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General Knowledge

1- what plants exhale at night

2- velocity of sound m/s
3-which vitamins not stored in human
4- lake of vitamin c create which disease
skin desease
5-which vitamin help blood clotting?
6- founder of muslim rule in india?
qutubuddin abek
7- razia sultana belong to?

11- pakistan number among world

12- share of punjab among area of
13- length of khyber pass
14- urinium resources found in pakistan?
D G khan
15- mostly part of gobi desert found in ?
16- taklamakan desert found in
xinjaning china
17- longest river of the world is ?

slave dynasty

18- largest sea of the world ?

south china sea

8- second battle of panipat fought b/w

19-largest coastal boundry country?


correct option was not present my answer

was none of these(akbar vs himu bakal)
9- attock fort was constructed by
10- mancher lake situated in ?

20- brazil situated in ?

south america
21-which country is peninsula?
saudi arabia
22- pakistan situates on which line?
1- equator 2- cancer 3- inecapricorn 4- none
correet answer is option 4

23- macmohan line is situated b/w ?

india and china
24- who is david patrias?
american general in afghanistan
25- 1 meter is equal to ?
3.28 foot
26- caspian sea makes his boundries with
Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan,
27- largest agency among area in
south wazirastan
28- old name of iraq?
29-blood is red due to ?
30-marian trence situated near?
31- headquarter of ghandhara civilization
32- head quarter of saarc is situated at?
33- maximum wool produceing country
34- official religion of japan is ?
35- which element use for producing
nuclear fuel?
36- who many rakkhu in 30 paraa of

37-which is less conducter
1- iron, 2-copper 3- silver 4- wood
my answer was wood but not satisfied
38-nigara fall lies b/w
u.s.a and canida
39- which is smallest country of world
among area
1- maldeeve 2- malta 3- san marino 4bahreen
corect answer is option 3 san marino
40-holy prophet pbuh appoited governer
of yeman for collection zakat?
hazrat muaz bin jabal
41- who many times zakat mention in
32 times
42-which sura gives details among zakat
sura tuba
43-where ist wahii nazall hoe?
ghari hira
44- when zakat declered must
2 hijra
45-light of sun reach in earth
8.5 mint( while other options was 3mint
4mint 6.5 mint)
46- headquarter of ILO situated in ?
47- muslim league name was purposed
nawab saleem ullah khan of dahaka

48- juandice is disturb of which part of
49- quaid azam leave congress due to
non- coperative moment by gandhi
50-in hapatiets which organ disturb
51- nisab in the amount of gold
87.48 gram( but in paper there was not dot
present b/w 87 and48)
52- nisab in silver is?
612.32 gram

60- cash crop is?

which not cultivated for own use
61-artificial cultivated area give amount
ushr equal to
62- if a person obtained something from
underground the amount of zakat
63-zakat among goat aplicable on
40 goats

53-produce which is equal to nisab?

948kg wheat or equal

64- amount of zakat among gold silver

and similar things
2.5 %

54-if a person having millat1800kg whose

prize is half among wheat who many
rupees he pay zakat

65- a government company obtained 1

billion net profit tell who much rupees its
gives as a zakat

55-who was Father of the French

Jean-Jacques Rousseau -

66-zakat ordinance promulgated on

20 june 1980

56-statue of freedom in newyark is given

57- wall street is a famous?
stock market in newyork
58- sunlight consist of colours
a-1 b- 3 c-7( not confarm waiting for reply)
59-theory of relativety is presented by?

67-according to section17 tauluqa

committe is equal to
tehsil commiitte
68- dasman palace is residence of
ameer kwait
69-procelain tower is present in
70- which muslim organization founded
in 1962
Rabita al-Alam al-Islami

71- crtography is the study of

secret writting
72-founder of souct momemt
Robert Baden-Powell
73- elysee palace is the residence of
french president
74- second largest population in
75-worldwide spread disease is called?
76- zakat year start on
according to hijra clender
77- zakat year end ?
30 shaban
78- governer appointe chief administer
with the consult with
federal government
79- administerator general appointed by
80- The magnitude of earthquake is
measured with?
Richter Scale
81- Who forwarded the Lahore(Pakistan)
A.K fazlul haq
82- East India Company came to India in
the reign of:
A)Shah Jahan B) Jahangir C) Aurangzeb D)

83- The largest Muslim country according

to area is?
84- Zakat can be spent on:A)
Travelers B) Slaves C) Masakin D)All of
85- Zakat is exempted on:
A)Sheep grazing fed free in pastures B)
Fruits C) Vegetables D) All of them
86- Who was known as the Man of
nepolin bona part
87- Adam's Peak is in?
sri lanka
88- According to the Zakat Ordinance
Zakat arrears are collected by?
89- Red Cross/Crescent HQ is in?
90-Brain Drain
transfer of Skilled labors
91--light year complete direction in
1 year
92--musician of antham is
Ahmed gulami chagla
93- first ushr receive ?
1982-83 rabi crop
94-DZ committe disolved if
]member remain not pious

95- if a person failed to pay zakat what

act can do?
send a notice
1) Which of the following rivers crosses
the equator twice?
b) Congo
2) Which is the longest river of America?
b) Mississippi
3) Don is river of ?
b) Russia
4) What is the length of khyber pass?
c) 56 km
5) Longest glacier of the world is Lambert
situated in Antarctica, what is it's length?
a) 320 Miles
6) Which of the following lake is most
polluted lake in the world?
d) Lake eire
7) Tugela water fall is present in?
b) South Africa
8) Gota canal is the ship canal situated
in ?
c) Sweden
9) Kiel canal of Germany was opened in
1895 what is it's length?
c) 61.3 miles
10) Erie canal is situated in ?
c) USA
11) Houston and Delware canals are
present in the country?
b) France
12) Grand canal is oldest man made canal
for shiping purpose situated in?
b) China
13) Persian Gulf is located in?
b) Arabian ocean
14) Sutherland waterfall is present in?
a) New-Zealand
15) Hudson Bay is situated in?
c) Northern Canada
16) Which is the largest gulf of the world?

a) Gulf of Mexico
17) Which is the largest bay of the world?
a) Hudson bay
18) Yosemite is a famous waterfall of ?
a) USA
19) Strait of Bosporous connects?
c) Black sea and sea of marmara
20) It separates Italy from Sicily?
c) Messina
21) Strait of malacca separates?
b) Malaysia and indonesia
22) Which of the following straits
separate india From Sri Lanka?
b) Palk
23) Which of the following straits
separate Malaysia from Singapore?
b) Johor
24) Budapest is the capital of Hungary
situated on the bank of?
c) River Danube
25) Sea of Marmara and Aegean sea are
connected by the strait?
c) Dardanelles
26) Cook strait separates south NewZealand from?
b) North New-Zealand
27) Paris is the capital of France situated
on the bank of?
a) Seine
28) English channel separates England
b) France
29) Agra is very famous city of India due
to Taj Mahal, it is situated on the bank of
c) Jumna
30) Great victoria desert is present in ?
c) Australia
31) Gulf of sidra is present in?
a) Libya
32) Simpson desert is present in?
d) Australia
33) The river volga pours it's water into

b) Caspian sea
34) Which is the largest sea in the world?
a) South china sea
35) One of the country through which
equator passes is?
a) Malaysia
36) The deepest point in the ocean is?
a) Mariana trench
37) Which is the longest mountain range
in the world?
b) Andes
38) The origin of earth dates back to
b) 4.6 billion year
39) The second largest continent is?
d) Africa
40) South pole was discovered by?
c) Amundsen
41) The dates on which day and night is
equal ar?
c) 21st march and 23rd september
42) Which is the deepest ocean in the
c) Pacific
43) The important country close to
international date line is?
c) New zealand
44) Which of the following towns is
situated at the highest altitude?
a) Lhasa
45) Which is the longest day in the
Northern Hemisphere?
b) 21st june
46) What are the two seas linked by suez
a) The mediterranean and red sea
47) Where is the coldest place situated in
the world?
d) Antarctica
48) Which place in the world has the least
a) Africa
49) Which is the biggest fresh water lake
in the world?
d) Lake superior

50) South pole is located in the continent

of ?
d) Antarctica
51) Which is the longest river in the
a) Nile
52) Which is the deepest lake in the
c) Baikal
53) Which is the largest lake in Africa?
c) Victoria
54) Which is the largest desert in the
world present in north Africa?
b) Sahara
55) On the banks of which river is the city
of London located?
b) Thames
56) The rivers Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Bea
and sutlej are tributaries of which river?
b) Indus
57) Which among the following trees is
considered the tallest in the world?
c) Eucalyptus
58) Which of the following is a Kharif
b) Rice
59) Humidity in the river is maximum
in ?
c) Monsoon
60) World's largest river is?
c) Amazon
61) The first successful expendition to the
Mount Everest was made in ?
d) 1953
62) Which one of the following is an ore of
b) Haematite
63) The shortest day is?
b) 22 December
64) What is the duration of a day at the
b) 6 months
65) Which is the largest country in the
Arabian penunsula?
c) Saudi Arabia

66) Earth completes one rotation on its

axis in?
b) 23 hours 56 mints and 4.9 sec
67) The "Roof of the world" is?
d) The pamir plateau ( Tibet)
68) Which is the least populated country
in the world?
a) antarctica
69) Which of the following countries leads
the world in the export of oil?
c) Saudi Arabia
70) The Kalahari Desert, which stretches
over 1,40,000 miles is in?
b) South Africa
71) The panama canal links?
b) North America with south America
72) Which, amongst the following
countries, has the highest density of
population per Sq km?
a) Bangladesh
73) Which of the following countries is in
the continent of europe?
a) Albania
74) Which is the smallest continent of the
world area-wise?
c) Australia
75) Himaliya range is based in?
b) Asia
76) The word "Tsunami" belongs to
which of the following languages?
d) Japanese
77) Where is the largest coral reef
b) Australia
78) Which island was epicenter of
Tsunami of 26, december 2004?
b) Smatra
79) Which continent is without glaciers?
c) Africa
80) Which of the following gases is most
predominant in the sun?
b) Hydrogen

1. Number of SAARC member

2. Ban Ki-moon belongs to which
3. UN Security council has its HQ in
which city ?
4. OIC headquarter is situated in which
5. What is the capital of Libya London
Olympic hockey champion
6. When will US forces withdrawn
from Afghanistan, announced by
7. Bashar Hafez al-Assad is the current
what of Syria ?
8. What is the national flower of
9. The name of the park where Lahore
Resolution was passed ?
10. Who was the main person in
ALLAHABAD address?
11. Pakistan.Iran.India pipeline Name?
12. First constitution of Pakistan was
passed in which year ?
13. Sindh ML passed what resolution in
14. Pakistan Resolution in Punjab
Assembly was seconded by?
15. Highest civilian award of Pakistan?
16. Naval head quarter in which city
17. Last constitutional amendment
a) 21,
b) 18
c) 20
18. Acting president in absence of
19. Diamier Basha Dam is builted on
a) Indus
b) Channab
c) Jehlum
d) None of above
20. Head of State bank is called?
21. 7 NFC AWARD in which year ?

22. The mega project to irrigate

Baluchistan is
a) Kachi Canal
b) Gomal dam
23. Gawadar built with the collaboration
of which country?
24. Petroleum sector regulate by
25. Result of 1937 elections for Muslim
26. First mughal emperor was?
27. Muslim League formed in
28. In Pakistan main source of power is
a) Thermal
b) hydral
c) Coal
d) None of these
29. Friction is not present in
a) Swimming
b) Walking,
c) Slipping on ice,
d) None of these
30. What is protecting earth from
radiations of sun?
31. Instrument to measure humidity of
atmosphere is?
32. Branch of science that deals with
study of sound etc?
33. History is study of
34. The environment friendly energy
resources are?
35. Prism splits Light into _______
36. Effect of heat on the temperature of
boiling water?
37. Natural way of keeping the soil
fertile is _____
a) Crop rotation
b) Growing same crop
38. In respiration process during night
time plants

a) take carbon dioxide and exhale

b) take oxygen and exhale carbon
39. For burning which agent is
40. Device which doesnt store data
a) Hard disk,
b) CD
c) Microprocessor
41. Which is not a good insulator of heat
a) Wood
b) Iron
c) Wool
42. Fish respire through?
a) Fins
b) Gills
43. Main gases of green house
44. How do the planets stay in orbit
around the sun?
45. Which is the hottest planet of the
solar system?
46. Heart Rate of normal Human Being
47. Light year is unit of
48. Deficiency of iodine causes?
49. First written constitution in history
50. Number of hudood mentioned in
Holy Quran are?
51. Total books of sahi sita?
52. Who is called Ravi
53. Usul-e-Fiqah was first written by?
54. Al Hidaya was written by
55. City which is known as home of
a) Makkah
b) Madina
c) Baghdad
56. Shrimps are found in the market
which are great source of Foreign

57. The word round in "He took round

in" is----parts of speech?
a) Noun
b) Adjective
c) Verb
58. Afridi is one of those who never
submits to the miseries of his life.
59. Brian prevailed of his friend to sell
his car to me
60. Where------------his books?
61. One of the player score highest goals
in the tournament.
62. In the absence of facts we can -------from facts
a) Conclude
b) Deduce
c) Infer
63. Due to the shortage of fuel the
government has asked the public
to------ consumption
a) Exclude
b) Reject
c) Economize
64. Police had to ---- to another road as
there was terrible riots going on
a) Divert
b) Desert
c) Delude
d) Derive
65. He sets two alarm clocks so as to
----- that he did not oversleep
a) Assure
b) Confirm
c) Reassure
d) Ensure
66. As the clouds darkened, it soon
became obvious that a storm was ---a) Prominent
b) Eminent
c) Imminent
67. He ---- that it was 5'o clock
a) Recognized

b) Realized
c) Resolved
68. She was---- the people present?
a) Between
b) In
c) Besides
d) Among
69. I cant even thin ----borrowing
a) Of
b) For
c) With
70. Where ----- his books?
a) He puts
b) Did he put
71. The word "hoping to enter the
university" is a
a) Clause
b) Phrase
c) Sentence
72. His book ----- next week
a) Will be published
b) Will publish
73. Diamond is
a) Noun
b) Proper noun
c) Abstract noun
d) Material noun
74. A straight fence is to be constructed
from posts 6 inches wide and
separated by lengths of chain 5 feet
long. If a certain fence begins and
ends with a post, which of the
following could not be the length of
the fence in feet? (12 inches = 1
a) 17
b) 28
c) 35
d) None of these
75. 2 Cars moving in opposite direction
with 8km/h speed difference b/w

both covers a total distance of 208

miles in 2hrs. Calculate average
76. Average of multiples from 10 to 190
(10&190 included)
77. Tickets of children are sold at half
rate as compared to adults. There are
five adults tickets sold and 8
childrens. Find what was rate for
adult tickets. If total cost of tickets
was 27?
78. What comes next 1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,

79. Positive integer whose tenth digit is

5 longer than its unit. Sum of digits
is 11.
80. Which one is correct
a) -5 > -3.1
b) l - 23l = 23
c) 7/0 = 0
d) None of these
81. How many combinations of word
STUDY can be made?
82. There are 78 students enrolled in an
exam. 48 have chosen German 24
have chosen French. 09 have chosen
both. How many have not enrolled.
83. What percent decrease makes 160
pound to 152 pounds?
84. (-2)^9 + (2)^9
85. If 2x:5y=3:4 then x:y=?
86. f(x)= 3x^2 - 7x + 23 = ? when x = 2
87. Complete the series 012358...
88. What is the 150% of 48?
a) 56
b) 72
c) 96
d) None of these
89. Which is the prime number?
a) 2
b) 3

c) 7
d) All of these
90. 2^3 + 2^3 =
a) 2^6
b) 2^5
c) 2^4
d) None of these
1.Where is kalabagh dam?on the Indus
River at Kalabagh in Mianwali District
2.What was profession of fatimah
3.when did Quaid e Azam joined
Muslim Leaguel.?1913
4.Who is the president of India? Pertiba
5.IMF stands
for? International monetary fund
6.GDP stands for? Gross Domestic
6.Where is head quarter of World
Bank? Washington, DC
7.Where is Mohammad ali Gohar buried
in? born in england and burried
in Jerusalem (Baitul-Maqdus
8.Which country is in the north of
9.Pakistan major export is? cotton
10.Which is location of pakistan in asia
regin? south
11.Which is current Hijri year? cuurent
1433 AH
12.Safar taif mn hazur pak k sath kon sy
shabi thy? zaid bin haras
13.Quran pak mn kis sahabi ka zikar h?
zaid bin haras
14.Najashi k samnay kis sahabi ny
taqreer ki? jafar tayyar
15.Where is wambildon tanis ground?
16.How many seats in senate of pak?

17.Sad berg k writer ka name? sad barg,
khusbo, parween shakar
18.Qurtaba ka qazi k writer ka name?
imtiaz ali taj
19.Bait ul muqadas kis k dor mn fateh
howa? hazrat umar
20.Gawadar kis province mein hai?
21.Namaz e Juma kab farz hua? 1hijri
22.What is the Length of costal high
23.What is meaning of commence?
24.What is Renewable Source of
25.Peyam-e-Mashriq written by? Allama
26.Dobtay ko Tenkay ka sahara
Mohawra or zarbul missal? Zirbul misal
27.Shikwa poem of Iqbal is contained in
which book? Bang e dara
28.Comrade news paper issued by?
Muhammad ali johar
29.Most conductor of electircity
30.Vitaman which is taking from Sun
31.Largest islamic country by Populatin
32.No of Haroof-e-Muqatiyat are?29
33.Duration of Khalfat-e-rashida?30
34.How much Light speed is greater
than sound speed?greater
35.inflation means?
36.Which is the famous city in the
37.Indus water treaty held in?1960
38. 18 is 75% of what ?

39. 20 boys and 28 girls find the

percentage of girls ?
40. What percentage of 12 of 3 ?
41. What is word meaning of
42.It is 5 o clock ........my watch? by.
43.He is blind ............. one eye?of
44.He is agreed ...... .. my proposal?
45.10 3/7 is equal to ?
46) Kisi Ki Khas Wasaf Ki bina per usy
kia Kehty Hain ?kuniat
47.Where is 10 Downing Street ?
England PM David Cameron's home
48.All-India Muslim League founded at?
DHAKA in 1906
49.Constipation (Kabaz), caused
by? fiber deficiency.
50) Pitras Bukhari Ki Waja e Shorat?
Mizah Nigari

51.Where is located Gomal university ?

DI khan
52.Who was last viceroy of Hindustan?
lord mount baten
53.Rasool Allah ki wafat kn se hijri ma
54.Hazrat ibrahim a.s ka laqab?
55. .26divide 100=
103) Meaning Of "Tazbazab"
57.Fiscal year of pak : July 1 June 30
58.Jews kis jaga zeyada rahty thy?taif
59.Pakistan's cultivated area?27%
60. What is the largest barrrage of
Pakistan? Sakkhar
61.1st chief justice of pak? mian abdul
62.Pak joined UN in ? 1947
63. 8445 round off in 1000?
64) 2nd Round Table Conference Was Held
In ?london

65) Tehzeeb Ul Ikhlaq Written By ?sir syed

ahmad khan
66) Largest Employement Is In Which
Sector ?agriculture
67) Largest industry ?cotton textile
68) Population Of Pakistan ?18 kror
69) Khyber Pass Connects Peshawar With ?
70) who is Opposition Leader ?ch.nisar ali
71) Baba Farid Ganj Shakr Was Buried In ?
72) Bhasha Dam IS In Which Provinc?
Northern areas skrdu
73) Largest Food Crop OF Pakistan ?wheat
74) City, Famous For Handicraft And
Glazed Pottery ?sialkot
75) Holes In Ozone Layer In Which region ?
76) Pakistan's Economy FAce Decline Due
To ?all of abbove
77) Largest Industry of Pakistan ?
78) Largest City Of the World By population
79) Wrongly Spelt Nusrery, Liberery,
Secondary, Primary
80) Begger, Liar, Controller, .....,
81) Tournament, Ornament, Goverment,
82) Parfect, Select, defect,.....,

84) Enormous Means ?

85) Opposite Of Contract ?
86) Uncharged Particle Of Atom ?neutron
87) Speed Of Sound is..............Than Light ?
88) 5448 Rounded Off Nearest 1000 Is ?
89) If 42% of 550 Student Wish To go To
College.How Many Wish To Attend The
College ?
91) 3% of 12 is ?
92) A rectangle whose length is 16cm And
Breadth 3cm, Its Total Area ?
93) In Mein Se "zarbul Misal" Kaunsi Hai i)
eid KA Chand ii) Bhudi Ghodi Lal lagam
(iii)Doobty Ko tinky Ka Sahara (iv)Apne
Monh Mian Mithu?
94) Ghawaze Furqan kisy Kehty Hain ?
ghazwa badar
95) Hijrat K Waqt Hazrat Muhammad
S.A.W.W k Sath Kaun Tha ?hazrat abu
96) Jid Ul Anbia Kinhuen Kehty Hain ?
hazrat ibrahim
97) Pehli Wahi Me Total Kitni Ayat utrien ?5
98) Wibledon Grounds Are in ?england
99) Maximum Energy Is Given By Which
Food Component ?
100) To Operate Copmuter Command given
in Desired Way is Called ?

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