Microscopic Identification of Bloodstains
Microscopic Identification of Bloodstains
Microscopic Identification of Bloodstains
As liquid blood dries and forms a bloodstain, red blood cells, like other cells, dehydrate. If placed in
an environment with a higher solute concentrate, water leaves the cell by osmosis and the cells shrink
and change shape. If stains are relatively fresh, it is possible to reconstitute the stain and proceed with
microscopical identification of cellular components. A number of techniques have been reported for
microscopic examination of erythrocytes and leukocytes in bloodstains. The results obtained with these
methods are much affected by the conditions of the bloodstains. Aging, environmental factors, or heating
can considerably alter blood cells and make it difficult to produce interpretable and reliable results. In
addition to aiding in the identification of a sample as blood, the microscopic appearance of cells found in a
stain extract may also reveal other information. For example, sickle-shaped erythrocytes may indicate that
the blood sample originated from a person having sickle cell disease.
Reconstituting the blood cells with a solution to restore their original shape can be attempted with the
following techniques.
1. Put a fragment of fresh blood crust on the center of a clean slide.
2. Add a drop of a solution of albumin:glycerol: 0.85% saline (20:20:60 by vol.) on the crust and mix gently
until the crust is dissolved.
3. Place the slide in a moisture chamber for two hours at room temperature.
4. Prepare a thin film smear of the mixture and air dry.
5. Stain with Wrights stain or other polychromatic stain suitable for blood samples.
6. Examine the slide under the microscope for red blood cells and white blood cells.
risks involved in their use, laboratories no longer use these types of chemical reagents. The tests most
commonly employed in modern crime scene procedures are phenolphthalin, leukomalachite green,
luminol and tetramethylbenzidine. Reaction schemes for some of these common chemical reagents are
shown in Fig. 2. All of these chemicals are highly sensitive to minute traces of hemoglobin and its
derivatives, but all suffer from the occurrence of false positive reactions with some of the following
materials: catalases, peroxidases, cytochromes, strong oxidizing agents and metallic salts.
Testing procedures Prior to testing, the nature, color and appearance of the stain should be noted.
These are important data which will assist the scientist in interpreting any positive reactions noted with the
test reagents. All efforts should be made to limit alteration of the stain or pattern while performing the
screening test for blood. The screening test for blood should be performed by scraping a small sample
from the stain or removing a small portion of stained material.
1. Color reagent is added to the stain material.
2. If no color develops within 30 s, a drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide is added. A resulting color change
indicates that blood may be present.
3. Alternatively, the stain area may be lightly rubbed with a clean cotton swab or filter paper moistened
with distilled water. Reagent and hydrogen peroxide are then added to the swab sample. This method is
preferred for crime scene work and when determining which stains warrant additional testing on items of
physical evidence. 4. Small samples of suspected blood mixed with other materials, such as soil, may be
dissolved and the resulting supernatant tested accordingly.
Electrophoretic methods
Two electrophoretic approaches have been recommended for identifying bloodstains: (1)
separation and identification of hemoglobin by electrophoresis and (2) separation and identification of
serum proteins by immunoelectrophoresis.
Hemoglobins are conjugated proteins. After selection of an appropriate buffer pH, the charged
hemoglobin molecules are moved by electrophoresis through a support medium toward the electrode with
the opposite charge. Most of the substances which give false positives with chemical tests for blood are
either uncharged or have a different charge from hemoglobin and are thus eliminated by this method.
After electrophoretic separation, the hemoglobin fractions are visualized by staining with leu-komalachite
green solution or any other catalytic color test reagent. Banding patterns may then be compared with
known standards.
Precipitin methods
Ouchterlony method: double diffusion in two directions This diffusion method was first described by
Ouchterlony in 1949. It involves the use of agar gel plates with wells for both antibodies and antigens. The
two reactants diffuse into the gel where the soluble antigens and antibodies form an insoluble complex -a
precipitate. The Ouchterlony method allows both qualitative and semiquantitative evaluation of the
reactants. Precipitin band formation gives the scientist considerable information regarding the identity,
partial identity or nonidentity of the antigen and antibody reaction. It also yields information on the
diffusion coefficients and concentrations of the reactants.
Crossed-over electrophoresis The crossed-over elec-trophoretic technique can be used for both
quantitative and qualitative determination of a blood sample.
unknown sample are compared to the signal intensity of the known standards; the
amount of human DNA in the sample can be estimated in this manner. The sensitivity of
the human DNA quantitation test is commonly in the 0.15-0.20 ng range when a color
reagent detection method is employed. One disadvantage of this technique is that
human DNA from any tissue or cells will produce a positive reaction. Thus, it is
necessary to determine that the DNA obtained is from blood by using one of the h