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FPS Equipment & Specifications Fire-Fighting System Item Specifications Standards Reference

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FPS Equipment & Specifications

Fire-Fighting System



Standards Reference

- Not less than 6 m from building

Location and Spacing
External Fire Hydrants
Design Criteria

Location and Spacing

Hose Reel System

Design Criteria

Location and Spacing

Dry Riser System

Design Criteria

Location and Spacing

Wet Riser System

Design Criteria

Not more than 30 m from building entrance

Generally not more than 90 m apart; UBBL = 91.5m or less from nearest point of fire brigade access
Flow Rate of 1000 L/min per hydrant
Pressure between 4 bar and 7 bar
Pump to be sized to cater 3 hydrants operating simultaneously or as required
Water storage tank to be adequate for 1 hour operation
1 HR every 800 m2
All spaces to be within reach of the hose (30 m hose, 6 m water throw range)
Prominent and accessible locations, generally adjacent to exits
30 L/min per HR
Min 2 bar inlet to HR
MS 1489 = 2 HR in simultaneous, Red Book = 4 HR in simultaneous
Hose = 30 m length, 25 mm diameter

- HR Tank Capacity = 2275 L for 1 HR, Max 9100 L for 7 HR and above
(average gap 1137/8 L per HR)
* MS1489 states 9000 L
- Steel pipe work - Class B minimum above ground; Class C UG
- 1 LV for every 900 m2
- Rising mains not more than 60 m apart
- All areas to be within 60 m of LV
- Hose connection to each fire fighting access lobby
- 2-way breeching inlet for 100 mm diameter dry risers
- 4-way breeching inlet for 150 mm diameter dry risers
- 100 mm diameter (i.e. 102 mm) = Highest outlet is < or = 22.9 m (i.e. 22.875 m) above pumping inlet
- 150 mm diameter (i.e. 152.4 mm) = Highest outlet > 22.9 m (i.e. 22.875 m) above pumping inlet
- 18.3 m < x < or = 30.5 m from fire appliance access level
- Wet risers if top most floor is > 30.5 m above fire appliance access level
- Steel pipe work - Class C
- 1 LV for every 900 m2
- Rising mains not more than 60 m apart
- All areas to be within 60 m of LV
- To be in every staircase; hose connection to each fire fighting access lobby
- Minimum 150 mm diameter wet risers (i.e. 152.4 mm)
- 500 L/min at each outlet, 3 outlets simultaneously
- 4 bar to 7 bar at outlet
- Minimum water tank capacity of 90 m3 if no automatic in-flow to tank
* Red book 45.5 m3
- Each stage of WR limited to 61 m (up to max 70.15 m with Authority approval)
- Minimum break tank capacity of 11375 L
- Steel pipe work - Class C

MS 1489-2 : 2012
MS 1395

MS 1489-1 : 2012
Red Book

UBBL (10th Schedule)

BS 1387
MS 1489-2 : 2012

UBBL (Section 230)

UBBL (Section 231)

BS 1387
MS 1489-2 : 2012
UBBL (Section 231)

MS 1489-2 : 2012
UBBL (Section 231)
UBBL (10th Schedule)
BS 1387

Pre-Calculated Systems
/ Design Criteria
Sprinkler System

- Required Flow Rate = 1100 L/min; Required Pressure = 1.7 + ps bar

*ps = static head loss due to the height of the highest sprinkler above control valve
* Requirements at the control valve

MS 1910 (Table 6)

- Required water storage based on height h of Highest Sprinkler above Lowest Sprinkler:
1) If h is 15 m or less = 135 m3
2) If 15 m < h < or = 30 m = 160 m3
3) If 30 m < h < or = 45 m = 185 m3

MS 1910 (Table 9)

- Pump characteristics (nominal data) for height h of Sprinkler Height above Control Valve Set(s):
1) If h is 15 m or less = 2250 L/min at 1.4 bar
2) If 15 m < h < or = 30 m = 2700 L/min at 2.0 bar
3) If 30 m < h < or = 45 m = 3100 L/min at 2.5 bar
- Pipe sizes (To refer to Table in MS 1910)
- Location of design points (To refer to Table in MS 1910)
- Maximum nos. of Sprinklers controlled per Alarm Valve:
1) OH III = 1000 sprinklers (except as allowed for zoned installations)

Design Criteria

Design Criteria
Portable Fire

Location and Spacing

- Area of Coverage of SPR except for sidewall type:

1) OH = 12 m2 Max Area per SPR, 4.0 m Max Distance between SPR (Standard Layout)
- Min Distance between SPRs = 2.0 m (except as permitted in special cases)
- Steel pipe work = Class B above ground, Class C UG

MS 1910 (Table 15)

MS 1910 (Table 29 & 30)
MS 1910 (Table 24 & 25)
MS 1910 (Table 16)
MS 1910 (Table 18)
MS 1910

- Selection of Fire Extinguishers - Depends on class of fire

1) Class A = Solid materials
2) Class B = Liquids or liquefiable solids
3) Class C = Gases
4) Class D = Metals
5) Class E = EL Equipment
6) Class F = Fats and Cooking Oils
- Class A fire, Total 'A' rating = 0.065 x floor area (m2); then select based on type of A FEs x nos. required *Minimum 'A' rating = 26 A
* For single occupancy buildings with upper floor areas not exceeding 100 m2 the minimum rating is 13 A
- Class B fire, Table 1. Select based on nos. of extinguishers required and type of extinguisher
- Should be located in conspicuous positions on brackets or stands; easily seen by people following exit route
- Suitable locations = Room exits, Corridors, Stairways, Lobbies
- Max travel distance from fire to FE = 20 m or less
- 4 kg or below = Handle 1.5 m max above floor; > 4 kg = Handle 1.0 m max above floor

MS 1539-3 : 2003


Gas Extinguishing

Design Criteria

- GES uses:
1) Auto Detection = Smoke or Heat Detectors.
2) Auto Actuation = 2 Detectors in alarm mode prior to actuation
3) Emergency Manual Operation
- Types of pipes (refer table for full info):
1) High Pressure Fixed CO2 = Black or Galvanised Steel Pipe; Stainless Steel (threaded); Stainless Steel (welded)
2) Clean Agent = Similar as for CO2, depending on system operating pressures
* For fittings, refer table
- Design Criteria:
1) CO2 - for dry EL hazards in general (deep-seated) fires:
i) Design Concentration = 50% by volume
ii) Flooding factor (Spaces up to 2000 ft3) = 1.6 kg CO2 / m3
iii) Flooding factor (Spaces > 2000 ft3) = 1.33 kg CO2 / m3, minimum 91 kg
2) Clean Agent - depend on type of agent + hazards protected - can range from 6-7% to 50% or more
- Coverage (Flat Ceiling):
1) Smoke Detector = 7.5 m radius coverage / detector
2) Heat Detector = 5.0 m radius coverage / detector
* Must overlap - no blind spots

NFPA 12 (CO2)
NFPA 2001 (Clean Agent)

- Buildings under 10th Schedule require Fire Alarms

- Buildings with gross floor A excl. car park & storage > 9290 m2 or > 30.5 m height = 2-stage alarm system
c/w evacuation (continuous signal) immediately at affected section, alert (intermittent signal) in adjoining section

UBBL (Section 237)

- Fire Command Center = Buildings > 30.5 m, consisting of:

1) Panel to monitor public address
2) Fire brigade communication
3) SPR
4) Waterflow detectors
5) Fire detection and alarm system
6) Direct telephone connection to fire station bypassing SB

UBBL (Section 238)

- Spacing of Detectors:
1) Smoke Detector = 7.5 m radius coverage / detector; 11 m ceiling height
2) Heat Detector = 5.0 m radius coverage / detector; 8 m ceiling height
3) Beam Detector = 7.5 m radius coverage / detector; 11 m ceiling height (possible additional layer required)

Fire Detection and

Alarm Systems


- Factors affecting Detector Spacing:

1) Sloping ceiling & ceiling features
2) Wall, partitions and other obstructions
3) Ventilation and air movement
- Manual Call Points = along escape corridors or beside exit and staircase doors;
- Occupant to travel < 30 m to reach a call point
- Audible Alarms:
1) Minimum 65 dBA or 5 dBA above normal noise levels
2) Sleeping people, Minimum 75 dBA at bed head
- Conventional Fire Alarm System
1) One or more circuits, connected to sensors, wired in parallel.
2) Info density limited to nos. of circuits
- Addressable Fire Alarm System
1) Component with discreet identification
2) Status individually identified, or used to individually control other functions
- Monitoring of other fire safety system
1) Genset for EM power supply
2) Fire pumps
3) Valves controlling water supply to FPS
4) Gas extinguishing control panels
5) Water flow in auto SPR systems
6) Low water levels in storage tanks providing water to FPS
7) Other FPS (e.g. wet chemical system protecting kitchens)

MS 1745-14: 2009

- Public Address System

= Sound amplification and distribution system
= With mic, amplifier and loudspeakers
= Allows a person to address the public

Public Address
& Intercom System

- Fireman Intercom System

= Stand alone voice communication system
= For use by fire-fighting personnel
= Within a building or a small collection of buildings
= Independently functioning from public telephone network
= Fireman Intercom Panel to link with Intercom Handsets
- These 2 electrically supervised voice communication systems required for all large buildings and high rise buildings
- Areas covered include:
1) Lifts, lift lobbies, corridors, staircases
2) Office Areas > 92.9 m2
3) Each dwelling unit and hotel guest room where the fire brigade system may be combined with public address system

Design Criteria

UBBL (Section 239)

- Firemen intercom handsets:

1) Fire escape staircases
2) Fire fighting lobbies
3) Fire pump rooms
4) EM genset room
5) Lift machine rooms
6) Main EL switchroom
- Function = To control the spread of smoke; maintain visiblity for evacuation and fire fighter access


Smoke Control

- Needs to be designed in conjuction with other fire safety systems:

1) Means of escape
2) Compartmentation
3) Active suppression systems
- Method of Smoke Control:
1) Smoke containment (passive)
2) Smoke dilution
3) Smoke reservoir exhaust ventilation
4) Depressurisation
5) Pressurisation
- Fire fighting access lobbies and smoke lobbies must be pressurised if natural ventilation cannot be provided
- Escape staircases must be pressurised if natural ventilation cannot be provided

Design Criteria
(Pressurisation Systems)

MS 1780 : 2005
MS 1472 : 1999

UBBL (Section 196, 197)

UBBL (Section 200, 201, 202)

- Pressurised compartment = 50 Pa above space on fire

- Air velocity across any open door to be 1 ms-1 from protected space into fire zone
- Fan to be sized for doors to be opened for access to staircases or lobbies (2 doors or no. of doors for 10% of total floors, whichever is higher)

Design Criteria
(Smoke Dilution)

Design Criteria
(Smoke Depressurisation)

- At basement car parks, where ceiling height is usually low

= Smoke is extracted from fire zone
= Make-up air is provided to mix and dilute smoky gases
- Smoke Extract fan = Minimum 10 ACH
- Outdoor Air for Make-Up = Minimum 50% and Maximum 75% of air extracted
- Multi-storey office buildings, where it is not practical to introduce replacement air at low level
= Zone on fire is maintained under negative pressure by extracting the smoke laden air
= Make-up air is not required, but pressure differential is required between the depressurised zone and the adjacent zones
- Smoke Extract fan = Minimum 10 ACH
- No outdoor air required
- Pressure differential between depressurised zone and adjacent zone to be maintained between 10 Pa to 50 Pa

MS 1780 : 2005
MS 1472 : 1999


Lift Homing
Fire Mode Interface

Gas Shut Off Valve

Voice Evacuation System
Central Monitoring System
Fire Doors / Fire Shutters
Smoke Control Systems
Systems Affecting
Fire Safety

Emergency Power

Design Criteria

- Interface with other fire safety systems include:

1) Lifts
3) Centralised gas system
4) Voice evacuation system
5) Fire doors / Roller Shutters
6) Smoke control systems

Lifts to return to designated floor upon fire alarm

Lifts cannot be operated during fire alarm
Fire lifts to be operational during fire alarm only on operation of the fire switch
Fire lifts to be provided if top occupied floor > 18.5 m above fire appliance access level
Fire lifts to be located within separate protected shaft if it opens into a separate lobby

Central gas supply to be disconnected by shutting off the supply valves

ACMV to be shut down
Fire alarm, pre-recorded messages can be broadcasted over public address system
Staged evacuation in large buildings or high rise buildings
Transmission of alarm to central monitoring system
If fire occurs, signals are transmitted to these for fire compartmentation - Fire doors that have been held open & Fire shutters
Fire dampers also included for compartmentation

UBBL or etc

- Staircase pressurisation systems shall be started

- For large or high rise, starting depends on location
- Security systems
- Alarm notification systems
- Etc
- EM Power System shall cover:
1) Fire pumps
2) Fire alarm
3) Smoke Control
4) Illumination
5) Fire Lifts
6) Public Address Systems

UBBL (Section 253)

- EM Power shall be operational within 10s after the interruption of normal power supply
- EM Power shall provide sufficient capacity for systems incl. simultaneous operation of all fire lifts + 1 other lift
- The power supply shall be by:
1) Storage battery capable of providing 87.5% of system voltage for 1.5 hours
2) Genset

Design Criteria

- Shall be openable from inside without any keys, effort or knowledge

'- Exit doors shall auto-close when released
- All door devices incl. magnetic door holders, shall release doors during - Power failure ; Actuation of fire alarm

Fire Lift

Design Criteria

- topmost occupied floor = over 18.5m above fire appliance access level
- Penthouse <50% of floor immediately below exempted
- Exclusive use by firemen during an emergency
- <61m travel distance from furthermost point of the floor
- <61m travel distance from the main entrance of the building on the designated floor or FCR whichever is nearer
- To serve all levels
- To be provided at the rate of 1 lift in every group of lifts that discharge into the same protected enxlosure or smoke lobby containing the rising mains
- 2 hours FRP for lift shafts
- To be located in a separately protected shaft if it opens into a separate lobby
- Lift doors >50% of FRP of lift shaft structure, minimum 1/2 hours
- No M&E services unless serving the lift are allowed in lift shaft
- FR cables for fire lift
- Full travel distance <1 minute
- Lift lobby area >5.57m2
- Load >550kg
- Clear opening width of 800mm
- Effective platform area >1.45m2
- Lift lobby width >twice the car depth
- Fire lift switch adjacent to lift opening at fire control level. Does not require a key for operation. Fire lifts only operate in response to car calls, not landing calls
- EM Lighting - 8W flourescent tube, 3 hours EM lighting after 12 hours of recharging, approved by BOMBA and EC
- During EM, sole control vested in the car control station
- Failure of mains power, all lifts return to designated floor, park with doors open. Return to normal operation for lifts connected to EM power


Design Criteria

- Travel distance from any point to exit:

1) 45m or less for non-SPR building
2) 60m or less for SPR building

Exit Doors

UBBL (Section 173)

Red Book

UBBL (Section 188)

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