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Week-long open workshop by Space Detournement &

System D Academy treltrts / space detournement

System D(brouille) is an originally French expression for a makeshift solution that is Space Detournement is a 3-pronged endeavor that includes art&design collective Space
not necessarily law-abiding either. And System D Academy is Sandberg Institute Detournement Working Group; its project space, Munkaterlet / Work Area and a long-
Amsterdams experimental MA programme that investigates the System D side of the running educational experiment, Space Detournement.
world, from everyday survival to grey zones, from informal networks to under-the-
counter dealings.

In 2006, Antal Lakner, an artist with many works that deal with spatial relations and bodily
perception, was invited by the Department of Architecture at the Budapest University of
Technology to come up with a concept for one of the annual studio weeks. After two years
rich in memorable student works, Treltrts evolved into a full semester course on the
Seeing Hungary as a land of unlimited opportunities, we invited the heads of SDA, history, theories, and practices of spatiality and spatial perception, with topics ranging from
Cynthia Hathaway and Melle Smets, to a preliminary field trip, to find the perfect Newton, Leibniz and Kant to Bollnow, Flusser and Vidler, from phenomenology to sixties
locations for doing fusi. Fusi the Hungarian version of System D originally meant countercultures and contemporary architecture, completed with practical tasks like
illegal side jobs inside factories in stolen time, but as Mikls Harasztis influential experiencing city life with a disability. Over the years, the course - open to all willing to take
banned book, A Worker in a Workers State (in Dutch: Stukloon) argued, fusi is just as a special entrance exam - attracted students from the fields of industrial and media design,
much about human creativitys irrepressible fight against alienation. photography, theatre, computer sciences, and art and design theory.

Eventually we settled for two contrasting locations: the old downtown/Castle Hill and In 2008, the most dedicated participants decided to form Space Detournement Working
the site of the former Csepel factory, once responsible for 10% of Hungarian GDP; now Group, a collective creating spatial interventions with the aim of reshaping everyday
long collapsed, with hundreds of small factories and services operating on the giant routes and experiences. 2013 saw major developments for Space Detournement: in an
brownfield. The heads and the participants lived and worked in two groups, experimental way, the course is now taught by SDWG as a collective, and late in the year
accordingly, in luxury or on the factory floor. The search for fusi was framed by the Space Detournement opened its workshop, project space, and exhibition room,
daily meetings, talks and events, like a special tour including fusi landmarks such as Munkaterlet / Work Area, with the courtesy of Eleven Blokk Art Foundation.
the "homeless jacuzzi" (an improvised bath at the Danube bank, using Gellrt Hotels
spa wastewater) and a fusi conference with lecturers spanning from Budapests most
creative homeless man to the doyen of Hungarian urbanism. 8 fb.com/terelterites terelterites.org tinyurl.com/tsprezi
Smogreductor Something Wild
DIY air cleaner and head turner Hungarian premier of Carel Weeber Against the Grain
PLACCC Festival & Het Wilde Wonen + directors talk with Remy Vlek

Since the 1965 demolition of the former National Theatre, Blaha Lujza Square has Freedom vs. order, individualism vs. top-down planning are eternal questions, and we
been an unwelcoming spot, serving only the polluted junctions through-traffic. To have long been fascinated by the intensity of the debates Carel Weeber and his "Wilde
address this environmental decay and make people gravitate towards the square Wonen" concept generated. At the event we recalled how the noted architecture critic
again, we wanted to create an urban utopia on the verge of homemade and hi-tech. Bart Lootsma argued that Weeber's concept contributed to the disintegration of the
Combining the iconic geodesic dome used from megastructures to communes with social housing, to neoliberal populism, and the entropy of society; he even linked the
the No. 1 oxygen provider of the atmosphere, the Smogreductor was born, through a unsuccessful integration of Theo van Gogh's murderer to the decay of public spaces,
collaboration with the Balaton Research Institute of Limnology. just to present as the devils advocate Atelier Van Lieshout's provocative output of
extreme individualism as a useful caricature of these trends.

Outer air was driven through tubes filled with unicellular algae (Selenastrum
capricornutum AKA Pseudokirchnellia subcapitata), entering the space of the dome
cleaner, due to photosynthesis and absorption. Visitors could inhale some healthy air,
have a talk with the group, check the machinery and watch an expert interview by
SDWG on the importance of algae. Smogreductor even made its way to the evening
news, right after Obama's Nobel-prize on national TV, but the real success lied in its
ability to detour and make people stop at the square, reshaping the canyons carved Remys documentaries, of course, presented the other side of the story, while his
into the city by our daily routines. question - whether such self-made architecture exists in the Hungarian countryside -
2 7 made the audience giggle: does anything else exist in the Hungarian countryside?
Peak Seekers High on Art Climbing Ernst
Hungarian premier + creators talk on geography, Would you go out of your way for art?
identity and mysterious links between mountain peaks Nagymezo Street / Ernst Museum
Mountains and Molehills, a documentary by social anthropologist Tommie Leisink,
Ernst Museum, an important and once spectacular art center had its history of
Mediamatics Evelyn Austin et al. deals with the 2010 incorporation of volcano island
Saba into the Netherlands proper, replacing modest Vaalserberg as her highest point. twists and turns, having had been Aryanized, then nationalized and eventually
"Two places almost 10.000 kilometers apart became irreversibly linked. The turned into a white cube gallery of Mucsarnok Kunsthalle. Its 2010 exhibition,
inhabitants of Vaals and Saba share a nationality and a government. But what does Related Spaces, investigated the transformations of various cultural spaces,
this mean? () As we follow the inhabitants of the two mountains, they share with us including its very own. By that time, Ernst dilapidated but still prestigious was
their views on the historic, symbolic, and political meanings of moving mountains." having such low attendance that its small caf had been walled off and made into
a staff kitchen.

Invited to the exhibition, we decided to deal with the border of the inner and the
outer world and to lure passers-by to the museum by making access a challenge.
The way the creators launched this project of moving mountains as the "Centre for High on Art thus emphasized the efforts one has to make to access art, but also
Transnational Summit Revision and Geographical Coupling" evokes those mountains compensated for the struggle: visitors could enter the museum in a state of flow,
too that "moved away" from Hungary after WWI due to border changes, and the
being high. Their vast majority opted for climbing, many in the spirit of George
revisionist fantasies still alive, embodied in the book and motto: Give Me Back My
Mallory's "Because it's there", realizing the existence of Ernst Museum for the first
Mountains! Szabolcs KissPls short, Amorous Geography re-imagines this revision
through another geographical coupling, through an alternative history of the Budapest
Zoos Great Rock, modeled after a Transylvanian mountain.
6 3
King Mathias Ventilation Shaft SMS Sick Museum Syndrome
A Renaissance of irritation Smell for thought
Kpr Street Ludwig Museum Budapest

2008 was declared the Year of Renaissance in Hungary. All events seeking state Sick Building Syndrome researched eminently by Piet Vroon and now part of most
sponsorship desperately tried to forge a link to Renaissance. In the capital, paralyzed architecture curricula means symptoms like nausea and headache caused by artificial
by simultaneous yet unsynchronized infrastructural developments, epitomized by the lighting and climate, carpet glues and other features of many large building. Add a
corrupt and never-ending construction of Metro Line 4, we decided to take it to the strictly regulated art environment under surveillance, and you have Sick Museum
limit and celebrate the Renaissance by erecting a metro ventilation shaft, named after Syndrome. In the first phase of researching SMS, volunteers performed an auto-
- and bearing the well-known profile of - the great Hungarian Renaissance king, diagnosis, placing stickers on the floor plans of the exhibitions, whenever they noticed
Mathias. a symptom: delusion, enervation, etc., or in spite of all catharsis.

King Mathias Ventilation Shaft was not an actual object but a building site with all the
requisites, from a street view rendering to scattered debris (even if the slightly
suspicious sub-contractor logos were supposed to hint at its true character). Standing Having established the symptom maps, we were looking for a treatment in the second
in a narrow downtown street, designed to blow the air directly to a nearby window, phase. Volunteers were now equipped with Aromaguide, an auricle-to-nostril
King Mathias Ventilation Shaft was eventually dismantled due to civic protest, inhalation tool containing a custom-mixed relaxant, with the Himalayan nard oil being
functioning as a litmus test of public space and local awareness. its main component. By processing the data of the two phases, the study of SMS and
4 5 its treatment have finally become possible.

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