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Volume 2: Road Design and Development

(Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

August 2013


State of Queensland (Department of Transport and Main Roads) 2013
Feedback: Please send your feedback regarding this document to: [email protected]

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013

Amendment Register
Issue /
Rev no.


Description of revision
Interim Edition

Authorised by
CE (E&T)

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013

Aug 2013

This Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual (DDPSM) provides guidance for designers
and construction personnel in the standards (including examples) for the presentation of road
infrastructure projects. It covers the full preconstruction and construction delivery processes for the
Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland.
The DDPSM Volume 2 covers in particular the requirements for presenting specific details and design
elements for different technical fields or disciplines (e.g. landscaping, road lighting, drainage, traffic
signals, etc.). Each technical discipline requires its peculiar drafting presentation format such as
specific typical details, cross sections, plan layouts, tables, among others.
Volume 2 is currently still in development. Many disciplines and their specific requirements will
eventually be incorporated into this volume once consultation with the relevant units and specialists is
completed. The Roadway Lighting chapter has already been finalised and hence the need for this
interim release.
It is a living document and will be revised, populated and updated on a continuing basis as new
information become available. This interim volume has been produced by the Road Design Section of
Engineering & Technology Branch in consultation with representatives from other E&T units and
Regions. The technical content of this volume will be enhanced and kept relevant and useful to users
if the users continue to make appropriate contributions. Feedback is therefore essential to the
continued relevance of the document

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013


Roadway Lighting...................................................................................................................................1

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1


Preparation of Road Lighting Drawings.......................................................................................... 1

Base Plan .......................................................................................................................2
Locality Plan and Index Drawing ....................................................................................2
Road Lighting Layout Drawing .......................................................................................2

Road Lighting Schedule .......................................................................................... 12

Pole Placement Schedule....................................................................................... 14

Road Lighting Schematic and Circuit Schedule...................................................... 14

Underground Cable Schedule................................................................................. 16


Completion of Drawing ................................................................................................................. 16


Amendment to Drawing ................................................................................................................ 16

Figure 3.1 Lighting Design Compliance Certificate ................................................................................. 3
Figure 3.2 Locality Drawing ..................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3.3 Road Lighting Layout Sheet 1 of 5...................................................................................... 6
Figure 3.4 Road Lighting Layout Sheet 2 of 5...................................................................................... 7
Figure 3.5 Road Lighting Layout Sheet 3 of 5...................................................................................... 8
Figure 3.6 Road Lighting Layout Sheet 4 of 5...................................................................................... 9
Figure 3.7 Road Lighting Schematic Sheet 5 of 5.............................................................................. 10
Figure 3.8 Road Lighting Layout Pedestrian Crossing....................................................................... 11

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013


Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

Roadway Lighting


Road lighting is recognised for its ability to reduce night time crashes. The process of road lighting
involves the use of luminaires with specific output qualities mounted on either fixed or frangible poles
placed in a designated pattern to meet the requirements of AS/NZS 1158.1.1.
Lighting drawings are required to accurately show the layout and type of luminaires and poles as well
as detailing the power authority electrical network and any other services deemed necessary for the
particular project. The tariff rating (Rate 2 or 3) also needs to be clearly detailed on the drawing.
Where an electrical design is required the power authority point of supply must be detailed along with
the respective cable routes from the switchboard. The electrical load shall also be shown.
Where the lighting is done under a Rate 2 tariff within Energexs region there are additional
requirements for presentation of the drawing. If these requirements are not already known Energex
should be approached for a list of their presentation standards.

Preparation of Road Lighting Drawings


Transport and Main Roads road lighting designs shall be produced on the standard Road Design
Detail A1 size title sheet, Refer 2.18 Volume 1 Chapter 2, Drafting and Design Presentation Standards
Manual, using the current Transport and Main Roads customisation package. The final printed output
will be produced on an A3 sheet with a scale of 1:1000 unless otherwise approved by Transport and
Main Roads. All text shall be legible when produced in A3 format and meet the requirements of
Volume 1 of DDPSM.
It is preferable that the layout on the drawing is orientated with the major road being left to right, with
north facing upwards on the sheet if it is part of an overarching road design scheme it will follow the
road design orientation.
The drawing title block shall provide enough information to accurately detail the location of the project.
Where the lighting forms part of an overall road design scheme the information provided in the title
block shall match the details for the overall road design drawings, as appropriate.
The title block shall also detail the Tariff Rating. Where the project falls within Energexs region the
suburb location (where appropriate) and an Energex Project number shall be added to the title block
(generally above the Transport and Main Roads logo). All Energex approved lighting design
consultancies should have an allocation of project numbers from Energex.
Where a number of drawings are required for a scheme, the title block shall also show what sheet
number the particular drawing is in the series in addition to the overall scheme series number in
bottom right corner of title block, for example Rate 2 Road lighting Sheet 1 of 4 in the title block and
RL-01 of 04 in the series number. This requirement is beneficial where Rate 2 tariff and Rate 3 tariff
lighting drawings are included in the one lighting scheme.
All features must be in accordance with TMRs current standards for road lighting symbols as in
Standard Drawing 1636 and abbreviations, symbols, line styles, text font and height and designated
layers as outlined in Volume 1 Chapter 2 of the DDPSM.

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013

Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)


Base Plan

The base plan may be a drawing from field survey data, aerial photo or a new road design.
The focal point of the base plan is the physical layout of the site and its surrounding area. The
following features of the site shall be shown on the base plan;

Relevant property boundaries;

Location of shoulders and kerbs, driveway crossings;

Edges of medians and islands;

Paved footpaths and driveways;

Parking, bus bays or taxi zones;

Electricity Supply Corporations overhead and underground network. Poles and/or pillar
identification numbers, including point of supply location/s for lighting circuits. Voltage and
number of conductors to be recorded for example, 3 wire 11KV or 4 Wire LV (refer standard
drawing 1636);

Location and type of any existing lighting and associated conduits and pits, mounting height
of luminaire and outreach arm length to be recorded;

Other services e.g. water, sewage, Telstra etc may be shown as part of preliminary design
approval process for location of new poles but are not necessary on the final drawing unless
they are in close proximity to proposed pole foundations and pit locations;

Proposed service relocation alignments should also be shown if available.

Pavement markings;

Road names. All local road names shown on layout, shall be shown.

Clear join lines where drawings overlap

In modification works, any existing features to be removed shall be placed on a separate layer to
existing feature layers that are to remain.

Locality Plan and Index Drawing

Includes the site locality with reference to the road network in the area, index of drawings and
submitted and approval signature blocks.
For stand-alone road lighting design projects and schemes including other project drawings/designs,
this drawing is included. (Refer Figure 3.2).

Road Lighting Layout Drawing

This drawing will show the base survey plan with any new road design including all relevant services
above and below ground.
The drawing will indicate the position of all pits and footings and conduits between pits. Conduit size
and cable type shall be shown.
All new, existing to remain, and existing to be removed luminaires shall be shown.
Station numbers shall be given to each pole supporting a luminaire/s, intermediate pits not associated
with a pole, point of supply poles and switchboards.

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013

Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

A series of general notes detailing any specific project requirements is required on the drawing.
Suggested standard general notes as follows:
1. Luminaires are to be only as specified on this drawing.
2. Lighting design parameters refer Transport and Main Roads Standard Drawing No.1315.
3. Unless otherwise stated all outreach arms are to be perpendicular to the adjacent
4. Any possible variations to pole locations considered necessary prior to installation, or in the
field shall be approved by the Superintendent.
5. The contractor shall ensure existing lighting levels are maintained during construction. Where
construction staging prevents this, the Principal will approve an appropriate level of lighting.
6. Rate 3 lighting infrastructure shall conform with Transport and Main Roads technical
specifications and standards. Rate 2 lighting infrastructure shall conform with Relevant
Supply Corporation technical specifications and standards.
Depending on the tariff rating, references to either rate 2 or rate 3 may be removed from the notes.
A lighting design compliance certificate block shall be located on the drawing. Where there are
multiple drawings in a scheme this certificate is only required on one drawing. Refer Figure 3.1 for
Figure 3.1 Lighting Design Compliance Certificate

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013

Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

The following schedules shall be included on the drawing/s:

Road Lighting Schedule (refer 3.2.1)

Pole Placement Schedule (refer 3.2.2)

Road Lighting Schematic and Circuit Schedule and (refer 3.2.3)

Underground Cable Schedule (refer 3.2.4)

Where large projects are involved the use of multiple drawings will be required to fit all schedules on
the drawings. In these cases the civil and electrical details of the lighting scheme may be split. That
is, the road lighting schedule and pole placement schedule should remain with the road lighting layout.
The road lighting schematic, circuit schedule and underground cable schedule may be shown on a
separate drawing.
Refer to Figures 3.2-3.7 for an example of a project involving multiple drawings and Figure 3.8 for a
single drawing. A locality drawing is not shown in conjunction with Figure 3.8 but would be required if
this was a stand alone road lighting project.
The figures and examples shown are for presentation purposes only. These details have been
included for ease of reference, to illustrate typical solutions, and to show the required standard of
drafting presentation. The details are not to be used without an engineering check and certification by
a relevant Electrical RPEQ to confirm that the details are appropriate for the specific project.

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013

Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

Figure 3.2 Locality Drawing

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013

Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

Figure 3.3 Road Lighting Layout Sheet 1 of 5

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013

Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

Figure 3.4 Road Lighting Layout Sheet 2 of 5

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013

Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

Figure 3.5 Road Lighting Layout Sheet 3 of 5

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013

Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

Figure 3.6 Road Lighting Layout Sheet 4 of 5

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013

Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

Figure 3.7 Road Lighting Schematic Sheet 5 of 5

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013


Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

Figure 3.8 Road Lighting Layout Pedestrian Crossing

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013


Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

Road Lighting Schedule

The Road Lighting Schedule is used to detail the type of pole, outreach and luminaire that forms part
of the design. It shows both removed and installed road lighting infrastructure. Each road light is linked
back to a station number that appears on the layout drawing. Depending on the Electricity Corporation
a site number may also be allocated to each road lighting pole and this is also shown on this schedule.
As part of the as constructed process the date the luminaire is either energised or de-energised shall
be detailed on this schedule. An example of a completed road lighting schedule is shown below which
details the design shown in Figure 3.3.

LOCATION General location of the road lighting design.

STN No. Each pole is given a station no.

SITE ID This is the number that has been allocated to the pole for site
identification, including power poles used for lighting.


COMP ID This will always be PO1

EXISTING / RECOVER / ERECT This is the pole vertical section

height reference e.g. 8.5BPM (Base Plate Mounted - Fixed Base),
8.5SBM (Slip Base Mounted).

PART No. or IIN Will either be a: Transport and Main Roads part
number, refer Standard Drawing 1699 for Rate 3 lighting or an Electricity
Supply Corporation number, if available, for Rate 2 lighting.

ALIGN (m) This will detail the offset of the pole from the painted traffic
lane edge line or face of kerb. When only one type of offset is used it
shall be noted under the table. Where one type of offset cannot be used,
painted edge line and face of kerb can be abbreviated i.e. EL and KF
and shown in the drawing legend.

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013


Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)


COMP ID This is the component identification for

each individual luminaire located on a pole e.g. SL1 for
the first luminaire on a dual outreach and SL2 for the
second luminaire.

EXISTING Description of any existing luminaires that

shall remain. e.g. S250AM3.

LUMINAIRE CODING The table below describes the

meaning of each letter used in the luminaire code.

RECOVER and ERECT (Break-up of code)

Lamp Type


S (high pressure sodium)

H (metal halide)
M (mercury vapour)
L (Light Emitting Diode)

Luminaire Type

Tariff Customer


None if dished prismatic


A (aeroscreen)


HM (high mast)

M (Transport and Main Roads)



L (local government)

X (pedestrian xing floodlight)

E.g. S250AM3 A 250W high pressure sodium aeroscreen luminaire with Transport and Main Roads paying the tariff
under a Rate 3 arrangement.

CUST - A further breakdown of the tariff customer e.g.

MRD (Transport and Main Roads) GCCC (Gold Coast
City Council). A list of customer codes is available from
Energex for lighting installed in their area.


Date the luminaire is either switched off or on. This
information shall be marked on the schedule when the
as constructed details are received. This information
is important to maintain accurate network data and

IIN No - as for the pole.

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013


Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)


EXISTING / RECOVER / ERECT Outreach description e.g. 3.0 (3m

single), 4.5D (4.5m double)

IIN No - as for the pole.

MOUNT HEIGHT Luminaire mounting height.

REMARKS Generic or special requirement may be stated here.

Pole Placement Schedule

As suggested, this schedule details the physical location of the road lighting pole. Pole placements
may be determined by offset and co-ordinates (Easting, Northing). Where survey data is not provided,
the chainage and offset need only be used. The Eastings and Northings schedule shall be as follows.

LOCATION and STN No. in accordance with the road lighting schedule

POLE Once the system for locating the poles has been established the unused columns can
be deleted from the table.

Road Lighting Schematic and Circuit Schedule

The road lighting schematic shall detail the electrical layout of the installation (refer Figure 3.7),
luminaires in the field can be shown geographically (reflecting localities in the field) or as a line
diagram. It shall include the following:

Point of supply, which the switchboard is connected to, including pole or pillar number;

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013


Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

Size and type of cable for consumer mains;

Switchboard main switch rating, circuit protection fuse size and contactor;

Size and type of cable for individual circuits;

The circuit number allocation for each light eg 1L1A (switchboard number 1, lighting circuit
number 1 and phase allocation) and

The calculated fault loop impedance for the furthest light in each run, including tee-offs (shown
at end of circuit run).

The circuit schedule details the number of luminaires, load, circuit protection and cable size for each

LOCATION / SWITCHBOARD switchboard location and number, the tariff rating.

PHASE A, B or C.

CIRCUIT No. circuit identification for each luminaire e.g. 1L1A (power supply no.1, circuit 1,
Phase A).

LOAD number of luminaires on each circuit.

START CURRENT combined start current of each luminaire in the circuit.

RUN CURRENT combined run current of each luminaire in the circuit.

FUSE rating of fuse to be used to provide protection for the circuit. Fault loop impedance
calculations based on this value.

MINIMUM CONDUCTOR SIZE size of cable required to ensure calculated voltage drops,
fault loop impedance and current carrying capacity is maintained.

Refer to Figure 3.7 for table shown

The following notes are suggested for inclusion with the above circuit details.
1. Installation is to comply with DTMR Rate 3 Road Lighting Electrical Design Requirements
and AS/NZS 3000:2007.
2. All new luminaires to be Rate 3 minimum 0.85 power factor corrected.
3. Fault loop impedance and voltage drop calculated in accordance with DTMR Rate 3 Road
Lighting Electrical Design Requirements.
4. Fuse size nominated to comply with both load and fault loop impedance requirements. Any
variation to be checked to confirm continuing compliance.

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013


Volume 2: Road Design and Development (Concept Planning and Design Presentation)

5. Refer to DTMR standard drawing No.1636 for road lighting symbols.

Calculations for voltage drop and fault loop impedance must be submitted to Transport and
Main Roads with the design as evidence that the design meets the requirements of AS/NZS

Underground Cable Schedule

This schedule details the actual route of the electrical cable from the switchboard for each circuit.

LOCATION in accordance with the road lighting schedule.

STATIONS FROM - TO route that the cable run follows from the switchboard including any

EX / REC / IN existing cable, recover cable or install cable.

Refer to Figure 3.8 for cable runs shown in the table.


Completion of Drawing

All road lighting drawings completed for Transport and Main Roads shall be given a drawing number
generated through the Departmental GIMS system. Generally these numbers will be allocated by the
Region where the road lighting is to be installed.
The final drawing shall have a "Issued for Construction" box marked on the drawing and be presented
on permanent paper.
All lighting drawings are to be certified by an appropriately qualified Registered Professional Engineer
of Queensland (RPEQ). The RPEQs name and number shall be shown with the signature.
Once the scheme has been signed approved on the Locality Drawing the original drawings shall be
sent to the Central Plan Room.

Amendment to Drawing

Should an approved road lighting drawing require an amendment then the title block must be
amended to register the change for record purposes. This includes the production of the as
constructed revision. The revision shall be signed and dated in the appropriate box on the title block.
Once the drawing has been signed then the original drawing shall be sent to the Central Plan Room.

Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual, Transport and Main Roads, August 2013


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