Stong Delusions by AA
Stong Delusions by AA
Stong Delusions by AA
by Anita M Austin
575 437 2307
This is a study on the strong delusions in the Christian church today. This only scratches the surface, it is
by no means complete. Are You Being Deceived?
If I were to insult you, you'd feel the sting immediately. If I were to embarrass you, you'd be the first to
know. But if I were to deceive might never know it!
As painful as being insulted or embarrassed can be, at least you're aware of what's taking
place. But deception can be deadly because you don't realize you are being betrayed, misled, seduced or
ensnared. Deceived people are not even aware they are being misled unless they are confronted with
the truth. Tragically, many go to their graves deceived about their relationship with God.
What is a FALSE PROPHETS In the Old Testament
Deut 13:1-4 This scripture is for all false prophets. We are to use this scripture with any Cult or Doctrine
contrary to Scripture.
Jer 5:13 Prophets are wind & word not in them
Jer 10:21 Shepherds have become stupid"
Jer 14:14 Prophesy falsehood in my name"
Ezk 12:24" No more false visions flattering divinations"
#7080 divinations = to determine by lot or magical scroll i.e. soothsayer
Ezk 13 is all about false prophets
vs.3 male prophets
vs.17-22 female prophets
Ezk 34:1-11"Shepherds in sheep clothing" Big time prophesy against false prophets of Israel
Jer 23:1-2 Woe to Pastors who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture.
But in vs.3-4 God promises He will raise up shepherds to lead.
Zech 11:4-9 Punishment to the shepherds that became rich at the expense of the sheep.
Zech 13:2 False Prophets will be removed by the Lord from the land. V4. these false prophets will be
ashamed of his false vision and prophesies. V. 7-9 God will restore all the damage in the end of time.
And In New Testament:
Matt 7:15-23" Know them by their fruits Judge what they say: What is the fruit of their ministry? Is
division, flattery, or confusion?
Gal 1:8 "Let them be accursed" Paul says...Speaking of anyone with another doctrine other than is written
in this book.
2 Pet 2:1-22 Rise of false prophets (teachers) in last days, arose among the people, secretly they introduce
destructive heresies. And will e brought to swift destruction upon themselves. God didnt spare the
angels that sinned, in the ancient world God spared Noah and seven others the others were not spared in
the flood. God condemned Sodom and Gomorrah (but rescued Lot). God knows how to rescue the godly
from temptation.
Vs. 19 promise of freedom but its really slavery
vs20 after escape defilements of world by knowledge of Christ are again enslaved worse than before
vs 22 a dog returns to its vomit A sow after washing returns to wallowing in the mire.
esp. vs. 1-5,7,9-10,13,15,18-22 vs. 13 "reveling in their deceptions".
Vs, 6 he that believes.shall not be confound
Confound means: to mix to mingle, to put down or bring down, to put to shame utterly, or to confuse, pour
out together.
1 Cor 1:27 foolish things of world to confound the wise. The end of the chapter, weak things of world
to confound the thing which are strong. This is to put to shame utterly.
Foolish means in Websters Dictionary: without little or no judgment, common sense, wisdom etc
simpleton, imprudent, worthless ridiculous or absurd.
Vs. 18 to them the preaching of the cross is foolishness
Apostle Paul said there are False Brethren in the church
2 Cor 11:13 Look at vs. 3-4, 12-15 & 26 false brethren
Paul said they are infiltrating the church secretly. They were opposed to Paul. Then in vs. 26 Paul refers to
himself as in "dangers among false brethren" We don't know the state of the false brethren but perhaps
they could be called misbelievers. They evidently had petty doctrines on which they constantly harped
which could harm the gospel and those who preached it. They snuck in with out being noticed. The church
to be careful and discerning in regard to such false brethren. See footnote in the HEBREW- GREEK.
STUDY BIBLE pg. 1888 #5569 and footnote on Gal 2:4 pg. 1551.
These false brethren are in the church today and have since Paul and always will. So watch for them and
remember they "snuck in with out being noticed".
Examples of false prophets
Balaam Num22:5-31 23:5 Josh 13:22 Jude 11 Rev 2:14 in the church age of Pergamos, The Heretical
Church where false doctrine is condemned, Balaam is mentioned and rebuked.
Balaam =diviner=to swallow down
Balaam is hired by the King of Moab, Balak. False teaching is linked to Balaam. He had a supernatural
gift. He was a prophet. He prostituted his gift for hire. It's not the gift you have it's where your heart is
that counts. His was in the wrong place, obviously, He was covetous, worshipped money, he was for hire,
all not proper use of supernatural gifts.
We do the same thing when we pray "God, give me what I want". Rather than "God, what is it you
want"? What is it that You would have me do"? Our pursuit should be to seek out His will. Seek God for
what His will is: Have us to be, where to go, what to do.
A misuse of the anointing God gives: Praying for people in church, this can really be misused. You must
be sure you are always praying the heart and mind of Christ. We are always to pray showering them with
Gods blessings.
NICOLAITIANS Rev 2:6 & 15=conqueror of the nations. It's a merge of paganism and Christianity. They
had witches, soothsayers, sorcery, channeling or whatever title you want to give it. Adultery, acts of
immorality, sexual lavity (excess). False prophets vs. 6 Jesus says He hates the deeds of the Nicolaitians &
vs. 15 if you hold to the teachings of the Nicolaitians, REPENT vs.l6
BAR-JESUS Acts l3:6 a magician, a Jewish false prophet.
SLAVE GIRL Acts 16:16 she had a spirit of divination, it was used for profit by use of fortune telling.
Q. How can someone get so deceived when they once knew the truth and taught the truth?
1 Cor 6:9 "don't be deceived"
Rom 1:28 "reprobate mind"
Untaught and
Eph 4:14-15 As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried
about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;
In the OT, Strong Delusion = vexations
In NT, Strong Delusion = wandering error
Jer 10:3 "people in delusion"
2 Thes 2:11 "for this cause God shall send them strong delusions (deluding influence) to believe that
which is false." vs. 9 False wonders (lying wonders)
God rebukes in the OT in Isa 66:4 "So I will choose their punishments (delusions). Referring to exile
historically. No one said they have to be blatant the very elect can be deceived and it is done little by little.
Matt 24:24 "False prophets will arise and show great sign and wonders to mislead if possible the very
Matt 24:23-24 "Then if anyone says to you, Behold, here is the Christ" or Here is how the Holy Spirit
moves. Satan can copy Gods Spirit. i.e. Tongues, Prophesy etc...
Tit 1:9-10 "Empty talkers (#3151 1854 in Hebrew Greek Bible) and deceivers. Speaks of what is of no
use, lacks reason, worth, in light of eternal life.
2 Cor 6:14 "Do not be bound together with unbelievers for what partnership have righteousness and
lawlessness or what fellowship has light with darkness?"
vs.l5-18 "What harmony has a believer with the unbeliever?" and "come out and be ye separate".
1 Thes 5:5-6 "We are of light not darkness- don't sleep but be sober and alert." This is not just for
drunkenness here.
1Jn l:5-6 "God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we have fellowship with Him yet walk in
the darkness we lie and do not practice the truth."
#4655 denotes darkness as the infernal spirits as opposed to Christ, the sun or light of righteousness.
page 1875
Satan copies anything of the Spirit of God and distorts it. Such as in the Gift of healing, casting out of
demons, singing, dancing, utterance gifts, discerning of spirits, all sorts of false anointing. Yet, we are not
to despise prophetic utterances, but examine everything carefully. And quench not the Holy Spirit.
1 Thes 5:19
-false anointing is not always obvious, if a question
-does it line up with the Word of God? We are to use our heads and if the heavens are silent the
answer is probably "NO".
-does it line up with the Spirit and intent of the Word? ex. prophesy "Woe, woe, woe" is the word
but it can also be very demonic. God rebukes lovingly. It may be hard words of rebuke or
correction but it will always be brought in love. God is a Gentleman.
Again Matt 7:16 "Yea shall know them by their fruits.
It's in the world and in the church. Lucifer means the shining one
Isa 14:12 "0 star of the morning, son of the dawn" Refers to the King of Babylon also Lucifer. vs. 14 "I
will make myself as the Most High".
2 Cor 11:14 "Satan disguises himself as a angel of light" vs. 15 "It's not surprising then if his servants
disguise themselves as servants of righteousness who's end shall be according to their deeds."
Man is not to be "driven or beside himself" when he is led by the spirit of God, but rather he is wise and
discreet when he is filled with the presence of God.
Just because some one person or people start a movement within the church, but it has some or even all of
these characteristics, does not make them or him or her -- an evil person. Most of us are deluded in one
way or another and at some time or the other.. That does not make us evil. God has space and grace. But,
beware, and even if EVERYBODY is doing it or believes its God. That does not make it God. Again judge
the fruit and see if it lines up with the principals in God's Word.
Is it full of weird things that don't bear witness with your spirit? Or in a ditch i.e.. introspection, strange
movements loud or obnoxious sounds, disruptive, confusion, example.. barking like dogs, in scripture
they are always referred to negatively, they are unclean foul beasts in scripture. Do you think God would
use that sound in a positive way and break all principals, types and shadows? I don't think so, but you
judge it for yourself.
Speaking of judging, God expects us to judge right from wrong. But, we are not to judge one another's
What if you really love the church you are in? All your friends attend there? Or even family members? or
this is all I know, where else can I go? Or if you were a instrumental part and really worked hard to help
build the organization. These are not good enough excuses to stay, if you know it is wrong and should not
fellowship there any longer. I had all these reasons to stay where I was. But no matter what I had to
choose God weather my family and friends did or not.
1 Cor 14:32 The spirit of the prophet is subject to that of the prophet". Meaning you can control it, not it
control you.
-a true prophet speaks not of himself but he is possessed by the Spirit of God. Be lead of the Holy Spirit
2 Pet 1:21 holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit"
There is a fine line between (Greek) mantis = soothsayer and prophetess = prophet #3132 & #4396
When the spirit comes upon you, you are in control and can control it, so as it can be edifying to those
around you, as well as yourself.
examples: Should you run around the congregation, and be a distraction? Jerk around? Bark? Laugh as to
be a distraction?
-Sermon is it full of scripture or at least scripture based?
-Does it lift up the name of Jesus?
-Does it line up with general tenor of scripture? Or is it lifeless and dull?
-Song service The same applies.
There is a fine line to discern truth from lie. We must rely on God to lead us, His word, and leadership not
ourselves. Listen when someone tries to warn you. Ponder it and pray and be open to truth.
--Some may say, 'I prayed God's protection, so no harm can come to me or delude me'. False We are
always to check with the Word and use our heads- rely on church leaders
--'No bad thoughts can enter my mind, I prayed'. False again We can always choose to believe a lie, even
when we pray. Because of our freewill Psa 119:108 "Accept the freewill offering of my mouth, and teach
me thine ordinances. My life is continually in my hand, yet I do not forget thy law. The wicked have laid
a snare for me yet I have not gone astray from thy precepts".
mockers Jude 18
sudo-christs, many false ones 1 Jn 2:18
scoffers 2 Pet 3:3
perilous times 2 Tim 3:1
man of lawlessness 2 Thes 2:3
Great Apostasy 1 Tim 4:1 paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.
Disaster will be brought to disobedient and doers of evil Isa 66:4
1 Thess 5:22 Abstain from every form of evil.
Prov 11:29 "The foolish will be servant to the wise hearted"
Prov 23:6-7 "Don't eat the bread of a selfish man or desire his delicacies. For as he thinks within himself,
so he is." You become what you feed your mind upon.
2 Pet 3:2 "Remember the words spoken by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and
Savior spoken by your apostles." Apostles = to send #652 or ambassador. =That's al1 of us.
Isa 66:2b "But to this one I will look, to Him who is humble and contrite of spirit and who trembles at my
Contrite = maimed, smitten, dejected, lame
Micah 6:8 "And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly
with your God."
Lord we need TRUE gifts of discernment, and we need to be fully dressed in the full armor of God
Eph 6:13-20 We need to recognize every evil strong delusion. Lord, help us to keep from the great
falling away prophesied in your written word. Lord, we repent of all involvement of idolatry, divination,
affiliations, any falsehood of any kind. We also repent of any pride, lust or need for power. And Lord give
your people TRUE humility. Together we read and say as a prayer Psalms 5l esp. 6-14 Create in me a
clean heart.....AMEN