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Some key takeaways are that flower essences are vibrational remedies made from flowers that can help shift beliefs and patterns on a spiritual level, flower essences work on the subtle bodies and life force to create positive change, and over 700 flower essences are mentioned along with their uses.

Flower essences are tinctures made from the vibrational energy of flowers that can be used to help shift psycho-spiritual dynamics and long-term patterns. They are said to work on the soul's life pattern and consciousness beyond just temporary relief of symptoms.

The text says flower essences work by adjusting the flow of consciousness and karma that create disease states. They influence the subtle bodies and ethereal properties of the anatomy, and can gradually influence the physical body. Positive changes can happen before one realizes it.

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Flower Essences

In 1981 when the material was being collected for the

landmark book, Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing by

Gurudas there were maybe five companies in the world offering

flower remedies. Since then, largely through the influence of that

book and others there are many hundreds of companies throughout

the world selling flower essences. Pegasus Products, originally

under the guidance of Gurudas from 1981-1987 has been a leader

in the education and distribution of now more than 700 flower

remedies and other vibrational products.

Flower essences are tinctures of liquid consciousness,

and stored within them is an evolutionary force, the life force itself

shaped to a particular pattern depending on the signature of a

particular plant and/or flower. This liquid consciousness can be

considered educational for the psycho-spiritual dynamics of an

individual. Working with these vibrations, offers one an opportunity

to shift ones beliefs, conceptions, ideas of science and long-term

patterns to a place of greater awareness and understanding. These

products offer much more than the temporary relief of some

emotional state or physical difficulty. They are contributing to a

change in a souls life pattern and consciousness. This goes far

beyond the cessation of some syptoms within one incarnation.

When one looks deeply enough one realizes that it is only to

increase consciousness that one incarnate in a body, moving

through various physical, emotional, mental, spiritual difficulties to

attain some self awareness.

Flower essences adjust the flow of consciousness and

karma that create the disease state. They influence the subtle

bodies and ethereal properties of the anatomy and then gradually

influence the physical body.

These are a safe, sometimes subtle form of therapy that

before one even realizes what is occuring, positive change has

happened. Long term difficult patterns can be shifted in days or

months. Tremendous self-awareness occurs with an increase in the

intuitive and or psychic part of oneself. These products work

whether one is a believer or not. They have been very efffective with

animals and plants. If one truly wants change, more satisfaction

from life and enhanced wisdom these can benefit you greatly.

Acacia (A. baileyana) - Mutual Understanding

This elixir can help awaken the recognition of the feeling of oneness

that one shares with another. An increase in telepathic-kinesthetic

communication occurs with this remedy, whereby you can feel

anothers body and experience what they experience. Teachers of

children from diverse backgrounds can benefit from taking Acacia

with the children. Deep states of hatred, resentment, and anger can

be eased with its use. Forgiveness for others can deepen with this

tree elixir.

Aconite (A. Bakeri) Insight

This remedy can initially produce a deep inner quiet, thus enhancing

clarity and insight. This elixir balances the lower and higher self. It

can be useful for utilizing psychic energies and for channeling.

Aconite is especially useful to children for understanding various

forms of light and energy.

Agave Yaquiana - Internal Viewpoint

This elixir affects the unconscious decisions that people have made

based upon past-life experience. Their experiences have usually led

to some deep-seated conclusions that are usually incorrect -- about

separation, loneliness, differences between an individual and God,

and a unique understanding of the world. This essence, when taken

repeatedly, can loosen up the hold some of these hidden contexts or

unconscious belief patterns have had with an individual.

Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) - Fears and Worries

Take this for an individual who has a cheerful exterior but on the

inside is filled with worry and anxiety.

Allamanda (Allamanda cathartica) - Inner Strength

This elixir can provide inner confidence and strength for people to

face change in their lives. This also may give added strength for

those with decreased physical energy. Allamanda will also assist

those who wish to start channeling energy through their bodies for

healing others.

Allspice (Pimenta dioica) - Balanced Personality

This essence aids in balancing a split personality structure. Self- worth is

increased as you learn to see yourself as valuable.

Channeling abilities are enhanced and become more incorporated

into the persons psyche. The primary impact of this flower is on the

emotional body. The person becomes more self-nurturing, thus

assisting all psychological areas. There can also be some

assistance with different forms of memory loss.

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Almond (Prunus Amygdalus) - Maturation/Rejuvenation

This elixir helps one to mature mentally. It can help to bring

unresolved issues into the conscious mind so they can be resolved.

It primarily rejuvenates the body. This is a universal tonic.

Aloe Eru (Aloe camperi) - Ethereal Cleansing

This essence can be especially helpful in closing etheric holes.

These are not so much of a physical origin, due to an individuals

own experiences, but due to those of other entities. After severing

an association with a negative entity, this can be a soothing tonic.

Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) - Personal Survival

This remedy stimulates the nervous system and circulatory flow. It

can be particularly healing for various skin conditions. Blockages or

holes in the aura are treated through its use. It can be a useful

remedy in reflexology. It will also increase ones sensitivity to others.

Alyogyne Huegelli - Cosmic Assimilation

This elixir can increase the capacity of the crown chakra to

assimilate and work with information. It is best used for people to

more easily access the cosmic computer. It can increase the

kundalini energy through the spine and the understanding of its


Amaranthus, Gold (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) - Immune


(Gold and Red flower variety available.) Calms disruptive dream

states. Psycho, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies are aligned,

thus generating clear thinking. Good to take in preparation for

vaccinations. Treats mental disorders caused from chemical

imbalances (especially the red variety). Stimulates visions and

messages from the higher self (especially the gold variety). Use this

remedy for working with negative thought forms around the issues of

sexuality and courage.

Amaranthus, Red (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) - Immune


Amaryllis Belladonna - Crown Chakra

This elixir will activate the crown chakra, but only during meditation.

Only use this during meditation or with affirmations for positive

thinking. Never use this remedy with hallucinogens it is too


Angelica (Angelica Archangelica) - Urban Stress

It is good to take this remedy when moving into an urban

environment. It will also actualize clearer insight into the cause and

nature of problems. This is wise to use in hypnosis, biofeedback,

meditation, and other therapies. It is also good for dancers.

Angels Trumpet (Datura inoxia) - Helpers, Guides, and Angels

This flower essence helps awaken one to clearly receive energies

from many levels, including guides, helpers, and angels. This will

open individuals up to their own talents and capabilities at a higher

vibrational level. It brings clarity to the mind and can be used when

studying or when one is confused. This elixir helps one to deal with

emotional issues without resorting to psychotropic or mood- enhancing

chemicals, be they legal or otherwise. If these

substances have been used, this elixir may clear some of the

energetic residue.

Apple (Malus pumila) - Self-Esteem

This elixir has the capacity to unlock energies associated with past

difficulties. This will relate to greater self-acceptance or the

understanding of hidden aspects of ones personality. Any energy

that has been stuck is brought into a faster rate of vibration. This

often relates to emotional trauma, and this elixir can assist with

relieving this trauma, helping individuals to find a new pathway, or

seeing things in a new light. Dreams and astral projection are

stimulated. Apple brings to the consciousness those things

immediately necessary for spiritual growth.

Apricot (Prunus Armeniaca) - Gaiety and Lightness

This elixir will promote gaiety and lightness. Mental agitation is kept

from moving into the etheric body through the use of this remedy.

Extreme behavioral patterns may be modified with Apricot elixir.

Arnica Mollis - First aid

Artichoke (Cynara Scolymus) - Human Understanding

This elixir can enhance brain function and allow people to get to the

center of any problem. Understanding of humanitys collective

consciousness is more available through the use of this remedy.

There also can be a greater ability for people to release emotions of

grief and sadness.

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Asparagus (A. officinalis) - Hidden Fears

This elixir can help to eliminate hidden fears and negative thoughts,

especially those picked up from the lower astral planes.

Aspen (Populus tremuloides) - Fear

Use this for the individual with unknown and unexplainable fears.

For someone that feels something terrible is about to happen.

Aster Pink (Aster) - Heart/Mind

Use this remedy to coordinate the bridging of old ideas and new

ones. It can assist in revealing ones unconscious belief patterns,

even those from past lives.

Astrophytum ornatum (Yellow) - Understanding Relationship

This flower essence appears to have the property to stimulate

multiple levels of thought in an individual, this to allow them to relate

to multiple ways of understanding relationship, examining the issues

of aloneness, separateness, and togetherness. This can be helpful

as people begin to awaken to relationship in community, in groups

larger than the individual family. People may come to understand

each other better with this flower essence, as they discover the

influence behind mutual attraction based on genetic influence of

physical type and early childhood upbringing and environmental

factors. But in addition to this is a vibrational recognition from one

cellular structure to another. In making this clearer and opening up

to more common roots, people may come to understand each other

better with this flower essence, as it opens up various levels of

thought not previously available. Sometimes this essence can

overstimulate some of the mental faculties. It is wise here in using it

as an essence to make a deliberate attempt to quiet the mind, and

then to imagine that energy is pouring through the mind in all

directions, through the brain, through the head, as light, as colored

energy of light pouring out in all directions, forward, backward, up,

down, and then if you have capacity to imagine this, forward and

backward in time as well. Such a visualization can assist in the

individual in picking up and understanding some of the thought

forms shared from many other beings that that person is close to.It

is also noted that various psychic abilities are likely to be stimulated

here. This can include remote viewing or remote healing by means

of such as a visualization of a ball of light, creation of energy

connection to plants, animals, or other people, and the ability to

perceive certain areas of thought that the individual had no previous

access to. Individuals with whom Mercury figure prominently in their

chart can especially benefit from this essence.

Avocado (Persea americana) - Emotional Maturity

This elixir can help in the assimilation of proteins and chlorophyll.

There will be a stabilization of emotional fluctuations from its use.

There can be an improvement in telepathic abilities, intuition, and

the ability to see auras. A heightened sense of touch and being

touched arises from this remedy.

Bachelors Button (Centaurea Cyanus) - Conscious Expression

Use this elixir for bringing into form a sense of gentleness and quiet

and, at the same time, a clear ability to express ideas. It can be

useful for writers by bringing into form ideas that might be

controversial and for having those ideas more easily accepted. This

remedy will assist someone in understanding the truth about


Balm of Gilead (Cedronella canariensis) - Develops Caring Nature

This flower is for people who need to develop a caring nature, for

callous people, or for people who care but cannot express that to

others. Use this elixir when someone has low self-esteem and acts


Bamboo, Sacred (Nandina domestica) - Opens Sushumna

This elixir can open the sushumna -- the central channel of the

etheric spinal column through which the kundalini flows. Use of this

remedy can alleviate stress and open the meridians. Its signature: It

is a tall, thin reed.

Banana (Musa Paradisiaca) - Male Sexuality

This elixir helps to balance the emotional and mental bodies. It also

helps to maintain proper balance between the left and right brain.

Using this remedy works toward resolving issues of male sexuality.

What will be established is a truer sense of identity with a mans

feminine nature, thereby helping to negate male sexual machismo.

Use of banana may be useful for issues of bones and teeth.

Banksia Baxtena - Enhances Yang Energy

This elixir is for balance in male sexuality and for enhancing yang

energy. It eases spiritual impotency and opens the lower chakras.

Banksia Laricina - Enhances Yang Energy

The properties are similar to Banksia Baxtena.

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Banksia Marginata - Masculine Identity

This elixir will help to balance male psychological problems

concerning sexuality. Use of it opens the 2nd chakra, stimulating

creativity and masculine qualities such as assertiveness. Etheric,

mental, and emotional bodies are aligned to create the masculine

identity. This flower balances the yin and yang qualities in both

sexes. Its signature: the flower looks like male genitalia.

Banyan Tree (Ficus benghalensis) - Self-Confidence

This elixir can bring one a sense of awe or a deeper sense of

oneness with the universe. There can be an inner feeling of praise

for nature. Personal goals of greater money or greater love can be

achieved in a balanced way. Deeper visualization during meditation

develops. Banyan greatly balances the left and right halves of the

brain and the rest of the body.

Barley (Hordeum vulgare) - Past-Life Therapy

This remedy can stimulate the base chakra and past life memories.

It can alleviate deeply aggravated past-life issues. Use this elixir in

past-life therapy. It can be a strong cleanser and balancer for the

meridians. There can be an easing during times of sharp

moodiness, such as hypoglycemia. Use this remedy to alleviate

anger, aggression, and instability. It is very grounding.

Basil, Sacred (Ocimum sanctum) - Emotional Core

Basil, Sweet (Ocimum Basilicum) - Emotional Core

This elixir can help to get you to the heart of the matter in emotional

conditions. It facilitates negotiations. It is good for couples who are

constantly bickering. Use this remedy for anxiety, depression,

hysteria, indecision, insomnia, and mental fatigue.

Bayberry (Myrica californica) - Clairaudience

This flower essence fine-tunes the 6th chakra by focusing on

psychic aspects of the auditory sense. One may sense a higher

sound or feel a sense of some connection at a higher vibrational

level. Psychic hearing is enhanced, so one can receive the intent

behind someone elses words and see another persons point of

view. One can hear what is actually said, versus what one wishes to

hear. There may be an increased ability to hear the deeper

messages of God.

Bear Grass (Xerophyllum tenax) - Enhanced Wisdom

Taking this elixir enhances the capacity for most people to increase

in every area of knowledge in order to hold deeper wisdom, insight,

and understanding. If two people use Bear Grass, there can be a

deeper knowing established between them. For many, a bridge can

be created to humanitys wisdom or knowledge, thus achieving a

slightly speeded up or more efficient way to gather information. Bear

Grass may be useful for children to increase their attention span and

enhance their learning capabilities. It will promote cohesion for

people coming together in a shared community.

Bedstraw (Galium verum) - Activates Kundalini

This is excellent for chiropractors, and it will help to activate the

kundalini. It is good for people with father image problems, or for

those who cannot study or focus on their career.

Bee Balm (Monarda) - Clear Expression

Using this remedy can assist in realizing a clearer expression of

one's problems. It can be good for primal scream-type therapies. It is

recommended for lecturers, introverts, and those with a poor sense

of humor.

Beech (Fagus sylvatica) - Greater Acceptance

This elixir can help generate a greater acceptance of others. It will

make one more outgoing or social. One can receive an expanded

vision of the world through its use. Beech enhances humility.

Belladonna (Atropa Belladonna) - Emotional Breakthrough

This elixir produces a powerful opening of heart, crown, and 8th

chakras, which can release negative thought forms by dislodging

negative imbalances. Most forms of body adjustment and alignment

are assisted by this dislodging of thought forms stored along the

spine and in the joints. Soul projection is assisted. There can be new

insight into why you placed an obstacle in your life and how you can

move beyond it. This increased understanding can ease karma.

Belinda Rose - No Info

Bells of Ireland (Moluccella laevis) - Light Therapy

This elixir works with portions of the physical and subtle anatomies

and acts like a binding agent. It helps to make one more sensitive to

receiving light therapies, as the aetheric body is stimulated. Intense

stress, anxiety, or nervous tension is eased through its use.

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Birch, Female (Betula papyrifera) - Interpersonal Relationship

These essences should be taken separately. It eases interpersonal

relations, especially between men and between women. Helps

develop the ability to have a genuine caring attitude in relationships

that do not necessarily deal with sexuality. Birch is for heterosexuals

as well as for homosexual individuals. It stimulates dialogue. If two

or more men are improving their communication, each takes only

the male flower essence. If women are interacting, they only take

the female essence. If men and women are improving their dialogue,

then men take the female essence; and women take the male


Birch, Male (Betula pendula) - Interpersonal Relationship

Birch, Male/ Female(Betula pendula) - Interpersonal Relationship

Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) - Freedom

This elixir can bring an understanding of flight, movement, and

territoriality. It will also assist in the realization of community and

interconnectedness among people. It can be useful in the

management of people and looking at the appropriateness of new

technology or other things that might impact individual freedoms. A

sense of humor is created around relationships and freedom through

its use.

Bistort (Polygonum Bistorta) - Emotional Balance

Bistort balances many aspects of the physical body that are

stressed in times of excessive stress and fear. Not only will this

flower bring about an inner peace, but it also allows the organs

impacted by conditions of stress to recover more quickly. There is

an increased ability to link the emotional body to any of the other

subtle bodies. Thus the emotional body can be linked to the mental

body for more clarity, to the aetheric body to bring more energy into

the physical body, or to the physical body to have a deeper

sensation or awareness of things in the world. At a higher vibrational

level, Bistort offers a sense of strength and a sense of the

connection amongst all beings. This flower can assist one in

achieving an overview of the nature of ones emotions, and how to

use them to create deeper understanding.

Bittersweet (Solanum lysopericum) - Releases Grief

Using this essence will help to release grief, mourning, and



Blackberry (Rubus Villosus) - Fear of Death

This plant is appropriate for the fears of a dying person or for the

unusual fear that someone is going to die. It eases depression from

the passing of a loved one. This essence becomes like a liquid

meditation by bringing the causal and spiritual bodies closer to the

physical body in an integrated fashion. Dormant talents from past- lives may
be released through its use.

Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia fulgida) - Self-Esteem

This elixir is to be used to relieve low self-esteem and stress. It has

a calming effect, especially during meditation or shock. It generates

a sunny disposition, self-sufficiency, emotional stability, and

strengthens the meridians.

Blazing Star(Solanum umbelliferum) - Awakens Chakras

Taking this remedy can create energy shifts in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,

8th, and 9th chakras. This can be imagined as if beginning with the

heart and extending upwards before returning. It can combine well

with the Gold elixir. This may provide a deeper understanding about

the higher dimensions.

Bleeding Heart (Dicentra chrysantha) - Peace and Harmony

This is a remedy that stimulates the heart chakra. Using it can help

to harmonize affairs of the heart and attachments to individuals. A

sense of peace is experienced after using it.

Blessed Thistle (Enicus benedictus) - Emotional Infertility

Use this elixir for emotional problems that can give rise to infertility

or impotency.

Bloodroot (Sangunaria canadensis) - Spiritualizes Intellect

This elixir can enhance concentration, meditation, and creative

visualization -- especially for those who are too intellectual. It can be

used as a catalyst for those who want to meditate. The mental and

spiritual bodies are brought into greater alignment, functioning more

as a single unit, thus spiritualizing the intellect. The heart chakra is

activated with Bloodroot.

Blue Flag (Iris versicolor) - Artistic Inspiration

This essence is slightly more effective than Sierra Iris.

Blue Witch (Solanum umbelliforum)

See Blazing Star

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Bo Tree (Ficus religiosa) - Ascension

This essence is of significant importance for those seeking

enlightenment. It stimulates the process that leads to enlightenment.

This elixir can ease any inner disharmony about ones purpose. This

tree is intertwined with the energy of Buddha and can assist in

reaching deeper states of meditation. It also removes blockages in

the chakras and stimulates the kundalini.

Borage (Borago Officinalis) - Happiness

This essence increases courage, drives away sorrow, and makes a

person happier. It opens the heart chakra, and tensions in the

emotional body are eased. There may be an increase in physical


Bottlebrush (Callistemon viminalis) - Relieves Anxiety

This elixir can be used for athletes in treating the muscular tissue

when there is exhaustion after strenuous exercise. It aids in the

elimination of waste and the assimilation of nutrients. When there is

a general sense of anxiety, use of Bottlebrush is indicated.

Bougainvillea (B. Sanderana) - Grace and Beauty

This elixir will provide a deeper appreciation of grace and beauty.

This can be particularly helpful for music and sound in any form,

including sound healing. It has an ability to release certain emotions

that are held in a state of difficulty in the emotional body. These can

be from childhood or past lives and are usually noted by sadness.

Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa) - Emotional Release

Brazil Nut helps one develop a healthy ego by its spiritualizing

effects, and this improved self-esteem helps one develop more

confidence in decision-making. It opens the emotional body,

releasing aspects of past patterns unconsciously suppressed. These

can relate to past lives, but more typically relate to childhood

emotional experiences that have been buried. Sometimes the buried

experience will come to the surface to be released, sometimes it will

release on its own without full understanding. This essence is also

helpful for releasing radiation. It is a good preventative to use during

traumatic experiences to avoid future emotional scarring.

Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) - Couple Relations

This is a powerful tool in any kind of counseling, but particularly for

couples -- especially when trying to have children when there is

stress. It releases tension related specifically to sexual dysfunction,

especially when pregnancy is desired. For psychological balance,


use this elixir during preconception, conception, and up to the first

six months after birth. It also opens the sexual chakra, stimulating

joy and creativity.

Brittlebrush (Encelia farinose) - Animal Attunement

Brittlebrush elixir can alert people to working with a particular group

within the animal kingdom. This can assist in working with water in a

more conscious fashion. It can be used for intra-animal

communication. It can produce an understanding of an animal

species from a broader perspective, even on a karmic level. Use of

this remedy helps one to tap into their own animal nature.

Brussel Sprouts (Brassica oleracea) - Stage Fright/Hidden Fears

Use this elixir for stage fright and hidden fears. It can be good for

anyone who has trouble speaking before the public. It can also be

utilized if there is fear of people. The heart chakra is opened, and

the mental body is strengthened to better assimilate details.

Bugbane (Veratrum viride) - Insect Awareness

This essence can bring about an easing or understanding with the

insect kingdom. It can alleviate underlying fears around the issues of

possession. Use it to bring about a greater level of independence.

There will be a stimulation of energy between the 6th and 7th

chakras. An unreasonable fear around insects can signify the need

for Bugbane.

Burdock (Arctium Lappa) - Integration

Burdock elixir is for cleansing and clearing various aspects of

consciousness. It can bring a sense of calm and peace. This elixir

can deeply assist people attempting to learn new skills and new

ways of working with their bodies or their eyes. There can be some

benefit to all cells of the knees. As you integrate new aspects of your

life, you may have new insights about old information or find new

ways to apply those aspects with a greater sense of hope.

Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) - Mental Clarity

This remedy can stimulate mental clarity, memory, and higher

mental consciousness. It is helpful to use just before and after a

consciousness seminar. There may be an inability to retain

information or to assimilate experiences because of not being

focused in the present, i.e., the "guru hopper" or the philosophy

student studying for an exam. The mental body is strengthened with

its use.

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Butterfly Lily (Hedychium coronarium) - Personal Transformation

A Himalayan plant that can attune individuals not only to the process

of transformation as symbolized by the butterfly, but also to the

awareness of this transformation for the human race as well. This is

an excellent essence for individuals that are involved in group work

where they are facing insurmountable obstacles. A certain

encouragement, strength of purpose, and ability to let go of stress

will be found in its use.

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) - Expanding Limits

Use of this elixir can bring a deeper attunement to ones own

physical need for structure, for setting limits or boundaries. A greater

understanding of limits that are placed on you from others can be

realized. There can be a greater ability to take on challenges.

Cacao [Chocolate Tree] (Theobroma Cacao) - Self Acceptance

With Cacao elixir, many parts of the body can have increased

sensitivity -- or decreased sensitivity in areas of injury and pain. By

decreasing over-sensitivity, Cacao is helpful for seasonal allergies.

The ability of Cacao to help one to match vibrations can be used for

regeneration by learning to match vibrations with the earliest cells in

your body. This elixir also stimulates sensitivity to others, which will

assist with counseling, as two people attune to a common goal.

Attuning to gentler things will be assisted. Individuals may consume

chocolate to dull their sensitivity to the love they need, and this

essence can help one in the letting go of the desire for sweetness

found externally in food and in recognizing sweetness as being

internally generated. Those struggling with body image can use

cacao to help envision a new body. This greater sensitivity can allow

one to better receive the higher vibrations from a spiritual teacher.

One can learn to choose what to be sensitive to.

Calendula (C. officinalis) - Inner Light

This remedy can help to bring an individual into greater alignment

with the entire issue of the protection and awareness of the light

within. It will assist in the release of fear. It is quite useful externally

in combination with Garlic, Pennyroyal, Aloe Vera, Lotus, and

Quartz elixirs. This elixir has proven quite valuable for those dealing

with negative thoughts and negative thought forms.

California Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis californica) -


This flower opens the mind and gives a feeling of flexibility to both

mind and nervous system. It can help one overcome rigid mindsets,


ideas, and body armor in order to bring wisdom. It will soothe and


California Buckeye (Aesculus californica) - Purpose

This remedy strengthens the ability to understand and work with

vision and its proper place in ones life. It may provide an

attunement to ones purpose as well as to ecosystems, agriculture,

and nature spirits. Use this to increase abilities through the third eye,

with an alignment of the 6th and 9th chakras.

California Pitcher Plant (Darlingtonia californica) - Denial

This elixir can give one the ability to absorb a negative thought form,

understand it within yourself, and release it. It can be quite useful in

therapy to help find quicker insights and the understanding of fear,

anger, hostility, or sadness.

California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica) - Psychic/Spiritual


This remedy helps to create a sense of inner balance that can be

maintained during psychic awakening. Past-life information can be

released and integrated with the use of this elixir.

Calla Lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica) - Forgiveness

Use of this flower can allow a greater and deeper expression of love

to find new forms in a person, thus finding entirely new ways to

share ones self with others. It will be useful in couples therapy by

bringing more insight and understanding and the ability to forgive.

This also might be useful in foreign relations. providing greater

insight into diverse peoples and their customs.

Calothamnus Validus - Astral Projection

It stimulates astral projection to the higher realms. This is not quite

soul projection. It removes negative thoughts and strengthens will

power and meditation. It is from West Australia.

Calypso Orchid (Calypso bulbosa) - Higher Communication

This orchid will assist one to climb through several spiritual levels

simultaneously. This may draw a teacher to oneself at an

accelerated pace. An increased ability to communicate with ones

guides or higher self will arise. The crown chakra tends to be

cleansed and opened.

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Camphor (Cinnamomum Camphora) - Subtle Bodies Aligned

This essence can temporarily align the subtle bodies, especially the

aetheric, mental, and astral bodies. As this alignment occurs,

information from the higher self is more easily received, toxicity is

released, and other vibrational remedies work better.

Cantaloupe (Cucumis Melo) - Calm

This elixir enhances most meditative states and allows individuals

greater acceptance of the higher self. It creates a calming effect and

an increased realization of the joy of living or the sweetness of life.

Cape Honeysuckle (Tecomaria capensis) - Energy Liberation

This elixir can bring coordination between the physical body and the

4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th chakras. This may intensify psychic

abilities and a shift in the emotional body. Use of this essence can

bring about a balancing of the energies of grief, loneliness, or other

difficult emotional states.

Carnation (Dianthus Caryophyllus) - Life Force/Concentration

Indications for the use of this flower may be a lack of grounding and

the inability to focus on the present -- especially in spiritual or mental

areas. It increases emotional objectivity, the ability to meditate, and

learning capacities.

Carob (Ceratonia Siliqua) - Empathy/Group Interaction

Group communication and interaction is enhanced. Use of this elixir

can assist groups in aligning into a single, clear focus. It is a very

useful remedy for healers and their clients.

Carrot (Daucus Carota var. sativus) Same as Queen Annes Lace -

Spiritual Mental Clarity

Cashew Nut (Anacardium occidental) - Psychological Disorders

This remedy can be beneficial for psychological disorders

associated with left/right brain problems, such as autism and

learning problems. The emotional body is balanced.

Castilian Rose - Appropriate Use of Power

Engenders a greater sense of inner energy, fire, and power that is

perfectly mated to the heart. Aids in the use of power, with more

compassion, more love, and a greater understanding of its



Castor Bean Tree (Ricinus communis) - Energy Balance

With the use of this flower essence, acupuncture meridians all over

the body are energized, strengthened, and balanced. Any blockages

of acupuncture points are relieved. An apprentice can better sense

the meridians and feel the energies with ones hands. More energy

may be brought into the body for healing. The aetheric body is

energized and cleansed. The personality is balanced if one is too

aggressive or too unassertive.

Caterpillar Plant (Phacella mutabilis) - Psychic Abilities

This elixir offers greater encouragement to access and receive many

gifts of a spiritual nature when an individual is not yet fully aware of

them. It can be useful when many aspects of psychic abilities start to

appear, making it easier to assimilate and integrate them.

Catnip (Napeta cataria) - Confidence Booster

It is an excellent confidence booster for athletes and city dwellers

not used to going into nature. It releases stress and irrational fears.

It releases energy in the hara.

Cats Tail (Acalypha hispida) - Emotional Balance

This elixir is good for use in a close-knit or large group of people,

like the military, business, academic, or religious community when

someone leaves that group. It is for the entire group, not just the

person leaving. Emotional balance, especially from depression, is


Cayenne (Capsicum annum) - Consciousness

It activates the consciousness stored in the two base chakras.

Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) - Cleansing/Stress

This elixir cleanses the etheric body. It eases stress, promoting a

peaceful and accepting nature.

Celandine (Chelidonium majus) - Communication/Clarification

The ability to transfer information is enhanced. It can be especially

useful for singers and lecturers. It will help clarify information from

one's spirit guides.

Celosia (C. cristata) - Balances Ego

This elixir enhances ones ability and ones willingness to be seen

and to stand out. This flower resembles the comb of a rooster, thus

part of its signature is the ability to crow. It will assist in allowing one

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to receive the love of others. A greater understanding and balancing

of ego states can be accelerated by its use.

Chaulmoogra Hydnocarpus (Taraktogenos Kurzii) - Animal Nature

This remedy helps in the realization of ones connections with the

animal kingdom. It can be useful in treating animals that are

developing human-like physical infirmities.

Centaury (Centaurium Erythraea) - Assertiveness

This is for people that cant say no. For those that neglect their

own needs and are servile with others. These beings generally will

do anything to avoid confrontation.

Century Agave (Agave americana) - Wisdom, Maturity, Patience

This essence brings the emotional, mental, and soul bodies into

alignment, which creates wisdom, maturity, and patience. People

displaying immature behavior such as anger, impatience, or sulking

can benefit from this flower essence.

Cerato (Ceratostigma willmottianum) - Self-Reliance

Cerato teaches people greater self-reliance and self-confidence. It

helps to increase inner strength.

Cereus Cactus (C. jusberti) - Breakthrough

There is some relationship to the star Antares. Dealing with shadow- self
issues can occur in an easier fashion. There can manifest a

sense of unity or deeper connection amongst people. This is

especially established at night during the dream state. What can

occur with this elixir is a greater opportunity to connect with the

collective consciousness of humanity in a positive way. There is a

balancing of both halves of the personality -- light and dark -- and a

real breakthrough experience is possible. Take this along with

Antares elixir to provide more energy.

Chamomile, German (Matricaria Chamomilla) - Harmony/Higher


This stimulates the pineal gland, which creates states applicable to

meditation. It aligns the mental body, and emotional tensions are

released. Emotional stability and greater calm results from the use

of Chamomile elixir.

Chamomile, Wild (Anthemis Cotula) - Harmony/Higher Wisdom

Chamomile, Dye - Harmony/Higher Wisdom


Chaparral (Chaparro amargosa) - Astral Projection

This elixir can generate the ability of astral projection, helping to

create mental clarity in the conscious mind. Past-life recall

increases, especially when past life events interfere with the present

lifetime. Use this essence for people with insomnia, restlessness,

memory loss, inability to recall dreams, and frustration from

unknown origins.

Chaulmoogra Hydrocarpus (Taraktogenos Kurzii) - Karmic Relief

A release of karma from a human will be sensed, felt, and known

consciously when the flower essence of this tree is taken. This is a

much more spiritualized effect than anything of an herbal nature, but

it is primarily then to relieve karma. Now this is difficult to explain for

the laws of karma are immutable and the ways in which one is able

to balance it comes often through realization within the individuals.

So the individual may have then greater tendency towards deeper

realization and release of unconscious messages around animals,

and past life interactions may come clear in memories, and so on.

But more deeply and more importantly, what will be felt is the inner

kinship to one's inner animals, to the understanding of one's

connection to the animal kingdom, and to the ultimate forgiveness of

one's self for one's animal desires, animal nature, and ways of

simply reacting in the world as animals are so prone to do.

This essence may also liberate in individuals deeper awareness of

all past lives as in many cases throughout history you have had

intimate reactions and working with animals, and so it is useful also

in most forms of past life regression.

Cherry (Prunus avium) - Stimulates Vitality

This essence stimulates vitality, cheerfulness, and a brighter outlook

on life.

Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera) - Centered and Calm

For those easily moved to outbursts of frustration and anger, with a

great difficulty to relax. For those who fear losing mental control who

are also extremely sensitive.

Chervil (Anthriscus Cerefolium) - Spiritual Identity

This elixir activates the brow and crown chakras and poa (see

Tibetan meditation literature). It is good for the newborn. Use this

when there may be confusion as to spiritual identity or disorientation.

Ability to astral and soul project and desire to meditate are

stimulated through its use. Use it to cleanse quartz crystals.

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