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Rainwater Harvesting

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Journal of Environment and Earth Science

ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)

Vol.4, No.14, 2014


Rain Water Harvesting for Enhanced Household Water, Food

and Nutritional Security: Case Study of Kitui West, Lower Yatta
and Matinyani Districts, Kenya
Wambui Makau1, Ayub Gitau 2, Joseph Mugachia 3, Robinson Ocharo4, Hannah Kamau5, Judy Wambua6
Allois Luvai2
1.Deparment of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Nairobi P.O Box 30197-00100 Nairobi, Kenya
2.Department of Environmental and Biosystems Engineering, University of Nairobi P.O Box 30197-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
3. Garden Veterinary Services Limited, P.O Box 1042-00618 Ruaraka, Nairobi, Kenya
4. Department of Sociology, University of Nairobi P.O Box 30197-00100 Nairobi, Kenya
5.Kenya Industrial Research Development Institute, P.O Box 30650 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
6.South Eastern Kenya University P.O Box 170-90200 Kitui, Kenya
Email of corresponding author: [email protected]
The research was financed by the National Council for Science and Technology, Kenya
In semi-arid areas of Kenya, over dependence on agriculture, low and unreliable rainfall and high livestock
numbers, justify the considerations of rainwater harvesting for agricultural production. A step by step is now
taken by the respective government agencies and non-governmental organizations to promote rainwater
harvesting, as well as promoting it to the public. This study conducted a focused evaluation of the residents
experience towards the effectiveness of rainwater harvesting system in the context of minimizing the
environmental problems, the benefits associated with rainwater harvesting, the implementation issue in relation
to rainwater harvesting and adoption of greenhouse technology as a paradigm shift from open field cultivation.
Research was conducted among 387 respondents: 109 in Kitui West, 104 in Matinyani and 124 in Lower Yatta
districts of Kitui County, Kenya. The methodology adopted used semi-structured questionnaire survey and the
data was analyzed using the SPSS. The study revealed that 56.3 % of the families are female- headed while
43.7% are male headed. Agriculture is a common practice in the study area because 90.4 % of the respondents
had above of their lands utilized. However, it is practiced using traditional farm implements such as hoes and
simple harvesting implements as affirmed by 46.3 % of the respondents. It was found that water pans are the
main sources of water in the area with only 67.2 % able to access it. However, only 55.2 % of the households
could access water of above 200 liters on a daily basis and owing to the average family size of 4-6 members in
the study area. The use of greenhouse technology is not popular because only 11.3 % of the respondents owned
greenhouses while 85.8 % of the respondents said they wanted to own greenhouses. Surprisingly, those who own
greenhouse have never made money from this technology.
Keywords: Rainwater harvesting, semi-arid areas, greenhouse technology, food security, respondents
1. Introduction
Kenya is an agricultural country that relies on its land and water resources to meet the needs of its rapidly
increasing population. In the arid and semi arid areas of Kenya, insufficient water for household use and for crop
and livestock production has been the major constraint to rural development. Kiziloglu et al. (2008) argued that
water is the main factor limiting agricultural production in the hot and dry summer period of semi-arid regions.
Basically, water is the lifeline of any society because it enhances the environment, increases food security and
ensures sustainable development, (Hatibu & Mahoo, 1999; UN-HABITAT, 2005). However, the recent
droughts have highlighted the risks to human beings and livestock, which occur when rains falter or fail. As the
water resources of the world decrease, and competition for a better portion of the fresh water by irrigated
agriculture, domestic, industries, and environmental habitats gets stiffer, several suggestions are being made by
water and irrigation stakeholders on how irrigated agriculture can maximize production with minimum water so
as to release water for other water users, (Igbadun et al., 2008; Jothiprakash & Sathe, 2009). There is now
increasing interest in the low cost alternative generally referred to as water harvesting. Borthakur, (2008) cited
that appropriate or indigenous technology can become handy in collecting and storing rain water. These
technologies include either roofs or specifically prepared and protected areas on the ground can function as
catchment areas.
In simple terms, rainwater harvesting is a widely used term covering all those techniques whereby rain is
intercepted and used close to where it first reaches the earth, (Hatibu & Mahoo, 2000). By convention,
rainwater harvesting is the direct collection of rainwater from roof surfaces and other purpose built catchments,
the collection of sheet runoff from man-made ground or natural surface catchments and rock catchments for


Journal of Environment and Earth Science

ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.4, No.14, 2014


domestic, industry, agriculture and environment use. According to Dean et al. (2012), rainwater harvesting is a
well-established practice in many parts of the world and when applied in the right environment it can provide a
convenient, inexpensive and sustainable source of potable water. In principle, rainwater harvesting is a simple
low-cost technique which requires little specific expertise or knowledge and indeed it offers many potential
benefits, (Otti & Ezenwaji, 2013). This study conducted a focused evaluation of the residents experience
towards the effectiveness of rainwater harvesting system in the context of minimizing the environmental
problems, the benefits associated with rainwater harvesting, the implementation issue in relation to rainwater
harvesting and adoption of greenhouse farming technology as a paradigm shift from open field cultivation.
2.1. Study Site
Kitui County which was the study area is one of the counties located in the eastern parts of the Kenya and lies
between longitudes 37 o 45 and 39 o 0 East and latitudes 0 o 3.7 and 3 o 0 South (Fig. 1). It is located in the semi
arid parts of the Kenya which are mainly lowlands with an average altitude of between 400 and 1800 metres
above the sea level. According to Luvai et al. (2014), the climate of the county is arid and semi-arid with very
erratic and unreliable rainfall. Rainfall ranges from 500 to 1050 mm per annum while temperatures range from
14 oC to 34 oC. The long rains occur in April/May and the short rains in November/December. The periods
falling between June to September and January to March are usually dry. The soils in the county are reddish
sandy clay loam with good infiltration and loose structure. The county is composed of eleven districts namely:
Kitui central, Kitui West, Kyuso, Mutha, Kisasi, Katulani, Lower Yatta, Matinyani, Ikutha, Mutomo and
Mwingi. To the eastern side of the county, the main relief feature is the Yatta Plateau, which stretches from the
north to the south between the two main rivers Athi and Tana. The plateau is almost plain with wide shallow
spaced valleys.
2.2. Subjects and Procedure
The study was carried out in Matinyani, Kitui West and Lower Yatta districts all representing the semi-arid
regions of Kitui County where water scarcity is perceived as a major challenge to agricultural production all
which were randomly selected. The survey was undertaken in order to provide specific information on
perceptions towards rainwater harvesting and greenhouse farming for enhanced food security employed in Kitui
County. The research was conducted among 387 respondents from the three selected districts with 104 from
Matinyani, 159 from Kitui West and 124 from Lower Yatta respectively. The data collection was carried out
using a set of semi-structured questionnaires in order to capture various key parameters which greatly influence
water, food and nutritional security. These parameters included respondents profile, agricultural practice, water
availability and utilization, hygiene, nutrition and food security, and greenhouse technology. The data collected
included quantitative parameters and were quantified and input as nominal data into the Statistical Package for
Social Science (SPSS) and Excel analytical packages and the results presented through simple descriptive
3.1. Respondents Profile
Analysis of data indicates that 56.3 % of the families are female- headed while 43.7% are male headed. The
study established that most households are female-headed because men had relocated to towns and cities in
search of a source of earning a living since farming in the dry areas could not sustain their families. The
distribution of education levels of the respondents shows that 44.6 % have only attained primary school
education with those attaining secondary education as 24.6 %.
Majority of respondents aged between 31- 40 years which contributes to 31.0 % of the total respondents. This
was an indication that the population is characterized with young people which raises the obvious implication in
the underutilization of human resources. Going by the three pillars of the Green Revolution namely;
maximization of time, maximization of space and use of appropriate technology, energy and time have been
underutilized with the young men and women who have to swing to action only when it is about to rain or when
it rains. In terms of family size, 67.6% of respondents had 4 6 members. The high numbers of members per
family are mainly young people and this definitely is an indication of a high demand of resources to sustain big
families in the area.
3.2. Agricultural Practice
Agriculture in the study area depends mainly on the use of traditional farm implements such as hoes and simple
harvesting implements as affirmed by 46.3 % of the respondents. This is an indication of low mechanization
which definitely is associated with low productivity. The limited number of advanced and high tech farm
implements may also be as a result of lack of capital. The study revealed that majority of the respondents (41.9
%) in the area own large farms mainly above 4 acres. Majority of the respondents were optimistic that food and
nutritional security could only be met if land was put under maximum use. Land leasing is not a common


Journal of Environment and Earth Science

ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.4, No.14, 2014


practice in the Kitui County because 78.3 % of the respondents have never leased in any land. The obvious
implication here is that the people have not developed a need to invest in extra land beyond that which they own.
It was noted that 90.4 % of the respondents had above of their lands utilized a sure indication of non
conformity to the green revolution pillar of maximization of space. The lack of maximization of space is
attributed to poverty, lack of technical knowhow and harsh climatic conditions.
3.3. Water Availability and Utilization
The main sources of water in the area include: personal boreholes, community boreholes, rivers, water pans and
harvested water but rivers and water pans are the main sources of water in the area with only 67.2 % able to
access it. However, personal boreholes are very rare in the area with only 3.4 % of the respondents possessing
them. The general lack of piped water is an indication of very low initiative to have personal sources of water.
Further, 81.6 % of the respondents do not have access to community boreholes. The practice of harvesting of
rainwater is a strong indication of an expressed need in the area with 82.2 % of the respondents able to harvest it
whenever it rains. Water access from kiosks is very rare because 80.6 % of the respondents did not show access
indicating that only those who can afford it buy it. Similarly, 97.4 % of the respondents do not access water from
hawkers and this again can be explained by the fact that hawkers sale their water.
Figure 4 shows that 55.2 % of the households who could access water of above 200 liters on a daily basis. Given
that the average family size in the study area is 4-6 members, these findings agree with those by UNDP (2006)
that in Kenya the average water use per person per day is below 75 liters. Given the scarcity of water in the area,
it is evident that very little of that is utilized in the farm. In total 71.0 % of all the respondents use water for
domestic purposes only, while 24.8% use it for domestic and farm while 4.2% for farm only.
In the context of water quality, 76.7 % of the respondents believe that water available to them is fit for human
consumption. Such conclusion could be attributed to two major facts: One that the residents have never
experienced serious adverse effects from the water they consume. Two that if there have been any serious water
related disease outbreaks, then the residents have not associated the diseases with the water they consume.
73.9% of the respondents are of the view that the water was inadequate but 61.4 % of them belief that harvesting
rain water will very much improve their lives.
3.4. Nutrition and Food Security
The study showed that majority of the households (60.3 %) depended on their farms for food while 39.0 %
purchased their foods from market. Vegetables, pulses, legumes and cereals are the highest food consumed daily
while fish, sea food and meat were least consumed. Food shortage is very common with 98.4 % of the
respondents experiencing food shortage in the year 2010/2011. A dry period was experienced during the two
planting seasons in 2010, which led to a severe food shortage in the period between 2010 and 2011. In the event,
96.8 % of the respondents said that drought caused them food shortage while only 0.8 % attributed it to lack of
farm implements. Interestingly, no respondents experienced food shortage because of floods or pests and
diseases. Majority of the people over-rely on rain fed farming which fails almost completely in case of drought.
3.5. Greenhouse Technology
The study showed that 73.7 % of the respondents know what a greenhouse is, while only 26.3 % do not know. In
this regard therefore, only11.3 % of the respondents owned a greenhouse while 88.7 % did not. It was noted
from the study that 85.8 % of the respondents pointed out that they would like to own a green house. However,
out of 11.3 % of the respondents who owned greenhouses, none of them has ever made money from them. The
main reason contributing to zero returns from the greenhouses was lack of the skills on how to use them to make
money. Further, the greenhouses do not meet the required standards thus gives very low yields. Majority of the
respondents (94.4%) were willing to recommend a greenhouse for others while 5.6 % of them will not
recommend a greenhouse for others.
Rainwater harvesting has been a worldwide accepted culture, developed by people to conserve rainwater
particularly in developing and underdeveloped economies where governments cannot provide adequate
quantities of public water supply. Various rainwater harvesting methods are available in literature. However,
each method is site specific and demand specific. Rainwater harvesting systems depends on the topography, land
use pattern, rainfall, demand pattern and economic status of the stake holder and therefore each structure requires
detailed analysis of hydrology (rainfall and demand), topography and other aspects. It was found that there is a
significant use of water conservation and harvesting for crop production by farmers in Kitui County and it has
been evident that where water harvesting has been adopted for crop production, there has been increased
farmers income and poverty reduction. Hence, farmers see water harvesting as part of the solution to enhancing
their food security. It is therefore important that more trainings and support programmes be increased in Kitui
County in order to combat rising food insecurity. Development strategies point out that growing interest in
modern water harvesting systems will give a big boost to peoples empowerment for ending rural poverty and
speed up the process of development in all its manifestations. As things stand now, Kitui County can end its


Journal of Environment and Earth Science

ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.4, No.14, 2014


nagging water famine by investing time, money and energy on reviving the local water harvesting, soil
conserving structures in addition to improving environment through better vegetation. Therefore, improvement
of the existing rain water harvesting techniques which are already practiced will be of great advantages to the
farmers and can also promote wide adaptability. Further, the adoption of greenhouse technology will encourage
rain water harvesting for enhanced household water, food and nutritional security.
We wish to acknowledge the National Council for Science and Technology (NCST), Kenya for project funding.
We would also wish to appreciate the researchers institutions for logistical support: University of Nairobi
(UON), Garden Veterinary Services Ltd (GVSL), Kenya Industrial Research Development Institute (KIRDI) and
South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU). We also appreciate Government departments at Matinyani, Kitui West
and Lower Yatta districts for community mobilization support. Lastly, we wish to thank Amiran Kenya Limited
for identification and practical training of project field assistant on greenhouse farming.
Table 1: Respondents distribution by family head, education and family size
Respondents (%)
Total (%)
Family head
Table 1 outlines the distribution of family head, education and family size of the respondents


Journal of Environment and Earth Science

ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.4, No.14, 2014


Figure 1: Map of Kitui County

Figure 1 shows the location of Kitui County, Kenya where the study was conducted


Journal of Environment and Earth Science

ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.4, No.14, 2014


67.6 %

31 %


19.4 %


18.6 %

18.1 %

12.4 %

16.3 %

15.8 %

0.5 %

20 and 21 30

31 40

41 50

51 60



Age Bracket (Years)

Above 6


Family Size

Figure 2: Respondents distribution by age and family size

Figure 2 compares the age distribution and family size of the respondents interviewed during the study
78.3 %
41.9 %

35.2 %


22.8 %


16 %


3.1 %


2.6 %

0 to 2

3 to 4

Above 4

Land Size (acres)

1 to 2

3 to 4

Above 4

Land Leased in (acres)

Figure 3: Land Ownership and Land Leased in

Figure 3 outlines the sizes of land owned and leased by the respondents within the project area
55.2 %

18 %
11.4 %

13 %

2.3 %

50 and




Above 200

Water (Litres)

Figure 4: Total amount of water available to the respondents

Figure 4 outlines the amount of water in litres available to the respondents per day


Journal of Environment and Earth Science

ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.4, No.14, 2014


97.4 %

96.6 %


81.6 % 82.2 %


80.6 %


67.2 %

32.8 %


18.4 %

19.4 %

17.8 %

3.4 %

2.6 %













Rivers and






Figure 5: Water Availability and Utilization

Figure 5 outlines the various sources of water available to the respondents in addition to the levels of utilization


88.7 %

94.4 %
85.8 %

78.3 %

21.7 %
14.2 %

11.3 %



Know Greenhouse


5.6 %


Own Greenhouse


Want Greenhouse



Greenhouse to others

Figure 6: Response regarding greenhouse farming

Figure 6 outlines the respondents perceptions towards greenhouse farming in Kitui County
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Journal of Environment and Earth Science

ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online)
Vol.4, No.14, 2014


Kiziloglu, F.M., Sahin, U., Kuslu, Y., & Tunc, T. (2009). Determining water-yield relationship, water use
efficiency, crop and pan coefficients for silage maize in a semi-arid region. Irrig Sci (2009) 27,129 137.
Luvai, A.K., Gitau, A.N., Njoroge, A.N.& Obiero, J.P.O. (2014). "Effect of water application levels on growth
characteristics and soil water balance of tomatoes in greenhouse". International Journal of Engineering
Innovation & Research 3(3), ISSN: 2277 - 5668, 271 - 278.
Otti, V.I., & Ezenwaji, E.E. (2013). Enhancing community-driven initiative in rainwater harvesting in Nigeria.
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