Present Simple Present Continuous (Duration) Present Perfect Simple (Rezultat) Present Perfect Continuous (Durata

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Present simple

Present continuous(duration)

Infinitive + -s/-es(IIIsg): I eat/

he eats
Interogativ si negativ: aux.

Aux. BE la prezent + V- ing

( participiul present): I am
eating/ she is eating

I dont eat/ She doesnt eat
- actiune obisnuita,
Adverbe: usually,
sometimes, always, every
day/week/year, in summer,
on Wednesday, often, as a
rule, etc

We are studying English

Adverbe: now, right now,
today, this week/month/
year, at the moment, at
present, still, etc

I watch TV every night.

- adevaruri general
Vegetarians dont eat
meat./The Danube flows
into The Black Sea.
- in loc de viitor, in
subordonate temporale
si conditionale, dupa :
after, when,until,till, by
the time, as soon as, ,if,
unless ):
Ill call you when he

actiune in progress in
momentul vorbirii

actiuni temporare:

Im living in Brasov this

week. ( I usually live in

cu valoare de viitor
pentru a ne referi la
planurile immediate ale
cuiva sau la un
aranjament din viitorul
They are getting married
next month.
I am leaving to Bucharest

Present perfect simple


Present perfect continuous


Aux. HAVE/HAS + V-ed/ 3 rd

form of irregular verbs (
participiul trecut)

Aux. BE la pres perf:

have been/ has been( pt. pers a
3 a sg) + V-ing

I have eaten/ she has eaten


actiune care a avut loc

la un mom nehotarat din
trecut si are rezultat/
effect, in present

I have eaten 5
icecreams( accent pe
rezultatul actiuni- am

adverbe de timp
nehotarat si frecventa:
ever, never,just,
seldom, rarely, yet
( intotdeauna la sfarsitul
propozitiilor negative si
interrogative),already( i
n prop affirmative),
since ( pentru momentul
in trecut cand a inceput
actiunea), for ( pentru
perioada de-a lungul

actiune care a inceput in

trecut si continua inca in
present, cu accent pe

I have been eating for 30

minutes.( mananc- accent
pe durata actiunii)
- actiune inceputa in trecut,
care abia s-a incheiat si este
relevanta pentru situatia
Ive been cutting onions for
the last ten minutes.
- actiune repetata, care
devine iritanta, deranjanta,
I have been waiting for you
for 2 hours. Where have
you been?

cu valoare de viitor
pentru un eveniment
stabilit si pe care nu-l
putem modifica,
controla (schedules,
timetables) :
The plane takes off at 7.
( va decola)
- in loc de present perfect
cu verbe precum: hear,
win, tell, forget:
I hear ( have heard) that he
is getting better and better.
You win. ( have won)
I forget ( have forgotten)
your name.
- in exclamatii introduse
de here and there:
Here comes John! (Uite-l pe
- in explicatii,
demonstratii, indicatii
regizorale( cunoscut ca
presentul simplu
He enters, takes off his hat and
sits down.
You break the eggs, add some
sugar and mix them all.

careia s-a desfasurat

actiunea), already,
lately, etc

- cu verbul to be, pentru a

ne referi la comportamentul
de moment al cuiva:
You are being extremely
rude today., compared to:
You are usually a nice
- asociat cu adverbele
continually pentru a ne
referi la ceva care ne
deranjeaza, ne irita, la
un repros, o critica:
She is always complaining
about her parents.
Verbe care nu se folosesc
in mod normal la aspectul
- verbe ale simturilor, de
perceptie senzoriala:
see, hear, taste, smell,
feel, etc
- verbe de gandire: think,
know, understand,
realize, believe, etc
- verbe de emotie: love,
hate, like, dislike, want,
wish, etc

I have been a teacher for

ten years/ since 1999.

pentru actiuni care au

avut loc in trecutul
imediat, associate cu
just, in contrast cu
trecutul simplu:

He has just left.

He left 10 minutes ago.

pentru a ne referi la
experienta cuiva pana in
momentul vorbirii:
I have never been to
London before.

- adverbe: for, since, etc

verbe de posesie: have,

possess, belong, own,
owe, etc..
- verbe care exprima o
caracteristica generala:
matter, concern,
contain, consist, etc
Note: unele din ele se
folosesc la aspectul
continuu 1) cand isi
schimba sensul sau 2)cand
sunt folosite premeditat:

Past simple

I am seeing a lawyer
tomorrow. (appointment)
I am having a headache
today. (expression with a
different meaning)
Im thinking of going to
Paris next summer. ( intend)
2) I am tasting the soup to
see if its salty enough.
Past continuous
Past perfect simple

Infinitive + -ed( pentru verbele

regulate) / 2nd form pt vb din
lista verbelor neregulate) : I
tried/ she ate
Neg& Interrogative: DID
pentru toate persoanele +
infinitiv scurt: I didnt eat/ she

Trecutul aux. be: WAS/ WERE Trecutul aux. have: HAD

+ V- ing
pentru toate persoanele + V-ed/
3 rd form pt vb neregulate
- actiune trecuta, in
( participiul trecut)
progres, de obicei
intrerupta de una de mai I had eaten when you came
scurta durata, redata de home.

Past perfect continuous

Trec perf al aux. BE: HAD
BEEN( pt toate persoanele) +
I had been eating for some
time when my parents came

didnt eat

actiune incheiata la un
moment dat din trecut,
mentionat sau nu
folosit pentru a povesti
la trecut( trecutul
adverbe: yesterday, last
week/year, ago, etc

I ate strawberries yesterday.

I didnt eat apples .
Future simple
SHALL / WILL +sh infinitive
- actiune care are loc la un
moment dat din viitor
- on-the-spot decisions: Ill
have pizza.
- for requests or offers ( as a
modal): Will you help me with
my luggage?/Ill come and help
- predictions: He will fail the
- adverbe: tomorrow, next
week/ month/ year, etc
Ill eat seafood tomorrow.( voi

trecutul simplu
I was eating when you came.
- actiuni simultane in progress
in trecut
I was eating while my sister
was watching TV.

- se traduce de obicei cu
imperfectul romanesc

actiune trecuta,
- actiune trecuta, anterioara
anterioara altei actiuni altei atiune trecute, dar in
progress fata de actiunea
exprimata de past pefect simple
tradus de obicei cu mai
mult ca perfectul
romanesc sau cu perfect

Future continuous

Future perfect simple

Future in the past

Future of the aux BE: shall be/

will be + V- ing

Future of the aux HAVE: shall/

will have + past participle( Ved/ 3 rd form)

SHOULD/WOULD + infinitive

actiune in progress la un
moment dat din viitor

I ll be eating pancakes this

time tomorrow.(voi manca-cu
accent pe continuitate)

actiune terminata la un
moment dat din viitor

By the time you come back Ill

have eaten my soup.( voi fi
mancat, cu accent pe termiarea

actiune viitoare, vazuta

din trecut

My mum knew I would eat if I

was hungry.( stia ca voi

Other means of expressing the future:

Be going to ( conjugat la prezent) + short infinitive, folosit pt a exprima intentie: I am going to tell him the truth.( Ii voi spune
adevarul) si certitudinea ca ceva se va intampla : It is going to rain. (va ploua)
Be to + short infinitive, fol pt a exprima un aranjament : We are to meet at 7 p.m.( urmeaza sa ne intalim la 7), dar si un ordin: You
are to stay in bed for 2 weeks. (vei sta/ urmeaza sa stai)
Be about to + short infinitive, pt a exprima ceva iminent: Look at her, she is about to cry.
Be due to + short infinitive, folosita pt a exprima ceva inainte stabilit: The play is due to start in a few minutes. (Piesa urmeaza sa
inceapa in cateva minute).
Be bound to + short infinitive, for sth. certain or likely to happen, or to do or be something
There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.
It's bound to be sunny again tomorrow.
Present Continuous for arrangements in the immediate/near future: Im going to the theatre tonight.
Present Simple in timetables, schedules: The plane takes off at 7.

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