HSE Waste Management Handbook
HSE Waste Management Handbook
HSE Waste Management Handbook
The mission of the Damagix on Health Safety & Environment (HSE) is to identify and mitigate risks
and hazards in an attempt to achieve the ultimate goal of zero incidents, zero injuries, and zero spills
or environmental harm. Damagix is dedicated to the safe handling and management of all nonhazardous and hazardous materials, and the purpose of this policy identify the responsibilities of all
employees for the purposes of general waste management.
Installing skylights in the roof or walls to reduce the need for artificial lighting
Insulating rooms to minimize energy waste
Fitting self-closing doors to reduce heat (or cold) loss
Making sure equipment is the appropriate one for the job.
Minimizing expenditure on space heating
Minimizing the use of hot water.
Turning off lights and equipment when not operating.
Segregating waste is an important component of a major practice in reducing the Companys impact
on the environment recycling. The following guidelines should be followed to maintain compliance
with the policy:
Segregating wastes wherever possible to aid recycling and provide an indication of why waste is
Investigating alternative uses for organic waste that cannot be reduced or reused, e.g. composts
or convert the waste to energy
Diverting recyclable wastes from the general waste, identifying recyclers or waste disposal
contractors and organizing regular collections
Joining with neighboring businesses and organizations to get common wastes recycled cost
effectively, and discussing waste contractors cost off-sets by efficient serving of the area.
Placing bins in break rooms (or other designated locations) for recycling of papers, toners,
drums, ink catriages, cartons e.t.c
Arranging for packaging (e.g pallets, cartons, etc) to be recycled by relevant contractors
Storage & Handling
Waste materials must be properly stored and handled to minimize the potential for an accident or
due to excessive clutter, the potential for a spill, or impact to the environment. During outdoor
receptacles must be covered to prevent dispersion of waste materials and to control potential runoff.
Details of the storage and handling plan should be documented in the Hazard and Risk Assessment
for, which is required before beginning work on any job site.
Further considerations should be given in regards to the Duty of Care under the E.P.A. (1990), which
requires that waste holders must introduce and maintain housekeeping measures in order to keep
waste safe from such as:
Corrosion or wear of waste containers
Accidental spillage or leakage
Accident or weather, breaking contained waste open, and allowing it to escape
Waste blowing away or falling while stored, transported or handled
Scavenging of waste by vandals, thieves, children, trespassers or animals.
Flammable waste must be stored in a secure flammable cabinet and must not contain vessels
(empty or full) which are capable of storing more than 50 gallons of highly flammable substances.
No more than 500 ml of flammable substance may be held on an open bench, and all highly
flammable containers, regardless of volume, must be clearly labeled in accordance with the
Damagixs Hazard Communication Program.
The Company acknowledges that different materials require different methods for disposal,
where waste may be dangerous and/or hazardous. Before a job, employees must be instructed on
proper disposal method for wastes, including general instruction on disposal of non-hazardous
trash or scrap metals. If wastes generated are classified as hazardous, employees must be trained
ensure proper disposal.