What Is Difference Between Minimum Mode and Maximum Mode or Difference Between Minimum Mode and Maximum Mode Operations in 8086?

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What is difference between minimum mode and maximum mode or

difference between minimum mode and maximum mode operations

in 8086?
InIntel 8086 and 8088
the pin#33 selects the mode. If connected to +5vcc => minimum mode & if grounded =>
maximum mode.
Bothe have different functions coz changing the mode changes the functionality of some
others pins too.
INTEL's pre release 8085A, to support its features, minimum mode was there while to
support the modern design journey of microprocessors, maximum mode was available.
MINIMUM MODE operation is least expensive way to operate the 8086/8088 'coz all the
control signals were generated, for the io or and memory, by the processor and allowed
the 8085A without any special consideration
MAXIMUM MODE; some of the control signals must be generated externally, requires
an addition of an external bus controler 8288. maximum mode had the ability to control
the external buses and was used only when coprocessors were attached with the
processors. :-)

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