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Newsletter 19.9.16

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Iver Village Infant School Newsletter

Monday19th September 2016

Caring, growing, learning in the heart of our community

Reception have had a great time getting to know our new
classmates and making new friends. 2D shapes and patterns
have been explored as well as number. We are beginning to
learn about ourselves and about our senses. We have carried
out a sound walk, we listened to some wonderful sounds
around the school.
Year 1 received a letter from the big city this week and sent a reply. We were also
actors and actresses as we retold the story to our friends. We have tried some
tricky mental maths as well as adding and subtracting with two
digit numbers. Animals is our theme in Science and we have investigated what animals need to live and if it is the same as humans.
Through Year 2 computing lessons we have learnt the importance of e - safety and
sent emails to Ms. Woodcock with photo attachments. We have created playground
equipment sculptures using our own ideas. In English we have been predicting the
end of the Tear Thief story there have been some cliff-hangers. We have mapped
out our own story and thought out about what makes us angry and how we deal with that emotion.
Say Cheese!
This Friday child will be having their individual photographs taken. If you would like
your children to have their photograph taken with their sibling please speak to Miss
Nicky. If one of your children does not attend our school, you and your child will need
to be in school and smiling for 8.30. If you children attend our school we will arrange
the sibling photo.
Reception first day at school photos will be on the 4thOctober.
Did you know that your child has access to education city at home?
Education city is the UKs leading online teaching and learning resources designed with Children
and Parents at mind. Education
city provide a safe, fun and
engaging learning environment with a wide range of
activities to support individual learning . This week
you will receive a letter with a guide as to how to log
on and access Education city.

FISA AGM FISA will be holding their AGM on Monday 10th

October at the Iver Village
Junior School. The evening will
start at 7.15pm and all parents
are welcome to attend.

Dates for your diary


4 October : Reception first day photos

4th October : 9.10 - Beech class assembly.
5th October : Harvest Festival at St Peters church
8th November : 9.10 - Oak class assembly
8th and 10 th November Parents evening
15th November : 9.10 Maple class assembly

22 November : 9.10 Willow class assembly

29th November: 9.10 Reception class assembly
15th December 9.30 Reception nativity
16th December : 2.00 Christmas song performance.

Books Bag Thank you for

your support with the
small and perfectly
formed book bag. We
will let you know when
the new order of book bags are in

School details
Telephone number01753655104
[email protected]
[email protected]
Text and email:
If you receive a text from
07786201172 or email from
teachers2parents it is from us!
Please email us if your email

19th December : 9.15 Christmas song performance.

We have a lot of lost property already!

Please ensure you write your childs name on all uniform and PE
The correct PE kit must be in school at all times so that your
child is ready for sports.
P.E kit can either be school maroon shorts and a white t-shirt
or coloured t-shirt, shorts. Plimsolls or trainers may be worn on
their feet. No football kit. If you have any questions about uniform please see Miss Nicky in the office.

Iver Village Infant School, Grange way , Iver, SL0 9NT.

Tel: 01753655104 Email : [email protected]
Headteacher: Ms Sam Woodcock Chair of Governors: Mrs Joyce Young

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