Lessons From Lehman Brothers
Lessons From Lehman Brothers
Lessons From Lehman Brothers
Discussion Questions
1. Describe the situation at Lehman Brothers from an ethics perspective. Whats
your opinion of what happened here?
2. What was the culture at Lehman Brothers like?? How did this culture contribute
to the companys downfall?
3. What role did Lehmans executives play in the companys collapse? Where they
being responsible and ethical? Discuss.
4. Could anything have been done differently at Lehman Brothers to prevent what
happened? Explain.
5. After all the public uproar over Enron and then the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act to protect shareholders, why do you think we still continue to see these types of
situations? Is it unreasonable to expect that businesses can and should act
achieved, using ethics training and independent social audits, and establishing protective
Managers can manage ethical lapses and social irresponsibility by being strong
ethical leaders and by protecting employees who raise ethical issues. The example
set by managers has a strong influence on whether employees behave ethically.
Ethical leaders also are honest, share their values, stress important shared values,
and use the reward system appropriately. Managers can protect whistle-blowers
(employees who raise ethical issues or concerns) by encouraging them to come
forward, by setting up tollfree ethics hotlines, and by establishing a culture in which
employees can complain and be heard without fear of reprisal. Social entrepreneurs
play an important role in solving social problems by seeking out opportunities to
improve society by using practical, innovative, and sustainable approaches. Social
entrepreneurs want to make the world a better place and have a driving passion to
make that happen. Businesses can promote positive social change through
corporate philanthropy and employee volunteering efforts.