Science 5 DLP 3 - Puberty

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Module 3

Science and Health


A DepEd-BEAM Distance Learning Program supported by the Australian Agency for International Development

To the Learner
Your body experiences changes as you grow and mature. Have
you noticed any changes in your body? Some of these changes happen
because you are entering a new stage in life called puberty.

Lets Learn This

When you finish this module, you will be able to:
Describe certain changes during puberty.

Lets Try This

Group the following changes that happen during puberty
according to sexes.
-rounder hips-deeper voice-hair on face and chest-hair in armpit-menstruation-adams apple-

-bigger breast
-increased muscle mass-broader shoulder-hair in genital area-reproductive organs develop-increased height-



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Lets Study This

Puberty is a stage of life of rapid change. At this stage, boys and

girls begin to grow and develop into adults. Their feelings also begin
to change.
Puberty starts when your body begins to produce hormones. The
hormones change your body and develop your reproductive organs.
You are no longer a child but instead an adolescent.
Puberty usually happens between the ages of 10-16 in girls, and
10-17 in boys.
If you are a girl, you start to grow taller, your breast begin to
develop. Your body shape likewise changes. Your waist is more
noticeable and your hips are wider. A whitish discharge from your
vagina begins to come out. This is a sign that you are going to have
your first period or menstruation.
If you are a boy, you start to increase in height. Your shoulder
starts to grow broader faster than your hips. Your muscle size
increases. Your voice begins to be deeper and your Adams apple
noticeable. Your penis, and testes begin to enlarge.
The changes you have observed and experienced during puberty
are all completely normal. However, these changes all happen at
different ages for different people.
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Lets Remember This

Puberty is the age at which bodily changes occur in both

males and females.
Puberty is the period or age at which the female and male
reproductive systems are ready to function.
At puberty, a boys height increases rapidly, his voice
changes, adams apple appears, his reproductive organs
increase in size, her reproductive organs increase in size,
pubic hair and underarm hair grow and menstrual flow
The menstrual flow indicates that a girl is already capable
of reproductive.

Lets Test Ourselves

Read each questions carefully , write the letter of the correct answer on
the space provided for.
_______ 1. Which of the following changes is not part of puberty?
a. menstruation

c. enlargement of breast

b. menopause

d. hair on face and chest

_______ 2. How old is a boy when he experiences bodily changes?

a. between 5 to 10 yrs. Old
b. between 9 to 10 yrs. Old
c. between 10 to 17 yrs. Old
d. between 7 to 17 yrs. old
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______ 3.

Which of the following changes is experienced by a girl

during puberty?
a. enlargement of breast

c. muscle develop

b. voice deepens

d. broader shoulder

______ 4. How will you describe a boy of 11 or 12?

a. broader shoulder

c. menstrual flow starts

b. enlargement of breast

d. rounder hips

______ 5. When do changes in the sex organs occur in boys and girls?
a. during babyhood

c. during adulthood

b. during puberty

d. during pregnancy

Lets Do This
Write BOY or GIRL or BOTH to indicate who experiences the bodily
changes described below.
_________ 1. menstrual flow

_________ 6. hair in genital area

_________ 2. broader shoulder

_________ 7. hair on face and chest

_________ 3. adams apple

_________ 8. increased height

_________ 4. bigger breast

_________ 9. rounder hips

_________ 5. hair in armpit

_________ 10. deeper voice

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Lets Do More
Draw a line to match the word being described.
1. periodic discharge of blood, tissue
fluid, mucus, and surface cells from
the uterus.
2. appears as a projection in front of
the throat, more prominent among

a. body odor

b. hair grow

3. seen on both male and female

during puberty especially in the
pubic region and armpits.

c. breast

4. an adolescent becomes more prone

to having this condition when
he/she does not take a bath

d. menstruation

5. in females, these receive hormones

during puberty, surrounding them
with fat and developing the
mammary glands.

e. adams apple

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Science Fact File

We know that beautiful hair in a women can be very attractive, but we

must assume that hair on human beings formerly played a more
practical role than it does now. When a baby is born he is covered with
a fine down. This is soon replaced by the delicate hair which we notice
in all children. Then comes the age of puberty, and this coat which the
person will have as an adult.
The development of this adult hair is regulated by the sex glands. The
male sex hormone works in such a way that the beard and body hair
are developed, while the growth of the hair on the head is inhibited, or
slowed down in development.
The action of the female sex hormone is exactly the opposite! The
growth of the hair on the head is developed, while the growth of the
beard and body hair is inhibited, so women dont have beards because
various glands and hormones in their bodies deliberately act to prevent
this growth.
The custom of shaving was introduced to England by the Saxons.
Barbers first appeared in Roman times in 300BC. Nowadays, there is a
great variety of facial hair-styles from beards and moustaches to the
clean-shaven effect.

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Answer Key
Lets Try This:


rounder hips

increased muscle mass

increased height

adams apple

hair in genital area

increased height

hair in armpit

hair in genital area

bigger breast

deeper voice

reproductive organs develop

hair in armpit


broader shoulder
reproductive organs develop
hair on face and chest

Lets Do This

Lets Do More



1. d

2. BOY

7. BOY

2. e

3. BOY


3. b



4. a

10. BOY

5. c


Lets Test Ourselves

1. b
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. b
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