Risk Management Plan
Risk Management Plan
Risk Management Plan
Risk Analysis
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Risk management planning is the process of determining how to approach and conduct risk
activities for the project. Planning is critical to establish the importance of risk management,
allocating proper resources and time to risk management and establish the basis for evaluating
risk. The project manager working with the project team, and project sponsors will ensure that
risks are actively identified, analyzed, and managed throughout the life of the project. Risks will
be identified as early as possible in the project so as to minimize their impact. The steps for
accomplishing this are outlined in the following sections. The project manager will serve as the
Risk Manager for this project.
Risk Identification
Risk identification will involve the project team, appropriate stakeholders, and will include an evaluation
of the project management plan including the project scope & complexity, environmental factors,
staffing, technology, organizational culture and staffing. Careful attention will be given to the project
deliverables, inspection and testing of the pipes, assumptions, constraints, WBS, cost/effort estimates,
resource plan, and other key project documents.
A Risk Management Register will be generated and updated as needed and will be stored electronically
in the document control center.
A baseline set of risks will be created and entered into the project Risk Register. These baseline risks
will be identified through the normal course of the project planning process. Risk statements will be
written for each identified risk. Risk statements will be clear concise and contain only one risk condition
and one or more consequences of that condition.
All project stakeholders are responsible for identifying new risks. New risks identified during project
related meetings shall be captured and added to the Risk Register within two working days of the
meeting. It will be the responsibility of the DAMAGIX NIGERIA Limited Project Manager to make sure
this is accomplished.
DAMAGIX NIGERIA Limited brings years of experience to the project in implementing similar systems
which has provided DAMAGIX NIGERIA Limited with a unique insight to common operation and
system risks. Some of the common risks are documented in the table below. This table is not intended
to be an exhaustive list.
Risk Area
Project Scope and Complexity
Project Management
Potential Risk
Scope is not understood
Requirements not documented properly
Requirements not agreed upon by customer
Complexity not understood in terms of:
Adapters needed
Number of users
Business process
Technology not proven Unreliable performance
record of vendors
Inexperience with the technologies to be used
Vendor infrastructure is not sound
Inadequate resources committed to the project
Project team does not contain members that
have experience with similar projects
Resources pulled from project before completion
Users not willing to make business process
does not committee
make a strong
is notcommitment
engaged in project
Project issues are not addressed
High Risk that has the potential to greatly impact project cost, project
schedule or performance
Medium Risk that has the potential to slightly impact project cost, project
schedule or performance
Low Risk that has relatively little impact on cost, schedule or performance
Risks that fall within the RED and YELLOW zones will have risk response
planning which may include both a risk mitigation and a risk contingency plan.
Each major risk (those falling in the Red & Yellow zones) will be assigned to a project team member for
monitoring purposes to ensure that the risk will not fall through the cracks.
For each major risk, one of the following approaches will be selected to address it:
Avoid eliminate the threat by eliminating the cause
Mitigate Identify ways to reduce the probability or the impact of the risk
Accept Nothing will be done
Transfer Make another party responsible for the risk (buy insurance, outsourcing, etc.)
Risk planning requires a decision to perform further research, accept the risk (document acceptance
rationale in the Risk Register and close the risk), watch the risk attributes and status (define tracking
requirements, document in the Risk Register, and assign a "watch" action), or mitigate the risk (create a
Mitigation Plan, assign action items, and monitor the activities and risk).
Mitigation activities shall be documented on the Risk Register or by creating a separate Mitigation Plan. A
Mitigation Plan shall be written for any effort that requires re-allocation of project resources. The Project
Manager shall determine when to use a Mitigation Plan.
For each risk that will be mitigated, the project team will identify ways to prevent the risk from occurring or
reduce its impact or probability of occurring. This may include prototyping, adding tasks to the project
schedule, adding resources, etc.
For each major risk that is to be mitigated or that is accepted, a course of action will be outlined for the
event that the risk does materialize in order to minimize its impact.
2.5 Risk Monitoring, Controlling, And Reporting
Risk information and metrics defined during planning shall be captured, tracked and analyzed for trends.
The person assigned responsibility for the risk shall provide routine trend and status reports on research
and/or mitigation activities to the DAMAGIX NIGERIA Limited Project Manager during the weekly project
meetings. Watched risks shall be reported on during the monthly project meetings. The Risk Register shall
be used to report summary status, and a Stoplight Status Report shall be used by the DAMAGIX
NIGERIA Limited Project Manager to report progress to senior management at the monthly reviews.
Decisions shall be made by the Project Manager during the weekly and monthly meetings as the level of
risk on the project will be tracked, monitored and reported throughout the project lifecycle.
All project change requests will be analyzed for their possible impact to the project risks.
Management will be notified of important changes to risk status with a report to close risks, continue to
research, mitigate or watch risks, re-plan or re-focus actions or activities, or invoke contingency plans. This
is also the time when the Project Manager authorizes and allocates resources toward risks.
The following table describes the responsibilities of the project stakeholders:
Individual Members
Identify new risks
Estimate probability of risk, impact, and time frame
Classify risk
Recommend Action
Assist in prioritizing
Project Manager
Executive Oversight
The following table describes the criteria for communicating and documenting risk
Individual Members
to Project Manager
Project Manager to
Executive Oversight
es performance
Any risk that impacts
Any risk that impacts >10 percent of budget
Any risk that exceeds schedule milestones
Any risk that needs to be transferred to another team
Mitigation activity status
Any risk that impacts mission success
Any risk that causes the project budget to be
exceeded by more that 10 percent
Any risk that may negatively impact Damagix
Risk status
Political - Senior Management has concerns about project success or development progress
Schedule Slip - > 2 weeks <1-month delivery from milestone schedules
Cost Overrun - < 5% increase to budget
Technical Some wanted or desired functions are not met.
Schedule Slip - < 2 weeks delivery from milestone schedules
Cost Overrun minor impact
Technical Small impact to technical performance
Likelihood Classification
High (>70% chance of occurrence)
Occurrence is very likely and may
processes, procedures and plans.
following existing
Once risk items are entered they will be assigned an exposure grade red, yellow, or green
based on the following combinations of impact/likelihood:
Risk Classification Chart
Green - Items classified as green are acceptable without further mitigation and will be
routinely tracked.
Yellow - Items classified as yellow may require mitigation. For these items, alternative
dispositions will be identified and trade-offs conducted to determine the mitigation
Red - Items classified as red are considered primary risk drivers. For these items, mitigation
options will be developed. Red risks will be assessed for impact to budget reserves and will
be tracked to closure.
Timeframe is used in conjunction with the Risk Classification Chart to determine priorities,
establish when risks need to have actions taken, and how long risks may need to be
watched or tracked before they no longer are a concern or can be closed.
Each project review meeting will result in an update to the project Risk Register that will be
sent to all project personnel.
Risk Mitigation Planning:
Planning for risk mitigation is the activity of
eliminate a threat posing a risk; if and when
accomplished through technological means
effective risk mitigation plan is the clear
facility/installation/process or project.
effect the decisions have on the future operation of the system and what new exposures may
be created because of their actions.
Risk Management Plan Tracking:
The effects of the actions to be implemented will be monitored to see if the goal was achieved,
or modifications will be made to the implementation plan. In addition, any changes to project
plan or performance will be monitored as the environment surrounding the project changes.
While monitoring the response to the implemented plan, analysts would determine if the
reaction is a positive or negative result of actually mitigating the identified risk or other
6.0 Risk mitigation strategies for this project include:
The monitoring of action items which involves identification of a need to evaluate new risks,
and the re-evaluation of changes to previous risks.
Risk reporting which shall include the documentation of risk identification, risk
quantification, risk mitigation and contingency plans and risk closure. The reporting process
will be aligned to the specific needs of the client or project, at the time of implementation.
The continuous tracking and monitoring of the status of the risk. The affected parties are
communicated where the risk is impacted. Completion dates are tracked with action
items and status is updated through risk closure.
The Risk Mitigation Plan shall be reviewed during project monitoring reviews meetings
conducted by the management team or Project Management Office which will be formed
during the start-up of the engagement. This ensures that all stakeholders of the project
are kept abreast of all significant issues in the projects on a regular basis.
1.4 Types of Risk:
There are different types of risk depending on what system or process on which the level of
risk is being analyzed and at what level of the system or process is being analyzed.
Process Risk
This comes from the activities of an organization which have adverse effects
living organisms and environment by emissions, wastes, resource depletion,
etc which could be Actual or potential threats.
The losses arising from the death, injury, disability, or departure of employees.