Distinct Topics:: 1 - Preliminary Program of Requirements - Notes

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Stakeholder Meeting #3

September 12, 2016 10 11:30am

Montgomery County Planning Department Main Regional Office, Room 303
Meeting Results - This meeting listened to and gathered feedback on the four
distinct topics:
1 -Preliminary Program of Requirements - Notes:
1. At Westwood II side near River Road and re-aligned Westbard Avenue gateway to
greenway with grass benches and trees
2. Water Feature to take advantage of streamlet coming from River Road by
Westwood II building
3. Waterfall and other water features where stream cant be completely natural
4. On interim basis, pathway around American Plant and Roof Center for
5. In considering all questions, it is important to keep in mind that improvements to
Willett Branch must allow redevelopment to proceed
6. Amenities
- Trail
- Areas to sit and enjoy nature
- Habitat restoration
- Animals
- Plants and trees
- Water born fish, crustaceans, bugs
- Natural looking streams
- Make sure that use adjacent to stream face onto stream for safety reasons
- Historic and nature information kiosks/signs
- Running weir areas and also pooling areas, ponds
- Creation of pools by using weirs
- Try to remove as much of concrete channel as possible
- Sligo Creek as an example
7. Welcoming Gateway to the park from Westbard and River Road behind
McDonalds and HOC building wide area
8. Mural art on big existing retaining wall behind McDonalds
9. Memorial site for cemetery
10. Seating area - maybe small playground splash pool? Behind HOC and McDonalds
11. No new structures in buffer especially parking garage
12. Bridges in American Plant and HOC sites at least
13. Educational areas including Rosenwald School and wildlife info

14. Should be terraced walkways along stream where banks are high
15. Trail with seating periodically for gathering
16. Lots of trees along path makes walking in hot weather possible. occasional
17. Connectivity to trail and Westwood shopping Ctr where one can get beverages
18. Steep slopes need protection
19. Bowlmor site path to creek from site to take advantage of hill and views maybe
nice terracing!!
20. Parking lots turned into forest
21. Cross sections of creek so can see how it would look
22. The central Unifying Vision of the Sector Plan is the Willett Branch Greenway,
accessible to the public. The parking garage Wholly contradicts this vision, as do
other buildings that so greatly infringe on the buffer
23. Stream Valley Buffer
- Identified by natural Resources Inventory
- PROS Plan (Wooded area and connectivity and hierarchy
- Environmental guidelines
- Critical to vision of Sector Plan
- State laws stream and bay cleanup
- No Buildings in the Buffer!
24. The Sector Plan sets out criteria that must all be met. For exemptions to be
permitted that would allow building within buffer
25. The NRI approved buffer should be used as the buffer from which any existing
buildings might be exempted. New buildings should be set back from the buffer
to reduce visible impacts. Any encroachments into buffer should be limited to
existing buildings and meet all sector plan requirements
2- Stream Naturalization Notes:

Waterfall where site conditions prevent waterfall

Prevent soil erosion from construction
In considering potential flooding, the current potential should also be considered,
including existing choke points (i.e. American Plant Food and CCT)
There are portions of the stream where stream channel will need to be much
lower that potential pathway and development adjacent
Remove as much concrete as possible; use weirs, rocks logs. Etc. to help
dissipated energy of fast flowing water; use fields grassy areas as outflow areas
for storm events.; Provide lots of large trees; Provide planting that promotes and
supports habitat;
- Butterfly attracting shrugs
- Tress for bird nests




- Bird houses Bat houses

- Pools for tadpoles, etc.
- Allow any retaining walls to have plantings grow on them
Naturalized stream flows uncovered, treed, vegetated heavily
Naturalized stream should be the centerpiece of development. Should be a
gathering place not only for people living in buildings around it, but for
community as a whole.
Remove invasive plants
Try to remove tunnels and daylight sensitive bridges instead
Bring back aquatic and other wildlife. Improve ecological health
Pools and twists in stream not just straight channel
Can naturalization of stream include methods that will decrease pollution within
the water?
Interesting rock formations, use stream sough of Massachusetts Avenue as
Picnic areas along creek would be lovely
The channel should include meanders and pools even if not fully natural
Naturalized stream should be sufficiently that it does not look like a deep
drainage ditch (as it now does near the auto repair) and is readily accessible from
the sides.
Removing or modifying existing choke points at American Plant and CCT to avoid
flooding should be considered
Maintain developable parcels to underwrite land dedication
Need rocks and erosion control e.g. plantings; meander, angles rather than a
straight line etc.
Stream naturalization amenities:
- No invasive species
- Sitting areas
- Bike/walk path to CCT and Westbard
- Cemetery memorial
- Historical markers
- Education wildlife

3 - Stewarding Cultural Resources / Potential Archaeological Site


Historical resources should focus on the natural resources that existed

historically as well as human ones.
Provide historic signage and kiosks along park trail; provide benches and grassy
seating areas where signage could be near it for education; Are there old
industrial structures that could be repurposed as art or as something to climb on;
Maybe save a small piece of the channel side (with Graffiti) to show what used to




be there and educate about the naturalization process; Use Blue Granite in some
of the designs
Natural resources, including cemetery site should be surveyed before new
construction begins, (including delineation)
Cemetery must be delineated
Use public art to commemorate area history, including:



Tobacco plantation

Quarry African American history

It would be nice to have more historical info about African American community
considering Macedonia Baptist Church thats still on River Road
For Cemetery contemplative memorial space; signs on history like:

Rosenwald school

Quarry rock demonstrated

Info signs on mill and tavern

African American community

Public Art murals etc. on existing retaining walls could show history
In the larger planned park could you a sitting area with signage/pictures and
drawings celebrating major historical development?
Highlight Rosenwald school and impact that segregation had on area
Make clear that area was home to freed slave families
Area is rich with cemeteries on both sides of River Road important to recognize
Important to have signs or structures that provide some stream and wildlife
If these are specific spaces with historic significance, provide an area to view it,
sit and discuss/Think allow school groups to learn in area

4 - Building Form / How Buildings Relate to the Greenway

1. Public access should be walking and biking between or even through some of
the buildings that will be built. Welcoming paths well-delineated and well lighted
no dark areas
2. Redevelopment sites should not intrude within buffer, should be setback where
possible, and must be attractive and appropriate for facing park
3. County guidelines and Sector Plan emphasize need for no stress, traffic noise in
stream valley areas - should have no traffic next to stream

4. Developer should be able to have cafes, party areas near buildings overlooking
stream and building fronts should be attractive and functional for building
resident and customers
5. Building fronts should include setbacks and should be attractive when viewed
from stream valley
6. No ugly blank walls like line the banks of the Little Falls Branch along Willard
7. Buildings must be oriented to Westbard Avenue
8. Redeveloped sites should incorporate public access to greenway and provide
compatible landscaping
9. Need public path by HOC building to provide access between CCT and Westwood
Shopping Center
10. Be aware of shadows from buildings onto park. Make sure to preserve natural
sunlight onto and into park.
- Avoid massive shadows long term
- Allow some units to open onto pathway at edge of Park
- Provide pedestrian scale lighting within park along pathways
- Lower scale mass of Buildings along park that can step up away from park
- Buildings should all face onto park
- Balconies and terraces should face onto park
- Remove all parking lots adjacent to park
- Incorporate art in buildings and extending park
11. HOC area is center of stream valley and should be restful, stress-free place,
especially with cemetery site needs inviting site entrance with public path
12. Buildings should respect the buffer and provide aesthetic elements should blend
with nature
13. Individual circumstances of a site need to be evaluated. Issues such as grade,
available area, timing of construction, economics, road access, etc. will determine
14. Hedonic analysis of real estate shows that properties near greenway are more
valuable in rent and sales. Properties should take advantage of their views with
cafes and commercial activity, ice cream stores!
15. Any new buildings should not extend inside NRI buffer and should possible be
setback from buffer to protect views from within park
16. A welcoming entryway inviting and directing the public into the park. Public
access to Park
17. Buildings will embrace the stream and should front it with accessible connections
to residences keeps paths noise and stress free (but buildings can also front
Westbard Avenue)
18. Buildings should not extend into buffer and parking lots should become forest
with plants

19. Trail better south of stream between Westwood II and HOC and north after HOC

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