Subject Verb Agreement Handout
Subject Verb Agreement Handout
Subject Verb Agreement Handout
Verbs can change form in tense, person, and number. The subject and verb of every
clause (independent or dependent), however, must agree in person and number. Once you
identify the subject and the verb, you can then determine such agreement of the subject
and the verb.
There are three persons:
First person- the speaker
Second person-the person spoken to
Third person- the person spoken about
There are two numbers:
Singular- denoting one person or thing
Plural- denoting more than one person or thing
Nouns ending in s are usually plural.
Verbs ending in s are singular.
Singular subjects should be paired with singular verbs and plural subjects should be
paired with plural verbs.
she walks
the book is
they want
Bill, John, and Jane go
1. Compound Subjects
Compound subjects joined by and normally require a plural verb:
Hard work and persistence are required in all rewarding accomplishments.
Where are the pens and paper?
Subjects which include at least two nouns or pronouns connected by and should be paired
with plural verbs.
the manager and the employees are
the cats and the dog run
the man and the woman are
2. Subjects Joined by Or or Nor
When two or more subject are joined by or or nor, the verb should agree with the subject
part closest to the verb. This also applies to either/or and neither/nor.
17. Teenagers and their parents (see, sees) things very differently.
18. She, against her aunt's wishes, (have, has) decided to go skiing instead.
19. When the two of them (go, goes) together, they always have fun.
20. He and his girlfriend (love, loves) to go camping.
Subject Verb Agreement Practice
Circle the correct form of the verb tense and indicate the rule that determines the correct
___ 1.
___ 2.
___ 3.
___ 4.
___ 5.
___ 6.
___ 7.
___ 8.
___ 9.
___ 10.
___ 11.
___ 12.
___ 13.
___ 14.
___ 15. Athletics (have, has) been a matter of increasing interest among women.
___ 16. Every one of the guests (have, has) had an opportunity to wish the couple well.
___ 17. The results of the latest standardized exams (indicate, indicates) an increase in
standards at the school.
___ 18. According to the newspaper, there (were, was) three main suspects questioned.
___ 19. (Have, Has) the spring training programs begun yet?
___ 20. My favorite literature to read (are, is) modern American poetry.
Subject Verb Agreement Practice
Circle the correct form of the verb tense and indicate the rule that determines the correct
___ 1.
___ 2.
___ 3.
___ 4.
___ 5.
I am certain that both Catherine and Lucy (is, are) coming to visit this weekend.
The scissors (is, are) kept in the top desk drawer.
Neither the twins nor their older brother (have, has) ever seen snow.
Some of the fruit (have, has) already begun to ripen.
The news reported by the president of the college (are, is) considered bad by
most people.
___ 6.
___ 7.
___ 8.
___ 9.
___ 10.
___ 11.
___ 12.
___ 13.
___ 14.
___ 15.
___ 16.
___ 17.
One hundred dollars (is, are) being offered for information about the crimes.
Their high pressure sales tactics (is, are) resented by many people.
The phenomenon that surprised many people (were, was) explained by the
leading scientist in the field.
___ 18. None of the Southern states (have, has) ever experienced much snow.
___ 19. There (are, is) very strict criteria for passing the exam.
___ 20. The commercial states that every product they sell (are, is) superior to their
main competitor's products.
Subject Verb Agreement Practice
Select the sentence that has an error in subject verb agreement.
1. A.
Both Christine and Heather have published their stories in major journals.
Neither student has the assignment completed.
The problems take them all evening to complete.
He is one of the students who has taken the exam.
2. A.
3. A.
4. A.
C. When all of the tests are finished, the scientists will have more information.
D. Everyone except the lead suspect has given a statement to the police.
6. A.
Two books, a pen, a steno tablet, and some candy was found in the briefcase.
Someone in the class or Sara critiques each presentation.
The child's demands irritate the parents.
Each of the students wears a white shirt with blue pants.
7. A.
8. A.
The time the classes are offered have made it difficult for many students.
The worker's tasks have not been neglected.
Dr. Jones, as well as Ms. Griffin, attends the conference every year.
One of the members has not returned from the recess.
9. A.
The new system of taking messages have helped our response time tremendously.
Neither one of the children has agreed to come to the meeting.
The student, as well as her parents, was pleased with the grade report.
Either the student or his parents have collected his books.
10. A.