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JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

Table of contents
Table of contents ................................................................................................................................................. 2
JADE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
JADE Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 4
JADE History ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Our activities ........................................................................................................................................ 5
The Junior Enterprise Concept ......................................................................................................................... 8
The global movement ...................................................................................................................................... 10
What do Junior Enterprises work on? ............................................................................................................ 11
Analysis around the site and study path ................................................................................................ 11
Mobile app development ....................................................................................................................... 11
Creation of an administrative software .................................................................................................. 12
Organization on biggest Italian event on Wearable technologies .......................................................... 12
Start-up Weekend Benevento ................................................................................................................ 13
Benefits for students ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Become what the job market is looking for ........................................................................................ 14
Personal development ....................................................................................................................... 14
Corporate responsibility ..................................................................................................................... 14
Employability of students ................................................................................................................... 15
Business cooperation ......................................................................................................................... 16
Testimonials from Alumni .................................................................................................................. 17
How to develop a JE in your University? ............................................................................................. 18

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

Students Fostering Entrepreneurship


JADE the European Confederation of Junior Enterprises is an international,

non-profit umbrella-organisation of Junior Enterprises. The network is currently composed

of 14 Confederations and Consultative Members from Europe, summing up to almost 300
JEs in the top universities in Europe, for a total of over 22,000 Junior Entrepreneurs and a
cumulated turnover of 16 million per year.

As the organization representing the Junior Enterprises at Global level, its mission is:
To be the voice of the European Junior Enterprise Movement, representing,
integrating, and supporting the Network, trough the spread of the youth

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

JADE Structure
JADE can be defined as a bottom-up organization: at the base of the organization
pyramid we have the Junior Entrepreneurs, who choose in turn the leaders of their Junior
Enterprises to represent and guide the organization, manage the relationship with clients
and suppliers, partners and in general all the external stakeholders.
At national level, the Junior Enterprises elect their country representatives, who work
in the national confederations to promote the JE concept and answer the needs of their
JEs at country-level. Each country elect its International Manager, the person responsible
to keep contacts and ensure effective communication between the national and the
European level, JADE.
Finally, all the national representatives, gathered in the General Assembly, elect the
JADE Executive Board, which, living and working in Brussels, represent the movement at
European level and keeps the relationship with the partners, institutions, and the other
confederations in the world.

European Executive Board - 5 members

National Confederations - 14 countries

Junior Enterprises - 300 in the top universities

Junior Entrepreneurs - 22,000 in Europe

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

JADE History
The Junior Enterprise movement appeared in France in 1967, with the foundation of
the first Junior Enterprise at the ESSEC Business School, in Paris. The concept spread
soon both in France and beyond the national boarder: The Confdration Nationale des
Junior-Entreprises, CNJE, was founded in 1969, and between the 70s and the 80s the
concept moved around Europe.
In 1992 in six countries Junior Enterprises were federated already in national
Confederations, and decided to take a step forward in the creation of a larger scale
movement: JADE (Junior Association for the Development in Europe) was created with
the aim of fostering at European level the Junior Enterprise concept and help promote the

creation of new JEs around the continent.

Our activities
Being the European Confederation of Junior Enterprise, JADE carries out a number of
activities at European level, that can be clustered as follows:
JADE Events: bringing the network together. JADE organizes two major events per

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

year, the first in March in Brussels (JADE Spring Meeting) and the second during the
summer, around Europe (Summer JADE Meeting), with around 230 participants per
event and over 20 nationalities represented. On these occasions, the network gathers
to exchange knowledge and best practices and are supported by both partner
institutions and companies that also share their perspective on the issue at stake. The
gem stone of International events, Junior Enterprise World Conference, is held every
two years alternatively in Europe or in Brazil bringing together Junior Entrepreneurs
from all around the world to foster the Junior Enterprise global movement.
Furthermore, JADE organizes each year Generations Club, an event aimed at bringing
together representatives from the major European youth organizations as well as









accomplished (or not) entrepreneurs, to better understand the youths perspective and
learn from each other. In 2014, thirteen networks representing more than 37 million
young people were invited to discover the value of entrepreneurial skills at the
Microsoft Innovation Centre Brussels. At their aid guests from both public and private
sector, rounding up seniors from EY and Microsoft, but also from the European
Commission DGs, drove the discussions into creating a European report on the Youths

Perspective on Entrepreneurial skills.

Positioning and White Papers: lobbying for young people. We work to foster the

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

Junior Enterprise movement and make it possible for more and more students to put
their ideas in practice. To reach this goal, we aim at positioning the Junior Enterprise
concept as a best practice in entrepreneurship and in entrepreneurial education, by
writing position papers and influencing reports from relevant institutions1
Fostering skill acquisition and knowledge sharing. We want our members to master
cutting edge processes and techniques, to access state of art knowledge in the fields in
which they want to foster change: this is why we provide them with dedicated trainings
as well as education opportunities around Europe. On one hand, we make sure to offer
them high-quality workshops during our events, held either by our partners or by our
own members, to encourage knowledge sharing. Also, by partnering with high-level
education institutions such as EIIL and Microsoft, with which we signed in 2014 the
Educational Transformation Agreement, we strive to ensure the best opportunities
to our Junior Entrepreneurs.
Representing the movement in high-profile events. We are often invited to speak
on the behalf of our Junior Entrepreneurs about the Junior Enterprise movement and
showcase our concept, positioning us as experts in student entrepreneurship. We aim
at presenting the Junior Enterprises as the real bridge between universities and the
labour market. In the last year, we participated as speakers or moderatos in a number
of events2.

Facilitate the development of Junior Enterprises" is a key priority for Education and Youth Framework
of EU2020
JADE is recognized as a best practice that brings universities and businesses together under EU Oslo
Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education
JADE is in the Steering Board of UNESCO Youth Committee for Higher Education and a stakeholder
consultant for the World Bank
JADE is quoted as best practice in Effects and impact of entrepreneurship programmes in higher
education, study by the European Commission, 2012
JADE is quoted in the paper from the OECD OECD Higher Education Programme What Works
Conference: Entrepreneurship and Higher Education as an example of best practices, 2012
JADE is quoted as a mean to increase economic and social impact in the European Commission report
Entrepreneurship Education: a road to success, 2015
What works: Entrepreneurship in higher Education by OECD, Helsinki, Finland
Youth entrepreneurship: prospects for EU, by Commission Vice-President Katainen cabinet, Brussels,
Meet the Experts Sessions on Entrepreneurial skills, European Business Summit, Brussels, Belgium

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

What is a Junior Enterprise? What is JADE Network?

The Junior Enterprise Concept

A Junior Enterprise is a non-profit civil social organization, formed and managed

exclusively by undergraduate and postgraduate students of higher education, which

provides services for companies, institutions and society, under the guidance of teachers
and professionals with the goal to consolidate and enhance the learning or their members.
Junior Enterprises are similar to real companies, counting with the principles of corporate

governance like management council and executive board, and own regulation.
The objectives of a Junior Enterprise are the following:

CYFI Final pitch event and launch of the YE! Platform, Brussels, Belgium
Thematic University-Business Forum, Berlin, Germany by European Commission
Concertation Meeting - DG Connect, Brussels, Belgium
6th University-Business Forum, Brussels, Belgium
PILC 2015: Change Leadership - Key to Successful Growth, Croatia, by PAR University
Solutions to Youth Employment - A Partnership between Governments, Private Sector and Civil Society
- Brussels, Belgium, World Bank
SME Envoys - Milano, Italy, European Commission
European Development Days - Brussels, Belgium, European Commission
Informal Forum International Students Organisations - Budapest, Hungry
International ProAktivity Summit 2015 - Brussels, Belgium by YouthProAktiv
Young people and entrepreneurship: how to bridge the gap? - European Policy Centre
JADE partnered for the Microsofts European AppCup - http://www.appcup.eu

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

Providing a learning by doing experience for students, who create and manage
their own non-profit SMEs offering offer various services to the market, in relation
to their field of study
Connecting academic knowledge and the business world, allowing students to
add practical experience to their theoretical skills
Fostering entrepreneurial skills, needed in modern economies and societies, such
as self-confidence and direct entrepreneurship experience
Enhancing employability in a local market, helping local companies to search for
and employ talented, experienced and motivated students from one single place
Improving local economic and social growth: Junior Entrepreneurs are a direct
way to promote universities brands to local companies.

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

Going global

The global movement

The Junior Enterprise concept is not limited to Europe: thanks to the passion and

the efforts of its members, it reached Brazil in 1988: it had a huge success in the country,
that is now the home of our sister confederation Brasil Jnior3. Today, Brasil Jnior counts
almost 20,000 Junior Entrepreneurs in the Country and work to develop their skills and

abilities in order to create better workers and better citizens.

Brazil Junior and JADE began working together, organizing the first Junior Enterprise
World Conference in 2004. In 2016 the JEWC will see it sixth edition, which will be held in
Florianoplis, Brazil, with 5000 participants expected from all around the world.
In fact, JADE and not the only confederations at global level: in 2013 JET Junior
Enterprise Tunisia was founded: it now counts around 30 Junior Enterprises in the country,
and keeps expanding. Also, in 2015 the Canadian Confederation of Junior Enterprises
(CJCC) was created, the first in north America.
Under a global cooperation agreement, the confederations keep pushing the
movement forward in order to reach new countries and continents: today, with the first JE
in China and a new Junior Initiative in Australia, the Junior Enterprise movement can truly
define itself as global, and enlarging its boundaries.

Website: www.brasiljunior.org.br

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

What do Junior Enterprises work on?

Our Junior Enterprise work on a number of different

projects, ranging from consultancy services to translation,

from MVP development to coding for website and
mobile applications. In the following paragraphs, some

21% of former Junior

Entrepreneurs start their own
company within 3 years after
graduation (EU average: 4-8%):

examples of innovative projects conducted by our Junior

Junior Enterprises are an essential

Enterprises in Europe can be seen as examples of the

motor for disruptive innovation

disruptive character of the JE Movement.

and economic growth

Analysis around the site and study path

Name of Junior Enterprise: ENVOL Junior-Etudes

Client: CCI de Haute Corse
Country: France
Outline: To help the Calvi Sainte Catherine platform to simplify its landing procedures, ENVOL
has made a trajectory analysis around the area. This data helped completing a file for the Civil
Aviation Direction. They started with a analysis of the current operational situation and then a
study of the landing procedures via a landing simulation for Pilots. Finishing with a modelling of
the averaged trajectory and the obtainment of a new certification for the Aerodrome and an
opportunity for the students to get used to this type of procedures. The project is the winner of
the French national award Label ingnieur 2015

Mobile app development

Name of Junior Enterprise: Junior ISEP

Client: Smartphood SAS
Country: France
Outline: Through the creation of two Apps (one for the customers to order and one for the
delivering services followed in real time) habitants from Paris can order high quality foodboxes
in all the city and follow the track of their meal. This project permitted the creation of a new
enterprise and the app is available on iOs and Android. The project is the winner of the French
national award Label ingnieur 2014

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

Creation of an administrative software

Name of Junior Enterprise: Junior ISEP

Client: Internally developed project
Country: France
Outline: Creation of a software to manage a construction site and manage all electrical
infrastructure while optimising the needed electric wiring. The graphical interface must show the
positioning of the machines on the site. There are two modules, first one is admin mode and
second one is optimising mode. The project was made in collaboration with the client so it
would meet his needs as much as possible and was redesigned multiple times. The project is the
winner of the French national award Label ingnieur 2013

Organization on biggest Italian event on Wearable technologies

Name of Junior Enterprise: JEToP

Client: Internally developed project
Country: Italy
Outline: WTT is the first Italian exhibition entirely dedicated to wearable technology. Wearable
devices are 24H companions; sports, health and entertainment are just few of the fields in which
this new life-changing technology can enhance and simplify our lives. User experience is crucial
thus the objective is to make the public interact with devices, experiencing various situations to
understand their true potential. Conferences and debates will give the public an idea of what
will happen in the coming years. Wearables, as a new-born technology, are just at the
beginning! The second objective is to give the chance to the participating companies to create
a network, through exclusive B2B moments. WTT will be preceded by a Hackathon, a 48h
marathon dedicated to developers, to create ideas for new devices and applications. Microsoft
and Arduino, as official partners, will supply the hardware and will guide the participants.

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

Start-up Weekend Benevento

Name of Junior Enterprise: JEBS

Client: Internally developed project
Country: Italy
Outline: The Start-up Weekend is a non-profit business competition supported by the Kauffman
Foundation and Google for Entrepreneurs. The event, lasting 54 hours, involves the
transformation of a business idea into a concrete project that will eventually be exposed to a
jury of industry experts and investors.
The event is the largest initiative in the world for the development of new business ideas and
holds the record for the field training and team building. It is therefore a unique opportunity to
practice their skills and acquire new ones, meet new people, to network with startupper and
investors. Start-up Weekend Benevento had a more noble and ambitious goal: to promote and
disseminate the entrepreneurial spirit in a region, the South, characterized by a strong static and
cultural backwardness.

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

Benefits for students

Become what the job market is looking for
As a Junior Entrepreneur, you get the opportunity to already develop as a student the
skills that the job market is looking for. As a young graduate with experience, you will
develop both your hard and soft skills, and learn what recruiters expect from you. May it
be team working, sales, public speaking, relationship management, problem solving: none
of those will have a secret for you anymore: not only will you develop your skills in your
expertise field but you will already be able to manage a company, be in contact already
with entrepreneurs, companies and fellow students
The Junior Enterprise concept gives you the opportunity to fill the gap between
education and the business world and to get ready for the job market!

Personal development
By working for a Junior Enterprise, you get the chance not only to develop technical skills
but also the fact of being in constant contact with teachers and external stakeholders,
prepares you for the future.
Increasing students personal network
With other students: Enlargement of the national and international network due to the
exchange with other JEs.
With University: Close contact to professors because of specific trainings or projects
With the business world: Development of a company network due to projects, workshops,
partner- and sponsorships, etc.

Corporate responsibility
Junior-Entrepreneurs manage the Junior Enterprises as volunteers. JEs offer cost-efficient
projects to small and medium-sized enterprises, which helps developing of the local

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

Employability of students
The JE allow the student to acquire practical and professional experience while in
University. It is proven that participation in a JE dramatically improves a students career
Alumni have a significantly better career start after university and continue to develop
more successfully in the long-term than their peer average without JE experience.
Developing technical and interpersonal skills
The Junior Enterprise enables students to develop technical and interpersonal abilities such
Management and leadership
Presentation skills and charisma
Acquirement of practical and professional experience
Dramatic improvement of your career perspectives
Significant better career start after university, more successful development in the
long-term than the average student
Work in a multicultural environment, improvement of foreign language skills
International exposure
The Junior Enterprise movement exists throughout the world: 14 European countries are
members of JADE, the European Confederation of Junior Enterprise.
In South America, Brasil Jnior, the Brazilian Confederation, is present all across the
country, and there are around 40 other initiatives around the globe.
So, as a Junior Entrepreneur you get the chance to collect international experience, easily
connect with other students at Universities all around the globe. Besides, you can build
contacts to international corporations.

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

Business cooperation
Exposure to business community
The Junior Enterprises/Confederations usually have important business partners, locally
around the university but also large multinationals. This is important and interesting for the
students to establish closer links with the business world.
Knowledge resources
The Junior Enterprises/Confederations also have knowledge partners, which gives students
the possibility of developing their skills further.
JADE partners
JADE gives students the opportunity to attend high level management workshops for free,
to encounter with international companies at events, and to get information about
entrepreneurial activities, such as international challenges or programme.

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

Testimonials from Alumni

Through my JADE contacts I had many opportunities to work on interesting projects from
Singapore/India/Indonesia/Thailand all the way to the Silicon Valley. I received a
scholarship for my Master studies and, by the time I left university, I already had 2 years of
work-experience on projects in 3 continents in addition to 18 months at JADE by the time I
left university. Arne Hartmann (Germany, JADE Vice President 1996/97, VP at General
Atlantic Partners)
JADE experience was

The experience was very valuable (teamwork, maturity, professional standards, sales
experience). Yves-Andr Gagnard (France, JADE Vice President 1994/95, Business
Performance at OPB UAE )

Very important the experiences during my JE and JADE years helped me strongly to
develop both the self-esteem, self-organization and stress-resistance I need now in my
daily work. Monika Oswald (Germany, JADE President 2004/05, Consultant McKinsey)
From a professional point of view it was the experience that had the most important
impact on my career. The languages I speak, the first two jobs I had, the company I have
founded, my current working colleagues and the skills I have developed... they all come
from the JADE experience. Andrea Gerosa (Italy, JADE President 2005/06, Think Young
Founder and Chief Thinker)
How to invest in JEs

Education systems should support Junior Enterprises by formally recognizing the value of
a high quality JE project or a year as a board member as an internship in the sense of the
respective curriculum. Arne Hartmann (Germany, JADE Vice President 1996/97, VP at
General Atlantic Partners))

Universities, schools should invest in JEs as it is a simple, effective and costless tool to

JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises

connect studies with actual professional experience. Yves-Andr Gagnard (France, JADE
Vice President 1994/95, Business Performance at OPB UAE )

Supporting with funds and hiring junior entrepreneurs. Andrea Gerosa (Italy, JADE
President 2005/06, ThinkYoung Founder and Chief Thinker)

How to develop a JE in your University?

JADE offers to University and students individualized programmes to help you developing
a Junior Enterprise in your University. If a person (University staff, Professor, student)
wishes to launch the development of a Junior Enterprise, JADEs Enlargement team is
available to support them along the way. JADE has developed a Maturity Model that
structures the development of such a structure. We will also provide you with precise
guidelines in order for you to develop processes, statutes, your Junior Enterprises strategy,
launching your first recruitment campaign, managing your first project
JADE Enlargement team will also organise regular follow-up meetings with you in order to
guide you and support you through the different steps. Do not hesitate to contact us:
[email protected]


JADE Enlargement Team 2016/2017

Mona Herter & Nicolas Bertrand

[email protected]

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