) (1 10SI)


Soft untreated water may contain humic acid, which even at low concentrations can result in low pH values.
Wastewater contains not only various acids, but also ammonium ions; the concentrations of the acids and the
ions need to be determined.
NOTE: According to the Verordnung zur Novellierung der Trinkwasserverordnung, drinking water may contain
acidic carbon dioxide only when special permission is granted by the local health authorities.


Brine with high sulfate and magnesium salt contents

Brine with high sulfate ion and magnesium ion contents may have a similar effect on cement mortar linings as
does sulfate-rich water (i.e. may cause cracking and spalling; see subclause 6.2).



For the purposes of this standard, wastewater is considered to be that which meets the conditions given in
DIN 1986-3 and ATV-Arbeitsblatt A 115.


Suitability of cement mortar linings


This clause describes the suitability of cement mortar linings for different types of water based on practical
experience, as well as on field and laboratory testing. However, it should be noted that only general information
can be given, since the chemical composition of the water conveyed, and operating conditions as a whole have
an effect on the lining which is not completely known.
Table 4 gives an overview of the suitability of the mortar types listed in table 1 for various types of water.


Service temperatures

Linings of pipes and fittings may be subjected to thermal stresses during welding operations, which under
certain conditions could produce cracking. Ensuring a steady heat input will help prevent this type of damage.
Experience has shown that warm media do not seem to have an adverse effect on cement mortar linings. There
are no indications for the need for temperature limits; this includes CM R type cement mortar as in table 1.

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DIN 2880 : 1999-01
Table 4: Suitability of linings for water conveyed
Cement mortar type as in table 1





Deionized water

Drinking water in accordance with the

Trinkwasserverordnung 1)

+ 4)

+ 4), 5)

Untreated water 1)




Acidic water

Sulfate-rich water



Sea water

Alkaline chloride brine

Acidic brine, brine rich in magnesium

and/or sulfate


Wastewater 3)






Water conveyed

Not suitable
Suitable with reservation.
Subject to compliance with DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 347.
Suitable only where acids are not present.
As in ATV-Arbeitsblatt A 115.
Limited suitability for use in pipes only subject to agreement.
Suitable only for use in fittings and as repair mortar.

Soft water

When conveying soft water, the lining is resistant to wear when the minimum concentration of calcium ions,
c(Ca2+), and the concentration of carbon dioxide and its anions, Qc, as determined by equations (2) and (3),
respectively, are met.
c(Ca 2+) > 0,02 mol m 3 R 1 mg/l,


Q c = c(CO2) + c(HCO3) + c(CO3 2 ) > 0,25 mol m 3.


With softer water, and particularly deionized water, spalling of the lining is to be expected, which can lead to
an inadmissible change in the water quality (see subclause 9.1).


Sulfate-rich water

Table 5 gives the suitability of various cement mortar types for sulfate-rich water (see subclause 6.2).
Table 5: Suitability of linings for conveying sulfate-rich water
Cement mortar types as in table 1

Sulfate content, in g/l


Up to 0,4

CM S and CM L

Up to 3

CM A and CM R


*) A maximum value permissible sulfate content cannot be given, since

investigations have shown that the linings are still resistant where the
sulfate content is 20 g/l.

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Acidic water

Cement mortar of types CM N, CM S, CM N-L and CM S-L as in table 1 is sufficiently resistant to water with
an acid concentration up to about 0,15 mol/m3 (equivalent to an excess carbon dioxide content of 7 mg/l as
determined by equation (1)). Higher acid concentrations will lead to a softening of the lining and the loss of sand
particles. Such a loss may be minimized where
the lining is kept constantly damp, even during interruptions in service;
there is no localized turbulence (e.g. as can usually be expected in fittings, at bends, or at changes in
cross section);
the cement mortar used has a relatively low water/cement ratio (e.g. type CM L as in table 1);
the lining is not subject to abrasive stress such as that resulting from the use of pigs.
In addition, the minimum value for the lining thickness is to be 6 mm.
CM R and CM A type mortars are resistant to acidic water if the values given in table C.1 for the abraded material
mass per unit area are met. The suitability of such mortar is to be checked where the pH value is less than 4,5.


Salt water and sea water


All of the cement mortar types given in table 1 are resistant to salt water and sea water as long as the medium
conveyed is not one of those described in subclauses 7.4, 7.5 and 7.7. However, a noticeable diffusion of
chloride ions through the lining to the pipe surface should be expected. This can lead to a depassivation of the
pipe material, which nevertheless does not impair corrosion resistance as long as the pipeline is under operation
and is completely filled with water, thus preventing oxygen from reaching the pipe surface. When the pipeline
is decommissioned, it should not be completely drained, for this will allow oxygen to reach the pipe surface and
cause corrosion underneath the lining.
The extent of chloride ion diffusion depends on the mortar type. This diffusion is fairly low in cement mortar of
types CM A and CM R, as well as mortar containing cement of type CEM III. In general, cement mortar with
a lower water/cement ratio (including type CM L) is highly resistant to salt water and sea water.
Linings in pipes conveying salt or sea water are to be at least 6 mm thick. Where salt water or brine is conveyed,
the lining should be free of crazing, and shall have no cracks or gaps penetrating the lining (see subclause 8.3).



Brine can be aggressive to cement mortar. In general, cement mortar of types CM A and CM S-R normally has
a high resistance to brine. The information given in subclause 7.6 also applies to brine.



All types of cement mortar except type CM N may be used in pressure pipes. Types CM A and CM S-R are to
be used in gravity sewers because of the varying quality of wastewater in such systems (see also subclauses 7.4
to 7.7).
Where the wastewater does not meet the conditions given in subclause 6.5, the type of mortar used shall be
chosen on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the information given in subclauses 7.2 to 7.7.


Evaluation of cracks and gaps in linings

Linings in pipes conveying drinking water, untreated water and sea water

Cracks penetrating the lining are permitted if their width does not exceed 1, 5 mm. Any wider cracks which form
as a result of expansion occurring between lining application and pipe installation are to be repaired. This can
be done by filling the pipe with sufficiently hard water, causing the cracks to close by themselves. This
autogenous healing process also takes place during operation if the water conveyed is sufficiently hard.
Autogenous healing also occurs where there are butt-welded joints (see subclause 5.2 and figure 2), or in linings
of all of the cement mortar types listed in table 1, except in the case of linings containing cement of type
CEM III, where the necessary water hardness is to be higher.
Experience has shown that wide cracks, and gaps as shown in figure 2 are subject to corrosion only when
exposed to oxygen-free untreated water containing acids.


Linings in pipes conveying wastewater

Because autogenous healing may be difficult where wastewater is conveyed, cracks penetrating the lining shall
not be wider than 0,8 mm. Unlined gaps at pipe joints are not permitted. Treatment as described in subclause 9.3 will close cracks.


Linings in pipes conveying salt water and brine

Autogenous healing is not possible in pipes conveying salt water and brine. Cracks penetrating the lining shall
not be wider than 0,5 mm. Unlined gaps at pipe joints are not permitted. Treatment as described in subclause 9.3 will close cracks.

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Commissioning of pipe systems


Alkalizing drinking water systems

For nearly all cement mortar types, there may be an increase in the pH value upon commissioning which exceeds
the value specified in the Verordnung zur Novellierung der Trinkwasserverordnung. This process is primarily
influenced by the concentration of carbon dioxide and its anions (see equation (3)), the nominal size of pipes,
and the flow rate of the water being conveyed.
Alkalization is problematic in the presence of soft water (i.e. water with a low carbon dioxide concentration) and
in pipes of a small nominal size where the flow rate is low (e.g. at ends of piping systems). Alkalization decreases
over time due to carbonatization.
The lining surface can be treated before commissioning by pre-carbonatizing (see DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 346
for more information).


Disinfection of drinking water systems

Drinking water systems are disinfected prior to commissioning. Certain cement mortar types may react with the
disinfectants in different ways, which is to be taken into consideration when disposing of the water used for
disinfection (see DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 346 for more information).


Pre-treatment by flushing

To reduce crack width or promote autogenous healing, either the entire pipeline or sections thereof can be
flushed for a period of about a month before commissioning or during installation. This procedure is advantageous where fairly hard water impairs autogenous healing (see clause 8). Flushing with sufficiently hard drinking
water or untreated water (i.e. water which has an acid capacity, KS4,3, greater than 2 mol/m3) or with sea water
will close cracks up to 1,5 mm wide in pipes conveying wastewater, salt water or brine so that the requirements
of subclauses 8.2 and 8.3 are met.


Mechanical properties of lined pipelines


Hydraulic properties

The hydraulic roughness of the inner surfaces of pipes lined with cement mortar is expressed by the equivalent
sand roughness, kS. Given the number of possible factors which could influence this parameter, including the
reaction of the lining on exposure to the water conveyed, the surface roughness of lined pipes and fittings as
supplied may not be adequately characteristic. For this reason, DIN EN 545, DIN EN 598 and ISO 4179 do not
specify roughness requirements.
According to DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 302, the hydraulic design of pipelines and systems conveying water is to
account for a hydraulic roughness, kj, of 0,1 mm, 0,4 mm or 1 mm, depending on the pipe system layout.
According to ATV-Arbeitsblatt A 110, the hydraulic design of pipes for drainage and sewerage systems is to
account for a hydraulic roughness, kb, of 0,25 mm, 0,5 mm, 0,75 mm or 1,5 mm, also depending on the system


Performance under mechanical stress

The lining may crack when pipes are exposed to mechanical stresses up to the yield strength of the pipe
material, although spalling will generally not occur. When pipes are bent, the elastic limit values will not be
exceeded if the bend radius does not go below the minimum value, R min, determined by equation (4):
R min =
sb zul


sb zul







external pipe diameter, in mm;

modulus of elasticity of the pipe material, in N/mm2 ;
permissible flexural strength, in N/mm 2;
safety factor for a 0,2 % proof strength (here, S = 1,1);
0,2 % proof strength of the pipe material, in N/mm2.

Using commonly found values, equation (4) gives an R min value of 500 d a.
Plastic deformation of pipes or fittings may lead to spalling, depending on the cement mortar type and lining
thickness. Resistance to spalling due to plastic deformation is greater when
the lining is of fairly high density (types CML I, CML L and CML R, as in table 2) or,
the lining thickness is low.
In pressure pipes where the stressing of the pipe wall is greater than 50 % of the yield stress, spalling can occur
when the pressure suddenly drops. Fairly dense cement mortar is exceedingly resistant to such stressing.
Under normal service conditions, however, such extreme stresses do not occur.

Copyright Deutsches Institut Fur Normung E.V.

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Resistance to wear

The cement mortar linings covered here are resistant to wear, assuming the water flows at normal rates. Even
where the flow rate is high (e.g. the pipeline is installed on a slope and the flow rate exceeds 10 m/s), the lining
will be wear-resistant, provided no cavitation occurs. Linings are also resistant to wear when exposed to
detritus, as is likely in the case of pipes conveying sewage. Wear resistance can be determined as specified
in DIN EN 598.

Annex A
Fresh mortar analysis


This annex gives methods for determining the mix ratio and water/cement ratio of cement mortar.
Equations (A.1) and (A.2) include a correction factor, k, which has not been determined analytically but is based
on experience. An error of 10 %, for example, means v and w vary by no more than 1 % for results. The methods
described in subclauses A.4 and A.5 are examples only.



Care shall be taken to ensure that the composition of the sample is representative and that the material is taken
from around the entire circumference of the pipe. Where the lining is applied by process II or III, the sample
may be taken directly from the point at which the mortar leaves the lining apparatus.
Take about 300 g of fresh mortar. Mix this sample thoroughly, so that two subsamples weighing about 200 g
(M 1) and 100 g (M 2) and having the same composition are obtained for determining the sand and water contents
(S/M and W/M, respectively).


Calculating the mix ratio and water/cement ratio

Fresh mortar consists mainly of sand, cement and water. Any modifiers present are not to be determined
separately but are to be included in the cement portion for calculation.
The mix ratio, v, and water/cement ratio, w, are to be calculated using equations (A.1) and (A.2).


1 S1 /M1 W2/M2
1 S 1/M 1 W2 /M2

(1 + k)


(1 + k)


S 1 is the mass of sand in sample M 1 (determined as in subclause A.4), in g;
W 2 is the mass of water in sample M 2 (determined as in subclause A.5), in g;
is the polymer modifier/cement ratio.


Determination of sand content


The S1 /M1 ratio is to be determined for a sample weighing about 200 g (M1 ).
Immediately after the sample has been taken and weighed in a 2 000 ml beaker, spread the fresh mortar on a
wire sieve as in DIN ISO 3310-1 having a mesh size of 0,09 mm, and pass the mortar through the sieve. Rinse
the sandy residue remaining on the sieve into a porcelain dish and treat it with 20 ml to 30 ml of concentrated
hydrochloric acid. Pour the residue onto the sieve again and rinse with running water until the drain-off water
is acid-free. Finally, dry the residue in an oven at 105 C until constant mass is reached.
Mass S 1 is then obtained by weighing.


Determination of water content

The W 2/M 2 ratio is to be determined for a sample weighing about 100 g (M2).
With this method, the difference in the sample mass before and after drying is to be calculated (see DIN 1048-1).
Scales and a hotplate with a sufficiently large surface are necessary for the test.
Spread the wet mortar sample evenly over the pre-heated hotplate. Dry the sample quickly, stirring continuously, until lumps are no longer visible. Allow the sample to cool and re-weigh. The difference between
weighings corresponds to the water content, W2 .

Copyright Deutsches Institut Fur Normung E.V.

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Annex B
Resistance of organic modifiers to saponification
Take a sample containing a polymer modifier and having a mass of 5 g mixed in 20 g of water, adjust its pH value
to 7 and add 50 ml of 0,1 mol/l NaOH. Condition the mixture for 48 hours at 60 C. Bring the pH value back to
7,0 by back tritation using 0,1 mol/l HCl. Determine the HCl consumption; if this is greater than 45 ml, the
sample material shall be deemed resistant to saponification.

Annex C
Determining the corrosion resistance of cement mortar to acidic water


Testing shall be carried out either on fresh mortar prisms having a side length of at least 2 cm, or on pieces of
lining cut from the pipe. The mortar composition and curing conditions are to be equivalent to those for mortar
used under service conditions, and the water/cement ratio of the mortar is to correspond to that of the lining
after application.
To decalcify the samples, place them in a buffer solution of acetic acid and sodium acetate, each having a
concentration of 0,1 mol/l, at ambient temperature. The ratio of the volume of solution, in cm3, to the sample
surface area, in cm2, is to be 5 to 10. Renew the solution twice a week over a period of six months.
After the six month period, dry the decalcified samples in air until constant mass has been reached. Following
drying, the decalcified surface will be able to flake and crumble. Using a plastic brush, remove loose particles
of sand and other mortar constituents. Collect and weigh the abraded material, expressing the result in g/m2
of the sample surface area.
The mortar is deemed to be resistant to corrosion if the mass of abraded material per unit area does not exceed
the values given in table C.1.
Table C.1: Permissible mass of abraded material per unit area
Cement mortar type as in table 1

Mass of abraded material per unit area,

in g/m 2


Less than 100

CM A, without controlled curing

Less than 300

CM A, with controlled curing

Less than 100

Explanatory notes
This standard has been drawn up to account for the fact that DIN 2614 will have to be withdrawn once European
Standards on the same subject are published (e.g. draft Standards DIN EN 10298 and DIN EN 14647). Other
standards covering the lining of water pipelines include ISO 4179, DIN EN 545 and DIN EN 598.
The present standard includes information from DIN 2614 supplemented with information gained from working
with DIN 2614 in the field. Because the EN Standards leave many requirements for the lining to be agreed upon
ordering, clients requiring more details will have to cite the present standard.
This standard has also incorporated new requirements for drinking water supply systems given in German
codes of practice such as DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 346 and DVGW-Arbeitsblatt W 347.

Copyright Deutsches Institut Fur Normung E.V.

Provided by IHS under license with DIN
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

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