Computer Communications: Subharthi Paul, Jianli Pan, Raj Jain

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Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

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Architectures for the future networks and the next generation Internet: A survey
Subharthi Paul , Jianli Pan, Raj Jain
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington University in Saint Louis, United States

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 21 August 2009
Received in revised form 23 July 2010
Accepted 3 August 2010
Available online 25 August 2010
Future Internet architecture survey
Future Internet design (FIND)
Future network architecture
Next generation Internet
Global Environment for Networking
Innovations (GENI)

a b s t r a c t
Networking research funding agencies in USA, Europe, Japan, and other countries are encouraging
research on revolutionary networking architectures that may or may not be bound by the restrictions
of the current TCP/IP based Internet. We present a comprehensive survey of such research projects and
activities. The topics covered include various testbeds for experimentations for new architectures, new
security mechanisms, content delivery mechanisms, management and control frameworks, service architectures, and routing mechanisms. Delay/disruption tolerant networks which allow communications
even when complete end-to-end path is not available are also discussed.
2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
The Internet has evolved from being an academic pursuit to a
huge commercial commodity. The IP thin waist associated with
the simplicity of the present design has been a remarkable architectural choice, motivated by the need to converge multiple link layer
technologies and end-to-end transport mechanisms. However, the
assumptions under which the original Internet was designed have
changed. Newer contexts and specic requirements have subjected
the original design paradigms of the Internet to a lot of abuse. Due
to the limitations of the underlying architecture, such overlaid
hacks have limited effectiveness and are often highly inefcient.
Commercialization of the Internet has introduced concerns
about security, trust, and value added services. Introduction of networkable wireless systems has brought about a mobile paradigm.
Use of the Internet as a communication commodity upon which
business communications depend has raised the need for better
resilience and fault tolerance through ne-grained control and
management. A best effort delivery model of IP is no longer considered adequate. Routing is no longer based on algorithmic optimization, but rather has to deal with policy compliance. Assumptions
about persistently connected end systems do not hold with the
introduction of delay tolerant networking paradigms. Protocols designed without concern for energy efciency cannot integrate energy conscious embedded system networks such as sensor
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 773 679 7723.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Paul), [email protected] (J. Pan),
[email protected] (R. Jain).
0140-3664/$ - see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

networks. Initial projections about the scale of the Internet have

long since been invalidated, leading to the current situation of IP
address scarcity, BGP table growth, etc. The wide scale proliferation and service diversication of the Internet have led to forceful
plumbing-in of external architectural artifacts into the core design. Such plumbing-in is not seamless, marring the simplicity of
the original IP design and introducing numerous side effects.
Several of the most relevant and immediate problems for which
the current Internet design has failed to provide a satisfactory solution have been discussed in [78]. Another reference to a comprehensive discussion on the history of the Internet is John Days
book on Patterns in Network Architecture: A Return to Fundamentals [40]. The book characterizes the underlying motivations
and reasoning behind the key technologies of the current Internet.
It also describes in detail how factors other than technical ones affected the shape of the current Internet architecture.
Over the years, networking research has introduced newer protocols and newer architectural designs. However, as already mentioned, the Internet is its own worst adversary. It has not been
possible to introduce any fundamental changes to its basic
underlying architecture. Small and incremental changes solving
the current problems have introduced scores of others. The myopic
view of incremental approaches has arguably stretched the current
design to the maximum. The Internet needs to be redesigned for
the present needs, while at the same time ensuring enough exibility to adequately incorporate future requirements.
A new paradigm of architectural design described as cleanslate design goes against the more traditional approach of incremental design. The theme of clean-slate design is to design the

S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

system from scratch without being restrained by the existing system, providing a chance to have an unbiased look at the problem
space. However, the scale of the current Internet forbids any
changes, and it is extremely difcult to convince the stake-holders
to believe in a clean-slate design and adopt it. There is simply too
much risk involved in the process. The only way to mitigate such
risks and to appeal to stake-holders is through actual Internetscale validation of such designs that show their superiority over
the existing systems. Fortunately, research funding agencies all
over the world have realized this pressing need and a world-wide
effort to develop the next generation Internet is being carried out.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) was among the rst to announce a GENI (Global Environment for Networking Innovations)
program for developing an infrastructure for developing and
testing futuristic networking ideas developed as part of its FIND
(Future Internet Design) program. The NSF effort was followed by
the FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation) program
which support numerous next generation networking projects
under the 7th Framework Program of the European Union, the
AKARI program in Japan, and several other similarly specialized
programs in China, Australia, Korea, and other parts of the world.
The scale of the research efforts to develop a next generation
Internet proves its importance and the need for its improvement
to sustain the requirements of the future. However, the amount
of work being done or proposed may bafe someone who is trying
to get a comprehensive view of the major research areas. In this paper, it is our goal to explore the diversity of these research efforts
by presenting a coherent model of research areas and by introducing some key research projects. This paper does not claim to be a
comprehensive review of all of the next generation Internet projects but may be considered as an introduction to the broader aspects and some proposed solutions.
Next generation Internet research efforts can be classied under
the primary functions of a networking context such as routing,
content delivery, management and control, and security. We argue
against such an organization of the research efforts with the view
that this organization is contrary to clean-slate design. A cleanslate view of isolated problems in a specic functional area do
not necessarily t together to dene a seamlessly integrated system. This is because they are dened under xed assumptions
about the other parts of the system. The result is that the best individual solutions often contradict each other at the system level. For
example, a clean-slate centralized management and control proposal may interfere with the objectives of a highly scalable distributed routing mechanism, rendering both the solutions useless in
the systems perspective. Also, we believe that the current Internet
and its success should not in any way bias clean-slate thought.
Designers should be able to put in radical new ideas that may have
absolutely no semblance to any design principle of the current
Internet. At present, there are very few architectures that actually
focus on a holistic design of the next generation Internet. Some
holistic designs have been proposed under service centric architectures [discussed in Section 7]. Most service centric architectures
design new service primitives and propose holistic architectural
frameworks for composing applications over these federated service primitives. An example of such an architecture is the Internet
3.0 architecture [discussed in Section 7.6].
In this survey, a major portion of the research being undertaken
in the area of next generation Internet research is covered. First, we
survey some of the more progressive and interesting ideas in smaller, more independent research areas and classify them in various
sections as follows:
1. Security: In the current Internet, security mechanisms are
placed as an additional overlay on top of the original architecture rather than as part of the Internet architecture, which leads





to a lot of problems. In this section, several new propositions

and on-going research efforts that address the problems of
security from a different perspective are analyzed and discussed. This includes proposals and projects related to security
policies, trust relationships, names and identities, cryptography,
anti-spam, anti-attacks, and privacy.
Content delivery mechanisms: This section deals with research
on new mechanisms for content delivery over the Internet. The
next generation Internet is set to see a huge growth in the
amount of content delivered over the Internet, and requires
robust and scalable methods to prepare for it. Also, discussed
are newer paradigms for networking with content delivery at
the center of the architecture rather than connectivity between
hosts, as in the current architecture.
Challenged network environments: Contrary to the intrinsic
assumption of continuously connected context over which
communication protocols are developed, challenged network
research focuses specically on heterogeneous networking environments where continuous end-to-end connectivity cannot be
assumed. The intermittent connectivity could be due to either
planned or unplanned disruptions. Planned space networks are
examples of planned disruption contexts depending on xed
schedules of satellite and planetary motions. Wireless ad hoc
networks represent an unplanned disruption context wherein
unplanned disruptions may be caused by a variety of factors,
such as node failures, mobility, limited power, and disconnected
topology. The discussions in this section relate to two important
perspectives of the future Internet design requirements: Energy
efcient protocol design and implementation and federation of
heterogeneous networking environments.
Management and control framework: The current Internet
works on a retro-tted management and control framework
that does not provide efcient management and troubleshooting. The proposals for the future Internet in this area vary from
completely centralized ideas of management to more scalable
and distributed ideas. The discussion in this section relate to
the issues of management and control in the current Internet
as well as some of the proposals for the future.
Internetworking layer design: This section is mainly dedicated
to novel and futuristic proposals addressing problems at the
internetworking layer of the Internet. The primary functions
of the internetworking layer are routing and forwarding. In this
section, we will discuss some of the design proposals for the
internetworking layer of the future Internet. While some proposals try to address the immediate concerns with IP based
routing, others are more futuristic and propose fundamental
changes to the routing paradigm.

Next we look at some holistic architectural frameworks under

Section 7 on Service Centric Architectures. The commercial usage
of the Internet, ubiquitous and heterogeneous environments, and
security and management challenges require the next generation
Internet to provide a broad range of services that go far beyond
the simple best effort service paradigm of todays Internet. In this
section, several proposals on designing next generation service
architectures are discussed. Some key design goals for the next
generation service architecture include exibility and adaptability,
avoiding the ossication of the current Internet and facilitating
mapping of user-level service requirements onto the lower infrastructure layers.
Finally, we take a look at the next generation research on Future Internet Infrastructure Design for Experimentation in Section 9. This section discusses the various efforts to develop
testbed architectures that can support the experimentation and
validation needs of research on next generation Internet design
proposals. Two basic ideas are those of virtualization and federa-

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tion. Virtualization provides isolation and sharing of substrate

experimental resources including routers, switches, and end-hosts.
Federation provides both realistic and large scale testing environments through federation of multiple diverse testbeds designed
to represent diverse contexts.
2. Scope
This paper does not claim to present an exhaustive survey of all
of the research efforts that are presently underway, in the area of
next generation Internet design. It is, at best, a comprehensive coverage of relevant next generation networking research. It should
also be noted that, unlike conventional surveys, we refrain from
passing judgmental remarks (except with some reference to historic perspectives) or establishing any form of conventional wisdom, due to the lack of concrete results at this very early stage
of research on next generation network architectures. Likewise,
this paper presents a broad perspective of the wide spectrum of
highly diversied research efforts in this area rather than biasing
any particular approach. We expect that this survey will need to
be followed up by future surveys with much narrower perspectives
when research in these areas reach the required levels of maturity.
Another point to note is that there are many references in this paper to work that is neither recent nor particularly next generation.
Our claim is that although research efforts to dene a next generation Internet architecture are ofcially fairly recent, almost all
proposals in this area are extensions of established knowledge
from past research efforts. Thus, both past and present research efforts that we feel will impact future Internet research in any significant way have been included in this survey.

3. Security
The original Internet was designed in a trust-all operating environment of universities and research laboratories. However, this
assumption has long since been invalidated with the commercialization of the Internet. Security has become one of the most important areas in Internet research. With more and more businesses
online and a plethora of applications nding new uses for the Internet, security is surely going to be a major concern for the next generation. In the next generation Internet, security will be a part of
the architecture rather than being overlaid on top of the original
architecture, as in the current Internet. Years of experience in security research has now established the fact that security is not a singular function of any particular layer of the protocol stack, but is a
combined responsibility of every principal communication function that participates in the overall communication process. In this
section, we present several next generation proposals that address
the problem of security from a different angle. This includes the
security policies, trust relationships, names, identities, cryptography, anti-spam, anti-attacks, and privacy.
3.1. Relationship-Oriented Networking
The basic goal of the Relationship-Oriented Networking project
[5] is to build a network architecture that makes use of secure
cryptographic identities to establish relationships among people,
entities, and organizations in the Internet. It tries to provide better
security, usability, and trust in the system, and allow different
users and institutions to build trust relationships within networks
similar to those in the real world.
Relationship-Oriented Networking will mainly:
1. Consider how to pervasively incorporate cryptographic identities into the future network architecture.

2. Use these strong identities to establish relationships as rstclass citizens within the architecture.
3. Develop an architectural framework and its constituent components that allows users and institutions to build trust relationships within the context of digital communications. These can
be viewed and utilized in a similar fashion to relationships outside the realm of digital communications.
3.1.1. Identities
The traditional Internet uses unique names to identify various
resources. These names can be email addresses, account names
or instant messaging IDs. For example, we use the email address
[email protected] as the identier for the email service.
However, these identities offer little security since they can be easily spoofed. Moreover, they are invalidated after a change of service
providers. In Relationship-Oriented Networking, these problems
are solved by cryptographic identities that are used throughout
the architecture. These identities are more secure than the plain,
name-based schemes because security features are integrated in
the form of keys or certicates.
3.1.2. Building and sharing relationships
The Relationship-Oriented Network architecture permits relationships to be established implicitly or explicitly. Allman et al.
[5] provide an example in support of this requirement. For sensitive applications with tight access control, such as banking, the
relationship between a bank and a patron, and the patron with
their account, would need explicit conguration. In comparison,
less sensitive services may be able to rely on less formal opportunistic relationships. For example, a public enterprise printer may
not need tight access control, and the relationship may be opportunistic and less formal. The relationship between people can also be
built implicitly or explicitly. As with trust relationship formations
in our society, the relationship can also be setup by user introductions. Also, the sharing of a relationship among different people or
entities is allowed, which represents some degree of transitivity in
the relationship. Moreover, the relationship can also be leveraged
as a vote of condence when trying to decide whether an unknown
service provider is legitimate or malicious. Thus, the sharing of the
relationship should be limited by the potential downside and privacy implications.
3.1.3. Relationship applications
Access control is one of the relationship applications. It spans
from low-level access controls on the physical network infrastructure to high-level, application specic control. The rst level of enhanced access control comes from having stronger notions of
identity due to the adoption of cryptographic-based schemes. Thus,
access control can be implemented based on the users or the actors
rather than on rough approximations, such as MAC addresses, IP
addresses, and DNS names. Typical examples are Allow the employee in the human resource department to access the disk share
that holds the personnel les and Allow Bob, Jane, and Alice access to the shared music on my laptop.
Relationships can also be used for service validation. In practice,
users need to know that they are communicating with the expected service provider and not a malicious attacker.
Relationship oriented networking also tries to build a naming
system that follows the social graph to an alias resource. The resource with a name can also be aliased in a context-sensitive manner by the users. Users can expose their name to the social
networks which in turn provides ways to share information. For
example, the name babysitter can be set in the personal namespace and expose the resource to a friend who is in need of child
care. The name will be mapped to the unique email address of a

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In summary, relationships are a very important component of

security, identity, and policy enforcement. Research in relationship
oriented networking is expected to be of signicant use for the future Internet. However, it is not trivial, as multi-layer relationships
can be extremely complex and spawn many other issues such as
security, identity and naming, service, and access control policies.
Nevertheless, research in this area is expected to result in deeper
insights into the nature of relationships and the complexities of
constructing security models around them.
3.2. Security architecture for Networked Enterprises (SANE)
The SANE architecture [23] is designed to enhance security. The
basic idea is to develop a clean-slate security architecture to protect against malicious network attacks. SANE achieves this goal
by requiring all network trafc to explicitly signal their origin
and their intent to the network at the outset.
With this design goal in mind, SANE includes a tailored security
architecture for private networks (enterprise network) with tight
policy control. It does this by using a domain controller to control
the network-wide policies at a single location. For public settings,
the SANE architecture requires the end-host APIs to be changed to
allow the end-hosts to signal their intent to the large scale Internet.
The SANE architecture implements the network-wide policies
in a central domain controller. It is claimed by Boneh et al. [23] that
such a centralized solution prevents inconsistencies in network
security policies by separating them from the underlying network
topology. A default-off mode is also enforced in the SANE architecture, which means that any host must get permission before they
can talk to other hosts. Any unauthorized transmission is disallowed at the source. Network entities are granted access to a minimum set of resources, and the information about network
structure and connectivity is hidden from the end-hosts. Precise
control over trafc is also implemented in SANE. SANE decides
the exact paths to be taken by the network trafc. The source
routes are also encrypted, which helps integrate middle-boxes
and application-level proxies without sacricing security.
As shown in Fig. 1, hosts are only allowed to communicate with
the domain controller by default. In Step 0, a client sets up a secure
channel with the domain controller for future communication
through authentication. In Step 1, server B publishes its service,
B.http, to the network service directory. In Step 2, before talking
to client B, client A must obtain a capability for the service. In Step
3, client A prepends the returned capability on all the packets to
the correspondent. SANE offers a single protection layer for the private networks, which resides between the Ethernet and the IP
layer. Note that all of the network policies are dened and granted
at the domain controller.
One possible issue with SANE could be the central control strategy, which introduces single point of failure, single point of attack,
and scalability problems into the architecture. There are also some

DC: Domain Controller

Step 2:

Step 1:
Publish B.http
Allow A access

Request Capability to

Step 0:
Authenticate with DC

Step 3:
Use returned capability to
Communicate with B

Server B

Client A
Fig. 1. SANE model.

additional issues that need to be solved. For example, SANE requires the switches to perform per-packet cryptographic operations to decrypt the source route. This requires modications and
redesign of the switches and may slow down the data plane. Moreover, the end-hosts also need to be modied to address the malicious attacks. Mechanisms to integrate the middle-box and
proxies into the SANE architecture pose important research challenges. More detailed mechanisms and designs to address these
challenges need to be presented and validated before they can be
applied to the real world.
3.3. Enabling defense and deterrence through private attribution
Current network security depends mainly on defenses that are
mechanisms that could impede any malicious activity. However,
deterrence is also necessary to reduce the threat and attacks in
the Internet. Thus, there is a requirement for a balance between defense and deterrence in the future Internet. Deterrence is usually
achieved by making use of an attribution that is the combination
of an individual and an action. However, compared to the physical
world, it is much more difcult to gain such an attribution in the
Two main design goals of this research project [192] are preserving privacy and per-packet attribution. Moreover, the security
architecture provides content-based privacy assurance and tries to
avoid any private information from leaking across the network.
This proposal requires every packet to be self-identifying. Each
packet is tagged with a unique, non-forgeable label identifying
the source host. The private attribution based on group signatures
allows the network elements to verify that a packet was sent by a
member of a given group. Through the participation of a set of
trusted authorities, the privacy of the individual senders can be
The per-packet attribution and the privacy preservation ensure
that all of the packets are authenticated and traceable. This reduces
potential attacks and offers deterrence to some extent, while at the
same time maintaining sender privacy by the use of a shared-secret key mechanism.
Some of the challenges that need to be addressed are: (1) decisions that determine the source of the trafc in situations where
trafc may be relayed by an intermediate host on behalf of the
source host, (2) tradeoff between the need for attribution security
and the users privacy, and (3) technical details for packet transformation, overhead reduction, and guaranteeing minimum changes
and impact on the existing software.
3.4. Protecting user privacy in a network with ubiquitous computing
Ubiquitous presence and the use of wireless computing devices
have magnied privacy concerns [185]. These concerns are inherent to the design of the link-layer and lower layer protocols and
are not well addressed by the currently available approaches. In
the next generation Internet, proliferation of these wireless computing devices is expected to worsen the issue of privacy.
The central problem is to devise a mechanism that conceals the
end-points information from all parties that do not need to know
it for the network to function. For example, IP addresses only need
to be revealed to the immediate provider, not to all providers along
the network path. It is assumed that sources trust their immediate
provider more than any other transit provider on the network path.
In this way, the users privacy can be guaranteed as well as be both
manageable and accountable.
In this proposal, encrypted addresses are used to provide privacy. Entire packets, including their addresses, can be encrypted
over links, hiding identities from other users of the network.

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Re-routing is also avoided in this architecture, maintaining

efciently across the whole path.
For service discovery, cryptographic mechanisms can also be
explored to protect the privacy of searches, responses, and beacons. However due to different privacy requirements, this issue is
difcult to resolve. An effort is made to develop a single mechanism that can transition between these different classes of networks. Also, methods to allow the client devices to privately
discover a service even when they are connected to an un-trusted
provider are explored.
In addition to host addresses and network names, some other
implicit identiers can also leak information about the users
identity. The project proposes to commit in-depth research on
dening communication privacy in human terms, since privacy is
ultimately about humans and cannot be delivered by the network
without human interaction. Thus, privacy scenarios and policies
need to be explicitly presented to the users in order to keep them
informed, and the users need to be able to dictate their policy
requirements as necessary.
There are several unavoidable challenges facing these design
goals. First, names and addresses should be designed to conceal
identity instead of leaking them. However, identity cannot be concealed completely since some information needs to be understood
by the network devices in order to accomplish certain functions.
Thus, the names and addresses need to be designed carefully to
conceal important information from the un-trusted parties and to
reveal proper information to the authorized or trusted parties.
Also, broadcast links, such as wireless networks, have different
requirements than wired network paths. Moreover, different layers
may have bindings of the names and addresses and the identities
may be revealed in multiple levels. Thus, an additional requirement is to ensure that an identity is revealed only after it is known
that the binding is authorized. This new requirement forces major
changes to the design in the current Internet. Managing information exposure of implicit names and identiers are some of the major design challenges that need to be addressed.
3.5. Pervasive and trustworthy network and service infrastructures
Trustworthy networks and service infrastructure [39] is the
name of the European Unions Framework Program 7 (FP7) research plan on security for the future Internet. This is an umbrella
project for security specic research consisting of many projects
researching different aspects of network security. There are four
main goals:

trustworthy network infrastructure;

trustworthy service infrastructure;
technologies and tools for trustworthy networks;
networking, coordination, and support.

Most of these projects are still in their initial phases, so only initial proposals and task goals are available at this point.
The trustworthy network infrastructure research is dedicated to
nding new architecture designs for future heterogeneous networks and systems. These are designed with built-in security, reliability, and privacy, with secure policies across multiple domains
and networks, and with trustworthy operation and management
of billions of devices or things connected to the Internet. It also
includes the research and development of trustworthy platforms
for monitoring and managing malicious network threats across
multiple domains or organizations. Typical E.U. FP7 projects on this
topic include ECRYPT II [44] (on future encryption technologies),
INTERSECTION [70] (on the vulnerabilities at the interaction point
of different service providers), AWISSENET [13] (on security and
error resilience on wireless ad hoc networks and sensor networks),

and SWIFT [196] (on future cross-layer identity management

The second research area is to develop a secure service architecture. Secure and trustworthy service architectures are an immediate requirement to support the huge growth of Internet business
applications and services. Thus, a strong need for service security
properties such as reliability, availability, trust, data integrity,
information condentiality, and resilience to faults or malicious attacks is identied. To meet the various requirements, new advances in the elds of secure software engineering, modeling,
and languages and tools need to be achieved. Two important research goals of this effort are the specication and validation of
security properties of the service architecture and platforms and
the technologies for managing and ensuring security levels in different environments. Typical projects under this research topic include MASTER [95] (managing and auditing using secure
indicators), TAS3 [197] (trusted Service-Oriented Architecture
based on user-controlled data management policies), and AVANTSSAR [11] (specifying and validating the trust and security properties of service).
Technologies and tools for trustworthy network research include pro-active protection from threats in future networks with
a high volume of network entities, user-centric privacy and identity management, and management and assurance of security
and integrity. Typical E.U. projects on this topic include MOBIO
[102] (on biometric technologies), ECRYPT II [44] (on cryptology),
TECOM [198] (on trustable systems), and SHIELDS [189] (secure
software engineering technologies).
3.6. Anti-Spam Research Group (ASRG)
There has been a substantial increase in the number of problematic e-mails, which are generally called spam. At an extreme
point, spam could threaten the usability of the e-mail service.
The situation is already quite severe and is getting worse.
ASRG [10] is a working group of the Internet Research Task
Force (IRTF), which is focusing on research on anti-spam technologies. ASRG investigates tools and techniques to mitigate the effects
of spam. Using the underlying basic characteristics of spam, this
group is motivated to develop solutions and approaches that can
be designed, deployed, and used in the short-term. The related
work areas include new administrative tools and techniques, improved anti-spam tools and techniques, evaluation frameworks
and measurement, and approaches that involve changes to the
existing applications and protocols.
In the past decade, many anti-spam technologies have been invented to tackle the current challenges in anti-spam [9]. Typical
examples include:
1. Message Content Techniques: This is a basic anti-spam technique and includes three categories: static ltering, adaptive ltering, and URL ltering. Static ltering lters the spam by
setting the static addresses or subject keywords. Adaptive ltering is relatively advanced in that it can adjust the ltering based
on experience. A typical example is Bayesian lters. URL ltering is based on the fact that spam always contains redirecting
URLs to certain websites. Software can be used to extract the
URLs from the body of a message and check them against a
blacklist. Since URLs in the spam change so frequently, it is a
hard task to maintain this blacklist and a lot of spam traps are
required to collect spam.
2. Techniques based on Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP):
Another category of anti-spam techniques that makes use of
the SMTP protocol. It includes timing and protocol defects techniques, greylist, callbacks, and rate limits techniques. Timing
and protocol defects techniques detect extra data in the input

S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

buffer prior to the server sending the HELO/EHLO response, thus

reducing the spread of spam. Greylist is effective against those
spammers who use cracked PC to send spam but ineffective
against spammers sending from conventional machines. The
greylist technique attempts to detect SMTP clients that are
not true SMTP servers and do not maintain a message queue.
It does this by initially deferring the incoming messages and
giving a 4xx (temporary failure) response during the SMTP protocol dialog. The callbacks technique is relatively inefcient
because spammers can easily escape this mechanism. The basic
idea behind the rate limits technique is that the robot spammers always send bursts of messages faster than humans and
legitimate mail servers. Thus, an SMTP server can count the
number of connections per client over a time window. It is obvious that the rate limiting technique is ineffective as a real antispam solution; however, it is very effective against DoS (denial
of service) spam.
3. Address management: Address management techniques
include tagged addresses, code words, disposal addresses, and
DNS (domain name system) blacklists. Tagged addresses and
code words are similar in that they add a second part to an
existing address that is used for sorting or ltering mail instead
of mail routing. A disposable address is an address that can be
disabled when spam comes. A disposable address is used in situations where users need to receive emails from unknown entities that may send spam in the future. Thus, the disposable
email address is revealed rather than the real email address,
which remains hidden from the attacks of spam bots.
4. Network techniques: Network techniques include DNS blacklists, DNS validation, and HELO/EHLO pattern matching. DNS
blacklists are lists of IP addresses that share an undesirable
characteristic, such as a history of sending spam. DNS validation
techniques verify the SMTP client by comparing the proper DNS
records related to it. HELO/EHLO pattern matching techniques
look for strings with a high likelihood of being a spam sender
and a low likelihood of being a legitimate organization or user.
5. White-list techniques: White-list techniques are typically
achieved by recognizing known correspondents and adding
them to a whitelist. The disadvantage is that it requires users
to manually maintain the list.
4. Content distribution mechanisms
The content distribution mechanisms of the Internet have
evolved from centralized server based distribution mechanisms
to the more modern distributed approaches of Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks. The popularity of the web, high quality content creation for dissemination,
and the increased bandwidth provisioned at the network edge
can be credited to this evolution. In this section, we will retrace
this evolution and motivate the need for future Internet research
in content delivery mechanisms. We will also introduce some
innovative proposals that are being studied to dene the future
of content delivery on the Internet.
4.1. Next generation CDN
Initially, the concept of CDNs was introduced to mitigate the
load on central servers. Central servers could ofoad the responsibility of delivering high bandwidth content to CDNs. For example, a
web page downloaded from would contain pictures, videos, audio, and other such high bandwidth multimedia content.
The central server at would serve only the basic web page
while redirecting the browser to a CDN to fetch all of the multimedia content. This mechanism worked, since CDN servers were networked and placed strategically in the core network and were

provisioned with high bandwidth links. CDNs moved the content

closer to the end-user, ensuring less delay. However, measurements of content distribution data show that only 50% of Internet
trafc is served from the top 35 core networks [88]. The rest of the
data distribution has a long tail and spread across 13,000 network
sites in the current Internet. As a result, the present state-of-theart CDNs still suffer from the Fat File Paradox [143,88].
Since data travel on the Internet at almost the speed of light, it
might seem that the distance between the source and the destination should not matter, hence a paradox. However, it turns out that
even in the absence of congestion, the middle mile encounters
delay as a result of peering problems between transit ISPs, DoS attacks, link failures, etc. Congestion in the intermediate routers
worsens the problem. Also, neither the servers nor the clients have
any control over the middle mile. This is the Fat File Paradox,
which states that it is the length of the pipe rather than its width
that determines how fast a large le can travel through it [143].
It is projected that with high quality content, such as high definition television, soon making its way to the Internet, the Internet
would need to provision a bandwidth of 100 TB/s in the near future
[88]. The middle mile problem discussed above will become
more pronounced in the presence of such high data volumes. To
mitigate this, a new solution for highly distributed CDNs has been
proposed. These highly distributed CDNs place servers at the edge
networks, thus abolishing the middle mile completely. However,
these CDNs still suffer from the limitation of being able to serve
only cacheable content. Also, highly distributed architectures come
at the cost of increased security, management, scalability and synchronization problems. Thus, future CDN research shall involve
addressing these challenges to mitigate the enormous growth of
content distributed over the future Internet.
4.2. Next generation P2P
Another paradigm of data distribution that has evolved over the
years is P2P networks. Initially born as the simple music sharing
application Napster [144,223], P2P networks have progressed tremendously and are responsible for much of the Internet trafc today [179,16]. The key idea is that peers (or end-hosts) share
content among themselves, thus abolishing the need for a central
server. In doing so, peers act as servents (servers when uploading
data for other peers or clients when downloading data from peers).
An extensive survey on P2P networks can be found in [6].
The self-organizing and self-healing properties of P2P networks
have the potential to become the predominant content distribution
mechanism of the future Internet. However, there has been a
declining trend in the popularity of P2P networks over the past
year or so, due to the advances in streaming video technologies
[145,24]. The reason for this decline may be attributed to certain
fundamental problems underlying the basic mechanisms of P2P
The rst problem is that bandwidth provisioning to end-hosts at
edge networks is generally asymmetric. The download bandwidth
is far higher than the upload bandwidths. This leads to instability
when the number of peer-clients for a particular content far outnumber the peer-servers.
The second problem is related to the dynamics of sharing. Selfish behavior is common in peers, wherein the peers want to act
only as clients and never as servers. Incentive based mechanisms
controlling the download bandwidth available to a peer depending
on its upload bandwidth have been devised in modern P2P networks such as BitTorrent [146].
Finally, the third problem is the tussle of interests between P2P
networks and ISPs. P2P networks form an overlay network of peers
oblivious to the underlying IP network topology. This results in
data dissemination among P2P peers such that they may contradict

S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

the trafc engineering policies of the underlying provider IP networks. This leads to a selection of more expensive routes, endangering peering policies between ISPs. The P4P [147] group is
investigating methods for the benecial co-existence of P2P networks and ISPs [216,217]. One possible solution is to develop P2P
mechanisms that are aware of the underlying topology and location of peers [212]. An oracle mechanism wherein the ISPs assist
the P2P networks in selecting peers has been described in [1].
P2P could be useful in serving as the next generation content
delivery mechanism, mostly because of its scalability, resilience,
self-conguration, and self-healing properties. Research groups,
such as P2P-Next [148], are working towards solutions for topology-aware P2P, carrying legal and licensed content for media channels such as IPTV and video on demand. We think, these research
efforts are important for P2P networks to alleviate the huge data
dissemination needs of the future Internet.
4.3. Swarming architecture
Uswarm [207]proposes a data dissemination architecture for
the future Internet based on some established techniques of the
P2P world. A swarm (as used in the context of P2P systems) is
a set of loosely connected hosts that act in a selsh and highly
decentralized manner to provide local and system level robustness
through active adaptation. BitTorrent is an extremely successful
swarming P2P system. BitTorrent solves the traditional P2P
problems of leeching (clients downloading les and not sharing
it with other peers) and low upload capacity of peers. To counter
leeching, Bittorrent employs a tit-for-tat mechanism wherein the
download speed of a peer is dependent on the amount of data it
shares. Also, BitTorrent implements a multi-point-to-point mechanism wherein a le is downloaded in pieces from multiple locations, thus ensuring that the download capacity of a peer is
generally much higher than the upload capacity.
However, it is argued [207] that although BitTorent solves the
problem of ash crowds (sudden high popularity of a piece of content) through its swarming model, it does not have good support
for a post-popularity download when only a few seeds for the content may exist and the demand for the content is not very high.
Also, BitTorrent uses a centralized architecture for its tracker
which introduces a single point of failure. Thus, in scenarios such
as delay tolerant networks (DTN), if the tracker is unreachable
from the peer, then the peer cannot download data even though
all the peers uploading the le may be within communication
reach of the DTN peer. The mechanisms introduced to counter this
situation are the use of replicated trackers or Distributed Hash Tree
(DHT) tracking mechanisms. However, replicated trackers result in
un-unied swarms (multiple swarms for a single le), while DHT
mechanisms introduce additional latency and burden on the peers.
Despite some of these drawbacks, as of 2004, BitTorrent was reported to be carrying one-third of the total Internet trafc
[142,199]. Motivated by the huge success of swarming systems
such as BitTorrent, Uswarm [207] proposes to investigate the
feasibility of a swarming architecture as the basis for content delivery in the future Internet. Some of the key modications needed to
dene an architecture based on swarming rather than an isolated
service are: (1) a generic naming and resolution service, (2) a massively distributed tracking system, (3) economic and social incentive models, and (4) support for in-network caches to be a part
of the swarm architecture.
Uswarm needs to devise a generic naming and resolution mechanism to be the basis for content distribution architecture. The
objective of this mechanism called the Intent Resolution Service
(IRS) is to translate the intent specied in an application specic
form (URL, CSS, etc.) to a standardized meta-data, and resolving
the meta-data (Meta-data Resolution Service or MRS) to a set of

peers that can serve the data. The MRS service is devised using a
combination of highly replicated tracking using logically centralized tracking system (such as DNS), in-network tracking where a
gateway may intercept the request and process it, and peer-to-peer
tracking using peer-to-peer gossip mechanisms (as in KaZaa [149],
Gnutella [150], etc.). All of these tracking mechanisms are highly
distributed and are expected to signicantly improve the availability of the system.
Uswarm is a unied swarming model. Unlike models similar to
BitTorrent where each le is associated with its own swarm, uswarm advocates a unied swarm. In a unied swarm, peers are
not connected loosely together based on a particular content,
rather they are all part of the system and help each other attain
their objectives. For example, suppose there are two les, A and
B, each with their associated swarm, A_swarm and B_swarm,
respectively. Also suppose that the peers of B_swarm already have
the le A and similarly the peers of A_swarm already have the le
B. In such a situation, A_swarm could contribute to B_swarm by
providing a pre-formed swarm for le B and vice versa.
The co-operative swarming mechanism requires some fundamental extensions to incentive mechanisms similar to BotTorrent.
Uswarm uses the same tit-for-tat principle of the BitTorrent
incentive mechanism but also provides incentive for a peer to upload blocks from multiple les (rather than only the le that it is
presently downloading) to support the co-operative swarming paradigm of uswarm. A control plane incentive mechanism also needs
to be developed for uswarm since it depends on a distributed P2P
mechanism for control messages for the MRS. The control plane
incentive mechanism includes tit-for-tat (keeping track of peers
that are most helpful for resolving control messages), and dynamic
topology adaptation (in which peers select their neighbors dynamically based on how helpful they are).
Uswarm looks to solve some very relevant problems of P2P networks. Menasche et al. [99] have presented a generalized model to
quantify the availability of content in swarming systems such as
BitTorrent. This supplements previous studies on the robustness,
performance, and availability of swarming systems similar to BitTorrent [103,173] and is expected to advance the feasibility analysis of such systems as a candidate data dissmination mechanism
for the next generation Internet. Research in this area addresses
some general issues relevant to other research areas as well. For
example, leveraging in-network caches, uswarm addresses some
of the concerns of the P2P-ISP tussle and also has some similarities
to the Content Centric Networking architecture mechanisms discussed in Section 4.4.
4.4. Content Centric Networking
Although classied as a content delivery mechanism, Content
Centric Networking (CCN) [3034,75,76,79] offers much more than
that. It proposes a paradigm shift from the traditional host centric
design of the current Internet to a content centric view of the future Internet. CCN is motivated by the fact that the Internet was
designed around 40 years ago and has lost its relevance in the present context of its use. While designed originally as a mechanism to
share distributed resources (for example, access to a printer
attached to a single remote host in the organization), today the
Internet is used more for content delivery. Since resource access
and data access are fundamentally different with completely different properties, the Internet needs to be re-designed to accommodate the present context. Although, the ideas of a content
centric network have existed for quite some time through a series
of papers on this topic at the University of Colorado [3034], it has
gained momentum only recently in the context of the next generation Internet design initiatives [75,76,79]. In this subsection we
shall discuss the specics of two of the most recent efforts in this

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area namely Networking Named Content (NNC) [75,76] and Data

Oriented Network Architecture [79].
NNC is based on the observation that it does not really matter
most of the time where data comes from as long as it is valid, secure,
and authentic. The idea of NNC is to design a distribution mechanism as an overlay above the IP networks (at least in the rst phase
of NNC deployment), leveraging the low cost of persistent storage.
Data has the property that it is replicable. Also, data may be cached
at various points in the network. Popular content dissemination on
the current Internet involves millions of unicast copies of the same
content to be distributed end-to-end. Though serving duplicate
copies of the same content, the routers are neither designed nor
have an incentive to cache the content and serve from a local copy
whenever a request for the same content is encountered. The primary motivation for ISPs to deploy NNC is the cost savings from
not having to pay transit fees to provider ISPs for content that is requested by multiple users within a time window. Users gain by
higher perceived quality of service since content is now cached
and served from a nearer location. Content providers gain in terms
of lower CDN bills and higher user satisfaction.
NNC describes a scenario where special intermediate ISP routers (NNC nodes) cache content, clients request content (interest
packets) is broadcast in a controlled manner, and intermediate
nodes that have incentive to serve the content from their caches
and receive a request for the content may serve the content from
their local storage. The NNC node maintains three tables: the Content Store (CS), the Pending Interest Table (PIT), and the Forwarding Information Base (FIB). When an NNC node receives an
interest packet, it rst matches the content name to the CS. If
the content is found in the CS, then a data packet is served that
consumes the interest packet. If the content is not found in the
content store, it is matched against the PIT to check whether it is
already waiting on another request for the same content. If a match
is found in the PIT, then the NNC node appends the interface on
which the new interest packet arrived. When the data packet that
consumes the interest arrives at the node, it is replicated and sent
out on all the interfaces that have an entry for the content in the
PIT. If the content name matches neither the CS nor the PIT, then
the FIB is referenced to determine the interface on which the interest packet should be forwarded. Also, an entry is appended to the
PIT for the forwarded interest packet. Thus, the core NNC architecture is designed around named content instead of location. For a
detailed discussion on the NNC naming convention, see [76].
The other proposal that we will discuss is DONA. DONA shares
similar views to those of NNC but is fundamentally different in its
implementation ideas.
The Data Oriented Network Architecture (DONA) [79] proposes
a clean-slate architectural idea similar to NNC. Both DONA and
NNC advocate a paradigm shift from the present host centric architecture of the Internet to a data centric architecture. NNC proposes
a network-wide caching mechanism at various network nodes,
leveraging the dipping cost of persistent storage and dening an
efcient content dissemination system as an overlay over the present IP networks. DONA on the other hand emphasizes a novel
mechanism for the naming of content and name resolution to build
an architecture around service and data access.
According to Koponen et al. [79], the three most desirable properties for data and service access are: 1. Persistence the name of a
service or data object remains valid as long as the service or data
are available, 2. Availability data or service should have a high
degree of reliability and acceptable latency, 3. Authenticity data
can be veried to have come from a particular source. Unfortunately, in the present host centric design of the Internet, these
three basic requirements of data and service access are not provided naturally. The current design denes mechanisms to access
particular hosts, implicitly limiting data to a host. DONA proposes

a novel mechanism of explicitly naming the data or service and

routing on these names for data or service access.
The key mechanism in DONA involves the explicit naming of the
data or service around a principal (the owner/creator of the data or
service). The names are of the form P:L, where P is the cryptographic hash of the principals public key and L is a label for
the data/service chosen by the principal. The next step of mapping
the data/service name to a location is done through a routing on
name mechanism. The routing structure is composed of entities
called routing handlers (RHs) which are responsible for routing
data names (P:L) to particular data servers. A data server may be
any host that has a copy of the data and is entitled to serve it.
Two basic primitives FIND and REGISTER are dened. Any
host entitled to serve data P:L may register it with its local RH in
the same autonomous system (AS). The local RH advertises it to
the RHs in the neighboring ASs following the AS level routing policies of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). A client seeking access
to data sends out a FIND (P:L). The FIND message is routed across
the RHs, until the nearest copy of the data is found. FIND also initiates a transport level connection. In the case where RHs cache
data, data exchange starts between the client and the RH. Otherwise, after the FIND has been resolved to a particular host, a direct
IP level exchange between the client and the server is initiated.
Routing has the desirable property of nding the shortest or the
most optimal path and also routing around failures. Thus, by routing on data names, DONA achieves the same reliability and selfhealing properties in the context of data access that the current
Internet has for host access. Flat cryptographic names associated
with principals help authenticate data validity and data source.
Also, the DONA mechanism of late binding of data to the server host
achieves persistence of data (data is available as long as it exists)
and thus freeze its dependency from the persistence of the host.
NNC and DONA dene the whole architecture of the future
Internet around data delivery. In the DONA context, other mechanisms such as P2P and CDNs will be special cases using the DONA
primitives in different ways.
We have discussed some of the potential mechanisms that will
contribute to content delivery services in the next generation
Internet. Some of these mechanisms, such as CDN, may not be considered strictly next generation even with their extensions since
they are not clean-slate. P2P mechanisms are already a dominant
carrier of content in the current Internet and their incorporation
into a systematic architectural design (as in uswarm, P2Pnext,
and P4P) is expected to prepare it for the next generation. However, we believe that content in the Internet cannot be generically
classied under a few common attributes, hence more than one of
these mechanisms are expected to co-exist. This reiterates the
requirement that the future Internet needs to support diversity
even at the core architectural levels.
5. Challenged network environments
Challenged network [36,46,47] research focuses on heterogeneous network environments where continuous end-to-end connectivity cannot be assumed. Examples of such network
environments are interplanetary networks, wireless sensor networks, wireless ad hoc networks, post-disaster networks, etc. Challenged network research is relevant to the discussion of future
Internet architectures on two perspectives. Firstly, future Internet
architectures may be able to borrow techniques developed in the
challenged networks context to design more energy efcient protocols that strike a feasible tradeoff between performance and energy efciency. Secondly, research in diversied network
environments such as challenged networks is likely to collaborate and advance the future Internet requirement to federate diversied networking environments.


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5.1. Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN)

Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) is already an active area of research, guided mostly by the DTN working group at the Internet
Research Task Force (IRTF) [152]. Developed initially as part of an
effort to develop Interplanetary Internet (IPN) [151] for deep space
communication, the scope of DTN was generalized to address the
architectural and protocol design principles arising from the need
to provide interoperable communications with and among extreme and performance-challenged environments where continuous end-to-end connectivity cannot be assumed [151]. Examples
of such environments include spacecraft, military/tactical, some
forms of disaster response, underwater, and some forms of ad
hoc sensor/actuator networks. It may also include Internet connectivity in places where performance may suffer such as in developing parts of the world.
The key research contribution of DTN research has been the
development of an end-to-end message oriented overlay [36]
called the bundle layer. The bundle layer is a shim-layer between the transport layer (or other) of the underlying network below it and the application layer above it. It implements the bundle
protocol [183] that provides store-forward services (through
management of persistent storage at intermediary nodes) to the
application layer, to help cope with intermittent connectivity. It
stores and forwards bundles. Bundles are the protocol data unit
(PDU) of the Bundle Protocol and are variable-sized, (generally)
long messages transformed from arbitrarily long application data,
to aid in efcient scheduling and utilization of intermittent communication opportunities or contacts.
In DTN networks, the end-to-end principle is re-dened for
applicability to environments with intermittent end-to-end connectivity. Accordingly, the bundle protocol denes the mechanism
of custody transfer. When an intermediate DTN node N receives
a bundle with custody transfer, and if it accepts custody of the bundle, then it assumes the responsibility for reliable delivery of the
bundle. This allows the node that transfers the custody to node N
to delete the bundle from its buffer. Such a notion of reliability is
relevant in the DTN context as against the end-to-end principle
since the source node may not be connected long enough to ensure
end-to-end reliability. Recently, there have been criticisms of the
bundle protocol about its efcacy in disrupted and error prone networks [214]. Several other features of the bundle protocol may be
obtained in detail from the relevant RFCs [183,36,48,174,25].
Another important research issue is DTN routing [77]. Supposedly, intermittent connectivity seems to be the only common
attribute of all DTN environments. Other than that, DTNs vary
greatly on the parameters of delay, error, mobility, etc. Moreover,
based on the nature of topological dynamicity, they can be re-classied into deterministic and stochastic systems. Various routing
protocols specied for DTNs try to address routing in any one of
these operating environments.
While routing in deterministic contexts is easier, an epidemic
routing [172] scheme has been designed for routing in highly random conditions. In epidemic routing, a message received at a given
intermediary node is forwarded to all nodes except the one on
which the message arrived. Also, a relay based approach may be
used in networks with a high degree of mobility. In the relay-based
approach, if the route to the destination is not available, the node
does a controlled broadcast of the message to its immediate
neighbors. All nodes that receive this packet store it in their memory and enter a relaying mode. In the relaying mode, a node checks
whether a routing entry for the destination exists and forwards the
packet. If no paths exist and if the buffer at the node is not full, the
packet is stored in the nodes buffer replacing any older copies of
the packet already in the buffer. There are a plenty of routing protocols for delay-tolerant networks and [222] presents an exhaus-

tive survey of the existing routing protocols and the context

within which they are most suitable for operation.
While the DTN research discussed here is not strictly next generation, a basic understanding of the DTN architecture provides a
more clearer perspective to architectures that derive from its fundamental concepts to apply to diverse heterogeneous challenged
network environments.
5.2. Delay/fault tolerant mobile sensor networks (DFT-MSN)
Classical sensor networking research is generally focused on
developing techniques to achieve high data throughput while minimizing power consumption. As a matter of fact, the radio module
is one of the signicant power consumers on the sensor node. Hence,
a lot of energy efciency mechanisms of sensor networks involve
optimized use of the radio resource. A signicant gain in power conservation can be achieved by turning the radio to sleep for most of
the time, waking it up periodically to receive or send data. Such
schemes can benet from the store and forward methods developed
for DTNs to handle communication over intermittently available
links. SeNDT [154], DTN/SN [155], ad hoc seismic array developed
at CENS [153] projects are some examples that employ this technique to attain higher power utilization on their sensor nodes.
Apart from DTN techniques to optimize power consumptions,
DFT-MSNs represent actual scenarios where a DTN-like context is
experienced. An example of such a scenario with node mobility,
intermittent connectivity and delay and fault tolerant networking
context of wireless sensor networks is presented in [69]. For applications such as environmental pollution monitoring using mobile
sensors, conventional sensor network protocols do not sufce since
they are designed to optimize throughput versus power consumption while assuming abundant bandwidth and deterministic and
controlled connectivity. On the other hand, classical DTN networks
represent the context of intermittent and opportunistic connectivity, high delay and error rates, but without much concern for
power conservation. DFT-MSNs, thus, represent a new class of networks that resemble the context of DTNs with the additional constraints of optimizing power consumption.
A cross-layer protocol design for DFT-MSN communication is
described in [211]. The idea is to design a data delivery protocol
based on two parameters: (1) nodal delivery probability and (2)
message fault tolerance. In the context of a network of sensors
with random mobility patterns and hence intermittent delivery
opportunities, the nodal delivery probability is a parameter that
depends on the history of the nodes successful/unsuccessful transmission of data to another node that has a higher probability of forwarding the data towards the sink. Message fault tolerance is
achieved by having multiple copies of the message in the buffers
of various mobile nodes, thus having a high probability of getting
at-least one copy to be eventually forwarded to the sink. To control
the level of redundancy a fault tolerance degree (FTD) parameter
for the message is calculated each time it is transmitted from
one node to the other. FTD is zero when the message rst originates and increases (thus losing priority) each time it is transmitted. The FTD serves as the parameter for data queue management
at each node thus bounding the level of redundancy. Based on
these parameters, the cross-layer protocol itself consists of two
modes: (1) sleep mode to conserve power and (2) work mode.
The work mode has two phases: (1) asynchronous phase and (2)
synchronous phase.
1. Asynchronous phase: This is similar to conventional asynchronous phase RTS/CTS (Request to send/clear to send) handshaking of the IEEE 802.11 protocol where the node wakes up from
sleep, contends over the shared channel for a chance to transmit, sends an RTS message, waits for a CTS from the receiver

S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

and nally starts transmitting the message in the synchronous

mode. In DFT-MSN, the wireless nodes exchange the parameters of nodal delivery probability and available buffer space in
the RTS/CTS exchange. These parameters are the basis of the
nodes decision process of whether to forward a message at
the given opportunity that shall maximize the chances of the
message reaching the sink and at the same time keeping redundancy under bounds.
2. Synchronous phase: In this phase, the data transmission is synchronized and hence there is no contention. After receiving the
CTS from multiple nodes in the asynchronous phase, the node
selects a subset of nodes t for data forwarding and accordingly
sends out a schedule for synchronized data dissemination.
Based on these phases, the protocol can be optimized to achieve
a tradeoff between sleep time and link utilization. A simple scheme,
proposed in [211], allows the node to sleep for a specic time T,
determined by two factors: (1) the number of successful transmissions in the last n working cycles and (2) available message buffer, enforcing short sleeping periods if buffer is full. This mechanism
allows the nodes of a DFT-MSN to conserve their power and at the
same time maximize the utility of communication opportunities.
Many networks of the future should benet from the research of
DFT-MSN as we move towards an energy efcient system design
paradigm in all spheres of engineering. The research in this area is
still not mature with only a few proposals and application areas dened as yet. However, owing to the context in which it operates, it is
certainly going to add value to the efforts of future Internet designs.


protocols of the Internet. Additionally, a naming protocol needs to

be specied that maps a node to a set of postofce nodes. The routing protocol to route packets to a wired cache and forward (CNF)
node is similar to the Inter-AS and Intra-AS routing of the current
Internet. CNFs belonging to the same AS exchange reachability
information among themselves along with detailed path descriptions (link state, preferred modes of data reception, etc.) while Inter-AS routing involves exchange of just reachability path vector
However, dening an Internet-wide store and forward le
delivery service has lots of additional challenges. A primary challenge would be that of security, with the le being cached at various nodes in the network. Two conceivable security threats are
those of (1) unauthorized access to a le from the cache of an intermediate node and (2) DoS attacks on network elements by articially lling up their storage. Also, congestion control
mechanisms in ORBIT-like scenario become more important than
in DTN scenarios because of the scale of operation of such a network and the nite memory. Another issue that we think might
be relevant is that of controlled redundancy. A sound principle
needs to be developed to control the number of copies of the le
existing at the various intermediate nodes. This would have huge
implications on the scalability of the system.
The proposed architecture could produce relevant research results that advance next generation Internet efforts in the general
area of data centric networking paradigms. Such data centric network designs could benet from a Internet-wide efcient caching
and delivery system for data, which is one of the proposed research
outcomes of this architecture.

5.3. Postcards from the edge

5.4. Disaster day after networks (DAN)
The cache-and-forward paradigm of delay/disruption tolerant
network has been proposed by Yates et al. [220] to be developed
as the basis for an independent network level service to accommodate the huge growth in wireless access technologies at the edge of
the Internet. The key motivations for this project are:
1. Advances in wireless access technologies have spawned a huge
growth in the number of wireless devices connected at the edge
of the Internet. Most of these devices are mobile leading to
intermittent connectivity due to factors such as failure of the
radio path and contention for access. The original Internet
was designed under the assumption of persistent end-to-end
connected hosts and, thus, the TCP/IP protocols fail to accommodate such an operating environment.
2. Original routers were designed when storage at routers was
expensive. The diminishing cost of memory makes architectures like store-forward (requiring persistent storage resources
at the routers) more feasible today than before.
3. The future Internet is being designed to allow the coexistence of
multiple architectures through virtualization. Thus, it is much
easier for newer paradigms in networking architecture to be
dened today, than ever before.
The key elements of the proposed architecture consist of wired
backbone routers, access routers and mobile nodes. It is assumed
that each of these network elements shall have considerable
amount of persistent storage. The idea is to develop an architecture
based on the store-forward paradigm of DTNs such that every mobile node is bound to a set of postofce nodes. These postofce
nodes are responsible for caching the data on behalf of the mobile
node during periods of disconnection and opportunistically deliver
it when feasible, either directly or through a series of wireless hops.
The design space for the transport layer looks pretty similar to
that in classical DTN networks in the sense that they deviate considerably from the end-to-end paradigm of conventional transport

A DTN-like challenged network scenario is encountered in

disaster-day after networks (after a hurricane or a terrorist attack).
An instance of a disaster-day after networks (DAN), Phoenix [92],
proposes a novel architecture for survivable networking in disaster scenarios.
The robust mechanism built-in into the original Internet was
designed such that it could isolate troubled areas (congested
routes, broken links, etc.) and ensure connectivity to the existing
parts of the infrastructure. Phoenix [92] claims that such failstop robustness is not suitable in scenarios where disasters are
expected to be of smaller scale, localized, partial or intermittent
connectivity, heterogeneous contexts and severely limited resources. This proposal seeks to dene a new architectural framework for providing communication support across diverse,
mobile and wireless nodes, intermittently connected to each other,
to cooperatively form a rescue and recovery communication service network under challenged conditions.
The two major design requirements for Phoenix are: (1) Rolebased networking and (2) communication over heterogeneous devices. The networking paradigm in such situations is mostly hostservice based rather than being hosthost based. Role-based anycast routing mechanisms are best suited, both, for routing efciency in such challenged conditions and contextual mapping of
the services to the available resources. The main objective of Phoenix is to utilize all available resources for communication, power
supply, etc. This motivated the design of an architecture that allows the co-existence of multiple heterogeneous communication
Although inspired by the design of delay/disruption tolerant
network (DTN), DANs present a new networking context as opposed to the classical networking contexts of DTNs. Since the
topology in a DAN is extremely dynamic, traditional topology
based naming of the Internet and DTN [77] routing are not appropriate. Most other classes of DTNs such as inter-planetary net-


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

works and rural connectivity networks have almost exact knowledge about available storage resources and mobility patterns. Such
information is not available to DANs. Also, being a service-host paradigm and limited in topological and service diversity, DAN is able
to optimize its routing using anycasting. Such role-based methods
are generally not employed for traditional DANs. Apart from these,
DANs also have to (1) deal with a higher degree of diversity in its
underlying communication technology, (2) offer better optimizations in the use of redundancy for resilience, (3) better use resources such as storage and communication opportunities, (4)
dene a more stricter prioritization of trafc to ensure timely dissemination of critical life-saving data, (5) formulate incentive
schemes for sharing personal resources for common good, and
(6) dene security mechanisms to protect against potential abuse
of resources, compared to most classical DTN scenarios.
The architectural elements of Phoenix incorporate all available
resources that include personal wireless devices such as cellular
phones and home WLANs, external energy resources such as car
batteries, wide-area broadcast channels, and dedicated short-range
communication systems (DSRCs). They incorporate these resources
into one cohesive host-service network and provide an unied
communication channel for disaster recovery and rescue operations, till the original infrastructure for communication is re-instated. To achieve this convergence and the stated objectives of
DANs in general, Phoenix relies on two underlying communication
protocols: (1) The Phoenix Interconnectivity protocol (PIP) and (2)
The Phoenix Transport Protocol (PTP).
1. Phoenix Interconnectivity Protocol (PIP): In a DAN scenario, the
communication nodes are expected to be partitioned into a
number of temporarily disconnected clusters and each cluster
comprises of one or more network segments using different
communication technologies. A multi-interface node supporting multiple access technologies can bridge two or more network segments. Also, node mobility, disaster recovery
activities and topology changes may initiate connection
between clusters. In Phoenix, the PIP layer provides role-based
routing service between nodes belonging to connected clusters.
Each node advertises its specic roles. The forwarding table of
PIP maintains entries mapping routes to specic roles and an
associated cost metric. Thus, PIP provides an abstract view of
a fully connected cluster of nodes to the upper layers while
managing all the heterogeneity of access technologies, rolebased naming of nodes, and energy efcient neighbor and
resource discovery mechanisms within itself. An energy-aware
routing protocol for disaster scenarios has been more recently
proposed by the same group [205].
2. Phoenix Transport Protocol (PTP): DAN operates in an environment of intermittent connectivity, like DTNs. Also, negotiation
based control signaling to optimize bandwidth utilization is
not possible in such scenarios. Thus, the Phoenix Transport
Layer (PTP) is responsible for optimization of storage resources
to guarantee eventual delivery of the message. This store and
forward paradigm of Phoenix is pretty similar to DTNs except
that in DANs like Phoenix, storage resources are highly constrained and congestion control issues are more important in
DANs than in other types of DTNs. In an attempt to optimize
storage resources at forwarding nodes, PTP follows strict prioritization in data forwarding during contact opportunities.
To deliver data between PTP neighbors (logically connected
nodes, similar to the concept of neighbors in the end-to-end
paradigm) belonging to the same connected cluster, PIP routing
may be used. However, for PTP neighbors in disconnected clusters, opportunistic dissemination techniques need to be used.
PTP tries to optimize this dissemination process through selective dissemination deciding what data to be given to whom

to maximize the eventual delivery probability of the data. However, lack of pre-estimated knowledge about node mobility and
capability makes it challenging for PTP to optimize selective
dissemination. A mechanism of diffusion lters based on
exchange of context information (neighbors encountered in a
time window, current neighbors, degree of connectivity of
nodes, etc.) between PTP peers has been suggested as a solution
for such situations.
Other architectural considerations of Phoenix include those of
security, role management, context sensing and localization, and
accounting and anomaly detection issues.
Phoenix is, thus, an instantiation of a more general class of
disaster Day After Networks (DAN), that is expected to use established concepts and techniques of DTNs and spawn an important
research area for future networking research.
5.5. Selectively Connected Networking (SCN)
Most future system designs will need to be energy efcient.
Networking systems are no exception. The original design of the
Internet assumed an always-on mode for every architectural element of the system routers, switches, end-hosts, etc. Sleepmodes dened in modern operating systems are capable of preserving the local state of the end-hosts, but not their network
states. This incapability can be attributed to the design of the networking protocols. Most protocols implicitly assume the prolonged
non-responsiveness from a particular end-host to be signs of a failure and thus discard all associated communication state with the
end-host. Obviously, a new paradigm of energy efcient protocol
design is required to design energy efcient networking systems.
Methods for developing a selectively connected energy efcient network architecture are proposed for study by Allman
et al. [3,4]. Although not particularly similar to DTNs, research in
designing selectively connected systems could benet from the
existing ideas in DTNs, particularly when sleep modes of end-hosts
render an environment of intermittent connectivity. The key ideas
in the design of selectively connected systems are: (1) Delegation
of proxy-able state to assistants that help the end system to sleep,
(2) policy specications by the end system to be able to specify
particular events for which it should be woken, (3) dening application primitives allowing the assistant to participate in the application (e.g., peer-to-peer searches) on behalf of the host and wake
up the host only when required, and (4) Developing security mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access to the systems state from
its patterns of communication.
The delegation of proxy-able state to the assistant and also delegating application responsibilities to it on behalf of the host bear
some resemblance to the transfer of custody transfer mechanisms
of DTNs. Nonetheless, custody transfer has the implication of
dening a paradigm wherein end-to-end principle is not strictly
adhered to while it seems that the assistant mechanism simply
acts as a proxy for the host for control messages of distributed protocols (thus maintaining selective connectivity) and is authorized
to wake up the host whenever actual end-to-end data communication is required. We believe that the design of assistants can be further extended using the concepts of custody transfer and storeand-forward networks such as DTNs.
6. Network monitoring and control architectures
The Internet has scaled extremely well. From its modest beginnings with a few hundreds of nodes, the current Internet has
evolved into a massive distributed system consisting of millions
of nodes geographically diversied across the whole globe. How-


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

ever, with the commercialization of the Internet, vested economic,

political and social interests of the multiple ownership network
model have added huge complexities to the elegance and simplicity
of the distributed algorithms that were not designed for such a context. As a result, management of this massively distributed, multiownership network is signicantly more complex than the initial
single owner, all trusted network of a few hundred nodes. Thus,
with the scale-up of the Internet, both in size and complexity, the
need for a separate management plane aiding in autonomic network design and management functions is being increasingly felt.
Another design weakness of the current Internet is that the
present management and control plane ride on the data plane. This
creates: (1) security concerns wherein any misbehaving or
compromised entity may send out unauthorized management or
control packets and jeopardize any network function, (2)
bootstrapping problem wherein the network cannot self-congure
itself, thus depending on manual congurations for initial boot up
of the network, and (3) Poor failure mode operation [65] wherein
the management protocols are un-available when they are most
required during failures.
In this section we discuss some of the clean-slate architectural
ideas that have been proposed to alleviate the above anomalies
in the current Internet architecture. Also, some novel proposals
aiding network trouble shooting and debugging are also discussed.
6.1. 4D architecture
The 4D architecture [156,219,64,178,65] presents a complete
grounds-up re-design of the Internet management and control
planes. It proposes the paradigm shift from the current box-centric [65] management and control to a completely centralized
solution. The 4D architecture mostly addresses the routing related
management issues and those that apply to management and control within an autonomous system.
Every autonomous system (AS) of the Internet is bound by some
common local policies. Most of these policies are related to routing
and access related functions. However, such centralized policies
have to be translated to box-level [65] policies, wherein a box
may be a host, internal router, border router or other network entity within the AS. These box-level policies have to be deployed
individually (and hence a box-centric approach) such that they
aggregate and implement the network-wide policy of the AS. The
proponents of the 4D architecture claim that disadvantages of such
an approach are:
1. Manual congurations at each network entity are error prone
and complex. Also, manual congurations do not scale well
for large networks.
2. The routing protocols are not designed to comprehend any policy language. The only way to implement a policy is by changing
the input parameters (such as local preference, link weights,
and DER) of the protocols to drive a desired output (Forwarding
Information Base, etc.).
3. Changes in network topology (link failure, addition of a router,
planned outages, etc.) require manual re-congurations in
accordance with the new context.

observed that the lack of proper interface for cooperation of distributed algorithms, for example, between inter-domain and intra-domain routing protocols, leads to instabilities.
As an example from the original FIND proposal on the 4D architecture [156], Fig. 2 further illustrates the motivation. Fig. 2 presents a simple enterprise scenario, wherein AF1 and BF1 are the
front ofce hosts of an enterprise while AD1 and BD1 are the data
centers. The enterprise level policy allows front ofce hosts to access each other (AF1 may access BF1 and vice versa) but allows
only local access for the data centers (AF1 can access AD1 and
not BD1). To implement this policy, the routers at R1 and R3 place
packet lters at the interfaces i1.1 and i3.1, respectively, to prevent
any non-local packets to have access to the data center. Now, suppose a redundant or backup link is added between the routers R1
and R3. Such a small change requires positioning of additional
packet lters at interfaces i1.2 and i3.2 of routers R1 and R3,
respectively. However, such packet lters prevent the ow of packets between AF1 and BF1 through R2R1R3R4, in case of failure
of the link between R2 and R4, even though a backup route exists.
The four Ds of the 4D architecture are: data, discovery, dissemination and decision. These four planes are related to each other as
shown in Fig. 3 to dene a centralized control architecture based
on network-wide views (view of the whole network) to be able
to dictate direct control over the various distributed entities for
meeting network level objectives of policy enforcements. The
individual functions of each plane in the four dimensional structure are as follows:
1. Discovery plane: Responsible for automatic discovery of the
network entities. Involves box-level discoveries router characteristics, neighbor discovery, link layer discovery-link characteristics. The discovery plane is responsible for creating the
network level views.
2. Dissemination plane: Based on the discovery plane data a dissemination channel is created between each network node
and the decision elements.
3. Decision plane: The centralized decision elements form the decision plane. This plane computes individual network entity state
(e.g., routing tables for routers, etc.) based on the view of the whole
network topology and network level policies to be enforced.
4. Data plane: The data plane is responsible for handling individual packets and process them according to the state that has
been output by the decision plane. This state may be the routing
tables, placement of packet lters, tunnel congurations,
address translations, etc.
Thus, the 4D architecture sets up a separate dissemination
channel for control and management activities through link layer

Data Center




Metric = 1



Location A

Metric = 1
Apart from these, network trouble shooting, debugging, problem isolation, etc. are extremely complicated for large enterprise
networks and are additional motivations for the design of a more
autonomic management framework for the next generation Internet. An interesting observation made by Yan et al. [219] regarding
the state-of-art of management protocols in the current Internet is
that problems in the data plane cannot be addressed through a
management plane (when it is most required) because the management plane typically rides over the data plane itself. It is further

Front Office

Metric = 1


Location B




Metric = 1

Metric = 1



Fig. 2. A management mis-conguration scenario [156].



S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

Fig. 3. 4D architecture [156].

self-discovery mechanisms. This gets rid of the management and

control plane bootstrapping problems and makes a basis for auto
or self-congurable networks. The centralized decision elements
are responsible for implementing dynamic congurations based
on topology information and organizational policy inputs. As an
example, in the case study presented in Fig. 3, the change in the
network topology as a result of the additional link between R1
and R3 is discovered by the discovery plane. The change is communicated to the decision plane through the dissemination channel.
The decision plane re-evaluates the conguration of the network
and places additional lters to conform to the organizational
The ideas of centralized control and management have been
here for some time. Feamster et al. [50] suggest a routing architecture wherein the routers act like forwarders while the computation
of routing tables is done centrally. Also, the Routing Control Platform (RCP) [26] may be considered to be an implementation of
some of the ideas of the 4D architecture. RCP proposes a similar idea
of computing routing tables centrally based on data from border
routers and eventually having two RCP enabled sites exchanging inter-domain routing information directly between the RCP servers.
The centralized solution though attractive may have some pitfalls in terms of scalability. An immediate scalability concern with
respect to the 4D architecture is the discovery and dissemination
plane. The discovery and dissemination plane depends on network-wide broadcasts. Broadcast mechanisms are essential for discovery mechanisms that do not depend on manual conguration.
However, for large networks, a huge broadcast domain may pose
to be bottleneck in performance. In this regard, the 4D architecture
may borrow some ideas from [81], which implements an Ethernet
architecture using DHT based lookup mechanism instead of network-wide ooding. A distributed control plane for the 4D architecture has been proposed by Iqbal et al. [72].

network management tasks. In this regard, CONMan takes a more

general outlook of management than 4D, not restricting it to just
routing related management. Also, unlike 4D, CONMan does not
present an extreme design point of completely doing away with
distributed algorithms such as routing.
The motivations of CONMan are similar to those of 4D. The
objectives of CONMan are: (1) self-conguration, (2) continual validation, (3) regular abstraction, and (4) declarative specication.
Self-conguring networks are dynamic, adaptable and also less
prone to errors because of reduced human intervention. Continual
validation ensures that the networks conguration satises the
stated objectives. Regular abstraction requires data plane distributed algorithms to implement a standardized abstract management interface through which they can be managed. Declarative
specication is the ability to declare network objectives in high-level abstract terms and dene an automated method to convert
these high-level objectives to low-level implementations.
Based on the objectives stated above, CONMan implements an
architecture based on discovery and dissemination planes, module
abstractions and pipes. While the discovery and dissemination
planes bear close resemblance to that of the 4D architectures, module abstractions are the primitive building blocks that implement a
network-wide objective. Network wide objectives are modeled as a
graph of interconnected modules spread across various nodes in the
network. These modules may be data plane modules (TCP, IP, etc.) or
control plane modules (IKE, routing, etc.), on the same network node
or different network nodes strung together using pipes. The module
abstraction, thus, model relationships, such as dependencies,
peering and communication. Pipes connect modules and hide the
complexity of the mechanisms needed to connect the modules,e.g.,
inter-process communications, socket based connections etc.
Fig. 4 shows an example of module abstraction and presents a
scenario for the implementation of secure IP-Sec based communication. In the gure, the IP-Sec module delivers data over the IP
module, which in turn uses the ETH module. The IP-Sec module
is also dependant on the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol
module to set up end-to-end secure keys for a session. Similarly,
the IKE module uses the UDP module over the IP module to establish end-to-end keys which it returns to the IP-Sec module. Fig. 4 is
an abstract view of the module design in which each module has a
switching function that allows it to pass packets between up-pipe
(connecting to modules above it in the same node) and down-pipes
(connecting to modules below it in the same node). The switching
state may be produced locally through the protocol action or may
be provided externally through a network manager. A fault management framework based on the CONMan abstraction is presented by Ballani et al. [14].
This modular view is very similar to an UML based system design, dening a system as an aggregation of distributed and interconnected function, differing, however, in the fact that it has been
optimized to dene highly dynamic systems that require continual








6.2. Complexity Oblivious Network Management (CONMan)


The CONMan architecture [55,15] is an extension of the 4D

architecture. It re-uses the discovery and dissemination mechanisms of 4D and extends the 4D management channel to accommodate multiple decision elements or network managers. Each
network manager in CONMan may be associated with particular



Fig. 4. CONMan: module abstraction and dependency graph.

S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

validation and re-conguration of the system through a centralized

authority. Thus, CONMan takes a less extreme measure than 4D by
centralizing the congurability of the network at the granularity of
module interactions rather than centralizing the whole control and
management plane.
6.3. Maestro
Maestro [45,27] proposes an operating system like approach for
network control and management. In such an architecture, network controls are implemented as applications over an operating
environment. The operating environment provides support to the
network control applications much in the same way an operating
system provides support to the applications, by providing services
such as (1) scheduling, (2) synchronization, (3) inter-application
communication, and (4) resource multiplexing.
Maestro also proposes a clean-slate architecture and advocates
the need to provide clear abstractions and interfaces between protocols, in the same spirit as that of 4D or CONMan. However, unlike
4D or CONMan, Maestro proposes implementing an explicit protection mechanism through dening network-wide invariants in
the face of control mechanisms. This provides an extra cushion
against any conguration errors, right from high-level conguration description to their lower-level implementation.
A high-level view of the Maestro architecture is shown in Fig. 5.
Maestro uses a Meta-Management System (MMS) channel which is
similar to the dissemination channel of the 4D architecture. Also,
just like the discovery mechanism of 4D, Maestro collects topology
and other information of the underlying network over the MMS
channel. The operating platform uses this data to construct a virtual view for control applications running on top of it. Each application is provided with the specic and relevant view of the
network that it needs to see.
As an example [45], a QoS routing application is not presented
with the routers B3, B4, and A4 by the virtual view layer since they
are relevant for the QoS routing computations. Similarly, suppose
inter-domain policy necessitates the need to prevent B2 from being
the egress router for ISPX. To implement such a policy, the virtual
view provides a view to the shortest path routing application devoid of the information that B2 is a border router.
Hence, while the 4D architecture treats the control and management functions as one single monolithic entity, Maestro treats
them as an aggregate of multiple functions, with an operating environment and network level invariants ensuring synchronization
among the functions and validating their outputs.

Shortest Path Routing


Inter- domain
Routing Policy


Virtual View of Network


6.4. Autonomic network management

In 2001, IBM presented a holistic vision for autonomic computing in which the system as a whole would attain a higher degree of
automation than simply the sum of its self-managed parts [157].
Based on this motivation, the autonomic network architecture
(ANA) project [158] is a clean-slate meta-architecture for the next
generation networks. The key objectives of ANA are similar to
those of the self-* properties of an autonomous system stated in
[157]. However, pertaining specically to an autonomic network
architecture, ANA motivates a networking architecture composed
of self-conguring nodes, self-organizing into a network system
through neighbor interactions, with multiple such systems selffederating into a heterogeneous Internetwork. Apart from these,
the networking systems should possess the properties of self-protection and self-healing.
The ANA framework allows the co-existence of multiple heterogeneous systems composed of compartments. The ideas are
similar to the idea of realms in Internet 3.0 [166], except that
rather than simply managing its own private address space, compartment membership entails being able, willing and permitted
to communicate to each other according to compartment wide policy and protocols. Every compartment has a hypothetical database
that stores the information of each member. Before being able to
communicate with any member of the compartment, a resolution
process is required to access the database to nd the way to access
the member. Additionally, addressing is done through local identiers called labels. To communicate with a remote peer, the sender
sends the packet with a local label. This local label identies and
Information Dispatch Point (IDP) to which a channel is bound.
The channel is an abstraction of the path setup as a result of the
resolution process.
Additionally, functional blocks that are entities like packet processors can be inserted into the data path on demand. Using these,
ANA provides multiple mechanisms to do a network operation by
runtime selection and switching of protocols. Thus, functional
composition and monitoring allows ANA to implement its self-*
Although the ANA architecture does not dene a specic method for network control and management, we include it in this section since we believe that autonomic systems and their self-*
properties dene a new paradigm of management and control
architectures and have the potential to be the basis for the next
generation networking architectures.
A holistic framework for autonomic network management
based on ubiquitous instrumentation is proposed in [158]. The
way protocols are built today, with measurement being just an
add-on function, the future network protocols need to be built
around a well-engineered instrumentation mechanism. Based on
data from these measurements, local and global policies and mechanisms for global data sharing, the task of global decision making
may be automated depending on centralized or distributed management paradigm.

Operating Platform
Meta-Management System Interface

6.5. In-Network Management (INM)


Fig. 5. Maestro architecture.

While ANA is a generic architectural framework for autonomic

systems composed of autonomic devices, In-Network Management
(INM) [54,42,61] proposes a more specic architectural design for
embedding management capabilities in all network entities and
leveraging the management capabilities that can be achieved as a
result of their collaboration. Thus, INM advocates a paradigm of
management service composition using several autonomous components. Also, in this regard, INM is quite different from the centralized architectures of 4D, CONMan and Maestro.


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

In INM, management functionalities are embedded into every

network node. Different levels of embedding management capabilities into functional components (device drivers, network protocols, etc.) are dened: (1) Inherent: Management capability
inseparable from the logic of the component (e.g., TCP congestion
control), (2) Integrated: Management capability internal to a functional component but separable from the component logic, and (3)
External: Management capability located on another node.
Fig. 6 shows a high-level view of the INM node architecture. The
InNetMgmt Runtime environment is the container in which functional components and InNetMgmt services can run. The InNetMgmt Packages, InNetMgmt framework and InNetmgmt
platform are the different levels of abstractions of management
function primitives. The InNetMgmt platform provides the most
primitive capabilities that can be enabled on a wide set of devices.
InNetMgmt framework provides primitive capabilities for a narrower set of devices and the InNetMgmt packages provide technology specic functional add-ons. Functional components are logical
entities inside a node that may have their own management capabilities or may be entities that compose a management functionality. The InNetMgmt Services are specic utilities that can be used
by management applications. An example of such utility is a command mediation service which allows management applications to
issue commands and receive responses from the functional
Fig. 7 shows the generic design of a functional component for
INM. Functional components may have their own management
modules with a well-dened management interface. The management interface allows functional components to exchange management information. Also, every component needs to have a
service interface through which it can expose domain specic functionality and a supervision interface through which the framework
may manage and monitor the component.
Having discussed the node architecture and the component
architecture, we now present an overall architecture of INM in
Fig. 8.
A network administrator can connect using an INM application
(point of attachment) connected to the INM kernel. Instead of using
a centralized policy server to disseminate and enforce policies on
every node, INM allows the policies to be deployed on any node
and passed onto others using a P2P mechanism implemented as
a component.
We suppose that the INM design would be highly scalable compared to centralized solutions. However, there is some inherent
complexity in dening abstract generic interfaces and also in converting network-wide policies into a distributed management
To summarize, in this section, we discussed some of the leading
proposals for management and control architectures for the next

Fig. 6. INM architecture [54].

Fig. 7. INM: functional component.

Functional Component
Point of Attachment

Supervision Interface
Service Interface



Management Interface

Fig. 8. INM: functional component + conguration.

generation Internet. The ideas varied from being extreme design

points proposing a completely centralized design in 4D to much
milder distributed designs of ANA and INM. Also, it seems that
the research community shall have to reach a consensus on
whether management and control functionality should be stripped
away from protocols and established as a separate service or
whether it should still continue to exist as part of protocols. However, there seems to be some unity of thought in the fact that protocols need to implement generic management interfaces through
which a network entity may communicate management information and decisions with other entities in the network, be it a central
policy server disseminating specic state information or network
peers communicating local policy.

7. Service centric architectures

The commercial usage of Internet, ubiquitous and heterogeneous environments, new communication abstraction, and security and management challenges require the next generation
Internet to provide a broad range of services that go far beyond
the simple store-and-forward paradigm of todays Internet. Research efforts focusing on dening a new service architecture for
the next generation Internet are motivated by the following
requirements: (1) how the architecture can be exible and adaptive, (2) how to avoid the ossication [7] of the current Internet,
and (3) how to map the user-level service requirements into the
lower layers such as infrastructure layers implementation. FIND
projects on service architecture are relatively more technical or detailed, meaning that they try to make the service implementation
easier and more exible, though through different ways: (1) Service-Centric End-to-End Abstractions for Network Architecture:
put application function to the routers (service-centric abstraction), (2) SILO: divide into exible services and methods across
the whole networks, and support cross-layer, and (3) NetServ:


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

Fig. 11. Reliable and private communication [184].

Fig. 9. Layered Internet architecture [184].

Fig. 12. Web caching [184].

Fig. 10. Information transfer and data services architecture [184].

The traditional end-to-end based Internet design puts almost all

the service intelligence into the end-hosts or servers, while the
network only performs hop-by-hop packet forwarding. The network processing is performed at no higher than the network layer.
The network function of packet forwarding was oblivious to the
end-to-end service requirements with the network providing a single class best effort service to all end-to-end service ows. This
purposeful design is the basis of the simplicity underlying the current Internet architecture and was suitable in the context under
which it was designed. However, commercialization of the Internet
introduced diverse end-to-end service requirements, requiring
more diversied network services. The Service-Centric End-toEnd Abstractions for Network Architecture [184] seek to dene a
new service architectural framework for the next generation Internet. The idea is to develop the communication abstraction around
the transfer of information rather than the transfer of data. Information is at a higher level of abstraction than data and the basic task
of the network should be transferring information rather than just
data packets. Packets by themselves are just parts of the representation of information. This new abstraction idea is called Information Transfer and Data Service (ITDS).
The other key idea of this solution is that it utilizes networkprocess-based routers as infrastructure components. These routers
will have to be aware of the application layer service information
rendering the network to be an integral part of the service architecture rather than just a store-forward functionality. Figs. 9 and 10
present a comparison of the network stacks between the current
Internet and the one with the new ITDS idea.
Based on the ITDS abstraction, some example scenarios of the
data services are shown in Figs. 1113. A reliable and private communication scenario is presented in Fig. 11. It consists of two data
services implementing reliability and privacy functionality. The
combination of the services can then be applied to the other types
of point-to-point information transfer. Fig. 12 presents a scenario

of combining a caching service with a reliability service. Different

end-hosts then can use the same caching service. This combinational service can be applied to conventional point-to-point caching service. The scenario in Fig. 13 shows a multicast service
which could include a large number of end-systems. Moreover, different end-systems can have content trans-coding operation to
adapt the presentation of the information to be transferred.
In such a framework, it is important to decide where has to be
assigned the processing task across the Internet entities. This is
also known as the service mapping problem. The service placement
across the network is shown in Fig. 14.
The mapping requirements are almost on every layer of the system such as end-to-end layer, router layer, or even port processors
layer. However, this mapping problem is known to be NPcomplete.
This service architecture basically changes the conventional
end-to-end assumption underlying the current Internet and advocates on putting more functionality into routers, besides their gen-

End-to-End Information

End System

End System

Data Services

Service Provisioning on Routers

Mapping Computation on Network Processors

Data Services




7.1. Service-Centric End-to-End Abstractions for Network Architecture

Fig. 13. Content distribution and trans-coding [184].

Data Services

self-virtualized in lower layers, put service to IP layer. In comparison, the EU FP7 projects are more concerned about the relationship among different interested parties and how to setup the
service agreement and achieve the service integration from business level to infrastructure level.

Fig. 14. Service mapping [184].







S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242








Service 1

Policies and




Method 1.1



Physical Interfaces

Fig. 15. SILO architecture [190].

7.2. SILO architecture for services integration, control, and

optimization for the future Internet

Data To/From Applications


(Variable Length
sequential Segmentation)

(Variable Length
sequential Segmentation)

In-order delivery
(Sequence Numbers)

In-order delivery
(Sequence Numbers)

Error Detection
(16 bit checksum)
Flow Control
(Window based)
Reliable Transmission



Raw video

SILO State

The current Internet is facing the so-called Balkanization [74]

problem because the new emerging networks and protocols do not
necessarily share the same common goals or purpose as the initial
The SILO architecture [190] presents a non-layered inter-networking framework. The basic idea is that complex communication
tasks can be achieved by dynamically combining a series of elemental functional blocks to form a specic service. That is to say,
it can break the general strict layered model and form a more exible model for constructing new services. Because of this exibility,
it is also easier to do the cross-layer design which is difcult to be
done in the current Internet architecture.
The design goals include: (1) Supports for a scalable unied
architecture, (2) cross-service interaction, and (3) exible and
extensible services integration.
In SILO, services are the fundamental building blocks. A service
is a self-contained function performed on application data such
as: end-to-end ow control, in-order packet delivery, compression, and encryption. Each service is an atomic function
focusing on providing specic function. These small services can
be selected to construct a particular task, but the order of these services does not necessarily obey the conventional layer sequence
and can embrace a much more exible precedence constraints.
Different from service, method is an implementation of a service
that uses a specic mechanism to realize the functionality associated with the service. An ordered subset of methods within which
each method implements a different service is called a silo. A silo is
a vertical stack of methods and a silo performs a set of transformation on data from the application layer down to the network or
infrastructure layer. Control agent is the entity inside a node which
is in charge of constructing a silo for an application and adjusting
service or method parameters to facilitate the cross-service interaction. In SILO architecture, for each new connection, a silo is built
dynamically by the control agent. The basic architecture and their
components relationship are shown in Fig. 15. The cloud is the universe of services which consists of services represented by circles.
Multiple methods can be used to implement the same service inside every circle. Solid arrow means the sequence constraints of
constructing the service. Control agent interacts with all elements
and constructs silos according to the precedence.
From Fig. 16 we can see that one of the biggest advantages of
SILO is that it blurs the distinction between core and edge entities,
and each network node is free to implement any service. Moreover,
the modularity of services, different protocols for the same layer
and different implementations of the protocol can be plugged in
and out easily. Because of this, the ne-grained cross-layer design
naturally becomes very easy and efcient.
However, because the design is signicantly different from the
current Internet, one of the biggest puzzles is that it is not easy


Control Agent

eral store-and-forwarding functionality. The architecture requires

application layer processing capabilities throughout the network,
including the end-systems as well as the routers. Thus, the feasibility of such a requirement of the routers remains to be validated.
Secondly, the service mapping will not be an easy problem, that
is to say, deciding how much capacities to invest into general purpose processing and how much for service processing will be an
important issue, which requires a good heuristic solution easy
and efcient enough for the future. This problem is known to be
NP-complete and will be tackled by exploring different heuristics.
It is also necessary to consider how different processing functions
can be controlled from the point of view of the network as well as
the end-system.

SILO State


Error Detection
(16 bit checksum)
Rate control
(leaky bucket)
Error Free Delivery

IP Services such as Unicast

Forwarding, 16 bit checksum

IP Services such as Unicast

Forwarding, 16 bit checksum

MAC:802.3, PHY:100MbpsUTP


To/From N/W
TCP/IP over 100Mbps Ethernet

To/From N/W

Control Agent

Video over Wireless

Fig. 16. SILO examples: (a) TCP/IP emulation and (b) MPEG video transmission over
wireless [190].

to be validated or implemented. It is also important and difcult

to dene and identify the appropriate building block services.
Moreover, the cross-layer design is always related with optimizations, it remains as a future research topic for this issue. The control functionality of the system is also important for efciency.
Further control optimization related research may be needed.
7.3. NetSerV: architecture of a service-virtualized Internet
It is well known that the current Internet architecture is resistant against adding new functionality and services to the network
core, which is also called ossication problem [7]. Adding new
network service is not as easy as adding new application to the
end-points. Two typical examples are the failure of broad scale
implementation of multicast routing and Quality-of-Service
(QOS). Presently, diversied network services have to be
implemented over application-level overlays. However, application-layer overlays cannot effectively use the resources in the other
layers. For example, each overlay network implements their own
application layer measurement and monitoring framework while
such information may be readily available with the generic
monitoring framework of the underlying infrastructure layer.
The NetServ project [105] aims to develop efcient and extensible service architecture in the core network to overcome the ossication. As shown in Fig. 17, it tries to break up the functionalities
of the Internet services and makes individual building blocks to
construct network services. Each building block is a single unit of
network resource or function such as linking monitoring data or


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

SLA (Re-)negotiation

Service Provider

Service Procurement

Fig. 17. NetSerV: transition to a new Internet service architecture.

Software Provider

SLA Orchestration,



Service Demand



Physical Mapping
Adjustment, Alerting

Infrastructure Provider

Fig. 19. Overview of the automatic SLA management process.

Thus, the main goal of SLA@SOI is to provide an SLA management

framework allowing consistent management and specication of
SLAs in a multi-level environment. The main innovations include:
Fig. 18. NetSerV: virtual service framework.

routing tables that can further be used or assembled by the upper

layer function. This structure can be hosted on any network node
such as a router or some dedicated servers. Moreover, as shown
in Fig. 18, network service can run over one or more nodes offering
the building blocks and the services can run on a virtualized services framework which consists of a group of building blocks
operating individually.
The idea of breaking the basic functionalities into building
blocks eases the exibilities of assembling upper-layer services
and adding new functionalities into the architecture. However, it
also means signicant changes to the current layered structure of
the network stack. It will also be a challenge to prove that the changed model or structure can offer better or similar efciency and reliability for the current functions such as routing and data delivery.
Fundamental changes to the network stack always mean risks
and also new potential security holes which need further observation and evaluation. Moreover, how to build the building blocks and
how to divide them into different groups (or how to do the abstraction of the basic functions), and even how to make them interact
all remain to be solved. The protocols and mechanisms for service
discovery and service distribution are also important issues.
7.4. SLA@SOI: empowering the Service Economy with SLA-aware
SLA@SOI means Service Level Agreements (SLAs) within a Service-Oriented Infrastructure (SOI) [191]. Different from the earlier
discussed service architecture research projects of FIND, which focus more on network stack modication, the SLA@SOI from EU is
more about multiple ideas of future Service-Oriented Infrastructure. Specically, its goal is to realize the vision of dynamic service
provisioning by a SLA management framework in multi-level environment, i.e., scenarios involving multiple stakeholders and layers
of business/IT stack. To realize dynamic service provisioning, there
are three challenges that must be addressed:
1. Predictability and dependability of the quality of services.
2. Management of SLA transparently across the whole network.
3. Support of highly automatic and dynamic negotiation, provision, delivery, and monitoring services.

1. SLA management framework.

2. Adaptive SLA-aware infrastructure.
3. Business management and engineering method for predictable
The SLA@SOI architecture is focused on the service relationship
setup and maintenance between customers, service providers,
infrastructure providers, and software providers. It is trying to
set up a high-level business relationship or framework, business
perspective framework to facilitate the service deployment or
implementation from business level down to the infrastructure level. Fig. 19 offers a simple overview of the SLA management process. In todays layered system, it is not easy to map user-level
SLA into physical infrastructure. Thus, in Fig. 19, we can see that
SLA@SOI includes the mapping of higher-level SLA requirement
onto lower levels and the aggregation of low-level capabilities to
higher levels. The vertical information ow basically reects the
service interdependencies and the originating business context,
and support proxy and negotiation process at each layer.
The biggest advantage of SLA@SOI is to set up an inter-party
Service Level Agreement framework in multi-level environment
between different parties such as customer, software provider, service provider, and infrastructure provider. Unlike other research
projects in FIND which are more about long-term research rather
than short-term industry need, SLA@SOI provides a more high-level architecture for the service deployment and implementation
in real business environment. However, we can also notice that it
is not easy to set up a simple framework and ask all the different
parties to obey, and it could take more time and effort beyond
the technical aspect to realize this goal. Moreover, the realization
of the high-level Service Level Agreement also needs detailed technical support like other FIND projects which are researching to apply the user-level requirements to the infrastructure.
7.5. SOA4All: Service-Oriented Architectures for All
SOA4ALL stands for the Service-Oriented Architecture for All
[193]. SOA4All is endorsed by the Networked European Software
and Services Initiative (NESSI) [104].
SOA4ALL aims at providing a comprehensive framework that
integrates four complementary and evolutionary technical advances (SOA, context management, web principles, Web 2.0 and


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

SO4All Studio

Provisioning Consumption



Graphical User Interface Library

Distributed Service Bus

Deployment Facility Monitoring Platform





Processes and

Third Party


Fig. 20. SOA4ALL architecture [190].

semantic technologies) into a coherent and domain independent

service delivery platform.
The overall architecture of SOA4ALL includes four parts:
SOA4ALL Studio, Distributed Service Bus, SOA4ALL Platform Service, and Business Services (third party Web services and lightweight processes), as shown in Fig. 20.
In the center of the architecture is the SOA4ALL Distributed Service
Bus which serves as infrastructure service and core integration platform. The Distributed Service Bus delivers the necessary extension
and developments towards a large scale, open, distributed and webscale computing environment. The SOA4ALL Studio delivers a webbased user front-end that enables the creation, provisioning, consumption and analysis of the platform services and various third party
business services that are published to SOA4ALL. The Studio supports
different types of users at different times of interaction. The platform
services deliver service discovery, ranking and selection, composition
and invocation functionality, respectively. These services are usable
as any other published service in the architecture. Their functionalities are used by the Studio to offer client requested functionalities.
SOA4ALL tries to integrate the most recent and advanced technologies into a comprehensive framework and infrastructure to
provide an efcient web of billions of services. Research challenges
for SOA4ALL include the openness of the future web communities
and whether the openness and mobility will pave the way towards
a real explosion on the web.
7.6. Internet 3.0: a multi-tier diversied architecture for the next
generation Internet based on object abstraction
Internet 3.0 project at Washington University in Saint Louis
[78,167] is a clean-slate architecture to overcome several limita-

tions of the current Internet. The top features are: strong security,
energy efciency, mobility, and organizational policies. The architecture explicitly recognizes new trends in separate ownership of
infrastructure (carriers), hosts (clouds), users and contents and
their economic relationships. This will shape the services that the
network can provide enabling new business models and
As shown in Fig. 21, Internet 1.0 (approx 1969) had no ownership concept since the entire network was operated by one organization. Thus, protocols were designed for algorithmic optimization
with complete knowledge of link speeds, hosts, and connectivity.
Commercialization of Internet in 1989 led to multiple ownership
of networking infrastructure in what we call Internet 2.0. A key impact of ownership is that communication is based on policies
(rather than algorithmic optimization) as is seen in inter-domain
(BGP) routing. The internals of the autonomous systems are not exposed. We are seeing this trend of multiple ownership to continue
from infrastructure to hosts/devices (Clouds), users, and content.
Internet 3.0s goal is to allow policy-based secure communication
that is aware of different policies at the granularity of users, content, hosts, or infrastructure.
Cloud computing is an example of applications that benet
from this inherent diversity in the network design. Hosts belonging
to different cloud computing platforms can be leased for the duration of experiments requiring use of data (e.g., Gnome) to be analyzed by scientists from different institutions. The users, data,
hosts, and infrastructures belong to different organizations and
need to enforce their respective policies including security. Numerous other examples, related to P2P computing, national security,
distributed services, cellular services exist.
Organization is a general term that not only includes employers
(of users), owners (of devices, infrastructure, and content) but also
includes logical groups such as governments, virtual interest
groups, and user communities. Real security can be achieved only
if such organizational policies are taken into account and if we design means of monitoring, measurement, and independent validation and enforcement.
Internet 1.0 was designed for host systems that had multiple
users and data. Therefore, the hosts were the end systems for communication. Today, each user has multiple communication devices.
Content is replicated over many systems and can be retrieved in
parallel from multiple systems. The future user-to-user, user-tocontent, machine-to-machine communications need a new
paradigm for communication that recognizes this new reality and
allows mobility/multihoming for users and content as easily as it
does for devices. In this new paradigm, the devices (hosts) are
intermediate systems while the users and content are the
The inclusion of content as an end-system requires Internet to
provide new services (e.g., storage, disruption tolerance, etc.) for
developing application specic networking contexts. There will
be more intelligence in the network which will also allow it to
be used easily to use by billions of networking-unaware users.

Fig. 21. Internet generations.

S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

Fig. 22. Organization of objects in Internet 3.0.

Internet 3.0 uses the term Realm to represent a trust domain

such as an organization. All entities within a tier belonging to a single organization belong to a realm. The management and control
plane of the realm, which we generically call Realm Manager
(RM) enforces security and other organizational policies. These
policies can be very general and may include security considerations, e.g., authentication and authorization. RMs also provide
additional services such as ID-locator translation that allows objects to move without loosing connections and energy management services. RMs are part of the management and control
plane and are active during the start phase of a communication.
Once set up, the communication can continue in the data plane
without intervention of the RMs.
Realms overlay entities with a discrete ownership framework.
Ownership entails related security, administrative and management responsibilities. In the Three-tier Object Model (Fig. 22),
the bottom tier infrastructure is owned by multiple infrastructure
owners. The second tier of hosts is owned by individual users or
different organizations such as DoE, DARPA, and Amazon. The third
tier of users and data may belong to specic organizations or individual users. Thus, realms represent logical division of entities into
multiple ownership, trust, and management domains.
Explicit representation of ownership simplies the security and
policy framework design through more natural representation and
enforcement of policies rather than conating them with functionality as in the current Internet.
Realms advertise etcic services through Objects. Objects
encapsulate the complexities of resource allocation, resource sharing, security and policy enforcements, etc., and expose a standard
interface representing capabilities (in standardized abstract
parameters) and xed or negotiable policies.
Objects provide services. They may use services of other objects
to provide their own services. Also, a service may consist of an
aggregation of objects, e.g., end-to-end transport service. The
aggregated objects may belong to the same or multiple ownerships. Thus, object composition in Internet 3.0 lies at the basis of
the policy and security framework of the architecture.
Like real organizations, realms are organized hierarchically. The
hierarchy is not a binary tree since a realm can have two or more
parents, i.e., an organization can be a part of several higher-level
organizations and can have several lower-level sub-organizations.
Note that the concepts of objects and realms are recursive. An object may comprise a group of objects. Thereby, a realm or a group
of realms could be treated as an object and provide a service.
When a realm advertises an object, it keeps complete control
over how that object is managed internal to the realm. Inside the
realm, the realm members may delegate responsibilities to other
objects. This allows the objects to go to sleep for energy saving.
It allows specialized services in the realm that can be used by other
objects. For example, all packets leaving a realm may be signed by
a realm signer that assures that the packets originated from that


realm although the source of the packet was not authenticated. In

some applications, this type of assurance is sufcient and useful in
accepting or discarding the packet.
Each object has an ID and a locator. The ID is unique in the
realm and is assigned by the RM. The locator is the ID of the object
in the lower tier. Thus, the locator of data is the set of IDs of hosts
on which the data resides. The locator of the host is the set of IDs of
infrastructure points of attachments to which the host is connected. This separation of ID and locators among multiple tiers is
unique and is the basis for allowing independent mobility of users
over hosts and hosts over infrastructure. It is also the basis for multihoming of users (a user with multiple host devices such as a
smart phone, a laptop, and a desktop).
At the infrastructure tier, the object abstraction framework is
implemented through a management and control plane connecting
Internet POPs installed with a special Internet 3.0 node called the
context router. Fig. 23 presents a highly simplied POP design
where each AS has a border router that connects to the POP, enhanced with the context router. The context router has two key
functionalities: (1) It maintains a behavioral object repository
advertised by the participating ASs and makes them available for
lease to application contexts, (2) It leases programmable objects
provisioned over packet processing hardware resources such as
SRAMs, DRAMs, and network processors. This allows application
contexts to set-up their own packet processing contexts at POPs
(shown as the hatched and dotted contexts).
Fig. 24 presents a high-level overview of the context router design. A context router needs to have multiple virtualized contexts
advertised as programmable objects. A hypervisor is responsible
for creating and controlling these programmable objects. There is
a base context called the context 0 that hosts the object store. Participating ASs advertise their objects at the POP and they are
stored at the context 0 of the context router. Also, the context 0
participates in the inter-infrastructure realm management plane
and stores AS level connectivity maps. It runs a brokering protocol
that allows application contexts to query, block, lease and release
objects from the object store. A secure software switch allows inter-context communications, mostly to allow application contexts
to be able to communicate with the context 0.
At the host tier,programmable objects are provisioned over
compute resources consolidated over end-user personal compute
resources, private and public cloud computing and storage resources, Content Delivery Network (CDN) storage resources, server
farms, grid resources, etc. The mechanisms for sharing common
compute resources across multiple application contexts may vary
from virtualization techniques [215,208,209] achieving near perfect isolation and providing strong deterministic performance
guarantees to traditional operating system based resource allocations based on global optimization and fairness considerations.
Similar to the infrastructure realm, Internet 3.0 allows complete
autonomy to host realms to choose the specic mechanisms for
allocation of compute resources to application contexts. Also, it
provides a common object abstraction interface that allows host
resources to be shared across multiple ownerships over a policy
negotiation plane. However, unlike the infrastructure realm which
was marked by a physical realm boundary, host realms could have
physical as well as logical boundaries. Behavioral objects are provisioned similar to the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) or Platformas-a-Service (PaaS) paradigms in cloud computing. Security and
other services may be advertised as behavioral objects which
advertise the service in terms of abstracted parameters such as
security level, etc. An application context should be able to choose
the required level of security without worrying about how the endto-end security service is being archestered across the different
host realms. The underlying federation mechanism requires considerable efforts in standardization.


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

Fig. 23. Internet 3.0: POPs enhanced with context routers.

primitives that shall allow the next generation Internet to be diversied. It signicantly improves upon the one-suit ts all paradigm of the current Internet and allows each application context
to be able to fully program and optimize its specic context [167].

8. Next generation internetworking architectures

Fig. 24. Internet 3.0: context router design.

Thus, Internet 3.0 is an overarching architecture for the next

generation Internet. It identies the key design basis and denes

The current state-of-art of the routing function at the internetworking layer of the Internet is marred with numerous problems.
The biggest and most immediate concern is that of scalability. With
the huge growth in network-able devices participating in the Internet, the routing infrastructure is nding it difcult to provide
unique locaters to each of these devices (address depletion problem) and the routing nodes are unable to cope with the exponential
growth in routing table sizes, number of update messages and
churn due to dynamic nature of networks [100]. Border Gateway
Protocol (BGP) [20], the de facto inter-domain routing protocol of
the current Internet, takes in the order of minutes to re-converge
after a failure [84,86]. The basic advantage of packet switched networks in providing higher resilience is hardly implemented in
practice. Also, basic services such as mobility, quality of service,
multicasting, policy enforcements and security are extremely hard
to be realized, if at all. New innovations proposed to mitigate some
of the ills, such as IPv6 [71], have hardly seen any wide-scale
deployment. Another issue is the tussle between users need to
control the end-to-end path and the provider policies to optimize
their commercial interests. These and other weaknesses of the
routing mechanism in the current Internet have resulted in a spur
of activity trying to design a better routing architecture for the next
generation Internet. While some of the schemes are clean-slate,
thus requiring a complete architectural overhaul, others are more
incremental that can be implemented over the present underlying
system to procure partial benets. In this section, we discuss some

S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

of these proposals that have the potential to change the routing

architecture of the future Internet.
8.1. Algorithmic foundations for Internet architecture: clean slate
Leveraging the advances in algorithmic theory since the time
the current routing model of the Internet was developed. Awerbuch and Haberman [12] advocate a fresh look at the algorithmic
basis of the current routing protocols. A simple example to justify
this claim lies in the inability of the current routing protocols to
route around congestion. The current routing is based on static
load insensitive metric that does not adapt dynamically to avoid
congested paths. The proposed solution to this problem led to a
tragedy of the commons condition wherein all the ows greedily
try to route through the least congested path resulting in the routing protocol acting as its own adversary and causing wasteful oscillations of ows across sub-optimal paths. Also, it is rightly claimed
[12] that the routing model is based on the assumption of blind
trust where the routing system is not robust in itself but depends
on the absence of intelligent adversaries, huge over-provisioning
and manual interventions. Proposals to secure routing assume
the presence of trusted anchors for policing and authentication,
avoiding the hard condition of compromised trust anchors.
The fundamental approach advocated in this proposal to overcome the weakness of the current routing protocols is to dene a
new routing metric that can dynamically adapt itself to congestions
and attacks by a Byzantine insider, provide incentives for selsh
users, and guarantee QoS through effective and efcient sharing of
heterogeneous resources. The selection of such a dynamic adaptable
metric entails changes in the hierarchical IP based path computation
methods. A new scalable path computation mechanism, along the
lines of exible peer-to-peer routing architectures, that can be
mapped to this underlying metric needs to be determined. Also,
the new metric and the path computation mechanism should be able
to accommodate the future requirements of content-based routing.
A proposed economics-inspired metric with all the desired
property is called the opportunity cost price function. The idea
is to attach a cost to each resource (node memory, node bandwidth, CPU processing, etc.) such that an un-utilized resource is
available at zero cost, with the cost becoming higher for a higher
utilized resource. An application requiring such a resource needs to
justify the cost of the resource against the benet of acquiring it
forming the basis of an effective QoS framework. An application
is allowed to specify an arbitrary benet per unit of ow. The
QoS admission control and routing are done by nding the shortest
path in the opportunity metric and comparing this cost to the benet of the ow. If the benet of the ow is more than the opportunity cost of the path, the ow is admitted. This mechanism
warrants selsh applications reporting higher benets to grab
more resources for their ows. Such a condition is avoided through
an incentive mechanism that assigns a xed budget of opportunity
cost to an application.
Having dened the metric, the routing mechanism needs to be
made secure against insider Byzantine attacks. Greedy methods of
path selection based on past history fail to counter dynamic adversaries that follow a specic attack pattern matching the greedy
path selection. Such adaptive or dynamic adversaries need not be
a third party attacker. But the routing system itself, owing to the
weakness of its algorithmic basis, acts as its own adaptive adversary under the tragedy of commons situation. A simple algorithm
to counter such a situation involves the adaptive metric which
keeps track of the losses encountered across each edge and selecting a path probabilistically such that the probability of selecting a
path grows exponentially with the past losses in that path. To
avoid the tragedy of commons situation in adaptive routing to


counter congested paths, a mechanism wherein the routers articially suppress the acknowledgments based on a probability
dependant on the current congestion condition is devised. These
articial suppression of acknowledgments feed the loss metric
view of the network for each ow that try to route along the least
cost path over this metric based on a ow control mechanism that
adaptively re-routes the ows.
The dynamic metric discussed thus far needs to be supported
over large network topologies in a scalable manner. The topological
hierarchy aids aggregation (and thus scalability) of the current
Internet. Such aggregation schemes designed for a static metric become ineffective for a network based on a dynamic metric. Thus,
instead of aggregating based on pre-determined xed identiers,
a new aggregation scheme based on physical location is dened.
The proposal is to devise a new locality preserving, peer-to-peer
directory service rather than a xed infrastructure DNS service.
Thus, a newer algorithmic basis for Internet protocols hold the
potential to free the current Internet routing from most of the current constraints that it faces, especially in the routing plane. The
contributions of this proposal, if implemented, shall lay the basis
of a highly dynamic and hence more robust routing function for
the next generation Internet.
8.2. Greedy routing on hidden metrics (GROH Model)
One of the biggest problems with routing in the current Internet
is scalability. The scalability problem is not so much due to the
large space requirements at routers but is more due to the churn
as a result of network dynamics causing table updates, control
messages and route recalculations. The problem is expected to
exacerbate further with the introduction of IPv6. This problem
seems to be unsolvable in the context of the present design of routing protocols, hinting towards the need of some truly disruptive
ideas to break this impasse.
The GROH model [83] proposes a routing architecture devoid of
control messages. It is based on the small world phenomenon
exhibited in Milgrams social network exercise [101] and later depicted in the famous play Six Degrees of Separation [66] in 1990.
This experiment demonstrated the effectiveness of greedy routing
in a social network scenario and can be established as the basis of
routing in the Internet which shows similar scale-free behavior as
that of social networks, biological networks, etc. The idea of greedy
routing on hidden metrics is based on the proposition that: Behind every metric space including the Internet there exists a hidden metric space. The observable scale-free structure of the
network is a consequence of natural network evolution that maximizes the efciency of greedy routing in this metric space. The
objective of the GROH model is to investigate this proposition to
try and dene the hidden metric space underlying the Internet
topology and develop a greedy routing scheme that maximizes
the efciency of routing in this metric space. Such a greedy routing
algorithm belongs to the class of routing algorithms called compact routing that are aimed at reducing the routing table size,
the node addresses and the routing stretch (the ratio of distance
between the source and destination for a given routing algorithm
to that of the actual shortest path distance). However, existing
compact routing algorithms do not address the dynamic nature
of networks, such as the Internet.
Three metric spaces are being considered initially as part of the
investigation to model the Internets scale-free topology. They are:
(1) Normed spaces, (2) random metric spaces, and (3) expanding
metrics. Now using a concrete measured topology of some network
(in this case, the Internet) G and these metric spaces, their combinations or additional metric spaces as a candidate hidden metric
space H, a t of G into H is found. If a t of G into H is found
successfully, two tasks are undertaken: (1) Label size determina-


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

tion based on the metric space H, labels are assigned to each

node such that they facilitate the quick calculation of distance between two nodes and (2) label assignment for new nodes a new
node inspects the labels of its neighbors in G and deduces its location in the metric space H. Based on these, the greedy routing
algorithm forwards packets to the neighbor that takes the packet
more closer towards the destination than any other neighbor. Such
knowledge comes at the cost of the node having to maintain the
distance of every destination from each of its neighbors. However,
no network wide updates are necessary to keep this information
and hence avoiding network churn.
An effort towards update-less routing is a promising step towards solving the scalability problem of the Internet. However, it
remains to be seen whether such a modeling of the Internet bears
feasible and practically usable results.
8.3. HLP: hybrid link state path-vector inter-domain routing
Border Gateway protocol (BGP) [176] is the de facto standard for
inter-domain routing in the current Internet. However, BGP fails to
satisfy the needs of an efcient, scalable, secure, and robust interdomain routing protocol. Well-known problems of BGP route oscillations and instabilities [62,63,206,85,86,177], slow convergence
[84,93], blind trust assumptions and lack of support for trouble
shooting have inspired research efforts towards a new Inter-domain routing protocol. HLP [195] is a step forward in this direction
and claims to be a clean-sheet redesign of BGP.
The BGP routing is based on AS (autonomous system) path vectors and is agnostic to relationships between ASs. This leads to local routing events being propagated globally, thus affecting the
scalability of BGP. HLP leverages the inherent peering, customer
and provider relationships between ASs to dene a hierarchical
structure in inter-domain routing. The implicit inter-AS relationships in BGP are explicitly stated in HLP to be able to contain local
routing events such as routing updates, security or conguration
errors, and policy enforcements within relevant boundaries. Based
on this, HLP sets two policy guidelines: (1) Export-rule guideline
routes advertised by a peer or provider are not advertised to another peer or provider and (2) route-preference guideline: Prefer
routes through customers over routes through peers or providers.
Another fact used by HLP is that prex-based routing, as in BGP,
does not usually result in differing paths than when routing is done
at the granularity level of ASs. Nonetheless, routing at the granularity of ASs signicantly improves the scalability of the routing system and hence adopted by HLP. Thus, routing at the granularity of
ASs and having established a hierarchical ordering of ASs, HLP
implements a hybrid link state and path vector routing protocol
such that a link state protocol is used as the routing protocol within an AS hierarchy (of provider customer relationships) while path
vector is used for routing between these hierarchies. Link state
protocols have their advantages of fast convergence and low churn
while path vector protocols are more suitable for policy enforcements and scalability. HLP tries to exploit the advantages of both
worlds. A high-level view of the HLP mechanism as discussed so
far can be seen in Fig. 25.
HLP is not a clean-slate or highly innovative design. However, it
is a positive step forward from breaking away from numerous
incremental changes applied to BGP [176] to re-design an inter-domain routing protocols from grounds up. Thus, HLP is a starting
point from where newer inter-domain routing protocol ideas
may be born.
8.4. eFIT [94] enabling future Internet innovations through transit wire
ISPs and user networks have different purposes and characteristics. ISPs are used as a commodity in the present Internet with

Fig. 25. HLP overview.

the sole purpose to maximize the efciency of data transport while

minimizing their costs. User innovations that do not have immediate positive impact or do not guarantee returns in the foreseeable
future are generally not appealing to ISPs. On the other hand, user
networks are generally the source of data and also the seat of innovations. However, the current Internet design is such that ISPs and
user networks share a common address space. Thus, user innovations cannot be isolated to user networks and often they roll over
to requiring changes in the ISP networks. This tussle of motivation
between user networks and ISPs limits the innovations that can be
deployed into the Internet.
eFIT [94] proposes a new routing architecture based on the separation of the transit core from the user networks. Such a separation allows each of these components to evolve independently,
and given the difference in their motivations and objectives, this
separation allows them to evolve in the proper direction. The idea
is to abstract the transit core as a wire connecting the user networks. This wire, called the Transit Wire, provides a strong universal connectivity between the user networks and evolves with
the objective to provide efcient, effective, available, affordable
and plentiful data transit service for the user networks. The user
networks can thus innovate freely without the concern of having
to change any part of the deployed infrastructure of the transit
core. A mapping service acts as an intermediary between the two
components, mapping user addresses into transit paths and also
providing interoperability between diverse mechanisms and protocols used at the two ends of the wire.
The eFIT idea is thus a clean-slate extension of the already existing ideas of edge-core separation for the current Internet. However,
while most core edge separation ideas are motivated to alleviate
the Internet routing scaling problems, eFIT is motivated by the distinct objectives and separate paths of innovations of these two

8.5. Postmodern internetwork architecture

Bhattacharjee et al. in their proposal on a Postmodern Internet
Architecture [21] address the classic tussle between users and
providers at the internetworking layer of the current Internet.
Users often require ner granularity control over the end-to-end
path selection. However, such control is often not conducive to
provider policies such as trafc engineering policies, and route export policies that try to optimize their commercial interests. It is
claimed that the architecture is postmodern since it is a reaction
against many established network layer design concepts. The key
idea is to separate the policy plane of internetworking protocols
from the forwarding or data plane, as in the current Internet. The
key goal is to re-design the internetworking layer of the Internet
such that it supports diverse functions that in turn can support diverse policies. Indeed, the internetworking layer of the current
Internet is often overlaid with functions to support policies for

S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

which it was not designed. Some of the different policies identied

in this proposal include accountability, anonymity, authentication,
authorization, censorship, condentiality, copyright enforcement,
protocol ltering, spam ltering, etc.The key mechanism proposed
is an explicit separation of policy enforcement from functionality
at the internetworking layer.
The network in the Postmodern Internet Architecture is organized hierarchically. At the basic level of the hierarchy the network
is a set of nodes interconnected by a set of links. At the higher
level in the hierarchy, nodes are organized into trust domains
called realms. Realms are virtual nodes at this hierarchical level
and are connected through links.
The forwarding function design is motivated by the need to allow users control over the end-to-end path selection without compromising on provider policies. It is implemented over this
topology with links as the basic connectivity primitive. A similar
idea has been implemented by the Pathlet Routing [60] architecture presented by Godfrey et al. Each link has a linkID. Every forwarding element knows the linkIDs directly connected to it. Each
packet carries in its header a forwarding directive (instead of just
a destination address as in the current IP) which species the linkID on which the forwarding element should forward the packet.
In case a forwarding element receives a packet without a forwarding directive for it, it raises a forwarding fault and the packet is
forwarded to a fault handler. The fault handler is the point of policy control for the provider. A user may (at least) specify the realms
over which the packet should be forwarded while allowing providers to control the packets transit through its realm. However, if a
provider chooses to advertise its internal link organization outside
its realm, the user may be able to specify the exact link level forwarding directive for the corresponding forwarding element.
Unspecied linksID- level forwarding directives in the end-to-end
path of the packet are called gaps and are lled-in by the authorized realm when such packets raise a forwarding fault at a
boundary forwarding element of the realm. Once the forwarding
directive for the gap is resolved, the information may be cached
by either recording the packet path in the packet header or by
caching the forwarding at each intermediate forwarding element
within the gap.
The routing function is hierarchical following the realm
hierarchy. The inter-realm protocol is concerned with advertising
policy compliant paths between realms to aid the computation of
end-to-end paths. The intra-realm protocols are similar to traditional IGPs (Interior Gateway Protocols) that may be overridden
by trafc engineering mechanisms. Following the realm hierarchy,
these protocols too have a recursive structure wherein an intrarealm protocol maybe an inter-realm protocol at a higher level in
the hierarchy.
Apart from these, the architecture also proposes to build-in an
explicit framework for accountability and motivation to aid resolve tussles in the internetworking space. The accountability
framework is a security model that securely establishes the identities of entities that are related to the packets creation and/or its
traversal over the network. The motivation framework on the other
hand allows each packet to securely justify specic treatment at
intermediate forwarding elements.
The new internetworking architecture proposed in this work
addresses an extremely important issue in the current Internetthe tussle as a result of conating policy and functionality. The
Internet 3.0 architecture, discussed in Section 7.6, shares a similar
motivation (among others) to the requirement to enable diversity
in the internetworking layer of the Internet. The realm based organization of nodes into trust domains is similar, albeit more specic
to the internetworking layer, to the ideas presented in the Policy
Oriented Network Architecture (PONA) [166]. Overall, it is an
interesting work on an extremely relevant area of research for


the future Internet. However, the primary assumption in this work

that it will be sufciently cheap to carry extra bits on packet headers in the future Internet (with bandwidth becoming cheaper and
more available) rather than sacrice functionality remains to be
validated. Also, the underlying security mechanisms, especially to
enable an accountability and motivation framework, are expected
to introduce considerable computational cost at the internetworking layer and it will be interesting to see experimental results of
these implementations.
8.6. ID-locater split architectures
Current Internet is faced with many challenges including routing scalability, mobility, multihoming, renumbering, trafc engineering, policy enforcements, and security because of the
interplay between the end-to-end design of IP and the vested interests of competing stakeholders which lead to the Internets growing ossication. The architectural innovations and technologies
aimed at solving these problems are set back owing to the difculty in testing and implementing them in the context of the current Internet. New designs to address the major deciency or to
provide new services cannot be easily implemented other than
by step-by-step incremental changes.
One of the underlying reasons is the overloaded semantics of IP
addresses. In the current Internet, the IP addresses are used as session identier in transport protocols such as TCP as well as the locater for routing system. This means that the single IP address
space is used as two different namespace for two purposes, which
leads to a series of problems. The Internet Activity Board (IAB)
workshop on routing and addressing [100] reached a consensus
on the scalable routing issue and the overloaded meaning of IP addresses. It urged further discussion and experiments on decoupling
the dual meaning of IP addresses in the long-term design of the next
generation Internet. Currently, there are several proposals for ID-locater split, but most of them cannot provide a complete solution to
address all the challenges including naming and addressing, routing, mobility, multihoming, trafc engineering, and security.
One of the most active research groups of IRTF (Internet Research Task Force) is RRG (Routing Research Group) [181], where
there is an on-going debate on deciding which way to go among
several ID-locater split directions. One possible direction is called
coreedge separation (or Strategy A in Herrins taxonomy
[91]) which tries to keep the de-aggregated IP addresses out of
the global routing tables, and the routing steps are divided into
two levels: the edge routing based on identier (ID) and the core
routing based on global scalable locaters. Coreedge separation
requires no changes to the end-hosts. Criticisms to this direction
include difculty in handling mobility and multihoming, and handling the path-MTU problem [91]. In some solutions, the weird
ID-based routing in the edge also makes some purist believe that
it is a short-term patch rather than a long-term solution. Typical
solutions include LISP, IVIP, DYNA, SIX/ONE, APT, TRRP (all from
[181]). This coreedge separation can be deemed as decoupling
the ID from locater in the network side, which is an intuitive and
direct idea for the routing scalability issue and relatively easy to
deploy, but not good at solving the host mobility, host multihoming, and trafc engineering. Other recent RRG proposals include: 2phased mapping, GLI-split, hIPv4, Layered Mapping System (LMS),
Name Overlay (NOL), Name-Based Sockets, Routing and Addressing
in Next-Generation EnteRprises (RANGER), and Tunneled Inter-domain Routing (TIDR). They are related to this category from different aspects such as naming, addressing, sockets, encapsulation,
mapping, and hierarchy.
The other direction is called ID locater split which requires
globally aggregatable locaters to be assigned to every host. The
IDs are decoupled from locaters in the end-hosts network stacks


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

and the mapping between IDs and locaters is done by a separate

distributed system. The proposals following this direction handle
mobility, multihoming, renumbering, etc., well. However, they do
require host changes and it may be hard to ensure compatibility
with the current applications. Typical solutions include HIP [68],
Shim6 [188], I3 [194], and Hi3 [106].
It is seen that these two directions have their own advantages
and disadvantages, and it is hard to judge which one is right for
the future Internet. Here we describe two example solutions (HIP
and LISP) of these two directions, and after that we discuss our
MILSA [161,162] solution which combines the advantages of these
two directions and avoids their disadvantages.
8.6.1. HIP
HIP (Host Identity Protocol) [68] is one of the most important ID
locater split schemes which implements the decoupling of ID from
locater in end-hosts. It has been under development in the HIP
working group of IETF for couple of years.
HIP introduces a new public keys based namespace of identiers which enable some end-to-end security features. The new
namespace is called Host Identity (HI) which is presented as a
128-bit long value called Host ID Tag (HIT). After the decoupling
of HIs from IP addresses, the sockets are bound to HITs instead of
IP addresses, and the HITs are translated into IP addresses in the
kernel. HIP denes the protocols and architecture for the basic
mechanisms for discovering and authenticating bindings between
public keys and IP addresses. It explores the consequence of the ID
locater split and tries to implement it in the real Internet.
Besides security, mobility and multihoming are also HIPs
design goals and are relatively easier to implement than the
coreedge separation solutions. HIP supports opportunistic
host-to-host IP-Sec ESP (Encapsulation Security Protocol??),
end-host mobility across IPv4 and IPv6, end-host multi-address
multihoming, and application interoperability across IPv4/IPv6.
However, for HIP, although the at cryptographic-based identier is useful for security, it is not human-understandable and not
easy to be used to setup trust relationship and policies among different domains or organizations. It uses the current DNS system to
do the mapping from ID to locater which is not capable of dealing
with the mobility under fast handover situation, and multihoming.
Specically, mobility is achieved in two ways: UPDATE packets and
rendezvous servers. First way is simple but it does not support
simultaneous movement for both end-hosts. Rendezvous servers
are better but do not reect the organizational structure (realm),
and there is no explicit signaling and data separation in the network layer.
Moreover, HIP requires that all the changes happen in the endhosts which may potentially require signicant changes to the current Internet structure and could lead to compatibility issues for
the existing protocols and applications.
8.6.2. LISP
LISP (Locater ID Separation Protocol) [89] is another important
ID locater split scheme following the coreedge separation approach which implements the decoupling of ID from locater in
the network side instead of the host side. It is being developed
by the LISP working group of IETF.
LISP is a more direct solution for routing scalability issue. LISP
uses IP-in-IP packets tunneling and forwarding to split identiers
from locaters which eliminates the Provider Independent (PI) addresses usage in the core routing system and thus enables scalability. The tunnel end-point routers keep the ID-to-locaters cache and
the locater addresses are the IP addresses of the egress tunnel routers. The mapping from ID to aggregatable locaters is done at the
border of the network, i.e., the tunnel end-point routers.

LISP enables site multihoming without any changes to the endhosts. The mapping from identier to RLOC (Routing Locater) is
performed by the edge routers. LISP also does not introduce a
new namespace. Changes to the routers are only in the edge routers. The high-end site or provider core routers do not have to be
changed. All these characteristics of LISP lead to a rapid deployment with low costs. There is also no centralized ID to locater mapping database and all the databases can be distributed which
enable high mapping data upgrade rates. Since LISP does not require current end-hosts with different hardware, OS platform and
applications, and network technologies to change their implementations, the transition is easier compared to HIP. The requirements
for hardware changes are also small which allow fast product
delivery and deployment.
However, LISP uses PI addresses as routable IDs which potentially leads to some problems. In the future, it will be necessary
to create economic incentives to not use the PI addresses, or to create an automatic method for renumbering by Provider Aggregatable (PA) addresses.
Obviously, there is a tradeoff between compatibility to the current applications and enabling more powerful functions. Since LISP
does not introduce any changes to the end-host network stack, by
design it cannot support the same level of mobility as HIP. The host
multihoming issue is similar. Specically, from design perspectives, LISP lacks support for host mobility, host multihoming, and
trafc engineering. Some researchers argue that LISP is a shortterm solution for routing scalability rather than a long-term solution for all the challenges listed in the beginning of this section.
8.6.3. MILSA
MILSA [161164] is basically an evolutionary hybrid design
which has combined features of HIP and LISP, and avoids the disadvantages of these two individual solutions. Since there is still a
debate regarding whether the ID locater split should happen in
end-host side such as HIP or in network side such as LISP, it is hard
to decide which is the right way to go at this point of time. Thus,
MILSA is designed to be adaptive; it supports both directions and
allows them to evolve to either direction in the future. By doing
this, we can avoid the deployment risk at the furthest.
Specically, MILSA introduces a new ID sublayer into the network layer in the current network stack, i.e., it separates ID from
locater in the end-host and uses a separate distributed mapping
system to deliver fast and efcient mapping lookup and update
across the whole Internet. MILSA also separates trust relationships
(administrative realms) from connectivity (infrastructure realms).
The detailed mechanisms on how to setup and maintain this trust
relationship are presented in [161]. A new hierarchical ID space is
introduced which combines the features of at IDs and hierarchical
IDs. It allows a scalable bridging function that is placed between
the host realms and the infrastructure realms. The new ID space
can be used to facilitate the setup and maintenance of the trust
relationships, and the policy enforcements among different organizations. Moreover, MILSA implements signaling and data separation to improve the system performance, efciency, and to
support mobility. Detailed trust relationship setup and maintenance policies and processes are also presented in MILSA.
Through the hybrid combination, the two approaches are integrated into one solution to solve all the problems identied by
the IRTF RRG design goals [90] which include mobility, multihoming, routing scalability, trafc engineering, and incremental
deployabiltiy. It prevents the Provider Independent (PI) address
usage for global routing, and implements identier locater split
in the host to provide routing scalability, mobility, multihoming,
and trafc engineering. Also the global routing table size can be reduced step by step through our incremental deployment strategy
which is also one of the biggest MILSA advantages. Specically,

S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

in MILSA, different deployment strategies can be implemented to

gain fastest routing table size reduction considering the different
incentives or motivations from both technical and non-technical
aspects, i.e., the strategies make sure that each incremental
deployment step of MILSA can pay off with reasonable and acceptable balance between costs and benets. Different incentives such
as scalability, mobility, and multihoming lead to different deployment models which have different effect in reducing the routing
table size gradually.
8.7. Other proposals
Several other routing ideas, spanning diverse issues in routing
such as user control, simplied management and control, and multipath routing have been proposed. These are discussed in this
8.7.1. User controlled routes
This [221] is a source routing proposal in which users are allowed to choose the path to destinations. The motivation for this
work is similar to other source routing schemes: (1) foster competition among ISPs, and (2) allow more diversity and control to
users in path selection. The mechanism involves route maps which
are static maps of preferred routes of a user. Unlike traditional path
vector mechanisms, route maps are learnt through advertisement
about customers and peers initiated at the provider. Also, these
advertisements specify costs involved with the paths. The route
maps of a user along with their preference are stored in a Nameto-route-lookup service (NRLS). To formulate a route to a destination, the user rst needs to obtain the destinations route map and
preference and try and intersect the best possible combination
with its own route map. While the route maps are static information about AS connectivity, more dynamic link state information
using connectivity maps are also disseminated. Connectivity
maps allow users to update their preferences and route around
problem areas. The impact of such a mechanism shall be to support
application specic networking paradigms more naturally as part
of the architecture.
User controlled routing is still in its nascent stage with no discussion on the analytical concerns regarding engineering and it
would be interesting to monitor how it progresses.
8.7.2. Switched Internet Architecture
The Switched Internet Architecture [187] proposal advocates
a clean slate approach to re-design the Internet by combining the
best characteristics of telephony and data. It proposes a new hierarchical addressing scheme along the lines of addressing in cellular
and telephone networks. The two-level hierarchy consists of a network ID and a host ID. The network ID is a concatenation of a hierarchical geographical addressing scheme (continent code, country
code, state code, area code) with an organization code. Based on
this naming scheme, the architecture consists of a hierarchical
bank of switches, switching packets on predened digit position
in the addressing scheme. The network protocol stack as a result of
this simplied switching architecture is reduced to an application
layer operating on a port layer (providing port id and data buffering). This port layer operates on the switching layer above the
physical substrate.
Though it is true that such a simple architecture shall allow
many of the management, control, security and QoS concerns to
be taken care of, there remain serious questions about dynamicity
and ownership of such a network. The growth and success of the
Internet to what it is today can be attributed to user demands fostering mutual cooperation among ISPs in a fair competitive environment. Introducing geographical ID into the addressing scheme
fosters an implicit relation between all providers in the same geo-


graphical area. Also, the Internet model was designed to serve as a

highly resilient and dynamic network, which may not be the case if
xed switching state is introduced in the routing plane.
8.7.3. Routing Control Platform (RCP)
RCP [26] has already been discussed (Section 6.1) in the context
of the centralized approach towards network management and
control. RCP is the extension of the idea presented in [50]. It proposes a centralized routing server (RCP) that computes BGP routes
on behalf of the routers in the AS. RCP receives all BGP routing
advertisements through iBGP, computes routing tables for each
router subject to IGP view and domain policies, and disseminates
routing tables to routers. Thus, RCP centralizes the distributed
routing protocol allowing a cleaner and more effective routing
management and control. Details of RCP implementation can be
found in [96].
As already discussed earlier, policy enforcements in the current
routing protocols cannot be enforced through a clean interface.
They need to be implemented indirectly through tweaking routing
parameters of specic routing protocols and hope for the desired
output in routing tables. The increased complexity of routing management subject to the increasing needs of ne-grained policy control clearly suggests that this approach shall not scale in terms of
increasing congurational complexity. Proposals such as RCP are
thus extremely potent in dening the routing management and
control of the future.
In summary, routing is undoubtedly one of the major functions
of the network. Since there is a lot of concern about the scalability
and security of the Internet routing mechanisms, the future Internet may see a complete paradigm shift. Research in areas of content distribution are advocating towards content centric [75] and
data centric networks [79]. Along similar lines, Paul et al. [166]
advocates the necessity of a ner granularity of policy enforcements wherein the user, data, hosts and infrastructure exist as separate entities logically grouped into trust/application domains.
Virtualization techniques are touting co-existence of multiple
application specic networks locally optimized for their specic
purpose or objective. Next generation routing proposals, however,
are all designed around the assumption of the present networking
environment with added concerns of security, scalability and management. We feel that there is a disparity in the next generation
Internet objectives between disruptive next generation architectural ideas and conservative routing architects.
9. Future Internet infrastructure design for experimentation
9.1. Background: a retrospect of PlanetLab, Emulab and others
The fast growth and diversication of the Internet made it extremely difcult to introduce new technologies and protocols
backed up with sound experimental validation at realistic size testing environments. PlanetLab [168,111] was the rst effort to design such a testbed facility that would effectively mimic the scale
of the Internet by organizing thousands of Internet nodes, spread
out at different geographic locations, under a common control
framework. These Internet nodes, offered by various research, educational and industrial organizations, run Linux virtual server software to virtualize its resources, providing isolated resource
allocation (called slivers) to multiple concurrently active experiments. Experiments are allocated a slice which is composed of
multiple slivers spanning multiple sites.
The nodes virtual servers (slivers) are managed by a Node
Manager (NM), which also interacts with a centralized control
module called the PlanetLab Control or PLC. Such a federated
and distributed organization involving node contributors demand-


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

ing control over the nodes that they own and users running experiments on these nodes, warrant the requirement of a trust based
security model that can scale. To avoid a N  N blow up of the trust
relationship model, the PLC acts as a trusted intermediary that manages the nodes on behalf of its owners according to a set of policies
specied by the owners, creates slices by combining resources from
these nodes and manages allocation of slices to experimenters.
PLC supports two methods of actual slice instantiation at each node,
direct and delegated. PLC runs a slice creation service called
pl_conf at each node. In the direct method, PLC front-end directly
interacts with the pl_conf service to create a corresponding virtual
machine and allocate resources to it. However, in the delegated
method, a slice creation agent on behalf of a user contacts the PLC
for a ticket. This ticket encapsulates rights to instantiate a virtual
machine at a node and get specied resources allocated to it. The
agent then contacts the pl_conf of each node to redeem this ticket
and create a slice for the user. Currently, two slice creation services
are supported on PlanetLab: (1) PLC, implementing the direct
method and (2) Emulab, implementing the delegated method.
Over time, the PlanetLab design has been extended and modied to provide better and more efcient control and support.
One such extension, within the PlanetLab control framework itself
is to allow federation of separate and independent PlanetLab instances. Federation of such nature necessitates separate instances
of PLCs to be able to communicate and coordinate with each other
through well-dened interfaces. It can be easily observed that the
PLC conducts two distinct functionalities: (1) node management on
behalf of node owners and (2) slice creation on behalf of users,
allowing the PLC to export two distinct interfaces. Also, adopting
a hierarchical naming system for slices establishing a hierarchy
of slice authorities ease trust and delegation related issues in federation. These extensions combined with added facility at the
pl_conf to create slices on behalf of multiple slice authorities
has lead to the development of regional and private PlanetLab instances that may peer with the public PlanetLab instance.
An instance of PlanetLab federation extension is the PlanetlabEurope testbed, supported by the Onelab project [112], which is
the European contribution to the world-wide publicly available
Planetlab testbed. However, the Onelab project is contributing to
enhancing the monitoring infrastructure of Planetlab [180],
extending Planetlab to newer contexts such as wireless testbeds
[41,28,29], adding capability for IPv6 based multihoming of sites
[107,108], dealing with unstable connectivity [97], integrating
and mixing emulation tools [35], and providing a framework for
network measurements.
PlanetLab being organized as an overlay over IP, it is not necessarily a realistic experimental substrate for network layer protocols. As such, actual routing protocols and router level code
cannot be run effectively on a PlanetLab slice. The VINI [113,17]
running the Internet in a slice (IIAS) effort was aimed at lling
this void by leveraging the existing widely distributed PlanetLab
network, User Mode Linux [43] and advances in open source router
code. Fig. 26 presents the PlanetLab VINI slice organization. Router
code requires root level kernel access. Thus, running router code
directly over a Planetlab slice is not possible. VINI installs User
Mode Linux (UML) [114,43] over the PlanetLab slice and installs
open source router code, XORP [115] over it. UML provides a virtual Linux kernel implementation at the user-level. This sets up a
distributed set of routers over a PlanetLab slice allowing network
level experimentation. However, VINI routers are not directly connected to each other being part of the PlanetLab overlay network.
Thus, any network level experimentation is hindered by interfering
effect of actual path routers and corresponding routing protocols
implemented on them.
Another extension of PlanetLab concerns extending the core
mechanism of the overlay hosting facility. Overlay nodes run dis-

tributed applications that might involve a lot of packet routing

and forwarding functionality. However, traditional overlay nodes
are simple computers and are not designed for fast routing and forwarding of packets. Turner et al. [203] have designed a Supercharged PlanetLab Platform (SPP) that implements separate slow
and fast paths for data processing and forwarding. The slow path
is chosen for application specic processing while the fast path is
optimized for line-speed packet forwarding and can be used by
overlay applications needing large amounts of packet processing
and forwarding. The biggest challenge facing the design of such
an overlay node is compatibility with existing PlanetLab nodes
and hiding the complexities of the node design from experimental
code. Thus, SPP introduces a new genre of networking devices designed for optimized overlay hosting.
One drawback for experimental validation over realistic testing
environments such as PlanetLab is poor repeatability and lack of
experimental control. As an example, a researcher testing a new
application optimized to handle intermittent network failures
has to wait for the underlying network environment to face such
a situation. Also, the nature of failures cannot be controlled and
hence it is difcult to test the applications response to a wide range
of failure modes. Additionally, the experiments cannot be repeated
so that deterministic application behavior can be veried. On the
contrary, a simulated testing environment can handle these
requirements though not able to mimic the realistic scale and
diversity of a realistic testbed. This clear partition of capabilities
call for a solution that can leverage the best of both worlds. Emulab
[109] is an effort in this direction. Emulab, as the name suggests,
provides an emulation environment for network experimentation. The original Emulab has since been extended to accommodate
simulated links and nodes within PlanetLab slices. This extension
allows researchers access to realistic experiments and at the same
time allowing ne-grained control and repeatability.
9.2. Next generation network testbeds: virtualization and federation
The next generation of network testbed research is primarily focused on virtualization and federation. Virtualization proposes efcient methods for resource sharing by multiple concurrent
experiments on the testbeds subject to the constraints of maintaining high degree of isolation, fairness, and security. Federation research looks at the methods to unify multiple diverse testbeds
designed to serve diverse experimental contexts and realistic
experimental environment.

Fig. 26. An IIAS router on PL-VINI.

S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

9.2.1. Federation
Networking testbeds strive to provide a realistic testing and
experimentation facility to researchers. The prime goal is to be able
to provide a platform that is as close to the production environment as possible.Federation helps realize this goal through
[159] (1) Providing larger testbed scenarios, (2) providing a diverse
testbed with specialized or diverse resources such as access technologies, (3) creating scientic communities with diverse research
backgrounds and inspiring cross discipline research, and (4) amortization of costs through more efcient sharing.
However, there exists a lot of challenges that make federation
an interesting research problem. These challenges can be categorized into technical challenges and political or socio-economic
The technical challenges involve problems such as (1) homogenization of diverse contexts to facilitate easy deployment of experiments, (2) fair and efcient sharing of scarce resources, and (3)
interoperability of security protocols.
The political or social-economic challenges are based more on
the implications of economic and organizational policies of sharing
such as policies of governments, conicts between research agencies, conicts between commercial and non-commercial interests,
and intellectual property rights related conicts.
Thus, the problem of federation of testbeds has different contexts and the solution to a specic scenario for federation varies
in accordance with the context. We shall discuss three approaches
to federation that are under research currently in the European
network community.

9.2.2. Virtualization
In spite of the tremendous success of the Internet, it is often
made to deliver services that it was not designed for (e.g., mobility,
multihoming, multicasting, anycasting, etc.). However, the IP based
one-suite-ts-all model of the Internet does not allow innovative
new architectural ideas to be seamlessly incorporated into the
architecture. Innovative and disruptive proposals, either never
get deployed or are forced to resort to inefcient round about
means. The huge investments in the deployed infrastructure base
of todays networks add to this ossication by preventing newer
paradigms of networking from being tested and deployed. Virtualization seems to be the only possible solution to break this current
impasse [7].
Turner et al. [204] propose a diversied Internet architecture
that advocates the ideas of virtualization of the substrate elements
(routers) of the network infrastructure. Such an approach would
allow researchers to implement and test diverse routing protocols
(non-IP based) and service paradigms. The argument is that multiple competing technologies shall be able to co-exist in large scale
experimentation and thus the barrier to entry from experimentation to production environments shall be reduced considerably.
Such a testbed shall also be free from all intrinsic assumptions that
commonly malice the credibility of conventional experimental
CABO (Concurrent Architectures are Better than One) by Feamster et al. [51] is a design of the next generation Internet that allows concurrent architectures to co-exist. The key idea is to
decouple the infrastructure from the infrastructure services. The
infrastructure providers in CABO are expected to lease infrastructure entities such as backbone routers, backbone links, and
switches, over which service providers could deploy their own specic protocols and run their own network services optimized to
specic service parameters such as quality of service, low latency,
and real-time support. The infrastructure providers may virtualize
their infrastructure substrate and thus allow the isolated co-existence of multiple service providers.


An interesting new paradigm to allow the natural integration of

virtualized network contexts implementing newer services is presented in the Recursive Network Architecture (RNA) proposed by
Touch et al. [200,201]. RNA allows protocol instances to be dynamically created, bottom-up to implement a new networking context.
It is argued that the present networking protocol stack is static
although it operates in a dynamic environment wherein the protocol stack might need to change over time due to addition of new
services and capabilities through newer protocols, different versions or implementations of existing protocols, etc. This leads to
a very interesting observation made in the RNA proposal that protocols in the current Internet cannot dynamically modify their
behavior based on sound assumptions of services implemented
at a lower protocol layer, and thus the decision to include/exclude
a new protocol service at a given layer is pushed all the way up to
the user. An example in support of this observation is the decision
to bind TCP to either IPv4 or IPv6 is taken at the application layer
rather than at the TCP layer, where it would have been more
appropriate. The key motivation of RNA is to develop a framework
wherein protocols may be dynamically composed as per the functional requirements of its context (functions implemented in the
protocol layer below it and the end-to-end region of the protocols
extent). The key idea is to implement a generic meta-protocol that
implements a generic set of functions and services and exposes
knobs to allow conguration of these services based on the context
of its instantiation at a protocol layer.This allows natural support
for virtualized contexts to be dynamically dened over optimally
composed network stacks to implement newer network functions.
Also, the process of dynamic composition entails cross-layer interaction across the protocol instances, thus preventing re-implementation of redundant services at each layer.
Although not directly relevant to the central theme of the discussion in this section, the discussion on RNA provides a good context to discuss the IPC model of networking proposed by John
Day [40]. The basic principle underlying the proposed model is that
the author believes that networking is basically inter-process
communication (IPC). Accordingly, in this model, application
processes communicate via a distributed inter-process communication (IPC) facility, and application processes that make up this
facility provide a protocol that implements an IPC mechanism,
and a protocol for managing distributed IPC (routing, security
and other management tasks). The model is recursive in that
the IPC processes are able to request services from lower IPC facilities. It is argued by the author that this fundamental view of networking has the potential to solve some of the most fundamental
problems in the current Internet including security, manageability,
multihoming, mobility, and scalability.
The Internet 3.0 architecture, discussed in Section 7.6, also proposes an architectural framework that allows virtual networks optimized to serve specic application requirements to be dynamically
setup over a policy and functionally federated resource base of
the multi-ownership network. Also, the term virtual networks
in Internet 3.0 is dened in the context of the communication paradigm based view of networking rather than the communication
system based view of the current Internet. In the communication
system based view of networking, the network is treated as a separate system that provides service(s) to application contexts
through standardized interfaces. On the other hand, in a communication paradigm based view of networking, the network is an
integral part of the application context and needs to be diversied
and programmable such that it can be dynamically congured to
optimize the specic requirements of an application context. Thus,
virtual networks in Internet 3.0 are dynamically congured, programmable networks that serve specic application requirements
and at the same time achieve performance and functional isolation
between the separate virtualized network instances.


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

(A) Isolated Virtual Networks

VN 1

VN 2

Real TestBed Network

(B) Transitive Virtual Networks
VN 1

VN 2

Real Operational Network

(C) Overlaid Virtual Networks
VN 2
VN 1
Real Operational Network
Fig. 27. AKARI: different virtualization models.

The AKARI Project [116,2] of Japan also advocates the use of virtualization as the basis of the Internet architecture in the next generation [67]. As shown in Fig. 27, the AKARI project extends the
idea of isolated virtual networks to: (1) Transitive virtual networks
cooperation and/or communication between virtual networks
and (2) overlaid virtual networks: one virtual network over the
However, though Internet-scale deployment of virtualization as
the basis of the Internet architecture may not be possible in the
near future, network testbed designs may immensely benet from
it. The properties of isolation and exibility of virtualization suit
the needs of next generation testbeds that need to be able to support diverse architecture experiments on a shared substrate such
that they do not interfere with each other. Also, the feasibility of
the core idea of virtualization as the basis of an Internet-scale network can be tested through experiences in deploying testbeds
based on virtualization.
Virtualization in testbed design. The idea of virtualization to
isolate network experiments running on shared substrate is not
new. However, existing networking testbeds operate on an overlay
above the IP based networks, seriously constraining the realism of
network level experiments. To overcome this impasse, the future of
networking testbeds shall have to be designed for end-to-end isolation, requiring the virtualization of end-hosts, substrate links and
substrate nodes.
Turner [202] proposes a GENI substrate design that allows multiple meta-networks to co-exist. Each meta-network consist of a
meta-router (a virtualized slice from a router) and meta-links joining the meta-networks. The design of substrate routers that support co-existence of several meta-routers has to cope with the
challenges of exibly allocating bandwidth and generic processing
resources among the meta-routers, maintaining isolation properties. The three main components of a router are: (1) line cards
terminate physical links and process packets, (2) switching fabric
transfers data from line cards where they arrive to line cards connected to outgoing links, and (3) control processor a general purpose microprocessor for control and management functions of the
router such as running routing protocols and updating tables at the
line cards.
A natural design choice of virtualizing such a hardware would
be to virtualize the line cards to derive meta-line cards. However,

this approach fails since the multi-core network processors on

these line cards share a common memory causing the meta-line
cards to interfere with each other. Instead, a processing pool
architecture is employed in which the processing resources used
by the meta-routers are separated from the physical link interfaces. As shown in Fig. 28, a set of processing engines (PE) are connected to the line cards through a switch. The line cards that
terminate the physical links abstain from doing any packet processing and just forward the packets to the PEs through the
switching fabric. A meta-network may use one or more than one
PEs for packet processing. Details of the isolation of the switching
fabric and other architectural details can be found in [202].
Developing specialized substrate nodes as discussed in [204]
shall take considerable amount of time, effort and research to develop. Also, such substrates present only in research facilities shall
greatly constrain the magnitude and realism of experiments. A
short-term solution that can allow similar experimentation exibility over substrate nodes in campus networks is proposed in
[117,98]. To be able to do so, substrate production nodes in campus
networks need to provide an open, programmable virtualized environment for researchers to be able to install and run their experiments. However, this approach has two problems. Network
administrators shall not be comfortable to allow running experimental code on production routers or switches and commodity
router and switch manufacturers are ever reluctant to divulge
the technology that sits inside their high-end products, thus providing no chance for virtualization, either software or hardware.
To break this impasse, an open-ow switch has been designed
that (1) provides complete isolation of production trafc from
experimental trafc thus easing the anxiety of network administrators and (2) does not require commodity hardware manufacturers to open their internal architecture except for incorporating the
open-ow switch into their hardware. The design of the switch
takes advantage of TCAM (Ternary Content-Addressable Memory)
based ow tables used mostly by all routers and switches. The idea
is to identify incoming packets based on ow parameters (IP addresses, ports, etc.) and take appropriate action as directed in the
ow table for a packet belonging to a certain ow. The action can
be as simple as forwarding the packet to a particular port (for production trafc) or encapsulating and forwarding the packet to the
controller (for the rst packet of any ow or for a certain experimental trafc). The exact details of the switch specication are beyond the scope of the current discussion and may be found at [98].

Fig. 28. Architecture of a programmable router design.

S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

The virtualization techniques discussed in these two schemes

are in addition to the various other schemes of virtualization of
end systems through virtual machine or virtual server techniques.
However, these virtualization techniques do not support the needs
of wireless environment. The key problems are: (1) Isolation:
While it is not possible to over-provision the wireless bandwidth,
the scarcity of the wireless bandwidth resource forces new partitioning models to be able to support a reasonable number of isolated experiments and (2) Uniqueness of nodes: wireless signal
propagation is a node specic property (coding, multiplexing,
etc.) and difcult to control. Some techniques for virtualization of
wireless network elements are discussed in [165]. Some of the
techniques for sharing the wireless resources are: (1) Frequency
Division Multiple Access (FDMA), (2) Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), (3) Combined TDMA and FDMA: Virtualize the node
by allowing different users to use given frequency partition for a
specic period of time, (4) Frequency Hopping: Virtualize the node
by allowing different users to use different frequency partitions at
different time slots, and (5) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA):
Each user is give a unique and orthogonal code and is allowed to
use the entire frequency for the entire time without interference
with each other.
Using a combination of these virtualization techniques, a wireless testbed may offer sliceability through (1) Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA): A node with a xed wireless range is dedicated
fully to a user and partitioning is done using spatial separation of
multiple nodes in the testbed, (2) combined SDMA and TDMA:
The nodes are spatially separated and also each node is partitioned
using TDMA creating time slots, (3) combined SDMA and FDMA:
the nodes are separated spatially and each node is partitioned
using FDMA, creating frequency partitions, and (4) combined
SDMA, TDMA and FDMA: The nodes are spatially separated, and
each node is partitioned by frequency partitions and each frequency partition is partitioned into time slots.
Thus, virtualization is widely accepted to be the basis for enabling a exible Internet architecture for the future that would
accommodate multiple architectures and allow disruptive innovations and technologies to be easily incorporated into the core
architectures. As for the present, testbed designs based on virtualization concepts serve, both as a proof-of-concept for virtualizable
Internet architecture of the future and a hosting substrate for testing of disruptive technologies for the future.
9.3. Next generation network testbeds: implementations
The two biggest efforts in this direction are the GENI (Global
Environment for Network Innovations) [118] effort in the US and
the FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation) [119]
effort in Europe. While the primary GENI objective is to make a
dedicated shared substrate facility available for large scale and
long-lived experiments, the primary focus of the FIRE project is
to federate multiple existing network testbeds in Europe (as a result of prior programs) and provides a large multi-context realistic
testbed available for research. In the next two subsections, we shall
briey discuss the GENI and FIRE projects limiting our scope to the
GENI substrate architecture and FIRE federation efforts.
9.3.1. Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI)
GENI or Global Environment for Network Innovations is an effort by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the United States
to design and implement a network testbed to support at-scale
experimentation on shared, heterogeneous long-lived and highly
instrumented infrastructure [57]. GENI shall have its own dedicated backbone link infrastructure through partnerships with the
National LambdaRail [120] and the Internet2 [121] projects. GENI
is also expected to federate with a wide range of other infrastruc-


tural facilities to add to its diversity and support for realism. In the
rest of this subsection on GENI, we rst discuss the key GENI
requirements, the generalized GENI control framework and nally
we look into the ve different cluster projects, each developing a
prototype control framework for GENI underlying the components
of the generalized GENI control framework.
GENI requirements. GENI comprises of a set of hardwire components including computer nodes, access links, customizable routers, switches, backbone links, tail links, wireless subnets, etc.
Experiments on GENI shall run on a subset of these resources
called a slice. In general, two types of activities shall be supported over the GENI testbed: (1) deployment of prototype network systems and observing them under real usage and (2)
running controlled experiments. Some of the key requirements
for the GENI infrastructure are:
1. Sliceability: In order for GENI to be cost-effective and be able to
cater to as many experimental requirements as possible, GENI
shall need to support massive sharing of resources, at the same
time ensuring isolation between experiments.
2. Programmability: GENI is a testing environment needing generality. All GENI components need to be programmable so that
researchers are able to implement and deploy their own set of
protocols at the component level.
3. Virtualization and resource sharing: Sliceability entails sharing
of resources. A common form of resource sharing is through virtualization techniques, wherever possible. However, for some
resources, owing to the some inherent properties of the
resource (e.g., an UMTS link can support only one active connection at a time), other methods such as time-shared multiplexing may be employed.
4. Federation: The GENI suite is expected to be a federated whole
of many different parts owned and managed by different organizations. Federation also adds diversity to the underlying
resource pool, thus allowing experiments to run closer to real
production systems.
5. Observability: One of GENIs core goals is to provide highly
instrumented infrastructure to support accurate measurements
of experiments. Hence, the GENI design should allow an efcient, exible, robust and easily speciable measurement
6. Security: GENI is expected to run many disruptive and innovative protocols and algorithms. Also, GENI experiments may be
allowed to interact with existing Internet functionality. Hence,
security concerns require that GENI nodes cannot harm the production Internet environment, either maliciously or
Several other requirements and detailed discussions can be
found in the GENI design documents [8,186,38,175,22,18,80].
However, the key value proposition of GENI that separates it from
smaller scale or more specic testbeds are:
1. Wide scale deployment access not restricted to those who
provide backbone resources to GENI.
2. Diverse and extensible set of network technologies.
3. Support for real user trafc.
In the rest of this discussion on GENI, we focus specically on
the control architectural framework of GENI and also look at some
of the protocol designs that are being undertaken as the rst phase
of prototype design.
GENI generalized control framework. Before looking at the
specic prototype designs for the GENI generalized control framework in Fig. 29, we need to look at the generic GENI control framework as dened in [58]. GENI consists of several subsystems:


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

GENI Admin and Ops. Org


Accounting Tools
Management Tools



GENI Clearinghouse

Slice Registry



Slice A Record

Slice B Record

GENI Components



Slice Manager


GENI Services





A (Control
Tools )

Slice A

Host X

Component A




Service S

GENI Access

Experimental Plane
Measurement Plane
Control Plane
Mgmt and Ops Plane
Fig. 29. GENI: generalized control framework and constituent subsystems.

1. Components and aggregate components: A device which hosts a

set of resources is called a component. The resources of a component may be shared through virtualization or other methods
among multiple experiments such that they satisfy the properties of programmability, isolation, and security. A set of components under a central control is called an aggregate. A
component may belong to one or more such aggregates.
2. Clearinghouses and control framework: A clearinghouse is a
centralized registry that maintains the information for principles, slices, and components. This information in the registries
may be used to drive access control policies, control policies,
trust mechanisms and federation mechanisms for the components or the aggregates within its scope of control.
3. Measurement subsystem: The measurement subsystem satises the Observability goal of GENI. It provides a framework
for measurement, archival and retrieval of experimental data.
4. Administration and operations: This subsystem provides tools,
services, and technical support for enabling incorporation of
new resources into GENI, identifying and managing misbehaving resources and assisting researchers using GENI.
5. Experimenter tools and services: This subsystem provides support tools for easy experiment deployment and execution.
These tools include functionalities such as resource discovery,
resource reservation, designing, composing, debugging, instrumentation, and access policies.
Apart from the components discussed above, in GENI control
framework, each aggregate has a Aggregate Manager (AM) and
every component has a Component Manager (CM). Also, the clearing house has a Slice Manager (SM) that can reserve slices for a particular experiment. Also, the control framework denes (1)
Interfaces between the entities, (2) Message types, (3) Message

ow between entities to realize an experiment, and (4) a control

plane for transporting messages between entities. More details of
the control framework of GENI can be found at [58].
GENI control framework: prototype clusters. The GENI generalized control framework denes the entities, interfaces, and
semantics for running experiments within a sliced, federated suite
of infrastructure. However, the exact nature of the control activities, the design of the control plane and its implementation are still
under active consideration. As such, under the spiral 1 [122], the
GENI has set up ve clusters, with each cluster responsible to
implement and deploy a prototype implementation of a control
mechanism suitable to be incorporated as the control mechanism
of the GENI control framework. These ve clusters are: (1) Cluster
A TIED, (2) Cluster B Planetlab, (3) Cluster C ProtoGENI, (4)
Cluster D ORCA, and (5) Cluster E ORBIT. The discussion is restricted to discussing the control framework design and the federation mechanisms in each cluster prototype development.
Ancillary projects within each cluster developing aggregates, virtualized nodes, etc. are beyond the scope of the current discussion.
Cluster A: Trial Integration Environment with DETER (TIED)
control framework. The Cluster A GENI prototype uses the DETER [123,19] control framework and designs a federation architecture for the security experiment testbeds anticipating the GENI
control framework. DETER is an Emulab based testbed architecture
extended to specically support robust experiment isolation for
cyber-security experimentation [124]. Cyber-security experimentations enforce added concerns of security in which an experiment
may try to break-free from its isolated environment and attack
other experiments, testbed control hardware and also the Internet.
Malicious code running as experiments inside the testbed with
root access on the nodes can spoof its IP or MAC address. Hence,
isolation needs to be implemented right at layer 2 of the protocol

S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242


To Federents: Federent Config. & Authorization Tokens

From Federents: Authorization requirements and resource

Integration of
SEER to control
prototype GENI


Physical Infrastructure



DETER Test-bed

Integration of
DRAGON to control
physical network




Physical Infrastructure


Extension of DETER to
create GENI Federation

GMC: GENI Management Core


Fig. 31. Plain Vanilla implementation of GENI wrapper.

GENI Test-bed

User Credentials and Authorization

Fig. 30. TIED federation mechanism.

stack. DETER handles this through VLAN (Virtual LAN) technology

and switched Ethernet connectivity. The details of the exact architecture of the DETER testbed can be found at [19]. Thus, DETER
supports a secure sliceabile capability which ensures strict isolation of experiments running on a common substrate [87]. Also, a
federation model of DETER with other Emulab [109] based testbeds, such as WAIL [110], can be found at [49].
Federation architecture: TIED proposes a dynamic federation
architecture through a federator module mediating between distributed researchers and distributed, diverse testbed environments.
A user is supposed to specify his experimental requirements in
some high-level constructs which are mapped to experiment topology, resource requirement, etc. by an experiment creation tool. The
experiment creation tool may also have as inputs, the specic properties of testbeds in the federated environment. The experiment
creation tools nally submit an experiment representation to
the Federator. The federator is responsible to set-up a coherent
experiment across resources from multiple testbeds, abstracting
the specic control and management heterogeneity from users. A
diagrammatic representation of the TIED federation architecture
can be seen in Fig. 30. SEER [182] is the Security Experimental Environment for DETER which comprises of various tools integrated to
ease the conguration of security experiments by researchers,
while DRAGON [125] allows inter-domain dynamic resource allocation across multiple heterogeneous networking technologies. Details of SEER and DRAGON are beyond the scope of the present
discussion and an interested reader is encouraged to follow the references to know more about them.
As part of the spiral 1 prototype development effort, TIED
undertakes the following activities [59] (1) Development and
deployment of TIED component manager and clearinghouse packages, (2) operate a clearinghouse prototype for TIED, (3) provide
GENI users access to TIED testbed. Thus, TIED allows GENI prototype developers to use TIED clearinghouse and component implementations in their own aggregate mangers leveraging the TIED
federation architecture and also the secure and controlled experimental environment provided for security experiments in DETER.
Cluster B: PlanetLab control framework. Cluster B utilizes
the Planetlab control framework. While the Planetlab control
framework is extended to coalesce with the GENI control framework and realize the GENI design goals of federation and sliceability, the rest of the six projects are involved in designing substrate
nodes with diverse capabilities for resource sharing and isolation,
and their corresponding component managers.
Planetlab has already been discussed in Section 9.1. The cluster
B prototype development effort enhances the control framework

for Planetlab and extends it to be able to coherently federate all

slice based architecture network substrates [169] such as PlanetLab, VINI, Emulab and GENI. The various enhancements are implemented through a GENI wrapper module [170] that bundles an
aggregate manager, slice manager and a registry into the PlanetLab
Control (PLC) and also a Component Manager to individual nodes
(nodes in PlanetLab correspond to components of GENI [169]).
The plain Vanilla Planetlab implementation of the GENI wrapper is shown in Fig. 31. Users setup a slice by interacting with
the slice manager (SM). The slice manager contacts the registry
(R) to get the necessary credentials and then contact the slice manager interface of the aggregate manager (AM) to create and control
the slice. The Aggregate manager communicates to the individual
components through the component managers (CMs) slice management interface.
Federation architecture: Based on the Vanilla PlanetLab implementation, federation with other slice based architectures may be
architected as follows:
1. Alternative slice manager: As shown in Fig. 32 for the case of federation between PlanetLab and Emulab, the Emulab Slice Manager contacts the PlanetLab Registry to retrieve the credentials,
then it contacts the PlanetLab Aggregate Manager to retrieve a
ticket for each slice and nally it redeems those tickets directly
with the PlanetLab nodes through the component managers.
2. Common registry: As shown in Fig. 33, A common registry is
maintained between the federating entities, PlanetLab and
Emulab, such that the credentials are commonly maintained
at the PLC and Emulab may retrieve these credentials and use
it to create slices purely on Emulab nodes through the Emulab
aggregate manager.
3. Multiple aggregates: As shown in Fig. 34 for the case of Planetlab and VINI, PlanetLab Slice Manager retrieves credentials from
the common registry and may use these credentials to create
slices through the Aggregate managers of both PlanetLab and
VINI. This results in a federation where users are allowed to

Fig. 32. PlaneLab Emulab Federation: alternative slice manager.


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

Component managers

Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL)

All Root certificates

Federates Certificate
Register Users
Register Slices

Fig. 33. PlaneLab Emulab Federation: common registry.

Federate 1


Federate 2

Root Certificates


Root Certificates

Fig. 36. ProtoGENI control framework.

Fig. 34. PlanetLab VINI Federation: multiple aggregates.

Fig. 35. PlanetLab PlanetLab-Europe Federation: full aggregation.

run their experiments spanning multiple diverse testbeds such

that one of the testbeds (in this case VINI) not implementing
any Registry or Slice management functionality.
4. Full aggregation: As shown in Fig. 35, full federation involves
both the federating parties maintaining their own registries.
This allows a multiple aggregate scenario wherein each federating party is functionally independent from each other, implementing its own slice manager, aggregate manager and
registry. Users belonging to one testbed may create and control
components from both the testbeds.
Cluster C: ProtoGENI control framework. The control framework in ProtoGENI [126] is an enhanced version of the Emulab control software. The ProtoGENI clearinghouse [127] has been
designed to allow it to be shared by all members of the ProtoGENI
federation as shown in Fig. 36 and performs the following two
functions: (1) Allows users to nd components and (2) acts as a
central point of trust for all members in the federation.
Federation architecture: Each member of the ProtoGENI federation is an Emulab installation site and has to have a self-generated
and self signed root certicate. This certicate becomes the identity of the federated site within ProtoGENI. Thus a web of trust
is formed between all the members of the federation. A user is provided with an SSL certicate issued by its local Emulab instance
which authenticates the user to the entire federation. Certication
Revocation Lists (CRL) are sent by each member of the federation to
the Clearinghouse, where they are combined and sent out to each
member of the federation. The Aggregate Manager of ProtoGENI is
implemented by placing the Component Manager API code on top

of the Emulab software. Thus, this makes any site running the latest version of Emulab code to join the federation quite easily. It
may be noted that the federation concepts of ProtoGENI is in contrast to that of the Planetlab federation concept that allows federation between any two testbeds that implement a slice based
Cluster D: Open Resource Control Architecture (ORCA) control framework. The Cluster D GENI prototype development
plan involves the extension of ORCA (a candidate control framework for GENI) [128] to include the optical resources available in
BEN (Breakable Experimental Network). ORCA is a control plane
approach for secure and efcient management of heterogeneous
resources [129]. ORCA is different from traditional resource management schemes based on middlewares operating between the
host operating system supplying resources and the applications
requesting them. ORCA denes a paradigm of resource management wherein the resource management of ORCA runs as an
underware [37] below the host operating system. ORCA uses virtualization to allocate containers over which a resource requester may install its own environment. Hence, as shown in Fig. 37,
the ORCA control plane may be viewed as an Internet Operating
System supporting a diverse set of user environments on a common set of hardware resources.
Also, as shown in Fig. 38, the ORCA underware control plane
allows federation of various heterogeneous underlying resource
pools, each with their own set of resource allocation policies.
Federation architecture: The implementation of federation of
diverse resource pools is architected through Shakiro [73] resource
leasing architecture based on the SHARP [56] secure resource peer-

Fig. 37. ORCA control plane.


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

Measurements for

Experiment A
Database A

User A

Aggregate Manager

Experiment A


for A

Resource Manager
Resource Controller
(RC) for Experiment A





Resource Controller
(RC) for Experiment B

Experiment B

Resource 1 .. Resource N

Fig. 40. ORBIT control and management framework (OMF).

Fig. 38. ORCA underware.

ing framework. Each SHARP resource has a type with associated

attributes and available quantity. As shown in Fig. 39, the site exports a leasing service interface. An application specic service
manager may make resource request through the lease API to the
broker. The broker matches the requirements and issues tickets
for particular resource types, quantity and location. The service
manager may then redeem the tickets with the site-leasing service
interface which allocates resources and sets them up.
Cluster E: the ORBIT control framework. The Cluster E GENI
prototype is based on the extension of control and management
framework (OMF) [132] of ORBIT to suit the GENI compliant control framework. ORBIT [130,131] is a unique wireless networking
testbed which comprises of (1) A laboratory based wireless network emulator for an initial, reproducible testing environment,
and (2) Real-world testbed environment of wireless nodes (mix
of 3G and 802.11 wireless access) for eld validation of
The OMF is the control and management framework for ORBIT.
As shown in Fig. 40, the user end has an Experiment Controller
component that is responsible for controlling an user experiment,
translating an experiment description to resource requirement and
communicating with the resource manager for allocation and control or required resources. The OMF has three primary components: (1) The aggregate manager responsible for the overall
management of the testbed, (2) resource manager exists on every
Resource and manages various aspects of the resource, and (3) resource controller communicates with an experiment controller to
control the part of the resource committed to an experiment. Final-



Plug-In broker Policies
Resource Selection
Admission Control


Service Manager

Site Authority
Broker Service Interface


Join/Leave Lease
Monitoring Interface

Redeem Ticket for Lease

Lease Update



Fig. 39. ORCA federation mechanism.


Handlers for

ly, a centralized database stores and retrieves experimental measurement data.

The OMF is a candidate control framework for GENI and hence
the OMF design is being extended to: (1) support multiple heterogeneous hardware, (2) support resource virtualization to support
multiple experiments sharing a resource, (3) federate multiple
testbeds, and (4) add dynamic steering of experimental control.
Federation architecture: As part of the Spiral 1 effort, OMF is
being extended to support multiple heterogeneous testbeds in
accordance with the GENI control framework [133]. Already,
OMF has been extended to support mobile testbeds by dening
methods to: (1) distribute experiment scripts to mobile nodes,
(2) cache experimental measurement data locally on the node in
cases of disconnection, and (3) perform experiment actions at predened points in time. This extension of OMF is aimed to demonstrate the capability of OMF to support multiple heterogeneous
testbeds and thus concur to the GENI design requirements.
9.3.2. FIRE testbeds
The counterpart of the GENI effort in the US is the Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) effort of the European
A diverse set of testbeds for networking experimentation and
testing, in various contexts of access technologies, engineering
motivations and layered and cross-layered architecture validation,
were developed as part of various past research efforts in Europe.
The basis of most of this work relates back to the GEANT project
[134] which was undertaken to connect 30 National Education
and Research Networks (NRENs), spread across Europe through a
multi-gigabit network dedicated specically for research and educational use. The GEANT network thus provides the high bandwidth infrastructure to be shared among various research
projects ranging from grid computing to real time collaborative
experimentation support. Also, multiple cutting edge network services, such as IPv6, IP with QoS, multicasting, premium IP (prioritized IP based services), have been implemented and are
available over GEANT. Hence, GEANT is not a testbed but a production level network infrastructure serving the research community
in Europe, much in the spirit of the original NSFNet, LambdaRail
[120], CSENET or Internet2 [121] networks in various other parts
of the world.
A discussion of GEANT was essential in the present context because the European effort for infrastructure development for the
next generation Internet experimentation and testing is mostly focused on efforts towards the federation of diverse individual testbeds over the GEANT infrastructure facility. Federation is dened
as a union comprising a number of partially self-governing regions united by a central federal government under a common
set of objectives [159]. Fig. 41 shows various testbed development
research projects that were undertaken as part of the Framework 6
program, most of which are either complete or almost reaching
completion [135].


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

Information Society Technologies

IPv6 Mobility
and Multihoming

QoS Policies in IP Networks



New Routing


QoS in Multi-domain
IP Networks





Federation of Testbeds

VITAL Convergence Services over

Fig. 41. Overview of FP6 projects.

These projects are expected to serve as the foundations for the

FIRE facility with the projects such as Onelab 2 [112], Panlab II
[136], VITAL++ [137], and WISEBED [138], exploring ideas for the
federation of these facilities into a single large experimental facility. Another project, FEDERICA [139], is aimed at developing an
end-to-end isolated experimental facility over dedicated high
speed links provisioned over existing educational and research networks. FEDERICA has similar sliceability objectives as that of
GENI. As shown in Fig. 42, while the other FIRE projects mainly
concentrate on federation aiming to support experimentation on
a diverse and rich set of underlying technologies, FEDERICA is more
of a virtualization proposal aimed at allowing end-to-end disruptive innovations in architecture and protocol design.
In the rest of this section, we shall discuss the virtualization
concepts of FEDERICA followed by the federation mechanisms of
Onelab 2, PANLAB and PII, and WISEBED.
FEDERICA. FEDERICA [52,53] connects 12 PoPs (Point of Presence) using high speed (1 Gbps) dedicated circuit infrastructure
provisioned via the education and research infrastructure of
GEANT2 [140] and NRENs and virtualization techniques to create
a slice consisting of virtual circuits, virtualizable and programmable switches and routers, and virtualizable computing resources. The slice is the fundamental unit of allocation for a
users experimental needs. The substrate just creates the necessary
resource conguration and is completely agnostic about the protocol, services and applications running on them. For those users
wishing to test a distributed application may request a set of virtual routers and hosts pre-congured with IP and those users
wanting to test a novel routing protocol may request a set of virtual hosts and routers interconnected over Ethernet circuits forming a specied topology. In fact, the FEDERICA approach of resource
sharing and end-to-end experiment isolation is very similar to the
proposals of a diversied Internet architecture discussed in [204,7].
FEDERICA has four core sites and 8 on-core sites. The core sites
are connected into a full mesh topology through high-speed
(1 Gbps) GEANT2 infrastructure links. The core allows only direct
dedicated channels between the core switches making the core
highly resilient and efcient. The core also allows BGP peering with
the global Internet subject to security restrictions. Non-core POPs



Fig. 42. Relationship amongst various FIRE projects.

do not have the strict requirement of direct connection. Hence,

non-core POPs can connect to FEDERICA via the GEANT2 infrastructure, via NRENs or via the public Internet. Also there is another group of POPs called collaborative POPs. Collaborative
POPs do not provide guaranteed resources to the infrastructure
and also they are managed and controlled by their owners.
A major difference between FEDERICA and other similar efforts
such as GENI is that, FEDERICA is much more modest in terms of
size and diversity. The only objective of FEDERICA is to develop
an end-to-end isolated testing environment to be able to support
innovative and disruptive network experimentation. As a result,
FEDERICA will be available for researchers much sooner than any
of the other similar testbed design efforts.
OneLab2. OneLab2 is an extension of OneLab and has a focus on
research using open source tools and softwares. It is primarily noncommercial and hence the primary challenges for federation are
technical rather than political. Also, as discussed in [160], an economic incentive based model needs to be developed to increase
the resource contribution by each participating site. Resource provisioning in Planetlab currently follows a minimum xed contribution rule wherein each site needs to contribute at least 2 nodes to
be a part of the system. The allocation policies of Planetlab restrict
each site from having at most 10 slices. However, since each slice
has unrestricted access to resources irrespective of the number of
nodes they contribute to the system, these allocation policies are
not economic-centric in the sense that there does not exist enough
incentive for a site to provision more resources for the system. To
develop effective economic incentive models, wherein allocation is
somehow related to contribution, the rst step is to develop a metric for evaluating the value of a site through characterization of the
resources offered. A suggestion [171] is to characterize resources
based on three broad characteristics: (1) Diversity (technology,
number of nodes, etc.), (2) Capacity (CPU, bandwidth, memory,
etc.), and (3) Time (duration, reliability, etc.).
Federation mechanism: The present federation policies between Planetlab and Planetlab-Europe are that of peering wherein users from both facilities have the same access rights over the
whole infrastructure and both facilities apply the same local policy.
However, pairwise federation leads to the common full mesh
n  n scalability problems, with n being the number of federating sites. The problem worsens with plans to have large scale localized federations across heterogeneous networking contexts as
discussed in Section 9.2.1. This calls for a hierarchical federation
architecture in which an instance of PlanetLab central federates
with various regional/local/personal PlanetLab instances which in
turn federate with local testbeds [171]. Also, another model of federation could be based on Consumer-Provider relationship in scenarios wherein the users of one local federation form a subset of
users of a larger federation. Hierarchical federation policies, however, introduce the added concerns of Local Vs Global Policy
PANLAB and PII (Panlab II). PANLAB is the acronym for Pan
European Laboratory and is mostly a consortium of telecom service
providers across Europe. It was an effort to federate distributed test
laboratories and testbeds across Europe to provide a diverse and
heterogeneous facility for large scale networking experiments. It
provides a realistic testing environment for novel service concepts,
networking technologies and business models prior to their
launching into production environments.
Federation mechanism: The main challenges for the creation of
Panlab involve dening an architecture for diverse contextual platforms to be able to federate across a seamless homogenized platform
accessible to its users. PANLAB takes an evolutionary approach,
moving towards higher degree of automation in the management
and control functions of the testbed. Fig. 43 shows the third and nal
level of this evolution. The three phases of evolution are:


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

Overlay Software
running on the portal server

Uses Configuration,
PANLAB Customer

Test-bed portal servers at

each WISEBED Partner Site

PANLAB Partner





Discovers, Configures,
Manipulates resources
for test configurations




Infrastructure as a Service (IIAS)


Virtual Resources Interacts with Devices

Database Server

Test-bed 1

Test-bed 2

Users connect
directly with the
federated test-bed
using Webservices via the
overlay network


Users connect
directly with a
single test-bed
using Webservices defined
by the OFA

Overlay Network


Test-bed n


Resource Provider
(Create virtual
Resource, set
Policies, etc)


Fig. 43. PANLAB federation nal phase: on-demand conguration approach.

1. Centralized approach: This is the rst phase. Each partner site

shall have to ll up a web form manually detailing the testbed
descriptions and resources available for sharing. This form is
provided by a web-based search services called Teagle. Users
wishing to run an experiment submit the nature of the experimental requirements to Teagle. Teagle looks up the repository
of testbed meta-data and tries to nd a match.
2. Manual conguration approach: In this phase, the partner
sites advertise the testbed meta-data by using a specialized
middleware and expose a Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
interface [Fig. 43]. Teagle will search the repository as well as
query this service for required resources. In this phase,
resources are virtualized and, hence, the IaaS may hide the
actual location of a resource from the user providing infrastructure from one or more partner sites.
3. On-demand conguration approach: In this nal phase of
evolution shown in Fig. 43, Teagle will establish an on-demand
testbed according to the user requirement by directly interacting with the virtualized resources. Teagle provides a best effort
conguration and the users need to directly access the
resources for complex congurations.
PANLAB also proposes the use of IMS (Internet Protocol Multimedia subsystem) to support the control plane of the federation.
PII or PANLAB II is an extension of PANLAB and includes a federated
testbed of four core innovative clusters and three satellite clusters
[136]. PII takes a more holistic view of federation by considering
the breadth of technological, social, economical and political considerations of the federation.

partner site
maintains its
own testbed with
its own

Fig. 44. Overall architecture of WISEBED testbed federation.

range of hardware and software technologies. The federation

mechanism of WISEBED consists of a hierarchy of layers, with each
layer comprising of one or more peers. The bottom layer consists of
a network of wireless sensor nodes belonging to diverse hardware
and software technologies. Each testbed exposes a web-based portal through which users may deploy, control and execute experiments. These portal servers form the second layer of the
WISEBED federation architecture. The third and nal layer is an
overlay of the portal servers. Each portal server exposes its services
through an identical interface allowing the federation to expose an
unied virtual testbed to the users. Each site participating in the
federation needs to expose Open Federation Alliance (OFA) standardized interfaces for accessing and controlling the testbed.
Fig. 45 presents a high-level view of the portal servers. The portal servers are responsible for the control, management and measurements of a single site. The inner layer consists of services
that can communicate with hardware sensor devices through gateways to the wireless networks. User commands are translated into
a generic binary packet format that can be understood by the wide
and diverse wireless substrate technologies of the testbed. Also,
each portal server is connected to one or more, local data stores
for storing measurement data. The outer layer exposes service
interfaces for users to access the testbed through the portal server.


9.3.3. WISEBED
The WISEBED project [213] is aimed at federating large scale
wireless sensor testbeds to provide a large, diversied, multi-level
infrastructure of small-scale heterogeneous devices. An Open Federation Alliance (OFA) is dened that develops open standards for
accessing and controlling the federation. WISEBED classies the diverse testbeds into two categories: (1) Fully integrated: The testbed denes a full range of services as dened by the OFA and (2)
semi integrated: Provides sunset of the service dened in the
OFA. Another classication based on the access to the testbed also
consists of two categories: (1) Fully Accessible: users can access
the testbed data and also re-program the testbed devices and (2)
semi accessible: Users are only permitted to extract experimental
data from the testbed.
Federation mechanism: As shown in Fig. 44, WISEBED federates multiple wireless sensor node testbeds comprising of a diverse





DB #k



DB #2



DB #1

Fig. 45. WISEBED: high-level view of portal servers.


S. Paul et al. / Computer Communications 34 (2011) 242

Either these portal servers or a separate overlay node running

client services to the portal server in its inner layer and exporting
portal server interface in its outer layer, run an overlay software to
form the federate with other sites. An user requiring uses federated
resources may connect using OFA standard web services through
the overlay.

10. Conclusions
A number of industry and government funding agencies
throughout the world are funding research on architecture for future networks that are clean-slate and are not bound by the constraints of the current TCP/IP protocol suite. In this paper, we have
provided an overview of several such projects. National Science
Foundation (NSF) in the United States started a future Internet design (FIND) program which has funded a number of architectural
studies related to clean-slate solutions for virtualization, highspeed routing, naming, security, management, and control. It also
started the Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI)
program that is experimenting with various testbed designs to allow the new architectural ideas to be tested.
The Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) program in Europe is also looking at future networks as a part of the
7th Framework program of the European Union (FP7). Another
similar study is the AKARI program in Japan.
In addition to the above, Internet 3.0 is an industry funded
program that takes a holistic view of the present security, routing,
and naming problems rather than treating each of them in isolation. Isolated clean-slate solutions do not necessarily t together,
since their assumptions may not match. Internet 3.0, while
clean-slate, is also looking at the transition issues to ensure that
there will be a path from todays Internet to the next generation
NSF has realized the need for a coherent architecture to solve
many related issues and has recently announced a new program
that will encourage combining many separate solutions into complete architectural proposals.
It is yet to be seen whether the testbeds being developed today,
which use TCP/IP protocol stacks extensively, will be able to be
used for future Internet architectures that have yet to be
In this paper, we have provided a brief description of numerous
research projects and hope that this will be a useful starting point
for those wishing to do future network research or simply to keep
abreast of the latest developments in this eld.

11. List of abbreviations


Data, discovery, dissemination and decision

a small light in the dark pointing to the future in
Autonomic network architecture
Autonomous system
Anti-Spam Research Group (of IRTF)
Border Gateway protocol
Concurrent Architectures are Better than One
Content Centric Networking
Content Distribution Network
Complexity Oblivious Network Management
Clear to send
Disaster day after networks
Delay/fault tolerant



Domain name system

Data Oriented Network Architecture
Delay/disruption tolerant network
Federated E-infrastructure Dedicated to European
Researchers Innovating in Computing network
Future Internet design
Future Internet Research and Experimentation
6th Framework Program
7th Framework Program
Global Environment for Network Innovations
Greedy routing on hidden metrics
Host Identity Protocol
Hybrid link state path-vector inter-domain
Internet in a slice
In-Network Management
Internet Protocol
Internet Research Task Force
Internet service provider
Locater ID Separation Protocol
Mobility and Multihoming supporting Identier
Locater Split Architecture
Next generation Internet
Next generation network
Networking Named Content
National Science Foundation
ORBIT Control and Management Framework
Open-access Research Testbed
Open Resource Control Architecture
Pan European Laboratory
Provider Independent
Phoenix Interconnectivity Protocol
PlanetLab Control
Policy Oriented Networking Architecture
Phoenix Transport Protocol
Routing Architecture for Next Generation Internet
Routing Control Platform
Security Architecture for Networked Enterprises
Selectively Connected Networking
Service Level Agreement
Service Economy with SLA-aware Infrastructures
Simple Mail Transfer Prototocol
Service-Oriented Architecture
Service-Oriented Architectures for All
Supercharged PlanetLab Platform
Trial Integration Environment with DETER
User Mode Linux
Wireless Sensor Network Testbeds

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