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How To Operate Missions in Your Church Teambook

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How to Operate an Effective

In Your Church


How to Operate an Effective

In Your Church

David Mays

Advancing Churches in Missions Commitment

How to Operate an Effective Missions

Leadership Team in Your Church
David Mays
copyright c 1996 by David Mays and ACMC, Inc.
updated c 2004 by David Mays and ACMC, Inc.
Cover and book design: Jenny Long

Published by:

ACMC, Inc.
4201 North Peachtree Rd., Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30341

Foreword ...................................................................v
Know Your Task........................................................3
Learn and Grow ......................................................13
Have Fun .................................................................21
Model Missions.......................................................25
Divide and Conquer ................................................29
Play by the Rules ....................................................35
Plan .........................................................................41
Make Heroes ...........................................................47
Do It Well................................................................51
Press On ..................................................................55

Missions is a big job. Someone has said that doing missions in the
local church is like running the global marketing division of a multinational business. It is extraordinarily complex. The burden for mastering this complexity falls on the missions leaders.
A churchs effectiveness in missions is often limited by their performance. It is important but not enough to love Christ and have a
passion for missions. Knowledge plus skills in leadership, organization, planning, and communication are required.

This book is intended to help church leaders develop the skills and
structures they need to lead their churches in missions. It may be
most profitable to study it a chapter at a time, in the regular missions
meetings. If the missions team will work through the exercises and
incorporate what they learn as they proceed, it may take a long time
to get through the book, but it will result in a more effective team.
And under the leadership of an effective team, it is difficult to overestimate what God may accomplish in the world through an individual
church. The potential is enormous!

May God give you guidance and perseverance as you seek to know
and do His will.

David Mays

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Tim Winter had been at Wildcat Creek Community Church about a
year before he was asked to serve on the missions committee.
He was uncertain whether to accept. He hadnt seen much evidence
of missions at Wildcat. His former church had a very active and progressive missions ministry team, and he wasnt sure he wanted to go
back to a committee. Tim wrote on his daily prayer list, Should I
serve on the missions committee?
Traditionally, many churches have relied on a womens ministry or a
lay missions committee to keep missions alive in the church.
However, committees have fallen on hard times. The word committee conjures up images of long discussions resulting in little action.
Someone said a committee is a group that consumes hours producing
A team, on the other hand, implies teamwork,
everyone contributing, cooperation, enthusiasm,
a common cause, relationships, and achievement.
The differences are more than semantic. Ministry
teams are doing ministry rather than deciding
what can and cant be done. This is highly significant for missions because of the expanding possibilities for lay persons. Today, people are
personally involved in missions in ways that are
limited only by their vision, creativity and

A team implies
teamwork, everyone
relationships, a
common cause and

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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 1

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This handbook will help you become more committed and effective
in leading your church in missions. You may want to consider one
section at each of your regular meetings or take a special two-hour
meeting to go through the whole book. Another alternative is to ask
your ACMC regional consultant to guide you through it and offer
advice personalized for your church.

Page 2

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Know Your Task

With some hesitation, Tim agreed to serve on the missions committee
at Wildcat Creek. Prior to the first meeting, he asked the chairman,
What does the missions committee do? We just do the missions
business, was the answer. This seemed a little vague to Tim but he
hoped to find out more at his first meeting.
The missions leadership group in your church probably does whatever their predecessors did. The most common tasks are:
1. distribution of the missions budget (particularly in independent
churches) and/or
2. planning an annual missions event (particularly in affiliated
However, there are many opportunities for a
missions team.
The effective missions team will want to do as
much as possible to serve the church in missions
while limiting themselves to what they can do
After the first meeting, Tim felt the job would
be simplified if they had clear boundaries based
on a well thought out definition of missions.
Missions had become a catch-all for a wide
variety of church involvements including the

The effective missions

team will want to do
as much as possible
to serve the church
in missions while
limiting themselves
to what they can
do well.

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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

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continued from page 3

denominational seminary and retirement home, benevolence, social
ministries, community services, local evangelism and cross-cultural
ministries. Further, no one seemed to know the purpose of some of
the overseas ministries supported by the church.
Because Tim had experience on an effective missions team, he made
a list of possible missions responsibilities for their committee.
The committee agreed that in their next meeting, they would decide
which of these jobs they would assume and they would try to define
missions so as to provide limits to their task.
Tims list is shown on the following pages:

Areas of Responsibility for the Missions

Leadership Team
Provide leadership for missions in the church.
Assist church leaders in obeying the Great Commission.
Develop the team structure and qualifications.
Recruit, orient, and educate the team.
Define the boundaries for the missions ministry.
Develop and follow appropriate policies and procedures for the
missions ministry.

Develop missions priorities and strategies for the church.

Set goals, make plans and carry out the plans.
Develop prayer support for missionaries and projects, for peoples
and nations, and for the poor and persecuted church.

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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

See that church missionaries are cared for, supported, assisted and

Educate the congregation regarding the biblical mandate, the historical progress, and the heroes of missions.

Keep the congregation informed of the churchs missions ministry, significant missions progress and trends, and the needs of
the world.

Plan and conduct missions promotion, education and awareness


Develop and administer the missions budget.

Assist church leaders in developing missions stewardship.
Equip and enable individuals to find personal involvement in

Plan and conduct missions trips.

Recruit and help prepare and guide missionary candidates from
the congregation.

Solicit, screen, evaluate, approve, organize, conduct and help fund

missions projects.

Develop and maintain relationships with denomination or independent mission organizations and supported missionaries serving
under those organizations.

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 5

Primary Areas of Responsibility for

Our Missions Leadership Team
Team Worksheet
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________

Our Definition of Missions


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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

At the second meeting Tim attended, the group spent some time discussing a working definition of missions and then began to consider
the areas of responsibility they would undertake. Although they had
not been working in several of these areas, each one seemed important. It was difficult to eliminate any of them from their charter.
After awhile one member exclaimed, We just
dont have enough people and time to do all these
things. We need more people.
As you probably know, said the chairman,
this committee is made up of the chairmen of
several other departments. This is prescribed by
our church constitution. And because we are
doing most of the work for the other committees,
we just dont have enough time to carry out these
tasks too.

Volunteers may
not be the best
way. This is Gods
work and surely
God will provide
people with the
right qualities to
do this task.

Couldnt we add additional people? asked Tim.

No one has volunteered. Everyone is busy and the Christian
Education Director is having trouble getting enough teachers. There
just arent enough people, commented Sara.
The chairman had an idea. Volunteers may not be the best way.
Lets pray about this, he said. This is Gods work and surely God
will provide people with the right qualities to do this task.
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I recall my eligible bachelor friend, Craig. He was preparing for the
pastorate and his elders thought he should get married. Whenever
they asked him about getting married, Craig replied, Im praying
about it. Finally one of the exasperated elders retorted, Craig, the
Bible says watch and pray! I believe thats what we should do,
watch and pray.
Further, I wonder if we should move from being a committee making decisions, to becoming a team where each member has a task to
do. Then we could get more done without just a few becoming
greatly overloaded.
If we were to add people, what kinds of people or qualities or capabilities would we like to have? asked Tim. After reviewing again the
list of responsibility areas, the team listed the qualities shown on page
May I offer an experience? asked Tim. A couple of years ago
when I wanted someone to co-teach an adult elective missions class, I
prayed God would show me whom I should ask. I prayed daily for
several weeks, and jotted down names of people who came to mind
that I thought would do a good job.
One evening at church, I went into an empty room looking for something and Duane was in the room. As we talked, I remembered that
he was on my list as one of the possibilities. Was Duane the one I
should ask? I thought about it a little more while we talked and then
asked him. He was eager to help teach the class and he has continued
on in missions leadership since.
Thats encouraging, responded the chairman. Will each of you put
this request on your daily prayer list and then jot down the names of
people God brings to mind? Lets watch and see how God directs.
We will approach the individuals we agree on and ask them to serve.
One more thing, Tim added. I believe we should describe in
advance what role we expect them to play. Lets write out what we
expect them to do and approximately how long it will take. And lets
ask them to commit for a specific length of time.
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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

As the missions team prayed, they became convinced that certain

individuals had some special skills the team needed. Surprisingly
some of these individuals were not already highly involved in church
programs; two were quite young, only in their twenties; and a few
were pretty new to the church.
Following the Lords leading, team members approached these people to do specific jobs in the church. Thankfully, several agreed.

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 9

Desirable Qualities for Missions Team

Healthy, growing spiritual life
Strong commitment to God, the church, and prayer
Concern for lost people
Cooperative spirit, good working relationships
Flexibility, open to change
Positive and optimistic
Representative of our congregation, not strangers
Hunger for learning
Dependable, faithful to follow through
Leadership and organization skills
Strategic thinker
Communications skills
Graphics and design skills
Understanding of finances
Time to carry out the responsibilities
An understanding of missions
Teaching or training skills

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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Expectations of Team Members

Meet twice a month with the team or task groups
Continue to learn about missions
Attend a missions training event annually
Lead one responsibility area
Commit to two years
Carry a global perspective into other areas of ministry

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 11

The Top Ten Qualities We Must Have On

Our Missions Leadership Team
Team Worksheet




















Our List of Expectations for Team Members













Page 12

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Learn and Grow

In subsequent meetings, the implications of some of the teams new
responsibilities occupied much of the business time. It gradually
became clear to everyone that there was a great deal the team didnt
Midway through one meeting, the chairman interrupted. Friends, he
said, lets admit that we are operating in the dark in a number of
these ministry areas. We just dont have all the information we need.
God cant guide us on the basis of facts we dont know. Frankly, I
think we need to embark on a learning process. Lets list some of the
things we need to know and then explore where we can get the information.
The team listed several areas and then they began to talk about
Tim had received most of his missions education as it related to the
local church through ACMC and he advocated the
church become ACMC members. The rest of the
God cant guide us
group wanted more information, however, and
they agreed to have an ACMC representative on the basis of facts
come to the church to serve as a sounding board we dont know.
for their new ministry agenda and to explain how
ACMC could help their church.
Following the representatives visit, several of the team attended a
regional conference and two went with the chairman to the ACMC
national conference where they saw excellent models of several areas
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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

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continued from page 13

of ministry and made contacts with individuals doing in other churches what they were trying to do.
Through ACMC membership, they received several useful resources.
One was the ACMC quarterly Mobilizer which focused on various
ministry topics of interest to them.
Besides ACMC, they sent some young people to the Urbana Student
Missions Conference and enrolled those who were available in the
course called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement.
Following the list of learning areas are two lists of resources they
began to use on their own and in special group meetings for developing their knowledge about missions, the local church and the world.

Page 14

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Learning Areas for the Missions Leadership

What the Bible says about missions
Mission agencies and organizations
Mission movements and alliances
Missions acronyms
Missions history
Missions strategies, tasks, and careers
Mission fields and strategies of our denomination
The missionaries we send and support
Cultures, cultural differences, and ministering cross culturally
Countries and peoples
International events in the news
Missions progress, status, and needs in the world
How to help someone become a missionary
Missions education, training, and prayer resources
Your churchs philosophy and policies
American church culture in relation to communicating missions

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 15

World Christian Discipleship Tools

and How to Use Them
Bedtime Praying. Take 5 minutes before going to sleep.
Global Prayer Digest (daily prayer guide for unreached peoples),
The Frontier Fellowship Movement, www.global-prayer-digest.org
Mission Frontiers (bi-monthly bulletin),
U.S. Center for World Mission, www.uscwm.org
Operation World, Patrick Johnstone, ed., (fascinating prayer guide
to the nations)
Amazing True Stories. These will grab you and not let go.
Bruchko, Bruce Olson
Near the Far Bamboo, Martin St. Kilda
Discover the Source, Neil Anderson
Peace Child, Don Richardson
Personal Study. Use for foundational study.
From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya, Ruth Tucker
Eternity in Their Hearts, Don Richardson
Let the Nations Be Glad, John Piper
Mission in the Old Testament, Walter Kaiser
Six Dangerous Questions, Paul Borthwick
Bible Study or Devotional. Use as a preparation resource.
Missions, Gods Heart for the World, Paul Borthwick
Until the Whole World Knows, Alicia Britt Chole,
Operation World, Patrick Johnstone, ed.
Witnesses to All the World, Jim and Carol Plueddemann

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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Small Group Study. Use as a study guide.

Gods Heart for the Nations, Jeff Lewis, Caleb Project
How to Be a World Class Christian, Paul Borthwick
The Great Commission, Rose Dowsett, Monarch Books
Unveiled: Gods Heart for His People Bible Study, Bob Sjogren,
(video curriculum) UnveilinGlory, www.unveilinglory.org
Global Progress. Use to see whats going on in the world.
Exploring World Mission, Bryant Myers
Missions in the Third Millennium, Stan Guthrie
The Next Christendom The Coming of Global Christianity,
Phillip Jenkins
Operation World, Patrick Johnstone, ed.
World Christian Data Base, Center for the Study of Global Christianity
Finding Your Niche. Use to find your role.
Becoming a World Changing Family, Donna Thomas
How to be a World Class Christian, Paul Borthwick
How to Get Your Congregation Involved in Missions, David Mays,
Run with the Vision, Bob Sjogren and Bill and Amy Stearns

Order most resources from ACMC, 1-800-798-ACMC, www.acmc.org

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 17

Introductory Resources for Orientation of

Missions Leadership Teams
Biblical Basis
Thread of Promise, 15-min. video, InterVarsity
Destination 2000, Bob Sjogren, 1st video, 25-min., ACMC
Four Men, Three Eras, 25-min., Lesson 5, Video 2, Vision for the
Nations, U.S. Center for World Misson
God So Loved the World, 15-min. video, InterVarsity
Cross-Cultural Training, session #4 by Duane Elmer, Go Prepared,
video-based curriculum for short term missions preparation by Teams
Commissioned for Christ International, Inc.
How Mobilized is Your Church for Missions?, Self-Evaluation
Profile, ACMC
A Biblical Stategy, Global Access Planner, Bruce Camp, Module, II
pp. 14-16, ACMC
Status of World Evangelization
Exploring World Mission, Bryant Myers, World Vision Resources
Introduction to Operation World, Patrick Johnstone
The Remaining Task
Final Frontiers, video, Frontier Media Productions, William Carey
The Final Frontier, 17-min., Part 5 video of Generation, Mars Hill
The 10/40 Window, Getting to the Core of the Core, 7p. pamphlet by
AD2000 and Beyond Movement
God at Work
Word Like a River, video, Wycliffe Bible Translators
E-TAAOW, video, New Tribes Mission
Prayer, The Work of Missions, 55-min. video by John Piper, ACMC

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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

My Missions Learning Plan

Personal Worksheet
I will use the following tools regularly
(daily or weekly):

1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
I will read and watch the following books and videos in the next
six months:

1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
I will meet with the following people to learn from them:

1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
I will be involved in the following study:



I will also:





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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Have Fun
As the missions team began to expand their knowledge base and work in new areas, they found there
were new decisions to make and new directions to
take. As they discussed these things, some vocal
members tended to dominate the discussions and
make most of the decisions.

When the buzz

is happening,
I know the work
is getting done.

Other members of the team were less confrontive

and let the others decide. However, they were not entirely comfortable with the situation. There seemed to be hidden agendas, unexplained emotions, perhaps some harbored resentment, and less than
positive exchanges. A lot was getting done, but things just werent
Tim talked to his friend, Brad, from another church. Brad said their
missions team were all great friends. They were frequently in touch
for social reasons and the wives were often on the phone. When the
buzz is happening, I know the work is getting done, quoted Brad.
Tim also talked to Carol, one of his contacts through ACMC. Carol
reported that they had begun praying for one another and for their
agenda at the beginning of each meeting. Carol said that when they
prayed over the agenda, the discussions seemed to take a lot less
One of the team members had been reading materials on small group
dynamics, and pointed out that they needed to build community.
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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

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continued from page 21

Someone quoted Carl George.
When the group focuses on doing and deciding and fails to blend
in loving and learning, its peoples behavior will fall apart. Theyll
radiate everything but care. (Preparing Your Church for the
Future, p. 93)
Another had read Roberta Hestenes.
If we leaders of the church dont know how to be the church to
each other as we do church business, where will we ever be the
church? (Leadership, Summer Quarter, 1989, pp. 46-52)
Lets have a potluck suggested Sara. After that the team began to find
other excuses to get together. Within a few months, the team was
enjoying being together, praying for one another, and working together much better.
Others were beginning to notice. This missions team is a fun group,
exclaimed one of the elders. Before long, there were some discreet
inquiries about what the missions team did and how one could
become part of the team.

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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Building Community on the Missions

Leadership Team
Study together.
Pray together as a team.
Pray for one another regularly.
Be vulnerable; share what God is teaching you.
Get together informally for fun and fellowship.
Take a ministry trip together.
Attend an ACMC conference together.
Visit a mission organization headquarters.
Take a tour of a needy area in your city.
Serve together on a non-missions church event.
Conduct your meetings in a home.
Enjoy refreshments or a meal before, after, or during a meeting.
Add levity to the discussion, minutes and agenda.
Share recipes, household repair projects, and ball games.
Do something spontaneous and special for a team member.

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 23

Building Community on the

Missions Leadership Team
Team Worksheet



To assure we have good prayer time together we will

_____________________________________________ ________ _____

________ _____


________ _____

To assure that we learn together we will

________ _____


________ _____


________ _____

To assure that we grow to know one another well we will

________ _____


________ _____


________ _____

To assure we have fun and fellowship we will

_________________________________________ _______ _____

_________________________________________ _______ _____
_________________________________________ _____________

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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Model Missions

Tim was delighted with the progress made by the

missions team. The members were caring for each
other, having fun, and building community. They
were learning more about missions and taking on
new areas of responsibility. But there was something missing and Tim couldnt put his finger on it.

+ Relationship
+ Teaching

Talking on the phone one evening with Dan, it

clicked. Dan, one of the elders, was becoming more strongly convinced of the priority of missions for the church. He asked Tim how
they could have more influence individually on their friends and
acquaintances in other leadership positions in the congregation.
As Tim pondered the question, he realized that they, the team, needed
to become good models. They could be personal examples of what
they wanted the leaders and the congregation to become.
Further, Tim realized, they might be able to identify others who were
good missions models who could be brought into contact with other
church ministries.
Tim remembered the formula for having influence on people.
Influence = modeling + relationship + teaching. When one is a
good example, the relationship allows others to be close enough to
see the model. And explaining at appropriate times helps them to
understand why you are like you are.
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At the next missions meeting, Tim introduced the idea of being missions models. The team discussed some elements of being a good
missions model for the church and who they knew that were good
models. They prayed together and each one committed to take a specific personal step forward in missions commitment.
They also agreed to watch and pray for opportunities to connect other
good models to church groups.

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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Model Missions for Your Church

Put Christ ahead of the task.
Commit first to know and worship Him. Worship is primary.
Make God your number one priority. Wrap your life around his desires.
Develop a loving Christian community within the team.
Care for each other.
Spend time together in fun and fellowship.
Learn to disagree agreeably.
Commit to missions as your priority church responsibility.
Support the entire church program but avoid over-involvement.
Do one thing well.
Spend significant effort in prayer.
Pray for one another, the church and the pastor.
Pray for the churchs missionaries.
Pray for countries and peoples.
Pray for God to expand your churchs vision.
Become involved in the lives of non-Christians.
Make friends with neighbors. Find ways to do things with them.
Start a neighborhood Bible study.
Develop friendships with internationals at work, the bank, the donut shop.
Take an interest in people in other parts of the world.
Watch the international news and pray for the people featured.
Read missions newsletters and magazines.
Maintain contact with a missionary.
Support your pastor.
Pray for him, for his family, his dreams, and his leadership.
Pray for his relationship to God, the church, and the world.
Encourage him at every opportunity.
Alter your lifestyle in view of Gods global priority.
Reduce extraneous involvements. Simplify your life.
Spend less time and resources on yourself.
Spend more effort and resources on others.
Give generously and wisely to Kingdom causes.

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Page 27

Model Missions Personal Worksheet

Steps I will take to put Christ first in my life:

Date Start







Specific things I am going to do in missions:







Specific things I will pray about:







Specific steps I will take to get involved with non-Christians:







Specific steps I will take to alter my lifestyle:







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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Divide and Conquer

The missions team was meeting monthly to conduct business. Part of

each business meeting was to pray for one another, the church and the
world. Most meetings included some educational experience. And, of
course, there was the business. Even though the team enjoyed being
together, the meetings were getting way too long.
It was the chairman who came up with the solution to this problem.
Ive been thinking, he said. The company I work for is an international corporation. We have a global marketing plan. In a very real
way, thats what were doing as a missions team. Were doing our part
to see that Jesus is known by every people group on earth. Thats
global marketing. Its difficult to run a global marketing operation on
one meeting a month!
Weve got to divide and conquer, he said.
Everyone wanted to know what he was getting at.

Its difficult to run

a global market ing operation on
one meet ing a

We have lots of meetings at work where Im a

manager, he said. But we dont do all the work in
the meetings. We divide up the work and assign it
to individuals. They recruit the help they need and
get the work done between meetings. At the next meeting each one
reports on progress and we decide on the next steps. At most meetings, each person comes to the meeting with a proposal for his next
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continued from page 29

Thats what we need to do here. We cant have everyone responsible
for everything. Lets divide up the work and each one take charge of
one area of responsibility. If you need help for your area, recruit
helpers or a task group. Each team member can meet with his helpers
or sub-group or task force as needed to get the work done and report
at each meeting.
After some discussion, the missions areas were divided up. Some
individuals inherited a lot of ongoing work. Others were responsible
for areas we really didnt have off the ground yet. In a few cases two
or even three were assigned to one area. Everyone dived in with

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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Responsibility Assignments
Team Worksheet
Responsibility area


Primary person


Person helping


Persons to approach


Responsibility area


Primary person


Person helping


Persons to approach


Responsibility area


Primary person


Person helping


Persons to approach


How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 31

Resources for Leadership Subgroups

Adopt A People
Adopt a People, brochure, Stan Yoder, Missionary Church, Ft. Wayne, IN
Adoption, Bruce Camp*
Candidate Nurture and Training
Equipping for Ministry, Dan Bacon, OMF
Friend Raising, Betty Barnett, YWAM
Its My Turn, Kingdom Building Ministries
On Being a Missionary, Thomas Hale, William Carey Library
People Raising, Bill Dillon, Moody
Preparation programs from individual churches
Send Me, William Taylor and Steve Hoke, William Carey Library*
Committee Operation
Cultivating a Missions-Active Church, ACMC*
How to Operate An Effective Missions Leadership Team, David Mays, ACMC*
Missions in the 21st Century, Tom Telford, Harold Shaw Publishers
Todays All Star Missions Churches, Tom Telford, Baker
Gods Heart for the Nations, Jeff Lewis, Caleb Project
Unveiled, (video curriculum), Bob Sjogren, www.unveilinglory.org
Reach Around the World, 52 Global Awareness Activities for Christian Youth,
Bob and Sandy Friesen, Victor
Six Dangerous Questions, Paul Borthwick, InterVarsity Press
Vision for the Nations, (13-week video-based curriculum) U.S.Center for
World Mission
Witnesses to All the World, inductive Bible Study, Jim and Carol Plueddemann*
World Trek - 52 Missions Experiences for Kids, World Friends Press
How Mobilized is Your Church for Missions? (Self Evaluation Profile), ACMC*
Your Church Can Excel in Global Giving, Donald Jensen
Church Missions Policy Handbook, ACMC*

*Call 1-800-798-ACMC

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How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Planning, Strategy and Vision

Building Global Vision, David Mays*
Global Access Planner, Bruce Camp, (participants manual and leaders guide)
Magnify Your Vision for the Small Church, John Rowell*
Missions in the Third Millennium, Stan Guthrie, Paternoster
Changing the Mind of Missions, James Engel and William Dyrness,
InterVarsity Press
Loving the Church Blessing the Nations, George Miley, Gabriel
Church Missions Policy Handbook, ACMC*
Missions Policies on disk, ACMC*
Missions policies from individual churches
Prayer and Support
Homefront Handbook, Woodrow Kroll*
Operation World, Patrick Johnstone*
Prayer, the Work of Missions, videotape, John Piper, ACMC*
Serving as Senders, Neal Pirolo*
Touch the World Through Prayer, Wesley Duewel*
Window on the World, Daphne Spraggett with Jill Johnstone, Paternoster
The Reentry Team, Neal Pirolo, Emmaus Road
Short Term
Short Term Mission Workbook, Tim Dearborn, InterVarsity Press
Prepare Your Heart, Cindy Judge, Campfire Resources,
Essential Guide to the Short-Term Mission Trip, David Forward, Moody
Go Prepared, video curriculum, Teams Commissioned for Christ Intl.
Through the Eyes of Christ, Donna Thomas, www.cvministries.org
Guide to Short Term Missions, H. Leon Green, Gabriel
Sending Out Servants, ACMC*
Successful Mission Teams, Martha VanCise, New Hope

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 33

Page 34

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Play by the Rules

At one meeting, someone observed, Have you noticed how we seem

to be making some of the same kinds of decisions over and over?
Yes, responded another, and it seems to take just as long every
Tim spoke up. A number of churches have a missions policy. I wonder if we could draw up principles for making such decisions. Then
when the same issue comes up again, we could refer to the rules
rather than thinking each one through from the beginning.
I can see some other advantages, said the chairman. Having some
policies would help us make some unpopular decisions about how to
spend missions money. There are times when we are reluctant to
make the right decision because we know how people will feel. If we
have a policy, we can let the policy decide.

There are times

when we are
reluctant to make
the right decision
because we know
how people will
As they talked, the group noted several reasons for
feel. If we have a
having a missions policy.
policy, we can let
It seems to me, said the chairman, that we need the policy decide.
Besides that, someone continued, we can write
down those qualities and expectations we desire
for missions team members. We could also include
some of the procedures we have been following
for getting the work done. Then there would be an
ongoing plan for those who follow us.

someone to research and draft the policy. Tim, I

think youre just the person.

continued on next page

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 35

continued from page 35

Tim agreed. He first talked to the ACMC regional consultant who
recommended the ACMC Missions Policy Handbook, told him of
some churches that had good policies and offered a few words of
Tim obtained the Policy Handbook and requested policies from the
churches. Then he contacted the leading churches in their denomination and asked for their missions policies. After a few weeks, Tim
was ready to begin.
He very much appreciated the suggestions of the ACMC regional
director shown on the following pages.

Benefits of a Missions Policy

Provides a basis for strategy and direction
Outlines the scope of missions in your church
Builds confidence and cohesion in the missions ministry
Defines responsibilities for the church and missionaries
Gives a structure for long range planning
Provides for thoughtful evaluation of critical issues
Tells church leaders, the congregation, and current and prospective
missionaries what to expect

Provides continuity as the missions leadership changes

Keeps their responsibilities before the missions team
Simplifies the process for evaluating financial requests and helps
administer missions funds in an open, fair manner

Avoids making support decisions based on charisma and personal whim

Helps prevent inconsistency and misunderstanding in making support
decisions that may be unpopular

Saves time in making the same kinds of decisions

Page 36

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Tips for Developing a Missions Policy

Look at missions policies of other churches. Select one you like for style
. Recruit one good writer to help. Work in drafts and dont make your
document too complicated and involved at first.

Start with the churchs purpose, vision and values. Make the purpose and
definition sections fit your church.

Distribute drafts of each section to all interested parties for their review.
Seek input from church leaders, missionaries, the denomination mission
board and other sources. Get leadership approval one section at a time.

Allow for plenty of time the process is as important as the product.

Emphasize developing missions leaders in your church and perhaps
helping other churches in missions.

Components of a Missions Policy

The Biblical basis and definition of missions
Team structure, organization, roles and responsibilities
Priorities or strategies
Mission trips
Your obligation to supported missionaries and their responsibilities to you.
Your relationship to other churches, the denomination, missions agencies,
national churches and national workers

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 37

Developing Policy
Team Worksheet
obtain Missions Policy Handbook ________________
obtain sample policies ________________
assign person to draft ________________













Purpose Section:
reviewed by team
submitted to church leaders
approved and finalized
printed and distributed
Organization Section:
reviewed by team
submitted to church leaders
approved and finalized
printed and distributed
Responsibilities Section:
reviewed by team
submitted to church leaders
approved and finalized
printed and distributed
Financial Section:
reviewed by team
submitted to church leaders
approved and finalized
printed and distributed
Other Sections:
reviewed by team
submitted to church leaders
approved and finalized
printed and distributed

Page 38

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Church Missions
Policy Handbook
A primary resource for preparing
missions guidelines and procedures
in your church. Technical, detailed,
specificthis is the road map for
your missions operation.

Sample Missions
Policies on Diskette
Policies that you can copy and modify
as appropriate for your own church
missions policy.

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 39

Page 40

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team


By the end of the year, the missions team was delighted with their
work. They were best of friends. Meetings were going smoothly and
the few disagreements they had were not disagreeable. A lot of work
was getting done and quite a few new people had taken on responsibilities for missions, some doing a one-time thing, some periodically,
and several on an ongoing basis.
As they began to look toward the new year, the chairman quizzed, I
believe the Lord has helped us to accomplish a great deal in this past
year, more than I would ever have believed. What do you think
is in store for us next year?
After several creative proposals from various members,
it was agreed to schedule an all-day meeting for prayer S M A R T
and planning. In the meantime, the missions chairman G o a l s
began scouting for planning tools to use with the team.
He decided that in the meeting prior to the planning
session, the group would work through the ACMC selfevaluation profile, How Missions Minded is Your
Church?, to ascertain where they were weak and where
they were strong in missions. In addition, they asked
themselves the questions shown on page 43.


continued on next page

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 41

continued from page 41

They began their day of planning with an extended time of prayer and
worship. Then they divided into subgroups according to their areas of
missions responsibilities and each group wrote one long term goal
(more than one year) and one short term goal (less than one year).
Some groups wrote several goals.
The chairman helped each group write SMART goals:
Their SMART goals were:
Specific so there was only one thing per goal,
Measurable so they would know when it was completed,
Accountable so they would know who was responsible to get
it done,
Reachable so they could actually achieve it,
Timed so they knew when they were supposed to complete it.
He then took all their goals and rewrote them in similar format and
reissued them to all the groups for their approval before the end of the
After the planning session the missions team worked faithfully on
their annual goals and reported on their progress at the regular meetings.
Recently the team discovered the ACMC Global Access Planner.
They immediately scheduled a missions advisor to come this Fall and
guide them through it for strategic missions planning for their church.

Page 42

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Evaluating Missions in the Local Church

Leadership Involvement
Do the pastor, staff, elders, and other church leaders take the lead through
direction setting, personal involvement, and enthusiasm?
Is the congregation winning people to Christ at home consistent with their
desire for missionaries to win people to Christ elsewhere?
Does the church set goals, carry them out and evaluate progress for internal mobilization and external deployment of missionaries?
Does the church have a direction or focus for its missions work?
Does the church support mission work consistent with the values and
philosophy of the churchs own work?
Missions Leadership Team
Is the missions leadership team organized and effective?
Does missions permeate the age groups, interest levels, programs, and
calendar of the church?
Congregation Participation
Does a large portion of the congregation participate regularly by
giving, praying, serving, teaching, and/or ministering?
Is church funding for missions a large percentage of the church budget,
provided for by a large percentage of the congregation well representing all adult age categories?
Is the church in touch with modern realities with regard to its
missions work, missions image, communication methods, and
partnering and networking?

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 43

Missions Planning
Team Worksheet
The areas where we need to work are:
Responsibility area ________________________________________
Goal ________________________________________
Person responsible ________________________________________
To be completed by ________________________________________

Responsibility area ________________________________________

Goal ________________________________________
Person responsible ________________________________________
To be completed by ________________________________________

Responsibility area ________________________________________

Goal ________________________________________
Person responsible ________________________________________
To be completed by ________________________________________

Responsibility area ________________________________________

Goal ________________________________________
Person responsible ________________________________________
To be completed by ________________________________________

Page 44

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

How Mobilized is
Your Church for
This self-evaluation profile is a report
card for measuring your churchs
missions involvement in ten key
areas. See what you are doing well
and where you want to improve. One
missions pastor said this is the most
significant missions resource their
church has used. Get copies for staff,
elders, stakeholders and each member of the missions leadership team.

Global Access
This goal-setting consultation will
help you prepare a solid five-year
plan with specific and measurable
objectives. The first section provides an overview of the world, a
Biblical strategy for world evangelism, an analysis of our changing
society and a description of three
missions paradigms. The second
section provides a format for setting goals and action plans based
on your priorities.

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 45

Page 46

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Make Heroes

One evening the chairman said confidentially to Tim, I know our

pastor pretty well and I know he has a heart for the world, but somehow I feel like his heart should be more visible to the congregation.
What do you think?
Tim had been thinking much the same thing.
Maybe we need to look for ways to help him,
replied Tim. What if we began to look for things
to give him to read to keep the world in front of

The team found

that helping their
pastor reach his
goals was one of
the best invest Yes, and maybe we could ask him to have somements they ever
thing each week on missions from the pulpit,
made in missions.
responded the chairman.
We could type up a prayer request for a missionary,
a country, or an international news item for him to include in the
morning prayer on Sunday.
How do you think we can go about helping him without offending or
threatening him? asked Tim.
Ill tell you what I do with my boss at work. I do everything I can to
make him look good. I try to make him the hero.
How do you do that, asked Tim.
Whenever he does something I like, I applaud. I may be his biggest
fan. If our department does something well, I make sure he gets the
continued on next page
How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 47

continued from page 47

credit for it. He thinks were terrific. And its partly because we make
him look great.
Well, I think that would work with our pastor. And with our other
church leaders too. Lets begin looking for ways to get on our pastors
team. Thats even more important than having him on our team!
Over the next several months the missions team individually prayed
for the pastor, his family and his plans. As several got to know him
better, his dreams for the church became more clear to them.
Reaching the world was definitely part of those dreams and their support for him built their credibility and status with the church leaders.
The team found that helping their pastor reach his goals was one of
the best investments they ever made in missions.
They drew up a list of commitments for the team so that church leaders knew what to expect of them. And it was a good reminder for them

Page 48

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Operational Commitments for the

Missions Team
We will honor and submit to our church leaders.
We will be guided by the vision and values of our church, and we
will support its objectives.

We will seek to be winsome, positive encouragers and educators.

We will pray faithfully for the church, its leaders, its ministries
and its outreach.

We commit to personal growth in missions.

We will love each other, even when we disagree.
We will try to keep things simple and understandable.
We will be strategic.
We will give priority to spiritual needs and opportunities.
We will focus on people to be reached and results for the
Kingdom, rather than on raising money or numbers of missionaries supported or sent.

We will avoid becoming a catch-all for non-missions ministries

and projects.

We will cooperate with our denomination, other churches, organizations, missionaries, and national churches.

We will educate and involve our congreation.

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 49

Our Commitments
Team Worksheet
We will:
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________
6. _____________________________________
7. _____________________________________
8. _____________________________________
9. _____________________________________

Helping our pastor:

Specific action steps:


_______________________________________________ ________

_______________________________________________ ________

_______________________________________________ ________

_______________________________________________ ________

Page 50

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Do It Well

Have you noticed, asked Tim, that the turnout for missions events
is never as good as for potlucks, concerts, and other activities?
I have, responded the chairman, and I think I have a clue as to why.
Whats the secret? asked Tim.
Do you remember the womens retreat last year?
Do I? exclaimed Tim. They must have promoted that for three
And it was well done, wasnt it? asked the chairman.
Well done isnt the word for it. It was spectacular, responded Tim.
There were full-color posters all over the church, ladies in color
coordinated outfits with glossy folders of invitations each week in the
foyer, special-covered boxes in Sunday school classes for scholarship
funds for those who couldnt afford it. I remember, my
wife even got a full-color invitation, hand printed with
People tend to
purple calligraphy.

think things

Thats what I mean, replied the chairman. Maybe are important

our missions promotion just isnt quite up to par. I susif they look
pect that over time our mediocre communications
have given missions a poor image. People tend to
think things are important if they look important.
continued on next page

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 51

continued from page 51

Well, thats not the only thing that could be improved, Tim replied
thoughtfully. Seems like Im always short on preparation for the
Sunday moment-for-missions. I end up reading a portion out of
Operation World. That sure could be improved.
And lets not mention our missions bulletin board. It looks like it
was put up when the church was built.
Lets talk about this with our team, suggested the chairman.
At the next meeting they concluded that what they were doing would
have looked better in the 50s. They agreed to investigate how good
promotion is done by studying TV, magazines, the mall, sports events,
and youth activities. They began to look for ways to upgrade the
image of missions.
Not surprisingly, it was the young people who had the best new ideas.

Page 52

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Raising the Image of Missions

Make it visual.
People have no time to read. They see it on the run.
People are moved by their emotions.
Use bold graphics, bright colors.
Make it lively, interactive, short, action-packed.
Make it top quality.
People expect quality. Mediocrity turns them off.
Make it interesting, fascinating, compelling.
Tell it often.
People are bombarded with signals. Repetition is required.
Tell the message for seven weeks in seven different ways.
It is impossible to over-communicate.
Be transparent.
Avoid hype. People are skeptical.
Invite input.
People want to be leaders. They want to help make decisions.
Relate to individuals. Look for connections to their interests.
Give them bite-sized opportunities where they can make a difference.
Help individuals find their role, their niche.
Respect their time.
Get to the point; expect people to get bored quickly.
Stay within your time.
Appeal to significance.
Avoid motivating by guilt or shame.
Challenge! Point to experience, joy, fulfillment, results.
Be enthusiastic, positive, up-beat (God is winning!)

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 53

Improving the Image of Missions

Team Worksheet
The areas where we most need to work are:
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________

Specific action steps:






















Page 54

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Press On
Tim was thankful to the Lord for how He had brought together their
missions team and equipped them to serve their church and the
At the same time, Tims hopes for how God might use their church in
the world were still growing. And he was discovering some attitudes
that would hinder the church from reaching its global potential.
He could picture a church where everyone considered themselves
part of Gods great global plan.
Tim recognized that the great task of the church is reaching the world
for Christ. However, missions was viewed as just one of the churchs
ministries - an important ministry, but just one on the list. So only a
few were carrying the load and many were uninvolved.
As Tim heard his pastor talk about missions it
seemed more of a burden than an inner drive, more
He could picture
of an ought to than a want to.

a church where

Tim began to think that if their pastor had a very

good missions experience in a spiritually needy
culture, God might use that to grab his heart and
themselves part
give him a burning desire.

of Gods great

Tim hoped that church leaders would then begin to global plan.
see their purpose in a global context and to search
for ways to make a significant impact on a global
continued on next page
How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 55

continued from page 55

Tim wished with all his heart that the pastors and elders would invest
several weeks seeking Gods global vision for their church. He
believed a clear vision from God would permeate every church
ministry and age group. It would provide the impetus to make personal involvement in local and global evangelism an expectation for
every member.
Tim decided that he would commit to a threefold personal role:
1.He would make the churchs global vision a matter of daily prayer.
2.He would be the best personal encourager he could be to the pastor and church leaders.
3.He would work in a positive way to use every reasonable opportunity to build global perspective.
Lets pray that Tims hopes will be realized in your church and others
across this country.

Page 56

How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

ACMC helps churches mobilize their

resources for effective involvement in
world evangelization.
A network of churches
Other churches have insights into the challenges your church may
be facing in supporting world evangelism. Without interaction it
is easy to feel that your church is alone in its difficulties. ACMC
(Advancing Churches in Missions Commitment) is a movement
of churches learning from each other. ACMC conferences allow
you to connect and build relationships with others who also have
a yearning for reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Draw upon the knowledge and experience of others their successes and failures as the foundation for your churchs vision
and plan for missions ministry.

A place to turn for help in solving problems and

developing your missions ministry


A source of information for the missionsminded


ACMC staff have have been chosen for their proven experience
in helping local churches in missions, allowing us to consult
churches with first-hand experience to bring the most appropriate
advice for your missions ministry. We equip both denominational
and non-denominational churches to educate their people for the
Great Commission, challenge congregations to maximize their
participation and show missions committees how to manage their resources
as good stewards for sustained comCo
mitment. In a way, it can be said
that weve done the research to
make it easier
for churches to get
the results.

Keep up to date with current trends, issues and news through

ACMC periodicals, and find relevant, thought-provoking books,
video and audio tapes, many of which are only available through
How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team

Page 57

Tell me more about ACMC.

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ACMC conferences, workshops and
seminars in my area
Missions-oriented books, videos and
audio cassettes available through ACMC
How my church can get involved in the
ACMC network
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4201 North Peachtree Rd., Suite 300

Atlanta, GA 30341

If your churchs missions

leadership team is overloaded,
understaffed, misunderstood
and generally in a bind, this
ACMC book can reveal simple
steps to get up and running
In How to Operate an Effective
Missions Leadership Team in
Your Church, David Mays
covers all the bases in one
easy-to-use book.

4201 North Peachtree Rd., Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30341

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