Flower Essences
and stored within them is an evolutionary force, the life force itself
karma that create the disease state. They influence the subtle
whether one is a believer or not. They have been very efffective with
from life and enhanced wisdom these can benefit you greatly.
This elixir can help awaken the recognition of the feeling of oneness
with the children. Deep states of hatred, resentment, and anger can
be eased with its use. Forgiveness for others can deepen with this
tree elixir.
This remedy can initially produce a deep inner quiet, thus enhancing
clarity and insight. This elixir balances the lower and higher self. It
This elixir affects the unconscious decisions that people have made
Take this for an individual who has a cheerful exterior but on the
This elixir can provide inner confidence and strength for people to
face change in their lives. This also may give added strength for
those who wish to start channeling energy through their bodies for
healing others.
into the persons psyche. The primary impact of this flower is on the
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holes in the aura are treated through its use. It can be a useful
messages from the higher self (especially the gold variety). Use this
remedy for working with negative thought forms around the issues of
This elixir will activate the crown chakra, but only during meditation.
environment. It will also actualize clearer insight into the cause and
from many levels, including guides, helpers, and angels. This will
vibrational level. It brings clarity to the mind and can be used when
studying or when one is confused. This elixir helps one to deal with
substances have been used, this elixir may clear some of the
energetic residue.
This elixir has the capacity to unlock energies associated with past
that has been stuck is brought into a faster rate of vibration. This
often relates to emotional trauma, and this elixir can assist with
This elixir will promote gaiety and lightness. Mental agitation is kept
from moving into the etheric body through the use of this remedy.
This elixir can enhance brain function and allow people to get to the
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This elixir can help to eliminate hidden fears and negative thoughts,
Use this for the individual with unknown and unexplainable fears.
Use this remedy to coordinate the bridging of old ideas and new
each other better with this flower essence, as they discover the
down, and then if you have capacity to imagine this, forward and
forms shared from many other beings that that person is close to.It
Use this elixir for bringing into form a sense of gentleness and quiet
controversial and for having those ideas more easily accepted. This
This flower is for people who need to develop a caring nature, for
callous people, or for people who care but cannot express that to
others. Use this elixir when someone has low self-esteem and acts
This elixir can open the sushumna -- the central channel of the
etheric spinal column through which the kundalini flows. Use of this
remedy can alleviate stress and open the meridians. Its signature: It
This elixir helps to balance the emotional and mental bodies. It also
helps to maintain proper balance between the left and right brain.
This elixir is for balance in male sexuality and for enhancing yang
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identity. This flower balances the yin and yang qualities in both
develops. Banyan greatly balances the left and right halves of the
This remedy can stimulate the base chakra and past life memories.
This elixir can help to get you to the heart of the matter in emotional
view. One can hear what is actually said, versus what one wishes to
messages of God.
Taking this elixir enhances the capacity for most people to increase
Grass may be useful for children to increase their attention span and
of humor.
spine and in the joints. Soul projection is assisted. There can be new
insight into why you placed an obstacle in your life and how you can
This elixir works with portions of the physical and subtle anatomies
and acts like a binding agent. It helps to make one more sensitive to
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the male flower essence. If women are interacting, they only take
the female essence. If men and women are improving their dialogue,
then men take the female essence; and women take the male
its use.
stressed in times of excessive stress and fear. Not only will this
flower bring about an inner peace, but it also allows the organs
subtle bodies. Thus the emotional body can be linked to the mental
body for more clarity, to the aetheric body to bring more energy into
This plant is appropriate for the fears of a dying person or for the
physical body in an integrated fashion. Dormant talents from past- lives may
be released through its use.
Taking this remedy can create energy shifts in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,
8th, and 9th chakras. This can be imagined as if beginning with the
with the Gold elixir. This may provide a deeper understanding about
This is a remedy that stimulates the heart chakra. Using it can help
Use this elixir for emotional problems that can give rise to infertility
or impotency.
used as a catalyst for those who want to meditate. The mental and
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This elixir can ease any inner disharmony about ones purpose. This
This elixir can be used for athletes in treating the muscular tissue
This can be particularly helpful for music and sound in any form,
that are held in a state of difficulty in the emotional body. These can
six months after birth. It also opens the sexual chakra, stimulating
within the animal kingdom. This can assist in working with water in a
this remedy helps one to tap into their own animal nature.
Use this elixir for stage fright and hidden fears. It can be good for
anyone who has trouble speaking before the public. It can also be
for Bugbane.
can deeply assist people attempting to learn new skills and new
ways of working with their bodies or their eyes. There can be some
benefit to all cells of the knees. As you integrate new aspects of your
life, you may have new insights about old information or find new
its use.
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A Himalayan plant that can attune individuals not only to the process
With Cacao elixir, many parts of the body can have increased
The ability of Cacao to help one to match vibrations can be used for
your body. This elixir also stimulates sensitivity to others, which will
chocolate to dull their sensitivity to the love they need, and this
essence can help one in the letting go of the desire for sweetness
cacao to help envision a new body. This greater sensitivity can allow
with the entire issue of the protection and awareness of the light
Quartz elixirs. This elixir has proven quite valuable for those dealing
This flower opens the mind and gives a feeling of flexibility to both
mind and nervous system. It can help one overcome rigid mindsets,
ideas, and body armor in order to bring wisdom. It will soothe and
and nature spirits. Use this to increase abilities through the third eye,
This elixir can give one the ability to absorb a negative thought form,
Use of this flower can allow a greater and deeper expression of love
This orchid will assist one to climb through several spiritual levels
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This essence can temporarily align the subtle bodies, especially the
This elixir can bring coordination between the physical body and the
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th chakras. This may intensify psychic
abilities and a shift in the emotional body. Use of this essence can
Indications for the use of this flower may be a lack of grounding and
learning capacities.
perfectly mated to the heart. Aids in the use of power, with more
With the use of this flower essence, acupuncture meridians all over
the meridians and feel the energies with ones hands. More energy
may be brought into the body for healing. The aetheric body is
not used to going into nature. It releases stress and irrational fears.
someone leaves that group. It is for the entire group, not just the
useful for singers and lecturers. It will help clarify information from
and to stand out. This flower resembles the comb of a rooster, thus
part of its signature is the ability to crow. It will assist in allowing one
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This is for people that cant say no. For those that neglect their
own needs and are servile with others. These beings generally will
This essence brings the emotional, mental, and soul bodies into
There is some relationship to the star Antares. Dealing with shadow- self
issues can occur in an easier fashion. There can manifest a
released. Emotional stability and greater calm results from the use
of Chamomile elixir.
increases, especially when past life events interfere with the present
unknown origins.
the laws of karma are immutable and the ways in which one is able
and past life interactions may come clear in memories, and so on.
But more deeply and more importantly, what will be felt is the inner
one's self for one's animal desires, animal nature, and ways of
all past lives as in many cases throughout history you have had
on life.
great difficulty to relax. For those who fear losing mental control who
This elixir activates the brow and crown chakras and poa (see
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