Mediation at MIT Training Manual
Mediation at MIT Training Manual
Mediation at MIT Training Manual
Mediation Training
Carol Orme-Johnson
Mark Cason-Snow
copyright Mediation@MIT 2002
Many people have contributed to the creation of this Manual. Carol Orme-
Johnson is the Director and Mark Cason-Snow the Assistant Director of
Mediation@MIT, the peer mediation program at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT). Together they have taught the Basic Training in Mediation
and numerous shorter classes in conflict resolution for seven years. Other
major contributors to this work include Laura McDonald, co-founder with Orme-
Johnson of Mediation@MIT, Mary Rowe, an expert in negotiation theory and
Ombudsman at MIT for over twenty years, and Toni Robinson, Ombudsman at
MIT (and mediator with the US Postal Service and consultant with ADR Options
Consulting) and author of most of the section on multicultural issues. Barbara
Fienman provided editorial assistance. Numerous others have contributed ideas,
criticisms, feedback, and help.
This Manual is designed to be used with a Handbook for the participants and a
video, "The Bench by the Wall". On request Mediation@MIT will sell one copy of
the Handbook, and license to make up to 24 copies. The video is available for
purchase from Mediation@MIT. For more information contact We also recommend that all participants read Getting Past
No, by Ury, and we discuss it in class.
Note that the numbers in the left column of the Manual represent the number
of minutes allotted for that section of the class, totaling 180 minutes per class.
This Manual is intended to serve as a guide for the trainer(s) leading a Basic
Training in Mediation for participants with no prior mediation experience. It
reflects the style of mediation and the style of teaching we use at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This version contains the changes
and improvements we have made in training over 250 faculty, staff, graduate
students and undergraduates over the years.
The mediation model we use in the peer mediation program and teach in the
training utilizes two co-mediators and is somewhere between problem-solving
and transformative in its approach. Mediation is totally voluntary and
confidential. No one “sends” participants to mediation and no one enforces the
agreement. The parties must choose mediation, or it will not happen, and chose
to abide by their agreement (if one is reached). Mediators maintain complete
confidentiality and parties are asked at the outset not to reveal anything said
there. There is no official record of the agreement or indeed of the mediation.
We teach a formal mediation process with co-mediators and then offer
participants opportunities to practice using these skills in informal settings as
The teaching style is highly experiential. The best way to learn to mediate is by
doing it. Accordingly, participants spend approximately half of their time in role
plays, and lectures are mixed with exercises. Feedback from participants has
reinforced the value of the role plays.
Three themes recur throughout the lectures and role plays: party control, self
awareness, and diversity. It has been our experience that most participants are
not familiar with a dispute resolution process in which the parties themselves
decide what issues to address and what the outcome will be. They must be
taught to resist their impulse to fix or tell the parties how to fix their problems.
We emphasize that a good mediator must be aware of, and therefore able to
prevent interference from, his/her own approach to conflict, own sensitive
issues, and own assumptions about others. Mediators' and parties' assumptions
based on gender, race, religion or ethnic background and ignorance of others
beliefs are particularly likely to impede the open communication so crucial to
mediation. We teach a western style of mediation based on the belief that the
way to resolve a dispute is to talk candidly about it.
The training comprises eleven sessions, nine lasting three hours and two lasting
four hours for a total of thirty-five hours. At MIT it is not offered for credit but
is compressed into two weeks during our Independent Activities Period between
semesters. Two trainers attend every class and divide the teaching load. We
also have guest lecturers teach the diversity and negotiation theory classes,
and mediators we have trained help as role play coaches.
The five formal and four informal mediation role plays allow opportunities for all
participants to mediate two or three times and observe the process (as neither
mediator nor party) once, as long as the groups do not exceed five people each.
The quality of the role play experience will be significantly affected by the
ability of the coach assigned to each group to identify and explain both
mistakes and achievements. Limiting the class size to between twenty and
twenty-five participants has the benefits of keeping down the number of
coaches needed and allowing for the group to bond, which can be a very
valuable experience.
Because this training was created for a college setting, the subjects of the
examples used in class and of the role plays are primarily drawn from campus
life. The skills and insights acquired are, of course, equally valuable in non-
academic settings. In fact, in every class at least one person reports that the
training has fundamentally changed his/her life.
Carol Orme-Johnson
Mediation@M IT
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
December 2002
Session 10: Getting Past No, & Role Play #6A&B ......................... 47
#1 Delta Delta & The Sisters
#2 Lee & Ricky
#3 Sherron & Taiwo
#4 Annie & Janet
#5 Carl & Louis
#6A Terry & Yuen
#6B Walker & Quick
#7A Linda & Bob
#7B Claudia & Sunil
1. Conflict Resolution Styles List of 5 principal styles
2. Active Listening Listening Skills
3. Active Listening #1 Listening is Important and Powerful
4. Active Listening #2 What’s “Active” About It?
5. Active Listening #3 3 Ways of Looking at AL
6. Active Listening #4 Active Listening Skills
7. Active Listening #5 Get the Story
8. Active Listening #7 Probe / Clarify Meanings
9. Active Listening #8 Listen for (and Respond to) Emotions
10. Active Listening #9 Summarize
11. Active Listening #10 Value Silence
12. Uses of Active Listening Goals & Challenges in Mediation
13. Active Listening Exercise #1 Scenario 1
14. Active Listening Exercise #2 Scenario 2
15. Reframing in Mediation Goals of reframing
16. Reframing Strategies #1 De-escalating and calming
17. Reframing Strategies #2 Moving from positions to interests
18. Reframing Strategies #3 Turning concerns into solvable problems
19. Reframing Strategies #4 Developing shared goals or trade-offs
20. Reframing Batting Practice Exercise for group practice
21. The Flow of a Mediation Description of early stages in the process
22. The Flow of a Mediation Description of later stages in the process
23. Pronouns Use of language in mediation
24. Negotiation Styles Graphic representation of distributive conflict
resolution styles
25. Negotiation Styles Graphic representation of distributive conflict
resolution styles, plus collaboration
26. Preparing for Negotiation List of tasks for Distributive Negotiation
27. Preparing for Negotiation List of tasks for Integrative Negotiation
28. Preparing for Negotiation List of tasks for Mediation
29. Sources of Power Perceived power in a negotiation
30. Groundrules Avoiding Pitfalls and Handling Options
31. Types of Agreement Narrowing the focus from general to specific
32. Mediator's Role: Overview Structuring the process
33. Mediator's Role #2 Channeling communication
34. Mediator's Role #3 Reality check
35. Mediator's Role #4 Brainstorming & generating options
36. Mediator's Role #5 Creating opportunities for understanding
37. Mediator's Role #6 Noticing the signposts
38. Style as Strategy Turning a style into a strategy, w/ examples
39. Transformative v. Problem- Summary of characteristics of each approach
Solving Mediation
45 Introductions
• Trainers introduce selves
• give short definition of mediation: a process for dispute
resolution in which an impartial person intervenes and facilitates
the discussion between the parties and the outcome is based on
the consensus of the parties
• distinguish arbitration and negotiation
• elements of model taught here = voluntary, confidential, co-
mediators (other models may be mentioned)
• Go around circle: name (and catchy phrase to remember)
and major/job
• Confidentiality and safe space
• Go around circle: why are you here?
• Why we offer training -- to train mediators for peer
mediation program and to spread peace-making / listening
skills, which are valuable in many arenas
15 Overview of Course
3 Themes:
Process controlled by and centered on parties
Self reflection / analysis
Multicultural / diversity issues
15 Dynamics of Conflict
Outcomes of Escalation
• people stop talking, disengage
• conflict widens, others get involved
• violence
• legal battles
• unilateral action
• sabotage
• people give up
• people get stressed
• people become irrational / make bad decisions
• conflict reaches point of no return
What conclusions would you draw from this list about your
initial tasks as a mediator?
5 Stages of Competence -
Session 2
• Deescalates/calms
• Creates clarity
• Deescalates/calms
• Creates clarity
• Two-way
Active Listening
• Summarize
• Value Silence
• Check accuracy
• Examples:
– “You’ve said a lot. Let me see if I understand…”
Value Silence
[SLIDE 13]
What are the goals of listening in mediation?
• getting information
• building trust (listening goes along with keeping confidence,
being open about process, not surprising people, honoring
process & ground rules) showing willingness to hear about
difficult issues
• defusing emotions, de-escalating
• bringing out underlying interests & concerns (positions ‡
POSITION: A stance one takes on a particular issue
INTEREST: An underlying concern or need of a person
•Avoid reinforcing positions--frame things in a way that
leaves the most options open.
•The more you know about interests, the greater the
options for resolution
• translating / building bridges
• increasing clarity about goals, interests, concerns
Pair up. With a partner, decide who will speak first and who will
listen first (you will switch off halfway through the exercise).
The speaker should choose a topic. It can be a real concern in
the speaker’s life (something minor to moderately
important—whatever the speaker feels comfortable with), or it can
be one of the scenarios described below.
After the 4 minutes are up, debrief for 2 minutes. The speaker
should describe what it was like to be listened to, and indicate
what things the listener did effectively.
Switch roles and repeat with second scenario.
25 Reframing Lecture
[SLIDES 16-20]
To reframe effectively you must know what direction you want the
negotiation to go.
What is each person’s motivation / real interest?
How can you tap into that to reach resolution?
e.g., after "I just can't work with the people on my team," ask,
"What do your team mates do that bothers you?" Later ask,
"What if they stopped doing these things? Would you want to
stay on the team?"
Teaching Method: The real learning is in the role play, and the
lecture just gives them the nerve to try it. Ideally the number of
participants in the class will be divisible by four; so that in role play
groups of two parties and two mediators, half the class will mediate
in this role play, and half in role play #2. Participants may object
that they do not yet know enough to do it, but instructors should
encourage them to try it. Jump in!
5 Questions
Focus on Process
Parties worry about content.
Mediators must provide effective process.
Formal mediation has a structured process.
[SLIDE #22]
[SLIDE # 24]
Session 4 (4 HOURS)
2. definitions
negotiation: any interaction between two or more
different points of view
distributive: claiming all the profit or the maximum share
for oneself -- winning it all
integrative: creating value (expanding the pie) and
finding solutions that best meet the needs of all or most
parties, especially over time
“She said she would just sue me...” The power of sanctions
is the reverse of rewards. Sanctions may be legal, as in a
legal boycott, or outside the law, as in a prohibited strike. It
could also include speaking ill of someone in public, closing
off opportunities, opening up someone to an investigation,
writing a poor evaluation on an employee survey, organizing
someone’s enemies to block that person’s promotion,
frowning and scowling, obviously refusing to deal with
“I will get you and your children, if you continue...” Force is
usually thought of as violent or illegal behavior or the threat
of violence and criminal behavior. But it could also include
legal acts of war or having the security force of an employer
usher someone forcibly away from a workplace.
“She is the most important employee here — she is the only
person who really knows how the data system works.”
Expertise is a common source of power in the high-tech
world. It can be an especially interesting and unusual source
of power in a traditional workplace or a developing society
because it may become available to people of any age or
gender or ethnicity who have special skills that are needed.
Thus people of lower caste or have-not groups may be able
to develop scarce expertise and increase their negotiating
“He was able to get us the information we needed about
what our competition is planning for the next year.”
Information power — like expertise — can become available
to a wide variety of people in a wide variety of positions.
Information may be in the form of data — or lie in
understanding of how an organization works. It may be
acquired and used either legally or illegally. As with some
other sources of power this one may not be apparent to a
negotiating partner or opponent. In an assessment of the
negotiating power of another party it is always useful to
assess the information sources that might be available to
An Elegant Solution
“We were completely stymied. He walked in here with a
magic wand— he fitted together all the pieces of the puzzle
and found us a workable answer that helps everyone at least
a little and saves face for everyone.” The person who can
come up with a solution that fits all the major pieces of a
problem —possibly in an economical or otherwise attractive
fashion — often develops great power especially when
circumstances are difficult. Elegant solutions are built on
exceptional knowledge of the interests of each party and are
particularly likely to occur when one can “enlarge the pie.
“She just never gave up. She camped outside his office night
and day until finally he had to listen..” Commitment,
especially in its extreme forms like hunger strikes, can be an
immensely potent source of power. It is therefore
sometimes unthinkingly adopted by people who perceive
themselves to “have no power.” It can occur in many
different forms, including verbal forms like haranguing and
nagging. It has the characteristic that its use often angers
the person or people against whom it is used. Use of
commitment power may also lock the person who uses it
into a situation where backing off seems impossible or
causes intolerable loss of face. Therefore dealing with
someone using the power of commitment often calls for
special techniques to save face.
15 Break
The Introduction
Make it your own – not too formal atmosphere
Keep it brief, appropriate
Keep eye contact, be open to questions
Don’t be surprised if people aren’t paying attention
[SLIDE 31]
Avoiding Pitfalls
Avoiding a fall:
• Get parties to “own” the ground rules
• Share responsibility with the parties: “let me know if you
feel a rule is being violated”
• Avoid “heavy-handed” responses – intervene in an impartial
and constructive way
Agreement Writing:
• Begins very early in mediation -- keep notes
• Their agreement, parties in control
• Momentum keeps parties working -- emphasize positives &
remind them of desire to resolve
• Some enthusiasm necessary on both sides to motivate them
to keep it
• Need sufficient clarity to abide by but no more (e.g. quiet =
turning stereo down or off?)
• Distinguish between mediator’s interference and reality
• [If your program uses a form for Agreements, introduce and
explain it.]
• When writing, as much as possible use joint agreement
language (A & B agree to...), but when necessary to state
singularly, alternate terms of agreement (1. A agrees to...,
2. B agrees to..., 3. A agrees to..., etc.)
• May include contingency, explaining what will happen if
agreement not honored
[SLIDE # 33]
Getting information from parties is not alone enough to
generate settlement
What can / should a mediator do with the information
If the parties have to work out their own resolution, what is the
mediator’s role?
15 Break
Joint Session
First Caucus
Who would you call in? Why?
How would you begin private session?
Session 7
OK, you’ve helped the parties agree upon some ground rules,
identify their issues and at least some of their interests, they’ve
vented a little bit or maybe a lot, agreed upon their agenda items,
and you’re feeling smug because the mediation process seems to be
going well. Now its time to move forward toward resolution and all
of a sudden the going gets tough, the parties are stuck in their
respective positions.
10 Brainstorming Review
How to do it
1. throw all ideas on table, regardless of feasibility
2. assess each and discard really impossible, keeping all others
regardless of desirability
3. rank the possibles according to desirability
4. preferably do it with all parties together
When to do it
1. not too soon -- need rapport with parties
2. problem/issues must be defined
3. use it when stuck
4. maybe more than once
10 Break
Session 8
Ask participants:
- And, recognizing your own values (via your own pie chart)
and where you fall on the continuums can help you assist the
parties to the mediation in devising their own action plan for
addressing future situations involving issues around culture
and diversity.
75 Circle
Emphasize safe space. Every person speaks about his/her
own background and how his/her identity groups have
affected his/her life (when first conscious of it, significant
events, family attitudes), 2-3 minutes per person. Close
with acknowledgment of variety and thanks for sharing.
30 Scenarios
Session 9
Transformative approach:
Suppose a party withdraws from a mediation. Would that be a
success or a failure?
What might make it feel like a ‘success’?
What outcomes might occur that would make it feel like a
valuable process?
[Record responses on board]
- clearer sense of issues
- clearer sense of own priorities
- more information
- better understanding of other person
- ability to recognize others’ point of view
- chance to be heard
- better sense of realistic options
- better negotiating skills
- make own well-informed and clearly-thought-out decisions
Transformative Mediation
History: Bunch of mediators saw cases in their own practice
where “good things” (i.e. list above) happened even when
settlement was not reached, and vice versa.
[SLIDE # 41]
5 Assign roles for Role Play #6A & 6B (use Informal Role
Play Assignment Sheet, in Handouts.)
Describe how this role play session will work:
1. groups of 3, i.e. only one “mediator”
2. allow 45 minutes for first situation, debrief for 5 minutes
3. then switch to second situation, same 3-person group with
different person “mediating”, and 5-minute debriefing
Session 10
• Help move from positions to interests.
• Process and prioritize issues, and frame them in the most
positive terms.
10 Informal Mediation
Informal Mediation Scenarios
among friends and co-workers in lab, living group, campus
organizations, etc.
most frequent use of mediation skills
invite suggestions of situations
Discussion: what are differences between formal and
informal process?
10 Break
Session 11 (4 hours)
10 Questions
60 Ethics
Points to consider:
• What does confidentiality include, and what are the limits
on confidentiality?
• Are we concerned with finding truth or reaching resolution (or
something else)?
• What is fairness?
Trainer to administer Affirmation (all participants repeat
after trainer):
"On all occasions when I mediate with [name of program] I
will not reveal any communication
• made in the course of and
• relating to the subject matter of the mediation,
• except for statements indicating that someone is in
imminent danger of serious harm,
• in any subsequent administrative or judicial proceeding or
to law enforcement or university disciplinary personnel,
• in any report (except for statistics with no identifiers) or
not all will mediate with campus program
opportunities for in-service trainings to keep skills sharp
25 Lunch
3. I let the speaker tell the story as he or she wishes to tell it.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Don’t Definite Need Do Okay Do Definite
Know Shortcoming Improvement Effectively Strength
6. I use body language and non-verbal cues to encourage, acknowledge and empathize with
the speaker.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Don’t Definite Need Do Okay Do Definite
Know Shortcoming Improvement Effectively Strength
7. I draw out the background and context of a situation.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Don’t Definite Need Do Okay Do Definite
Know Shortcoming Improvement Effectively Strength
10. I ask questions that encourage the speaker to reflect on perceptions, assumptions,
inferences and intentions as well as facts.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Don’t Definite Need Do Okay Do Definite
Know Shortcoming Improvement Effectively Strength
11. I recognize and acknowledge emotions.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Don’t Definite Need Do Okay Do Definite
Know Shortcoming Improvement Effectively Strength
12. I keep my composure and respond appropriately when strong emotions are expressed.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Don’t Definite Need Do Okay Do Definite
Know Shortcoming Improvement Effectively Strength
14. I summarize and check my understanding of the key facts or elements of the situation.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Don’t Definite Need Do Okay Do Definite
Know Shortcoming Improvement Effectively Strength
15. I allow for and value silence.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Don’t Definite Need Do Okay Do Definite
Know Shortcoming Improvement Effectively Strength
16. I handle internal and external distractions well.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Don’t Definite Need Do Okay Do Definite
Know Shortcoming Improvement Effectively Strength
17. I try to keep an open mind, even when I have doubts or judgments.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Don’t Definite Need Do Okay Do Definite
Know Shortcoming Improvement Effectively Strength
My strengths as an active listener:
• Review the facts thoroughly in advance so that you do not have to refer tot he
sheet except on rare occasions.
• If questions arise not covered by the facts given you, make up appropriate
answers, consistent with your character. If the issue is one the other party would
have known about, tell him/her as soon as you see him/her again.
• Think through your character’s motivation. What is the most important issue for
your character? What gets him/her upset? Why did s/he agree to mediation?
• Before you start, be clear on what you want to get from mediation-- your stated
• As you go along, be aware of your real interest, not necessarily the same as your
stated position.
• What will likely happen if you don’t reach agreement at this mediation?
• Remember that you want to trust the mediators, because you want them to
solve (help you solve) this dispute. If something about their manner really puts
you off, then you will never open up, but if they do a reasonable job of listening
and making you feel comfortable then gradually begin sharing more difficult or
personal information and working along lines they suggest.
Do not always begin your story at the beginning and relate it logically to the
end. People often begin with points freshest in their minds, i.e. recent events,
and may leave out significant points, either because they forget or because
discussing the point makes them uncomfortable. Know what makes your
character uncomfortable.
• Answer any questions about the process and make sure people understand
their roles.
• Be up front about your style of intervening and giving feedback. This will keep
the mediators from being unpleasantly surprised by some action you might
• Before you start, negotiate with the mediators about how interventions will
and what they are comfortable with (e.g. do they prefer to keep comments to a
minimum, or are they comfortable with short, frequent interventions)
• Also solicit from the mediators any particular things they would like you to
watch for or comment on.
Feedback During the Role-play
• Be wary of jumping in too often. Give the mediators a chance to learn by
experience and don’t overwhelm them..
• When you do intervene, wait for a “teachable moment.” Let things continue
to unfold long enough for mediators to be able to assess the consequences of
their actions, or until you see a pattern emerging.
• Try to keep interventions as brief as possible so that the mediators and
parties do not lose too much momentum. Keep the process moving, and be
clear about stopping and starting.
• Try out using a question to help the mediators focus on what is going on,
rather than just giving your assessment or advice up front. Same ideas:
Ask a one or both parties, “How are you feeling right now?”
Ask the mediators, “What reaction did you observe just now in party A?”
Problem-solve with the mediators: “How else might you approach that?”
Problem-solve with the parties: “What would have been more helpful?”
Ask the parties, “What would you like from the mediators right now?”
You’ll have about twenty minutes after the role play to discuss how things
went. It is the Coach’s role to manage this discussion. The focus should be on
the mediators’ behavior and decisions, and what they can learn from them.
We suggest the following sequence for the small-group debriefing,
I) Mediators speak first, discussing what they thought worked and didn’t
work. Encourage the mediators to pull out the positive.
2) Parties describe how the process felt for them, and how the actions of
the mediators helped or hindered their moving towards resolution.
3) Coach & Observer give feedback, using concrete examples and helping all
to think about constructive alternatives.
From the small group debriefing, pull out one or two things that worked well,
or points of learning, that you would like to share in the large group debriefing.
Thoughts on Giving Feedback
Completed by Date
Skill 1 2 3 4 5 Comment
A. Listening and Drawing Out Stories
Asked neutral, open-ended questions.
Non-verbal listening cues (e.g. posture, eye
contact) were supportive and balanced.
Recognized emotions and responded appropriately.
Clarified and checked understanding of party
Drew out background and context of the situation.
Elicited not only facts, but also parties' perceptions
of the situation and each other.
Effectively summarized essence of parties' stories
and concerns.
B. Clarifying Issues and Interests
Elicited parties' hopes and goals for the mediation
Helped to clarify and frame the issues
Explored beyond surface issues.
Identified and emphasized shared issues and
Drew out or framed concerns and interests
underlying party positions or demands.
C. Supporting the Parties
Established safe, constructive, supportive and not-
too-formal atmosphere.
Conveyed respect toward both parties.
Earned the trust of the parties.
Was impartial (or "equally partial to both sides").
Helped the parties identify their options and
Highlighted positives and opportunities for
Allowed the parties, not the mediators, to define the
Effectively addressed apparent or perceived
violations of ground rules.
Skill 1 2 3 4 5 Comment
D. Managing the Process
Explained the mediation process and mediator role
as needed throughout session.
Respected and reminded re confidentiality.
Managed time effectively, especially as time limits
Recognized process decision points and responded
Got agreement on process decisions.
Recognized party readiness to move forward and
made appropriate suggestions.
Brought parties back to unfinished parts of process
(e.g. finish storytelling before talking about
Made thoughtful choices (and/or got parties' input)
about use of private versus joint sessions.
E. Building Toward Agreement
Emphasized and reiterated points of agreement
throughout process.
Had a good grasp of each parties needs and
interests (both tangible and emotional).
Helped parties prioritize issues and interests;
explored flexibility.
Facilitated and encouraged communication
between the parties.
Assisted the parties in developing their own options
and evaluating alternatives.
Used BATNA and reality testing in a timely and
effective manner.
Managed the agreement writing process fairly and
F. Working with a Co-Mediator
Discussed strategy, style and preferences with co-
mediator before the mediation, and during
mediator caucuses.
Shared the process with co-mediator when with
Worked effectively with co-mediator's style.
Role Play:
Focus on Process
Parties worry about content.
Mediators must provide effective process.
Formal mediation has a structured process.
Mediator 1:
Hi, my name is (Mediator 1) and this is (Mediator 2). We work with the
mediation program here on campus.
Mediation gives you the opportunity to discuss the issues and concerns
that have brought you here. We hope that each of you will find
mediation helpful for thinking about your goals and identifying your
options for dealing with your situation. Just by talking through things
here you may find that you are better able to make choices about what
is important to you and determine a course of action.
You may also hear and better understand the views and perspective of
the other person. Together, you may find that you are able to work out
a resolution of the issues that is satisfactory to both of you.
Our role here is to assist you both to talk about your concerns and to
fully understand the issues involved. We will listen and ask questions,
and you will also have the opportunity to listen to and ask questions of
each other. We will also help you think about possible options that may
resolve the situation. We do not make any decisions, however. We are
not judges—we try to stay as neutral as we can in helping you make
decisions and talk through the problem. Whatever comes out of this
mediation will be something that you have developed and chosen.
Mediation is also confidential. Whatever you discuss here we will keep in
confidence and not share beyond ourselves and the program coordinator.
If we end up meeting with you separately—which we often do—then we
will also hold that information in confidence, and won’t communicate
anything to the other person without your permission. We may take
notes to help us keep track of things, but we will destroy them at the
If we reach the point where you have worked out some agreements that
you both want, we will meet all together to finish that agreement up.
Agreements in mediation can be written or verbal—that is up to you. If
you do want a written agreement, then that is a private, voluntary
agreement between you. We can make copies for you, but our program
does not keep a copy—there is, in fact, no official record of the
mediation. We do not enforce agreements in any way, although you are
certainly free to return to mediation if there are problems and you both
choose to.
Are there any other groundrules or guidelines that you think might be
helpful? You two know each other and the situation better than we do,
of course.
[other possible groundrules: insults/language, using "I" statements,
communication with third parties]
[discuss and negotiate ground rules] We can come back to the subject
of guidelines/ground rules at any point where you feel stuck or think it
would be helpful.
So we’re going to continue meeting together for a while, and we’ll start
with having each of you talk about the situation and how you hope this
mediation might be helpful.
Any preferences about who talks first? [OR start with person who
requested the mediation]
Write, for your own eyes only, answers to these four questions:
1. How were conflicts resolved in your family when you were growing up?
2. What lessons have you learned about conflict resolution from your
experiences with family, friends, co-workers, etc.?
3. When you have a conflict with someone, how do you prefer to handle it?
For Tactics When Stuck
Take one sentence from the list below and write two or more
constructive statements for moving forward. Assume that you are
in the Sherron and Taiwo scenario.
Are there particular topics or skill which you think need more attention?
Comments on the readings: Useful? Too much or too little? How much
time do they take?
VALUES: Individual
growth, self-determination VALUES: Satisfaction of
parties’ interests
Facilitator; helps parties MEDIATOR ROLE:
make the most of Conflict resolution “process
opportunities for expert”; helps parties
empowerment and analyze interests and
recognition maximize joint gains
INFORMAL ROLE PLAY #6A&B: Linda & Bob and Claudia & Sunil
The undersigned hereby certifies that on [fill in date of last
Please rate your experience in the following areas of this training according to whether
each helped or hindered your learning:
Structure/Format of Training 0 1 2 3
Style of Presenters 0 1 2 3
Content of Presenters 0 1 2 3
Most useful:
Least useful: