How The West Grew Rich
How The West Grew Rich
How The West Grew Rich
(Book Summary)
Till about 200 years back, abject poverty characterized the world. It is only since the 19th century, a
significant proportion of people in the west have become affluent and better fed and healthier. Their
book is about how a group of countries collectively referred to as the west have become rich and
prosperous. The authors explain the various factors which have made the western nations so wealthy
over time.
The authors explain the objective of the book, The story of the move from poverty to wealth offers
enough mysteries, surprises, exposes, triumphs and tragedies to make it worth the retelling for its
own sake. Moreover, a better understanding of how economic growth came about in the west should
be helpful to those westerners who are concerned with public policy, the comparative significance of
the wests many economic institutions, the future of the western economies themselves and most of
all to those who feel some responsibility for passing along to the next generation an opportunity to
better their own conditions at least as much as has the current generation.
A gradual process
The process of development of the west has been gradual. Even over an entire decade in the early
stages of development, the economic gains were generally perceived to be insignificant. Despite
some radical innovations, the process of growing rich was gradual. There was never a day nor even
a generation, when a television anchor or a newspaper editor, however astute, could have led off with
news of an economic or technological development which rescued the west from poverty. But as
decade after decade of growth continued, it become clear that the proportion of affluent people was
Explanations for the Wests growing rich
Many of the traditional explanations for the development of the western world are inadequate. China
and the Islamic nations were at one point of time well ahead of western countries in science and
technology. Yet, they were left behind. The availability of natural resources is also not a satisfactory
explanation, when we take into account the development of countries like Switzerland and Japan.
Some have argued that the affluence of the west is the result of the pursuit of personal riches by
businessmen. Others have attribute it to lucky circumstances. A major expansion in trade during the
15th century, the first industrial revolution of the 18 th century, the second industrial revolution of the
19th century and the current electronic revolution came in quick succession, giving a tremendous
momentum to the growth process. The leftists have argued that the development of the west has
come at a heavy price tremendous income inequalities, exploitation of workers, colonialism and
The authors argue that the western countries succeeded because it created conditions that encouraged
innovations in trade, technology and organization. This enabled them to accumulate capital and
labour and exploit natural resources. Moreover, they gave their enterprises the autonomy to make a
number of decisions made by political and religious authorities in other nations. It became easy to
set up enterprises. Trading took place without much restriction. Owners of enterprises also received
some sort of reassurance that the business assets would not be arbitrarily seized by the political
authorities. As the authors put it, The economic enterprise had become a unit for making a wide
range of economic decisions and its gains and losses from the decisions were expected to accrue to
the enterprise, or less abstractly, to its owners. Virtually, without thought or discussion, the west
delegated to enterprises the making of a decision basic in the innovation process: which ideas should
be tested and which should be allowed to die. For economic innovation requires not only an idea but
an experimental test of the idea in laboratory, factory and market.
The process of development
The authors have outlined the process of development of the western nations.
The west emphasized the use of experiment in technology and organization to harness resources to
the satisfaction of human wants. The key elements of the system were the wide diffusion of the
authority and resources necessary to experiment; minimal political and religious restrictions on
experiment and incentives which combined ample rewards for success with severe penalties for
failing to experiment.
The Middle ages
During the middle ages, Chinese and Islamic technology were probably more advanced than that in
the west. But the west was on the verge of getting ahead. In the 1400s, the west began to replace
medieval institutions with modern ones. The seeds were sown for the formation of nation states in
France, Spain, Portugal and Ireland. Advances in shipbuilding helped reduce transportation costs.
Trade and exploration activities gained momentum.
It is interesting to understand the differences between the medieval and modern times. The medieval
economy was overwhelmingly agricultural. Political and economic authority were combined in the
same institutions the manor in the country and the guild in the towns. Terms of exchange were
determined not by negotiations between traders but by custom, usage and law.
Medieval society was preoccupied with providing food. Between the 15 th and 18th centuries, roughly
80 to 90% of the worlds population was engaged in raising food. Rural life revolved around manors
which were production enterprises of considerable size and complexity. They grew crops, raised
animals, milled their own grain, baked their bread, spun thread and wove cloth, made their own
plows and did most of their own metal work. The three most important features of manors were the
unity of political and economic spheres, widespread use of servile labour and a high degree of self
sufficiency. Most participants in the manorial system had no say in deciding what occupation to
follow, what trading activities to conduct and what crops to cultivate or what animals to rear. Within
the manor, the fundamental exchange was the trade of labour for the use of land. Only a minor
fraction of the production of the manorial system was consumed outside it. In the case of most
transactions, the sellers were selling the product of their own work and the buyers were buying for
their own use. The feudal economy did not encourage the development of credit. There was little
trade surplus that could be used to pay off a loan. The church passed strictures on the taking of
The towns were less self-sufficient than the manors and became centres of trade. Exchange with the
outside world was far more important for the towns. In general, the town residents acquired most of
their food, clothing and shelter through trade. Urban dwellers also possessed some kinds of special
privileges and some powers of self government that were absent in the villages. The guilds had the
political authority to make rules and to punish violations. The guilds were undemocratic as far as
membership was concerned but guild leaders could not exploit guild members for their personal
benefit as the manor leaders could. Medieval towns obtained a degree of political autonomy by the
purchase of charters from their suzerains. Some towns attempted to get more powers for themselves
in areas such as taxation. They also tried to gain control over the guilds. The towns however did not
make any concerted efforts to end the rigid political control of trade characterized by the feudal
system. A few towns like Venice, Geneva and Florence became major centres of trade. The extent of
self government in these city states was unprecedented.
The medieval people were not equipped to identify and manage risks effectively. The biggest
uncertainty was crop failure. Rules also changed from time to time. According to the authors, The
possibility of calculation, of assessing prospective magnitudes of cost and revenue and the
probability of alternative outcomes in a novel enterprise, of profiting from judicious buying and
selling rather than from diligent service to ones lord or from industriously plying ones trade was
wholly alien to the customary order of feudal society The amassing of wealth through skill and
luck in the calculation of future consequences, through the discovery of new customers and new
sources of goods and through the artful sharing and hedging of risks transcended medieval
understanding and had no legitimate place in the medieval system Ironically, in seeking security
through a life wholly regulated by custom, usage and law, in preference to the insecurity of
unregulated trade, medieval society appreciably reduced the security of its people.
Meanwhile, technological advances were gaining momentum. From the 8 th to 13th centuries, there
was a gradual expansion in iron production in several parts of Europe. As early as the 8 th century,
foundries began casting bronze church bells. Later, they began to cast cannon in bronze and iron.
Medieval chemistry produced soaps, paints, varnishes, dyes, sulphur and saltpeter. The Roman
technology for making ceramics and glass was improved upon. So was the case in textiles. The
introduction of the padded horse collar in the 12th century facilitated the substitution of horses for
oxen in plowing. Probably, the most formidable technological advancement of the middle ages was
the invention of the clock in the late 13th century. The clockmakers shops became research centres
for mechanical arts, friction, precision metal work and study of the behaviour of materials under
different temperatures and pressures. Two instruments, the telescope and the microscope contributed
significantly to the technological revolution of the 17th century. Over a period of 1000 years from
the fall of Rome in the 5th century to the 15th century (when the modern age began), technology
progressed steadily but surely. Ways of cultivating the land, logging, mining, smelting, spinning,
weaving, building, making plots, bricks and glass changed but so slowly that the change was very
Unlike China and the ancient empires, the Europe of the late medieval city states and the early
monarchies did not have a central authority strong enough to check the determination of its
merchants to gain access to profitable trading opportunities. This pluralistic aspect of western
feudalism, according to the authors, played an important role in the development of the west.
Western feudalism rejected the notion of an absolute state. Moreover, the chieftains tenure of the
land along with the obligation to perform military service, stayed in the family even after the
Chieftains death. If the Chieftain had only a life interest in the holdings, his subordinates might
have shifted their loyalties to his superiors as the Chieftain grew old. This would have strengthened
loyalties to the sovereign as opposed to the feudal vessels. Since the tenure continued within the
family, the trend became reinvesting income in long-term improvements.
Towards the end of the 15th century, the military capability of the feudal chivalry declined.
Professional armies combining infantry, siege artillery and cavalry came into vogue. The new
arrangements made the capabilities of part-time soldiers outdated. Professional armies became
popular in Italy in the late 14th century. The 100 years war between France and England also
accelerated this process. By the end of the 15th century, countries like France were using professional
armies. Before the introduction of siege cannon, the lords castles had supplied them with fortified
bases from which they could defy their feudal superiors with impunity. The introduction of siege
cannon ended the military usefulness of the castle. The decay of the barter economy of the manors
and the rise of money based agriculture (as opposed to barter of labour for land) also contributed to
the decline of feudalism.
The growth of trade
Between the middle of the 15th century and the middle of the 18th, trade grew impressively. The
three-masted trading vessel reduced transportation costs and facilitated travel over longer distances.
The basis for trade also changed from one based on custom and usage to one based on negotiation
between traders.
Rapid expansion of Europes overseas trade and the work of explorers like Vasco da Gama generated
new profit making opportunities and aided the development of markets. The merchant class
successfully stepped into the vacuum created by the decline of feudalism and manorialism. The rise
in population, growth in inter-urban trade, growth of cities and improvements in transportation all
contributed to the development of markets. Between 1600 and 1800, the population of Europe
doubled. Intra European trading volumes also increased sharply, thanks to differences in climate,
natural resources and population densities within the continent. For example, the Baltic region
provided timber, other forest products and later cereals. The Iberian peninsula exported wool,
vegetable oils, dyestuffs, iron ore and some fruits.
As trading volumes and urbanization picked up, a merchant class emerged. As the authors explain,
Cities live on the difference between what they have to pay for raw materials for their shops and
factories and what they can obtain for the finished products plus what they can net from outsiders by
selling such specialized services as banking, insurance, warehousing, commodity trading, medicine,
law, government and religion. Agricultural life requires less trading than urban life because the farm
is more self-sufficient than the city apartment: a movement from farm to city is inevitably a
movement towards more trading.
The full-rigged ship served as the main carrier of western maritime commerce until the latter part of
the 19th century. Since the Roman times, merchant ships had been designed to sail nearly dead
downwind. The full-rigged ship could tackle much more hostile wind conditions. Merchant vessels
also increased in size during the 15th century. Large vessels were faster than smaller ones. They
also reduced the cost per unit of cargo. There were also economies of scale in staffing. Larger
vessels were more seaworthy, could store more rations and offered greater protection against pirates.
What happened in the 15th century was an interlinked growth of trade and maritime technology.
Both were urban activities. Like its earlier growth within Europe overseas expansion reinforced
merchant capitalism and nourished its further growth.
Much of early modern European history is a story of a continual tug-of-war between a nascent
political class and the established political structure. The emergence of a reasonably autonomous
business class occurred more readily in Western Europe, more specifically in the UK and the
Netherlands. Governments did attempt to control trade in many ways but when it came to trade
between two regions under different jurisdictions, opportunities were generated for voluntary trade
on negotiated terms.
The landholding feudal magnates supported the expanding role of merchants because they gained
materially by buying from and selling to merchants. The authors conjecture that the wealth of the
feudal aristocracy must have increased rather than decreased even as feudalism declined. It makes a
more interesting account of the wests transition from feudalism to capitalism to tell the story as a
melodrama in which an ancient aristocracy was gobbled up alive by the upstart wolves of trade.
Dramatic, though they are, such accounts do not accurately reflect the general experience of either
landowners or merchants. The merchant class got its power from the feudal nobility not by
displacing the feudal nobility in agricultural activities but by expanding the trading activities in
which it had been traditionally engaged. Moreover, governments were compelled to take care of
their interests more seriously than they had in the past. Also, after 1500, the merchant class became
successful in gaining autonomy from political and religious interference.
By 1750, the growth of trade had significantly improved economic welfare through greater
specialization and exchange. Change from manorial agriculture to one based on individual peasant
holdings materially improved the food supply. Mercantile capitalism emerged as a successor to
feudalism. Improved agricultural methods created a pool of landless farm labourers, who were ready
to take up alternative employment.
The evolution of institutions favourable to commerce
While studying the economic development of the west, a lot of emphasis has been laid on
technology. Yet, it is the organizational innovations which played a key role in generating growth.
The development of commercial law, commercial courts and commercial instruments was a response
to the expansion of commerce. Insurance instruments became available from the 16 th century.
Lloyds the insurance company was formed in the late 17 th century. The development of marine
insurance markets in Italy, Amsterdam and London made possible risky voyages. The division of
risk between the perils of the sea and the uncertainties of the markets was essential to the
development of maritime commerce. Towards the end of the 18 th century, the royal courts in London
had accumulated enough experience in setting disputes related to insurance, bills of exchange, ships
charters, sales contracts, partnership agreements, patents, arbitrations, etc. The reputation for fairness
developed by English counts. They played a very important role in the growth of English commerce.
The Magna Carta was an important development in establishing property rights. Magna Carta gave
the English a considerable lead on their neighbours. The abandonment of arbitrary levies and their
replacement by regular taxes at stipulated rates were a major step towards encouraging businessmen
to develop their own ways of creating and accumulating wealth. The distinction between
confiscation and taxation made the greatest difference in Holland and England. In both countries, the
power to impose taxes resided in parliaments in which the merchant class was strongly represented.
Another important development was the double entry book keeping system. It gave an impetus to
the development of financial accounting and the practice of evaluating the credit worthiness of the
enterprise by analyzing its balance sheet and profit and loss statement.
The growth of commerce demanded high moral standards. The merchant class evolved a moral
system suited to life in highly organized enterprises. This was the only way by which enterprises
could go beyond the family and manage colonization, foreign trade and canal building and find the
institutional loyalties necessary to discharge their economic functions. The moral outlook for
mercantile capitalism was supplied in the sixteenth century by the Protestant Reformation. The
merchant community needed independence from religious authorities. Religion was gradually
transformed from a restraining influence upon capitalist development to a force that sanctioned
mercantile capitalism by precisely the moral teachings required for the smooth running of the
expanding commercial system. Protestantism supplied the merchant class with both a highly
individualized moral responsibility outside the control of the clergy and with moral dogmas that
emphasized exactly the thrift, industry, honesty and promise keeping needed for capitalist
An institutional innovation that was important in smoothing the politics of transition from feudalism
to capitalism was partnership or alliance between governments and their merchant classes.
Governments granted trading monopolies to merchants. In turn they became substantial personal
participants in the profits of these business enterprises.
The development of capitalism in the west also owed a good deal to the fragmentation of Europe into
a multitude of states and principalities. Had the merchants been dealing with a political monopoly,
they might not have been able to purchase the required freedom of action at a reasonable price. On
the other hand, individual centres of competing political power had a great deal to gain from
introducing technological changes that promised commercial or industrial advantage, and hence
greater government revenues. In fact they had much to lose from allowing others to introduce them
According to the authors, It may be that a pre requisite to sustained economic growth is an
economy trading across a geographical area divided among a number of rival states, each too small to
dream of imperial wars and too fearful of the economic competition of other states to impose massive
exactions on its own economic sphere. As in Europe, the United States also had a federal system in
the 19th and early 20th centuries. Intervention by the federal government was limited and states faced
economic competition from each other. Modern Japan also grew out of a decentralized feudal society
The development of industry: 1750-1880
By 1750, three hundred years of gradual expansion in markets had been accompanied by a
corresponding expansion in agricultural and handicrafts production. Until 1880, the principal
technological advancements of western industry were in the mechanical arts. In struggling with the
problems of building accurate clocks and portable watches, clockmakers developed knowledge of
precision machining, the effects of changes in temperature on different materials, friction, gear trains,
levers, ratchets, springs, lubrication and mechanical durability. By 1750, when the industrial
revolution demanded skill and ingenuity from mechanical designers, western clock makers had
already developed considerable expertise in mechanical design. In the 17 th century, scientific method
became experimental. Hypotheses were tested by experiment.
The factory system could not be introduced in isolation. There had to be parallel changes in the
production of raw materials and finished goods, in wholesale and retail trade, insurance and banking.
The steam engine helped produce more coal by pumping water out of coal mines. This provided the
fuel necessary to expand the production of finished goods. In the 19 th century, there was also a
revolution in communication. Innovations occurred where the economic system not only encouraged
invention and discovery but was also quick to put them to commercial use.
The steam engine facilitated the movement of production from the cottage to the factory. It helped
expand production of iron and steel and at a lower cost. It also provided the power for mining,
transportation by rail and water and for the mills themselves. Demand for iron and steel also rose due
to the growth of steam engines, rail roads and later ships. The Bessemer process introduced in 1856
made steel production far more efficient. The late 19th and early 20th century began to be known as
the age of steel. Replacement of wood by iron and steel resulted in gains in longevity, feasible speed
of operation, precision of construction and possibilities of mechanical complexity.
The growth of factories was led by the textile industry in both England and the U.S. Powered
machinery were introduced for spinning yarn. Over the years, the power loom improved steadily,
both in productivity and in its ability to weave cloth of better grades. The shift from handloom to
power loom involved a change in both technology and organization of production from cottage to
The factory system came to ceramics because there were advantages to united control of the step
production process, further advantages to specialising workers at each step in the process and yet
further advantages in a central source of power. But the invention of specialized machinery did not
play an important part in bringing the factory system to the ceramics industry as in the textile and
iron and steel industries.
The development of the factory system produced an enormous increase in the output. Until 1750,
the expansion of trade was the result of falling transportation costs and mercantile initiative in
building new markets. During the 19th century, growth in trade was stimulated mainly by the falling
cost of factory output, which lowered prices.
Historical evidence suggests that the capital required for the early factories was modest. Moreover,
the capital was not painfully accumulated. There was no reduction in real income or consumption of
workers or land owners. There was no concerted effort to increase savings. The increase in output
generated by the factories was more than sufficient to pay capital costs over a short period of time.
An agricultural revolution reduced the proportion of the population required for providing food from
the medieval 80-90% to less than 5%. The enforced displacement of agricultural workers to the cities
provided labour for the factories. The major factors driving the agricultural revolution were
mechanical energy, an increased use of fertilizers, improved seeds, improvements in methods of
cultivation and animal husbandry, improved transportation and development of regional
specialization in agriculture.
Impact of factories on labour
The industrial revolution improved the living standards of labourers. According to the authors, the
romantic view that workers in pre-industrial Europe lived well need not be taken serioulsy. If early
factory work was oppressive, the alternatives to factory work were worse. Indeed, the early factories
could attract workers because the wages were still above the poverty level. The Industrial
Revolution is not, as many have thought, a precedent for imposing sacrifices on the living generation
in the hope that things will be better for later generations. Its lesson is that economies progress
rapidly when the fruits of progress are widely and contemporaneously enjoyed.
To summarise, the revolutionary changes in western industry and transportation between 1750 and
1880 are traceable to one organizational development, two technological developments and two
social changes. The first was the introduction of the factory. The first of the two technological
developments was the enormous increase in the use of steam and water power in factory production
and the application of steam power to land and water transportation. The second major technological
change was the substitution of iron and steel for wood in fabricating machinery and other products.
This substitution changed the size, longevity, precision and mechanical complexity of a wide range of
products, from sewing machines to ships. The two social changes were the rapid rise in population
and the steadily improving agricultural productivity.
Diversity of organization: The Corporation
By the closing decades of the 19th century, the use of the corporate mode of organization in the west
gone beyond monopoly enterprises backed by government powers. The concept of group-owned
enterprises conducting their business through agents elected by owners had achieved general
The publicly held corporation had two major advantages. It enabled investors to spread the risk of
investment. It minimized agency risk by enabling stockholders to express their dissatisfaction with
the management by selling their shares.
In the US, the history of forming corporations by registration under general incorporation laws
paralleled Englands in some respects. In both countries, it was the third step after first
experimenting with corporations formed for religious, charitable and local governmental purposes
and a period of extensive formation of franchised corporations. But limited liability seems to have
been more emphasized in the US than in England. In the US, allowing the formation of corporations
by registration without obtaining a charter by special act of the legislature, began with statutes limited
to specific lines of business. Beginning in 1837 in Connecticut, some of the American states adopted
broad general incorporation laws applicable to most lines of business activity. This enabled firms to
obtain corporate charters without procuring a special legislative enactment. Only in the second half
of the 18th century, did it become possible to adapt the incorporated mode of enterprise organization
to an increasingly wide variety of business situations. The years 1864-1870 were a peak period for
incorporation in American industrial states. Corporate enterprises could raise venture capital from
wealthy individuals and investment banks even if securities markets were still not as well developed.
In 1891, New Jersey adopted a general incorporation statute. It proposed inter state operation,
permitted corporations to own stock in other corporations and provided the same degree of freedom
in forming corporations that England had provided earlier.
During the 19th century, the same economic forces that encouraged England and the US to adopt
general incorporation laws produced the same result in France and Germany. The need for a form of
group ownership, adapted to a multitude of different lines of business and to variations in the size and
distribution of ownership, resulted in a system of incorporation by registration. European
governments, like the American states, realized that, if their incorporation laws were unduly
restrictive, businesses would migrate to neighbouring countries.
But the tendency to incorporate was not universal. Many enterprises, including some that were very
large, continued to operate as proprietorships or partnerships. The organization of western enterprise
continued to be diverse, proliferating and adhoc to the different circumstances of different
enterprises. In the long run, innovations in corporate law supplied the legal framework for meeting
the organizational needs of 19th century enterprise.
Technology, trusts and marketable stock
After the American civil war, there were a number of striking advances in technology that helped to
reduced production costs. There was progress in metallurgy. Steel was substituted for cast iron.
Advance in machining made possible the interchangeability of parts. Mass production of agricultural
machinery, sewing machines, typewriters, cash registers, bicycles and automobiles received a boost.
In the US, the number of steam engines in use doubled between 1860 and 1880 and again between
1880 and 1900.
Before the introduction of electricity, the distribution of power to factory machines depended on
drive shafts, gears and pulleys. The layout of the factory was governed by the need to locate the
machines with the greatest power demand closest to the engine. The efficient flow of work remained
a secondary consideration. About 1890, it became possible to provide each machine with an electric
motor and to transmit power to the motor through an electric wire. Wires could be bent to any shape
and run to almost any desired length, since transmission losses were relatively small. This introduced
new flexibility into the design of the factories and the efficient flow of work between successive steps
in the products regained priority. Substitution of mechanical power by electric power facilitated the
construction of large plants. It also enabled smaller plants to become more efficient. The
development of the IC engine sparked off a second industrial revolution. Progress in
electromagnetism started a revolution in communications. As capacity increased and technology
improved, the need for more capital was automatic. From 1880 onwards, there was a fall in the price
of manufactured goods. Consequently, internally accumulated surpluses were not necessary to meet
the rising capital requirements.
The range of functions performed by a single enterprise was also increasing. U.S. steel makers and
oil refiners integrated backwards. Marketing became more sophisticated. During the days of artisans,
selling was an incidental part of the artisans work. In the modern industrial enterprise, the mass
manufacturer of a line of products began to be combined with distribution within one enterprise. The
distribution departments of many national manufacturers grew larger than the leading mercantile
enterprises in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Before 1890, publicly held industrial corporations were very rare. By 1914, many major industrial
enterprises were incorporated and publicly held. Stock exchanges originated through the trading of
government securities and the securities of chartered companies. Until the 1890s, shares of railroads
and utilities were mainly traded. England was ahead of the US in developing markets for industrial
stocks. This helped British companies to raise capital for capacity expansion and tapping new
technological opportunities. American companies were in contrast, dependent for finance on
personal contacts with wealthy individuals or banks.
Large scale trading in American stocks originated in trading in trust certificates issued by the trusts
of the 1880s. Initially, they traded as unlisted shares. But after 1891, they were fully listed on the
New York Stock Exchange. Beginning in the fall of 1897, a post depression merger movement
virtually completed the shift of most American companies to publicly held corporations with listed
The corporation with transferable shares converted the underlying long-term risk of a very large
amount of capital into a short-term risk of small amounts of capital. Marketable securities also
enabled investors to spread their risk.
Large enterprises are characterized by agency risk. Agents and employees may fail to act diligently.
They may consciously or unconsciously act in their own interests than in the interests of the owners.
Managers in charge of different functions lobby to get funds for their own functions. But there are
advantages in setting up large enterprises managed by professionals. So, what is necessary is a
mechanism to set up effective devices for controlling/minimizing agency risks. This is taken care of
through marketable stock. If the investors do not like the way in which the company is being
managed, they can sell off their shares and drive down the market value of the stock.
Economic development is possible only if there exist investors with no financial or bureaucratic
interest in preserving an arrangement which is less economical than an available successor. So, there
must be decision makers for whom sunk costs must have zero values. One of the most distinctive
features of capitalist economies has been the practice of decentralizing authority over investments to
substantial members of individuals who stand to make large personal gains if their decisions are
right, who stand to lose heavily if their decisions are wrong and who lack the economic or political
power to prevent at least some others from proving them wrong. According to the authors, the
diffusion of authority to select capital expenditure programs is essentially about the diffusion of
authority to select projects for innovation.
Large corporations had to cope with the difficulties of organizing work forces of unprecedented size.
The confrontational aspects of the relationship encouraged the substitution of capital-intensive
production for labour intensive production wherever possible.
The link between science and wealth
At the beginning of the 19th century, most industrial technology, including the technology of the
industrial revolution was the work of artisans or engineers with little or no scientific training. Among
the various branches of science, chemistry was the first discipline to produce results useful for
industry. The first industrial research laboratories in the US were established by chemists. The first
phase of the application of science to industrial processes and products consisted of testing,
measuring, analyzing, and quantifying process and products in place. Such laboratories contributed
information rather than invention or new scientific insights. Chemistry not only offered a better
understanding of processes but in some cases, it also led to the development of new products. In
many cases, the best way to improve a product was to improve the materials of which it was made.
Physics had developed as a body of knowledge before chemistry. But its usefulness was more clear
in astronomy than in everyday life. The full impact of science on industrial technology could be felt
only after 1875. Bell laboratories, established in 1925, launched a program to improve the reliability
and longevity of vacuum tubes. In the 1940s, William Shockley developed an electronic amplifier of
semi conductive material instead of using vacuum tubes.
After 1880, industry became more closely linked with science. The intervals between scientific
discovery and commercial application began to grow shorter. By the early years of the 20 th century,
industrial research had quite clearly turned toward the development of new products and processes.
As long as industrial technology was focused on the visible world of the mechanical arts, advances in
technology originated almost entirely with artisans who were imaginative and ingenious but in no
sense learned scientists. About 1875, the frontier of western industrial technology began to move
from the visible world of levers, gears, cams, shafts, pulleys and cranks to the invisible world of
atoms, molecules, electron flows, electromagnetic waves, inductance, capacitance, magnetism,
amperes, volts, bacteria, viruses and genes.
There was an immense gulf between societies in which science was in the hands of a few wise men,
with individual agendas and western societys thousands of specialized scientists seeking to
contribute to a coherent understanding of all natural phenomena. The experimental method was
adopted by a number of researchers and their common method united them in a community of
working scientists. The west scored over other societies, by getting a large number of scientists,
specialized by different disciplines, to cooperate in creating an immense body of tested and organized
knowledge whose reliability could be accepted by all scientists.
The west successfully organized its scientists with little hierarchy. This encouraged independent
thinking. Hierarchical organization might have resulted if the funding of basic science could have
come from only one source. The diversity of sources of finding enabled western society to undertake
research activities on a large scale. Western science also rose at a time when political and religious
authorities lacked the power to suppress new ideas with incompatible explanations of natural
Western society encouraged a large number of companies to work on different ideas. Consequently,
the system became biased towards acceptance of proposals. Innovation is more likely to occur in a
society that is open to the formation of new enterprises than in a society that relies on existing
companies for innovation. The openness of western societies to the formation of new organizations
and to changes in the activities of existing organizations encouraged innovation by the threat of
penalty for failure to innovate. The organization of the scientific side of western innovation took the
form of a proliferation of research laboratories widely different in size, sponsorship, goals, personnel
and facilities. According to the authors, Innovators must be, by self-selection, more willing to take
risks than the average individual, more given to dissent from the status quo, more willing to upset
applicants. They are therefore more likely to flourish in a society that either fails to inculcate a
complete respect for authority or that offers a number of competing authorities to its members.
Individuality has found expression not simply in western innovation, but in the multiplicity of ways
the west went about the work of innovation.
Growth is a form of change. Change implies innovation. The western system of innovation
depended on the wide diffusion of power to undertake and use innovations, coupled with rewards for
success and penalties for failure. The system of innovation penalized those who failed to cope with
change. Scientific and technical knowledge could be converted into economic growth became
western society enjoyed a social consensus that favoured the everyday use of the products of
Diversity of Enterprise
Large publicly held corporations in mass-production industries are the most conspicuous type of
economic organization in the west. But they arrived on the scene too late to qualify as a fundamental
explanation of western economic growth. Undue emphasis on large corporations understates the role
of smaller enterprises in the development of the west. Many innovations in the west have succeeded
by trying out new ideas in new enterprises organized on an experimental scale, with little
commitment to the status quo. Moreover, the western system employed enterprises of all types and
sizes, depending on the nature of the economic mission for which the enterprise was organized. Not
just the large corporations.
The formation of new enterprises plays an important part in growth by innovation. New enterprises
can be established on a small, experimental scale at relatively low cost. Their efforts can be intensely
focused on a single target. Many of the smaller enterprises fail but the few which succeed constitute
an important source of innovation. The easy formation of new enterprises tends to act as a
disciplinary device for older enterprises. New enterprises, specializing in new technologies have
been instrumental in the introduction of electricity, the internal combustion engine, automobiles,
aircraft, electronics, aluminium, petroleum, plastic materials and many other advances. Many Third
World countries have made the mistake of seeking growth by imitating the largest mature western
enterprises instead of facilitating growth by experiment, though start ups.
In the west, in the same industry, firms of different types and sizes tend to coexist. The same
industry may have contract, brand-name and specialized manufacturers. Smaller firms engage in
activities that are quite different from those of larger ones. The main thrust of the publicly-held
industrial corporation, as an institution, is to use capital intensive, labour-saving methods of
manufacturing. As a result, most of the labour force in countries like the US is employed outside the
manufacturing sector. Most of the work of producing and distributing goods and services in western
economies is done in smaller enterprises. Large industrial organizations organize a higher proportion
of the economys capital resources than of its labour resources. But labour is the more important
resource, in terms of social significance. And industrial giants are not the institutions used to
organize labour.
A fundamental characteristic of organization in western economies has been decentralization. The
strength of the tendency to decentralization in western economies has not been adequately
appreciated. There have been many prophecies that capitalism will end in the domination of western
economies by a few capitalists. Such prophecies have turned out to be false.
The relation of the political to the economic sphere may be analyzed by the methods of economics.
From the viewpoint of economics, one would expect the division of output between the holders of
political power and the economic sector to encounter some maximum point: the level of