Civil Engg Syllabus
Civil Engg Syllabus
Civil Engg Syllabus
Scheme of Examination and Syllabus from I to IV Semester
(Effective from 2007-08)
Sub code: CE 13
Teaching Hours / Week: 3 + 1
Total Hours : 50
FORCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS: Concept of a force, particle and rigid body, principle of
transmissibility of force, system of forces, free body diagrams, coplanar force system. Determination
of Resultant and equilibrant of coplanar, concurrent force system, condition of equilibrium-Example
COPLANAR NON - CONCURRENT FORCE SYSTEM: Moment of a force, couple, determination of
Resultant and equilibrant of coplanar non-concurrent force system, conditions of equilibrium, types of
loads and support reactions, Determination of reactions for statically determinate beams, composite
beams, simple trusses-Example problems
10 Hrs
CENTROID AND MOMENT OF INERTIA : Centroid of plane figures and areas, moment of inertia and
radius of gyration of plane figures and built up sections, product of inertia - Example problems
10 Hrs
FRICTION: Laws of dry friction, angle of repose, cone of friction, angle of friction, equilibrium
problems with friction, Ladder friction, wedge friction, belt friction and screw jack - Example problems.
KINEMATICS: Rectilinear motion with constant accelearaton, simple problems on variable
acceleration, Example problems
10 Hrs
KINEMATICS: Curvilinear motion, projectiles-Example problems.
KINETICS: Newtons law of motion, D Alemberts Principle, curvilinear motion- super elevation Example problems
10 Hrs
WORK, ENERGY AND POWER: Definitions, work done by a force, work done by a system of forces,
work energy equation for rectilinear translation, simple problems .
IMPULSE AND MOMENTUM: Relation between Impulse and momentum for rectilinear translation,
law of conservation of linear momentum - Example problems
10 Hrs
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each
part carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question
from each part.
Sub code: CE 23
Teaching Hours /week: 3 + 1
Total Hours : 50
SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS: Definitions, Saint-Venant Principle, stress-strain diagrams for
ductile and brittle materials, Hooks law, youngs modulus, poisons ratio, Rigidity modulus and Bulk
modulus, relation between Elastic constants , principle of super position. Bars of varying cross section.
Compound bars, Temperature stresses in bars of varying cross section and compound bars Example
10 Hrs
COMPOUND STRESSES: Definition of compound stress, principal stress and its Plane, Expressions for
normal and tangential stresses on general plane in two dimensional stress system. Principal stresses and
their planes. Shear stress and its plane in a general two dimensional stress system . Mohrs circle of
BENDING MOMENT AND SHEAR FORCE DIAGRAMS: Introduction, relation between load,
shear force bending moment, bending moment and shear force diagrams for statically determinate beams
for various types of loads and moments- Example problems.
10 Hrs
BENDING AND SHEARING STRESS IN BEAMS: Introduction, Simple Bending theory, moment of
resistance of a section, Bending Stress distribution across the cross section of different shapes under
various types of loads, shear stress distribution across the cross section of different shapes Example
10 Hrs
DEFLECTIONS OF BEAMS : Introduction, Differential equation for deflection, relationship between
deflection and slope, deflection and slope of statically determinate beams by the method of double
integration, Macaulays method - Example problems.
10 Hrs
THIN AND THICK CYLINDERS: Definition of thin and thick cylindrical shells. Stresses in thin and thick
cylinders subjected to internal fluid pressures, applications of lames equations to determine stresses in
compound cylinders. Determination of volume change due to stresses in thin and thick cylindrical shellsExample problems.
10 Hrs
TORSION: Torsion equation for circular shafts, strength and stiffness of solid and hollow circular shafts,
transmissions of power, principal and shear stresses for circular shafts subjected to bending and torsion Example problems.
10 Hrs
COLUMNS AND STRUTS: Introduction, Eulers theory, long and short columns, end conditions,
equivalent length, Rankines formula. Gordons formula, simple design of columns, columns, eccentric
loading.- Example problems.
10 Hrs
1. Strength of Materials: F .L. Singer and Andrew Pytel, Harper and Row Publications,Newyork
2. Mechanics of Materials (S.I.Version) F.P. Beer and E R Jhonson
3. Strength of Materials ; Dr.B.C. Punmia
4. Mechanics of Materials Timo shenko Gere, C.B.S. publications
5. Strength of Materials Ryder
6. Introduction of Material B S Basavarajaih P Mahadevappa , Khanna publications
7. Strength of Materials - Prof. S S Bhavikatti
8. Strength of Materials Prof. L. S. Srinath
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS : Introduction, Manufacturing, classification, properties and their relevant
uses (wood, steel, glass, plastics and insulating materials )
10 hrs
CIVIL ENGG. CONSTRUCTIONS : Foundations Necessity, Types and their applications Masonry,
Types -classification and applications Plastering; Types and their applications
10 Hrs
ROOFING AND WOOD WORKS : Necessity of Roofing, Types - functions and their applications. Doors,
windows and ventilators necessity types uses and their applications. Stairs necessity -types , design
steps and applications.
10 Hrs
FLOORING : Necessity, Types and applications, water Proofing courses, form works Types and their
uses. Scaffoldings and their applications. Types of shoring and their uses.
10 Hrs
Theodilite Surveying: adjustment, fundamentals lines, different methods of measuring angles, traversing,
trigonometrically leveling problems use of Electronic theodolite
10 Hrs
Tachometry: Definition stadia Principles, tangential system, details of stadia systems, horizontal and
inclined sight with staff vertical and normal for fixed hair tachometer, applications ,errors in tachometer,
surveying ,problems.
MEASUREMENTS OF AREA AND VOLUME: Different methods, problems
10 Hrs
1. T.P Kanetkar and S.V.Kulkarni: Surveying and leveling Vol. I & II Vidyatrhi Griha Prakasham
Pune 411030.
2. B.C. Punmia Surveying Vol. I & II
3. K.R.Arora Surveying Vol. I
4. A.M.Chandra Plane Surveying Vol- I ,New age Publication New Delhi
5. S.K.Duggal Surveying Vol.I Tata Mc- Graw Hill Publishing Company ltd., ,New Delhi
6. David Clark Plane & Geodetic Surveying for Engineers Vol.I CBS publishers and Distributors.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
1. Engineering materials by - Roy and Choudhary.
2. Engineering materials by - Susheel Kumar.
3. Engineering materials by Rangwala.
4. Materials of construction by Gurucharan Singh.
5. Building Construction - by - Susheel Kumar.
Sub Code: CE 34
Contact Hours / Week : 3 + 1
Total Hours: 50
Sub code: CE 33
Contact Hours / Week : 3 + 1
Total Hours: 50
Structural Systems: Conditions of Equilibrium, degrees of freedom, Determinacy and stability of planar
structures. One dimensional, two-dimensional structural and three-dimensional structural system. Concept
of indeterminacy, Degree of Indeterminacy, Determination of degree of indeterminacy. Analysis of trusses
(statically determination) by method of joints and method of sections - Example problems
10 Hrs
Deflection of statically determinate beams: Moment area Method, conjugate beam method and Strain
energy method - example problems
10 Hrs
Deflection of statically determinate: Unit load method, Real work method- Example problems
Deflection of truss: stain energy method and unit load method- Example problems
10 Hrs
Elementary Surveying: Principles of surveying object classifications of surveying, chain, compass and
plane table surveying equipments, setting and traversing three point problem and solution problems on
10 hrs
Rolling loads and influence lines: Statically determinate beams subjected to series of point loads and
uniformly distributed loads, Criteria for maximum and absolute maximum moments and shears - Example
10 Hrs
Three hinged arches: Determination of thrust shear, moment and influence lines - Example problems
Cables and Suspension Bridges: Equilibrium of loaded chord, cables used for different purpose,
Suspension bridge with three hinged stiffening girders and influence line diagram - Example problems
10 Hrs
Leveling: Principles, different methods of leveling, temporary adjustments, fundaments lines use of
automatic level, digital level & their principles and problems on above
10 hrs
1. Norris and Wilbur: Elementary Structural Analysis, International student edition, McGraw-Hill
Book Co., New Delhi.
2. Laursen: Structural Analysis, International student edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co. New Delhi.
3. Timoshenko and Young: Theory of Structures, International Student Edition, McGraw-Hill
Book Co., New Delhi.
4. Reddy, C.S. Basic Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill publishing Co.Ltd.,New Delhi.
5. Gere and Timoshenko: Mechanics of Materials, CBS publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
6. Elementary Structural Analysis By Dr. Ashok.K. Jain, Nemichand & Bross, Roorkee
7. Intermediate structural analysis : by C K Wang, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New Delhi.
8. Punmia, B.C.and A.K.Jain: Strength of Materials and theory of structures. Vol-I and II, Laxmi
publications, New Delhi.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Sub code: CE 35
Contact Hours / Week : 3 + 1
Total Hours: 50
Introduction: Definition of Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics, Statics, Kinematics, Dynamics, Fluid continuum,
Solid State and fluid state, Fluid, liquid, gas, vapour, difference between Ideal fluids and Real fluids.
Systems of measuring physical quantities in SI units
10 Hrs
Fluid Properties: Various properties of fluids such as density, specific weight, specific volume, specific
gravity, viscosity (both dynamic & kinomatic), Surface tension, Capillary and compressibility along with
definitions, symbols, units and dimensions, Newtons Law of viscosity, difference between Newtonian fluid
and Non-Newtonian fluid, compressible and incompressible fluids, examples and problems.
10 Hrs
Fluid Pressure and its Measurements : Definitions of Pressure, Pressure head, units and dimensions,
Pressure at a point, Pascals law, Pressure variation in a static mass of fluid, Atmospheric Pressure,
Gauge Pressure and Absolute Pressure Problems. Measurement of Pressure by different simple and
differential manometers Problems. Definitions equations of total pressure and centre of pressure of
Horizontal plane surface and vertical plane surface immersed in a stationary liquids Problems. 10 hrs
Kinematics Fluid Flow: Types of fluid flow- steady unsteady uniform Non uniform- one, two and
three dimensional flows. Types of flow lines Path line Streak line Stream tube Stream line Rate
of flow Continuity equation by conservation of mass and by cartesion co-ordinates system (in differential
form) Problems.
Dynamics of fluid flow: Introduction Different types of heads (Energies) - Bernoullis equation by
Eulers equation of motion in one dimensional. Flow through Venturimeter - problems.
10 hrs
Flow through orifices and mouthpieces: Classification of orifices Definitions of Hydraulic coefficients
Experimental determination of Hydraulic coefficients Problems. Classification of mouth fieces
discharge through an external mouth piece Problems.
Flow over Notches and weirs : Definitions Classification of Notches and weirs. Discharge over a
rectangular Notch /weir Discharge over a Triangular Notch or weir Problems. Discharge over a Booad
crested weir over a Narrow crested weir - problems.
10 hrs
1. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics by - Modi.P.N. and Seth.S.M. Standard book house, New
2. Fluid Mechanics by - A.K.Jain, Khanna publishers, New Delhi.
3. Engineering Fluid Mechanics by - Kumar.K.L. Eurasia publishing house pvt. Ltd. New
4. Fluid Mechanics by R.K.Bansal.
5. Fluid Mechanics by Sharma McGraw Hill publishing co ltd New Delhi
6. Fluid Mechanics by M. Manohar .
7. Flow through practical problems- R.J. Girde
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Sub code: EG 36
Contact Hours / Week : 3 + 1
Total Hours: 50
INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE: Introduction of Geology, different branches of geology. Geology and its
importance in civil engineering. Earth as a planet, external layers, earths interior and composition 10 hrs
MINERALOGY: Definition of mineral, crystals, symmetry elements, classification of crystal into six
systems. Classification of minerals, origin of minerals. Physical properties of minerals.
10 hrs
PETROLOGY: Classification of rocks a) Igneous rocks: definition, classification, forms of igneous rocks,
texture and structures b) Sedimentary rocks: definition, process of sedimentation, primary structures and
classification. c) Metamorphic rocks: definition,
Agents of metamorphism, types of metamorphism, Textures and structures of metamorphic rocks.
STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY: Introduction, dip and strike, compass clinometer. Folds and its types, faults,
types of faults, joints, unconformities, types, and recognition in the field. Importance of folds, faults and
joints in civil engineering.
10 hrs
PHYSICAL GEOLOGY: Epigene and hypogene processes. Weathering of rocks, kinds of weathering. Soil
formation, soil profile, classification of soils, erosion and conservation. Remedial measures of soil. River
cycle: development of river system, erosion, transportation and deposition. Earth quakes: distribution of
earth quakes in the world and in India in particular with examples. Causes and effects, prediction of earth
10 hrs
ENGINEERING GEOLOGY: Surface and sub surface investigations for Geo technical Problems.
Engineering properties of rocks, rock as construction material, qualities required for building stone,
ornamental stone, flooring and roofing purpose, as concrete
Aggregate, road metal rail road ballast with examples. Geological considerations in selection of sites for
dams, reservoirs, tunnels, bridges and high ways. Silting up of reservoirs and remedial measures. Land
slides, geological consideration and prevention of land slides.
10 hrs
HYDROGEOLOGY: Hydrological cycle, water bearing properties of soil. Aquifers, types, water table,
fluctuation of water table, cone of depression. Investigation of ground water; geological method,
geophysical methods and water witching.
ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ENGINEERING: Pollution: types of pollution, source of pollution,
contamination hazard to surface and ground water, impact of mining, quarrying and reservoirs on
environment. Types of earth resources, renewable and non renewable resources, remote sensing, aerial
photographs and satellite imagery. Application of remote sensing in geology.
10 hrs
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Sub Code: CE 38 L
Practical Hours / Week: 03
Sub Code: CE 37 L
Practical Hours / Week: 03
Tension tests on Mild steel, HYSD bars, Aluminum bars Compression tests on Mild steel, HYSD,
cast iron, Aluminum and wood (along and across the grains).
Shear test on Mild steel and Wood
Bending test on Mild steel and Wood.
Impact test on Mild steel (Chapy & Izod).
Hardness tests on ferrous and nonferrous metals- Brinells, Rockwell and Vickers.
Demonstration of strain gauges, strain indicators.
Determination of Endurance limit of structural materials by Fatigue Test.
1. T. P Kanetkar and S.V.Kulkarni : Surveying and leveling Vol. I & II Vidyatrhi Griha Prakasham
Pune 411030.
2. B.C. Punmia Surveying Vol. I & II
3. K. R. Arora Surveying Vol. I
Exam Pattern : Two questions are to be set on experiments 10 marks each and 05 marks for oral.
1. Davis, Trowxell and Hauck: Testing of Engineering Materials, International Student Edition
McGraw Hill Book Co., New Delhi.
5. Relevant IS codes.
Exam Pattern : Two questions are to be set on experiments 10 marks each and 05 marks for oral.
Subject code: CE 42
Teaching Hours / week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Introduction: Aim and Importance of Architecture, architecture as a fine art. Role of architecture and
anengineer. Principles and qualities of Architecture.
Principles of Planning: Orientation, aspect, prospect, Interrelation of building components, Economy,
Privacy, flexibility, hygiene, Security, ecology, ergonomics.
10 hrs
Architectural Characteristics of Egyptian Architecture, Greek Architecture, Roman Architecture, Buddhist
Architecture, Hindu Architecture, Jain Architecture, Chalukya Architecture, Hindu Saracenic Architecture,
Modern Architecture, Study and Submission of typical Architectural drawings.
10 hrs
Planning of Buildings: Residential building, Commercial buildings, Educational
buildings, Industrial
buildings, including fire protection of buildings, Acoustics of buildings and light and ventilation Study on
Related building codes and Bye- laws and zonic.
10 hrs
HumanSettlements, Rural and pattern of growth, factors that promote growth and development of rural
and urban areas. Ancient town planning in India- Principles of town planning and circulation pattern with
10 Hrs
Contemporary Objectives and methods of planning of town: Development plans for cities Objectives
and Stage involved in their preparation and implementation- Space standards for planning. Satellite
planning, Rural planning, Problem and Remedies, Physical planning of villages, Integrated development
plan with regional planning Rural and urban planning techniques.
10 hrs
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Subject Code: CE 43
Teaching Hours/week: 3 + 1
Total Hours: 50
CURVE SURVEYING: Setting out of simple, compound reverse curves for highways and railways vertical
curves, problems on above.
SETTING OUT WORKS: Basic definition line , grade, stocks control setting out a building by a central
line of rectangle and circum scribing rectangle setting out of water supply and sewer lines setting out of
converts, setting out of tunnels centre line transfer level transfer, weish boch triangle.
10 Hrs
EDM, TOTALSTATION: Principle, construction, station setting adjustment, data transfer and computing
various, parts accessories and its applications.
10 Hrs
GEODETIC SURVEYING: Triangulation- Classification, steps involved in triangulation work,
Reconstruction, setting of triangulation stations, reaction of signals and towns, measurement of base line,
satellite station, reduction to centre, corrections for base line measurement and problems.
10 Hrs
PHOTOGRAMMETRY: Principles, Aerial photography terretrical, photogrametry applications problems on
10 hrs
Basic concept of global positioning system, Geographical information system Geographical information
system and remote sensing system.
10 hrs
1. T.P.Kanetkar & S.V.Kulakarni- Surveying and leveling Vol. II Vidarthi Griha Prakasham Pune
2. B.C.Punmia Surveying Vpl. II & III std. Book house , NEW DELHI.
3. K.R.Arora Vol. I & II Surveying.
4. A.M.Chandra Higher Surveying New Age publication , NEW DELHI
5. S.K.Duggal _ Surveying Vol. II Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co, NEW DELHI
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Subject Code: CE 44
Teaching Hours/week: 3 +1
Total Hours: 50
Three Moment Theorem: Analysis of Continuous beams by three moment theorem -Example problems
Slope deflection method : Analysis of beams & frames with or without sway - Example problems.
10 hrs
Moment Distribution Method: Analysis of continuous beams and frames with or without side sway Example problems
Kanis Method: Analysis of continuous beams and rigid portal frames- Numerical Problems.
10 hrs
Force Method : Analysis of statically Indeterminate Beams and Rigid frames (except yielding of
supports) :- Numerical Problems
Force Method : Analysis of statically Indeterminate Trusses. (except yielding of supports) :- Numerical
10 hrs
Influence Lines: Application of Muller Breslau Principle for continuous beams.(support reaction,
shearforce at a section and Bending moment at a section :- Numerical Problems.
Two hinged arches: Determination of horizontal thrust, normal thrust and radial shear. Temperature
changes, effects of rib shortening, Influence line diagrams.
10 hrs
Plastic Analysis : plastic Analysis of continuous Beams, :- Numerical Problems
Plastic Analysis : Plasic analysis of Rigid Frames (Except Gable frames) :- Numerical Problems. 10 hrs
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Fundamentals of Open Channel Flow: Definition of Open Channel Flow Classification Geometric
properties of Open Channel Flow Characteristics of Open Channel Flow difference between open
channel and pipe flow Types of flow Steady Unsteady Non Uniform Critical Sub critical Super
critical Laminar Turbulent flow. Types of open channels.
10 hrs
Steady Uniform Flow: Chazys formula and Mamnings formula Uniform flow through rectangular
Trapezoidal section triangular section. Mast economical charnel section rectangular section
trapezoidal sections Problems.
10 hrs
Specific Energy: Non-Uniform flow through open channels Specific energy Specific energy curve
Critical depth Critical velocity Critical flow Minimum Specific energy- Problems Hydraulic jump
Expressions for depths of Jump after and before jumps Length of Jump height of jump Loss of energy
due to hydraulic jump - Problems.
10 hrs
Power Transmission Through Pipes: Power transmission through pipes - condition for maximum
Transmission of Power Maximum efficiency of Transmission of Power Flow through nozzles Power
Transmission through nozzle Diameter of nozzle for maximum transmission of power through nozzle
Water hammer in pipes Expression for intensity of pressure wave produced due to Gradual closure of
valve Sudden closure of valve for both rigid and elastic pipes Problems.
10 hrs
Impact of Jets : Introduction Force exerted by the jet of water on the stationary normal Inclined
Curved flat plates. Force exerted by the jet of water on moving vertical inclined. Efficiency of the force
exerted by a jet of water.
Hydraulic Machines - Turbines: Introduction Turbines General Layout of a Hydro-electric power plant
Definitions of heads and efficiencies of a turbine Classification of hydraulic turbines Difference between Impulse
and Reaction turbines Pelton wheel turbine velocity triangles and work done for pelton wheel turbine problems.
10 hrs
Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanics by Modi.P.N. and S.M. Seth. Standard book house, New Delhi.
Fluid Mechanics by A.K. Jain.A.K., Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
Open channel Hydraulics by chow vente, Metropolitan book Co.pvt ltd Delhi.
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machinery by R.K. Bansal, Laxmi publications,
Hydraulic Machines by Jagadish lal, Metropolitan book. Co.pvt ltd Delhi.
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery by Ragunath H.M. ,CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
Hydraulic Machines by Jagadish lal, Metropolitan book co. pvt. Ltd. Delhi.
Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics by Subramanya. K. Tata Mc Graq Hill publishing Co.
Ltd. New Delhi.
Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics by K.R. Arora, Standard Book House,
Fluid Mechanics thourgh problems by R.J. Garde Wiley eater Ltd.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
5. Drawing of simple residential buildings single, double and three bed rooms with necessary views
such as plan, section and elevation. Given the line sketch of building.
20 hrs
6. Design and drawing of public buildings such as health center, schools, office, banks, library with
necessary views such as plan, section and elevation.
10 hrs
1. Shah.M.G. and Kale.C.M. Building Drawing Tata Mc Graw Hill publishing Co ltd, New Delhi.
2. Planning and Designing of Residential Building. By Y.N.Raju Rao and Y.Subrahmanyam,
Standard publishers distributers, Delhi.
3. Civil Engineering Drawing Guru charan Sing, Standard publishers distributers Delhi.
4. Mitchel Elementary and Advanced Building Construction G. Chand and Co ltd, New Delhi.
Question paper pattern: Three questions of 20 marks each are to be set in PART-A and two questions of
60 marks each are to be in PART-B. Students have to answer TWO questions from PART-A and ONE
from PART-B.
I. Identification of following minerals: Quartz and its varieties: Quartz, Rosy quartz, Flint, Opal,
Chalcedony, Jaspar, Agate, Amethyst. Orthoclase feldspar, Plagioclase feldspar, Microcline feldspar,
Biotite mica, Muscovite mica, Hornblende, Augite, Olivine, Asbestos, Tourmaline, Kyanite, Actinolite,
Chlorite, Serpentine, Calcite, Magnesite, Gypsum, Hematite, Magnetite, Limonite, Chromite, Chalcopyrite,
Bauxite and Galena.
II. Identification of rocks:
i. Igneous rocks: Granite, Syenite, Diorite, Gabbro, Dunite (Plutanic rocks)Granite porphyry, Syenite
porphyry, Diorite porphyry, Dolerite, Pegmatite (Hypabyssal rocks). Basalt, Amygdaloidal basalt,
Obsedian, Rhyolite, Pumice.(Volcanic rocks).
ii. Sedimentary rocks: Conglomerate, Breccia, Sandstone, Shale laterite, Limestone, Fossiliferous
iii. Metamorphic rocks: Quartzite, Gneiss, Marble, Schist, Slate.
III Thickness problems (out crop).
IV Dip and strike problems.
V Borehole problems (three point problems).
VI Study of geological maps.
Exam Pattern : Two questions are to be set on experiments 10 marks each and 05 marks for oral.
Subject Code: CE 48L
Practical Hours/week: 03
Water Requirements for Crop: Optimum moisture for crop growth - depth of water and frequency of
irrigation - crop and important crop season growth in India - crop period and base period - duty, delta and
their relationship - Importance of duty of water - Factors influencing the duty and for improving the duty of
command area -consumptive use of water evapotranspiration, determination of consumptive use - Blaney
Criddle method - Irrigation efficiencies - Irrigation requirements of crops.
10 hrs
Design of Canals in Alluvial Soils: Sediment transport and its introduction - Kennedys theory - Laceys
theory Comparison -Design of unlined canals using two theories in alluvial soils.
Land drainage: Water logging and its control effects of water logging - Causes and remedies. Drainage essential requirement - Classification, maintenance of tail drains, land reclamation, purpose and methods
of land reclamation.
10 hrs
1. T. P Kanetkar and S.V.Kulkarni : Surveying and leveling Vol. I & II Vidyatrhi Griha Prakasham
Pune 411030.
2. B.C. Punmia Surveying Vol. I & II
3. K. R. Arora Surveying Vol. I
Exam Pattern : Two questions are to be set on experiments 10 marks each and 05 marks for oral.
Subject Code: CE 51
Teaching Hours/week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Introduction: Definition - Necessity of irrigation - total planning concept of irrigation project - scope of
irrigation engineering - benefits of irrigation - Environmental effects of irrigation Perspective irrigation
development - National water policy, national perspective plan - classification of irrigation projects
planning for irrigation projects.
10 hrs
3. Principles and practice of Irrigation Engineering S.K.Sharma, S.Chand and company limited
New Delhi.
4. Textbook of Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures R.K.Sharma Oxford and I.B.H.
publishers company.
Subject Code: CE 52
Teaching Hours/week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Systems of Irrigation: Different classification - Flow irrigation - Direct irrigation system - Storage irrigation
system. In undatern irrigation system - Bhandra irrigation system - Lift irrigation system - Well irrigation Tube well irrigation.
Methods of Irrigation: Requirement of an irrigation method - sub surface irrigation - surface irrigation sprinkler irrigation - drip irrigation - comparative factors between sprinkler and drip -Surface and
10 hrs
Concern for Public health and environment movement. Need for protective water supply. Water supply
data collection and project preparation.
Quantity of water: Water requirement and per capita demand estimation. Factors affecting per capita
demand. Demand variation and its effects on water supply component. Design period. Methods of
population forecasting and applications.
10 hrs
Soil Water Plant Relationship: Soil profile - physical properties of soil - soil classification - Indian soils Functions of irrigation soils - maintaining soil fertility - soil water - subsurface water - field capacity - soil
moisture contents. Essential and non essential elements in plant nutrition. Functions of irrigation water
and its characteristics.
10 hrs
Sources: Surface and subsurface sources and their suitability for water supply with respect to quantity
and quality. Infiltration galleries. Type, choice, location and sketches of different intake structures.
Necessity of pumping and Types of pumps.
Quality of water: Need for analysis. Study of different physical, chemical and Biological characteristics.
BIS and WHO standards for Drinking water. Water Borne diseases.
10 hrs
Treatment: Settling tanks, theory of plane sedimentation, design considerations and applications,
sedimentation with coagulation, feeding, mixing and flocculation devices. Filter types, design principles,
construction, operation and cleaning slow and rapid sand filters and applications.
10 hrs
Theory of Disinfection, various disinfection methods, chlorination, chlorine demand, use of bleaching
powder, chlorine residual testing and applications. Sources of hardness, types ofhardness and hardness
removal techniques including application. Significance of fluoride in water and Defluoridation techniques.
10 hrs
Distribution system: Methods and Layout of distribution system, systems of supply. Service Reservoirs,
mass balance for capacity determination. Leakage prevention and detection. Corrosion of pipes and
prevention. Nomograms and economical diameter of Rising main. Pipe Appurtenances, service
connections, house water connections.
10 hrs
Compaction of Soils: Concept of soil compaction, compaction methods, Laboratory method of Proctor
compaction (light) and modified Proctor compaction (heavy) tests, Factors effecting the compaction. Field
compaction equipments and their suitabilities, Field method of compaction control. Example problems.
Consolidation of soils: One dimensional and three dimensional consolidation process , spring analogy,
Terzaghis theory of one dimensional consolidation, Expression to determine co efficient of
consolidation (cc), Degree of consolidation, Time factor for different end conditions, Laboratory
determination of consolidation properties, Coefficient of compressibility (av), Co efficient of volume
change (mv), Coefficient of consolidation(cv), Determination of pre consolidation pressure, secondary
consolidation, example problems.
10 hrs
Shear strength of soils: Strength concept in soils, Shear strength, Mohrs Coulomb theory- determination
of shear strength Parameters, Direct shear test, unconfined compression test, tri axial test and vane shear
tests, Drained and un drained shear tests, Factors affecting shear strength of soils Effective stress
parameters, Stress path SKemptons pore pressure parameters A and B example problems.
10 hrs
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Subject Code: CE 53
Teaching Hours/week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Introduction: Formation of soils and rocks, composition and geology of soils, Soils in India Phase
diagrams, Basic definitions and their inter relationships example problems.
Index properties and their determinations: Index properties of soils, Specific gravity, water content,
density and density index, Particle size distribution by mechanical sieve analysis and hydrometer method,
Consistency of soils, Laboratory methods of determination of index properties- example problems.
10 hrs
Engineering soil classification: Necessity of soil classification, types of classification systems with their
application, field classification methods, example problems.
Clay mineralogy and soil structure: Clay minerals - Kaolinite, Mont -morlonite and Ilite clay minerals
with their atomic structure. Base exchange capacity, types of bonds, soil-water system, Diffused double
layer, Inter particle forces, Single grain, Honey-comb, Flocculent and dispersed soil structure, Structure of
composite soils.
10 hrs
Soil water: Modes of water in soils, capillary water, Total stress, Effective stress, Quick sand
phenomenon, Flow of water through soils, Darcys law of permeability, Assumptions and validations,
constant and variable permeability test, derivations, laboratory method of determination, Factors effecting
the permeability, coefficient of percolation - Seepage velocity - Permeability of stratified soil deposits.
Aquifers- confined and unconfined aquifer, dupuits theory (No derivation) field methods of determining
coefficient of permeability, Example problems.
10 hrs
Theoretical soil Mechanics Karl Terzaghi, John Wiley and sons, Inc New York.
Principles of Geotechnical Engg Braja.M.Das PWS. Publishing company, Boston.
Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics Gopal Ranjan ASR. Rao, New age international
publications. 2000, New Delhi
Soil Mechanics and Foundations Dr.B.C. Punmia, Laxmi publications New Delhi.
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg V.N.S. Murthy, UBS Publishers and
distributors, New Delhi
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg K.R. Arora, Standard publishers Distributors,
Bowle J.E. ( 1996): Foundation Analysis and design , 5 edition ,Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co.,
Modern Geotechnical Engineering, By Alam Singh, CBS publishers and distributors Ltd., Newyork.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Subject Code: CE 54
Teaching Hours/week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Fresh Concrete: The properties of fresh concrete, Workability and consistency, Measure of Workability
and Consistency, Factors influencing the workability and consistency. Definitions in Fresh Concrete,
Causes and remedies, Yield of fresh concrete, Determination of composition of fresh concrete. 10 hrs
Hardened Concrete : Process of setting and Hardening concrete, Strength properties of hardening
concrete, Factor influencing the strength properties and elastic properties of hardened concrete,
Mechanism of shrinking and creep in hardened concrete, Factors influencing shrinkage and creep. Tests
on hardened concrete, Durability of concrete, factors affecting durability.
10 hrs
Concrete Mix Design : Different grades of concrete, Methods of Mix design, detailed procedure of Indian
Standard Method of Mix design
Ready Mix Concrete: Concept of ready mix concrete, Merits and Demerits of Ready Mix Concrete,
Production & Supply of ready mix concrete.
10 hrs
Admixtures: Classification, Surface active Chemicals, Set controlling Chemicals, Super plasticizers,
Mineral admixtures, Applications
Special Concrete: Types, High strength Concrete, Permeability & Fire resistance aspects.
10 hrs
1. C. S. Reddy Basic Structural Analysis
2. M. Mukhopadhyay Matrix finite Element & structural analysis
3. V. K. Manikaselvam Elementary matrix analysis of structures
4. J. M. Gere & W. Weaver - Matrix analysis of frame structures
5. H. K. Martin Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis,
6. Pandit & Gupta Structural Analysis (Matrix approach)
7. Beaufat Basic concepts; Structural Analysis
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS: Introduction Electronic magnetic
comparioson, modulation, Geodiameter, teunrimetrer distomat, range findus Radars.
Flexibility method General, Flexibility Method, Calculation of displacements, Examples of Statically
indeterminate Structures, General approach in flexibility method, Examples, Concluding remark. 10 hrs
Stiffness method : General, Continuous beam (I), Frames without away and axial deformations, Total
joint load Bar assembly, Spring assembly, Shaft, Continuous beam (II), Concluding remarks
10 hrs
Plane Truss General, Stiffness matrix of member, Joint equilibrium equations, Member force,
Examples, Member- Stiffness Matrix Alternate approach.
Space Truss General, Stiffness matrix of a member, Equilibrium of joint, Axial force in member,
Illustrative example Stiffness matrix of a member Alternate approach, Establishing member axes.
10 Hrs
Plane Frame General, Stiffness matrix of a member, Joint equilibrium conditions, Member forces,
Numerical Example.
Space Frame General, Stiffness matrix of a member, Joint equilibrium conditions, Fixed and reactions,
Member end forces, Example.
10 Hrs
waves, phase
10 Hrs
ASTRONOMY SURVEY: Earth celestial sphere, solar system, position by altitude and azimuth system
spherical triangle and spherical trigonometry. Astronomical triangle, Napiers rule Time sidereal time,
meridian and azimuth their determination latitude and its determination.
10 Hrs
Introduction: General, Classification of structures condition of structural Analysis, Methods of Analysis,
Degree of static Indeterminacy, Degree of Kinematic Indeterminacy, force and displacement, Force
displacement Relations.
10 hrs
UNDERGROUND SURVEYING: Introduction, surface survey and underground survey, suspension
auxiliary telescope, tunnel alignment for centre line and transfer weisbach triangle transfer of level in
under ground through vertical shaft.
10 Hrs
HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYING: Introduction , methods of locating sounding instruments used for
Sounding, plotting of soundings, three point problem, tides, tide gauges stream discharge measurements
problems on above.
ROUTE SURVEYING: General Reconnaissance, preliminary survey, transit party, level party,
Topographic party, location survey construction survey.
10 Hrs
T.P.Kanitakr and S.V.Kulkarni; Surveying- Vol. II Surveying, Vidyarthi Griha Prakasham, Pune
B.C.Punmia; Surveying and photgrametry Vol. II and Vol. III
A.M.Chandra ; Higher Surveying , New age publications New Delhi
K.R.Arora ; Surveying Vol. II and Vol. III
S.K.Duggal; Surveying II
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Subject Code: CE 55.4
Teaching Hours/week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Introduction: Definition and scope of hydrology. Hydrological cycle. Global water budget and Indias water
budget. Practical application of hydrology. Hydrological data.
Precipitation: Definition forms and types. Measurement of precipitation. Non recording and recording and
recording type rain gages. Computation of average depth of rain over area.
10 hrs
Precipitation Analysis: Estimation of missing precipitation data and adjustments of records. Optimum
rain gauge network design. Depth area duration curve. Mass curve of rain fall, hydrograph, intensity
duration curve. Intensity duration frequency curve. Maximum depth duration curve. Frequency analysis of
rainfall data. Moving average curve. Design storm. Probable maxim precipitation.
10 hrs
Infiltration and evaporation: Definition. Measurement of infiltration by using infiltrometers, Hortons
infiltration curve -infiltration indices. Evaporation process, factors affecting evaporation. Estimation of
evaporation using empirical equations. Measurement of evaporation by using evaporation pansEvapotranspiration by Blane criddle method
10 hrs
Runoff: Definition, Catchment characteristics, Factors affecting runoff. Estimation of run off. Rainfall- Run
off correlation.
Hydrographs: Definition. Components of hydrograph. Base flow and its separation. Unit hydrograph theory,
derivation of unit hydrograph.
10 hrs
Flood Studies: Standard project flood, maximum project flood, probable maximum flood and design flood.
Estimation of peak flood: i) Physical indication of past floods ii) Empirical formulae and curves iii) Time of
concentration method
iv). Rational method v). Flood frequency analysis- Weibul, Gumbel and log
Pearson type -III Distribution method.
10 hrs
Introduction: Ground water, Scope historical background, Economics of ground water, Hydrologic cycle,
Precipitations, Types of precipitations, Run off porosity and permeability, Status of ground water
development in India.
10 hrs
Vertical Distribution of Ground Water: Zones of aeration, Zone of saturation, Types of ground water,
Water table, Perched water table, Water table maps, Cone of depression. Distribution of ground water in
10 hrs
Development and Management of Aquifers: Aquifers and definition, Types, Aquifer, Aquiclude,
Aquifuge and Aquitard, Classification of aquifers, Unconfined aquifer, Confined aquifer and perched
10 hrs
Ground Water Exploration: Surface investigation of ground water, Geo - hydrologic method, Remote
sensing and water witching, Ground water exploration by geo physical methods a. Electrical resistivity
method b. Seismic refraction method c. Gravity and magnetic method.
Springs, Types, Hot springs, Geysers, Uses, Ground water in high lands and low lands, Piedmont deposit,
Ground water condition in Valley fills, Valley flat deposits, Distribution of water in coastal lands, Coastal
deposits, Ground water quality and tidal effects, Prevention and control of saline water intrusion.
10 hrs
Quality of Ground Water: Chemical analysis, dissolved constituents in ground water,
quality, Chemical quality, Physical quality, Quantitative aspect of ground water Geochemistry of ground
water, Development of alkalinity, Salinity in the soil. Well drilling and its development, types of well,
method of drilling deep wells.
10 hrs
Water Pollution: Factors, Source and nature of pollution, Industrial waste disposal, Sewage disposal,
Miscellaneous source and causes, Method of purification of ground water.
10 hrs
Coastal Hazards: Cyclones and Tsunamis, Hazards on Indian coasts, Cyclones and their origin.
Tsunamis and dimension of hazards, Coastal hazards and preventive measures.
10 hrs
Ground Water Recharge: Rain water harvesting. Artificial recharge spreading methods, Induced
recharge method, Recharge well method, Sub surface dams, Waste water recharge, Recharge of urban
storm run off, Case history, Effect of withdrawal of ground water.
10 hrs
1. Engineering Hydrology by Dr. P Jayaram Reddy
2. Hydrology by H.M.Raghunath Willey eastern publication limited, New York.
3. Hydrology by Dr.P.Jayaram Reddy, Laxmi publications (pvt) limited New Delhi.
4. Engineering Hydrology: S.Subramanya, Tata Mc Graw Hill publications, Delhi.
5. Applied Hydrology: K.N.Mutreja Tata Mc Graw Hill publication Delhi.
6. Engineering Hydrology: Varshney R.C.Nem chand and Bros, Roorkee.
7. Elementary Hydrology: Vijaya.P.Sing eastern economy edition, Prentice Hall of India private
limited New Delhi.
8. Hydrology for Engineers: Linsely, Kohler and Panthus, Mc Graw Hill book Co, New York.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Definitions, economic laws, basic items such as economic occupation, goods, utility, commodity, value
asset, capital, revenue, income, wealth and welfare.
Nature and significance of economics and relationship with science. Engineering and technology.
Economic development.
10 hrs
Economic systems: Households, firms, circular flow, working of price mechanism, free enterprise,
collective, mixed systems. Nature of human wants, demands and supply. Consumption function. 10 hrs
Economic Organization, various types of industrial organizations, structure of industries and markets and
economic policy, managed economy, economic planning.
10 hrs
Management science, theory and practice. Organizing, levels and span of managements and authority,
duties and responsibilities, staffing section, training, performance appraisal, carrier strategy.
10 hrs
Management and human factor, motivation, leadership, communication. Controlling techniques and
10 hrs
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Vector Control: Classification of control methods, vectors and hosts, mechanisms of transmission
malaria eradication, rodent action and mans counteraction, schistosomiasis, changes and developments
in controlling animal vectors. Anappraisal of mans control of insects and rodents.
10 hrs
Occupational Hazards: Encounters with contaminates and polluted air. Toxic gases, vapors, dusts and
fumes producing occupational diseases. Control measures.
10 hrs
Food Protection: Primary targets of food protection. Food protection in growing, processing, storing,
transporting and retailing. Achieving food protection in final preparation and serving. Tests and inspections
for food protection.
10 hrs
Housing, light, ventilation, water borne diseases, general sanitation of schools, hospitals and public
10 hrs
1. Environmental protection. Emil.T.Chanlett. Mc Graw Hill.
2. Sewage disposal and air pollution engg S.K.Garg Khanna publisheres.
Note: Four questions are to be set in each part. Student has to answer five questions taking at least two
questions from each section.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Alternative Building Materials - II : Fibre reinforced concretes - Matrix materials, Fibres: metal and
synthetic, Properties and applications.
Fibre reinforced plastics - Matrix materials, Fibres: organic and synthetic, Properties and applications.
Building materials from agro and industrial wastes Types of agro wastes, Types of industrial and
mine wastes, Properties and applications. Field quality control test methods
10 hrs
Alternative Building Technologies : Alternative for wall construction Types, Construction methods
Masonry mortars Types, Preparation, Properties.
Ferrocement and ferroconcrete building components - Materials and specifications, Properties,
Construction methods, Applications.
Alternative roofing systems Concepts, Filler slabs, Composite beam panel roofs, Masonry vaults and
10 hrs
Structural Masonry : Compressive strength of masonry elements - Factors affecting compressive
strength, Strength of units, prisms / wallettes and walls, Effect of brickwork bond on strength, Bond
strength of masonry: Flexure and shear, Elastic properties of masonry materials and masonry, IS Code
provisions, Design of masonry compression elements, Concepts in lateral load resistance.
10 hrs
Cost Effective Building Design : Cost concepts in buildings, Cost saving techniques in planning, design
and construction, Cost analysis: Case studies using alternatives.
Equipment for Production of Alternative Materials : Machines for manufacture of concrete materials,
Equipments for production of stabilized blocks, Moulds and methods of production of precast
10 hrs
1. Alternative building methodologies for engineers and architects, lecture notes edited
- by K.S. Jagadish and B.V. Venkatarama Reddy, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
2. Structural masonry by Arnold W Hendry
3. Relevant IS Codes
4. Alternative building materials and technologies
5. Procedings of workshop on Alternative building materials & technology 19 20 Dec-2003 @
BVB College of Engineering & Tech. Hubli.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
List of Experiments:
Experiments on orifice and Mouth pieces:
Calibration of Notches Triangular, Rectangular and cippolettinotches
Calibration of Weirs: Ogee and Board crested and sharp crested weirs.
Calibration of Venturi meter and orifice meter.
Determination of Major and Minor losses in pipes.
Impact of Jet on vanes (flat, conical and hemi spherical)
Test on Francis Turbines.
Test on Pelton wheel turbine.
Test on Kaplan turbine.
Test on Centrifugal pump: Single Stage, and multistage centrifugal pumps.
Calibration of water meter.
Determination pipe Bursting pressure of a given PVC Pipe
Demonstration of venturi and Parshal flumes.
Demonstration of flow visualization and Bernouli equation verification.
1. Fluid mechanics and Hydraulics by Modi P. N. and setti S. M. standard book house, New Delhi.
2. Fluid mechanics and machinery by H. M. Ranganatha, CBS publishers and distributors, New
3. Hydraulic Mechanics by Jagadish lal.
4. Fluid Mechanics by R. K. bansal.
5. Fluid mechanics by K. L.
Exam Pattern : Two questions are to be set on experiments 10 marks each and 05 marks for oral.
Subject Code: CE 62
Teaching Hours/week:3+1
Total Hours: 50
Advanced techniques in C language: user defined functions, structures & unions pointers and file
10 hrs
Numerical Integration- Trapezoidal rule, Simpson Rule. Curve fittings - Straight line fitting by method of
least squares. matrix multiplication, inverse of a matrix, solution of simultaneous equations by Gauss
Elimination method.
10 hrs
Programme Development: Solving algebraic and transcendental equations by the methods of iteration,
false position, Newton Raphson. Solving problems for Centroid and moment of inertia of plane
figures. Solving problems of simple stress and compound stress problems.
10 hrs
Application to Civil Engg: Structures: Solving problems of Shear force , Bending moment and deflection for
statically determinate beams. Solving problems of three hinged arches. Design of all types of R.C. beams
for flexure and shear force.
10 hrs
Design of Sewers: Empirical formulae for determination of velocity of flow. Limiting velocities and their
significance. Effect of flow variation on velocity in a sewer. Hydraulic elements of circular sewers flowing
full and partially full sewers and their applications. Use of Monograms and Tables for Hydraulic
Computations. Design of storm water drains.
10 hrs
Sewer Materials: Laying, Joining and testing of sewers. Ventilation and cleaning of sewers. Sanitary
fittings. Sewer appurtenances. Storm regulators. Necessity of pumping and requirements of good pumps.
House drainage connections, traps, anti siphon age and soil pipes, inspection chambers. Typical layout
plan showing house drainage connections.
10 hrs
Geotechnical Engg: To find index properties, bearing capacity of foundation soil. Hydraulics: Problems
of flow through pipes notches discharge over weirs. Water resources Engineering: Estimation of runoff,
reservoir capacity, canal design. Transportation: Geometric Design. Environment Engg: Population
forecasting design of water supply systems
10 hrs
1. Computer methods in Civil Engg by Venues.
2. Programming in Ansi-C By Balaguruswamy.
3. Numerical method for engineers by S.C.Chopra and R.P.Cande McGraw Hill Publication.
4. Numerical and matrix methods in structural methods by P.C.Wang, John Wiley and Sons.
5. Computer oriented Numerical methods- V.Rajaraman, PHI,EEI, New Delhi 1990.
6. Foundation of CAD : B.R. Bertoline Galgotia publishers New Delhi.
7. Introduction to computer aided drafting by Unisinet, D.D.Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Sampling: Analysis of sewage for physical, chemical and biological characteristics. BOD- Definitions,
Rate, determination and applications. COD, Relative stability, population equivalent, CNS Cycles,
Disposal methods (only methods) and Suitability of Land application. Sewage sickness.
Sewage Treatment flow diagrams: Fundamentals of Screens, Grit chambers and skimming Tanks,
Design of primary sedimentation tanks, secondary clarifiers and coagulation of sewage, Theory,
Construction and operation of conventional and High Rate Trickling filters. Design of conventional Trickling
filters, Introduction to different types of filters.
10 hrs
Activated sludge process: Definition, flow diagram operations and units (No problems), Sludge bulking
and control, Sludge volume index, Comparison of TF and ASP. Methods of sewage sludge disposal,
Sludge digestion- principal, Factors affecting stages (No Design).
Septic tanks and oxidation ponds: Design considerations and applications, Solid waste collection and
disposal methods.
10 hrs
1. S. K. Garg Sewage disposal and air pollution Engineering, Khanna publishers.
2. S. P. Kshirsagar sewerage and sewage Treatment, Roorkee publishing house.
3. Metcalf and Eddy Waste water Engineering, treatment and Reuse and disposal, Tata Mc Graw hill
4. Manual on sewerage and Sewage treatment, CPHEEO, Ministery of urban development publication.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Subject Code: CE 63
Teaching Hours/week: 3 + 1
Total Hours: 50
Sub surface exploration: Necessity of sub surface exploration, Steps in exploration programme,
Methods of sub surface exploration; Direct and Indirect methods, disturbed - Undisturbed and
representative soil samples, Types of sampling devices and their proper uses. Depth and disposition of
boring points for different works, stabilization of Boreholes. Recording of bore hole data, - determination of
ground water table - Example problems.
Seepage study and flow nets: Lap lace equations for two-dimensional flow, Flow net: Characteristics
and uses, methods of drawing flow net and estimation of seepage for different hydraulic structures, Flow
through a isotropic soils. Analytical method of estimating seepage through homogeneous earth dam with
horizontal fitter, example problems.
Lateral Earth Pressure: Concept of lateral earth pressure, active, Passive and earth pressure at rest,
Representing active and passive earth pressure by Mohr stress circle and angles of failure planes,
determination of lateral earth pressure by Rankines theory for various conditions of back fill and sloping
surcharge for cohesion less and cohesive soils, concept of Coulombs Wedge theory, Rebhanns graphical
method for determination of active earth pressure, example problems.
10 hrs
Stability of Earth Slopes: Necessity of stability analysis, Finite and infinite slopes, Failure criteria and
factor of safety of infinite slope, Failure criteria and factor of safety of finite slopes for C-Q and cohesive
soil, Determination of factor of safety by Swedish circle method (method of slices) and friction circle
method for standard conditions of earth embankments, use of Taylors stability number, Fellinious method
of locating center of slip circle, example problems.
Stresses in soil: Concept of stress distribution, Bonssinesqs and Wester-gaards theory of stress
distributions- Assumptions and expressions for stress distributions under a point load, Circular load, Line
load, Strip load and rectangular area, Equivalent point load method New marks chart Example
10 hrs
Bearing Capacity of Soils: Definitions - Rankines analysis, Terzaghis analysis, Bearing capacity
expressions for different types of footings, Local, general and punching shear failure, effect of water table
on bearing capacity, effect of eccentricity of loading on bearing capacity, SPT,CPT,plase test example
Foundation Settlements: causes for settlement, elastic settlement, consolidation settlement and
secondary settlement and their determination. Settlement in layered soils.
10 hrs
Design of different types of Shallow Foundations
Soil Stabilization: Concept of soil stabilization, Need for soil stabilization, Methods of stabilization,
selecting methods for stabilization; reinforced earth - Principles and uses, Areas of applications.
10 hrs
1. Foundation analysis and design J.E.Bowles., 5 edition, Mc Graw Hill publishing co, New
2. Soil Mechanics in Engg practice Karl Terzaghi and Ralph.B.Peck.
3. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg Dr. B.C.Punmia.Laxmi publications, 2003,
New Delhi
4. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg Proff.V.N.S.Murthy, UBS publishers New Delhi.
5. Geo technical Engineering P.Purushothama Raj, Tafa Mc Graw Hill Publishing co., Ltd.,
New Delhi.
6. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg K.R.Arora, Standard publishers and distributors ,
New Delhi
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Subject Code: CE 64
Teaching Hours/Week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Design of beams Design of rectangular (Singly & double reinforced) flanged beams, Types of shear
failure Design for shear strength in concrete beams, Reinforcement for torsion,
10 hrs
Design of Slabs -Design of one way and two-way slabs for various boundary conditions. Design of
Staircase Design of stairs spanning transversely and longitudinally
10 hrs
Design of short columns : Design of
bending.Design of Long columns
and biaxial
10 hrs
Design of footing: Design of Isolated footings circular, square ,rectangle, stepped footings ,and pedestal,
Design of combined footing .
Design of Retaining Walls : cantilever type
10 Hrs
1. P.C.Varghese Limit state Design of Reinforced Concrete, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. Ashok.K.Jain Limit State Design, Nemchand & Bros, Roorkee.
3. Karve., W.R. & V.L.Shah, Limit State Theory and Design of reinforced
Vidyarthi Grib Prakashan, Pune
4. Evan & Kong Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete, ELBS London.
5. IS 456 2000, SP 16 1980 and other relevant codes.
Concrete, Pune
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Dams Definition. Purpose of construction of dams. Classification of dams based on function, hydraulic
design. Structural behaviour, Size .Factor governing selection of type of dam. Selection of site for dam.
Preliminary and final investigation of dam sites. Reservoir Planning: Investigation for reservoir planning,
Engineering surveys, Geological and Hydrological investigation Zone of storage in a reservoir.
Computation of reservoir capacity for a specific yield from mass in flow curve.
10 hrs
Land pollution: Definition and scope necessity and importance .solid waste definition sources,
classification and characteristics data collection and reduction at source.
10 Hrs
Earthen Dams : Introduction : Types of earthen dams methods of construction. Causes of failure of
earthen dams. Criteria for safe design of earth dam. Preliminary design of an earth dam by empirical rules
and recommendations. Different dam sections to suit available materials and foundations. Rock fill dams
Advantages and disadvantages of earth and rock fill dams.
10 hrs
Gravity dam: Definition, Typical cross section, Forces acting on dam. Load Combination for
design.Reaction of foundation and distribution of vertical (normal) stress at the base dam- middle third
rule.Prinicple and shear stress .Modes of failure gravity dam.
10 hrs
Collection of Solid waste: Waste collection, Types of collections systems, equipments and
Personnel requirements, analysis of collection systems, collection routes
10 Hrs
Separation and Processing: Reuse and recycling opportunities for waste materials, recovered at drop
and buy back centers, standing, moving and storing waste materials. Disposal Methods: Open
dumping, selection of site ocean disposal feeding to hogs merits and demerits.
10 Hrs
Arch dam and Buttress dam : Definition, Types of arch dam constant radius arch dam, variable radius
arch dam, constant angle arch dam. Forces acting on arch dams. Design of arch dam by thin cylinder
theory- Limitation of thin theory. Central angle for minimum concrete.
10 hrs
Treatment Methods: Various Methods, sanitary land filling, leachate treatment Composting: Aerobic and
Anaerobic composting, factors affecting Indore and Bangalore processes if composting.
10 Hrs
Incineration: process 3 Tsto control high temperature incinerator, designs approach prevention of Air
pollution. Pyrolysis: Process basic steps involved
10 Hrs
1. Integrated solid waste management, George Technologies, stilary Theison, Samuel Vigil,
McGraw Still International Edition
2. Solid waste Engineering : P.Aarne vesilind,Willaim Worrell ,Reinhart, Thomson book/cole
3. Pollution through solid waste. Prof. S G Misra, Dr, Dinesh Mani Ashis publishing house 8181,
Punjab /Bagh , New Delhi- 110026.
4. Solid waste Management ,collection ,processing and disposals , A.D. Bhide & B B Sundaresam
publishged by INSDOC & Mudrashilpa 077esoet printern Bajaj Nagar Nagpur .
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Spill ways and Spill ways Crest gates: Introduction, Essential requirements of spill way. Spill way
capacity, Components of spill way, Types of spill ways, free spill ways , free fall over flow spill way / ogee
spill way. Discharge of over flow spill way. Effective length of crest of over flow spill way, Chute spill way,
Side channel spill way, Conduit spill way, Syption spill way.
10 hrs
1. Engineering for dams Vol I, II, III by Creager and Justin and Hinds, John Wiley and
sons, New York.
2. Design of small dams by U.S.B.R.
3. Earth and Rock fill dam by Shirard. L. James and others.
4. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic structures by S.K.Garg. Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
5. Energy dissipators Elata Caski
6. Irrigation Water Resources and Water Power Engineering by Dr. P.N. Modi, Standard Book
house, Delhi.
7. Irrigation Water Resources and Water Power Engineering by B.C. Punmia and B.R.
Pandelal, Standard Publishers, Delhi.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
STORAGE STRUCTURE: Design of Elevated Water tanks (Intze Type) Design of container by
membrane analysis, staging and raft foundation.
10 hrs
STORAGE STRUCTURE: Granular materials silos bin and bunkers.
10 hrs
Soils of India, their distribution, problematic types of soils, Ground improvement: definition,
objectives of soil improvement, classification of ground improvement techniques, factors to be considered
in the selection of the best soil improvement technique:
10 Hrs
Yield line analysis and design of slabs.
Flat slabs Design by I.S. code recommendations.
Different types of formwork for buildings, slip form, slide forms etc.
Hydraulic Modification: Definition, aim, principle, gravity drain, drainage & scopes, preloading vertical
drains, electro kinetic dewatering. Chemical Modification: Definition, aim, special, effects and methods,
techniques, sand with techniques, admixtures cement stabilization, lime stabilization, other chemicals,
chlorides, hydroxides ligrin, hydrofluoric acid, bitumen, or assonant in stabilization.
10 Hrs
Flyash in cement stabilization, properties of chemical components, reacting and effects. Grouting:
Introduction, effects grouting, chemicals and materials used, types of grouting, grouting procedure,
applications of grouting.
10 Hrs
Soil reinforcement: Introduction, principles and application, Geotextius, Geomembranes Miscellaneous
Methods:Thermal methods ground improvement by confinement, walls gabions and mattresses anchoring
rock bolts and soil nailing.
10 Hrs
1. Ground improvement techniques , by P.Purushothama Raj, 1999, Laxmi publications New Delhi
2. Koerner R.M. (19985), Construction and Geotechnical methods in Foundation Engineering, Mc
Graw Hill Publication Co, Newyork.
3. Manfred Housmann ( 1990) , Engineering principles of Ground Modification, Mc Graw Hill
publication New Delhi.
4. Bell , F.G.( 1975) Methods of treatment of unstable ground Butterworths. London.
5. Nelson J.D. and Miller D.J. ( 1982), expansive soils, John Wiley and sons
6. Ingles C.G. and Metcalf. J.B. (1972), Soil stabilization, Principles and practice , Butterworths,
7. Soil Mechanics for Road Engineering , bu HMSO
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
COURSE CONTENT: BUILDING FRAMES: Analysis for gravitational loads by substitute frame method.
Analysis for lateral loads by portal and cantilever method. Design of various components. FOUNDATIONS
FOR COLUMN : Combined footings Rafts foundations pile caps grade beams.
10 hrs
10 hrs
10 hrs
10 Hrs.
One - Dimensional Problems , Two dimensional problems using constant strain triangles
10 Hrs.
Two dimensional Isoperimetric elements, Beams and Frames
10 Hrs.
Dynamic considerations, Plain Stress and Plain Strain Analysis
10 Hrs.
Preprocessing and Post processing, Finite Element Analysis Software
10 Hrs
1. Hydrology and soil conservation engineering by Ghaneshwara Das & G.W.Hydrologyby D K Todd.
2. Hydrology and Soil Conservation Engineering by Ghanshyam das Prentice Halls of India (P)
New Delhi-110001.
3. Wasi Ulla, S.K. Gupta and S.S. Dalal- Hydrological Measurement of Water shed Research, Jugal
Kishore and Co., Dehradun, 1972
4. D.K. Todd, Ground Water Hydrology
5. H.M. Raghunath H.M., Ground Water.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Introduction to Rain Water Harvesting and water Conservation: Definition-Categories TypesImportance-protection of collected water from contamination-Quantity of water collected-Role of
Government-Simple calculation for quantity of Rain Water Harvested.
10 Hrs.
Environmental Significance of Rain Water and Ground water quality: Introduction-Theory of
parameters. Ground water-Definition-Artificial method of Ground water Recharge-Basin method-Stream
Channel method-Irrigation method-Water spreading method-Pit method.
10 Hrs.
Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting: Introduction-Review of literature-Techniques-Need-Benefit uses of
Rain Water-Suitability of the system-Treatment-Costs-Maintenance.
Recharge Structure and its Design: Design Guidelines-Abandoned dug well-Recharge Trench-Gravity
head well recharge well-Recharge shaft -General recommendations of Rain water harvesting.
10 Hrs.
Field applications of Rain Water Harvesting & Treatment: Water shed management through rainfall
and runoff-Definition of Hydrology-Hydrology cycle-Catchmentarea-Water budget equation-PrecipitationMeasurement of rainfall using rain gauge instruments and estimation of average depth of rainfall by
different methods. Consistency records-mass curve of rainfall-Hyetograph-rainfall & runoff correlation.
10 Hrs.
Tank Management: Declining local management-Need for revival-Need for livelihood and conservationTank Irrigation-Problems of water management under tank irrigation-Maintenance of field channels and
distribution system-Well irrigation-Water shed management programme-Conjunctive use-Efficiency of
water use-Cropping intensity-Cropping pattern-Rotation.
10 Hrs.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Hazard Identification: Methodologies, risk assessment methods PHA, HAZAP, MCA, ETA,
FTA, consequence analysis, probit analysis.
10 Hrs
Hazards in Work places Nature and type of work places , types of hazards , hazards due to improper
house keeping , hazards due to fire in multi floor industries and buildings, guidelines and safe methods
Workers exposures to Hazards Chemicals - TLVS of chemicals, Physical and chemical properties of
Chemicals loading to accidents like fire exposures ingestion and inhalation
10 Hrs
Pollution in Work Places Due to hazardous dust, fumes and vapors guidelines and safety methods in
chemicals handling storage entry to confined space.
10 Hrs
Hazards in Industries Like fertilizers, heavy chemicals, Petroleum, pulp and paper tanneries,
dies paints, pesticides, glasses and ceramics ,dairy and sugar industries, guidelines for safe
personnel and safe guarding water , land and air pollution in the above industries. 2 Q
10 hrs
Safety allocation and training - Safety managements, fundamentals of safety tents measuring safety
performance, motivation safety performance legal aspects of industrial safety, safety audits.
10 hrs
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
1. Standard notations for rivets, welds, specifications as per IS standards. Preparation of structural plans,
foundations, footings walls column detailing practice.
2. Details of simple frame connections Framed connection Beam, Beam-column connections, Seated
connections stiffened seat connection. Columns and column bases built up columns, column splices,
column lacings and battens welded plate girders, trusses.
25 hrs
3. Notations and abbreviations, bar bending schedules computation of quality of concrete and steel.
Preparation of detailed structural drawings and bar bending, schedule for the following cases.
4. Beams Rectangular and flanged.
5. Slabs One way Two way
6. Column and column footings, isolated and combined type.
7. Staircases.
8. Water tanks.
9. Cantilever and Counter fort retaining walls.
25 hrs
Note: Each student has to submit a minimum of four drawing sheet in each part covering the full syllabus.
IA marks will be evaluated for 25 marks for the sheets submission and 25 marks for the conduction of
semester end test.
Ramachandra Design of steel structures Vol I & Vol II Standard book house, New Delhi.
NEGI Design of steel structures. IS 800 1984.
Question Paper Pattern: Three questions each of 25 marks to be set in Part-A and three questions each
of 25 marks shall be set in Part-B covering the full syllabus. Students has to answer four full questions
selecting two from each part.
A) Determinate Structures
1. Cantilever beam
2. Simply supported beams
3. Simply supported beam with overhan, S.F.D and B.M.D have to be drawn.
CIE: 50
Every student has compulsorily visit two construction industries / construction sites which are in progress
relevant to civil engineering to enrich practical know how for a period not morethan five days and has to submit a
technical report / seminar for Internal Evaluation.
Note: F for field visit.
Exam Pattern : 25 marks for Technical Report preparation and 25 marks for Presentation / Examination.
Subject Code: CE 71
Teaching Hours/week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
History and Highway Alignment: A brief historical development of road construction in India and abroadclassification of roads - Road patterns- Planning surveys - Preparation of master plan - Highway planning
in India- Highway alignment: requirements and engineering surveys - project preparation.
Highway Geometric design: Cross-section elements - sight distance consideration- horizontal and
vertical alignments - inter section elements and related problems.
10 hrs
Highway pavements: Pavement types - design considerations for flexible and rigid pavements - group
index and C.B.R. method for design of flexible pavement- Wester guards analysis of wheel load stresses
in rigid pavements - IRC recommendations- related problems.
10 hrs
Subject Code: CE 72
Teaching Hours/week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Pavement construction: Important characteristics and process of various types of pavements such as
earth road, gravel road, water bound macadam road, bituminous road and cement concrete road, Brief
description of various types of bituminous road constructions such as interface treatment, surface
dressing, seal coat, penetration macadam, built-up- spray grout, premix method, bitumen Macadam,
Bituminous corpet, Bituminous concrete, sheet asphalt and mastic asphalt. Highway drawings.
10 hrs
Design of compression members : Column (simple and built up section) axially and eccentrically
loaded, laced and battened columns, design of columns splice, design of column base, gusseted base,
grillage foundation.
Design of Tension Members : Axially loaded tension members, lug angle connection riveted and
10 hrs
Airport planning: Site selection, Airport and aircraft characteristics- regional planning- Airport
obstructions- wind characteristics and noise and nuisance.
Runway Design: Analysis of wind data to find out best direction of run way- Runway orientation- Basic
runway patterns- Basic runway length- Corrections to runway length by ICAO and FAA specifications.
Runway length for (i) Normal landing case (ii) Normal takeoff case (iii) Engine failure case.
10 hrs
Taxiway design: Factors affecting layout of taxiway - Geometrics of taxiway - Turnings radius of taxiway
as per ICAO Exit taxiway.
Airport layout: Terminal area, Building and building area- Vehicular circulation and parking area- Apron
hanger- typical airport layout.
10 hrs
Design of Beams : Stresses, effective spans and deflections, limitations, design of laterally supported
beams, introduction to laterally unsupported beams, web buckling, design of built up beams, design of
rivets connecting cover plates and flanges of the beam.
10 hrs
Design of Beam Connections: Design of framed connections, un stiffened connections and stiffened seated
10 hrs
Design Plate Girders: Riveted and welded connections. Introduction to design of roof trusses, design
loads, design of members of truss, design of purlins.
10 hrs
1. Design of Steel Structure Vol I and Vol II Ramachandra, Standard book house, New Delhi.
2. Steel Structures Vazirani and Rathwani.
3. Design of Steel Structures L.S.Negi, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
4. S.P.6 (1) 1964 Structural Steel Sections.
5. Design of Steel Structures Ramamrutham.
6. Design of Steel Structures B.S.Punmia.
7. IS 800 : 1984
8. Design of Steel Structures Arya and Ajmani, Nemichand and Bross, Roorkee.
9. Design of steel structures S.M.A. Kazmi and R.S. Jindal.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Subject Code: CE 73
Teaching Hours/Week :3+1
Total Hours: 50
Introduction: Definition-Components of a bridge Importance of bridges Historical de development
Classification of Bridges - Masonry, Arches R.C.C, Prestressed concrete, steel PSC and composite
bridges. Brief description of different types of bridges. Preliminary design principles.
10 hrs
Principles construction Management: project management organization office and field
organization job layout.
Planning for construction: objective pre tender, post tender and contract planning.
10 hrs
Investigation of Bridge Site: Need for Investigation Selection of bridge Sites Preliminary data
Preliminary drawings Hydrological data - design flood, linear waterway, afflux, Scour depth, economical
span - Selection of type of bridge, collection of bridge design data.
10 hrs
Construction activities and operation schedules, bar charts, networks, CPM, PERT, arrow
line of balance, cost and network, allocation of resources, cost control.
Loads, Stresses and Forces: Types of IRC loading on roads, bridges and railway load in on various
gauges - equivalent loadings for preliminary design - Impact effect construction. Maintenance of Bridges formwork and false work for concrete bridges.
10 hrs
10 hrs
Bridge Sub Structure: Foundations - Depth of foundation - Types of foundations (Pile, raft, well and
caisson - brief description only) Coffer dams. Design criteria - Load bearing capacity of well caissons Preliminary design of piers - abutments, wing walls - other bank connection and protection works,
Forecasting on them.
10 hrs
Construction machinery and Equipment standard and special equipments, factors in selection, cost of
owning and operating construction equipments, economic life of equipments.
10 hrs
Brief description -operation and uses of following equipments: Power shovel, draglines, scrapper,
conveyors, hoists, Jacks, concrete mixers, concrete vibrators. Road construction machinery, rollers,
10 hrs
Design of R.C.C slab Culvert - Pipe culvert Design of R.C.C. T beams and slab bridge by Courbons
method only for IRC class AA loadings - Design procedure of plate girders truss type.
Design of Bridge Sub structure: Bridge bearings - Types of bearings with neat sketches - Brief
description Functions Design Principles Materials- Design of heavy cast iron Rocker steel
10 hrs
Subject code: CE 75.1
Teaching Hours/week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Effects of Air pollution on plants, human health, property and materials and animals, damage, corrosion,
art treasures.
10 hrs
Durability and Deterioration (1) Physical causes, (2) Chemical causes and Corrosion.
10 Hrs.
10 hrs
Damage Assessment - (3) Destructive Testing Systems, (4) Non-destructive Testing systems & Semidestructive Testing systems.
- 10 Hrs.
Repair materials - (5) Selection and evaluation of repair materials, (6) Function of Repair materials and
Special material.
- 10 Hrs.
Repair and Rehabilitation - (7) Repair of cracks, (8) Rehabilitation techniques and Strengthening
- 10 Hrs.
Maintenance and demolition - (9) Necessity and classification of maintenance, (10) Maintenance
Procedure & Safety in maintenance and demolition
- 10 Hrs.
1. Air pollution - Henry c perkins - Mx hills.
Introduction: Types of channels classification of flows Basic equation continuity equation, energy
equation Momentum equation Velocity coefficients Problems.
10 hrs
Subject code: CE 75.2
Teaching Hours/week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Introduction: Mans needs, definition of Air pollution, present emissions, global effects, energy cycle,
aerosols. Pollution Sources: Particulates, carbon monoxide, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides,
hydrocarbons, natural sources, power plants, automobiles. Permissible limits of Pollutants in the
atmosphere for pollution.
10 hrs
Meteorology: Wind profiles, turbulent diffusion, wind roses, topographical effects, separated flows,
inversions, plume behaviour.
10 hrs
Stream Gauging: Velocity measurement, technique by floats and chemicals. Current meters, Pitot tube
stage discharge, rutting curves. Extension of stage discharge rating curve, Selection of site for a stream
gauging station - Problems.
10 hrs
Uniform Flow: Chezys eqation, mannings eqation Mannings roughness coefficient equivalent
roughness computation of normal depth Hydraulically efficient channel section, Compound sections Problems.
10 hrs
Energy Depth Relationship: Specific energy specific energy diagram - dimensionless specific
energy curve for a rectangular channel depth discharge diagram critical slope alternative depth
specific force specific force diagram dimensionless specific force diagram critical depth
computation Problems.
10 hrs
Gradually Varied Flow Definition, Assumptions - Dynamic equation of GVF - characteristics and
classification of flow profiles - practical problems. Hydraulic Jumps: Hydraulic jump in rectangular channel
classification of jumps uses of H.J. Characteristics of jump in rectangular channel use of jump as
energy dissipater location of jump Problems.
10 hrs
1. Flow through open channels by Ranga Raju
2. Open channel Hydraulics by Vente chow.
3. Flow through open channels by Ranga Raju.
4. Open channel flow by Hander son.
5. Flow through open channels by Subramanya.
6. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machinery by R. K. Bansal.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part
Subject Code: CE 75.4
Teaching Hours/Week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Shallow foundations footings , depth of footings, contact pressure distribution, review of bearing
capacity equations, foundations on expansive soils, estimating bearing capacity by plate load test data
and SPT test data example problems.
Design of shallow foundations Principles of design of footings, foundation loading , Design of strip
footings, Isolated footings, Eccentrically loaded spread footings, rectangular combined footings,
proportioning sizes of footings and choice of column loads Example Problems
10 Hrs
Foundations settlements - Total and differential settlements, codal provisions, settlement under isolated
and raft foundations, immediate and consolidation, settlements, settlement due to lowering of water table
and vibrations Example Problems
Pile foundations Necessity , Classification of piles, load carrying capacities of piles by static and
dynamic formulae, design of piles , pile load test and penetrations tests, pile groups , group capacity of
piles in sand and in clay, under reamed piles, pile settlements, negative skin friction example problems.
10 Hrs
Drilled piers and caissons Introduction, construction, advantages and disadvantages of drilled piers ;
classifications of caissons, components of caissons, Hydraulic design criteria, bearing capacity under
caissons, stability analysis by Banergee and Gangapadyay construction and sinking operations
example problems.
10 Hrs
Bulkheads classifications of Bulkheads, cantilever sheet pile walls in granular and Cohesi soils,
Anchored Bulkheads analysis by free earth support method and fixed earth support method Example
10 Hrs
Coffer dams- Types of cofferdams, stability and design of cellular cofferdams, TVA method, - Example
problems. Special Foundations: Foundations for tall structures such as Antenna towers, Radar Units,
Power transmission lines, Design of foundation for Chimney and water tanks.
10 Hrs
1. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg. (2003) Dr. B.C.Punmia, Laxmi publications, New Delhi
2. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg. Dr.K.R. Arora, Standard publishers and distributors,
New Delhi
1. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg. Prof. V.N.S. Murthy, 4 edition, 1996, UBS publishers ,
New Delhi
2. Foundation Analysis and Design- Bowles J.E. , 1996 , 5 edition , Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co.,
New York
3. Foundation Design and Construction , M.J. Tomlinson willey Inter Science , New York
4. Geo-Technical Engg. Dr. C.Venkataramaiah , NewAge publications
5. Modern Foundations- Kurian N.P
6. Desing of Substructures Swami Saran
7. Basic and applied soil Engg. Gopal Rangan and A.S.K. Rao
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Introduction: Definition, Scope and importance of Ground Water engineering, Historical background,
Ground Water in hydrologic Cycle, Ground Water development in India, Geo hydrological zones of
India.Occurrence of Ground Water : Origin and age of ground water, water bearing geologic formations
and their properties, Vertical distribution of Ground water, Zone of Aeration, Zone of Saturation, Aquifer
parameter Specific Yield, Specific retention, Porosity, Permeability, Storage coefficient, Transmissibility.
10 hrs
Ground water Movements: Darcys Law, Computation of Ground water flow rtes, Water table contour
Maps and flow net analysis- isopropic and Anisopropic aquifers. Ground water flow potential, computation
of flow rates and drawdown for various cases : Steady flow in a homogenous aquifer.
10 hrs
Steady radial flow towards a well : Derivation of Thiems equilibrium equation for confined unconfined
aquifers Thiems assumptions and limitations. Partial penentration of an aquifer, (confined and
unconfined) by a well. Spherical flow in a well, Interference among wells, (confined and unconfined), Well
loss, specific capacity of wells, effiency of wells.
10 hrs
Unsteady Radial flow to wards a Well : Derivation of differential of Equation for the piefomotic head for
unsteady flow in a saturated confined aquifer
V h= S dn Derivation of V h=S dn
T dt
T dt
Differential equation for steady radial flow to words a well in a confined aquifer ie
d h + 1 dh = S dh
dr r dr
T dt
Determination of aquifer constants by pump test methods; Thies method; cooper Jacob method; chow
method; thies recovery method
10 hrs
Water well design: Open well verses tube wells, advantages and advance. Yield of an open well, constant
level pumping test, Recuperation test, Tube wells in alluvial soils, hard rock of soils, cavity type tube wells,
screen type tube well, Design of strainer type screen tube well.
10 hrs
Well drilling and Construction: Test holes and well logs, Methods for construction of shallow wells,
Methods for drilling deep wells, well completion, well development various methods. Protection of wells,
well rehabilitation, well maintenance.
10 hrs
1. Ground Water hydrology by David Keitn Todad publication, John Wiley and Sons.
2. Ground Water Resource Evaluation by W.C.Walton publishers, M.C.Graw Hill book co.
3. Ground Water Hydrology by Bouwer publishers, M.C.Graw Hill book Co.
4. Ground Water by H.M.Raghunath publishers, Wiley Eastern ltd.
5. Ground Water Assesment by K.R. Karanth publishers, Tata Mc Graw Hill book Co.
6. Text book of Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures by S.K. Garg;
Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
7. Irrigation and Power Engineering by B.C. Punnia and Pande B.B.Lall Laxmi Publications, New
8. Water Supply Engineering (Environmental Engineering vol-I) by Santhosh Kumar Gary; Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Development Activity and Ecological factors EIA, EIS, FONSI. Need for EIA studies baseline
information step-by step procedures for conduction, EIA, limitation of EIA.
10 Hrs
Frame work of Impact assessments Development Projects Environmental Setting. Objectives and scope
EIA contents of EIA , Methodologies ,Techniques of EIA.
10 Hrs
Assessments and Prediction of Impacts on Attributes Air, Winter ,Noise ,land Ecological ,soil cultural and
socio Economic environment,EIA guidelines for development projects, rapid and comprehensive EIA.
Salient features of the project activity environmental pavement activity relationships matrices. 10 Hrs
EIA for water resource development projects, Highway Projects Nuclear power plant project, mining
project (coal iron ore)
10 Hrs
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Subject Code: CE 76.2
Teaching Hours/Week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Introduction to mathematical theory of elasticity: stress and strain at a point constitutive law (stress strain and strain stress relationship) for Isotropic material Generalized Hooks Law, strain displacement
10 hrs
Plane stress and plane strain stress and strain at a point principal stresses and strains Mohars
circle measurement of surface strain strain rosettes differential equilibrium boundary conditions
compatibility equations Airrys stress function.
10 hrs
Two dimensional problems in rectangular co ordinates Bending of cantilever subjected to end loads
continuous distributed loads simply supported beams subjected to continuous distributed loads
St.Venants principle and its implications as applied to the above problems.
10 hrs
Two-dimensional problems in polar co ordinates strain - displacement relations equations of equilibrium,
boundary conditions compatibility equations. Stress distribution symmetrical about an axis disk and
cylinders subjected to radial pressure rotating disks and cylinders pure bending of curved bars. 10 hrs
Effect of circular holes on stress distribution in plates subjected to tension Bending of curved bar by a
force at the end. Problems involving loads on the straight boundary of semi-infinite plates concentrated
load Wedges with discrete loads and moments at the tip wedges with continuous distributed loading on
the straight boundaries discrete loads on solid disks.
10 hrs
1. Vallinappan.C. Continuum Mechanics fundamentals Oxford and IBH publishing co Ltd, New
2. Srinath.L.S. Advanced Mechanics of solids Tata Mc Graw Hill publishing co Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Timoshenko.S.P. And Goodier J.N. Theory of Elasticity,International students edition, Mc
Graw Hill book Inc, New Delhi.
4. Sadhu singh Theory of Elasticity Khanna publishers, New Delhi.
5. Venkataraman & Patel Structural Mechanics with Introduction to Elasticity & Plasticity Mc.Graw
Hill publishers New York.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Principles of Remote Sensing: Introduction, Electromagnetic, spectrum, Black, body, concept, atmosphere
windows, Energy interactions with earth surface features, spatial characteristics of earth surface, data
equitation ideal remote sensing.
10 Hrs
Introduction: Source of energy, Status of Power in the world. Hydro power. Place of Hydro power in a
power system. Estimation of Hydro power potential. Electrical Load on Hydro-turbines: Load curve, Load
factor. Capacity factor. Utilization factor, Diversity factor, Load duration curve. Firm power. Secondary
power. Prediction of load.
10 hrs
Low head and High head power plants: Classification of Hydro plants. Run off River plants. General
arrangement of Run off River plants, Velley dam plants. Diversion canal plants, Storage and Pondage.
10 hrs
Pumped Storage Power Plants: Basic features Historical development. Advantages of pumped storage
plants. Types of pumped storage plants. Relative merits of Two unit and Three unit arrangements.
Reversible pump turbine. Problem of operation. To pography. Reservoirs and water conveyance. Power
house. Efficiency of P-S Plants.
10 hrs
Penstocks and Accessories: General, Classification of penstocks. Design criteria for penstocks.
Economical diameter of penstock. Anchor Blocks. Conduit values. Water hammer and Surges, Intakes,
Canals, Tunnels: Introduction, Water hammer. Resource in penstocks. Channel surges surge tanks.
Intakes-types, losses in Intakes. Air entrainment intakes.
10 hrs
Turbines: Introduction: Main types of turbines, Hydraulic features. Turbine site. Constructional features.
Layout arrangements, Hydraulic of turbines. Velocity triangles and Nomenclature, Basic flow equations.
Draft tubes.
10 Hrs
1. Water Power Engineering by Barrows H.K. Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Water Resources Development by E.Kuiper, Butter Worths.
3. Hydroelectric Handbook by W.P. and Justin J.D. and john Willey and sons.
4. Hydro power Structures by Vaeshney R.S. Nemchand and Bros Roorkee.
5. Water power Engineering by M.M Dundekar and K.N. Sharma, Vikas Publishing house
Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, Distributors UBS Publishing distributors Pvt. Ltd.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Sensors and Imageries: Ground, aircraft, space craft, platforms, photographic sensors, scanners
radiometers,, Radors,Thermal ,Inframed and microwave imagery.
10 Hrs
Earth resources satellites and application for resources sum land satellite program, spot satellite, IRS
Satellites, Metrological satellite, ocean monitoring satleiting earth observing satellites. Visual interpretation
keys, Digital interpretation techniques, ground truth data and pattern classification.
10 Hrs
Digital Image Processing Image: Introduction, image rectification and restoration, image enhancement
contrast enhancement, image classification, supervised and unsupervised, data merging .noise accuracy.
10 Hrs
Geographical Information systems: Definition, components of GIS, Types of GIS, Data input, Data
storage, Data Handling, Data management, and output, Data analysis and Data modeling related to Civil
Engineering. G.I.S. And Remote Sensing Data interaction techniques in spatial decision support system.
Land suitability and multicriterion evaluation.
10 Hrs
1. Thomas M. Lillisaol nd & R.W. Keifer, Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation.
2. Sabins and Floyd R Remote Sensing principles and Interpretation , W.H. Freeman,San
3. Jenson .j.R. Introductory ,Digital image processing : A Remote sensing perspective, prentice
Hall Engel wood Clifts,NJ, 1986
4. P.A.Borrough and R.A. Mc Downnel principles of Geographical Information sytem Oxford
systems, Oxford University Press 1978.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Sections of drawing of non over flow (practical profile) and over flow (W.E.S. profile) gravity dam
sections. Drawing of typical sections and plans of homogeneous and non homogeneous - earthen dams.
Typical canal cross sections a) Canal running in cutting b) Canal running in embankment
c) Canal running partially in cutting and partially in embankment.
15 Hrs
Note: At least two drawing sheets from Part-A and four drawing sheets from Part-B covering full syllabus.
IA marks will be evaluated for 25 marks for sheets submission and 25 marks through conduction of test at
the semester end.
1. Theory and design of irrigation structures R.S. Varshney.
2. Design textbook in civil engineering Lalivarnky Vol I.
3. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structure Santhosh Kumar Garg, Khanna publishers,
4. Water resources engineering principles and practice Satya Narayana Murthy Challa New age
international pvt limited publishers.
Question paper pattern: Two questions of 40 marks each has to be set from Part-A and two questions
of 60 marks each has to be set from Part-B and student has to answer one full question from Part-A and
one full question from Part-B.
Subject Code: CE 79 S
Duration: 12 days
CIE: 50
Objectives: To make the student familiar with various types of survey work in the field of Civil
Engineering, projects such as Irrigation, Highway and water supply are to be carried out at a suitable
place as determined by the department outside the college campus for a period of 12 days and to submit
relevant technical drawings and reports.
1. New tank project (04 days)
Design and drawing of tank surplus stepped apron weir, Design and drawing of tank sluicewith a tower
head (shutter type), Design and drawing of direct head sluice, Design and drawing of canal drop,
Notch type.
35 Hrs
Subject Code: CE 78 L
Practical Hours/Week: 03
Index plan.
Route alignments of alternative proposals
Longitudinal section of Final alignment.
Typical cross sections of selected route
Proposed Pavement details of the section
Note: i. A batch of 6 students each has to carry out the survey work at a place outside the campus for a
period of 12 days as fixed by department after V semester but before the commencement of VI
semester. The completed the project report and drawings to be evaluated in VII semester.
ii. The students have to submit the all details of Survey Drawings and technical reports within two
weeks after the completion of Survey Camp.
Exam Pattern : 50 marks for drawings and technical report preparation and 50 marks for examination.
equally divided for 3 topics.
CE 79 P
CIE: 50
A batch of 3 to 5 students each from VII Semester has to select a Project Work which is relevant
to Civil Engineering to bring out a comprehensive preparedness of Civil Engineering students to handle
Civil Engineering Projects in his future employment. For the purpose student has to undertake Planning
and Designing of live or proposed projects by available resources by using conventional or modern
methods which may also includes estimates and economics of the buildings / structures. Students can
also allowed to take up project works on software / soft skill studies on existing structures to evaluate the
existing condition of the structure by collecting various data and to prepare a feasible solution after a
detailed analysis. To encourage the research attitude in students along with their own interest students
are allowed to take up a simple research kind of projects relevant to the present day problems. A
preliminary work like data collection, literature survey, preliminary analysis can be carried out on the
chosen project in VII Semester and each batch has to submit a report along with the title of the project
which would be evaluated for 50 marks in the department with a panel of Internal Examiners along with
Guide at the end of VII semester.
Tunnel survey and alignment: Alignment and grade - Location of centerline and sequences of surveying
- Method of locating center line of curvilinear tunnels - Tunnel cross section checking - Shapes and sizes
of tunnels - Shafts in tunnels. Tunnel lining and grouting: Types of lining - Object of lining -, Form work for
lining - Mucking and mauling drainage of tunnel - Safety precautions - Ventilation of tunnel.
10 Hrs
1. Railway engineering - S.C. Saxena and S.Arora.
2. Railway engineering S.C.Ranga wala.
3. Railway track Anita.K.F.
4. Harbor, Dock and Tunnel Engineering Srinivasan.R.
5. Road Railways Bridges and Tunnels T.O. Ahuja and G.B.Birdi.
6. Dock and Harbor Engineering Goutham.A.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Subject Code: CE 81
Teaching Hours/week: 3+1
Total Hours: 50
Track surveys and alignment: Role of railways in transportation, types of railways, railway track, gauges
in railway track, survey for new railway track, selection of good alignment, location survey, project report.
Railway track components: Rails - function and composition of rails, defects in rails and remedial
measures, rail joints and welding of rails, creep of rails, Sleepers- classifications, functions and
requirements of sleepers, material of sleepers, rail fixtures and fastenings, Ballast- Functions and
requirements of ballast.
10 hrs
Materials : High strength concrete and high tensile steel stress strain characteristics and properties.
Basic principles of pre stressing: Load balancing concepts pre tensioning and post tensioning systems,
tensioning methods and end anchorages.
10 hrs
Losses in pre stressing : Various losses encountered in pre tensioning and post tensioning methods,
determination of jacking force.
Analysis of sections for flexure :Stress in concrete due to pre stress and loads, stress in steel due to
10 hrs
Railway Geometric design: Necessity Gradients Horizontal curves super elevation Transition
curve Negative cant, vertical curves - widening of gauge on curves, points and crossings
10 hrs
Camber and deflections: Prediction of short term and long-term deflections of un-cracked members IS
codes provisions for the design of end block reinforcements.
Limit state of collapse and serviceability: IS code recommendations ultimate flexural and shear
resistance of section shear reinforcement. Limit state of serviceability control of deflections and cracking,
Type of members and flexural tensile stress.
10 hrs
Track drainage and maintenance: Significance of track drainage, requirements of drainage system,
track drainage problem and their remedies, maintenance of railway track, daily and periodic maintenance,
maintenance of rails, track components, substructure and foundations, bridges, points and crossings,
level crossing and tunnels.
10 hrs
Harbor layout: Harbor types - Site selection - Features of harbor - Harbor planning and layout - Break
waters, Wharves: Gravity wall, Sheet pile walls -Jetties, Dolphins and moorings. Shore protection works:
Sea walls, Bulk heads and revetments - Sand dunes Groynes Offshore Break water - Dry docks Floating docks - Slipways, Transit sheds and ware houses.
10 hrs
Transmission of pre-stress in pre tensioned members: Transmission length, Anchorage stress in post
tensioned members. Bearing stress and bearing tensile force stress in end blocks Methods IS code,
provision for the design of end block reinforcements. Design of pre tensioned and post tensioned
symmetrical and asymmetrical sections.
10 hrs
Design for pre stressing: Permissible design of pre stressing force and eccentricity, limiting zone of pre
stressing - force cable profile.
10 hrs
Earthwork and Measurement: Methods of computing the volume of earthwork, and embankments calculation of haul, over haul and economic haul, Lead and lift, Mass diagram, Method of measurement of
works, order of taking over all measurements.
Specifications: Objectives of writing specification, essentials in specifications, specifications for
excavation, concrete, reinforcement, brickwork, types of specifications, general, special, open detailed,
etc., standard specifications, B.I.S standards, Technical specifications.
10 hrs
Earthquake Ground Motions : Engineering Seismology, Seismic zoning Map of India, Strong Motion
Studies in India , Strong Motion Characteristics, Evaluation of Seismic Design Parameters
Structural Dynamics: Initiation into Structural Dynamics, Dynamics of Single Degree of Freedom
Systems, Theory of Seismic Pickups, Numerical Evaluation of Dynamic Responses, Responses Spectra,
Dynamics of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems
10 hrs
Contracts: Essentials of contracts, types, tenders, tender forms, tender documents, tender type, earnest
money deposit, comparative statements, acceptance, contract documents, work orders, security deposit,
retention money, conditions of contract documents, duties and liabilities, termination of contract
completion certificate, quality control, muster rolls, Rights of contractor, Refund of deposits, measurement
books, Administrative approval, Technical sanction.
Valuation of Properties: Cost and value, purpose of valuation, scrap value, salvage value, market value,
Book value, assessed value, Depressed value, Replacement value, Sinking fund value, depreciation,
Obsolescence, Appreciation, Amortization annuity, Valuation tables, Different methods of valuation
Rental, Direct comparison, profit based, development method, Land and building method with examples,
Cost Index Method (CPWD Method), Fixation of rent basis for valuation for mortgage, Lease.
10 hrs
Rate Analysis: Definition and purpose, unit rate, estimating material, labour for unit of work, data sheets
for materials and labour estimate, cost index. Rate analysis for standard items of work, masonry
earthwork, concrete finishing works - plastering, painting, pointing, finishing works, formworks, roofing,
road works, earthwork in cutting and embankments, schedule of rates.
10 hrs
Estimatimations: Types of estimates Detailed and abstract estimates, revised and supplementary
estimates, factors to be considered for preparing detailed estimates, sub works, site plans, layout plans,
working drawings, key plans.
10 hrs
Preparation of detailed estimates: Detailed and abstract estimates for the construction of manhole,
septic tank, R.C.C slab culvert, arched culvert and simple buildings.
10 hrs
Earthquake Resistant Design (ERD) of Reinforced Concrete Buildings: Ductility Consideration in
Earthquake Resistant Design of RC Buildings, Earthquake Resistant Design of a Four-storey RC Building
Based on IS 13920:1993, Earthquake Resistant Design of Shear Wall as per IS 13920: 1993, Capacity
Based Design-an Approach for Earthquake Resistant Design of Soft Storey RC Buildings.
10 hrs
Earthquake Resistant Design (ERD) of Masonry Buildings: Identification of Damages and Non
Damages in Masonry Buildings, Elastic Properties of Structural Masonry, Lateral Load Analysis of
Masonry Buildings, Seismic Analysis and Design of Two-storeyes-Masonry Buildings.
10 hrs
Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings : Seismic
Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Buildings: A Practical Approach, Seismic Retrofitting Strategies of
Reinforced Concrete Bjuildings, Seismic Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Case Studies,
Seismic Provisions for Improving the Performance of Non-engineered Masonry Construction with
Experimental Verifications, Retrofitting of Masonry Buildings
10 hrs
Pavements: Pavement types, Components of highway and airport pavements and their standards,
Comparison of highway and airport pavements, Wheel loads and their configurations, Design factors, Soil
sub grades, Strength evaluation, base course and paving materials and their evaluation, Repetition of
loads, frost action. Stresses in flexible pavement: Stress and deflection through homogeneous soil mass,
Stress in layered system, Burmisters theory, Bearing capacity and shear failures, Effect of tyre pressure
and total load, Relationship of total load to pavement thickness, Equivalent wheel and axle loads and its
applications, EWL factors, Design criteria, example problems.
10 hrs
Design of flexible highway pavements: Design concepts, Design using triaxial test, Evaluation of
wheel loads, Use of design chart with cohesive meter values, Mc leod method, C.B.R method,
Burmisters method, Cumulative standard axle load method, Group Index method, design examples.
10 hrs
Introduction to Photogrmetry: Definition of Photogrmetry, history of photogrametry, advantages of
photogrmetry, Terrestrial & Aerial
Aerial Photogrametry: Advantages over ground survey methods types of photographs , vertical, title and
oblique photographs ,geometry of vertical photographs scale of vertical photographs, ground co-ordinates
relief of displacement ,titled photographs, scale ground co-ordinates ,resist displacement flight planning
stereoscopy, parallel measurement, parallel equation evaluation by parallel difference.
10 hrs
Terrestrial Photogrammetry: Photothedolite locating points from two photos, determination of focal
length etc.,
10 hrs
Remote Sensing Advantages electromagnetic radiations idealized remote sensing system, types of
sensors satellite and other remote sensing satellites balance body radiation, atmosphere windows spectral
signature, multi concept in R S Remote sensing products.
10 hrs
Applications of Remote sensing in water resources, land use and land cover analysis , environmental
10 hrs
Elements of Digital image processing and their applications.
Design of flexible airport pavements: Concepts, Effect of jet air craft on pavement, Methods of
design, Navy method or plate-bearing test method of pavement design, The Mc leod method of design,
Federal aviation agency method of design, CBR method or corps of engineers method, design examples.
10 hrs
Stress in rigid pavements: Bending stress, Stress due to warping, Temperature stress, Stress due to
friction, Stress due to wheel load, Combined stresses, Effect of tyre pressure, Total load and wheel
configuration, Equivalent wheel and axle loads, Thickness design criteria stress in reinforced pavements,
examples. Design of Rigid highway pavements: Design consideration, PCA design procedure, Slab
dimensions, Design of dowel bar and tie bars, joints in pavements IRC Recommendation
10 hrs
Design of rigid airport pavements: Design considerations, Modules of sub grade reaction and Modular
of rupture, Factor of safety and design charts, Portland cement association and corps of engineers
method, Federal aviation agency design, Frost action, base courses and compaction requirements, Joints
and reinforcing requirements - Jointing layout.
10 hrs
10 hrs
Paul .R. Wolf- Elemnts of Photogrammetry , II edition Mc Graw Hill Book company
B.C.Punmia Vol. III photogrammetry
K.R.Arora Vol. II And Vol. Iii Surveying
A.M.Chandra Vol. II Higher surveying New age publication New Delhi.
Flooyd F Sabins Remote Sensing principles and interpretation II edition W.H. Freeman And
6. Lillisand Kiefr Principles of Remote sensing and image interpretation .John Wiley and Sons
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
FUNDAMENTALS OF SOIL DYNAMICS: Importance, necessities basic definitions, Harmonic loading,
simple Harmonic motion, degree of freedom, modes of vibration, damping , free vibrations with and
without damping forced vibratory with and without damping, quadratic vibration. DYNAMIC SOIL
PROPERTIES: General wave propagation through soil, laboratory techniques, field tests, factors affecting
shear modulus, Elastic modulus and Elastic constants.
10 Hrs
bearing capacity of footings, dynamic analysis. LIQUEFACTION OF SOILS: General definition
mechanism, of liquefaction, laboratory studies, dynamic triaxial tests, cyclic simple shear tests, Evaluation
zone of liquefaction, factors affecting liquefaction. Anti liquefaction measures.
10 Hrs
foundations, general requirements of machine foundations, permissible amplitude, All waste soil pressure
of a machine foundation, Elastic Half-space theories , mass spring- dashot model. FOUNDATIONS OF
RECIPROCATING MACHINES: General, method of analysis, linear elastic weightless spring method,
Elastic half space method, dynamic response of embedded block foundation, design procedure of block
10 Hrs
FOUNDATIONS OF IMPACT TYPE MACHINES: General, dynamic analysis, design procedure for a
Hammer foundation.
10 Hrs
General characteristics of Industrial waste water: Difference between domestic and industrial waste water.
Effects of wastes disposal on streams, sewage plants. Feasibility of joint treatment of industrial wastes
with domestic sewage. Stream sampling and protection measures. BIS disposal standards of disposal.
Oxygen sag curve. Zones of self purification. Computation of organic waste loads in streams - Streeter
phelps formulations (including applications). Thomas method for determining pollution load capacity of
10 hrs
In plant operations to reduce pollutional load - Volume reduction, strength reduction, neutralization,
equalization and proportioning, Recycling and reusing. Design principles of physical biological waste
treatment methods. EIA for industries.
10 hrs
The characteristics, manufacturing process and treatment of wastes from industries: Diary, sugar mill,
Distillery and Breweries and Tannery.
10 hrs
The characteristics, manufacturing process and treatment of wastes from industries: Paper and pulp mill,
Textiles, Steel plants and pharmaceutical plants.
10 hrs
FOUNDATION OF ROTARY MACHINES: General, special considerations, design, criteria, vibration
Isolation; general, free Isolation, Motion isolation, active and passive Isolation.
10 Hrs
Pollutional loads and disposal of radio active wastes, Hazardous wastes, Slaughter house and meat
packing industries. Special methods in treating industrial water and waste waters: Adsorption, Ion
exchange, Reverse osmosis, Electro dialysis, Chemical precipitation.
10 hrs
1 Soil Dynamics and Machine foundations by Swami Saran, Galgotia publications Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1999, (Text Book)
2. Geotechnical earthquake Engg. by Steven L. Kramer, Prentice Hal Technical services,
Pearson education, low price edition.
3. Geotechnical Engg. By C. Venktaramiah, revised 3 edition New Age publication (P) Ltd.,
4. Hand book of Machine foundations by Srinivasulu and Vaidyanathan, Tata Mc-Graw Hill,
New Delhi, 1976.
5. Foundation analysis and design by, J.E. Bowlers 1996, 5 edition, Mc Graw Hill publication
New York.
6. I S 2974 (part- 1) 1982 code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
1. M.N. Rao and A.K.Datta Waste Water Treatment Oxford and IBH publishing Co pvt ltd.
2. Liquid Waste of Theories, Practices and Industries Treatment N.L.Nemerow, Wesley
publication Co.
Earth dams: Section design of earth dam, seepage analysis, line of seepage through earth dam. Stability
of slopes by Swedish slip circle method by considering horizontal shear. Stability of foundation, Seepage
10 hrs
Nitrification, Denitrification, Nitrogen, Removal by physical and chemical processes, phosphorus removal,
fluoride removal, removal of refractory organics and dissolved inorganic substances, ultimate disposal of
these contaminants.
10 hrs
Hazardous waste management and risk assessment: Types of hazardous wastes, Health effects,
Gadle to grave management, Treatment methods: Neutralization, Oxidation-reduction, precipitation,
Solidification and stabilization, incineration. Risk assessment: Carcinogenesis, Dose response
assessment, Risk exposure assessment.
10 hrs
Gravity dams: Typical cross sections, forces acting on gravity dam modes of failure of gravity dam. Design
stability analysis by gravity method. Elementary profile and practical profile. Design of high gravity dam by
multiple step method.
10 hrs
Khosla s theory and Concept of Flow nets: Khoslas method of independent variables for determining
pressures and exit gradient for seepage below a weir or barrage.
10 hrs
Design of Cross Drainage Works: a) Aquaduct b) Super passage.
10 hrs
Design of Canal Drop: Trapezoidal type, sarda type falls.
10 hrs
1. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures by S.K.Garg, Khanna publishers.
2. Engineering for Dams Vol 2 (Concrete dams) by Creager and Justin and Hinds, John
Willey and sons, New York.
3. Earth and Rocks dams by Shirard.L.James and others.
Question Paper Pattern: Two questions shall be set from each part covering the full syllabus in each part
carrying equal marks and students has to answer five full questions selecting atleast one question from
each part.
Ecosystem: Characteristics, kind and structure. Ecosystem functioning, Ecological pyramids and
energetics. Energy flow in the ecosystem. Horneostatics, management and optimization of ecosystem.
Evolution of Ecosystem: Preliminary studies of major ecosystems: Forest, desert, mountain, cave,
tundra, pond and coral reef. Space gaft as an ecosystem.
10 hrs
Natural Resources: Biotic, Agriculture, Fisheries, Wildlife, physical Energy Resources: Fossil fuels,
Natural gas, Coal, Solar, Biomass, Wind power, Hydropower, Atomic energy.
Global Environmental issues: Acid rain, Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, Deforestation,
Eutroplication, Natural and man made disasters. Environmental education, people participation.
Environmental legislation.
10 hrs
Reuse and recycle: Feasibility of industrial solid wastes as construction material. Use of sewage and
industrial wastes for gardening/farming. Ground water recharging and rain water harvesting. Development
of water and air quality standards.
10 hrs
20 Hrs.
Design and drawing of the following:
4. TBeam and slab bridge for different I RC loading standards
5. Plate Girder Railway Bridges for BG/Metre gauge railway lines
30 Hrs
Note: 1. Each student has to be submit minimum of four drawings sheets form each part covering the full
syllabus. IA marks will be evaluated for 25 marks for submission sheets and 25 marks through conduction
of test at the end of semester.
Question paper pattern: Two full questions of 40 marks each have to be set in Part-A and two full
questions of 60 marks each have to be set in Part-B and students has to answer two full questions
selecting one from Part-A and one from Part-B.
Course Content:
Note: Water quality standards, disposal standards, importance of sampling and preservation chemistry
reagents should be taught.
Exam Pattern : Two questions to be set on experiments 10 marks each and 05 marks for oral.
Subject Code : CE 88 P
CIE: 50
A batch of 3 to 5 students each from VII Semester has to select a Project Work which is relevant
to Civil Engineering to bring out a comprehensive preparedness of Civil Engineering students to handle
Civil Engineering Projects in his future employment. For the purpose student has to undertake Planning
and Designing of live or proposed projects by available resources by using conventional or modern
methods which may also includes estimates and economics of the buildings / structures. Students can
also allowed to take up project works on software / soft skill studies on existing structures to evaluate the
existing condition of the structure by collecting various data and to prepare a feasible solution after a
detailed analysis. To encourage the research attitude in students along with their own interest students
are allowed to take up a simple research kind of projects relevant to the present day problems. After fixing
the title and with the preliminary work carried out in the previous semester every batch should work
vigorously with proper interaction with the Guide for all necessary analysis, tests, drawings required to
complete the project work. Each batch has to submit a neatly bounded Project Report in a standard format
countersigned by the Guide to the department on the date fixed by the department for Internal Evaluation
of 50 marks along with panel of Internal Examiners.
Note: Project Work can be evaluated for I A Marks of 50 after the submission of the Project Report at the
end of the VIII Semester and 50 marks can be evaluated with one external examiner at the time of
Practical Examination.
Exam Pattern: 50 marks are equally divided for preparation of good technical project report, Work
choosen and approach, Results, discussions and out come and depth & clarity of understanding the work.