Temporomandibular Joint Dysfuntion in Whiplash Injuries Association With Tinnitus and Vertigo
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfuntion in Whiplash Injuries Association With Tinnitus and Vertigo
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfuntion in Whiplash Injuries Association With Tinnitus and Vertigo
2, /29-I31 (2002)
Abstract: Temporomandibular joint dysfunction in whiplash injuries is usual. The author describes the mechanism of this joint dysfunction and the physiopathology of tinnitus and associated balance disorders.
Key Words: balance disorders; temporomandibular joint dysfunction; tinnitus; whiplash
In whiplash injury, the trunk is suddenly projected forward and the head, because of its inertia, is violently
thrown backward (unless an adequate headrest is
present). Consequently , a hyperextension of the head
on the neck is produced (Fig. 1) . When this maximum
extension is attained, the movement is transformed into
a forward displacement, a hyperflexion. In the hyperextension phase, the jaw is flung open because of mandibular inertia. This brings about joint elongation. At the
moment of hyperflexion of the head on the thorax with
sudden closure of the mouth (either propelled by the
cranium or through the effect of the shock of the mandible striking the thorax, the dashboard , or the steering
wheel), the condyle compresses the retrodiscal tissues,
which may result in an anterior discal displacement.
In the case of a frontal shock, the opposite occurs,
with hyperflexion preceding hyperextension . Here, the
retrodiscal tissue compression precedes its elongation.
A lateral displacement by rotation inclination may also
occur [I] . Kaplan and Assael [2] pointed out that the
opening of the mouth at the moment of hyperextension
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Figure 1. Whiplash injury. On extension. the temporomandibular joint elongates (abrupt opening of the mouth). On flexion, the joint is compressed (sudden buccal closure).
To open the eustachian tube, the tensor veli palatini
muscle brings about a lateral movement of the internal
pterygoid muscle and its interposed fascia. The modifications of intratympanic pressure resulting from auditory tube dysfunction could explain the hearing loss
and tinnitus encountered in TMJ disorders. Central factors appear to be preponderant in the origin of spasticity
of the masticatory muscles.
Thus, an increased excitability, in particular of the
motor neurons of the muscles innervated by the trigeminal
nerve, can trigger, through the participation of the levator
fibers of the internal pterygoid (clenching of the teeth) , a
malfunction in the regulation of tympanic membrane tension (action of the tensor tympani), causing tinnitus. The
malfunction of the tensor veli palati muscle affecting tubal
patency can produce the sensation of a blocked ear.
In these conditions, the diagnostic value of muscle
palpation becomes evident: The painful palpation of the
internal pterygoid muscle would point toward a masticatory origin of the tinnitus. Resolution of muscle
spasm or tension with physiotherapy will be indicated
in such cases.
The trigeminal hypersensitivity engendered by TMJ
problems may perturb the oculocephalogyric system. In
a trauma patient with constant complaints of balance
problems and presenting a negative workup, a possible
dysfunction of the masticatory apparatus secondary to
the trauma must be suspected. At the time of cervical
postural examination, trigger points along the sternocleidomastoid must be routinely sought, particularly in
cases of idiopathic vertigo.
An overstimulation of trigeminal origin could modify the physiology of head posture. In the same manner
as a "computer virus," these afferents of parafunctional
origin would disturb the harmonious function of the
superior colliculus in the regulation of visual fixation,
resulting in a vertiginous sensation. The epidemiological findings seem to corroborate the importance of the
parafunctional factor in the development of vertigo of
masticatory origin in TMJ disorders, such as is perceived at the physiopathological leveL
As part of the workup of whiplash injuries, the function
of the TMJ and troubles of tonicity of the corresponding muscles are important elements for examination.
Anomalies at this level can be implicated in the origin
of associated tinnitus and vertigo. Accurate diagnosis
leads to appropriate treatment and ultimate clearing of
the symptoms.
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