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Man Eng Mov11.4 Movicon Programmer Guide

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Supervision and control XML-based

from Windows Vista to Windows CE

Programmer Guide
Cod. DOCS 11 DEV-E Build 1150

Table Of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 13
1.1. INSTALLING AND RUNNING APPLICATIONS ....................................... 13
1.2. MOVICON POWERHMI ............................................................. 17
1.3. NEW FEATURES IN MOVICON 11.4 ............................................... 22
1.5. SYSTEM REQUISITES ............................................................... 23
1.6. TERMINOLOGY ....................................................................... 23

2. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ....................................... 25

2.1. ASSUMPTIONS ....................................................................... 25
2.2. CONVENTIONS ....................................................................... 25
2.3. COPYRIGHT .......................................................................... 26
2.4. WARNING ............................................................................ 26
2.5. WASTE DISPOSAL .................................................................. 27
2.6. WINDOWS 8/7 SUPPORT .......................................................... 27
2.7. TECHNICAL SUPPORT ............................................................... 28
2.7.1. Web Support Center .................................................................................... 29

2.8. UPDATES AND BUGBASE ........................................................... 29

2.8.1. Updates ...................................................................................................... 29

2.8.2. Bugbase ..................................................................................................... 29

3. BEFORE STARTING..................................................... 31
3.1. MICROSOFT WINDOWS CERTIFIED ................................................ 35
3.2. PROJECT PROGRAMMING LIMITS .................................................. 36

4. PROJECTS STRUCTURE ............................................... 37

4.1. A NEW PROJECT .................................................................... 37
4.1.1. Project Name .............................................................................................. 38
4.1.2. Users .......................................................................................................... 39
4.1.3. Communication Drivers ............................................................................... 40
4.1.4. Screens ...................................................................................................... 40
4.1.5. DataBase Settings (ODBC)........................................................................... 41
4.1.6. Data Loggers and Recipe Settings (ODBC).................................................... 42
4.1.7. Alarms Settings ........................................................................................... 42

4.2. PROJECT CONSTRAINTS ............................................................ 43

4.3. NEW PROJECT WIZARD CUSTOMIZING ............................................ 46
4.4. THE WORKSPACE ................................................................... 47
4.4.1. Docking Project Windows............................................................................. 48
4.4.2. The Rulers................................................................................................... 50
4.4.3. The Screen Grid .......................................................................................... 50
4.4.4. The Movicon Grid......................................................................................... 51
4.4.5. Customizing Menus and Toolbars ................................................................. 51
4.4.6. Resource TAB Groups .................................................................................. 52

4.5. TOOL BARS .......................................................................... 53

4.5.1. Tool Bar ...................................................................................................... 54

4.5.2. Aligning Bar................................................................................................. 57
4.5.3. Symbol Bar ................................................................................................. 58
4.5.4. Layer Bar .................................................................................................... 59
4.5.5. Formatting Bar ............................................................................................ 59
4.5.6. Status Bar................................................................................................... 61
4.5.7. RunTime Bar ............................................................................................... 62

4.6. MENUS ............................................................................... 63

4.6.1. File Menu .................................................................................................... 64

4.6.2. Edit Menu.................................................................................................... 65




4.6.3. View Menu ..................................................................................................67

4.6.4. Insert Menu.................................................................................................69
4.6.5. Layout Menu ...............................................................................................69
4.6.6. Symbols Menu.............................................................................................70
4.6.7. Tools Menu..................................................................................................73
4.6.8. Window Menu..............................................................................................74
4.6.9. Help (?) Menu..............................................................................................75
4.6.10. Context Resource Menus ............................................................................76
4.6.11. Tools Menu Configuration ...........................................................................80

4.7. PROJECT EXPLORER WINDOW ..................................................... 81

4.8. PROPERTIES WINDOW ............................................................. 82
4.9. LOGIC EXPLORER WINDOW ....................................................... 85
4.10. TOOLBOX WINDOW .............................................................. 87
4.11. SYMBOLS LIBRARY WINDOW .................................................... 91
4.12. DYNAMIC PROPERTY INSPECTOR WINDOW..................................... 93
4.13. REFACTORING EXPLORER WINDOW ............................................. 95
4.14. XML CODE EXPLORER WINDOW ................................................ 96
4.15. TAG BROWSER WINDOW ........................................................ 97
4.16. LIST VARIABLES WINDOW ......................................................100
4.17. OUTPUT WINDOW ...............................................................101
4.18. DYNAMIC HELP WINDOW .......................................................102
4.19. WATCH WINDOW ................................................................102
4.20. POPUP WINDOW .................................................................105
4.21. CONFIRMATION DIALOGS .......................................................105
4.22. THE RESOURCES .................................................................106

4.22.1. The Multiple Project Resources..................................................................107

4.22.2. Common General Resource Properties ......................................................107
4.22.3. Resource Folder General Properties...........................................................107

4.23. PROJECT FILES ...................................................................108

4.23.1. Renaming Resources................................................................................113

4.23.2. Modifying Resources with external XML editors ..........................................115
4.23.3. Replacing Texts in Projects .......................................................................116

4.24. PROJECT SETTINGS ..............................................................118

4.24.1. General Project Settings ...........................................................................118

4.24.2. Project Platform Settings ..........................................................................121
4.24.3. Project Path Settings ................................................................................122
4.24.4. Project Execution settings.........................................................................124
4.24.5. Heap Manager Settings ............................................................................126
4.24.6. Project Historical Log Settings ...................................................................129
4.24.7. Child Project Options Settings ...................................................................131
4.24.8. Project Spooler Manager Settings .............................................................132
4.24.9. tools........................................................................................................134


4.25.1. SourceSafe in Symbol Libraries.................................................................138

5. REAL TIME DB ..........................................................139

5.1. SYSTEM VARIABLES ...............................................................140
5.2. VARIABLE LIST (TAGS) ...........................................................153
5.3. VARIABLE TRACING (AUDIT TRAIL) .............................................155
5.4. VARIABLE SHARING WITH ODBC ...............................................157
5.5. COPY&PASTING VARIABLES ......................................................159
5.6. VARIABLE AREAS ..................................................................159
5.6.1. Retentive Variables and Statistical Data.......................................................160
5.6.2. Renaming Variables ...................................................................................162

5.7. REAL TIME DB SETTINGS ........................................................165

5.7.1. Real Time DB General Settings ...................................................................165

5.7.2. Real Time DB Retentive Data Settings.........................................................165
5.7.3. Real Time DB InUse Variable Manager Settings ...........................................166
5.7.4. Real Time DB OPC Server Settings .............................................................167
5.7.5. Real Time DB OPC Server Security Settings ................................................168
5.7.6. Real Time DB OPC XML DA Server Settings.................................................168
5.7.7. Trace DB (Audit) Settings ...........................................................................169
5.7.8. ODBC Real Time I/O Link Settings ..............................................................171

5.8. DYNAMIC VARIABLES .............................................................172

M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

5.8.1. Dynamic Network Variables ....................................................................... 173

5.8.2. Dynamic OPC Variables ............................................................................. 174
5.8.3. Dynamic Communication Driver Variables .................................................. 175

5.9. STRUCTURE VARIABLES .......................................................... 176

5.9.1. Structure Prototypes General Properties ..................................................... 178

5.9.2. Modifying Structure Member Properties ...................................................... 178
5.9.3. Variable Member Order.............................................................................. 179
5.9.4. Pointing to Structure Variables ................................................................... 180
5.9.5. Default Structures in symbols..................................................................... 180

5.10. ARRAY VARIABLES .............................................................. 181

5.11. VARIABLE PROPERTIES ......................................................... 183
5.12. VARIABLE PROPERTIES ......................................................... 184

5.12.1. General Variable Properties ...................................................................... 185

5.12.2. Variable Engineering Data Properties ........................................................ 189
5.12.3. Variable Access Level Properties ............................................................... 192
5.12.4. Variable Options Properties ...................................................................... 193
5.12.5. Variable Trace Options Proprieties............................................................. 195
5.12.6. Variable ODBC Real Time I/O Link Properties ............................................ 197
5.12.7. Variable Network Client Properties ............................................................ 198

5.13. ASSOCIATING ALARMS TO VARIABLES ........................................ 199

5.15. ASSOCIATING EVENTS TO VARIABLES ........................................ 200
5.16. GROUPING VARIABLES .......................................................... 200
5.17. POINTING TO A VARIABLE'S BIT ............................................... 201
5.18. VARIABLE TIMESTAMPS ........................................................ 202

6. SCREENS .................................................................. 203

6.1. SCREEN RESOURCES ............................................................. 203
6.2. INSERTING SCREENS ............................................................. 204
6.3. STARTUP SCREEN ................................................................. 204
6.4. OPENING SCREEN MODALITIES ................................................. 205
6.5. SCREENS WITH PARAMETERS .................................................... 207
6.6. LOCAL SCREEN VARIABLES ...................................................... 209
6.7. NUMERIC AND ALPHANUMERIC SCREENS ....................................... 210
6.8. SCREEN CHANGE COMMANDS BASED ON SCREEN IDS ........................ 211
6.9. SCREEN RESIZE ................................................................... 212
6.10. CUSTOMIZING COMMENT DIALOG WINDOWS ................................ 212
6.11. SCREEN NAVIGATION EDITOR ................................................. 213
6.11.1. Screen Navigation Style Properties ........................................................... 215

6.12. SCREEN PROPERTIES ........................................................... 216

6.12.1. Screen General Properties........................................................................ 216

6.12.2. Screen Style Properties ............................................................................ 218
6.12.3. Screen Background Properties.................................................................. 220
6.12.4. Screen Execution Properties ..................................................................... 221


7. CROSS REFERENCE .................................................. 225

7.1. VARIABLE CROSS REFERENCE ................................................... 225
7.2. SCREEN CROSS REFERENCE ..................................................... 226

8. GRAPHIC INTERFACE ............................................... 227

8.1. HOW TO CREATE GRAPHIC INTERFACES ........................................ 228
8.2. GRAPHIC EDITING OPERATIONS ................................................. 231
8.2.1. Tab Order ................................................................................................. 231
8.2.2. Overlap Order ........................................................................................... 232
8.2.3. Multi-Object Selections .............................................................................. 232
8.2.4. Accessible Properties with Multi-Selections .................................................. 233
8.2.5. Object Alignment Functions........................................................................ 233
8.2.6. Distribute Object Space ............................................................................. 234
8.2.7. Find and Replace symbol ........................................................................... 235
8.2.8. Importing/Exporting Vectorial drawings ...................................................... 237
8.2.9. Embedding Images in Symbols .................................................................. 238




8.2.10. Locking-UnLocking Objects.......................................................................238

8.2.11. Colour Selection.......................................................................................239

8.3. EDITING SYMBOL GRAPHICS .....................................................240

8.3.1. Commands for Creating Symbols ...............................................................242

8.4. TEMPLATES: DYNAMIC SYMBOLS ................................................243

8.5. CREATING OR EDITING SYMBOLS ................................................243

8.5.1. Inserting Symbols into the Library ..............................................................244

8.5.2. Inserting Symbols on Screen......................................................................245
8.5.3. Script Code Editing.....................................................................................245
8.5.4. Variables inside Symbols ............................................................................245
8.5.5. Images inside Symbols ..............................................................................246
8.5.6. Dropping Template Code............................................................................246

9. MULTITOUCH ...........................................................249
9.1. GESTUALITY FOR NON MULTITOUCH SYSTEMS ..................................252
9.2. GESTURES PROPERTIES ...........................................................253

10. DRAWS AND OBJECTS ............................................255

10.1. DRAWINGS AND CONTROLS ON SCREEN ......................................255
10.1.1. Tooltips in Controls...................................................................................255

10.2. BASIC SHAPES ...................................................................256

10.3. OBJECT EDITING COMMAND SHORTCUTS .....................................258
10.4. DATA FORMATS ..................................................................262
10.4.1. Symbol Configuration Files .......................................................................266
10.4.2. Object Default Settings File.......................................................................267
10.4.3. Outside Screen Objects ............................................................................270

10.5. ALIASES IN OBJECTS ............................................................271

10.6. HANDLING STATIC OBJECTS IN SCREENS .....................................275
10.7. SCROLLING SCREEN OBJECTS WITH MOUSE ..................................277
10.8. BUTTONS AND HOT REGIONS ..................................................277
10.9. SWITCHES AND SELECTORS ....................................................278

10.9.1. Components deriving from Button Objects ................................................279

10.9.2. Button and Hot Region Execution Properties ..............................................281
10.9.3. Button Background Attributes Properties ...................................................283

10.10. THE GAUGE .....................................................................284

10.11. DUNDAS GAUGES ..............................................................285

10.11.1. Components deriving from the Gauge object...........................................287

10.11.2. Gauge Variables Properties .....................................................................289
10.11.3. Gauge Style Properties ...........................................................................290
10.11.4. Gauge Circular Setting Properties............................................................291
10.11.5. Gauge Scale Settings Properties .............................................................292
10.11.6. Gauge Warning Zone Properties .............................................................293
10.11.7. Dundas Gauge Execution Properties........................................................294

10.12. EMBEDDED SCREENS ..........................................................294

10.12.1. Embedded Screen Style Properties .........................................................295

10.13. DISPLAYS .......................................................................296

10.13.1. Display Variable Properties .....................................................................297

10.13.2. Display Style Properties ..........................................................................299

10.14. THE LIST OBJECTS ............................................................301

10.14.1. ListBox Style Properties ..........................................................................302

10.14.2. ListBox Execution Properties ...................................................................302

10.15. COMBO BOX OBJECTS .........................................................303

10.15.1. Combo Box Style Properties ...................................................................304

10.15.2. Combo Box Variables Properties .............................................................305

10.16. TAB GROUP OBJECT ..........................................................305

10.16.1. TAB Group Object Features and Constraints ............................................306

10.16.2. TAB Group Style Properties.....................................................................307
10.16.3. TAB Group Execution Properties..............................................................307

10.17. ALARM WINDOWS .............................................................308

10.18. ALARM BANNER ................................................................308

10.18.1. Alarm Window Fields ..............................................................................309

10.18.2. Alarm Window Field Choice.....................................................................312
10.18.3. Alarm Help in the Alarm Window ............................................................312

M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

10.18.4. Alarm Window and Banner Window Style Properties................................ 313

10.18.5. Alarm Window and Alarm Banner Execution Properties............................ 319

10.19. LOG WINDOW ................................................................. 319

10.19.1. Log Window Fields ................................................................................. 320

10.19.2. Log Window Field choice ........................................................................ 320
10.19.3. DataBase Fields ..................................................................................... 321
10.19.4. Log Window Style Properties .................................................................. 323
10.19.5. Log Window Execution Properties ........................................................... 325
10.19.6. Log Window Data Filter .......................................................................... 325

10.20. DATALOGGER WINDOW ...................................................... 327

10.20.1. DataLogger Window Fields ..................................................................... 327

10.20.2. DataLogger Window Field Choice............................................................ 328
10.20.3. DataLogger Window Style Properties ...................................................... 328
10.20.4. DataLogger Window Execution Properties ............................................... 330
10.20.5. DataLogger Data Filter ........................................................................... 330

10.21. RECIPE MANAGER WINDOW .................................................. 331

10.21.1. The Recipe Manager Window Fields ........................................................ 332
10.21.2. Recipe Manager Window Field Choice ..................................................... 333
10.21.3. Recipe Manager Window Commands...................................................... 334
10.21.4. Recipe Manager Window Style Properties................................................ 334
10.21.5. Recipe Manager Window Execution Properties......................................... 338


10.23. TRACEDB WINDOW ........................................................... 339

10.23.1. TraceDB Window Fields.......................................................................... 339

10.23.2. TraceDB Window Field Choice ................................................................ 340
10.23.3. TraceDB Window Style Properties........................................................... 341
10.23.4. TraceDB Window Execution Properties.................................................... 342
10.23.5. TraceDB Data Filter................................................................................ 343

10.24. HOUR SELECTOR .............................................................. 344

10.24.1. Hour Selector Execution Properties ......................................................... 347

10.24.2. Hour Selector Style Properties ................................................................ 348

10.25. IP CAMERA VIEWER ........................................................... 351

10.25.1. The IP Camera Viewer General Properties ............................................... 353

10.25.2. IP Camera Execution Properties.............................................................. 353

10.26. THE TRENDS ................................................................... 354

10.27. DATA ANALYSIS ............................................................... 356

10.27.1. Trend Functions..................................................................................... 359

10.27.2. Zoom Management ............................................................................... 361
10.27.3. Linking Trends or Data Analysis to the Data Logger ................................. 362
10.27.4. Connecting different Data Loggers to a Data Analysis object .................... 363
10.27.5. Displaying Trend data ............................................................................ 363
10.27.6. Extended Functionality with Basic Script Interface ................................... 363
10.27.7. Preconfigured Shortcut Keys .................................................................. 364
10.27.8. Mouse Executable Operations in RunTime ............................................... 365
10.27.9. Change Language for Pens..................................................................... 365
10.27.10. Interactive Legend Area ....................................................................... 365
10.27.11. Variable Quality Management............................................................... 366
10.27.12. Antialiasing in Trends and Data Analysis................................................ 366
10.27.13. Trend and Data Analysis Progress Bar................................................... 367
10.27.14. Trend and Data Analysis Settings ......................................................... 367
10.27.15. Trend and Data Analysis Style Properties .............................................. 367
10.27.16. Trend and Data Analysis Pen Properties ................................................ 375
10.27.17. Trends Pen Area Properties .................................................................. 379
10.27.18. Trend and Data Analysis Legend Area Properties ................................... 379
10.27.19. Trend and Data Analysis Time Area Properties....................................... 380
10.27.20. Trend and Data Analysis Grid Properties................................................ 382
10.27.21. Trend and Data Analysis Execution Properties ....................................... 383
10.27.22. Trend Variables Properties.................................................................... 386
10.27.23. Templates with Trends and Data Analysis ............................................. 388

10.28. THE GRID ...................................................................... 388

10.28.1. The Grid Buttons ................................................................................... 389

10.28.2. Grid Style Properties .............................................................................. 389
10.28.3. Grid Execution Properties ....................................................................... 391
10.28.4. Data Source Selection (DSN).................................................................. 392

10.29. CHART OBJECTS ............................................................... 394

10.29.1. Chart Designer ...................................................................................... 395

10.29.2. Editing Data and Labels.......................................................................... 397




10.29.3. Chart Wizard..........................................................................................398

10.29.4. Chart Properties .....................................................................................400
10.29.5. Chart General Properties ........................................................................400
10.29.6. Chart Execution Properties......................................................................400
10.29.7. Chart Style Properties.............................................................................402

10.30. ACTIVEX/OCX OBJECTS......................................................402

10.31. OLE OBJECTS ..................................................................403
10.32. DRAWINGS AND CONTROLS COMMON PROPERTIES ........................404

10.32.1. Object Style Properties ...........................................................................404

10.32.2. Object Execution Properties ....................................................................408
10.32.3. General Object Properties .......................................................................409
10.32.4. Variable Properties .................................................................................413
10.32.5. Visible Animation Properties....................................................................414
10.32.6. Animation Transparency Property ...........................................................415
10.32.7. Composed Movement Animation ............................................................416
10.32.8. Move X Properties Animation ..................................................................417
10.32.9. Move Y Properties Animation ..................................................................418
10.32.10. Points Properties Animation ..................................................................419
10.32.11. Start X Point Properties Animation.........................................................420
10.32.12. Start Y Point Properties Animation.........................................................421
10.32.13. End X Point Properties Animation ..........................................................422
10.32.14. End Y Point Properties Animation ..........................................................423
10.32.15. Scaling Properties Animation.................................................................424
10.32.16. Rotation Properties Animation...............................................................424
10.32.17. Text Animation Properties.....................................................................426
10.32.18. Back Color Properties Animation ...........................................................427
10.32.19. Edge Color - Dynamic Text Animation ...................................................427
10.32.20. Filling Properties Animation...................................................................428
10.32.21. Colour Threshold Settings.....................................................................430
10.32.22. Image Animation Properties .................................................................432
10.32.23. Visibility Properties ...............................................................................434
10.32.24. Position Properties................................................................................435
10.32.25. Stroke Attributes Properties ..................................................................435
10.32.26. Background Attributes Properties ..........................................................436
10.32.27. Access Levels Properties .......................................................................437
10.32.28. Font Properties.....................................................................................438
10.32.29. Script Debug Output Properties.............................................................440
10.32.30. Dragging Properties..............................................................................441


10.34. PUBLIC SYMBOLS ..............................................................442
10.35. STYLE SOURCES IN SYMBOLS ................................................445

11. ACTIVEX, OCX, OLE ................................................449

11.1. ACTIVEX OBJECTS ...............................................................449
11.2. INSERTING AN ACTIVEX ........................................................450
11.3. ACTIVEX EDITING ...............................................................451
11.4. EDITING ACTIVEX USING VBA.................................................451
11.5. ACTIVE X PROPERTIES ..........................................................453
11.5.1. ActiveX General Properties .......................................................................453
11.5.2. Active X Execution Properties....................................................................454

11.6. OLE OBJECTS ...................................................................454

11.6.1. Inserting OLE objects ...............................................................................454

11.6.2. Editing OLE objects ..................................................................................455

12. MENU RESOURCES .................................................457

12.1. INSERTING MENUS ..............................................................458
12.2. MENU ITEMS .....................................................................458
12.2.1. Test Menus..............................................................................................459

12.3. CUSTOMIZING MENU BARS .....................................................460

12.4. MENU EXAMPLE ..................................................................460
12.5. MENU PROPERTIES ..............................................................461

12.5.1. Menu General Properties ..........................................................................461

12.5.2. Item Menu General Properties ..................................................................461
12.5.3. Menu Item Execution Properties ...............................................................462

M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

13. SHORTCUT RESOURCES ......................................... 463

13.1. SHORTCUT ACTIVATION ........................................................ 464
13.2. INSERTING SHORTCUTS ........................................................ 464
13.3. SHORTCUT KEYBOARD COMMANDS ............................................ 465
13.4. SPEECH RECOGNITION ......................................................... 465
13.5. SHORTCUT EXAMPLE ............................................................ 467
13.6. SHORTCUT PROPERTIES ........................................................ 468
13.6.1. Shortcut General Properties ..................................................................... 468
13.6.2. Shortcut Command General Properties ..................................................... 469
13.6.3. Shortcut Command Execution Properties .................................................. 469

14. STRING TABLE ....................................................... 471

14.1. STRING TABLE FILTER .......................................................... 471
14.2. INSERTING STRINGS ............................................................ 472
14.2.1. Inserting Missing Strings .......................................................................... 473

14.3. STRING SELECTION WINDOW ................................................. 473

14.4. CHANGING LANGUAGES ........................................................ 474
14.5. STRING FORMATTING THROUGH STRING IDS ................................ 476

14.5.1. Change System Language ....................................................................... 476

14.6. LANGUAGE COLUMN PROPERTIES .............................................. 480

14.6.1. General Language Column Properties ....................................................... 480

15. VARIABLE SCALING ............................................... 481

15.1. VARIABLE SCALING PROPERTIES .............................................. 482
15.1.1. Variable Scaling General Properties........................................................... 482

15.2. NON LINEAR SCALING .......................................................... 483

16. COMMAND SCHEDULER .......................................... 485

16.1.1. Holiday Planning ...................................................................................... 486

16.2. COMMAND SCHEDULER PROPRIETIES ......................................... 487

16.2.1. Command Scheduler General Properties................................................... 487

16.2.2. Scheduler Access Level Properties ............................................................ 490

16.3. COMMAND SCHEDULER EXAMPLE .............................................. 491

17. COMMANDS ON EVENT ........................................... 493

17.1. EVENT OBJECT PROPERTIES ................................................... 494
17.1.1. Event Objects General Properties ............................................................. 494

17.2. EVENTS AS TEMPLATES ......................................................... 495

18. OBJECTS COMMAND LIST ....................................... 497

18.1. COMMAND LIST ................................................................. 497
18.1.1. Alarm Commands ................................................................................... 497
18.1.2. Event Commands.................................................................................... 504
18.1.3. Help Command ....................................................................................... 504
18.1.4. Language Commands.............................................................................. 504
18.1.5. Menu Commands .................................................................................... 504
18.1.6. Report-Recipe Commands ....................................................................... 505
18.1.7. Script Command ..................................................................................... 512
18.1.8. Screen Commands .................................................................................. 514
18.1.9. System Commands ................................................................................. 518
18.1.10. User Commands.................................................................................... 520
18.1.11. Variable Commands .............................................................................. 521

19. ALARMS MANAGEMENT .......................................... 525

19.1. ALARMS .......................................................................... 525
19.2. INSERTING ALARMS ............................................................. 526
19.3. ALARMS HISTORICAL ........................................................... 529
19.4. ALARM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT COMMENT ....................................... 530
19.5. ALARMS AS TEMPLATES ......................................................... 531




19.6. ALARMS ACTIVATED BY HOMONYMOUS VARIABLES ...........................533

19.7. ALARM STATUS FILE ............................................................533
19.8. ALARM STATISTICS ..............................................................534
19.9. ALARM SOUND MANAGEMENT ..................................................536
19.10. ALARM PROPERTIES............................................................537
19.10.1. Alarm General Properties........................................................................537
19.10.2. Alarm Threshold General Properties ........................................................539
19.10.3. Alarm Threshold Execution Properties .....................................................541
19.10.4. Alarm Threshold Style Properties ............................................................544
19.10.5. Alarm Threshold Event Notification Properties ..........................................546

19.11. ALARM DISPATCHER ...........................................................549

20. HISTORICAL LOG ...................................................551

20.1. LOG FILE MANAGEMENT ........................................................552
20.1.1. Database Log File.....................................................................................552

21. HISTORICAL FILES MANAGEMENT .........................555

21.1. ODBC STANDARD...............................................................556
21.1.1. ODBC Drivers ..........................................................................................557
21.1.2. ODBC Links .............................................................................................558
21.1.3. Saving data on file in the event of ODBC error ...........................................560
21.1.4. Connection Pooling...................................................................................561
21.1.5. Project ODBC Plugins ...............................................................................561
21.1.6. ODBC Plugin List ......................................................................................562
21.1.7. Creating ODBC links automatically ............................................................563
21.1.8. Creating ODBC Links Manually..................................................................563
21.1.9. Using the SQL Server ...............................................................................566
21.1.10. Using the ORACLE..................................................................................566
21.1.11. Caution when using different DataBases..................................................567

21.2. IMDB (IN MEMORY DB) .......................................................568

21.2.1. IMDB Settings for Recording data .............................................................569

21.2.2. IMDB Database Limitations.......................................................................570
21.2.3. DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase.........................................572
21.2.4. DataBase Filter Settings ...........................................................................573

22. USER AND PASSWORD MANAGEMENT ....................575

22.1. CHANGE PASSWORD AFTER USER LOGIN .....................................576
22.2. USER LEVELS AND ACCESS LEVELS ............................................576
22.3. CUSTOM PASSWORD DIALOG WINDOWS .....................................578
22.5. USERS AND USER GROUPS PROPERTIES ......................................582
22.5.1. Users and User Groups General Properties ................................................582
22.5.2. Users and User Groups Windows User Properties.......................................584
22.5.3. Users and User Groups Child Project Option Properties...............................585

22.6. USER GROUP PROPERTIES ......................................................585

22.6.1. User Group General Properties..................................................................586

22.7. USERS PROPERTIES .............................................................586

22.7.1. Users General Properties ..........................................................................587

22.7.2. User Data Properties ................................................................................588

22.8. RUNTIME USERS MANAGER ....................................................589

22.9. CFR21 PART 11 GENERAL CONCEPTS ........................................590
22.10. VALIDATION CONFIGURING TECHNIQUES ...................................593

23. DATA LOGGERS AND RECIPES ................................599

23.1.1. The DataBase ..........................................................................................600
23.1.2. DataBase Structure..................................................................................601
23.1.3. Database Link to Report Files....................................................................602
23.1.4. Displaying Database Data.........................................................................602

23.2. DATA LOGGERS AS TEMPLATES ................................................602

23.3. DATA LOGGERS AND RECIPES EDITOR ........................................604
23.4. INSERTING DATA LOGGERS AND RECIPES ....................................605

23.4.1. Data Loggers and Recipe ODBC Link .........................................................605

M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

23.4.2. Importing Data Loggers and Recipes from other Recipes ........................... 606

23.5. RECIPES ON DATABASE ......................................................... 606

23.5.1. Creating Recipes...................................................................................... 607

23.5.2. SQL Commands for Recipes in the Database............................................. 609
23.5.3. The Query in Recipes ............................................................................... 610

23.6. DATA LOGGERS AND RECIPES COMMON PROPERTIES ....................... 611

23.6.1. Data Loggers and Recipes Common General Properties ............................. 611
23.6.2. Data Loggers and Recipes common Execution Properties........................... 612
23.6.3. Data Loggers and Recipes common Database Settings Properties .............. 613
23.6.4. Data Loggers and Recipes common Column General Properties ................. 615

23.7. DATA LOGGER PROPERTIES .................................................... 615

23.7.1. Data Logger Style Properties .................................................................... 615

23.7.2. Data Logger Recording Time Properties .................................................... 617
23.7.3. Data Logger Execution Properties ............................................................. 618
23.7.4. Data Logger Column General Properties ................................................... 619

23.8. RECIPE PROPERTIES ............................................................ 620

23.8.1. Recipe Execution Properties ..................................................................... 620
23.8.2. Recipe Database Settings Properties......................................................... 622
23.8.3. Recipe column General Properties ............................................................ 622

24. REPORTS ............................................................... 625

24.1. EMBEDDED REPORTS ........................................................... 626
24.1.1. Embedded Report Generation Commands ................................................ 629
24.1.2. Possible Embedded Report Generation Errors............................................ 631

24.2. EMBEDDED REPORT PROPERTIES .............................................. 632

24.2.1. General Report Properties ........................................................................ 632

24.2.2. Embedded Report Style Properties ........................................................... 633
24.2.3. Embedded Report Background Properties ................................................. 633
24.2.4. Embedded Report Data Properties............................................................ 633
24.2.5. Embedded Report Band Size Properties .................................................... 635
24.2.6. Embedded Report Band Paging Properties ................................................ 635

24.3. REPORT DESIGNER .............................................................. 636

24.3.1. How to create a Report ............................................................................ 637
24.3.2. Reports and Viewing Data via WEB........................................................... 645

24.4. CRYSTAL REPORT ............................................................. 647

24.4.1. Creating Reports with Crystal Report ........................................................ 647

24.5. TEXTUAL REPORTS .............................................................. 651

24.5.1. Textual Report Commands and Parameters .............................................. 655

24.5.2. Text Error Report..................................................................................... 656

25. CHILD PROJECTS ................................................... 659

25.1.1. Child Project Paths................................................................................... 662
25.1.2. Child Project Resource Access .................................................................. 662
25.1.3. Strings in Child Projects ........................................................................... 664
25.1.4. Child Project Users Inclusion..................................................................... 664

26. NETWORKING ........................................................ 665

26.1.1. Network Installation................................................................................. 666
26.1.2. Network Connection ................................................................................ 667
26.1.3. Exchanging Variables through a Network .................................................. 667
26.1.4. Windows Terminal Server ........................................................................ 668
26.1.5. Remote Project Debugging....................................................................... 669

26.2. NETWORK SERVICES PROPERTIES ............................................. 670

26.2.1. Network Server Properties ....................................................................... 670

26.2.2. Log and Security Properties...................................................................... 671
26.2.3. Local Transport Properties........................................................................ 672
26.2.4. TCP Transport Properties.......................................................................... 673
26.2.5. TCP Transport Advanced Settings Properties ............................................. 673
26.2.6. TCP Transport SOCKS Options Properties.................................................. 674
26.2.7. UDP Transport Properties ......................................................................... 675
26.2.8. UDP Transport Advanced Settings Properties ............................................ 675
26.2.9. HTTP Transport property.......................................................................... 676
26.2.10. HTTP Transport Advanced Settings Properties ......................................... 676
26.2.11. HTTP Transport SOCKS Options Properties.............................................. 677





26.3. SETTING UP NETWORK CLIENTS ...............................................678

26.3.1. Network Client Properties .........................................................................678
26.3.2. Network Client General Properties.............................................................679
26.3.3. OPC XML DA Client Properties...................................................................680

26.4. RAS STATIONS ..................................................................680

26.4.1. RAS Stations General Properties ...............................................................681

26.5. CLIENT RULES ...................................................................682

26.5.1. Client Rules General Properties .................................................................682

27. REDUNDANCY ........................................................685

27.1.1. Redundancy Levels ..................................................................................685
27.1.2. Redundancy Functionality.........................................................................686
27.1.3. Advanced Redundancy Functions..............................................................688

27.2. REDUNDANCY SETTINGS ........................................................690

28. OPC (OLE FOR PROCESS CONTROL) .......................693

28.1. OPC (OLE FOR PROCESS CONTROL) ..........................................693
28.2. OPC CLIENT EDITOR............................................................694
28.2.1. OPC Client DA Properties ..........................................................................695
28.2.2. OPC Server DA Properties ........................................................................695
28.2.3. Entering New OPC Servers .......................................................................696
28.2.4. OPC Item Connection String .....................................................................696
28.2.5. Entering New Groups ...............................................................................697
28.2.6. Entering New Items .................................................................................698

28.3. OPC SERVER ....................................................................699

29. ON-LINE CHANGES TO PROJESTS ...........................703

29.1.1. List of editable resources in RunTime ........................................................703

30. MOVICON CONFIGURATION KEYS ..........................707

30.1. CONFIGURATION KEY LIST .....................................................708
30.2. DEVELOPMENT REGISTRY KEYS ................................................709
30.3. USER INTERFACE REGISTRY KEYS .............................................715
30.4. COMMUNICATION REGISTRY KEY ..............................................725
30.5. HISTORICAL LOG REGISTRY KEYS .............................................726
30.6. GENERAL GENERAL REGISTRY KEYS ...........................................728
30.7. ADVANCED REGISTRY KEYS ....................................................731
30.8. SPEECH SYNTHESIS KEYS ......................................................734
30.9. SOURCESAFE KEYS ..............................................................735
30.10. MS ACTIVESYNC KEYS ........................................................737

31. IL LOGICS (INSTRUCTIONS LIST) ..........................741

31.1. INSERTING IL LOGIC INSTRUCTIONS ..........................................741
31.2. LOGIC PROGRAMMING ...........................................................743
31.2.1. Combined Logic Result CLR ......................................................................743
31.2.2. Bracket levels for the CLR.........................................................................744
31.2.3. Jump to Labels ........................................................................................744
31.2.4. Variables in Floating Point.........................................................................744
31.2.5. The Logic Accumulators............................................................................745
31.2.6. Constants ................................................................................................745
31.2.7. End program processing...........................................................................745
31.2.8. Inserting Comments ................................................................................746

31.3. LOGIC BIT INSTRUCTIONS ......................................................746

31.3.1. AND Logic................................................................................................746

31.3.2. OR Logic..................................................................................................747
31.3.3. Sequence Combination ............................................................................747
31.3.4. Setting Variables......................................................................................747
31.3.5. Setting Timers .........................................................................................748
31.3.6. Summary Table Bit Instructions................................................................748

31.4. WORD LOGIC INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................749

31.4.1. The ACCU1 and ACCU2 Logic Accumulators ..............................................749


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

31.4.2. Loading Variables and Constants .............................................................. 749

31.4.3. Transferring Variables .............................................................................. 750
31.4.4. Logic Operations on Word Variables.......................................................... 750
31.4.5. Operations on Accumulators .................................................................... 750
31.4.6. Word Summary Table.............................................................................. 750

31.5. COMPARE INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................... 751

31.5.1. Compare Summary Table ........................................................................ 752

31.6. ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS ................................................... 753

31.6.1. Arithmetic Instructions Summary Table .................................................... 753

31.7. MATHEMATIC INSTRUCTIONS .................................................. 755

31.7.1. Mathematic Instructions Summary Table .................................................. 755

32. SYNAPSES .............................................................. 759

32.1.1. Inserting Synapse ................................................................................... 760
32.1.2. Connecting Synapses............................................................................... 761
32.1.3. Synapse Logic Programming .................................................................... 763

32.2. SYNAPSE EXECUTION ........................................................... 764

33. SOFT LOGIC ........................................................... 767

33.1. SOFTLOGIC IEC 61131-3 INTEGRATION ................................... 767
33.1.1. Soft Logic General Properties.................................................................... 768
33.1.2. Variable Database Synchronization........................................................... 769
33.1.3. ProConOs OPC Server Configuration ......................................................... 770

34. INDEX .................................................................... 773

35. ............................................................................... 773


1. Introduction
Movicon Programmer's Guide Contents
The Programmer's Guide contains all the necessary information for Movicon developers.
The chapters in this guide describe the projects, the Resources, the Objects and the techniques for
logical and graphic programming to permit the optimal use of the system's resources in developing
The manual describes how to program and structure projects, how to use the logic editor, how to
animate screens, how to do data or recipes settings by building dialog boxes, how to use objects and
any other item which constitutes a system resource.
One chapter has been dedicated on how to use the Movicon vectorial graphic editor and the default
Bitmap editor, how to use the standard symbol library which Movicon places at the user's disposal,
how to import symbols or strings using the "Drag & Drop" techniques.
The Movicon supervision package fully complies with the Windows standard, therefore the reader is
advised to consult the Ms Windows 'User's Manual' for further information on windows, menus and
dialog boxes.
Any corrections or updates that may have been made to this manual can
be referred to in the "Readme.txt" file contained in the installation DVD
and installed in the Movicon user directory.

1.1. Installing and Running applications

The procedures for installing, running up and configuring Movicon for correct system usage are
described below.
The Microsoft Windows installation already provides a operating system configuration for adapting to
the hardware platform. However, it would be to your benefit to follow the few indications below for
further optimization.

Installing Movicon
The procedures for installing Movicon on the hardware platform are very simple, and comply with the
Microsoft Windows specifications. When inserting the DVD you will automatically enter into the
installation environment where the guide command will activate for installing the Movicon
components desired. When you wish to install Movicon manually from the DVD, you can access the
DVD's folder from the Windows Explorer and execute the "Setup.exe" file contained in it, for
The Setup will carry out the Movicon installation on the PC, creating a group of Movicon icons upon
terminating which can be accessed with the "Start" button from the Windows application bar. The
Movicon Group, in icon form, will contain the shortcut to the Movicon .exe file. During installation,
which takes a few minutes, you will be asked to enter the name of the folder in which files necessary
to Movicon are to be organized. When you do not wish to change the name or path, simply confirm
the "Movicon11.3" default folder which will then be created with the path: "..\Program
In the first installation phases you will be asked for the installation type you wish to executed. The
options are:

Typical: installs the most commonly used components without requiring anything from the
user (recommended)
Custom: consents the user to select the components to install (recommended for expert
users only)


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Installing Movicon in panels with Windows 32/64 bit (standard o

embedded) operating systems may not always end successfully if using a
"removable disk" compact flash to do this operation (type can be viewed in
disk properties).
This anomaly is due to a problem in the Windows Installer.

Installing Languages
During the Movicon installation phase you will be asked to select the application's installation
language (a following window will show to allow you to select other installation languages as well).
The language resource files that are selected will be copied to the Movicon "LANG" folder after
which it will be possible to change the Movicon installation languages using the
"LangManagerPlus.exe" tool when need be. The langauges made availabel will be those installed
during the setup phase.

Installing CAB files for WinCE

When installing Movicon in the normal way on a PC with Win32 and "MS ActiveSync" (for Windows
XP systems) or Windows Mobile Device Center" (for Windows 8/7 systems) is detected, the
"MovCESetup" folder will automatically be created in the Movicon installation folder as well. The
".cab" files will be copied within this "MovCESetup" folder for installing Movicion, Communication
Drivers, ADO and SQL Server Mobiles in WinCE devices. In addition, the "Start-All ProgramsMovicon11.x-MovCE" connections group will also be created consenting you to install Movicon and
the necessary components on WinCE devices later on.
In cases where "MS ActiveSync" or "Windows Mobile Device Center" are not present therefore not
detected when installing Movicon, the standard setup procedure will not create the "MovCESetup"
folder. In this case you will need to select the "Custom" mode to implement the setup procedures if
installing for the first time, or if Movicon has already been installed you must redo the setup using
the "Modify" mode and enabling the "Movicon-Movicon Development-MovCE Setup" item including
the sub-features to create the "MovCESetup" containing the ".cab" files for installing Movicon and
relative components for WinCE. However, this mode will not create any connections in the Windows
"Start" menu, therefore when installing on CE devices, you will need to copy the ".cab" files manually
to the CE device (by selecting the right files for device type) and then run them in the device.

Uninstalling Movicon
Movicon, in compliance with the Windows standards, consents to a simple system uninstalling to
remove all its files from the PC.
To proceed with uninstalling Movicon simply activate the appropriate icon from the Windows Control
Panel for installing/removing applications.
The uninstalling procedure will completely remove all the Movicon files upon receiving confirmation.

Restore Default settings

All default settings will be restored if you press the "CTRL" key while starting up Movicon and keep it
pressed down until Movicon has completely started up. This will restore the work area availability
(windows, menus etc.) with their default parameters. This command must also be used when
needing to change languages in the Movicon development environment using the "LangManager"

Movicon Execution
Movicon is a software platform which allows you to plane supervision applications and run them.
Movicon therefore works in two modes:

Project Desiging (Developement)

Running Projects (Runtime)

The platform is installed as a executable application available in two versions:: Movicon.exe and
MoviconRunTime.exe. Movicon.exe consents both project development and runtime execution, while
MoviconRunTime.exe consents runtime execution only.



If not specified otherwise, the information given here refers to

Movicon.exe, the product version which consents both development and
(MoviconRunTime.exe). can be installed in plant systems.

Movicon Startup
The Movicon installation will create a group of icons which can be accessed from the Windows' Start
menu. When running the Movicon .exe without specifying any options will enter you into the
Movicon environment in programming mode, with the automatic opening of a new project or with he
last opened project.
By using the appropriate syntaxes in the Options for the command line at the Movicon startup you
will be able to change the system's default settings, associate project files, custom modules and
other options as explained below. The syntax for starting up Movicon with the command options is:
Movicon /[Options] <project file>
If you wish to startup Movicon and run a previously programmed project at the same time, you need
to use the /R. option. Below an example is given for automatically running the TEST.MOVPRJ project


If you wish to add or change the command options or the Movicon working folder in Windows, use
the following procedures:
Press the right mouse key in the workspace of the Windows Desktop and select the "New Shortcut" command. Then write the desired command line for the Movicon Startup in the settings
window which appears.

Startup Movicon in RunTime Mode

Once you have created the project it can be run directly without having to pass through the
development environment. In order for this to happen you must create a link/connection, as
explained above, to the Movicon Runtime Module being the "MoviconRunTime.exe" file which is
found in the same Movicon installation folder. The following example is a command line for
automatically running the TEST.MOVPRJ project file:


You can get the same result by using the "Movicon.exe." followed by the "/R" option as already
explained above.

Movicon Startup as Service

The Windows Services are applications which are run automatically at the Windows startup, before
and independently from User log on. Movicon fully supports the Windows Services as described
the Windows services management has been modified by Microsoft staring from the Windows 8/7
version. The service' graphical interface up to the Windows XP version could be opened in the
Windows user interface, whereas starting from Windows 8/7 the use of the service graphical
interface is not supported. Windows 8/7 keeps services running in a separate session to user
applications to increase security.
When using Windows XP, and launching Movicon as Service, the Movicon icon will show in the
Windows application tray instead of displaying the user interface after operating system logon. In
order to open project user interfaces double right click on the Movicon icon.

Using Windows XP, to ensure that the user interface of the project is opened automatically after the
user logon Windows will need to enable properties of execution of the project "Show Service at Log


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

You can install Movicon as Service in addition to the development environment by using the "Install
this Project as Windows Service" command and also by means of the Windows command line using
the "/i" or "-i" option. By executing the command line from the Windows "Start - Run" menu:
MoviconService.exe -i
Movicon will be installed as Service. You must then add the parameter, which identifies the project
that the service must run, in the Windows configuration Registry. The key to be modified is:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MOVICON X\Parameters]
"Project"="C:\\Project Path\\ProjectName.movprj"
The text above can be copied in a text file with a ".reg." extension in order to automatically create
the key by double-clicking on the ".reg" file to insert key in the Windows registry. To insert the key
manually you will have to go to the following parameter group:
"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MOVICON X\Parameters]"
and create the "Project" key string type inserting the "C:\\Project Path\\ProjectName.movprj" value.

"Forced" Startup in Demo Mode

Running the application with the "D" key pressed, Movicon will start up in Demo Mode. This function
is used for modifying certain places in the project which have a Runtime software or hardware
license only in order not to replace this licence. This function has been created for the sole purpose
of modifying projects by remote control (with PCAnywhere type applications) where it is impossible
to remove the license from the PC if too far away.
In addition, you can save projects when the inserted license, hardware or software, is runtime only
with Movicon already started up normally. In this case you will need to keep the "D" key pressed
down and execute the project save command. This will enter the application into "Demo Mode"
saving the project. To escape form the "Demo Mode" you will have to close and reopen Movicon.

Using Windows Terminal Server

Movicon supports the Windows Terminal Server (or Remote Desktop) and consents more than one
program instances to be run on the server. Using Movicon with Windows Terminal Server requires a
"NET" license. Normal licenses will be ignored by Movicon if run from the Windows Terminal Serve
consequently running program in Demo mode. For further information please refer to "Windows
Terminal Server".

Silent Installation
Movicon can be installed without user interface (silent mode) by using the following command line:
path\Setup.exe /s /l1033 /v/qn
"path" = relative or absolute path where the Movicon setup file is found (setup.exe,
Movicon11.3.msi, etc.)
/s = silent mode
/l = installation language. 1033 for English (default), 1031 for German, 1036 for French, 1040 for
Italian and 2052 for Chinese
/v/qn = user interface exclusion
If you wish to specify the installation directory, i.e. C:\MyDir use:
path\Setup.exe /s /l1033 /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=C:\MyDir"
If you wish to install the runtime module only, write:
path\Setup.exe /s /l1033 /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=C:\MyDir ADDLOCAL=MoviconRun"
when installing MoviconBA, the string for installing rutime only is:



setup.exe /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=c:\temp\progea\movba ADDLOCAL=BA_MoviconRun"

setup.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=BA_MoviconRun"
This works in WindowsXP, but the UAC in Windows 8/7 will intervene asking for administrator
installation rights. In this case you can use the following command line (but a password is needed):
runas /user:administrator "c:\temp\setup\setup.exe /s /l1040 /v\"/qn INSTALLDIR=C:\MyDir
Considering that:
1) the complete path where setup.exe file is found is required
2) all that follows after the user name must be written between double quotation marks. Since the
topic of the command line contains double quotation marks, the " character must be replaced with
This procedure works only if the user is a built-in pc administrator (user =
administrator) and the UAC will intervene for other Administrator level
users as explained in the microsoft document:
For other cases you will need to disable the UAC in order to carry out the
installation procedure.

1.2. Movicon PowerHMI

Movicon Power HMI is a limited version of Movicon. The PowerHMI projects can be developed with
the same Movicon environment while keeping in mind the limits explained and listed in the below
paragraphs. To make it easier for the programmer not to use functionalities not supported by Power
HMI, a project "Target License Type" property has been provided with two options: to develop a
Movicon project (Standard Option) or to develop a PowerHMI project (Basic option). when selecting
the "Basic" opton, the system will be configured to hide or disable all those functionalities not
supported by Power HMI so that the programmer does not used them by mistake.
However, when the project is run, it is the installed software license type which has discrimination
exclusivity over the Movicon or PowerHMI project.
If the software licence is Basic type, the project will be run with PowerHMI limits. Licensed for
PowerHMI are only software type and are generated based on the device's network card MAC
address. If machine has different types of licenses installed, priority of use will be as follows:

SG-Lock: USB SG-Lock hardware dongle (Movicon license only)

SmartKey: USB/Parallel Eutron hardware dongle (Movicon license only)
CrypKey: Crykey unlock software code (Movicon license only)
SoftKey: unlock software code codice generated in device's MAC address (Movicon CE, Power
HMI and Power HMI CE licenses only)

Restart Movicon when passing from one license type to another to ensure it starts with the new
The product documentation is the same for all versions Movicon
and PowerHMI.
Possible references in the help to functionality that, like described
above, are not supported, must not be considered valid.

Power HMI limits compared to the Movicon full version

PowerHMI does NOT support any of the following functionalities or resources:



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

OLE objects
Web Client
Power Templates containing Basic Script code

Detailed comparison table:




RealTime DB

Max. 2048 byte(Max. 512

bytes for WinCE)

to unlimited





ODBC Realtime
Trace DB
Data Structure
OPC Client DA
OPC Server DA
Tag in IntelliSense in Basic Script
Graphic Interface
Vectorial Graphic Editor
Support for BMP, GIF, JPG, WMF, EMF
Dynamic Animation
Symbols Library
Import/Export Symbols
Public Symbols
Power Templates (VBA Symbols)
Charts 3D
Editing Menu
Style Source Management in Symbols
Dundas Gauge
IP Camera Viewer
Alias management in Objects
Alarms Logs

Alarms Management
Historical Management (XML)
Historical Management (ODBC)
Alarms Notification (SMS, Email, Voice)
Server OPC AE
Alarms Area
Statistic Reports


Max. 2048 Alarms

Windows 32/64 bit
Max. 1024 Alarms







Max no. 2 DataLoggers,

Unlimited Recipes










Max nr. 2


Event Object



Scaling Object



Scheduler Object











Child Projects



Screen Navigation



Yes (the menu items will be





Comments on alarm ACK

Recipes - Data Loggers
Recipes / Data Logger (XML)
Recipes / DataLoggers (ODBC)
Report Engine
Textual Report
Embedded Report


Trend RealTime
Historical Trends on file .CSV
Historical Trends (linked to DataLogger
Historical Trends Database (ODBC)
Data Analysis
Users & Passwords
Use 1024 levels
User Groups
Runtime Users
Dynamic Multilanguage
Unicode Support
Drivers Library
Max. number of Driver
PLC Tag Importer

IL Logic (Step5-Step7)
VBA Logic (WinWrap Basic)
Sinapsis Logic



Speech Recognition



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Web Client



Services Support



Touch Screen Support



Cross Reference






License Management
The Power HMI version runs on a license which can only be activated with a Softkey containing an
unlocking code. There are no hardware keys available for this version. Unlicensed Project runtimes
will be executed in Demo mode only.
PowerHMI licences can be purchased in single quantities over the internet.

Startup in Runtime Mode

The PowerHMI doesn't not have a specific runtime module for running projects. Therefore projects
must be run using the PowerHMI.exe module followed by the "/R" option. For instance, if you wish
to run a "Test.movprj" project you will have to enter the following command line:
C:\Program Files\Progea\PowerHMI11.1\PowerHMI.exe /R C:\Test\Test.movprj

VBA (WinWrap Basic) Restrictions

The usage of the Basic Script resources has some restrictions:

Only two Basic Script resources can be loaded in Ram and executed at the same time
It's not possible to associate the script code to the Objects, Screens and Alarms Threshold
The basic script expressions in the objects properties are not supported
It's possible to insert the variable script events in the Basic Script
The usage of Public Basic Scripts is supported
The direct access to the project variables is supported
Does not support the use of the project's RealTimeDB variable IntelliSense. This means it will
not be able read/write structure variables with <Variable>.<Member> syntax or byte array
variables with <Variable>.<e>n syntax.
The Basic Script Resources can not be run in "Safe Mode"
The Basic Script Resources can access and use external libraries, but only libraries that don't
need any licence
All the WinWrap Basic functions are supported in the Basic Script Resources
The Basic Script resources can only access methods and properties of the "UIInterface",
"IOPortInterface", "ScriptMEIterface" and "DBVariableCmdTarget" interfaces. Not all the
methods and properties from the "DBVariableCmdTarget" interface are supported, as
specified below.

The supported methods and properties of the "DBVariableCmdTarget" interface are:





All the events, methods and properties of the "ScriptMEIterface" interface are supported.

Variable restrictions
System Variables
Some system variables are not managed by PowerHMI. These variables are:
These variables will not be inserted in the "_SysVar_" structure prototype when activating the
command to add a system variable.
Array Variables
The array variables are supported but indexes can only be numeric and cannot be a variable.

Restrictions on System Variables

The following system variables are not managed by PowerHMI:
The command for adding the system variable to the database will not add these variable in the
"_SysVar_" structure prototype.

Restrictions on Historical Log tables

The Historical Log tables (Alarms, Drivers and SysMsgs) created with the 10.x PowerHMI version are
no more compatible with the 11 version since the tables structure for 11 version includes two
additional fields. Moving to 11 version these tables will be re-created, loosing all recorded data.

Restrictions on Page Change commands

The "back history" screens list used for "Close and Return back" command is not available. The first
time the "Close and Return back" commands is executed, the supervision goes back to the previous
screen, the second time it goes back to the start screen.

Restrictions on String Table

The columns of the String Table do not support neither the properties for the Reference Style (Style
Source Container) nor the properties for Text -To-Speech ( TTS Engine, TTS Volume, TTS Rate. It is
not possible to change the TTS engine for the Text-To-Speech function on the project language

Other restrictions
Other restrictions may be:

PowerHMI cannot access in write a Movicon project variable with Trace comments enabled.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

PowerHMI is not able to acknowledge Movicon project alarms which have been enabled for
acknowledgement comment entries.

1.3. New features in Movicon 11.4

Movicon has introduced some important new features with last build of 11.3 version. The main new
features have been described in the table below:

User Interface

web client
screen object

screen object
screen object
screen object

screen object

Implementing multi touch in Movicon 11 with
Double tap click
page scrolling enhancement
"Pinch Zoom Gestures" implimented in wen applicatoins for
iPad/iPhone with zoom factor up to 10x
Property added for opting whether to enable the Trend's freeze
when the quality = bad for one or all pens or for completely
disabling this management.
Option added for enabling/disabling OPC groups even when the
variable in use management is active.
When setting a filter in the Data Analysis you can now use a
Date Range to move back and forward move in time
Historical data analysis optimized with a network client project.
A new property added for indicating timeout (in millisec) within
which to display page even when processing is not complete
both for embedded and normal screens.
Registry key added for displaying vectorial images set in
buttons (pressed, released and clicked) using antii-aliasing.
It is now possible to opt whether or not to execute the Off
Command List when disabled.
Property Inserted for verifying and restoring OPC connections

1.4. Movicon BA Restrictions (Buidling

The Movicon BA version (Building Automation & Domotics) has some restrictions in respect the
complete version of Movicon. A list reporting these restrictions is shown below.
Movicon BA installs and supports only the graphic symbols library explicitly designed for
Building Automation, and only the Communication Drivers explicitly designed for
Building Automation' devices.
All the specific BA drivers require an Activation Code to unlock the
communication runtime.
The updated list of BA drivers is available from the Progea website
"Movicon Building Automation" section referring to this product,
or you can contact the Progea sales offices or distributors.
Communication, using Movicon BA, can be also established using the following:


ODBC RealTime


1.5. System Requisites

The System Requisites for the Editor are listed in the table below for
Runtime in Windows 32/64 bit and Web Client.

Runtime Desktop

Runtime CE

Client Web

Operating System
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows 7 Embedded standard
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Windows 2008 Server
Windows 2003 Server
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows 7 Embedded standard
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Windows XP Embedded
Windows 2008 Server
Windows 2003 Server
Windows Terminal Server, WinXP
Embedded*, Windows Tablet Edition
Windows CE* 5.0
Windows CE 6.0
Windows Mobile

All operating systems including

Windows, Linux, Palm, PocketPC,

HW Requirement
Celeron 1,6 GHz, 512
Mb RAM at the
Advised Pentium IV 3
GHz, 1 Gb RAM at the
Celeron f1,6 GHz, 512
Mb RAM at the
Advised at lease
Pentium IV 3 GHz, 1
Nevertheless, these
requisites depend on
the applied project size.
Cpu 200 MHz, 32 Mb
RAM, 32 MB Flash at
the minimum.
Advised Cpu 500 MHz
64 Mb RAM.
Nevertheless, these
requisites depend on
the applied project size.
List of the type of
processors supported
can be found at
Cpu 200 Mhz at the
These requisites
depend on the platform
being used and the
screen sizes displayed.

1.6. Terminology
The terms most commonly used in this manual and their meaning have
been listed below in this table.

Extensible Markup

Metalanguage in text format, simple and
flexible to use, defined by the SGML (ISO
8879) standard. Originally designed for HTML
enhancement, today is widely used as a
strategic tool in exchanging data not only
between web applications, but wherever


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


OLE for Process



Open Data Base



Service Oriented


Simple Object Access



Visual Basic for





Short Message Peer

to Peer

needed thanks to its simple Tag and

multiplatform structure.
OPC is a communication and connectivity
standard used between software applications,
defined by the OPC foundation. The OPC DA
technology is based on DCOM for
interchanging data. OPC XML DA is the new
specification based on SOAP and its Web
Services for communicating in web
Microsoft technology through which
applications can access or record data on
relational Databases. The ODBC drivers are
incorporated in the Microsoft operating
systems or can be retrieved from DB
producers or from third parties.
This is an architecture built on services and
user services that communicate through a
series of specifically designed and
independent interfaces using the Web
This protocol is considered to be the one for
implementing Web Serves in the next few
years. It is built on XML and consents
applications to communicate with each other,
independently from the hardware and
software used and the programming
languages used for developing it. SOAP, used
and supported by the leading software
producers (Microsoft, Sun, IBM) is the only
firewall friendly protocol and exceeds
connectivity limits without compromising
This is the most widely used language
worldwide. It uses the Visual Basis syntax for
managing script executions within
applications. VBA is a Microsoft product,
while the VBA language guarantees 100%
These are Software tools accessible through
normal protocols in use on the Internet
(HTTP, XML, SMTP, etc...). The advantage of
the Web Services is using a basic set of
protocols available absolutely everywhere,
permitting interoperability between different
platforms and maintaining the option to use
more advance protocols which are more
specialized in carrying out specific tasks. The
Web Services are built on XML and SOAP.
This is a messaging protocol used as an
industrial standard for simplifying application
integration with wireless networks such as
GSM, TDMA, CDMA and PDC. It is widely used
in the telecommunications industry sectors
and mobile devices.

2. Important Information
2.1. Assumptions
All the information provided in the Movicon documentation is based on the assumption that:

All the illustrations in this manual refer to the last Movicon version with Windows32/64 bit

Windows 32/64 bit refer to the trademarks of Microsoft inc

Ms Access and SQL Server refer to the Microsoft inc. registered products

Crystal Report refers to the product registered by Business Objects - Seagate, version 10 or

Movicon refers to the supervision system developed by Progea and is protected by the
international Copyright

Any other product or trademark cited is registered or protected by their relative owners

Windows is installed in the system. For information about this installation please consult the
relevant chapters in the Windows 'Introduction Guide'

A mouse had been installed. If a mouse is not being used please check the keyboard

All the information contained in this manual is subject to change without prior notification due
to system updating

2.2. Conventions
Movicon exploits the Windows standard techniques such as Copy, Paste, Drag, Multi-selecting etc.,
for managing projects.
This documentation assumes that you are:

Familiar with the appropriate operating system working environment.

Knowledgeable of how to use of a mouse, Windows menus, select options, and accessing
online Help.

Experienced with a programming or macro language. For best results, you should have an
understanding of programming concepts such as variables, statements, functions and

Experienced with automation systems that the product is referred to

Important: The combo keys indicated in this guide, are to be considered
valid provided they are not being used by in the project by the Movicon
Shortcuts, i.e. the plants keyboards commands. If used in the project, the
plant commands keys have precedence over the system keys.

For further information, please consult the chapter on Shortcut Resource in this guide.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

2.3. Copyright
Movicon is a software product and a copyright by Progea. All rights are reserved.
The brand Movicon is a registered trademark of Progea.
Via S. Anna 88/E
41100 Modena, Italy
Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval
system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Progea.

2.4. Warning
This software is not guarantee for a level of reliability suitable for use in or in connection
with surgical, nuclear, military or other critical plants and in any life support systems
whose failure to perform can reasonably be expected to cause significant injury to a
In any application, including the above, reliability of operation of the software products
can be impaired by adverse factors, including but not limited to fluctuations in electrical
power supply, computer hardware malfunctions, computer operating system software
fitness, fitness of compilers and development software used to develop an application,
installation errors, software and hardware compatibility problems, malfunctions or
failures of electronic monitoring or control devices, transient failures of electronic
systems (hardware and/or software), unanticipated uses or misuses, or errors on the
part of the user or applications designer (adverse factors such as these are hereafter
collectively termed "system failures"). Any application where a system failure would
create a risk of harm to property or persons (including the risk of bodily injury and
death) should not be reliant solely upon one form of electronic system due to the risk of
system failure. To avoid damage, injury, or death, the user or application designer must
take reasonably prudent steps to protect against system failures, including but not
limited to back-up or shut down mechanisms. Because each end-user system is
customized and differs from Progea' testing platforms and because a user or application
designer may use Progea products in combination with other products in a manner not
evaluated or contemplated by Progea, the user or application designer is ultimately
responsible for verifying and validating the suitability of Progea products whenever
Progea products are incorporated in a system or application, including, without
limitation, the appropriate design, process and safety level of such system or application.
Disclaimer of All Warranties
Disclaimer of Liability




2.5. Waste Disposal

The Eutronsec dongles must be disposed of separately in the right disposal or recycling bin according
to the waste disposal regulations and as indicated by the "dispose separately" symbol on device.

Users must dispose used product at local waste and recycle points in their area or take it back to
vendor when purchasing a new one. Waste disposal and recycling process of used products into new
ones helps protect the environment from illegal dumping and the harmful pollution caused by it. The
improper disposal of products by the user is an illegal offense according to government Waste
Disposal Act 254 and following D.Lgs. 152 of 3rd April 2006.
In relation to Art.13, D. Lgs. July 25, 2005, n. 151 "Implementation of Directives 2002/95/EC,
2002/96/EC and 2003/108/EC", on reducing the use of harmful substances in electric and electronic
appliances and devices, and their disposal.

2.6. Windows 8/7 Support

Movicon 11 has successfully passed all tests needed for obtaining the certification and compatibility
with Windows 8/7 ("Certified for Windows 8/7(tm)").

Windows 8/7 installs a new component called UAC (User Account Control) for default. When this
component is active, certain operations cannot be performed in all programs (such as entering
information in certain points of the registry) even when an Administrator user is logged in. The user
in which the process is run is in fact a virtual reality user and not a real life administrator user.
For further information please read this Microsoft documentation:
Some modifications have been made to Movicon which consent the product to run the following
operations even when the UAC is active in the Windows 8/7 operating system:

Movicon registration in the ROT (Running Object Table) is done during the product's
installation phase and at project startup.
'Alarm Dispatcher registration in the ROT (Running Object Table) is done during the product's
installation phase and at project startup.
Icons associated to project files are registered during installation, in addition to opening the
project in development mode.
The Movicon service is installed/uninstalled using the "RegService.exe external tool. This tool
is used in automatic mode when needed, and is completely transparent to users.
The Movicon OPC Server is registered/unregistered with the "RegOPCServer.exe" external
tool. This tool is used in automatic mode when needed, and is completely transparent to


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

users. The automatic registration and unregistration of the OPC Server at application startup
or termination remains impossible when the UAC is active in Windows 8/7.
Important! the graphical interface is not supported when running
Movicon as Windows 8/7 service. to increase security Window 8/7
keeps services and user applications running in separate sessions.
This increases system service security but impedes the user to
interact with the service's user interface. In this case it is possible
to used the Windows 8/7 "Interactive Services Detection". When a
interactive service requires user interaction the "Interactive
Services Detection" opens a dialog window through which the user
can switch over to the session where the service is running to
interact with it. However, only the session in question will be
available for use and the only way to return back to the Windows
user interface session is to use the command provided. The
"Interactive Services Detection" has been set with Manual startup
for default therefore the user must start it up when needed.

2.7. Technical Support

Progea supplies a Technical Support Service very fast and highly efficient. The Technical Support
Team is at customers disposal, according to service rules, for all customers having purchased at least
one Editor licence and having registered as Movicon users.
Sending back the Registration form or registering the product on-line, Progea assures the customer
service technical support and the product warranty according to the use licence agreement and the
standard procedures.
All technical support information must be obtained from the dealer where this product was
purchased. For any further information on this product or the technical support service, you can
contact Progea, the product developers, by telephoning the numbers either on the registration form
or the telephone assistance contract or in the "Readme.txt" file. Always quote the product's serial
number when making enquiries.
Web Support Center
The registered users can access Technical Support Web Service. Please visit our site at
www.progea.com to see Support and Services offered by Progea. And while you are there you can
take a look at the BugBase, Knowledge base, Examples, FAQs, the last Build available, support
centres and the Solution Providers. You can also fill in a form to let us know of any suggestions you
may have.
Support via E-mail
The registered users can also access the Technical Support Web Service by sending an e-mail to the
Support Team. Each technical support request is traced and recorded in the Technical Support
Database and managed as described in support section in Progea web site.
To get technical information quickly and easily via e-mail, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, send
us your technical questions to [email protected] or your commercial requests to
[email protected].
Phone Support
The access to phone assistance service (Hot Line Support) is reserved to customers which subscribe
the Technical Support contract. Please check in support section in Progea web site
http:://www.progea.comhow to access the Hot Line support service.
If you like to subscribe a Technical Support contract and taking advantage of its benefits, please
contact Progea sales offices at [email protected] or contact your local dealer.
Note: For a more efficient technical support, we suggest to use the
"Support Inquiry" form available at www.progea.com, support section.
The use of this form allows to better define the problem and to quickly find
a solution, for a better customer service.




2.7.1. Web Support Center

The web site for the Progea support is available at the address www.progea.com, on the Support
section ("Web Support" link).
The access to this page require the user registration (reserved access).
A WebHelp is available on the Web Support Center page where you can check out the BugBase,
Knowledgebase, the examples, FAQs and the last product Build available. This tool, which is
constantly kept updated by Progea, is particularly useful to the user who will be able to see a series
of examples and answers to the most frequently asked questions by clients. In addition to this there
is a list of fixed bugs from different versions and information on the new items introduced.

2.8. Updates and BugBase

The Movicon software is periodically updated with the release of new updating Builds by the Progea
'Research and Development' team which can be downloaded from the www.progea.com site free of
You can also access the download page on the website to check out the last release available and
the reasons why it was released.

You should always check, when the system is not running correctly, whether our problem has
already been put right in the bugbase, where there is a historical list of all the problems
found so far and resolved.

The solution to a problem or improvements involves the unavoidable release of a build, which is
available and can be downloaded from the Progea website free of charge.

2.8.1. Updates
Below the Update and Upgrade concepts will be defined, referring as always to the version number
of the product purchased.
As well as the ' splash' at the program's start the version number can also be checked out through
the information window accessed with the "Information On..." command from the 'Help' ('?')
The first two numbers refer to the program version, the next three numbers refer to the Build.
Example, version 11.3.1102 means : Version 11.3, Build 1102.

Updates are the patches updating one build to another within the
same program version. The Build change is always free of charge.
Upgrades are all changes which upgrade one Movicon version to
another. Not only is the software upgraded but also the dongle and
the set of manuals that go with it.
The upgrade can always be purchased on request.


Upgrading a project to a next build does not always maintain

compatibility with the previous build. Before upgrading, we suggest
you to check the eventual loosing of compatibility with the past. By
consulting the Web Support Center, Bugbase section, you can check
any eventual incompatibility list.

2.8.2. Bugbase
The bugbase is the program's historical archive containing a chronological report of all the version
releases and builds with explanations of the solved problems and the new items inserted.
When installing new updates you should make it a habit to also read the bugbase to check-out the
new items inserted, as regards to the previous versions, or to look over the resolved problems in
order to save time or asking for technical support.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The Bugbase is available online at the Progea website in the "Support" section, so that users can go
over the problems already taken care of and decide whether to they want to update or not by
executing the free download.


3. Before Starting
Movicon is a software platform to create and run projects for the supervision and control any kind of
automation system.
Movicon's main task is to save you time in creating supervision projects by providing you with all the
necessary functionalities in resources and object libraries, prebuilt to suit any purpose.
This product has two working modes: Development and Runtime

The development mode allows you to edit projects. In this mode, the
system permits you to create or modify project files by means of
inserting resources and to configure them using properties.


The Runtime mode lets you run the project. In this mode the user can
view data and use commands predisposed by the programmer.

Nearly all the project's documentation refers to using Movicon in "Development" mode with
illustrated techniques for creating powerful supervision projects according to the requirements that
need to be made available to the supervisor users in "runtime".

What you can do with Movicon

Any necessity relating to creating automation software for vision and control, whether sophisticated
supervision systems (Scada) or simple operator interface systems (HMI) can be easily created by
using Movicon.
The editing techniques have been conceived to lighten the work load and reduce developing.
Naturally, as for all development platforms, the optimal product use must take into consideration all
the best techniques to maximize profits and optimize results.
These brief tips do not have the aim of planning you a good user interface, which is the job of the
programmer based of the objectives and results required of and by client specifications, but to give
you a guideline and better understanding of the techniques used and functionalities of the system
before starting to use Movicon.

Let's look at the Workspace

First of all, start up Movicon and briefly observe and study the workspace. This operating
environment has left various tools at your disposal which, when used correctly, allow you to speed
up your work.
The main tools are:
Project Explorer Window: displays all the project resources in a tree structure
Properties Window: displays all the properties which can be configured for the selected object or
Objects Window: Displays the Toolbox with graphics object libraries which can be inserted on
Symbols Library Window: Displays the graphic symbol libraries


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Working in "Easy" mode

For those who are beginners, the object properties windows may seem quite daunting in how many
there are available for each object. As time passes you will get to appreciate the many properties
which permit you to completely configure all the functionalities reducing the need to resort to codes.
However, at the beginning it would be more helpful to start working in 'Easy Mode' where the
properties windows hide the more sophisticated and less used ones, reducing the availability of
functions and simplifying the initial approach.
The display change is done by using the

button from the toolbar of the same window.

Linked arguments:
Project Structure

Let's start with the Variables from the RT Database

The Supervisor's main objectives to communicate with the field devices and provide information. The
dynamic information is called 'Variables' or Tags, which reside in the Real Time DB resource. The
communication drivers are setup in this resource and permit data exchange with the devices. This
data is associated to the variables defined in the Variable List(Tags).
Real Time DB: Project resource which contains driver settings and the list of Tags
Variable List(Tags): Lists all the project's global variables. At least the name, type and the
dynamic device address must be set in the properties of each Tag. When dynamic addresses are
not associated, the variables will be "internal" and not counted by the license.




The Graphic Interface

After having observed where the variables, these variables will contain dynamic information to be
associated to the various supervisor functionalities. The Graphic Interface is one of the main
functionalities, where you can create graphical displays known as video pages or Screen Resources,
which are inserted into the project "Screens". The graphic tools (objects, symbols) can then be
used in the screens to create drawings to build the user interface. The screens reside in the
"resources" group of the project structure.
Fundamentally, each graphic object inserted on screen, is made dynamic because it is associated
with the variable (or variables) in its properties for graphical animations or commands desired. The
command objects can, however, execute one or more commands such as change page, data
settings, operations commands on alarms, reports, etc.
Linked arguments:
Graphic Interface
How to create Graphic Interfaces
Editing Symbol Graphics

The Alarms
One of fundamental supervisor tasks is to manage alarms. The target is to obtain is to associate an
alarm to a variable, which can have one or more intervention thresholds. Generally, these alarms
then must be filed in a log, known as the Historical Log, which can be displayed as pleased. These
alarms can then be set to give notifications via SMS, E-mail, Voice etc.
The alarms are setup in the project's Alarms Resource where the 'alarm' objects receive the variables
associated in their properties. The thresholds are then set and the properties relating to the text,
logic conditions along with and any colors and styles.
Once set, the alarms are then managed in the project. When the condition is activated, the alarm will
display in a predisposed Alarm Window, which is a graphic object from the toolbox that can be
inserted in any screen.
The alarms, if not specified otherwise in their properties, are recorded on filed in the Log by the
system. The stored data can be viewed through the Log Window, which is another graphic object
from the toolbox which can be inserted in any screen.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Linked Arguments:
Inserting Alarms
Historical Log

The Historical Logs

The log recording tools constitute one of the fundamental aspects of any supervisor. In addition to
historically recording events that, as indicated above, takes place through the Historical log tool, it is
often necessary to record data log files containing process information. These data files can be used
for the production Recipes or for recording process variable on log (Data Log). The tool to use in
each case, is the Data Loggers and Recipes resource.




The DB objects can be used in both cases which manage the filing of data as needed when
configured appropriately.
Recorded data from the Data Loggers and Recipes may be displayed for the following reasons:
DataLogger Window
The Grid
Chart Objects
The desired Data Logger can be associated to any one of the above mentioned graphic objects,
being a historical data base managed by the supervisor. The graphic objects display historically
logged data according to the contents in the filed managed by the Data Logger objects.

The Logics
Even though the job of a supervision platform is to avoid, as much as possible, the use of codes (to
reduce development times), it may be necessary to resort them nevertheless for executing
calculations, logic functions whether for customizing the object's or resource function to adapt them
to the specifications required. In this case, the logics permits you to get the function type you want,
even when not provided in the object's properties.
Movicon provides you with three types of languages to create control logics:
VBA Language (Visual Basic for Application)
Basic Scripts as Resources
VBA Basic Script in Object Properties
VBA Basic Scripts in Object code
PLC-like Language
IL Logic (Instructions List)
Synapses (graphic object orientated language, based on VBA)

Other Objects and Resources

Movicon offers many other functionalities, such as menus, accelerators (keyboard) schedulers, event
objects, change language, Users and password management, networking, OPC, modem, etc.. Each
functionality is described in the appropriate chapter.
In this context, the aim was to give you general view of the main functionalities and basic concepts
of use.

3.1. Microsoft Windows Certified

Movicon, compliant to the standards required by Microsoft for Windows compatibility, completely
supports the standard resource usage and management techniques.

The Microsoft standard techniques supported refer to:

Editing Techniques
Drag & Drop
Right mouse key


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Color selections
File, font, printout selections

The Microsoft standards supported in managing system and other applications refer to:

ODBC Support
SQL Support
OLE2, OLE2 Automation Support
VBA Compatible and ADO Support
OCX - ActiveX Support

This part of the guide will briefly deal with the Movicon editing and usage techniques being the
Windows standard techniques.
The less advanced user should refer to the Windows User's Manual for further information on these

3.2. Project Programming Limits

There are some limits with Movicon programming and the components used by Movicon (i.e.
Databse, ODBC, etc) that you should take into account when creating projects. The programming
limits concerning the various project resources are described in the relative chapters from the
"Technical Specifications" guide.
While consulting these limits you should also consider that:



These recommended limits are not constraints but

suggestions based on tests run by the builders. It is
totally the user's responsibility to decide what's best
for their project according to hardware resources
being used and the total amount of resources in use.
The resource limits refer to projects run on Personal
Computer with at least WinXP PRO and CPU Pentium
4 configuration with at least 2 GB RAM.
Additional programming limits may exist, even
though not indicated in the product documentation,
caused by restrictions deriving from circumstances or
a combination of circumstances internal or external
to the project.

4. Projects Structure
The Movicon Projects are composed of diverse component groups (known also as project
Resources), such as the Real Time Data DB, the Resources, The Data Loggers, etc. These groups of
components are displayed in a tree structure in the "Project Explorer" window and are described in
full detail in the appropriately dedicated sections.

This figure illustrates the Movicon project structure in a

block diagram.
The "Project Explorer" window is the main window used in programming a Movicon project.
This window is displayed straight away upon opening a project and its function is to report the
Resources and their Groups of Components, contained within, in a tree structure. Each single object
can easily be selected from this tree structure to carry out any editing or settings through the
corresponding "Properties Window".

4.1. A New Project

An application project is built with folders and files created by Movicon and programmers. When the
command for creating a new project (Menu File->New) is executed, Movicon opens a dialog
window through which three options can be executed, when the 'New', 'Existing' and 'Recent'
Tab are selected:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


create New project

opens Exiting project
opens a project in the list of Recent projects

Obviously a new project is created only in the first case, while an already created project will be
opened in the other two situations.
The same dialog window will also be opened when the project's open command ((Menu "File>Open") is executed with a difference that only the options in point 2 and 3 will appear.

When selecting the 'New' Tab, you will be asked to choose which project type you wish to create
and, above all, which destination software platform the project is to be executed on.
The choices are:

Movicon Project for Win32 platform

Movicon Project for Terminals (j2se)
Movicon Project for WinCE platform
Movicon Project for Mobile phones (j2me)

After having chosen the platform desired another dialog window will display through which the
projects start settings are defined. These settings, described in the relative sections, concern:
Project Name
Communication Drivers
Screens (Pages)
DataBase Settings (ODBC)
Data Loggers and Recipe Settings (ODBC)
Alarms Settings

When selecting the 'Existing' Tab the usual Windows' window will display to execute the browser of
the local computer or network resources for selecting the project you wish to open for programming.
In this case you have to select a Movicon project file with the ".movprj" extension.

When selecting the 'Recent' Tab the list of the last projects opened, in chronological time order from
most recent to the oldest, will be displayed. Select the project you wish to open for programming
from this list.

4.1.1. Project Name

When creating a new project you can define the 'Project Name' settings to assign the Project with a
name, its location and its file encoding type. It is obligatory to enter a project name in order to
continue programming. These settings can also be changed afterwards during the developing phase.
The Project's name is entered here. Specify the name without extensions only.
The path and the folder where the Project is to be saved is entered here. You can also use the
Browse button ("...") on the right.
Movicon will propose the 'My Documents' folder as the path for the user logged in Windows for
default, adding the 'Movicon Projects' folder and the folder with the same Name as the Project's. To
make things clearer let's suppose that the Log-on has been carried out by 'Administrator' user and
the new project has already been named 'Project1', the path and the folder proposed by Movicon will
then be:




C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\...

Any part of this path can be changed due forth.
Crypt Core Project File
When this option is checked the Movicon Project file will be saved in encrypted mode, and therefore
cannot be read with other editors. This setting can be changed after the project has been created,
through the "Crypted Project" properties accessed from the 'General Project Settings'.
Crypt all Project Resource Files
When this option is checked the Movicon Project resource files will be saved in encrypted mode, and
therefore cannot be read with other editors. This setting can be changed after the project has
been created through the "Crypted Project Resources" properties accessed from the Project's
'General Settings'.
Compress all the files
When this option is checked the Movicon Project will be saved in compressed format. This setting
can be change after the project has been created through the "Zipped Project" properties accessed
from the Project's 'General Settings'.
Encode using Unicode UTF-16
When this option is checked the Movicon Projet will be saved in Unicode UTF-16 format. This setting
can be change after the project has been created through the "Unicode Project" properties accessed
from the Project's 'General Settings'.

4.1.2. Users
When creating the new project you can define the 'User' settings to create default users and groups
and define whether or not to activate the password management in the Project. These settings can
also be modified afterwards, during the project developing phase.
Password Protected Project
When this option is enabled the project's password protection will be activated. When this protection
is enabled only users with Developer rights (level 1024) can open the project in developing mode.
This setting can be changed after the project has been created through the "Password Protected
Project" property which is accessed from the 'Users and User Group General Properties'.
When activating the 'Password Protected Project' option you must also fill in the
'Developer Name', 'Developer Password' and 're-type Developer Password' text
Developer Name
This edit box is activated only if the 'Password Protect Project' setting has been enabled and must be
used for entering the Project Developer's user name. Movicon will automatically assign the user with
a Developer Level. When the project has been created you can add other users with Developer
Levels through the 'User & User Groups' management to allow the project to be opened to and by
other users.
Alphanumeric and 'Case Sensitive' characters can be inserted into this field and
discriminates between lowercase letters and uppercase ones.
The minimum length for the User Name set for default by Movicon is four
characters. We advise you not to go lower than this number for normative and
security reasons.
Developer Password
This edit box is activated only if the 'Password Protect Project' setting has been enabled and must be
used for entering the Project Developer user's password.
Alphanumeric and 'Case Sensitive' characters can be inserted into this field and
discriminates between lowercase letters and uppercase ones.
The minimum length for the User Name set for default by Movicon is four
characters. We advise you not to go lower than this number for normative and
security reasons.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Re-type Developer Password

This edit box is activated only if the 'Password Protect Project' setting has been enabled and must be
used for re-entering the Project Developer user's password to confirm whether this has been typed
correctly. The characters are inserted in encrypted mode.
Enable Password Mng
Enabling this option will activate the project's password management during Runtime phase. This
setting can be changed after the project has been created through the "Enable Password Manager"
property which is accessed from the 'Users and User Group General Properties'.
Create Default User Groups
When enabling this option Movicon will insert four default User Groups in the 'Users & User Groups'
in the 'Project Explorer' window: "Developers", "Administrators", "Users" and "Guests". Apart
from the 'Developer' group the other three use the usual O.S. group modality. When the project has
been created other groups can be added or the existing ones can be modified through the 'Users &
User Groups' management.
Create Users from Windows Users -> Server Name
When enabling this option the users belonging to the Operating System dominion will be inserted
into the 'Users & User Groups' in the 'Project Explorer' window by Movicon. These Users will
automatically be inserted in the relative "Administrators", "Users" and "Guests" groups if the
'Create Default User Groups' option has been enabled. If a name of a Server Network has been
specified in the edit box on the right the Users of that Server will be acquired. After the project has
been created other users can be added or existing ones can be modified or moved to other Groups
through the 'Users & User Groups' management.
Enable Runtime Users' changes
Enabling this option will activate the Runtime Users management where it will be possible to add,
change and cancel new users during project Runtime. This setting can be changed after the project
has bee created through the "Enable Runtime users" property which is accessed from the 'Users and
User Groups General Properties'.
Enable Windows User Login
When enabling this option it will become possible to share users from the operating system domain
or Windows Server in the applied project. This setting can be changes after the project has been
created, through the "Enable Windows Users" property which is accessed from the Windows Users
and User Groups Property'.
Enable CRF-21 Settings
When enabling this option any editing done to the User settings will be managed in conformance
with the "FDA21 CFR Part 11" normative. This setting can be change after the project has been
created through the "Enable CRF21- Part 11 Settings" property which is accessed from the 'Users
and User Groups General Properties'.

4.1.3. Communication Drivers

When creating a new project you can define the 'Add Communication Driver' settings to enable one
or more communication Drivers to be used in the Project. These settings can then be also edited
afterwards, during the project developing phase, through the 'Real Time DB -> List Available
Communication Driver ' in the Project Explorer' window.
Only the Communication Drivers to be used can be selected in this phase. Their settings can be
done during the project developing phase.

4.1.4. Screens
When creating a new project you can defined the 'Screens' settings to create a certain number of
screens with automatically set sizes. The screens in question can then be modified afterwards during
the project developing phase.




Create Nr. Screens

The number of Screens, to be inserted in the "Screens" group in the 'Project Explorer' window to
create the project, is entered in this edit box. The screens in question can be modified afterwards
during the project developing phase.
Add Screen Caption
When this box is checked, a text box with the Screen's name will be entered into the Screens which
were inserted to create the project. This means that each screen will be identified with a header.
Since they are realised with vectorial drawings, the header can be changed or removed during the
programming stage.
Add Screen Navigation Bar
Enabling this option, apart from the Screens set in the 'Create N. Sub Screens', another Screen will
be inserted in the project being created which will appear as a command bar (reduced height) to
contain as many buttons as the screens set in the 'all the button which have been 'Create N. Sub
Each button will open the Screen it is related to (Page1 Button = opens Screen page 1). In addition
to this an embedded Footer Screen will be inserted in each page so that the bar of command buttons
is available in all of them. This results in having a determined number of screen pages contained in a
command bar to execute page changes. All the pages and command can be changed and customized
during the programming phase.
Default Screen Width
The default width in pixels with which the Screen is to be created is entered in this edit box. This
setting can be changed after the project has been created through the "CX" property which is
accessed from the 'General Screen Properties'.
Default Screen Height
The default height in pixels with which the Screen is to be created with is entered in this edit box.
This setting can be changed after the project has been created through the "CY" property which
accessed from the 'General Screen Properties'.
Default Color
This selection box is used for assigning the Screen background color.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Colour Threshold Settings in Drawings and

4.1.5. DataBase Settings (ODBC)

When creating new projects you can set the "DataBase Settings (ODBC)" which Movicon will use for
default for recording data inherent to the Historical Log and the Variable Trace.
In this phase you will be able to select the provider wished to be used through the combo-box and
then configure its parameters through the mask opened with the "Customize ODBC Settings"
command. This selection will then be associated to the project's "Plugin ODBC Default" property
which can be modified afterwards.
The ODBC drivers that can be selected are:

MSAccess: MS Access (uses the "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)" driver and is
the predefined choice)
MySQL: MySQL 5.1 (uses the driver installed with this MySQL version)
OracleEx10: Oracle Express (uses the client-less driver installed with this Oracle
Oracle11g: Oracle Express 11 (uses the client-less driver installed with this
Oracle version)
SQLServer2000: MS SQL Server 2000 (uses "SQL Server" driver)
SQLServer2005: MS SQL Server 2005 (uses the "SQL Native Client" driver)
SQLServer2008: MS SQL Server 2008 (uses the "SQL Native Client 10.0" driver)
SQLServerExp2000: MS SQL Express 2005 (uses the "SQL Native Client" driver)
SQLServerExp2008: MS SQL Express 2008 (uses the "SQL Native Client 10.0"
SQLServer2012: MS SQL Server 2012 (uses the "SQL Native Client 11.0" driver)


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

SQLServerExp2012: MS SQL Express 2012 (uses the " SQL Native Client
11.0" driver)

Naturally, in order to use one of above listed providers you will need to install its relating ODBC
driver on your machine beforehand. "MsAccess" is the only native Operating System driver.
The "Customize ODBC Settings" button permits you to set some connection parameters, for each
plugin specifically, such as the driver or the database instance name. If you already know the values
of these parameters this is the best time to set them. When pressing the "Next" button a connection
test is carried out after which the set parameters will be reviewed if failed. You can, however,
proceed in execution the wizard independently from the test result.
For further information please refer to sections: "Project ODBC Plugin " and "ODBC Plugin list".

4.1.6. Data Loggers and Recipe Settings (ODBC)

When creating a new project you can set the "Data Logger and Recipe Settings (ODBC)" to define if
any DataLoggers as Templates should be added to the project. The ODBC driver used for defualt for
creating DSNs for the DataLoggers and Recipes will be the same one defined in the project's "Plugin
ODBC Default" property. (and initially selected with the wizard when creating a new project in the
"Database settings (ODBC)").
Create Data Logger Template
When this box is checked 1 to 5 Data Loggers will be automatically added to the list of the project's
Data Loggers as Templates. The only difference between these Data Loggers is the recording which
may be:
every 5 seconds
every 10 seconds
every 30 seconds
every minute
every 10 minutes
otherwise they are all the same without any associated columns. Their purpose is to be used as
Templates which can be associated to variables directly, as described in the section on "Associating
Data Loggers and Recipes to Variables", when diverse variables are to be recorded with the same
modalities. This is a very quick way of assigning variables to DataLoggers.
The programmer then has the task of carrying out any changes to the Data Logger settings
regarding the recording modalities and columns can be added to them or they can be used as
standard Data Loggers and not as Templates.

4.1.7. Alarms Settings

When creating a new project you can use the 'Alarms Settings' to create a digital and an analog
alarm to be eventually used as Templates.
Create Digital Alarm Template
When enabling this selection box a Digital Alarm will automatically be added to the project's 'Alarms
List', which is an alarm with only one intervention threshold set at '1' value, and a Digital Message,
being an alarm with only one intervention threshold set at value '1' with its "Support ACK" and
"Support RESET" disabled. This alram and this message can be used as Templates and associated
directly to the Movicon Real Time DB variables. An alarm or message can in fact be associated to
several variables, as described in the "Alarms as Template" section, in cases where the alarm or
message type remains always the same and when repeated for different devices. However the
alarm or message can always be configured in the normal way, associating them a variable and
managing them as single alarms or messages.




Create Analog Alarm Template

When enabling this selection box an Analog alarm will automatically added to the project's 'Alarms
List', which is an alarm with more than one intervention thresholds. These alarms have four
thresholds which are defined as follows:
LowLow (intervention for values < -100)
Low (intervention for values < -90)
High (intervention for values > 90)
HighHigh (intervention for values > 100)
This alarm can be used as a Template to be directly associated to the variables from the Movicon
Real Time DB. An alarm can also be associated to more than one variable, as described in the
section on "Alarms as Template", when the same alarm type is repeated on different devices. The
programmer therefore should configure the alarm to be used as template appropriately. The alarm
can always be configured as a normal alarm, by associating it to a variable and managing it as a
single alarm.

4.2. Project Constraints

Each project can be set with constraints when being developed. When these constraints are
exceeded the following alert window will appear:

These constraints are managed with a xml file which has the name of the project with
the ".Constraints" extension. These files contain default values which can be changed.
The purpose of these constraints is to set projects with limits to stop them from getting
too big for the chosen platform they are to be run on. However, it is important to keep in
mind that any possible value changes made to these limits may degrade the project's
Furthermore, there are some items which consent certain information in the project structure to be
displayed or hidden such as that shown in the Project Explorer Window.
The various attributes in the ".Constraints" file must be inserted in the right order so that they can
be valued properly. Following this, the ".Constraints" file is proposed once again with the list of all
the attributes, in order, that have been set with the default value:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>


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Each attribute means:

MaxNumVariables: maximum number of variable that can be entered in the project's

MaxNumScreens: maximum number of screens that the project can have
MaxNumScripts: maximum number of basic scripts that can be entered in the project
AllowScriptInScreen: allows the script code to be edited in the screen or in its objects
(default value is "true")
AllowILInScreen: allows the IL codes to be edited in the screen or in its object (default
value is "true")
MaxNumScreenObjects: maximum number of objects that can be inserted on one screen.
One symbol counts as one object
MaxScreenSizeCx: maximum length set in pixels that a screen can be set with
MaxScreenSizeCy: maximum height in pixels that a screen can be set with
MaxDaysAgeHistoric: specifies the maximum project historical table age in days. This
setting is used in the Historical Log tables, the variable Trace DB tables, and in Data Logger
tables. This value is also used in project design mode to reduce the default age of the various
historical logs, in cases where values may be more than the set limit.
MaxCacheBeforeFlush: consents the maximum size of the cache to be specified before the
system unloads data on files. This value represents the "Max. cache size" property of the
"ODBC manager" properties group, for the project historical logs or for DataLoggers.
MaxNumberRecordsDL: consents the entry of a further control on Data Loggers.
Frequency values or age values that produce a total number of records higher than this limit,
set through the constraints, will not be accepted. The "Tot. Nr. Records" property allows you
to see the total number calculation of records estimated for a determined Data Logger. This
calculation uses the age set in the historical and the sampling frequency in this formula:







ie: When setting MaxNumberRecordsDL = 68400 in the constraints file, it will not be
possible to change the ""Data Max Age" or the Sampling Frequency if this results (Data
Only the "MaxDaysAgeHistoric" value is used when creating a new project, while the
MaxNumberRecordsDL value is controlled only when the Data Logger age or sampling
frequency are being edited
AllowGradientFill: when set at 0, consents all the properties, for setting the back color
Gradient types of screens and objects, to be hidden
EditVariables: when set at 0 the "Real TimeDB" node in the Project Explorer window will
not be displayed, the "Edit Real Time DB Variables" will be disabled from the project's Edit
menu (right mouse click), the "Edit Realtime DB Variable..." and "Add a New Variable (Tag)"
from the Project Explorer's window's command panel will also be disabled
EditDrivers: when set at 0 the 'List Com.Drivers' sub-node from the RealTime DB group in
the Project Explorer window and the "Add New Comm.Driver" from the same menu of the



"Real TimeDB group and the "Add New Comm.Driver" item form the Project's Explorer's
command panel will also be disabled
EditStructures: when set at 0 the "List Structure Prototypes" sub-node from the RealTime
DB group in the Project's Explorer window and the "New Structure Definition" from the Real
time DB edit menu and the "Add a new Struct Prototype" item from the Project's Explorer
window's command window will both be disabled.
EditScreens: When set at 0 the "Screens" node in the Project's Explorer window will not be
displayed, the "Add a new Screen" from the edit menu (right mouse click), the "Insert a new
screen in the Project" item in the Porject's Explorer window's command panel and the "New
Screen" icon from the Toolbar will all be disabled
EditScripts: when set at 0 the "Basic Script" node in the Project's Explorer window will not
be displayed, the "Add a new Script" the edit menu (right mouse click), the "Insert a new
Basic Script in the Project" in the Project Explorer window's command panel and the "New
script" icon in the Toolbar will all be disabled
EditShortcuts: when set at 0 the "Shortcuts" node in the Project Explorer window will not
be displayed, the "Add a new Shortcut" item from its edit menu (right mouse click), and the
"Add a new Shortcut" from the Project Explorer window's command panel and the "new
shortcut" icon in the toolbar will all be disabled
EditMenus: when set at 0, the "Menus" node in the Project Explorer window will not be
displayed, the "Add a New Menu" item from the edit menu (right mouse click), the "Add a
new Menu" from the Project Explorer window's command panel and the "New Menu" icon in
the ToolBar will all be disabled
EditParameters: when set at 0, the "Parameter Files" node will not display in the Project
Explorer window, the "Add a new Parameter File" from the edit menu (right mouse click), the
"Add a new Parameter File" item from the Project Explorer window's command panel and the
"New Parameter File" icon from the ToolBar will all be disabled
EditUsers: when set at 0, the "Users and User Groups" node will not be displayed in the
Project Explorer window
EditDLRs: when set at 0, the "DataLoggers And Recipes" node will not be displayed in the
Project Explorer window
EditAlarms: when set at 0, the "Alarm List()" node will not be displayed in the Project
Explorer window
EditEvents: when set at 0, the "Event Object List" node will not be displayed in the Project
Explorer window
EditSoftLogic: when set at 0, the "Soft Logic" node will not be displayed in the Project
Explorer window
EditScreenNavigation: when set at 0, the "Screen Navigation Editor" node will not be
displayed in the Project Explorer window
EditSchedurs: when set at 0, the "Scheduler Object List" node will not be displayed in the
Project Explorer window
EditScaling: when set at 0, the "Scaling Object List" node will not be displayed in the Project
Explorer window
EditChildProjects: when set at 0, the "List Child Projects" node will not be displayed in the
Project Explorer window, the "New Child Project....' item in the edit menu (right mouse click),
the "New Child Project...." item in the Project Explorer window's command panel will all be
EditNetwork: when set at 0, the "Network Services" node will not be displayed in the
Project Explorer window
EditOPCDACOM: when set at 0, the "OPC Client DA (COM) " node will not be displayed in
the Project Explorer window
ShowExtendedBrowseTag: when set at 0, allows the "OPC", 'Network' and "Comm. I/O
Drivers" tabs to be hidden in the Tag Browser window. This should stop programmers from
inserting dynamic addresses to variables (Fixed I/O address)
AllowBlockProject: when set at "1" consents the "proprietary format file" button to show
in the project's Property Window

The properties that are not in this file are to be considered active, meaning as if set at 1. However,
those that have been inserted will be managed according to the value entered in the file. Please
keep in mind that all the above listed properties may be modified by the programmer and the new
settings will be acquired by the project when opened again afterwards (this means that you will
need to close and reopen the project after having modified the ".Constraints" file).


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

A child project, when created for the same parent project's platform, inherits
the same constraints as its parent project. However, if the child project is
created for a different platform, ie. the parent project is Windows 32/64 bit
type and child project is WinCE, the child project will inherit the constraints
of its platform, WinCE.constraints, found in the Movicon installation folder.
When a new project is being created with the Wizard, Movicon will search for an existing
".Constraints" file with the name of the project to be created. The search for this file is carried out in
the Movicon installation folder. When it is found it is then copied in the projects destination folder
with the project name and ".Constraints" extension.
The files originally created in the installation phase are:
Win32.Constraints: file containing the Windows 32/64 bit project constraints
WinCE.Constraints: file containing WinCE project constraints
j2se.Constraints: file containing j2se terminal project constraints
j2me.Constraints: file containing j2me mobile phone project constraints

4.3. New Project Wizard customizing

One of the most powerful tools, that Movicon has made available for use, can be used to create new
and customized "wizards" as new supervision project creation models. This potentiality opens the
way to "auto-planning", where new Movicon projects can be created ready with presettable
components (Variables, resources, objects).
The wizard concept is based on the possibility to build a "macro" procedure, based on VBA codes, in
order to create XML project files or any of its components.
By using this criteria, companies can preset the project's creation criteria, by creating for instance
variables and their links, stiles and sizes of screens, their contents, the alarms, etc.
Once this criteria has been established and setup, therefore the
VBA macro, you can click on the corresponding icon to get a
complete creation of the project according to the set features and
When creating a "New Project, "Movicon will search for the 'wizard' sub-folder of the installation
folder, where the program is installed, for all eventual files with the ".movwiz" extension. Those
present will be listed as additional icons in the Movicon "New Project" dialog window. If, apart from
these files, exists another file with the same name and an .ico extension, it will be used as the icon
to be displayed in the window otherwise Movicon will use a default icon.
The figure below illustrates the creation window of a new project. In addition to the standard
Movicon projects, you will see a new icon corresponding to a custom project creating wizard.

The .movwiz file must be in unicode text format containing the basic code with the following entry




Sub OnWizard(bRet As Boolean, ByRef szFilePath As String)

End Sub
The bRet parameter when set at True will allow Movicon to proceed with opening the file passed
with the szFilePath parameter.
The necessary operations are to be done within this basic procedure (including the use of dll, ocx
etc) to create the various projects files to be then opened by Movicon.
Usually, XML files creating is based on the Microsoft XML Parser.
Contact technical support to get further information and/or wizard examples.

Preinstalled Project Wizards

In the Movicon "Wizard" installation folder you will find three ".movwiz" files created by Progea, for
creating three new customized projects. These Wizards, or Project Templates, have been purposely
designed to speed up and facilitate the designing of project with certain characteristics and at the
same time can be used for creating new Wizards to add to the list as well.
These three Wizards permit projects to be created with the following characteristics:

Empty Project: this wizard creates an empty project

Template Project: this wizard allows you to select resource types, such as screens, alarms
etc., to be inserted in the project you wish to create
Client Project: this wizard creates a Network Client project with Parent-Child architecture.
An empty Parent project will be created to which the Server project (which must already
exist) selected from the wizard dialog window will be linked as a Child project

4.4. The Workspace

The workspace provided for the programmer is completely customizable. By using the commands
from the 'View' menu, or the right mouse key, you can select the windows and the toolbars to be
displayed for configuring the programming interface as you please.

The Tools Bar, Menu and the Project Windows can be positioned inside the workspace where
you please. The Project Windows can be "Docked" in order to keep them in the workspace's


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

MDI Tabs
Editing resources which open a window in the workspace, such as Screens, String Tables, Basic
Scripts, etc., allow a series of MDI Tabs to be displayed at the top of the window to allow you to
quickly pass from one resource to another:

Right clicking on these Tabs a context menu is open, containing the following commands:

Close: closes the resource in question

Go to Resource: highlights the resource in question in the "Project Explorer" tree.
This command is useful when resources of different projects or child projects are
opened at the same time, to identify the project the resource belongs to, especially
if resources belonging to different projects have the same name.
Resource TAB Groups
New Horizontal Tab Group: opens a new tabs group and tiles the groups
New Vertical Tab Group: opens a new tabs group and tiles the groups vertically.

4.4.1. Docking Project Windows

The Project Windows are the fundamental tools through which the programmer can interface with
the project. Each window has a precise function, such as gathering and displaying the project
resources, setting or modifying the components' properties, editing script codes, etc.
As the Project Windows are sources of precious information and are therefore used frequently, they
can be kept active to be displayed continuously, independently of the resource or screen you are
working with. The windows which are kept constantly active can then be set with the 'Dock' or
'Hide' modes.

When a window is "Docked" it will always remain visible and will occupy space within the
workspace. Some project windows, such as the Properties window, when parked, dynamically
change their contents to adapt to the resource or the component being focused on.
When the window is 'Hidden' only the Tab identifying it is visible and is positions on one of the
sides of the Movicon window. When the mouse cursor is position on the Tab desired the window is
displayed like a drop-down menu, When the window is not longer being focused on it will
automatically be hidden again.
To turn the window from being 'Docked' to 'Hidden' and viceversa, simply use the 'Pin' button on
the top right title bar at the side of the "X" button which closes the window. The status of the
button's icon shows which display mode is in action:




This icon means that the window is 'Docked', therefore it will remain in the
foreground and always visible in the position defined by the programmer.
This icon means that the window is 'Hidden', therefore only the Tab with its name
on remains visible at the side of the screen. When the mouse cursor is positioned
on the Tab, or clicked on, the relating window will be displayed in its entirety.
When changing focus to another window or area in the workspace, the window will
automatically be hidden again.
The Movicon Project Windows which are subject to these settings are:

Project Explorer: this window contains all the project's resources

Properties Window: this window is used for editing or modifying the properties or each
project resource and component
Script explorer: this window is used for editing the project's components' script codes
Logic Explorer: this window is used for editing the project's components' codes in PLC Logic
Symbols Library: this window is used for accessing tghe Movicon Power Template symbols
Toolbox: this window is used for accessing lists of drawings, controls and components which
can be inserted within project Screens
Dynamic Help: this window reports the main links to help topics inherent to the component
being focused on
Output: this is the window where all the system messages are reported by Movicon, such as
errors, alerts etc., which are checked during programming or runtime
Watch: this is the project debug window which is displayed during the Runtime phase.
Variables can be forced or the project can be debugged through this window

When a window is docked you can drag it to a more suitable position either by attaching it to the
Movicon window border or moving it to the centre of the Movicon workspace or to any other area. In
order to do this drag the window by its title bar.
In addition to this you can also create compositions with more windows. By dragging one window
onto another and dropping it into a suitable position you can get two composition types. In the first
case you get one single window where the Tabs of the component windows are visible at the bottom
and by clicking on the one desired will activate its relating window. Whereas in the second case, the
windows are all visible but are attached to one another to form one window only:

Above are shown two configuration which can be obtained

by overlapping two or more project windows. The
programmer can choose the mode most suitable to his
requirements in the workspace.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

4.4.2. The Rulers

The Movicon Screen windows can be given lateral 'Rulers' to facilitate designing the graphical

To enable or disable the Rulers just simply use the appropriate command found on the "Aligning
Bar", or use the "Ruler" item from the "Layout" menu. When using the menu item you can enable
the horizontal and vertical rulers separately as well as setting the referential measure units
(Millimetres, Centimetres, Inches).

4.4.3. The Screen Grid

The Movicon Screen windows can be given "Grids", to make designing the graphical interface and
in particular any alignments easier. To enable or disable the Grid display, simply use the appropriate
command found on the "Aligning Bar", or use the "Grid Settings..." item from the "Layout"

In addition to the command for making the Grid visible or invisible there is also another command to
enable the alignment of objects with the Grid. This command can also be found on the "Aligning
Bar", or you can use the "Grid Settings..." item from the "Layout" menu. When using this menu
you can also set the Grid's sizes, in pixels, being the space you wish to obtain between one point of
the Grid and the next.




Show Grid
Enables or disables the displaying of the grid on screen.
Snap to Grid
When enabling this setting the screen's objects will be aligned to the grid according to the grid's
Size X (pixels)
The distance in pixels between one point on the grid's horizontal axis and the next is set in this field.
Obviously lower the value, more precise the resolution will be.
Size Y (pixels)
The distance in pixels between one point on the grid's vertical axis and the next is set in this field.
Obviously lower the value, more precise the resolution will be.

4.4.4. The Movicon Grid

Every screen has a second grid (different from the "The Screen Grid" which is customizable through
the "Layout Menu-Grid Settings....") which is 1x1 in size and is always present but not visible. This
grid is used by Movicon for forcing Snaps (alignment) of objects when the "Snap to Grid" property is
This second grid is handy in cases where using the zoom for positioning objects in areas that, with a
normal 100% zoom, does not correspond to a pixel exactly. When using the zoom, therefore objects
moved with the mouse or the keyboard direction arrow keys cannot be moved as pleased, but are
moved according to the base multiple of pixels at 100% zoom. For instance when zoomed at 200%,
each move will correspond to double the number of pixels with zoom at 100%.
The object's real sizes and position, being those corresponding to zoom = 100%, are always
displayed in the Movicon Status Bar. When a multiplicative zoom (ie. 500%) is active, the values in
the object's Properties Window (Position X, Position Y, Width, Height) are also multiplied by the
zoom's factor. For instance, a rectangle sized 20X10 zoomed at 500% will have "Width = 100" and
"Height = 50" in its Properties Window. If, while zooming, the values of these properties are
changed using values that are not multiplied by the base unit (ie. 5 pixels), it will not snap back to
grid correctly.

4.4.5. Customizing Menus and Toolbars

Movicon allows you to customize the system menu and toolbar configurations to accord with your
personal user styles.
By accessing the 'Customize' command from the 'Tools' menu, which opens by right mouse clicking
in the workspace, the system settings window will display as illustrated in the figure below.
Each different setting card can be accessed through this window by clicking its corresponding Tab to
activate it.
You can view the complete list of menu commands, which are available in both in the programming
and runtime phases, on the Commands Card.
These commands cannot be modified or their order changed.
The Toolbars
From the Toolbar chard you can view the complete list of the Movicon toolbars, which can be
enabled or displayed by using the selection button found on the side.
You can restore the default positions of all the Toolbars by using the Reset All command.
New toolbars can be added but not commands.
By using the Tool card you can customize the available commands in the Tool commands menu
containing the utility applications which can be launched. The commands from the Tool menu can be
customized, by adding new items or by modifying the existing ones. Each menu item has a command


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

line ('Commands') with the relative argument, which will be executed when the command is
activated from the menu.
By using the tools from the bar at the top of the card you can add or delete the item from the Tools
menu. The list of applications existing on the menu are initially loaded from the "Tool.xml"
configuration file (see paragraph on "Tools Menu Configuration").
From the Keyboard card you can view the complete list of keyboard commands of the Movicon
The default settings can be restored by using the Reset All command.
The keyboard commands can be removed but not added to.
You can customize the display of the system menu through the Menu card. The Project Menu
selection is not active at this time.
The 'Application Frame Menus' command lets you defined the type of animation you wish to use
each a menu is opened.
The 'Menu shadows' box lets you enable or disable the menu's shadow when opened.
The Options card lets you customize the further use of the menus in Movicon. Through the selection
box, you can set the style in which you wish the menus to be displayed.
The 'Large Icons' box lets you enlarge the sizes of the icons from the Toolbars.
The 'Visualizations' box lets you enable the tooltips when the mouse is pauses on the icons of the
The 'Menus show recently used commands first' command lets you set how to manage the menu
commands being used, by defining whether to immediately display only those used the most or
those recently used.

4.4.6. Resource TAB Groups

When having various resources opened at the same time during the project editing phase, a series of
TABs will be displayed with which you can use to pass from one resource to another very quickly.
This series of TABs is called the "TAB Group".

When right mouse clicking on the TAB group a menu will appear to let you execute certain

The "Close" command closes the selected resource, whereas the "Go to Resource" command
highlights in the 'Project Explorer' window which resource is active in the workspace.
The "New Horizontal TAB Group" and "New Vertical TAB Group" commands are used for
creating new horizontal or vertical TAB Groups so that more resources can be displayed at the same
time and regrouped as pleased if required:




In the example above a second vertical TAB group has been created to group the screen and Basic
Script resources separately.
Once two or more TAB groups have been created you can move a resource from one group to
another by simply clicking and dragging it to the other group. This can also be done by using the
"Move to Next TAB Group" command found on the menu which appears when clicking the right
mouse button on the resource's TAB:

4.5. Tool Bars

Movicon provides a few Tool Bars which can be displayed or hidden by using the items from the
"View Menu" or by right mouse clicking on the tool bars in the area they occupy.
The functions which can be executed from anyone of the tool bars are described in the relevant
sections. Below we will briefly describe the how the bars work according to the Windows standards.
The tool bars, after being displayed, can be dragged to any point of the workspace, and can be
sized as pleased.
Movicon also lets you customize the bars to display, for example, only a few of the commands by
using the button found at the far right of the bar. The automatic bar reset, for reactivating all the
commands for default, can be done with the "Reset Toolbar" command which is situated in the
bar's properties or in the "Customizing Menu and Toolbars" window. To return the bar back to
its original position just double-click the title of each single ToolBar or on the icon on the bar's far
Double-clicking this tool bar icon will position the bars onto the workspace where
they can then be dragged and moved to any area of the screen desired.
Double-clicking on this icon will open a menu through which you can customize the
bar by enabling or disabling the display of commands or reset any setting already
carried out.
All the tool bars support the right mouse key, through which the same commands can be set from
the View menu.
The available Tool Bars are:
Tools Bar
Aligning Bar
Formatting Bar
Symbols Bar
Layer Bar
Menu Bar
Status Bar
The Tool bars also show the commands on the Movicon Menus. Therefore the tool bars are used for
getting to the main commands (those frequently used) directly with a press of a button to speed up
project editing operations.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

4.5.1. Tool Bar

The Movicon Tool Bar reports the major part of the commands existing in the "File Menu" and in
the "Edit Menu".

New (Ctrl+N)
Opens a new project by presenting the wizard window to create it.
This command is also available in the Movicon "File Menu" of Movicon.
Open (Ctrl+A)
Opens an existing project, by presenting the browse window for you to search for
This command is also available in the Movicon "File Menu".
Open Device Project
Opens the Download window to consent downloading of project from the CE device
connected. For further information please consult the section on "Upload/Download
Project" in the Movicon CE manual.
This command is also available from the Movicon "File Menu".
Save (Ctrl+S)
Saves the modifications made to the current project resource, which the one
selected in the "Project Explorer" window at that moment.
You can save a project even when the license inserted, hardware or software, is
only runtime type. In order to do this, you will need to keep the "D" key pressed
down and then activate the project save command. This will save the project and
enter the application into "Demo Mode". Close and reopen Movicon to exist from
"Demo Mode".
This command is also available in the Movicon "File Menu".
Save all
This makes a complete save of all the projects opened in the "Project Explorer"
This command is also available in the Movicon "File Menu".
Cut (Ctrl+X; Uppercase+Cancel)
Cuts the object, resource or any other thing which has been selected by cancelling
it and saving it in memory on the Windows Clipboard.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Edit Menu".
Copy (Ctrl+C; Ctrl+Ins)
Copies the object, resource or any other thing which has been selected in memory
on the Windows Clipboard.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Edit Menu".
Paste (Ctrl+V; Uppercase+Ins)
Pastes the object, resource or any other thing which has previously been Copied or
Cut on to the Windows Clipboard on the point selected by the mouse in the




This command is also available from the Movicon "Edit Menu".

Undo (Ctrl+Z; Alt+Backspace)
Undoes the last operation executed, (ie. cancelling of a resource, editing of an
object, etc.). By clicking on the arrow on the right hand side of the icon a window
will appear showing the last operations executed in chronological order. More than
one operation can be selected and cancelled at the same time.
This command is also available in the Movicon "Edit Menu".
Reverses the last Undone operation (ie. the cancelling of a resource, editing of an
object, etc). By clicking the arrow on the right hand side of the icon a window will
open showing the last cancelled operations in chronological order. More than one
operation can be selected and restored at the same time.
This command is also available in the Movicon "Edit Menu".
Disable User In Debug
By using this button you can disable or enable the user management in the Debug,
by putting the project in Runtime from the development environment. This
function is very handy when carrying out project tests without having to activate
or deactivate the password management. This also safeguards against
accidentally leaving the password management disabled after having completed
the test run.
New Resource
This command allows you to insert a new Multiple Resource in the "Project Explorer" window. In
this case, five resources can be inserted with the possibility of creating simple folders. By keeping
the mouse button pressed down on the icon, for at least a second, a drop down menu will open
containing six icons for selecting the resources to be inserted. Normally the tool bar displays the
icon of the last resource selected. The choices are as follows:
New Menu. Inserts a new menu into the previously selected folder from 'Menu'
Group in the 'Project Explorer' window.
New Shortcut. Inserts a new Shortcut into the previously selected folder from
'Shortcuts' Group in the 'Project Explorer' window.
New Basic Script. Inserts a new Basic Script into the previously selected folder from
'Basic Script' Group in the 'Project Explorer' window.
New Screen. Inserts a new Screen into the previously selected folder from
'Screens' Group in the 'Project Explorer' window.
New Parameter File. Inserts a new Parameter File in the pre-selected folder within
the "Parameter File" in the 'Project Explorer' window.
New Folder. Creates a new folder in the pre-selected position within the "Multiple
Resource" in the 'Project Explorer' window. Structuing "Multiple Resouce"
groups with folders and sub-folders helps you organize the project's resources
better but does not change its way of functioning.

Project Run
This command allows you to Run the project. There are four runtime modes that can be executed
from the management environment. By keeping the mouse button pressed down on the icon for at
least one second you will get a drop down menu containing the four icons for selecting the mode to
be activated. Normally the last selected Run modality is displayed in the Tool Bar. The choices are
the following:
Start Project. Executes the project Runtime in the usual way.
Run Screen. Only runs the project's graphics. This means that only the graphical
and animation part of the project will be run and not the Communication Drivers,
the Data Loogers, etc.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Step Mode. The project is run one step at a time. The programmer has to
confirm the execution of the next step. The same goes for the project stop phase.
This modality is very handy to identify which phase generates the error when
problems arise at the project startup.
Attach Running. When using this mode, Movicon will propose a browse window
from which you can select a PC, local or network, on which a Movicon project is
already running. You will then be able to interact with the project by using the
"Watch Window" for executing any debugs for instance.
This command is also available from the Movicon "File Menu".
Edit RealTime DB Variable (Alt+D)
This opens the window listing the project's RTDB Variables.
This command can also be found in the Movicon "View Menu".
Edit String Table (Alt+S)
This opens the "String Table" for editing the project strings
This command can also be found in the Movicon "View Menu".
Check Missing Strings (Alt+M)
This activated the Inserting Missing Strings command for the selected resource.
This command can also be found in the Movicon "View Menu".
Options Used
This opens the dialog window to check the options of the licence being used.
This command can also be found in the Movicon "View Menu".
Upload Project
This opens the dialog window for uploading the project to a CE device. For further
information please refer to the section on "Upload/Download Project" in the
Movicon CE manual.
Device Control Panel...
Command currently not available.
Get Latest Version
This command allows you to read the last version of the resource selected in the
Project's Explorer Window with the project in Visual SourceSafe.
This command can also be found in the Movicon "File Menu" and in the resource menus.
Check Out
This command allows you to extract a resource file from the SourceSafe project.
This command can also be found in the Movicon "File Menu" and in the resource menus.
Check In
This command allows you to put back a resource file in the SourceSafe project.
This command can also be found in the Movicon "File Menu" and in the resource menus.
Undo Check Out
This command allows you to undo the changes made to a resource.
This command can also be found in the Movicon "File Menu" and in the resource menus.




Find Next
After having started a search with the Find button you can carry out another search
for the next specified text with the Find Next command, also executable with the F3
This command is also available from the Movicon "Edit Menu".
This is made available after a resource, set with this tool, has been opened. The
'Find What' command permits you to specify a character or text string to be
searched for within the selected resource.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Edit Menu".
Print (Ctrl+P)
This button is used for printing the currently opened screen window. A window will
appear to select and set the printer.
This command is also available from the Movicon "File Menu".
Help (F1)
This button activates the Movicon online help directly on the topic belonging to the
description of the current resource, component, etc. being used.

4.5.2. Aligning Bar

The Movicon Aligning Bar mostly shows the commands presented in the "Layout Menu". By using
these commands you can align and side the diverse components and designs inserted in the screens.

Aligning objects on screen can also be done according to their baricenter.

You can get hold of this function by keeping the "Shift" key pressed down
and selecting the command from the "toolbar" or from the aligning menu.
Align Left
This command aligns the selected objects to the left hand side of the screen.
Align Right
This command aligns the selected objects to the right hand side of the screen.
Align Top
This command aligns the selected objects at the top of the screen.
Align Bottom
This command aligns the selected objects at the bottom of the screen.
Centre Vertically
This command centres the selected objects vertically in the screen's area. When
more than one object are selected, they will be centred in the area they occupy.
Centre Horizontally
This command centres the selected objects horizontally in the screen's area. When
more than one object are selected, they will be centred in the area they occupy.
Same Width
This command resizes with the same width of the objects selected on screen.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Same Height
This command resizes with the same height of the objects selected on screen.
Same Size
This command resizes with the same width and height of the objects selected on
This command lets you activate or deactivate the Grid display on screen.
Snap to Grid
This command lets you activate or deactivate the objects' alignment to the Grid on
screen. This command also works when the Grid is not displayed, which means
that the objects will be aligned according to the Grid's settings.
This command lets you activate or deactivate the display of the screen's Rulers.

4.5.3. Symbol Bar

The Movicon Symbol Bar shows some commands that are found in the "Symbols Menu". By
using these commands you can change the tab order of the different components and drawings
inserted on screen and manage symbol creations.

Bring to Front
This command is used for setting the selected symbol at the top of the tabulation
Send to back
This command is used for setting the selected symbol at the bottom of the
tabulation order.
Move Next
This command is used for moving the selected object one place forward in the
overlap order.
Move Previous
This command used for moving the selected object one place back in the overlap
Create Symbol
This command creates symbols. For further information, please refer to the
section on "Commands for Creating Symbols".
This command ungroups symbol formations. For further information, please refer
to the section on "Commands for Creating Symbols".
Re-Create Symbol
This command re-creates the symbol. For further information, please refer to the
section on "Commands for Creating Symbols".
Add Symbol to Library
This command adds the symbol at the Template Library. For further information,
please refer to the section on "Commands for Creating Symbols".




Dynamic Property Inspector

This command opens the "Dynamic Property Inspector" window relating to the
selected symbol.
Edit Image...
This command allows you to open the back image associated to the screen in edit

4.5.4. Layer Bar

The Movicon Layer Bar allows you to activate or deactivate the screen page Layers in programming
mode. When the layer management is enabled you will be able to display or hide the objects
associated to the layers.

Each one of the buttons shown enable or disable the indicated level. Only the first
16 levels have been provides for space reasons. To access the other 16 layers you
need to use the "Set Layer Display Mode" button.
Set Layer Display Mode
This command opens the dialog window which allows you to display/hide all of the
32 levels.
The "Set Layer Display Mode" button opens the following dialog window where you can set the
visibility of all the screen's 32 layers.

4.5.5. Formatting Bar

The Movicon Formatting Bar is needed for editing and configuring the texts in the controls and
drawings inserted in the screens.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Change Font
By using this drop down list you can select
the Character Font to be set. The list
shows the Operating System's Fonts.
Change Font Size
By using this drop down list you can select the character size to be set.
The list reports the values based on the Font selected in the 'Character
Font' box.
This command activates or deactivates the displayed text, from the selected
component or symbol, in Bold.
This command activates or deactivates the italic property of the displayed text
from the selected component or symbol.
This command activates or deactivates the underline property of the displayed text
from the selected component or symbol.
Text- Pen Color
This command is used for selecting the color for the displayed text from the
selected component or symbol.
Back Color
This command is used for selecting a color to associate to the background of
the selected component, symbol or screen.
Align Left
This command is used for aligning the text, displayed in the selected component or
symbol, on the left. The alignment refers to the internal of the area occupied by
the control or symbol in question.
This command is used for aligning the text, displayed in the selected component or
symbol, in the centre. The alignment refers to the internal of the area occupied by
the control or symbol in question.
Align Right
This command is used for aligning the text, displayed in the selected component or
symbol, on
the left. The alignment refers to the internal of the area occupied by the control or
symbol in question.
AutoSize Text
This command is used for activating or deactivating the AutoSize property to
adjust the displayed text to the size of the selected component or symbol. When
this function is enabled the 'Change Font Size' will no longer have effect, but the
text will be adapted in proportion to the sizes of the component or symbol in order
to cover the area made available.




4.5.6. Status Bar

The Status Bar, found on the bottom border of the workspace, supplies the main information
relating to the operating status of Movicon.
The status bar can be activated or deactivated by using the Status Bar command from the View
The Status Bar will appear as shown below during the Project Runtime phase:

The icons presented on the right side of the bar indicate the Alarms Status, Users activation and the
Communication Driver Status:
The first part of this field indicates memory allocated to the operating
system for all the processes (Physical memory + Paging memory); while
the second par indicates the physical and virtue memory available for the
Movicon process. This value is updated around every 5 seconds and is
expressed in Kb, Mb or Gb according to the value. In Windows 32/64 bit
the value shown is greatly influenced by the system's paging file. This
value has more significance when monitored in WinCE systems.
These two icons when shown blinking, indicate the there are active
alarms or messages in the system. These icons will not show when there
are no active alarms or messages.
This icon represents the log on status of users. When this icon is
coloured it means that there is an active user in the system. Doubleclicking this icon with the mouse will log-off the active user. When the
icon is grey this means that there are no active users in the system.
Double-clicking on the icon will open the authentication window to
execute user log-on.
This text indicates which project language is active. By double-clicking on
this icon, a dialog window will show where you can select the language to
activate in the project.
This icon represents a 'Led' that when green/yellow means that the
communication driver is working correctly, and when red means that the
communication is not working correctly or has been interrupted. The Log
will indicate the communication Driver problem type.
The text in the bar always indicates the operating status of Movicon or the description of the
command being setup.
The operating status can be represented, for example, by the last alarm or message from the
The Status Bar can also display texts for command descriptions relating to
the project's customized menus.
During the project design mode the Status Bar will show information on the positions of the objects


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

When an object is selected on screen, its X and Y coordinates and sizes will appear on the Status
Bar. Furthermore, by double clicking on the Zoom information (100% for default) you can change
Screen's zoom percentage.

4.5.7. RunTime Bar

The Movicon RunTime Bar is shown when the project is being run in the development environment
only and allows you to execute certain debug commands and display the "Watch Window".

When pressed this command resumes the run previously stopped with the Pause
When pressed this command stops the following project processes:

Project IL Logic
IL Logic of Screens and the objects in them
Event Objects
Scheduler Objects
Scaling Objects
Data Loggers
Alarm management
Communication Drivers

Plus the status bar led starts blinking in yellow to indicate that the pause status is
This command does not effect Basic Scripts or OPC communications.
Design Mode(ALT+F12)
Aborts the project run and returns it to development mode.
Toggle Local Project View (CTRL+F2)
Shows or hides the project's local information display window in the "Watch
Toggle Statistic Project View (CTRL+F3)
Shows or hides the display window for viewing the project's statistics in the "Watch
Toggle Watch Project View (tag)(CTRL+F1)
Shows or hides the display window to view the debugging of the project's variables
in the "Watch Window".
Toggle Script Watch View
Shows or hide the display window to view the project's basic script resources in the
"Watch Window".
Alarm Script Debugger...
Opens the "Alarm Script Debugger..." window which links all the alarms managed
in the project.
Toggle Project IL Logic View (CTRL+F4)
Shows or hides the display window to view the project's general IL Logic in the
"Watch Window".




Toggle local IL Logic View (CTRL+F5)

Shows or hides the display window to view the project's Local IL Logic in the
"Watch Window".
Show or Hide the Soft Logic Debug window
Shows or hides the SoftLogic debug window.
Open Screen
This command can be used to open any screen from the project in MDI mode.
Run a Script
This command can be used for executing any one of the project's Basic Scripts.

4.6. Menus
Movicon has a Main Menu Bar which lets you access some of the Movicon principle commands. The
Menu Bar is only available during the project development phase and is deactivated during Runtime.
The Menu Bar can be dragged to any point in the workspace and can easily be returned to its
original position by double-clicking the title bar or by dragging it again.

The sub-menus which are available from the Menu Bar are:
File Menu
Edit Menu
View Menu
Layout Menu
Insert Menu
Symbols Menu
Tools Menu
Window Menu
Help Menu
Activate Language

Hidden Menus
Movicon, as consolidated in the Windows environment, hides the not so frequently used menu items
to make the selecting of item lists much easier and intuitive.

To display all of the menu's items, you need to click the scroll arrows at the bottom of the item list to
display the ones less used. To disable this functionality and display the whole list of menu items you
have to access the settings of the "Customize" window.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

4.6.1. File Menu

The File Menu commands refer to the general project use.
The menu items follows by dots indicate that the command, when selected, opens a system dialog
window to let you set the options relating to the command.
The name of the last project may also be shown in this menu (or the last 8 projects), to allow you to
open them quicker. By selecting and activating the project name shown in the menu items (if
present), determines the Open command of that same project.
New... (Ctrl+N)
This executes the opening of a new project by presenting the wizard window to create it.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
Open... (Ctrl+A)
This executes the opening of an existing project, by presenting the browse window to search for the
project desired.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
Open device Project...
This opens the Download window to allow project downloading from the connected CE device. For
further information please refer to the section on "Upload/Download Project" in the Movicon CE
This command is also available in the Movicon "Tool Bar".
Close (Ctrl+A)
Executes the closure of the resource being edited. If there are no resources opened, the active
project will be closed instead.
Set as Active Project
When more than one project is opened in 'Project Explorer' window this command sets the one
selected as Active Project.
Start Project (ALT+F12)
Project is put into Runtime mode.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
Save (Ctrl+S)
Executes the saving of any modifications done to the current project resources, being those selected
in the "Project Explorer!" window.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
Projects can also be saved when the runtime license, hardware or software, has been inserted. In
this case you will need to keep the "D" key pressed down and activate the project save command
which will enter the application into "Demo" mode and save the project. To exit from "Demo" mode
you will have to close and re-open Movicon.
Save as...(Ctrl+S)
A window will be displayed for renaming the project when executing a complete save of all the
project. This command will save all the files contained in the DATA and IMAGES folder as well as the
project's resources. The DATA folder, or the one set as the data folder, contained information on
retentive variables statuses and Schedulers plans, which are usually handy to keep generally even
after the project has been saved with another name. The IMAGES folder is also saved for obvious
reasons. Folders created by the programmer for other reasons are not saved.
Save All
Executes the complete save of all the projects opened in the "Project Explorer" window.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
Source Control
By using this menu item you can access to commands for the project's SourceSafe management. For
further information please refer to the relevant section.
Device Control Panel...
Command not yet available.
Print Setup...
This command lets you set all the options relating to the type of printer used through an appropriate
dialog window.




Print Preview
The Print Preview command lets you preview the active document page as it will be when printed.
This command accesses to a display area in which other command buttons are made available and
where the mouse pointer automatically turns into a zoom in the proximity of the print preview.
Print (CTRL+P)
The print command's job is to send the currently active resource, for example screen, to the printer.
This command accesses a dialog window through which you can set the relevant print options. When
you want to print a document different from the current one you must select it first.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
The last eight projects opened by Movicon are listed in this area of the window. You can directly click
on the project name to open it without having to go to the selection window presented by the 'Open'
Executes exit from Movicon.

4.6.2. Edit Menu

The Edit menu commands concern the use of some of the project resources and their availability
depends on the function of the resource selected.

Undo (Ctrl+Z; Alt+Backspace)

This cancels the last operation executed (eg. cancelling a resource, object modification, etc.). This
command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
This command restored the last operation cancelled (i.e. cancelling a resource, object modification,
etc.). This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
Cut (Caps+Canc; Ctrl+X)
Cuts the object, the resource or anything selected. In this case the object is cancelled but stored in
memory on the Windows Clipboard.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
Copy (Ctrl+C; Ctrl+Ins)
Copies the object, the resource or anything that has been selected and stored in memory on the
Windows Clipboard.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
Paste (Ctrl+V; Caps+Ins)
Pastes the object, resource or anything that has previously been Copied or Cut to the Windows
Clipboard on the point selected by the mouse within the workspace.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
Delete (Cancel)
Deletes the select object without copying it in the Windows Clipboard.
Paste Special
Inserts clipboard contents (paste) and a link to its source.
Find (ALT+F3)
This is made available after a resource, set with this tool, has been opened. The 'Find What'
command permits you to specify a character or text string to be searched for within the selected
According to the standard procedures you can specify whether the text to be searched for must
respect the lower/uppercase characters.
The 'Find Next' starts a new search, while the 'Cancel' button closes the search.
The Find command can also be accessed with the ALT+F3 keys from the keyboard, or from the
"Tool Bar", if available, through the Find editing box.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".

Find Next (F3)
After having started a search with the Find button you can carry out another search for the next
specified text with the Find Next command, also executable with the F3 key.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
The Replace command lets you specify a text to be searched for and a text to replace it when found.
Replace in Project...
The Replace in Project...command allows your to find and replace texts within the project by
searching in both the different variable and text fields. For further information about this feature
please refer to the section on "Replacing Texts in Projects".
Find Symbol
This command opens the "Find Symbol" window through which you can see if a variable has been
used in the animation properties of objected inserted on screen in edit mode.
Replace Symbol
This command opens the "Find Symbol" window through which you can see if a variable has be been
used in the animation properties of objects inserted on screen in edit mode and replace them with a
different one if need be.
Update Public Symbols
This command is used for updating Public Symbols, as described in the secton on "Refresh Public
Symbol with the command "Refreshi Pubblic Symbol". This command is also available from the menu
which appears after right clicking on an object. this command is active only when a drawing or
symbol has a public name. This command is not available when muilti-selecting or selecting one
element from the symbol.
Select All
The Select All command lets you select all the resource's currently active contents at the same time
when this is permitted.
Distribute Object Space...
By using this command you can automatically position a series of objects on the screen so that they
are equally distanced between each other by being organized in rows and columns.
For further information please refer to paragraph "Distribute Object Space".
Edit Text (F2)
This command consents entry in edit mode of the selected object's Title.
Import Draw...
This command is used to import a vectorial drawing into the screen which has been realized with an
external editor. Windows Metafile (EMF, WMF) is the format supported.
For further information please refer to paragraph "Importing/Exporting Vectorial drawings".
Export Draw...
This command is used to export a Movicon vectorial design in Windows metafile (EMF, WMF) format.
For further information please refer to paragraph "Importing/Exporting Vectorial drawings".
Image Edit...
This command opens the background image, associated to the selected screen or object in the
workspace, in edit mode. This command opens the application predefined and associated to that file
type (ie. "MS Paint" might be run if a ".bmp" file).
This same command is also available from the menu which appears with a right click on the screen
or on the object contained in the screen.
Edit String Table...(Alt+S)
Opens window for editing Movicon strings.
Edit RealTime DB Variable ...(Alt+D)
Opens window for displaying the Movicon List Variables.
Check Missing Strings...(Alt+M)
Executes the Inserting Missing Strings command for the selected resource.




Apply Renamed Variables and Resources

This command is used for applying the new names of renamed variables and resources (screens,
basic scripts, menus and accelerators) to all the project resources. Once this command has been
activated, all the project resources, and all objects within each resource, will be controlled and any
variables or resources found the 'original' name will be replaced with the new current one.
For further information relating to this procedure please refer to paragraphs: "Rename Variables"
and "Rename Resources".
Check Options used (Dongle Requirements)...
Opens window to check dongle options.
Install this Project as Windows Service
Installs Movicon as Windows Service so that when you start your PC Movicon will startup as Service.
Uninstall from Windows Services
Removes Movicon from the Windows Services. This command is only active when the project has
been installed as Service beforehand.
Compile Cross Reference
Compiles the project's Cross Reference. This command is only available when the Cross Reference
window is open.

4.6.3. View Menu

The View Menu commands consent activation or deactivation of the main window displays and tool
bars within the workspace.
Full Screen
This selection displays the Movicon workspace in full screen hiding the Title bar, the Main Menu
Bar and the Status Bar. To restore the previous display just use the appropriate command key
which appears in the workspace.

Auto Load State Mode

This command allows you to enable/disable this behaviour mode for the Movicon editor windows.
When this mode is enabled, the working environment status is loaded and saved in automatic
according to the type of resources active. For instance, opening a screen will automatically activate
the "Toolbox" window, display the "Symbol Bar" and hide all the other windows in the working
environment. Predefined behaviour modes can however be customized by setting the working
environment to another mode and then this new status will be saved and re-proposed when
activating that type of resource. The resources which are loaded/saved with the working
environment status are:

No resource opened in edit mode

Screen Window
Basic Script code edit window
Parameter File edit window
Project variable edit window
Project String edit window
SoftLogic configuration window
Opening a resource while keeping the "Ctrl" key pressed restores the default
windows configuration.

Project Explorer
This selection displays the "Project Explorer" window. This command only works when the window
is not currently displayed.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This selection displays the "Properties Window". This command only works when the window is
not currently displayed.
Symbols Library
This selection displays the "Symbols Library" window. This command only works when the window
is not currently displayed.
Dynamic Help
This selection displays the "Dynamic Help" window. This command only works when the window is
not currently displayed.
This selection displays or hides the "Formatting Bar" tool bar.
This selection displays or hides the "Aligning Bar" tool bar.
This selection displays or hides the "Symbols Bar" tool bar.
This selection displays or hides the "Layer Bar" tool bar.
Script Explorer
This selection displays the "Script Explorer" window. This command only works when the window is
not currently displayed.
Logic Explorer
This selection displays the "Logic Explorer" window. This command only works when the window
is not currently displayed.
This selection displays the "Output" window. This command only works when the window is not
currently displayed.
This selection displays the "Toolbox" window. This command only works when the window is not
currently displayed.
This selection displays or hides the "Tool Bar".
Status Bar
This selection displays or hides the "Status Bar".
Application Look
This command allows you to select different ways on how you want the Movicon development
environment to look by changing the windows' graphics and colors.
Edit String Table...
Opens the window for editing the Movicon Strings.
Edit Real Time DB Variables...
Opens the window for displaying the Movicon Variables List.
Check missing Strings...
Activates the Inserting Missing Strings command for the selected resource.
Only Dynamic Object Properties
This setting allows only animated objects to be displayed inside a selection of more than one
component. This is needed particularly for being able to see only the animated objects in grouped
symbols. Only the animated objects will be available from the Combo-box of the "Properties
Apply Renamed Variables and Resources
This command allows the names of renamed variables and resources (screens, basic scripts, menus
and shortcuts) to be applied to all the project's resources. When activating this command all the
project resources and their object contents (screens, basic scripts, menus and shortcuts) are




controlled and all variables and resources found with their original set name will be replaced with the
new current one.
For further information on the procedures used for activating this command please refer to the
"Rename Variables" and "Rename Resources" paragraphs.
Show the Renamed Variables and Resources
This setting allows the original names of the renamed resources and variables to be shown in the
Project Explorer window. When this option is active along with the renaming manager, the variables'
and resources' 'old' names will be shown in brackets after their new names. The "Apply Variables and
Renamed Resources" or "Apply New Name" commands from the context menus can be used for
applying new names conclusively in all the project's resources.

4.6.4. Insert Menu

You will find commands for inserting strings and variables in the Insert Menu. This Menu is only
available for some resources such as the "String Table", the "Variable List" window and the "Basic
Script" window.
New String (Ins)
This command inserts a new string in the table. The string's ID is inserted with a progressive number
with the following syntax: "String00001".
New Language Column... (ALT+Ins)
This commands inserts a new column representing a new language. When the command is executed
a input box opens for inserting the column's name (normally the name of the language in question).
New Variable...
Inserts a new variable in the Real Time DB.
New Variable Group
Inserts a new Variable group within the Real Time DB.
New Structure Definition
Inserts a new Structure Prototype in the Real Time DB.
New Communication Driver
Inserts a new Communication Driver in the Real Time DB.
Add System Variables
Inserts the Structure Prototype of the relative "_SysVar_" variable within the Real Time DB.

4.6.5. Layout Menu

The Layout Menu commands refer to the use and management of the vectorial graphics contained in
the screen and to the relative use of the window.
The layout of on screen objects can also be done according to their
barycenter. This function is obtained by keeping the "Shift" key pressed
down while selecting the command from the toolbar or from the layout
Alignment Objects
This command opens a window for setting the objects' alignments.
For further information please refer to the section on Movicon "Object Alignment Functions".
Center in Window
This command opens a window for centering the objects.
For further information please refer to the section on Movicon "Object Alignment Functions".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Set Same
This command opens a window for setting the objects' sizes.
For further information please refer to the section on Movicon "Object Alignment Functions".
Grid Settings...
This command opens a window for setting the screens with the Grids.
For further information please refer to the section on Movicon "The Grid".
This command opens a submenu for setting the screens with Rulers.
For further information please refer to the section on Movicon "The Rulers".
TAB Order... (CTRL+D)
This command lets you activated the Tabulation order of the objects on the screen.
For further information please refer to the section on Movicon "Tab Order".
Not available at this moment
Remote Device Size (WinCE)
This command lets you size the screen window with the target WinCE PC characteristics to which the
project will be exported. Before launching this function you need to put into effect the connection
between the desktop PC and the target PC with ActiveSync.
Zoom In (CTRL+Pi(Tn))
This command enlarges the screen graphics. This function is also supported by


Zoom Out (CTRL+-(Tn))

This command reduces the screen graphic. This function is also supported by multitouch commands
Zoom To
The Zoom To function lets you enlarge a selected part of the screen.
To select the part to be enlarged, mouse click on the first corner of the square and drag it. When
releasing the mouse the screen will show an enlargement of the selected square.
The Refresh command regenerates the video drawing.

4.6.6. Symbols Menu

The Drawings Menu commands are used for changing or setting objects presented on the screen.

This command is used for placing the selected object in foreground.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Overlap Order".
This command is used for placing the selected object in background.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Overlap Order".
Move Next (+(Tn))
This command is used to move the selected object one place ahead in the overlapping order.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Overlap Order".
Move Previous (-(Tn))
This command is used to move the selected object one place back in the overlapping order.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Overlap Order".
This command is used to group, ungroup or insert Movicon symbols in the library.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Commands for Creating Symbols".




Font Escapement
You can type in the text for the title of each object by using 'Properties Window'. The text will be
made visible in the object itself. This property lets you establish the modifications for the font's
standard direction, being zero degrees (Horizontal towards right).
The title font can be then set at 90 (vertical upwards), 270 (vertical downwards) or on a
customized angle.

A customized angle can be inserted by using the appropriate dialog window as shown below:

The objects inserted on screen can be associated with the Colours desired which relate to the
background, line around the edge or the text. Apart from using the 'Properties Window', the color
settings can also be done by using the appropriate commands from the Drawing Menu or with the
right mouse key. This command offers the advantage of speeding up the most common and frequent
editing operations in drawings.
The Color is settable when the colour display has been enabled in the object's property otherwise the
object will result transparent.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The objects inserted on screen can be associated with a Shadow effect by means of using the
appropriate command from the Drawing menu or with the right mouse key.
The Shadow effect is settable when the shadow display has been enabled in the object's property.
The shadow will be displayed with the standard configuration and colour.

This command is used for importing a vectorial drawing realized with an external editor onto the
screen. The Windows metafile (EMF, WMF) is the supported format.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Importing/Exporting Vectorial
This command is used to export a Movicon vectorial drawing in Windows metafile ((EMF, WMF)
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Importing/Exporting Vectorial
The Reflects command is used for turning over the selected drawing in Horizontal, Vertical or both
These commands are settable from the Drawing Menu or by using the right mouse key.




The Duplicate command is used for copying the object or the objects selected. Practically, this
command is a 'copy-cat' of the system's Copy and Paste operations.
Edit Image
This command consents you open the screen's associated back image in edit mode.
Edit Synapses...
This command lets you create a new Synapses object. According to the block function editing
techniques, the symbol's element can become an active working logic, linked in sequence to other
Synapses function blocks.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Synapses ".
Edit Composed Movement
This command lets you edit the object's 'Composed Movement'.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Composed Movement Editing".
Set Default Structure...
This command lets you associate a Default Structure to the selected object.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Default Structures in symbols".
Dynamic Property Inspector...
This command lets you open the selected object's "Dynamic Property Inspector Window"
Compile IL Logic
This command compiles the IL Logic for the selected symbol.
The Rotate command is only available for Polygon drawing types and is can also be accessed from
the text menu which opens when right clicking on the drawing.
This command permits the object to rotate permanently by setting the desired angle vale from 1 to
359 degrees (integer values). However, this command rotates Polygon objects in 'static' mode by
repositioning their angle vertexes in permanent mode in the object's XML definition. The Undo
command can be used to cancel modifications if the screen or project has not already been saved,
otherwise the rotation will be always be applied to the object.
If polygons are part of a Symbol's contents, the "Rotate" command can be applied to all the
supported objects (Polygons) contained in that symbol and a message to confirm operation will show
if symbol also contains objects that the rotate command cannot be applied to.
This function responds to integer coordinate values (pixel) where each
rotation may be subjected to inevitable approximates. As a consequence,
repeated rotations may alter the polygon's shape.
The 'Rotate' function does not accept negative angle values, but when
setting an angle with a negative value instead of "", the resulting value
from this operation (360- the absolute value of "", ) is its equivalent.
However when setting this value for the "Rotation" you will get a negative
rotation. For instance, to rotate the polygon at -45 you will need to enter
360-45 = 315.
Edit Aliases...
The Edit Aliases..." command opens the selected object's alias table. The same command is also
available from the menu which appears when right clicking the object or from the object's properties
window with the General "Object Alias Editor" property.
For further information about using the aliases please refer to the paragraph entitled "Aliases in

4.6.7. Tools Menu

The Tools Menu shows the commands for executing frequently used applications. The list here
below is the default list, but it can be customized editing the "Tools.xml" file (see "Tools Menu
configuration") or using the "Customize" command (see "Customizing Tools Menus and Toolbars").


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Upload/Download service
Starts TCPUploadServer.exe.
Alarm Dispatcher
Open the Alarm Dispatcher application session.
Opens a Notepad application session.
Paint Brush
Opens a Paint Brush application session.
Windows Explorer
Opens a Windows Explorer application session.
CSV Tag Importer-Exporter
Opens a CVE Tag Importer-Exporter application session.
Tag-Alarm Wizard
Opens a Tag-Alarm Wizard application session.
Development CodeIinfo
Runs the "RegDevCode.exe" application to read the Movicon development (or registration) code.
Opens the Movicon "Customize" setting window.

4.6.8. Window Menu

The Window Menu commands refer to the usage and management of the Movicon resource windows
or icons within the workspace.
Window Split
This command refers to the order of the windows present in the Movicon workspace. This command
accesses to a selection Menu where you have to select either Vertical alignment or Horizontal
The Horizontal item puts all the windows, presented in the workspace, into order by aligning them
horizontally across the screen starting from the left border towards the right border.
The Vertical item puts all the windows, presented in the workspace, into order by aligning them
vertically down the screen starting from the top border towards the bottom border.
Close All Documents
The Close All command closes all the resource windows, currently active in the project's workspace,
all at the same time.
This command allows you to save the Movicon Workspace settings. In this way many configurations
can be saved so that they can be called when needed. It is therefore possible, for example, to save
one configuration where the project window have been docked in a certain way and another where
the project windows have been set with hidden. By using this command you will be able to pass from
one configuration to another at an instant. The commands available for menu item are:

Save: save current configuration. You can specify the name to be assigned to the
configuration or select an already existing one to overwrite
Load: loads the selected configuration

Window Name
The last nine windows open the workspace are listed in this area of the window. When clicking on
the name of the window with the mouse will bring it to the forefront and display it in full view.
This command is used for opening a dialog window containing a list of the window open in the
workspace. This command is handy when more than nine windows are open in the workspace and
therefore not all listed in the Menu.




The commands available in the this window are:

Activate: activates the window selected in the list by bringing it into forefront vision in the
OK: closes the dialog window without activating any commands
Close Window: closes the window selected in the list

Reset Windows Layout

This command restores the layout of windows in the workspace window to the original Movicon
predefined positions. The "Auto Load State Mode" option value from the "View" menu will not
influence this command's behaviour.
The workspace window layout menu option is an alternative to pressing the Ctrl key at the Movicon

4.6.9. Help (?) Menu

The Help menu indicated by the "?" character is the last item of commands available from the Menu
By using Help the user can access system information and the on-line guide if available.
Help Topics
This command opens the general Help window of the 'Movicon Online Guide'.
Opens the Movicon tutorial.
Dynamic Help
This command opens the Movicon "Dynamic Help" window.
Keyboard Map...
This command opens the window where the accelerators set for Menu commands are reported.
This window is only for consultation and not for making changes.

About Movicon...
By using this "Information on...", you can access information of the Movicon system being used
which is very helpful when having to ask for any "Technical Support".
The Progea Web and Email addresses are also available from this Information window, so that the
user can get hold of them easily when needed or for requiring information on the most recent
Movicon versions or its new products.
The "Check for Updates" button lets you check and download any product updates.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

When selecting the "Version Infos" tab you can check all the information concerning the version
of the project being used. As mentioned above, this information is fundamental to the "Technical
Support" when contacting them for assistance.
This opens a connection to Progea's Bugbase page on the Internet. Therefore the WEB connection
must be active in order for this to happen. Access to the BugBase is reserved for Clients and requires
user to have a Customer access code and password.
This opens a connection to the Progea Knowledgebase page on the Internet. Therefore the WEB
connection must be active in order for this to happen. Access to this BugBase is reserved to
registered users and requires authentication using the credentials inserted on the registration form.

4.6.10. Context Resource Menus

When right mouse clicking on one of the different resources available from the "Project Explorer
Window" window, Movicon will provide you with a set of contextual Menus through which you can
execute a certain number of commands inherent to the resource selected. All these command are
also available from the Project Explorer's "Commands" window.
All the available commands are described below.
Open Project...
Executes the opening of an existing project by presenting the browse window to search for the one
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
New Project...
Executes the opening of a new project by presenting the wizard window to create it.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
Close (Ctrl+A)
Closes the opened resources and the active project.
New Child Project...
Executes the insertion of a child project by presenting the wizard window to search for and create
the project desired. In this case you can insert an existing project or create a new one.
Remove Child Project
Eliminates the selected child project. This operation simply removes the child project from the list of
child projects, but it remains integral and is not cancelled.
New Variable...
Inserts a new tag in the Real Time DB. Before insert the variable Movicon allow to edit the variable
name. The default name is "VAR" followed by a progressive number "00001" (i.e. VAR00001).
New Variable Group...
This inserts a new Variable Group within the Real Time DB. The purpose of having Variable Groups
is only for organizing variables together. Variables which are linked to the same device, for
example, are grouped together in folders. Before inserting a Group of variables, Movicon will display
a dialog window where a name can be assigned to the Group. The "GROUP" name is proposed for
default followed by a progressive number "00001" (eg. GROUP0001).
New Communication Driver...
Inserts a new Communication Driver in the Real Time DB. The command opens a dialog window to
select the Driver from those available.
Install this Project as Windows Service
Installs Movicon as Windows service. In this way Movicon will startup as Service when the PC is
Uninstall from Windows Services
Removes Movicon from Windows service. This command is only active when the project is installed
as Service beforehand.




Edit String Table...

Opens the window for editing the Movicon Strings.
Check Options Used (Dongle Requirements)...
Opens the window for checking the options contained in the License. Please refer to paragraph on
"Licensing Requirements".
Upload Project to Device/FTP...
Open dialog window for uploading project to CE device. For further information, please consult the
section on "Upload/Download Project" in the Movicon CE manual.
This command is also available from the Movicon "Tool Bar".
Device Control Panel...
Command not yet available.
New Structure Prototype
Inserts a new Structure Prototype internal the Real Time DB. The Prototype will be inserted with the
'STRUCT' name followed by a progressive number "00001" (i.e. STRUCT00001).
Add System Variable
Inserts the Structure Prototype and the relating "_SysVar_" variable internal the Real Time DB,.
This particular variable is managed by Movicon and reports a series of system information which may
by be very useful for the programmer.
Compile Cross Reference
Activates the project's cross reference compilation and automatically opens the window displaying
the Cross Reference for variables.
Associate a Data Logger/Recipe to this Variable
Executes the association of a Data Logger or Recipe to the variable selected.
For further information please refer to the section on "Associating Data Loggers and Recipes to
Associate an Alarm to this Variable
Executes the association of an Alarm to the variable selected.
For further information please refer to the section on "Associating Alarms to Variables".
Associate an Event to this Variable
Executes the associated of an Event to the variable selected.
For further information please refer to the section on "Associating Events to Variables".
Comm. Driver Settings...
Opens a window for setting the parameters of the selected Communication Driver.
Import Device Database...
Opens the window for setting the symbolic file of the device (PLC, etc.).
Add new Struct Member
Inserts a new member variable in the selected Structure. The variable will be inserted with the
"VAR" name followed by a progressive number "00001" (Eg. VAR00001).
Change Struct Member Order...
Opens the window for changing the order of the members internal the structure.
For further information please refer to the section on "Variable Member Order".
Add a New Menu
Inserts a new "Menu" resource internal the "Menu" group.
Add a New Shortcut
Inserts a new "Shortcut" resource internal the "Shortcuts" group.
Add a New Script
Inserts a new "Script" resource internal the "Basic Script" group.
Add a New Screen
Inserts a new Screen" resource internal the "Screens" group.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Add a New Folder

Inserts a new "Folder" internal the Mutiple Resources group.
Add a New Parameter File
Inserts a new "Parameter File" in the "Parameter Files" group.
Add New Local Variable...
This command allows you to insert a new local variable in the selected Screen.
New Variable Script Event...
This commands permits an event generated by a variable change to be inserted internal the Script
code of the selected object or resource. Executing this command in fact opens a variable browse
window enabling you to select the variable desired, after which Movicon will add an event defined as
"OnNameVariableChanged" (Eg. OnVAR00001changed). This event will be called every time the
variable changes its value during Runtime.
For further information please refer to the section on "Associating Variable Script Events to
Screens", "Associating Variable Script Events to Symbol".
Create a WebClientX html page based on this Screen
"\RESOURCE\ProjectName\ScreenName.html" Project Folder. The html page can then be used for
linking up to the Server project as Web Client.
Apply New Name
This command applies the new name of the selected variable or resource (Screen, basic script, menu
or accelerator) to all the project's resources. Upon activating this command, a control search will be
carried out in all of the project's resources and their objects to find the variables and resources set
with the 'original' name to replace it with the new one.
For further information on this matter please refer to "Rename Variables" and "Rename Resuorces".
Add New Shortcut Command
Inserts a new Shortcut Command in the selected Shortcut resource.
For further information please refer to the section on "Shortcut Resource".
New Menu Item
Inserts a new Menu Item in the selected Menu Resource.
For further information please refer to the section on "Movicon Menu Items".
New Popup Item
Inserts a new Popup Item in the selected Menu resource.
For further information please refer to the section on "Movicon Menu Items".
New Separator Item
Inserts a new Separator Item in the selected Menu resource.
For further information please refer to the section on "Movicon Menu Items".
Change Menu Item Order...
Executes the opening of a dialog window for modifying the Item order.
For further information please refer to the section on "Movicon Menu Items".
Test Menu
Executes a Menu Test during the programming phase.
For further information please refer to the section on "Test Menus".
New User Group
Inserts a new User Group in the 'Users and User Group' resource.
For further information please refer to the section on "Users and Passwords management".
New User
Inserts a new Users in the selected User Group.
For further information please refer to the section on "Users and Passwords management".
Add Users to Windows Local Domain
Inserts users from the selected group in the PC's Local Windows Domain.
Add a New Data Logger
Inserts a new Data Logger in the "Data Logger and Recipe" resource.
For further information please refer to the section on "Data Loggers and Recipes".




Add a New Recipe

Inserts a new Recipe in the "Data Logger and Recipe" resource.
For further information please refer to the section on "Data Loggers and Recipes".
Add a New Column
Inserts a new column in the selected Data Logger or Recipe resource.
For further information please refer to the section on "Data Loggers and Recipes".
Import Database...
Creates a Data Logger or a Recipe by importing the structure from an already existing Database.
Create Recipe Editor
Creates a Screen by automatically inserting the components (display, buttons, etc.) needed for
displaying and changing the selected recipe. This command is very handy as there is no need for the
programmer to create any recipe graphics. For further information please refer to the section on
"Creating Recipe screens".
Create-Edit Report File...
This command runs the Report Designer for creating or modifying properties to be associated to the
Data Logger or Recipe.
Create Web Report Page
This command creates the Web page for displaying the Report associated to the Data Logger or
Recipe via Web.
For further information, please refer to the section on "Reports and Viewing Data via WEB".
Create Web DataView Page
This command creates the Web page for displaying data from the Data Logger or Recipe via Web. In
this case, the data will be displayed in table format and therefore the Data Logger or Recipe will not
need to be associated with a Report.
For further information, please refer to the section on "Reports and Viewing Data via WEB".
Add a new Alarm
Inserts a new alarm object in the Movicon 'Alarm List' resource.
For further information please refer to the section on "Alarms".
Add a new Alarm Threshold
Inserts a new threshold event for the selected alarm object.
For further information please refer to the section on "Alarms".
Add a new Alarm Area...
This inserts a new Alarm Area. Before inserting the Area, Movicon will display a dialog window where
you can assign the name of the Area. The "AREA" name is proposed for default followed by a
progressive number "00001" (eg. AREA00001).
For further information please refer to the section on "Alarms Area".
Add a new Event Object
Inserts a new Event Object in the Movicon 'Event Objects List' resource.
For further information please refer to the section on "Commands on Event".
Add a new Scaling Object
Inserts a new Scaling Object in the Movicon 'Scaling Objects List' resource.
For further information please refer to the section on "Variable Scaling".
Add a new Scheduler Object
Inserts a new Scheduler Object in the Movicon 'Scheduler Objects List' resource.
For further information please refer to the section on "Command Scheduler".
Add new RAS Station
Inserts a new RAS Station.
For further information please refer to the section on "RAS Stations".
Add new Client Rules
Inserts new Client Rules.
For further information please refer to the section on "Client Profiles".
Edit DCOM Settings
Opens the Windows' window for the system's DCOM settings.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

4.6.11. Tools Menu Configuration

The Tools Menu can be configured by the programmer. There is a "Tools.xml" file in the Movicon
installation folder which allows the Tool menu list to be customized. These tools can be Movicon addons and simple external executables.
The list of tools available in the menu is managed by using a Windows registry key. When Movicon is
started up, it controls whether the tool list is already present in the Windows registry keys or not. If
these keys have not yet been configured, Movicon will read the "Tools.xml" file and then compile the
Windows registry keys with the attributes defined in this file. After this has been done, this file will
no longer get read unless to remove registry keys. When Movicon is started up with the "CTRL" key
pressed down, the registry keys will reset and the "Tools.xml" file will be read again.
After having modified the "Tools.xml" file you will have to restart Movicon
keeping the "CTRL" key pressed down to activate them.
However, menu items can be added to the Tools menu using the menu's "Customize" command. In
this case, modifications for adding or deleting applications from the menu are done directly in the
Windows registry keys. This means that any resets to these keys due to restarting Movicon with the
"CTRL" key pressed down, may cause the "Tools.xml" file to lose settings done using the
"Customize" command when loading.
The "Tools.xml" file must be in this structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
InitialDirectory="" Command="TCPUploadServer.exe" />
<Tool Label="Alarm Dispatcher" Arguments="" InitialDirectory=""
Command="Dispatcher.exe" />
<Tool Label="Tag Alarms Generator" Arguments="" InitialDirectory=""
Command="AlarmGen.exe" />
InitialDirectory="" Command="CSVTagIE.exe" />
Command="Notepad.exe" />
Command="MsPaint.exe" />
<Tool Label="Windows Explorer" Arguments="" InitialDirectory=""
Command="Explorer.exe" />
where the attributes have these following meanings:
Label = name of application to appear on menu
Arguments = parameters to pass to the application in the command line
InitialDirectory = initial folder in which to execute the application search
Command = name of the application's executable file
When invoking a command from the Tools menu when the "InitialDirectory" attribute has not been
specified, Movicon will set the current Windows folder (even if this installation path has been deleted
from the Windows "PATH" environment variable). This behaviour consents will always execute the
tool corresponding to Movicon, event when other products or add-ons, which install tools with the
same name, are present. In cases where the tool to be executed is not present in the Movicon
installation folder, it will be searched for in the folder defined in the Windows "PATH" environment
variable folder.




4.7. Project Explorer Window

All the Project's Resources are grouped in the 'Project Explorer' window. This is the main window
of the Movicon Workspace. This window allows you to display all the information relating to the
resources which are the essence of the project itself.
The 'Project Explorer' window gathers all the Resource Groups into a tree structure. When selecting
each single Resource Group or any of their sub-items, the properties of the object in question will be
activated in the "Properties Window", through which you will be able to carry out any changes or
necessary settings.
The "Project Explorer" can be activated with the 'Project Explorer' command from the 'View'
You can use the "+" key from the number keypad for expanding or
collapse a node from the project's tree structure list, displayed in the
Project Explorer window.
This key functions independently with or without the Numlock, but the
standard keyboard "+" key does not have this function.
When the selected node shows with a + sign next to it, pressing the
"+" key will expand it. When the selected node shows with a - sign
next to it, pressing the + key will collapse it back to its original state.
When the selected node has sub-nodes, the + sign will not display at
its side.
The 'Project Explorer', as all the Movicon windows, can be 'Docked and kept in foreground view'
as described in the section titled "Docking Project Windows".
The project structure's items, displayed in the "Project Explorer"
window, appear in alphabetical order the first time a resource is
explored. when the number of items to be put into alphabetical
exceeds the value of 30,000, they will be put into order automatically
to save time and bother.
The 'Project Explorer' window divides into three different areas, which can be exploded to display the
contents or compressed to hide them. The three areas are "Filter", "Projects" and "Commands".

This 'Project Explorer' sub-window is used for creating display filters in elements from various Project
Resource groups, displayed in a tree structure in the Project's sub-window as described further

To execute a filter you must first type the text or the characters to be used as filter in the
appropriate box. The "*" and "?" jolly characters are also allowed. Then you need to select the
resource group in which the activate the filter, and this can be done by clicking on the appropriate
icon shown in the bar of filters, or by directly selecting the resource group in question with the
mouse in the 'Projects' sub-window. After this you only need to activate the filter with the
appropriate button presented in the bar of filters (


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

To delete any active filters just cancel the filter's characters from the box or leave the "*" jolly
character only, then press the filter activation button again.

This 'Project Explorer' sub-window gathers the project's resources together in groups in a tree
Each group is composed of elements which can be added, changed and cancelled by the
programmer to get a complete project as required.

This sub-window in the 'Project Explorer' shows a list of commands which dynamically changed
according to the Resource Group selected at that moment:
For example, if you select the "Real Time DB" group the listed commands will be:



New Variable
New Comm. Driver
New Struct Prototype
System Variable

The same commands can also be accessed by right mouse clicking on the desired element. To check
the list of all the available commands see the section titled "Context Resource Menus".

4.8. Properties Window

The Movicon "Properties Window' is fundamentally important in any project for setting the
characteristics of the Movicon resources or components.
Due to the extreme simplicity of the Movicon characteristics the properties window is always used for
configuring its resources.
This window is easy to understand and use allowing the characteristics, variables according to the
object or resource selected to be set very quickly and easily.
The set properties will be activated immediately after confirmation has been received from the OK
icon on the bar at the top of the same window.
The "Properties Window" is activated by using the 'Property' Command from the 'View' menu.
Movicon memorizes the status of each property group for each object type. In this way when an
object is selected the property groups will be represented with the settings they were given the last

Properties Window Activation

There are various ways of displaying the 'Properties Window':

Activate the 'Property' command from the Project's Edit menu

Right mouse click on the Movicon 'Workspace' and select the 'Property' item
Right mouse click on any one of the Movicon Resources or Controls and select the 'Property'

By using any one of these modes will display the 'Properties Window' relating to the Resource or the
Control selected in that moment.
Every time you select a different Resource or Control the 'Properties Window' will automatically
refresh its fields different adapting them to the properties of the component being focused on.
The 'Properties Window', as all the Movicon windows, can be 'Docked and kept in foreground
view' as described in the section on ("Docking Project Windows").




Properties Window Settings

The 'Properties Window' of a Resource or Control allow one or more setting modalities according to
the type of Resource or Control selected. After having activated the 'Property Window', you can
select the Resource's or Control's settings by choosing them from those available in the window.
The main settings concern the Style, Execution or the General settings of the specified Resource or
Control. You can also select how to display the list of available properties inside the window as
described below:

Properties Window Displays

The display of properties in the 'Properties Window' can be customized by using the command bar at
the top of the window:

The icons shown on the command bar mean:

Pressing this validation button activates any modifications carried out in the
'Properties Window' in the component selected.
Pressing this button deletes any modifications carried out in the 'Properties
Window'. In this case only the modifications done after the last validation
command execution will be cancelled.
Pressing this button displays the properties by group type.
groups may be 'General', 'Style', Execution', etc.

For instance the

Pressing this button displays the properties in alphabetical order. In this case
subdivisions in group effect will disappear.
This button is enabled only when the properties are displayed in groups. In this
case by pressing this button you can pass from 'Exploded' to 'Compressed' group
displays or vice-versa. This allows you to hide or view all the properties contained
in each group.
Pressing this button permits you to display or hide the help window which appears
at the bottom of the 'Properties Window'. This help window only gives a reduced
description string of the property selected. It may be handier to supply the
property description immediately and without having to open a supplementary
help window.
Pressing this button directly opens a Movicon help online file on the top belonging
to the selected property description.
Pressing this button allows you to pass from the "Advanced" (not easy) to the
"Easy" display and viceversa of the properties listed in the window.

Easy Mode
The Properties Window has two display modes. "Easy" and "Normal". The display is changed by
using the
bottom from the toolbar in the same window.
In "normal" mode (button released) Movicon displays all the available properties. In "Easy" mode
(pressed button) the most advanced and least used properties are hidden from view to simplify user
interfacing for the less experienced programmer.
Further more, you can define new property groups and custom colour the property fields as desired.
Property window customizing is done using xml files which can be edited as pleased. These files are
described below.


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The xml files' configuration for customizing the properties

window has been purposely designed by Progea based on the
most common uses of the product. However, these files can be
modified as pleased and are found in the Movicon installation
folder. This type of operation is recommended for the expert
user only.
"PropVis.xml", "PropVisEasy.xml" and "PropVisEasyPopup.xml.xml" Files
These three files allow you to decide which properties, or property groups, are to be hidden in the
Properties Window during project design mode. All of these files have identical structures. The
"property id" attribute is used in the xml files to identify the property through its id in the Movicon
resources. To make things easier, this ID also appears in the Help string of each property which
appears just by clicking on the interested property so that you can verify it. The "visible" attribute
allows you to define whether the property must be visible or not. The property will be visible when
set at "1", otherwise it will remain hidden when set at "0".
The settings of the two PropVis.xml e PropVisEasy.xml files are activated with the "Toggle Easy
Mode" button. The PropVis.xml file settings will be loaded when the Easy mode is not active, while
the PropVisEasy.xml. file settings will be loaded when the Easy mode is active. The
PropVisEasyPopup.xml file is used for loading the settings for screen object property Popup windows
(click on the top right corner of the object).
".xml" file structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<property id="12001" visible="1" description="Crypted Project - Allows you to
save the project file crypted"/>
<property id="12004" visible="1" description="Windows 32/64 bit - Enables
project development for Windows 32/64 bit"/>

The "description" attribute's only purpose is to describe the property being edited, and is not at all
taken into consideration by Movcion.
"PropGroup.xml", "PropGroupEasy.xml" e "PropGroupEasyPopup.xml" Files
These three files allow you to decide which property groups are to be displayed in the Properties
Window. By using these files you can define which groups each property is to belong to. Each one of
these files has an identical structure. The "property id" attribute is used in the xml files to identify the
property through its id in the Movicon resources. To make things easier, this ID also appears in the
Help string of each property which appears just by clicking on the interested property so that you
can verify it. The two PropGroup.xml and PropGroupEasy.xml file settings are activated with the
"Toggle Easy Mode" button. The PropGroup.xml file settings will be loaded when the Easy mode is
not active, while the PropGroupEasy.xml. file settings will be loaded when the Easy mode is active.
The PropGroupEasyPopup.xml file is used for loading the settings for screen object property Popup
windows (click on the top right corner of the object).
".xml" file structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<property id="12000" groupid="" groupname="" child="0"
<property id="12001" groupid="" groupname="" child="0" description="Crypted
Project - Allows you to save the project file crypted"/>
<property id="12081" groupid="30011" groupname="Advanced" child="1"
description="Area - Select the variable memory area"/>
<property id="12082" groupid="30011" groupname="Advanced" child="1"
description="Address - Enter the variable address (for bits use the form x.x, for
arrays x (x))"/>




The "groupid" attribute represents the ID of the group to which the property must belong to. When
this attribute is left blank or is the same as its default property's group ID, the property will be
associated to its default group and therefore everything will remain the same as before. When the
"groupid" attribute is associated with an ID of another group, the property will be moved to the
group identified by that ID. When the "groupid" attribute is associated with a new ID not already
assigned, a new group will be created in the properties window with the name specified in the
"groupname" attribute. This happens only if the "child" attribute is set a"0". However, if the "child"
attribute is set at "1", the new group will be created as a subgroup of the property's default group.
In this case the subgroup will also have the name defined in the "groupname" attribute.
The group IDs created using these files can then be inserted in the PropVis.xml, PropVisEasy.xml
and PropVisEasyPopup.xml files for managing their visibilities.
The "description" attribute's only purpose is to describe the property being edited, and is not at all
taken into consideration by Movcion.
"PropColors.xml", "PropColorsEasy.xml" and "PropColorsEasyPopup.xml" Files
These three files allow you to pick the back and text colours of the properties displayed in the
Properties Window. By using these files you can define each property with a background colour and
the colour to be used in the text. Each one of these files has identical structures. The "property id"
attribute is used in the xml files to identify the property through its id in the Movicon resources. To
make things easier, this ID also appears in the Help string of each property which appears just by
clicking on the interested property so that you can verify it. The two PropColors.xml and
PropColorsEasy.xml file settings are activated with the "Toggle Easy Mode" button. The
PropColors.xml file settings will be loaded when the Easy mode is not active, while the
PropColorsEasy.xml. file settings will be loaded when the Easy mode is active. The
PropColorsEasyPopup.xml file is used for loading the settings for screen object property Popup
windows (click on the top right corner of the object).
Struttura dei file ".xml":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<property id="12001" back="255" text="16777215" description="Crypted
Project - Allows you to save the project file crypted"/>
<property id="12004" back="255" text="16777215" description="Windows
32/64 bit - Enables project development for Windows 32/64 bit"/>
The "back" attribute represents the property's backcolor whereas the "text attribute represents the
property's text color. The value is a long number type that identifies the color code.
The "description" attribute's only purpose is to describe the property being edited, and is not at all
taken into consideration by Movcion.

4.9. Logic Explorer Window

The 'Logic Explorer' Window is of fundamental importance for editing the project's "IL Logic".
This window, acting as a text editor, allows you to insert IL logic codes. The window's contents
change dynamically according to the project's object or resource currently being selected. Codes can
be associated in IL Logic format either to the project (General Logic) or to each single Movicon
symbol or drawing (Local Logic). Therefore by selecting a symbol, any inserted code relating to that
symbol will appear in the 'Logic Explorer' window.
Typing in code has been made easy due to the fact that the instruction syntaxes are automatically
acknowledged and represented with different colours. For instance the instructions are represented
in blue while the comments are displayed in green. The rest remain in black.
The insertion of the instructions can also be executed by using the appropriate 'Insert' menu from
the 'Logic Explorer' window. This is very handy especially when the exact syntax of the instructions
to be used is not known.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

In addition to this, the F8 key has also been provided for calling the
"Tag Browser" window, which is very handy to have when inserting
You can execute the editing commands and run checks on the logic by using the command bar
positioned at the top of the 'Logic Explorer' window:

The icons presented in the command bar are:

Pressing this OK button will activate any changes made in the 'Logic
Explorer' window.
Pressing this button will delete any changes carried out in the 'Logic
Explorer' window. In this case only the changes done after the last OK
button command execution are deleted.
Pressing this button will execute a control of any syntax or instruction
errors inserted in the code. Any errors found will be described in the
Movicon status bar.
Pressing this button will consent to the automatic completion of the
instructions being inserted.

Cuts the selected text. In this case the text is cancelled but kept in
memory on the Windows Clipboard.
Copies the text selected to the Windows Clipboard.
Pastes the Windows Clipboard's contents on the pointed indicated by the
Selects all the texts contained in the 'Logic Explorer' window.
reverses the last operation executed (ie. cancelling of a text, etc.).
restores the last operation Cancelled (ie. cancelling of a text, etc).




toggle bookmark
next bookmark
cancel bookmark
Find Next
This button is used for getting a printout of the Logic text.
selection settings window will appear.

The print

Objects being Edited

When a component is selected, its name is shown in the bar at the bottom of the window. This
helps you understand which component is being referred to by the logic displayed in the window:

4.10. ToolBox Window

The Movicon "ToolBox" has a great variety of drawings and controls to choose from and insert
within the Sinottico and Report Interni resources. All these components have been grouped into
different categories with the ToolBox according to function type.
The "ToolBox" can be activated with the "ToolBox" command from the "View" menu.
All the Drawings and Controls are vectorial object types and represent a series of different and
similar functions especially regarding their Animation properties. Some of these properties are also
common to all these objects.
The Movicon Drawings and Controls can be grouped together for form
composed Symbols. Composed symbols can be inserted in to the Movicon
"Symbols Library" to be used later on in other projects.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The Movicon "ToolBox" automatically updates every time a Screen or Embedded Report resource is
selected within the workspace. Those categories and objects supported by the two Screens or
Embedded Report resources, will be made available accordingly.

ToolBox components for Screens

When a Screen resource is opened with the workspace of a Movicon project, the "ToolBox" will
automatically open showing all supported components that can be inserted on screen. These
components are grouped into different categories in the "ToolBox" based on how they function.
The "ToolBox" can be activated with the "ToolBox" command from the "View" menu.
The three "ToolBox" object categories provided for Screens are as follows:
Basic Shapes
In this category you will find a series of drawings, or simple geometric shapes, which are mainly
dedicated to create the screen's graphical design. These components do not have properties
specified for Command executions but they support all the animation properties common to all the
other Movicon vectorial components.
Even though they do not have specific properties for executing command,
they can, however, execute Commands by being edited with Script codes
Basic Controls, Emergency Buttons, Lights-Led, Round Buttons, Square Buttons,
Rectangular Buttons
In this category you will find a series of "Buttons" type controls which are dedicated to executing
the Commands defined in the "Command List" or simple variable settings. This category includes
list of various types of objects such as Coloured Lights or Led or Coloured Buttons of different shape
which all derived from the same Button component modified in the Style Properties.
Switches, Selectors Two-States, Selectors Three-States
In this category you will fined a series of "Switches and selectors" control types which are
designed to execute Commands defined through the "Command list" or by simply setting
variables. This category lists various switch and selector objects which derive from the same Button
component but modified differently in their style properties. These objects can be set with tri-state
mechanics to assume three different positions.
In this category you will find a series of "Gauge" type controls in all sorts of graphical shapes. There
are a list of different objects which all derive from the same Gauge component modified in the Style
properties. In addition to this you will also find an "Editbox - Display" object.
Trend-Charts-Data Analysis
In this category You will find a set of "Trend" controls and the Chart object. The purpose of these
controls is to display variable behaviour graphically.
In this category you will find a series of controls of diverse types and functionalities. These include
types such as Displays, Alarm Viewers, Historical Log and Data Logger Viewers, Charts, etc.
This category contains a series of "clock" symbols for displaying time and dates. These symbols
differ in graphics and use system variables for retrieving times and dates. Therefore it is
indispensable that the "_SysVar_" be inserted in the project's Real Time DB.
The symbols which display days and months in letters also use script
code, therefore it is not advised to use them in Windows CE.
The "Clock" objects in certain cases use local screen variables. If these
objects are used within a screen displayed as an embedded Embedded
Screen, it will be necessary to redefine the local variables in the project's
RealTimeDB so that the clocks work correctly.
Custom ToolBox Objects
New Symbols can be created added to the Toolbox as new categories. These symbols can also be
inserted into the Movicon "Symbols Library" to create new library categories. In order to do this, you
first need to create, if not already done so, a Movicon Installation subfolder in the name of
"ToolBox". Then create a category in the "Symbols Libraries", containing the symbols of interest and




copy the created symbol libraries ".msxz" file inside the "ToolBox" folder. The new symbols will then
be displayed within the ToolBox as a new category with the same name of the ".msxz" file and
containing the symbols inserted in the ".msxz" file.
This will allow you to extend the "ToolBox" contents with customized symbols rendering them
available for immediate use without having to get them from the "Symbol Libriaries".

ToolBox Objects for Reports

When a Report or Embedded Report is openend within the Movicon project's workspace, the ToolBox
automatically displays containing the list of objects that can be inserted in Embedded Reports. All
these components are grouped into different categories within the "ToolBox" according to how they
function. The "ToolBox" objects can also be activated using the "Objects" command from the
"View" menu.
Most of these objects that can be inserted into the Movicon Embedded Reports are also the same
ones that are normally inserted on screen. The main difference between the two categories are:

those objects that can be inserted in Reports can only manage some graphical animations,
such as visibility, transparency, etc. These animations are only considered in the reporting
generating phase only. Once the report has been displayed or printed, they can no longer be
those objects that cannot be used in Reports cannot be edited, therefore those properties for
entering data or command executions are not available

Most of these objects used by the Movicon Reports are a subset of those objects that can be inserted
in Screens and in turn provide their own subset of properties.
The "ToolBox" Drawings and Controls usable in Reports can also be
grouped together to form composed Symbols and then added to the
Symbol Library to be use later in other projects.
The three "ToolBox" object categories that can be used in Reports are:
Basic Shapes
This category contains a series of drawings or simple geometric shapes that are used for creating the
Report's graphical design.
This category contains a series of controls with the purpose to display data. Data that can be
displayed by these controls include the project's RealTimeDB variables, table fields or recordsets
associated to the Report or special fields that show information from the system or the Report itself.
These values can be selected using the "Tag Browser" window or typed directly in the field.
The objects available in this category are:
Checkbox: this is a "Check Box Button" object type that displays boolean values
graphically. This object has two "Close Bit String" and "Open Bit String" properties for
specifying the boolean value to be displayed according to the string recorded in the
database. This object can be associated with a Movicon RealTimeDB variable, a table field
or a recordsets associated to the Report.
Radio Button: this is a "Check Box Button" type object that displays values graphically. In
cases where the object must display a boolean value, the two "Close Bit String" and "Open
Bit String" can be used for specifying the boolean value to be displayed according to the
string recorded in the database. This object can be associated with a Movicon RealTimeDB
variable, a table field or recordsets associated to the Report.
Standard Display: this is a "Display" object type in read only. This object can be
associated with a Movicon RealTimeDB variable, a table field or recordsets associated to the
Date Time: this is a "Display" object type in read only. This object exclusively displays the
"[SP:time]" parameter which shows the date and time when report was generated. This
format can be customized through the object's "Value Format" property (i.e. "%d:%m:%Y:
Current User: this is a "Display" type object in read only. This object exclusively displays
the "[SP:user]" parameter which shows the name of user that was logged in the project
when report was generated. This format can be customized through the object's "Value
Format" property (i.e.: "User: %s").
Page-Pages: this is a "Display" type object in read only. This object exclusively displays the
"[SP:pages]" parameter which shows the current report page number and total report page


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

number. This format can be customized through the object's "Value Format" property (i.e.:
"Page %d of %d").
Query: this is a "Display" type object in read only. This object exclusively displays the
"[SP:filterQuery]" parameter which shows the query used for extracting data from the
Selected Period: this is a "Display" type object in read only. This object exclusively
displays the "[SP:filterPeriod]" parameter which shows the period selected in the "Period"
parameter set in the report's generation command. (i.e.: Today, Yesterday and Today,
Current Week, etc.).
Duration Threshold: this is a "Display" type object in read only. This object exclusively
displays the "[SP:filterDuration]" parameter which shows the duration defined in the
"Duration" parameter set in the report generation command for Alarm Statistics. The display
format can be customized through the object's "Value Format" property (ie: "Duration
Threshold: %H:%M:%S").
Start Date-Time: this is a "Display" type object in read only. This object exclusively
displays the "[SP:filterFrom]" parameter which shows the start date set for extracting data
from the database. The display format can be customized through the object's "Value
Format" property (ie: %H:%M:%S"). This field will be populated only when the "Period"
parameter has been specified in the Report's open command. If this parameter had been
set to "None", the "Start Date-Time" field will remain empty.
End Date-Time: this is a "Display" type object in read only. This object exclusively
displays the "[SP:filterTo]" parameter which shows the end date set for extracting data from
the database. The display format can be customized through the object's "Value Format"
property (ie: %H:%M:%S").This field will be populated only when the "Period" parameter
has been specified in the Report's open command. If this parameter had been set to
"None", the"End Date-Time" field will remain empty.
The "Radio Button", "Checkbox" and "Standard Display" objects can
display RealTimeDB and Database field variables. In cases where
database fields are set to display, these objects can only be inserted in
the "Details" section, otherwise no values will display when the report is
created generating an error message in the Output and Historical Log
When two or more objects of the same type that display special fields are
inserted in the Report, such as "Date Time", "Start Date"etc, the format of
these objects should be the same. If this is not the case, Movicon will
apply the same object format applied to the first object in tab order to the
following objects in tab order. For instance, when inserting two "Date
Time" objects with two different formats, these objects will display the
same format as the one defined in the first object in tab order.
In this category a series of controls types such as the "Trend" and "Chart" objects have been
made available for use within the reports. These controls are designed to graphically display data
extracted from the database by queries. Data extraction queries can be set at different levels
through the Trend's "Default Query" property, Report Generator command's "Report - Query"
parameter and the Report's"Query Report" property. The query execution priority order is: if a query
has been set in the Trend's "Default Query" property, it will have priority of use over the rest. If
query has not been defined in this property but in the Report generation command's parameter, this
will obtain priority of use. If no queries have been in either the Trend's "Default Query" or the
Reports generation command's "Report - Query" but one has been defined in the Report's "Query
Report" property, this will have priority of use. If no customized query has been defined in all three
mentioned properties, the report's default query will be applied for extracting all data (query default
= "SELECT * FROM TableName ORDER BY TimeCol DESC").
The objects available in this category are:
Horizontal and Vertical Trend: this is a "Trend" type object that displays data obtained
through applying a query in the Horizontal or Vertical Trend in standard mode.
Trend XY: this is a "Trend" type object that displays data obtained by applying a query to
the the XY Trend in standard mode.
Basic Chart: this is a "Trend" type object that displays data obtained by apply a query.
The difference with this object in respect to a normal Trend object is that times or any set
of discrete values can be displayed along the X axis. It is necessary that this object be
specified with which resulting query recordset column is to be used as the X axis in its
"Label Data Source" property. In cases where no column has been specified in this
property, the object will use the table's time column, LocalCol, by also adding milliseconds.




This object also provides an additional three properties for customising the X axis: "Show
Item Side by Side", "Show Labels" and "Show Labels every".
Advanced Chart: is a "Chart Object" type object that displays data obtained from report
queries. In respect to the "Basic Chart" object, the "Advanced Chart" object allows more
advanced and configurable charts to be displayed. This object like the "Basic Object" can
display times or any subset of discrete values on its X axis. It is necessary that this object be
specified with which resulting query recordset column is to be used as the X axis in its
"Label Data Source" property. In cases where no column has been specified in this
property, the object will use the table's time column, LocalCol, by also adding milliseconds.
The name of one or more database field can be inserted in the Advanced Chart's 'Curve
Variable' properties for displaying data extracted by report queries, or a project array type
variable can be associated for displaying values.
Caution! The "Advanced Chart" object uses libraries that are NOT
supported in Windows CE and therefore cannot be used in projects
running on Windows CE plattforms.
"#samples" properties can be set In "Trend", "Basic Chart" and
"Advanced Chart" objects. The value set in this property will represent
the maximum number of points that the object can display. In cases
where the number of record sets extracted by the report's query
exceeds the value set in the "Num.Samples" property, the Trend or
Chart object will only display a number of records equal to the one set in
this property.

4.11. Symbols Library Window

The graphics from the library can be customized and used in Movicon vectorial drawings. The system
provides you with a pre-built library of standard graphic symbols which can be accessed through the
'Symbols Library', and used as vectorial drawings by the programmer in editing screens.
The 'Symbols Library' can be modified by the same programmer who can create his/her own
symbols and insert them into the library which can customized and made bigger.
The 'Symbols Library' can be activated with the 'Symbols Library' command from the 'View' menu.

The Symbol library can be displayed by category or in a

tree structure.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This current list of symbols and categories may be subject to changes

without prior warning but can be customized by the user to create new
symbols or to change existing ones.
The symbols are subdivided into categories in the library. This window is divided into two panes, the
top pane shows the objects within the selected category, while the bottom pnae shows existing
categories in a tree structure. When clicking on one of the categories in the tree structure, the top
pane will automatically update and show the objects of the category selected. These categories can
be browsed through by clicking on the relative tabs or using the scroll buttons located on the top
right of the top window pane.
Category symbols can be inspected by using the side scroll bars. In addition, the cursor on the
preview window's bottom bar can be used for zooming the symbol's size in and out.
The command bar at the top of the "Symbol Library" can be used for creating new categories or
deleting them, customize window display, etc:

The icons presented in the command bar are described below:

Pressing this button adds a new category to the library. Movicon will
request you to insert the name of the new category.
Pressing this button allows a category to be opened by selecting it directly
through the Windows file browser window.
Pressing this button executes a library save. This button is only active after
the library has been modified.
Pressing this button deletes the category selected in the library.
This button executes a search for the specified category.
This button is used for inserting the selected symbol on facing screen. This
operation can also be done by dragging the symbol directly on screen with
the mouse.
This button is used for activating or deactivating the symbol's animation
Pressing this button opens the "Dynamic Property Inspector" window
relating to the selected symbol.
By using these three buttons you can select three different symbol display
sizes. You can also use the bar at the bottom of the window to get a more
precise symbol size.
This button is used for protecting or removing the protection of the
selected category. For further information please refer to the praragraph
on "Symbol Library" protection" reported below.
Pressing this button executes a search on Progea's website for any symbol
library updating. This can only be done when the PC is connected to
Pressing this button calls up the selected symbol's or category's help.

The path which Movicon uses for searching for the Symbol Library's
".msxz" files can be customized using the "SymbolsPath" registry key.




Symbol Library Protection

The 'Symbol Library' can be given password protection to safeguard any customization carried out.
To activate the symbols' password protection you will need to press the padlock icon on the
window's command bar. The system will request you to type in the protection password, after which
the library will be protected. To deactivate this protection repeat the same procedure. The protection
button icon will declare whether the protection is active or not:

Locked Symbol Category.

When the symbols window shows this icon, it means that the symbols of the
selected category have been locked and cannot be ungrouped or exported. To
unlock the category click on the icon and re-enter the protection password.
Unlocked Symbol Category.
When the symbols window shows this icon, it means that the symbols in the
selected category have been unlocked and freed. To protect the category, click on
the icon and enter the protection password.

Favourite Categories
The 'Symbols Library' contains a large series of categories, listed in alphabetical order. The scroll
arrows and the [...] search button are used for a much easier search of the symbol categories
You may find it handier to use the 'Favourite Categories' which allows you to show the most
frequently used categories on the left hand side of the library to point them out quicker.
To label a symbol category as 'Favourite', right mouse click on the category of interest, then execute
the 'Add to Favourites' command that displays ?.
The Tab relating to the selected category will appear on the left hand side to evidence it from the
To delete one of your Favourite categories, carry out the same procedure by selecting the 'Remove
from Favourites' command instead.

4.12. Dynamic Property Inspector

The 'Dynamic Property Inspector Window' is a very handy tool for the programmer to have
when editing symbols.
This tool consists of a inspection window through which you can examine the whole structure of the
variable associated to the dynamic property and any basic script codes existing in the symbol.
The 'Dynamic Property Inspector Window' is activated by selecting the symbol of interest with
the appropriate command which appears when clicking the right mouse key.
This function is not available when the symbol has been withdrawn from a
symbol category protected with a password in the library.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

By using the symbol's 'Dynamic Property Inspector' window you can view the symbol's structure and
directly access all the variables used and the basic script codes contained in the symbol's elements.
Each one of the Tabs, at the top to the window, represents each single component of the symbol.
When clicking on the desired symbol element the dynamic property inspector will display the
variables associated to the symbol's execution dynamic properties and any script codes.
The 'Dynamic Property Inspector' window normally is presented every
time a symbol from the "Symbols Library" is inserted containing animation
variables or basic codes. In this case the window will open on the "List
Variables Used for..." tab where all the variables used within the symbol
are be listed.
The Dynamic Property Inspector window allows you view help indications or tips on each tab
describing objects contained in the symbol which have variables used in animation properties. The
animation types for which existing variables are used are always displayed in the tabs of each of the
symbol's object. Also listed in the tabs are variables used in the symbol where set variable
descriptions can be displayed as displayed at RealtimeDB level with same description shown in the
'Dynamic Property Inspector" window. In cases in which the variable has not been given a
description, the "Used in:" string followed by the list of objects in which the variable is used,
separated by ";" will be shown in the Dynamic Property Inspector. Therefore it is possible to create
a symbol that uses variables with or without descriptions and add them to the library so that when
the symbol is next reinserted on screen, the tab will show listing the variables used along with their
If the variables to be replaced have also been used in the symbol's script code, they will also get
replaced in the code as well by using the same rules used for the "Permanent application of
renamed variables" command.
Replacing Variables
The inspector window indicates the variables which the selected drawing element has been
associated with by specifying the interested dynamic property. Each one of the variables can be
replaced with a different one, or the Variables DB can be accessed by clicking on the [...] setting
button on the right of the Variable's box. By doing this you can directly assign a replacement variable
existing in the DB or create a new one, which will be introduced in the Variables DB and assigned to
the selected element to replace the one previously associated to the symbol.
If the variable being modified is contained more than one symbol
object, just modify it in one object only after which it will be updated
in all the other objects when the symbol is created on screen. In this
case however, is the variable is changed completely, any description
presented for the variable associated to the symbol will not get
updated with the new variable's description.




Editing Basic Scripts

The inspector window will show any base codes associated to the selected drawing element.
The basic code can be displayed and changed directly from the inspector window. The changes
made will be assigned to the drawing object and the new code will replace the old one.
You may also find it very handy to use the F8 key to call the "Tag
Browser" window when inserting variables.
By using the same window you can select the events which each symbol element is to dispose in
function with its characteristics.
Editing Aliases
When opening the 'Dynamic Property Inspector' window of an object or symbol in which Aliases
have been defined, these Aliases will be shown within this window (for further information about
using aliases please refer to the paragraph on "Aliases in Objects".). For instance., when it is a
symbol composed of one or more elements the following will appear in the different window tabs:
Each single object Tab
When selecting a Tab of one single symbol component object, the part that displays the variable list
will be divided into two parts. The top part will show the list properties in which variables or Aliases
at object level have been inserted. In the bottom part displays the list of Aliases used or defined
locally in the object's table, whether valued or not valued. Any modifications done to these Aliases
will be saved in the object's local Alias Table.
Style Source Container Tab
When selecting a Tab of a symbol, the part that displays the variable list will be divided into two
parts. The Top part shows the list or properties in which variables or Aliases at symbol level have
been inserted. The bottom part shows the list of Aliases used or defined in the symbol's table,
whether valued or not valued. Any modifications done to these Aliases will be saved in the symbol's
local Alias Table.
Variable List Summary Tab
When selecting the summary Tab of variables used in the symbol, the part displaying the variables
will be divided into two parts. The top part shows the list of properties in which variables or Aliases
have been inserted indicating the property and object in which they were used. The bottom part
shows the list of Aliases used or defined in the tables of the various objects and symbols, where
valued or not valued. In this case, at the side of each Alias you should find the name of the object in
which they were defined. Any modifications to Aliases at this level will be saved in the Alias Table of
the composed symbol as a whole. If an object's Alias has not been valued locally, its row will appear
in grey and uneditable.

4.13. Refactoring Explorer Window

The "Refactoring Explorer" window, once displayed, allows you to view any errors that may have
arisen for the resource you selected. The errors refer to variables inserted in the properties of the
resources and objects which have not been defined in the Real Time DB, or can be due to objects
placement out of the screen area (see "Outside Screen Objects"). This control is active for all the
project's resources which can be associated variables. By selecting a resource, i.e. a Screen, the
Refactoring Explorer window will be populated with the errors found for that screen or for the
objects it contains. Error messages already give explicative details on the problem verified. By
double-clicking on the error line in cased concerning objects in screen errors, the screen will open
with focus on the object in question, along with the "Dynamic Property Inspector" window.
The variables used in the basic script code are taken from the
Refactoring Explorer window. Only the "Status Variables"
associated in the basic script execution properties can be taken
from the Refactoring Explorer window.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

By using the command bar place at the top of the "Refactoring Explorer" window, you can execute
rebuild commands for the resource you selected:

The function of the icons shown in this command bar are:

Open: pressing this button will open the screen where the error was found.
When the selected resource is not a screen, this command will have no effect.
Rebuild: pressing this button will rebuild the list of errors for the selected
Stop build: pressing this button will stop the rebuilding of the error list which
was requested with the "Rebuild" button.

Editing Objects
When selecting an item, its name will appear in the window's bottom bar to let you know which
component type is being referred to in the error list displayed in the window:

4.14. XML Code Explorer Window

The "XML Code Explorer", once made visible, consents you to view the xml codes relating to the
resource or object selected. Apart from viewing object xml codes, this window can also be used to
modify them. These modifications will then be applied graphically to the object once confirmed while
the object's properties will only be updated the next time it is selected.
The selected object's XML code can be modified directly through this
window. However, you will need to know the right syntax to use
and what the XML tags mean.




You can execute XML code editing commands by using the command bar place at the top of the
"XML Code Explorer":

The commands provided are for editing text, copy&paste, find, etc.

Editing Objects
When selecting an item, its name will be displayed in the window's bottom bar. This lets you know
which item the XML code, displayed in the window, refers to:

4.15. Tag Browser Window

The "Tag Browser" window can be opened with the "..." button in all those object or resource
properties where variables or dynamic links can be inserted. This window provides the list of all the
project's variables and dynamic links (OPC, Networking and Communication Drivers and Data Base
fields) which can be selected and then inserted in the object and resource properties.
Tab display for inserting dynamic links is disabled for default. Therefore,
to insert dynamic links using the "Tag Browser" you will need to set the
"ShowExtendedBrowseTag" value to 1 in the project constraints file
(there is not default tag in this file, therefore it must be added and set
to 1).


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The "Tag Explorer" window can also be opened with the F8 key when in the following windows for
editing script codes or IL logic:

Script Explorer Window

Logic Explorer Window
Dynamic Property Inspector Window

The "Tag Explorer" window opens upon pressing the F8 key and after having selected the variable,
focus will return to the point in which the variable was inserted in the code. Using the F8 cuts down
on the number clicks/operations usually needed for adding variables to code.
The "Tag Explorer" window cannot be opened with the F8 key from a
Basic Script Edit window where it functions in a different way within this
The types of selections available on the Tag Browser's Tabs are:
This window shows the list of the variables available in the Real Time DB for the project currently
opened. The command buttons presented are:
Refresh: refreshes the list taking into account any filter conditions inserted in the "Filter"
New...: inserts a new variable in the Real Time DB by opening a window where you can
also edit the new variable's properties
Expression...: opens a VBA Expression editor to allow you to insert a "Basic Script
Expressions " (this will replace the single variable)
Variable properties can be edited by using a window which opens with a right mouse click on the
variable you wish to edit.
Child Project Variables
This window shows the list of variables available in the Real Time DB of eventual child projects. The
'Refresh' and 'New' command buttons are provided and have the same functions as the buttons
provided in the "Variables" group but refer to the child project's Real Time DB.
This window consents you to select a project locally or from a PC in network and displays a list of the
variables which the project has been provided with for networking.
This window consents you to select a local OPC Server or one from PC in network and displays the
list of available tags for the Client.
Comm. I/O Drivers
This window consents you to add dynamic links to the Communication Driver. The Drivers inserted in
the project will be displayed on the list and Tasks can be inserted by double-clicking on the driver of




DB Fields
This window shows the list of field which can be associated to Movicon "Embedded Report" objects.
These fields are in fact table columns resulted by the query associated to the Report. For example if
the Report is not associated with a customized query, all table columns will be listed as the Report's
default query will extract all data from the table. However, if a customized query is specified in the
report's "Query Report" property, the list of fields will only show those columns of the resulting
recordset. In addition, it is also possible to enter the name of the recordset field in the query, for
example applying a query with alias as column names. For example, executing the following query:
SELECT UniID, EvDescCol, Count(UniID) AS Frequency FROM Alarms WHERE EventCol = 'ALARM
in the field list it will be possible to select the "Frequency" even those it is not a column form the
"Alarms" table.
When the "Alarm Statistic" option is enabled afterwards, some more fields will be made available on
the list of selectable fields for the Alarm statistics. These fields are:
The values of these additional fields, which do not belong to any of the tables, will be taken from
statistical data of each individual alarm. This statistical data is the same data described in the "Alarm
Statistic" and "Alarm Status File" paragraphs.
In order to compile the list of fields available, Movicon must be able to access the database. If this
does not happen for various reasons, i.e. incorrect or no ODBC connection or data extraction query
incorrect, one of the following error messages will show:

Error on connecting with the report datasource (see the Output window for more
Error on executing the report query (see the Output window for more information)

A this point by opening the Movicon Output window you will be able to get more detailed information
on error type from the "DBMS Log " tab.
When using an IMDB database the list of fields gets populated without
considering whether or not a query has been entered and therefore all
table fields will be listed. In this case the report query is only evaluated
in runtime only.

Applying filters to variables

Three entry fields are made available for applying filters to variable lists to be displayed when the
"Variables" and "Child Project Variables" tabs are selected in the Tag Browser. These three fields

Filter by Name: the text entered in this field is used for filtering the table's "Name" column,
therefore the name of the variable.
Filter by Desc.: the text entered will be used for filtering the table's "Description" column,
therefore any variable descriptions
Filter by Dyn: the text inserted in this field will be used for filtering the "Dynamic" column,
therefore any variable dynamics.

All three entry fields support the use of the "*" and "?" jolly characters. and can be used at the
same time for applying more detailed filters. In this case the three filter clauses are entered with
"and" between each one. Once the filter has been set, use the "Refresh" button for applying the
filter, or prest the "enter" button when the cursor is within one of the entry fields.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

4.16. List Variables Window

Movicon has a variable editor in table format, which can be opened from the Project Explorer window
and consents you to set and search for variables much faster. This table can be presented in two
versions, light and full:

A very fast version (light), displayed purely in table form like the one used for editing project
strings. This version allows you to open a database composed of many variables (even more
than 50,000) in less than one second. Filtering or grouping cannot be performed on this
Not so fast version (full) but consents variable filtering, ordering and grouping.

This variable can be opened with a double-click on the "List Variables (Tags)" group or on the name
of a variable group in the Project Explorer window. If the project contains more than 3000 variables
(this value can be modified through the "MaxVariableToOpenLightDBVariable" registry key), Movicon
will ask you if you wish to use the less powerful but extremely faster editor instead (light version).
In any case it is always possible to force the faster editor open by pressing the keyboard "CTRL" key
while double-clicking with the mouse.
By using the new editor you will find it much faster to put into order and filter the variables
compared to just using the project Explorer window.
This RealTimeDB Variables table's only purpose is to very clearly and quickly display variable lists,
but it does not allow you to carry out any modifications directly in it. The properties of one or more
selected variables can be changed using the Properties Window.
The list can be put into order by its item types by simply clicking the column's title. The commands
for applying filters or grouping variables are at the top of the window and include:


Filter: this list-box allows a filter to be applied by "Name", "Description" or "Dynamic",

"Dynamic". In the edit field at the side of the list you can insert the filter cause to apply.
the string in which the filter is to be applied supports the "*" and "?" jolly characters. The
filter will be applied once this field has been edited by pressing the Enter key.
Apply Filter: this command is used for applying the filter as set in the field described
Remove Filler: this command removes the filter currently being applied and empties the
contents written in the filter clause field.
Color Theme: this list-box allows you to select the color to apply to the table. The choice
of colors are light blue, silver and Green
Field Chooser:this command opens a "field chooser" window which is used for adding or
removing table fields. The field choices are: "Name", "Type", "Area Type", "Address",
"Description" and "Dynamic". These fields can be dragged to and from the table and field
chooser window by simply clicking on the field to be dragged (release mouse key when
two red arrows appear in the table heading). The table fields can be changed around by
using the same dragging and dropping techniques as well as being resized.
Group by: this list-box allows you to select how to group variables by. The current group
by options are: "None", "Type", "Area", "Address", "Name" and "Members". The
"members" option applies a filter to the project's structure variables only to show and
explore each single member of each variable. When selecting a member, the property
window will show its settings which can also be modified.
Expand all: this command is used for expanding any groups displayed in the table based
on the "Group" field settings.



Collapse all: this command does the opposite of expanding groups displayed in the table
based on the "Group" field settings. In this case a line for each group item will be
displayed in the table.
When changing the properties of variables, they may appear in the
wrong groups until regrouped again. This functionality has been
purposely designed to give priority to quicker editing when dealing with
large amounts of variables.
The applied filters and table layout (column positions and visibility) are
saved by Movicon, meaning that when you close and restart Movicon
these settings will remain the same.
Filter operations are not available and displayed columns can only be
repositioned and not removed when the RTDB variables window is
opened in "light" mode.

4.17. Output Window

The Movicon "Output" window is used for displaying system and error messages which are
generated by Movicon during the development or Runtime phase. These messages are also saved
on log files during the Runtime phase as usual, but by using this window you can get a more
immediate view of the situation which is especially handy in the project debug phase.

You can select different Tabs from the bottom of the window for viewing messages according to the
different groupings as described below.
When right clicking on the area of the window a menu will appear with the
"Clear all messages" command. When this command is confirmed all the
active TAB messages will be cancelled, but only those from the Output
window and the Historical Log window.
Lists the system messages, such as project run, driver communication status, etc.
Lists the Project's default messages.
OPC Server
Lists the messages inherent in the Movicon OPC Server.
OPC Client
Lists the messages inherent in the Movicon OPC Client.
Networking Services
Lists the messages inherent in the Movicon Networking Server messages.
Networking Client
Lists the messages inherent in the Movicon Networking Client messages.
Users Log
Lists the messages inherent in the Project's Users Log.
Messages, inherent to log recordings and executed through the ODBC or IMDB, are listed.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Trace Help
Returns the index number of the Movicon dynamic help required.
Basic Script Messages
When the Basic Script's "Create its Tab Trace" property is enabled, a new TAB will be created with
the same name of the Basic Script in runtime where the Debug.Print messages, in the Basic code,
will be printed.

4.18. Dynamic Help Window

The Movicon 'Dynamic Help' window makes is easier to search the guide for the argument relating
to the selected resource, component or symbol. The difference between this and the usual Help,
which opens the specific topic on the selected argument only, is that this window shows different
links to arguments linked to the main topic in order to give the programmer a wider panorama of
Topics are show in groups in the Dynamic Help window some of which change every time according
to the object selected, while others are linked to general or frequently consulted arguments:

Linked Topics: are a series of links which change dynamically according to the Topic which
has been selected.
General Information: is a series of links concerning the general or frequently consulted
information/asked questions.
Technical Support: is a series of links regarding the Movicon technical support.

4.19. Watch Window

The Movicon "Watch" window is used for displaying the status of the project, logic debugging and
forcing variables during the project Runtime phase. This window is only available when the project's
Runtime is started up from the development session.
By running a project from the design environment you will be able to view information on items
contained within a symbol using the CTRL key upon pressing the mouse. This will load only the
information on the item, pointed to by the mouse, in the current watch window and not on the
symbol containing it.
This will allow you, for example, to see the IL logic of only a symbol's item and not the IL logic of the
symbol container.
The "Watch" window is composed of groups, each one displays certain information:

The Watch group is composed of different TABs. The 'Project' TAB contains information on the
project's general characteristics, such as the number of variables in use, the number of active
screens, the number of connected Clients, etc. The other TABs, called 'Watch 1', 'Watch 2'. etc.,
allow one or more variables to be selected for monitoring or changing.
In order to carry out any changes to a variable, simply click the
right side of the displayed value and then enter a new one. As an
alternative, after having selected the line with the variable, press
down the F3 key to enable value editing.




When clicking on the command for selecting variables to insert in the window, the Movicon Tag
Browser window will open. This window is used for selecting Variables from either the project or any
child project to view in the watch window. However, this window cannot be used for inserting new
variables, basic script expressions or dynamic links or modifying variable properties. (right clicking
on varialbe name is also denied).

Project Statistics
The Project Statistics group documents the use of the resources retrieved by the system by
representing them on a table correlated with pie charts.
by using the buttons from the menu bar you will be able to perform, for instance,
data refreshes, select pie or histogram data displays and reset statistical data using
the "Cancel" button. The "Cancel" button can be used to zero project statistical
data recorded up to that moment to then restart from scratch.

This Locals group allows information on the on screen components to be displayed. When clicking on
an on screen object, the window will change its contents by displaying information based on that


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

When double-clicking on an object in this window containing Basic Script code, its Basic Script code
debug window will open. When the object does not contain code, a beep will sound and no window
will open.

IL General Logic
The IL General Logic group allows the Debug of the IL Logic resource associated to the project to be

IL Local Logic
The IL Local Logic group allows the Debug of the IL Log associated to the component or screen
selected with the mouse to be run.

the Script group lists the Basic Script resources loaded in memory with some useful information such
as status (running or stop) and total execution time of last run or the run taking place. When doubleclicking on the name of a listed Basic Script, the debug window of that basic script resource will

Alarm Script Debugger...

This window is opened by using the "Alarm Script Debugger..." command from the "RunTime Bar".
This window lists all the alarms managed in the project. When selecting one of these alarms, the
debug window of the Basic Script code inserted in the alarm's threshold will open.




4.20. Popup Window

The Popup Window appears near the system icon when Movicon opens a non modal error window
during project Runtime. This Popup Window is used to allow the error window to open when it has
been put in background in respect to the Movicon window.

4.21. Confirmation Dialogs

Movicon will open dialog windows requesting confirmation for certain operations while you are
programming. For instance, when cancelling an object associated with a variable from a screen, you
will be asked whether you wish to view and select this variable. These confirmation dialogs have a
"Don't ask me again" checkbox for certain operations. When enabling this checkbox, the dialog
window not show again and the last selection made will be memorized.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Movicon memorizes this setting through the Windows registry keys. If you wish to re-enable this
dialog window, you will need to cancel its corresponding registry key at this location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Progea Automation x.11\movicon.exe\DoNotAskAgain

4.22. The Resources

The Resources form the foundations of the Movicon applied project. Each project gathers all the
Resources by organizing them into Groups, based on function types, which are listed in the
"Project Explorer" window. This window, in tree structure, is the container of all the project's
resources, and therefore the project itself.
Resources can be accessed from the 'Project Explorer' window for configuring properties, or inserting
new resources or deleting them from the project.

Inserting a new Resource

To add new Resources to the project, position the mouse on the Group where you wish to add an
item, then right mouse click and select one of the items available from the menu which opens. The
same list of options can also be accessed from the "Commands" window of the 'Project Explorer's'
The list of commands displayed in the menu opened with the right mouse
key or in the 'Commands' window changes dynamically according to the
Group or Resource being selected.

Editing Resources
To edit a Resource you only need to select it and open the "Properties Window". By using the
"Properties Window" you can change the settings in the properties of each Resource. The
"Screens" and "Basic Script" resources are the only ones that need opening iwht a double-click.

Deleting Resources
Before deleting a resource you need to select it first. The resource is deleted by using the CANC key
or the "Cut" or "Delete" commands from the "Edit" menu.
A command executed in error can be cancelled by using the "Undo" command from the "Edit" menu
or the CTRL+Z keys.
You can delete the Resources inserted within groups but you cannot delete the "Resource Groups"
listed in the "Project Explorer" window created for default by Movicon.

Cut, Copy and Paste Resources

Each resource can be cut, copied and pasted within the same project or in different projects. Before
carrying out any one of these command you need to select the resource or resources first.
The Cut, Copy and Paste command can be accessed from the "Edit" menu by using the right mouse
key or from the keyboard using the CTRL+X, CTRL+C and CTRL+V keys respectively. These
command can also be carried out with multiple resource selections. To select more than one
resource keep the CTRL key pressed down and click on the resources desired or keep the SHIFT key
pressed down and select the resources with the UP/DOWN arrow keys (also see the "Cut, Copy,
Paste" paragraph in the "Standard Editing Techniques" section).
A command executed by mistake can be cancelled with the ""Undo" command from the "Edit" menu
or with the CTRL+Z keys.
The Resources can be pasted inside the same Group it belongs to only. For
instance, a variable can be pasted inside the "Real Time DB - Variable List
(Tag)" Group only and not inside the "Alarm List" or "DataLogger & Recipe"
Groups etc..




4.22.1. The Multiple Project Resources

The project's Multiple Resources are those which are saved in a XML file for each inserted resource.
These xml files are found in the project's "RESOURCES" folder. There is a group in the "Project
Explorer" window which identifies each of these resource categories. The resources and consequent
relating groups are:
Basic Script
Parameter Files
Within each of these five groups of resources you can create other folders to simply organize your
project better. It may be very handy to group these resources in different Folders in a logical order
by keeping different resources which have the same requisites in common (such as belong to same
area) grouped together. For instance, supposing you need to create a project for monitoring a plant
divided into different zones, you could create one folder for each plant zone and then group in each
folder the Screen, menu sources etc, concerning that zone. To get the same folder available in all
five groups of the multiple resources you will need to create the folder five times over, meaning that
you have to create a folder for each one of the five groups. The folder in reality results as one only
In the project structure displayable through the Windows Resource Explorer window where all the
files of the five resource groups, inserted in this folder, will be saved.
This folder must be empty before it can be cancelled and therefore you must check that it is also
empty for all the five multiple resource categories, listed above, before doing so.
During the development phase, only those folders containing just one type of multiple resource
category can be renamed, otherwise an error will show: "This folder is shared across multiple
resource types and cannot be renamed".
A folder used in a resource group can not be renamed using a folder name
already in use in another resources group or in the resource group itself.
The only of purpose of creating tree structures within the multiple resource
groups in the created custom folders, is to organize the project better and
do not influence how the project works in any way.

4.22.2. Common General Resource Properties

By using the General properties you can set the name of the resource selected in the "Project
Explorer" window. In order to do this just select the Resource desired and then change its settings
through the Movicon "Properties Window".
This edit box lets you enter the name of the selected resource. You can also change the text through
the "Project Explorer" window by clicking the resource and pressing the F2 key.

4.22.3. Resource Folder General Properties

The name of the folder inserted in the 'Project Explorer' window's Multiple Resource groups can be
defined using its General properties. This is done by selecting the Folder desired and then modifying
its settings through the Movicon "Properties Window".
Folder Name
The name of the folder is entered in this edit box. The text can also be changed through the 'Project
Explorer' window by clicking the folder and pressing the F2 key.
Folder Path
This text box is in read only and shows the folder's complete path.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This edit box is used for inserting a string for executing filters on files contained in the folder. The
"*" (star) and "?" (question mark) wild card characters can also be used.

4.23. Project Files

Movicon executes the saving of project files in one unique folder, commonly called 'Project Folder'.
In addition to project files, sub-folders containing data relating to the project are also created so that
the project's architecture is structured clearer and readable.
All the Movicon project files are saved in XML format, and therefore can be
read and edited with any text editor or XML editor. This can only be done if
the project files have not been crypted by the programmer.
The data and information of the Movicon projects are contained in files with '.movprj' extensions.
Once the project is saved, Movicon will always carry out a backup of the project file before saving it
again. The back-up copy will have the same name as the project's but with the 'movbak' extension.
If for any reason the project file is lost, just simply open the backup file (renaming the extension
from '.movbak' to '.movprj').
Movicon also associates other files to the project, one for each Resource type. The files will be
created in the same project folder.
The following table describes the types of files identified by their extensions:
File Extension



Project file


Back-up copy of project file


File containing the data and the configurations inherent to the

'Alarms List' Resource


File containing the data and the configurations inherent to the

'Data Loggers & Recipe' Resource


File containing the data and the configurations inherent to the

'Event Objects List' Resource


File containing the "IL General Logic" code of the project


File containing the data and configurations inherent to the Client

'Network Services' Resource


File containing the data and configurations inherent to the Server

'Network Services' Resource


File containing the data and configurations inherent to the OPC



File containing the data and configurations inherent to the 'Real

Time DB' Resource


File containing the data and the configurations inherent to the

'Scheduler Object List' Resource


File containing the data and configurations inherent to the 'Scaling

Object List' Resource





File containing the data and configurations inherent to the "Screen

Navigation" Resource.


File containing the Movicon text strings in the language specified in

the file extension. If, for instance, the Italian and English language
have been inserted into the Movicon String Table defining two
columns as 'Italian' and 'English', this will create two files as


Backup file of files containing Movicon text strings


File containing the actual language column name.


This file consents you to define project editing restrictions. This file
is generated while a new project is being created depending on the
platform type selected (Win32/64, WinCE, etc). For further
information please refer to the section on "Project Constraints".


This file contains the project's Cross References.



This file is created by the "HisLogUpdate.exe" tool when a control

is carried out at project startup and when modifications are made
to the Historical Log tables. This usually happens when projects
originate from previous Movicon versions. This file will remain
empty if no modifications are made to tables.
Some files have the above described description plus the "_c". For
These are compiles files which are used by Movicon in Runtime
mode for enhancing high speed performances of the project being
run. These are the same XML files compile in binary format.
These compiled files are automatically generated by Movicon at
runtime and are re-created each time the related project file is
Warning: directly changing an "_c" compiled file can cause
unpredictable behaviour in Movicon, according to the resource type
the file refers to. Changing the compiled files for the Data
Logger/Recipes, Event objects and Alarms (as an example with an
external tool like Notepad), these files will not be re-created at the
following start of the project and the project will be executed with
the changes made in the complied files. In case of other resource
types, like the screens, if a compiled file differs from the project
xml file, the "_c" file will be re-created anyway.



This file is created when a user password change is executed.

Typically when the property is enabled to force password change at
first login or when passwords expire.
This file is generated when project runtime users are edited.
Groups and the Users created in Runtime with the "EditUsr.exe"
tool are saved in this file.


Project Backup File.


File contains settings of the structure variable members.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

As already mentioned above, in addition to the project files, Movicon also creates some folders which
will contain information relating, above all, to the saving and recording of data during the runtime
Folder Name



Files with the '.alr' extension which contain information on alarms in

runtime are inserted into this folder. A file will be created for each
project alarm with the following syntax:


In this folder you can find the following file types:

Contains information relating to the variables declared as retentive are
inserted into this folder. A file will created For each retentive variable
in the project with the following syntax:
Contains the configuration information of the Watch window in the
project's debug Runtime phase. These files will be named:


The Database file can be found for the "Real Time DBMS Settings"
management. The file will be created in this folder for default with the
You can also find the Database file for the managing of "Variable
Trace". this will be created only when data recording is activated
through the ODBC and not the IMDB. The file will be created for
default in this file with the name:
You can find this file type for managing the "Variable Trace". This
will only be created when data recording is activated through the
IMDB and not the ODBC. The file is in text format but can also be
crypted when desired. A file will be created for each variable being
traced with the name:
You can find this type of file for managing the "Variable Trace". This
will be created only when the data recording is activated in the IMDB
and not the ODBC. the file is in xml text format. A file will be created
for each variable being traced with the name:
".sxml" o ".tsxml"
These are used for any eventual object "Symbol Configuration Files".
This file contains a Sheduler's programming which was done using the
Scheduler Window. The name of the file identifies the scheduler in




This file contains the execution status of a Scheduler command. The
name of the file identifies the scheduler in question.
This file contains the ODBC plug-in configuration information. The file
name identifies the database type.
These files contain flush data for variables being traced in cases when
an error have been detected in the ODBC connection. The names of
the files will be the same names used by the variable trace tables.
These Flush files will be automatically deleted by Movicon, after data
has been restored to database, once the ODBC connection returns into
This file contains the settings of the last PlugIn used for transferring
the project to a remote device.

In this folder you can find the following file types:

Here you will find the database file containing the project Data
Loggers and Recipe tables. This file will only exist if the selected
format is MS Access, while in cases using another Database, such as
SQL Server, it will be created based on the provider's characteristics.
Furthermore, this will only be created when the data recording is
activated in the ODBC and not the IMDB. The file will be named:
Here you will find the file for managing the project's Data Loggers and
Recipes. This file will only be created when the data recording is
activated with the IMDB and not with ODBC. The file will be in text
format but can also be cryted if desired. A file will be created for each
Datalogger and Recipe with the name:
You can find this file type for managing the project's Data Loggers and
Recipes. This file will only be created when the data recording is
activated with the IMDB and not ODBC. This file will be in xml text
format. A file will be created for each Datalogger and Recipe with the
These files contain DataLogger flush data in cases when an error have
been detected in the ODBC connection. The names of the files will be
the same names used by the Datalogger tables. These Flush files will
be automatically deleted by Movicon, after data has been restored to
database, once the ODBC connection returns into activity.


A few log files, in ASCII format are presented in this folder which
report information relating to the different project components, such
as system messages, OPC messages, user activation messages, etc.
All these files have the '.log' extension and their names indicate their
contents type.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This file, in Database MS Access format, may be found in this folder,

containing data relating to the project's Historical Log. This will only
be created when the data recording is activated through the IMDB and
not the ODBC. The file will have the default name of:
If however, the data recording is set through the IMDB and not the
ODBC there will be files with the ".dat" extension and "xml. containing
data relating to the Historical Log. The ".dat" files are in text format
but can be crypted.
These files contain the Historical Log flush data in cases when an error
have been detected in the ODBC connection. The names of the files
will be the same names used by the Historical Log tables. These Flush
files will be automatically deleted by Movicon, after data has been
restored to database, once the ODBC connection returns into activity.

Some log files, in ASCII format, are in this folder reporting information
relating to the Networking communications. The information relating
to the active connections are returned to the variable changes
executed by the Client or Server, etc.


In this folder there are files relating to the project's Multiple resources
(Screens, Accelerators, Menus, Parameterization File, Basic Scripts and
Embedded Report). Movicon will create a file with the resource's name
and extension, based on the resource type, for each resource inserted
into the project:
Screens = .movscr
Accelerators = .movacc
Menu = .movmenu
Basic Script = movbas
Parameter Files = movpar
Embedded Report = movrep
A file with the name of "<Screen>_c.jpg" will be created for each
Screen resource. This file is used to preview screens during design
mode and is used in Embedded Screen objects when the "Embedded
Screen Style Properties" property is enabled.
In addition to this, the same tree structure created also in the 'Project
Explorer' window in the Multiple Resource Groups will be reproduced in
this folder and therefore with the eventual resources' folder groups.
The files containing the communication driver settings to be enables
will also be kept in this folder. These files will have the name:
DriverName.drvsettings: file containing the Communication Driver
Communication Driver's dynamic tasks
DriverName.dyndrv: file containing the list of tags created
dynamically in the variables


Images used in the project are kept in this folder. Each time an image
is associated to a Movicon screen or object, it will be automatically
copied in this folder and its relating path will be used for retrieving it.

The Project Folders listed above are those which Movicon uses for default.
However, they can be customized, creating new ones and with different
paths, by means of using the "Project Path Settings".




Project Backup
Movicon keeps a project build count save in the ".movprj" file's <ProjectBuild> xml tag. When the
project's "Increase Project Build Number" execution property is enabled the project's internal build
number will increase by 1 each time the project is saved, When this property is not enabled, the
build number will remain always the same. When the project's "Save Backup" execution property is
enabled, a backup of all the project's files and resources will be done in the ".zip" file in the name of
<Project Name>_<Project Build> each time the project is saved. Therefore, with the project's
"Increase Project Build Number" execution property is enabled as well, a new ".zip" file will be
created at each project save. When not enabled, the ".zip" file will remain with the same name and
overwritten instead each time the project is saved. The folder containing the project will also contain
all the backup files of the saves taken place. The ".zip" format has been used so as not to occupy too
much space on disk and because it contains files with paths that allow easy extraction.

4.23.1. Renaming Resources

Movicon has a functionality which consents to automatic refreshing of all references to resources
when renamed. The resources concerned are:

Basic Scripts

When you rename a resource you do not need to replace the old name with the new one in all the
various parts of the project it is used.
The automatic resource name replacement mechanism only works if
the project's execution "Enable Renaming Manager" property is
enabled. If not, the aliasing mechanism, described below, will not be
used and old names of any renamed resources will have to be
replaced manually in the project.
Movicon uses an"aliasing" mechanism which keeps trace of the resource's original name and its new
one. When the resource is remained may times, only its original name and the last name will be
traced. This information, the relationship between the resource's original name and its new one, is
kept in the ".movprj" file. The tags which enclose this information are different for each resource and
are <RenamedScreens> for Screens, <RenamedScripts> for Basic Scripts, <RenamedMenus> for
Menus and <RenamedAccelerators> for Shortcuts.
<item key="Screen4" value="Main"/>
<item key="Basic Script1" value="Basic Script2"/>
<item key="Menu1" value="Main"/>
<item key="Shortcut1" value="Exit"/>
item key: represents the resource's original name
value: represents the last name used for renaming the resource


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

When the Renaming Manager has been enabled, it would be a good rule of thumb to re-use original
resource names for creating new resources. This kind of operation is always controlled by Movicon
displaying this warning message:
Warning! The resource name 'Screen1' has been renamed to 'Screen2' in this project. Do you want
to use this resource name? Answering 'Yes' will remove the recorded renamed link.
The above message was generated because the user was trying to create or rename a screen with
the 'Screen1' name, which was already used as an original name and then changed to "Screen2". At
this point, when answering with 'Yes', the alias link will be deleted and the automatic aliasing
mechanism will be annulled for this screen. For instance, if you associated the VAR00001 to a display
object and then rename it with VAR00002, the display will result associated to VAR00002. In
addition, only one variable, the VAR00002, will be in the RealTimeDB. However, if you insert a new
variable with the name of VAR00001 into the database and confirm the use of this name, the alias
link will be deleted and the display will result associated to VAR00001 again, which however is the
new variable. In this case both the VAR00001 and VAR00002 will result as being in the
RealTimeDB as two separate variables.
Lets take another example, if you associate a command to open Screen1 to a button object and then
remain the Screen1 to Screen2, the button will result associated to the command to open Screen2.
In addition to this, only one screen, screen2, will be present in the Project Explorer window.
However, if you then insert a new screen in the name of Screen1, and confirm its use, the alias link
will be deleted and the button will result associated again to the open command of Screen1, which is
the new screen. In this case both Screen1 and Screen2 will be present in the project and will result
as being two separate screens.
When inserting a new resource, Movicon will propose a name which has not yet been used or in use
in the project and not been used as an original name for a renamed resource. To make things
clearer, if you insert 'Screen1' which then gets renamed to 'Screen2', if you insert a new screen after
this, Movicon will propose 'Screen3' as its name.
WARNING! the "aliasing" mechanism can be deleted by deleting the
xml tags which show the list of renamed resources from the
".movprj" file. By doing this, the resources which were renamed
will remain with their last associated name, while the references
inserted in commands will keep links to the resources' original
names. This means that the references to these resources may no
longer be valid.
Automatic replacing of renamed resources is done in different ways according to the object or
resource in question, as described below:
Screen Resources:
Startup Screen Execution Properties: the new screen name will automatically appear in
the project's "Startup Screen" properties
Command List Screen Command: the new screen name will automatically appear in the
command's "Screen" property
Basic Script: the original screen name will always appear in the basic script code, for all
functions which have a screen name parameter, but the code will be executed in relation to
the new screen name
Basic Script Resource:
Start/Stop Script Execution Property: the new basic script name will automatically
appear in the project's "Start Script" and "Stop Script"
Command List Script Commands: the new name of the basic script will automatically
appear in the command's "Script" property
Basic Script: the original name of the basic script will always appear in the basic script code
for all function which have a script name as parameter, but the code will be executed in
relation to the new basic script name
Men Resource:
Command list Menu command: the new name of the menu will automatically appear in
the command's "Menu" property
Basic Script: the original menu name will always show in the basic script code for all
functions with a menu name parameter, but the code will be executed in relation to the new




The "screen name - menu name" or "screen name - accelerator name" correspondence will not
benefit from the automatic name replacement, which means that if you change the name of the
screen you will also have to change the name of the menu or accelerator so that they continued
being associated to that screen. For example, lets suppose you need to define a "LayOut" screen, a
"LayOut" menu and a "LayOut" accelerator in such a way that the screen is loaded, the
corresponding menu and accelerator are also activated. Then after having done this, you rename the
screen to "PlantLayOut", you will also have to rename the corresponding menu and accelerator with
this new name if you want to keep them associated. This also applies to other menus or accelerators
associated to the Startup Screen and used for default by all those screens which have not got their
own. Also in this case, menus or accelerators must be renamed with the same name of the Startup

Applying Renamed Resources Permanently

You can apply the new names of renamed resources permanently (screens, basic scripts, menu and
shortcuts) by using the "Apply Renamed Variables and Resources" command from the "Edit" and
"View" menus or by using the "Apply New Name" command from the resources' context menus. In
this case, a search will take place in all the project resources and objects to replace all the variable
old names with the new one and the renamed varialbe in the ".movprj" file will be deleted.
However, this will eliminate the Aliasing mechanismn for this resource.
A request to activate this command will also appear when the option for renaming variables and
resources management has been disabled.
This command also replaces the names of resources used within basic script code of objects or basic
script resources (except for the shortcut resources which do not have basic script commands).
Comments are also inserted in the code to indicate where the replacement was made:
''Men1' Menu replaced with new 'Men2' name'
''Screen1' Screen replaced with new 'Screen2' name
'Script2' Basic Script replaced with new 'Script3' name
Criteria for Replacing the Resources in Basic Script Code
When activating the command for applying the new names of resources when the parser finds a text
in the basic script code that corresponds to the name of the renamed resource, it replaces this text
with the resource's new name using the following procedures only:

searches for the specific Movicion DOM commands which may have been used for managing
these resources with code: executecommand, showmenu, openscript, startupscript,
shutdownscript, unloadscript, runscript, openscreen, opensynopticparameter, opensynopticex,
openmodalsynoptic, opensynoptic, startupscreen, getsynopticinterface. When found, the
replacement is done in the parameter in which the screen name is indicated.
only the texts in between the double inverted marks are replaced.

4.23.2. Modifying Resources with external XML editors

Movicon project files and resources, when not crypted or compressed, can also be modified outside
Movicon with XML or text editors. If modifications are done to projects already opened in edit mode
by Movicon, Movicon will detect that a file had been modified and will request that it be reloaded. If
this request is confirmed, Movicon will reload the modified resource file rendering all modifications
made externally visible. If the resource in question has also been modified by Movicon and not yet
saved, they will all be lost when the request to reload resources or project or external modification is
If this is request is answered with a NO, the resource will not be reloaded. In this case any
modifications to the resource with Movicon relative save will cause the loss of modifications made
with an external editor.
The editor used for modifying editing project resources may also be
another Movicon instance. In this case opening the project with two
Movicon instances would mean using the bidirectional resource loading
mechanism when a resource is modified and saved in one instance, the
other instance will load it and viceversa.
Once the project has been opened with Movicon and modifying a file with an external editor, when
reactivating the Movicon window the following message window will show:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The "..\Test\Project.movprj" project or some of its files have been modified outside
Do you want to reload the whole project?
Modifying some resources will also cause project files to be reloaded.
In cases where the same resources have been modified with the Movicon editor but not saved, the
following messages will show instead:
"..\Test\Project.movprj" project or some of its files have been modified outside Movicon.
Do you want to reload the entire project?
WARNING! All unsaved modifications will be lost.
This mechanism is valid for all the project resources accept those that use their own editor window,
such as Screens, Basic Script, Parameter Files and String Tables. The reload file message will only
appear for these resources if the modified resource was opened in edit mode by Movicon when
reactivating the editor window. If the modified resource is not already opened in editing mode, the
modifications will be automatically loaded when opened without requiring confirmation unless
already modified in Movicon as well.
Modifying a resource which creates the relative compiled "_c" (movalr_c, movevt_c, movdlrec_c,
movopcclient_c e movscr_c) files in runtime, will reset these files when the resource is reloaded.
Modifying the RealTimeDB resource ( "movrealtimedb" file), will reset the movalr_c, movevt_c,
movdlrec_c, movopcclient_c, movscr_c, dynsettings files when this resource is reloaded.
Modifying any one of the resources needing project to be reloaded, when the project is reloaded the
movalr_c, movevt_c, movdlrec_c, movopcclient_c, movscr_c, dynsettings fields will be reset.
Modifying the driver's "drvsettings" settings file, when this resource is reloaded, the "drvsettings"
filed will be reset. If while modifying the "drvsettings" file with the driver's settings window open in
the Movicon editor, file reload will NOT be requested.
The management for reloading modified resource with external editors is also active for Child
Projects. In addition, this management is also active when the project is added to SourceSafe
database. In this case, those resources to be modified must be checked out beforehand.
The automatic resource reload management can be disabled by
setting the "ReloadResources" registry key. This management is
enabled by default.
Warning! During the project runtime phase with project launched directly
into run mode from a development session, the modified resource reloading
management will be disabled. However, when files are modified during run
mode using an external editor, the modified resources will not get reloaded
when aborting project run to return back development mode and therefore
you will have to close and reopen the project again.

4.23.3. Replacing Texts in Projects

The Movicon "Edit" menu you will find the "Replace in Project..." command through which you can
find and replace texts within the project. The fields in which texts can be searched in can either be
variable or text type. When clicking this command the following dialog window will open:




The text you wish to search for must be entered in the "Find" field and the text you wish to replace it
with must be entered in the "Replace" field. The text search criteria can be defined in the 'Search
Conditions' dialog box section which provide the following options:
Search inside Child projects: enable this option if you wish the search to extend to any existing
Child projects as well.
Match whole word only: enable this option if you wish the search to match the string specified
with the whole string. In this case if the string specified in the 'Find' field is part of an extended
string it will not be found without enabling this option. For example, when enabling this option to
find "Var1" text, it will not be found in "Var1=1" but in "Var1 = 1".
Match case: when this option is enable the text search will become case sensitive and therefore will
recognize lower case from uppercase letters.
In addition, you can also define which fields you wish search to be carried out in:
Any Field: the specified string will be searched for and replaced if found in both text and project
variable (Tag) fields.
Text Fields: the specified string will be searched and replaced if found in project resource text fields
Tag fields: the string specified will be search for and replaced if found in project resource variable
(Tag) fields only
When selecting the "Any field" or "Tag field" option, if the text to be searched for corresponds to a
variable (tag) name, searched for tag will also be renamed in the RealTimeDB variable list.
Variables will not be renamed when selecting the "Text Fields" option.
The "Resourse Type" lets you select one or more resource types where the text must be searched
for and replace if found. The "Check All" and "Uncheck All" can be used for selecting or deselecting
all field options or they can be selected individually as desired.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Once Movicon finds the specified text, after having activated the replace command, a dialog window
will open to confirm replacement. This confirm window will show the specified text searched for, the
text to be replaced and the name of the resource or object where text was found. In addition the
"Project Explorer" window will be updated showing the resource in which the text was found. At this
point, the replacement can be confirmed by pressing the "Yes" button or aborted by pressing the
"No" button. When confirming with "Yes to all" the replace will take place in all resources without
requiring a confirm from each individual one. When pressing the "Cancel" button, the whole
replacement operation will be aborted and text replacements not yet processed will not be replaced.
When operation has terminated, another window will display showing all the replacements that took
In cases, where a project variable (tag) (or even only a part of the name if
the "Match whole word only" has not been selected), is replaced, it will also
get renamed in the RealTimeDB variable list showing the old name between
brackets at the side. In this case you will need to activate the "Apply New
Name" command to make new name definite.

4.24. Project Settings

Each Movicon project can be configured to adopt the specific functionalities needed for your
customizing requirements.
Each new project has standard configurations therefore the fundamental requirements for being
used normally on any machine with acceptable performances for standard applications.
This is usually the programmer's job who carries out the necessary customizing operations to fit the
system to the requirements proposed.
The configurations of the system and of the project can be done by the programmer whenever
necessary by using the 'Property Windows'.
You may find it necessary to configure the system before programming the
project for which we advise you to check through your own requirements
before consulting the possible settings offered by the system.

4.24.1. General Project Settings

By using the General properties of a project you can set which project format will be saved and
whether to crypt it or not.
To modify the Project's General Properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.

Crypted Project
Movicon saves all the project files in XML format to also enable the programmer to open and carry
out any changes to the project files and resources with a simple test editor (or even simpler with a
XML editor). However, when this property is enabled the project file will be saved in encrypted
format and therefore can only be opened with a Movicon editor and no other.
Crypted Project Resources
Movicon saves all the project files in XML format to also enable the programmer to open and carry
out any changes to the project files and resources with a simple test editor (or even simpler with a
XML editor). However, when this property is enabled the project's resource files will be saved in
encrypted format and therefore can only be opened with a Movicon editor and no other.
Crypted Sting Table
Movicon saves all project string files in XML format, giving the user the possibility to open and modify
these files using a simple text editor (or a XML editor to make it more simple). When enabling this
property the files from the project's String Table will be saved in crypted format, after which can only
be opened with the Movicon editor, independently from whether the actual project has been crypted
or not.




Unicode Project
When enabling this property all of the project will be saved in UTF-16 Unicode format.
Zipped Project
When enabling this property all of the project will be saved in compressed format. The compression
or decompression of files is managed by Movicon automatically in real-time therefore transparent to
the programmer. This will only slightly effect performances in the programming and execution phase
but has the advantage of occupying less disk space.
Save Backup
When this property is enabled a "Project Backup" file will be created every time the project is saved.
For further information on "Project Backup" files please see the section on "Project Files".
Increase Project Build Number
By enabling this property the project build will be increased each time the project is saved.
Otherwise, if not enabled, the build will always remain the same and the Backup file, created after
each save, will always have the same name and overwrite the previous one. For further information
on 'Project Backup Files' please refer to "Project Files".
Default ODBC Plugin
By using this property you can select which ODBC driver should be used for default by the Movicion
project for creating the historical log DSNs. this driver will be used only if no other DSN has been
created manually and associated in the historicals "ODBC DSN" property. For further information
please see "Project ODBC Plugins".
The drivers currently selectable are:

MSAccess: MS Access (uses the "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)" driver. This
one is the predefined choice)
MySQL: MySQL 5.1 (uses the driver installed with this MySQL version)
OracleEx10: Oracle Express (uses the client-less driver installed with this
version of Oracle)
Oracle11g: Oracle Express 11 (uses the client-less driver installed with this
Oracle version)
SQLServer2000: MS SQL Server 2000 (uses the "SQL Server" driver)
SQLServer2005: MS SQL Server 2005 (uses "SQL Native Client" driver)
SQLServer2008: MS SQL Server 2008 (uses the "SQL Native Client 10.0" driver)
SQLServerExp2000: MS SQL Express 2005 (uses the "SQL Native Client" driver)
SQLServerExp2008: MS SQL Express 2008 (uses the "SQL Native Client 10.0"
SQLServer2012: MS SQL Server 2012 (uses the "SQL Native Client 11.0"
SQLServerExp2012: MS SQL Express 2012 (uses the " SQL Native Client
11.0" driver)

ODBC Settings
This command opens the window used for setting DSN configuration parameters relating to the
ODBC driver selected in the "Default ODBC Plugin" property. For further information please refer to
"ODBC Plugin List".
SMTP Settings
This command can be used for opening the SMTP plug-in settings window which is used for
"Esportazione e Invio Mail" commands or reports associated to DataLogger/Recipes. The SMTP
plug-in used is the same one used by the Alarm Dispatcher. For further information on setting
parameters see paragraph "Invio E-mails via SMTP".
The plug-in editor generates a file with the name of "smtp_direct.settings" in the
"ProjectName\DATA" folder.
Default Screen Width
This property sets the default width in pixels with which the Screen window is to be created.
Default Screen Height
This property sets the default height in pixels with which the Screen window is to be created.
Project Folder
The project's work folder path is shown in this property. The work folder will open in a Windows
Resource Explorer resource window when cliking the browse button to the right of this field.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Default Screen Color

This property sets the default background color with which the Screen window is to be created..
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Colour Threshold Settings in Drawings and
Enable Button Sound/Enable Buzzer"
This property is used for enabling a buzzer to sound in runtime when clicking on a clickable object,
such as Buttons, Displays, Spin or symbols with which have been enabled with a Command List to
produce a sound alert when actions are being performed on screen clickable objects.
The default buzzer sound is produced by the Beep.wav file found in the Visu+ installation folder. If
this file does not exist, the buzzer sound will be managed with the default operating system beep.
It is also possible to reproduce the sound from within a Web Client session by pressing the object on
screen. In this case the reproduced sound will be the operating system's default beep.
Buttons belonging to VB Dialog windows or objects where the Click is managed at
VB Script level are not managed with the buzzer sound.
"Buzzer Sound Duration (ms)"
If the Enable Button Sound property has been enabled, this property is used for setting the
buttons maximum sound duration in milliseconds. The 0 Default value enables the sound to last
the whole duration that mouse clicker remains pressed down on the object.
This property is ignored when the sound is produced by using the Operating System

Legacy Project Files

This command saves the entire Project which include all Project files, Resource files, String Table
files, using a special legacy encryption key unique to Movicon. Once this has been done, the Project
can only be edited using Movicon and not other editors.
After having saved the project in legacy format, it can only be opened in the Movicon platform
which activated the save and 'marked' the encryption options ("Crypted Project", "Crypted Project
Resources" and "Crypted String Table") and unresponsive to mouse clicks. When activating the
command to set this type of project protection, a warning window will show asking you to confirm
this operation:
Caution: the project files will be saved in legacy format.
To recover the standard Format or XML format, you will be asked to enter
security key provided by the manufacturer.
Do you wish to continue?
Caution! Once the project has been saved in legacy format hense activated
with protection, you will need to enter a "legacy" password issued by the
manufacturer only, being Progea Srl, in order to remove protection.
The "Legacy Project Files" can be made visible or invisible in development mode (in the Property
Window) using the boolean key from the "AllowBlockProject" Constraints file. When the value of the
key is set at "1", the button will show in the Property Window. When set to the "0" value the button
will not be available in the Property Window. The key's default value is "1", therefore if the key is
not available in the Contraints file, the button will be visible in the Property Window.
Screen Color Number
This property allows you to select the screen's default set of colors when created.
Get Connected Device Screen Size
This function allows you to set the default screen sizes according to the characteristics of the WinCE
target PC where the project is to be exported. Before carrying out this function you need to setup a
connection between the desktop PC and the target PC with ActiveSync.
Alphanumeric Pad Screen
The name of the Screen to be used as a Alphanumeric Pad instead of the one proposed by Movicon
for default is entered in this box. For further information on how customized Alphanumeric Pads
work see the section on "Numeric and Alphanumeric Screens".




Numeric Pad Screen

The name of the Screen to be used as a Numeric Pad instead of the one proposed by Movicon for
default is entered in this box. For further information on how customized Numeric Pads work see the
section on "Numeric and Alphanumeric Screens".
Get Password Screen
The name of the Screen to be used as the password dialog window for user logins, to replace the
one proposed by Movicon for default, is defined here. For further information on how custom
Password Dialog windows work please refer to "Custom Password Dialog Windows".
Expired Password Screen
The name of the Screen to be used as the expired user password is defined in this box to replace the
one proposed by Movicon for default. For further information on how custom expired password
screen work please refer to "Custom Password Dialog Windows".
Trace Comment Screen (Audit)
The name of customized screen/s can be defined in this field to be used as a trace window enabled
with a variable instead of the one proposed for default by Movicon (This type of screen is not
supported by Web client).
For further information on Trace Comment Screens please refer to the section on "Customizing
Comment Dialog Windows".
ACK Comment Screen (Audit)
The name of the customized screen/s can be defined in this field to be used a s the alarm comment
window instead of the one proposed for default by Movicon (This type of screen is not supported by
Web client).
For further information on ACK Comment Screens please refer to the section on "Customizing
Comment Dialog Windows".
This property, when enabled, allows the caption bar to be displayed in the customized "Alphanumeric
Pad Screen", "Numeric Pad Screen", "Get Password Screen" and "Expired Password Screen".
When enables this property allows the border to be shown around the customized "Alphanumeric
Pad Screen", "Numeric Pad Screen", "Get Password Screen" and "Expired Password Screen".
Resize Border
When enabled this property allows the customized "Alphanumeric Pad Screen", "Numeric Pad
Screen", "Get Password Screen" and "Expired Password Screen" window frames to be resized during
Runtime. This can also be done using the mouse and the usual Windows' techniques.
System Menu
When enabled, this property consents the System Menu to be displayed in the caption bar in the
customized "Alphanumeric Pad Screen", "Numeric Pad Screen", "Get Password Screen" and "Expired
Password Screen" screen windows. This setting will have no effect if the "Caption Bar" has not been
enabled. The System Menu can be accessed through the icon found on the top left of the caption
When enabling this property, the button for closing the window will also be made visible on the
caption bar's top right.
The System Menu is not displayed in Windows CE platforms.

4.24.2. Project Platform Settings

By using the project's Platform properties you can set which platform (Operating System) is to be
used for creating the project. To modify the project's Platform, select the object with the mouse
and then use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Windows XP/8/7
This property enables project development for Windows 32/64 bit platforms.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Windows CE
This property enables the project development for Windows CE platforms.
Client WinXP/8/7
This property enables project development for Windows 32/64 bit Client platforms.
Client WinCE
This property enables the project development for Windows CE Client platforms.
WebClient Applet
This property enables the project development for J2SE Client (Java to Standard Edition, such as
Windows, Linux or other Java-enabled platforms).
WebClient Middlet
This property enables the project development for J2ME Client (Java to Machine Edition, such as
JavaPhones or mobile phone platforms).
Target License Type
This option is used for selecting the license type with which to use for developing the project. The
project can be run with all the Movicon functionalities activated or run as a "Power HMI" project and
therefore subject to a series of restrictions as described in detail in the paragraph on "Power HMI
Limits". The target license selection is only needed during the project design phase for disabling the
functions not supported by Power HMI to make it easier for the programmer to create project. The
license types that can be selected are:
Standard = all the functionalities which are compatible with the selected platform type will
be enabled in the Movicon editor.
Basic = Only those functionalities permitted by Power HMI and compatible with the selected
platform type will be enabled in the Movicon editor.
When selecting the "Basic" option, the system will be configured to hide or disable all those
functionalities which are not supported by Power HMI, so that the programmer does not use them by
Once the project had been developed, independently from the selection made in the "Target License
Type" property, all the Movicon or Power HMI functionalities will be enabled during runtime based
exclusively on the license installed. However, if a Movicon project set with a Standard License in the
"Target License Type" property is started up in runtime in a machine which has a software license for
Power HMI (Basic License), this project will nevertheless be subject to the Power HMI restrictions.
Example: When you set the "Basic" platform, restrictions in WinCE and Win32/64 bit systems will be
those imposed by the Power HMI platform (see section on "Power HMI Limits"). The number of
Bytes allowed in use are 512 bytes in WinCE and 2048 in Win32/64 bit respectively. If this byte
number is exceeded, the project will automatically switch into demo mode issuing a simple alarm
message in the output window of event. The license installed in the machine has priority over the
platform set in the project: a project using the Standard functionality (Movicon) with the Basic
platform (Power HMI) selected will however be able to used those functionalities not allowed in
Power HMI if installed with a Movicon License.

4.24.3. Project Path Settings

The project files can be organized in secondary folders according to the default settings or those
carried out in the Project's 'Working folder Settings'.
To modify the project Paths properties, select the object with the mouse and then use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
Normally the project files are organized according to a folder structure in which the data is organized
in a logical order. At startup Movicon creates a few default folders from the main project folder
where the system will organize its data.
The structure of the working folders can be customized as pleased, by declaring in the project's
'Path' properties how you wish to organize your files and those of the system's.




An example of how standard Movicon project working subfolders are organized on disk.

An example of how customized working sub-folders are

organized with the 'Image' folder' where all the project's
images will be inserted.
Alarms Path
The working folder, in which Movicon will file any comments associated to alarms by the operator,
can be declared or selected in this box. The 'Alarms Comment' editing operations are described in
the relative chapter on project Alarms. The selection of an exiting folder can be done with the '...'
button on the right.
If the folder does not already exist it will be created by the system upon project startup.
Data Path
The working folder can be declared or selected in this box in which Movicon will file data relating to
the retentive variables or the "Watch Window" settings. You can used the "..." button on the right
to select an already existing folder. If a folder does not exist one will be created at the project
Images Path
The working folder, in which Movicon will search for the bitmap or jpg type images used in the
project, can be declared or selected in this box. The selection of an already exiting folder can be
done with the '...' button on the right.
If the folder does not exist it will be created by the system upon project startup.

Starting from the 956 build Movicon will use the predefined "IMAGES"
folder which will be created as the project folder when this property is not
Images set as screen backgrounds will first be searched for in the
folder preset for containing images, then in the same folder in
which the screen resource was saved, and then in the project
Images set in controls, alarms or in variables will first searched for
in the folder preset for containing these images and then in the
project folder.
In addition to this, when an image is selected its copy will be saved in the
preset folder containing images ('IMAGES' for default). This allows you to
keep all your images localized in the project folder so you don't have
problems localizing images when running the project in other computers or
when exporting it to WinCE devices.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Resource Path
The working folder in which Movicon is to save the multiple project resources (Screens, Menus,
Accelerators, etc.) is declared or selected in this box.
You can use the "..." button on the right to select existing folders.
If the folder does not exist it will be created by the system upon project startup.
Logs Path
The working folder in which Movicon is to file recorded data from the project's Historical Log Events
and Variable Trace is declared or selected in this box. You can get further information on these
functions from the 'Historical Log' chapter in the Manual.
You can use the "..." button on the right to select existing folders.
If the folder does not exist it will be created by the system upon project startup.
Data Loggers Path
The working folder in which Movicon is to file recorded from the project's Data Loggers is declared or
selected in this box. You can get further information on this function from the 'Data Loggers' chapter
in the Manual.
You can use the "..." button on the right to select existing folders.
If the folder does not exist it will be created by the system upon project startup.
Network User Path
This box is used for declaring or selecting the work folder in which Movicon will insert the Log files of
the network connection coming from any eventual clients. If this field is left empty, Movicon will use
the project's "NETLOG" folder for default.
You can use the "..." button on the right to select existing folders. If the folder does not exist it will
be created by the system upon project startup.
HTML Help File
A help file to be associated to the project in HTML help format can be selected in this box. The Topic
of this Help file can then be viewed through the "Help Command" which can be associated to the
Movicon controls.
When inserting the Help file in the project's ".\Resources\ProjectName"
folder, Movicon will be able to use the path relating to the file as to avoid
using any absolute paths due to moving the file to other PCs or to different

4.24.4. Project Execution settings

By using the Execution properties of a project you can set by enabling or not enabling the
procedures for the project's statistical data and any commands or basic routines to be executed upon
the project startup or shutdown.
To edit the project's Execution properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.

Enable Statistics
This property is used for enabling or disabling project statistical data acquisition. This data can be
seen using the "Watch window".
Startup Screen
The name of the Screen to be displayed at project startup is entered in this box. When this property
is not set, therefore without any Startup Screen specified, Movicon will check to see if one exists in
the name of 'Main' at the startup of the project's runtime and will load it if it does. However, when
this property has not been set with a specific startup screen and a 'Main' screen does not exist,
Movicon will randomly load one of those present in the project at startup.
Startup Script
The name of the Basic Script to be executed upon project startup is entered in this box. The
selection of the Script can also be done by using the '...' button on the right.
Shutdown Script
The name of the Basic Script to be executed upon project shutdown is entered in this box. The
selection of the Script can also be done by using the '' button on the right.




Startup Commands
The Movicon 'Command List' is opened by using this button through which you can set a list of one
or more commands which must be executed upon project startup.
For further information on the commands available please refer to the paragraph on "Command
Shutdown Commands
The Movicon 'Command List' is opened by using this button through which you can set to list of
one or more commands which must be executed upon project shutdown.
For further information on the commands available please refer to the paragraph on "Command
Pre-load Screens
This option allows all those screens marked with "Not destroyable" option to be preloaded at the
project startup. This option is not set for default when new screens are created in the project.
When this option is set, Movicon will scan all existing screens at the project run startup and preload
in memory all those which are marked with the "Not Destroyable" option.
This operation, inserted to start from the 956 build, allows maximum velocity when changing pages when needed - due to the fact that the screen to be opened will have been already preloaded before
being activated.

This operation also happens for child project screens only when the child
project is marked as executable and in auto run, and when the screens are
marked with the preload option.
Start Full Screen
Enabling this option will startup the project in Full Screen mode, therefore the Screen window will be
displayed without the title bar.
Show Status Bar
Enabling this option will also display the Movicon status bar during the Runtime phase.
Show Output Window
Enabling this option will also display the Movicon Trace window during Runtime. The Trace, Output
or Debug window is very handy to have especially during the project Debug phase.
Enable Renaming Manager
This option allows to enable or disable the variables and resources Renaming Manager (see
"Renaming variables" and "Renaming Resources"). When this property is enabled, renaming a
variable or a resource does not require to replace the previous name with the new name in the
project, where the variable or the resource name has been used. Disabling this property, the
automatic replacement of variables or resources name will not take place.
Static Object in Background
enabling this option will activate the static object management for all those screens which have their
own "Static Object in Background" open enabled. For further information on this subject please refer
to the paragraph on "Handling Static Objects in Screens".
Hide Desktop
When enabling this option the Desktop's icons will be hidden and therefore inactive.
Please note that the Windows "Show Desktop" button presented in the 'Quick Start' of "Task Bar",
permits the Desktop to be reactivated. To avoid this from happening it is necessary to disable the
'Task Bar' as well.
Hide Start Button
When enabling this option the Windows Start button will be hidden and therefore inactive.
Hide Task Bar
When enabling this option the 'Task Bar' will be hidden and therefore inactive.
Hide System Clock
When enabling this option the clock, presented in the Windows' 'Task Bar', will be hidden.
Disable Task Switching Keys
When enabling this option the Windows switching keys such as CTL+ESC, ALT+TAB, etc, will be


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Disable Task Manager

When enabling this option the Windows' Task Manager will be deactivated.
Disable Ctrl+Alt+Del
When enabling this option the use of the Windows Ctrl+Alt+Del will be deactivated.
when enabling this option the "PmeDocCmdTarget" interface will record in the ROT (Running Object
Table) unsafe mode. This allows, for example, to connect to this interface even when the project is
run as service.
In order to used the "ROT any Client" option correctly, you will need to enable the "ROT" option and
insert some Windows registry keys as indicated below.
If the Movicon.exe and MoviconRuntime.exe modules have to be used the following keys must be
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"RunAs"="Interactive User"
In cases using the MoviconService.exe module, the following keys must be inserted:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
ROT Any Client
When this option is enabled the "PmeDocCmdTarget" interface will be recorded in the Windows' ROT
(Running Object Table) in non safe mode. This allows you to use the "PmeDocCmdTarget" also when
the project is started as Windows service.
Show Service Sys Tray Icon
If the project is executed as "Windows XP Service", this property allows you to decide if show or hide
the icon of the service on the Windows' Application Bar.
Warning! This property is ignored by operating systems based on the
Windows 8/7 or later technology due to radical changes to the Windows
Server user interface management as explained in the paragraph on
"Supporto a Windows 8/7".
Show Service at Log On
If the project is executed as "Windows XP Service", this property allows you to decide if open and
display the project screen (Movicon application) of the started service, automatically after the
Log On for the operating system.
Warning! This property is ignored by operating systems based on the
Windows 8/7 or later technology due to radical changes to the Windows
Server user interface management as explained in the paragraph on
"Supporto a Windows 8/7".

4.24.5. Heap Manager Settings

Movicon allows you to get optimized memory allocation management during project runtime. Each
project object group can be set with a quantity of memory that Movicon will allocate in fixed mode.
If this management is not enabled, Movicon will allocate and deallocate memory as required during
the Runtime phase. However, this may cause fragmentation in the Ram with consequent undesired
memory consumption, especially when the project remains in run mode for a long time. On the other
hand, when this management is enabled, Movicon will allocate a fixed portion of memory for each
group of objects and will use only that fixed portion. These memory portions are called "Heaps".
Caution must naturally be taken to set the right values to avoid errors of insufficient quantity of




allocated memory during the runtime phase. It must also be taken into consideration that by
enabling this management the Ram allocation may turn out to be higher than expected when not
enabled. This is due to the fact that Movicon allocates all the configured memory even when not all
of it is to be used.
The Heap Management is always remains disabled when the project is run
from the development environment. However it is managed for the Movicon
RunTime .exe, Movicon Service .exe, Movicon CE .exe and Movicon .exe
modules only when run with the /R. option.
The Heap values can be set manually or with the appropriate button, which does nothing other than
get the maximum values requested during the last project run. The heap values are kept traced
during runtime (the current value and the maximum values reached) for each group of objects.
These values can be viewed through the Watch window (the maximum values reached are those
shown in brackets).

Therefore, once the project has been put into run mode you can return to development mode and by
using the "set values from last run" all the heap manager properties will be updated with the values
of the last run.
The Heap values can also be set by using the appropriate registry keys described in the "List of
Movicon Registry Keys" section. However, the registry values are by-passed by the project values
when the heap manager is activated.
Set Values from the last Run
This command allows you set the Heap values for each group based on the last value obtained
during the Runtime phase.
Memory Used with the current Heap Values
This field shows the approximate memory value in Kbytes to be allocated based on the set Heap
Warning! this value is only a rough estimate and may differ according to the type of processor the
project is being run on (ARM, X86, etc.).
Warning! This value is a rough estimate and may differ according to the type of
processor the project is being run on (ARM, X86, etc.).

Recalculate memory Used

This command updates the value shown in the "Memory Used with the current Heap values"
property with the values set at that moment.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Enable Heap Values

This option box is used for enabling or disabling the memory through the Heap Values. When
disabled, any Heap registry key inserted in the Windows Registry will be bypassed by the values set
in the project.
These are used for inserting Heap Values for each group of objects. Keep into account that the
values are not expressed in either KBytes or as object numbers, but is the heap quality necessary for
managing that type of object. The meaning for each value is:
Rectangle Heap: maximum heap size for "Rectangle" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
Alarm Window Heap: maximum heap size for "Alarm Window" object allocations (0 =
Historical Log Window Heap: maximum heap size for "Historical Log Window" object
allocations (0 = unlimited)
DataLogger-Recipe Window Heap: maximum heap size for "Historical Log Window" object
allocations (0 = unlimited)
TraceDB Window Heap: maximum heap size for "TraceDB Window" object allocations (0 =
Button Heap: maximum heap size for "Button" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
Chart Heap: maximum heap size for "Chart" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
Polygon, Multiline, etc heap: maximum heap size for "Polygon, Multiline, etc" object
allocations (0 = unlimited)
OLE object Heap: maximum heap size for "OLE" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
OCX/ActiveX Object Heap: maximum heap size for "OCX/ActiveX" object allocations (0 =
Group Object Heap: maximum heap size for "Group Box" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
Embedded Screen Heap: maximum heap size for "Embedded Screen" object allocations (0 =
Trend Heap: maximum heap size for "Trend/Data Analysis" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
Meter Heap: maximum heap size for "Meter" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
Display Heap: maximum heap size for "Display" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
Tab Group Heap: maximum heap size for "Tab Group" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
Scheduler Window Heap: maximum heap size for "Scheduler Window" object allocations (0 =
List Box Object Heap: maximum heap size for "List Box/Combo Box" object allocations (0 =
Grid Heap: maximum heap size for "Grid" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
Dynamic Object Heap: maximum heap size for allocations of those objects set with "Animation"
properties (0 = unlimited)
Tag Heap: maximum heap size for project Tag allocations (0 = unlimited)
Alarm Heap: maximum heap size for "Alarm" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
OPC Item Heap: maximum heap size for "OPC Item" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
OPC Group Heap: maximum heap size for "OPC Group" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
OPC Server Heap: maximum heap size for "OPC Server" object allocations (0 = unlimited)
Drawing Script Heap: maximum heap size for allocation of script code associated to "Drawings"
(0 = unlimited)
Alarm Script Heap: maximum heap size for allocation of script code associated to "Alarms" (0 =
The "0 = unlimited" value means that no fixed heap portions are allocated, but will be allocated
dynamically as needed.

Upload projects to WinCE

Movicon controls that the heap settings do not exceed the maximum amount of memory installed on
the device (indications are given in approximate value counts which are not precise to the byte)
when uploading projects to the WinCE device (ActiveSync only). The Movicon CE runtime also carries
out this control before starting with these values and gives a warning message when there is
insufficient memory:




The heaps in WinCE are allocated to the global memory (memory available for the programs) and do
not occupy memory in the Movicon CE .exe process. In this way the fixed 32Mbytes memory, which
each WinCE process can use, is by-passed by these Heap managers. Therefore you can check each
screen as not destroyable providing that there is enough memory on the device.

4.24.6. Project Historical Log Settings

Movicon manages the Historical Log of events through a completely configurable registration engine.
Movicon automatically records on Log all the significant system events, events inherent to
communication drivers and plant alarms and messages which will only be recorded if the
programmer has enabled this property in each single alarm.
The Log recording modalities for Movicon projects can be set through the Movicon 'Properties
Window' after having clicked the project name desired (from the 'Project Window').
The Historical Log's data recordings are done on DataBase files by exploiting the operating system's
ODBC links or on text files using the Movicon IMDB manager.
Enable Log Recording
This property allows you to enable the Historical Log. Unmarking this property will disable the
Historical Log database recordings, whether using the IMDB or ODBC manager. However the
Historical Log will continue to record in text files within the project's "LOGS" folder. This new
property is also enabled for default to guarantee compatibility with previous versions.
Use IMDB Manager
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Shared Tables
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Save XML File
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Save CSV File
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Crypt File
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Write Behind Delay
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Max Numero Rcords
See the "IMDB Settings for Recording data" paragraph in the "IMDB" section.
Keep the DB Connection open
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Max. Error Number
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Max. Transactions
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Max. Cache Size

See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Max. VarChar Precision
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Time Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Historical Log Table's Time Column. When left
blank the default name will be used instead. The Time column indicates the recording's date and
time in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). GMT is universally used for time reference. Time zones are to
be calculated by starting from GMT 00. hrs.
Local Time Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Historical Log Table's Local Time Column. When
left blank the default name will be used instead. The Local Time Column indicates the recording's
date and local time.
MSec Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Historical Log Table's MSec Column. When left
blank the default name will be used instead. The MSec Column indicates the milliseconds relative to
the recording's time.
User Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Historical Log Table's User Column. When left
blank the default name will be used instead. The User Column indicates the name of the user active
the moment the recording took place.
Event Type Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Historical Log Table's Event Column. When left
blank the default name will be used instead. The Event Column indicates the event type recorded (ie.
Alarm ON, Alarm OFF, System, etc.).
Num. Event Type Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Historical Log Table's Event Number Column.
When left blank the default name will be used instead. The Event Number Column reports the
recorded event identification number.
Desc. Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Historical Log Table's Description Column. When
left blank the default name will be used instead. The Description Column reports the recorded event
Sub Event Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Historical Log Table's Sub Event Column. When
left blank the default name will be used instead. The Sub Event Column reports different information
for each table. In the Alarms Table for example, this field reports the Alarm's text.
Comment Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Historical Log Table's Sub Event Column. When
left blank the default name will be used instead. The Comment Column reports the alarm's duration
for the Alarm Table.
Duration Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Historical Log Table's Duration Column. When left
blank the default name will be used instead. The Duration Column reports how long the event in
question lasted.




Unique ID Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Unique ID Column in the Historical Log tables. The
default name will be used when left blank. This column shows the alarm's Unique ID value when
dealing with alarm tables. However, this field remains blank for the "System" and "Drivers" tables.
Transaction ID Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Transaction ID Column of the Historical Log tables.
The default name will be used when left blank. This column shows the alarm's Transaction ID value
when dealing with alarm tables. However, this field remains blank for the "System" and "Drivers"
Alarms Table
This setting lets you insert the name of the Historical Log table which will contain the messages
inherent to project's 'Alarms'.
Drivers Table
This setting lets you insert the name of the Historical Log table which will contain the messages
inherent to the project's 'Drivers'.
System Table
This setting lets you insert the name of the Historical Log table which will contain the messages
inherent to project's 'System Messages'.
Alarm Max.Age
This property lets you set how long the Alarm messages are to be kept internal the database. The
Default setting is 180 days but can be changed according to what is required, keeping in mind how
many recordings will be done in the time interval specified.
For further information see paragraph: "Archive Sizes".
Driver Max.Age
This property lets you set how long the Communication Driver messages are to be kept internal the
database. The Default setting is 180 days but can be changed according to what is required, keeping
in mind how many recordings will be done in the Time interval specified.
For further information see paragraph: "Archive Sizes".
System Max.Age
This property lets you set how long the System messages are to be kept internal the database. The
Default setting is 180 days but can be changed according to what is required, keeping in mind how
many recordings will be done in the Time interval specified.
For further information see paragraph: "Archive Sizes".
Create DB Table
This command executes the creation of the Historical Log tables internal the database. If tables
already exist they will be cancelled by being recreated with the new ones upon the execution of this
command. This means that any data recorded beforehand will be lost.

4.24.7. Child Project Options Settings

By using the Child Project Options properties you can set the start modalities of any declared Child
To modify the Child Project Options Properties, select the project form the 'Child Project List' group
from the Project Explorer window with the mouse and then use Movicon 'Properties Window'.

When this property is enabled the child project can then be run. This means that all the sever part of
the project, being the Drivers, OPC, Networking etc, will be started. When a project is not enabled
to start you can nevertheless access the child screens from the parent project.
Auto Startup
This property permits the child project to run automatically when the parent project is put into
execution. In order for this setting to take effect you must also select the 'Startable' property.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Network Server
This property is used for defining the name or IP address of any eventual Network Server which the
child project will use for updating its variable values and display windows.
Backup Network Server
This property is used for defining the name or IP address of any eventual Backup Network Server
which the child project will use for updating its variable values and display windows if the primary
servers is unavailable.
Child Project Name
This property permits you to associate a name to the child project. When this filed is left empty the
child project's name will be used instead.

4.24.8. Project Spooler Manager Settings

The "Spooler Manager" manages the sending of project events to a LPT or COM port. The events
managed by the Spooler are: Alarm ON, Alarm ACK, Alarm OFF, System. Comm.Driver. The use of
LPT port needs the "printer spooler" service which is active in Windows. This service is normally
always active. The "Spooler Manager" needs "data.spool" xml files (created in the project's "DATA"
sub-folder) for saving certain information such as the current line number and the spooler's buffer.
To change the project's "Spooler Manager" properties, select the name of the project with the
mouse and use the Movicon "Properties Window".
The spooling management for printing events directly does not
support texts with Unicode code.
Cases where the printer in use does not support ASCII code for
formatting text (ie. as with many inkjet printers), you will need to
set the print styles of each event with the "10 cpi" character option
and not set any of the style options.
Printer Port
The Port to be used for sending texts to be printed. LPT ports from 1 to 3 and COM ports from 1 to 9
are supported.
Where an opening of a COM port is concerned, you can set the port's opening parameters by using
the following format:
Read Interval Timeout
This value is used after the selected port has been opened for setting a timeout on the two character
reception (IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_TIMEOUTS). You may find it useful to modify this value if the serial
printers or printers being used are very slow.
Read Timeout
This value is used after the select port has been opened for setting a timeout on the reception
(IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_TIMEOUTS). The default value is 10000 milliseconds.
Write Timeout
This value is used after the selected port has been opened for setting a time on the transmission
(IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_TIMEOUTS).The default value is 10000 milliseconds.
# Lines per Page
This value allows you to decide how many printed lines are needed before sending the page end to
the port. To print a continuous page you should enter the "0" value so that no change page takes
place. when using single sheets of paper you should enter the number of line per sheet so that a
change page takes place on the last line printed.

Events to be printed are sent immediately to the selected port. Laser or ink
jet printers must be setup beforehand so their buffer contents are printed
only when the end page character is received.




Max. Buffer Size

This property determines the buffer memory size in Kbytes used for the spooler. When the buffer is
full the oldest events will be deleted from the buffer in function with the most recent ones and will
not be printed. A message will be traced in the system log for each event deleted from the Spooler
"The Spooler Buffer has reached the maximum value. Entry '<event text>' has been removed"
The buffer memory is saved in the "data.spool" file so that those events not printed due to
unforeseen application aborts can be printed.
Time From
The spooler can be made active for a specific time interval. The events which are generated outside
this time interval will not be printed. This property is used for entering the start time in hours and
Time To
The spooler can be made active for a specific time interval. The events which are generated outside
this time interval will not be printed. This property is used for entering the finish time in hours and
Enable Spooler...
You can activate or deactivate the spooler for each event category (Alarm ON, Alarm ACK, etc). The
spooler can also be activated or deactivated for each alarm threshold ( "Print" style properties) and
for each Basic Script ( "Spooler" Script Debug Output properties ).
Event Style...
The message print style can be set for each event category. The following dialog window will open
by clicking on the appropriate command button of each event (...) through which the print characters
can be set:

The meaning of these settings are as follows:

10 cpi or 12 cpi: print character size (small or big)

Proportional: the text is printed in proportion to the characters
Compressed: the test is printed in compressed mode
Emphasized: the text is printed emphasized
Double Width: the text is printed with doubled width
Bold: the text is printed in bold
Italic: the text is printed in italic
Underline: the text is printed underlined
The direct event's printout (spooling) doesn't support text using
In case the printer doesn't support ASCII codes for test formatting
(a lot of inkjet printers, for example) you have to set properly the
print stile properties and, for each event, the character style option
at "10 cpi" and don't set no other style options.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

4.24.9. tools
Movicon uses some tools, developed by Progea as usual, to carry out certain operations or functions.
Below you will find a list of these tools with a brief description on what they do. For further
information on how they work and any application configurations please consult the Help online of
the related application.
Upload/Download service
The executable file "TCPUploadServer.exe" is installed with Movicon setup and allows to use, for a
desktop platform too, the service for projects upload/download to/from a remote client. For further
information on this subject please see "Projects Upload/Download" in Movicon CE user manual.
Alarm Dispatcher
Movicon uses this application, "Dispatcher.exe", to configure the SMS, Voice, Fax alarms notifying.
This tool can be also used within basic script routines for sending messages that have nothing to do
with the alarms.
For further information please refer to the "AlarmDispatcher.chm" tool's help.
Import/Export Tag in CSV
The "CSVTagIE.exe" program consents you to import/export the Real Time DB to csv. files.
For further information please refer to the "CSVTagIE.chm" tool's help.
Import/Export CSV Alarms
The"AlarmsImpExp.exe" program consents you to import/export Alarm list to csv. files.
For further information please refer to the "AlarmsImpExp.chm" tool's help.
Import/Export CSV Strings
The"StringImpExp.exe" program consents you to import/export Alarm list to csv. files.
For further information please refer to the l "StringImpExp.chm" tool's help.

This program, "PrnWnd.exe", is installed in Movicon installation folder and consent the printing of
screens or the Window desktop. The raster print is a graphical print mode which creates a uniform
bitmap of the page and sends it to the printer. The syntax is:
PrnWnd.exe [-h<%d>] [-d] [-s] [-t<%s>] [-l] [-k] [-f<filename>] [-p[x];[y]] [m[Sx];[Dx];[Top];[Bottom]]
[-h<%d>]: %d is the handle's decimal value of the window to be printed. If the handle is not
specified, all of the desktop will be printed
[-d]: dialog window appears for choosing the printer and the print options, otherwise the default
printer will be used
[-s]: hides the window which indicates the print in action
[-t<%s>]: attributes the print document title
[-l]: forces a vertical print (portrait)
[-k]: permits prints with the dame proportions seen on screen, without the option (therefore for
default) both the height and width will be adapted to the whole size of the page
[-f<filename>]: the -f parameter is used for specifying the name of the ".bmp" file to be printed.
The file name must be specified with complete naem and path of the ".bmp" file to be printed.
[-p[x];[y]]: the -p parameter is used for seeing the sizes of the page to be printed. In this case
the "x" value indicates page width in mms and the "y" value indicates page height in mms.
[-m[Sx];[Dx];[Top];[Bottom]]: this parameter consents to managing the print margins. This
parameter is composed of four numbers alternated with the semi-colon character which define the
left, right, top and bottom margins in millimeters. Each margin can be left out, leaving the tool to use
the one for default retrieved through the printer's driver. If all of the "-m " parameter is left out, all
the margins will be retrieved using th printer driver.
The tool can be activated using the commands from the "Capture and Print" Commands List of the
"Screen", "Run Application" and "System" groups. This tool can also be launched directly from the
Movicon script code where this command should be used:




Shell("PrnWnd.exe", vbNormalFocus)
The tool is available for these following platforms:
WinCE (SSDK x86)
Tag-Alarm Wizard
This application, "AlarmGen.exe", allows lists of alarms to be created quickly by using a wizard.
This application, "CleanLog.exe", is used by Movicon for deleting old networking log files exceeding a
preset life span. This date is calculated by Movicon according to the project's "Log and Security"
property settings from the Networking Services resource.
This application can also be used by the programmer to cancel files. It can be called up by using the
command line by passing the following parameters:
CleanLog.exe -d<x> [-r] <path>
-x = number of days
-r = also deletes the files in the sub folder
Path = path of the folder where the files are found
CleanLog deletes all the files contained in the folder <path> which are dated older than the actual
date + <x> days.
This application, "ReportViewer.exe", is used by Movicon for displaying Report files created with
Crystal Report and associated to DataLoggers, Recipes, Historicals etc.. It can be ran from a
command line by passing some parameters to customize settings which otherwise are set by Movicon
with default values:
ReportViewer.exe [-p] [-t] [-g] [-iX] [-h] [-lLocalCol] [-mAlarms] <report file name>
-p = sends report to printer without passing through print preview
-t = displays the command toolbar
-g = displays group area
-iX = sets time range for data filtering. X indicates time range to be selected and can obtain
the following values: 1 (Today), 2(Yesterday and Today), 3 (Current Week), 4 (Current
Month), 5 (Current Year), 6 (Last 7 Days), 7 (Last 30 Days), 8 (Last 60 Days), 9 (Last 90
Days), 10 (Last Year), 11 (Last 2 Years), 12 (Last 5 Years), 13 (Last 10 Years)
-h = this parameter allows a dialog window to display when opening the Report which the
operator can use for inserting the data filter selection date and time
-l = this parameter, used only in association with the -h parameter, consents to specifying
the name of the column in which to apply the filter by date (i.e. LocalCol)
-m = this parameter, used only in association with the -h, consents to specify the name of
the table in which to apply the filter by date
You can run ReportViewer using the "System/Launch Application" command from the Movicon
commands list, adding the proper parameters in the "Command Line" property, or using a batch file.
This application, "ReportViewerNET.exe", is used by Movicon for displaying Report files created with
Report Designer and associated to DataLoggers, Recipes, Historicals etc.. It can be ran from a
command line by passing some parameters to customize settings which otherwise are set by Movicon
with default values:
ReportViewerNET.exe [-f] [-p] [-q"select * from Alarms"] [-cDSN][-u] [-w] [-eX] [-iX] [-h] [lLocalCol] [-mAlarms] <ReportFileName>
-f = allows to open the report with the Report Designer, instead of showing the preview


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

-p =prints the report without print preview

-q "query" = allows to specify a query string to select data to extract and be shown in the
-cDSN = where DSN is the name of the ODBC connection to be used for connection to the
database (i.e. TestProject_HisLog). If not specified, the connection set by the Report
Designer when the report is first created is used (in this case it can no more be accessed
or modified)
-u = this parameter is used for specifying the user name to be sued with the ODBC
connection when the database has password protection
-w = this parameter is used for specifying the password,k relating to the user specified with
the [-u] parameter, to be used with the ODBC connection when protected by password.
-eX = exports data in a different format. X stays for the format, valid values are: 2 (pdf), 3
(html), 4 (txt), 5 (csv), 6 (xls), 7 (Mht), 8 (rtf), 9 (jpg).
-iX = sets time range for filtering data. X indicates time range to be selected and can obtain
the following values: 1 (Today), 2(Yesterday and Today), 3 (Current Week), 4 (Current
Month), 5 (Current Year), 6 (Last 7 Days), 7 (Last 30 Days), 8 (Last 60 Days), 9 (Last 90
Days), 10 (Last Year), 11 (Last 2 Years), 12 (Last 5 Years), 13 (Last 10 Years)
-h = this parameter allows a dialog window to display when opening the Report which the
operator can use for inserting the data filter selection date and time
-l = this parameter, used only in association with the -h parameter, consents to specifying
the name of the column in which to apply the filter by date (i.e. LocalCol)
-m = this parameter, used only in association with the -h, consents to specify the name of
the table in which to apply the filter by date
The export file is created in the folder where the report is palced, with the name of the
report itself
<ReportFileName> = path and name of the report file to be shown (i.e.
You can run ReportViewerNET using the "System/Launch Application" command from the Movicon
commands list, adding the proper parameters in the "Command Line" property, or using a batch file.
The "ReportViewerNET.exe" Tool is recorded in the system variable PATH,
therore is can be called directly from the "Command Line" or with the
"System" command such as "Run Application" in an object or from the
ExecuteCommand() function without specifying the file's absolute path.
Run Time users
This application, "EditUsr.exe", is used by Movicon to create and modify the Run Time users.
Language Manager
This program, "LangManagerPlus.exe", is used for changing languages in the Movicon development
environment. Upon launching this application a dialog window will appear within which you can
select the language you wish to activate. When the selected language is confirmed with OK, this tool
will automatically reset the Windows registry keys concerned. After this has been done, Movicon will
restart with the new selected language (it is no longer needed to startup Movicon keeping the CTRL
key pressed down as in the past).
The languages that can be selected using the "Language Manager" are those which were enabled
during the Movicon installation. This is done through the "Languages" dialog window which appears
during the setup phase. This dialog shows the languages available for the development environment
allowing you to select one or more as desired (the setup language is preselected and cannot not be
changed). When choosing two or more languages, a folder will be created for each one in the
Movicon "..\Progea\Movicon11.3\LANG\" installation folder containing the manuals and resources in
that language.
By using the "Language Manager" you will then be able to activate one of these installed languages.
Development Code Info
This application, "RegDevCode.exe", is used to show Movicon development (or registration) code.

4.25. Visual Studio SourceSafe 2005

Integration and Support
Visual Studio SourceSafe integration and support consents the development management of Movicon
projects to be divided among diverse users. The Microsoft SourceSafe tool has been purposely




created to manage project designing in teams and to keep track of all the modifications taken place
in the project. This support has also been added to the symbol library so that symbol categories can
be shred between the users by always using SourceSafe.
Full support to project sharing is guaranteed only by using Visual
Studio SourceSafe 2005, or later.

Visual Studio SourceSafe 2005

As mention above, in order to manage Movicon project sharing you will need to install the Visual
Studio SourceSafe 2005. Once installed you will then need to create a reference Database where all
the updates on the modifications to the project, by the various users, are to be kept. When creating
this database you can choose whether to create a new one or connect to an existing one. If the
reference Database for the project already exists you will just need to connect to that database.
For further information on how the Visual Studio SourceSafe 2005 works, please refer to the
Microsoft guide.

Using SourceSafe in Movicon

When opening a project, Movicon controls whether Visual SourceSafe has been installed, and then
integrates its potentiality to the full. All of the SourceSafe management will be activated if a project
has already been created in the Visual SourceSafe with the same name of the project opened by
Movicon. Movicon will therefore ask if you want to load the last version of the project before
opening it. It will then be possible to do the following operations in each of the project's resources:
"Get Latest Version", "Check Out for Edit", "Check In..." and "Undo Check Out".
A problem has arisen when using Windows XP in Italian which does
not permit files with names in Unicode chars to be added in
SourceSafe. For instance when trying to create in SouceSafe a
project with the following Unicode name ".movprj", the
"Incorrect Access Code (wrong parameter)" error is returned.
when a Movicon project is opened in SourceSafe all the resource icons open with a padlock showing
on top. This means that these resources are locked and you will need to use the "Check Out for Edit"
command to unlock it for editing if not already being edited by other users.
When a project is shared in SourceSafe, some of the project's
options may only be set if the project resources are not being
edited by another user. The options are all those which require a
complete save of all the resources in the project: "Crypted Project
Resources", "Unicode Project" "Compressed Project". In cases
when one of these options is modified, Movicon will ask the user
to check out all the project's resources from the SourceSafe to
then resave them based on the new project options. If this
operation does not terminate successfully (ie. because a resource
if opened in editing mode by another user), the options will be
restored back to their original values.

SourceSafe Commands
All the command for the SourceSafe management are available from the "File > Source Control"
menu or from the "Source Control" menu which appears with a right mouse click on anyone of the
project's resources:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Add This Project to Source Control

This command allows you to create a new project in SourceSafe and automatically adds all the local
project's resource files to the project in SourceSafe. In this way the project can be shared with all
the other SourceSafe users who may need to modify it. Projects created in SourceSafe can be
deleted only by using the Sourcesafe application, which is done by using the "Launch Source
Control" command. The project created in SourceSafe will have the same name as the local project's.
Launch Source control
This command allows you to launch the Visual Source Safe program. Visual Source Safe will open in
the last database opened using the user currently using Movicon.
Get Last Version
This command allows you to read the last version of the resource selected in the Project Explorer
window from the project in Visual SourceSafe. The last version of the current resource file in the
SourceSafe project will be copied locally, and the user will be asked whether they wish to reload the
project to put this command into effect.
Check Out for Edit...
This command allows you to extract a resource file from the SourceSafe project. In this case the
extracted resource will be assigned in the SourceSafe project to the user who has extracted it and no
other SourceSafe user will be able to edit it until the that assigned user has checked it back in.
Please note that this command does not consent you to get the last resource file version from the
"SourceSafe" project. If you wish to get the last version you must use the "Get Last Version"
Check In...
This command allows you to file a resource file in the SourceSafe project. Modifications carried out to
the resource will be validated and filed in the sourceSafe project. In this way the resource will again
be available for checking out with the "Check Out for Edit..." command by any one of the sourceSafe
users. Movicon automatically files all the checked out resources when the project is closed. This
consents the project's resource to be freed automatically for other users.
Undo Check Out
This command allows you to cancel modifications done to a resource. The local resource file will be
restored to its last valid version of the file in the SourceSafe and the user will be asked whether they
wish to reload the project to put this command into effect. Please note that the moment the project
is reloaded it will no longer be possible to cancel any other modifications in other resources due to
the fact that they are automatically validated and filed before the project is reloaded. For instance, if
two different resources have already been edited the "Undo Check Out" command may only be
executed on one of these two resources as the other one will be automatically validated and saved
when the project is reloaded.
The "Undo Check Out" command will not be enabled until the modified resource has been saved.
Movicon cancels the check out automatically and exits from editing the resource without saving the
its modifications, automatically freeing it for other users.

Registry Keys
You can modify some of the Windows configuration registry keys that Movicon reads to change
certain behaviour due to SourceSafe integration. These registry keys are described in the
"SourceSafe Keys" section.

4.25.1. SourceSafe in Symbol Libraries

SourceSafe support is also available for sharing the 'Symbol Libraries' categories. The command are
the same ones available when using the project and can be accessed from the menu with the same
name which appears with a right mouse click on any one of the library's categories. Therefore you
can create a SourceSafe project for the Symbol Libraries containing all the categories inserted and
manage the 'Get Latest version', 'Check Out for Edit..' and 'Check In' operatiions.
When opening the Symbol Libraries, Movicon will verify whether a project relating to the Symbol
Library exists in the SourceSafe and if affirmative, will ask the user if they wish to have the latest
version of all the files.


5. Real Time DB
This section describes how Variables are managed
within Movicon projects, memory areas, the Variables
List and their functionalities.
The purpose of a supervision system is to represent or acquire variables from the plant, process
them and eventually return them back to the plant whether determined by settings or commands
executed by the operator or generated by internal processing. The logic variables, constitute the
information (deriving from digital or analogic values) which, combined together, consent Movicon
program management.
The project variables, also called Tags, are defined in the Variable List(Tags) contained in the
project's Real Time DB resource.
The Movicon realtime database is based on an extremely efficient and optimized technology. The
kernel of the platform is based on a innovative system technology, even if based on XML, and is
managed in runtime in total event-driven mode and with a highly efficient thread pooling
The Movicon Tags have numerous properties, to render Tags real operating centers. They can be
associated with commands to be executed when preset threshold values are reached. They can be
set with scaling, realtime connections to database, to OPC servers or clients and with networking
modes. Each Tag can be traced with high precision accuracy in a DB with custom messages. The Tag
can have fixed device addresses or be kept independent from the drivers as previously. "Structure"
type variables can be managed in heterogenous data.
The project tags can be imported directly from the PLC (Simatic S7, Rockwell, Mitsubishi and
other..), allowing noticeable time saving. Moreover the project can be associated to dynamic Tag
objects, which means those not expressly declared in the current project (distributed Tag database
The Movicon variables form the real-time database for all the project
resources and executable logic. They can be associated to objects or the
project's resources (Screens, Menus, Alarms, Data Loggers, Recipes,
Trends, etc.) or combined together by using the logic (Compiled Logic or
Basic Script).
Movicon can handle variables in memory areas up to 4 Gigabytes (over 4 billion bytes for each type
of variable), according to the maximum quantity of dynamic memory manageable by the operating
system. This number is defined as 'Virtually unlimited' when considering that it would be difficult for
a multi-complex plant to exceed ten thousand variables.
The variables can be set in 'Shared' or 'NON Shared' Movicon areas. When using the 'Shared'
areas it is necessary to define the number of variable bytes to be used in the project, by means of
the "Real Time DB General Settings".
The number of variables to be exchanged with the field by Movicon (through
communication Drivers, OPC, etc.) depends on how many Tags have been
enabled by the system's protection key, based on the version purchased.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The project's variables can be allocated through the

Movicon Real Time DB and they can also be connected to
communication Drivers, to linking functionalities in network
(TCP/IP), ODBC links or OPC (OLE for Process Control)
Movicon can organize its own variables within a database where they can be assigned an unique
mnemonic code (symbolic) and descriptive comment to identify them through out the entire project.
The Variables Real Time DB also permit:

The project's local variables to be dynamically linked to the plant's variables through
communication Drivers
The project's local variables to be dynamically linked to remote variables of Servers in net,
using the TCP/IP protocol networking potentialities
The project's local variables to be dynamically linked to data fields in Database files using the
ODBC functionalities
The variables to be dynamically linked to OPC Client applications by means of the OPC
standards. The Variables DB can carry out OPC Server functions, while the project's OPC
Editor permits links as OPC Client
The Movicon proprietary technology ensures that the increase in the
number of variables inserted into the Real Time DB will not effect system
performances due to the fact that Links to variables are executed during
the startup of the project in Runtime only. This enables Movicon to
manage huge amounts of variables in the Real Time DB without
degrading system performances.

For further information about "Communication Drivers" please refer to the specific section.

5.1. System Variables

Movicon has a range of prefixed variables, dedicated to give the programmer the possibility to
interact with the project and with the system, to facilitate information availability and managed
commands by exploiting the logic.
The System Variables managed in Words contain a number in decimal
format supplied or to be supplied to the system.
The ''strobe' bits are managed by using the logic state set at '1' for safe
task synchronizing. When the strobe is 'from Movicon to Logic', the
supervisor will set the strobe bit to '1' and the logic , after having





interpreted it, will return it to state '0'. When the strobe is 'from logic to
Movicon', the logic should set the strobe bit to '1' and the supervisor,
after having interpreted the request, will reset the state to '0'.
The System variables are grouped into a variable structure type. To use the System Variables you
first need to insert the variable structure by using the 'Add a System Variable' command in the
"Project Explorer" window or by right mouse clicking on the 'Real Time DB' resource. By
executing this command the structure prototype and the relative variable called "_SysVar_" will be
inserted. Each member of the structure variable has a precise significance as described in the table
Variable Name






Simulation of sine of an angle varying

from 0 to 360 degrees. The resulting
value will range from -1 to +1 including



Simulation of sine of an angle varying

from 0 to 360 degrees, The value is
express in percentages as an integer
and will range from 100 to +100.



Simulation of cosine of an angle varying

from 0 to 360 degrees. The resulting
value will range from -1 to +1 including



Simulation of cosine of an angle varying

from 0 to 360 degrees. The value is
expressed in percentages as an integer
and will range from 100 to +100



Simulation of a saw-tooth ramp with

values ranging from -10 to +10
including decimals.



Simulation of a saw-tooth ramp with

values ranging from -10000 to +10000.



Random number generation with values

ranging from 0 to +32767.



Random number generation with values

ranging from 0 to +32767.



Random string Generation.



Command Strobe for carrying out

changes to the system's time. Movicon
executes the update and automatically
returns the command to zero value.



Each bit of this variable blinks with a

different frequency:
Bit 00 = 125 ms Blinks
Bit 01 = 250 ms Blinks
Bit 02 = 500 ms Blinks
Bit 03 = 1 s Blinks
Bit 04 = 2.5 s Blinks
Bit 05 = 5 s Blinks
Bit 06 = 10 s Blinks
Bit 07 = not used


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E



System Time: Seconds



System Time: Minutes



System Time: Hours



System Time: Day



System Time: Month



System Time: Year



System Time in string value



System Date in string value



setting this bit to true will control

application exist and system shutdown.



Year to be set in System's time (> 1980)



Month to be set in system's time (1-12)



Day to be set in system's time (1-31)



Hour to be set in system's time (0-23)



Minutes to be set in system's time (059)



Seconds to be set in system's time (059)



Driver Communication Status



CTRL key pressed



ALT key pressed



SHIFT key pressed



Code of the last key pressed



The ID of the currently active screen is

set in this variable. In order to use this
variable correctly you need to associate
each Screen with that different ID.



Number of alarms still active but not yet




Number of active alarms. Alarms which

are still active, in the ON condition, are
considered whether already
acknowledge or still to be acknowledged.


Number of current active alarms. This

variable reports the number of ON and
OFF alarms currently in the system. It is



once a


once a



the same number of alarms displayed in

the Alarm window as well.



Number of active alarms with ON status.



Number of active alarms with OFF

status, which corresponds to
"NumActiveAlarms NumActiveAlarmsON".
Description: Represents the number of
"entities" subscribed to receiving
notifications when alarms change
statuses. Entities which can currently
subscribe are:


once a
once a


Alarm Window
Network Client
Secondary Server Project
OPC Server
Child Project
Variable that shows the Alarm's sound
status based on the user logged on.
This variable can also be set for
activating/deactivating the sound from





This variable when set at true indicates

that the Mouse is moving.
This is not managed In Windows CE as
touch panel devices do not have the



This variable is set at True by Movicon

when alarms are acknowledged with the
button in the alarm window. The
programmer must reset the variable to



This variable is set at true by Movicon

when alarms are reset with the button in
the alarm window. The programmer
must reset the variable to false.









Returns the size (in bytes) of memory

being used by the InMemoryDB engine
in the local process area. This value is
updated every minute.
Returns the size (in bytes) of the
memory being used by the InMemoryDB
engine in shared process areas. This
value is updated every minute.
Returns the size (in bytes) of reserved
memory area that the InMemoryDB
manager can use in the local process
area. This value is updated every
Returns size (in bytes) reserved
memory area that the InMemoryDB
manager can use in the shared process
area. This value is updated every


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E



This variable acknowledges alarms when

set at true. After the command has been
executed Movicon will reset the variable
to false. Acknowledges only those
alarms with have option requesting user
to enter comment.



This variable resets alarms when set at

true. After the command has been
executed Movicon will reset the variable
to false.



This variable contains the name of the

active user. Its value will be nothing
when no users are logged on.



This variable contains the active user's

password level. Its value will be -1 when
no user is logged on.



This variable contains the active user's

access level. Its value will be -1 when no
user is logged on.


Indicates the how many users are

logged on or connected to the project.
This total includes all logged on user
plus those users connected via





In this variable are shown all the active

alarm of the project with a scroll of three
seconds. The scroll will be executed
following the activation time of the
alarms, from the oldest one to the
newest one. The scroll will be executed
only for the alarms with a status "ON"
and not yet acknowledged.
Shows the number of messages that the
Dispatcher has not yet notified. As the
dispatcher can manage message
notifications with programmed delays,
according to the severity of the alarm
this new meter also takes into account
those messages that are waiting to be
sent by the dispatcher.



The screen indicated by the

_SysVar_:ScreenToLoad variable is
loaded on strobe event when not at
zero. Once the screen is loaded,
Movicon will zero



Indices which is the ID of the screen to

be opened when the StrobeLoadScreen
command is given. Each screen can in
fact be identified by a ID in their General
properties. You can also open child
project screens providing that they have
a different ID from all the other Child
and Parent projects, otherwise all those
with the same ID will open. You can use



once a
once a




the Parent project's system variable with

or without the <..\> prefix in the child






at startup
at startup
once a
once a
at startup
at startup
at startup
at startup
at startup
at startup
at startup
at startup


Contains the PC's network name.

Updates at project StartUp.


Contains the computer's IP address.

Updates every minute.


Identifies the Movicon Major version (ie.

PlatformVerMajor = 11 in the Movicon
11.0.1008). Updates at project StartUp.


Identifies the Movicon minor version (ie.

PlatformVerMinor = 0 in the Movicon
11.0.1008 ). Updates at project


Identifies the Movicon Build number (ie.

PlatformVerBuild = 1008in the
11.0.1008 version). Updates at project


Contains the name of the platform on

which the project runs. This may be


Gets set to "true" when the project

goes into demo mode. Returns to
"false" when the project returns back
from demo mode. Can be used to give
notification of project going into demo
mode so that it can be intervened before
closing, being after 120 minutes.

at startup
at startup
at startup


Contains the date and time of the

project startup. Updates at project


Contains the name of the CPU (ie.

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz).
Updates at project StartUp (not available
in the WinCE platform).

at startup


Contains the name of the CPU vendors

(ie. GenuineIntel). Updates at project
StartUp (not available in the WinCE






M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


at startup


Contains the CPU version, family, model,

step (ie. x86 Family 15 Model 3
Stepping 3). Updates at project StartUp
(not available in the WinCE platform).


at startup


Indicates the CPU's speed (ie. 2993).

Updates at project StartUp (not available
in the WinCE platform).


Report the identification code of the

microprocessor installed on the device in
which the project is running.
The value is retrieved at project startup.



Indicates Windows' Major version
number (ie. 5).Updates at project
StartUp (not available in the WinCE


at startup



at startup


Indicates Windows' Minor version

number (ie. 1).Updates at project
StartUp (not available in the WinCE


at startup


Indicates the Windows build (ie. 2600).

Updates at project StartUp
(not available in the WinCE platform).


at startup


Indicates the Windows Service Pack

version number (is. 2). Updates at
project StartUp (not available in the
WinCE platform).


at startup


Indicates which Operating System

edition type (ie. Windows XP
Professional Edition Service Pack 2).
Updates at project StartUp (not available
in the WinCE platform).














once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a


Indicates the local time zone in minutes

considering the daylight saving time (not
available in the WinCE platform).


Indicates the decimal separator

character for Numbers set in the OS's
International Options.


Indicates the separator character for the

time set in the OS's International


Indicates the separator character of the

data set in the OS's International


Indicates the short date format to

display the date set in the OS's
International Options.


Indicates the time format to be display

the date set in the OS's International
Options date settings.


Contains the directory's current set

value (not available in the WinCE

once a
once a
once a


Contains the name of the user currently

logged in the OS (not available in the
WinCE platform).


Indicates if the actual user logged on the

Operating System is the system
administrator with the value "1". (not
available in the WinCE platform).
Number of expressions executed.



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E










once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a


Number of HTTP Clients connected to



Number of outgoing HTTP messages

from project.


Number of Accelerator resources loaded

in memory.


Number of Menu resources loaded in



Number of Screen resources loaded in



Number of Basic Scrip resources loaded

in memory.


Number of Local Clients connected to



Number of outgoing local messages from














once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a


Number of TCP Client connected to



Number of outgpoing TCP messages

from project.


Number of UDP Clients connected to



Number of outgoing UDP messaged from



Number of WebClients connected to



Number of OPC Clients connected to the

Movicon OPC Server . di Client OPC
connessi al Server OPC Movicon (not
available in the WinCE platform).
Number of DataLogger/Recipe entries
still to unload on file.



Number of Historical Log entries still to

unload on file.


Number of Variable DB Trace entries

still to unload on file.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E










once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a


Indicates the percentage of allocated



Indicates the total of physical RAM in

the system (in Bytes).


Indicates the quantity of physical RAM

available in the process (in Bytes).


Indicates the maximum memory limit

that can be allocated in the system (in


Indicates how much available memory

not yet allocated in the system (in
Bytes). The difference between
MemoryTotalPageFile and
MemoryAvailPageFile is the memory
allocated in the system.


Indicates the total virtual memory

available in the system (in Bytes).


Indicates the amount of virtual memory

not yet used in the system (in Bytes).


Indicates available space in KBytes on

the disk containing the project's Alarms
folder set in the "Project Paths" settings




once a








once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a


Indicates the space available in bytes on

the disk containing the project's
resource folder set in the "Project
Paths" settings properties.


Indicates the space available in

KByteson on the disk containing the
project's Images file set in the "Project
Paths" settings properties.


Indicates the space available in KBytes

on the disk containing the projects Logs
folder set in the "Project Paths" settings


Indicates the space available in KBytes

on the disk containing the project's Data
Logger/Recipe folder set in the "Project
Paths" settings properties.


Indicates the space available in KBytes

on the disk containing the project's
Networking log folder set in the "Project
Paths" settings properties.


Indicates the space available in KBytes

on the disk containing the project's Data
folder set in the "Project Paths" settings


The project's IL logic cycle time.


retrieved peak of bytes in use during

project run.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


once a
once a
once a
once a
once a
once a


Indicates whether project is running.

The "True" value means that the project
is being Run.


Total number of Bytes currently in use in

the project.


Indicates the number of variables which

have gone into use but are still pending
because Movicon has not yes processed
them. This value changes from zero to a
different value when the variables go
into the "In Use" from the "Not in Use"
status, or vice-versa when switching
over from "In Use" status to the "Not In
Use" status, usually at project startup
or page change. Once all the variables
have been processed this value returns
to the zero value. When the project
does not have a high number of
variables, this value will stay with a
different value from zero for a very short
time and therefore not always

once a
once a


Number of variables created dynamically

for objects set with a dynamic link in
their "Variable" property.



Speech Recognition: contains the path

and name of the Shortcut resource
currently active in the project. (ie.
\Shortcut1.movacc). If the active
Shortcut has not been enabled with the
Speech Recognition functions, the
variable will be an empty string.



Speech Recognition: contains the last

word or phrase understood by the



Speech Recognition: when the value is

"True", this means that the Speech
Recognition functions have been



Speech Recognition: when the value is

"True", means that the system is active
and listening.



This variable contains the license code

based on the product installed, Movicon








or MoviconCE. To be more exact:

Movicon: this variable returns

the serial number if a hardware
license (SGLock or Eutron) and
returns the "Site Code" when a
software license (CryptKey)
Movicon CE: this variable
returns the "Site Code"

In cases where device is without license,

the LicenseCode variable will display an
empty string.
This variable is used for emptying the
queue of messages still not sent by the
Alarm Dispatcher so that they don't get
sent. Setting this variable to "1" will
delete the queued messages, after which
the variable will be reset to "0" by





This variable reveals the status of the

Historical Log's ODBC connection. The
"0" or "False" value indicates that the
ODBC connection is working correctly,
while the "1" or "True" indicates that
there is an error with the connection.



This variable reveals the status of the

Variable Trace's ODBC connection. The
"0" or "False" value indicates that the
ODBC connection is working correctly,
while the "1" or "True" indicates that
there is an error with the connection.



This variable reveals the status of the

variables' Realtime I/O Link's ODBC
connection. The "0" or "False" value
indicates that the ODBC connection is
working correctly, while the "1" or
"True" indicates that there is an error
with the connection.

In a network Server/Client architecture the "_SysVar_" variable must not

be connected to the Server. In cases where the Server's "_SysVar_"
information is needed on Client, you should then create a new variable on
Client side with a different name to "_SysVar_" but with the same
structure and share it as a customized variable.

5.2. Variable List (Tags)

The 'Variable List (Tags)' resource is used for declaring which variables are to be used within projects
for the logical, for the Resources, Controls, Communication drivers etc. Each variable must have a
unique name within the 'Variable List (Tags)' resource, which will be recognized within the project by
its symbolic name. When using Movicon "Shared" data areas to generate variables, these will also
have an absolute address, but the variables' symbolic names will always refer to the project's
internal. The absolute address can be changed after without jeopardizing the variables correct
identification in points of the project where they are being used.
The Movicon 'Variables List (Tags)' are 'smart' types, which means Alarms, Data Loggers or Recipes
can be associated to single variables. In addition to this each variable can be enabled with the
Tracer, OPC, Networking, Scaling functions etc., through the 'Property Windows'.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Using the 'Variables list' will not effect system's performance, as links to
variables take place all at once during the startup of the project's
runtime. This technology does not sacrifice feedback times even when
extended databases with thousands of variables are being managed.
The advantages offered by using the 'Variables List (Tags)' are:

reduction in typing or addressing errors in logic programming

reduction in program editing time of varied logic addresses when using Movicon "Shared"
data areas. Not necessary to modify project when changing absolute addresses of variables
direct association of events to variables of the Realtime DB such as Alarms, Data Loggers and
direct reading/writing of remote data on network Servers with Networking functionalities
using TCP/IP standard protocol
direct reading/writing of data on Database files using ODBC
OPC Client application information availability due to the OPC Server function integrated in
Variables' properties
variable Tracer option settings
Scaling option settings of the data associated to the variable

Positioning the cursor on the Variable list and digiting in a keyboard key,
Movicon will search and move the cursor to the first variable that starts
with that digited key. This search only works if the listed variables shown
in the window are not more than 3000. For example, if variables have
been divided into groups and only some of these groups have been
expanded only the ones in the exploded groups should not exceed the limit
of 3000.
To get a clearer and more readable display of the Variable list, defined in the project's Real Time DB,
you can use the "List Variables" window which can be easily opened by double clicking on the "List
Variable(Tags)" resource.





You can create Local Variables inside a Screen resource which are created
and destroyed together with the Screen and which can be used only within
the context of the Screen.

5.3. Variable Tracing (Audit Trail)

Variable Tracing is a Movicon functionality which allows you to historically log the behaviour of
variables by recording on database files or text file every change taken place and the cause which
changed the variables' values. This is done to keep track of the values which the variable changes to
during a process run and the causes which modify the variables' values.
By enabling this functionality, Movicon will monitor the desired variable value internally and each
single change of the value contained in the variable or change to its quality will prompt Movicon to
record these events in the Database file or enabled test file for this purpose. The file containing the
Variable trace information will be created automatically by Movicon in the project's "DATA" folder
with the name of "ProjectName_TraceDB.mdb" in Ms Access format or VariableName.dat" in text
format. If using another type of databases, such as the SQL Server, the variable table will be
created in the database specified in the DSN settings. However you can customize the file name and
ODBC link through the "Real Time DB Trace DB Settings".
of the 'Real Time DB' resource. After which a table for every variable enabled with the Tracer will be
created in the Database. Therefore for each variable enabled with the Tracer Option a Table will be
generated inside the Database to contain a Record for each variation endured by the variable, with a
number of columns which report the following information:

TimeCol: indicates the recording's date and time in GMT

LocalCol: indicates the recording's data and time in local time
MSecCol: indicates the recording's time in milliseconds
UserCol:the name of the user logged in the project will be recorded in this field only when
the variable has been changed by that user. (i.e. through a display, the watch window, etc.)
ActionCol: indicates which event changed the variable, eg. a Screen object, communication
driver, watch window etc. If the variable being Traced is a structure type variable, the name
of the Member Variable which underwent the change, will also be reported in this field.
When the variable is modified by a Netwoek Client project, this field will show the IP address
of the machine from where the variable was modified. This works in cases where the Client
notifies the Server about the variable value change directly. When the variable change is
cuased by invoking a script executed on the Server, the Client's IP address will not be


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

returned. This IP address traceability is not carried out when the value is changed from
WebClient or from a Secondary Server in redundancy mode.
BeforeCol: indicates the value just before the variable was modified
AfterCol: indicates the variable's new value
ValueCol: indicates the variable's current value
QualityCol: indicates the variable's quality status
Variable TimeStamp Column(TimeStampCol): indicates the timestamp of when variable
was recorded.
Variable Name Column (TagNameCol): indicates the name of the variable. This column
will be populated with the variable's name only when a different "Table Name" has been
specified that is not null or if the recording of diverse number of variables in the same table
has been set (see section on "Recording Diverse Variable in One")
Variable Description Column (TagDescCol): indicates the variable's Description. This
column is only populated if the "Add Variable Description Column" property has been enbled
in the variable trace options
Variable Group Column (TagGroupNameCol): indicates any group Gruppo that the
variable belongs to. This column will only be populated if the "Add Variable Group Column "
property has been enbled in the variable trace options

To enable this functionality, you need to set the "Variable Trace Options Proprieties" through the
variable's Property Window. To enable the Tracer function in more than one variable all at once, just
execute a multiple selection of the required variables in the 'Variable List (Tags)' list and enable the
"Variable Trace Options Proprieties" through the 'Property Window' which will be activated in all the
selected variables.
Array Variable Trace
The variable trace functions are also supported for Array variables. In this case, the table's
"ActionCol will report the number of Array elements that have been changed and the values relating
to the elements' will be reported inthe "Value..." column. In cased where the Array variable is
modified by a Network client, the value of the whold Array represented as Array byte will be reported
in the Server trace table's 'Value..." column.
Structure Variable Trace
The variable trace functions are also supported for Structure type variables and for each of their
If the Trace property is enabled at Structure variable level, the name of the modified Structure
Member will be indicated in the table's "ActionCol"and the relating member values will be indicated in
the "Value..." column. In cases where the Structure variable is modified by a Network Client, the
value of the whole Structure represented as array byte will be indicated in the "value..." column.
If the Trace property is enabled for each single Structure Member, they will be recorded as 'simple'
variables in the table, with each Member having its own table.
In cases in which the Trace property is enabled both in the Structure
Variable and in each single Member, the Trace will only be managed for the
Structure as a whole ignoring the trace for each of its single members.
When the Trace property is enabled at Structure variable level, changes to the variable's quality will
only be traced for the structure and not each of its members.

Recording diverse number of Variables in one

Normally each variable to be traced is created a table with its name. By using a variable's "Table
Name" trace option you can give the table a custom name which is different from the variable's. In
addition if the same "Table Name" is assigned to a diverse number of variables being traced, the
traced data of these variables will all be recorded in the same table. In this case the "TagNameCol"
column will indicate the name of the variable the record has been entered for.
In cases where the trace of diverse number of variables has been enabled in the same table and
these variables are of different types, the three table fields for the "ValueBeforeCol", "ValueCol" and
"ValueAfterCol" will be created with data type influenced by the following conditions:


if all the variables sharing the same table are of the same type (all byte or all word or all float
types etc.), these three trace table "Value...) coluns will be created with the same variable
if the variables sharing the same table are of different types or if at least one of these bing a
Bit, String, Array or Structure type (when the whole structure is being traced and not each




single member), the three trace table "Value..." fields will be created in String type
if the variables sharing the same table are of different types, but are all numeric, (byte, word,
dword, float or double), the three trace table "Value..." fields will be created in Double type
(float 64 bit)
When a variable is "Bit" type, the three trace table "ValueBeforeCol", "ValueCol" and
"ValueAfterCol" fields will be created in "String" type.

Displaying Trace Data

You can display Trace data in table formats through the appropriated TraceDB Window which can be
inserted into any project screen. The operator can use this window to verify values which have been
recorded for each variable enabled with the tracer.
A TraceDB Window can be dedicated to displaying remote data from a
Server connected in network through the Networking facilities.

5.4. Variable Sharing with ODBC

This feature consents database variable value and statistical data sharing. This is aimed at, for
instance, to render variable data available to other applications capable of reading/writing Database
files. To enable this function you will need to configure the variable's "ODBC Real Time I/O Link"
properties and customize the name of the table and ODBC link by means of using the "ODBC Real
Time I/O Link Settings" if need be.

Movicon, if not specified otherwise, will create a table in the selected database format in the name of
"RTVar". A record for each variable enabled for database sharing will be reserved within this table.
The significance of each table column are as follows:

Name: "nvarchar" data type field. This field shows the name of the variable
Val: "nvarchar" data type field. This field shows the current variable value


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

MinVal: "float" data type field. This field shows the variable's minimum obtained value
MaxVal: "float" data type field. This field shows the variable's maximum obtained value
AveVal: "float" data type field. This field shows the variable's average obtained value
TotTime: "float" data type field. This field shows the total ON time in seconds (time in which
the variable last remained at a value that was not zero)
LastTime: "datetime" data type field. This field shows the variable's last ON Time (the time
in which the variable last obtained a value that was not zero)
MinValDay: "float" data type field. This field shows the minimum value reached by the
variable during the current day
MaxValDay: "float" data type field. This field shows the maximum value reached by the
variable during the current day
AveValDay: "float" data type field. This field shows the average value of the variable during
the current day
TotTimeDay: "float" data type field. This field shows the total time ON of the variable (the
length, in seconds, of the time period the variable had a non zero value during the current
LastTimeDay: "datetime" data type field. This field shows last time the variable was ON
during the current day (the time when the variable had a non zero value for the last time)
MinValWeek: "float" data type field. This field shows the minimum value reached by the
variable during the current week
MaxValWeek: "float" data type field. This field shows the maximum value reached by the
variable during the current week
AveValWeek: "float" data type field. This field shows the average value of the variable
during the current week
TotTimeWeek: "float" data type field. This field shows the total time ON of the variable (the
length, in seconds, of the time period the variable had a non zero value during the current
LastTimeWeek: "datetime"data type field. This field shows last time the variable was ON
during the current week (the time when the variable had a non zero value for the last time)
MinValMonth: "float" data type field. This field shows the minimum value reached by the
variable during the current month
MaxValMonth: "float" data type field. This field shows the maximum value reached by the
variable during the current month
AveValMonth: "float" data type field. This field shows the average value of the variable
during the current month
TotTimeMonth: "float" data type field. This field shows the total time ON of the variable
(the length, in seconds, of the time period the variable had a non zero value during the
current month)
LastTimeMonth: "datetime" data type field. This field shows last time the variable was ON
during the current month (the time when the variable had a non zero value for the last time)
MinValYear: "float" data type field. This field shows the minimum value reached by the
variable during the current year
MaxValYear: "float" data type field. This field shows the maximum value reached by the
variable during the current year
AveValYear: "float" data type field. This field shows the average value of the variable
during the current year
TotTimeYear: "float" data type field. This field shows the total time ON of the variable (the
length, in seconds, of the time period the variable had a non zero value during the current
LastTimeYear: "datetime" data type field. This field shows last time the variable was ON
during the current year (the time when the variable had a non zero value for the last time)

This information consents reports to be made for preventive maintenance for instance.
The "TotTime" column (time in which the variable remained at value that was not zero) is Float type
and shows the value in seconds. This field is updated only when the variable returns to the zero
value. The "LastTime" column (the time in which the variable last obtained a value that was not
zero) shows the date and time the variable obtained a value that was not zero. This field is zeroed
by obtaining the "1900-01-01 00:00:00.000" value when the variable returns to the value zero. The
variable's TotalTimeOn value is calculated based on the "LastTime" and "TotTime" columns. If the
"LastTime" column has a value higher than "1900-01-01 00:00:00.000", then the variable's
TotalTimeOn will be equal to the value of the "TotTime" column plus the number of seconds
between the current time and the one reported in the "LastTime" field.





The statistical data shown in the table is taken from the Retentive Variables file. To get
all the above described data correctly, the shared database variables must be enabled in
both the "Retentive not Shared" and "Enable Statistic Data" properties.

Structure Variables
Structure variables are managed by the Real Time DBMS as byte arrays, therefore in the shared
database a String field is created where the values of each array item will be shown.
The string members of structure variables are not shared in the
database. The strings in structures are managed as internal
variables and have changeable sizes. As structures in the Real Time
DBMS are managed as data byte arrays, it is not possible to
read/write structure variable string members. Nevertheless, each
string will be allocated with two bytes, even though they may not
get used.
For instance, if a structure variable, composed of two Word
members and a String member, is shared in the ODBC, the byte
array to be shared in the database will be composed of 6 bytes (4
bytes for the Word members and 2 bytes for the String members).

5.5. Copy&Pasting Variables

When the copy&paste is used for Movicon variables, a smart numbering procedure is used upon
pasting. When a variable is added it is actually copied increased, or ending with the next index if
necessary. For instance, when you copy the "VAR00001" variable, it will be increased to "VAR00002"
when pasted and any other copied variables will follow suit when pastes, in this case the next copied
variable will be pasted as "VAR00003". However, if a "VAR00002" variable already exists, then the
copied "VAR00001" variable will be pasted with the next available index.
Furthermore, you can also copy&paste variable groups and subgroups. The variable group tree is not
limited to just one level but subgroups can be created with unlimited nodes. In any case, variables
must have their own unique name within the RealTime DB, independently from the group they
belongs to, meaning that no two variables can have the same name even when belonging to
different groups.

5.6. Variable Areas

In Movicon the variables can be mapped in two different data areas, the data area defined 'Shared'
and the other defined 'NOT Shared. The 'Shared' data area, to be managed as it was in the previous
Movicon version, is subdivides into three variable areas: Input data Area, Output data Area and
Internal data Area (Flag). The 'Shared' data area provides each variable with an absolute memory
address associated by the programmer. The 'NOT Shared' data area does not provide any such
address for variables which is done by Movicon by allocating the variable to an area unaccessible to
absolute addresses.
All the Movicon variables can be managed in the program in bit, byte (8 bit), a word (16 bit),
doubleword (32 bit), float (32 bit in floating comma), long (64 bit), string or array. Particular
variables, called "Structure Variables", are added to these which are real data structures.
All the variables, Input Area, Output Area, Flag Area and Non
Shared Area can be exchanged with the field. The only reason that
distinction is still made between the three areas for Shared variables is so
they can be compatible with old and previous versions.
To avoid overlapping errors of unwanted variables it is advised to always
use the 'Not Shared' areas. By doing this you can access to the variable bit
using the "VariableName.NumberBit" (for instance typing a text for the '0'
bit of the "VAR0001" just type 'VAR0001.0").


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

When using the "Shared" area, you can create more mapped variables in the same area. This is very
handy for setting Word variables used for communicating with the field and 16 bit variables to be
used as single items in objects in screens. In this case the Word variable and the Bit variable should
be mapped in the same area (ie. Address Word = 0, AddressBit1 = 0.0, AddressBit2 = 0.1, etc).
When using this technique you will need to keep in mind that each one of the variables in the
mapped shared area (partly or completely) will be put into use in the same area of another variable
already in use (therefore, if a Bit variable is put into use, the Word variable will be put into use as
well) This behaviiour is valid for standard and array variables but not for structure variable members.

5.6.1. Retentive Variables and Statistical Data

You can use retentive variables when the project must store the variables' value after the project has
been closed or the hardware platform turned off. The retentive variables can be specified for either
the 'Shared' areas (Flag, Output, Input) or for those 'NOT shared'. To use the retentive variables you
have to set their modes and quantities through the "Real Time DB Retentive Data Settings" for
variables of 'shared' areas, and through the "Retentive not Shared" property (paragraph:
"Variable General Properties") for variables of 'NON Shared' areas.
Any variables of the 'Shared' area declared retentive will start from the
starting address to the ending address specified. It is also necessary to
always check the congruency between the retentive variable area and the
size of the established area. For instance, let's say 100 Outputs bytes are
going to be used this means using the area from 0 to 99! The system will
give warnings of any incongruities.
The retentive variable files not only keep current variable values saved they can also contain a series
of statistical data about the variables. This statistical data only gets saved when the variable's
"Enable Statistic Data" property is enabled.
"NOT Shared" Retentivity Area
Movicon will create a file in XML format for each variable defined as retentive belonging to the "NOT
shared" area within which the value of the current variable will be saved. These files, which are
found in the project's 'DATA' folder, will be named in the following way:
for example the "VAR0001" variable of the "Project1" project will be in a retentivity file called:
"Shared" Retentivity Area
However, variables belonging to the "Shared" area need their retentivity settings defined through the
"Real Time DB Retentive Data Settings". In this case one retentivity file will be created for each area,
Input, Output and Flag, within the "DATA" folder. These files will have the following names:
ProjectName.FLG: retentivity file for variables in the "Flag" area
ProjectName.FBK: Backup retentivity file for variables in the "Flag" area
ProjectName.IN: retentivity file for variables in the "Input" area
ProjectName.IBK: Backup retentivity file for variables in the "Input" area
ProjectName.OUT: retentivity file for variables in the "Output" area
ProjectName.OBK: Backup retentivity file for variables in the "Output" area

Retentivity File and Statistical Data

The last value obtained by the variable and other statistical data, if enabled, are saved in the
retentivity file of each variable. The information available is:
Current Data


Actual variable value

Date of last variable update




Date of last transition from the zero value to a zero other than zero. This date (LastTimeOn)
is only significant when the variable has a value that is not zero, and will be reset when the
variable turns back to the zero value

Statistical Data

Minimum variable value

Maximum variable value
Average variable value
Total time in which the variable remained at a value different from zero (this data is updated
on file only when the variable returned to the zero value)
Date of the last time the variable obtained a value different from zero (the date is zeroed
when the variable returns to the zero value)

The five Statistical Data items described above are calculated starting from the first project run and
are zeroed only when the variable's "Reset Statistic" command is used.
Daily Statistical Data

Daily minimum variable value

Daily maximum variable value
Daily average variable value
Daily total time in which the variable remained at a value different from zero (this data is
updated on file only when the variable returned to the zero value)
Date of the last time the variable obtained a value different from zero for current day (the
date is zeroed when the variable returns to the zero value)

The five Statistical Data items described above are calculated on a daily basis. This means that they
will be automatically zeroed at midnight (passing over from the current day at 23:59:59 to 00:00:00
of the next day). The same zeroing will take place if the current day of the project startup is
different from when the project was last stopped.
Weekly Statistical Data

Weekly minimum variable value

Weekly maximum variable value
Weekly average variable value
Weekly total time in which the variable remained at a value different from zero (this data is
updated on file only when the variable returned to the zero value)
Date of the last time the variable obtained a value different from zero for current week (the
date is zeroed when the variable returns to the zero value)

The five Statistical Data items described above are calculated on a weekly basis. This means that
they will be automatically zeroed at midnight before the new week begins (passing over from Sunday
at 23:59:59 to 00:00:00 of Monday). The same zeroing will take place if the current week of the
project startup is different from when the project was last stopped.
Monthly Statistical Data

Monthly minimum variable value

Monthly maximum variable value
Monthly average variable value
Monthly total time in which the variable remained at a value different from zero (this data is
updated on file only when the variable returned to the zero value)
Date of the last time the variable obtained a value different from zero for current month (the
date is zeroed when the variable returns to the zero value)

The five Statistical Data items described above are calculated on a monthly basis. This means that
they will be automatically zeroed at midnight before the new month begins (passing over from the
last day of the month at 23:59:59 to 00:00:00 of the first day of the next month). The same zeroing
will take place if the current month of the project startup is different from when the project was last


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Yearly Statistical Data

Yearly minimum variable value

Yearly maximum variable value
Yearly average variable value
Yearly total time in which the variable remained at a value different from zero (this data is
updated on file only when the variable returned to the zero value)
Date of the last time the variable obtained a value different from zero for current year (the
date is zeroed when the variable returns to the zero value)

The five Statistical Data items described above are calculated on a yearly basis. This means that they
will be automatically zeroed at midnight before the new year begins (passing over from the last day
of the year at 23:59:59 to 00:00:00 of the first day of the next year). The same zeroing will take
place if the current year of the project startup is different from when the project was last stopped.

Structure Variable Data Statistics

When the data statistics management is enabled in a structure variable, the statistics will be
managed for each single member and data will always get saved in the variable's retentive file but in
compressed format (and therefore unreadable with other text editors). This solution has been
adopted so that data can be exchanged in Networking without influencing performances that may be
effected by structure variables containing a lot of members, where the main data bulk to be
exchanged is usually quite extensive.

Array Variable Data Statistics

Data statistics is not support for Array variables, whether as a whole or for each of its single

5.6.2. Renaming Variables

Movicon has a function which consents to updating all the references to variables in projects
automatically when they are renamed. This means that when a variable is renamed you will not need
to go and replace the old name with the new one in the various points of the project where the
variable has been used.
The automatic replacement mechanism is active only if the project
execution property "Enable Renaming Manager" is enabled. If not,
all the aliasing mechanism as described below will not work and the
renamed variables should be replaced manually where used in the
Movicon uses an 'aliasing' mechanism which keeps track of the variable's original name and its new
one. When the variable is remained many times, only the first and last name is tracked down. This
information, consisting of the relationship between the variable's original name and the last one
associated, is contained in the ".movrealtimedb" file with the <RenamedVariables> tag, as shown






item key: represents the variable's original name

value: represents the last name used for renaming the variable
If the Renaming Manager has been enabled, it is recommended not to use the original names of the
renamed variables to create new variables. When trying doing so, Movicon shows an advice message
as the following:
Warning! The variable Name 'VAR00001' has been renamed to 'VAR00002' in this project. Do
you want to use this variable name? Answering "Yes" will remove the recorded renamed
Warning! The 'Screen1' resource name have been renamed in 'Screen2' in this project. Do you wish
to use the same resource name? If you ask with 'Yes? the saved rename link will be removed.
The message above has been generated since you tried to create or rename a variable using the
"VAR00001" as new name, which has already been used as original name for the variable renamed
"VAR00002". Answering "Yes" to the message box, the link "original name - new name" will be
deleted and the automatic replacing mechanism will be cancelled for that variable.
As an example, if "VAR00001" has been associated to a display object, then "VAR00001" is
renamed as "VAR00002", the display object will result associated to "VAR00002". The
RealTimeDB will contain only one variable, that is "VAR00002". If later a new variable is
added to the database using "VAR00001" as new name, the renaming link will be deleted
and the display object will result associated to "VAR00001", being VAR00001 a new variable.
Both VAR00001 and VAR00002 will be present in the RealTimeDB, being two different
When insert a new variable Movicon will propose a name which has not yet been used in the
RealTimeDB and which has not yet been used as a original name of a variable which has already
been renamed. If, for instance, you insert the VAR00001 and then rename it to VAR00002, when
inserting a new variable Movicon will propose VAR00003 as its name.
When a variable is renamed, any retentivity file belonging to the variable will not get automatically
renamed and as a result this variable will have a "0" value at the project startup and the first
modification to this variable will create a new retentivity file with the variable's new name.
WARNING! The aliasing mechanism can be cancelled deleting from
the".movrealtimedb" file the xml tags listing the renamed variables.
This way the renamed variables will keep their last name, while the
references added for example to objects or commands will be linked
to the variables original names. As a result, the reference to original
variables could be invalid.
The automatic variable aliasing works according to the object or resource in question:

Standard objects in screens: new variable names will appear in properties where variables
can be associated
Command List Variable commands:new variable names will appear in properties where
variables can be associated
Event Objects: new variable names will appear in properties where variables can be
Scaling Objects: new variable names will appear in properties where variables can be
Scheduler Objects: new variable names will appear in properties where variables can be
Shortcuts:new variable names will appear in properties where variables can be associated
Men: new variable names will appear in properties where variables can be associated
Redundancy: the new variable name will appear in the "Status Variable" property
Screens: the new variable name will appear in the "Screen Layer Variable" property
Alarm Objects:new variable names will appear in properties where variables can be
Alarms as Templates: new variable names will appear in the Alarm Window. If an String ID
with the original variable name has been inserted for displaying the alarm's text, you will also
need to rename the String ID with the variable's new name
Parameter File: the variable's original name will always appear in the file but the new
variable will be used in run mode


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Trend/Data Analysis: new variable names will appear in the Trend/Data Analysis
properties where variables can be associated. This is also valid for the variables associated to
the Trend/Data Analysis pens. However the pens' names with remain unchanged even in
those cases when pens have the same variable names
Basic Script: the variable's original name will always appear in the basic script code but the
code will be executed according to the new variable in run mode
Basic Script Properties: the new variable name will appear in the "Status Variable"
IL Logic: the original variable name will always appear in the code but it will be executed
according to the new variable in run mode
DataLoggers/Recipes: new variable names will appear in the DataLogger/Recipe
properties where variables can be associated. However, the column names will remain
unchanged, even in those cases where column names are the same as the variables'
Communication Drivers: original variable names will always appear in Driver Station and
Task properties where variables can be associated but the new variable will be used in

Applying Renamed Variables Permanently

You can apply the new names of renamed resources permanently (screens, basic scripts, menu and
shortcuts) by using the "Apply Renamed Variables and Resources" command from the "Edit" and
"View" menus or by using the "Apply New Name" command from the variable's resources' context
menus. In this case, a search will take place in all the project resources and objects to replace all
the variable old names with the new one and the renamed variable in the ".movrealtimedb" file will
be deleted. However, this will eliminate the Aliasing mechanismn for this variable.
A request to activate this command will also appear when the option for renaming variables and
resources management has been disabled.
This command also replaces the names of the variables resources used within basic script code of
objects or basic script resources.
Comments are also inserted in the code to indicate where the replacement was made:
''Var1' variable replaced with new 'Var2' name'

'Criteria for replacing Variables in Basic Script Code

When activating the command for applying new names of variables the parser will only replace the
text of corresponding renamed variables with their new names when found in the basic script code
if one of the following rules applies:

The text is between speech marks or brackets

The text is followed by a symbol character (not alphanumeric) before or after, without
considering spaces. For instance; the *,=+- chars
The text is preceded by one of the key words indicted in the "BasicKeywords.xml" settings
file (the file should be located in the Movicon installation folder)

The "BasicKeywords.xml" external file consents you to define key word lists used while replacing
variables in basic script code. The "BasicKeywords.xml" file structure is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<Key>Select Case</Key>
<Key>Loop Until</Key>
<Key>Loop While</Key>

Communication Drivers
A new item called "Renaming Manager" has been added to the list of communication driver features
which consents you to find out whether the driver supports the renaming management or not.
Those Drivers which support the remaining management have this option set at 'true' will display
those variables with names modified within their configuration window; and will also support the
apply renaming command.





5.7. Real Time DB Settings

This Settings window is used for customizing the variables management used by the projects in
addition to that of the Server OPC, Networking and Variable Tracer Settings. The settings of the
number of variables managed by the project are completely free hand to enable you to correctly
allocate sufficient memory in function with the number of variables used in the project, adapting the
system to the requirements needed. The number of variables to be set only concerns the Movicon
Shared memory area and should only be used when really necessary.

5.7.1. Real Time DB General Settings

The general properties allow you to define the maximum number of variables from the Movicon
Shared area which can be used in the project.
To modify the Real-Time DB General property, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
Inputs / Outputs / Flags
You have to specify the maximum number of bytes you wish to use for each variable type from the
Movicon Shared area managed by the system. The edited number can also be freely set or modified
The system request to specify the number of bytes of the variables used in the project permits the
memory effectively necessary only to be allocated, consenting the hardware platform being used to
optimize the project.
Input Image
When enabling this selection the synchronization between data read by the communication driver
and the project's general logic will be activated. At the beginning of every processing cycle of the
general logic a process image of all the project inputs is saved. In this way any updates on inputs,
carried out by the communication driver, will not effect the current general logic process but the
following general logic process cycle, thus consenting the use of the same input variables in more
points in the general logic.
Output Image
When enabling this selection the synchronization between data written by the communication driver
and the project's general logic will be activated. The general logic works with the outputs process
image which is loaded into the project's outputs only at the end of each general logic processing
cycle. By enabling this selection any undesired triggering on variables of external devices can be
avoided when the output variables have been set in more than one point in the general logic.

5.7.2. Real Time DB Retentive Data Settings

The Retentive Data property allows you define the areas and which Movicon Shared area addresses
must be retentive.
To edit the Real Time DB Retentive Data property, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Write on disk every...
Time is settable in seconds and may vary from a minimum of "0" to "60". When setting "0" seconds
the retentive files of modified variables are all written one after theother without waiting. If a time
of more than zero seconds is se, only one file will be written each time the interval time elaspes.
This means, for example, that if the values of more than one variable changes at the same time, the
last file will be updated after the time inserted in this property multiplied by the number of variables
that changed value at the same time. For example, if setting the '1' second value in this property


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

and 5 variables change at the same time, one file will be written every second therefore it will take 5
seconds to write all the retentive files (1 second x 5 variables).
When set with the "0" value, a variable change check for recording will be made every second and
any changes made will be recorded straight away without delay.
Caution: this time is used for updating one single file. This means that if
the value changes in more than one variable at the same time, the last file
will be updated according to the value set in this property times the number
of variables changed. Example, when setting a one second value in this
property and five variables change at the same time, each file will be
updated one second at a time, meaning that it will take about 5 seconds in
all to update all five files (1 second per variable: 1 sec. x 5 variables = 5
This setting allows you to enable or disable the retentivity management for the Input area.
Inputs From:
This setting permits you to insert the starting address for the retentive Input area.
Inputs A:
This setting permits you to insert the ending address for the retentive Input area.
This setting permits you to enable or disable the retentivity for the Flag area.
Flags From:
This setting permits you to insert the starting address for the retentive Flag area.
Flags A:
This setting permits you to insert the ending address for the retentive Flag area.
This setting permits you to enable or disable retentivity management of the Output area.
Outputs From:
This setting permits you to insert the starting address for the retentive Output area.
Outputs A:
This setting permits you to insert the ending address for the retentive Output area.

5.7.3. Real Time DB InUse Variable Manager Settings

The Variables in Use Management property allows you to optimize performances. A sophisticated
architecture consents re-acknowledgement of variables being used by the system and to adapt
variable updates to only those that need it.
In this way the system's overall performances will be increased to the advantage to the project's
To modify the Real-Time DB Variables in Use Management, select the object with the mouse and use
the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
InUse Manager
This setting allows you to enable or disable the Variables in use management.
This optimizes device communication (by means of Drivers, OPC, etc.) as only those jobs containing
variables in use are kept active. When this property is disabled all communication jobs will be kept
active which may effect system performances. Nevertheless, even when the "InUse Variable
Manager" is disabled the byte count for license purposes will always be based on those variables
effectively in use in the project. This option only influences communication with field devices, as
specified above, and not license byte counts.
Use Shared Dyn. Tag
When this property is enabled the project's dynamic variables will be allocated to the Real Time DB
Shared areas, and in particular the Output area. When this property is left disabled, the dynamic
variables will be allocated to the Non Shared areas instead.





Notify TimeStamp Changes

When this option is enabled, variable TimeStamp changes will be notified to all those resources using
them. Therefore, if a DataLogger is set to record on change, it will also record the variable's
TimeStamp change even though its value hasn't changed. This also goes for the variable TraceDB,
where a new record will be inserted even though the variable's TimeStamp only changed. In this
case, if the"Add Msg to SysLog" optoin has been enabled, the record will also be inserted in the
Historical Log's "SysMsgs" table.
You can also modify variable TimeStamps using the "SetTimeStamp" script function from the

5.7.4. Real Time DB OPC Server Settings

The Movicon OPC Server can be configured through the appropriated property accessible from the
Real Time DB Settings.
The Movicon OPC Server, if registered within the list of OPC Servers available, will startup in
automatic, with the last opened project, as soon as the OPC Client connects. To enable this
functionality you need to disable the Unregister Automatic Server selection.
When selecting the Automatic Shutdown, Movicon will close as soon as the OPC Client is
To modify the Real-Time DB OPC Server property, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
OPC Server DA
This selection box enables all the OPC Server's functionalities and has selection priority when this
tool is to be used.
OPC Server Name
This edit box is used for setting the name with which the Movicon OPC Server will be registered with
in the operating System.
OPC Server Description
This edit box is used for setting the description with which the Movicon OPC Server will be registered
with in the operating System.
OPC Server AE
This selection box enables the OPC Server AE being the acknowledge function of the project's alarms
and events, to all the OPC Clients connected.
OPC Dynamic Tag
This selection box is used to enable the possibility to dynamically create links to the project's
variables. When checking this option, you can access any of the project's variables from the OPC
Client by setting the Tag in the following way: Name Variable.
Otherwise only the Real Time DB variables will be show where the OPC Server option is explicitly
enabled; please refer to the "Variable Options Properties" document for further information on the
OPC Settings of project variables.
OPC Server Debug Trace
This selection box enables the OPC Server DA to trace any Debug events.
This selection box enabled the automatic shutdown of Movicon when the OPC Client disconnects
form the project where the OPC Server is enabled.
When this this box is enabled with a check mark, the OPC Server will automatically register at
This selection box enables the automatic elimination of the Movicon OPC Server from list of available
Servers when the project closes.
Register OPC Server
Command for registering the OPC Server.


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Unregister OPC Server

Command for deleting the OPC Server registration.
Refresh Rate (ms)
This edit box permits you to set the time of the Tags updating by the Movicon OPC Server DA.
Values are to be comprised of milliseconds between 10 and 1000.

The time set here is to be differentiated from the refresh time set in the property of a group
inserted within any OPC Client. It is not advised to set fast refresh times when long times
have been set inside the groups created in the Client.
AutoShutDown Timeout (ms)
This setting permits you to insert the OPC Server's standby time before shutting down.
AE Ack
This selection box enables the acknowledge function of the events generated.
Free threaded
Enables OPC Server model for managing Threads.

5.7.5. Real Time DB OPC Server Security Settings

Security levels for any eventual Clients wishing to connect, can be setup by means of using the OPC
Server Security Settings.
To edit the Real-Time DB OPC Server Security properties, select the object with the mouse and use
the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Enable Security
This property allows you to enable the OPC Server Security management. When enabled only users
acknowledged by the Server, to which the users connect to through the Client, can carry out
operations consented by their access rights.
OPC Server Min.Impers.Level
This property permits you to set the minimum Impersonalized access level to be assigned to users
who connect to the Server and do not need to be acknowledged.

5.7.6. Real Time DB OPC XML DA Server Settings

The Movicon OPC XML DA Server are configured by using the appropriated properties which are
accessed through the Real Time DB settings.
The Movicon OPC XML DA Server, when enabled, makes the OPC XML DA Server available on the
system's OPC Server list.
To edit the Real Time DB OPC XML DA Server settings, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon "Properties Window".
The Movicon OPC XML DA Server does not support Array type data.

This selection box enables all the OPC Server XML DA functions.
The transport type to be used for Server/Client communication is selected in this box.
The port socket number to be used.
Accepted # Threads
The number of thread to be left on hold for the new connections.





Thread Pool Min

Minimum number of Threads in a group.
Thread Pool Max.
Maximum number of Threads in a group.
Request Backlog
Number of backlog connection requests before the system starts to refuse connections.
Request Timeout
Timeout used when the Server responds to the Client. This value is expressed in milliseconds.
Request Buffer Size
Buffer Size used for receiving input messages. It would be best to use the default value as smaller
values may effect performances and bigger values may occupy too many resources.
Keep Alive
When this property is enabled the connection will not close once a response has been sent to the
Vendor Info
This allows you to insert a written comment regarding information on the OPC XML DA Server
Enable Security
Allows you to enable Server OPC XML DA access security.
Default Access Level
Allows you to enter the Default Access Level for anonymous connections.

5.7.7. Trace DB (Audit) Settings

The Variable Tracing is a Movicon functionality which allows you to historically log the behaviour of
variables, by recording on Database files or text file each variable change and the cause changing
the variable's value. This will enable you to keep track of the value changes that take place to
variables and what were the causes. To modify the Real-Time DB Trace properties, select the object
with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.

Use IMDB Manager

See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Shared Tables
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Save XML File
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Save CSV File
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Crypt File
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Write Behind Delay
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Max Rows Nr.
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Keep the DB Connection open
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical Log


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Max. Error Number

See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical Log
Max. Transactions
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical Log
Max. Cache Size
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical Log
Max. VarChar Precision
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical Log
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical Log
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical Log
Time Column
This setting is used for inserting the Trace Table's Time Column's name. If not specified the default's
name will be used instead. The Time column indicates the recording's date and time referring to
Local Time Column
This setting is used for inserting the Trace Table' s Local Time Column's name. If not specified the
default's name will be used instead. The Local Time column indicates the recording' s dates and Time
referring to local time.
MSec Column
This setting is used for inserting the Trace Table's MSec Column's name. If not specified the default's
name will be used instead. The MSec Column indicates the milliseconds relating to the recording
User Column
This setting is used for inserting the Trace Table's User Column's name. If not specified the default's
name will be used instead. The User Column indicates the name of the active user when the
recording took place.
Changer Column
This setting is used for inserting the name of the Trace Table's Changer Column's name. If not
specified the default's name will be used instead. The Changer Column indicates by which event
caused the variable's status change, eg. by a screen's object, by the communication driver, by the
watch window, etc.
Value Before Column
This setting is used for inserting the Trace Table's Value Before Column's name. If not specified the
default's name will be used instead. The Value Before Column indicates what the variable's value was
before it was just last changed.
Value Next Column
This setting is used for inserting the Trace Table's Value Next Column's name. If not specified the
default's name will be used instead. The Value Next Column indicates the variable's new value.
Value Column
This setting is used for inserting the Trace Table's Value Column's name. If not specified the default's
name will be used instead. The Value column indicates the actual value that the variable was meant
to be modified with. It may happen that the intended value is not always set exactly the same on the
variable. The variable may undergo scaling or conversion which will therefore cause the inserted
value to adapt. When this is the case the values reported in the 'Value Column' and the 'Value Next
Column' tend to be different.





Quality Column
This setting is used for inserting the Trace Table's Quality Column's name. If not specified the
default's name will be used instead. This column indicated the variable's quality status.
TimeStamp Column
This setting allows you to enter the name of the "TimeStamp" Column. The default name will be
used If no name is specified. The TimeStamp Column indicated the variable's TimeStamp.
Variable Name Column
This setting allows you to enter the name of the "Variable Name" Column. The default name will be
used If no name is specified. The "Variable Name" Column indicates the name of the variable when
set to share the same trace table with other variables.
Variable Group Column
This setting allows you to enter the name of the "Variable Group" Column. The default name will be
used If no name is specified. The "Variable Group" Column indicates the name of the group which
the variable belongs to.
Variable Description Column
This setting allows you to enter the name of the "Variable Description" Column. The default name
will be used If no name is specified. The "Variable Description" Column indicates the variable's
Recreate All
The command regenerates all the tables of the variables enabled with the Trace. All existing data will
be lost.

5.7.8. ODBC Real Time I/O Link Settings

The ODBC Real Time I/O Link Settings consents the setting up of dynamic links between the
Movicon Real Time DB and database file data fields in the preferred DB format.
To modify the ODBC Real-Time DB settings, select the Real Time DB group in the 'Project Explorer'
window with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.

The Database file will be organized with a column containing the names of
variables (defined in the name box in the variables' General Properties)
and a series of columns containing their current values and corresponding
When using MS Access as the preferred database, Movicon will create the
Database file in the project's "DATA" folder for default with the following
To change the ODBC link and the linked file use the "ODBC DSN"
properties described below:
Keep the DB Connection open
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Max. Error Number
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Max. Transactions
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Max. VarChar Precision
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".


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See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Table Name
This setting is used for inserting the Table's name. If nothing is entered, the "RTVar" default name
will be used instead.
Name Column
This setting is used for inserting a name for the DBMS table's Variable Name column. This column
reports the name of the variables enabled with the ODBC Real Time I/O Link function. Each record in
the table represents a variable. If nothing is entered the 'Name' default name will be used instead.
Value Column
This setting is used for inserting the name of the DBMS table's Variable Value Column. This column
reports the variable's value enabled with the ODBC Real Time I/O Link function. If nothing is
entered, the "Val" name for default will be used instead.
Min. Value Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Min. Value Column of variables in the DBMS table.
This column shows the minimum value of variables enabled with the ODBC Real Time I/O Link
function. The "MinVal" default name will be used if left blank.
Max. Value Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Max. Value Column of variables in the DBMS table.
This column shows the maximum value of variables enabled with the ODBC Real Time I/O Link
function. The "MaxVal" default name will be used if left blank.
Ave. Value Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Ave. Value Column of variables in the DBMS table.
This column shows the average value of variables enabled with the ODBC Real Time I/O Link
function. The "AveVal" default name will be used if left blank.
Total Time ON Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Total Time ON Column variable from the DBMS
table. This column shows the total ON time of the variables enabled with the ODBC Real Time I/O
Link function. The "TotTime" default name will be used if left blank.
Last Time ON Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Last Time ON Column Variable of the DBMS Table.
This column shows the last Time ON of variables enabled with the ODBC Real Time I/O Link
function. The "LastTime" default name will be used if left blank.
Recreate All
This command regenerates the tables containing data of the variables enabled with the ODBC Real
Time I/O Link functionality. Any existing data will be lost.

5.8. Dynamic Variables

The dynamic variables have been designed to make it easier for the programmer in building screens
or anything else exploiting the use of remote variables. By using the dynamic variables you can
connect to tags configured in OPC Servers, local or network, to variables belonging to other Movicon
projects executed in remote by exploiting the Networking services, and to field devices through
communication drivers. All this without having to create static project variables, tasks in
communication drivers or OPC tags etc.
The dynamic variables can be used in all the controls and drawings in the screens. For example: in
the drawing animation properties, in Buttons, etc. The use of dynamic variables is also consented
internal Script codes by using the appropriate syntaxes described in the specific paragraphs
("Dynamic Network Variables", "Dynamic OPC Variables", "Dynamic Communication Driver





Variables"). In addition to this, you can also use dynamic variables internal commands belonging to
menu items and Shortcut keys.
The dynamic variables cannot be used internal IL Logic, also because these are also meant for
writing or reading remote variables only in certain moments when absolutely necessary: when they
are no longer in use Movicon actually frees them from system memory.
When using dynamic variables you are permitted to go over the number of tags enabled by the
license which is being used for running the project. When opening a resource, in which dynamic
variables are being used, Movicon automatically allocates these variables in memory, to then frees
them from memory when the resource is closed. This makes it theoretically possible to have an
unlimited number of dynamic variables within a project.
The dynamic variables are subdivided into three categories: Network Variables, OPC Variables and
Communication Driver Variables. Their management by Movicon is identical for all categories.
The number of dynamic variables used must always be compatible with
the number of tags provided by the Movicon license being used.

5.8.1. Dynamic Network Variables

The Dynamic Network Variables are needed for creating dynamic connections with remote Movicon
projects, connected by means of the Networking functions, commonly known as the Server project.
Dynamic network variable selecting can easily be done from the "Network" tab in the window
which appears after double-clicking on the Variable selection box from any Movicon component or
In order to be able to select Dynamic Network variables directly you need to have the remote
computer connected in network and the Server project running.
You can also specify the name or TCP-IP address of the Server in the "Server" edit box in the
window shown above.
All the considerations made for the Networking also apply when using the dynamic network
variables: the connection modalities exploit the same technology.
The "Refresh" key can have diverse functions according to the element highlighted in the left
square of the window:

When the local computer or a network computer is highlighted, the "Refresh" button
updates the list of all the Movicon projects running on that specific computer
When a domain or a network group is highlighted, the "Refresh" button updates the list of
computers available for the network highlighted
When a Movicon Project is highlighted: the "Refresh" button updates the list of variables
displayed in the square on the right, by applying the filter. The filter consists of alphanumeric
characters which can preceded or followed by a "*" wildcard character. For instance, filters
may be: VAR*, *000*, *05

If you do not have a remote computer connected in net you can write the correct syntax directly into
the Variable insertion box, as follows:
[NET] = Movicon suffix which identifies a network connection
ComputerName = Name of remote Server computer Server
VariableName = Name of variable in the Server project to be connected
To be able to exploit the use of Dynamic Network variables you need to have the Networking option
enabled on the dongle and both computers configured so that they can speak and see each other on
the Ethernet network with the TCP-IP protocol. For further information please consult the section
about "NetWorking".


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5.8.2. Dynamic OPC Variables

The Dynamic OPC variables are used for creating dynamic connections with a local or remote OPC
Server. The selection of a Dynamic OPC Variable can be easily done by using the "OPC" tab in the
window which appears after double-clicking on the Variable selection box from any Movicon
component or resource.
In order to directly select a Dynamic OPC variable you need to access the OPC Server installed on
the local or remote machine. If the OPC Server is configured to startup automatically upon Client
request, it is not necessary to manually start the OPC server on the local or remote computer.

You can also specify the name of the Server of the TCP-IP address in the "Server" edit box as
shown above.
The "Live Data", when enabled, allows you to the values of the variables in real-time. Once
checked the value are displayed upon the next request.
The "Refresh" key functions differently according to the element highlighted in the window's left

When the local computer or a network computer is highlighted, the "Refresh" button
executes a refresh of the list of OPC Servers installed on that specific computer.
When a domain or a network group is highlighted, the "Refresh" button executes a refresh
of the list of computers available for the one highlighted.
When a device or a OPC Server group is highlighted, the "Refresh" button updates the list
of items displayed in the right pane by applying the filter. The filter consists of alphanumeric
characters which can be put before or after the "*" wildcard character. Filters may be for
example: My*, *Tag*, *Tag1

If you cannot access the OPC Server you can directly write the correct syntax in the insertion box as
[OPC] ServerName.Version\DeviceName.GroupName.TagName
[OPC] = Movicon Suffix which identifies a OPC connection.
ServerName = Name with which the OPC Server is registered in, in the operating system.
DeviceName = Name of device configured in the Server.
GroupName = Name of group which variable belongs to.
TagName = Nome of tag configured in the Server.
In order to use these Dynamic OPC variables you need to have the OPC Client option enabled on the
dongle and have an OPC Server already installed and configured. In addition, when accessing a
remote OPC Server (on another computer) you need to configure the DCOM components
appropriately on both the operating systems to get an adequate access level.





5.8.3. Dynamic Communication Driver Variables

The Dynamic Communication Driver variables are used for creating dynamic links to field devices (ie.
PLC) by using the Movicon Communication Drivers. Selecting a Dynamic Communication Driver
variable is easily be done through the "Communication Drivers" tab from the window which
displays following a double-click on the variable selection box of any Movicon component or
In order to directly select a Dynamic Communication Driver variable, it has to be inserted in the
project's "Communication Driver list" beforehand.

The Settings of the selected Driver are displayed on the right hand side of the window. The driver's
configuration mask is opened by using the "Settings" button.
By double-clicking on the driver's name displayed on the left hand side of the window or a click on
the "Add..." button, another window will appear for inserting the communication Task which
involves selecting the variable of the device which you wish to link to. The window in question,
shown below, shows the different selection fields according to the type of driver being used:


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By clicking on the "Remove" button it will be possible to delete the selected tag.
If you haven't yet configured the communication driver you can directly write the correct syntax, in
the Variable insertion box, as follows:
[DRV] = Movicon Suffix which identifies a connection to a Communication Driver
DriverName = Name of Communication Driver to be used
StationName = Name of station configured in the driver
TagAddress = Address of Tag in device (use the syntax of the device itself)
In order to use the Dynamic Communication Driver variables the appropriate communication drivers
have to be enabled on the dongle.

5.9. Structure Variables

Movicon provides variables defined as Structures to simplify and slim down the employment of
groups, containing a mixture of different type variables, in projects.
These type of variables therefore contain a series of information deriving from other variables of
different types, grouped together by one variable known as Structure.
Let's take a tank as an example. Its informative structure is always given by a analogic variable
(word type) for the level and two digital variables (bit type) for the minimum and maximum limits. A
Structure variable can be composed of three member being a Level (word), HL (bit) and LL (bit).
Together they can be called VAR0001, and will appear in the variable types list available for setting
variables in the Real Time DB.

Using Structure type variables are very handy when managing repetitive objects made up of groups
of data.
Once the Tank object's structure of variables has been setup, it can be inserted into the project
many times, each time with a different name (Tank_1, Tank_2, Tank_3, etc.), all referring to the
same data structure.
Each variable will refer to its own absolute address, starting from the initial byte, for the necessary
number of bytes required by the members belonging to the same structure.





Before inserting a Structure variable into the Real Time DB, its Prototype needs to be set from the
project's 'List Structure Prototypes'.
The Structure Prototypes allow you to setup the Type of structure you wish to create by declaring
the Member Variables which will take part in it. After having done this, it will appear as variable
Type in the Variable properties
It will then be possible to insert new variables as 'Type' being the name of one of the preset
Structure Prototypes instead of bytes, words, floats, etc.
If you select the Input, Output or Flag area in the variable's 'Area' property, the starting byte
address must be specified in the 'Address' property.
Movicon will always request, as for all the variables in the set shared areas in the project, the start
byte address.

The bytes occupied by the structure variables in memory will depend on

the types of variable members set in the structure prototype. Any editing
of the members belonging to a Structure variable (changing the quantity
of bytes) will always cause automatic compacting to take place within
that structure variable.
WARNING! the "bit" members in structure variables occupy one
memory byte. Therefore, if you create a structure prototype
containing 8 bit members, the variable will occupy 8 Bytes and not 1
Byte only.


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5.9.1. Structure Prototypes General Properties

The general properties are used for associating the main data relating to the Structure Prototypes.
To edit the General Properties of Structure Prototypes, simply select the object with the mouse and
use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
The name to be assigned to the Structure Prototype as mnemonic code is entered in this edit box.
Movicon will propose the 'STRUCT' characters followed by a progressive number for default. The
default name can be replaced with another name as pleased.
The text for the Structure Prototype's name cannot have gaps or characters which
are not alphanumeric. Any reserved gaps or characters can be replaced with the
'_' character.
A text string to be used as a comment for the Structure Prototype is entered in this edit box.

The comment will remain associated to the Structure Prototype but will only be available in
the database.
This field is read only, it reports the live occupation of the Structure Prototype in bytes.
Member Order
This button allows a window to be opened for changing the order of member variables internal a
prototype structure. For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Variable Member

5.9.2. Modifying Structure Member Properties

The members of structure variable types can also be modified through their properties Just like the
variables. Structure variable members can be explored in the Project Explorer window by opening
the variable "Members" sub-folder and the selecting each member separately. Once a member has
been selected, the Properties window will update with its properties. The member property list is
simply a subset of normal variable properties as members can only be set with some and not all the
properties available to variables.
The member's name, description and type can not be changed as they are inherited directly from the
Structure Prototype. To modify the properties of a member you must first enable the 'Enable
Member Properties'. Information off all the structure member's settings will be saved in the project
folder with the ".movrtmembers" extension.
Warning! If the "'Enable Member Properties" property is disabled after all
the structure member properties have been set, all the member properties
will be restored with the default values and information previously saved in
".movrtmembers" file will be deleted.
The Copy&Paste operations of structure variables may reset any existing
member settings. If the paste is used with the cursor positioned on an
already existing variable, the pasted variable members will have their
"Enable Member Properties" disabled along with all the values set for
default. If however, the paste is used with the cursor positioned on a
variable group name or on the "Variable (Tag)..." resource, the members of
the pasted variable will keep the same settings of the copied variable. This
also applies for variables copies and pasted into a different project opened
in the Project Explorer window.
Here are some functionalities that can be used with structure members:





Structure members can be drag&dropped in resources or objects that support them

Each member has a "Variable Used in..." sub folder in the Project Explorer Window, which
shows the cross reference list of that member. All the uses of each separate member are
also shown in the Cross Reference window under the name of Structure Variable is belongs to
"Members" groups can be selected from the List Variables window showing only the
structure type variables that can be exploded to view a list of their members
As with standard variables, Structure variables can also be associated with Alarms,
DataLogger/Recipes or Events
Variables structure members can be associated as events of Basic Script or Screen resources
or objects ("Add New Variable Script Event")
Dynamic links can be defined for each member (Driver, OPC or Networking)
Data Scaling can be defined for each member
Read/write access levels can be defined for each member
The Trace (Audit Trail) can be enabled for each member
Network connections can be defined for each member
Each member can be defined with a connection to the RealTimeDBMS
"GetMemberObjectFromName" and "GetMemberObjectFromIndex" methods. This will allow
modifications to members both in runtime and development mode, such as in Dropping
Template Code
It is best to manage structure variable modifications completely at
variable level or at the level of each single member, and not in both level
modes. For some properties, if set in both levels, the value set in the
member will be taken. For example, if defining a "Default Format" or
"Engineering Data" at Structure level and single Member level, each
member will use its own setting. However, a programming error will occur
when setting the other properties at both levels. For example, it
wouldn't make sense to set a dynamic link (Dynamic address), enable the
Network services, etc whether at Structure or Member level.

Bytes in Use Management

When only some of members of a structure variable are exchanged with the field (Driver, OPC) or
in Networking, the license count for bytes in use will only performed for the members in questions.

5.9.3. Variable Member Order

The order of variable members of a structure can be edited by using the 'Change Members Order'
command accessed from the 'Commands' window or right mouse click on the Structure Prototype.
When activating the 'Change Members Order' command the following dialog window will display:

At this point drag the member variable with the mouse to the point required.


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5.9.4. Pointing to Structure Variables

When having Structure type variables in the project it will be possible to go and point to each single
member by appropriately addressing the variable member selection for the function or logic
concerned. In this case you need to specify the name of the structure variable concerned followed by
the name of the member variable 's name to be accessed in the syntax. The name of the structure
and the name of the member must be separated by the ':' character.
Let's suppose for example that you want to access a Tank level value (tank number 10 of 20 tanks
existing on the plant) to which corresponds to the structure variable Tank10 (in which the prototype
has been set with the ' Level' variable word), you need to specify:
which should be:
<struct name>:<member name>
Accessing structure variable members can be done through out the project, by assigning this syntax
whether to the graphic, Alarms, Data Loggers of logic functions.
If the structure variables are being used within Basic Scripts make sure the ':' is replaced with the '_'
or "." character when accessing variables directly, without using the Movicon functions
(GetVariableValue(), SetVariableValue(), etc). In addition to this you can use the ":" character by
enclosing the variable between square brackets. The syntaxes entered are:
Sub Main()
Dim nVar as Integer
nVar = Tank10_Level
nVar = Tank10.Level
nVar = [Tank10:Level]
nVar = GetVariableValue("Tank10:Level)
End Sub
Caution! the use of "structure var name.member name" syntax is only
enabled if the "General - Advanced - Intellisense" option has been enabled
in the structure variable's properties.
Movicon also accepts the <:><member name> syntax for the graphic functions of symbols.
However, in this case, you have to specify which is the Default Structure Variable for the symbol as
described in the 'Default Structures in symbols' document.

5.9.5. Default Structures in symbols

The functions for assigning Default Variable Structures can be used for each composed graphic
Assigning default variables offers the advantage to set only one structure of members in the symbol
using Default Structure each time. In this way the composed symbol could effectively be
independent from the variable, which is set only in the screen's editing phase.
The symbol must be preset with the interested variable member's name, preceded by the ':'
separation character, when configuring the graphic animation functions.
For example, the level representation of the Tank symbol could have the following variable set in the
filling function:
The starting Structure variable can be set using the symbol's Default Structure.
To assign the Default Structure you have to select the symbol and use the right mouse key and
access the 'Set Default Structure' command. The selection window will display showing the
Variable Structure along with those exiting in the Variables DB.





To undo the Default Structure, select the symbol and use the right mouse key, then access the 'Set
Default Structure' command keeping the CTRL key pressed at the same time.

5.10. Array Variables

Array variables are one of types of variables that can be defined in the Movicon Real Time DB. The
Array variables support the following element types:

Sign Byte (8 Bit with sign)

Byte (8 Bit without sign)
Sign Word (16 Bit with sign)
Word (16 Bit without sign)
Sign DWord (32 Bit with sign)
DWord (32 Bit without sign)
Float (32 Bit single precision)
Double (64 Bit double precision)
The following array types cannot be created:"Bit", "String", "Structure"
Arrays or"Array" Arrays.

The Array type variables can have up to a maximum of 4096 elements. Considering that the first
element is addressed with "0", for example if you take an Array with 10 elements, they would be
addressed from "0" to "9".
The Array variables can be used in the different project controls and resources, such as the screen
object, Alarms DataLogger-Recipes, Il Logic, etc. The syntaxes that can be used for accessing Array
elements are:


"#" = is a numeric value which represents the number of elements to be pointed to (i.e. Array[1])
"IndexVar" = is the name of a numeric variable that contains the number of elements to pointed
to. It allows you to dynamically change the number of elements to be accessed (i.e.
"BitNum" = is a numeric value which represents the number of the Array's element's bits to point
to (i.e.Array[1].0)
All the above syntax can be used for accessing in Array elements in read/write and there is no need
to enable the variables' "Intellisense" properties.
When opening the "Tag Browser" window for selecting a variable, you will find that the Array
variables have a "+" cross on the left hand side of their name. When clicking on the Array, it will
expand to show a list of its elements which can then be selected singularly.


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Using Array Variables in Basic expressions

Array variables can also be used in the objects' basic expressions for which the following syntax can
be used:
Array.e# ("Intellisense" property must be enabled)
[Array.e#] ("Intellisense" property can be enabled or disabled indifferently)
Variables CANNOT be used as element indexes and element bits
CANNOT be accessed when using Array variable in basic
Basic expression examples
The VarArray1 is an Array variable type with its "Intellisense" property disabled:
[VarArray1.e0] + VAR00001
VAR00001 + ([VarArray1.e0] * VAR00002)
The VarArray2 is a array variable type with its "Intellisense" property enabled:
VarArray2.e0 + VAR00001
VAR00001 + (VarArray2.e0 * VAR00002)

Using Array variables in Basic Script code

The Array variables can be used within Basic Script Code for which the following syntax can be
Array.e# ( "Intellisense" property must be enabled)
[Array.e#] (with or without enabling "Intellisense" property)
GetVariableValue("Array[#]") (with or without enabling "Intellisense")
SetVariableValue("Array[#]", 1) (with or without enabling "Intellisense")
GetVariableValue("Array[" & IndexVar & "]") (with or without enabling "Intellisense")
SetVariableValue("Array[" & IndexVar & "]", 1) (with or without enabling "Intellisense")

It is NOT permitted to access element bits when Using Array

variables in basic expressions.
Examples of using Arrays in Script Code:
The VarArray1 is an Array type variable with its "Intellisense" property disabled:
VarValue = GetVariableValue("VarArray1[0]")
SetVariableValue("VarArray1[0]", 1)
VarValue = GetVariableValue("VarArray1[" & IndexVar & "]")
SetVariableValue("VarArray1[" & IndexVar & "]", 1)
The VarArray2 is an array type variable with its "Intellisense" property enabled:
VarArray2.e0 = VarArray2.e0 + 1
Events in Variables within Script Code
The element of an Array variable can also be used for managing a "Variable Script Event" for Basic
Script and Objects. When selecting an Array element for managing a "New Event in Variable", the
event created in the script will be the one inserted substituting the angled brackets with the
underscore character. For example, when inserting an event in "VarArray1[5]" variable, the event
will be inserted with this syntax:
Sub OnVarArray1_5_Changed(ByRef value As Variant)

Using Arrays between Parent-Child projects

The above described syntax can be used in Parent-Child architectures for accessing Array variables
from the Parent project to the Child project and vice-versa. In this case you will also have to add the
required syntax to all the variables for accessing Parent/Child resources.





Please take into account that when accessing from the Parent project to the Array variables of a
Child project or from the Child project to Array variables of the Father project using a variable to
define the array element's index to be pointed to, the variable's index will only be searched for within
the variable's context in the project. For example, When accessing a Child project's Array, the index
variable must be passed using the name of the variable only (without prefixes) and must defined in
the Child project:
Where ChildIndexVar1 is the Child project.
The same goes when accessing Parent project variables from the Child project. The syntax uses is:
where ParentIndexVar1 is a Parent project variable.
Examples of using Array variables between Parent and Child projects
Supposing we have a Parent project and a Child project called "child1" we could have:
[child1\VarArrayChild1.e0] + VAR00001
[..\VarArrayParent.e0] + VAR00001
VarArrayChild1 and ChildIndexVar1 are Child project variables.
VarArrayParent and ParentIndexVar1 are Parent project variables.

Importing Array variables from an OPC Server

When importing Array items from an OPC Server, Movicon will create the array variable with the
same number of elements in the same type as the OPC Server's. However, if the OPC item is an
array of values not supported by Movicon, for instance: Bit Array, Data Arrays, etc. The variable will
be created as a byte or word Array according to the OPC type with element length equal to zero.
Even though Movicon does not support bit arrays, a bit array can be
linked to a bit structure which the user can create with any number
of elements.

Managing Bytes in Use

When an Array variable is exchanged with the field (Driver, OPC) or in Networking, the in-use byte
count for licensing reasons is managed only those elements that are effectively in use in the project.

5.11. Variable Properties

The properties of Real Time DB variables are used to determine the variable's starting data area, the
association of any commands or association with remote systems or database files.
To set or modify Movicon Real Time DB variables you need to use the 'Properties Window'. The
property window, which can be activated with the standard procedures, displays the variable's
property when it is selected from the 'Variables List (Tags)' resource from the 'Project Explorer'


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Movicon allows you to carry out multiple variable selections for which only the properties common to
all the variables selected will be enabled in the 'Properties Window'. Any modifications carried out
in anyone of these properties will effect all the variables selected.

As you can see in the figure above, by executing a multiple variable selection in the 'Properties
Window' only some of the properties remain available being those common to all the variables. Any
changes to the selected variables can be reported by modifying their properties altogether at the
same time.

5.12. Variable Properties

The properties of Real Time DB variables are used to determine the variable's starting data area, the
association of any commands or association with remote systems or database files.
To set or modify Movicon Real Time DB variables you need to use the 'Properties Window'. The
property window, which can be activated with the standard procedures, displays the variable's
property when it is selected from the 'Variables List (Tags)' resource from the 'Project Explorer'
Movicon allows you to carry out multiple variable selections for which only the properties common to
all the variables selected will be enabled in the 'Properties Window'. Any modifications carried out
in anyone of these properties will effect all the variables selected.





As you can see in the figure above, by executing a multiple variable selection in the 'Properties
Window' only some of the properties remain available being those common to all the variables. Any
changes to the selected variables can be reported by modifying their properties altogether at the
same time.

5.12.1. General Variable Properties

You can associate the main data relating to the Movicon variables by using the general properties.
To modify the General properties of variables select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
This edit box is used for entering the name to be assigned as an mnemonic code relating to the
variable. The variable's name must be unique as it is used for identifying the variable anywhere in
the project.
Movicon proposes the chars VAR followed by a progressive number for default. The default name can
be replaced by another name as pleased.
The text for the variable's name must not have any spaces or characters
that are not alphanumeric. Any reserved spaces or characters can be
replaced with the '_' character.
This edit box allows you to type a text string which can be used as a comment to describe the
variable within the Real Time DB.
This description will remain associated to the variable but it will only be
available inside the Real Time DB.
This selection is used to specify the type of data represented by the variable in the Real Time DB.
The list box will propose the following data types:
Byte with sign / Byte without sign (8 bit)
Word with sign / Word without sign (16 bit)


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Doubleword with sign / Doubleword without sign (32 bit)

Float (32 bit single precision)
Double (long) (64 bit double precision)
String (each character one byte + termination character 0)
Byte array (fixed length with starting address and byte number)
Fixed Length Array
Structure: A list of Structure types available will be listed if present on the 'Structure
Prototypes' group.
See paragraphs "Array Variables" and "Structure Variables" for further information on these variable
Element type for Array
This property is used for selecting they element type for the Array variables. This property can only
be selected if the 'Fixed Length Array' option has been chosen in the "Type" field. The available
element choices:

Sign Byte (8 Bit with sign)

Byte (8 Bit without sign)
Sign Word (16 Bit with sign)
Word (16 Bit without sign)
Sign DWord (32 Bit with sign)
DWord (32 Bit without sign)
Float (32 Bit single precision)
Double (64 Bit double precision)

Initial Quality
This selection lets you define the variable's initial quality. This setting is significant for those variables
which are to be exchanged with other devices or programs, eg. through communication drivers, OPC,
Networking. This property is very useful when finding out whether the variables which are read by
the field are updated correctly and contain valid values. The variable quality states can be:

Good: valid data

Uncertain: the data has not yet been updated and therefore is not definite
Bad: data is not valid
Not Connected: not connected to field therefore data is not defined

Inherit Quality
This property is managed for structure variables only and is used for updating the variable structure's
quality based on the quality of each of its individual members. When the dynamic link is set for each
individual structure member ("Fixed I/O address" property), each member will have its own quality
status. In this situation when the structure variable's "Inherit Quality" property is enabled, the
structure variable's quality will be set based on the status quality of each of its individual members.
It will only take just one member to have a "Not Good" quality to set the structure variable to a
"Not Good" quality status as well. However, if the "Inherited Quality" is left disabled, the Structure
Variable's quality will not be influenced by its members' qualities.
Retentive not Shared
The variable's retentive is enabled when declared as 'Not Shared' area type.
This property is used for defining the data area type in which the variable is to be mapped. The
options are:

Not Shared

When you select the 'Not Shared' data area, it will not be necessary to define the variable's absolute
address as this will be automatically allocated by Movicon without making any errors of
superimposing unwanted addresses. When you use the Input, Output and Flag areas you can
associate an absolute address to the variable but special attention must be paid as not to
superimpose unwanted addresses.





It is advised to always use the 'Not Shared' areas when possible so as to

avoid superimposing unwanted addresses.
The variables belonging to the 'Not Shared' areas can be
exchanged with the field just like the ones belonging to the Input
and Output areas.
An absolute address must be specified for variables mapped in the Shared (Input, Flag, Output) data
areas. The Movicon Shared memory is addressed in bytes. When having to address a bit you must
use the 'x.x' syntax (eg. 10.5 = byte 10 bit 5) .
This field is enabled automatically when the variable has been defined as a "Fixed Length Array",
even though the "Not Shared" internal area has been selected. The internal address, however, will
be used for defining the number of array elements using the "x(x)" syntax. For instance, when
entering "10(5)" an array with 5 elements will be defined starting from the 10 address. In this case
the variable's start address will not have any meaning but only the parameter indicating the number
of array elements will be considered. The Array variables can be defined with a maximum 4096
It is advised to always use the ' Not Shared' areas when possible so as to
avoid superimposing unwanted addresses.
Auto Alloc
This command allows you to assign a free address to the variable ("Address" property) within the
selected shared area.
This property is used for associating the variable to a network item, an OPC Server tag or a
communication task, directly. You can type the command line, using the appropriate syntax, directly
into the appropriated box, or use the 'Tag Browser' window which appears when double clicking the
mouse on the edit box.
The syntax which will be reported in the property's box is as follows:
Networking Syntaxes

[NET] = Movicon suffix which identifies a network connection
ComputerName = Name of remote computer Server
VariableName = Name of variable in Server project to be connected

OPC Syntaxes

[OPC] ServerName.Version\DeviceName.GroupName.TagName
[OPC] = Movicon Suffix identifies a OPC connection
ServerName = Name with which the OPC Server registered in the operating system
DeviceName = Name of device configured in the Server
GroupName = Name of the tag's starting group.
TagName = Name of tag configured in the Server

Driver Syntaxes

[DRV] = Movicon Suffix identifies a connection to a Communication Driver
DriverName = Name of Communication Driver to be used
StationName = Name of station configured in the driver
TagAddress = Address of Tag in the device (use the device's syntax)

If the variable has a dynamic link (Fixed I/O address) towards

communication driver which hasn't been installed, the variable's quality will
automatically get set to "Not Good".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

OPC Group Name

The name of a OPC Group to which the variable belongs can be entered in this property. This
setting is only valid if a OPC link has been set in the variable's "Dynamic Address" or " Dynamic
address" property. If the specified OPC Group resides in the 'OPC Client DA' resource the dynamic
OPC tag generated by the dynamic address is entered by Movicon in the specified OPC Group
obtaining refresh time and the properties of that specified Group. However, if the name of the OPC
Group is not in the 'OPC Client DA' resource, Movicon will insert the dynamic tag in an generic group
purposely created for dynamic tags with the name of "DynTag" whose refresh time is determined by
the "OPC Client DA" resource's "Default Dynamic Update Rate" property.
The name of the "Dynamic OPC Group" of the variables with dynamic OPC addresses is determined
by the following conditions:
Name set in the variable's "OPC Group Name" property
if the "OPC Group Name" property is not set, the name will be inherited from the name of
the "Variable Group" which the variable belongs to.
set with the default name of "DynTag" if previous two cases do not comply
The name of the OPC Group may exist as the "OPC Client DA" resource's OPC Group.
Therefore take these types into concideration:
Static OPC Group: created in the "OPC Cleint DA" resource
Dynamic OPC Group: is the variable is not linked to a OPC Item
Enable Statistic Data
Enable the statistic data for the variables in question. In this case you will get minimum, maximum
and average variable value availability plus other information. To access this information you need to
"DBVarObjCmdTarget.StatisticDataMaxValue", "DBVarObjCmdTarget.StatisticDataMinValue", etc..
Statistic data can be moved from one variable to another by using the appropriate commands in the
"Variable Commands List".
The variable statistic data, only if retentive, is persistent. The variable's statistic data is then save in
the variable's retentive file together with other already existing data (values, quality and timestamp
When enabled, this property consents you to add the variable to the VBA's 'IntelliSense, so that it
becomes available in the popup list that appears when pressing the "Ctrl+Space" keys inside the
basic script code (also see the section on "IntelliSense use for RealTimeDB variables").
It is a good rule of the thumb to set the "IntelliSense" option only for those
variables that really need it. This is due to the fact that the operation to
populate the IntelliSense when a script is opened or executed, could cause
performances to slow down when number of variables enabled with the
"IntelliSense" option is high (i.e. putting thousands of variables in order).
RESTRICTIONS: the IntelliSense never shows local screen variables and
will not populate with variables enabled with this option if used in the
"Dynamic Property Explorer" window.
Attention! When a Structure or Byte Array variable has its "IntelliSense" enabled, it cannot be used
directly without specifying members. When used without specifying members, only one element of
the array or structure variable will be read or written and not all of it.
For instance, lets consider that VAR00001 and VAR00002 are two Byte Array variable types, with the
same number of elements the following code will have two different results according to the
"IntelliSense" option:
Sub Click()
VAR00001 = VAR00002
End Sub
"IntelliSense" Option = True -> Only the first byte of the "VAR00002" Array variable will be read
and written in the first byte of the "VAR00001" variable
"IntelliSense" Option = False -> All the bytes of the "VAR00002" variable are read and written
in the "VAR00001" variable bytes





This difference is due to the fact that the variable enabled with the "IntelliSense" option is
considered by the basic script as an object with a series of properties (the variable's elements), and
one of these properties (array item) is taken as a predefined property in cases where not specified.
Enable Member Properties
This check box allows you to enable the possibility to edit the properties of one member from a
structure variable. This option only shows when a structure member has been selected and doesn't
shoe for ordinary variables.
For further information please refer to the section on "Modifying Structure Member properties".
Eredita Qualit
Through this property, which is only supported for variables of type structure,it is possible to make
sure that the quality of the variable structure is updated
based on the quality of the individual members. When you set up dynamic linking for individual
members of the structure (property "Physical Address I / O" of the individual
members) each member state will have its quality. If in this situation the properties"Inherit Quality"
of the structure variable is enabled, then the quality of structure variable will be set based on the
quality status of individual members.It is sufficient that at least one of the individual members have
quality "not good" that the variable structure will be set with quality "not good." If instead the
property "Inherit Quality" is left disabled, then the variable qualitystructure will not be affected by
the quality of its members.

5.12.2. Variable Engineering Data Properties

By using the variable's Engineering data you can execute the variable's value scale. In this way the
variables coming from the field are read and the scaled value is written directly in the variable.
To modify Variable Engineering Data Property select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
The variable scaling is linear type only and is only significant for
variables exchanged with the field. To execute scalings between
variables within the project you will need to use the appropriate 'Scaling
Objects List' resource which can be accessed through the 'Project
Explorer' window.
Initial Value
This property allows you to specify the initial value to be used for a "Not Retentive" variable. At
project startup the variable is set with its initial value before the project's logic is run. A retentive
variable (only when in a not shared area) is not initialized on the initial value if there is a valid value
in its retentivity file.
Please note that this property is not supported in the basic script interface.
The initial quality value, if used, is set by using the following the rules:
Integer numeric variables: any value can be set, even those preceded with the +/- signs.
The positive number will be considered if a sign is omitted.
Numeric variables with floating point:: numbers need to be set using the same decimal point
configured in the Windows international settings, as separator.
String variables: any ASCII or Unicode character can be set. The project will need to be set
as "unicode" when using unicode characters so that they will get saved.
Byte array variables: when setting the values of each single byte you will need to separate
them with a comma and a space like this: var_array(3) = "125, 256, 34".
Structure Variables : the values of each single byte will need to be set by separating them
with a comma and a space like this: var_structure(1 byte + 1 word) = "125, 256, 34".
Default Format
This allows you to enter the format preset for default for displaying variable. The format types
available are only those listed in the "Predefined Movicon Formats" paragraph from the "Data
Formats" section.
The variable format set will be used in displaying data in the following objects:

In the display object set for displaying variables and not set with a different format in its


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

In the numeric pad to format values displayed in edit boxes. The numeric pad can also
manage formats with integer numbers with floating points. Therefore, integer variables can
be used for displaying and setting values with floating points, as with the display object, by
using a format that includes decimal figures (ie. "x.xx"). If the numeric pad is used with
variables without formats, it will behave by default using its base "%.g" format
Trend and Data Analysis objects: are displayed according to the pen variable value
format and, as a consequence, the pens scales as well.
Meter objects: are displayed with scales formatted according to the variable format
Alarm Window Object: the variable's format is used for defining the display value format
of the variable inserted in threshold's alarm text when using the "%(VAR00001)" syntax. In
cases where nothing is specified in the variable's "Default Format" property, the "%f" default
value will be used.
Caution: The format set in objects that display the variable have priority over the
format set in the variable. If you want to use the format set in the variable, you
must leave the "Value Format" field empty in the object displaying the variable.
Caution: Display formats in numeric pads created on screen (see template library),
are in "%G" so that variables can be displayed in the most compact form
possible. In any case, values with floating points in integer numbers can be set
using a preset variable format which included decimal figures.
Note: This function can also solve the problems of variables with floating point
approximations (floating points in 32 bit) when displayed in numeric pads. The
numeric pad will round off numbers with decimal points, as set in the variable

Engineering Units
By using this property you can associate the engineering units to the variable. This will be displayed
in the controls provided for this property's management.
Close bit String
When the variable is Bit type, it can be associated with a text string to identify the variable's Close
value, being when the bit assumes a value other than zero. In this way, by displaying the variable in
the "Watch Window" the string will appear directly, replacing the binary value. In addition to
this, if the variable has been inserted in a Datalogger, the recording of the variable will show the
string's caption instead of the value "1". The DataBase field, for bit type variables, is in fact defined
as string type.
This property is available for the "Check Box Button" and "Radio Button" objects when inserted in a
Movicon "Report Interno" object. The moment boolean data is recorded using the DataLogger, it is
executed by inserting a string data type in the database, when this data is associated to a "Check
Box Button" or "Radio Button" object, the correspondence between the boolean value and the string
value recorded in the table field will need to be specified. In this case the text corresponding to the
one registered in the database when the boolean value corresponds to "True" should be inserted in
the "Check Box Button" or "Radio Button" object's "Open Bit String" property. By doing this the
"Check Box Button" will be displayed with a tick when the table field value corresponds to the
"Open Bit String" set in the object. In cases concerning the "Radio Button", which is set with only
two options, the second option will be marked.
Open Bit String
When the variable is Bit type it can be associated with a text string to identify the variable's Open
value, being when the bit assumes the zero value. other than zero. In this way, by displaying the
variable in the "Watch Window" the string will appear directly in the place of the binary value. In
addition to this, if the variable has been inserted in a Datalogger, the recording of the variable will
report the string's caption instead of the value "0". The DataBase field, for bit type variables, is in
fact defined as string type.
This property is available for the "Check Box Button" and "Radio Button" objects when inserted in a
Movicon "Report Interno" object. The moment boolean data is recorded using the DataLogger, it is
executed by inserting a string data type in the database, when this data is associated to a "Check
Box Button" or "Radio Button" object, the correspondence between the boolean value and the string
value recorded in the table field will need to be specified. In this case the text corresponding to the
one registered in the database when the boolean value corresponds to "False" should be inserted in
the "Check Box Button" or "Radio Button" object's "Close Bit String" property. By doing this the
"Check Box Button" will be displayed with a tick when the table field value corresponds to the





"Close Bit String" set in the object. In cases concerning the "Radio Button", which is set with only
two options, the first option will be marked.
This setting enables or disables the variables scaling property.
The mathematic formula for a variable scaling is:
Input: RAW
Input Min: RAW_MIN
Input Max: RAW_MAX
Scaled Min: SCALED_MIN
Scalde Max: SCALED_MAX
Output: SCALED
By enabling this property the scaling will be executed in reverse. For instance if the following was
Raw Max. Value = 100
Raw Min. Value = 0
Scale Max. Value = 1000
Scale Min. Value = 0
When the variable obtains the raw 0 value, the scaled value will be 1000 and when the variable
obtains the 100 value the scaled value will be 0.
The mathematic formula for a variable inverted scaling is:
Input: RAW
Input Min: RAW_MIN
Input Max: RAW_MAX
Scaled Min: SCALED_MIN
Scalde Max: SCALED_MAX
Output: SCALED
Dead Band
This property is used for specifying the value to which the scaled data will be set the moment the
raw value of the variable should exceed the maximum or minimum set limits. This property is set at
'-1' for default.
Raw Max.
The maximum unscaled value that the variable can obtain.
Raw Min.
The minimum unscaled Value that the variable can obtain.
Scale Max.
The maximum scaled value that the variable can obtain.
Scale Min.
The minimum scaled Value that the variable can obtain.
Enable Factor
This property allows you to use the Gain and Offset factors for scale calculations. The expressions
(Value * Gain) + Offset


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

You must consider that in this formula the"Value" parameter refers to the Movicon variable and not
the Communication Driver's value. Therefore the most explicative formula would be:
DriverValue = (Movicon Value * Gain) + Offset
Inverse Factor
This property consents the inverted use of the Gain and Offset factors for scale calculations (you will
also need to check the "Enable Factor" property). The expression will become:
You must consider that in this formula the "-value" parameter refers to the Movicon variable and not
the Communication Driver's value. Therefore the most explicative formula would be:
DriverValue = (Movicon Value - Offset) / Gain
The Gain value for the scale calculation with the use of multiplication factors.
The Offset value for the scale calculation with the use of multiplication factors.

5.12.3. Variable Access Level Properties

You can enable default access levels in write or in read for the selected variable by using this Access
Level property.
To modify the Access Level property select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
There are 16 access levels and they can be selected singularly, one by one.

Write Access Level

The Access Levels can be set through this property for the selected variable in write. In addition to
this, the access level of a variable in write is also considered for the users management in the
project. A variable can be written:


Always when the password management is disabled

Always when the "Write Access Level" property is set with the "0000" value (default value)





In situations where points 1 and 2 do not count, only when the user's "Access Level" mask
encounters the variable's "Write Access Level" mask

Setting Write Access Levels for NON default variables: the Server will not accept any modifications
done to non default variable values by users granted access from the Client to the Server through
the network services, who do not have access rights to certain non default variables.
Read Access Level
The Access Level can be defined through this property for the selected variable in read.
For further information on 'Access levels' please refer to the "Read Access Levels" paragraph.
In cases in which the variable can be selected in the "Hour Selector" window set for viewing plans in
"Grid" mode, this Access Level allows the variable in the selection list to be available based on the
Access Level of the user logged on .
For further information "Access Levels" please refer to the paragraph on "Users Levels and Access".
Setting Read Access Levels for NON default variables: Client users granted access to Server, through
the network services, will not have access right to those variables which will not be subscribed by the
Server and therefore will result as being not connected to on the Client side.
Always Visible
When enabled, this property will render the variable always visible, therefore available for selecting
for those environments which require it.
This option is usually used in the following environments:

In the "Scheduler Window" to determine which variables are to be made visible in the
Variable list and therefore selected for commands (only for "Scheduler Windows" in Grid
When using the Network Server Tag browser, for instance for setting dynamic addresses,
where variables are to be always visible and selectable even when the user connected to the
Server does not have read access rights

When this option is not set (disabled for default), the variable will only be made visible and
selectable in Runtime if the project has the user management active, and the user wishing to access
has an access level compatible with the that set for the variable.
For further details on "Access Levels" please refer to the paragraph on "User Levels and Access

5.12.4. Variable Options Properties

Through this Variable Options Property you can enable the variable to be swapped via OPC and via
Movicon Networking.
To modify the Variable's Options properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
Enable OPC Server
Enabling this property will make this variable available to other OPC Client applications.
To connect variables through the OPC Server to OPC Client applications, after having first configured
the Movicon OPC Server settings, you need to configure the variables to be connected when enabling
this property. Therefore variables will be defined causing a tag to be created.
The Tag is a connection to the Movicon variable made available to OPC Clients.
This operation is not absolutely necessary as tags can also be dynamically defined by a OPC Client by
previously selecting the corresponding enabling in the Movicon OPC settings. However all the tags
defined through enabling the 'Enabling OPC Server' property are displayed in a item list in the OPC
Client and therefore can be viewed and quickly selected.
If the OPC Server RealTimeDB's "OPC Dynamic TAG" property is enabled,
any project variable will be published in the OPC Server's address space
upon access by an OPC Client using the appropriate dynamic syntax, and
this also happens when the variable's "Enable OPC Server" is disabled.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Whenever you wish to use the OPC Server functionalities, you will have to
enable and specify the OPC Server functionality from the project's "Real
Time DB OPC Server Settings". How use the OPC functions are described in
the respective section.
Access Rights
This property is used for selecting which type of access to use by the OPC Client to access the
Movicon OPC Server.
The values that can be used are:


When the variable is "Readable", it will only be possible to read and not set a value from an OPC
Client. When the variable is "writable", it will only be possible to wet the value and not read it and
therefore the communication quality will result always as "Bad".
Opening a project from a previous Movicon version will set the value in this
property to readable-writable.

Enable Network Server

When enabling this property the variable is made available for sharing with other Movicon
applications through the Networking functionalities.
Initial BGC
Through this property you can associate an initial background colour to the Variable. This property
can be interpreted by the OPC Client if predisposed with the necessary functionalities.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on 'Threshold Colour Settings in Drawings
and Controls'.
This value when different from the default value, is also used in
Runtime for animation in some objects. For example, it is used for
Trend pen colours.
If you wish to return back to the default value, just open the pen
color window with the mouse while pressing down the 'Control"
((CTRL) key.
Initial FGC
Through this property you can associate an initial border colour to the Variable. This property can be
interpreted by the OPC Client if predisposed with the necessary functionalities.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on 'Threshold Colour Settings in Drawings
and Controls'.
This value, when different to the default value, is also used in
Runtime for animation in some objects. For example, it is used for
Trend pen colours.
If you wish to return back to the default value, just open the pen
color window with the mouse while pressing down the 'Control"
((CTRL) key.
Initial Blink Status
By means of thie property you can associate the initial blink status to the Variable. This property can
be interpreted by the connected OPC Client if predisposed with the necessary functionalities.
Bmp File
By means of this property you can associate a Bitmap file to the Variable. This property can be
interpreted by the connected OPC Client if predisposed with the necessary functionalities.
Sound File
By means of this property you can associate a Html File to the Variable. This property can be
interpreted by the connected OPC Client if predisposed with the necessary functionalities. This
property can also be used for executing a customized sound to the eventual alarm associated to the
variable. For further information on this please refer to the paragraph titled "Alarm Threshold Style





Html File
By means of this property you can associated a Html file to the Variable. This property can be
interpreted by the connected OPC Client if predisposed with the necessary functionalities.
AVI File
By means of this property you can associate an .AVI file to the Variable. This property can be
interpreted by the connected OPC Client if predisposed with the necessary functionalities.

5.12.5. Variable Trace Options Proprieties

You can record on database all the Movicon variable value changes by means of using the Trace
To modify the Trace Options Properties of a variable. select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
If an ODBC link is used, the database containing variable Trace
information will be created automatically by Movicon in the project's
DATAfolder with the name "NameProject_TraceDB.mdb" in Access2000
format. The file name and ODBC link can be customized through the
"Real Time DB Trace DB Settings" property from the 'Real Time DB'
resource. A table will be created within the database for each variable
enabled with the Tracer.
If an IMDB link is used,will be created automatically by Movicon in the
project's 'LOGS' folder a file ".dat" and ".xml" for each variable enabled
with the Tracer.
If the "Notify TimeStamp Changes" property has been enabled in the
RealTimeDB "InUse Variable Manager" property group, the TraceDB will
insert a new record even when the variable's TimeStamp changes only
and not its value.
Enable Trace
This property enables or disables the trace management of the selected variables.
If the trace is enabled for a structure variable, Movicon will create one
table only with the Structure Variable's name. However, the names of
the Member variables which underwent changes will also then be inserted
in the "Changer Column" field.
Table Name
By using this property you can define the name of the table where the trace data for the variables
selected is to be recorded. If this field is left empty the table's name will be the same as the
variable's name.
If the same "Table Name" is set in a diverse number of variables, these variables will then be able to
share the same table. This will allow you to get different variables trace data recorded all on the
same table.
For further information please see the paragraph entitled "Variable Tracing (Audit Trail)" .
Data Max.Age
This field is used for defining the how long the trace data is to be stored before being recycled. The
time entered should be based on how frequently the variable changes to avoid creating tables with
too much data. Practically speaking, more frequently the variable changes, more the recording time
should be reduced.
For further information please refer to the paragraph: "Archive Sizes".
The maximum recording time is to be inserted according to your
requirements, keeping in mind the frequency of variable changes and the
kind of database to be used. For instance when using a Access2000
database you will more limited with the recording data quantity than you
would be with a SQL Server database.
Enable Day Timeframe
This setting is used for enabling a recording day timeframe when the variable's trace functionality
has been enabled. In this case the variable's trace recording will be executed only within the time
specified in the 'Timeframe from' and 'Timeframe to' properties.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Timeframe from
The time in which the variable's trace starts is set here when the 'Enable Day Timeframe' option
has been enabled.
Timeframe to
The time in which the variable's trace ends is set here when the 'Enable Day Timeframe' option
has been enabled.
Add Msg to SysLog
When this setting is enabled a message will be recorded on the 'SysLog' (System Messages' Historical
log) every time the variable's value changes. This setting is only valid if the variable's trace is
enabled. Also information reported in the database will be recorded in the Historical Log file.
Add Variable Description Column
Enabling this setting will also add the "Description" of the variable being traced to the "Variable
Description (TagDescCol)" column in the record table.
For further information please refer to the topic on "Variable Tracing (Audit Trail)".
Add Variable Group Column0
Enabling this setting will also add any Group to which variable, being traced, belongs to the "Variable
Group(TagGroupNameCol)" column in the record table.
For further information please refer to the topic on "Variable Tracing(Audit Trail)".
Trace Comment
This setting, when enabled, allows you to insert a comment in the variable's trace Database each
time the variable under goes any changes. This comment will be recorded in the "Action" field
replacing the text written by Movicon for default. The following will open each time a variable
undergoes a change:

At this point the user can insert a comment in the appropriate window and confirm with "OK". The
variable's value will only change when the user has confirmed with the "OK" key. If the "Cancel"
button is pressed, the variable will not be changed and will keep its previous value.
You should take into consideration that comment do not need to be entered for those changes made
to variables from logic which are not subjected to events undertaken by users. For example, this
category includes the project or screen IL Logic, Communication Drivers, and the OPC. The window
for entering comments will be called if the variable is changed by: Basic Script codes, controls taking
action on variables, variable setting commands and in any point of the project they are set.





When the 'Trace Comment Window ' is opened on screen, the variable's
value is frozen. Any other process, such as Communication Drivers, IL
Logic and Basic Scripts cannot be change the variable's value.
When the "Add Msg to SysLog" property is enabled, the comment will also end up in the
"DescCol" column from the "SysMsgs" table.
You can customize dialog window's character's font and size by using the
appropriate registry keys:
Modifying the font or its size will also change the dialog window's sizes.
Create DB Table
This command executes the creation of the Variable Trace table within the database. If a table
already exists it will be cancelled along with its next recreation when this command is executed. This
means that any previously recorded data will be lost.

5.12.6. Variable ODBC Real Time I/O Link Properties

By using the ODBC Real Time I/O Link properties of a variable you can share a variable with a
Database for the purpose of making the variable's value also available to other applications capable
of reading/writing Database files. The link between the variable and the Database is carried out
through the Windows ODBC driver. The ODBC link can be created or modified through the "ODBC
Real Time I/O Link Settings".
To modify the Real Time DBMS properties of a variable you have select the object with the mouse
and use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Where the database linked to the RealTimeDBMS function management is concerned, the engine
that updates this function always executes the UPDATE query first to update values currently saved
on the table, and only if this query should fail will it execute the INSERT query of the new value.
Enable ODBC Sharing
This property allows you to enable the variable which is to be shared with the Database enabled for
this purpose. For further information please refer to the section on "Variable Sharing with ODBC".
Update Quality
By enabling this property the variable's quality state will be updated according to the status of the
ODBC link. If any errors are generated by the variable's ODBC link the quality status will change to
'Not Good'.
Reading Refresh Time
This setting expresses the time (in milliseconds) with which the reading refresh of the variables from
the Database takes place.
I/O Mode
The operating modes of the ODBC link for the specified variable is set in this option box. The
operating modes are:

read: means that the variables on the Movicon side are read with a preset frequency time
("Reading Refresh Time"). If this data DOES NOT exist on database the value will not be
modified in the application, and if the variable is retentive, it will keep its last value. However
the variable's 'quality' can be managed to get information on the value type (when the quality
is 'good' this means that the value is the one read from the database, otherwise means that
a value has not been set for the variable on database)
write: means on each variation of the variable's value, Movicon will insert the data on
database. If the record exists it will be updated otherwise the data will be inserted
read-write: Movicon keeps the variable of the Movicon project and the relative field of the
linked Database file at the same value. Any variations of one of the two will consequently
cause the other one to change, whether to the project locally or in the Database file. In any
case, Movicon will NOT write anything at the Startup the data will be written when the first
variation takes place in order to be more flexible


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

5.12.7. Variable Network Client Properties

This variable 'Network Client' properties allow you to establish a connection between one project's
Real Time DB variable to another Movicon project's variable existing on a network station, by using
standard protocols such as TCP/IP.
To remote connect in Networking means the dynamic connection between variables contained in the
Real Time DB of two of more Movicon PC stations.
The remote connection functions (Networking) are enabled in Runtime only when the appropriate
option is active on both the hardware keys (PC Client and PC Server).
To modify the Network Client Properties of a variable, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Caution! When using structure variables, any string type member
variables will not be supported and their values will not be updated.
The string type variables can be exchanged in networking only
when they are part of a structure variable.
This property allows you to enable the Networking connection between local project variable/s and
another Movicon Station set up as Server.
The variables status notifications are managed by Movicon are 'event-driven', which means that only
notification of status variations are given to optimize the network use.
The connection can use any network capable of supporting the protocols listed in the 'Tranport'
property, including RAS modem connections, as hardware support.
Update Quality Status
This property only has meaning when the variable is connecting in Network to a Server.
Based on the settings in this property, the Variable's quality status will be set in the
Client as follows:

Update Quality Status = true: the variable's quality in the Client will be the same one in
the Server, except when the variable has still yet to connect ("uncertain") or when there is an
error in the network connection ("bad"). When variables are connected to the Server in
"read" or "read/write", their status quality will not be transmitted to the Server in the event of
any to modifications to them on the Client side. This means that status quality of variables
on the Server side will not get modified. When the variables are connected to the Server in
"write", any modifications to these variables on the Client side, the quality status will be
transmitted to the Server. Therefore the variables' quality in the Server will be managed
based on the "Update Quality Status" option set in the Server.
Update Quality Status = false: the variable's quality status in the Client will be set based
on the connection status with the Server, "good" if connected correctly, "uncertain" if still yet
to connect and "bad" if there is a networking connection error. However in this setting the
client's variable's quality status does not influence the Server's variable quality and any
modifications to variables on Client side will trigger transmit the quality status to the Server.
Therefore, the quality of variables on the Server side will be managed based on the "Update
Quality Status" option set in the Server.

The "Update Quality Status" is also managed by the Server (even though, as in this case, the "Enable
Client" property has been disabled). The quality status of the variable, on the Server side will be set
as below based on the this property's settings:

Update Quality Status = true: when the Client modifies a variable, if the quality status
gets transmitted to the Server in addition to the value, the quality of the variable on the
Server side will get set to the one transmitted by the Client.
Update Quality Status = false: the quality of the variable on the Server side will not get
modified when the Client notifies any changes.

Update Quality
By enabling this property the variable's quality status will be updated according to the status of the
Networking connection. If an error is generated in the Networking connection the quality status will
change to 'Not Good'.





Network Server
The name or IP address of the connected PC Server station must be entered in this edit box.
Backup Network Server
The name of the Server PC Station, to be connected to, or its IP address must be entered in this
edit box for cases when the main Server is not available. The IP address of any secondary network
card of the main Server may also be entered.
The name or IP address of the Secondary Client is also entered in this field for when the Client has
to connect to a Redundancy system (re. "Redundancy"). In this case the Network Server will be
the Primary Server and the Backup Network Server will be the Secondary Server.
Network Server Variable
The mnemonic code of the Server project's variable, to which the selected local variable is to connect
to, is entered in this edit box. When using the 'Tag Browser' to select the variable directly, you can
only select the variable name from those existing in the local Real Time DB and not those existing in
the Server project.
When the 'Network Server Variable' is left empty, Movicon will execute the
local variable connection to the Server variable which has the same name.
This can only be done if this variable exists in both projects (Server e
When connecting variables of different types, Movicon will carry out data
conversions to adapt the variable in read to the type of variable associated.
However it is the programmer's responsibility to avoid any data lose
generated by the conversion (i.e. passing over from 32 bit in read to 16 bit
in write).
The Network connection operating modes for the specified variable are set though this option box:

Input: Movicon reads the specified variable's value from the connected Server's Real Time
DB and writes its contents on the variable from the local project's (Client) Real Time DB
Output: Movicon writes the value contained in the variable of the local project's (Client) Real
Time DB on the variable of the connected Server's Real Time DB
Input/Output: Movicon keeps the connected variables at the same value. Any variations of
one of the two will consequently change the one connected, whether in the Local project
(Client) or in the Server project

This property is used for associating a priority level to the connection in question. The values are
from 0 to 100. The highest number corresponds to the highest level and therefore a maximum of a
100 priorities can be used. The value inserted for default by Movicon is '-1', that is by selecting the
priority set in the Client Settings or in any associated Client Rules.

5.13. Associating Alarms to Variables

Movicon has a very handy functionality which can be used when the project has many alarms with
similar text messages and are of the same type associated to a series of different variables.
A description of this powerful Movicon feature can be found in the section headed "Alarms as
Associating an Alarm to a Variable (or a group of variables) can now be done by just clicking the
right mouse key on the Variable desired in the "Variable List" group in the "Project Explorer" window
and by selecting the "Associate an Alarm" command, or by using the same command in the Project
Explorer's "Command Window".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

5.14. Associating Data Loggers and

Recipes to Variables
Movicon has a very handy function which you can use when needing to set many variables
associated to the same Data Logger in the project.
A description of this powerful Movicon feature can be sound in the section headed "Data Loggers as
The association of a Data Logger to a Variable an be done by right mouse clicking on the Variable in
the 'Variables List' group found in the 'Project Explorer' window and selecting the 'Associate a
DataLogger/Recipe' command or by using the same command also found in the Project Explorer's
'Commands' window.
The request to associate a Data Logger/Recipe will open a further window containing the list of Data
Loggers/Recipes available and which were inserted beforehand;

5.15. Associating Events to Variables

By using the Movicon 'Event Object' you can create a list of events, each one to be executed upon
the change of its associated variable. A list of commands to be activated can be programmed for
each event. However this procedure can be inverted by associating a specific event to a variable.
This procedure is very handy when diverse variables have to execute the same list of commands,
therefore the same event. In this case it would be much easier and faster to create only one event to
which associate the command list desired, then associated this event to the variables of interest.
The association of an Event to a Variable can be done by clicking the right mouse button on the
Variable in the 'List Variable' group presented in the 'Project Explorer' window and selecting the
'Associate an Event' command, or by using the same command also found in the 'Project Explorer's
'Commands' window.
A description of this powerful Movicon feature can be founded in the section headed Events as

5.16. Grouping Variables

Variables can be put into one or more groups within the "Real Time DB" resource. The "New
Variable Group..." command can be accessed with a right mouse click on the resource or from the
command list. The created groups cannot be renamed or cancelled (they do not have properties)
from the "Real Time DB" window. They are automatically deleted when they do not contain any
variables but only disappear from the "Real Time DB" when the project is reopened in development
Since the order by and filters are applied according to the resource type selected only, the use of the
variables groups is useful for speeding up these operations in projects with a very high number of
Groups which are created in this way are also made available from the Movicon "Tag Browser"





When adding a new variable in the 'Tag Browser' window, it will be added
to the main Variable list root. If, however, a variable group has been
selected within the Project Explorer Window, the new variable added
withiin the Tag Brower wndiow will get inserted within this group.
The "Group" property is found in the "DBVarObjCmdTarget" Basic Script interface and allows you to
retrieve the group which the variable belongs to.
When using an alarm as a template, with the alarm's "Alarm Area"
property left blank and the associated variable belongs to a variable
Group, the alarm will be created belonging to the area with the same
name of that variable's Group. For example, associating a digital alarm as
a template to the "VAR00001" variable inserted in the "Group1" group,
the alarm will be created belonging to the "Group1" area.
In addtion, if the variable is inserted in a sub-group, the alarm area will
obtain the name composed of the groups' names separated with the "."
character. For example if the "VAR00001" belonging to "Group1" is
inserted into "Group2", the alarm will then belong to the "Group1.Group2"

5.17. Pointing to a Variable's Bit

In certain cases you may need to "read/write" one single bit of a variable (byte, word, etc). Movicon
allows you to execute this operation by using the "VariableName.numbit" syntax. For instance if you
want to probe the 0 bit of the "VAR00001" variable declared as Word type, you must write:
This type of syntax is supported in almost all the project's resources. You can use it in the following

Symbol animation properties

IL Logic
Event Object list
Scheduler Object List


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Generally in all those resource fields where a variable can be inserted

Variable bit Pointing is NOT supported in the Movicon Basic Scripts.

5.18. Variable TimeStamps

The variable TimeStamp property shows the date and time of the variable's last modfication. When
a variable is used in communicating with the field, its TimeStamp is updated by the Communication
Driver or the OPC Server, for instance, if the value changed or even just its quality status. When the
variable is not used in communicatons, its TimeStamp is updated by Movicon each time its value


6. Screens
6.1. Screen Resources
The Screens are the fundamental resources in creating
graphic interfaces. This chapter describes the Screen
resources, by also referring to the appropriate chapters
on the techniques used for inserting drawings,
commands, controls into Screens.
The Screen window is one of the key elements in a Movicon project. The Screen is used to supervise
the process (or part of it) by using the graphic commands for animations activated by field variables.
The Screen controls, described in the appropriate chapters, are used for setting commands or
variables to the field, as well as facilitating supervision tasks.
The Movicon workspace can be composed of one Screen only, but using the "Embedded View"
control is possible display a Screen within other Screen.
The Screen window represents the projects screen pages. However
Screen can be inserted into other Screens (by using the 'Embedded View'
control) to get a composition of more Screens in the same page. In this
case, however, the parent Screen will always remain the Container
The Screen windows are preset to contain, apart from graphical drawings, controls such as all the
graphical command functions or displays already preset by Movicon. The descriptions for inserting
and setting controls in Screen windows are found in the appropriate chapters.

An example of the Screen page. A Screen is the container

of controls and designs and can receive background image


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

6.2. Inserting Screens

When you wish to insert a Screen into the project you need to start this procedure by inserting a
new object in the "Screens" group residing in the 'Project Explorer' window. You can insert a new
Screen either by right mouse clicking on the "Screens" group in the 'Project Explorer' window and
then select the 'New Screen' command or by using the appropriate icon from the Movicon Tool bar.
When using the later you have to left mouse click and keep pressed on the icon for about one
second to open a drop-down list where you can select the resource to be inserted which should be
the Screen resource in this case.
When confirming this operation the new Screen window, with default sizes and positions, in the
group or in the point selected in the project structure. At this point you can go on and set the new
window's properties as described in the documents about "Screen Properties".
The resource can next be assigned a Name by clicking the resource and entering a name to replace
the one proposed for default, or after having selected the resource press the F2 key and insert the
new name.

Importing Screens from other Projects

Movicon allows one or more Screens to be copied from one project to another. In order to do this
you must first open both projects, then select the Screen from the Project Explorer Window of the
source project, execute the Copy command then point to an area in the "Screens" group of the
Project Explorer window of the destination project and execute the Paste command. The copied
Screens will then also be available in the destination project.
You can also use the Drag & Drop technique with the following procedure: select the Screens from
the source project and, by keeping the mouse left key pressed, drag them to the point desired in the
destination project and then release the mouse button.

6.3. Startup Screen

Movicon has been designed to open the Screen at the start of the project runtime which has been
selected in the "Startup Screen" box in the 'Project Execution Settings' properties. If these
properties are not configured the Movicon project startup will not open a screen page leaving the
operator to activate one by using the commands in the project's Menu and Accelerators if previously
configured only.

The Startup Screen can be selected from any of those preset by the
programmer, independently from its name.



Selecting the "Startup Screen" is indispensable so that when the project is

put in Run mode a startup page is displayed, which usually represents the
plant's general Layout or a simple presentation page.
When a project is Run from the development environment with a screen still opened in
the workspace, this screen will be considered as the startup screen. This is very handy
when the screen you are working is started up directly.

6.4. Opening Screen Modalities

Once created and configured the Movicon Screens can be opened in different ways based on the
type of command being used. This allows the programmer to display the Screen in different ways as
he/she requires. A Screen can in fact be opened as a simple Video Page, or as a Modal Window
acting as a Dialog Window which opens on top of the current page. As mentioned beforehand, the
opening Screen modalities are selected by means of the 'Screen Commands' settings residing in
the 'Command List' of each Movicon control.
The "Startup Screen" is displayed at project startup which will be opened as a normal Video Page.
The screen resources are saved in binary during project Runtime. This makes loading it in memory
faster. This is more advantageous in WinCE where the XML passer in the resources is quite slow. In
fact, the handling of the XML parser is not of interest when a screen (in compiled form) is opened on
screen. The method applied is:
The first time a screen is opened on screen during Runtime, a control is made to see whether the
"ScreenName.movscr_c" file exists and whether the data is the same or more updated than the
"ScreenName.movscr" xml file. If this is so, it is then loaded instead of the xml file, otherwise the
xml file will be loaded and the "ScreenName.movscr_c" file will be saved in binary mode. This
operation is slow when the screen is opened for the first time but the next will be faster.
This function is managed by the "MoviconRunTime.exe", "MoviconService.exe", "MovCE.exe" and
"Movicon.exe" modules when executed with the /R. option. This management is not activated when
the project is run directly from the development environment.
The opening Screens Modalities are as described below. For further information see the paragraph
"Screen Commands".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Open Normal (screen change)

The "Open Normal" command opens the Screen as a Video Page. This modality is used for page
changes, therefore for passing from one page to another. When the opening of a Screen is called the
previous one will be closed and unloaded from the RAM, unless the "Not destroyable" option has
been enabled in the 'Screen Style Properties'.

Open Modal (pop-up screen)

The 'Open Modal' command evokes the opening of a Screen as a Modal window. In this case the
Screen is opened acting as a dialog window, therefore on top of the Video Page active at that
moment. Nevertheless, in this condition the current page will remain in background and the Modal
Screen will remain in foreground. It will not be possible to execute commands outside the Modal
Screen area with the mouse until the Modal Screen is closed with the appropriate procedures. The
sizes and positions, in which the Screen is to appear with, can be specified in the parameters which
are a part of this command.
This functionality is usually used when the operator has to execute the settings or commands etc..

Open Frame (multi-monitor)

The 'Open Frame' command evokes the opening of a Screen in a window different from the Movicon
Main window. The window in question will remain at the forefront but will not be modal, therefore
you will also be able to execute commands presented in the window underneath. This command can
also be used for opening the screen in another Monitor that is not for default in order to manage
projects in a Multi-Monitor system.
Using the Open Frame command for opening a screen in a second monitor
(different from the one where the project was started up in), the screen in
question will always open within a window adapted accordingly to the
monitor's sizes.

Open in other process (Safe Mode)

This command allows the opening and displaying of a Screen executing another instance. (therefore
a process in a different memory area). This is useful when Screens using ActiveX might cause an
error in the main application.
Using this mode however consumes more overall resources whether for the Screen in 'Safe Mode'
(which acts as client) and for the one loading it (which acts as server).

This command allows to send to the default printer a print of the selected screen.

Close and Return back

This commands force the closing of the specified screen or, if no screen is defined, of the active
screen. If the active screen is a modal (pop-up) window, it will be simply closed. If the close
command refers to a standard screen, Movicon will go back to the last loaded window.
Movicon manages a list of the previously opened screens. The maximum number of the "back"
commands is 10 as a default value, but it can be changed through the "Back History Max Depth"
property of the "Screen Navigation Editor " project resource.

Open next - Open Prev

This command allows to open project screens using the Screen ID number ("ID" property in
"General" screen properties) instead of the screen name. You should properly set a screen ID for
each screen (different from 0) and use this function to create a set of "<<BACK "and "NEXT>>"
pages navigation commands. See also Screen Change commands based on Screen IDs



6.5. Screens with Parameters

The up-to-date automation techniques often require resources with parameters, in order to use only
one resource repeatedly to get the required parameters.
The parameter techniques applied to Screens permit one only screen to be created, which can be
called up many times with different parameters. In this case the parameters are the variables from
the Movicon Real Time DB.

Movicon allows the functionalities, associated to displaying and animating the screen's vectorial
drawings and Templates, to be indexed. The programmer will find this functionality extremely useful
when handling projects containing screens with identical graphics, but different variables associated.
Let's take a plant containing 4 identical tanks as an example where only one screen is to be created
and which can be called up by 4 buttons, one for each tank. The screen has to have parameters,
which means it has to contain dummy variables which will be replaced in Runtime with real variables
of each single tank.
In this case it is clearly necessary to have use of the indexing techniques (or parameter techniques),
so that the variables associated to the Screen in the programming stage are replaced by the ones
needed during Runtime, in function with the parameter file used for opening the Screen.
The parameter file is a simple text file (UNICODE format) within which the associations between the
'dummy-variable' and real-variable' are specified. This file has to be created by the programmer, and
is to be inserted in the "Parameter File" properties of the 'Screen Commands'.
Parameterized screens load the Parameter File while the screen is being
loaded. Therefore it is fundamental that the parameterized screen not be
already loaded in Ram which means you must make sure that you have
disabled the "Keep always in Memory" option and set the "Close Screen
Delay" property to "zero" beforehand.

Parameter File
Movicon provides a resource through which you can edit these parameter files directly from the
Movicon development environment. By invoking the "New Parameter File" command from the Project
Explorer "Parameter Files" Group you can directly edit a file in table format. The following window
will open:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The Alias column represents the name of the "Parameter Variable", being the name of the variable
which will be replaced with the name of the variable to be displayed each time on screen. The
"Variable (Tag)" column represents the effective variable which must be passed to the screen to
replace the Alias one. The parameter files associated to the same screen contain the same Aliases,
while the variables associated to the Aliases are different.
The parameter files are created in the project's "RESOURCES" folder by Movicon and will be saved in
UNICODE format with the ".movpar" extension. The file's internal will be structured with the
following syntax:
When right clicking on the table the parameters will appear in a text menu with the commands
needed for inserting a new Alias and selecting variables from the Real Time DB:

New Alias: adds a new line to the table for inserting a new parameter
Browse Variable(Tag)...: allows you to select the variable from the project's Real Time
DB with the Browse window
The browse window, for selecting variables, can be opened directly by
clicking on the "Variable (Tag) field while keeping the ALT key pressed.
The parameter file can always be edited manually with a normal text editor as long as the
characteristics described above are respected which involve the syntaxes inside the file and saving it
in UNICODE format. The files created by the Movicon resource and those created manually should be
structured in the same way.
In the "Variable(Tag)" field you can also insert a sting that doesn't necessarily have to correspond to
the name of a variable from the RealTimeDB. You can specify a single bit of a variable or also a basic
expression instead which practically means you can enter the syntax which is usually supported in
the field where the alias has been inserted:



In the example described above a Screen has been created with a tank and two animation variables,
VAR1 and VAR2 (dummy variables). At this point the parameter file has to be created for each Tank
to be displayed where the associations between dummy variables and the real variables are to be
done. The four files shown below have been created with a text editor, but their contents are
structured in the same way as those created by Movicon.
As you can see the dummy variables are always the same in the four files, while the real variables
change according to the Tank. At this point the only thing remaining to do is to associate the
parameter file, one at a time, to the required Screen opening command to display the data of one
tank or of another.
The opening of a Screen with parameters can also be executed with the
appropriate Basic Script functions as well as by using the Movicon
'Command List'.

6.6. Local Screen Variables

The screens can contain local variables. The local variables are initialized only when the screen is
loaded in memory and can be used only inside the context of that screen. Therefore they can be
used in the Screen's Il Logic and Script codes and in the objects it contains. Keep in mind that:

the local variables in the script codes can only be managed by using the variable's name
directly. The GetVariableValue() and SetVariableValue() functions do not support local


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when a local variable has the same name of a variable contained in the Real Time DB, priority
will be given to the local variable. To access Real Time DB global variables you must use the
following syntax:
..\<variable name>
Caution: this type of syntax is supported in the animation and command properties and IL
Logic only. Therefore it is not possible to use the syntax in the Basic Script code.
The "..\" suffix is needed for going back one hierarchy in a variable
pointer. The hierarchy is as follows:
Local Screen Variables -> project Variables -> Parent project Variables
for instance, to access a variable from a parent project with the same
Local Screen Variable name you must use this syntax:
..\..\<variable name>
The Local Variables cannot be retentive and cannot be used for
communication. Furthermore they do not have all the properties that the
global variables have.

Local variables are very handy to use with the symbol libraries. These variables are in fact exported
to the template library on a par with global variables. When a template is then inserted on screen, its
variables will be created as local variables by keeping the SHIFT key pressed down. If the SHIFT key
is not pressed down the variables will be created as global variables in the Real Time DB.
Local Variables can be added by selecting the screen from the Project Explorer window and then
activating the "Add New Local Variable..." command.

6.7. Numeric and Alphanumeric Screens

Movicon allows you to customize Numeric and Alphanumeric Pads which are opened up the
"numeric pad" and "alphanumeric pad" commands, or with the respective basic script functions.
Customized panels can be created by using the Movicon screens and symbols. The customized panel
can be created with a screen within which an "Editable Display" and a series of "Buttons" can be
positioned. You can then associate the "Append Value", "Remove Value", "Swap Plus-Minus" and
"Append Decimal Mode ON-OFF" commands to these buttons so that the values in the display can be
changed. To allow Movicon to manage this screen as a Pad you must insert it into the project's
"Numeric Screen" or "Alphanumeric Screen" execution properties. When a request is made to open a
Numeric or Alphanumeric Pad, Movicon will open the customized screen instead of the default Pad.
The screen will be opened in modal mode. In addition to the two Numeric or Alphanumeric screens
some of the system's local variables are managed so that the Pad can work properly. These local
variables are:
Numeric Screen:
Alphanumeric Screen:
The meaning of these variables are as follows:



value = current value of the variable to be changed. When Movicon loads the screen, the
local variable is set to the same value as the variable to be set through the "numeric pad"
and "alphanumeric pad" command. The "value" variable should be declared as string type if
an Alphanumeric screen is used, or numeric type (i.e. Double) if a Numeric screen is used.
value_ = new value to be assigned to the variable through the "numeric pad" and
"alphanumeric pad" command. When Movicon loads the screen, the"value_"variable is set to
The "value_" variable should be declared as string type if an Alphanumeric screen is used, or
numeric type (i.e. Double) if a Numeric screen is used.
minValue_ = the minimum value which the variable may obtain. When Movicon opens the
Screen the local minValue_ variable minValue_ is set with the same value in the Pad's open
command "Min. Value" field. No error message will be generated when this limit is
exceeded but when the Screen is closed the value will not be transferred to the variable.
The minValue_ variable must be declared numeric type (eg. Double)
maxValue_ = the maximum value that the variable may obtain. When Movicon opens the
Screen the local mxValue_ variable is set with the same value in the Pad's open command's
"Max. Value" field. No error message will be generated when this limit is exceeded but when
the screen closed the value will not be transferred to the variable. The maxValue_ variable
must be declared numeric type (eg. Double)
maxChars_ = maximum number of characters that the variable may obtain. When Movicon
opens the Screen the local maxChars_ variable is set with the same value in the Pad's open
command's "Max. Chars" field. No error messages are generated when this limit is
exceeded but when the screen closes the value will not be transferred to the variable. The
maxChars_ variable must be declared numeric type (eg. Word)
title_ = Pad title. When Movicon opens the Screen the local title_ variable is set with the
name of the variable to be modified. The title_ variable must be declared string type
isPassword_ = this variable is set at 1 when the Alphanumeric screen is called from a
password entry window. This allows the display to be set with the "Password" property and
therefore display text entries are protected. The isPassword_ variable must be declared
numeric or Bit type.
OK_ = this variable is needed in the screen's closing phase. If its value is different from
zero, the local value_ variable's value will be returned to the variable to be modified when
the screen is closed. If, however, its value is zero, the value of the variable to be modified
will remain unvaried when the screen is closed. The OK_ variable must be declared numeric
or Bit type
Local variables as described above should be created by the designer when
needed, respecting the proper syntax. If Templates from the Symbols
library are used, when the Template is added to a screen, the local
variables will be automatically created.
An error message will arise when editing a value out of range (such as numbers for
the numeric pad or figures for the alphanumeric pad). To customize the message's
text use the appropriate string ID described in the section "Change System

6.8. Screen Change commands based on

Screen IDs
You can insert commands for opening screens before or after the current screen open, based on a
map determined by the value of the "ID" property of each screen. Two commands, "Open Next
(open as normal next ID screen)" and "Open Prev. (open as normal prev. ID screen)" have been
provided for this purpose in the "Screen" Group from the Command List.
To insert a screen onto the scrolling map, it will need to have the ID value greater than zero. If the
ID is equal to zero, the screen will be excluded from this navigation. Normally the ID value is left at
zero for those screens to be excluded from the navigation such as those used inside objects as
Embedded Screens or TAB Groups (page footers or headers).
You must also take into account that these navigation commands do not have effect if
they are used when a screen is active with its ID set at zero. In addition to this, screens
will open in "Normal" mode only and not in "Modal" or "Frame" mode.


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These navigation commands are not supported outside the screen

For instance, they cannot be used from menus,
accelerators, event objects, schedulers, etc.
The screen map is based on the screens' IDs and created by Movicon the first time a command of
this type is executed. The screen pages are scrolled in sequence to their ID numbers. If the screen
IDs are modified or other screens are added or removed during application runtime, the map will
become obsolete and recreated again.
These screen navigation commands are also supported in Web Client and can be extended to child
project screens.
When a the screen with the lowest ID number is open, the "Open Prev."
command will not do anything. This also goes for the "Open Next"
command when the screen with the highest ID number is open.
Screens with the same ID number will be inserted on the list at random
only. This condition should be avoided and considered a planning error.

6.9. Screen Resize

In design phase, when the size of a screen is changed, setting the "Width" and "Height" properties,
Movicon will ask if the objects included in the screen should be resized keeping proportions. The
message is the following:
The screen is going to be resized. Do you want to scale up or down all the symbols in this
Answering "Yes" the objects will be proportionally resized and placed in order to adapt to new screen
size. Answering "No" the objects will keep their size and position and could be found out of the
screen if it has been reduced.

6.10. Customizing Comment Dialog

Movicon allows you to customize windows used for entering comments that open when a comment is
required for Tracing variables or acknowledging alarms. This can be done by creating Customized
panels using Movicon screens and symbols. This would entail creating a screen with an "Editable
Display" and a series of "Buttons". In order to be managed by Movicon instead of the one for
default, the screen must be inserted in the project's "Trace Comment Screen (Audit)" or "ACK
Comment Screen (Audit)" execution properties. In this way when the comment window is
requested, Movicon will open the customised screen instead of the one for default. This screen will
open in modal mode.
In addition to the two "Trace Comment Screen" or the "ACK Comment Screen' other local system
variables will be needed so that authentication procedures work correctly. The local variables are:
Comment Screen in variable trace:
Comment Screen in Alarm Acks:



The meanings of these variables are as follows:
title_ = indicates the name of the variable changing value, in cases with pads for comments
in the variable trace or text of an alarm to be acknowledged for the comment pad in the
CurrentValue_ = the variable's current value formatted using the variable's default format
is set with one.
Comment_ = String value containing the edited comment
ChangingValue_ = New value obtained by variable, formatted using the variable's default
format is set with one.
ChangingObject_ = String variable containing the name of the object changing variable
OK_ = This variable is needed when closing the screen. If its value is not set at zero, when
the screen is closed the local Comment variable value will be recorded on Database. When
set with the zero value, the comment value will not be recorded when the screen closes.
The OK_ variable is Bit type.
Help_ = Contains any alarm help strings
state_ = Indicates the alarm state
TimeOn_ = Alarm activation date and time formatted using the international settings.
TimeOff_ = Alarm deactivation date and time formatted using the international settings.
UseForAll_ = Option for using comments for All alarm ACKs
The above described variables must be created by the programmer when
needed respecting the syntax exactly. In cases where Templates are used
from the Movicon Symbol library, the local variables will be created
automatically when inserting the Template on screen.

6.11. Screen Navigation Editor

The Screen Navigation Editor resource allows you to
manage screen navigation graphically and intuitively.
By using the "Screen Navigation Editor" resource you can define screen navigation graphically. This
means that you can create screen connections that will automatically convert into a navigation bar to
display in the different screens during runtime.
This is done by creating a navigation map using an editor specially for this purpose and which is
opened with a double-click on the "Screen Navigation Editor" resource from the "Project explorer"
window. This editor opens up with an empty screen within which you can create the screen
navigation map:


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An example of a "Screen Navigation" page.

Creating the Navigation Map

The "Screen Navigation Editor" resource will open as an empty screen that can be set with a
different back color, size etc., through its properties. "Embedded Screens" from the Toolbox are then
inserted in this screen by using the appropriate commands. Each embedded screen has two dots
known as Synapses one for Input ("In" green dot) and one for Output ("Out", light blue dot). The
associations of the Embedded Screens to be displayed are done through their properties. You can
create a navigation network by connecting the Embedded Screens to each other. For instance, if
you connect the "Screen1" Out Synapses to the "Screen2" In Synapses, "Screen1" will then be able
to provide commands, such as an open command, to open "Screen2" during runtime. During the
Runtime mode the navigation map is converted into a "Button Navigation Bar" and made available in
the screen opened at that moment. In the Button Bar, which will be generated for each screen, a
button will be made available for each out connection ("Out" Synapses) presented in the navigation
map of that screen. The name of the destination screen will be displayed in each bar button.
Once the "Screen Navigation Editor" window is opened , a toolbox will display with the tools needed
for creating the navigation map:

By using this toolbox you can select the following objects:

Pointer: this selection consents to restoring the mouse back to its original pointer image in order to
select the various objects on screen.
Screen: this selection consents to adding an Embedded Screen on the page. The Embedded Screen
will already have an "In" and "Out" Synapses and once inserted a window will open for selecting a
Screen to associate to the object. The Embedded Screen will display the Screen's static image but
you can change the associated Screen through the object's properties later. After having inserted
the object the mouse pointer will be automatically restored and therefore you will need to select the
command from the toolbox again for inserting another object.
The drag&drop techniques can also be used for associating the Screen to the "Embedded Screen"
object in the Project Explorer Window even Screen belongs to a Child project.
Connector: this selection consents to connecting an "Out" Synapses to an "In" Synapses. In order
to do this you will need to click on the "Out" Synapses of one Embedded Screen (the pointer will



change image only when clicked on the right zone) and the click on the "" Synapses of another
Embedded Screen to connect them up. This procedure can then be repeated for all other
connections desired. To restore the pointer back to its original image you will need to select the
"Pointer" command from the Toolbox.
The navigation layout can be also be displayed in Runtime like any other screen page. In order to do
this you will need to insert a "Screen Command" set as a "Open Normal (screen change)" action,
and using "* Screen Navigation *" as the screen's name. This will allow you to get a graphical layout
of the screen navigation map to use in runtime for changing pages: a click on an embedded screen
on the map will open the screen it represents directly.
The screen navigation configuration set in the child project is used and not
the one set in the Parent project when opening child project screens.
Therefore different screen navigations are consented according the child
project context being navigated.
You can further customize the navigation button bar with other buttons by using the "Screen
Navigation Style Properties" which allows buttons to be added for going back to a previous screen or
to open the Startup Screen directly, etc.
The "Screen Navigation Toolbar" is also displayed in design mode in
screens inserted in the navigation editor allowing you to see which space is
available for inserting screens in beforehand. An uneditable grid area is
shown within the screens indicated as "Screen Navigation Toolbar".

6.11.1. Screen Navigation Style Properties

Some of the Screen Navigation bar parameters can be set through their style properties. This is done
by selecting and opening, if need be, the Screen Navigation Editor resource to access its properties
through the Movicon Properties Window and modify them.
Add Back Button
When enabled, this property consents a button to be added to the navigation bar for returning back
to the previous screen.
Back History Max Depth
This property is used for inserting the maximum number of screen that can be scrolled backwards
with the "Back" button (or by using the "Close" command from the Screen Command List without
specifying the screen's name).
Add Back to Startup Button
When enabled, this property consents a button to be added to the screen navigation bar for
returning to the main screen set as the project's "Startup Screen".
Assign Shortcuts
When enabled, this property allows a shortcut to be assigned automatically to the button inserted on
the navigation bar. The F1 to F4 keys will be used as the shortcuts in button used for loading new
screens, while the "backspace" key will be used for returning to a previous screen and the ESC key
for returning to the main screen. These shortcut keys are also displayed in brackets along side the
buttons' texts.
Back Button Text
The text to appear on the navigation bar's "Back button" is entered in this editbox. The default
text will be used if this field is left blank.
Startup Screen Button Text
The text to appear on the navigation bar's "Startup Screen button" . The default text will be used
if this field is left blank.
Button Size
The "Button Size" is described in the Drawing and Control "Style Objects Proprieties" section.
Align Buttons


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The "Align Buttons" is described in the Drawing and Control "Style Objects Proprieties"

6.12. Screen Properties

The Screens inserted into the "Screens" folder in the 'Project Explorer' window can be completely
customized in their properties. In order to this select and open the Screen required and then edit its
settings through the Movicon 'Properties Window'.

Screen Animations
Movicon manages animations in screens by using the timer notifications. For instance, blinking
alarms or blinking object background colors, are linked to this management executed with timers in
Movicon. There are two internal Movicon timers: the first timer controls the "fast" animations
(blinking alarms, fast blinking backgrounds, etc); the second one controls there other animations
(average or slow blinking backgrounds, etc). You can modify this timer management through the
screen's "General" properties.

6.12.1. Screen General Properties

The General properties are used for defining the Screen's sizes and the position and sizes of any
associated background files. In order to do this just select and open the Screen required and then
edit its settings through the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
When sizing the window on the Web Client side, the screens allocated on
the Server side will be sized in the way as requested by the WebClient
without controlling any maximum limits. This may be a problem for all
those platforms, especially for WinCE where memory is limited, and also in
Windows 32/64 bit left open to possible memory saturation on the Server
in uncontrolled cases. Therefore, four properties have been provided for
each screen on the WebClient side, described below, which consent you to
choose the screen's max size on the WebClient side and also the max size
of the packs sent by keeping them set at low values so that they are small
enough and optimal for reduced bandwidths.
This edit box is used for entering or modify the Screen name.

Movicon let's you define a ID number for the Screen window. The ID code can be read in word
format in the appropriated 'System Variables' when the Screen is active and an ID number can be
declared for each Screen window by specifying it in this edit box. This property mainly enables you
find out through the Movion logic and scripts which Screen window is active at a certain moment by
reading the value reported by the "System variable" "_SysVar_:ActiveScreen", and it also consents
you to load screens using the "_SysVar_:ScreenToLoad" and "_SysVar_:StrobeLoadScreen" system
variables. For further inmformation please read the paragraph relating to "System Variables".

The Screen's width in pixels, which it is to be displayed with, is entered in this edit box.
The Screen's height in pixels, which it is to be displayed with, is entered in this edit box.
Save Screen Image
This command saves the screen shot of the displayed screen in the "<Screen>_c.jpg" file within the
folder where the screen resource resides (usually in ..\ProjectName\RESOURCES\ProjectName\).
This image is exploited by the Tooltip which appears in design mode when the mouse lingers over



the screen resource. The Tooltip shows if the "GenTeral\ShowTooltipPreview" registry key has been
set to True (value '1').
Delete Screen Image
This command deletes the "<Screen>_c.jpg" file created with the "Save Screen Image" command.
NB: If the "General\ShowTooltipPreview" registry key has been set to True (value '1'), the Tooltip
gets created automatically each time the screen is opened and closed in edit mode while in the
design environment.
Expression Waiting Time
This time, expressed in milliseconds, allows screen graphical animations to be synchronized with the
any eventual handling of basic script expressions in the objects' properties instead of each single
variable. Normally graphical animation is the basic script expression management are not
synchronized with each other and therefore in cases where a certain variable had been used in a
number of basic script expressions of different screen objects, not all the objects involved would
update at the same time when this variable changed but one at a time. This is a default function
which is obtained by setting the "Expression Waiting time" property to the "0" value. When setting
this time higher than zero, for example 1 second (1000 value), when a variable value changes, the
graphics will not update until all the basic script expressions using this variable have been processed.
After the waiting time set in this property has expired, the graphics will however update even if
there are still basic script expressions pending.

Due to limited performance in Windows CE, this property works best with
not more than 10-15 expressions.
This property has practically no effect in Web Client based on the fact that
web pages are nevertheless updated gradually anyway.
Max. WebClient Width
This property sets the maximum screen width size when displaying in the WebClient. No sizing limit
will be enforced when leaving this value set at zero.
Max. WebClient Height
This property sets the maximum screen height size when displaying in the WebClient. No sizing limit
will be enforced when leaving this value set at zero.
Max. WebClient Packed Width
This property sets the maximum width size of the frames sent to the WebClient. No sizing limit will
be enforced when leaving this value set at zero.
Max. WebClient Packed Height
This property sets the maximum height size of the frames sent to the WebClient. No sizing limit will
be enforced when leaving this value set at zero.
Screen Alias Editor
The 'Screen Alias Editor' command opens the alias table relating to the screen. The Aliases defined
in the screen will then be used by screen objects in which the same Aliases have been inserted not
defined at object level.
For further information please refer to the paragraph entitled "Aliases in Objects".
WebClient Quality
This property allows you to set the quality percentage (1-100%) with which the screen will be sent
when first uploaded to Web Client. Leaving this property set at 100%, the screen will be sent with a
maximum resolution, based on the Server's settings, otherwise the screen's images will be of poorer
quality but faster to send. Once the first image has been sent at a lower resolution, the Server will
send the image with full resolution, but the animations and commands will already be active with
the first image. This setting may be very handy when a low band rate is being used for Server and
Client connections, for instance, using a modem where transmitting pages can be rather slow. In
this condition, a page can be loaded quicker at a lower resolution while being able to see what's on
screen which is then updated to the normal resolution immediately after loaded. This normal page
resolution update will be executed when sending three image portions in sequence, where the
update can be seen taking effect gradually and not all at once.
Fast Timer Tick Animation
This edit box is used for entering the time frequency in milliseconds to double-check the screen's
"fast" animations. This value does not changes the fast timer tick (default 500 milliseconds), it just


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changes the frequency with which these animations are double-checked. Therefore, this value
obtains a high precision in the timer ticks, regardless of the amount of resources being used.
Fast Timer Tick Loop
This edit box is used for entering the value which expressed the maximum number of animations
managed for each fast timer click, Each tick is executed with the frequency set in the "Fast Timer
Tick". By increasing this value you will get a graphic refresh of a large number of objects (for which
the timer is managed), regardless of the amount of resources being used. It may be necessary to
increase this value when the screen contains many objects animated with fast blinks which blink with
Slow Timer Tick Animation
This edit box is used for entering the frequency in milliseconds with which the screen's "average"
and "slow" timer tick is to be double-checked. This value does not change the average or slow timer
tick (default 1000 e 2000 milliseconds) but changes the frequency with which these animations are
controlled. Therefore, by reducing this value you will get higher precision in the timer, regardless on
the amount of resources being used.
Slow Timer Tick Loop
This edit box is used for entering the value which expresses the maximum number of animations
managed for each slow timer tick. Each tick is executed with the frequency set in the "Slow Timer
Tick" property. By increasing this value you will get a graphic refresh of a large amount of numbers
(for which the timer is managed) regardless of the amount of resources being used. It may be
necessary to increase this value when the screen contains many objects animated with average and
slow blinks which blink with synchronization.

6.12.2. Screen Style Properties

By using this Style property you can set the Screen's parameters. In order to do this you only have
to select the and open the required Screen and then edit its settings through the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
Keep Always in Memory
When activating this option, it will be impossible to close the Screen absolutely during project
processing which can only be reduced to an icon instead and made invisible so as not to create any
problems in displaying other open Screens on screen. As a consequence the window, even though
not displayed, will continue occupying memory and system resources with the advantage of being of
being rapidly displayed on screen when recalled. If this option is deactivated Movicon will destroy
(unload from memory) the Screen window when not active and reduced to an icon (therefore
becoming unusable) thus freeing memory space and improving resources in proportion to the
complexity and size of the destroyed Screen. This will, however, cause the Screen window to take
more time to display but nevertheless precious memory will be saved especially when many Screens
are being used.
The 'keep Always In Memory' option is not supported by Web Client and
therefore will have no effect when selecting it.
This functionality is managed in 'child projects' only when the "executable" property
has been enabled.
Screens checked with the 'Not Destroyable' option will NOT be
automatically loaded at project startup, but only when requested. After the
first loading they will continue to remain active in memory.
It is advised to enable this "Not Destroyable" option only when
effectively necessary. Usually this option is enabled for 'heavy' Screens
which may cause a slow down in page loading in Runtime. Another reason
for enabling this option would be when logic has been inserted into the
Screen that must remain running even when the page is not displayed.
Fit in Window
This property automatically adapts the Screen's size to fit into the window containing it, and
therefore the screen resolution set in the graphic card. As a consequence the vectorial drawings and



controls contained in the Screen will also be resized and therefore readapting the whole page
according to the screen's resolution.
Screen Colors Type
This property allows you to select a set of colours to be used for the screen. The colours set will be
used by the Server project to display the page locally and to update the page on a Web Client, if
Possible options are:

Use Device Default

Black and White
The 3D-look buttons should not be used in a screen where the "Black and
White" option is selected, since they will be displayed as completely black.

Enable Scrollbars
When activating this option box, the system will allow the lateral scrollbars to be displayed when the
drawing's size is bigger than the window's size. Otherwise the scrollbars will not be available in the
window even when the drawing is bigger than the window.
The Scroll bars are not supported in Windows CE. Screen scroll bars are
therefore not displayed in project run in Windows CE.
Show On MDI Tab
By activating this option box the Screen's MDI Tabs will be displayed during Runtime as well.
Show Synapses
By activating this option box the Screen's Synapses connectors will be displayed during Runtime as
Use Antialiasing
Screen " Antialiasing" properties reduce the 'step' effect of curved vector graphics in basic shapes
and pens displayed in Trends, as well as imported vector designs. When activating this option you
will noticeably see that curves or oblique lines in graphic designs will look more natural and
continuous than before. Antialiasing is also noticeable when the screen zoom is active.

The Antialiasing property is effective in Basic Shapes (except in the Text object), Trend or Data
Analysis pens,Symbols or Templates created with basic shapes and in imported metafiles (wmf).
Antialiasing has no effect on the other graphical objects (such as Buttons, Switches, Meters,
Advanced shapes).
This property is only managed when drawings have been set with solid backgrounds. It will be
ignored when objects have been set with gradients and/or fillings other than solid.
NB: the Antialiasing gives straight lines a slight fuzzy effect. In addition to
this, it is quite normal to find drawing sizes bigger by one pixel when the
'Use Antialiasing' option is enabled.
You cannot exploit libraries implemented with the Antialiasing option when using
systems with Windows CE OS where this option has no effect. In fact the "Use


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Antialiasing" property will not appear among the Screen Style properties when the
project platform has been set for "WinCE".
Static Object in Background
Enabling this option will activate "Static Object in Background" management for the screen provding
that this same option has also been enabled in the project's execution properties. For further
information about this feature please refer to the paragraph on "Handling Static Objects in Screens".

6.12.3. Screen Background Properties

By using the Background properties you can define the properties concerning the Screen window's
background. To do this just select and open the required Screen and then edit its settings through
the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Back Color
You may find it useful to set a different background colour to that proposed for default. Screen
backgrounds do not have to be made up of drawings: Movicon Screens can also be made up with
controls only (buttons, displays, graphics, etc), therefore the background need simply be a uniform
Background colors can be very useful when the Screen's drawing does not
measure up to the required sizes for the Screen window. Therefore by
using a background colour you can effectively hide the difference between
the window's borders.
Background Image
By using this dialog box you can associate a static image in BMP, JPG, GIF, WMF type, etc. as the
Screen's background. As an alternative to entering the path and name, you can select the file by
using the '...' browse command button found at the side of the edit box.
Pressing the "CRTL + (...)" keys consents to editing the selected
background image, by opening the predefined application associated to
that image in a new window.
Image X pos
This edit box is used for entering the X coordinates in pixels of the eventual background image's
position associated to the Screen window.
The coordinate refers to the position of the image's highest left corner in relation to the Screen's
highest left corner (being X0).
Image Y pos
This edit box is used for entering the Y coordinated in pixels of the eventual background image's
position associated to the Screen window.
The coordinate refers to the position of the image's highest left apex in relation to the Screen's
highest left apex (being X0).
Close Screen Delay
Delay in milliseconds before Movicon unloads the Screen from memory after changing pages. When
executing a change page with two Screens open in MDI mode, the one which is closed is only hidden
and will be destroyed after this time has been exceeded (unloaded from RAM). When the value is set
at '0' the Screen will be unloaded immediately and then the next screen will be loaded.
By using this selection you can set the background colour shades associated to the Screen. The
shades of colour can be selected from those proposed on the drop-down list (horizontal, vertical
shades etc).
The shades of colour are a combination of the 'Background Color' associated to the Screen and
the one selected from the 'Gradient Color' property.
The 'none' option means that no shades of colour have been associated to the Screen.
Gradient Color
By using this selection you can define the colour for the Screen's background gradient. The resulting
various shades of colour will be a combination of the 'Background Color' associated to the Screen
and the one selected from the 'Gradient Color' property.



Image Width
By using this edit box you can define the width in pixels with which the background associated to the
Screen is to be displayed. When using the '-1' value the image will be displayed with its default size,
otherwise the image will be resized according to the sizes set but with the possibility of losing its
graphical quality.
Image Height
By using this edit box you can define the height in pixels with which the background associated to
the Screen is to be displayed. When using the '-1' value the image will be displayed with its default
size, otherwise the image will be resized according to the sizes set but with the possibility of losing
its graphical quality.
Tile Image
If the associated file as background colour is the right size this selection permits the image to be
repeatedly displayed along side each other in the Screen until the whole area in the window is
Spawn Thread Execution
Each Screen processes the logics and tasks associated in the User Interface thread. When this option
is active, the Screen will execute in a separate thread, independently from other project threads.
This is handy to use when there are Screens containing significant logic or synapses processes. In
this case the logic processing will be executed in a separate thread without penalizing the graphic
interface, which nevertheless requires a greater commitment of the memory resources.
The 'Chart' object cannot be used in screens opened in a separate thread
(Screen 'Spawn Thread Execution' property). In cases contrary to this, the
'Chart9 object will not appear on screen and the following error message
will appear in the output window:
Failed to create chart. Make sure the object isn't inside a synoptic
with the separate thread option

Exclusive Write Access

Enabling this property, only the first user who get connected to the screen resource can have write
access to that screen. All other users who get connected can only open the screen but can not give
commands, like setting a variable value using a display, potentiometer, etc. or acting on button
commands like page change etc. This mode allows to avoid that simultaneous connections can write
the same variable. As an example, if in Server project a user has opened the "LayOut" screen, any
other WebClient user who get connected to the same screen could not have write access to that
screen. Vice-versa the rule is valid even if the WebClient user first accesses the screen. In this case
the local user of the Server project will not have write access to that screen. When a user opens a
screen already opened with exclusive access by another user, a warning message will appear, as
The screen 'ScreenName' cannot be opened with the exclusive Write Access
Subsequnet Users who access the screen protected with Exclusive Write Access will only be able to
activate command through a resource outside of the screen context such as: Menus, Shortcuts,
Basic Script, Event Objects, Alarms, etc.. This means that once entering a screen with Exclusive
Write Access, the user will have to use a command from the Menu or Shortcut in order to exit.
However, Web Client users who do not have these resources at their disposal will have to restart the
applet to reconnect to the project with a new session (and then try to re-access the screen with
Exclusive Write Access).

6.12.4. Screen Execution Properties

By using the Execution properties you can define the Screen's advanced functionalities. In order to
do this just select and open the Screen required and then edit its settings through the Movicon
'Properties Window'.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Layer Variable
If required by using this edit box you can select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB which
determines the number of display layers for the Screen's controls and symbols. If you want to
manage the layers, each Movicon drawing or symbol must be declared with the required level by
using the 'Layer' property from the control's or symbol's 'Properties Window'.
A Screen can have up to 32 layers. Therefore it is essential that the variable defining the number of
layers must be in DoubleWord (32 bit), keeping in mind that each single bit corresponds to the
displaying of the layer relating to that number, starting from zero bit which corresponds to the first
Activating one layer will not exclude another, which means that there can
be many levels active at the same time based on the bit set in the logic
state '1' in the associated variable. In addition to this, the 16 available
levels do not have any priority hierarchy over each other.
Public Source Container
The base Screen's name for the Public Symbols is entered in this dialog box. The Movicon controls
and symbols can infact be associated a 'Public Name'. When some symbols with the same 'Public
Name' have been inserted into the project, and one of these is present in the 'Public Symbols
Container', all the public symbols will be modified with the base symbol's properties, being the one
contained in the Screen specified in the 'Public Symbols Container' property, at the Runtime startup.
These modifications only take place in Runtime, therefore the symbols will resume their original
properties when returning back into planning mode.
Style Source Container
By using this property you can select a screen to use as a style source container. For further
information on how this property works please refer to "Style Sources in Symbols".
InUse Objects Manager
When enabling this property activates a management that puts 'Inuse' variables out of use (Not in
use) when the object they are being used in becomes INVISIBLE on screen for more than 5 seconds
(not editable) and as a consequence these variables will no longer be exchanged with the field and
not counted by the license. As soon as the object becomes visible again, its variables will return
back in use.
The object's variables will change to NOT in use when the object comes invisible due to one of the
following reasons:

Visibility management performed through object's "Animation - Visible" property

Visibility management performed through using "Screen Levels". In this case you must set
the object's "Visibility - Level" property
Visibility management performed through enabling the zoom factor (object's "Visibility Control Zoom" and "Visibility - Percent Zoom/Size" properties)
Visibility management performed through enabling scale factors (object's "Visibility - Control
Size" and "Visibility - Percent Zoom/Size" properties). In this case the object's "Animation Size" property should also be set appropriately
Visibility management performed through user " Access Levels". In this case the object's
"Access Levels- Read Access Levels" property should be set appropriately
Visibility management performed through object's "Visibility - Visible on Web Client" option
Visibility management performed through object's "Visibility - Visible on WinCE" option

Caution! Variables used in the "Animation - Visibility" and

"Animation - Size" properties remain always In Use even when
object is invisible. This is due to the obvious reason that once the
object has been made invisible by one of these properties, it can
return visible when the variable changes again.
The variables In use management is not performed for the "Animation Transparency" property.
If the object should become completely
transparent (associated variable value equal to zero) the variable should
remain in use because in this case it's the object's transparency that is
being managed and not its visibility.
All the object's variables are subject to being placed in NOT In Use when object is not visible. These
variables are those used in the following object's resouces:



variables used in the object's dynamic properties

variables used in the object's Command Lists
variables used in the object's IL logic
variables used in the object's script code
variables used in the object's script code's "Variable Events" . In this case the variable's
variation will not execute the associated event.

When the 'Inuse Objects Manage' is enabled, when no longer visible, some objects will obtain certain
behaviours in they way they work when their variables are Not in use. The objects involved and
their behaviours are as follows:

Button Objects: when a button becomes invisible, the timer that controls the "Impulsive"
or "Commands While Down" commands is terminated. This means that the command in
execution will be aborted.
Trend Object: when a Trend becomes invisible, the value recording facility in the Trend
buffer is stopped as well as the recording of data in any preset ".csv" files. This means that,
if the Trend is not connected to a DataLogger, no data will be recorded while the
objectremains invisible. When the Trend returns back to being visible, it will show data
recorded beforehand and commence adding new data as it is recorded. If the Trend has been
set to record on ".csv" file, the "Execution - Record on File" file, with the "Execution - Create
New File" property enabled, each time the Trend is made invisible the ".csv" file will close and
another one will be created when Trend returns back visible. This means that each time the
Trend returns to visible mode, its data buffer will result empty due to the fact that a new
".csv" file has just been created.

Global Container
Enabling this property permits the Screen's child objects be published in DOM format (Document
Object Model, XML).
Style Source Back Color
By enabling this property, the screen will inherit the back color of the active style source container.
For further information on how this property works see "Style Sources in Symbols".
Execute Synapse
When enabled this property activates the execution of any synapses logic upon Screen loading.
Synapses Cyclic Execution
When enabled this property activates the cyclic execution of any synapses logic when the Screen is
Max. Instances
This property, if set with a value higher than 1, opens more than one instances in Pop-Up mode in
the same screen. Once the set number of instances has been reached an error message in the log
system will be alerted. this message only appears when the maximum number of Pop-Up instances
set in the property is more that one, otherwise no error message will show and the screen already
opened will obtain focus.
Warning! Opening more than one instance in a screen may occur only when
the screen is opened using the "Open Frame (multi-monitor)" command.
Therefore, not more than one instance can be opened in the same window
such as Popup modals.
When the "Exclusive Write Access " property is enabled, only the first
screen instance will have write access denying access to all others. For
further information please refer to the chapter on "Screen Background
Opening a screen in more than one instance is NOT supported in Windows


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6.13. Associating Variable Script Events

to Screens
In addition to the standard events made available by Movicon (Click, DblClick, KeyDown, etc.)
customized events, associated to Movicon Real Time DB variable variations, can also be inserted into
the screen's Script Code. Practically, an event can be added to be executed whenever the selected
variable changes status. Therefore it is the programmer's task to insert the appropriate code into the
event's internal according to what is required. By inserting the event in this way it will be active and
processed only when the Screen is active, meaning when loaded in Ram.
Associating a Variable Script Event to a Screen can be done by selecting the Screen and activating
the 'Add New Variable Script Event' which can also be found in the 'Command' window of the 'Project

The request for a Variable Script Event association to a Screen will open up a further window
containing a list of the available Real Time DB variables. Once the variable has been selected the
new event will automatically be inserted in the Script Explorer window with the syntax



7. Cross Reference
The Movicon Cross Reference list can be applied to both
the project Variables and Screens and consents you to
find out where a Variable is being used or from where
the screen was opened.
Movicon consents you to generate a Cross Reference List applied both to the project variables and
screens. This functionality may be handy for quickly finding out in which resources or objects the
variables and screens are being used and can be useful for printouts and documentation.

7.1. Variable Cross Reference

The Cross Reference for variables allows you to single out the resources or objects which use specific
variables. To compile or update the variable Cross Reference you can use the "Compile Cross
Reference" command found in the Project Explorer's "Commands" pane or in the menu which
opens by right clicking on the Real Time DB resource. Once the Cross Reference has been compiled
a window will open within the workspace similar to the "List Variables Window", in extended form
containing both the variables already used in the project and those not yet used. The variables
already used are listed first on the list followed by all those not yet used with a question mark
symbol displayed at their side. When the window opens the nodes of the variables will be contracted
and when expanded will show references to objects or resources in which the variables are used.
The Cross Reference window can also be accessed by double clicking while pressing down SHIFT
key on "Variable List". However it is always possible to check where a variable has been used by
clicking on the "Variable Used in..." tree structure item provided for each variable in the "Variable
List" resource.

The variable Cross Reference has effect in all the project resources, even for those variables used in
Communication Drivers, therefore in both Stations and Tasks.


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In addition to this you can also compile Cross References for variables used in Basic Script codes on
condition that they are used directly without using the "GetVariableValue()" and "SetVariableValue()"
Once the Cross Reference window has been opened showing a variable that has been used in an
object contained in a screen, by double clicking on the link, this screen will open focusing on the
object in question, and the "Dynamic Property Explorer" window will open on the property to which
the variable has been associated.

7.2. Screen Cross Reference

The Cross Reference for screens allows you to single out the resources or objects containing
commands to open Screens. Unlike for Variables, a window does not display showing a Cross
Reference for Screens. Instead, you can view the cross references of each Screen by expanding the
"Screen Opened from..." tree item available for each Screen in the Project Explorer window. When
this item is expanded (click on "+" node), and the Cross Reference has not yet been generated, you
will be requested to compile and confirm the screen's cross reference which will then appear listed
under the "Screen Open from..." item. You will then be able find out which resource or object
contains a command to open the screen.

If the "Screen Opened from..." item expands (click on "+") already with a cross reference generated,
just update it by using the same command used for the variables "Compile Cross Reference"
which can be found either in the "Commands" pane at the bottom of the Project Explorer window, or
in a menu which opens by right clicking on the Real Time DB Resource.


8. Graphic Interface
This chapter introduces the different techniques that
can be used for creating graphic interfaces and drawing
in Screens
The Movicon Screen resources are elements through which man-machine graphic interfaces can be
created by using the drawing editor and graphic animation editing tools.
Movicon permits drawings to be created in two different ways: by using its own internal graphic
editor or by inserting drawings ((bmp, jpg, gif, wmf, emf, etc.). Both ways can be used when
working with graphics as they can co-exist together.
The Movicon Objects and Controls which can be inserted on screen are available from the "Objects
Window". These components can carry out different functions, from simple geometric shapes to
advanced controls for executing commands or displaying data.
The Movicon Objects and Controls are created in proprietary vectorial format and symbols can also
be created (composed of a number of different components) and associated with animation
properties. These formats can be exported or imported from Metafile (WMF, EMF) format.
Your own Movicon vectorial drawings can be saved in the "Symbols Library" and reused.

An example of a screen page using a background image

and a number of vectorial symbols taken from the Symbol


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

8.1. How to create Graphic Interfaces

Before going ahead with the animation procedures using the graphic objects and commands, it is
always a good idea to establish which type of graphic solution you want to use, even though by
choosing one solution does not mean the others cannot be used.
A 'classical' solution is usually to associate a static drawing file, such as a
screen background, and then insert graphic objects and commands on the
screen to be used for animating. These objects can naturally include the
Movicon vectorial symbols.
The static drawing can be built from a file in BMP, JPG, GIF format etc. or from a vectorial file in
WMF, EMF metafile format. The background drawing file can be graphically edited by using the
appropriate image editor such as the Windows 'PaintBrush'. These programs can be linked to the
Movicon "Tools Menu" so that they can be run straight away.
The background file constitutes the screen's static drawing, while animation is implemented by using
the Movicon object techniques, which will be superimposed onto the background drawing.
It is not compulsory for a screen to be associated with a background file as a static drawing. The
screen's graphic interface can also be created with just a drawing and the Movicon vectorial symbols.
The Movicon tools also permit you not to use any background drawings if you wish not to do so.
The drawing can be made up from lines, shapes or complex symbols which are already provided by
Movicon, some of which can be coloured, customized or animated by using some of the symbols' or
vectors' property windows.

Editing technique Synthesis

The editing techniques use as base the insertion of object or symbols by means of purposely
designed toolboxes or object libraries. Each single potentiality, function and property of each object
are described in detail in properties window relating to each specific graphic object.
The synthesis of the graphics editing techniques are provides below and will then be described in
detail for each single component.
The synthesis aim is to give you a general overall picture of the operations to be executed in created
Inserting objects into screens
This operations consists of taking out the desired object from the Toolbox and inserting it in the
point desired within the screen area.
After having inserted the object, it can then be sized and configured as pleased by using the object's
borders and properties.




The objects from the Toolbox include pre-built graphics such as buttons, selectors, sliders, meters,
gauges, etc.
In this case, according to the object inserted, you can set up a specific configuration by using the
properties relating to each object.

Movicon also has Symbols Library containing countless ready-made graphic symbols. The graphic
libraries can be displayed from the "View > Symbols" menu. The graphic libraries reduce time in
creating any type of graphical project for automation. A vast choice of graphic symbols (tanks,
pumps, valves, motors, etc) allow you to high graphical impact drawings with ease.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you can import external drawings or you can expand the
library even more by building your own custom graphic symbols.

Assigning variables to dynamic functions

After having inserted a symbol or an object, you can access its properties to configure it.
Configuring is done through the Properties Window, which can also be activated by simply doubleclicking on the object.


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To make drawing or symbol more dynamic you need to use its 'Animation Properties', where you can
assign variables for the graphical function desired along with other dynamic settings (ie. colors or
color changes, thresholds for fillings or visibility, etc.).
The variables can be selected through the "Tag Browser" window which allows you to select (or to
create directly) variables from the project's Variable List(Tags).

Assigning a variable (Tag) to a graphic object can be faster dragging the variable directly on the
selected object, using the "Drag&Drop"method.
Just select the variable from the Project variables list and drag it to the graphic objects, as shown in
the picture. If the object is a command-type object (i.e. a button, a potentiometer, etc.) the variable
will be directly assigned to it. If the object is a graphic symbol, you will be asked to select one of its
dynamic functions. You can specify more details (colours, thresholds, etc.) later, acting on the object

Assigning commands
The command type graphic objects (such as buttons, but in the same way for menus, accelerators,
events...) can be associated with one or more commands to be executed by clicking on the object.
In this case the command type window used for assigning commands can be displayed by
SHIFT+double clicking on the object, or by using the 'execution properties'.




For any further information on the editing techniques and the object properties, please refer to the
description on each object in this manual.

8.2. Graphic Editing Operations

Any drawing object inserted into the screen can be edited and handled according to the
options provided by the graphic editor. The drawing is entered into the screen after being
taken out from the library then by clicking the initial insertion point and releasing the
mouse key when having dragged it to the size desired.
The inserted object can be repositioned by simply selecting and dragging it with the mouse
to the new position.
To resize the object just click on one of the sizing points and drag it until the desired size
is reached. To introduce or modify a text directly in the drawing, just select the drawing
and click on it. The cursor, indicating the possibility to type the desired text, will appear.
When the text has been entered press ENTER or press ESC key to cancel operation. The
text entered will become the object's title and can be verified and modified through the
"Properties Window".

8.2.1. Tab Order

The order of insertion always determines the Tab order of the objects inserted in a screen window.
The Tab Order determines the sequence of selecting objects by using the TAB keys on the keyboard.
The TAB order can always be changed by using the "Tabulation Order... (CTRL+D)" command
from the Layout Menu or the CTRL+D keys on the keyboard.
The displayed order can be changed by clicking the mouse on the object repeatedly to get the order


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The object with the highest Tab order will also be the one with the
highest overlapping order. placed on top (at the forefront) of the
thelayer highest.

8.2.2. Overlap Order

The objects inserted on screen can be overlapped differently to the one they were inserted with.
To change the overlap order between the drawing object you need to use the commands from the
"Symbols Menu". These commands are used to change the objects' tabulation numbers. The
commands available are:

First: the selected object will be placed on the top layer in respect to the others
(foreground). Therefore its tab number will be the highest number
Last: the selected object will be placed at the back on the last layer (background) in respect
to all the others. Its tab number will therefore be the lowest number
Move Next: the selected object will be placed on top of the last layer. Its tab number will
increased by one. The previous object will acquire a lower layer to which it had before
Move Previous: the selected object is placed on the layer underneath the top one. Its tab
number will be decreased by one. The previous object will acquire a higher layer to which is
had before

8.2.3. Multi-Object Selections

When using elements within a synoptic, it may sometimes be convenient to select an area containing
a group of elements to modify their positions, alignments or sizes or select the Cut or Copy
To select a group of elements in a synoptic, use the Windows standard techniques:

Click with the mouse on the initial point of the area you wish to select. Hold down the left
button and move the mouse. A dashed extendible outline will appear to define the selected
area. Move the mouse until the required dimension is reached
The Symbols can be selected also by clicking with the mouse on each individual symbol while
holding down the CTRL key. The first symbol selected will be taken as reference

The commands you can use after having done a multi object selection are:


Click on an object from the multi-selection and set it as the reference object
Ctrl+Click on an object from the multi-selection to unselect that object
Ctrl+Click on an object not included in the multi-selection to add it to the multi-selection



The reference control in a symbol group is the one that shows the
delimitation border not transparent, but with solid black back color.

8.2.4. Accessible Properties with Multi-Selections

When multi-selecting objects of the same type you are given the possibility to modify their
"common" properties with one single command. When multi-selecting only the properties which can
be modified at the same time in the objects selected will remain visible in the Properties Window.
For instance, if you select more than one variable in the Real Time DB, the "Name" property will not
be displayed in the Properties Window because each variable should have a different name, but
other properties such as "Type", "Retentive Not Shared" etc., will display for you to modify.
furthermore, the Properties Window will be set with the values defined in the multi-selection's
reference object (please refer to "Multi-Object Selections").
Color Threshold and Image Threshold Animation Properties
When multi-selecting objects you can access and modify certain animation properties which include:
"Back Color Properties Animation" or "Edge Color - Dynamic Text Animation" or "Filling Properties
Animation" or "Images Properties Animation".
Color threshold lists can be accessed (for "Back Color", "Text-Edge color" and "Gradual Filling"
properties) and the images list (for "Dynamic Image" properties).
When multi-selecting objects and accessing one of the above mentioned animation properties, click
the button to the right to display the color list or image list edit window which will open showing the
list relating to the referenced object within the multi-selection (object will have highlighted edges).
When confirming edited list with OK, a message window will show asking for confirmation. If the
programmer confirms changes, the edited list will then be applied to all the multi-selected objects. If
not confirmed, changes made to list will not be applied to the objects in question.
Modifications to these properties can also be done by selecting the desired number of objects from
the "Project Explorer" window tree structure without having to open the screen.

8.2.5. Object Alignment Functions

The drawing objects inserted on screen can be can be exposed to the alignment and sizing functions
which refer to one object or a group of objects.
The alignment functions are available when selecting in sequence two or
more objects on screen by clicking the mouse with the CTRL key pressed
down. The first selected object will become the reference object, which
all the alignment or sizing commands will refer to. Once the group has
been selected, the reference object can be changed by clicking it.
The Alignment functions also allow selected objects to be aligned
according to their barycentres. This can be done by pressing the
"Shift" key and activating the command from the "Aligning Bar"
or "Layout Menu". The command always considers one central
barycentre for the selected objects.
The commands which can be used are available from the "Layout Menu" and in the "Aligning


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Alignment Objects

This command aligns the selected objects on the screen's left

hand side.


This command aligns the selected objects on the screen's right

hand side.


This command aligns the selected objects at the top of the



This command aligns the selected objects at the bottom of the


Centre Vert.

This command aligns the selected objects in the centre of the

screen vertically.

Centre Horiz.

This command aligns the selected objects in the centre screen


The object with the lowest Tab number will be used as the reference
object for aligning the other objects. The reference object's small
selection squares will be highlighted in a different colour in respect
to the other objects. Once the group of objects has been selected
you can change the reference object by clicking the one you desire.

Set Same

This command resizes the selected objects to the same width on



This command resizes the selected objects to the same height

on screen.


This command resizes the select objects with the same width
and height on screen.
The object with the lowest Tab number will be used as the reference
object for aligning the other objects. The reference object's small
selection squares will be highlighted in a different colour in respect to
the other objects. Once the group of objects has been selected you
can change the reference object by clicking the one you desire.

Center in Window


This command centers the selected objects vertically in the

screen area. When more than one object has been selected the
area occupied by the selected objects will be centered.
This command centers the selected objects horizontally in the
screen area. When more than one object has been selected the
area occupied by the selected objects will be centered.

8.2.6. Distribute Object Space

The "Distribute space between Objects..." function, from the Edit Menu, is one of the most
important tools. This graphic editing function aligns screen objects equally. In this way the symbols




will be positioned automatically by being subdivided and organized in rows and columns equally with
the possibility to preview the result.

The ' Distribute Object Space' automatically aligns the

symbols in rows and columns

To get this function working you must first select the group of objects you wish to align with the
usual standard techniques. After having done this you can then access the "Distribute space
between Objects..." command from the Edit Menu. A window will display for setting the following

Column Number: sets the number of columns in which the group of symbols are to be
Column Gap: sets the number of space pixels between the symbols and the set columns
Row Gap: sets the number of space pixels between the symbols for the set rows

You can get a preview of how these settings will look like, by using the Apply button which will
distribute the objects immediately.

8.2.7. Find and Replace symbol

When a screen is opened in edit mode in the workspace, the "Edit" menu includes two commands,
"Find Symbol..." and "Replace Symbol...". They can be used to find if a variable is associated to one
or more screen objects and, if required, to replace the variable in the objects with another one.
Find Symbol...
This command will open the following dialog window:


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The command permits to establish if a variable has been used in animation properties for objects
added to the screen currently open in edit mode. The fields in the above windows have the following
"Find": type in this filed the name of the variable to seek in Animation properties or in objects' Basic
Script code. The drop down list includes the texts already searched before. Clicking on the ellipse
button "... " on the right of the drop down list, the Tags Browser dialog is open, showing the
project's variables list.
Object name:if this check-box is selected, the text typed in the "Find" field will also be searched in
the "Object Name" screen objects property. This way you can search an object name instead of the
variables used in it (in this case the text in the "Find" filed can be not a variable name).
Dynamic Action: in this options group you should define which object properties will be searched
in. You can select all Dynamic Action properties or just some, you can also extend the search to the
objects' Basic Script code selecting the "Script Code" option.
You can limit the search only to those properties selected with the check boxes by selecting the
'Only' option. When selecting the "All" option, a search will be made for all the animation properties,
regardless of being checked or unchecked, and also for the "Dragging" properties.
"Find" button: this command starts the search. When an object containing the search text is found,
the search is stopped and the object is selected. Clicking the "Find" button again the search will
restart until the next object (if any) is found.
The variables search in the Dynamic Animation properties is executed only
among the enabled Animation properties. As an example, if a variable has
been associated to the "Variable" field of the "Dynamic-Visible" property of
an object , but the "Enable Visibility" property is not set,the "Find"
command will not include in the search the "Dynamic-Visible" property of
that object.
When the search is executed in the Basic Script code, the text typed in
the "Find " field is searched in the whole script. This means that any word
or part of a word containing the text typed in the "Find " field will be
found, being a variable name or not.
Replace Symbol...
This command will open the following dialog window:




The command permits to establish if a variable has been used in animation properties for objects
added to the screen currently open in edit mode and to replace it with a different variable. The
dialog window include the fields already described for the "Find" command, moreover some
additional fields are present:
"Replace": type here the name of the variable to be used for replacement. The drop down list
includes the texts already searched before. Clicking on the ellipse button "... " on the right of the
drop down list, the Tags Browser dialog is open, showing the project's variables list.
"Replace" button: this command executes the replacement of the searched variable with the new
variable specified in "Replace" field. You should first execute the "Find" command, and, as soon as
an object containing the searched text is found, the search is stopped and the object is selected. At
this point, pressing the "Replace" button, the found variable is replaced with the new variable, for
the selected object only
"Replace all" button: this command executes the replacement of the variable specified in the
"Find" field with the variable specified in "Replace" field. In this case you should not execute any
search since the replacement is executed in all screen objects.

8.2.8. Importing/Exporting Vectorial drawings

The Movicon graphic editor has to be proprietary type due to its intrinsic graphic animating objects
However, in upholding the system's philosophy of openness, you are guaranteed the possibility of
importing or exporting vectorial graphic images with the Movicon graphic editor.
For instance, you can import drawings in Windows' metafile format (WMF, EMF) created by any
vectorial graphic editor. Once imported into a Movicon screen these drawings can be edited and
configured in their graphic and animation properties offered by the system.
It is likewise possible to export Movicon drawing objects in one of the above listed formats, thus
making them available to other vectorial graphic editors.
To export a Movicon drawing object you need to select it, then access the "Export Drawings..."
command from the Edit Menu or Drawing Menu. The path and name desired then need to be
specified in the standard window for saving files.
To import a WMF or EMF drawing on screen, you need to use the "Import Drawing..." command
from the Edit Menu or the Drawing Menu. By using the appropriate window you then need to select
the file name desired. The file will be converted and made available on screen as a Movicon object.
The Zoom Factor will be requested before importing on screen, i.e. the factor for resizing the original


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

drawing. If you wish to keep the original sizes confirm with OK or otherwise specify the conversion
factor desired.
The command for importing/exporting Windows Meta File (WMF) or Enhanced MetaFile (emf) images
within a screen also supports the possibility to import/export vector images that contain Bitmap
definitions in addition to other primitive functions from the Windows design.
Vectorial image definitions that have areas set to be deleted/cut
from the rest of the drawing will not be imported or exported
correctly. Movicon does not support this type of operation in its
primitive drawing functions.
When the window for importing drawings is opened using the "Edit -> Import drawing" command,
you can set sizes in percentages or physical sizes in pixels of the object to be imported. The
percentage limit is 1-500 which will alert and error when exceeded.
Sizes in percentages update automatically upon modification. The object's original sizes will be
restored when passing from selection to size settings and returning back to selection in percentages.

8.2.9. Embedding Images in Symbols

This symbol function allows images to be embedded in symbols which have been linked to the
symbol through the 'Fill Attributes' Group's "Image" property. The image or images will then be
saved together with the symbol and the use of the image file will no longer be needed. The
command for embedding the image can be found on the menu which appears by clicking the symbol
with the mouse's right button:

If you execute the "Unembed" command the image file will be recreated by Movicon in the same
path and with the same name it was embedded with. However, the original file path must still be in
existence otherwise Movicon will create an error message.
Embedded symbol images are not supported in Windows CE platforms.

8.2.10. Locking-UnLocking Objects

The Lock function is very handy thing for the programmer to have.
By using the Lock command, which is activated with the right mouse key, on the point where the
object drawing is on screen will block any changes made with the mouse but not those done with the
keyboard's direction arrows.
This utility can be exploited to avoid any accidental movements being made to the object on screen.
When the mouse pointer enters in the proximity of a locked symbol or object, a cursor in the form of
a lock will appear along side it to show they have been locked.

Re-click with the right mouse key on the lock command to unlock the object.




8.2.11. Colour Selection

It is a general rule to set or select colours during the development of a Movicon project.
The colours can be set through the 'Properties Window" of all those objects and resources
which are provided with this possibility. The color settings are activated by using the
purpose built button from the "Properties Window" (the button showing a down arrow,
placed on the right side of the property field) of the object or resource.
Movicon, in this case, will automatically display a popup window split in three tabs:


"Palette" tab. It shows the standard colours palette, where the 48 basic colours are
represented. You can define 16 persistent custom colours right clicking on one of the squares
of the last two rows, by default representing 16 white squares. Placing the mouse cursor on a
palette square, a tooltip will appear showing the RGB colour code (being R, G and B decimal
numbers ranging from 0 to 255).
"Name" tab. It shows a colours list specifying each colour name.
"System" tab. It shows the system's colours list.
Windows system colours are tightly linked to the operating system. This
means that the same colours may be displayed differently based on the
operating system used. Furthermore the system colour sets may also differ
according the operating system being used (i.e. in Windows CE the number
of system colours is less than those used in the Windows 32/64 bit
platform). It is for this reason that we advise you against using the
Windows system colours and to use the standard Palette colours instead to
avoid colours changing in projects according to the machine they are being
run on.

When defining a new custom colour, right clicking on one of the squares of the last two rows of the
"Palette" tab, a dialog window is open, showing two tabs. The first tab allows to select a colour
among the standard colours, the second tab permits a complete colour customization, even typing
the RGB colour code directly, as shown in the image below.


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By using the "Select..." button in the window you can select a colour from the screen. When the
button is pressed, the mouse pointer will change to a 'dropper' which draws up the color it is clicked
When the colour has been selected, it is saved in the object properties, using the colour name (if it is
a standard colour) and the RGB code (3 pairs of hexadecimal numbers rrggbb, where rr=red
component , gg=green component, bb=blue component). For instance, when selecting a standard
yellow, the object property will show a yellow square and the "Yellow (ffff00)" string .
When pressing the "Custom" button in the Palette tab, a dialog window will show allowing you to
customize colours and when closing this window the selected colour will automatically be set in the
object's properties without being added to the 16 customizable colours.

Default Colours
Some project objects and resources have "Color" properties which also come with a 'Default' value
(or "Automatic"). Once the default value has been modified it can be reset by keeping the "Control"
(CTRL) key pressed down while opening the 'Colours' selection window with the mouse.

8.3. Editing Symbol Graphics

The Movicon vectorial drawings allow you to enter drawing objects which can be treated as static
objects, dynamic objects or vectors can be grouped together and treated as one single object.
These sets of vectors, grouped together in one single object, are called Symbols.
The Movicon Symbols can be edited and saved freely in an appropriate vectorial "Symbols
Library", which will be linked to the installed system in the folder:
"..\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\....\symbols"
The Movicon vectorial symbols have *.msxz extensions.




Movicon has a vast library of pre-built vectorial symbols, subdivided into categories, to which the
programmer can use to realize his/her own graphical interface in the screens. These libraries can be
enlarged with new modified and customized symbols.

The images show a selection of a group of drawing

elements. A group of drawings or symbols can be selected
to create a new symbol, using the "Create Symbol"
command available right clicking on it. This way the
drawing objects group becomes a symbol which can be
saved into the library. The symbol structure can be seen
and selected from both the combo box in the symbol
properties window (see first picture above) and the
synoptic resource in the "Project Explorer" window (see
second picture above).The symbol structure components
list allows to select and associate the graphic commands to
each single element.
The command for graphically editing symbols can be accessed from the "Symbols Menu" or by
right mouse clicking on the Symbol item.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

8.3.1. Commands for Creating Symbols

Creating Movicon Symbols is done by using the commands available from the "Symbols Menu" or
by using right mouse key:

This command is made available when a vector or a group of vectors (drawing objects) is selected.
To select a group of vectors you need to click on a point outside the group and drag the selection
until all the desired vectors are enclosed. As an alternative you can click all the vectors singularly
while keeping the CTRL key pressed down. This command is activated after having selected the
group of vectors to create one object thus a Symbol. This symbol can then be added to the Symbols
library as described below.
This command is made available when a symbol is selected. This command, when executed,
ungroups the symbol back to the original group of vectors which form it. The vectors are restored
with their original sizes.
This command allows you to put the previously ungrouped symbol back together, without altering
any links or names assigned beforehand. This function works when the symbol is a Power Template
and uses the Basic Script functionality for linking the symbol's objects. The regrouping restores these
links without altering the functions of the symbol before is was ungrouped. Symbol regrouping is
supported up to the first grouping of symbols, any symbols added after and then ungrouped will not
be regrouped together at the same time with the first grouped symbols, but after by using the
regroup command again.
Add to library
This command allows you to enter the selected symbol into the "Symbols Library". A selection
window will appear when activating this command to choose the desired category.
The commands relating to the "Symbols Library" are described in the appropriate sections.
Keep aspect ratio
This command allows you to restore the symbol to its original size. This command works when the
symbol has been resized differently from its original sizes.


Vertical: sets the selected symbol at a vertical size in direct ratio to the horizontal size.
Horizontal: sets the symbol at a horizontal size in direct ratio to the vertical size.



8.4. Templates: Dynamic Symbols

Movicon allows you to use a technology which has been designed to simplify and decrease the time
needed to building applications: the Power Template technology. This philosophy allows the
programmer to independently create his own objects, configure basic alarms, " type" recipes, Trends
and Data Loggers.
After being configured as required, each symbol group can be saved in the Symbol Library by
applying the "Template" concept. Each Template symbol can be inserted in an appropriate symbol
category or in a new category created by the user.
This concept is the basis of the modern programming techniques to re-use and exploit previously
created symbols in order to avoid having to go through the whole process again to create another

The Power Template technology allows Movicon to retain settings, animations,

functionalities and any basic scripts associated to the symbols.

When symbols are inserted on screen or in the project, Movicon will propose the automatic insertion
of the variables associated to them with a default name and address. Therefore, those functions
needed can be maintained and updated where necessary.
This is intended to save you a great deal of time in having to access and configure all the resources
involved which can now be updated and managed completely in automatic.
Each single property set for each symbol or object will become part of the
Template and saved in the symbol or object in the library. The symbols
will maintain each animation feature or each VBA script and can be saved
and used as a Template.

8.5. Creating or Editing Symbols

New symbols can be created and added to libraries or already existing symbols in the library can be
edited and customized.
In order to create a new symbol, you need to proceed as follows:

Design the symbol by inserting the various objects used for building vector components, until
you get the graphical effect desired
Select the whole group of vectors by clicking on a point outside of the symbol and drag the
selection to include all the vectors
At this point, activate the 'Symbol - Group' command from the 'Symbols menu' or
activate the same command with the right mouse key

The symbol has now been created and is ready to be inserted into the library by using the
appropriate command.
An existing symbol can be edited after it has been entered on screen, by selecting it and then
activating the 'Symbol - Ungroup' command from the 'Symbols Menu'.
This will return the symbol back to its original form with its vectors ungrouped where each one can
be edited as pleased.


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A symbol, being a collection of drawing objects, is identified in a tree structure which shows a list of
the parts it is built with.
The tree structure of each symbol can be displayed in the 'Project Explorer' window. The example
above illustrates a symbol structure.
When double-clicking on one of the symbol's components in the 'Project Explorer' window, the
symbol will highlight the corresponding component on screen so that it can be identified straight
The symbols can also be modified without having to decompose the symbol if involving the
properties of already existing components. A composed symbol can be modified through its
components by simply selecting the drawing which must be edited from the 'Project Explorer'
window. By doing this the Movicon 'Properties Window' will be updated with the property of each
component, which then can be edited. It is also to select a symbol's component by keeping the
"CTRL" key pressed down and left mouse key clicking on the component. In this case the component
will turn completely black and the Properties Window will show all its properties.
If the symbol is to be changed graphically, for instance drawings must be added or taken away, the
only solution is to decompose the symbol and then recreate it.

Resizing Symbols
Grouped symbols can be resized according to their original proportions. By clicking on one of the
symbol's one-way directional sizing dots while keeping the "shift" key pressed down, the group will
resize but will retain their original proportions.

8.5.1. Inserting Symbols into the Library

You can add new symbols to the Movicon vectorial "Symbols Library", to meet any kind of
customizing requirement you may have. Before inserting the symbol into the library you have to first
create it by using the various vectors (lines or geometric shapes created with the Movicon graphic
editing toolbox) which used together will compose the drawing of the symbol:


After having created the symbol, select the set of vectors with which it has been composed
with and active the 'Symbol - Group' from the Symbols Menu or by using the right mouse
key. This operation will combine the set of vectors into one single vectorial. Use the 'Symbol
- Ungroup' to undo this operation.




After having created the symbol, activate the 'Symbol - Add to Library' command from the
Drawing menu or use the right mouse key to add it to the vectorial symbol library. By doing
this a window will appear for selecting the category to which the symbol will be associated.
Select the symbol category desired, then insert the symbol by activating the 'Insert
Template' button. If you wish to create a new Symbol category, activate the 'New Library'
command in the "Symbols Library" window.
The Symbol Library can also host symbols containing Active X
object inside.

8.5.2. Inserting Symbols on Screen

To insert a graphic symbol in the screen you need to activate "Symbols Library" with the 'Symbol
Libraries' command from the View Menu.
Next select desired category and select the template among those presented then press the 'Insert
Template' button found on the window's right border. You can also drag your chosen symbol from
the library directly to the point desired on the screen (Drag & Drop). After having insert the symbol
on screen you can then size it as pleased by dragging its borders or position it to the point desired.
The following message may appear when inserting a Template:

This message means that the selected Template is not supported on the WinCE platform. This
control is carried out by Movicon when in the following conditions:

The "Visible on CE Platform" option has been disabled in the Symbol's "Visibility" property
The "Windows CE" platform has been selected in the project's "Platform" properties.

When these two conditions are eminent, it means that the template is not enabled to function on
WinCE and that the project where the template is being edited is destined for the WinCE platform.
Therefore, it would not make sense to insert the Template in that project.

8.5.3. Script Code Editing

The "Dynamic Property Inspector" window is a very powerful tool used for quickly editing
Template script codes and is accessed by clicking the right mouse key on the Template.
This command opens a dialog window where a series of Tabs are presented at the top. Each one of
these represents each single component composing the symbol, while the variables and script codes
associated to the selected component are displayed in the center of the window.
This tool can be used for keeping an eye on and quickly editing the variables used in the drawing
and also the script codes contained within them.
The symbol's component's code can also be edited by selecting it from the "Project Explorer"
window and then opening the "Script Explorer" window.

8.5.4. Variables inside Symbols

When a symbol is exported to the "Symbols Library", Movicon will also automatically export the
variables which have been associated to the symbol. In this case Movicon will memorize the variable


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

name and its data format. When the Movicon Real Time DB variables have been used in the symbol's
or one of the component's basic script codes, the name of these variables must be written between
two '#' chars. This is because Movicon has be able to distinguish which are the Movicon variables
and which are the local variables within the basic.
Eg: GetVariableValue("#namevariable#")
This particular syntax is only done when the symbol has to be exported to the Library. A scrip code
with the syntax, as shown above, cannot be executed and generates an error.
The Real Time DB variables in basic codes are not directly made visible by
Movicon during the exporting of Symbols into the Library phase. They must
be enclosed between two '#' characters before exporting the Symbol.
When a template is inserted on screen, its variables will be created as local screen
variables by keeping the SHIFT key pressed down. If the SHIFT key is not pressed down
the variables will be created as global variables in the Real Time DB.

8.5.5. Images inside Symbols

When the Symbol to be exported to the "Symbols Library" contains an image that must be also
exported together with it, this image must be embedded within the symbol after which Movicon will
automatically embed all other images not all ready done so. Images can also be embedded by right
mouse clicking on the symbol and then selecting the "image > Embed" item from pop-up menu.
When an image is embedded in a symbol it will get save together with the symbol. As a
consequence, when using the same symbol more than once on screen more memory will be used.
Therefore, it would be best to unembed images from symbols, above all when the one same image
is used by several symbols. When inserting templates in screens you can use the dropping code
"OnUnembedImage" event, which consents the template images to be unembeded when inserted on

8.5.6. Dropping Template Code

Movicon provides you with the possibility to edit basic routines which are to be executed when
inserting Templates on Screen. Events will be made available internal these routines and
automatically executed by Movicon while the Template is being inserted. These events are:


You can access this basic code from the "Symbols Library" by opening the "Dynamic Property
Inspector" window of the Symbol in question. By opening the "Dynamic Property Inspector" of
any one of the Templates within the Library, the Dropping Code tab will appear as the first item in
the symbol's list of components. When selecting this item, where the variables and codes of each of
the Symbol's components normally appear, the script code will appear, being the event routines
listed above. Code can be inserted within in these routines in order to customize the Template. This
functionality is very handy for setting the static properties of symbols. This can be done by using
the Prop() function from the DrawCmdTarget Interface to set those static properties concerned
in the symbol. When these properties are set then inserting the Template using the code contained
in the Dropping Code, they will remain permanent in the symbol when saved together with that
symbols characteristics, thus becoming the symbols unaccessible constants that cannot be changed
throught the symbol's properties.
The Dropping Code is useful for customizing Templates being inserted from the Library.
Once the Templates has been inserted onto the screen you can Drop Code by "Shift + DoubleClicking" on the Template or by using the "Open..." button in the Template's Properties Window.
This will allow you to modify the Template's properties later on as well.




OnCustomizeSimbol() Event
This event is executed when the Dropping Code is called, therefore while a Template is being
inserted on Screen from the Symbol Library or by "Shift + Double-Clicking" on the Template after it
has been inserted on Screen.
This event has the following declaration:
Sub OnCustomizeSymbol(bRet As Boolean, bShowPropInsp As Boolean, bCreateVariables
As Boolean)
End Sub
This event's parameters are:


bRet as boolean

When set at False, the Template insertion operation will

be cancelled (default = True)





When set at False, the 'Dynamic Explorer Property'

window will not display after the symbol has been
When set at False, the Template's variables will not be
inserted in the Real Time DB (default = True)

Event OnVariableCreating()
This event is called each time a variable must be added to the project when a symbol is being
inserted. In this way you can executed controls more accurately on variables which must be inserted
with the template. This event has the following declaration:
Sub OnVariableCreating(bRet As Boolean, VariableName As String, bCreateLocal As
End Sub
The parameters of this event are:


bRet as boolean

When set at False, it cancels the operation to insert the

variable (default = True).





Contains the name of the variable to be added to the

project. The value of this parameter can be changed. In
this way a variable will be inserted with a new name
inserted. When the variable identified by the
"VariableName" parameter already exists, then a new
variable will be added with the same name but with a
progressive final number.
When set at True, the variable will be created locally to
the screen. (default = False. When the symbol is
inserted with the shift pressed: default = True).

OnVariableCreated() Event
This event is executed each time a variable is created in the project while a symbol is being inserted.
By using this event you can modify the properties (only those in read/write) of variables which are
added to the project while a Template is being inserted.
This event has the following declaration:
Sub OnVariableCreated(VariableName As String, bCreateLocal As Boolean)
End Sub
The parameters of this event are:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E





Contains the name of the variable which has been

created in the project.



When the parameter's valued is True this means that the

variable has been created as a local screen variable,
otherwise when False this means that the variable has
been created in the RealTime DB.

OnUnembedImage() Event
This event is executed each time an image is detected while inserting symbols. You can use this
event to decide whether to keep image embedded in symbol or unembed it and create the relative
This event has the following declaration:
Sub OnUnembedImage(bRet As Boolean, ImageName As String, bOverwrite As Boolean)
End Sub
This event's parameters are:




bRet as Boolean

Permits you to choose whether to unembed the image or

not to (default = 'false'). When setting this parameter to
'false', all other parameter will be ignored.
Should contain the name of the image file. The file name
can be modified is image is to be saved with a different
name. In cases where the new name is left without an
extension the original file will be taken.
Permits you to choose whether to overwrite image
already on disk or not to (default 'true').





9. Multitouch
The Multi-touch feature is supported by Movicon starting from the Movicon 11.4 version.
The multi-touch is formatted in two parts, the hardward (a touch screen which recognizes
multitouching simultaneously) and the operating system which recognizes points being touched and
interprets them. When the software senses more than one touch gesture at the same time on the
screen, it provides user interaction with project functions with intuitive gestures based on those
frequently used in modern mobile devices such as table and smartphone to improve HMI system use
experience. In addition, Movicon supports the Multi-touch feature for multipoint tapping whereby
two command objects can be tapped contemporarily which is handy for systems that need to ensure
safety where both the user's hands must be present on the screen at startup or when activating
particular commands.

A striking aspect about this technology is that the screen area can be
expanded or reduced in size by using two fingers to pinch to zoom in and
out. This technique is much easier to use than those that use one point
zooming in/out with a mouse device or pen symbol.
The Multi Touch Gestures supported in Movicon 11.4 are described below:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Pinch Open
This movement performs the 'zoom in' technique to
enlarge the screen according to the gesture speed
rate property in the project's 'Gestures' properties.
Note: This function is not compatible with the
screen's 'Fit in window' function and will not work if
this option has been enabled.
A double press of your finger on
the screen (double-tap) The
synoptic return to its original size

Pinch Close
This gesture performs the zoom out function
reducing the screen according to the to the gesture
speed rate property in the project's 'Gestures'
This gesture is not compatible
with the screen's 'Fit in Window'
property option therefore this
option must be disabled in order
for this gesture to have effect on
A double press of your finger on
the screen (double-tap) The
synoptic return to its original size

This gesture is used for moving and dragging the
area of previously enlarged screen within the size of
the window (normally after having executed the
zoom function).



This gesture is used for scrolling the displayed area
vertically to view those parts that cannot be seen
within the window. This gesture is particularly
handy to use in item lists or data tables for scrolling
data fast or slowly analogous to conventional side
scroll bars.

This gesture is used for scrolling the displayed area
horizontally to view those parts that cannot be seen
within the window. This gesture is particularly
handy to use in item lists or data tables for scrolling
data fast or slowly analogous to conventional side
scroll bars.

Touching two different command Objects at

the same time.
The multitouch system may require that two
objects with different commands be touched at the
same time. In this case, the system allows the
individual commands of the two objects to be
executed at the same time upon being pressed.
This type of command has its own specific screen
property with which the system does
not interpret the gesture message above but only
executes the command upon being
pressed and not when released.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The Multitouch feature requires hardware with the touch screen facility with
multitouch and Window Windows 7 or Windows 8 OS support.
This feature is not currently available for Windows CE (at work).
However Movicon allows the "Gestures" support feature to be enabled for
conventional touch screen system (one touch at a time only) as described below.
In this case, the gesture support will be limited to changing pages only.
The Flick gesture used in multitouch systems (from right to left and viceversa) allows you to change
pages of screens, whose IDs have been defined with a logical sequence (General Properties > ID), in
the most natural way.

9.1. Gestuality for non multitouch

Movicon provides a Gesture function for performing operations by dragging the mouse, such as
changing pages or scrolling display window lists, during runtime. These operations can be
performed in touch screen systems using fingers and in non touch screen systems where operations
can be performed by dragging the mouse while keeping left button pressed down. The Gesture
function can be activated with the project's "Enable Gestures" property. The type of Gesture
movements supported are as follows:

right to left movement

left to right movement

In touch screen systems movements are done by tapping and pressing the monitor with a finger or a
touch screen pen and dragging in one direction or the other. In non touch screen systems, these
movements are done by clicking left mouse button and keeping it pressed to drag in the same way.
Gestuality can be applied to Screens for changing pages or to display windows for scrolling lists.
Gestuality in Screens
Two types of operations can be performed by using gestures in screens: change pages and scroll
pages when scroll bar is active. The fact that one operation is performed rather than another,
considering both movements are the same, depends on the speed with which the movement is
carried out. The movement used for changing pages is quite fast and precise, whereas the scrolling
movement is slower. Below are a list of commands which have been provided according to
movement type used:

right to left movement: a "fast" movement will change page to the next one. The page
that will load will be the one which has an ID following on from active window's ID. Therefore
this command works only if screens have each been given an unique ID in succession that is
not zero. A "slow" movement will scroll page towards the right but this will only work with
the screen's horizontal scroll bar displayed.
left to right movement: a "fast"movement will change page to the previous one. The
page that will load will be the one which has an ID previous to the active window's ID.
Therefore this command works only if screens have each been given an unique ID in
succession that is not zero. A "slow" movement will scroll page towards the left but this will
only work with the screen's horizontal scroll bar displayed.

In order for screen gestuality to work correctly, a portion of the screen

must be left free from objects in order to receive focus. For example, the
gestures will not work if objects like Displays, Buttons, Display windows
and generally any object that can execute commands and receive focus.
Gestuality will work in Static and animated objects, such as rectangles with
animated background color, and zones populated with any object when



Gestuality in Window Objects

By using Gestuality in Display Window type objects, such as the Historical Log Window, Data Logger
Window etc., lists can be scrolled fast and slowly. This naturally will only work if the scroll bars have
been enabled to allow scrolling of this kind. What counts in operations like this counts is how fast or
slow the scrolling movement is performed. Fast scrolling requires a quick and sharp gesture which is
the opposite required for slow scrolling. The commands used for these types of guestures are:

right to left movement: this movement scrolls lists towards the right. This only works if the
horizontal scroll bar is displayed in the window to allow scrolling.
left to right movement: this movement scrolls lists towards the left. This only works if the
horizontal scroll bar is displayed in the window to allow scrolling.
top to bottom movement: this movement scrolls lists towards the top. This only works if
the vertical scroll bar is displayed in the window to allow scrolling.
bottom to top movement: this movement scrolls lists towards the bottom top. This only
works if the vertical scroll bar is displayed in the window to allow scrolling.

Gesture Speed Rate

Gesture sensitivity/Gesture Speed Rate allows you to customize the system's response to performed
movements. For instance, a Display window scroll movement can be more or less slower depending
on the rate set. The higher the value set, the faster the scroll will be. The Gesture speed rate can be
set in value percentages, from 0% to 100%, using the "Gesture Speed Rate" property. In this case,
the set percentage will be applied in respect to the absolute speed rate that can be set in the
appropriated "MaxGestureSpeedRate" registry key. The default value is 200, but it may be necessary
to change it due to the fact that this parameter may have a different rate value according to the
device being used, above all in Windows CE panels.
Multitouch - Zoom management in Development and Runtime mode
You can zoom in and out by scrolling the multitouch screen with two figures if the project's Gestures
property has been enabled. This can be done during both in runtime and development mode.
The "Gesture speed rate" value from the project's Gestures settings allows you to define zooming
accuracy: the higher the value the more accurate and refined the zoom will perform according to the
multitouch display hardware being used.

9.2. Gestures Properties

This property group allows you set the project's Gesture operations.
To modify the Gesture settings, select the project name with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
Enable Gestures
This property allows you to enable the project's Gesture functions. For further information please
refer to the section on "Gestuality in Projects".
Gesture Speed Rate
This property is used for setting the gesture speed rate value percentage from 0% to 100%. For
further information please refer to the section on "Gestuality in Projects".
Enable Multitouch Screen
This property is available in the screen properties and must be set only when the screen has to
manage tapping two different objects at the same time. In this case Movicon will no longer manage
the gesture interpretation messages, but only the execution of the two commands when pressed at
the same time.
However in this case, the pinch & zoom and panning gestures cannot be used in this screen because
they are not compatible with the double tapping objects gesture.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


10. Draws and Objects

10.1. Drawings and Controls on Screen
The objects which can be inserted into screens are all
vectorial type objects and all their properties can be
configured and modified.
The Movicon Controls and Objects which can be inserted in to Screens are available from the
"Objects Window". These components can carry out different functions, from simple geometric
shapes to advanced controls for command execution or displaying data.
The Movicon Objects and Controls are created in proprietary vectorial format, and symbols
(composed of more components) can also be created and animation properties associated to them.
This format can be exported or imported from the Metafile format (WMF,EMF).
Even though various components carry out different functionalities, some of their
properties, in particular all the properties concerning graphic animations, are the same
for all and are available for each object.

Deleting Objects from Screens

When an object or symbol, to which variables have been associated (ie. in their "Variables" or
"Animations" properties) is removed from the screen a message window will open showing this text:
Some Variables (Tag) were used by the deleted object. Do you want to check or
select them now?

When confirming with "Yes" the "List Variables (Tags) resource will open in the Project Explorer
window with the interested variables highlighted (selected). At this point the programmer can
decide which to delete or keep the variables as they are.

10.1.1. Tooltips in Controls

Each control that can be inserted on screen shows a Tooltip for default when the mouse pointer is
positioned on it. This Tootip appears both in the project development and Runtime modes. During
the Runtime mode this Tooltip shows information inherent to any variable associated to the object
(name, value, quality, etc.). However, in development mode, the tooltip shows a list of variables
associated to the object (if any) along with some information inherent to the object itself, such as
how to access the object's properties etc. For instance, in the Trend object the tooltip explains how
to add pens and so forth.
The tooltip can be disabled from displaying in Rumtime by simply disabling the "Show Dynamic
Tooltip" property from each objects' 'General' property group. The Tooltip will always remain active
in development mode.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

10.2. Basic Shapes

The Movicon basic shapes which can be inserted on screen can be selected from the "Objects
Window". These components are mainly simple geometric shapes which can be graphically
The objects available in this class are as follows:
This object is a simple vectorial line. After activating the command, click on any point you wish the
line to start from, then drag the mouse until you reach the point you wish to end the line with.
By doing this you should finish with a straight line whose style can be configured in the "Properties
Window". Its position can be changed by re-selecting it and dragging with the mouse as please. To
change its sizes, select one end and drag it with the mouse until you get the size desired.
This object represents a vectorial square or rectangle shape. After activating the command, click on
any point corresponding to the top left corner for rectangles, then drag the mouse until you get the
size desired. You can then configure the rectangle's style by using the "Properties Window". You can
change its position by re-selecting it and dragging it to the new point desired. To change its size,
just select the small squares on its borders and drag to the new size desired.
Rounded Rectangle
This object represents a vectorial square or rectangle shape with rounded corners. After activating
the command, click on any point corresponding to the top left corner for rectangles, then drag the
mouse until you get the size desired. You can then configure the rectangle's style by using the
"Properties Window". You can change its position by re-selecting it and dragging it to the new point
desired. To change its size, just select the small squares on its borders and drag to the new size
This object represents a circular or elliptic vectorial shape. After activating the command, click on the
desired point corresponding to the top left quadrant for circular shapes, then drag it with the mouse
until you reach the point desired. You can then configure its style through the "Property Windows".
Its position can be changed by re-selecting and dragging it to the position desired with the mouse.
To change its sizes, just select the small squares on its border and drag it to the size desired with the
This object represents a geometric shape made up of lines. After activating the command, click on
the point desired and, by moving the mouse, each time a click is made a vertex will be added to the
polygon. Movicon will create a vectorial geometric shape with lines by forming together all the
vertexes which have been set. The start and end points will always be automatically connected
together by a vertex line.
When the ESC key is pressed to terminate the drawing procedures, the last vertex proposed by
Movicon will be kept even though not executed with a click.
When the ENTER key is pressed to terminate the drawing procedures, only the vertexes confirmed
with the mouse click will be kept and not the last one proposed by Movicon.
To add joints to the polygon you will need to keep the ALT key pressed down while clicking on the
line where you want the joint to be added.
To remove the joints from the polygon, keep the ALT key pressed down while clicking on the joint to
After this has been done you can configure its style through its "Properties Window". You can change
its on screen position by selecting it and dragging it to where you please with the mouse.





To change its shape or sizes, select the small squares which represent the polygon's vertexes and
drag them with the mouse until you get the new shape desired.
This object represents a geometric shape made up with a series of contiguous straight vectorial lines.
After activating the command, click on the point desired and mouse it with the mouse. Every time
you click a vertex will be added to the object where the cursor is positioned. Movicon will create a
geometric vectorial shape made from contiguous lines of the vertexes which were set. The start and
end points will not be connected together.
When the ESC key is pressed to terminate the drawing procedures, the last vertex proposed by
Movicon will be kept even though not executed with a click.
When the ENTER key is pressed to terminate the drawing procedures, only the vertexes confirmed
with the mouse click will be kept and not the last one proposed by Movicon.
After this has been done you can configure its style through its "Properties Window". You can change
its on-screen position by selecting and dragging it to where you please with the mouse.
To change its shape or sizes, select the small squares which represent the Polyline's vertexes and
drag them with the mouse until you get the new shape desired.
This object is an extension of the "Polyline" object. This object performs a graphics rendering by
toning down the background colour with the "Text and Edge" colour. In addition to this, its "Border
Width" is set at 25 for default to give it a pipe appearance.
The 'Pipe' object does not support "Gradual filling" animation. However the
background colour can be modified, for example, to show liquid passing through
within it.
This object represents a geometric shape made up with a series of contiguous curved vectorial lines.
The curve is formed by two intersections between the start and start point. After activating the
command, click on the point desired and mouse it with the mouse. Every time you click a vertex will
be added to the object where the cursor is positioned. Movicon will create a geometric vectorial
shape made from contiguous lines of the vertexes which were set. The start and end points will not
be connected together.
When the ESC key is pressed to terminate the drawing procedures, the last vertex proposed by
Movicon will be kept even though not executed with a click.
When the ENTER key is pressed to terminate the drawing procedures, only the vertexes confirmed
with the mouse click will be kept and not the last one proposed by Movicon.
The Polybezier must be composed of four points, one start point, two
intersection points and an end point.
After this has been done you can configure its style through its "Properties Window". You can change
its on-screen position by selecting and dragging it to where you please with the mouse.
To change the curved corner, select the small squares outside the curve and drag it with the mouse
until you get the shape desired.
To change the start or end point, select and drag the small squares place at both ends of the curve.
Closed Polybezier
This object is a "Polybezier" object added with a "Close Figure" option in its style property group set
to true for default. This option closes the "Polybezier" object with a straight line uniting the first
point with the last point. This will allow you to set backgrounds in the Polybezier object which
otherwise would have been possible before.
This option also allows you to set closed "Polybezier" vector objects contained in metafiles (.emf)
enhanced format files.

This object represents a semicircular or semi-elliptic vectorial line. After activating the command,
click on the point desired and drag it with the mouse until you reach the end point desired. You can
then configure its style through the "Property windows.
To change the curve, select the small filled in squares on the border and drag them with the mouse
until you get the size and arc desired.
To change the arc's start or end point, select and drag the corresponding small empty squares along
the border.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This object represents a portion of a vectorial semicircle or elliptic. After command activation, click
on the point desired, then drag the mouse until you reach the end point desired. Movicon will unite
both ends of the circle portion with a straight line after which its style can be configured through its
"Properties Window". You can change its position by selecting and dragging it to a another position.
To change its curve angle, select the filled in small squares on the border and drag them with the
mouse until you get the size and angle desired.
To change cords's start and end point, select and drag the small empty squares placed inside the

This object represents a portion of a vectorial semicircle or elliptic. After command activation, click
on the point desired, then drag the mouse until you reach the end point desired. Movicon will unite
both ends of the circle with the centre of the ellipse you have drawn. After this you can configure its
style through the "Properties Window". You can change its position by selecting and dragging it to a
another position.
To change its curve angle, select the filled in small squares on the border and drag them with the
mouse until you get the size and angle desired.
To change cords's start and end point, select and drag the small empty squares placed inside the

This object represents a text object. After command activation, click on the point desired and drag it
until you reach the end point desired. Movicon will display a default text inside which you can
replace, along with the font, after you have activated its "Properties Window".
The Text object's properties allow you to set it with a fixed size or to make it adaptable to the
object's sizes.
You can change its position by selection and dragging it with the mouse to another position.
You change it object's sizes, by selecting and dragging the small squares on its borders with the
mouse until you reach the size desired.
This object represents a vectorial square shape. This shape is originally a "Rectangle" with its
"Preserve Aspect Ratio" enabled so that when it is resized it will always keep its sides in
proportion to form a square and not a rectangle.
This object represents a vectorial circle shape. This shape is originally an "Ellipse" object with its
"Preserve Aspect Ratio" properties enabled so that when its is resized it will always keep
its circle shape and not the shape of an ellipse.

10.3. Object Editing Command Shortcuts

This paragraph is a detailed summary on a list of all the commands which are used to speed up
graphic interface editing operations.
You may find that some of these commands are not part of your daily use of this product even
though indicated in the descriptions of each single object. The detailed list in this recap will give you
a better idea on how to use of these shortcuts to the full in order to perform your tasks quicker.


The Drag & Drop technique, a standard widely used in Windows, permits you to drag and drop
objects or resources to different locations according to the task one has been set with.
This technique has been used in Movicon to allow you to obtain associations between variables, Data
Logger,Schedulers and objects, and object quickly, as well as the usual dragging of objects and
resource to modify the project structure.



DRAG & DROP Variable operations


To assign a variable to an object without going through

the object's properties manually, Just drag & drop the




Hot Region

variable (click and keep the mouse key pressed down on

the desired variable in the "Variable List" from the Project
Explorer and drag it to the location desired and then drop
it by releasing mouse key) onto an object on screen.
The variable assigned in this way will become the
object's reference variable.


Dragging a variable (Tag) or a multi-variable selection,

from the Variable List resource directly into a Trend will
assign variable/s to object.
The drag & drop works in the same way as above, but in
Trend/Data Analysis objects all existing pens are removed
and others are created in the same number as variables
To keep pens you don't want to delete keep the CTRL key
pressed down while dragging the new variable.


DRAG & DROP Data Logger operations


You only need to drag&drop a Data Logger (click and

keep mouse key pressed down on the Data Logger, from
the Data Logger and Recipes' resource in the Project
Explorer, and drag it) on to an object on screen to assign
it to that object, saving you time in having to do it
manually through the object's properties.
The Data Logger assigned in this way will become
the object's reference Data Logger.


DRAG & DROP Data Logger column operations

Data Analysis

Moving a Data Logger column to a screen's Data Analysis

object is simply done by using the Drag&Drop techniques
(click mouse and keep pressed on Data Logger column
from the "Data Logger & recipe" resource in the Project
Explorer window" then drag it to object). When dropped
in the Data Analysis a new pen will created in which the
variable set in the Data Logger column will be associated
and the same Data Logger will be used as the pen's
referenced Data Logger.
Dragging and Dropping Data Logger columns works in the
way used for variables, where any already existing pens
will remain when keeping pressed the CTRL key during
the dragging phase of new columns or otherwise deleted
to be replaced by new pens according to the number of
columns dropped.


DRAG & DROP Scheduler Operations


You only need to drag&drop a Scheduler (click and keep

mouse key pressed down on the Scheduler, from the
'Scheduler Object List' resource in the Project Explorer,
and drag it) on to an object on screen to assign it to that
object, saving you time in having to do it manually
through the object's properties.
The Scheduler assigned in this way will become the
object's reference scheduler.

You can also create new objects on screen associating them directly to the variable dragged on
screen. In order to do this you need to:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


select the object you wish to create from the toolbox (eg. Display)
select the desired variable from the Project Explorer's Variable List
Drag and drop the variable to an empty area in the screen
release the mouse key and Movicon will create the object and assign the variable
During the Drag & Drop operations the mouse icon will change
image. If the resource is dragged onto an object that cannot be
assigned with that resource, the mouse icon will change to the 'no
entry' symbol. For example, this will happen when trying to drag a
Data Logger onto a "Button" object.

if a variable is dragged onto an object and the object itself has no specific property for variable
assignment, a dialog window is open in order to select the object's animation property to assign the
variable to:

If a variable is dragged onto a composed symbol, keeping the "SHIFT" key pressed will cause the
variable to be assigned to the container object (that is, to the symbol itself), otherwise the variable is
assigned to the symbol component where the mouse cursor is placed.
Drag & Drop into Templates

DRAG & DROP operation


Dragging and dropping an Alarm object (from the

project's Alarms resource) on a variable will assign the
alarm to the variable as a template.

Data Loggers

Dragging and dropping a Data Logger object (from the

project's DataLogger/Recipe resource) on a variable will
assign it to the variable as a template.


Dragging and dropping an Event object (from the

project's Event object resource) on a variable will assign
it to the variable as a template.


Some of the Movicon Objects and Controls that can be inserted into Screens, available in the
"Objects Window", can be configured through the supplementary setting windows as well as the
"Properties Windows". To access these setting windows you need to:


Press the Shift key and double left mouse click on the object (Shift+DblClick)
Press the "General" group's "Open" button in the object's "Properties Window"




Click on the small circle which appears on top right of the object when selected

This table shows the setting window which will open according to the control selected:




The "Command List" settings window is open where a

list of commands to be executed can be associated to
the control.


Chart's configuration window is opened.


The Trend/Data Analysis Pen Configurations window is



The window for selecting the 'data source DSN to be

associated to the grid is opened.

Alarm Window

The "Field Choice" window is opened for setting the

columns to be displayed in the Alarm Window.



The "Field Choice" window is opened for setting the

columns to be displayed in the Historical Log Window.


The "Field Choice" window is opened for setting the

columns to be displayed in the DataLogger/Recipe

DB Trace Window

The "Field Choice" window is opened for setting the

columns to be displayed in the DB Trace Window.

Embedded Screen

A window opens for selecting the Screen to be

associated to the object.
Caution: for Embedded Screens clicking on the small
circle which appears on the top right of the object will
activate the open command in the workspace of the
screen associated to the object.

"Dynamic Properties Explorer"window

The "SHIFT + Click" command on the small circle appearing on the top-right corner of the selected
object opens the "Dynamic Property Inspector" window of the symbol itself.


A very quick way for setting the object's main settings is to use the simplified properties POP-UP
Window of an object. This window only contains the main properties without displaying the whole list
of properties.
To activate this window you need to double click while keeping the Shift and CTRL keys pressed
down or click on the object's top right corner. To deactivate this window just click on any point of the
If you use this window, you will simplify and speedup your routine work. the listed properties have
been further simplified and reduce in respect to those in the "Easy Mode" according to the
description in the initial paragraph relating to "Properties Windows".


The CTRL+double click command activated the explorer window of an object's VBA script.

Open applications using the "Browse File" button

Object properties which allow file names to be entered using the "Browse File" (...) button, such as
image files or an object configuration file, permit you to use this same button (...) to launch any


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

application associated to the file extension. This can be done by simply clicking on the browse button
while keeping the "CTRL" key pressed down. For instance, Screen Background Image properties
permit you to select a background image. If you choose a "bmp"image, and this extension is
associated to a "MS Paint application when pressing the CRTL key while clicking the (...) button will
open the "MS Paint" application with the "bmp" image in edit mode in a new window. This
mechanism will only work if a file has already been selected in the object's property and the file's
extension has been associated to an application. The application window can be opened in minimize
mode. The properties which have been equipped with this kind of function are:

Screens: Background - Background image

Drawings and Symbols: Background - Static Image
Button Objects: Background - Released Button Image, Pressed Button Image, Selected
Button Image
Grid Objects: Execution - Text File
Drawings and Symbols: Execution - Configuration File

The ALT+F5 quick command activates the window for the "Distribute Object Space..." command.

Grouping Symbols
There are three shortcuts available for grouping, ungrouping and regrouping composed symbols.
These commands are:
Ctrl+Shift++: Shortcut for symbol grouping
Ctrl+Shift+-: Shortcut for ungroup a symbol
Ctrl+Shift+*: Shortcut for regrouping a symbol

10.4. Data Formats

Some fields displayed in the project allow data formats according to their needs. You can select a
format from those listed below according to the control or data type to be displayed:

Predefined Movicon Formats

The different types of predefined Movicon formats are:
"x", "xx", "xxx", "xxxx", "xxxxx": where the x number identifies the minimum integer
figure to be displayed, independently form the value. Zeros are added before the number to
reach the figure chosen.
"x.x", "x.xx", "x.xxx", "x.xxxx", "x.xxxxx": where the x number after the decimal point
indicates the number of decimal figures to be displayed
"x,xx" ,"x,xxx", "x,xx.x", "x,xx.xx", "x,xx.xxx", "x,xxx.x", "x,xxx.xx", "x,xxx.xxx":
where the comma puts figures into groups. For example you can have groups of thousands,
hundreds, etc.
When using the "x.x" decimal figure format its meaning changes according to variable type whether
being "integer" or "floating point". When being an "integer" number, the value can be displayed as a
decimal (divided by 10,100,etc.), but only for "Display", "Meter", "Trend" and "Data Analysis type
objects. For all the other objects, such as Basic Shapes, Charts, etc., just add the same number of
"0"s as there are "x" after the dot, leaving the displayed numeric value unaltered. When being a
"floating point" number, the selected decimal numbers will be displayed and the last figure will be
rounded off based on the non displayed remaining figures.
Some objects/functions also support the option to group figures such as the the thousands. The
format are the ones that use the comma (x,xx, x,xxx). These formats are not support by the
following objects/functions:


Editable Displays
Meter Scales




"Text - Show Value" Animations

Numeric Pad (called from display or from button)
Variable Watch Window
Dynamic Object Tooltip
Trace Comment Window (Audit Trail)
Write/Reading values in RealTime ODBC
Recipe Manager Object

You also can add the desired measures to the predefined Movicon formats. This is done by simply
adding a space and then the text desired after the format (i.e. "x.xx mm", "x,xxx.x Kg", etc.).
Example 1
If you want to display a value formatted with three figures, select the "xxx" Format. The result will
be according to how the variable's value is:
Variable Value

Value Displayed

Example 2
If you want to display a value formatted with two decimal figures, select the "x.xx" Format. The
result will be according to how the variable's value is:
Variable Integer Value in
Meters, Trend, Data Analysis displays

Value Displayed






Variable Integer Value in other objects (Basic Shapes,

charts, etc.)

Value Displayed




Variable Float Value

Value Displayed



When using formats with decimal figures applied to integer Variables, only
their display and not their contents can be edited. In practise divisions of 10,
100, etc., is only for graphical displaying purposes and does not influence
the real value of the variable in any way.
Example 3
If you wish to display a value formatted with a decimal figure and groups of hundreds, select the
"x,xx.x" format. The resulted will depend on the value and the variable type:
Integer Variable Value in displays Meters, Trend, Data
Analysis displays

Displayed Value

Integer Variable Values in other objects (Basic Shapes,

charts, etc.)

Displayed Value

Float Variable Value


Displayed Value




M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Formats for Numerical values and strings

The type of syntax supported for doing custom formats is as follows:
%[flags][width][.precision][{h | l | L}] type
Each field of the above syntax is a single character or a number indicating a certain option of the
selected format. The most simple formats contain only the percent sign and a character indicating
the type (eg. %s). The optional fields, which appear before each character indicating the type,
control the other aspects of the format. If the per cent sign is followed by a character that has not
meaning as a format character, it will get inserted in the output string. For instance, in order to print
the "%" you will need to write "%%".

Controls the presence of the sign, spaces, decimal characters, hexadecimal or octal or prefixes:
+: the sign is put in front of the value (+ o -). Only the - sign is returned for default.
0: When the field width is preceded by "0", the "0" characters are used for reaching the number of
characters requested
#: when used with the "0", "x" or "X" formats, the "0", "0x" or "0X" prefixes are put in front
respectively; when used with the "e", "E" or "f" formats it forces the presence of the decimal
character no matter what; when used with the "g" or "G" formats it forces the presence of the
decimal character without cutting off the initial zero


An integer signed value indicates the minimum number of characters to be printed. When the
characters to be printed are lower than the number specified, spaces are added until the value
provided is reached. When the width value is preceded by "0", the "0" characters are used instead
of the spaces.


An integer signed value preceded by the point (.) indicates the number of characters after the
decimal character for those formats with decimals or the number of figures to be printed for integer


indicates how to interpret the associated variable. The following formats are available:

d: integer decimal with sign

i: integer decimal with sign
o: integer octal without sign
u: integer decimal without sign
x: integer hexadecimal without sign. Uses the "abcdef" characters
X: integer hexadecimal without sign. Uses the "ABCDEF" characters
e,E: floating point with exponential sign "[-]d.dddd e [sign]ddd" where d is a decimal
figure of the vlaue, dddd are one or more decimal figures of the sign, ddd are exactly
three decimal of the exponent and "sign" is + or f: floating point with sign in the form of "[-]dddd.dddd" where dddd are on or more
decimals, based on the number's value and on the parameters set in the above mentioned
g: floating comma with sign in the form automatically selected between the "e" type and
"f" type based on the number value and precision requested
G: as for the "g" type only that it uses the "E" character instead of the "e" character (when
s,S: string

In front of the character indicating which type, if this data type allows it, you can put the "h", "l" or
"L" prefixes indicating:


h: short integer (default)

l,L: long interger




Formats in Hexadecimal are not supported by the "Display" object's "Value

Format" property. This format can only be managed in objects in read only,
using the "Text -Display Value' animation property. This animation
property can also be set in "Display" objects to display hexadecimal values,
but only when the variable has not been set as "Tag Display"and only in the
"Text -Display Value' animation property.

Formats for Date and Time values

The Date and Time values can be formatted using the following syntaxes:



Abbreviated name of Weekday


Complete name of Weekday


Abbreviated name of month


Complete name of month


Local Time and Date


Day of month expressed in numbers (01-31)


Time expressed in 24 hours ( (00-23)


Time expressed in 12 hours (01-12)


Day of year expressed in numbers (001-366)


Month expressed in numbers (01-12)


Minutes expressed in numbers (00-59)


A.M./P.M. indicator for 12 hr representation


Seconds expressed in numbers (00-59)


Weeks of the year expressed in numbers, with Sunday as first

day of the week (00-53)


Days of the Week expressed in numbers (0-6; Sunday = 0)


Weeks of the year expressed in numbers, with Monday as first

day of the week (00-53)


Local date


Local time


Year expressed in numbers without specifying century



Year with century expressed in numbers.


Time difference abbreviated or in full


Percentage sign



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The '#' character can be used for further modifying some formats to get the following results:


The "#" character has no meaning to these formats and

therefore will be ignored


Local date and time in full format.

Example: "Friday, August 06, 2004, 08:48:55"


Local time represented in full format.

Example: "Friday, August 06, 2004"
The "#" character in these formats deletes any zeros
preceding figures.
Example: "05" becomes "5"

%#y, %#Y

10.4.1. Symbol Configuration Files

Each control or composed symbol, that can be inserted on screen, may be associated with a
Configuration File to save their settings in order to be reactivated in both the design/programming or
Runtime phases. The file will be saved in XML format with the ".sxml" extension for default. Some
execution properties have been provided for each control in order to setup its Configuration File:

Ext. File Settings

Generate Unique File name
If you do not specify the extension when entering a Configuration File
name, it will be saved with the "sxml" extension (or "tsxml" for Trends)
for default by Movicon. However, you can assign a different extension if
inserted together with the file name.

The Configuration File settings are loaded in design mode with the "Load" command, but are loaded
automatically when screens are loaded in Runtime mode.
Only some of the settings saved on file are restored when using the "Load" command (in design
mode) or when screens are being loaded (in Runtime mode). Mostly all the properties are restored
except those regarding the object's positions (Position X, Position Y, Width, Height).
To avoid XML files sizes being too big, many of the properties are saved only if different from their
default values.
Properties which don't get saved in the "sxml" file are those which have a default
value, and therefore will not be restored when the file gets loaded. For instance,
when a "sxml" file is saved with some properties that still have their default values,
which afterwards are changed and reloaded before the file is saved again, the
default values for these properties will not be restored.
To display the restored properties in design mode using the "Load" command in
the properties window, you will need to deselect and reselect the object.
During the Runtime phase you can save and restore configurations using the "SaveExtSettings",
"LoadExtSettings" and "ExtSettingsFile" basic script functions.





While loading the Configuration File, the Trend will search for it in the
"DATA" folder, then in the "RESOURCES" folder if not found. This only
happens for the Trend object and only when the file name without the
whole path has been entered in the "Configuration File" property.
Symbol size and position settings are never loaded while the
Configuration File is being loaded and remains with its original
settings. The Configuration File can be loaded using the "Load"
command in design or runtime mode if the "Auto Load File Settings"
has been enabled or by using the "LoadExtSettings" function.

10.4.2. Object Default Settings File

Movicon consents the programmer to customize those Objects contained in the "ToolBox Window"
allowing the programmer to modify characteristics of simple Objects without having to create
completely new symbols and adding them to the Symbol Library. This can be done by creating a
"ObjectName.defxml" file depending on the object type and ".defxml" extension, containing the
default settings for the object in question. Once you have done this, every time you insert one of
these objects on screen from the Toolbox, it will already have the settings predefined in its file.
These files contain tags and attributes specifically for the objects in question and have the same
format with which the object is defined with on screen. The opening tag must be <default>.
For instance, the "64_Object.defxml" file shown below will be the one used by Movicon when a
"Rectangle", is inserted on screen:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
stroke="syscolor(WINDOWTEXT SysColor)"
stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="round">rect</type>
<ExtFill fill="syscolor(WINDOW SysColor)">0</ExtFill>
<Name acr="4294901760"/>
<text font-family="Tahoma" font-size="8" text-anchor="middle" font-weight="400"
pf="34" f3D="0"/>
By using this file, the inserted "Rectangle" object will have a red background color according to the
modified "fill" tag. To create settings files for objects you can use this procedure as an example:

insert the desired object on the screen, the rectangle for instance, and modify the properties
of interest (ie. the border, char font, etc.)
select the object, right click on it to open textual menu and activate the "Create or Remove
Settings File Commands" command. This command will created the ".defxml" file for the
selected object which will be saved in the project's DATA folder with its name indicated in the
table as shown below

The created setting files must reside either in a specified project's "DATA" folder or in the Movicon
installation folder. Movicon will check for any existing ".defxml" files within the opened project's
"DATA" folder and if found will use it. Otherwise Movicon will check whether these files exist in the
Movicon installation folder.
In order to restore an object's original settings, just delete the ".defxml" file referring to the object.
To cancel the file contained in the "DATA" folder, use the "Create or Remove Settings File
Commands" command.
The initial code that is copied in the text editor would have been as follows:
stroke="syscolor(WINDOWTEXT SysColor)" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="butt"
<ExtFill gcolor="rgb(0,0,0)" Style="3" fill="syscolor(WINDOW SysColor)">0</ExtFill>
<Name acr="4294901760"/>


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

<text font-family="Tahoma" font-size="8" text-anchor="middle" font-weight="400"

pf="34" f3D="0"/>
In order to use as a settings file, the code would then be modified as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
stroke="syscolor(WINDOWTEXT SysColor)" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="butt"
<ExtFill gcolor="rgb(0,0,0)" Style="3" fill="syscolor(WINDOW SysColor)">0</ExtFill>
<Name acr="4294901760"/>
<text font-family="Tahoma" font-size="8" text-anchor="middle" font-weight="400"
pf="34" f3D="0"/>
Any created setting files must then either reside in the specific project "DATA" folder or in the
Movicon installation folder.
Modifications to the object's default sizes when being inserted on screen by the user have not been
provided for. Setting the "width" and "height" attributes from the ".defxml" file to value "0" will
cause the following behaviour when inserting the object on screen:

a simple mouse click on the screen will ad the object with the default sizes established by
the object can be resized by clicking and keeping mouse button pressed down to move the
object to the size desired with the arrow starting from 0x0.
The "width" and "height" attributes have been already set at zero in the
".defxml" files which Movicon Setup installs.

As already mentioned beforehand, the names of files will be different according to the object type,
and will not depend upon the Movicon installation language. In addition, you must take into
account that some objects, such as the Rectangle and the Text, take settings from the same file,
therefore the same customization will have effect on both objects.
The table below lists the name of files to be used for the different projects:



File Name








XY Trend



not provided
not provided




not provided







not provided








Tab Group





not provided


not provided


Trace DB
IP Camera





The names of the different components for "Button" objects are::



Switch A

Check Box


Switch B


Hot Region


Switch C


3D Button


Selector A



Selector B


Blue Lights


Selector C




Red Light




Vertical 3
Selector A
Selector B
Selector C
Selector D
Selector E
Selector F
Selector G


File Name







Radio and Check buttons do not inherit back colours from the ".defxml" file.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The names of the different components for "Meter" objects are based on certain parameters:

Meter: "77_Object_<StartAngle>_<EndAngle>_<ShowSlider>.defxml"
Slider/Bar Graph: "78_Object_<Type>_<ShowSlider>.defxml"

Will result as:

Object Name

File Name

Vertical Slider


Horizontal Slider




Top Gauge


Bottom Gauge


Left Gauge


Right Gauge




Top Meter


Bottom Meter


Left Meter


Right Meter


Horizontal Grid
Dundas Gauges

not provided

Create or Remove Settings File Commands

Two commands have been provided to create or remove an object's settings file. These commands
are available in the menu that opens by right clicking on the screen object. These commands are:
Set Protoype Style : this command created the ".defxml" file for selected object. This file
is saved in the project's DATA folder
Restore Default Style: this command deletes the selected object's ".defxml" file from the
project's DATA folder
These two commands do not enable when composed symbols are selected.

10.4.3. Outside Screen Objects

While in Design mode you can verify situations where one or more objects have been placed
completely outside the screens they belong to. These objects will remain visible in the area outside
the screen and can be modified in the usual way by selecting them to access their properties through





the Properties Window. However, objects outside screens will not be made visible in project runtime
mode, and those partly kept on screen will be shown with the part included on the screen only.
There are different reasons causing situations to show objects outside their screens:

in screen edit mode where the object is dragged outside screen

in screen edit mode when the object's X or Y Position properties have been inserted with
external screen values
in screen edit mode copying an object from one screen to a smaller one, where it can't fit in
entirely and therefore remains outside
in screen edit mode where the screen is reduced in size without adapting the objects it
contains (see "Screen resize")

When selecting the screen in the "Refactoring Explorer" window, a list of the objects showing
completely outside the screen will display. In this case, the following message will show:
The 'Object Name'' is not in the screen boundary and won't be visible in runtime"

10.5. Aliases in Objects

The Alias management objects consists in the possibility to insert an Alias in object variable or text
fields instead of the variable or text names (static or string ID). After which a table can be edited
with the Alias names corresponding to with the variables, constants or texts to be used in the object
in runtime mode afterwards. Movicon will replace the Alias identifications with the corresponding
elements in the table when loading symbols in runtime. In this way all the objects will be the equal,
with the same Aliases defined in the properties and with the Table's different correspondences.
This type of Alias mechanism may result particularly useful when using "Public Symbols". In this
case the "Preserve Variables" property is also fundamental through which variables from the
reference symbol can be inherited, in this case being the Aliases.
The Alias can only be managed in object properties and are not
supported in the object's IL logic or Basic Script code.
Nevertheless, an Alias can also be used in the object's basic script

Alias syntax
In order to understand whether an Alias has been inserted in a field it is necessary that this Alias
respects a certain syntax. This Alias identifier syntax must be written within double angled brackets:
The Alias, as mentioned before, can be replaced with the name of a variable, a constant or a text.
The possible combinations in which an Alias can be used are as follows:
Inserting Aliases in Variable fields
Aliases can be inserted in variable fields belonging to objects and in the objects' command lists'
variable fields. Aliases can be inserted in variable fields in the following possible ways:

Variable name : <<AliasVariable>>

Pointing to variable bits: <<AliasVariable>>.0, VAR00001.<<AliasBit>>,
Struture Variable: <<AliasStruct>>:VAR00001, StructVar:<<AliasMember>>,
<<AliasStruct>>:<<AliasMember>>, <<AliasStruct>>:<<AliasMember>>.<<AliasBit>>
Array Variable: <<AliasArray>>.e0, <<AliasArray>>[0], ArrayVariable.e<<AliasElement1>>,
ArrayVariable<<AliasElement2>>, <<AliasArray>>.e<<AliasElement1>>,
Basic Expressions : <<AliasVariable>> + <<AliasConstant>>, <<AliasVariable>> +
VAR00001, VAR00001 + <<AliasVariable>> + <<AliasConstant>>,
[<<AliasStruct>>:<<AliasMember>>] + <<AliasVariable>>, (VAR00001 +
<<AliasVariable>>) / 10, etc.
Using in Basic Script code: GetVariableValue(GetAlias("AliasVariable")),
SetVariableValue(GetAlias("AliasVariable"), 10), etc.

The corresponding Alias table would result as:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E



Where VAR00001, StructVar and ArrayVariable are RealTimeDB variables and the others are only
Inserting Aliases in Text fields
Aliases can be also inserted in text field belonging to objects and in their Command List text fields.
Some examples would be:

Object Name: <<AliasObjectName>>

Object Title: <<AliasObjecTitle>>
Static Image: <<AliasStaticImage>>

The corresponding Alias table would result as:


Motor 1

Caution! Aliases uses in text fields are replaced only when loading
the object. This means that Alias must be valued in the object's
table of its style source container. In this case the screen's Alias
Table will be ignored making it impossible to use it for changing the
text field alias values.
If the value associated to a text field alias is as a String ID from the
project's String Table, the string ID text will be displayed in both
development and runtime mode, in relation to the selected

Alias Table
The Alias definitions, being value associations to Aliases, whether a variable, a simple numeric value
or string, are done on the "Alias Table". Aliases can be defined both at simple object level,
composed symbol level and also at screen level. The Alias table is saved in the xml code of the
object or in the screen within which it was edited. If a composed symbol has been created, an
Alias Table can be defined for each of the symbol's components and one can be defined for the style
container source.
The Alias's resolution is done starting from the highest level to the lowest level. For example if an
Alias has been inserted in a component its value will first be searched for in the component's table
and if not found, it will then be searched for in the table of the parent/reference symbol containing
This will continue until the last symbol has been search for those symbols composed of diverse
number of embedded sub-symbols. If by the end the search the Alias's value has still not been
found, another search will take place in the Table defined in the Screen.
When the Alias Table is opened in an object, Movicon will carry out a control to check whether
Aliases have been inserted in the object's properties and report the list of Aliases to the table. From
this point on you can edit the Alias Table to associate values to the Aliases, insert new Aliases, delete
or modify existing ones.
The Alias Table can be opened using the following commands:


An object/symbol's "General - Object alias editor" property

After having selected an object/symbol use Symbol Menu > "Edit Aliases..." command




the "Edit Aliases..." comand from menu which appears right doublie clicking on object/symbol
A screen's "General - Object alias editor" property for editing the screen's Alias Table

The Alias Table will open displayed as follows:

The table is composed of two columns, the first one shows the Alias name without the double angled
brackets, the second shows the Alias to be replaced by the value , which may be a variable or a
simple numeric or string value.
Alias values can also be set with an explicit Null value. In order to
do this you will need to use the "(null)" keyword. Setting an alias
with the null value, for instance in a display object, is the same as
not associating this object with a variable.
Editing/Inserting Aliases
When the Alias Table is opened at object or symbol level, Movicon searches for the Aliases inserted
in the symbol and then displays them. Values can be associated to Aliases when entering into edit
mode from the field with a double click or using the F2 key followed by the TAB key to move from
one to the next. On the other hand, if you right mouse click, a popup menu will appear through
which you can perform the following operations:

New Alias: adds a new Alias to the Table list

Browse Variable (Tag): opens the Tag Browser window for selecting variables from the
RealTimeDB to insert in the "Variable" (Tag)" column
Cut: eliminates the selected Alias
Copy: copies the selected Alias to the windows clipboard
Paste: pastes the Alias previously copied with an increasing index in the name

To delete an Alias just select the roe and use the "CANC" key.
Aliases inserted on object/symbol Alias Tables are saved in the object's code only if they have been
associated with a value. This means that if a new Alias is added to the table and is not used in
object's properties and doesn't get assigned with a value, it will not show next time the Alias Table is
opened. However this behaviour does not happen with screen Alias Tables, where the inserted
Aliases still get saved in the screen's xml code even though not valued.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Replacing Aliases in Runtime

Upon loading an object/symbol during runtime mode, any existing Aliases will get replaced statically
with the value defined in the object's table or that of the symbol containing it. In this case, however,
even though the Alias's value gets modified through the script functions (re. paragraph on "Handlig
Aliases In Script Code"), the object is not influenced in any way and will continue to display the
replaced value when loaded.
In cases where Aliases have not been valued in the object or style source symbol container's table,
they will not get replaced with any values when the object is loaded, but will be resolved only after
the object has been loaded in dynamic mode. In this case if the screen's Alias gets modified using
the script functions (re. paragraph on "Handlig Aliases In Script Code"), the object will be reinitialized and displayed showing the new value associated to the Alias.

Caution! when associating the Configuration Files to an object that

uses Aliases, when modifying the value of an Alias using the script
functions, the configuration/settings file is reloaded and in this
case the Alias will be reinitialized with the new value. If, however,
the configuration/settings file is also saved the Alias management
will go amiss because the file is saved inserting the value in the
object's property which was replaced statically when the object
was loaded and not the Alias. This, of course, is only if the object's
Aliases have been defined in the object's table or that of the symbol
container source.

Aliases in the Dynamic Property Inspector Window

Aliases or objects and symbols are also displayed in the "Dynamic Property Inspector" window
through which they can also be modified.

"Set Screen Alias"

You can select the "Set Screen Alias" from the "Variable" group from the Command List, through
which you can modify/add Screen Aliases in runtime.

Handling Aliases in Script code

The Alias Table of an object or a screen can be also accessed in runtime using the purpose Basic
Script functions. These functions can be used for retrieving Alias lists, values and perform
modifications. The available set of functions predisposed for these purposes are listed below. For
further information about these functions please refer to the relating paragraphs written in the VBA
Language section.
The functions used for accessing Object Alias Tables can be found in the "DrawCmdTarget"
interface and are:
GetAlias(_lpszAlias, _bRecursive)
SetAlias(_lpszAlias, _lpszValue)
The functions used for accessing Screen Alias Tables can be found in the "SynopticCmdTarget"
interface and are:
SetAlias(_lpszAlias, _lpszValue)





Handling Aliases in Dropping Code

The above listed Basic Script functions can also be used in Dropping Template Code. In this way you
can customize symbols while inserting them on screen from the Symbol Library.

10.6. Handling Static Objects in Screens

Handling static objects on screen is a feature that allows all unanimated objects to have a bitmap
image which will be inserted as screen's background image. This feature, above all in devices with
Windows CE platforms, allows screens containing unanimated objects to be loaded much faster.
Basically when transferring a project to a remote device, WinCE or Win32/64, and a certain screen
has been enabled with the "Static Object in background" option, this screen will be checked to see if
it contains any unanimated objects known as "static objects", if found a bitmap image will be created
with the static objects (this file will have the same screen name plus a "_st" suffix and ".bmp"
extension). After this, a temporary screen xml file will also be created (with the same screen name
plus ".movscr_st" extension) in which the created bitmap will be associated as screen background
without the static object definitions. This temporary screen file and bitmap image will be the one
transferred to the device (therefore modified). This will allow the screen to be used in the device
without its static objects defined as symbols but displayed as background bitmap image only.
To enable the Static Object in background management in screens you will have to enable the
"Static Object in Background" option in the project's execution properties and the "Static Object in
Background" option in the style properties of the screens you wish to have this feature. If the
"Static Object in Background" option is not enabled in the project's execution properties, the static
object management will not work even though the "Static Object in Background" option has been
enabled in each of the screen's style properties. However, if the "Static Object in Background"
option is enabled in the project's execution properties, this management will result active in all the
screens enabled with the "Static Object in Background" option.
The static object in background management is executed during project transfer mode to a remote
device using the "Upload Project to Device/FTP..." command, and is executed with all three of the
default plug-ins, "TCP", "FTP" and "MS ActiveSync". During the project transfer phase the following
operations will be performed:

If the "Static Object in Background" option has been enabled in the project, the following
The project will be adapted on the target in order to manage the static objects in background
Make sure to preserve an updated copy of this project for continuing to develop!



Responding with "Yes" to point 1) will start project transfer otherwise this operation will be
Each screen enabled with the "Static Object in Background" option will be initialized and a
".bmp" file will be created with the for all static objects detected with their images and a
".movscr_st" file will be created as a modified copy of the original screen's ".movscr" file.
However the ".movscr_st" file will not include the static object's xml definitions and the
background images will be the bitmaps created with the static objects. These two files,
".movscr_st" and ".bmp" will created in the same original screen's folder.
At this point the file that will be transferred to the device will not be the screen's original file
with the ".movscr" extension, but the one with the ".movscr_st" extension and the bitmap
file. During the transfer phase the file's extension will be renamed to ".movscr" otherwise the
Movicon runtime module will not recognize the file as the screen's.

When enabling the "Static Object in Background" option, the project which
will be transferred to the device may be different from the original
therefore you will need to make a backup copy of the source files. The
original project will not be returned when retrieving it from the device. A
warning message will display on the device during the transfer.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

At this point it is necessary to know what static objects are exactly. Basically, they are all those
symbols inserted on screen without animation or logic associated to them. To be more precise, in
order for an object to be considered 'static' it must have the following conditions:

object must not have any set variables in any of its animation, execution etc. properties
object must not have any IL Logic or Basic Script associated to it
object must not have any text set as its title (text may be subject to language changes)
object must not have a public name if screen has been set in a publc symbol container
object must not be set with levels other than zero if the screen is associated with the Screen
Layer Variable
object must not have its "Visible on Web Client" option set at false (disabled)
object must not have its "Visible on WinCE" option set at false (disabled)
object must not have an access mask in read other than "FFFF" if project's user management
is active.
object must not be set to be invisible based on zooming factor (the "Enable Zoom" visibility
property must be set at false - disabled)
object must not be set with a Command List
object must not be overlapped with other objects that are not static, otherwise it will not be
visible in runtime because part of the bitmap background.
some objects cannot be static for obvious reasons and include the: Alarm window and Alarm
Banner, Historical Log window, DataLogger/Recipe Wndow, Recipe Manager, TraceDB,
window, IP Camera viewer, Grid, Hour Selector and Scheduler TAB Group, Embedded Screen
and ActiveX/OCX

When using a composed symbol it will be considered static if, in addition to being static as whole,
each of its individual elements are static as well.
When the "Static Object in Background" is enabled, the screens with this option enabled will not be
adapted to the page. In this case the "Fit in window" option will be in grey and no longer
changeable, and the screen will not be adapted in runtime. The "Fit in Window" option will however
be disabled only if the "Static Object in Background" option is enabled both at project and individual
screen level.
Warning! If a certain screen is enabled for static object in background
management, this screen will be managed as a container for all static
objects even when they mustn't be retrieved. This means that, for instance,
no background images will be created and no "movscr_st" file will be
created, but the screen will however result as "Do not Fit in Window"
during runtime.

Temporary ".movscr_st" and ".bmp" file management

The temporary ".movscr_st" and ".bmp" files, which are the modified screen and background image
files to be associated to the screen, are created during project transfer when needed. These files will
be created in the same folder belonging to the original screen, and will be kept in this folder after the
project has been transferred. The next time the project is transferred, these files will be re-created
only if the original screen file is dated after the date of the two files, otherwise the already existing
ones will be transferred. The temporary files will keep the same screen name plus a suffix either in
the name or extension. For example, two temporary files will be created for a screen called
"Screen1.movscr" with the "Screen1.movscr_st" and "Screen1_st.bmp" names.
The temporary ".movscr_st" and ".bmp" files will automatically be deleted by Movicon when one of
the following conditions verify:


when the project's "Static Object in Background" option is disabled. In this case the
temporary files of all project screens will be deleted
when the "Static Object in Background" option of each individual screen is disabled. In this
case the temporary files of those screens will be deleted
when a screen is renamed. In this case the temporary files of those screens will be deleted
when a screen is moved to a different folder. In this case the temporary files of those screens
will be deleted
when the project's "Enable Password Management" option is changed. In this case all the
temporary files of all the project's screens will be deleted




Naturally, after the temporary files have been deleted, which can also be done manually by user,
these files will be re-created by Movicon during the next project transfer if necessary.
Warning! when transferring a project to device, any previous unloaded
'bmp' files no longer used n the last project version will NOT be cancelled
during project transfer therefore you will have to remove them manually.
For example, let's suppose that a project with its "Static Objects in
Background " option active has been transferred along with its ".bmp" files
created for managing static objects to a remote device. If at this point, the
"Static Object in Background" management is disabled in the project and
then transferred again to the device, the screen files will be overwritten
with the original project files but the image files will remain on the device
even though no longer used.

10.7. Scrolling Screen Objects with

The mouse wheel can be managed for all screen objects that have lists for scrolling through. The
use of the mouse wheel can be applied to the following objects:

ComboBox and ListBox: the mouse wheel can be used to scoll the listed items
Scheduler Window and Recipe Manager: the mouse wheel can be used to scroll the list of
items in the recipe selection combo-box or the list of fields in the object table (according to
which element has focus)i
Alarm Window, Log Window, Trace DB Window and Grid: the mouse wheel can be used to
scroll the object's table fields
Trend and DataAnalysis: the mouse wheel can be used to move the cursor when a trend area
has been selected or it can be used to scoll the list of pens when the legend is selected.

The scroll feature is only possible to use when needed. If lists of items or rows do not fit in one
page the scroll bars will be enabled.
In addition the "Mouse Wheel" event is available which is called during the mouse scroll.

10.8. Buttons and Hot Regions

The Movicon Buttons and Hot Regions are elements through which Commands can be executed or
project variables can be set. They are accessed from 'Buttons-Lights' group found in the "Toolbox


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Objects in this category, buttons, lights and hot regions, do not support
the "three states" commands.

Check Box Buttons

This is a typical two state button. A Movicon variable can be associated to this control and set at the
'0' value (unchecked box) or '1' (checked box) according to the box's status.
The status is selected by mouse clicking or by using the TAB or SHIFT+TAB keys and pressing
ENTER or the Space Bar on the keyboard.
Radio Button
This is a common exclusive option button. You can associate a Movicon variable to this control
which will assume the progressive numeric value based on the box selected. For instance, when the
first option box is selected the variable will assume the '0' value, when selecting the second option
box the variable will assume the '1' value, then '2' and so forth. The number of options to be
displayed is set through the object's properties.
The selection is done by Mouse clicking or using the keyboard by selecting the component with the
TAB or SHIFT+TAB keys and pressing the UP/DOWN ARROW keys.
The Movicon Buttons are objects of different graphically built shapes that consent command
activation when activated with the mouse or keyboard keys during project processing.
The Buttons can be associated with the commands available in the Movicon "Command List"
The buttons' shapes or styles can be setup through the 'Properties Window' by selecting the one
desired from those already created.
The execution associated to the command is activated by clicking on the button or using the
keyboard where the TAB or SHIFT+TAB keys are used to select the command and then ENTER or
the Space Bar keys are used to activate it.
Controls such as "Lights", "Illuminated buttons" can be found in the
"Buttons-Lights" group in the "Toolbox Window" . These controls derive
from the Button objects simply using the control's Style and Execution
Hot Regions
The Hot Regions are built from zones inserted in strategic points in the Screen which are invisible but
mouse sensitive during project Runtime.
Since the Hot are invisible they do not have style properties but only one execution property for
setting the associated command for when the operator clicks on Hot Region area.
When inserting a Hot Region in the Screen, this will appear as a shaded area with default sizes.
After inserting the Hot Region it can be sized as pleased by dragging the borders with the mouse.
The Screen zone within which the Hot Region has been placed, it built
only with a background representing the 'strategic' design. During project
processing this zone will not be visible, but when the mouse pointer goes
into or passes over the Hot Region area, the borders of this area will
highlight. The programmer can also setup a 'ToolTip' text to appear if
The execution of the command associated to the Hot Region is activated by clicking the mouse or
using the keyboard by selecting the Hot Region with TAB or SHIFT+TAB keys and pressing ENTER or
Space Bar.

10.9. Switches and Selectors

The Movicon Switches and Selectors are used for invoking commands or setting project variables.
They can be accessed from the 'Switches - Selectors' group from the "Window Objects" . These
objects can be set with tri-state mechanics to assume three different positions.





The "Switch" and "Selector" type buttons support "Tri-State" mechanics allowing the command/state
variable ("Tag Command/State") to be managed with three values; zero, one and two.
The tri-state mechanism can be horizontal or vertical type. The variable set in the "Tag
Commmand/State" field assumes a new value each time the switch or selector area is clicked on.
Therefore, each time the object is clicked the variable switches from one value to the next
beginning with 'zero' value, then the 'one' value, and finally the 'two' value. The switch/selector's
image changes in function with the variable's new value, alternating three possible images:
switch/selector in zero position, switch/selector in position one and switch/selector in position two.
the variable can also be set by pressing the mouse button on the position where the selector is
located, and dragging it to another position. In this case the variable is set to the new value only
when the mouse button is released and the switch/selector is placed in a different position to the
one it originally started off in.
In addition, the "Central zero" option has been made available (settable only with tri-state
mechanics) to allow the switch/selector's zero value o use the central position and not the side
position. If this option is left disabled, the zero will be set to the left for horizontal tri-states or at the
bottom for vertical tri-states.
Tri-State switches/selectors can be commanded with accelerators or the
space bar. In addition, they also support all the other mechanic types that
can be set in button and light objects.

10.9.1. Components deriving from Button Objects

The Button object can take on different graphical shapes and different functions according to how it
is configured. Some of these variations are already available in the "Buttons-Lights" or
"Switches-Selectors" from the "Objects Window".
3D Buttons
The 3D button is a normal button changed in the following properties:

"Style - Style": changes its graphical aspect only, by giving it a round 3D look.
"Rounded Style": only its graphcal aspect changes by obtaining a rounded corner look instead
of a angled corner look.
"Stroke Attributes Properties - Pen Size": only the border's graphical aspect changes

Lights (colored)
The "Light" objects that can be inserted are normal buttons changed in the following properties:

"Style - Style": changes its graphical aspect only, by making it look like a luminous indicator.
"Style - Clickable": this property is disabled when the light is for display only


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

"Execution - Mechanic Style": this property is enabled for managing the mechanic "ON-OFF"
which sets Light's modality with an On or Off status.

Buttons (colored)
The colored "Button" objects which can be inserted are normal buttons changed in the following

"Style - Style": changes its graphical aspect to look like a round switchboard button.
"Execution - Mechanic Style": this property is enabled for managing the mechanic "ON-OFF"
to make an ON/OFF command button type.

The "Emergency" objects which can be inserted are normal buttons changed in the following

"Style - Style": changes only its graphical aspect to look like an emergency switchboard
"Execution - Mechanic Style": this property is enabled for managing the mechanic "ON-OFF"
to make an ON/OFF command button type.

Square (colored)
The colored "Square" objects that can be inserted on screen are normal buttons modified in the
following properties:

"Style - Style": only its graphical aspects change to make it look more like those found on a
control panel.
"Execution - Mechanic Style": the "ON-OFF" is enabled to make it a ON/OFF command type

Switch A/B/C
The "Switch" objects that can be inserted are buttons modified in the following properties:

"Style - Style": only graphical aspect changes to look like an ON/OFF switch found in civil
plant systems.
"Execution - Mechanic Style": the "ON-OFF" mechanics is enabled to make it an ON/OFF
command type.

Selector A/B/C
The "Selector" objects that can be inserted on screen are buttons modified in the following

"Style - Style": only graphical aspect changes to look like an ON/OFF selector found on
control panels.
"Execution - Mechanic Style": the "ON-OFF" mechanics is enabled to make it an ON/OFF
command type.

3 State Switches
The "3 state switches" that can be inserted are buttons modified in the following properties:

"Style - Style": only graphical aspect changes to look like a 3 state switch
"Execution - Mechanic Style": the "Tri-State" mechanics is enabled to turn it into a 3 position
command type.

3 State Selectors
The "3 State Selectors" that can be inserted on screen are buttons modified in the following

"Style - Style": only graphical aspect changes to look like a 3 state selector.
"Execution - Mechanic Style": the "Tri-State" mechanics is enabled to turn it into a three
position command type.

3 States Selector Central Zero

The "3 State Selectors" that can be inserted on screen are buttons modified in the following


"Style - Style": only graphical aspect changes to look like a 3 state selector.




"Execution - Mechanic Style": the "tri-state mechanics is enabled to make it a 3 position

command type.
"Execution - zero central": this property is enabled to keep it in the central zero poistion.

10.9.2. Button and Hot Region Execution Properties

The Execution properties of Buttons and Hot Regions allow you to set the type of command which
the control must execute.
To edit the Execution properties, select the object with the mouse and then use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
The push button objects executed two different actions types:

Direct action on a Tag

Command list execution

Actions are defined and configured depending from the "Mechanic Style" assigned to the button, as
following described.
Command/State Variable
The name of the variable to be used as the check variable, which will be managed differently
according to the command type selected in the "Mechanic Style" property, is entered in this editbox
(or selected by using the '' browse button on the right).
This property is only provided for "Buttons", "Check Box Buttons" and "Radio Button".
The Check Variable can be configured with any kind of "Mechanic Style".
If the style chosen is "Command Execution, the Check Variable allows to
define the status of the button (pressed or released) or the colour for the
light buttons.
Command Type
This selection is used for choosing the push button's operating mode.

The button will act as On-Off on the Command/State Variable

property assigned variable.


The button will act as a pulse on the Command/State Variable

property assigned variable. It means that the variable will go
to the "1" state for the time defined in the property
"Impulsive Time".

Execute Commands

The button will execute the command or the commands list

defined. The command execution could be executed on the
button pression, on the button release or while down. In this
last case, the execution could be cyclic, repeated depending
from the time period defined from the property "Impulsive

Tri-State Horizontal

This command is only available for Switches and selectors

type objects and consents the object in question to be
managed with tri-state horizontal graphics. The variable
assigned in the "Command/State Variable" obtains the 0,
1 or 2 values according to the object's position.

Tri-State Vertical

This command is only available for Switches and selectors

type objects and consents the object in question to be
managed with tri-state vertical graphics. The variable
assigned in the "Command/State Variable" obtains the 0,
1 or 2 values according to the object's position.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Central Zero
This can be used when setting Tri-State commands for choosing the central position and not on the
side position for the switch/selector's zero value. If left disabled, the zero will be set to the left for
tri-state horizontals, or at the bottom for tri-state verticals.
Impulsive Time
The property "Impulsive Time" can be used for two different scope:

Using the Mechanic Style "Impulsive" you can define the time (msec) for the pulse on the
check variable. If you set this time to zero, the variable will be put to "ON" until the button is
Using the Mechanic Style "Execute Command" you can define the cyclic execution (msec) for
the commands defined as ""Command while down". In this case the time pulse as "zero"
is not allowed and it will disable this function.

Command on Release
This button opens the Movicon 'Command List' window through which you can setup a list of one
or more commands which will be executed upon the button release event.
This property is only available for 'Button' and 'Hot Region' objects.
For further information on the commands available please refer to the paragraph on "Command
Command While Down
This button opens the Movicon 'Command List' window through which you can setup a list of one
or more commands which will be executed while the button kept pressed down. In this case,
commands can be executed several time (cyclically) until the button is pressed, with a
period time defined by the property "Impulsive time".
This property is only available for 'Button' and 'Hot Region' objects.
For further information on the commands available please refer to the paragraph on "Command
Command on Pressed
This button opens the Movicon 'Command List' window through which you can setup a list of one
or more commands which will be executed upon the button pressed event.
This property is only available for 'Button' and 'Hot Region' objects.
For further information on the commands available please refer to the paragraph on "Command
Command on Mouse Down
When this property is enabled, the Command List associated to the button will be executed upon the
Mouse Down event (when the mouse button is pressed down) instead of the Mouse Up event (when
the mouse button is released).

This option is presented only for command buttons (being those which
have been associated with a Command List) and not for selection or
impulsive buttons.

Command Conditioned by Mouse Move/Command on Mouse Move'

When this property is enabled, the object button's "Commands on Release" list will be executed also
if the cursor leaves the button area after being pressed. In this case when the mouse pointer goes
outside the button area, Movicon will execute the "commands on Release" list as if the mouse had
been released. In addition, moving the mouse pointer in and out of the button area with mouse key
kept pressed down, the command list will be re-executed each time the mouse pointer goes out of
the button area.
If this button has been associated to a "Commands on Pressed", the command list will be executed
as normal when mouse key is pressed. At this point by keeping the mouse key pressed done and
moving the mouse pointer in and out of the mouse area, the command list will be re-executed each
time the mouse pointer enters into the button area again.
If the button has been associated with a "Commands while down/Command on Mouse Down" list,
the commands list will be executed in cycled mode when keeping moused key pressed down. If the
mouse pointer moves out of the button area at this point with mouse key still pressed down, the
cycled command list execution will stop and restart again only when the mouse pointer re-enters the
button area.





Conditioned Commands
When this property is enabled, the button command list will only be executed when the variable
inserted in the "Command/State variable" is set at 'zero'. Valid only if button has also been
associated with the "Command/Status Variable".
This tued when the this property Enabling this property will
Num. Radio Buttons
The number of options buttons to appear for the control type 'Option Buttons' is entered in this edit
Enable Shortcut
When enabling this check-box, an Shortcut key will be associated to the control. Therefore the
control's command can be executed during runtime by simply pressing the preset Shortcut key (eg.
'F1'). After having activated this property it will be necessary to setup the Shortcut key to be used
through the 'Shortcuts' property.
The key or combination keys you wish to associate to the control can be entered in this edit box.
Movicon offers you the possibility to automatically enter the key to be associated by pressing the key
directly on the keyboard. In order to do this press the '...' button on the right hand side of the entry
box to display the following window:

At this point just press any one of the buttons on the keyboard, or a combination of keys also
consisting of the 'modifier' keys, to register them in the 'Shortcut' box.
This operation can be cancelled with the 'Cancel' button.
The Shortcut key is only active when the control's 'Enable Shortcut'
property has also been enabled.
Show Shortcut
Enabling this check-box will show the selected 'Shortcut' key at the side of the control's title.

10.9.3. Button Background Attributes Properties

The Button Background attributes consent you to associate images to the button object.
To modify the Background properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
Each Button can be associated three different images, which will display according to the Button's
status, being button pressed, button released and button checked when the ON-OFF variable's status
is not zero.
The image formats that can be used are:



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The option to manage this image association can only be applied to certain Button types as listed

Push Buttons
3D buttons
Lights (Yellow, Blue, Green, Red)
Buttons with lights (Yellow, Blue, Green, Red)
Emergency (A,B)
Selector (A,B)

It is not possible to associate images to Checkboxes, Radio buttons, and Hot Regions.
When the button associated an image contains a text, the associated image to each of the three
statuses will change sizes to occupy the left half of the object, leaving the right half for the text.
When the button does not contain any text, the image in each of the three statuses will be resized to
fit all of the button area. In this way the button can be customized by replacing, for instance, the
image proposed for default by Movicon (ie. selectors and switches) with a custom image for each
button status.
Image When 0 / Image Button Released
This property is used for selecting an image to be displayed in the button when in the Released
status. This image will be displayed when the tri-state switch or selector is in the 0 position.
Image when 1/ Image Button Pressed
This property is used for selecting an image to be displayed in the button when in the Pressed
status. This image will be displayed when the tri-state switch or selector is in the 1 position.
Image when 2/ Image Button Checked
This property is used for selecting an image to be displayed in the button when in the Checked
status, being when the status of its ON-OFF variable is different to zero. This image will be displayed
when the tri-state switch or selector is in the 2 position.
Image Button Disabled
This property is used for selecting the image to be visualized on the button when Disabled, which
happens when the variable inserted in the "Enable Variable" has the '0' value therefore disabling the
Overlap Image/Text
This property is used for setting the button's Title's text to overlap image.

10.10. The Gauge

The Movicon Vectorial Gauge is a configurable object which allows specified plant variable values to
be displayed or set graphically. The Gauge objects are available in the 'Slider-Gauge-Meters' group in
the "Objects Window".
The Vectorial Gauge is incorporated with a Slider, a Scale and a Bar which can be configured in
various ways. The various components are in fact presented in the "Objects Window", but they all
actually derive from the Gauge's base components whose style properties have been configured in
different ways.





This figure shows two Gauge examples, one circular and

one vertical, each composed of one Scale, one Slider and
one Bar.

Gauge functionalities
The Vectorial Gauge tool has the following functionalities:

Setting a variable by means of a Slider

Displaying a variable by means of a Scale
Displaying a variable by means of a Filler Bar

The Gauge can be configured in different ways, for instance to get a display of one of the scale, bar
or slider components only, or to display the objects concerned when required. In addition to this,
different geometric shapes can be used for the Gauge display in order to simulate different objects
according what is required.

10.11. Dundas Gauges

The Dundas Gauges are a category of objects which have been implemented by Movicon by means
of using external libraries. These object can be inserted from the "Sliders-Gauges-MetersDisplays" group in the Movicon "Toolbox". When the object is inserted on screen a wizard window
will show to allow you configure the type of gauge you wish to insert with great detail:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The Dundas Gauge Configuration Window

The Dundas Gauge configuration window is only available in English
and its documentation on all the functionalities and their settings
have not been included in the Movicon help. You will find the
wizard, which displays when inserting Dundas gauges, is more than
helpful and intuitive, allowing you to customize the object's
graphical aspect in its style properties with ease.
As you will see in the opened wizard page you can pick a gauge from any one the three object
categories using the "Gauge Type Groups" list box:

Circular Gauges
Linear Gauges
Numeric Indicators

After which you can go ahead and define its graphical aspect using the "Appearance Style" List-box.
After having selected the object you wish to use you can configure it by using the buttons to the
right of the window (Gauges, Scales, etc.) or by using the button placed at the bottom of the
window (Prev, Next, etc.). Each time you enter a configuration page you will be provided with other
TAB keys at the top of the window (Position, Gauge Frames, etc.). Each object has many settings to
choose letting you customize them with every little detail. When you have finished just click the
"Finish" key in the Wizard window to close it and insert the object on screen. At this point you can
associate the object with the variable, which is to be displayed through the "Dundas Gauge Variable"
All the Dundas Gauge object graphics configuration is done through the wizard window, therefore
many of the properties which can be set through the Movicon Property windows will not have effect
on this object. For instance, the object's "visibility" Animation property can be used but the "Back
Color" Animation property will not have effect on the object and therefore can't be used.
In the wizard window for configuring the Dundas Gauges, When
opening the configuration page using the "Gauges" button and
selecting the "Position" TAB, a "Selected Gauge" List-box appears
where you can add other Gauges to the same container. By doing
this more than one gauge object will appear inside the same
rectangle container when inserting the object in the Movicon
screen. The management of this configuration is not supported by
Movicon and therefore, in this case, only the first Dundas Gauge
object will be associated with the variable to be displayed.





Editing Dundas Gauges

Once the Dundas gauge has been inserted on screen you can reuse the wizard to recreate the object
from the beginning, or open the object's properties window to modify it. The command to use are:

"CTRL + click on the Open button in the object's General Properties": opens the
wizard window and therefore restarts the object's initial configuration. Previous settings will
be lost
"Shift + double click on the object" or "Click on the Open button in the object's
General properties": opens the Dundas Gauge's properties window through which you can
modify the already inserted object without losing any previous settings
Furthermore, you can always modify the Dundas Gauge object directly in its
XML code, using the "XML Code Explorer" window for instance.
The Dundas Gauges are more attractive to look at graphics wise
compared to the normal Gauge objects, however you will need to
keep in mind that more CPU will be used in those computers that
don't have graphic cards with medium-high performance installed.

10.11.1. Components deriving from the Gauge object

The Gauge object can take on different graphical shapes and different functions according to how it
is to be configured. Some of these variations are already available in the "Sliders-Gauges-Meters"
from the "Objects Window".

Vertical Slider
The Vertical Slider is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Style - Type": refer to the gauge's graphical aspect only by changing it into a vertical shape.

Horizontal Slider
The Horizontal Slider is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Style - Type": refers to the gauge's graphical aspect only by changing it into a vertical

Gauge Top
The Gauge Top is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Circular - Angle": changes the gauge's graphical aspect only by limiting the extension of the
scale at the top part of the quadrant.

Gauge Bottom
The Gauge Bottom is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Circular - Angle": changes the gauge's graphical aspect only by limiting the extension of the
scale at the bottom part of the quadrant.

Left Gauge
The Left Gauge is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Circular - Angle": changes the gauge's graphical aspect only by limiting the extension of the
scale on the left hand side of the quadrant.

Right Gauge
The Left Gauge is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Circular - Angle": changes the gauge's graphical aspect only by limiting the extension of the
scale to the right hand side of the quadrant.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The Meter is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Circular - Show Needle": changes the graphical display of the indicator represented as a
"Style - Show Slider": changes the graphical display of the object's base

Top Meter
The Top Meter is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Circular - Angle": changes the gauge's graphical aspect only, by limiting the extension of the
scale to the top part of the quadrant
"Circular - Show Needle": changes the needle's graphical display
"Style - Show Slider": changes the graphical display of the object' s base

Bottom Meter
The Bottom Meter is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Circular - Angle": changes the gauge' s graphical aspect only, by limiting the extension of the
scales to the bottom part of the quadrant
"Circular - Show Needle": changes the needle's graphical display
"Style - Show Slider": changes the graphical display of the object's base

Left Meter
The Left Meter is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Circular - Angle": changes the gauge' s graphical aspect only, by limiting the extension of the
scales to the left hand side of the quadrant
"Circular - Show Needle": changes the needle's graphical display
"Style - Show Slider": changes the graphical display of the object's base

Right Meter
The Right Meter is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Circular - Angle": changes the gauge' s graphical aspect only, by limiting the extension of the
scales to the Right hand side of the quadrant
"Circular - Show Needle": changes the needle's graphical display
"Style - Show Slider": changes the graphical display of the object's base

Vertical BarGraph
The Vertical BarGraph is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Style - Type": refers to the gauge's graphical aspect only by changing it into a vertical shape
"Style - Show Slider": deletes the slider display

Horizontal BarGraph
The Horizontal BarGraph is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Style - Type": refer to the gauge's graphical aspect only by changing it into a horizontal
"Style - Show Slider": deletes the slider display

Vertical Grid BarGraph

The Vertical Grid BarGraph is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:

"Style - Type": refers to the gauge's graphical aspect only by changing it into a vertical shape
"Style - Show Slider": deletes the slider display
"Style - Bar Brush Style": associates a non solid bar filling style

Horizontal Grid BarGraph

The Horizontal Grid BarGraph is a normal Gauge changed in the following properties:


"Style - Type": refers to the gauge's graphical aspect only by changing it into a horizontal




"Style - Show Slider": deletes the slider display

"Bar Brush Style": associates a non solid bar filling style

10.11.2. Gauge Variables Properties

The Gauge Variables Properties are used for associating the Movicon Real Time DB variables to the
To edit the Variables properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Gauge-Slider Variable
The name of the variable, which is to be displayed or set by different configured Gauge elements is
entered in this edit box (or selected with the browse '...' button on the right).
Gauge-Slider Variable Min.
The name of the variable whose value will be used as the minimum value which can be set in the
'Gauge-Slider Variable' is entered in this edit box (or selected with the browse '...' button on the
right). By doing this the threshold variable's value is made dynamic, allowing it to be also edited
during the Runtime phase. In this case the Gauge Scale will be dynamically set according to the
value assumed by the 'Min. Gauge-Slider Variable'.
Max. Gauge-Slider Variable
The name of the variable whose value is to be used as the maximum value that can be set in the
'Gauge-Slider Variable' is entered in this edit box. By doing this the threshold variable's value is
made dynamic, allowing it to be also edited during the Runtime phase. In this case the Gauge Scale
will be dynamically set according to the value assumed by the 'Max. Gauge-Slider Variable'.
Bar Offset Variable
The name of the variable whose value is to be used as the start Bar offset.
MaxRate Change
This edit box is used for entering the maximum value, in percentages, of variable changes that can
be made when directly clicking on the value to be obtained instead of dragging the Gauge's needle.
Update value on Dragging
When this property is enabled the variable's value will be changed while dragging the Gauge's
needle. Otherwise the variable will be updated only when the Gauge's needle is released.
Format Variable
The name of the variable whose value will be used to determine the scale format to be displayed in
the gauge is entered in this editbox (or selected using the "..." browse button on the right). The
gauge's scale format can also be modified during runtime using this variable. When this field is left
empty, the format defined in the "Gauge Scale Setting" property will be used, otherwise the
variable's contents will be used.
Numeric variables or string variables can be entered in this field:

Numeric Variable: if the variable is numeric type, the number set will represent the number
of decimal figures after the point. For example, when entering the '2' value in this field, the
"x.xx" format will be used. If the set value is negative, the absolute value will be taken,
therefore when entering "2" or "-2" the same result will be obtained. If the value is in
floating type with decimal figures, the value will be rounded off, for example; an entered
"1.4" will be taken as "1" and an entered "1.6" will be taken as "2".
String Variable: if the variable is string type, its format must be one of those provided by
the control system which are listed in the paragraph headed "Predefinided Movicon Format"
from the section on "Data Formats" (i.e. "x.xx", "%s", etc.).

Caution! When using a string variable type make sure that you insert
a correctly supported format. If the string inserted is not in a valid
string format, the value will not get displayed correctly.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

"Byte Array" or "Structure" variable types (inserted as global variables

without using a single member) are not supported. In this case the value
will be displayed with the format defined in the "Format Value". property.

10.11.3. Gauge Style Properties

The Gauge Style properties are used for setting the gauge's graphical display.
To edit the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Gauge Type
This option box is used for selecting the display mode of the Gauge's elements:

Vertical: the objects enabled in the Gauge will be displayed vertically

Horizontal: the objects enabled in the Gauge will be displayed horizontally
Circular: the objects enabled in the Gauge will be displayed in circular mode
Vertical2: objects enabled in Gauge will be displayed vertically. This object type is inserted
for default for Sliders and Bargraphs.
Horizontal2: object enabled in the Gauge will be displayed horizontally. This object is
inserted for default for Sliders and Bargraphs.

The "Verticle2" and "Horizontal2" have the following different graphics in respect to the
other "vertical" and "horizontal" type objects, :

The scale is never displayed under the button. The scale will not display if there isn't enough
lateral space.
The central slider underneath the button is very narrow and is displayed independently from
the object's size.

Knob Style
This property allows you to choose from a default and 8 other different styles from a drop-down list
which appears by clicking the arrow to the property's right. The 'default' style corresponds to a
simple round knob, compared to the more complex and nice-looking 1/ 8 knob styles, and is shaped
with a larger base circle with a narrower one on top for easy gripping.
Slider Color
This property allows you to select the color to associate to the Gauge's slider.
For further information on selecting colors please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Knob color
This property allows you to select the color to associate to the Gauge's knob.
For further information on selecting colors please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Bar Back Color
This property allows you to select the color to associate to the Gauge's bar back color.
For further information on selecting colors please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Bar Fill Color
This property allows you to select the color to associate to the Gauge's bar color.
For further information on selecting colors please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Bar Brush Style
This property allows you to select the brush style to associate to the Gauge's bar.
Scale Color
This property allows you to select the color to associate to the Gauge's scale.
For further information on selecting colors please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
The border width of the Gauge window containing the different elements is set in this field.





Show Slider
This enabling box is used to display or hide the Slider associated to the variable in the Gauge
window. The Slider is the only Gauge element that permits the variable's value associated to the
Gauge to change.
Show Title
This enabling box is used to display or hide the Gauge object's title. The title is displayed on the top
border of the window containing the Gauge.
Show Bar
This enabling box is used to display or hide the Filling Bar associated to the variable in the Gauge
window. The Filling Bar displays the variable value associated to the Gauge in percentages.
Show Scale
This enabling box is used to display or hide the Scale associated to the variable in the Gauge
window. The Scale is associated to the Slider to allow the current variable values of the Gauge to be
Reverse Scale
This option when enabled reverses the scales valued and all the "warning" thresholds set in the
object as a consequence.
Scale Right-Bottom
This enabling box is used to display the Scale on the Right hand side of the Gauge window when in
horizontal mode or at the bottom of the Gauge window when in vertical mode. When the Gauge is
circular type the scale's text will be displayed outside the dial instead of inside.
Bias Bar
This enabling box is used to display or hide the Bias Bar associated to the variable in the Gauge
window. This enabling only works if the Bar has already been enabled.
3D Effects
This enabling box is used to display the 3D effect when Gauge is set as Meter or Bargraph.
A description of the Border property can be found in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties
common to Drawings and Controls".
Knob Border
This option is used for setting the Gauge knob border's display type.
Slider Border
This option is used for setting the Gauge Slider's border display type.
Bar Border
This option is used for setting the Gauge Bar's Border display type.
Needle Border
This option is used for setting the Gauge Needle's border display type.

10.11.4. Gauge Circular Setting Properties

The Setting properties for Circular Gauges are used for configuring the Gauge when set as 'Circular'.
This property belongs to the Gauge's 'Style' properties group.
To edit the Circular Settings, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties

Start Angle
The start position of the circular arc, which will represent the Gauge elements, is entered in this edit
box. By editing this value you can get a longer or shorter circular arc with varying angles also in
function with the value entered in the 'End Angle' property.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

End Angle
The end position of the circular arc, which will represent the Gauge elements, is entered in this edit
box. By editing this value you can get a longer or shorter circular arc with varying angles also in
function with the value entered in the 'Start Angle' property.
Needle Center Pos.
This parameter allows the needle's center to be moved thus moving all the semicircle of elements, to
a different position to that set for default within the Gauge window.
Needle Width
This selection box is used for changing the width of Gauge needle.
Needle Length
This selection box is used for changing the length of the Gauge needle.
Needle Edge Color
This property is used for selecting the color to be associated to the Gauge needle's edge.
For further information on selecting colors please refer to "Color Selection".
Needle Fill Color
This property is used for selecting the color to be associated to the Gauge needle's filling.
For further information on selecting colors please refer to "Color Selection".
Needle Shadow Color
This property is used for selecting the color to be associated to the Gauge needle's shadow.
For further information on selecting colors please refer to "Color Selection".
Show Needle
This enabling box is used for displaying or hiding the Needle for indicating the values of the variable
associated to the Gauge.
Show Needle shadow
This enabling box is used for displaying the or hiding the Needle's shadow for indicating the values
or the variable associated to the Gauge. This enabling is only valid if the Needle's display has been
enabled beforehand.
Circular 3D
This enables the 3D effect when the Gauge object has been configured as a Meter.

10.11.5. Gauge Scale Settings Properties

The Gauge Scale Settings properties are used for configuring the displaying the Gauge's Scale.
This property belongs to the Gauge 'Variables' properties group.
To edit the Scale Settings properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
Min. Value
The lowest value that the Gauge's variable may reach is entered in this edit box. This value will be
also reported to the Scale's lateral borders.
When the variable linked to the Gauge has its "Enable Scaling" property enabled, the
minimum value used will be the one set in the variable's "Scale Min. Value" property.
The gauge's "Min. Value " property or the variable's "Scale Min."
property will not be considered if a variable has been entered in the Gauge's
"Min. Variable" property for managing thresholds dynamically.
Max. Value
The highest value that the Gauge's variable may reach is entered in this edit box. This value will be
also reported to the Scale's lateral borders.
When the variable linked to the Gauge has its "Enable Scaling" property enabled, the
minimum value used will be the one set in the variable's "Scale Max. Value" property.





The gauge's "Max. Value " property or the variable's "Scale Max."
property will not be considered if a variable has been entered in the Gauge's
"Max. Variable" property for managing thresholds dynamically.
# Major Div.
The number of major divisions to be displayed in the Scale is entered in this edit box.
# Minor Div.
The number of minor divisions to be displayed in the Scale is entered in this edit box. The minor
divisions are those comprised between two major divisions.
Label every # div.
For how many major divisions of the Scale a numeric label is to be displayed, identifying the value in
that position, is entered in this edit box.
Eng. Unit
The text for identifying the engineering units of the Gauge's variable to be represented can be
entered in this edit box.
Label Format
The type of numeric format display of the variable associated to the Gauge is set through this option
The types of formats available are only those listed in the paragraph headed "Predefined Movicon
Formats" found in the "Data Formats" sector.
In cases where this property is not set (therefore left blank) the Gauge will
inherit the format defined in its associated variable's "Default Format"

10.11.6. Gauge Warning Zone Properties

The Gauge Warning Zone Properties are used for setting different background colours in the Scale
according to the value assumed by the variable associated to the Gauge. By doing this one or more
critical zones can be associated to the preset variable values.
This property belongs to the Gauge 'Style' properties group.
To edit the Warning Zone properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
The Warning zone required can be activated by means of this option box. A maximum of 5 warning
zones can be enables. Enable the corresponding option boxes according to the number of zones to
be created.
A start interval value has to be entered for each enabled Warning Zone. This value is to be
expressed in percentages (%) in respect to the maximum value of the variable associated to the
An End interval value has to be entered for each enabled Warning Zone. This value is to be
expressed in percentages (%) in respect to the maximum value of the variable associated to the
Usually the 'End' of a warning zone coincides with the 'Start' of the next
warning zone. However, if there are any overlapping values between one
warning zone and the next, the value of the next warning zone will be
taken as a reference.
Start Variable
This edit box is used for entering (or selecting with the '...' browse button on the right) the name of
the variable whose value will be used as the alarm intervention's Start value for the zone in
question. This will make the threshold value dynamic therefore possible to change when in Runtime


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

End Variable
This edit box is used for entering (or selecting with the '...' browse button on the right) the name of
the variable whose value will be used as the alarm intervention's End value for the zone in question.
This will make the threshold value dynamic therefore possible to change when in Runtime mode.
This property is used for selecting the colour to be associated to the Warning Zone.
For further information on the colour selection please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".

10.11.7. Dundas Gauge Execution Properties

The Dundas Gauge Execution properties are used for setting their execution times.
Dundas Gauge Refresh
The gauge's refresh time value can be set in milliseconds in this property. This value will "calibrate"
the graphical refresh of the Dundas objects on screen, in relation to the performances of the
computer being used. The '100' millisecond default value is a good compromise between the
Dundas gauges's smooth pointer movement and CPU occupation, and therefore should easily adapt
to almost any situation.

10.12. Embedded Screens

Movicon has a special component called 'Embedded Screens' which can be inserted into Screens.
This object, as implied by its name, has the job of representing Screens existing in the project and
embedding them, which means inserting them inside other Screens as vectorial components.
The special feature of this object is that it contains the drawings and components contained in the
associated original Screen in any scaled size desired whilst still retaining its animation features.
This powerful tool consents the project's general layout, for example, to be created without
redesigning absolutely nothing, therefore without wasting precious time by representing ready-made
Screens directly.
The object, which reproduces a Screen within another Screen can receive configuration and
animation properties just like all the other vectorial components, which noticeably enhancing the
potentiality and flexibility of this particular type of object.
Note: Please keep in mind that this 'Embedded Screen' object adapts to the
size of the drawing in function with sizes set in the style properties of the
original Screen and the container Screen.
The Embedded Screen objects are available from the 'Controls' group of the "Objects Window".





Embedded Screen Features

When using the Embedded Screen object you should keep in mind both its features and what is
restricted in doing:

The screen displayed by the Embedded Screen is not completely initialized. As a result the
basic script interface of the screen associated to this object does not get initialized. Therefore
none of the screen's VBA events can be used including variable notifications. As a
consequence functions such as the "GetSynopticObject" which return the screen object
containing the Embedded Screen object and not the screen displayed by the object. Events
relating to the objects contained in the Embedded Screen are, however, active and managed.
The local variables belonging to the screen displayed in the Embedded Screen are searched in
the context of the screen containing the Embedded Screen.
The IL Logic of the screen displayed by the Embedded Screen and the IL Logic of the objects
it contains is executed correctly.
The "Embedded Screen" cannot be used for displaying the "Alarm Window"
or the "Alarm Banner" belonging to a Child project. If used, the "Alarm
Window" or the "Alarm Banner" will display empty without showing any

10.12.1. Embedded Screen Style Properties

The Embedded Synoptic Style Properties are used for associating the Screen to be displayed.
To edit the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Embedded Screen
The name of the original Screen to be represented in the object is entered in this edit box (or
selected with the '...' browse button on the far right). Therefore before this can happen the original
Screen should have already been inserted in the project.
The contents of the original Screen will be tiled represented within the object and will be animated in
real time with the same animations of the original Screen.
The Screen can be associated to the "Embedded Screen" object by using the drag&drop techniques
from the Project Explorer Window even if belonging to a Child project.
The contents of the "Embedded Screen" are refreshed only after changes
made to the connected screen have been saved and the screen containing
the "Embedded Screen" has been reloaded.
Embedded Screen Variable
This edit box is used for entering or using the browse "..." button on the right to select the name of
the variable to be used for "change screen on variable" functionality used for commanding a
displayed screen change in the Embedded Screen object through a RealTimeDB variable. This
variable can obtain the index (ID) name of index of the same screen and can be declared either as
string or as a numeric value.
In cases where the variable is set as a "String" type, its value should assume the name of the screen
to be opened.
In this case the screen can also belong to a sub work folder i.e. "Screen1" within the Screens
resource "Myfolder" by just setting the word "Screen1" in the variable or the complete path of the
subfolder name in which the screen is found:"MyFolder\Screen1".
In cases where the screen to be opened belongs to a child project and has an unique name in all of
the Parent-Child project, its name can then be written in the Embedded Screen object's variable
belonging to the Parent project, otherwise if will be necessary to specify the name indicating the
screen together with the Child project name: i.e. "ChildPrjName\Screen1" (or, if screen is in a
subfolder you will need to specify: "ChildPrjName\MyFolder\Screen1").
Warning: the Child project name inserted in the path for reaching the screen
is Case Sensitive.
On the contrary, if the embedded screen object is in the Child project you can open a Father project
screen by setting the same path in the variable using the "..\ParentScreenName" or
"..\MyFolder\ParentScreenName" if the screen is in a Father project resource subfolder.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

It is also possible to load a screen into the Embedded Screen object that is not in the project
resources ("RESOURCES\ProjectName\") but in a somewhere else in the PC's file system for
instance: in "C:\temp\". The variable set in the "Embedded Screen Variable" should therefore
contain the absolute path of the screen to be displayed: "C:\temp\MyScreen.movscr".
In cases where the variable is numeric type, the screen can be changed on variable by exploiting
each one of the screen's ID properties, as well as those that are in "Screens" resource subfolders,
and those belonging to Child projects from Father projects: they just need to have a univocal ID.
This, however cannot be reversed as Father project screens cannot be opened from a Child project.
For instance, by means of using a Display object, you only neet to set the value of the screen's ID
index, or use a Combobox to get the index of the selected item.
The variable set in the "Embedded Screen Variable" property can be declared locally to the screen so
that, for example, a Client or Web Client application can result independent from the Server.

You are allowed to use Child project variables (string or numeric type), (for
instance: "ChildPrjName\ChildTagName") and on the contrary use Father
Use the variable from the "Embedded Screen Variable" property within
object or screen VB Script to speed up the change over of the screen to
be displayed instead of the with the "DrawCmdTarget" interface's
"EmbeddedSynoptic" property, which only has effect when the routine
from where it was invoked has finished its run.
Show Background
When selecting this box the background colour or any associated background drawing of the original
Screen will be represented. If this box is not selected, the object will assume a transparent
Static Screen Image
This property allows you to change the Embedded Screen object's behaviour as follows:
Disabled (default): the object will behave normally, meaning that any associated Screen animation
properties will be active and the user will be able to interact within the associated Screen.
Enabled: the Embedded Screen will only display the image of the associated Screen and it will not
be possible for the user to interact with the interactive objects internal the associated Screen. The
displayed Screen can be opened by clicking on the Embedded Screen. This mode is handy for
creating change pages using screen previews. It is also exploited by objects which are used in the
resource for managing the "Screen Navigation Editor".
The image that displays when the "Static Screen Image" option is active
gets searched for in the same folder in which the screen resource set in the
"Embedded Screen" object resides. The name of the image searched for is
"<Screen>_c.jpg" and is created manually by the "Save Screen Image"
command from the screen's "General" properties in design mode or
automatically if the "General\ShowTooltipPreview" key has been set to the
'1' value (for further details please refer the chapter on "Screen general
properties"), and is deleted every time the screen is modified.
The 'Border' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings
and Controls".

10.13. Displays
The Movicon Displays are components which can be inserted into any point of the Screen to allow
variables to be dynamically displayed.
The displays carry out the task of displaying figures or strings whose values are contained in the
associated variable, which can be set and configured through the properties window.
The Display objects are available in the 'Controls' group of the "Objects Window".





The Display object also permit the operator to edit the value of the associated variable by selecting
the Display and entering the value required. The Displays can also be in read only by setting the
appropriate properties.

An example of Movicon Display application. The Movicon

Real Time DB variables can be read and written through
these Displays.
The Displays show the associated variable's value during project processing, with the style and sizes
set through the 'Properties Window'.

10.13.1. Display Variable Properties

The Display Variables properties are used for associating the Movicon Real Time DB variables to
Displays. The majority of these properties are the same ones also used in "Spin", "List" and "Combo
Box" objects.
To edit the Variables properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Edit-Box Display Variable
The name of the variable to be displayed or set using the Display is inserted in this editbox (or
selected using the "..." browse button on the right).
(Also see "Tag Display" property described in the "Combo Box Variable properties" paragraph)
Value to Display
This display property consents you to select the data type to display for the variable associated to
the display through the"Variable Display" display property. The selectable options are:

Variable Value: displays the variable's current value

Variable Min. Value: displays the variable's minimum value statistic
Variable Max. Value: displays the variable's maximum value statistic
Variable Average Value: displays the variable's average value statistic
Variable Total Time ON: displays the statistic value which indicates how long the variable
stayed at a value that was not zero. In this case the value is shown in days, hours, minutes
and seconds
Daily Variable Min. Value: displays the variable's minimum value statistic on a daily basis
Daily Variable Max. Value: displays the variable's maximum value statistic on a daily basis
Daily Variable Average Value: displays the variable's average value statistic on a daily
Daily Variable Total Time ON: displays the statistic value which indicates how long the
variable stayed at a value that was not zero on a daily basis. In this case the value is shown
in days, hours, minutes and seconds
Weekly Variable Min. Value: displays the variable's minimum value statistic on a weekly
Weekly Variable Max. Value: displays the variable's maximum value statistic on a weekly
Weekly Variable Average Value: displays the variable's average value statistic on a
weekly basis
Weekly Variable Total Time ON: displays the statistic value which indicates how long the
variable stayed at a value that was not zero on a weekly basis. In this case the value is
shown in days, hours, minutes and seconds


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Monthly Variable Min. Value: displays the variable's minimum value statistic on a monthly
Monthly Variable Max. Value: displays the variable's maximum value statistic on a
monthly basis
Monthly Variable Average Value: displays the variable's average value statistic on a
monthly basis
Monthly Variable Total Time ON: displays the statistic value which indicates how long the
variable stayed at a value that was not zero on a monthly basis. In this case the value is
shown in days, hours, minutes and seconds
Yearly Variable Min. Value: displays the variable's minimum value statistic on a yearly
Yearly Variable Max. Value: displays the variable's maximum value statistic on a yearly
Yearly Variable Average Value: displays the variable's average value statistic on a yearly
Yearly Variable Total Time ON: displays the statistic value which indicates how long the
variable stayed at a value that was not zero on a yearly basis. In this case the value is shown
in days, hours, minutes and seconds
Variable TimeStamp: displays the variable's TimeStamp being the date and time the
variable was last updated. The default format with which the value is displayed with is
composed of the date and time including milliseconds if the project is running on Windows
32/64 bit platforms (milliseconds are not available in Windows CE). To customize this format
use the Display's "Value Format" property.

Total Time ON

When the "Total Time ON" is displayed, the value format is shown for default as follows:
where: d = days, H = hours, M = minutes, S = seconds
you can also customize the value to be displayed by specifying the format desired in the display's
"Value Format" field. The format may include the following codes:
%D = Days
%H = Hours
%M = Minutes
%S = Seconds
For examply by inserting the format string:
the display will now show the day value.

Displaying Statistic Data

If you wish to display the variable's statistical values you will need to enable the variable's statistics
and set the variable as retentive ("Enable Statistic Data" and "Retentive not Shared" variable
properties). Otherwise the variable's current value will be always displayed.
You must also take into account that the variable's statistic data will be zeroes in different ways
according to the data type. For further information about this please consult the section on
"Retentive Variables and Statistical Data".
Default Structure
See paragraph "Variables Properties" for Drawings and Controls.
Min. Variable
The name of the variable whose value will be used as the lowest value which can be set in the
'Variable' is entered in this edit box (or selected with the '...' browse button on the right). By doing
this the threshold value is made dynamic and therefore editable during Runtime.
Max. Variable
The name of the variable whose value will be used as the highest value which can be set in the
'Variable' is entered in this edit box (or selected with the '...' browse button on the right). By doing
this the threshold value is made dynamic and therefore editable during Runtime.





Password Style Variable

The name of the variable whose value is to be used for enabling the "Password" style property is
entered in this edit box (or selected by using the "..." browse button on the right). This means that
when this variable has a zero value, the contents in the Display Variable will be made evident. When
this value is different from zero the Display Variable contents will be displayed in protected mode
with asterisks and not made evident.
Format Variable
The name of the variable whose value will be used to determine the display format of the variable
associated to the Display is entered in this editbox (or selected using the "..." browse button on the
right). The displayed value format can also be modified during runtime using this variable. When
this field is left empty, the format defined in the "Format Value" property will be used, otherwise the
variable's contents will be used.
Numeric variables or string variables can be entered in this field:

Numeric Variable: if the variable is numeric type, the number set will represent the number
of decimal figures after the point. For example, when entering the '2' value in this field, the
"x.xx" format will be used. If the set value is negative, the absolute value will be taken,
therefore when entering "2" or "-2" the same result will be obtained. If the value is in
floating type with decimal figures, the value will be rounded off, for example; an entered
"1.4" will be taken as "1" and an entered "1.6" will be taken as "2".
String Variable: if the variable is string type, its format must be one of those provided by
the control system which are listed in the paragraph headed "Predefinided Movicon Format"
from the section on "Data Formats" (i.e. "x.xx", "%s", etc.).
Caution! When using a string variable type make sure that you insert
a correctly supported format. If the string inserted is not in a valid
string format, the value will not get displayed correctly.
"Byte Array" or "Structure" variable types (inserted as global variables
without using a single member) are not supported. In this case the value
will be displayed with the format defined in the "Format Value". property.

Enable Var.
See paragraph "Variables Properties" for Drawings and Controls.
Status Var.
See paragraph "Variables Properties" for Drawings and Controls.

10.13.2. Display Style Properties

The Display Style properties are needed for setting the graphical display of the object. A majority of
these properties are also the same ones used in the "Spin", "List" and "Combo Box" objects.
To edit the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Read Only
The display can be made read only through this selection box.
Prompt Pad
This option allows the Numeric or Alphanumeric Pad to show when user clicks on the editable
For further information please refer to "Prompt Pad" property from the object "Style properties".
Spin Enable
By using this check box you can associate Spin button to the display so that the variable's value can
be increased or decreased without having to use the keyboard.
Password Style
This property, when enabled, is used for protecting the display's contents. Each character will be
displayed as an asterisk during and after editing. This is used when editing texts, such as passwords,
whose original characters must not be revealed.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The display object password option is also supported in the Web Client and
using a server project in Windows CE. When in editing mode, a editbox
opens showing asterisks for the inserted text which will show in the display
when confirmed.
Horizontal Spin
By using this check box you can set the Spin to be horizontal or vertical.
Spin Delay
The delay time in enabling the fast Increase/Decrease function is entered in this edit box. By
pressing one of the two spin buttons with the mouse for the time set, when exceeded the variable
will start to Increase/Decrease in fast mode.
Spin Size
When the Spin button associated to the display has been enabled you can select the button's size
from the ones below:


When setting Spin Size to "Custom" will enable you to define the Spin sizes to the values of your
choice. In this case the relating "Spin Width" and "Spin Height" properties will also be enabled
according to Display or ComboBox type:

Display object: setting the "Spin Size" to "Custom" will activate the "Spin Width" property
through which you can defined the custom spin size of your choice.
ComboBox object: setting the "Spin Size" to "Custom" will activate the "Spin Width" and
"Spin Height" through which you can define the custom spin sizes of your choice.
The ComboBox's Scroll Bar size does not depend on the "Spin Size"
property but on the Windows Operating system window settings.

Spin Width
Defineds width size of the Spin button in Display or ComboBox objects.
Spin Height
Defines height size of Spin button in Dispaly or ComboBox objects.
Min. Value
This edit box is used for specifying the minimum value which the Display variable can obtain when
this display is being written in.
When the variable linked to the display has its "Enable Scaling" property enabled, the
minimum value used will be the one set in the variable's "Scale Min. Value" property.
The display's "Minimum Value" property or the variable's "Scale Min."
property will not be considered if a variable has been specified in the
display's "Min. Variable" property for managing the threshold dynamically.
Max. Value
This edit box is used for specifying the maximum value which the Display variable can obtain when
this display is being written in. When the associated variable is string type this value will be
considered as the maximum number of characters which can be inserted in the variable.
When the variable linked to the display has its "Enable Scaling" enabled, the maximum
value used will be the one set in the variable's "Scale Max. Value" property.
The display's "Maximum Value" property or the variable's "Scale Max."
property will not be considered if a variable has been specified in the
display's "Max. Variable" property for managing the threshold dynamically.
Error String
This edit box can be used for inserting a text string which will displayed in a MsgBox each time an
attempt is made to set a value not within the preset limits. The minimum and maximum limits
allowed can also be displayed by using the "%f" syntax. An example string is shown below:





Warning! Minimum value = %f; Maximum value = %f

In runtime this would result as follows:

When using the "%f" parameter, the value will display in floating comma with a fixed decimal figure.
When using the"%g" parameter, the value will be formatted based on the display format. For
example, if an integer variable is used with a "x" display format, an eventual 100 value will be
displayed as follows:
%f = 100,000000
%g = 100
Spin Step
In this edit box the increment or decrement value can be entered to be applied to the variable by
using the spin buttons.
Eng. Unit
A text to identify the Display variable's engineering unit to be represented is entered in this edit box.
Format Value
The associated Display variable's numeric format to be displayed is selected through this box.
The type of formats available are only those listed in the "Data Formats" section found in the
paragraph headed "Predefined Movicon Formats".
In cases where a Basic expression is used as the result to be
displayed, , it must be set in the "%f" format.
When integer type variables link to the display with a format for showing decimals, the minimum,
maximum limits and the spin step do not keep to the format set in the display and will always work
on the variable's total value. For example, for a "x.x" format and a maximum limit of "100", it will be
possible to edit a maximum value equal to "100" in the variable to be shown on display with a "10.0"
In cases where this property is not set (therefore left blank) the display will
inherit the format defined in the associated variable's "Default Format"
In situations where the Display's "Value To Display" is the variable's TimeStamp (Date of last
update), the value format may be defined using the syntax described in the "Time Format"
paragraph where the date and time formats can be customized as pleased.
The 'Border' is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings and

10.14. The List Objects

The Movicon List objects are components which can be inserted in at any point of the screen so that
item lists can be displayed. A numeric or string type variable can be associated to the object. Each
line of the list corresponds to a numeric value which is made available on the variable associated to
the object when this variable is numeric type. When the variable is string type, this will be updated


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

with the selected Item's text. Each time a line is selected the list's variable is updated with the
corresponding numeric value (the value is progressive, starting from 0 to indicate the first line) or
with the selected Item's text.
The List objects are available from the 'Special Objects' group in the "Object Window".

An example of a Movicon List.

The list will display the Items during project processing with the style and sizes setup through the
'Properties Window'.
The List object can be managed and compiled by using the component's Basic Script functions
(ListBoxCmdTarget interface).

10.14.1. ListBox Style Properties

The List's Style properties are used for setting the object's graphical settings
To change the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon "Properties
The "Border" property is described in the paragraph headed "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
The "Clickable" property is described in the paragraph headed "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Show Control Wnd
The "Show Control Wnd" property is described in the paragraph headed "Style Proprieties
common to Drawings and Controls".
ListBox Items
The texts to appear in the list are inserted in this edit box. To insert more than one item you need to
use the "|" pipe character to separate them (ie. Item1|Item2|Item3|etc.). ID strings, existing in
the "String Table", can also be inserted as well as the Item texts and also need to be separated
with the "pipe" ("|") character.
The list can be dynamically compiled by using the objects appropriate
Basic functions.
Sort Items
When this property is enabled, the list items will be put into alphabetical order. This property also
works for new items dynamically added to the list.

10.14.2. ListBox Execution Properties

The ListBox Execution properties allow you to associate the Variable and Items to be displayed.





To change the Execution properties, select the object the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Variable ListBox
The name of the variable in which the numeric value or text corresponding to the selected Item is
entered in this box (or selected with the "..." browse button on the right). The variable can be either
numeric or string type. When the variable is numeric the selected item's index will be written in it,
starting from the "0" value. When the variable is string type the text corresponding to the selected
item will be written in it.
When the display variable is string type, the displayed text and the text
contained in the string will not change when a change is made to the list of
items associated to the object.
when the display variable is numeric type, the value associated to the
display variable will not change when a change is made to the list of items
associated to the object but the displayed text will obtain the new text
corresponding to the index contained in the display variable. However, if the
new list of items is inferior to the previous one and the index contained in
the display variable has value higher than the new number of items, the
display variable will keep the old index and the old text will remain shown in
the display.
Items ListBox
The texts which are to appear in the list are entered in this box. To insert more than one Item you
need to separate the texts with the pipe character "|" (i.e. Item1|Item2|Item3|etc.). As well as fixed
texts you can also insert String IDs which are presented in the "String Table". In this case you only
need to create a String ID and insert all the Item's texts in its internal which are to appear on the list
using the 'pipe' character ("|").
You can compile the List dynamically by using the object's appropriate Basic

10.15. Combo Box Objects

The Movicon Combo Box objects are components which can be inserted into any point to the screen
to allow item lists (texts) to be displayed and edited. The object can be associated with a numeric or
string type variable. Each line of the list corresponds to a numeric value which is made available in
the variable associated to the object, when this variable is numeric type. When the variable is string
type, it will be updated with the text of the Item selected. Each time a line is selected the Combo
Box's variable is updated with the corresponding numeric value (the value is progressive, starting
from 0 to indicate the first line) or with the text of the Item selected. However, when the variable is
numeric type, no values are displayed in the Combo Box's editing box, therefore a string variable
type is normally used. In addition to the Combo Box a second string type variable can be associated
which will be compiled with the text of the item to be displayed.
The Combo Box objects are available from the "Special Object" group in the "Object Window".

Movicon Combo Box example


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The Combo Box will display the Items during project processing, with the style and sizes setup
through the "Properties Window".
You can also insert new items with the Combo Box by using the appropriate edit boxes.
The managing and compilation of Combo Box objects can also be done through the component's
Basic Script functions (DisplyCmdTarget and ListBoxCmdTarget interface). For instance, if wishing to
retrieve a combo-box item list from a Button object ("ComboBox" is name associated to object), the
script code to insert in the Button would be:
Option Explicit
Dim objCombo As DrawCmdTarget
Dim objDisplay As DisplayEditCmdTarget
Dim objList As ListBoxCmdTarget
Dim sListItems As String
Public Sub Click()
Set objCombo = GetSynopticObject().GetSubObject("ComboBox")
Set objDisplay = objCombo.GetObjectInterface()
Set objList = objDisplay.GetComboListInterface
sListItems = objList.ListData
MsgBox("List items = " & objList.ListData,vbInformation,GetProjectTitle)
Set objDisplay = Nothing
Set objList = Nothing
Set objCombo = Nothing
End Sub

10.15.1. Combo Box Style Properties

The Combo Box Style properties are used for setting the graphical properties of the object.
To change the Combo Box properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
The Combo Box is a combination of a "Display" and a "ListBox". All its Style properties are
therefore the same described for the two Display and ListBox components.
Read Only
The "Ready Only" property is described in the paragraph headed "Display Style Properties".
Spin Size
The "Spin Size" property is described in the paragraph headed "Display Style Properties".
Min. Value
The "Min. Value" property is described in the paragraph headed "Display Style Properties".
Max. Value
The "Max. Value" property is described in the paragraph headed "Display Style Properties".
Eng. Unit
The "Eng. Unit" property is described in the paragraph headed "Display Style Properties".
The "Format" property is described in the paragraph headed "Display Style Properties".
Show Control Wnd
The "Show Control Wnd" property is described in the paragraph headed "Style properties
common to Draws and Controls".
ListBox Items
The "ListBox Items" property is described in the paragraph headed "Display Style Properties".





The "Border" property is described in the paragraph headed "Style properties common to
Draws and Controls".
Sort Items
The "Sort Items" property is described in the paragraph headed "Listbox Style Properties".
Invert Selection
When enabled, the property will open the combo-box displayed list upwards instead of downwards.
This will allow the object to be positioned near the screen's bottom border so that when the list is
opened, it will open upwards and not downwards thus out of view.

10.15.2. Combo Box Variables Properties

The Variable properties of Combo Box allow associations of the Variables and the Items to be
To change the Variables properties, select the object and use the Movicon "Properties Window".
The Combo Box is a combination of a "Display" and a "ListBox". All its Variables properties are
therefore the same as described for the two Display and ListBox components.
EditBox-Display Variable
This property is described in the paragraph headed "Display Variables Properties".
You must also consider that when this variable is string type it will contain the text of the selected
item and when it is numeric type it will contain the index number of the selected item. In this case,
however, the text selected will be shown in the display while the index will be returned to the
variable. The item's index starts from the "0" value.
when the display variable is string type, the text displayed and the text
contained in the string will not change when the list of items associated to
the object is changed.
When the display variable is numeric type, its value will not change when the
object's list of items is changed but the displayed text will assume a new text
corresponding to the index contained in the display variable. If, however, the
number of items in the list is lower than before and the index contained in
the display variable value is higher than the number of new items, the
display variable will keep the old index and the old text will remain shown in
the display.

ListBox List Variable

This property is described in the paragraph headed "ListBox Execution Properties".
EditBox-Display Min. Variable
This property is described in the paragraph headed "Display Variables Properties".
EditBox-Display Max. Variable
This property is described in the paragraph headed "Display Variables Properties".
Tag Stile Password
The "Tag Stile Password" property has been described in the "Display Variables Properties"

10.16. TAB Group Object

The Movicon TAB Group objects are components which can be inserted into any point of the screen.
This object's task is to display the project's Screens within its window This is done by selecting the
desired screen's corresponding TAB. The list of screens available should be put together in the
object's programming phase.


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The particularity of these objects is that they represent, in scale, the symbols and components which
are contained in the Screens they are associated to while conserving any animation characteristics.
This powerful feature allows you to realize, for example, the general layout of the project, without
having to redraw absolutely anything, by using the ready-to-use Screens.
This particular object, which reproduces a screen inside another screen, can receive its own
configuration and animation properties just like all the other vectorial components, which remarkably
enhance its potentiality and flexibility.
The TAB Group objects are available from the "Special Objects" group found in the "Objects

The tags of the "TAB Group" object adapt to the length and height of the
text starting from the top when there isn't enough space horizontally.
The object's tabs are headed with the names of the associated screens. To custom these texts you
will need to insert a String ID in the String Table with the name of the screen to be displayed. In this
way the text will automatically be replaced with the string contents. When screens are in resource
groups you will need to specify the group name as well:
ID = Group1\Synoptic1
the tab group cannot be used for displaying the 'Alarm window' or the
'Alarm Banner' from child projects. Any attempts to do so will result with an
empty 'Alarm window' or the 'Alarm Banner'.

10.16.1. TAB Group Object Features and Constraints

When using the TAB Group object you will need to keep in mind some of its characteristics and
restrictions of use:


The TAB Group object keeps all loaded screens within its internal memory and therefore all
the variables contained in these screens and exchanged with the field will always remain in
use independently from the screen displayed by the object. This function serves for quick
screen navigation and no option exists for Movicon to discharge memory when passing from
one screen to another
The screens displayed by the TAB Group object are not completely initialized. As a result the
screen basic interfaces do not initialize. Therefore, none of the screen VBA events can be
used, including variable notifications. As a consequence, functions such as the
"GetSynopticObject" return the screen object which contains the TAB Group object and not




the screen displayed by the object. Events relating to objects contained in Embedded Screens
are however active and managed.
Screen Local variables displayed by te TAB Group are created in the context of the Screen
that contains the TAB Group object.
Screen IL logic displayed by the TAB Group and IL logic of the objects it contains is executed

10.16.2. TAB Group Style Properties

The TAB Group Style properties are used for setting the object's graphic aspect.
To edit the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon "Property
This property displays the TAB flat and not raised.
Wider 3D Style
This property displays the TAB in 3D. This setting has only effect when the "Flat" property is
Bottom TabBar
This property displays the TAB bar at the bottom of the object instead of at the top.
Tab Image
This property allows you to select an image to be displayed at the side the text on the label of each
tab. The associated image must be sized 16x16 pixels for each screen set in the "Tab group" object.
The complete image to be associated to the property should measure 16 pixels in height with length
equal to the of screens multiplied by 16. For example, if you insert three screens in the TAB Group,
the associated image will look like this:

the completed size is therefore 16x48 pixels. The end result will look like this on the TAB Group

10.16.3. TAB Group Execution Properties

The TAB Group Execution properties are used for setting up the list of screens to be displayed in the
To change the Execution properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Property Window".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Edit Screen List

When executing this command a dialog window will open through which you can select the screen
list you wish to associate to the object.
The current screen list is shown on the left hand side of the window. Other screens can be added to
the list by using the "Add New Screen...." button while the "Remove" button is used to remove
the selected screen from the list. To change the order of list just click on the screen to be moved
and drag it to the position desired.

10.17. Alarm Windows

The Movicon Alarm Window is a configurable object designed to represent and control local or area
plant alarms, or remote station alarms (Server) connected in net.
The Alarm Window is available from the 'Controls' group in the "Objects Window".

When the Alarm Window is inserted into the Screen it will appear with default settings. After having
inserted the Alarm Window it can be sized as pleased by dragging its borders with the mouse.
A number of Alarm Windows can be inserted into the project, i.e. in
more Screens, as required.
In the Alarm Window alarms supporting Reset and Ack have to be acknowledged and reset to
disappear from the window, and alarms not supporting the Reset and Ack, and therefore result as
simple Messages, appear and disappear automatically in function with the ON/OFF status of the
alarm itself.
Managing multi-row texts in the Alarm Window
If the length of an alarm text, defined by the Alarm threshold name or the threshold object's "Alarm
Text" property, exceeds the width of the Alarm Window's length "Alarm Description" column, it can
be viewed in full by double-clicking on the alarm's row displayed in the Alarm Window. In this way
the test will display in the row directly underneath the one with the alarm normally reserved for
Threshold Help text. This behaviour is only valid if no Help text has been set, otherwise this row will
give priority the Threshold's Help text.

10.18. Alarm Banner

The "Alarm Banner" object derives from the "Alarm Window" and is used for displaying existing
alarms in the plant system, locally or remote stations (Server) connected in net. The "Alarm Banner"
object is available from the "Advanced Shapes" category in the "Window objects".





By using the "Alarm Banner Window" you will be able to view the alarms one at time by scrolling
through them automatically or manually.

Only the alarm text, its date and time of activation (Alarm ON) are displayed in the "Alarm Banner".
Other information such as date and time or acknowledgement, off date and time, etc. cannot be
viewed. In addition, this object is only used for viewing information and does not consent to
executing commands such at alarm acknowledgement or reset, neither does it allow comments to
be inserted. Unlike the "alarm Window", this object cannot be displayed with any command buttons.
The purpose of this "Alarm Banner Window" is strictly to scroll alarms on one line only. However
the following functionalities can be configured for this object:

Possibility to set automatic or manual alarm scroll with spin button

Possibility to set scroll speed when in automatic. When set time expires, the next alarm is
scrolled to. When the last alarm on the list has been reached, the scroll goes back to the
Possibility to display and customize the alarm activation date and time format.
The scroll sequence starts with the most recent to the most oldest. If a new alarm intervenes
while the scrolling is in action, this alarm will be displayed immediately and the scroll will be
updated by restarting from the last activated alarm.
Possibility to force scroll sequence bases on alarm priorities.

Insert an "Alarm Banner" on screen, this will appear with the default settings. After having inserted
the window you can size it as pleases by dragging its borders with the mouse. The alarms which will
appear in this window are those that support both Acknowledgement and Reset, which must
therefore be acknowledged and reset in order to disappear, and those that do not need
acknowledging or resetting being simple Messages which appear and disappear automatically in
function with the alarm's ON/OFF status. In cases where alarms needing to be acknowledged and
reset are displayed, you should use an "Alarm Window" to invoke these commands or you can insert
two buttons on the screen separate from the Alarm Banner to manage the "Ack All" and "Reset All"
command (Command List -> Alarm).

10.18.1. Alarm Window Fields

The fields to be presented in the Alarm Window can be selected by the programmer from those
available through the "Field Choice" window.
The fields or columns that can be displayed are as follows:
Alarm Description
The Alarm Description column reports descriptive text of the alarm. The text is composed of strings
in the following formations:


Device Name - Title

This formation will be displayed when a text has

been inserted in either the 'Alarms->General>Device Name' property or the 'Threshold>General->Title' property.

Device Name - Name

This formation will be displayed when a text has

been inserted in the 'Alarms->General->Device
Name' property but not in the 'Threshold>General->Title' property. In this case the text
of the 'Threshold->General->Name' will be


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This formation will be displayed when a text in

the 'Alarms->General->Device Name' property
has not been inserted but only in the 'Threshold>General->Title' property.


This formation will be displayed when a text has

not be entered in either the "Alarms->General>Device Name" or the "Threshold->General>Title" properties. In this case the 'Threshold>General->Name' property will be considered.


Variable Name - Name

This formation will be displayed when the

template alarm associated to a variable has
been used. Therefore the name of the variable
and the text inserted in the "Threshold>General->Title" will be considered.
This formation will be displayed when the
template alarm associated to the variable has
been used. The name of the variable and the
text inserted in the Threshold->General->Name'
property will be considered if a text has not
been inserted in the "Threshold->General>Title" property.

Time ON
The 'Time ON' column reports the date and time of alarm occurrence. The time will always be that of
operating system's and can be displayed with the formation specified in the "Time Format"
property from the 'Alarm Window Style Properties'. Any Clients connected to the Server will
display the time in their local format.
Time ACK
The 'Time ACK' column reports the date and time of the alarm's acknowledgement. The time will
always be that of the operating system's local time and can be displayed with the formation specified
in the "Time Format" property from the 'Alarm Window Style Properties'. Any Clients
connected to the Server will display the time in their local format.
Time OFF
The 'Time OFF' column reports the date and time of the alarm's deactivation. The time will always be
that of the operating system's local time and can be displayed with the formation specified in the
"Time Format" property from the 'Alarm Window Style Properties'. Any Clients connected to
the Server will display the time in their local format.
The 'Time RESET' column reports the date and time of the alarm's reset. The time will always be that
of the operating system's local time and can be displayed with the formation specified in the "Time
Format" property from the 'Alarm Window Style Properties'. Any Clients connected to the
Server will display the time in their local format.
Total Time ON
the "Total Time ON" column displays the total time in which the alarm remained active from the
moment in which it was initialized. The "Total Time ON" value is set in days, hours, minutes and
seconds for default:
where: D = days, H = hours, M = minutes, S = seconds
You can however customize how the value is to be displayed by specifying the desired format in the
Alarms Window "Duration Format" property. The formats may include the following codes:
%D = Days
%H = Hours
%M = Minutes
%S = Seconds





For instance, when inserting the format string:

the total duration value for the current day (i.e. "12:23:45") will be displayed in the Alarm Window.
Alarm Total Num On
The "Alarm Total Num On" column shows the alarm's statistical value representing how many times
the alarm turned ON.
Alarm Total Num ACK
The "Alarm Total Num Ack" column shows the alarm's statistical value representing how many times
the alarm was acknowledged.
Alarm Total Num RESET
The "Alarm Total Num Reset" column shows the alarm's statistical value representing how many time
alarm was reset.
The "Image" column displays the image to be associated in the alarm threshold's "File-stile. Bmp"
property, or in the alarm's activation variable property "Options - Bmp File". If images are associated
in both these properties, the one associated to the alarm's threshold will have priority.
The 'Status' column reports the current status of the alarms. The Alarm status are:

ON: alarm active and not acknowledged

OFF: alarm not active and not acknowledged
ACK: alarm active and acknowledged
OFF (ACK): alarm not active and acknowledged

The 'Duration' Column reports the duration of the alarm occurrence. This value indicates the amount
of time passed between the alarm's last "ALARM ON" and "ALARM OFF" events and is written only in
the "ALARM OFF" event. The "Duration" value is shown with the day, hour, minute and seconds
format for default:
where: D = days, H = hours, M = minutes, S = seconds
You can of course customize how this value is shown by specifying the one desired in the Alarms
Window's "Duration Format" field. Formats may include the following codes:
%D = Days
%H = Hours
%M = Minutes
%S = Seconds
For example if you insert this format string:
in the Alarm window, the total duration value will display for the current day (i.e. "12:23:45").
The 'Severity' column reports the alarm priorities. This value should have been previously inserted in
the "Severity" property from the 'Alarm Threshold Execution Properties'.
The 'Condition' column reports the alarm's current condition. The options are:

ON: alarm active

OFF: alarm not active


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10.18.2. Alarm Window Field Choice

The Alarm Window allows you to select the fields or columns which can be displayed. In order to
carry out this operation you need to open the 'Field Choice' window by clicking on the 'Open'
button in the 'General' group of the object's 'Properties Window', or by double-clicking on the
object and pressing down the 'SHIFT' key at the same time.

In the 'Field Choice' window are listed available fields which have not yet been inserted into the
Alarm Window. To move a field from 'Field Choice' window to the Alarm Window simply select it with
the mouse and drag it to the position desired in the Alarm Window. Please bare in mind that the
field can only be released at the beginning or the end of a already positioned field, and two red
arrows should appear:

To move a field from the Alarm Window to the 'Field Choice' window, simply select it with the mouse
and drag it to the 'Field Choice' window.
When the window is set with the "Show Control Wnd" option during
Runtime phase the columns can then be dragged out of the window and
deleted. However the initial configuration must be restored by using the
"RecalcLayout" basic script method from the AlarmWndCmdTarget
interface or when the page is reloaded.

10.18.3. Alarm Help in the Alarm Window

A string help can be associated to each single alarm through the "Help" property found in the 'Alarm
Threshold General Properties'. This help string can be displayed during Runtime in the Alarm Window
by double-clicking on the line of the alarm required.
When alarms are managed as Templates and associated to variables without the associated help
strings, the description of the variables will be displayed.
In addition to this you can also get more extended help associated to each single arlarm by using a
HTML or CHM file. To open these files, just select the alarm in the Alarm Window and click the
"Help" key. Obviously, this can only be done when the help files have already been created and
configured in one of the two ways:







Associate a "htm" file to the variable which generates the alarm. This setting must e done in
the "Html File" property from the "Variable Options Properties" group. In order to avoid
absolute file path problems if would be advisable to insert the "htm" files into the project's
resource folder.
Associate a help "chm" file format to the project, and create a topic referring to the alarm/s.
Then insert the topics in the chm file's index and give them the same name of the varialbe
associated to the alarm. For instance, if the "Alarm001' has been set with the "Alarm_1"
variable associated to it, the topic will be inserted into the file index in the name of

10.18.4. Alarm Window and Banner Window Style Properties.

The Alarm Window Style Properties are used for setting the object's graphical properties.
To edit the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
The "Alarm Window" and "Alarm Banner" style properties are used for setting their graphical aspects.
Some of these properties can be found in both objects, while others can only found in one and not
the other.
This property is only available in the "Alarm Banner" object and consents existing alarms to be
scrolled automatically. If this property is not enabled, the scroll will only work manually using the
spin button provided. Activation of any new alarms will be automatically displayed even when
scrolling is done manually.
Has Spin
This property is only available for the "Alarm Banner" and a Spin button can be associated to this
object in order to scroll alarms manually. The manual scroll does not work continuously in a circle.
When it arrives at the end of the list, the spin button deactivates and another button has to be used
in order to return back to the beginning.
Horizontal Spin
This property is only available for the "Alarm Banner", and is used for setting the Spin Button
vertically or horizontally.
Spin Size
This property is only available for the "Alarm Banner" and is used for selecting the Spin button size.
The sizes to choose from are:


Show Date Time

This property is only available for the "Alarm Banner" and is used when wanting to show alarm
activation dates and times in addition to the alarm text. In this case the date and time will be place
before the alarm text. The date and time format can be customized afterwards in the "Time Format"
Show Higher Severity
This property is only available for the "Alarm Banner" and is used for defining the list of alarms to
show in order of severity. When enabled, the alarms will be listed in order of severity, starting with
the highest (1 = lowest serverity). Alarms with the same severity will be scrolled based on activation
time from the most recent to the oldest. If this property is not enabled, the scroll sequence will be
based on activation time only, starting with the most recent to the oldest.
The 'Border' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings
and Controls".


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The 'Clickable' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Auto Layout
The 'Auto Layout' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Show Control Wnd
The 'Show Control Wnd' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common
to Drawings and Controls".
Show Preview
This property allows you to activate the help to show for default for each alarm row. Otherwise the
help will only show when the alarm row is double clicked on. This only works for those alarms which
have a help string.
Ack Sel Button
This option enables the command button for acknowledging the alarms selected in the Alarm
Window. One or more alarms have to selected in order to carry out this action in Runtime.
This button is made active only when an alarm is selected. When no alarm
has been selected, this button will result disabled.
Ack All Button
This option enables the command button for acknowledging all the alarms existing in the Alarm
Window, without having to select them all first.
When an Alarm Window from a Network Client project is connect to a
Network Server, the "Ack All" command sends a acknowledge command to
the Server for all alarms displayed in the Client window. In this way, if a
filter has been applied to the Client's window area, only the alarms that
belong to that area will be acknowledged.
Reset Sel Button
This option enables the command button for resetting the alarms selected in the Alarm Window. One
or more alarms, previously acknowledged with the 'Ack sel' or 'Ack All' button, have to selected in
order for this to work in Runtime.
This button is made active only when an alarm is selected. When no alarm
has been selected, this button will result disabled.
Reset All Button
This option enables the command button for resetting all the alarms existing in the Alarm Window,
without having to select them first and only if previously acknowledged with the 'Ack Sel' or 'Ack All'
When an Alarm Window from a Network Client project is connect to a
Network Server, the "Reset All" command sends a reset command to the
Server for all alarms displayed in the Client window. In this way, if a filter
has been applied to the Client's window area, only the alarms that belong
to that area will be reset.
Toggle Sound Button
This option makes the command button available for activating or deactivating the acoustic sounds
associated to the unacknowledged alarm priorities. This button activated when pressed down and is
retentive. Therefore user can see whether the acoustic sound has been activated or not by looking
at the button's status graphically on screen (pressed or released). The button status can also be
retentive so its settings will be retained when closing and reopening the project. The button's status
is directly linked to the corresponding system "AlarmSoundState" variable. Therefore it is also
possible to manage this variable with IL Logic, VBA or using a Variable command type (i.e. with the
'Toggle' action at 1) for enabling or disabling the alarm sounds. Changing the status on one will
automatically change the status of there other and vice-versa. (For further information on managing
alarm sounds relating to user levels please refer to the section on "Alarms Sound Management")





In conclusion, the Alarm Window's "Enable Sound" button or the

"AlarmsSoundState" system variable enable the sounds of alarms according
to the setting customized for each user, whereas the "Alarms - Enable
sound" command (settable in the object's command list) or a double click
on the blinking alarm in the Movicon status bar will silence the sound
temporarily which will recommence upon a status change of a listed alarm
or when a new alarm appears. This command's effect is therefore
temporary and does not interact with the status of each user.
The Sound Button is also enabled in the Client project (or
WebClient) Alarm window, and the consequent warning sound is
managed in function with the user used for connecting to the Server
(user inserted in the "Network Client Settings" from the Client
project's "Network Services" resource or the user inserted in the
"Default Log On User" property from the Server project's "Network
Client" resource).
The window sound button in Web Clients is available from the Java Applet
windows status bar. For further information please refer to "Alarm sound
The sound which is reproduced by Movicon for default is a repetitive 'beep'. This sound is handled
differently according to the operating system being used whether 32 bit or 64 bit as follows:

32 bit Operating System: beep is executed for default using the PC buzzer. In this case
the PC's audio card is not involved.
64 bit Operating System: an operating system function executes a system sound to
reproduce beep for default. This sound is reproduced using the PC's audio card, which
should be enabled and in working condition, managed by the operating system and is not
retrievable as a ".wav" file. In addition this sound is at low volumn and hard of hearing.

However, a custom ".wav" file can be used instead of the default beep. In this case the following
two Windows registry keys must be set:

UsePCSpeaker: this value is inserted in the Windows registry set at the "0" value to execute
a ".wav" file to replace the beep. The name of the ".wav" file must be specified in the
"AlarmSound" key
AlarmSound: the name of the ".wav" file, which is to be executed instead of the beem when
the "UsePCSpeaker" key is set at "0", is inserted in this value. The ".wav" file must then be
copied to the Movicon installation folder.
Help Button
This selection provides the command button for opening the help file of the alarm selected. The
alarm's help file is executed as explained in the section on "Alarm Help in the Alarms Window".
This button is made active only when an alarm is selected. When no alarm
is selected this button results disabled.
The Help Button is not enabled in Client (or WebClient) project
Alarm Windows, but on in Server projects. The alarm Help is
managed by the Alarm Window only for local project alarms and not
for those alarms retrieved from Network Server projects.
Get History Button
This selection makes the command button available for displaying the selected alarm's history, being
all of the "Alarms Historical", showing all of the status transactions which verified while the alarm
was working.
This button is only activated when an alarm is selected. This button will
remain disabled when no alarm has been selected.
The alarm's history can be retrieved by using this button or by pressing "Shift + Doppio Click" on the
alarm or by selecting the alarm and pressing the "G" key. This functionality is also supported by the
Alarm Window when connected to a Network Server project.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Comment Button
This option makes the command button available for entering a comment for the alarm selected in
the window. This button is only gets enabled when one or more alarms are selected. A dialog
window will open when pressing this button where you can set a comment to associate a comment
to the selected alarm and which will be persistent in the retentive file. This comment will be inserted
in all the alarms selected in a multi-alarm selection. The window used for inserting the comment
has an "OK" button for confirming the text entered (Enter key can be used as well), a "Cancel"
button to ignore the text just entered (Exit key also does the same job) and a "Pad" button to open a
alphanumeric pad for editing. Alarm comments can be accessed through the "LastComment " basic
script function.

The Comment Button is not enabled in client project (or WebClient)

Alarm Windows, but only in Server projects. Alarm comments are
managed by the Alarm Window only for local project alarms and not
for those retrieved from Network Server projects.
Comment Button Text
The text to appear on the "Comment Button" is entered in this edit box. The default text will be
used when left blank.
Button Size
The 'Button Size' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Align Buttons
The 'Align Buttons' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Ack Sel Button Text
The text which is to appear on the 'Ack Sel Button' is entered in this edit box. The default text will
be used if left blank.
Ack All Button Text
The text which is to appear on the 'Ack All Button' is entered in this edit box. The default text will
be used if left blank.
Reset Sel Button Text
The text which is to appear on the 'Reset Sel Button' is entered in this edit box. The default text
will be used if left blank.
Reset All Button Text
The text which is to appear on the 'Reset All Button' is entered in this edit box. The default text
will be used if left blank.
Toggle Sound Button Text
The text which is to appear on the 'Toggle Sound Button' is entered in this edit box. The default
text will be used if left blank.
Help Button Text
The text to appear on the "Help Button" is inserted in this edit box. The default text will be used if
this field is left blank.
Get History Button Text
The text to appear in the "Get History Button" is inserted in this edit box. The default text will be
used if this field is left blank.
Text Column Name
The text which is to appear as the "Alarm Description" column's name is entered in this edit box.
The default text will be used if left blank.
Alarm On Column Name
The text which is to appear as the "Time ON" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default
text will be used if left blank.
Alarm Ack Column Name
The text which is to appear as the "Time ACK" column's name is entered in this edit box. The
default text will be used if left blank.





Alarm Off Column Name

The text which is to appear as the "Time OFF" column's name is entered in this edit box. The
default text will be used if left blank.
Alarm Reset Column Name
The text which is to appear as the "Time RESET" column's name is entered in this edit box. The
default text will be used if left blank.
Alarm Duration Column Name
The text which is to appear as the "Duration" column's name is entered in this edit box. The
default text will be used if left blank.
Alarm Total Time ON Column Name
The text which is to appear as the "Total Time ON" column's name is entered in this edit box. The
default text will be used if left blank.
Alarm Severity Column Name
The text which is to appear as the "Severity" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default
text will be used if left blank.
Alarm Status Column Name
The text which is to appear as the "Status" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default
text will be used if left blank.
Alarm Condition Column Name
The text which is to appear as the "Condition" column's name is entered in this edit box. The
default text will be used if left blank.
Alarm Image Column Name
The text to appear as the "Image" column's name is inserted in this edit box. The default text will
be used if left blank.
Date Format
The "Data Format" property is described in the paragraph on Design and Control "Stile
Properties" .
Duration Time Format
The "Duration Time Format"property is described in the paragraph on Design and Control "Stile
Properties" .
Include milliseconds
This "Include milliseconds" is described in the "Object Style Properties" paragraph from the
Drawings and Controls section.
Area Filter
This entry box is used for inserting a filter for displaying alarms belonging to a certain area only.
This filter can contain the following special characters:
'*' : the asterisk indicates one or more chars (*Area*).
'?' : the question mark indicates only one char (Area?).
'[xyz]' o '[x-y]' :[1-3] the square brackets indicate a char. set (Area or Area[13] or Area[A-D]).
Queries done with square brackets are not case-sensitive, therefore you
will need to always use upper-case chars even when the chars to be
searched for are in lower-case.
For further information on creating alarm areas see topic: "Alarmsinserting alarms".

Alarm Text Filter

A filter for displaying alarms according to their texts can be entered in this field. The filter is applied
to the "Desc. Column" column and may contain the following special chars:
'*' : the asterisk indicates one or more chars (*Motor*).
'?' : the question mark indicates only one char (Motor?).
'[xyz]' o '[x-y]' :the square brackets indicate a char. set (MotorArea or Area[13] or Area[A-D]).


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Searches using square brackets are not case-sensitive therefore you will
need to always insert upper-case chars even when chars to be searched
for are in lower-case.
Alarm Severity Filter
A filter can be entered in this box for displaying the alarms based on their priorities. The value
inserted must be a severity value (value "1" indicates the lowest severity) you wish to use for
applying the filter. Once the severity value has been set you will need to also set the "Alarm Severity
Filter Condition" with the condition type with which to apply the filter. Leaving this value at zero
(default value), no filters will be applied based on the alarms' severities.
The filter by severity is also supported in cases where the "alarms
Window" is used for retrieving alarms from a Network Server Project
(therefore both in Networking and WebClient).
Alarm Severity Filter Condition
This property consents you to set the condition to be used by the alarm filter based on severity.
When the " Alarm Severity Filter" is left at "0" value, this setting will be ignored. The options are:

equal: alarms with severity equal to the one set in the "Alarm Severity Filter" property will
be displayed only
minor-equal: alarms with minor or equal severities set in their "Alarm Severity Filter"
properties will only be displayed
major-equal: alarms with major or equal severities set in their "Alarm Severity Filter"
properties will only be displayed
Alarm Mask Filter
A filter based on the status of the alarms to be displayed in the window can be set in this property.
Click on the '...' button on the far right of the property to open the following settings window:

The filters are:

Alarm ON: active alarms which have not yet been acknowledged will be displayed
Alarm ACK: active alarms which have been acknowledged but not yet reset will be displayed
Alarm OFF ACK: inactive alarms which have been acknowledged but not reset will be
Alarm OFF: inactive alarms which have been either acknowledged or not acknowledged but
not yet reset will be displayed
NO Alarm: inactive alarms which have already been acknowledged and reset will be

Historical Log Item Back Color

This property allows you to select the color to associate to the background of the alarm historical
data display area. To view alarm historicals use the "Get History" button.
Colors are selected using the standard selection procedures using the color palette.
Historical Log Item Text Color
This property allows you to select the color to associate to the text in the alarm historical data
display area. To view alarm historicals use the "Get History" button.
Colors are selected using the standard selection procedures using the color palette.





10.18.5. Alarm Window and Alarm Banner Execution Properties

The 'Alarm Window' and 'Alarm Banner' execution properties are used for setting execution times,
the names of any Servers from which to get data to display, etc. Some of these properties are
common to both objects, whereas others are only available for one and not the other.
Scroll Time
This property is only available in the "Alarm Banner" object and is used for setting a time in
milliseconds for automatic alarm scrolling. This time represents the duration of which the alarm is
displayed in the Banner before passing on to the next one.
Blink Time
This setting represents the blink time for alarms not yet acknowledged. The value is expressed in
The blink time can also be disabled by setting it with the zero value.
Max Rows Nr
This parameter is used only for limiting the number of rows to be displayed when the alarm history
window is opened with the "Get History" button. This setting will have no effect on the number of
alarms displayed. All active alarms or not acknowledged and reset will always display.
Network Server
See paragraph "Drawings and Controls common Execution Properties".
Network Backup Server
See paragraph "Drawings and Controls common Execution Properties".
Network Polling Time
This setting represents the network's polling time. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
OPC AE Server
The name of the eventual OPC AE Server, from which alarm notifications are to arrive and be
displayed in the window, is entered in this edit box. In this way the alarm window will be configured
so that it keeps track of a certain number of events in arrival from a OPC Server AE. In addition to
this, the "OnOPCAEEvent" is available from the "AlarmWndCmdTarget" basic interface which
consents you to intercept a new AE type message in arrival for the alarms window, and to eventually
stop it from being displayed.
Max. OPC AE Events Nr.
The max. number value of OPC Server AE events that can be displayed in the Alarms window is
entered in this field. When this set limit has been reached the oldest traces will be replaced with the
newest ones.

10.19. Log Window

The Movicon 'Log Window' is a configurable object designed to display log data recorded by the
Project. Data from local projects and remote stations (Server) connected in net can also be
The Log Window object is available from the 'Special Objects' group in the "Objects Window".
When a Log Window is inserted into a screen it will appear with its default size. After being inserted
it can be resized as pleased by dragging the borders with the mouse.
The Log Window can display three different types of data: System Messages, Alarm Messages and
Communication Driver Messages.

As many Log Window in as many screens can be inserted within the

project according to your specific requirements.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The Event type associated to the Log Window can be dynamically

changed during Runtime by using the object's appropriated Basic Script

10.19.1. Log Window Fields

The fields which must be presented in the Log Window can be selected by the programmer from
those available by means of using the "Field Choice" window.
The fields or columns which can be displayed are described below:
Event Text
The 'Event Text' column reports the description of the type of event which occurred. The event
maybe a system message, a alarm text or a communication driver error, etc.
Event Time
The 'Event Time' column reports the date and time of the data recording. The time is always in the
operating system's local time and will be displayed with the "YYYY-MM-GG HH-MM-SS" formation.
Event Id
The 'Event Id' Column reports the type of even which has been verified. For instance some event
types are 'System, 'Driver', 'Alarm ON', 'Alarm OFF', etc. For further information please refer to the
paragraph on "Log Window Fields".
The name of the user logged in project is recorded in this field only if the recorded event was
prompted by the that user (i.e. by using a button, etc.)
The "Description" column reports different information according to the type of event which
occurred. For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Log Window Fields".
The "Duration" column reports the event's duration. This field is only significant to some events. For
further information please refer to the paragraph on "Log Window Fields".
Event Num
The "Event Number" column reports the event's identification code number. For further information
please refer to the paragraph on "Log Window Fields".
The "Comment" column reports different information according to the type of event which occurred.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Log Window Fields".

10.19.2. Log Window Field choice

The Log Window object permits you to select the fields or columns to be displayed. In order to do
this you need to open the 'Field Choice' window by clicking on the 'Open' button from the
'General' group in the object's 'Properties Window' or by double clicking and keeping the mouse
button pressed on the object while pressing the 'SHIFT' key at the same time.





The available fields which have not yet been inserted into the Log Window will be listed in the 'Field
Choice' window. To move a field from the 'Field Choice' window to the Log Window just select the
field with the mouse and drag it to the position desired in the Log Window. Note that the field can
only be released at the beginning or end of an already positioned field, and that two red arrows
should appear:

To move a field from the Log Window to the 'Field Choice' window just select the field with the
mouse and drag it into the 'Field Choice' window.
When setting the window with the "Show Control Wnd" option during the
Runtime you will be able to drag the columns out of the window where
they will be deleted. You can, however, restore the initial configuration by
HisLogWndCmdTarget interface or when the page is reloaded.

10.19.3. DataBase Fields

The DataBase of the Historical Log is composed of a certain number of fields, and not all of them are
displayed in the Historical Log window. These fields can, in certain cases, are very useful for creating
statistics or other things. For example, they can create reports by extracting data from the
Database. There are three tables in the Historical Log file, SysMsgs (system messages), Alarms
(alarm messages) and Drivers (communication Driver messages), but all these have the same fields,
even though they may obtain different meanings from time to time, as explained below:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This fields reports the date and time of the recording in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The GMT is
used to calculate the time in the rest of the world. The time zones are calculated by starting from
Greenwich 0.00 hrs. Italy is "+1" hour ahead in respect to the GMT and "+2" hours at certain times
of the year when the legal hour is put into force.
This field report the date and time of the recording taking the local time as reference.
This field reports the milliseconds relating to the recording's time.
The name of the user logged in the project will be recorded in this field only when the event
recorded is prompted by that user (e.g. by means of using a button, etc.).
This field reports the event type which identifies the recording. The event types changed according
to the table being consulted. The values may be:







System Messages such as project startup,

the log on/off of a user, etc.
This event type records a variable change
whose "Trace" property has been
enabled, in addition to the "Add Msg to
SysLog" property
Messages relating to Communication
activations, communication errors, etc.
Event recorded when the alarm is













Event recorded








Event recorded








Event recorded when the alarm is reset

(*) alarm priority

This field reports an ID number code of the event type. The codes in question are reported in the
table above. However, the ID number of the priority level set for the alarm will be recorded instead
where Alarm tables are concerned.
This field reports the description of the event. Where Alarm Tables are concerned, this field reports
the text associated to the alarm threshold intervention.
In cases where the SysMsgs table has the Variable Trace function and the "Add Msg in SysLog"
property enabled, it will show the name of the changed variable, its previous value, current value,
changing value and the user who carried out the changes. An example of a message would be:

The Variable 'VAR00001' (User '') has changed by ''. Previous value '7'. Actual Value '8'. Changing
value '8'
In Alarm Tables, this field reports the name of the alarm threshold intervention and the variable
associated to the alarm.
The operator's comment, entered with the appropriate window, will be saved in the SysMsgs table
when the Variable Trace function and the "Add Msg in SysLog" property is enabled.





In Alarm Tables, this field reports the alarm duration in text format.
The variable's description is saved in the SysMsgs table when the Variable Trace function and the
"Add Msg in SysLog" property has been enabled.
In the Alarm Tables, this field reports the alarm duration in numeric format (seconds).
This field shows the alarm's unique ID in the Alarms Table. This value is not shown in the "Historical
Log Window", but is needed for managing the displaying of the "Alarms Historical" in the "Alarms
Window" and in the "Historical Log Window".
This field shows the alarm's transaction ID in the Alarms table. This value is not displayed in the
"Historical Log Window", but is needed for managing the displaying of the "Alarms Historical" in the
"Alarms Window" and in the "Historical Log Window".

10.19.4. Log Window Style Properties

The Style properties of the Log Window are used for setting the object's graphical properties.
To modify the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
The 'Border' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings
and Controls".
The 'Clickable' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Auto Layout
The 'Auto Layout' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Show Control Wnd
The 'Show Control Wnd' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common
to Drawings and Controls".
Event Type
The message type to be displayed in the Log Window is set in this option box. The options are:

System Messages: only system messages will be displayed

Alarm Messages: only alarm messages will be displayed
Communication Driver Messages: only messages inherent to the Communication Drivers
will be displayed
All: All the three messages types, mentioned above, will be displayed
The event type to be displayed can be changed dynamically in the Log
Window during Runtime by using the object's appropriated Basic Script
When the Historical Log is set for recording in IMDB, the "All"
option in the "Historical Log Window" object will no longer be
selectable. This is due to the fact that the IMDB (InMemoryDB)
does not support the UNION clause (for the data extraction query
from a number of tables).

Refresh Button
The 'Refresh Button' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Filter Button
The 'Filter Button' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Print Button
The 'Print Button' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Report File
The "Report File" property is described in the "Style Proprieties" paragraph on Drawings and
Edit Report File
The "Edit Report File" property is described in the "Style Proprieties" paragraph on Drawings and
Button Size
The 'Button Size' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Align Buttons
The 'Align Buttons' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Refresh Button Text
The 'Refresh Button Text' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties
common to Drawings and Controls".
Filter Button Text
The 'Filter Button Text' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common
to Drawings and Controls".
Print Button Text
The 'Print Button Text' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common
to Drawings and Controls".
Text Column Name
The text which will appear as the name of the "Event Text" column is entered here. The default
text will be used if this field is left empty.
Time Column Name
The text which will appear as the "Event Time" column's name is entered in this edit box. The
default text will be used when this field is left empty.
User Column Name
The text which will appear as the "User" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default text
will be used when this field is left empty.
Event Column Name
The text which is to appear as the name of the "Event Id" column is entered here. The default text
will be used when this field is left empty.
Description Column Name
The text which is to appear as the name of the "Description" column is entered here. The default
text will be used when this field is left empty.
Duration Column Name
The text which is to appear as the name of the "Duration" column is entered here. The default text
will be used when this field is left empty.
Event Num. Column Name
The text which is to appear as the name of the "Event Num" column is entered here. The default
text will be used when this field is left empty.
Comment Column Name
The text which is to appear as the name of the "Comment" column is entered here. The default
text will be used when this field is left empty.





Time Format
This property is used for customizing the Log window's "Event Time" column format. For further
information on format types please see the section on "Time Format" described in the
paragraph on Drawing and Control "Stile Properties" .
Duration Format
This property is used for customizing the Log window's "Duration" column format. his properTramite
questa propriet possibile personalizzare il formato della colonna "Durata" della finestra. For
further information on format types please see the section on "Time Format" described in the
paragraph on Drawing and Control "Stile Properties" .
Include milliseconds
The 'Include milliseconds' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".

10.19.5. Log Window Execution Properties

The Execution properties of the Log Window are used for selecting from which project the data is to
be taken.
To modify the Execution properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
The name of the child project from where data is to be taken is entered in this edit box.
If this field is left empty the current project will be used.
Only the name of an eventual child project of the current project is
entered in this property.
Max Rows
The highest number of rows which can be displayed in the Log Window is entered in this edit box.
Network Server
See paragraph "Drawings and Controls common Execution Properties".
Network Backup Server
See paragraph "Drawings and Controls common Execution Properties".

10.19.6. Log Window Data Filter

Filters for displaying data in the Historical Log window can be executed during a project runtime
mode. These filters can be done by following different data selecting criteria. When the "Filter"
button, in the Historical Log Window, is pressed the following window will open for setting the


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

When applying more than one filter at the same time you have to put
"AND" between each one in the extraction query, then the conditions will
be added up together.
The dialog window's character font and size can be customized by using
the appropriate registry keys:
Any modifications made to the font or its size will change the size of the
dialog window.
Sort by:
This selection is used for putting data into order according to the DataBase column chosen. The data
order can be done by simply clicking on the column desired in the Historical Log Window, but only a
few of the columns in the database are actually displayed. Therefore, if you want a 'sort by' based
on the columns not displayed, you will have to use the filter window.
For further information on fields recorded in the DataBase please refer to the section on "DataBase
This entry field is used for specifying the name of the user who wants to execute the filter. By
entering the user's name, only data recorded during their log on will be extracted.
The text to be entered in this field is not the "Name" of the user, but their
"Description er Electronic Signature".
From Date:
The date with which the extractions are to start from is entered here.
To Date:
The date with which the extractions are to finish is entered here.
Event Type:
The selection is used for setting the event type the data must be extracted from. The items in the
list may not have any meaning in certain cases. This depends on how the "Event Type" property
from the Historical Log window has been set.
For further information on the event types available, please refer to the section on "DataBase
Severity Condition:
This field is used for setting a compare condition for the severity of the alarms. This, for example,
will ensure that only alarms with a specific severity are selected. This setting has meaning only
when a severity value has been entered in the "Severity" field.





The possible values are:

"none": no compare condition will be applied

"=" alarms with the same severity as the one entered in the "Severity" field will
be extracted.
">" alarms with severities higher than the one entered in the "Severity" field will
be extracted
"<" alarms with severities lower than the one entered in the "Severity" field will
be extracted

This field is used for entering the severity value to used as a reference for extracting data. This
setting only has meaning when a value different from "none" has been entered in the "Severity
Condition" field.

10.20. DataLogger Window

The Movicon 'DataLogger Window' is a configurable object designed to display recorded data from
the Project's DataLoggers or Recipes. Data from local projects and remote stations (Server)
connected in net can also be displayed.
The DataLogger Window object is available from the 'Special Objects' group in the "Objects
When a DataLogger Window is inserted into a screen it will appear with its default size. After being
inserted it can be resized as pleased by dragging the borders with the mouse.
Each DataLogger Window can display data of only one DataLogger or Recipe which must be setup in
the object's "Execution Properties".
As many DataLogger Window in as many screens can be inserted within
the project according to your specific requirements.
The DataLogger or Recipe associated to the DataLogger Window can be
dynamically changed during Runtime by using the object's appropriated
Basic Script functions.

10.20.1. DataLogger Window Fields

The fields which must be presented in the DataLogger Window can be selected by the programmer
from those available by means of using the "Field Choice" window.
The fields or columns which can be displayed are described below:
Event Time
The 'Event Time' column reports the date and time of the data recording. The time is always in the
operating system's local time and will be displayed with the "YYYY-MM-GG HH-MM-SS" formation.
The 'Reason' column reports the cause which determined the recording. Recordings can take place
on time, on change or on variable.
The name of the user logged in the project will be recorded in this filed only when the record
command is prompted by that user (e.g. by means of using a button, watch window, etc.).
A column is created in the database for each variable associated to the DataLogger or Recipe with
the same name set in the "Data Loggers and Recipes common Column General Properties".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

10.20.2. DataLogger Window Field Choice

The DataLogger Window object permits you to select the fields and columns to be displayed. In
order to do this you need to open the 'Field Choice' window by clicking on the 'Open' button from the
'General' group in the object's 'Properties Window' or by double clicking and keeping the mouse
button pressed on the object while pressing the 'SHIFT' key at the same time.

The available fields which have not yet been inserted into the DataLogger Window will be listed in
the 'Field Choice' window. To move a field from the 'Field Choice' window to the DataLogger Window
just select the field with the mouse and drag it to the position desired in the DataLogger Window.
Note that the field can only be released at the beginning or end of an already positioned field, and
that two red arrows should appear:

To move a field from the DataLogger Window to the 'Field Choice' window just select the
field with the mouse and drag it into the 'Field Choice' window.
When the window has been set with the "Show Control Wnd" option, the
columns can be dragged out of the window and deleted during Runtime
mode. However, the initial configuration can be restored by using the
"RecalcLayout" basic script method from the DLRWndCmdTarget interface
when the page is reloaded.

10.20.3. DataLogger Window Style Properties

The Style properties of the DataLogger Window are used for setting the object's graphical properties.
To modify the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.





The 'Border' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings and
The 'Clickable' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings and
Auto Layout
The 'Auto Layout' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings
and Controls".
Show Control Wnd
The 'Show Control Wnd' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Refresh Button
The 'Refresh Button' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Filter Button
The 'Filter Button' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings
and Controls".
Print Button
The 'Print Button' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings
and Controls".
Button Size
The 'Button Size' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings
and Controls".
Align Buttons
The 'Align Buttons' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings
and Controls".
Refresh Button Text
The 'Refresh Button Text' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Filter Button Text
The 'Filter Button Text' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Print Button Text
The 'Print Button Text' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Time Column Name
The text which will appear as the "Event Time" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default
text will be used when this field is left empty.
User Column Name
The text which will appear as the "User" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default text
will be used when this field is left empty.
Reason Column Name
The text which will appear as the "Action" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default text
will be used when this field is left empty.
Include milliseconds
The 'Include milliseconds' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

10.20.4. DataLogger Window Execution Properties

The Execution properties of DataLogger Window are used for setting the DataLogger or Recipe to be
displayed and the project it belongs to.
To modify the Execution property, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
The name of the child project from where data is to be taken is entered in this edit box.
If this field is left empty the current project will be used.
Only the name of an eventual child project of the current project is entered
in this property.
Data Logger-Recipe
The name of the DataLogger or Recipe to be displayed is to be entered in this edit box. The '...'
browse button on the far right allows you to select the one needed from the project's list of
'DataLoggers & Recipes'. When the DataLogger or Recipe is not on the list because it belongs to
another project, just simply enter the name using the keyboard.
Max. Rows
The highest number of rows which can be displayed in the DataLogger Window is entered in this edit
Network Server
See paragraph "Drawings and Controls common Execution Properties".
In order to display data from a Server it is necessary that the
DataLogger/Recipe be also present in the Client project, to recuperate the
Database structure. The DataLogger/Recipe can be created as a structure
only and therefore without having to associate any variables to the columns.
Network Backup Server
See paragraph "Drawings and Controls common Execution Properties".

10.20.5. DataLogger Data Filter

Filters on displaying data in the DataLogger window can be executed during a project runtime mode.
These filters can be done by following different data selecting criteria. When the "Filter" button, in
the DataLogger Window, is pressed the following window will open for setting the filter:





When applying more than one filter at the same time you have to put
"AND" between each one in the extraction query, then the conditions will
be added up together.
You can customize the font and size of the Dialog window's characters by
using the right registry key:
The size of the dialog window will also change when the font or its size is
Sort by:
This selection is used for putting data into order according to the DataBase column chosen. The data
order can be done by simply clicking on the column desired in the DataLogger Window.
This entry field is used for specifying the name of the user who wants to execute the filter. By doing
this, only the data recorded while the user was logged on will be extracted.
The text to be entered in this field is not the name of the user but their
"Description or Electronic Signature".
From Date:
This field is used for entering the date with which the data extraction is to start from.
To Date:
This field is used for entering the date which the data extraction is to end with.

10.21. Recipe Manager Window

The Movicon "Recipe Manager Window" is a configurable object designed for displaying and
modifying Project Recipe data. Local project data and remote station (Server) connected in net
project data can be displayed and modified using this window.
The "Recipe Manager Window" object is available from the "Advanced shapes" category from the
"ToolBox Window".
The "Recipe Manager Window" consents managing recipes using a grid to load and set values of
each single recipe component. There are four columns displayed on the grid; "Variable",
"Description", "Value" and "Units" (see paragraph "Recipe Manager Window Field Choice" for further
information) and a row will be inserted for each field defined in the Recipe. By using this window you
can load the values from a recipe by selecting it from the combo box provided, after which you can
modify the selected recipe's values by editing them directly in the grid's cells. By using the object's
buttons you can activate commands for managing the recipe (see paragraph "Recipe Manager
Window Commands").
When inserting a "Recipe Manager Window" on screen, it will appear with its default settings and can
be sized as preferred once inserted by dragging its borders with the mouse.
Each "Recipe Manager Window" can display data of one recipe only, which must be set in the
object's "Recipe Manager Window Execution Properties" .
Any number of "Recipe Manager Windows" can be inserted within any
number of screens in the project as required.
You can also dynamically change the Recipe associated to the "Recipe
Manager Window" during Runtime by using the object's appropriate Basic
Script functions.
The "Recipe Manager Window" has a "RecipeWndCmdTarget" basic script interface, through which
can be used for interacting with the object in runtime mode using the appropriated methods and


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The "Recipe Manager Window" does not use any temporary variables associated in the Recipe field
properties ( "Recipe column General Properties" property). Data is read directly from the database
and loaded in the grid. When the recipe is activated the values currently display in the grid will be
transferred to the recipe variables.
When an IMDB recipe is associated to a "Recipe Manager Window"
object, it must be edited exclusively with this object and not with any
other command external to this object. If otherwise, a write lock will be
applied to the table and any following "Save", "Delete" object
commands will have no effect. In order to avoid this from happening an
alert is shown when associating a IMDB recipe and the "Save" and
"Delete" commands are automatically disabled when the IMDB recipe is
set with variables in its execution properties.
When the "Recipe Manager Window" connects to a Server, the "Save"
and "Delete" buttons will not be enabled if the recipe is IMDB type due
to the reasons mentioned above.

10.21.1. The Recipe Manager Window Fields

The fields wished to be displayed in the "Recipe Manager Window" can be selected by the
programmer from those available, using the "Fields choice" window.
The fields or columns that can be displayed are:
This field displays the name of the column relating to the Recipe field. It is in fact the name of the
column of the Recipe table associated to the "Recipe Manager Window". This field is read only.
This field displays the description of the variable associated to the Recipe column. The variable's
description text ("Description Tag" property) can also be selected from those defined in the String
Table and therefore supports the multilanguages. This filed is read only.
This field displays the recipe parameter's current value This value corresponds to that read by the
database the moment when the recipe was selected from the combo box and can be modified
afterwards. This value will be displayed in the format (x, x.x, ecc.) set in the variable associated to
the field ("Default Format" property). This value is editable by clicking the cell directly (one click for
selecting it, one for editing) or the Numeric or Alphanumeric Pads can be used if enabled.
The minimum and maximum editing limits are taken from the "Engineering Data" property of the
variable associated to the field ("Scale Min" and "Scale Max."). A control check is carried out on the
value's validity after being edited. If not within the set limits, the previous value will be restored.
This field displays any measure units set in the "Engineering Data" properties of the variable
associated to the field ("Engineering unit"). This field is read only.
This field displays the minimum value that the variable can be set with. This value is taken from the
"Engineering Data" properties of the variable associated to the field ("Scale Min."). This field is read
When the Recipe Manager is connected to a Network Server, the minimum
value is retrieved from the Client project's variable settings and not from the
Server settings. Therefore, make sure that the two variables on Client side
and Server side are set with the same limits.
This field displays the maximum value that the variable can be set with. This value is taken from the
"Engineering Data" properties of the variable associated to the field ("Scale Max."). This field is read
When the Recipe Manager is connected to a Network Server, the maximum
value is retrieved from the Client project's variable settings and not from the





Server settings. Therefore, make sure that the two variables on Client side
and Server side are set with the same limits.

10.21.2. Recipe Manager Window Field Choice

The fields and columns you wish to show in the "Recipe Manager Window" can be chosen from
the "Field Choice" which opens by clicking on the "Open" button from the object's "Properties
Window: General Group", or by double clicking on the object with "SHIFT" key pressed down.

The fields that have not yet been inserted in the "Recipe Manager Window" are available for
selecting in the "Field Choice" window. This is done by selecting the chosen field from the 'Field
choice' window and dragging it with the mouse to the point desired in the "Recipe Manager
Window". The chosen field must be positioned at the beginning or the end of an already positioned
field. Two red arrows should show and disappear when the field is released properly in the position

To move a field from the "Recipe Manager Window" to the "Field Choice" window, just select and
drag it with the mouse.
When setting the window with the "Show control window" option, these
columns can be dragged out of the window for deleting during Runtime.
However, the initial configuration can be restored by using the basic
script method from the RecipeWndCmdTarget "RecalcLayout" interface or
when the page is reloaded.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

10.21.3. Recipe Manager Window Commands

The "Recipe Manager Window" provides a series of buttons with which can be used to carry out
operations to manage the Recipe selected in the object's Combo Box.
The buttons that can be displayed in the object are as follows:
"Activate" Button
This button is used for activating the selected recipe by copying the grid's values to the recipe
variables (temporary Recipe variables will not be used by the "Recipe Manager Window"). A
message can also be added to request an activation confirm by using the "message on active"
"Read" Button
This button is used for transferring the values currently in the recipe variables on the grid. This
consents the current recipe in use in the project to be loaded on the grid.
"Refresh" Button
This button is used for reloading the values from the database relating to the recipe selected in the
Combo Box on the grid.
"Save" Button
This button is used for saving the recipe in the database. The values saved will be those present in
the grid (any temporary recipe variables will not be used by the "Recipe Manager Window") and the
recipe name will be the one set in the Combo Box. If a recipe already exits with the same name in
the database, it will be updated with the new values, otherwise a new recipe will be inserted in the
database. A message can also be added to request a save confirm by using the "message on save"
"Delete" Button
This button is used for deleting the recipe, selected in the Combo Box, from the database. A
message can be added to request a delete confirm by using the "message on removes" property.
"Copy" Button
This button is used for copying all the values from the grid to the Windows clipboard. This command
used together with the paste command is very useful for copying values from one recipe to another.
For instance, you can select one recipe, click "Copy", select another and then click "Paste".
"Paste" Button
This button is used for copying data from the Windows clipboard. For obvious reasons, the data on
the clipboard should coincide with the grid structure. This command used together with the copy
command is very useful for copying values from one recipe to another.
"Import" Button
This button is used for importing values from a text file (default .csv) to the grid. The text file will be
selected in runtime using the Windows browse window to select it.
"Export" Button
This button is used for exporting values from the grid to a text file (default .csv). The text file will be
selected in runtime using the Windows browse window for saving files.
"Print" Button
This command is used for printing reports associated to the recipe object. This button is disabled if
recipe object has no report associated and is not displayed in Web Client or Windows CE

10.21.4. Recipe Manager Window Style Properties

The "Recipe Manger Window" Style properties are used for setting the object's graphical effects.
To modify the Style properties, select the object from the Movicon "Properties window".





The "Border" property is described in the paragraph dedicated to Drawings and Controls: "Recipe
Manager Window Style Properties" .
The " Clickable" property is described in the paragraph dedicated to Drawings and Controls:
"Recipe Manager Window Style Properties" .
Auto Layout
The "Auto Layout" property is described in the paragraph dedicated to Drawings and Controls:
"Recipe Manager Window Style Properties" .
Show Control Window
The "Show Control Window" property is described in the paragraph dedicated to Drawings and
Controls: "Recipe Manager Window Style Properties" .
Prompt Pad
When enabled, this property allows the Numeric or Alphanumeric Pad when a recipe field value
needs modifying.
For further information please refer to the "Prompt Pad" property found in the object "Style
Properties" group.
Activate Button
When enabled, this property shows the button to execute the "Activate" command of the recipe in
the "Recipe Manager Window".
Read Button
When enabled, this property shows the button to execute the "Read" command of the recipe in the
"Recipe Manager Window".
Refresh Button
When enabled, this property shows the button to execute the "Refresh" command of the recipe in
the "Recipe Manager Window".
Save Button
When enabled, this property shows the button to execute the "Save"command of the recipe in the
"Recipe Manager Window".
Delete Button
When enabled, this property shows the button to execute the "Delete" command of the recipe in the
"Recipe Manager Window".
Copy Button
When enabled, this property shows the button to execute the "Copy" command of the recipe in the
"Recipe Manager Window".
Paste Button
When enabled, this property shows the button to execute the "Paste" command of the recipe in the
"Recipe Manager Window".
Import Button
When enabled, this property shows the button to execute the "Import" command of the recipe in the
"Recipe Manager Window".
Export Button
When enabled, this property shows the button to execute the "Export" command of the recipe in the
"Recipe Manager Window".
Print Button
When enabled this property displays the Print button in the "Recipe Manager" window for activating
the recipe "Print" command.
Import/Export Separator char
This property sets the separator for the ".csv" file when using the
commands. Movicon uses the ";" character for default.

"Import" and "Export"

Button Size
The "Button Size" property is described in the paragraph titled "Recipe Manager Window Style
Properties" from the Drawings and Controls section.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Align Buttons
The "Align Buttons" property is described in the paragraph titled "Recipe Manager Window
Style Properties" from the Drawings and Controls section.
Activate Button Text
The text to appear in the "Activate Button" is entered in this edit box. This text can also be selected
from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The default text will
be used, if this field is left blank.
Read Button Text
The text to appear in the "Read Button" is entered in this edit box. This text can also be selected
from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The default text will
be used, if this field is left blank.
Refresh Button Text
The text to appear in the "Refresh Button" is entered in this edit box. This text can also be selected
from those defined in the String Table and supports multilanguages. The default text will be used, if
this field is left blank.
Save Button Text
The text to appear in the "Save Button" is entered in this edit box. This text can also be selected
from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The default text will
be used, if this field is left blank.
Delete Button Text
The text to appear in the "Delete Button" is entered in this edit box. This text can also be selected
from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The default text will
be used, if this field is left blank.
Copy Button Text
The text to appear in the "Copy Button" is entered in this edit box. This text can also be selected
from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The default text will
be used, if this field is left blank.
Paste Button Text
The text to appear in the "Paste Button" is entered in this edit box. This text can also be selected
from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The default text will
be used, if this field is left blank.
Import Button Text
The text to appear in the "Import Button" is entered in this edit box. This text can also be selected
from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The default text will
be used, if this field is left blank.
Export Button Text
The text to appear in the "Export Button" is entered in this edit box. This text can also be selected
from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The default text will
be used, if this field is left blank.
Print Button Text
The text to appear on the "Print Button" is entered in this edit box. The text can also be selected
from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The default text will
be used if left blank.
Confirm Recipe Activation Message
This edit box is used for entering confirm message text which is to appear when invoking the
"Activate" command. When this command is invoked a dialog window will open immediately
showing the message defined in this property. When closing this dialog window with 'Yes', the
activation command will go ahead, otherwise activation will be annulled when clicking the 'No'
button. The text can also be selected from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports
multilanguages. If this field is left blank, the Activation command will be executed without requesting
confirmation beforehand.

This confirm request is not managed by Web Client.





Confirm Saving Recipe Message

This edit box is used for entering confirm message text to appear when executing the "Save"
command. When this command is invoked a dialog window will open immediately showing the
message defined in this property. When closing this dialog window with 'Yes', the save command
will go ahead, otherwise the save command will be annulled when clicking the 'No' button. The text
can also be selected from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. If
this field is left blank, the Save command will be executed without requesting confirmation

This confirm request is not managed by Web Client.

Confirm Deleting Recipe Message

This edit box is used for entering confirm message text to appear when executing the "Delete"
command. When this command is invoked a dialog window will open immediately showing the
message defined in this property. When closing this dialog window with 'Yes', the delete command
will go ahead, otherwise the delete command will be annulled when clicking the 'No' button. The
text can also be selected from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports
multilanguages. If this field is left blank, the Delete command will be executed without requesting
confirmation beforehand.

This confirm request is not managed by Web Client.

Error String
The text to be displayed as the error string is inserted in this edit box. The error string will then
display using this text every time an incorrect interval is inserted by the user when editing a field.
This error message is therefore customizable as pleased allowing the use of Sting IDs as well.
When entering an empty string a 'beep' will sound every time an incorrect interval is entered instead
of error message. Minimum and maximum limits can also be displayed in the error string using the
"%d" notation (or "%f" in cases where numbers are used with floating points) instead of a value.
For instance a string like the one below can be inserted:
Warning! Enter a value from %d to %d.
In this case, when in runtime the first "%d" will be replaced with the minimum value and the second
will be replaced with the maximum value to result as:
Warning! Enter a value from 0 to 100.
Variable Column Name
This edit box is used for entering the text to be shown as the "Variable" column's name. This text
can also be selected from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages.
The default text will be used, if this field is left blank.
Description Column Name
This edit box is used for entering the text to be shown as the "Description" column's name. This
text can also be selected from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports
multilanguages. The default text will be used, if this field is left blank.
Value Column Name
This edit box is used for entering the text to be shown as the "Value" column's name. This text can
also be selected from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The
default text will be used, if this field is left blank.
Units Column Name
This edit box is used for entering the text to be shown as the "Units" column's name. This text can
also be selected from those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The
default text will be used, if this field is left blank.
Min Value Column Name
The text to appear as the "Min" column's name is inserted here. This text can also be selected from
those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The default text will be
used if this field is left empty.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Max Value Column Name

The text to appear as the "Max" column's name is inserted here. This text can also be selected from
those defined in the String Table and therefore supports multilanguages. The default text will be
used if this field is left empty.

10.21.5. Recipe Manager Window Execution Properties

The "Recipe Manager Window" execution properties are used for setting the Recipe to be displayed
and the project it belongs to.
To modify the Execution properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
The name of the child project from which data is to be retrieved for displaying is entered here. If
field is left empty, the current project will be used instead.
Only the name of a child project from the current project is entered in this
The name of the Recipe to be displayed is entered in this edit box. The "..." browse button on the
right can be used for selecting a recipe from project's "Data Logger and Recipe" list. If the Recipe
desired is not in this list because it belongs to another project, just type in its name using the
Network Server
See paragraph dedicated to Drawings and Controls " Execution Properties".
In order to be able to display data from a Server, you need to make sure
the Recipe exists in the Client project to recover the Database structure.
However, the Recipe can only be created in structure in the Client project
without associating variables to the columns.
Network Backup Server
See paragraph dedicated to Drawings and Controls "Execution Properties".

10.22. Recipe Manager Window

'Variables' property group
The Variable properties of the 'Recipe Manager Window' are used for associating the Movicon
RealTime DB variables to the object.
To modify the Variable properties, select this object with mouse and use the Movicon "Properties
Window" automatically made available when doing so.
Current Recipe Variable
The name of the variable in which the name of the recipe, activated through the Recipe Manager
Window (Active Command), is to be inserted is entered here or selected using the "..." browse
button on the right. This variable may be string or numeric type. When using a string variable, it
will be set with the recipe's name when the recipe is activated. When using a numeric variable, it
will be set with the selected item's index number starting from the "0" value when the recipe is





10.23. TraceDB Window

The Movicon 'TraceDB Window' is a configurable object designed to display variable trace data.
Not only can data from local projects be displayed but also data from remote stations (Server)
connected in net.
The 'TraceDB Window' object is available from the 'Special Objects' group in the "Objects
The TraceDB Window will appear with its default settings when inserted into a screen. After it has
been inserted, it can be resized as pleased by dragging its borders with the mouse.
Each TraceDB Window can display the data one variable only which must be set in the object's
"Execution Properties".
As many TraceDB Window in as many screens can be inserted in the
project as required.
The variable associated to the TraceDB Window can be dynamically
changed during Runtime by using the object's appropriated Basic Script

10.23.1. TraceDB Window Fields

The fields which must be presented in the TraceDB Window can be selected by the programmer
from those available by means of using the "Field Choice" window.
The fields or columns which can be displayed are described below:
Event Time
The 'Event Time' column reports the date and time of the data recording. The time is always in the
operating system's local time and will be displayed with the "YYYY-MM-GG HH-MM-SS" formation.
The name of the user logged in project is recorded in this field only if a variable has been modified
by user (i.e. through a display, watch window etc.)
The 'Action' column reports the reason causing the variable variation. For instance the variation may
derive from a screen control, (display, button, etc), the communication driver, or from the Movicon
Watch window, etc.
The 'Value' column reports the requested value to be set on the variable. In certain cases there
might not be the conditions needed to activate the value requested and therefore the final value may
not be the one requested.
The 'Before' column reports the value of the variable before changing.
The 'After' column reports the final value obtained after being changed. In certain cases this value
might not correspond to the one requested, for instance if the writing is not executed properly.
The 'Quality' column reports the quality of the variable at the time of the recording.
The "TimeStamp" Column shows the TimeStamp of the variable the moment it is recorded.
Variable Name
The "Variable Name" shows the name of the variable which was recorded. The variable name will
however be added to the column only when text has been entered in the Trace "Table Name"
variable property, for example for defining a customized table name or for sharing the same table
with other variables in Trace (see "Variable Tracing(Audit Trail)" section).


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Variable Group
The "Variable Group" shows the which Group the recorded variable belongs. This column will be
populated only when the variable's trace "Add Variable Group Column" property has been enabled.
Variable Description
The "Variable Description" column shows the description of the variable that was recorded. this
column will only be populated if the variable's "Add variable Group Column" property has been

10.23.2. TraceDB Window Field Choice

The TraceDB Window object permits you to select the fields or columns to be displayed. In order to
do this you need to open the 'Field Choice' window by clicking on the 'Open' button from the
'General' group in the object's 'Properties Window' or by double clicking and keeping the mouse
button pressed on the object while pressing the 'SHIFT' key at the same time.

The available fields which have not yet been inserted into the TraceDB Window will be listed in the
'Field Choice' window. To move a field from the 'Field Choice' window to the TraceDB Window just
select the field with the mouse and drag it to the position desired in the TraceDB Window. Note that
the field can only be released at the beginning or end of an already positioned field, and that two red
arrows should appear:

To move a field from the TraceDB Window to the 'Field Choice' window just select the field with the
mouse and drag it into the 'Field Choice' window.
When the window is set with the "Show Control Wnd" option, the columns
can be dragged out of the window during Runtime where they will be
deleted. You can, however, restore the initial configuration by using the
"RecalcLayout" basic script method from the TraceDBWndCmdTarget
interface or when the page is reloaded.





10.23.3. TraceDB Window Style Properties

The style properties of the TraceDB Window are used for setting the object's graphical properties.
To modify the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties

The 'Border' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings
and Controls".
The 'Clickable' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Auto Layout
The 'Auto Layout' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Show Control Wnd
The 'Show Control Wnd' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common
to Drawings and Controls".
Refresh Button
The 'Refresh Button' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Filter Button
The 'Filter Button' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Print Button
The 'Print Button' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Report File
This property's description can be found in the paragraph on Drawing and Control's "Style Objects
Edit Report File
This property's description can be found in the paragraph on Drawing and Control's "Style Objects
Button Size
The 'Button Size' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Align Buttons
The 'Align Buttons' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Refresh Button Text
The 'Refresh Button Text' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties
common to Drawings and Controls".
Filter Button Text
The 'Filter Button Text' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common
to Drawings and Controls".
Print Button Text
The 'Print Button Text' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common
to Drawings and Controls".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Time Column Name

The text which will appear as the "Event Time" column's name is entered in this edit box. The
default text will be used when this field is left empty.
User Column Name
The text which will appear as the "User" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default text
will be used when this field is left empty.
Action Column Name
The text which will appear as the "Action" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default
text will be used when this field is left empty.
Before Column Name
The text which will appear as the "Before" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default
text will be used when this field is left empty.
After Column Name
The text which will appear as the "After" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default text
will be used when this field is left empty.
Value Column Name
The text which will appear as the "Value" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default text
will be used when this field is left empty.
Quality Column Name
The text which will appear as the "Quality" column's name is entered in this edit box. The default
text will be used when this field is left empty.
Colonna TimeStamp
This editbox is used for entering the text which will appear as the "TimeStamp" column's name.
The default text will be used if left blank.
Colonna Nome Tag
This editbox is used for entering the text which will appear as the "Tag Name" column's name. The
default text will be used if left blank.
Colonna Gruppo Tag
This editbox is used for entering the text which will appear as the " Tag Group" column's name.
The default text will be used if left blank.
Colonna Descrizione Tag
This editbox is used for entering the text which will appear as the "Tag Desciption"
column's name. The default text will be used if left blank.
Include milliseconds
The 'Include milliseconds' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties
common to Drawings and Controls".

10.23.4. TraceDB Window Execution Properties

The Execution properties of the TraceDB Window are used for setting the table to be displayed and
what project it belongs to.
To modify the Execution properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Property Window'.
The name of the child project from which variable's trace data is to be retrieved is entered in this
edit box.
If this field is left empty the current project will be used.
Only the name of an eventual child project of the current project is
entered in this property.





Variable Table
The name of the trace table to be displayed is to be entered in this edit box. The '...' browse button
on the far right allows you to select one of the Real Time DB variables. This method is very handy
when the name of the trace table is the same as the variable's. In cases where the table name has
been customized through the "Table Name" settings from a variable's "Variable Trace Options
Property" Movicon will however be able to find the table's name by searching it in the properted of
the variable entered.
Caution! When a "TraceDB Window" is connected in Network to a
Server project, you will need to insert the name of the Trace
Database table in the Client's "TraceDB Window" > "Variable
Table" property, and not the name of the associated Variable, in
cases where the "Table Name" has been set with a different name
to that of the Variable's

Max. Rows
The highest number of rows that can be displayed in the TraceDB Window is entered in this edit box.
Network Server
See paragraph "Drawings and Controls common Execution Properties".
Network Backup Server
See paragraph "Drawings and Controls common Execution Properties".

10.23.5. TraceDB Data Filter

Filters for displaying data in the Trace Log window can be executed during a project runtime mode.
These filters can be done by following different data selecting criteria. When the "Filter" button in
the Trace Window is pressed, the following window will open for setting the filter:

When applying more than one filter at the same time you have to put
"AND" between each one in the extraction query, then the conditions will
be added up together.
You can customize the font and size of the dialog window characters by
using the appropriate registry keys:
The dialog window sizes will change when you modify the font and its size.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Sort by:
This selection is used for putting data into order according to the DataBase column chosen. The data
order can be done by simply clicking on the column desired in the Trace Window.
This entry field is used for specifying the name of the user who wants to execute the filter. By
entering the user's name, only data recorded during their log on will be extracted.
The text to be entered in this field is not the "Name" of the user, but their
"Description or Electronic Signature".
From Date:
The date with which the extractions are to start from is entered here.
To Date:
The date with which the extractions are to finish is entered here.

10.24. Hour Selector

The Movicon "Hour Selector" is a configurable object which is associated to an object from
"Scheduler Object List" resource to be used for viewing and changing the Scheduler object's daily
The "Hour Selector " object is found in the "Advanced Objects" group from the "Objects Window".
When an "Hour Selector" is inserted on screen you will be able to view and change the times set in
the Scheduler object's hour plan, it is associated to, in Runtime.
A "Hour Selector" can also display the daily plan of a Scheduler setup in a
Network Server project by using the appropriate property.
The "Scheduler Window" can manage activation hour entries in two different modes:

Time Table

Either one or both can be set for use in the designing phase. Keep into account that once a change
has been made in the "Grid" mode, you will not be able to change the entered data in the "Time
Table" mode.

Time Table
This type of display allows you to graphically view the times preset in the Scheduler selected using
the list-box at the top. In this way you can modify the times set by clicking the mouse on the box, as
described above, in 15 minute resolutions. Only activation times of commands can be changed and
not the variables associated to them. The "scheduler Window" displays as below:





A Scheduler Window displayed in 'Time Table' mode

Modifying planned times

The commands used for setting the times in the scheduler window are as follows:

Click on the day -> Set or delete all the 24 hours of that day of the week
Click on the hour -> Set or delete that hour in all the days of the week
Click on the hour and day intersection box - > Set or delete the 24 hours in all the days of
the week

One click on an hour box will set the time by a quarter of an hour precisely. An hour is made up of
four 15 minute resolutions. Each additional click will change the hour box according to the sequence

one whole hour selection

the first 15 minutes in the hour selection
the first 30 minutes in the hour selection
the first 45 minutes in the hour selection
the last 15 minutes in the hour selection
the last 30 minutes in the hour selection
the last 45 minutes in the hour selection
deselect the whole hour

This type of display allows you to view the planned times of the Scheduler selected using the list-box
at the top in the form of a grid. In this case each row in the grid represents an command activation
time. A maximum number of rows can be set using the object's 'Max. Nr. Grid Rows' property. Unlike
the 'Time Table' you can set times with minute resolutions by entering the exact times you wish in
hours and minutes for the activation command start and finish in the two respective 'Start'and 'End'
columns directly. Furthermore, you can select the variable, on which the command is to act on, using
the 'Tag' column (the command is the one set in selected Scheduler's 'Commands List' and should be
a "Variable" command type). You can also set the value in the "Value" column to activate in the
variable (ie. if a 'Set' command of a variable, the variable will be set to the value entered in this


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

A Scheduler Window displayed in 'Grid' mode

When you use the "Tag" and "Value" columns in the Scheduler window to insert variables for
command executions, you will need to take into account that the Scheduler will behave in the
following ways:

when a variable has more than one command in the Scheduler's "Commands ON" list, only
the first command in the variable list will be executed, applied to the new variable selected in
the "Tag" column.
When there are other commands in the Scheduler's "Commands ON" list (in addition to those
in variables), they will not get executed. The variable action's set functionality replaces the
command list with only one command applied to the variable specified.
The variable action's set functionality is executed only in the Scheduler's "Commands ON"
command list, while the "Commands OFF" command list is normally executed with the
original planned settings.

Modifying planned times

To modify the grid just click on the field desired to switch into editing mode if the Scheduler selected
allows this.

Runtime Schedulers
By using the "Add Scheduler" and "Remove Scheduler" commands you can add or remove new
Scheduler objects during the runtime phase (only those Schedulers added in runtime can be
removed afterwards). In this case you will be able to the Variable's Set command specified in the
"Tag" column with relating value in the "Value" column. You will not be able to insert runtime
command list. When using the Runtime Schedulers you will not be able to manage "Commands OFF"
command lists either, therefore any command OFF should be managed by inserting another Set
command of the same variable with value set to "0".
Scheduler objects created in runtime are set to support holidays as well.
In cases in when the "Holidays" button is not visible in the "Scheduler
Window" object (because not enabled), the Runtime Schedulers are then
added with the option to manage holidays base on Sunday Hour Plan.
When editing the values relating to the variable, the minimum and
maximum value limits set in the variable's "Engineering Data" properties
are referred to ('Scale Min.' and 'Scale Max.').
If the "Add Scheduler Button" is enabled, the Scheduler Selection combox
will become editable in runtime mode as well.
The "Save" button is used for saving scheduler on ".shp" file in the
project's "Data" subfolder. However, this file is only saved if the two
"Start" and "End" fields have been inserted correctly with a valid format.

Security Options
Scheduler selections using the list-box and any of its modifications can be conditioned by the Access
Level settings predefined in the Scheduler. Based on these settings the Scheduler can be set to
display in the list-box, and therefore selected, modified or just viewed only. In addition to this, you
must consider the variables' "Write Access Level" properties of the Scheduler's set planned times





which can be modified. The settings in these properties will determine whether variables can be
made available in the "Tag" column for selecting or not.
If the "Always Visible" property is enabled, available for both the Schedulers and Variables ("Access
Level" propriety), the Access Level settings will then no longer be considered and the Scheduler and
the Variable in question will always be available for selecting within the "Scheduler Window".
Scheduler objects which are added in runtime are set with a read and write Access Level equal to the
access level of the user currently logged in at that moment. In this way the user will be able to edit
the scheduler, while other users that do not have equal access levels won't be able to. Schedulers
added without any users currently logged in, will be always editable due to the fact that their read
and write access levels will be set at "FFFF".
When the project's Password management is disabled you will need to
enable the "Always Visible" property for the Schedulers and Variables you
wish to manage in the "Scheduler Window".

Scheduler On/Off Command Activation

The Schedulers have been designed for activating a command on the rising edge and a command on
the falling edge of the condition or area enabled when selected as "hour plan" . When the project is
launched within a pre-scheduled time range, the ON command will activate if not already done so
within that current day. However, if this command has already been activated for that day it will
not be reactivated again. This function is based on the fact that it may be necessary to activate
commands only once within the pre-scheduled time range and not at every restart according to
application and preset command types.
Command events are recorded in the "ProgjectName_SchedulerName.sst" file found in the project's
DATA folder.
If commands need to be activated at each project restart you can use the object's enable variable as
an alternative. If you insert a non retentive enabling variable in the object's "Scheduler Enable
Variable" which when set to one in runtime mode thus enabling the scheduler, Movicon will activate
any ON commands preset in the time range of that moment.
The enable variable can also be used for forcing the scheduler's OFF command activation. This is
done by simply setting the variable value to zero.
When a variable is specified in the Scheduler window's 'Tag' column (which will replace the
scheduler's original command variable), this command will become a scheduled command. These
commands are not managed for ".sst" files for managing command activations and therefore these
commands are activated at every application restart or each new scheduler programming save if
found within the programmed time range (there is no retentivity management due to the fact that
the commands have already been executed).

10.24.1. Hour Selector Execution Properties

The Execution properties of the "Hour Selector" are used for setting up the Scheduler from which the
data to be displayed in the Hour Selector will be used.
To modify the Execution properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
The name of the child project, from which Scheduler objected are to be retrieved and displayed, is
entered in this edit box. The current project name will be used when this field is left blank.
Only the name of any existing child project of the current project can be
entered in this field.
Scheduler Linked
The Scheduler object's name is inserted in this edit box and which will be associated to the Hour
Selector for displaying planned schedule data.
Link to a Network Server
See paragraph "Drawings and Controls common Execution Properties".
Network Backup Server
See paragraph "Drawings and Controls common Execution Properties".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Commands On Click
See paragraph on Design and Control "Execution Properties".
Configuration File
See paragraph on Design and Control "Execution Properties".
Generate Unique File Name
See paragraph on Design and Control "Execution Properties".
See paragraph on Design and Control "Execution Properties".
See paragraph on Design and Control "Execution Properties".

10.24.2. Hour Selector Style Properties

The Style properties from the "Hour Selector" are used for setting the object's graphics properties.
To modify the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon "Properties

Scheduler Edit Mode

This selection allows you to set the mode with which to display and eventually modify the selected
Schedulers time plan. The options are:

Time Table: the scheduled times will be shown in a normal time table where the
activation/deactivation ranges can be set graphically with 15 minute resolutions.
Grid: the scheduled times will be shown in a Grid with the option to set
activation/deactivation ranges with minute resolutions. In this case you can select the
variable to be associated to the Scheduler's command.
Both: in this case the button will be made available in the "scheduler Window" to allow you
to switch back and forth from the "Grid" and "TimeTable" modes for maximum use of the
time resolutions in order to set more precise time ranges.

Planning in Time Table mode may be less accurate and restricted when selecting 'Both' in the list-box
if they work this way in runtime:
From "Time Table" display you can graphically view those areas containing the planned time ranges
in "Grid" mode. However, in "Time Table" mode you can only plan those weekdays that do not yet
have time ranges set in "Grid" mode. Furthermore, planning in "Time Table" mode may only be done
on one day of the week at a time, and only on the day selected in "Grid" mode before switching over
to "Time Table" mode. As an alternative you can begin planning in "Time Table" mode then switch
over to "Grid" mode to set more accurate time ranges for that day of the week.
Please refer to "Style Proprieties common to Drawings and Controls" for this property's
Prompt Pad
Enabling this property opens the Numeric or Alphanumeric Pad each time a scheduler field value
needs to be modified.
For further information please refer to the "Prompt Pad" property found in the object "Style
Properties" group.
Save Button
This selection provides the command button for saving any modifications made to the Hour Selector
data. Modifications must be made before this action can be executed in Runtime.
Cancel Button
This selection provides the command button for cancelling any data modifications done to the Hour
Selector. This has effect only on data modified after the last save.





Holidays Button
This selection renders the command button available to allow you switch over from the normal plan
to the holiday plan. For further information on "Holidays Planning" please see the appropriate section
in Scheduler Chapter.
Scheduler Selection ComboBox
When enabled, this property, allows you to add a combo-box at the top of the "Scheduler Window"
to use for selecting one of the project's schedulers. This list of Schedulers is populated with all those
that have been defined in the project and which can be displayed based on their Access Level
settings (see "Security Options" for further information), along with any others added in Runtime, if
the "Add Scheduler Button" is enabled, the Scheduler selection Combox becomes editable in runtime
mode as well.
When the combo-box is enabled for selecting scheduler to be displayed,
each time a user logs on, the displayed scheduler will be "unloaded" and
therefore will need to be selected again through the combo-box for
Add Scheduler Button
When enabled, this property allows you to add a button at the top of the "Scheduler Window" to use
for adding new Schedulers while in Runtime mode (also see "Runtime Schedulers"). This button only
appears when the "Scheduler Selection ComBox" property has been enabled as well.
Remove Scheduler Button
when enabled, this property allows you to add a button at the top of the "Scheduler Window" to use
for removing schedulers while in Runtime mode (also see "Runtime Schedulers"). This button only
appears when the "Scheduler Selection ComBox" property has been enabled as well.
Only Schedulers previously added while in Runtime mode can be
removed with the 'Remove' button. Schedulers defined in the project
design phase cannot be removed.
Show Value Column
When enabled, this property allows a column in Grid mode for selecting the "Set" value to be used in
the "Commands ON" of the selected Scheduler. You will then be able to set a different "Set" value
for each time frame set in the "Grid". The value set will then replace the one defined in the first
"Command on Variable" found in the selected Scheduler's "Commands ON" list. When no value is
set, all of the Scheduler's "Commands ON" list will be executed using the settings defined when
being planned. If the Scheduler's "Command on Condition ON" list does not contain a "command on
variable", there is no need to define a value in the "Grid" columns.
The inserted value will be replaced in the "command on variable's" "Value" field and then used based
on the "Action" type defined in the command (Set, Toggle, Increase, ecc.).
Show Variable (Tags) Column
When enabled, this property allows you to display a column, in Grid mode, for selecting the variable
to be used in the "Commands ON" of the selected Scheduler. You can then set a different variable
for each time frame set in the "Grid". The variable set will replace the one defined in the first
"command on variable" and found in the selected Scheduler's "Commands ON" list. In cases where
no variable has been set, all of the scheduler's "Commands ON" list will be executed using the
settings defined in its planning stage. If the Scheduler's "Command on Condition ON" list does not
contain a "command on variable", there is no need to select a variable in the "Grid" columns.
The list of Variables which can be selected will be populated with all those that have been defined in
the project and which can be displayed based on their Access Level settings (see "Security Options"
for further information).
If there are Array types on the variable list, they will be shown together
with all their elements. This will allow you to select any one of the
Array elements.
When the variables to be displayed on the list are structure type, you
will need to enable the Access Level of each Structure member in order
to display them.

Button Size
Please refer to "Style Proprieties common to Drawings and Controls" for this property's


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Align Buttons
Please refer to "Style Proprieties common to Drawings and Controls" for this property's
description on.
Save Button Text
The text be displayed on the Save button is inserted in this edit box. The default text will be used
when left blank.
Cancel Button Text
The to be displayed on the Cancel button is inserted in this edit box. The default text will be used
when left blank.
Holidays Button Text
The to be displayed on the Holidays button is inserted in this edit box. The default text will be used
when left blank.
All Selection Text
The text to be displayed in the first top left cell in the window is inserted here. The default text will
be used when left blank.
Sunday Text
The text to be displayed in the 'Sunday' box is inserted here. The default text will be used when left
Monday Text
The text to be displayed in the 'Monday' box is inserted here. The default text will be used when
left blank.
Tuesday Text
The text to be displayed in the 'Tuesday' box is inserted here. The default text will be used when
left blank.
Wednesday Text
The text to be displayed in the 'Wednesday' box is inserted here. The default text will be used
when left blank.
Thursday Text
The text to be displayed in the 'Thursday' box is inserted here. The default text will be used when
left blank.
Friday Text
The text to be displayed in the 'Friday' box is inserted here. The default text will be used when left
Saturday Text
The text to be displayed in the 'Saturday' box is inserted here. The default text will be used when
left blank.
Grid Mode Button Text
The text you wish to appear on the "Grid Mode" button is entered in this editbox. The default text
will be used if left blank.
Add Scheduler Button Text
The text you wish to appear on the "Add Scheduler" button is entered in this editbox. The default
text will be used if left blank.
Remove Scheduler Button Text
The text you wish to appear on the "Remove Scheduler" button is entered in this editbox. The
default text will be used if left blank.
Start Time Column Text
The text you wish to appear in the first grid column is entered in this editbox, which is the one which
will show the command's start time. The default text will be used if left blank.
End Time Column Text
The text you wish to appear in the second grid column is entered in this editbox, which is the one
which will show the command's end time. The default text will be used if left blank.





Value Column Text

The text you wish to appear in the forth grid column is entered in this editbox, which is the one
which will show the "Set" value for the variable. The default text will be used if left blank.
Variable Column Text
The text you wish to appear in the third grid column is entered in this editbox, which is the one
which will show the variable selected for the command. The default text will be used if left blank.
Max. Nr. Grid Rows
This property is used for setting the maximum number of rows in the Grid which will correspond to
number of time frames that can be set for each day of the week.
Error String
The text to appear as string error is entered in this editbox. If the user inserts a wrong interval while
editing in "Grid" mode, an error message will show. This error message can therefore be customizes
using this property. The default text will be used if left blank.
Selection Color
This property is used for setting color of the cells in the Hour Selector window for the normal
For further information please refer to "Color Selection".
Holiday Selection Color
This property is used for setting color of the cells in the Hour Selector window for the holiday
For further information please refer to "Color Selection".
Date Error String
The text to be displayed as the error string for the date entry field is entered in this edit box. An
error message displays when the user enters an incorrect date value in "Grid" editing mode. This
error message is customizable and a string ID can also be used. If an empty string is set in this
property, a simple "Beep" sound will be generated instead.
Value Error String
The text to be displayed as the error string for the value entry field is entered in this property. This
text will display in the error message which shows when the user inserts an incorrect value or one
which is not within the preset limits when in "Grid" editing mode. This error message is customizable
and a ID string can also be used. When setting this property with an empty string, a simple 'beep'
will sound instead. Minimum and maximums can also be set in the error string for numeric values
using the"%d" notation (or "%f" when using floating points) in stead of a value. For example, a
string like this can be inserted:
Caution! Enter a value between %d and %d.
In this case the first "%d" will be replace with the minimum value and the second "%d" will be
replaced with the maximum value in runtime to obtain this result:
Caution! Enter a value between 0 and 100.

10.25. IP Camera Viewer

The Movicon "IP Camera Viewer", available from the "Advanced Shapes" in the "ToolBox
Window", is an object through which images taken by a IP camera can be viewed. This object
therefore allows you view a sequence of images in realtime received from a IP camera. This type of
camera supports current image downloading through http. Downloading is done using jpg images.
Images downloaded from the IP Camera Viewer to Windows 32/64 bit platforms are stored in
memory (therefore without using the disk), while temporary files are used when downloading to
WinCe platforms (the Temp folder is usually loaded in memory).
The IP Camera Viewer is supported both by WinCE versions and


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

URL Definitions
In order to download images from the IP camera you will need to know which URL to set in the "IP
Camera Viewer". Each IP camera comes with its own syntax stated in its accompanying manual to
obtain the URL to be used and for configuring it as desired. Normally the IP camera can be
configured using an Internet Browser, by simply setting the camera's IP address. Therefore you will
need to get the URL to be used in order to only display images in html pages. The URL is the same
one which you will have to set in the Movicon IP Camera Viewer.
Examples of URLs for some video cameras you can find on the market today
Axis cameras and video servers:
StarDot cameras and video servers:
StarDot NetCam:
StarDot Express 6 (video server)
PiXORD cameras:
Panasonic cameras:
D-Link cameras:
gadget-spot.co.uk cameras:





Trendnet - Model: TV-IP 110W/EU:

HTTP and Motion JPEG Protocol

The HTTP standard or Motion JPEG protocols can be used to communicate with the Movicon "IP
Camera Viewer". The HTTP protocol closes the communication channel when each request has
terminated, then re-opens it when another request needs to be made. This means that each time
this object requires an image, the HTTP channel is opened and then closed (this solution has been
adopted in order to get greater compatibility with the different types of IP Cameras on sale).
The "Motion JPEG" communication modality allows the HTTP communication channel to be left open
to make a data reading noticeably much quicker but unfortunately this protocol does not support all
IP cameras on the market.
The "IP Camera Viewer" object's " Ip CameraDownload Tipe" execution property can be used for
selecting which protocol to use.

10.25.1. The IP Camera Viewer General Properties

The IP Camera Viewer" General properties are used for setting the URL to connect to the IP camera.
To modify the General properties select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon "Properties
IP Camera URL
The static URL is entered in this property and will be used by the object for getting images from the
IP camera. The images are updated according to the refresh time set in the "IP Camera Refresh"
property. Usually URLs to be set for most IP cameras found on today's market should follow this
syntax sequence type:
"http://<Server Name or IP Address>:[Port Number]/<Image>.jpg"
The URL's single parameters can be found in the IP camera's manual, or by verifying the IP
Telecamera's configuration. Names of The name of the image to be inserted (Image.jpg) is usually
the default name proposed when saving the image using the Internet Browser.
Please refer to the "URL Definitions" section for further information.
URL User
The name of the project user to be used for connecting to the IP Camera. Some IP Cameras may
request for authentication in order to download images. In this case the user name and password to
be used for authentication are those of the project user set in this field.

10.25.2. IP Camera Execution Properties

The "IP Camera Viewer" Execution properties are used for defining image update parameters.
To modify the Execution properties, select the viewer object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
IP Camera URL Variable
You can enter (or select using the "..." browse button to the right) the name of a project string
variable. This consents the URL, used for downloading images from the IP camera, to be changed in
runtime by simply inserting the URL in the set variable.
IP Camera Refresh
The refresh time, in milliseconds, can be set in this field and which the object will use for updating
the IP Telecamera images.
IP Camera Download Type
This field is used for selecting the image download type to be used. The options are:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Image: uses the HTTP protocol for reading the IP Camera's static images
Video - Motion JPEG: used the Motion JPEG video format. In order to use this mode you
will need to use a IP Camera that supports it.
For further information please refer to the section on "HTTP and Motion JPEG Protocol".
IP Camera Refresh time variable
The name of a numeric project variable can be inserted in this edit box (or selected using the "..."
browse button on the right). This will allow the refresh time in milliseconds to be changed in
runtime for the object to use for updating the IP camera images. If the value inserted in the variable
is equal to zero, the displayed images will freeze.
IP Camera Download Type Variable
This editbox is used for inserting (or selecting with the "..." browse buttons on the right) the name of
a numeric project variable. This will allow the IP Camera image download type to be changed in
runtime. The following values are accepted:
0 = Image
1 = Video - Motion JPEG

10.26. The Trends

The Trends graphically show curve representations of
variable behaviour and analysis of data filed by the
recording engine.
The Trends represent the most powerful tool for managing the displaying, analysis and logging of
data contained on Movicon variables or on database files.
The Trends, in addition to their own intrinsic features and all the functional features of the Movicon
drawings and vectorial symbols, are included with the Power Template feature.
The Trend object is a tool which offers different ways of functioning, which not only display logged
data independently but also permits the linking to database objects that have been inserted in the
Data Logger. This allows logged data to be represented both on event or time.
The Trend belongs to the Movicon "Trend - Charts - Data Analysis" category and therefore can be
inserted in screens through the "Objects Window".
The Trend is a powerful tool for displaying data recorded by Data Loggers
and can at the same time record data in standard .CSV format.
The trend has been designed to guarantee maximum flexibility in managing graphical displays of
recorded data. This means that this object can be used not only for representing data graphically but
also as a recording function in its own right.
The Trend usually graphically represents data recorded by the Data Loggers, which carry out the
task of the recording engines for the Trend. The Trend, however can itself record data of the
variables associated in ".CSV" text format and retrieve data of values recorded with the data
importer function. When the trend is kept inside an always active screen, due to the fact that the
screen's "Not destroyable" option has been enabled, it will act as a constantly active recording





A flowchart of how the Trends work.

The Movicon Trends allow the behaviour of the plant's variables to be graphically displayed and
recorded. The Trends are therefore the most efficient tool for filing, printing and analysing
graphically the behaviour of variables which constitute the heart of the plant (usually analogic
variables) such as temperatures, pressures, levels, scales, chemical measures or any other physical
value can be converted into electronic signals.
Movicon also allows the managing of variable representations on Trend curve charts according to the
different techniques which can be used.

Time Based Trends

These types of trends are based on the Movicon vectorial drawings and allow a very advanced
management of representing data and recording engines, as well as chart representations of
database values recorded by Data Loggers.

This is an example of a template containing a symbol

composed of a Trend object and other correlated button

X/Y Trends
The trend can also be used for displaying the behaviour of a curve shown on an X and Y chart,
where the X axis is no longer associated to time but to the first pen on the list and the Y axis is
associated to the second pen on the list. This is done in such a way that the coordinates of the X and


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Y points are determined by the associated variables, and a trace line is generated by the trend for
each sampling which links the previous XY point to the current one. More XY curves can be displayed
in one-only trend when other pen couples are inserted.

10.27. Data Analysis

The Data Analysis is an object which derives from the Trend object, therefore it has many of the
Trend's basic properties and also implements some new functionalities as well. The Data Analysis
permits analysis to be executed exclusively on historical data, permitting you to have a powerful data
analyzer graphics. The Data Analysis's new functionalities can used differently compared to those
used in normal Trends. Trends work in two ways, displaying data in runtime and displaying
historicals (run-pause), whereas the Data Analysis permits to you use more advanced functions to
carry out a deeper and more thorough analysis on historical data.
The Data Analysis object belongs to the Movicon "Trend-Charts-Data Analysis" category, from where
it can be inserted on screen through the "ToolBox Window".

Data Analysis Functionality

The Data Analysis object is dedicated to analysing historical data consenting historical data to be
viewed according to the different selectable date ranges, where the user can display data in
different time scales. Data can be displayed in the following date ranges:

minute range
hour range
day range
month range
year range

When this page is loaded for the first time, the object will show the date/time range set in the "Date
Range" priority, or if set with the hour or min. range the Data Analysis will load data for the actual
time in which the page is opened. The database can be scrolled back and forth for each prechosen
tiime range by using the "<<", "<", ">" and ">>" buttons, which change their roles according to the
chosen context. For example, when selecting to view data for the current month, the "<<" and
">>" buttons will scroll back and ahead one month at a time and the "<" e ">" will scroll back and
ahead one day at a time.
Selecting a date range with the (min.), (hour), (day), (week), (month) and (year) buttons situated
on the object's left side will prompt a requery by the database according to the actual data being
pointed to by the cursor positioned in the Data Analysis's Trend Area.
This should make analysing data easier when wanting to select certain ranges at a time out of a
whole years data range by simply pressing the desired button ('month', 'day', etc) in respect to the
cursor's position on the data to analysed without continuously using the zoom.





After having activated the Zoom command for Data Analysis object "<<",
"<", ">", ">>" button will result disabled. In order to reactivate them you
will have to re-select the time range to be displayed.
Multiplier Factor
This Data Analysis provides four buttons (on the first three button rows available) for scrolling data
from the database: "<<", "<", ">" and ">>". These buttons change meaning according to the time
range selected and the move unit measures will appear in the button's text between brackets. For
example, if you choose the minute time range, these texts will appear in the four buttons:
At this point, when clicking on the "<<(min.)" button, data from the minute previous to the current
minute in time will be loaded.
These buttons can be set with a time scroll range "Multiplier Factor". To enable the "Multiplier
Factor" just one of these buttons pressed down for a few seconds. The text within the button is
changed by increasing or deceasing the numeric value that represents the "Multiplier Factor" The
increasing "Multiplier Factor" is stopped by releasing the button. For example "<<(2 min.)", "<(2
sec.)" text, etc. indicates a "Multiplier Factor" equal to 2. The "Multiplier Factor" value is increased
by keeping the 'Next' data time range buttons (i.e. ">(sec.)" or ">>(min.)", while you need to keep
the "back" data range select buttons pressed to decrease (i.e. "<<(min.)" or "<(sec.)".
When inserting a "Multiplier Factor" the time range to be loaded will be multiplied by the factor. For
example, if choosing one minute as the time range and 5 as the "Multiplier Factor", the <<(5 min.)"
button will stop loading the previous minute but the value of 5 minutes before the current time.
Keep pressed either one of the two inner "<(sec.)" and ">(sec.)"buttons to increase or decrease
secs one unit at a time (increase/decrease by 1)and Keep pressed either one of the outer
"<<(min.)" and ">>(min.)" buttons to increase or decrease minutes by 10 units at a time
(increase/decrease by 10).
"Multiplier Factor" can be set a value range from 1 to 100.

It is also possible to modify or read the "Multiplier Factor" value from Basic Script code using the
"CurrentMultiplier" property from the "TrendCmdTarget" interface..
Moving the cursor around the chart
There are four button provided in the Data Analysis object that allow you to move the cursor
forwards and backwards ahead and back which keeping the displayed time range still. When using
these buttons the cursor will move between two chart points (being two values recorded on
database). These buttons are positioned above those used for selecting the time ranges and are:
|<<:First Point Button. Moves the cursor on the first point to the left of the chart for the
selected time range
<: Previous Point Button. Moves the cursor on the point (to the left) immediately before the
one currently selected
>: Next Point Button. Moves the cursor on the point (to the right) immediately after the one
currently selected
>>|: Last Point Button. Moves the cursor on to the last point to the Chart's right for the
selected time range.
When the cursor is not displayed the scroll buttons are disabled. For example, this happens when a
measure is activated (the "Measure" button).
When there are a great number of records display in the chart, it may not
be possible to move from one point to another using the buttons in order
to go from one record to the next consecutively due to the limit set in the
display resolution. To make sure to scroll all the points currently viewed
consecutively, you will need to enlarge the part of the curve desired or
select the data tightly displayed together.
The functions of the above indicated buttons can also be executed using certain keys from the


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

"Home" Key: equivalent to the "|<<" button and moves the cursor to the first point on the
left of the chart for the time range selected.
"Shift + left or down arrow" Keys: equivalent to the "<" button and moves the cursor
onto the point immediately before (to the left) the one currently selected.
"Shift + right or up arrow" Keys: equivalent to the ">" button and moves the cursor
onto the point immediately after (to the right) the one currently selected.
"End" Key: equivalent to the ">>|" button and moves the cursor to the last point to the
right of the chart for the selected time range
Curve comparisons
This object also consents you to execute comparisons of historical data being analysed graphically,
by inserting a second curve for each pen using the last row of buttons on the right. The comparison
curves will display the same time ranges (minute hour,etc.) but relate to the previous period selected
using the appropriate comparison buttons. For instance, if you select the minute time range for the
period to be viewed (using the last row of buttons on the left), you will get the following results
based on the comparison buttons selected on the right:
"(min)" Selection Button: the minute time range is selected for viewing. By using the
scroll buttons you can then select the minute you want to view. For instance, if "31-01-2008
10:15" is the data and time selected, the time range displayed will be "10:15:00 - 10:15:59".
"None" Comparison Button: no comparison will be activated.
"(min.)" Comparison Button: the minute prior to the one selected will be displayed on
the comparison curve, therefore the "31-01-2008 10:14" minute.
("hour") Comparison Button: the same minute selected but relating to the previous hour
will be displayed on the comparison curve, therefore the "31-01-2008 09:15" minute.
"(day") Comparison Button: the same minute selected but relating to the previous day
will be displayed on the comparison curve, therefore the "30-01-2008 10:15" minute.
("Week") Comparison Button: the same minute selected but relating to the previous
week will be displayed on the comparison curve, therefore the "24-01-2008 10:15" minute.
("month") Comparison Button: the same minute selected but relating to the previous
month will be displayed on the comparison curve, therefore the "31-12-2007 10:15" minute.
When the month day selected is not in the previous month (ie. only a few months have a
31st day) the comparison curve will not display.
("year") Comparison Button: the same minute selected but relating to the previous year
will be displayed on the comparison curve, therefore the "31-01-2007 10:15" minute.
At this point, any differences between the two curves will be indicated by colouring in the area in
question between them and by positioning the mouse cursor in this area, two labels will show
reporting the two values and their date of recording. In this way you can confront one time range
with the same previous time range or of an hour, day or week ago etc. To activate the compare
function, as already mentioned, just click on one of the buttons from the "Compare Date Range
Buttons" group.
The time range comparison selected must be consistent. If not data can be found to compare with
this time range, the comparison curve will not display. For instance, when selecting the comparison
curve for displaying data from the previous month that however has no data, the comparison curve
will not display.

The above figure shows two curves, one displaying the selected minute range and the other
comparing. The areas between the curves is coloured with a different colour and when positioning
the cursor onto a sampling area, a label showing the corresponding values, recording date and time
will show automatically for both curves. This type of comparison is simple and very immediate.





By using the "Measure" command you can get the X and Y difference of two points of one curve or
of different curves (see the "Measure Button" property).
Furthermore, the Data Analysis consents to displaying only those values recorded by the Data Logger
which have "good" qualities (this needs you to activate a specific option in the Data Logger column's
"Add Quality" property).
Custom Data Filter
During the runtime mode you can select a custom time range to view (different from the selectable
time ranges using the appropriated buttons). This will allow you to display data from time ranges
which suit your needs better such as 10 minutes, 1 day and 6 hours. To customize the time ranges
simply click on the Data Analysis's "Time Area" to open the "Filter" window for setting the time
ranges you wish to display. The items available are:
From Date: represents the data extraction start date and time
To Date: represents the data extraction end date and time
From Date Compare: represents the data extraction date and time for the comparison
To Date Compare: represents the data extraction end date and time for the comparison
There are no controls on selecting time ranges to be viewed in respect to those of the comparison
curve. Therefore, make sure that you set the comparison curve time ranges to match those of the
normal curve's time ranges so that the filter can work correctly. This can be done by verifying these
To Date - From Date = To Date Compare - From Date Compare

10.27.1. Trend Functions

The Trend is a triple-functional tool:

Real-time variable curve viewer

Curve viewer of data recorded by Data Logger Data
Sampled output data recorder

The main job of the Trend it not just recording data files. This is usually done by the Data Logger
(described in the appropriate section). The main job of the Trend is to represent data on a series of
graphics by using the vast customizable function possibilities to make data clearer for the operator to
The Trend can be used in recording data when it is desired to dispose data sampled by the object in
output on file, typically readable by Ms. Excel or by any non database application. The ".CVS" format
is used for data recorded in text format with separators which is interpreted by Excel and by many
other applications.
The Trend, when enabled to record, files sampled data in standard ".CSV"
format, but the recorded data is not automatically loaded into the Trend's
buffer when opened. You can, however, consult this data by loading the
saved file by using the appropriate Trend functions. The templates
presented in the "Symbols Library" are already equipped with the "import"
button in order for you to carry out this operation.
This type of recording is optional and must be enabled in the Trend object's configuration properties.
It is important to remember that when the Trend object is enabled to send sampled data in output
on file, this will happen only when the object is active in memory, meaning when the screen
containing it is displayed or has not been unloaded or destroyed with a change page.
Recording samples carried out by the Trend on ".CSV" file is executed by the
object only when this is active in memory. To keep the Trend constantly
active you need to make sure that the screen containing it does not get
destroyed or unloaded from memory when using the change page function
by checking the "Not Destroyable" option in the screen window's general


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The recording on file carried out by the Trend object is simply to be considered as an "output on file"
of sampled values, totally asynchronous and separate in respect to any Trend link to the Data
Logger. Any effective written data is performed through the settable cache memory so that the disk
is accessed only when required according to the type of sampling carried out.
If a file recorded with Excel is opened, the values recorded on file will use the following the data
sequence format:

The date and time values are recorded according the operating system' settings in the International
Settings item in the Control Panel.
The date separation character can be set in the Trend's configuration by selecting either Tab or
Comma to suit the type of application being used.

Trend Operability
The trend has two operating states, Start and Stop. These states are established in function with a
variable which has been appropriately set for this purpose and assigned through the Trend's
"Variables" properties.
When the Trend is set at Start, the data will be sampled and displayed as set in the execution
properties assigned to the Trend. The buffer of data managed by the Trend can be sized as pleased
and has a maximum capacity of 10,000 samplings.
When the Trend's status is switched to stop, the buffer's contents will be displayed. If the Trend is
associated with a Data Logger, the buffer's contents may be a result of a data extraction from the
database. Otherwise the buffer's contents will be the samplings carried out by the Trend in Start
Remember that also during the Stop status the Trend will continue to do samplings, buffer and
record data.
The values in the buffer can be displayed by using the scroll commands which can be set in the
Trend's properties and can be associated to Movicon variables. This will enable the cursor to point to
data as specified in the operating configuration as desired and which will be described in further
detail in the Trend properties.





10.27.2. Zoom Management

The curves displayed by the Trend and the Data Analysis can be enlarged using the Zoom function to
analyse them better. In order to use the Zoom in the Trend object, you must put the Trend into
'Pause' mode first.
When the Zoom is activated, a rectangle highlighted in bold will enclose the legend area with four
small red ticks showing halfway along each side of the rectangle.

This rectangle represents the Zoom area and can be resized afterwards. When this area is resized
smaller than the initial rectangle size, it will appear darker in color highlighting the portion to zoom:

The Zoom command can be activated with a corresponding button made available for both the Trend
and Data Analysis objects by enabling the "Zoom Button" Style property or the "Z" key on the
keyboard. The Zoom button is also available for templates in the Symbol Library using the basic
script functions to activate the Zoom command.
The Trend object must be put into Pause mode before zooming it.

Once the Zoom mode has been activated, the Zoom area can be redefined using the different ways
described below:

Using the mouse to redefine a new Zoom area. This is done by clicking and keeping the right
mouse button pressed on a point in the chart to then dragging it towards the bottom-right to
resize new zoom area. Once the new desired zoom area size has been reached, release
mouse button to maintain it. If the SHIFT key is kept pressed during this operation, the area's
top and bottom limits will be reset to the maximum and minimum pen scale values. This is
used for zooming a portion of the chart vertically.
Moving Zoom area with mouse by clicking left button and keeping it pressed on area to move
it. The Zoom area will move together with the mouse.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Using the keyboard direction arrow keys to move Zoom area. Zoom area will move according
to which direction arrow is being used.
Clicking on red ticks and move them with mouse to move Zoom area's four sides.
Using the four keyboard direction arrow keys with SHIFT key pressed down to resize Zoom
area by its length or width only.
Using mouse wheel to resize Zoom area's width and height at the same time. When turn
mouse wheel backwards or forwards to increase or decrease Zoom area in size. This function
is not supported in WebClient.
Using mouse wheel together with SHIFT key pressed down to resize zoom area width only.
By turning the mouse wheel backwards and forwards will increase or decease the zoom area

When the desired Zoom area has been defined click within area to activate enlarge it. At this point
the Zoom area will expand enabling you to perform the following operations:

Redefine another Zoom area to enlarge curve further. This type of operation can be done
repeatedly until reaching the exact precision desired.
Cancel applied Zoom. This operation can be done by left mouse clicking on a point in the
chart and keep mouse button pressed to drag towards top-left. When releasing mouse
button the applied zoom will be canceled and the curve will return back to how it was initially
Disable Zoom mode to analyse data. This can be done by clicking the "Zoom" button or
pressing the "Z" key which will in turn disable the Zoom leaving the curve enlarged. Upon
disabling the zoom the cursor will automatically reactivate letting you scroll the various curve
points to analyse as pleased.

After you have analysed data, press the "ESC" key to restore curve back to its initial unzoomed size.
In Window CE panels, that is Touch-Screen devices without keyboards, the "ESC"
key cannot be used for restoring the unzoomed curve. In this case, after having
terminated your Zoomed data analysis proceed as follows:

reactivate the Zoom using the "Zoom" button

left mouse click on a point of the chart and keep pressed to drag zoomed
area to top-left. Release mouse key to cancel the applied Zoom and
return curve back to its original display size
terminate Zoom mode by clicking on the Zoom button again.

The Symbol Library Templates do not have this problem as the Zoom button,
which uses basic script functions, also provides the possibility to exist Zoom
mode after having terminated data analysing.
The "TrendCmdTarget" basic script interface also provides some methods which return information
about the applied Zoom, such as the Zoom area's start/end date and time, minimum and maximum
scale values for pens in Zoom area, size of zoom area in pixels.

10.27.3. Linking Trends or Data Analysis to the Data Logger

The Trend and Data Analysis are pre-built to be linked to a recording engine of data managed in the
project's Data Logger resource. The Data Analysis object is only capable of displaying data extracted
from the Data Logger, whereas the Trend can manage two mode functions, Start and Stop. This
makes it possible to manage Trend objects in 'Start' mode to view sampled data according to the
modalities set, and in 'Stop' mode to view data extracted from the database, recorded by the Data
Logger in function with the value extraction or order parameters associated to the query.
The trend, therefore can represent the extracted values, from the database file contents graphically,
which is loaded when the Trend buffer switches to 'Stop' mode.
The Trend will be linked to the database by using the same link set for the Data Logger, and will
execute the data order or filter by creating a RecordSet whose values will be automatically loaded in
memory in the Trend's buffer when switched to Stop mode.





It is important to remember that unlike the Data Logger, the Default Query
cannot extract values but can execute the SQL commands on them (Update
or Insert). Extractions refer to the SQL "Select" commands managed from
the "Default Filter" and "Default Order by".

10.27.4. Connecting different Data Loggers to a Data Analysis

The Data Analysis object, different to the Trend, is capable of displaying pens belonging to different
Data Loggers at the same time. The name of the Database which each Data Analysis pen belongs to
can be specified in its "Data Logger Name" property. In cases where this property is not specified for
each single pen, the Data Logger set in the Data Analysis style property will be used instead. If a
Data Logger cannot be found during runtime due to a programming error or error in the datalogger
name, an error message like the one below will show in the Historical Log and in the output
window's "DBMS tab:
Cannot link to 'VAR00001' pen inside 'DataAnalysisName' trend to the 'DataLoggerName'
Data Logger!
When a Data Analysis displays pens deriving from different Data Loggers, the recording points of
each pen will be placed along the X axis based on their recording time. If the Data Loggers differ in
recording times, the Data Analysis will display each curve with the corresponding different number of
points for the interval time selected.
In this situation the point by point scroll buttons, "First Point", "Last Point", "Previous Point" and
"Next Point", can be used to move among the different points of the pen selected in the legend. If a
pen has not been selected in the legend, the points of the first pen on the list will be scrolled instead
when using these buttons.

10.27.5. Displaying Trend data

Displaying data, represented in trend curves, within the Trend object can be greatly customized
therefore made more powerful. The Trend sampler displays data in "Start" mode according to its
sampling settings, which may also be different from those set for any associated Data Logger. In this
case, in Stop mode, the Trend will display the values recorded according to the linked Data Logger's
sampling settings. When the Data Logger records data and events or on variable value changes, the
data will be same displayed by the Trend in "Stop" mode, but in this case the Trend will show a
series of continuous dots or lines separated by Break Lines (if this property has been enabled)
instead of a continuos curve line.

10.27.6. Extended Functionality with Basic Script Interface

In addition to the usual animation functions Movicon allows a set of purposely preset commands to
be associated to the Trend or Data Analysis object to be used in customizing functionalities in the
object. These commands are available from the ActiveX Automation Members window in the 'Data
Type' box under the VBA command set called "TrendCmdTarget", which is accessed when
editing the object's code through the "Script Explorer" window.
A large number of Templates of pre-configured multifunctional Trend
objects can be found in the Movicon "Symbols Library".
Expert programmers should refer to the sections on the Basic Script Language for further


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

10.27.7. Preconfigured Shortcut Keys

The Trend and Data Analysis objects are already preconfigured to manage some of the shortcut keys
in automatic as described in the below table. When the Trend or Data Analysis has been selected
with the mouse (clicking on object), thus receiving focus, pressing one of the shortcut keys will
activate the relating command.

Command Description

Executes the "All" button function to display all available data (*).

Executes the "min." button function to display data for one single minute (*).

Executes the "hour" button function to display data for one single hour (*).

Executes the "day" command function to display data for one single day (*).

Executes the "week" button function to display data for one single week (*).

Executes the "month" button function to display data for one single month (*).

Executes the "year" button function to display data for one single year (*).


Executes the "none" button function so that no data range is selected for the comparison
curve (*).
Executes the "min." button function for the comparison curve to select the comparison data
for one single (*).
Executes the "hour" button function for the comparison curve to select the comparison data
for one single hour (*).
Executes the "day" button function for the comparison curve to select comparison data for
one single day (*).
Executes the "week" button function for the comparison curve to select comparison data for
one single week (*).
Executes the "month" button function for the comparison curve to select data comparison
data for one single month (*).
Executes the "year" button function for the comparison curve to select comparison data for
one single year (*).
Move the cursor within the graphic.
Note: the point values nearest the cursor's position are shown in the legend.
Can also be used together with Shift key for moving or resizing the Zoom area when

Left/Right or
Direction Arrows




Executes the "<<" button function.

When the Trend object is in pause mode, this allows you to go to the next Trend page.
As for the Data Analysis this depends on which time range view selected.
Executes the ">>" button function.When the Trend object is in pause mode, this allows you
to go to the next Trend page.
As for the Data Analysis this depends on which time range view selected.
This is used for Run/Stop Trend types to switch over from one state to the other.
Remember that the scroll and data analysis functions are enabled when in stop status (**).
This is used for printing out the page being displayed. A Windows interface opens for
selecting the printer after which the print out operation can be confirmed
Executes the "Measure" button function.
Enters and exits from the Measure mode (*).
Executes the "Zoom" button function.
Enters and exits from the Zoom mode.
This key has different functions according to the context in which it is used:



Exits from the Measure or Zoom mode when active

Resets the Zoom applied to the graphic when already exited from Zoom mode.
Cancels the data read operation and displays the graphic with data retrieved up to that
Used for displaying the object in expanded mode or for returing it to its normal display size.




(*) Functions available only for the Data Analysis object

(**) Functions available only for the Trend object

10.27.8. Mouse Executable Operations in RunTime

The Trend and Data Analysis provide commands in Runtime which can be activated with the Mouse
to make data consulting operations much easier to carry out. These commands can also be managed
through their respective "TrendCmdTarget" Basic script functions:



Pen Configuration: By double-clicking the mouse on a curve, legend pen or pen scale, the
pen's configuration window will open (only if the pen has been set as editable in the design
mode) in order for you to modify its name and variable properties. Modifications will be saved
in the object's configuration file if predefined with one, otherwise they will be lost when the
screen is closed.
Curve Area: By double-clicking the mouse on the area where the pen curves are traced, it
will expand cutting off the parts showing the scales, legend and pens. The same command
will restore the trend to its initial situation. This command is NOT available when the project
is working in touch screen system or when the Trend/Data Analysis is in Zoom or data
Measure mode
Displaying Pens: a single click on the check-box at the side of the legend pen's name will
display or hide the curve of that pen. A CTRL+Click on this check-box will deselect all the
pens presented and make only those clicked on visible.
Scroll Trend: keeping the right mouse key pressed down will able you to vertically pan the
graphics (only in 'Stop' mode for Trends).
Scroll individual Pens: Pressing the "CTRL" key and the left mouse key will able you to
pan each individual curve vertically. This is done by clicking on the curve of interest or
clicking in the scale area of the pen desired.
Selecting a Pen: To select a pen to make the curve line thicker and highlight the pen in the
legend, just "CTRL+Click" on the curve or click on the pen's name in the legend.
Data filtering: just clicking on the "Date-Time" area of a Data Analysis object will cause a
"Filter" window to be loaded, allowing to set the time interval to show.

10.27.9. Change Language for Pens

The Trend or Data Analysis Pens can also have change languages by inserting a string ID with the
same name as the pen. The Trend or Data Analysis will display the text contained in the ID string
instead of the pen's name.

10.27.10. Interactive Legend Area

The Trend or Data Analysis object legend is interactive and is therefore possible to activate
command by simply clicking or double clicking on the name of the pen. What happens when you
click on pens:
The mouse click on the name of the pen (or on the pen's line) permits you to select the pen and
get the following effects:

Who whole pen line highlights within the legend

The pen curve is highlighted in the chart. Corresponding curve is redrawn with a slightly
thicker line in the chart compared to the others. Curves that are not "line" type are only
displayed in the foreground and do not change thickness
The scale associated to the pen is activated in cases where the pen is not visible. When the
pen is no longer selected in the legend, the scale returns to its original state, therefore if
originally invisible it will return to being invisible

Double clicking the mouse on the name of the pen (or on the pen's line) will open the pen's
configuration window. This can also be done when double clicking on the pen's scale or curve. When


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

a pen is set as "Not Visible" the pen's curve will no longer be displayed but the pen will remain on
the legend's list in order to be made visible later on.
In addition to this you will find a checkbox on the left side of the pen's name which you can use to
make the pen visible or invisible with a simple click, without having to revert to its configuration
window every time needed. By keeping the "CTRL" pressed down while clicking on the pen's
checkbox will de-select all the other pens except the one clicked on.
Date and time information belonging to the point selected along with pen minimum, maximum and
average value statistics will display on the right side of the pen's name in Data analysis objects. It
must be taken into consideration that the date and time column and the value column show
information on the point which is nearest to the cursor which may happen to be positioned between
two recording points. However, when moving the cursor within the legend area or when keeping the
mouse key pressed down on a specific point, a tooltip will appear at the bottom of the cursor
showing that point's date and time information including milliseconds. In this case the date and time
will effectively be those of the cursor and not of the nearest point. Therefore, the value shown by
the tooltip might be different to the one shown in the legend area.

10.27.11. Variable Quality Management

The Trend and Data Analysis objects obtain certain behaviours based on the qualities of the pens'
variables associated to them. The function of these objects varies according to their type:
Trend Object
When a variable has a quality different from "good" the pen and the name of the pen in the legend
appear in grey (as disabled). In addition to this, when the Trend has not been associated with
Enable Recording, the object will automatically be disabled when at least one of its variables has a
quality different from "good". When disabled the Trend will no longer carry out any samplings,
therefore its curves will no longer get updated. Any how, if the Data Logger is connected to the
Trend, data will be loaded from the Data Logger when the Trend is stopped, including data recorded
when the variable did not have a "good" quality.
For further information see "Modalit Gestione Qualit" property in the chapter on " Trend and Data
Analysis Style Properties".
Data Analysis Object
The data displayed is retrieved directly from the linked Data Logger. In order to manage this data
based on variable quality, the Data Logger columns will need to be enabled with the property for
adding columns to memorize the variable qualities ("Aggiungi Colonna Qualit" propriety). In cases
when a variable's quality changes to "Bad", the points plotted in the Data Analysis which represent
"Bad" quality will not be joined with a line while the Data Logger is recording. When using the
'rectangle' stye for the pen, it will not be possible to graphically control the points presenting "Good"
quality. When using an "area" or "Line-area" style, all the points will be filled including those which
have a "good" quality.
In addition by positioning the curso on the records points with "Bad" quality, the pen values reported
in the legend will display as disabled. On the other hand, when positiong the cursor on the pointw
with "Good" quality, the values in the legend will return to the enabled state.

10.27.12. Antialiasing in Trends and Data Analysis

The "Use Antialiasing" option in screens where Trend or Data Analysis objects have been inserted
has effect also on the curves drawn by each pen so that they look better by slightly giving them a
more curved effect.
In cases where the pen scale is set with the logarithmic scale, the
Antialiasing effect does not take place in drawing the pen's curve when
the Y coordinate shows negative values. Therefore if the pen obtains
values that are near 1 (logarithm with result near zero) or even <1
(logarithm with result less than zero), the curve will obtain a negative
incline towards -, and in this case will not be drawn by the Trend or
Data Analysis.





10.27.13. Trend and Data Analysis Progress Bar

When the "Execution -Load Data in separate thread" property is enabled for the 'Trend' and 'Data
Analysis' objects, the Progress Bar appears indicating the progress state in percentages.
The progress bar appears when retrieving data from the Data Base using the quick selection buttons
and when querying the referenced Database table.
Data extracting can be stopped at any moment by pressing the "ESC" key from the keyboard and the
database interrogation procedures will not block the user interface which can still be used for user
interaction with screen objects during the data extraction phase.
The character size of texts shown in the Progress Bar can be set through the "Fonts - Text Fonts"
The progress bar will appear each time the database is interrogated for Client application 'Trend' or
'Data Analysis' objects connected to a network server.
In addition, the Progress Bar can also be displayed in the Web Client directly in the Browser window
that displays the Trend and Data Analysis objects.

10.27.14. Trend and Data Analysis Settings

The Trends and Data Analysis are objects belonging to the Movicon vectorial drawings and therefore
have the same properties of vectorial drawings. In addition to the normal "Drawings and Controls
Common Properties" forms, dealt with in the appropriate sections dedicated to them, The Trends and
Data Analysis have a series of properties through which you can access specific settings of the Trend
object. As the Data Analysis derives from the Trend object you will find that they have many of the
same properties and some of their own which won't be available in the other.

10.27.15. Trend and Data Analysis Style Properties

The Trend/Data Analysis Style properties are used to set the main style configurations of the
window, whether graphical or functional.
To change the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon "Properties
The "Border" property is described in the paragraph headed "Style properties common to
Draws and Controls".
Trend/Data Analysis Area Gap
The "Gap" property is used to customize, in pixels, the gap between the data and its border.
Trend Type
This selection box allows you to set the trace scroll type:

Horizontal: the values are scrolled horizontally in the Trend

Vertical: the values are scrolled vertically in the Trend as a printout recording on paper
X/Y: permits you to use the Trend as a XY chart The X axis is no longer associated to time
but to the first pen on the list. The Y axis is associated to the second pen on the list in such a
way that the coordinates of the X and Y points are determined by the associated variables,
and each sample creates a trace which links the previous XY to the current one. Other XY
curves can be displayed in the same Trend object by inserting other pairs of pens
Chart: this option is set exclusively when a trend object is inserted in a Movicon "Embedded
Report" using the Report's "Toolbox Window". In this case the Trend is used for displaying a
chart within the Report where the X axis may be based on either time (date and time of
table's "LocalCol"column) or a selected database column using the "Label Data Source"


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Trend/Data Analysis Title

This check box permits you to display or hide the object's title which can be written in the objects
"Title" property. The title is displayed on the Trend/Data Analysis top border.
Show Break Lines Values Area
This enabling box allows any zones of interrupted data recordings to be displayed. By doing this you
will be able to see when and for how long the Data Logger did not record. When this property is
disabled the data will be displayed without empty spaces even though in reality the curves show
These Break lines are never visible in the Trend in run because the Break Line Area's position and
size can only be calculated with precision when the Trend loads the data from the Data Logger,
therefore only when switching from run to stop mode, and not the other way round.
The Break Lines are visible only when the Trend is in "Stop" mode.

Trend Mode
This selection box is used for setting the Trends operating modality type:

Run-Pause: this sets the Trend's operating modality to work on command or on event, in
function with the state of the relating variable set in the "Variables" property group
Only Run: this sets the Trend's operating modality to work in "Run" only, therefore the
"Stop" (or Pause) analysis mode is not permitted. In this mode the Trend's values can
represent the values only dynamically
Only Pause: this sets the Trend's operating modality to work in "Pause" (or Stop), where it
is not permitted to display data sampled in real-time but only representations of values
loaded into the buffer by the query or the Basic Script commands

Quality Freeze Mode

This property provides the option to freeze scrolling the Trend object's Pen Area in pen
mode when the quality of one or all the variables linked to Pens change to the "Bad"
In particular:
The "Any Bad Quality" setting will freeze the Trend as soon as a Pen from the pen list
changes status to "Bad" quality
The "All Bad Quality" setting will freeze the Trend only when all the Pens on the pen list
change status to "Bad" quality
The "Ignore Bad Quality" setting will not freeze the Trend when one or all the pens on the
pen list change status to "Bad" quality
Note: The Pen Quality mode is ignored if there is a Enable Trend variable whereby the
Trend is frozen only when the Enable value obtains the zero value independently from pen
variable qualities and how they have been set in the Variable Quality Management.

This property is not available to the Data Analysis object.

Edit Pens
When this command is activated a settings window of the "Pen Properties" assigned to the
Trend/Data Analysis will open.
This check box is used to enable the border relating to the Trend/Data Analysis's area to be
displayed. This applies to the area displaying the curves only.
Raised Border
This check box is used to enable the border relating to the Trend/Data Analysis area, displaying the
curves only, to be displayed with a raised 3D effect instead of sunken.
Brush Style
This property allows you to select the brush style to apply to the background of the Trend/Data
Analysis's area displaying the curves only. The list shows various 'hatched' designs.
This property allows you to select the background color to apply to the Trend/Data Analysis area
displaying the curves only.
For further information on selecting colors please refer to the paragraph headed "Color Selections".





Data Logger Link

This selection box is used for specifying which Data Logger object the Trend/Data Analysis is to be
linked to. This can be done by selecting one from the proposed list of Data Loggers inserted in the
After having selected the DataLogger from the list and confirmed this
setting, Movicon will automatically add the pens to the Trend in function
with the variables associated to the DataLogger.
Refresh Pens from DataLogger Link
This refreshes the trend's pen list by retrieving them from the linked DataLogger.
Label Data Source
This property is available when a 'Basic Chart' or 'Advanced Chart' from the "Toolbox Window" is
inserted into a Movicon "Embedded Report". In this case the Trend's X axis can be selected from any
recordset column resulted from the applied data extraction query. In this way, the X axis my
represent a time base or any discrete value set. If this field is left empty, the"LocalCol" column,
being the Date and Time column from the table linked to the Trend, will be used for the X axis for
default with milliseconds as well. The list of selectable fields for this property will be the list of fields
resulted by the applied data extraction "query" associated to the Report. If no query has been
defined in the Report, this list will be populated with a list of columns from the linked table. Any
eventual query set in the Trend's "Query Default" property will not have any effect on generating
the list of fields shown in the X Axis Data Source property.
Page Prev. Button
This selection provides the command button for scrolling the previous Trend page. The command is
only available when the Trend is in Pause mode.
This command changes its significance in the Data Analysis object according to the display interval
type selected.
The same command can be executed with the "PagDown" key.
Prev. Button
This selection provides the command button for scrolling the previous Trend's recording.
This command changes its significance in the Data Analysis object according to the display interval
type selected.
This command is only available when the Trend is in Pause mode.
Pause-Run Button
This selection provides the command button for switching over from Run status into Pause status
and viceversa.
The same command can be executed with the "S" key.
Next Button
This selection provides the command button for scrolling the Trend's next recording.
This command changes its significance in the Data Analysis object according to the displayed range
type selected.
This command is only available when the Trend is in Pause mode.
Page Next Button
This selection provides the command button for scrolling the Trend's next page. This command is
only available when the Trend is in Pause mode.
This command changes its significance in the Data Analysis object according to the displayed range
type selected.
The same command can be executed with the "PagUp" key.
Expand Button
This selection provides the command button for expanding the Trend/Data Analysis area to its
maximum size. This command hides the scale, the pen area, the legend area, the buttons etc. and
expands the display area of the curves to its maximum size. To return back to the previous mode
use the "F2" key or double click the mouse on the Trend/Data Analysis area. The same command
can be executed with the "F" key.
The Trend area can also be expanded/compressed by double clicking on it.
This command is NOT available when project is running in touch screen
systems or when the Trend/Data Analysis is in lZoom or data Measuring


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Zoom Button
This selection renders the Zoom command button available for zooming in and out of the Trend/Data
Analysis area. You can use the "Z" key to do the same thing as well.
The Zoom command works in the same way:
Once pressing the button, the mouse can be used together with the arrow keys to enlarging the
Trend/Data Analysis area. If at this point you wish to enlarge the curve even further, just select the
part to be enlarged again. To exist from Zoom mode in order to analyse data using the cursor, just
press the Zoom button again, or press the "ESC" key. In this situation, where the zoom is no longer
active, by pressing "ESC" key the curve will be restored to its original size. The following functions
are active in Zoom mode:
For further information about the Zoom functionality and the commands which can be used for
zooming please refer to the paragraph on the "Zoom Management".
Activating the zoom command for the Data Analysis object will
automatically deactivate the "<<", "<", ">", ">>" buttons. To reactivate
these buttons, select the time range to be displayed again.
Measure Button
This selection makes the Measure Button available for carrying out measuring operations in the Data
Analysis object. This command can also be carried out with the "M" key.
The measure mode consents to selecting a pair of points in the same curve, or different curves, and
view the delta X delta and delta Y values on a ruler. The delta X value corresponds to the time
ratio/difference between one point and the next, while the Y delta corresponds to value difference of
the two points.
In order to select the two points after having activated the measure function, you must left mouse
click on first point of the curve and by keeping the mouse key pressed down move to the second
point and then release. The two horizontal and vertical lines will remain visible showing the
horizontal and vertical delta ratios between the two points.
First Point Button
This option makes the command button move the Data Analysis object's cursor to the first point of
the selected time range.
For further information please refer to pargraph: "Moving The Cursor Around The Chart".
Last Point Button
This option makes the command button move the Data Analysis object's cursor to the last point of
the selected time range.
For further information please refer to pargraph: "Moving The Cursor Around The Chart".
Next Point Button
This option makes the command button move the Data Analysis object's cursor to the next point in
respect to the one selected.
For further information please refer to pargraph: "Moving The Cursor Around The Chart".
Previous Point Button
This option makes the command button move the Data Analysis object's cursor to the previous point
in respect to the one selected.
For further information please refer to paragraph: "Moving The Cursor Around The Chart".
Print Button
This selection provides the command button for executing a printout of the Trend/Data Analysis
area. The same command can be executed with the "P" key.
Show Date Range Buttons
This selection renders the command buttons available for selecting the time ranges to be displayed
in the Data Analysis object. These buttons are: all, (min.), (hour), (day), (week), (month), (year).
Date Range Button Color
This property consents you to select the color to be applied to the Data Analysis object's Date Range
For further information on the color selections please refer to the "Color Selection" paragraph.
Show Compare Date Range Buttons
This selection renders the command buttons available for selecting the date ranges to be compared
in the Data Analysis object. Thise buttons are: none, (min.), (hour), (day), (week), (month), (year).
Compare Date Range Button Color





This property consents you to select the color to be applied to the Compare Data Range buttons in
the Data Analysis object.
For further information on color selections please refer to the "Color Selection" paragraph.
Measure Text Color
This property allows you to assign a color to the text that indicates the measure value once this
feature has been enabled through the "Measure" button.
Take note that by using the "Preserve Colors" property from the "General" properties group, the
measure text color settings can be retained during public symbol updating.
Date Range
This property consents to selecting a data range to be displayed for default when loading the Data
Analysis object. The possible selections are: all, (min.), (hour), (day), (week), (month), (year).
Button Size
The 'Button Size' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Align Buttons
The 'Align Buttons' property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Pause-Run Button Text
The text which is to appear on the 'Pause-Run Button Text' is entered in this edit box. The
default text will be used if left blank.
None Button Text
This edit box is used for inserting the text to show on the "None Button" on the bar of buttons for
selecting the comparison time range. If this field is left empty, the text for default will be used
All Button Text
This edit box is used for inserting the text to show on the "All Button" on the bar of buttons for
selecting the comparison time range. If this field is left empty, the text for default will be used
Sec. Button Text
This edit box is used for inserting the text which is to appear on the scroll buttons when selecting the
Minute is selected as the time range to be displayed. If this field is left empty, the text for default will
be used instead.
Min. Button Text
This edit box is used for inserting the text to show on the "Min. Button" on the bar of buttons for
selecting the comparison time range. If this field is left empty, the text for default will be used
Hour Button Text
This edit box is used for inserting the text to show on the "Hour Button " on the bar of buttons for
selecting the comparison time range. If this field is left empty, the text for default will be used
Day Button Text
This edit box is used for inserting the text to show on the "Day Button " on the bar of buttons for
selecting the comparison time range. If this field is left empty, the text for default will be used
Week Button Text
This edit box is used for inserting the text to show on the "Week Button " on the bar of buttons for
selecting the comparison time range. If this field is left empty, the text for default will be used
Month Button Text
This edit box is used for inserting the text to show on the "Month Button " on the bar of buttons
for selecting the comparison time range. If this field is left empty, the text for default will be used
Year Button Text


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This edit box is used for inserting the text to show on the "Year Button " on the bar of buttons for
selecting the comparison time range. If this field is left empty, the text for default will be used
Page Prev. Button Text
The text which is to appear on the 'Page Prev. Button Text' is entered in this edit box. The default
text will be used if left blank.
When the Data Analysis is being used, the text of this button changes according to the time range
selected. If nothing is inserted in this property, Movicon will use any string ID that has been inserted
in the time range selection button texts properties ("Second Button Text", "Minute Button Text",
"Hour Button Text", etc.) to show as this button's text which will change automatically according to
time range selected. If you wish to used custom text for this button, you can insert text composed
of two parts in this property: the custom text and the "%s" parameter which is needed for
automatically adding the time base to be displayed according to the time ranged selected on the
chart. The "%s" parameter can be inserted either before or after the custom text, depending on
where you want it to be positioned. If the custom text must support change language as well you
will need to insert the text in a String ID. In this case, the "%s" parameter will have to also be
inserted within the strng of each language.
For instance, when inserting the following texts into these properties:
Minute Button Text = Minute
Hour Button Text = Hour
Prev. Page Button Text = Prev. %s
and then in runtime the "minute", time range is selected using the predisposed button , the texts
that will display on the "Minute Button", "Hour Button", and "Prev. Page Button" are:
Minute Button Text = Minute
Hour Button Text = Hour
Prev. Page Button Text = Prev. Minute
and then selecing the "hour" range using the predisposed button in runtime, the texts that will
display on the "Minute Button", "Hour Button", and "Prev. Page Button" are:
Minute Button Text = Minute
Hour Button Text = Hour
Prev. Page Button Text = Prev. Hour
When a "Multiplier Factor" is applied to the scroll buttons, this will automatically add the %dx
syntax at the end of the buttons' texts. For example, if a multiple of 5 factor is applied in the
example above, the Prev. Page Button's text will become:
Prev. Page Button Text = Prev. Hour 5x
Prev. Button Text
The text which is to appear on the 'Prev. Button Text' is entered in this edit box. The default text
will be used if left blank.
When the Data Analysis is being used, the text of this button changes according to the time range
selected. If nothing is inserted in this property, Movicon will use any string ID that has been inserted
in the time range selection button texts properties ("Second Button Text", "Minute Button Text",
"Hour Button Text", etc.) to show as this button's text which will change automatically according to
time range selected. If you wish to used custom text for this button, you can insert text composed
of two parts in this property: the custom text and the "%s" parameter which is needed for
automatically adding the time base to be displayed according to the time ranged selected on the
chart. The "%s" parameter can be inserted either before or after the custom text, depending on
where you want it to be positioned. If the custom text must support change language as well you
will need to insert the text in a String ID. In this case, the "%s" parameter will have to also be
inserted within the strng of each language.
For instance, when inserting the following texts into these properties:
Minute Button Text = Minute
Hour Button Text = Hour
Prev. Page Button Text = Prev. %s
and then in runtime the "minute", time range is selected using the predisposed button , the texts
that will display on the "Minute Button" and "Prev. Page Button" are:
Minute Button Text = Minute





Prev. Page Button Text = Prev. Second

and then selecing the "hour" range using the predisposed button in runtime, the texts that will
display on the "Minute Button", and "Prev. Page Button" are:
Minute Button Text = Minute
Prev. Page Button Text = Prev. Minute
When a "Multiplier Factor" is applied to the scroll buttons, this will automatically add the %dx
syntax at the end of the buttons' texts. For example, if a multiple of 5 factor is applied in the
example above, the Prev. Page Button's text will become:
Prev. Page Button Text = Prev. Minute 5x
Next Button Text
The text which is to appear on the 'Next Button Text' is entered in this edit box. The default text
will be used if left blank.
When the Data Analysis is being used, the text of this button changes according to the time range
selected. If nothing is inserted in this property, Movicon will use any string ID that has been inserted
in the time range selection button texts properties ("Second Button Text", "Minute Button Text",
"Hour Button Text", etc.) to show as this button's text which will change automatically according to
time range selected. If you wish to used custom text for this button, you can insert text composed
of two parts in this property: the custom text and the "%s" parameter which is needed for
automatically adding the time base to be displayed according to the time ranged selected on the
chart. The "%s" parameter can be inserted either before or after the custom text, depending on
where you want it to be positioned. If the custom text must support change language as well you
will need to insert the text in a String ID. In this case, the "%s" parameter will have to also be
inserted within the strng of each language.
For instance, when inserting the following texts into these properties:
Second Button Text = Second
Minute Button Text = Minute
Next Button Text = Next %s
and then in runtime the "minute", time range is selected using the predisposed button , the texts
that will display on the "Minute Button" and "Next Button" are:
Minute Button Text = Minute
Next Button Text = Next Second
and then in runtime the "hour", time range is selected using the predisposed button , the texts that
will display on the "Minute Button" and "Next Button" are:
Minute Button Text = Minute
Next Button Text = Next Minute
When a "Multiplier Factor" is applied to the scroll buttons, this will automatically add the %dx
syntax at the end of the buttons' texts. For example, if a multiple of 5 factor is applied in the
example above, the "Next Button" text will become:
Next Button Text = Next Minute 5x
Page Next Button Text
The text which is to appear on the 'Page Next Button Text' is entered in this edit box. The default
text will be used if left blank.
When the Data Analysis is being used, the text of this button changes according to the time range
selected. If nothing is inserted in this property, Movicon will use any string ID that has been inserted
in the time range selection button texts properties ("Second Button Text", "Minute Button Text",
"Hour Button Text", etc.) to show as this button's text which will change automatically according to
time range selected. If you wish to used custom text for this button, you can insert text composed
of two parts in this property: the custom text and the "%s" parameter which is needed for
automatically adding the time base to be displayed according to the time ranged selected on the
chart. The "%s" parameter can be inserted either before or after the custom text, depending on
where you want it to be positioned. If the custom text must support change language as well you
will need to insert the text in a String ID. In this case, the "%s" parameter will have to also be
inserted within the strng of each language.
For instance, when inserting the following texts into these properties:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Minute Button Text = Minute

Hour Button Text = Hour
Page Next Button Text = Next %s
and then in runtime the "minute", time range is selected using the predisposed button , the texts
that will display on the "Minute Button", "Hour Button" and "Page Next Button":
Minute Button Text = Minute
Hour Button Text = Hour
Page Next Button Text = Next Minute
and then in runtime the "hour", time range is selected using the predisposed button , the texts that
will display on the "Minute Button", "Hour Button" and "Page Next Button":
Minute Button Text = Minute
Hour Button Text = Hour
Page Next Button Text = Next Hour
When a "Multiplier Factor" is applied to the scroll buttons, this will automatically add the %dx
syntax at the end of the buttons' texts. For example, if a multiple of 5 factor is applied in the
example above, the "Page Next Button" text will become:
Page Next Button Text = Next Hour 5x
Expand Button Text
The text which is to appear on the 'Expand Button Text' is entered in this edit box. The default
text will be used if left blank.
Zoom Button Text
The text to appear on the "Zoom Button" is entered in this edit box. The default text is used when
this field is left blank.
Measure Button Text
The text to appear on the "Measure Button" is entered in this edit box. The default text is used
when this field is left blank.
Print Button Text
The text which is to appear on the 'Print Button Text' is entered in this edit box. The default text
will be used if left blank.
First Point Button Text
The text to show in the "First Point Button" is insert in this editbox. The default text will be used if
this field is left empty.
Last Point Button Text
The text to show in the "Last Point Button" is insert in this editbox. The default text will be used if
this field is left empty.
Next Point Button Text
The text to show in the "Next Point Button" is insert in this editbox. The default text will be used
if this field is left empty
Previous Point Button Text
The text to show in the "Previous Point Button" is insert in this editbox. The default text will be
used if this field is left empty
Default Filter
This edit box is used for entering a text string containing the filter function in standard SQL
language in data to be selected from the Database. For further information please refer to the
section on "Default Filter".
Default Sort
This edit box is used for entering a text string containing the sort function in standard SQL language
in data to be selected from the Database. For further information please refer to the section on
"Default Filter".





Default Query
This edit box is used for entering a text string containing the query in standard SQL language in data
to be selected from the Database. For further information please refer to the section on "Default

10.27.16. Trend and Data Analysis Pen Properties

The Pen properties are used for setting associations between the curves displayed in the Trend/Data
Analysis and the Movicon variables, being the same variables of the associated Data Logger.
Each pen accesses to a following window for setting the complete chart style desired.

This window shows the pen table inserted in the objects, indicating the colors, names and database
variables associated.
To insert new pens you need to press the Add button on the right hand border, through which the
setting window, as shown below, is activated.
To change the pen settings previously inserted you need to activate the Edit button after having
selected the pen desired.
To delete a pen from the object, you have to select it first, then press the Remove button.
The Trend and Data Analysis allow you to modify the order in which pens are displayed in the
legend. This option is managed in the pen edit window, which is a window showing a list of all the
pens associated to the Trend or Data Analysis object. In this window you can change around the
pens from one position to another in the list by simply selecting one and moving to the top or
bottom with the mouse pressed down.

Pen Configurations
The Edit Pen Properties window is accessed when the Add or Edit commands are used. This
window can also be accessed in RunTime by double-clicking on the pen line you wish to change.
However, the pen's name of the variable associated to it cannot be changed when accessed in this
way. Furthermore, if a configuration file has not been associated to the object, any changes made
will only be kept until the Trend remains active and will be lost when the screen is closed.
The Edit Pen Properties are subdivided in groups for graphic reasons only.

The name you wish to assign to the pen is entered in this box. The name can also be different from
the variable's and will be represented in the Trend/Data Analysis window's legend and recorded on
file as the name of the assigned values.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The text string which can be associated to the pen supports all the
special and space characters, leaving it to the programmer's discretion to
use the separation characters (tabulations or commas).
The Trend/Data Analysis's pens can also have the change language
function by inserting a string ID with the same name as the pen's.
The name of the variable to be associated to the Trend/Data Analysis's pen is entered in this edit box
(or selected with the "..." browse button on the right). The selected variables will be sampled by the
Trend according to the modalities set.
New variables can be entered into the Real-Time DB if needed by double-clicking on the option box.
In cases in which the Trend/Data Analysis is linked to a DataLogger, Movicon will search the Table
for a column with the same name as the variable entered in the "Variable Pen" field. If the name of
the variable and column names are different you will need to specify the name of the column in the
"Data Logger Column' field.
When using the Movicon Embedded Reports you can also select the database in addition to a
variable in the Trend or Chart object's "Variable Pen"' property. Selecting a field from the database,
which returns a specific syntax, it will then be necessary to set the "Data Logger Column" with the
correct column name as well.
Data Logger Name
This property, which is only available for the Data Analysis object, is used for entering the name of
the DataLogger which the pen belongs to. Curves of pens deriving from different DataLoggers can
be displayed by the Data Analysis as described in the paragraph on "Connecting different Data
Loggers to a Data Analysis object". In cases where a DataLogger name is not specified for the pen in
this property, the Data Logger set in the Data Analysis style properties will be used.
Data Logger Col.
The variable name (or the DB field name when using a Movicon Embedded Report) inserted in the
"Variable Pen" property may be different from the Data Logger column name to which the
Tredn/DataAnalysis is linked. The "Data Logger Column" property allows the reference column to be
set for the pen when the name of the variable linked to the pen ("Variable Pen" property) is not the
same as the column's name. When left empty, the name of the variable will be considered as
column's name.
Visible (Pen)
This selection box permits the trace visibility to be set in the Trend/Data Analysis window, allowing
data to be sampled without displaying the values in the Trend. The Pen name will however remain
visible in the Legend even when the curve is not displayed in the Trend/Data Analysis.
Visible in Legend
This option allows the pen to be displayed or not to be displayed in the Trend/Data Analysis legend.
This property allows you to make the pen editable during Runtime mode. A pen can be edited during
Runtime by double clicking on the curve or the pen's name in the Legend or on the pen's scale.
Use TimeStamp
When enabled, this option allows the pen points to display in order according to the 'timestamp'
column and not the 'Time' column with which data has been recorded in the associated Data Logger.
In order for this to work, you must enable variable's timestamp for recording in the Datalogger,
therefore enabling the Datalogger's column "Add TimeStamp Column" property.

Please remember that for a pen whose points are displayed according to the
"timestamp" column, the data will be filtered respecting the "Time" column
with which data is recorded by the Data Logger.

When the TimeStamp is enabled, data will be displayed without calculating

the time zone and local legal time of the PC in which it was plotted
therefore in cases where being displayed from a Networking client or Web
client it will be plotted with the same time displayed on the Server.





Pen scale major tick values can be customized using the string
table. By inserting a string identifier in the string table with this
format: "_<PenName>_<Tick Number>_" (where the tick number
starts from '1'), the value represented in a pen scale tick can be
replaced by the text desired.
When this property is enabled the pen's scale will automatically adapt according to the value
obtained by the pen so that the highest value obtained by the pen is displayed at the top of the
The automatic scale is managed in this way to guarantee that the first and last ticks are always set
with the integer values without decimals.
Min. Value
The lowest value which the variable in the Trend/Data Analysis may obtain is set in this edit box and
which will be returned on the variable's scale situated on the Trend/Data Analysis's border at the
When the variable linked to the Trend/Data analysis has its "Enable Scaling" property
enabled, the minimum value used will be the one set in the variable's "Scale Min."
The highest value which the variable in the Trend/Data Analysis may obtain is set in this edit box will
be returned on the variable' s scale situated on the Trend/Data Analysis's border at the side.
When the variable linked to the Trend/Data Analysis has its "Enable Scaling" property
enabled the minimum value used will the one set in the variable's "Scale Max." property.
Pen Values Format
By using this option box you can set how the numeric format of the variable associated to the Trend
is to be displayed.
The format types available are only those listed in the "Predefined Movicon Formats" paragraph in
the "Data Formats" section.
In case where this property has not been set (left blank) the Trend/Data
Analysis will inherit any format defined in the associated variable's
"Default Format" property.
Visible (Scale)
When checking this box the scale of values will be enabled on the border at the side of the
Trend/Data Analysis window. If left unchecked, the scale will not be displayed for pen being
When this property is enabled the pen's scale will be displayed at the bottom or on the right of the
Trend/Data Analysis area.
Log. scale
When this property is enabled, the scale displayed for the pen will assume the logarithmic values
instead of the linear values for default.
Eng. Unit
This edit box is used for inserting a text for identifying the Trend/Data Analysis's variable's
engineering units to be represented. In instances where a text is not entered, the one in the variable
will be used instead. The engineering unit will be displayed in the legend after the pen's description.

Plot Type
The pen configuration provides the possibility to select the type of trace to be assigned to the
variable, by choosing one of the four options offered by the system on the list available.
The curve graphics options are:

Line: the trace is represented by one simple line

Rectangle: the trace is represented by a series of vertical bars (bargraph)


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Area: in this case the area subtended by the chart's curve is flood filled by a color
Line-Area: in this case the area subtended by the chart's curve is filled with a series of
vertical bars
Line-Step: the trace is represented by a simple line, but the curve is drawn with a straight
line, parallel to the X axis in function with the Y value. This line is kept straight until the next
Y value variation and eventually instead of looking like a curve will look like steps
Area-Step: the trace is represented by on simple line and the relating area is filled with a
colour and a style which can be set in the "Pen color" and "Brush Color" properties. The
curve is designed with straight line, parallel to the X axle in function with the Y value. This
line is maintained as it is until the next value Y changes. In this way the curve turns into a

Movicon CE restrictions: some primitive designs are not included in

WinCE, therefore "Area" and "Area-Step" pens are "rectangle" type instead.
In DataAnalysis, pens used for the curve for points on time scales are
deformed in respect to those in the trend because the number of rectangles
that can be drawn is less.
Pen Color
By using the "Color" selection button you can set the color for the pen, its trace in the Trend/Data
Analysis and any correlated data.
For further information on selecting colors please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Pen Size
This edit box permits you to size the line (in pixels) associated to the variable.
Pen Style
This is used to set the trace's graphical property. By means of using the list you can select the type
of line to be displayed which may be a continuous solid line, dashes or other.
Brush Style
This is used for setting the graphic style for the area subtended by the trace in the Trend/Data
Analysis, when a non standard line type has been selected.
Brush Color
This is used for setting the color for the Trend/Data Analysis trace's floodfill, when as non standard
line type has been selected.
For further information on selecting colors please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".

It is possible to disable the runtime labels which are displayed on Pen

points when placing the Data Analysis cursor on them setting the same
color in the "Pen Color" Style property and the "Pen Area Back Color" Style

This setting highlights the points along the Trend/Data Analysis curve.
This setting permits the pen's values to be displayed in correspondence to each point in the graphic.
Labels are only controlled in the Trend object and which are displayed near each point only if these
points are not too near to each other.
The labels are also displayed in XY trends. Two pairs of values corresponding to the X axis value and
the Y axis value appear separated by a comma.
Saved Values
This setting allows the curve to be frozen upon enabling this property. The frozen curve is then
displayed in the Trend with a dashed line while the actual curve will continue running in the Trend.
Therefore, two curves will be obtained for the same pen, one in realtime and the other one saved
the movement this property was enabled. This function is used for comparing curve values in
realtime with those from a moment ago. When this property is disabled again, the frozen curve will
cancelled and on the one in realtime will remain in the Trend.
Enabling/disabling this property only has significance in runtime mode only.





Minimum Pen / Maximum Pen / Average Pen
When these properties are enables, an additional trace will be displayed in the Trend/Data Analysis
window, set with a standard horizontal line representing the Minimum value, the Maximum value and
the Average value assumed by the variables associated to the pen, among those sampled and filed in
the Trend's buffer.
When enabled, these traces can be set with a color, size and style as described below.
Minimum / Maximum / Average Pen Color
The colors of the traces representing the Minimum, Maximum and Average values assumed by the
variable associated to the pen are set by using the 'Color' selection button.
For further information on selecting colors please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Minimum / Maximum / Average Pen Size
This edit box is used for setting the size of the trace representing the Minimum, Maximum and
Average values assumed by the variable associated to the pen.
Minimum / Maximum / Average Pen Style
This is used to set the graphical property of the traces representing the Minimum, Maximum and
Average values assumed by the variable associated to the pen. By means of using the list you can
select the type of line to be displayed which may be a solid line, dashes or other.

10.27.17. Trends Pen Area Properties

The Pen Area Properties of the Trend are used for setting up the main configurations of the area in
which the pens, indicating the real-time values of the variables associated to the Trend, are
To change the Pen Area properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
The "Visible" property allows the Trend's "Pen Area" to be displayed or hidden.
The "Border" property allows the border relating to the Trend's "Pen Area" to be displayed. This
applies to the display area of the pens only.
Raised Border
The "Raised Border" property allows the border relating to Trend's "Pen Area" to be displayed with
a raised 3D effect instead of sunken. This applies to the display area of the pens only.
This property is used for setting the size of the Trend's "Pen Area" in pixels. This applies to the
display area of the pens only.
Brush Style
This property allows you to select the type of brush stroke (hatched) from the list of the various
styles available, to be applied to the Trend's "Pen Area", being the display area of the pens only.
This property allows you to select the background color to be applied to the Trend's "Pen Area",
being the display area of the pens only.
For further information on the color selection please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".

10.27.18. Trend and Data Analysis Legend Area Properties

The Trend/Data Analysis Legend Area properties determine the main configurations of the area in
which the legend of the Trend/Data Analysis's pens are displayed.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

To change the Legend Area properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
The "Visible" property consents the Trend/Data Analysis's "Legend Area" to be hidden or displayed.
Max. Nr. Visible Pens
This property allows a limit to be set on the number of pens displayed in the legend so that it will not
get oversized. Small Scroll buttons will appear to the right of the legend to scroll the legend's pen
list. This property has been preset with the value '4'.

The Trend objects will displayed with these characteristics when opening
projects created with the previous Movicon version.

The "MaxLegendVisiblePen" property from "TrendCmdTarget" basic interface allows this parameter
to be read/changed in runtime. In this case, when modified a "Refresh" will need to be carried out to
update the Trend/Data Analysis graphically with the new settings.
The "Border" property consents the border relating to the Trend/Data Analysis's "Legend Area" to
be displayed. This applies to the display area of the legend only.
Raised Border
The "Raised Border" property allows the border relating to the Trend/Data Analysis's "Legend Area"
to be displayed with a risen border instead of a flat one. This applies to the display area of the
legend only.
Brush Style
This property allows you to select the type of brush stroke (hatched) to be applied to the Trend/Data
Analysis's "Legend Area". This applies to the display area of the legend only.
This property allows you to select the background color to be applied to the Trend/Data Analysis's
"Legend Area". This applies to the display area of the legend only.
For further information on the color selection please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
A window will activate by using the "..." button on the right hand of the box where you can select
the font to be associated to the texts representing the Trend/Data Analysis's legend. The selection is
done by using the Windows standard modalities.

10.27.19. Trend and Data Analysis Time Area Properties

The Trend/Data Analysis's Time Area properties determine the main configurations of the area in
which the data and time, corresponding to the major divisions of X axis, will be displayed.
To change the Time Area properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".

The "Visible" property allows the Trend's "Time Area" to be displayed or hidden.
Automatic Scale
When enabled this option consents the date range scale axis to adapt to the data loaded in the Data
Analysis object accordingly. When enabling this option, the buttons for scrolling data ("<", "<<", ">
>" and ">") and inserting comparison curves become no longer usable.
The "Border" property allows the border relating to the Trend/Data Analysis's "Time Area" to be
displayed. This applies to the display area of the date and time only.





Raised Border
The "Raised Border" property allows the border relating to Trend/Data Analysis's "Time Area" to
be displayed with a raised effect instead of flat one. This applies to the display area of the date and
time only.
Brush Style
This property allows you to select the type of brush stroke (hatched) from the list of the various
styles available, to be applied to the Trend/Data Analysis's "Time Area", being the display area of
the data and time only.
This property allows you to select the background color to be applied to the Trend/Data Analysis's
"Time Area", being the display area of the time and date only. For further information on the color
selection please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Text Color
A window will activate by using the "..." button on the right hand of the box where you can select
the color to be associated to the texts representing the Trend/Data Analysis's time area.
For further information on the color selection please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
A window will activate by using the "..." button on the right hand of the box where you can select
the font to be associated to the texts representing the Trend/Data Analysis's time area. The
selection is done by using the Windows standard modalities.
Font Orientation
This property tilts the display of the strings which represents the recording's date and time. The
maximum tilt is 45 degrees. This allows the number of vertical label to be increased without
superimposing any texts.
Show Ms
This property permits the values (in milliseconds), in recording time of the Trend/Data
Analysis's"Time Area", to be displayed or hidden.
As the Data Analysis object is concerned, enabling this property will display the milliseond values in
the curve's point labels when the cursor positions on top.
In addition this option permits the values to be plotted correctly in the 'Trend/Data Analysis Grid'
area based on the millisecond values of historically logged samples in the Data Base.
Ultimately, the 'Show Ms' is automatically activated when a Data Logger is associated to the Data
Analysis object to record by time.
Show Date
This property permits the recording date, displayed in the Trend/Data Analysis's"Time Area", to be
displayed or hidden.
Time Format
This property consents to formatting dates and times with which the data is to be displayed in the
Trend/Data Analysis time area. The "Show Ms" property will remain unchanged and continue to
add milliseconds. The "Show Date" property however, does not have any effect in cases where this
custom format is used.

When the date and time format has been customized, it will be
shown on one line only.
The format types available are only those listed in the "Formats for Date and Time values" paragraph
from the "Data Formats" section.
Time Scale
This property allows you to enable the time scale's axis in function with the data loaded for the Data
Analysis object. This option is available in three modes:
Adjust to Values:
Adjusts the Time Area according to the start and end date referred to by the cursor's position for the
query to recover data. For example, when selecting a day range, the data recovered for this range
will be displayed starting from the first available data to the last available data within the 24 hours of
the day selected by the cursor.
If a data filter is applied by using the time range buttons (minute), (hour), (day), (month) and
(year),data will be selected staring from the date and time indicated by the cursor's position.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Absolute Ranges:
Adjusts the time area according to start and final date specified in the query or the cursor's position
in combination to the date range selected with the (min.), (hour), (day), (week), (month and
(year)buttons. When respecting the date and time indicated by the cursor, and selecting an (hour)
range using the time range buttons, the Time Area will adjust starting from the beginning or the
selected hour. When selecting a (day) range, the Time Area will adjust starting from midnight and
continue throughout the following 24 hours in relation to the day indicated by the cursor's position.
Relative Ranges:
Uses the PC's current date and time as final date and time for selected data by adjusting the period
to the time range selected. For example, when selecting a (day) range, data from the last 24 hours
will be recovered starting from the current time.
Show Item Side by Side
This property is available only when a "Chart" object has been inserted in a Movicon "Embedded
Reports" from the "ToolBox Objects for Reports"per i report. When this option is checked and if
there are two or more pens, the object will be displayed with bars side by side for each X axis value
instead of being overlapped. This option only has effect if the "Tipo di Penna" has been set to
Show Labels
This property is available only when a "Chart" object has been inserted in a Movicon "Embedded
Reports" from the "ToolBox Objects for Reports" per i report. When this option is checked, the text
corresponding to the field values chosen for the X axis will be shown in correlation to the X axis
vertical ticks.
Show Labels every
This property is available only when a "Chart" object has been inserted in a Movicon "Embedded
Reports" from the "ToolBox Objects for Reports" per i report. This property is only considered when
the "Show Labels every" option has been enabled. When enabled, the set value indicates the
frequency of ticks the labels are to be associated to along the vertical X axis. For example, when
setting the value 3, the labels are written every three ticks along the X axis.

10.27.20. Trend and Data Analysis Grid Properties

The Trend/Data Analysis Grid properties are used to configure the identical styles of the Trend/Data
Analysis's X and Y axis.
To change the Grid properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon "Properties
The grid is subdivided into two subdivision types, Major and Minor,
meaning the thickness of the lines subdividing the grid fields.
The grid is represented with double colour semi-transparency. This allows you to quickly single out
areas between two major ticks. To deactivate the double colour transparency effect, set the option
for displaying the grid in normal mode ("Normal X/Y Grid" options).
The transparency effect is not managed by runtime for Windows CE.

XY Grid Visible
These option boxes permit the grid's major lines to be displayed or hidden for the X axis (horizontal
axis) or for the Y axis (vertical axis).
X/Y Minor Grid Visible
These option boxes permit the Grid's Minor lines to be displayed or hidden for the X axis (horizontal
axis) or for the Y axis (vertical axis). Only has effect with the grid's Major lines enabled.
Nr. Major X/Y Ticks
This edit box is used for customizing the number of Major lines, by entering a value from 1 to 100, to
be displayed for the grid in the Trend/Data Analysis window whether for the Grid X (horizontal axis)
or the Y Grid card (vertical axis).





The pen scale major tick values can be customized using the string table.
You can actually insert an identifier string in the string table with this
format: "_<Pen Name >_<Tick Number>_" (where tick number starts from
"1"), you can replace the value represented in a pen scale pen with any
other text.
Nr. Minor X/Y Ticks
This edit box is used for customizing the number of Minor lines, by entering a value from 1 to 100,
to be displayed for the grid in the Trend/Data Analysis window whether for the Grid X (horizontal
axis) or the Y Grid card (vertical axis).
Logarithmic X/Y Grid
When enabling this check box, the X or Y grid will be displayed according to the logarithmic
functions, instead of in linear mode as for default.
Normal X/Y Grid
When enabling this check box, the lines in the X or Y grid will be displayed with a straight line
instead of a dashed line as for default.
X/Y Grid Color
By using the standard color selection, you can assign the colors desired to the grid's lines whether
being for the X Grid card or (horizontal axis) or for the Y Grid card (vertical axis).
For further information about color selections please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Grid Overlap
When enabling this check box the Trend's grid will overlap to the curves.
Grid Shifting
When this check box is enabled the grid will move in the Trend area together with the variable curve
lines during runtime. When this box is left unchecked only the curves will move while the grid
remains still.
The grid's shift is not active with XY charts.

10.27.21. Trend and Data Analysis Execution Properties

The Execution properties are used for setting Trend/Data Analysis's data samplings.
To change the Execution properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
# Samples
This edit box allows you to set the highest number of samples to be managed by the Trend's
sampler and therefore establishing the buffer's memory capacity of the object. When this value is
reached while sampling, the oldest data exits from the buffer to make place for new data (FIFO).
The max number of samples manageable is 10,000 for Trends when
configured as "Horizontal", "Vertical" or "XY".

This value is also used for the memory capacity for loading values of any
query executed when the Trend is put into Pause (stop) mode. Extracted
values exceeding this limit will not be managed.
When the Data Analysis object is used this value defines the maximum point number limit that can
be displayed. The set value represents the maximum number of values that will be retrieved from
the database (default = 36000). This limit is needed for containing memory use and must be set to
a value adequate for the computer's memory capacity.
If a very high value is set, a "Out of memory" or "Insufficient
memory for executing operation" error may appear when recovering
data from the database.
This value is also used by Web Client for recovering data from the Server application.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Record Every
This property is used for setting the sampling time desired for the Trend. The values can be set in
Hour, Minute, and Second time units.
The resulting value will be the one used for sampling data which is buffered in memory and
displayed according to the modalities set.
Record Every (ms)
This property is used for setting the sampling time in milliseconds.
As you can see, Movicon also allows sampling times to be set in
milliseconds, which will required a more demanding CPU performance of
the PC which is the programmer's responsibility to evaluate.
# Update Every
This edit box is used for setting the Trend object's video refresh time of data sampled by the Trend.
The number set corresponds to the number of samples executed before the video refresh of sample
values is carried out.
The difference between the values being acquired and the values being displayed may be useful to
optimize the resource's task without effecting high precision sampling performances.
View Timeframe
This edit box is used for setting the timeframes to be viewed in the Trend area, whether in Start of
Stop mode.
The timeframe set will determine the number of samples, indicated in the "# Visible Samples" box,
to be viewed.
The is no limit on the amount of time that can be set and that the Trend can display on any one
page. Therefore any time can be set in "dd:hh:mm:ss" which will be used by the Trend in runtime
to view each of its pages. Any recording "holes" on the data logger will be represented with grey
zones (without data), and not with lines. In this way a Trend page will always display a data interval
equal to the time set in the "View Timeframe" property.
The Trend used its specific algorithm to display a lot of data in one page only where curves will be
represented without altering their appearance with approximations.
# Visible Samples
This read only property shows the number of samplings to be displayed in the Trend area. This
value depends on the Trend's window size in pixels and the "View Timeframe" settings.
Record On File
The Trend's data recording function is activated when this selection is enabled. In this case, the
object will record the data it has sampled on file in ".CSV" format according to the sampling
modalities set.

The recording of samples executed by the Trend on ".CSV" files is

executed by the object only when this is active in memory. In order to
keep the Trend object always active, you have to make sure the screen, it
is contained in, does not get destroyed and unloaded from memory with a
change page by checking the "Not Destroyable" option in the screen's
general properties.
If this property is enabled when a Trend is opened, the data is read from a linked text file each time
the Trend is paused.
A Trend set for recording on file is capable of retrieving the historical part of data from the text file
to which it is linked. Unlike before, cached historical data is now unloaded onto text files when
stopping the project while in runtime mode so that the Trend can be loaded and displayed.
When record on file is activated with the "Create New File" left disabled, the Trend will record data in
one unique ".csv". file. However, in this case as no file size controls are made, the file will increase
every time Movicon adds records to it. Therefore the programmer will have to make sure this file
doesn't get too big by cancelling those records no longer needed and making regular backups. If the
file gets too big while loading a "Insffuicient Memory" message will appear.
As an alternative to recording ".csv" files using the Trend, you can insert a new DataLogger for
recording in IMDB format to record variable value data which will be saved in text files with the
advantage of setting a maximum data life span limit after which Movicon will automatically recycle
the oldest data when expired.





File Name Suffix

The name you wish to use for recording the output of data sampled by the Trend object must be
declared here. The data will be recorded on file in standard .CSV format only if the "Record On File"
has been enabled as described above. The date and time of the recording will be added to the suffix
if the 'New File' property is enabled.
# events cache
This edit box is used to configure the number of samples to be buffered in memory before being
unloaded on file. This value can be set in function with the sampling time, and is needed to avoid
over-accessing the RAM disk with high-frequency samplings.
When the number of samplings indicated in the box has been reached, the system will save the
recordings from the disk memory cache.
Max. File Length
This property is used to set the file's maximum length in KBytes. When this size is reached the data
will be recycled or a new file will be created according to the settings carried out.
Max. # Files
This property is used for setting the number of files to be created when the "New File" property is
enabled. When this number has been reached the data will be recycled starting with the oldest file.
New File
This selection determines the behaviour of output recordings on file of sampled data at the
recording's startup. Recording starts when the trend object (or display screen or project startup) is
reloaded in memory. At the start of the project process with this box enabled, a new file will be
created and the previous data will be cancelled by being rewritten on the old file. When this function
is disabled, the data will be recorded in line with the old data on the same file. When a number
higher than one has been set in the "Max. # Files" property, a new file will be created at the start of
the object's process.
This field is used for inserting a separator character to be used by the Trend for recording data on
".csv" files. When this field is left empty, the default "TAB" character will be used instead.
Network Server
This property allows you to insert the name of the Movicon network server. In this way the
Trend/Data Analysis can ask the Movicon Server for any historical data is has to retrieve and not by
using the local project Data Logger's DBMS connection. Historical data from a remote Data Logger
will then be displayed on the PC in Trend/Data Analysis form.
Seeing that the Trend/Data Analysis is a able to retrieve historical data from a remote Data Logger,
the following properties will need to be set in the Trend object:

Execution -> Network Server

Execution -> Max Rows
Style -> Data Logger Link

The data logger connected to the Trend/Data Analysis must also be configured in the local project.
However, its "Enable" property can be disabled to prevent any recordings taking place in local
Network Backup Server
See paragraph "Drawings and Controls common Execution Properties".
Max Rows
This property is used for setting the number of records to be loaded from the remote Data Logger
when the "Network Server" property is active.
In Web Clients the value entered in the "Samples" property is considered
Load Data in separate thread
This property allows the user interface to be completely free to use as normal in order to interact
with other objects in the same screen while data is loaded in the Trend or Data Analysis object.
When the Separate Thread results active the progress bar is displayed while data is being loaded. In
addtion some events are disabled within the Data Analysis or Trend object's Basic Script context
which notify data loading, query executions and the moving from one record to another in the
referenced recordset object. These events are:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Commands on Click
See paragraph "Execution Properties" in Drawings and Controls.
Ext. File Settings
Name of "Symbol Configuration Files" in which the Trend/Data Analysis's configuration settings are
saved or loaded during RunTime.
The configuration file, set in this property, is automatically loaded when the Trend/Data Analysis is
displayed, and automatically saved when any modifications are done to its pen's properties through
the appropriate window.
See paragraph "Execution Properties" for Drawings and Controls.
Generate Unique File Name
See paragraph "Execution Properties" for Drawings and Controls.
By using this command the configuration file settings selected in the "Configuration File" property will
be loaded and applied to the Trend/Data Analysis object.
See paragraph "Execution Properties" for Drawings and Controls.
By using this command all the Trend/Data Analysis object's settings in the configuration file selected
in the "Configuration File" property will be saved.
See paragraph "Execution Properties" for Drawings and Controls.

10.27.22. Trend Variables Properties

The Variables property form is used for configuring the variables for the Trend's operation
Be reminded that the Trend's buffer contents, when switched to Pause (Stop), are determined by the
result of a query in the Data Logger (if present), or from data sampled by the Trend's engine.
To change the Variable properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
Enable Recording
The name of the variable to be associated for enabling and disabling the sampling of data associated
to the Trend pens, is entered in this edit box (variable name can also be selected with the "..."
browse button on the right).
Enabling the sampling (and recording) of values is independent of the Trend's operating status.
The "0" value of the variable associated (which may be in bit, byte, word, etc.) will temporarily
suspend the sampling = disable. While a value different from "0" will enable the sampling.
The name of the variable to be associated for setting the Trend's operating status is entered in this
edit box (variable name can also be selected with the "..." browse button on the right). The
operating status may be Run or Pause (Stop), unless the Trend has been configured to be managed
in "Only Run" or Only Pause": for which the variable has no influence.
The transition from "0" value to a different value of the associated variable (which may be in bit,
byte, word etc.) changes the Trend's operating status. The variable will be put back to "0" by
Movicon automatically.


Run Mode: The Trend samples and represents the values of the current samples
Pause Mode: The Trend continues to sample but displays historical data, by executing any
queries in the associated Data Logger (if present) or if otherwise, displays the samples
presently contained in the buffer




Cursor In
The name of the variable to be associated to the position where you wish to set the cursor for
pointing sampled data displayed in Pause mode is entered in this box (or selected with the "..."
browse button on the right). The cursor is represented by a vertical line in the centre of the Trend
The word type variable sets the desired number of samples to be pointed, with a value between 1
and the maximum number of samples value (buffer capacity) set.
Cursor Out
The name of the variable to be associated to the position obtained by cursor and returned by the
Trend in Pause mode is entered in this edit box (variable name can also be selected with the "..."
browse button on the right).
The cursor is represented by a vertical line in the centre of the Trend window.
The word type variable sets the desired number of samples to be pointed, with a value between 1
and the maximum number of samples value (buffer capacity) set.
Scroll Next
The name of the variable for executing the 'next value' command for the value pointed by the
Trend's cursor in Pause mode is inserted in this edit box (variable name can also be selected with
the "..." browse button on the right).
The change over from the associated variable's value from "0" to a different value (which may be in
bit, byte word etc.) will bring forward the next sample, displaying a new value following the one
pointed in the Trend's buffer.
Scroll Prev.
As for the "Scroll Next" variable, but for displaying a new value preceding the one pointed by the
cursor in the Trend's buffer.
Scroll Begin.
The name of the variable for executing the command for displaying the first sampled value or
contents in the Trend's buffer in Pause mode is entered in this edit box (variable name can also be
selected with the "..." browse button on the right).
The change over of the associated variable's value from "0" to a different one (which may be in bit,
byte word etc.) determines the pointing to the first value in the buffer and of its display in the
Scroll End.
As for the "Scroll Begin" variable, but for pointing and displaying the last sampling or value in the
Trend's Buffer.
Next Page
The name of the variable for executing the "change page" command for the values displayed by the
Trend in Pause mode is entered in this edit box (variable name can also be selected with the "..."
browse button on the right).
The change over of the associated variable's value from "0" to a different one (which may be in bit,
byte word etc.) determines the change page by displaying a new page of values following the value
pointed in the Trend's Buffer.
Prev. Page
As for the "Next Page" variable, but for displaying a new page of the values preceding the value
pointed in the Trend's buffer.
Add Value
The name of the variable for executing the recording of data on command is entered in this edit box
(variable name can also be selected with the "..." browse button on the right). When this variable is
set at "1" the Trend will execute a sampling and return the variable to "0". When the "Add Value"
variable is inserted, the Trend will no longer record on time but on command only.
Reset Values
The name of the variable for executing the deleting of data in the Trend's buffer is entered in this
edit box (variable name can also be selected with the "..." browse button on the right). When
setting this variable at "1", the Trend will execute the deleting of data recorded up till that moment
and return the variable to "0".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

10.27.23. Templates with Trends and Data Analysis

Templates are one of the most useful functionalities for the programmer to have to keep work
safeguarded when working in a development environment. The Template philosophy is about
allowing symbols from the Movicon library to keep their execution characteristics intact and which
can also be applied to Trends and Data Analysis.
This argument has already been dealt with in the previous chapters relating to alarms, graphic
animation, Data Loggers and the Movicon libraries and which we will also talk about here to include
the Trends. These can receive rather articulated configurations and can also exploit this technology
to the aim of being of kept as templates in the symbols library under the Trends category.
The "Template" feature permits you to accelerate work on introducing and configuring the project's
recording and displaying objects, permitting other "Database-Symbols-Trend" associations.
Let's suppose we need to realize a recording engine in a project which exploits the database
technology and whose values have to be linked to a Trend object comprising of a chart symbol with
trend related buttons and controls in order to carry out the selecting or custom analysis of data.
By using the Power Template technology we can realize the chart object with the Movicon graphics
editor to build the Trends object and the command objects correlated to it, then configure the
recording functions desired placed in relation to a database object inserted and configured in the
Data Logger. The chart symbol can then be saved in the Symbols library and receive in association a
DataLogger. It can then be inserted whenever needed, and Movicon will create the variables and
databases related to the new Trend introduced into the screen and the project.
To apply the Template concept to Trends and the Data Loggers, you need to select the Trend object
realized and saved in the Symbols library and use the "Associate a DataLogger/Recipe"
command, which is accessed with the right mouse key, then select the DataLogger desired.

10.28. The Grid

The Grid object allows table representations of data
archived on DataBase files or text files.
The Grid object allows the data contents of DataBase tables to be displayed in table format. The data
to be displayed can be part or totally extracted according to the set query.
The Grid object belongs to the Movicon "Advanced Shapes" class and therefore can be inserted on
screen by using the "Objects Window".
The Grid is a powerful display tool of data in DataBase format which also
allows values to be changed on DataBase Tables.

This is an example of a Grid displaying the contents of a

When the Grid's "Clickable" style property is set you can edit the Grid boxes and save changes on





In addition to the files in Database format, the Grid is also capable of displaying the data contained
in text files (UNICODE format) providing that the data is separated by a preset character. The
comma (",") is the character used for default a different one can be setup through the appropriate
The Grid object connects to a database using the ODBC. In order
for this to happen you must have a ODBC connection to database to
be associated to the Grid. If you are using Windows CE which does
not support the ODBC, Movicon CE will use a ADOCE connection.
However, you must take into account that it will not be possible to
use a
database with
DataLogger/Recipe or a variable Trace) if the IMDB as been
selected as database. The IMDB does not use ODBC connections
and therefore not compatible with the Grid object.

10.28.1. The Grid Buttons

The Grid object allows you to execute some commands during the Runtime phase by using the
buttons described below.
Refresh (F5)
This command updates the grid by reloading data from the linked file.
Update (Ctrl+U)
This command executes an update of variables that have the same name of the table columns with
record values selected in the Grid. This functionality will only result active if the Grid's "Update
Variable" Style property has been enabled as well.
Save (Ctrl+S)
This command saves the table's data on DataBase. For example, any field changes are recorded on
DataBase files.
Select All (Ctrl+A)
This command selects all the table's data.
Copy (Ctrl+C)
This command copies of all the data selected in the table onto the Windows clipboard.
Insert (Ins)
This command inserts a new line in the table.
Delete (Del)
This command deletes the line or lines selected in the table.

10.28.2. Grid Style Properties

The Grid Style properties are used for setting up the object's graphic properties.
To edit the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon "Properties
The "Border" property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Prompt Pad
This property allows the Movicon Alphanumeric Pad to be shown each time a Movicon Grid cellis
selected for editing its alphanumeric value.


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For further information please refer to the object's "Prompt Pad" property found in the "Style
Properties" group.
The Movicon Grid offers advanced functionalities that can be accessed and configured through its
GridWndCmdTarget interface which provides Basic Script functions, Properties and Events for
programming it. The 'OnTextChanging' and 'OnTextChanged' events can be exploited for intercepting
the previously edited instance or the one immediately after according to the following modes:
a) With the "Prompt Pad" disabled, the 'OnTextChanging' event is notified before the cell enters into
edit mode. When set at false, the bRet parameter will impede this from happening by changing the
cell's value. However, the 'OnTextChanged' event is only notified when the entered valued has been
confirmed with Enter, and the 'ChangedText' reports the new value entered in the cell. The editing
operations and relative events can be aborted with the Escape button.
b) With the "Prompt Pad" enabled, the 'OnTextChanging' event is notified before the Alphanumeric
Pad appears, and by setting bRet = False will impede any following editing in the cell therefore
impeding the appearance of the Alphanumeric Pad. However, the 'OnTextChanged' event is only
notified when existing with OK or Enter from the Alphnumeric Pad, and the 'ChangedText' event
reports the new value entered. Editing is aborted by using the Pad's Cancel button or Escape key
from the Keyboard.
For further information on the Movicon Grid's VBA interface please refer to the chapter on 'API
Interfacce Basic' from the 'VBA Language" topic.
System Registry:
A "General" registry key value called 'ShowPad' is available set at zero for default and usable in
Windows CE as well. You will be able to obtain the following combinations by using this value
together with the "Prompt Pad" properties:
a) 'ShowPad=0' and 'Prompt Pad=false': Alphanumeric pad will not open.
b) 'ShowPad=0' and ''Prompt Pad=true': Opens the alphanumeric pad.
c) 'ShowPad=1' and 'Prompt Pad=false': Opens the alphanumeric pad.
c) 'ShowPad=1' and ''Prompt Pad=true': Opens the alphanumeric pad.
The "Clickable" is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings and
Show Control Wnd
The "Show Control Wnd" is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Auto Layout
The "Auto Layout" is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to Drawings
and Controls".
Refresh Button
This property enables or disables the displaying of the Refresh button.
Update Button
This property enables or disables the displaying of the Update button.
Save Button
This property enables or disables the displaying of the Save button.
Select All Button
This property enables or disables the displaying of the Select All button.
Copy Button
This property enables or disables the displaying of the Copy button.
Insert Button
This property enables or disables the displaying of the Insert button.
Delete Button
This property enables or disables the displaying of the Delete button.





Widths of Grid Columns

This property is used for specifying the widths of each Grid column in pixels. This property is a
string where each value indicating each column size is separated by the pipe char. (|). Each value
will be associated to each column in order of succession. For instance, If there are three columns in
the grid, Col1, Col2 and Col3, and the values "10|20|30" are inserted in this property, the columns
will be sized as follows: Col1=10, Col2=20 e Col3=30.
When specifying the column's size with a '0' or negative number, the column will adapt according to
the width of its contents. Furthermore, it is not necessary to insert all the columns' widths. Those
that are not specified with a value will also automatically adapt according to the width of their
Button Size
The "Button Size" property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Align Buttons
The "Align Buttons" property is described in the paragraph on "Style Proprieties common to
Drawings and Controls".
Refresh Button Text
This edit box allows you to insert the text to be associated to the Refresh button. When this field is
left empty the default text will be used instead.
Update Button Text
This edit box allows you to insert the text to be associated to the Update button. When this field is
left empty the default text will be used instead.
Save Button Text
This edit box allows you to insert the text to be associated to the Save Button. When this field is left
empty the default text will be used instead.
Select All Button Text
This edit box allows you to insert the text to be associated to the Select All Button. When this field is
left empty the default text will be used instead.
Copy Button Text
This edit box allows you to insert the text to be associated to the Copy Button. When this field is left
empty the default text will be used instead.
Insert Button Text
This edit box allows you to insert the text to be associated to the Insert Button. When this field is left
empty the default text will be used instead.
Delete Button Text
This edit box allows you to insert the text to be associated to the Delete Button. When this field is
left empty the default text will be used instead.
Update Variable
This property allows you to enable the possibility to update the variables which have the same
names as the Table columns with the record values of the selected grid. Updating is done on the
Update button's command.

10.28.3. Grid Execution Properties

The Grid execution properties are used for setting up file connections for display data.
To edit the Execution properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon "Properties
This property allows you to insert or create the ODBC DSN connection to be used for accessing the
Database to be displayed in the Grid.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The ODBC is not supported in WinCE for the time being and therefore the
Database file DSN link cannot be exploited and the Grid's "ODBC DSN"
property has to be changed during its configuration phase. This setting
will then be different according to whether the Grid has to be linked to a
DataLogger/Recipe or to any Database file. In the first case, Movicon will
have already opened connections to the file and therefore the Grid should
be able to exploit them. In the second case, however, the Grid will have
to open a new connection to the DataBase file. As a consequence of this,
the "ODBC DSN" property should be set as follows:

Connection to DataLogger/Recipe: the DSN name in the "ODBC DSN"

property is replaced with the name of the DataLogger/Recipe
Connection to DataBase: The DSN name in the "ODBC DSN" property is
replaced with the DataBase file name to be connected to, without
specifying the extension. The DataBase file, in this case, must be found in
the project's DLOGGERS folder or one of its sub folders


This property specifies the users name to be used for the ODBC connection.
The extraction query of data from the selected database table is inserted in this edit box. Only data
extracted according to the query's parameters is displayed in the Grid.
Text FileName
This property allows you to insert or select the name of the text file to be displayed in the Grid
instead of a Database file.
Text Separator
This property allows you to set the separators to be use for separating data in the selected text file
to be displayed in the Grid. When this field is left empty the "," default separator character will be

10.28.4. Data Source Selection (DSN)

The object Grid allows a Database file to be displayed by exploiting its ODBC DSN connection. It is
necessary that there be a DSN Data source for the Database file which you wish to display. To
select the data source to be associated to the Grid object you can use the "Open" command from the
object's General properties or double click on the object while keeping the SHIFT key pressed down.
The following window will appear:





You can select or create a file data source by using the "New..." from this window. If you select the
other tab you will be able to select the machine data source:

Once the data source has been selected a window will appear with a list of tables available in the
Database, and by selecting the table of interest you will get a list of its fields on the right hand side.

You can select or deselect the table's fields to import the table columns need. A SELECT query will
be generated based on the selection made to extract the data to be displayed on the Grid.
The "Open" button allows you to select a new data source, by re-showing the previous window.
The "Import" button ends the data source selection procedure by creating a select query which will
then be returned to the "Query" property of the "Grid Execution Properties" group.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The recognized order in which the data is extracted is the one set by the select query. If the query
is changed manually there may no longer be any coherence between the Grid's column titles and the
data displayed in those columns. In order to change the Grid's structure as pleased it would be best
to use the Basic Script functions for inserting and putting the columns into the order your desire. If
you wish to change the columns during the programming phase you can interact on the object's XML
codes as usual.

10.29. Chart Objects

Movicon has integrated a very powerful tool for
representing project variables on two-dimensional and
three-dimensional charts.
Movicon has object windows which can be configured as pleased to create different kinds of charts in
relation to the Movicon variables. These objects can be inserted in any Movicon screen by using the
"chart" command from the "Trend-Charts-Analisi Dati". ToolBox.
The charts are made up of objects have different style characters from the other Movicon objects
seen so far which allow more powerful and sophisticated configurations.





Charts use "Array" type variables. Therefore you need to be

careful to the tips reporting the use of the variables in the charts.
A Chart object can represent a series of historical curves, being retrieved data from a Data Logger,
or dynamic curves which are data retrieved from a array of data. The curves which represent
historical values retrieved from a Data Logger, must not be set with any variable and must have the
same name as the Data Logger column where they are to be represented.
For further information on charts and their configurations, please consult
the "First Impression 5.0 On-Line documentation" (VCFI5.HLP) online
guide, available in the Movicon's installation folder.
The "Chart" object can be used in a screen opened in a separate thread
("Spawn Thread Execution" screen background property). Otherwise the
"chart" object will not appear on screen and the following error message will
appear in the output window:
Failed to create chart. Make sure the object isn't inside a synoptic
with the separate thread option

10.29.1. Chart Designer

The chart's job is to represent value arrays of the associated variables when placed in a screen.
A chart can contain up to eight variables, configured as "byte Array" types of the same length.

For example, if the VAR0001 variable is associated to a chart's Curve 1, previously inserted
with a fixed length byte array (eg. with sizes of 10 bytes), you will get a 10 value chart
representation (chart set with values in bytes). These values will be represented individually
by each single byte contents from the array type VAR0001 variable.

The style settings of the chart objects provide numerous possibilities.

This chapter is aimed at describing the configuration applications most commonly used only, by
taking into account two different types of charts. The user can use with the numerous style
configuration properties to customize his/her chart as pleased.


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Configuring the Chart Styles

The charts' general styles and configurations can be setup through their setup windows.
The settings can be done in programming or in runtime mode (on
condition that this has been provided by the programmer), by carrying
out the very precise techniques as described below.

During the programming phase, the chart's configuration is accessed through the "Open"
button from the general properties window of the Chart properties.
In Runtime mode, if enabled in the style property, the user can access the general style
settings in two distinct ways:
1. Right mouse clicking in the chart's proximity to access the setting command.
2. Click to select the part of interest and then double-click.

General Chart Configurations

The general configurations consent to further settings to be done to the chart's style. Access to the
General configurations can be obtained by activating the open button from the Chart's General
property during the Movicon programming stage.
Apart from this, the General configurations can also be activated in
runtime mode, if consented by the programmer, by using the right mouse
The general configurations provide numerous custom chart possibilities. In this chapter we will only
describe those which are most important and commonly used.





Chart Editing
You can configure and customize the chart completely by using its general properties.
The chart's design can also be adapted in runtime. To access to these features, some of which can
only be edited by using the following modalities and using the mouse appropriately:

Click on the chart element to be edited (line, scale, grid, etc.). The element will appear
highlighted with small squares
Double-click. The window for editing the settings will display

Variable Format (series)

Pointing and double-click the chart's variables to active the variable style settings window.
You can edit the colors, sizes or styles of the variables representations in the chart by using these
Axis format
Point and double-click the chart grid to activate the variable scale style setting window.
These options allow you to change the color, size and style of the chart's variable scale
This option is important for setting the two operating modes of the scale

Automatic, with resizing of scale and chart as the variables change

Manual, with scale values whose sizes remain fixed as the variables change. In this case the
sizes must be set manually.

Axis Title Format

Point and double-click the titles at the side of the chart's axis scales to activate the window for the
settings the axis titles.
You can edit the texts, fonts and colors of the titles displayed at the side of the axes in the chart.
Plot Format
Point and double-click the chart's background to activate the window for the chart's style settings,
which can also be done through the general configurations.

10.29.2. Editing Data and Labels

By using the "Edit Data and Labels", button found in the General Chart properties, you can access
the window for setting the chart's label data during Runtime mode.
This window allows the texts and default values associated to the chart labels to be edited. To edit a
label or a value you need to select the data desired, overwrite the new text and confirm with OK.


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The data entered will replace the default labels displayed in the chart.

10.29.3. Chart Wizard

When entering a chart object on screen a Gallery window will appear with a simplified display of the
style configurations with the use of a wizard to assist you in configuring the chart's style by carrying
out four simple guided steps.
When having selected one of the options use the 'Next' button to continue on with the chart's
settings which will display instantly.
Select either the 2D (two-dimensional) or the 3D (three-dimensional) chart type option. Select the
one of the icons representing the different chart aspects.

Note: remember that if you wish to have chart variables both on the X axis
and Y axis, you need to select the 2D option and the XY chart type (or XYZ
when choosing the 3D option). The associated variable arrays (max. 2/3, in
this case), can be represented with their variations both in X and in Y (or in Z
when in 3D).





The chart's style becomes easier and intuitive to set up through these type of configurations by
directly selecting the chart desired from the corresponding images.
By using the Next button you can continue on further with the style configuration by using the
settings proposed.

Finally, a title can be assigned to the chart which will appear in the object according to any further
settings which might be or may have been carried out in the General configurations.
The chart's layout can also be set to represent data either in Rows or in Columns.


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10.29.4. Chart Properties

The Chart objects which are inserted on screen can be completely customized in their properties.
This can easily be done by selecting the Chart desired and then change its settings through the
Movicon "Properties Window".
The chart objects have two different types of properties. The Movicon
functional properties, which can be set only in programming mode as for all
the other objects, and the chart style properties which can be set through
an appropriate window whether in programming or runtime mode.

10.29.5. Chart General Properties

As well as all the properties common to all the other Movicon drawings, you can also get access to
the "Open" button for the chart's specific properties.
The "Open" button gives you access to the chart's configuration form. The configuration properties
are documented with the relating Object's Help Online which can be activated with the Help button
situated in each single form.

10.29.6. Chart Execution Properties

By using the Execution properties of a Chart you can associate it with variables and modalities of
functioning. In order to do this, select the Chart object on the screen and then change its settings
through the Movicon "Properties Window".
Curve Variables
The chart can be managed with the maximum of 8 graphically represented values. These values
have to be associated through the project's variables by using the execution properties' Curve Var.
<n> boxes. The names of the variables you wish to insert into the chart have to be written in these
boxes by selecting them from those existing in the Real Time DataBase.
You must keep in mind that the curves represent arrays of data therefore you must take note of the
array length specified in the Num. Samples box when addressing the successive curves.
Important: The Charts use exclusively "Array" type variables for
data for which the associated variables have to be configured
appropriately in their properties as "Fixed Length Array".
Remember that the array's "Fixed Length" must always be
specified in the variable's properties in the "Address" box by
setting the number of bytes desired between the brackets after
the address.





When a XY chart is being used the two variable arrays indicate the scale
for the chart's X axis and for the Y axis. This concept will be further
dealt with ahead.
Rotation Variable
A variable can be set in this property for rotating the chart three-dimensionally. The visual rotation
angle of the 3D chart will then be influenced by the value of the associated value in runtime.
Elevation Variable
A variable can be set in this property to rotate the 3D chart vertically. The visual rotation angle of the
3D chart will then be influenced be influenced by the value of the associated value in runtime.
Push Value Variable
The current Chart displays all the values of the assigned array variables. A "Push" variable is being
designed for updating the chart's values upon the status change of that variable and will be
available in the near future.
Reset Value Variable
A variable can be specified for executing the reset of the Chart's data. The command will activate
when this variable is set at a value different from zero, after which it will be reset to zero by
Num. Samples
This edit box is used for setting the number of values (samples) to be represented on the chart. The
default value (20) means that the chart displays 20 values in function with the data type set,
independently of the size of the array which is expressed in bytes and refers to the variable.
When this selection is enabled, the chart will become editable for the operator during Runtime. This
also means that the chart's assigned style settings can be changed in its style properties during
Array Type
This edit box is used to indicate to the chart how to use the values of the associated Array variables.
The Array variables are always expressed in bytes. When the value contents are to be represented
on the chart in word, dword or other, you need to select the data type desired, independently of the
array's unit measures in bytes.
Network Server
This edit box allows you to specify the name of any eventual Network Server from where data is to
be retrieved. In this way the Chart control will be able to ask the Movicon server when retrieving
data instead of getting data from the local Data Logger's DBMS link to the project. This allows
historical data from a remote Data Logger to be displayed on a remote PC in chart format.
To get the Chart control to retrieve historical data from a remote Data Logger, you need to set the
following properties in the Chart object:

Execution -> Network Server

Execution -> Max. Rows
Style -> Data Logger Link

In addition to this, the Data Logger linked to the Chart must also be configured in the local project.
However, you can disable its 'Enable' property to avoid that recordings on Database, also local, are
carried out.
Network Backup Server
See paragraph "Drawings and Controls common Execution Properties".
Max Rows
This edit box allows you to insert the maximum number of records to be retrieved from the Server's
Data Logger.


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10.29.7. Chart Style Properties

The Chart Style properties allow name associations to the values of the chart.
Therefore you can replace the default name by specifying another name which will be displayed in
the title of the chart's value.
Curve Title
This property allows you to associate a name to the chart's curves.
Data Logger Linked
This property allows you to specify the name of the Data Logger to be associated to the Chart.
Refresh Pens from Data Logger Linked
This button allows the curves to be refreshed according to the linked Data Logger's structure. This
command simply sets the "Curve Name" property with the same name of the linked Data Logger's
Edit Chart Data
This button allows you to open a dialog window through which you can edit the labels which identify
the chart's rows and column:

The "Border" is described in the paragraph titled "Style Proprieties common to Drawings and

10.30. ActiveX/OCX Objects

The ActiveX/OCX objects are components which can be inserted into any point of the screen and are
used for executing operations and functions that are not available in the Movicon system. These
objects are actually components of third parties which can be run inside any application that is
compatible with the ActiveX/OCX technology.
The ActiveX/OCX are available from the "Special Objects" group found in the "Objects Window".
When selecting the "ActiveX" item the window below will open where a list of the ActiveX/OCX
available in the system.





This technique renders the Movicon application open to external object integration where they will be
treated as Movicon objects.
For further information of how to use Active/OCX and their usages please refer to the section titled
"ActiveX Objects".

10.31. OLE Objects

The OLE are objects deriving from other applications dynamically linked to Movicon which can be
inserted into any point of the screen and are used for executing operations and functions which are
not available in the Movicon system.
The OLE objects are available from the "Special Objects" group from the "Objects Window".
When the "OLE" item is selected, the window below will open showing the list of applications
available in the system.

This technique renders the Movicon application open for integrating with external applications which
will be treated as Movicon objects.
For further information on how to use OLE and its usages, please refer to the section on "OLE".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

10.32. Drawings and Controls Common

The Movicon Drawings and Controls, which are available in the "Object Window", can be inserted
into Screen windows and can be configured and customized through the Movicon 'Properties
All Drawings and Controls are vectorial objects and present a variety of different operation analogies,
especially concerning Animation properties. Some of their properties are common to all these

10.32.1. Object Style Properties

The Style properties of drawing or control elements are used for setting some of their graphical
To edit the Style properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Below are described only the style properties common to nearly all of the drawings and controls.
Please refer to the appropriate sections for components predisposed with specific properties.
Clickable (Buttons)
Enabling this check-box will make the selected component clickable. This property is available only in
controls such as Buttons, Selection Buttons (Check-box), Option Buttons (Radio Buttons) etc, being
those controls already predefined to execute commands when clicked with the mouse.
Clickable (Windows)
This check box is used to define whether the operator can interact with the Viewer window. When
this property is not checked means that the control cannot be manages with the mouse or from the
keyboard. In this case, for example, it will be impossible to put columns into order, see any help,
execute commands displayed in the window.
This property is only available in Viewer type controls such as the "Alarm Window", "Log Window",
"DataLogger Window", "TraceDB Window".
Auto Layout
When enabling this list layout will be set automatically. This means that the table columns will be
resized automatically that all of them can be seen in the Viewer window area. However when
disabling this option the window will open displaying the columns with the sizes set when
programmed and therefore the horizontal scroll bar may have to be used for viewing the ones on the
right not showing in the window.
This property is only available in Viewer type controls such as the "Alarm Window", "Log Window",
"DataLogger Window", "TraceDB Window".
Prompt Pad
This option consents the Numeric or Alphanumeric Pad to show when the user clicks mouse on the
entry field. The Numeric Pad shows if the variable is numeric type, otherwise the Alphanumeric Pad
will show. The Pad is always opened in the center of the screen showing the variable's current
value with the minimum and maximum limits as set in the object (i.e. displays) or in the variable's
properties. In addition, these values are formatted using the format set in the object (i.e. display) or
in the variable's properties.
This property is therefore very handy in cases using devices without the use of keyboards.
This option can be enabled automatically by Movicon if the system being
used has a Touch-Screen. Movicon will control whether the operating system
has a mouse or not or one with just one button to determine the existence
of a Touch-Screen.
This property can be set for the following Movicon objects:
Window Selector
Window recipe manager





Numeric and Alphanumeric pads can nevertheless be used in systems with keyboards and may be
easier to use for entering data directly on screen by moving the mouse pointer from one cell to the
next in a "Window" object, activating the Pad by using the keyboard's Enter, Space Bar or any other
key except for the F1 key or any other used as an accelerator command.
The above listed Movicon objects offer advanced functionalities that can be attained through their
basic script interfaces (DisplayEditCmdTarget, GridWndCmdTarget, HourSelectorCmdTarget e
RecipeWndCmdTarget), which provide Basic Script Functions, Properties and Events for
programming. The "OnTextChanging" and "OnTextChanged" events can be exploited for
intercepting the instance prior to editing or the one immediately after by:

When the "Prompt Pad" option is disabled, the "OnTextChanging" event is notified before the
cells enter into edit mode. When set at False, the bRet parameter will impede cell value
modifications from having effect. The "ChangedText" parameter reports the new value
entered in the cell. Editing operation and any relative events can be aborted by using the
Escape Button.
When the "Prompt Pad" option is enabled, the "OnTextChanging" event is notified before
the Alphanumeric pad shows, and setting bRet = False will impede following cell editing
operations and therefore will stop the Alphanumeric Pad from showing. The
"OnTextChanged" event is notified only when exiting with OK or Enter from the
Alphanumeric Pad, and the "ChangedText" parameter shows the new value entered in the
cell. These editing operations can be aborted by using the Pad's Cancel button or the Escape
key from the Keyboard.

For further information on Movicon object VBA interfaces please consult the chapter dedicated to
"API Interfacce Basic" from the topic on "VBA Language".
System Registry:
A "ShowPad" value set at "1" for default is available in the "General" registry key. This value is also
usable in Windows CE. This key is only used in Touch-Screen systems and is managed together with
the "Prompt Pad" property in the following ways:
"ShowPad=0" and "Prompt Pad=false": Alphanumeric pad will not open
"ShowPad=0" and "Prompt Pad=true": Alphanumeric pad will open
"ShowPad=1 and "Prompt Pad=false": Alphanumeric pad will open
"ShowPad=1" and "Prompt Pad=true": Alphanumeric pad will open
Caution: If the "ShowPad" key is set to "1" in Touch-Screen systems, the
"Prompt Pad" property will automatically be set to "True" when the object is
loaded so that the Pad is enabled and ready for use when needed. At this
point, however, you can disable the "Prompt Pad" again by using the object's
appropriate "PromptPad" basic script property.
Show Control Wnd
This property is available only on the objects define as "viewers", such as "Alarm Window", "Log
Window", "DataLogger Window", "TraceDB Window" and any "List" object.
Enabling this property you will be able to manage the resizing of the object's columns. Furthermore,
in Developing mode, the viewer will becomes an active window, just like in Runtime mode, so in this
case you cannot move it but only resize it.
The "Show Control Wnd" option will always activate automatically when
project runs on the Window CE platform, independently from the settings
defined in design mode. The Grid object is the only Movicon object that
recognizes this option in Window CE. In this case, the "Show Control Wnd"
option is used for choosing whether to make column resizing possible in
runtime or not. When this option is disable, it will be impossible to resize
columns in runtime.
Refresh Button
This selection makes the command button operative for refreshing data in the Display window in
question. The refresh is carried out according the active filter's settings.
Filter Button
This selection makes the command button operative for filtering data to be displayed in the Display
window in question. For further information on filter settings, please refer to the following sections:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

"Log Window Data Filter"

"TraceDB Data Filter"
Print Button
This selection makes the command button operative for printing data displayed in the Display
window in question. he print is executed using the report field which should be specified in the
"Report File" property. Movicon passes the same filter settings to the report for printing data which
coincide with the data shown in the window in question.
Report File
Enter the report file name to be used for printing the data displayed in the Viewer window in
question. The Report files, containing the print matrix, can be created with Report Designer or
Crystal Reports. When this field is left blank, Movicon will use the default Report file created by the
Edit Report File
This command runs the Report Designer for creating or modifying the report to be associated to the
viewer window.
Refresh Button Text
The text to appear on the "Refresh Button" is enter in this edit box. When this field is left blank,
the default text will be used instead.
Filter Button Text
The text to appear on the "Filter Button" is enter in this edit box. When this field is left blank, the
default text will be used instead.
Print Button Text
The text to appear on the "Print Button" is enter in this edit box. When this field is left blank, the
default text will be used instead.
Include Milliseconds
By enabling this option box milliseconds will also be included in the 'Time' format in the column of
the window which supports this type of data.
This property is only available in Viewer type controls such as the "Alarm Window", "Log Window",
"DataLogger Window", "TraceDB Window".
Preserve Aspect Ratio
This selection allows the proportional dimensions of the object to kept constant. By doing this you
will get square geometric shapes instead of rectangle and circular shapes instead of elliptic.
Button Size
This setting allows you to select the size of the buttons which are to be displayed in the Alarm
Window. The choices are:


This property is also available for the "Option Buttons" and "Selector Buttons" and an be used for reproportioning the text size on the control when necessary.
Align Buttons
This setting allows you to select the position where the buttons are to be displayed within the Alarm
Window. The choices are:


Arrow type
This property is available only for the "Line" and "Connector" object types and allows to define if an
arrow should be drawn at the line end. If yes, you can define its placement (left-top, right bottom,





Arrow Height
This property is available only for the "Line" and "Connector" object types and allows to define the
length of the arrow shown if the "Arrow type" property is set.
This selection enables the component with a border frame according to the style selected. The
border frame will always be in rectangle shape no matter what the shape the object is.
The options are:


This selection allows you to set the control button's display style. A button can in fact be configured
with different types of displays, ie. lights or selectors. Keep in mind that this setting is only of a
graphic nature.
The Style property is only available for the Button components.
Rounded Style
This selection permits the gives a rounded look in 3D for Button objects.
This Rounded Style is only available for Button type objects.
Look 3D
This setting allows the component to be displayed in 3D. This property is only available for
"Rectangle" objects and makes the Rectangle look like a real button.
Look 3D Pressed
This setting allows the component to be displayed in 3D pressed down look. This property is only
available for "Rectangle" objects and makes the Rectangle look like a real button.
Time Format
This property can be used by the Movicon "Alarm Window", "Alarm Banner" and "Historical Log
Window", objects and "Report" resources, and allows you to set a customized format for displaying
ate and time fields. When this property concerns the "Alarm Window' and "Alarm Banner"and
"Historical Log Window" objects you will be allowed to define a date and time format to be displayed
in the "On Time ", "Ack Time", "Off Time " and "Reset Time" and "Event Time". when this property
concerns the "Report" resource, you will be able to define the format to be displayed in the Report's
Date and Time fields.
For example, this custom format could be set:
%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S
If a customized format is not set for the "Report" resource, the following fixed format will be used
All the format codes that can be used in this property are listed in the "Data Formats" paragraph
from the "Data Format" Section.
Duration Format
This property can be used both by the Movicon "Alarm window"and "Historical Log Window" objects
and "Report" resource, and allows you to set a customized format to be displayed in the "Duration"
field. When dealing with the "Alarm window" and "Historical Log Window" objectx the duration
format can be defined to display times in the "Duration" and "Total Time ON" columns. The field in
this case will only be updated on an "Alarm Off" event. When dealing with the 'Report' resources, a
format and be defined to be used in the Report fields which express durations.
This format can only include the following special codes:

%D = Day of event duration

%H = Hour of event duration
%M = Minutes of even duration
%S = Seconds of event duration


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

If this entry field is left empty, Movion will automatically insert the total event duration in the
following format:
which will display as "0,00:00:00" indicating the even duration in days, hours, minutes and seconds.

10.32.2. Object Execution Properties

The drawing and Control execution properties allow you to setup their working characteristics.
To edit the Execution properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
Only the Execution properties common to drawings and controls have been described. For those
components with special properties pleas refer to the relevant sections dedicated to them:
In this edit box, which is available only for Display type windows (Historical Log window, Data
Logger/Recipe Window, etc.) you can specify the name of the child project from which data is to be
retrieved for viewing. If this field is left blank, the current project will be used.
Only the name of an eventual child project belonging to the current project can be entered here.
Max Rows Nr
The Window objects can be set with a maximum number of rows to display by using this edit box.
Then the object is an "Alarm Window" this parameter is only used for limiting the number of rows in
the alarm's historical log when opened with the "Get History" button. It will not have any affect on
the number of alarms displayed. All active or not acknowledged and reset alarms will always be
Network Server
The name or the IP address of the Network Server, where data is to be fetched from and displayed
in the window, is entered in this edit box.
When an "Alarm Window" or "Alarm Banner" object is connected to a
Network Server, the blink and colour management of alarms on Client side
will be executed based on the settings defined in the appropriate alarm
threshold properties in the Server project. The default colours will be used
for automatic colours.
Network Backup Server
This edit box used for entering the name or IP address of a Backup Network Server from which data
is to be retrieved for displaying in the window in situations where the Main Server (usually the
Primary Server in a redundant system) is unavailable.
In cases where the connection towards the Main Server goes into Timeout mode, reconnection to
the Backup Server is executed automatically.
Automatic reconnection to the Backup Server in Trend and Data Analysis
objects at page loading is only executed when the object's "Read Data in
Background" property has been disabled.
Commands on Click
This button opens the Movicon "Commands List" through which you can define a list of one or
more commands to be executed with a lift mouse click on the object (upon releasing the mouse key)
or by pressing the "SPACE" or "RETURN" keys when the object is focused on.
For further information about available commands please refer to the paragraph on "Command
Ext. File Settings
In this editbox you can specify the name of the "Symbol Configuration Files" to be associated to the
object. The object's settings will be saved in the "Symbol Configuration Files". You can also use the
[...] button to the right of this field to open a window for selecting the file (If file does not exist, it
can be created by using the "Save" command). If only the file name is entered without path,
Movicon will save the file in the project's "DATA" folder (default Configuration File search path). The
file will be save for default with the ".sxml" (or ".tsxml" when dealing with Trends or Data Analysis).
The file is saved with the ".sxml" extension. The file name can be defined as pleased or you can use





the "Generate Unique File name" command to automatically create a unique name to identity the file
for you.

It would be wise to insert the Configuration File into the project's "DATA"
folder (default path). When inserting Configuration Files in different folders
Movicon will use absolute paths that may cause errors to arise when loading

After having inserted the object's Configuration File name, you will need to
use the "Save command for creating the file. Otherwise, when starting up
the project in runtime a "not found" error may arise:
"C:\TestProject\DATA\Config.sxml not found."

Symbol size and position settings are never loaded while the
Configuration File is being loaded and remains with its original
settings. The Configuration File can be loaded using the "Load"
command in design or runtime mode if the "Auto Load File Settings"
has been enabled or by using the "LoadExtSettings" function.
Auto Load File Settings
This property, enabled for default, executes the loading of the settings from the "Symbol
Configuration Files" associated to the object creation, which normally happens when the screen is
Auto Save File Settings
This property is disabled for default and executes the save of the settings in the "Symbol
Configuration Files" associated to the object's destruction that normally happens when the screen is
unloaded from memory. In this way any modifications done in runtime to the object are made
persistent by exploiting the settings file.
Generate Unique File name
When this button is pressed, a unique name for the "Configuration File" will be generated
automatically in GUID analog format (number in 128 bit) i.e. 0A8DEC92-9213-4DBA-A7E6C4157ECA8883.sxml. This name will only be generated if another name has not yet been entered in
the "Symbol Configuration Files" property.
This command generates only the file name. In this way the file will be
created in the project's "DATA" folder with the "sxml" extension. These
settings can be modified through the "Symbol Configuration Files" property.
This command loads all the configuration file's settings selected in the "Symbol Configuration Files"
property and applied to the object.
This command saves the object's settings in the Configuration File selected in the "Symbol
Configuration Files" property.

10.32.3. General Object Properties

The General properties of drawing and control elements allow you to set a few useful properties for
identifying the object.
To edit the General properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Object Name
This edit box is used for inserting a text string which can be associated as the object's name.
Assigning names to objects is useful for various reasons such as the component's description.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

It is essential that the object has a name for referential purposes when the
Basic Script functions are being used. In this case all the Screen's internal
objects must have an unique name.
Object Title
This edit box is used for inserting a text string to be associated as the object's title. The typed text is
also visible in the symbol during Runtime.
When enabling the "Text Properties common to Drawings and Controls" the
object's title will be replaced by the variable's contents during Runtime. You
can also edit the Title by using the appropriate Basic functions.
Global Name
This edit box is used for declaring the element's name as a global name on the screen and therefore
making it accessible from basic logics from any other drawing by using the "objectname.property" or
"objectname.method" syntax.
When this selection is not used, the assigned name will only be acknowledged locally within the
The name may be used in any eventual basic script logic in the templates management.
When an object's Global Name property is enabled, the object must have a
univocal name within the screen otherwise it will not work correctly.
In addition, Global Names cannot be used for objects contained in
Embedded Screens.
Object Public Name
This edit box is used for assigning a name which will be managed as a Public Name (for the Screen
or the project) through which all the inherent characteristic settings of Drawings/Symbols and
Controls will be referred to. These functionalities, described in the appropriate paragraph "Public
Symbols" permit the automatic editing of all the symbols' properties belonging to a predefined
Public Name.
The symbols' inheritance function lets predefined symbol categories be set
in order that their properties can be edited in a certain point of the project.
For further information on this potentiality please consult the appropriate
paragraph on "Public Symbols".
Preserve Size
When this check-box is enabled the sizes assigned to the component in question will remain
unaltered during the Public Symbols updating phase. If this is not selected the component's sizes will
be adapted to the parent public symbol, being the one contained in the base Screen which can be
selected through the "Public Source Container" property from the "Screen Execution
Preserve Dynamics
When this check-box is enabled the animation dynamic properties assigned to the component in
question, will remain unaltered during the Public Symbols updating phase. If this is not checked the
component's animation dynamic properties will adapt to the base public symbol, being the one
contained in the base reference Screen, which can be selected through the "Public Source
Container" property from the "Screen Execution Properties".

When you enable the "Preserve Dynamics" property, all the "Props" which
have been set through the public symbol's "Dropping Code" will also be
preserved. In this way, each symbol will maintain their "Props" without
having to inherit them from the reference symbol.

Once the public symbol has been created, the dynamic properties are only
inherited by the property's intervention thresholds, but not when these
properties are enabled or disabled. Then the public symbol is created for
the first time, it will be the same as its reference symbol including the
dynamic property settings. At this point, however, if the dynamic
reference symbol's properties are modified, only the dynamic property
thresholds will be propagated to allocated symbols not the properties
enabling. This will allow public symbol animations to be enabled or
disabled independently.





Preserve Code
When this check-box is enabled, any Basic Script code associated to the component in question will
remain unaltered during the Public Symbols updating phase. If this is not checked the component's
Basic Script code will be updated with the one from the base public symbol, which is the one
contained in the base Screen that can be selected by means of the "Public Source Container"
property from the "Screen Execution Properties".
Preserve Text
When this check-box is enabled the text (title, name) of the component in question, will remain
unaltered during the Public Symbols updating phase. If this box is not checked the text (title, name)
of the component will be updated with that of the base public symbol, being the one contained in
the base Screen, which can be selected by means of the "Public Source Container" property from
the "Screen Execution Properties".
Preserve Colors
When this check-box is enabled the colours of the component in question, will remain unaltered
during the Public Symbols updating phase. If this box is not checked the colours of the component
will be updated with that of the base public symbol, being the one contained in the base Screen,
which can be selected by means of the "Public Source Container" property from the "Screen
Execution Properties".
Preserve Commands
When enabling this check-box, the Command List associated to the component in question will
remain unaltered during the Public Symbol updating phase. These include the "Commands On
Release", "Commands on Pressed" and "Commands While Down" command for button objects and
"Commands on Click" for all the other objects. If this box is not checked, the component's Command
List will adapt to the referenced public symbol contained in the Public Source Container screen which
can be selected using the "Public Source Container" from the Screen Execution Properties.
Preserve Variables
Enabling this check-box, during Public Symbol updating phase, will keep any variables associated to
the component in question unaltered. If this property is not selected, the variables used in the
object's properties will get inherited by the referenced public symbol, which is the one contained in
the referenced screen, selectable through the "Public Source Container" properties from the
Screen Execution properties. Also in this case, the object's variable fields will not be displayed (the
variables are in fact retreived from the reference symbol). Only the "Default Structure" field remains
visible and editable. If however the property is left enabled, the component will keep its variables
which will remain independent form the reference symbol.
Normally disabling this "Preserve Variables" property has meaning when using Aliases instead of
variables. In this way the Aliases are propagated to all the public symbols for which their Alias
Tables should then be edited (see paragraph "Aliases in Objects").
Update Public Sub objects
When enabling this check-box, any elements of symbols or sub-symbols associated a public name
will be updated according to their referenced symbol and not with the whole referenced symbol.
This permits symbols to be composed of one or more sub-symbols where each one will be updated
based on their referenced symbol. When this option is not selected, the symbol will be updated as a
whole as if its sub-symbols had not been associated to any specific public symbol.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Public Symbols".
Style Source Back Color
When enabling this property, during the runtime phase, the object will inherit the back color from
the Style Source Container for the active styles. For further information about this property please
refer to "Style Sources in Symbols".
Style Source Text-Edge Color
When enabling this property, during the runtime phase, the object will inherit the text-edge color
from the Style Source Container for the active styles. For further information about this property
please refer to "Style Sources in Symbols".
Style Source Font
When enabling this property, during the runtime phase, the object will inherit the font for the test
from the Style Source Container for the active styles. For further information about this property
please refer to "Style Sources in Symbols".
Show Tooltip


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A string text which is to be used as Tooltip during Runtime can be entered in this edit box. The
Tooltip, containing the text string, will show when the mouse passes over the component. The tooltip
will display for about 5 seconds before disappearing automatically.
Show Dynamic Tooltip
When this check-box is enabled the tooltip containing information inherent to the that component,
will show when passing the mouse over the component, for instance it's name, title, the variables
collated to animations and their values etc.
The "Show Dynamic Tooltip" function only works when the 'Tooltip'
property is not enabled otherwise the tooltip string defined by the
programmer will show.
Rotation Angle
This functionality rotates the object selected. The desired values can be inserted into the edit box or
the spin buttons can be used on the right hand side. The rotation is executed on 360 turn and
therefore the significant values will be from '0' to 360.
The rotation will be executed clockwise for positive values and anti-clockwise for negative values.
The rotation uses the object's baricenter which is selected by means of using the 'Baricenter'
selection box described below.
This functionality allows you to establish which of the object's baricenter the desired rotation is to be
executed. The rotation's baricenter can be selected on the perimeter's fixed positions, considering
the perimeter of a hypothetical rectangle which circumscribes to the component when it is a different
shape, or it can be set manually by activating the 'Custom' selection which enables the manual
settings of the object's X and Y coordinates on which the rotation's baricenter is taken into
consideration. These coordinates can be inserted in the 'Baricenter Custom X Pos.' and the
'Baricenter Custom Y Pos.' described below. When selecting the baricenter , a little black square
will appear in the object indicating its position.
Baricenter Custom X Pos.
This edit box is used for inserting the X coordinate values of the object's baricenter when the
'Custom' option has been selected in the 'Baricenter' property.
Baricenter Custom Y Pos.
This edit box is used for inserting the Y coordinate values of the object's baricenter when the
'Custom' option has been selected in the 'Baricenter' property.
This button opens the configuration window for controls which have particular functions. For instance
the 'Button' control opens the 'Command List' window, while a window for selecting the columns
to be displayed shows for the "Viewer window" objects.
Dynamic Property Inspector
This button opens the selected symbol or object's "Dynamic Property Inspector" wndow. This
window will only open if the object has been set with dynamic properties (animation, etc).
Object Alias Editor
The "Object Alias Editor" opens the selected object's alias table. The same command is also
available from the menu which appears right clicking on the actual object for from the "Symbol"
For further information about using aliases please refer to paragraph "Aliases in Objects".
Show Status Mark
When this property is enabled, the graphical display of the "Status Variable" associated to a symbol
will be managed differently to that described for the "Variable Status" property. A red dot will
appear in the top left vertex when its "Status Variable" changes to quality that is different from
"good" as follows:





The graphic management shown above is only active when the "Show
Status Mark" property is enabled.
Symbol Description
This edit box is used for inserting the text string which can be used as a description of the selected
The 'Description' property is only available for composed Symbols and not for simple
drawings and controls.
Taken from library
This field indicated the name of the library from which the symbol was taken. This property will only
be available for symbols inserted in the Symbols Library and will not show when muilti-selecting
Library Date
This field indicates when the symbol was created. This property will only be available for symbols
inserted in the Symbols Library and will not show when muilti-selecting symbols/objects.
Reference Build
This field indicated the Movicon build with which the symbol was created. This property will only be
available for symbols inserted in the Symbols Library and will not show when muilti-selecting
Check for Updates
This command checks where there are any updates available for the symbol in question (name
search is not case sensitive). This property will only be available for symbols inserted in the Symbols
Library and will not show when muilti-selecting symbols/objects.
Cache Image
This property consents to enabling or disabling the cache management for composed symbols.
When the property is enabled an image of the symbol will be created in the cache, to guarantee the
best loading performances. You must, however, keep in mind that this management can only be
used for static symbols which do not have any graphical animation. In addition to this, to avoid
consuming too much RAM the Windows registry key "MaxSymbolCache" can used to limit the
maximum number of symbols whose images can be created in the cache.
The 'Cache Image' is only available for composed Symbols and not for simple drawings
and controls.
Automatic Enable and Status on Quality
Movicon consents the automatic enabling or disabling management of objects in screens and their
graphical representations using the qualities of the variables associated to them without having to
use the "Enable Var." and "Status Var." properties. The Automatic Enable and Status on Quality
Management allows you to enable/disable this functionality (enabled for default).
The automatic managing of variable qualities associated to controls works in two ways:
Automatic Status Variable Management
When no variable has been defined in the object's "Status Var." property, Movicon will search
through the variables associated to the object and the first one it finds with a valid dynamic part
(Fixed I/O address) will be used as the Status Variable to manage the objects coloring based on the
variable's quality. When the variable's quality is not set at "Good", the object will change its graphical
Automatic Enabling Variable Management
When no variable has been defined in the object's "Enable Var." property, Movicon will search for the
first one of the objects associated variables with a valid dynamic part ("Fixed I/O address) and use it
as the Enabling Variable. In this case the object's enabling will be managed based on the variable's
quality, meaning that it will be enabled when the variable's quality is "Good".

10.32.4. Variable Properties

The Variables properties of drawing and control objects allow you to associate some of the object's
variables for managing its animation and status.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

To modify the Variables properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
Default Struct
By using this property you can associate a default structure variable for the symbol.
Enable Var.
This edit box is used for inserting the name of the variable (you can also use the "..." browse button
on the right hand side to select the variable) to be used for enabling or disabling the component's
command functions. When the variable is entered the component will be enabled when the variable's
value is different from zero.
The graphic animation functions will also remain active along with IL Logic or script events not User
commanded (ie, Events in Variables, SymbolLoading, etc). However, commands that can be evoked
by the User will be disabled, being any Command Lists associated to the object of Basic Script code
events such as Click, MouseUp, MouseDown, etc.
Status Var.
This edit box is used for inserting the name of the variable (you can also use the "" browse button
on the right hand side to select the variable) whose status (quality) must be displayed graphically by
the symbol. The symbol will assume a different graphic state according to the variable's status
quality so that an immediate visual understanding of the variable's status can be obtained. For
instance, an Elypse inserted with a red background will change as follows according to the variable's
status quality:

Only when the quality of the Variable's status is "Good" will the object display normally but
differently in all the other cases, generally with a greyish mesh effect colour.
Please keep in mind that the graphical effect may be difference according to
the object inserted and the background color it has been setup with.
The graphic management shown above is only active when the "Show
Status Mark" property is disabled.
The same effect obtained by using Windows 32/64 bit systems cannot be obtained with
WinCE devices, therefore the status variable graphical animation in symbols is not
supported in WinCE.
However, the "Show Status Mark" property can be used to know whether the status variable quality
is Good or not. This function is also supported in WinCE.

10.32.5. Visible Animation Properties

The Visible properties permit you to display components on screen in function with the value
contained (based on the condition set) in the associated variable.
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' Properties group.
To edit the Visible properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
This option is used for making the object blink slowly, normal or fast when visible. The blink times
can be modified with Windows configuration registry "BlinkTypeSlow", "BlinkTypeMedium" e
"BlinkTypeFast" keys.





The options are:

- None
- Slow (2 sec.)
- Medium 1 sec.)
- Fast (0,5sec.)
Enabling this check-box will activate the Visible function in the selected component. By doing this the
component is displayed or hidden during Runtime in function with the associated Variable's value and
the Condition selected.
The name of the variable which will determine the components visibility on screen is entered in this
edit box (or selected with the "..." browse button on the right hand side).
The desired value which will then be confronted with the value contained in the Variable to
determine the component's visibility is entered in this edit box.
The tolerance can also be set when a 'equal to' Condition has been selected, being an offset value
for the 'equal to' condition. For instance you want to make the component visible when the Value is
equal to '5'. If you set the tolerance at '1', in reality the component will become visible when the
Variable obtains values 4, 5 and 6.
This selection permits you to set the conditions between the Variable and the base Value to
determine the component's visibility. The conditions can be:

<: the component will be visible when the Variable's value is less than the base Value
>: the component will be visible when the Variable's value is more than the base Value
=: the component will be visible when the Variable's value is equal to the base Value

10.32.6. Animation Transparency Property

The Transparency property allows the transparency of objects on screen to be managed according to
the values contained in their associated variables, allowing their transparency to be modified in
runtime as well.
This property belongs to the Drawing and Control "Animation" group properties.
To modify the Transparency property, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
Transparency animation is NOT supported in WinCE.
The Transparency property does not have any effect on "Dundas
Gauges" and "Chart" object.
The "Dundas Gauges" have their own transparencies set in their
wizard. The "chart" has is own background management which can
be set in gradients and does not support transparency.
In addition, animation transparency is not managed in rotated object
types. ("General - Rotation Angle" property "Animation - Rotation"
property) except in cases where the object is a Polygon (in which the
"Rotate" command has been applied), or in particular case where the
object has been enable with "Animation - Rotation" and contained in
a Symbol with activated Animation - Transparency.
Enable Transparency
Enabling this check-box will activate the Transparency management in the selected object. In this
way the object will obtain the transparency level according to the associated variable value in
Runtime mode.
Variable Transparency
The name of the variable is entered (or selected using the"..." browse button to the right) in this
editbox to determine the object's transparency level. The values include 0 to 255 (0 = completely
invisible, 255 completely visible).


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

10.32.7. Composed Movement Animation

Movicon offers a very handy graphic animation tool to move objects along on not linear trajectories,
but composed of two or more straight line segments: Composed Movement.
The Composed Movement (XY) permits a variable to be associated to the movement of the
component in the Screen, in function with a path composed of straight line segments which can be
freely edited with the mouse.
This kind of editing lets you easily trace out the path which the component will follow in proportion
to the associated variable's value by automatically executing interpolations on the X and Y
This property is part of the 'Animations' properties of Drawings and Controls group.
To modify the Composted Movement (XY) properties, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Enabling this check-box will activate the selected component's Composed Movement. By doing this
the component will assume the position on the Screen according to the associated Variable's values
and the predefined movement trajectory during Runtime.
The name of the variable which determines the component's position along the predefined trajectory
is entered in this edit box (or selected by means of using the "..." browse button on the right hand
When the variable obtains the maximum value the symbol will go to the end position traced in the
trajectory settings. When the variable obtains the minimum value the symbol will go to the start
position. The variable's intermediate values will correspond proportionally to the path traced out for
the movement.
The minimum value that the variable can obtain is entered in this edit box, and will correspond to
the traced trajectory's start position. The object will remain at the start position when any Variable
values inferior to the minimum Threshold have been obtained.
End Threshold
The maximum value that the variable can obtain is entered in this edit box and will correspond to the
traced trajectory's end position. The object will remain at the end position when any Variable values
superior to the Maximum Threshold have been obtained.
This command allows you to activate and start the component's composed movement editing.
This command resets any composed movements associated to the component. By executing this
command any movement trajectories associated to the component will be cancelled.

Composed Movement Editing

The editing of the Composed Movement involves two phases: the first requires the enabling of the
function in the symbol's or control's property described above, specifying the desired variable.
The second phase requires the setting up of the trajectory. To edit the trajectory's settings you need
to use the "Edit" command or the "Edit Composed Movement" command which can be accessed
from the 'Symbol' menu or clicking with the mouse's right button on the component:





After having activated the command a trajectory symbol will appear ready to be positioned on the
end point. The procedure is as follows:

Position the trajectory symbol on the trajectory's end point

Insert the intermediate points by double clicking on the point desired in the Screen. The
inserted point will be the second one in respect to the starting position. The following
points inserted will follow suit
Double click on the third and on all the other additional points which make up the
trajectory to be executed. Each point inserted will succeed the previous one
Press EXIT to interrupt the composed movement editing

The composed movement permits a composed trajectory

to be created for the symbol. The points are inserted one
after the other beginning with the starting point and
finishing with the ending point. The EXIT key aborts the
editing procedure.
Once the 'Composed Movement' has been setup, the set trajectory can be cancelled by simply
activating the 'Edit Composed Movement' command again by keeping the 'CTRL' key pressed down.

10.32.8. Move X Properties Animation

The Move X property permits the selected components to move across the screen along the X axis in
function with the values contained in the associated variable (in pixel).
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animations' property.
To edit the Move X properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Enable X Movement
Enabling this check-box will activated the Move X function in the selected component. By doing this
the component will assume the positions along the X axis in the Screen according to the associated
Variable's values in Runtime.
Invert X Direction
Enabling this check-box will activate the function to invert the horizontal movement. By doing this,
the component will obtain the position according the below formula in Runtime:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Xpos = "End Value X" - "Variable for Move X" Value

Variable for Move X
The name of the variable which will determine the component's position in the X axis is entered in
this edit box (or select it by using the "..." browse button on the right hand side).
The value contained in the Variable expresses the component's position on the screen in pixels.
When the variable has a minimum value the symbol will be positioned to the point according to the
total amount taken from the starting point and the Start value. When the variable has a maximum
value, the symbol will be positioned to a point according to the quoted sum taken from the starting
point and the End value.
The position values contained in the base Variable are expressed in pixels,
therefore when inserting values higher than the adopted screen resolution,
the selected object may exit from the area displayed on the screen.
Start Value X
The Starting position value, to be obtained by the variable, is entered in this edit box. This value
does not represent the absolute position regarding the screen's X axis' '0' coordinates, but the
position relating to the coordinates of the component's top left apex concerning the component's
start position in the Screen. When the Variable values are lower than the Start value the object will
be positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the Start value and
the Start Offset value.
End Value X
The End position value, to be obtained by the variable, is entered in this edit box. This value does
not represent the absolute position regarding the screen's X axis' '0' coordinates, but the position
relating to the coordinates of the component's top left apex concerning the component's starting
position in the Screen. When the Variable values are higher than the End value the object will be
positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the End value and the
End Offset value.
Offset for the Start Value X
The position Offset value, which the component is to assume when the Variable is set with values
lower than the Start value, is entered in this edit box. In this case the object will be positioned to
the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the Start value and the Start Offset
Offset for the End Value X
The position Offset value, which the component is to assume when the Variable is set with values
higher than the End value, is entered in this edit box. In this case the object will be positioned to the
point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the End value and the End Offset value.

10.32.9. Move Y Properties Animation

The Move Y properties allow you to move the selected component on the screen along the Y axis
according to the values contained in the associated variable (in pixels).
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' property.
To edit the Move Y property, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Enable Y Movement
When enabling this check-box the Move Y function will be activated in the selected component. In
this way the component will obtain the position along the Y axis in the Screen in function with the
values of the associated Variable in Runtime.
Invert Y Direction
enabling this check-box will activate the function to invert the vertical movement. Therefore the
component will obtain the position according to the formula below in Runtime:
Ypos = "End Value Y" - "Variable for Move Y" value
Variable for Move Y
The name of the variable which will determine the component's position in the Y axis is entered in
this edit box (or select it by using the "..." browse button on the right hand side).





The value contained in the Variable expresses the component's position on the screen in pixels.
When the variable has a minimum value the symbol will be positioned to the point according to the
total amount taken from the starting point and the Start value. When the variable has a maximum
value, the symbol will be positioned to a point according to the quoted sum taken from the starting
point and the End value.
The position values contained in the base Variable are expressed in pixels,
therefore when inserting values higher than the adopted screen
resolution, the selected object may exit from the area displayed on the
Start Value Y
The Starting position value, to be obtained by the variable, is entered in this edit box. This value
does not represent the absolute position regarding the screen's Y axis' '0' coordinates, but the
position relating to the coordinates of the component's top left apex relating to the component's start
position in the Screen. When the Variable values are lower than the Start value the object will be
positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the Start value and the
Start Offset value.
End Value Y
The End position value, to be obtained by the variable, is entered in this edit box. This value does
not represent the absolute position regarding the screen's Y axis' '0' coordinates, but the position
relating to the coordinates of the component's top left apex relating to the component's starting
position in the Screen. When the Variable values are higher than the End value the object will be
positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the End value and the
End Offset value.
Offset for the Start Value Y
The position Offset value, which the component is to assume when the Variable is set with values
lower than the Start value, is entered in this edit box. In this case the object will be positioned to
the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the Start value and the Start Offset
Offset for the End Value Y
The position Offset value, which the component is to assume when the Variable is set with values
higher than the End value, is entered in this edit box. In this case the object will be positioned to the
point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the End value and the End Offset value.

10.32.10. Points Properties Animation

This function allows you to create animations dedicated to dynamically sizing drawings and controls
free hand. The objects can receive the XY starting points and XY ending points directly from the
Movicon variables. This enables the animation functionalities to be used for determining non linear
sizing (therefore different from the 'Scale' properties) for any kind of necessity. Above all this type
of animation can be applied to 'Lines', which become elastically animated.

An example of a line animation: The trajectory line illustrates the line before being moved to the
coordinates given by the variable.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

When the object is not in line form, the starting point is the top left corner and the ending point is
the bottom right corner.

To set the properties concerning points refer to the appropriate sections:

Start X Point Properties common to Drawings and Controls
Start Y Point Properties common to Drawings and Controls
End X Point Property common to Drawings and Controls
End Y Point Properties common to Drawings and Controls

10.32.11. Start X Point Properties Animation

The Start X Point properties allow the component's start X coordinate to move in function with the
value contained in the associated variable (in pixels).
The Start X Point is the X coordinate at the start of the line for line type drawings and the coordinate
of the far left corner on the screen for flat shapes such as rectangles.
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' properties group.
To modify the Start X Point property, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
When enabling this check-box the Start X Point function will be activated in the selected component.
By doing this the component will change the Start X Point in the Screen according to the value of the
associated Variable during Runtime.
The name of the variable which determines the Start X Point position is entered in this edit box. (or
select it by using the "..." browse button).
The value contained in the Variable expresses the Start X Point position in pixels on the screen.
When the variable obtains a minimum variable, the symbol's Start X Point is positioned according to
the total amount taken from the starting point and the Start value. When the variable obtains a
maximum value, the symbol's Start X Point will be positioned to a point according to the quoted sum
taken from the starting point and the End value.
The position values contained in the base Variable are expressed in pixels,
therefore when inserting values higher than the adopted screen
resolution, the selected object's Start X Point may exit from the area
displayed on the screen.
The Starting position value, to be obtained by the variable, is entered in this edit box. This value
does not represent the absolute position regarding the screen's X axis' '0' coordinates, but the
position relating to the coordinates of the component's far left apex relating to the component's start
position in the Screen. When the Variable values are lower than the Start value the object's Start X





Point will be positioned to the point relating to the difference taken from the total amounts of the
Start value and the Start Offset value.
The End position value, to be obtained by the variable, is entered in this edit box. This value does
not represent the absolute position regarding the screen's X axis' '0' coordinates, but the position
relating to the coordinates of the far left apex relating to the component's starting position in the
Screen. When the Variable values are higher than the End value the object's Start X Point will be
positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the End value and the
End Offset value.
Start Offset
The position Offset value, which the component's Start X Point is to assume when the Variable is
set with values lower than the Start value, is entered in this edit box. In this case the object's Start
X Point will be positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the difference of the total
amounts of the Start value and the Start Offset value.
End Offset
The position Offset value, which the component's Start X Point is to assume when the Variable is
set with values higher than the End value, is entered in this edit box. In this case the object's Start X
Point will be positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the End
value and the End Offset value.

10.32.12. Start Y Point Properties Animation

The Start Y Point properties allow the component's Start Y coordinate to move in function with the
value contained in the associated variable (in pixels).
The Start Y Point is the Y coordinate at the start of the line for line type drawings and the coordinate
of the highest apex on the screen for flat shapes such as rectangles.
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' properties group.
To modify the Start Y Point property, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
When enabling this check-box the Start Y Point function will be activated in the selected component.
By doing this the component will change the Start Y Point in the Screen according to the value of the
associated Variable during Runtime.
The name of the variable which determines the Start Y Point position is entered in this edit box. (or
select it by using the "..." browse button).
The value contained in the Variable expresses the Start Y Point position in pixels on the screen.
When the variable obtains a minimum value, the symbol's Start Y Point is positioned according to
the total amount taken from the starting point and the Start value. When the variable obtains a
maximum value, the symbol's Start Y Point will be positioned to a point according to the quoted sum
taken from the starting point and the End value.
The position values contained in the base Variable are expressed in
pixels, therefore when inserting values higher than the adopted screen
resolution, the selected object's Start Y Point may exit from the area
displayed on the screen.
The Starting position value, to be obtained by the variable, is entered in this edit box. This value
does not represent the absolute position regarding the screen's Y axis' '0' coordinates, but the
position relating to the coordinates of the component's highest apex relating to the component's
start position in the Screen. When the Variable values are lower than the Start value the object's
Start Y Point will be positioned to the point relating to the difference taken from the total amounts of
the Start value and the Start Offset value.
The End position value, to be obtained by the variable, is entered in this edit box. This value does
not represent the absolute position regarding the screen's Y axis' '0' coordinates, but the position
relating to the coordinates of the highest apex relating to the component's starting position in the


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Screen. When the Variable values are higher than the End value the object's Start Y Point will be
positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the End value and the
End Offset value.
Start Offset
The position Offset value, which the component's Start Y Point is to assume when the Variable is
set with values lower than the Start value, is entered in this edit box. In this case the object's Start
Y Point will be positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the difference of the total
amounts of the Start value and the Start Offset value.
End Offset
The position Offset value, which the component's Start Y Point is to assume when the Variable is
set with values higher than the End value, is entered in this edit box. In this case the object's Start Y
Point will be positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the End
value and the End Offset value.

10.32.13. End X Point Properties Animation

The End X Point properties allow the component's End X coordinate to move in function with the
value contained in the associated variable (in pixel).
The End X Point is the X coordinate at the end of the line for line type drawings and the coordinate
of the far right corner on the screen for flat shapes such as rectangles.
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' properties group.
To modify the End X Point property, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
When enabling this check-box the End X Point function will be activated in the selected component.
By doing this the component will change the End X Point in the Screen according to the value of the
associated Variable during Runtime.
The name of the variable which determines the End X Point position is entered in this edit box. (or
select it by using the "..." browse button).
The value contained in the Variable expresses the End X Point position in pixels on the screen. When
the variable obtains a minimum value, the symbol's End X Point is positioned according to the total
amount taken from the starting point and the Start value. When the variable obtains a maximum
value, the symbol's End X Point will be positioned to a point according to the quoted sum taken from
the starting point and the End value.
The position values contained in the base Variable are expressed in pixels,
therefore when inserting values higher than the adopted screen resolution,
the selected object's End X Point may exit from the area displayed on the
The Starting position value, to be obtained by the variable, is entered in this edit box. This value
does not represent the absolute position regarding the screen's X axis' '0' coordinates, but the
position relating to the coordinates of the component's far right apex relating to the component's
start position in the Screen. When the Variable values are lower than the Start value the object's
End X Point will be positioned to the point relating to the difference taken from the total amounts of
the Start value and the Start Offset value.
The End position value, to be obtained by the variable, is entered in this edit box. This value does
not represent the absolute position regarding the screen's X axis' '0' coordinates, but the position
relating to the coordinates of the far right apex relating to the component's starting position in the
Screen. When the Variable values are higher than the End value the object's End X Point will be
positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the End value and the
End Offset value.
Start Offset
The position Offset value, which the component's End X Point is to assume when the Variable is set
with values lower than the Start value, is entered in this edit box. In this case the object's End X





Point will be positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the difference of the total
amounts of the Start value and the Start Offset value.
End Offset
The position Offset value, which the component's End X Point is to assume when the Variable is set
with values higher than the End value, is entered in this edit box. In this case the object's End X
Point will be positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the End
value and the End Offset value.

10.32.14. End Y Point Properties Animation

The End Y Point properties allow the component's End Y coordinate to move in function with the
value contained in the associated variable (in pixel).
The End Y Point is the Y coordinate at the end of the line for line type drawings and the coordinate
of the lowest corner on the screen for flat shapes such as rectangles.
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' properties group.
To modify the End Y Point property, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
When enabling this check-box the End Y Point function will be activated in the selected component.
By doing this the component will change the End Y Point in the Screen according to the value of the
associated Variable during Runtime.
The name of the variable which determines the End Y Point position is entered in this edit box. (or
select it by using the "..." browse button).
The value contained in the Variable expresses the End Y Point position in pixels on the screen. When
the variable obtains a minimum value, the symbol's End Y Point is positioned according to the total
amount taken from the starting point and the Start value. When the variable obtains a maximum
value, the symbol's End Y Point will be positioned to a point according to the quoted sum taken from
the starting point and the End value.
The position values contained in the base Variable are expressed in pixels,
therefore when inserting values higher than the adopted screen resolution,
the selected object's End Y Point may exit from the area displayed on the
The Starting position value, to be obtained by the variable, is entered in this edit box. This value
does not represent the absolute position regarding the screen's Y axis' '0' coordinates, but the
position relating to the coordinates of the component's lowest apex relating to the component's start
position in the Screen. When the Variable values are lower than the Start value the object's End Y
Point will be positioned to the point relating to the difference taken from the total amounts of the
Start value and the Start Offset value.
The End position value, to be obtained by the variable, is entered in this edit box. This value does
not represent the absolute position regarding the screen's Y axis' '0' coordinates, but the position
relating to the coordinates of the lowest apex relating to the component's starting position in the
Screen. When the Variable values are higher than the End value the object's End Y Point will be
positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the End value and the
End Offset value.
Start Offset
The position Offset value, which the component's End Y Point is to assume when the Variable is set
with values lower than the Start value, is entered in this edit box. In this case the object's End Y
Point will be positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the difference of the total
amounts of the Start value and the Start Offset value.
End Offset
The position Offset value, which the component's End Y Point is to assume when the Variable is set
with values higher than the End value, is entered in this edit box. In this case the object's End Y
Point will be positioned to the point relating to the quota taken from the total amount of the End
value and the End Offset value.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

10.32.15. Scaling Properties Animation

The Scaling properties allow the drawing or control to be sized in the screen according to the values
contained (in percentages) in the associated animation variable.
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' properties group.
To edit the Scaling properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
When enabling this check-box the Scaling function in the selected component will be activated. In
this way the component can be resized according to the values of the associated Variable during
The object can be resized in percentages in respect to the original size
set in the programming stage. When the 0% value is reached the object
will disappear, as the result of not having any sizes, while the 100%
value corresponds to the size with which the object was created in the
programming stage. When setting percentages higher than 100% you
will get an enlarged object.
The name of the variable whose value will be used for changing the component's size is entered in
this edit box (or use the "..." browse button on the right hand side to select it). The variable's value
will be converted into a percentage value resulted from the scaling between the Start/End values
and the Start/End Percentage value described below.
The Variable's value corresponding to the object's scaling Start Percentage is entered in this edit
box. When the Variable obtains a value lower than this value the object will remain sized with the
Start Percentage.
The Variable's value corresponding to the object's scaling End Percentage is entered in this edit
box. When the Variable obtains a value higher than this value the object will remain sized at Start
Start Percentage
The Scale's Minimum percentage value which the object may reach is entered in this edit box. It will
not be possible to make the object smaller than the percentage value set in this property.
End Percentage
The Scale's Maximum percentage value which the object may reach is entered in this edit box. It will
not be possible to make the object bigger than the percentage value set in this property.
This option box permits you to define the object's size Direction. In this way the drawing can modify
its own scale by expanding or shrinking itself in relation to its fixed reference point.
Therefore a symbol indicating the size direction has to be selected.
There can be more than one direction, and the arrows reported in the drop-down list indicate the
direction in which the symbol will be resized.
When choosing the second Direction group, that is the symbols
represented with a red circle and titled 'intersection', the object
will not be resized but made partly visible based on the set scale

10.32.16. Rotation Properties Animation

The Rotation property allows the drawing or control to rotate on its own axis in the screen in
function with the value contained in the associated animation variable (in rotation angle degrees).





This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' properties group.
To edit the Rotation properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
When enabling this check-box the Rotation function in the selected component will be activated. By
doing this the component can be rotated on its own baricenter in function with the associated
The object's baricenter is set up through the "Baricenter" property in the
"Drawings and Controls common General Properties" settings. The
position of the baricenter can be managed dynamically by enabling the
Enable X point rotation and Enable Y point rotation properties as
described below.
The name of the variable whose value will be used for executing the component's rotation is entered
in this edit box (or selected by using the "..." browse button on the right hand side). The object is
rotated on angles of 60 degrees, therefore the variable can assume an interval of values ranging
from 0 to 360, being angles of 60 degree turns. Values higher or lower than this range will be
executed on a further rotation of the object. For instance the 720 value will take the object to the
start position after having completed two turns.
The minimum value of the Variable which will correspond to the object's rotation start is entered in
this edit box. When the Variable obtains values lower than this value the object will rotate in the
position obtained by subtracting the Start and Start Angle values.
The maximum value of the Variable which will correspond to the end of the object's rotation end is
entered in this edit box. When the Variable obtains values higher than this value the object will
rotate on the position obtained by the total amount taken from the End and End Angle values.
Start Angle
The rotation value which the component must obtain when the Variable is set with values lower
than the Start value is entered in this edit box. In this case the object will be rotated in the position
obtained by subtracting the Start and Start Angle values.
End Angle
The maximum value which the component must obtain when the Variable is set with values higher
than the End value is entered in this edit box. In this case the object will be rotated in the position
obtained by the total amount taken from the End and End Angle values.
Enable X point rotation
This check-box has to be enabled in order to dynamically define the X position of the object's
baricenter where the rotation is to take place. This position is given by the value contained in the X
point Variable.
X point Variable
The name of the variable in which the value identifies the X position of the object's baricenter where
the rotation is to take place is entered in this edit box (or selected with the "..." browse button on
the right hand side). This value is expressed in pixels and does not represent the absolute point
concerning the '0' coordinates of the screen's X axis, but the point relating to the component's
furthest left apex, and therefore the components start position in the Screen. If the variable's value
is higher than the object's maximum width the object's will be considered as the X Baricenter the end
X coordinate of the object.
Enable Y point rotation
This check-box has to be enabled in order to dynamically define the Y position of the object's
baricenter to where the rotation is to take place. This position is given by the value contained in the
Y point Variable.
Y point Variable
The name of the variable in which the value identifies the Y position of the object's baricenter where
the rotation is to take place is entered in this edit box (or selected with the "..." browse button on
the right hand side). This value is expressed in pixels and does not represent the absolute point
concerning the '0' coordinates of the screen's Y axis, but the point relating to the component's


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

highest apex, and therefore the components start position in the Screen. If the variable's value is
higher than the object's maximum length the object's will be considered as the Y Baricenter the end
Y coordinate of the object.

10.32.17. Text Animation Properties

The Text properties allow the associated variable's value to be displayed in the component, replacing
the title, whether being text or numeric type.
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' properties group.
To edit the Text properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Enabling this check-box will activate the Text function in the selected component. In this way the
component will display the associated Variable's value replacing its title during Runtime. This
functionality is similar to that of the 'Display (Edit box)' controls existing in the 'Controls' class in
the "Object Window".
Drawing Text properties, and in particular those of Rectangles, can be
used for creating 'read only' Display objects.
Search Value in Strings Table
This property invokes the search for the value of the variable, associated to the "Text - Display
Value" through the "Tag to Display" property, in the strings listed in the string table and displayed in
the object's title. In cases where table has no string ID, the variable's value will displayed.
The name of the variable whose value is to be displayed by the component is entered in this edit box
(or selected with the "..." browse button on the right hand side).
Value Format
The format, with which the numeric values presented in the Variable are to be displayed, is
specified in this edit box. All the format codes that can be used in this property are those listed in
"Predefined Movicon Formats" and "Formats for Numerical values and strings" paragraphs from the
"Data Formats" section.
When using basic expression in symbols Text Animation Property,
it must be set the format "%f".
Format Variable
The name of the variable whose value will be used to determine the display format of the variable
associated to the Display is entered in this editbox (or selected using the "..." browse button on the
right). The displayed value format can also be modified during runtime using this variable. When
this field is left empty, the format defined in the "Format Value" property will be used, otherwise the
variable's contents will be used.
Numeric variables or string variables can be entered in this field:

Numeric Variable: if the variable is numeric type, the number set will represent the number
of decimal figures after the point. For example, when entering the '2' value in this field, the
"x.xx" format will be used. If the set value is negative, the absolute value will be taken,
therefore when entering "2" or "-2" the same result will be obtained. If the value is in
floating type with decimal figures, the value will be rounded off, for example; an entered
"1.4" will be taken as "1" and an entered "1.6" will be taken as "2".
String Variable: if the variable is string type, its format must be one of those provided by
the control system which are listed in the paragraph headed "Predefinided Movicon Format"
from the section on "Data Formats" (i.e. "x.xx", "%s", etc.).
Caution! When using a string variable type make sure that you insert
a correctly supported format. If the string inserted is not in a valid
string format, the value will not get displayed correctly.





"Byte Array" or "Structure" variable types (inserted as global variables

without using a single member) are not supported. In this case the value
will be displayed with the format defined in the "Format Value". property.

10.32.18. Back Color Properties Animation

The Back Color Properties allow you to vary the selected component's background colour in function
with the changes of the associated variable.
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' properties group.
To Edit the Back Color properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Enabling this check-box will activate the Back Color function in the selected component. By doing this
the background colour will change in function with the associated Variable's value during Runtime.
The name of the variable, whose value is to be used for the background color change in function
with the 'Threshold Color' set, is inserted in this edit box.
Variable Is Alarm Group
The enabling of this property allows you to set the variable used for the animation as the name of
the alarm area to be monitored. In this case the name of the Alarm Area is entered in the "Variable"
field instead of the variable. In this way the intervention thresholds will result as:
0 = No Alarm
1 = At least one alarm active
2 = At least one alarm ON
This will allow the status of each alarm area to be monitored graphically by setting the 0,1,2 in the
back animation properties.
Furthermore, when this option is enabled with a string type variable entered in the "Variable" field,
the contents of this string will be used as the name of the Alarm Area to be monitored.
This property is not supported in Network Client projects or projects
set as Redundancy "Secondary Server" when the Primary Server is
active. In both cases these projects will not have the alarm
management active locally, but will receive alarm notifications
directly from the Server.
Edit Back Color List
By using this property you can assign the desired colours for the component's background to the
numeric values obtained by the Variable. Click on the "..." button to open the Color Threshold
configuration window. To get further information please refer to the paragraph on "Colour
Threshold Settings in Drawings and Controls".
Analog Color
This property enables a gradual change over from one colour to another involving an 'analog'
mixture of the two colours where they change over. This gradual change over of color shades can
only be carried out when the Variable's two threshold values have been inserted with intermediate

10.32.19. Edge Color - Dynamic Text Animation

The Edge-Text Color properties allow you to vary the colours of edges and any texts (title) of the
component selected in function with the changes of the variable associated.
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' properties group.
To edit the Edge-Text Color properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

When enabling this check-box the Edge-Text Color function will be activated in the component
selected. By doing this the component will change the colours of the edges and any displayed texts
in function with the values of the associated variable during Runtime.
Variable Color
The name of the variable, whose value will be used for changing the colours of the edges and any
texts in function with the set 'Threshold Colours', is entered in this edit box.
Variable Is Alarm Group
The enabling of this property allows you to set the variable used for the animation as the name of
the alarm area to be monitored. In this case the name of the Alarm Area is entered in the "Variable"
field instead of the variable. In this way the intervention thresholds will result as:
0 = No Alarm
1 = At least one alarm active
2 = At least one alarm ON
This will allow the status of each alarm area to be monitored graphically by setting the 0,1,2 in the
back animation properties.
Furthermore, when this option is enabled with a string type variable entered in the "Variable" field,
the contents of this string will be used as the name of the Alarm Area to be monitored.
This property is not supported in Network Client projects or in
projects set as Redundancy "Secondary Server" when the Primary
Server is active. In both cases the projects will not have their alarm
management active locally, but will receive alarm notifications
directly from the Server.
Edit Edge-Text Color List
This property is used for assigning colours desired for the component's edges and text of the
numeric values obtained by the Variable. Click on the "..." button to open the Color Threshold
configuration window.
To get further information please refer to the paragraph on "Colour Threshold Settings in
Drawings and Controls".
Analog Colors
This property enables a gradual change over from one colour to another involving an 'analog'
mixture of the two colours where they change over. This gradual change over of color shades can
only be carried out when the Variable's two threshold values have been inserted with intermediate

10.32.20. Filling Properties Animation

The Filling properties allow the a coloured filling in proportion to the selected variable's contents in
drawings and controls.
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' properties group.
To edit the Filling properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
When enabling this check-box the Filling function will be activated in the selected component. By
doing this the component will change its filling percentage in function with the Filling Variable
associated during Runtime.
The name of the variable, whose value will be used for changing the component's filling colour in
function with the 'Colour Threshold' set, is entered in this edit box (or selected with the "..."
browse button on the right hand side). By doing this the object's filling colour can be changed in
function with the value of this variable to have a different colour based on the filling percentage
reached (in this case the same variable is to be set both in the Variable field and in the Variable
Filling field).





Edit Filling Colour List...

By means of this property the numerics obtained by the Variable, described above can be assigned
with the chosen colours for the component's filling. To open the Colour Threshold's configuration
window click on the "..." button. For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Colour
Threshold Settings in Drawings and Controls".
Analog Color
When enabling this property you will get a gradual change of one colour to the next obtaining an
'analog' mix of the two colours nearing the changeover from one colour threshold to another. To get
the different shades of colour changes you will have to insert intermediate values between the two
threshold values in the variable.
Variable Filling
The name of the variable whose value is need to set the object's filling percentage is inserted in this
edit box (or selected by using the "..." browse button on the right).
The minimum and maximum values that the variable can have, described
below, are automatically scaled by Movicon to get a filling from 0% to
100% (completely empty, completely full).
The value of the variable which is to correspond to the 0% filling, meaning no filling, is entered in
this edit box.
The value of the variable which is to correspond to the 100% filling, meaning no filling, is entered in
this edit box.
Start Offset
The filling Offset value, which the components must assume when the Variable Filling is set with
values lower than the one entered in the Start property, is entered in this edit box. In this case the
object will be filled with a percentage in proportion to the difference between the Start value and
Start Offset value.
End Offset
The filling Offset value, which the components must assume when the Variable Filling is set with
values higher than the one entered in the End property, is entered in this edit box. In this case the
object will be filled with a percentage in proportion to the difference between the End value and
End Offset value.
This option box is used for setting which direction the filling is to take when applied. The choices


The "none" option means that no filling will take place.

Start Variable
The name of the variable to be used as a dynamic Start value is inserted in this edit box (or selected
with the "..." browse button on the far right). When a variable is entered here, the Start property
will be ignored and the value contained in the selected variable will take its place.
End Variable
The name of the variable to be used as a dynamic End value is inserted in this edit box (or selected
with the "..." browse button on the far right). When a variable is entered here, the End property will
be ignored and the value contained in the selected variable will take its place.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

10.32.21. Colour Threshold Settings

The Threshold Settings in Drawings and Controls must be configured when the "Back Color
Properties common to Drawings and Controls" or "Edge - Text Color Properties common
to Drawings and Controls" or "Filling Properties common to Drawings and Controls"
properties are enabled. In this case it is necessary to execute the association of colours to values
that the variables, defined for animation, can obtain. The colour thresholds that can be inserted are
virtually unlimited.
The associated colour will be activated when the value of the variable obtains the same value
defined for the threshold. When the value of the variable exceeds the value defined for the
threshold, the colour associated to the next threshold will be activated and so on.

For instance, taking into consideration the settings reported in the above figure we should get:
Variable Value


If the 'Analog Colours' option has been selected the pass over from one
colour threshold to another will be gradual, and therefore a series of
intermediate colours managed by Movicon will be displayed during
By using the "Copy" and "Paste" commands described below you can copy the defined color
threshold list from one object and paste it in other different objects. This allows you transfer color
thresholds from one object to another quickly for all types of dynamic animations: "Background
color", "dynamic Text" and "Text & Edge Colors" and "Gradual Filling".
The buttons positioned on the right hand side of the dialog window allow you to edit the colour
thresholds. Their functions are:





Add: adds a new Colour Threshold. A 'Edit Colour Threshold' window opens
Edit: after having selected a threshold from the list it's settings can be edited. A ' Edit Colour
Threshold' window opens
Remove: after having selected a threshold from the list it can be deleted
Default: when pressing this button the threshold list will be cancelled and the 7 default
thresholds will be inserted by Movicon
Copy: consents you to copy the color threshold list to the Windows Clipboard. The color
threshold data is copied to the Window clipboard in xml format
Paste: consents you to paste the color threshold list, previously copied to the Windows
Clipboard with the "copy" command, to the selected object
You are required to enter at least two threshold when editing thresholds.
However, it is possible to delete all the color thresholds from the list. In
this case Movicon will use the default threshold list, and the nest time the
threshold edit window is opened all the default thresholds will show again.

Edit Threshold Colour

When you press the Add or Edit buttons in the window listing the inserted thresholds, a dialog
window will open to configure the parameters of each threshold:
In this edit box the value desired is entered which then be confronted with the value contained in
the animation variable to determine when the threshold in question must be activated.
In this edit box the name of the variable to be used in place of the Value property is to be entered
(or select with the "..." browse button on the right). By doing this the threshold's value can be made
dynamic, as the contents of the variable will be used and which can be edited during Runtime.
Be careful not to confuse the Threshold Variable with the Animation
Variable inserted for Colour Threshold management. The Threshold
Variable is only needed to make the value of each single threshold
dynamic. This means that if the same variable is inserted, in the
Threshold Variable field and in the Variable field by mistake, the
animation will stop working and the components will keep the same colour
as the reference variable and the threshold value will remain the same.
The mode option allows you to select the animation's behaviour when the threshold has been
reached. The following actions, which will be executed when the value has been reached, can be
Normal: when the threshold has been reached the colour, selected by means of the Color
property described below, will be displayed
Invisible: when the threshold has been reached the colour will become invisible, as if
Slow Blinking: when the threshold has been reached the slow blinking will be executed with
the colour defined in the Color and Blinking Color properties as described below. The
blinking time is 2000 msecs. for default. This value can be customized using the appropriate
"BlinkTypeSlow" registry key.
Average Blinking: when the threshold has been reached the normal blinking will be
executed with the colour defined in the Color and Blinking Color properties as described
below. The blinking time is 1000 msecs for default. This values can be customized using the
appropriate "BlinkTypeMedium" registry key.
Fast Blinking: when the threshold has been reached the fast blinking will be executed with
the colour defined in the Color and Blinking Color properties as described below. The
blinking time is 500 msecs. for default. This value can be customized using the appropriate
"BlinkTypeFast registry key.
Custom Blinking: when the threshold has been reached the blinker will be executed with
the colour defined in the Color and Blinking Color properties as described below, using the
value specified in the Blink Time, described below, as blinking frequency
Blink Time
The blink time is entered in this box which will be used when the Customized Blinking item has
been selected in the Mode property. The time is expressed in milliseconds.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The text string is entered in this edit box. The string will be displayed inside the component together
with any animations that have been set when the preset threshold has been reached. This option
allows you to create dynamic texts. This property is only available for the "Edge - Text Color
Properties common to Drawings and Controls" function.
This setting is used for selecting the colour to be associated to the Threshold.
For further information on selecting colours please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Blink Colour
This permits you to select the blink colour to be used together with the threshold's Color when the
Customized Blink in the Mode property has been selected.
For further information on selecting colours please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".

10.32.22. Image Animation Properties

The image properties permit one or more images to be displayed in the component based on the
value of the variable connected.
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animations' property group.
To edit the Image properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
Enable Image Animations
When enabling this check-box the Image function on the selected component will be activated. This
will display the image associated to the value of the selected Variable during Runtime.
The name of the variable, whose value must be associated to the image to be displayed in the
component, is entered in this edit box. (or selected with the '...' browse button on the right
The associated variable can be either numeric or string type. When using
String type variables, the displayed image in the object will be indicated by
the file name loaded in the variable and therefore independent from the list
of Images set using the Image List Editor. If the name of the file in the
String variable does not contain an absolute path, the file to be displayed
will be searched for in the project's IMAGES folder.
Edit Images...
By using this command you can edit the image list which is to be displayed based on the value of the
The first window to be opened for editing the images shows the list of images already inserted and
the corresponding values of the Variable:

When the Variable assumes the value associated to the image, it will be displayed in the component.
The buttons available for editing the list are:





Add: consents the entry of a new animation on the list (image associated to the Variable's
Edit: consents the editing of an animation already inserted on the list. The image to be
modified must first be selected.
Remove: consents you to delete the selected image from the list.
At least two thresholds must be set to animate images.

When pressing the 'Add' and 'Edit' keys another window will open where the images can be
selected and associated with the value of the variable:

This window, called the Image list, permits you to set the image display conditions. This window is
used for setting the Threshold value referring to the associated Variable. The threshold value
determines the activation and appearance of the image (or sequence of images), and can be set in
fixed constant, 'Value' field, or dynamic value, 'Variable' field.
The buttons used for managing the images have the following functions:

Add: used for selecting a new image

Edit: used for editing images already inserted on the list. The image must first be selected
then edited.
Remove: deletes the selected image from the list.

You can associate more than one image to each threshold value. In this case, when the threshold is
activated the images are displayed in sequence, in time intervals specified in the 'Animation Time'
The possibility to enter more than one image for each threshold consents
the different images to appear in sequence within the symbol by simply
creating graphic animation in single sequences or continuous cycle.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

When adding the preset threshold, the image of sequence of images will be displayed according to
the set mode selected from the following options:

Transparent: the image's colour selected through the "Transparent" property from the Fill
Attributes Properties common to Drawings and Controls' group will appear transparent in the
Stretch: the image will be adapted to the preset sizes of the object containing it.
Continuous Cycle: the images will be cycled by overlapping each other continuously until
no longer permitted by the activation conditions. Otherwise, the sequence of images will be
carried out once only upon the rising edge of the threshold's condition.
Animation Time: if more images have been added in this window, they will be made to
automatically appear by Movicon in sequence of entry order, with time intervals (in
milliseconds) set in this edit box.

10.32.23. Visibility Properties

The Visibility properties consent the component to be visible on screen in function with the layer
activated in the Screen.
To edit the Visibility properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
When enabling this check-box the Visibility function of the selected component will be activated. By
doing this the component will be visible or hidden during Runtime in function with the layer activated
in the Screen.
Enable Zoom
When enabling this property the visibility of the object will automatically be managed when a zoom
takes place. When zooming out to reduce the Screen's sizes, the object when reaching a size lower
than the percentage expressed in the 'Zoom-size Percent level' property, will become completely
Enable Size
When enabling this property, the object's visibility will automatically be managed when it is being
resized. When reaching a size lower than the percentage expressed in the 'Zoom-size Percent
level', while being reduced, it will become completely invisible.
Zoom-size Percent level
The percentage taken from the object's original sizes. When the object's size goes below this
percentage, it will be made invisible when the conditions enabled by the 'Enable Zoom' and
'Enable Size' activate.
Visible on Web Client
The component will also be made visible on the WebClient when this check-box is enabled with a
check mark . When this property is disabled not only will the control not be visible on the WebClient
but its basic script code will not be initialized when loaded in a WebClient session as well.
Visible on CE Platform
When this check-box is checked the component will also be made visible on WinCe platform. When
this property is disabled the control, apart from not being visible in WinCE, will not initialize its basic
script code when the container screen is loaded.
This property will only be visible when the project is NOT set as "WinCE" in
the project's "Platform" property.
Focus Hilite
When this check-box is enabled the object will invert its background and foreground colors when
focused on.
TAB Selectable
When this check-box is enabled, the object can be selected by using the TAB key during Runtime





Invert Color
This property inverts the object's back colors and border colours.
Show Focus
This property is used for enabling the display of the control's outline when focused on.
Show Hilite
This property is used for enabling the control's inside border to highlight when the mouse pointer is
on top of it.

10.32.24. Position Properties

The Position properties allow you to read/write the component's position and size on screen.
To edit the Position properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties

This property expresses the X coordinate of the component's furthest left corner edge. The value is
expressed in pixels and relates to the Screen window's 0 point (the top left corner edge) which
contains the component. The value of this property will be automatically modified each time the
component is moved in the Screen and vice-versa by modifying this value the component will
graphically change its position.
This property expresses the Y coordinate of the component's highest corner edge. The value is
expressed in pixels and relates to the Screen window's 0 point (the top left corner edge) which
contains the component. The value of this property will be automatically modified each time the
component is moved in the Screen and vice-versa by modifying this value the component will
graphically change its position.

This property expressed the component's width. The value is expressed in pixels. The value of this
property is automatically modified each time the component is resized in width and vice-versa by
modifying this value the component will graphically change is size.
This property expresses the component's height. The value is expressed in pixels. The value of this
property is modified each time the component is resized in height and vice-versa by modifying this
value the component will graphically change its size.

10.32.25. Stroke Attributes Properties

The Stroke Attributes Properties allow you to set the colour and sizes of the components' edges and
To modify the Strokes Attributes property, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
This property allows you to select the colour to be associated to the edges and any text displayed by
the component.
For further information on selecting colors, please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Pen Size
This property allows you to select the size of the component's border lines.
Pen Style
This property lets you select the component's borderline style.


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10.32.26. Background Attributes Properties

The Fill Attributes properties allow you to set the background colours of components.
To edit the Rill Attributes Properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
Brush Style
This property allows you to select the brush style to be applied to the component's background. The
list shows a variety of brush style designs available.
Back Color
This property allows you to select the background color to be applied to the component.
For further information on selecting colours please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Gradient Type
This property allows you to select the type of gradient for the background colour to be applied to the
component. You can keep the colour uniform by selecting the 'none' option, and you can also
create colour graduations by selecting one of the other options available. The Gradient, when
activated, will be a mixture of two colours chosen in the 'Back' and 'Gradient Color' properties.
Gradient Color
This property allows you to select the second colour with Movicon will use to create the components
background gradient.
For further information on selecting colours please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Filling Color
This property allows you to select the filling's colour to be used when the "Filling Properties
common to Drawings and Controls" has been used. In this case the colour selected for
executing the component's filling will be used only when a "Variable" has not been selected in the
"Filling Properties common to Drawings and Controls".
For further information on selecting colours please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Static Image
By using this box you can associate a static BMP, JPG, GIF, WMF, etc. design type as the object's
background. As alternative to typing in the path and name, you can select the file using the browse
("...") button to the right of the editbox.
Pressing the "CRTL + (...)" keys will allow you edit the selected
background image, when opening the preset application associated to that
image in a new window.
To avoid getting any problems with the images' absolute paths, it is
advised to insert all the images used in the project inside the 'IMAGES'
folder within the project folder.
Image Alignment
This selection is used for setting the background image's alignment in the object. The image's
position can also be modified by adding a horizontal or vertical offset in the "Image Margin X" and
"Image Margin Y" properties. The table below lists the different types of alignment that can be used
and those which offsets can be applied to:

Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable

The "Stretched" option will adapt the image to the sizes of the object containing it taking into
consideration any set offsets.





Image Margin X
An offset value can be entered in this editbox to be used for moving the object's image horizontally.
This offset will be applied between the object's borders and the image moving them according to
the set alignment type. For instance, when setting the offset value to 10 with the alignment set at
"center-left", the offset will be inserted between object's left border and the image, or between
object's right border and the image with the alignment set at "center-right".
The offset can also obtain negative values which will move the image outside the object's borders.
Image Margin Y
An offset value can be entered in this editbox to be used for moving the object's image vertically.
This offset will be applied between the object's borders and the image moving them according to
the set alignment type. For instance, when setting the offset value to 10 with the alignment set at
"top-center", the offset will be inserted between the object's top border and the image, or between
the object's bottom border and the image with the alignment set at "bottom-center".
The offset can also obtain negative values which will move the image outside the object's borders.
Keep Proportions
This option box is only considered if the "stretched" option has been chosen for image alignment.
When the "Keep Proportions" property is enabled, the image having been stretched to the object's
sizes will keep the X and Y proportions respecting the original sizes. Otherwise the image will be
completely stretched to the object's size.
Stretch Image
This property is used for setting the sizes of the associated image to fit in the object containing it.
Keep in mind, however, that when changing the image's sizes it's graphical look may be effected.
Image Transparent Color
This property allows you to select a colour which will become transparent in the image associated to
the control. The '-1' value consents the colour transparency to be used for those image formats
supporting this property.
For further information on selecting colours please refer to the paragraph on "Color Selection".
Transparency Level
This property allows you to set the selected object's transparency level. The values which can be
used start from 0 to 255 (0 = completely invisible, 255 = completely visible).
The settings of this property will be ignored if the "Transparency" Animation
property has been enabled which consents to managing the transparency
dynamically based on variable values.
Transparency animation is NOT supported in WinCE.
In addition to this, the transparency property has no effect in
"Dundas Meter" and "Chart" objects. The "Dundas Gauges"
transparency is set in the object's wizard. The "Chart" has a
background attribute management where can be set with a gradient
type and color but does not support transparency.

10.32.27. Access Levels Properties

The Access Levels properties allow you to associate the components with access and user levels so
that only the users with the necessary rights can use them.
To edit the Access Levels Properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Property Window'.

The Access Levels properties are active only when the "Enable Password
Manager" property from the 'Users and User Groups General
Properties' has been in enabled in the project.
Write Access Level
By means of this property you can define the Access Level mask needed to execute, for example, the
command list associated to the control. If the access level mask of the user logged on at that
moment does not correspond to the control's settings, the user will not be able to execute any
command operations associated to that control.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

For further information see the paragraph on "User Levels and Access Levels".
Read Access Level
By means of this property you can define the Access Level mask needed for reading the control. If
the access level mask of the user logged on at that moment does not correspond to the control's
settings, the user will not be able to see the control which becomes invisible.
For further information see the paragraph on "User Levels and Access Levels".
User Level
By means of this property you can define the User Password level needed for example to execute the
commands associated to the control. When the control in question is used by a user, Movicon will
request activation of a user with a User Password level the same or higher than the one defined in
the control itself. If the user who executed the Log on has the necessary access rights they will be
authentically acknowledged, otherwise the Log on will fail and it will not be possible to carry out the
operations requested by the user.
For further information see the paragraph on "User Levels and Access Levels".

10.32.28. Font Properties

The Text properties allow you to display the associated variable's value, numeric or text, replacing
the title of the object.
This property is part of the Drawings and Controls 'Animation' properties group.
To edit the text properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
List Font
By pressing the '...' button on the right hand side of the box a window will be activated for selecting
the font to be associated to the texts presented in the 'Viewer' window. The selection is carried out
according to the Windows modality standards.
This property is only available for some components, in particular for the
display windows such as the Alarm Window, Log Window, etc.
Scale Font
By pressing the '...' button on the right of the box a window will be activated for selecting the font to
be associated to the texts which represent the scale display of components such as Gauges, Trends,
Data Analysis. The select is carried out according to the Windows modality standards.
This property is only available for some components, in particular those
representing volume amounts on scales, such as Gauges, Trends, Data
Grid Font
By pressing the '...' button on the right of the box a window will be activated for selecting the font to
be associated to the texts which represent the columns of the "Grid" object. The selection is carried
out according to the Windows modality standards.
Adapt Font
When this check-box is enabled the text in the selected component will be activated. By doing this
the component will display the values of the associated variable, where the title is, during Runtime.
This functionality is very similar to the controls' 'Display (Edit box)' residing in the 'Controls' class
of the "Object Window".
The drawing's Text property, and in particular the Rectangle's, can be
used for creating Display objects for reading only.
3D Font
This box is used for selecting the type of three-dimensional effect to be associated to eventual texts
entered in the title by using the 'General' properties.
The options are:







The default value is "None".

Text Align
This box is used for selecting the type of alignment for the eventual text entered in the title using the
'General' properties.
The options are:


In addition to the " X Offset" and "Y Offset" properties the text can also be moved
horizontally and vertically in relation to the available Alignment settings:

X Offset

Y Offset

These text alignment settings are also valid for multi line strings in object that support
Only some of the objects are managed with the alignment in multi-lines for all types of alignment
(including central alignment) when the text exceeds the width of the object. The Objects which
support multilines are:

Basic Shapes (rectangles, ellipse, polygon, etc)

Group Boxes

Use Antialiasing
The "Use Antialiasing" property for texts displayed in screen objects' Titles is used for slighting
reducing the gradient effect which is used for vectorial rounded graphics. When activating this
option the Font will appear smoother and continuous and less with a sloping step effect on rounded
text. The Antialiasing is also evident when activating the screen's zoom.

The Font "Antialiasing" is applied only to texts relating to the Titles of screen objects. The
"Antialiasing" is not applied to object titles with activated "Adapt Font" activated or if the Font's


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

"Orientation" is not set at zero. non viene tuttavia applicato nel caso in cui all'oggetto sia stata
attivata la propriet "Adatta Font" oppure se stato impostato al Font un "Orientamento" diverso da
Warning! When applying the Antialiasing to the Font, lines may appear
slightly fuzzy, which becomes more evident when the set Font is made
smaller. In addtion, it is quite normal that when the "Use Antialiasing"
option is activated it may cause an increase in the size of the text by one
Libraries implemented with the Antialiasing option will have no effect when used in
Window CE operating systems. When the project's Platform property is set to "WinCE",
the "Use Antialiasing" option will not appear as one of the object "Font" group
X Offset
An offset value can be inserted in this editbox to be used for moving the object's text horizontally.
This offset will be applied between the object's border and text moving the text according to the
alignment type set. For example, when setting the 10 offset value with an "left" alignment setting,
the offset will be inserted between the object's left border and the text. If a "right" alignment
setting is used, the offset will be applied between the object's right border and the text.
Y Offset
An offset value can be inserted in this editbox to be used for moving the object's text vertically. This
offset will be applied between the object's border and text moving the text according to the
alignment type set. For example, when setting the 10 offset value with an "top" alignment setting,
the offset will be inserted between the object's top border and the text. If a "Bottom" alignment
setting is used, the offset will be applied between the object's bottom border and the text.
Title Font
The name of variable whose value is to be displayed by the component is entered in this edit box (or
select name by using the "..." browse button on the right hand side).
The default settings are:
Char type: Tahoma
Style: Normal
Points: 8

10.32.29. Script Debug Output Properties

The Script Debug Output properties allow the texts inserted in the Basic Script's 'Debug.Print'
instructions to be written on log files or printed.
This group of properties is only available if the Drawings and Controls have
been associated with the Basic Script codes.
To edit the Script Debug Ouput properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
Status Bar
When this property is enabled, the indications from the Basic Script 'Debug.Print' function will be
shown on the Movicon status bar and in the project's 'Output Window'.
When enabling this property, the indications from the Basic Script 'Debug.Print' function will be
reported in the projects historical log.
When enabling this property, the Basic Script 'Debug.Print' function will be sent to the system's print





10.32.30. Dragging Properties

The Dragging properties allow you to move or resize symbols using the mouse during the runtime
phase. The relative positioning and sizing values will be placed in the associated variables.
This property is part of the "Animation" properties for drawings and controls.
To modify the Dragging properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".

Object Dragging is not supported by WinCE or Web Client and when

objects are in Embedded Screens.
The enabling of this property allows object and symbol to be dragged within the screen area during
runtime mode. The position will determine the dynamic adaptation of the drawings coordinates in the
associated variables.
The coordinates are always in X0 and Y0 pixels coinciding with the top left border of the object, or
the rectangle which circumscribes it, in respect the point on the top left of the screen.
The enabling of this property allows the object or symbol to be resided by having its borders dragged
within the screen area during runtime mode. The resizing will determine the dynamic adaptation of
the object's size coordinates in the associated variables.
X Variable
The name of the variable, where the value is to be kept updated by Movicon according to the X
coordinate (expressed in pixels) of the symbol's position, is entered in this edit box (or selected by
using the "..." browse button.
CX Variable
The name of the variable, where the value is to be kept updated by Movicon according to the
symbol's width value (expressed in pixels), is entered in this edit box (or selected by using the "..."
browse button.
Y Variable
The name of the variable, where the value is to be kept updated by Movicon according to the Y
coordinate (expressed in pixels) of the symbol's position, is entered in this edit box (or selected by
using the "..." browse button.
CY Variable
The name of the variable, where the value is to be kept updated by Movicon according to the
symbol's height value (expressed in pixels), is entered in this edit box (or selected by using the "..."
browse button.
X Min.
This edit box is used for entering the X coordinate's minimum value (in pixels) within which the
operator can move the object or symbol.
X Max.
This edit box is used for entering the X coordinate's maximum value (in pixels) within which the
operator can move the object or symbol.
CX Min.
This edit box is used for entering the minimum value of the X size (in pixels) within which the
operator can resize the object or symbol.
CX Max.
This edit box is used for entering the maximum value of the X size (in pixels) within which the
operator can resize the object or symbol.
Y Min.
This edit box is used for entering the Y coordinate's minimum value (in pixels) within which the
operator can move the object or symbol.
Y Max.
This edit box is used for entering the Y coordinate's maximum value (in pixels) within which the
operator can move the object or symbol.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

CY Min.
This edit box is used for entering the minimum value of the Y size (in pixels) within which the
operator can resize the object or symbol.
CY Max.
This edit box is used for entering the maximum value of the Y size (in pixels) within which the
operator can resize the object or symbol.

10.33. Associating Variable Script

Events to Symbols
You can insert customized events, associated to the variations of variables from the Movicon Real
Time DB, in addition to the standard ones made available to you by Movicon (Click, DblClick,
KeyDown, etc.) internal Symbols' Script Codes (Drawings or Controls). An event can be added to be
executed every time the selected variable changes state. Therefore the programmer can decide
which code to insert internal the event as deemed necessary. The inserted event will then be active
and processed when the Symbol is active, due to it being loaded in Ram.
The association of a Variable Script event to a Symbol can be done by selecting the Symbol and
activating the "Add New Variable Script Event' command which can also be found in the Project
Explorer's 'Commands' window.
The request for associating a Variable Script Event to a Symbol will open up another window
containing the list of available variables from the Real Time DB. Once the variable has been selected,
the new event with the "OnNomeVariabileChanged" syntax will automatically be inserted internal the
symbol's script code:

10.34. Public Symbols

Movicon has a extremely interesting potentiality in the symbol management: the public symbols.
By using the public symbols management you can setup a direct link between different symbol
properties, used in different Screens throughout the entire project. The management of this linkage
gives you the possibility to automatically set, for all the symbols linked up to each other, the same
property or code of the reference symbol.
A typical example of using this type of function would be to create
different Screens which all use the same symbol. Let's take a plant valve
used in all the project's Screens as an example where, after project
completion, the valve's symbol must be edited. By modifying the symbol
you are left with the possibility to apply the same changes to all the
project's symbols with just one operation.
Movicon permits you to manage any editing needed for updating all the project's drawings or
symbols declared as Public Symbols.





In order that a drawing or symbol to become 'public' and subject to

global changes, it needs to receive a name in the "Public Name" property
of the 'General Properties common to Drawings and Controls' of
the symbol/drawing itself.
It is advised to assign the "Public Name" to the symbol's or drawing's property when editing the
template (or initial symbol). The name will always be kept associated to the symbol's property,
whether it is copied and pastes, saved in the library or taken out later.
All the copied symbols will therefore have the same Public Name, making any eventual global editing

Public Symbols Global Editing

The following condition must be preset in order to execute the updating functionalities of Public

All the public symbols of the same group must have the same "Public Name"
A reference symbol must be set up from which all the others will get their properties
Each symbol has to be established with properties which will remain unaltered and properties
which will be updated in accordance with the reference symbol

The properties to be kept unaltered and those to be updated in accordance to the reference symbol
can be set for each symbol singularly through the "Drawings and Controls common General
Properties". The properties involved are as follows:

Preserve Size: the sizes assigned to the component in question will be kept unaltered
during the updating phase of the Public Symbols. If the check-box is not selected with a tick,
the component's sizes will be adapted to the those of the reference public symbol
Preserve Dynamics: the dynamic animation properties assigned to the component in
question will be kept unaltered during the updating phase of the Public Symbols. If the checkbox is not selected with a tick, the components dynamic animation properties will be adapted
to those of the reference public symbol
Preserve Code: the Basic Script code associated to the component in question will be kept
unaltered during the updating phase of the Public Symbols. If the check-box is not selected
with a tick, the component's Basic Script code will be updated with that of reference public
Preserve Text: the text (caption, name) of the component in question will be kept unaltered
during the updating phase of the Public Symbols. If the check-box is not selected with a tick,
it will be updated with that of the reference public symbol's
Preserve Colors: the colours of the component in question will be kept unaltered during the
updating phase of the Public Symbols. If the check-box is not selected with a tick, it will be
updated with those of the reference public symbol'
Preserve Commands: the Command list associated to the component in question will not
be altered and will remain the same during the Public Symbol update phase. If this
checkbox is left unchecked, the component's Command List will be updated with its
referenced public symbol.

In cases with public symbols composed with numerous components, updating will take effect in each
of the symbol's components and for each component you can choose what to preserve and what not
to preserve. To manage updates of this type in various levels, each public symbol component must
be set with a different and unique name in respect to the others. On the contrary, the public symbol
will be updated only at public source container level and all sub components will be made equivalent
in their entirety to this update. Movicon facilitates the process of creating symbols by giving them
unique names when the group command is used for those objects that haven't already been given

Updating Public symbols using the "Public Source Container"

The Symbols to be subjected to any editing through the Public Symbols must be assigned a "Public
Name" which is to be the same for all the symbols belonging to the same group. At this point, in
order to establish the reference symbol it is necessary to set which is the Screen Containing the
reference symbol in the "Public Source Container" property of the 'Screen Execution Properties'
group. By doing this the public symbols will be updated with the characteristics of the symbol with
the same public name presented in the specified "Public Source Container".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

A public symbol updates with its referenced symbol in design mode as well. Public symbol updates
occur each time the screen is opened in edit mode or every time a property is modified requiring a
consequential update. The user can then check and see the public symbol's aspects after undergone
any updates while still in design mode.
Once the symbol has been updated, its modified xml code is saved making
it impossible to return back and recover the original.
However, you can opt to manage public symbol updating in Runtime mode only, therefore those
symbols defined as public in design mode will be displayed with their native properties and features
and only in Movicon Runtime mode can they be modified. This allows deactivation of a public
symbol's component function to then return back to its original configuration. This type of
management can be obtained by using the "DisablePublicSymOnDesign" configuration key. By
setting this value to "1", updates to public symbols will only take place during runtime only.
The property windows of a symbol, linked to a referenced public symbol, automatically displays only
those parameters that can be modified, which hiding all the others which are updated by the linked
public source container's reference symbol.

Updating Public Symbols using the "Update Public Symbols"

Public Symbol updates can be done using the "Refresh Public Symbols " command from the "Edit"
and "symbols" menus, or from the menu which pops up when right clicking on the object. This
command takes the selected symbol as the reference symbol and updates all the symbols that have
the same public name on the screen and or in the project. You can indicate where the public
symbols must be searched for, in screen only or all of the project, in the editbox that appears, and
what to preserve while public symbol updating is taking place.

This command requires user confirmation each time a public symbol is found on screen or in the
project with the same name set for searching. The user also has the option to continue the search
without updating the symbol found, cancel the remaining search, or not be asked to confirm again
and updated remaining public symbols automatically.
This second method, compared to those previously described, enables the application to offer the
developer another way of managing public symbols in design mode with commands provided by
the programmer.

Public Symbol heredity in sub-objects

In certain situations it may be necessary to create symbols with complex formats consisting of
different independent sub-symbols or sub-objects. In this case, each individual sub-symbol can be
referred to an individual public symbol with which it will be updated instead of the one associated to
the symbol as a whole. This Public Symbol heredity in symbol sub-objects can be obtained by
enabling the "Update Public Sub Objects" property. If this property is not enabled, the symbol will
be updated with the reference public symbol associated to the symbol as a whole (as if the subobjects had not been individually associated a specific public symbol).





10.35. Style Sources in Symbols

The Style Sources in Symbols consent you to activate a certain graphical style for objects in screens
based on one style reference (source). In this way, independently from the style associated to
objects in design mode, these objects can inherit a style, defined by the programmer, during
runtime. The Style Source Container can be activated by the user logged in, from the active
language or from a style source screen. This management therefore allows certain graphical aspects
of screens and their object contents to be changed during the project runtime mode. The properties
which can be edited are:

background color
text and edge color

The style sources are acquired by the screen and by the objects it contains and acts as a style
container which is not usually displayed in runtime principally because it is only a source container.
The controls inserted in this screen work as stile generators. Each object from the style source
screen is a style source for the objects belonging to the same category. Only the first control in
tabulation order for each object type will be examined and become the style source. For example,
when inserting many display objects in the style container screen, only the first tabulation order will
act as the style reference.
Some objects, even though graphically different, belong to the same category, therefore inherit all
the styles of the same object source.
The table below shows which categories the objects are grouped in:
Reference Category



"Basic Shapes" Category:


"Basic Shapes" Category:


Rounded Circle


"Buttons-Lights-Switches" Category:

All the objects

"Advanced shapes":




All the objects apart from the


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


"Trends-Charts-Data Analysis" Category:


"Trends-Charts-Data Analysis" Category:


Scheduler Window

"Advanced Shapes" Category:


TraceDB window

"Advanced Shapes" Category:


DataLogger/Recipe Window

"Advanced Shapes" Category:


Log Window

"Advanced Shapes" Category:


Alarm Window

"Advanced Shapes" Category:


Tab Group

"Advanced Shapes" Category:


Horizontal Spin
Vertical Spin
Combo Box

"Advanced Shapes" Category


Embedded Screen

"Advanced Shapes" Category:



"Advanced Shapes" Category:



"Advanced Shapes" Category



"Advanced Shapes" Category:


Horiz. Plotter
Vert. Plotter
Horiz. Trend
Vert. Trend
XY Trend
Data Analysis

IP Camera Viewer




Style updating is only done in the Runtime phase. therefore the symbols
whose styles are edited will show with their original properties during
design mode. Movicon will only apply the modifications during the Runtime

Using Style References

In order to manage the style references in symbols you will need to follow the below four points
when in design mode:

create one or more style source screens for placing shape references in
the properties of style source references ("background Color", "Edge-Text Color ", "Text
Font") and screen ("Back Color") are set as required. These properties are those which will be
propagated as style references for the other project symbols
the style source screen name must be inserted in the screen, user, user group or string table
language column's "Style Source Container" property. By doing this, the style source of the
resource active at that moment will activate according to the priorities described below
the properties of the project objects (shapes) ("Style Source Back Color", Style Source EdgeText Color" Style Source Font) and any of the screens ("Back Color") will be enabled based
on the fact that these objects or screens have got to inherit the styles in question from the
style source screen

For instance the three properties below are available for each object that can be inserted on screen.
When these properties are enabled, they will consent the object to inherit the style from the style
source screen:

Style Source Back Color

Style Source Edge-Text Color
Style Source Font

However, a screen can only inherit a back color style due to the one property available to enable

Style Source Back Color

Activating Style Sources

When the style container source is active in runtime mode all screens loaded will be controlled and
any object with enabled style properties will be modified to match the styles set in the source object.
The Style container source can be activated in different modes. The style source activation
procedure, in order of priority, is as follows: when a screen is loaded it is controlled for any style
source container screen associations to the active user. If there are no associations the same control
is carried out in the user group which the active user belongs to. If not found another control will
take place in the current language being used for one. If this results futile, a final control will be
made to see if a style source container screen has been associated to the loaded screen, itself.
The association of the style source container to users, a user groups, languages or screens is carried
out through the "Style Container Source" available in each one of these resources.
When more than one resource has been associated with a Style Resource Container screen, the
active style source will be considered by the priorities described above. If, for instance, an user is
active and has been associated a style resource container screen, this screen will be used as the
style's source. When the user logs off, the style source container screen will then be used by the
active language if enabled to do so otherwise it will be used by the active screen if enabled to do so.
If no other style resource screen is activated, the last style loaded will remain active.
The style source is acquired by screens and the objects they contain not only in the screen loading
phase but also after they have been loaded. Therefore, when opening a screen its objects may have
one a certain graphical aspect which may change to another type if a user, who has been associated
with a different style source container screen, logs in.
Once the project is in runtime mode the styles of the objects in the style
source container window can be modified using the "DrawCmdTarget"
basic script functions. By doing this, all the modifications will be inherited
by the objects which used the style source container window in the project.


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Associating the screen itself as its "Style Source Container" in the project
design phase will generate the following error in the log file:
"Cannot find the Style Symbols resource container 'Screen1"
Only the colors from the back ("Back" property) and edge-text (Edge-Text
property) are inherited. The colors inherent to other properties, such as
the Alarm Window Log colors or the Gauge Warning Zone, etc are not
inherited by the styles management.


11. ActiveX, OCX, OLE

Movicon fully supports the Active X, OCX and OLE2
standards to allow you to integrate external
applications into your project, whether as objects or as
Basic Script support for event, method and property
management of custom software components.
Custom software components can be inserted within Movicon projects and used according to the
principles and methods of the Microsoft OLE2, ActiveX and OCX standards.

11.1. ActiveX Objects

Movicon completely supports the new Microsoft ActiveX standard which allows response to events
generated from objects which can be inserted in Movicon screens that have been created externally
and not from within the system. This standard, known as ActiveX or OCX, allows you to enhance the
operating possibilities of an Movicon application enormously, by letting the integration of any object
created by third parties with any compiler or environment which supports this technology.
The ActiveX technology can be considered as an evolution of the OLE technology in the sense that
an OLE object can be hosted, used and commanded by a container application which imparts orders
and requests. An ActiveX object, however, in addition to this can take actions and generate events
which the container application can respond to.
In general, the ActiveX objects are applications with .OCX extensions created by third parties based
on Microsoft COM technology (Component Object Model).
Be able to dispose objects independently from applications, has its
enormous advantages in terms of the re-usability of work carried out. In
addition to this, there are companies who specialize in supplying specific
objects as solutions to specific problems. This also adds a new element in
the way of producing software. In the future it will be possible to get readymade objects for inserting into personal applications, or sell parts of
applications as ActiveX objects, independently from the language being used
or from the type of application which the object is to be used by.


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This illustration shows a screen containing the "Calendar

Control 8.0 from Microsoft Access" ActiveX object. This
object provides its properties and methods to the
application containing it (Movicon) through the window

11.2. Inserting an ActiveX

An ActiveX object can be inserted into to a Movicon screen by using the ActiveX command from the
"Special Objects" in the "Objects Window". The command will activate a standard window for
selecting the object type to be inserted.
The list of ActiveX object types varies according to the applications installed
on the PC which support this standard or by the objects installed and
recordered in the Windows register.

Movicon will propose an object, such as a Control, to be inserted for default during the insertion
During the insertion phase the ActiveX object can be inserted as a new object created by the
application of origin or can be built from the contents of the specified file by selecting the file's
Create option.


A C T I V E X ,

O C X ,


The Add Control button allows new ActiveX controls to be inserted and registered in the operating
system. In this case, the files of origin need to be selected by means of the standard file selection
When an ActiveX object is inserted into a screen, if is in fact inserted in the ActiveX object container.
This container object is to be considered a s a simple rectangle object. All the animation properties,
available in the Movicon "Property Windows" when the ActiveX object is selected, all refer to this

11.3. ActiveX Editing

An ActiveX object inserted into a Movicon screen can be sized as pleased by dragging its borders
with the mouse or dragged to any position in the screen area by the mouse.
Any changes made to ActiveX/OCX objects are based on how they have been predisposed by those
who created them. Each object therefore can provide property setting windows to setup their
features. Their features are generally style, graphics which can vary a lot from one object to the
next, according to the purpose for which it was designed for.
To access the object's settings, you need to use the ActiveX button in the Movicon "Properties
TAKE NOTE: It is not always possible to display the object' properties
window when inserting an ActiveX. This is often due to incompatibility
reasons as ActiveX are sometimes created in Visual Basic, whereas Movicon
is created in C++. Movicon will make request to display the ActiveX
properties, but if the ActiveX does not interpret this request correctly the
window will not display. As a remedy, the ActiveX properties can always be
accessed through its Basic Script functions. By means of using the "Script
Explorer" window you can access the ActiveX's edit code window, where its
events, functions and properties are found.

11.4. Editing ActiveX using VBA

ActiveX controls can also be edited on event in function with the properties provided by the control
itself. The same object's method and property browser can be activated from the object's "Script
Explorer". Based on how the object has been created, the code can set the properties according to
the normal VBA comp. programming procedures described in the section dedicated to the Movicon
VBA programming. As previously mentioned, it is not often possible to change ActiveX object
properties through the Properties Window, therefore the object must be configured by using Basic
Script codes.
Note! The ActiveX is entered as 'ActiveXInterface'. Therefore the
methods and properties are called by using this interface
(ActiveXInterface.<propriety or method>). The ActiveX events are
also available from within the 'ActiveXInterface' interface.
For instance, let's presume that we have to access the "Day" property of an ActiveX "Calendar" from
the object's script code we would then have to write:
Option Explicit
Public Sub ActiveXInterface_Click()
Debug.Print ActiveXInterface.Day
End Sub

ActiveX object event management

The purpose of an ActiveX object inserted in a Movicon screen is to create events in function with
the methods predisposed in the object itself. The Movicon programmer can insert Basic Script codes
(VBA comp.) to execute the application's management and control logic to verify the event


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desired, provided by the ActiveX control. Code editing is done through the "Script Explorer" window
after the object has been selected:

By means of the "Script Explorer" window you can select the event (or procedure) from those
provided by the object. In order to do this you must first select the "ActiveXInterface" item from
the list box called "Object": and then select the desired event from the list box call "Proc.". The
code can be then entered and will be executed in runtime when the ActiveX generated the event.
The events provided are determined by how the object has been
predisposed by those who created it. For further information on the
operative modalities of the Basic Script codes, please consult the
appropriate section dedicated to programming Movicon Basic Scripts.

In response to the events you can also change the object according to the properties and methods
provided by the object's creator.
ActiveX object properties and methods, if available, can be viewed by using the function browser.
The browser is activated by using the Browse command found in the "Script Explorer's" tool bar.

How to reference an Active from a screen's symbol

It is often found necessary to give commands to the ActiveX object from objects contained on
screen, such as buttons. In order to do this you need to create an object from the button's code to
refer to the ActiveX. It will then be possible to use the methods and properties of that ActiveX


A C T I V E X ,

O C X ,


through this object. In order to do this you will need to use some of the specific Basic Script
functions. The example below shows you the necessary steps to take:
Example: Let's suppose that a Calendar ActiveX type has been inserted on screen in which a button
is to be used for displaying the days selected in the Calendar. The basic code for this button would
Option Explicit
Public Sub Click()
Dim objContainer As Object
Dim objCalendar As Object

End Sub

Set objContainer = GetSynopticObject.GetSubObject("Calendar1")

Set objCalendar = objContainer.GetActiveXObject
' properties depend on the object type
MsgBox "Selected Day = " & CStr(objCalendar.Day), vbInformation, GetProjectTitle
Set objContainer =Nothing
Set objCalendar =Nothing

The "objCalendar" object is the Calendar object, therefore provides all the methods and properties
belonging to the ActiveX.

11.5. Active X properties

The ActiveX object can receive some properties, including those of animation, independently from
the object type and which can be set through the Movicon "Properties Window". A major part of
these properties refer to the Active X object container, and are all generic properties available to
each Movicon control.

11.5.1. ActiveX General Properties

The ActiveX General Properties allow you to open the ActiveX Properties Window. All the other
properties of this group are used for configuring the ActiveX container object and are the same
properties available to any other Movicon object.
To edit the ActiveX General settings, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
ActiveX Properties
This command is used for opening the ActiveX properties window.
TAKE NOTE: It is not always possible to display the object' properties
window when inserting an ActiveX. This is often due to incompatibility
reasons as ActiveX are sometimes created in Visual Basic, whereas Movicon
is created in C++. Movicon will make request to display the ActiveX
properties, but if the ActiveX does not interpret this request correctly the
window will not display. As a remedy, the ActiveX properties can always be
accessed through its Basic Script functions. By means of using the "Script
Explorer" window you can access the ActiveX's edit code window, where its
events, functions and properties are found.


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11.5.2. Active X Execution Properties

The ActiveX execution properties allow you to manage its the license. The Active X objects have
always had a license which may come free of charge or must be purchased according to each certain
case. The licenses of some ActiveX objects, or ActiveX objects themselves, are installed with a
developer software packet, such as MS Office, Visual Basic, etc.
To change the Execution settings of an ActiveX object, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon "Properties Window".
After the Active X license code has been inserted with the "Get License" command, it is displayed
in this box.
Get License
This command allows you to get the license code of the selected ActiveX. When the command does
not return any code, this means that the ActiveX license has not been installed and therefore the
ActiveX will not be able to work. In certain cases the ActiveX Runtime license may be inserted only.
This happens for some Microsoft ActiveX which are installed with the Runtime only license with the
operating system. The development license, however, is installed with supplementary software such
as MS Office, Visual Basic, etc.. In this circumstances the project can be executed in Runtime, but no
editing can be done to the ActiveX object.

11.6. OLE Objects

Movicon completely supports the Microsoft standard for inserting objects into the project which come
from other dynamically linked applications.
This standard, largely diffused in applications for Windows, is called O.L.E. (Object Linking and
Embedded vers.2.x).
The OLE is a unification of services in the form of objects which allow customized software
architectures to be created by deeply integrating software components of different applications. In
short, the OLE offers a coherent standard that allows objects and applications to communicate with
one another by using each others code.
Movicon is a OLE2 container application and a OLE2 Automation Server
The OLE objects can be inserted into any Movicon screen.
A typical example of OLE object usage would be to build on a EXCEL
spreadsheet inserted into a Movicon screen. This inserted object would be
linked to the Microsoft EXCEL application to work as it normally would
even though inserted in a Movicon project.
The type of OLE objects, which can be inserted into Movicon projects, depend on whether the
applications installed on the hardware platform are capable of supporting this standard.

11.6.1. Inserting OLE objects

OLE objects can be inserted into Movicon screens by using the OLE command found in the "Special
Objects" group from the "Objects Window". The command activates a standard window for
selecting the application type from which the object, to be inserted, is taken from.
The list of OLE objects varies according to the applications installed on the
PC which support the OLE standard.
The OLE objects can be inserted into any Movicon screen.


A C T I V E X ,

O C X ,


The OLE object which can be inserted in to Movicon projects depend on the applications installed on
the hardware platform capable of supporting this standard. During the insertion phase the OLE
object can be a new object created from the application of origin or it can be built by the contents of
the specified file by selecting this file's create option.

11.6.2. Editing OLE objects

Once inserted into a Movicon Screen, the OLE object can be sized as pleased by dragging its borders
with the mouse or dragged to any position of the screen area.
The OLE objects are edited by means of using the verbs, these are purpose-built commands from
the application of the inserted OLE object (these verbs are usually Edit, Open and Convert, but
may vary from one application to the next).
The verbs for executing commands or manoeuvres on the object are always available in the
programming mode by using the command referring to the Object from the Edit menu or by using
the right mouse key with the OLE object selected.
The OLE object's edit command can also be executed straight away by double-clicking the left mouse
key on the object.
During runtime mode, the use of the verbs (Open, Edit,...) for executing
commands or manoeuvres on the object is established by the programmer,
in function with how the properties of the OLE object were configured in
merit of using verbs.
The commands related to editing the object bring about a change in the functioning of the Movicon
menu. The menu actually adapts its items by inserting the command itsm of the application deriving
from the inserted OLE object.
This all makes it possible to work with the object as if in the object's own application, but within the
Movicon environment.
Since there are so many applications which support the OLE and OLE2
standards, it is impossible to describe all the relative commands and
options. Therefore you should refer to the manuals of the respective
applications for get details on how these operative commands and options
are used in the objects.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


12. Menu Resources

The Movicon graphic interface permits pop-up Menus to
be created and activated with the mouse, or menu bars
to be customized and associated to the video screen
The Movicon Menus are very useful in projects for creating a complete man-machine interface.
Pop-up Menus can be created with Movicon which can organized be in
sub-menus in a tree structure, or created as customized menu bars in
screen pages.
By means of the Movicon Menus you can set commands within the project or the plant, and verify if
their execution took place with a check sign () displayed at the side.

The above figure illustrates an example of a pop-up sub

menu structure. The figure below shows the relating tree
structure in the project.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The Menu resource offers numerous operating options in any application.

For example, you can activate as many menus as there are as many actuators in a Screen page,
which can be activated by means of 'Hot Regions' for setting manual ON-OFF commands on the
same actuators. You can also display a guide string to each menu item on the Movicon Status Bar.

12.1. Inserting Menus

When inserting a Menu in the project the procedures for inserting new objects in the "Menu" group
in the 'Project Explorer' window have to be carried out. This can be done by either right mouse
clicking on the "Menu" group in the 'Project Explorer' window and then selecting the 'New Menu'
command, or by using the purpose built icon in the Movicon toolbar. When using the icon keep the
right mouse button pressed on it for about a second to open a pop-up window where you can select
the resource to be inserted being the Menu resource in this case.
When confirming the operation the new menu will appear in the group or the point selected in the
project's tree structure. From this point the procedures for setting the menu's properties can be
carried out as described in the document about the "Menu Properties".
The Menu resource can subsequently be assigned a Name by either clicking the resource and
entering the name replacing the one for default, or select the resource and press the F2 key and
proceed with inserting a new name.

Importing Menus from other Projects

Movicon allows one or more Menus to be copies form one project to another. In order to do this you
must first open both projects, the select the menu from the source project's Project Explorer
window, execute the Copy command, then position the mouse pointer in the destination project's
"Menu" group of the Project Explorer window and execute the Paste command. The copied Menus
will then also be available in the destination project.
The Drag & Drop techniques can also be used with the following procedure: select the Menu from
the source project and by keeping the left mouse key pressed drag it to the point desired in the
destination project, then release the mouse key.

12.2. Menu Items

Each project menu is composed of one or more Items, which are components belonging to the
menu. The Items are displayed in a tree structure within the 'Project Explorer' window.
From this window the items, which are to compose the menu, can be inserted, configured and be
structured as sub-menus. To add new item use the right mouse button or the "Command" window
from the 'Project Explorer'.




There are three types of items used for composing menus:

Normal: menu items though which operating commands are set

Separator: menu items which represent separator lines between each menu item. These
items are only graphical and do not have any execution properties
Pop-up: menu items which branch off items in submenus. These items are only used for
structural purposes and do not have execution properties.

The right mouse button is used for inserting item into menus after having selected the Menu or the
position required, or by using the "Command" window from the 'Project Explorer'.
To edit or modify the items use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
To delete one or more items from the menu, select and activate the Delete command by using the
DEL key or the 'Edit' system menu.
Any editing can be cancelled or restored with the Undo and Redo commands.
The techniques used for working on a menu structure are equivalent to the ones used for project
tree structures.

Change Item Order

Items are inserted by Movicon at the end of those already on the menu. You can however change
the order of these items by using the "Change Menu Item Order..." command which opens the
following dialog window:

To change the Item order just select, drag and drop them with the mouse in the position desired.

12.2.1. Test Menus

Tests can be carried out on menus during the editing phase to check the menu's graphical outcome
straight away.
The 'Test Menu' command can be accessed by using the right mouse key or the "Command"
window from the 'Project Explorer' to immediately display the Items as they will appear in the
Menu during Movicon Runtime.
If a menu has been assigned with the same name as a Screen, it will be
displayed as a 'Menu Bar' in the window in question during runtime


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

12.3. Customizing Menu Bars

Movicon allows you to created custom "Menu Bars" to associate to video screen pages.
To associate the Movicon bar menu to a certain Screen simply assign the menu required (created
with the normal creating menu procedures) with the same name of the Screen through which the
Menu bar is to be displayed.
The menu associated to the "Startup Screen" will be displayed as a
default menu for all the other Screens unless menu resources with
the same Screen names already exist.
In cases where the project has not been defined a "Startup Screen"
but has a "Main" menu , this menu will be automatically loaded at
the project startup instead.
If a specific menu is created for a screen inserted in a folder, it is necessary
to create a folder with the same screen name within the "Men" resource

12.4. Menu Example

Let's suppose you want to configure your project so that when clicking with the mouse on an area in
the Screen representing a pump called 'P1', a menu is displayed indicating the 'Manual' and
'Automatic' items.
The 'Manual' item must contain the 'ON' and 'OFF' items.
First of all the menu has to be edited (which will be called 'P1 Pump menu').
Then we will proceed to call up the menu by using the Hot Region control purposely located in the
Proceed with editing the Movicon Menu as follows:


Create a new Menu Resource from the 'Project Explorer' window

Then execute the command for inserting a new Item into the menu
The menu's new item has to be configured to contain the 'Manual' text title and set as 'Popup' type
When you have configured the Pop-up 'Manual' item, you can then insert a new item which
will branch off from the previous one. Configure the new item as 'normal' type and assign the
'ON' title (with execution command "Set" at '1' value for the start pump variable)
Insert a new 'normal' item which will belong to the same branch. Configure the new item
and assign the 'OFF' (with execution command "Set" at '0' value for the start pump variable)
At this point select the icon representing the root of the menu with the mouse (usually called
'Menu1' by the system) then insert a new 'normal' item which will be added underneath the
'Manual' item in the menu. Assign the 'Automatic' title to the new Item and specify the
command type to be executed (eg. set the automatic cycle to value '1')
To verify the menu just edited, use the 'Test Menu' command. The menu will display exactly
as it will when activated in Runtime mode
The new menu will be added to the resource's tree structure still with the provisional name
assigned by the system (usually 'menu1')
Select the news menu and assign it with the name 'Pump P1 Menu' by means of the
'Properties Window'

You have now completed the menu and can now activate the Screen resource representing the
pump P1 drawing.
Insert the Hot Region object, after which you can position and size it as required then configure it by
assigning it with the Menu activation command in the execution properties.
When specifying this command you can select the menu you have just edited and named 'Pump P1
Menu' from the 'Menu' list.
Run the project and click on the pump P1 drawing to display the 'Pump P1 Menu'.




12.5. Menu Properties

The menus inserted in the 'Project Explorer' window's "Menu" folder can be completely customized
in the properties. In order to do this just select the Menu or Item required and then edit their
settings by using the Movicon 'Properties Window'.

12.5.1. Menu General Properties

The General properties are used for setting the positions where the Pop-up menu is to appear. In
order to do this just simply select the Menu required and then edit its settings through the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
This edit box permits you to define the Menu object's name which is to be configured.
X Pos
This edit box is used for entering the X coordinates in pixels of the position where the Menu window
is to appear within the workspace. The coordinates refer to the position of the Menu's top left corner
in respect to the screen's top left corner (being X0)
To make the menu appear where the mouse pointer is positioned, set (or leave set) the default value
at "-1".
The menu's coordinates in the workspace can be checked out by carrying out a 'Test Menu' with the
appropriate command.
Y Pos
This edit box is used for entering the Y coordinates in pixels of the position where the Menu window
is to appear in the workspace. The coordinates refer to the Menu's top left corner in respect to the
screen's top left corner (being Y0).
To make the menu appear where the mouse pointer is positioned, set (or leave set) the default value
at "-1".
The menu's coordinates in the workspace can be checked out by carrying out a 'Menu Test' with the
appropriate command.

12.5.2. Item Menu General Properties

The Menu Item's main features are setup through its General properties. In order to do this simply
select the Item required and edit the settings through the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
This option box is used for defining the Item type to be included in the menu. The Item's
characteristics have to be set according to the type of Item selected as described below:

Normal: activating this selection will display the item as a normal menu item. The item has
to be associated with a text description which will appear as the menu item, to which a
command execution will be associated from the "Menu Item Execution Properties"
Pop-up: activating this option, means that the menu item is to display a further list of items.
The 'pop-up item will be marked by a " " symbol and if activated will display the items
appropriately inserted in the menu's tree structure.
Separator: activating this option means that line separator will be displayed between each
menu item. A separator is usually used when a division between two items needs to be
highlighted. A separator item can not be executed and therefore does not have any execution

The number of items (pop-up, normal or separator) that can be inserted into each menu is virtually


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The text used as the item's title is entered in this edit box. The text will be displayed in the menu as
an item which can be associated with an execution command or a pop-up submenu.
The caption is not available when the separator item is being used.
The text string, which is displayed in the status bar when the menu item is selected is entered in this
edit box.
The status bar, (found at the bottom of the workspace) can serve as an
information guide for the Movicon menu items.
This property is used for selecting the image to be displayed in menu in the place of the title.
User Level
The Password User Level is entered in this property which is needed for executing, for instance, the
command lists associated to the Menu Item. When the Menu in question is to be used by a user,
Movicon will request activation of a user who has a Password User Level equal to or higher to that
set in the Item itself. If the user, logging on, has the necessary access rights they will be given
correct authentication, otherwise they will be denied Logon and it will not be possible to execute the
operations requested.
For further information see paragraph "User Level and Access Level".

12.5.3. Menu Item Execution Properties

By using the Item Execution properties you can associate the required command to be evoked when
it is selected and activated from the menu. In order to do this just select the item required and then
edit its settings through the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
This edit box is used for inserting the name of the variable (or select it with the '...' browse button on
the right) which will activate the item from the menu. When the variable obtains the 'zero' value, the
menu item will appear active and then available for command execution. When nothing has been
specified in this box by being left empty, Movicon will consider this item as being enabled.
The name of the variable which determines the displaying of the tick or check sign () at the side of
the menu item (or select it with the '' browse button on the right). If nothing is specified in this
option, the check sign will not display.
The check can be used for indicating the status of the command associated
to the item.
This button opens the Movicon 'Command List' window where a list of one or more commands,
which are to be executed when the Menu Item is activated, if defined.
For further information on the available commands please consult the "Command List" paragraph.


13. Shortcut Resources

The Movicon graphical interface permits complete and
easy keyboard usage, by associating commands to keys
or combination keys in function with the active Screen.
This section describes how to use and set the Movicon Shortcut Resources in projects. The Movicon
Shortcuts (or keyboard commands) can be extremely useful in projects for using the PC keyboard to
execute commands on the plant or operational commands in the project itself.
Each Movicon Shortcut resource can be considered as a set composed of one or more keyboard
Each command set is obligatorily associated to an Screen by Movicon, therefore allowing command
sets (Shortcuts) to be assigned in function with the active screen page.
The name assigned to each Shortcut Resource is very important as the
Shortcuts are associated to their Screens according to their name. The
Shortcut must have the same name as the Screen's in which they are to be
The Shortcut associated to the "Startup Screen" will automatically be
activated by the system upon starting up the project. In addition to this the
Shortcut associated to the "Startup" will also be activated each time a
Screen, which has not been associated any Shortcuts, is loaded.
If a Shortcut is specifically created for a Screen inserted in a folder, a folder
will need to be created with the same name used by that screen within the
"Shortcuts" resource group.
By means of the Movicon Shortcuts keys or combination keys can be used for executing commands
on the plant, for setting variables or executing any command type included in the "Command List"
offered by Movicon.
Using keyboard commands are essentially necessary in plants where the mouse or other such
devices cannot be used.

The Movicon Shortcut keyboard commands, when active, always have top
priority over the same keys or combination keys used by Windows for
operating system commands as the Shortcut provides command activation
upon being pressed and not released.
Example: If the Windows system provides the F1 key for activating the
guide and the Movicon Shortcut is active which has the same command for
executing upon pressing the F1 key, the command associated in the
Shortcut will be given priority.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

13.1. Shortcut Activation

Movicon is predisposed in order that an Shortcut associated to the "Startup Screen" is activated at
its start up together with the "Startup Screen". If there is no Shortcut associated to the "Startup
Screen", no Shortcut will be activated for the present time.
When a Screen is activated in the project in Runtime Mode, Movicon will also check whether there is
an Shortcut resource with the same name as the active Screen. If one is found it will also be
activated otherwise the main Shortcut will be activated for default being the one associated to the
"Startup Screen".
When the Shortcut associated to the "Startup Screen" is not present no other will be activated until a
Screen, with one associated to it, is opened.
The Screen Windows and the Shortcuts are therefore closely related.

The association of Shortcuts to Screens permit the same keys to be associated to different functions
relating to the screen page displayed.
This illustration shows an example of how Screens and Shortcuts are related:

Relation between Screens and Shortcuts. A set of keyboard

commands is always disposed in relation to a screen page
or Screens.

13.2. Inserting Shortcuts

In order to insert Shortcuts in to the project you need to carry out the procedures for inserting a new
object into the "Shortcut" group in the 'Project Explorer' window. Inserting a new Shortcut can be
done by right clicking the mouse on the on the "Shortcut" group in the 'Project Explorer' window and
selecting the 'New Shortcut' command, or by using the appropriate icon from the Movicon tool bar.
In this case by keeping the left mouse button pressed for about a second a drop-down window will
display where the resource to be inserted can be selected.
The new Shortcut will appear in the group on the point selected in the project structure when the
operation is confirmed. At this stage you can proceed with setting the Shortcut's properties as
described in the documents about "Inserting Shortcuts.
A name can then be assigned to the Shortcut resource replacing the one proposed for default or
after having selected the resource press the F2 key and proceed with entering a new name.




Importing Shortcuts from other Projects

Movicon allows the copying of one or more Shortcuts from one project to another. To carry out this
procedure both projects need to be opened first, then after having selected the Shortcuts from the
Project Explorer window of the source project execute the Copy command. Next position cursor in
the "Shortcut" group of the project Explorer window of the destination project and execute the Paste
command. The copied Shortcuts should then be available also in the destination project.
The Drag & Drop technique can also be used with the following procedure: select the Shortcut from
the source project and keep the left mouse key pressed drag it to the point desired in the destination
project then release.

13.3. Shortcut Keyboard Commands

Each project Shortcut consists of one or more keyboard commands activated by the relevant
associated keys.
In addition to an activation key the virtually unlimited commands that can be inserted in each single
Shortcut resource can be associated to keys called 'Modifiers', being those key Combinations
multiplying the operating possibilities on the keyboard. The Modifiers keys are ALT, CTRL and SHIFT.
The Shortcut commands can be viewed through the "Command List" window, which can be
accessed from the 'Shortcut Execution Properties' window. This window is used to enter and
configure the Shortcut commands.
New keyboard commands can be entered by using the 'New Shortcut Command' when selecting an
Shortcut by means of the 'Project Explorer' window, which is made available by using the right
mouse key or the 'Commands Window'.
Select and activate the CANC button to delete one or more commands from the Shortcut.
The Shortcut command properties can be set by using the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Identical key combinations associated with different commands will execute
the first command taken into consideration.
Any active Movicon Shortcut keyboard commands will always have priority
over the same keys or combination keys used by Windows for system
operating commands, as the Shortcut provides command activation upon
pressing the key and not upon releasing it.

13.4. Speech Recognition

Movicon provides a very handy feature which is a function that recognises spoken texts associated to
the Shortcuts resource for activating commands vocally.
Only the "Microsoft English Recognizer v5.1" speech recognition
engine is available at the moment. The Speech Recognition function
can not be used for the Italian language.
In order to use the speech recognition function for activating commands you need to first check
whether your PC has been fitted with a microphone for giving vocal commands. Your PC will also
need an audio card to allow the system to enounce request and confirm messages.
Having done this, you will need to verify that you have Windows SAP 5.1 and that it is configured
correctly. This can be done by going to 'Speech' found on the control panel. We strongly advice you
follow the guidelines on microphone configurations procedures and speech profile regulations.
At this point, enter the Movicon development environment and add a new shortcut resource using
the Project Explorer window. Then go to its "Shortcut General Properties" and "Shortcut Command
Execution Properties" to define the parameters for defining speech command recognitions. Once the
configurations have been completed and the Shortcuts activated for managing the spoken command
recognitions you should be able to activate commands by pressing relative assigned buttons or by
simply enouncing the texts assigned to the vocal commands.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The speech recognition can also be managed in multilingual. All the texts that can be associated to a
Shortcut's speech recognition properties can be inserted using Sting IDs from the String Table.
However, as mentioned above, the speech recognition engine is only available in English
and therefore texts associated in these properties must always be in English no matter
what language has been activated in the project.
System Variables
During the runtime phase you can use some System Variables for verifying which Shortcut is active
and the working status of the speech recognition. These variables, whose meanings are described in
the relating "System Variables" section, are as follows:

Below you will see how to use the Shortcut properties to configure a command for exiting from the
application. Those properties not mentioned can be left set with their default values.
Shortcut General Properties:

Don't understand Text: "Don't understand Text"

Shortcut Command Execution Properties:

Enable Speech Recognition: Enabled

Text Command: "Exit"
Require Confirm: Enabled
Prompt Confirm: "Confirm"
Confirm Text: "Yes"

At this point conversation between User and System during project Runtime will be as follows:

User: "Exit"
System: "Confirm Exit?"
User: "Yes"
At this point the application's exit command will be activated.

Speech Recognition for Numeric and Alphanumeric pads

When a Shortcut is associated to a command requiring "Numeric Pad" or "Alphanumeric Pad" to set a
variable value and the "Enable Speech Recognition" property is active, the pronunciation of the "Text
Command" for Shortcut vocal activation will not open the "Pad" window, but will set the system in
listening mode to acquire the value to be set for the variable. At this point just pronounce the value
to be set for the variable. Please consider the following notes:

When a vocal command aims to set a variable value, as if a "Numeric Pad" is used, you
should always start the value pronunciation adding "zero", in order to allow the SR (Speech
Recognition) engine to convert the vocal text in a number and not in a string.





When the command is "Numeric Pad"-like, the pronounced value will not be accepted if out of
the ranges defined for the command, or if does not correspond to a number. When the
command is "Alphanumeric Pad"-like, the pronounced text will not be accepted if containing a
number of chars higher than the one specified in the command. In both cases you can define
an "Invalid Value Text" message.
When a vocal command aims to set a variable value through the"Numeric Pad or
"Alphanumeric Pad", if the "Require Confirm" option has been enabled, the vocal confirmation



should be given twice: the first time to confirm the command execution, the second time to
confirm the pronounced set value.
Please find below an example of how to configure a Shortcut properties to obtain a command for a
numeric variable value set using a "Numeric Pad". The properties not specified here can be left with
the default values:
General-Speech recognition Shortcut properties:

Don't understand Text: "Don't understand"

Execution-Speech Recognition properties of a Shortcut command:

Enable Speech Recognition:Enabled

Text Command: "Numeric"
Require Confirm: Disabled
Value Prompt Text: "Insert Value"
Invalid Value text: "Value not valid"

At Runtime, a possible conversation between the operator and the system could be as follows:
- Operator: "Numeric"
- System: "Insert Value"
- Operator: "zero one point five"
At this point the value "1.5" will be set for the variable

13.5. Shortcut Example

How to configure your project so that the plant operator can view the following screen pages in
Movicon Screens:

Plant Lay-out represented in the "Main" Screen

Storage Silos represented in a Screen called 'Silos'
Working Area represented in a Screen called 'Working Area'

Preset the keyboard commands or Shortcuts so that:

the last two above mentioned Screens are called up by using the F1 and F2 keys from the
'Main' Screen
the Lay-out page can be returned to by using the ESC key
in addition to returning back to the 'Working Area' Screen with the ESC key an modal Screen
window is activated for setting parameters by pressing the F1 key
Proceed with Editing the Movicon Shortcuts as follows:


Create a new Shortcut resource from the 'Project Explorer' window and call it 'Main'. This
Shortcut resource will always be activated whenever the 'Main' Screen is loaded (by setting
up the 'Main' Screen as the project's startup Screen, the 'Main' Shortcut will consequently
become the project's default Shortcut). Edit the new Shortcut by adding the commands for
calling up the 'Silos' Screen by pressing the F1 key and calling up the 'Working Area' Screen
by pressing the F2 key.
Create a new Shortcut resource from the 'Project Explorer' Window and call it 'Silos'. This
Shortcut resource will always activate whenever the 'Silos' Screen is loaded. Edit the new
Shortcut by adding the command for calling up the 'Main' Screen by pressing the ESC key.
Create a new Shortcut resource from the 'Project Explorer' window and call it 'Working Area'.
This Shortcut resource will always be activated whenever the 'Working Area' Screen is loaded.
Edit the new Shortcut by adding the command for calling up the 'Main' Screen by pressing the
ESC key and the command for calling up the modal Screen for setting the plant parameters
(the modal Screen must be created beforehand) by pressing the F1 key.

The example project described above can also be set up in another way:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Associate the Shortcut commands so that each key carries out its own function independently of the
active Screen.
The following needs to be achieved, as in the example above:

The F1 key must always call up the 'Silos' Screen

The F2 key must always call up the 'Working Area' Screen
The ESC key must always call up the 'Main' Screen
The F3 key must always call up the modal Screen for setting the plant parameters from any

Proceed as follows:


Create a new Shortcut resource from the 'Project Explorer' window and call it 'Main'. This
Shortcut resource will always be activated whenever the 'Main' Screen is loaded (by setting
the 'Main' Screen as the project's startup Screen, the 'Main' Shortcut will consequently
become the project's default Shortcut). The project will not contain other Shortcuts, therefore
the 'Main' Shortcut will remain active independently of the Screen currently active.
Edit the new Shortcut by adding the commands for:
calling up the 'Silos' Screen by pressing the F1 key
calling up the ''Working Area' Screen by pressing the F2 key
calling up the 'Main' Screen by pressing the ESC key
calling up the modal Screen for setting the plant parameters (created beforehand)
by pressing the F3 key

13.6. Shortcut Properties

Shortcuts inserted into the 'Project Explorer' window's "Shortcuts" folder can be completely
customized in the properties. In order to do this just select the Shortcut or Command required and
then edit their settings through the Movicon 'Properties Window'.

13.6.1. Shortcut General Properties

The Shortcut General Properties are used for setting the Shortcut to be active also during the
opening of a modal Screen.
In order to do this just select the Shortcut and then edit its settings through the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
This edit box permits you to define the Shortcut object's name which is to be configured.
Active On Modal
By enabling this property the Shortcut will be made active also during the opening of a modal
Screen. In this case if an Shortcut has been associated to the modal Screen this will be active but if
one has not the one associated to the Screen in background will become active. If this does not also
have one the startup Shortcut will be made active.
Wait Speeching Time
Interval time in milliseconds in which the system waits for a vocal input.
Go to Sleep Command Text
The word or phrase which the user must pronounce for temporarily deactivating the speech
recognition function. The system will reactivate only when the word or phrase entered in the 'Wake
Up Command Text' property is pronounced.
Go to Sleep Ack. Text
Word or phrase the system will pronounce, using the PC speakers or a predefined audio output, for
confirming temporary deactivation of the speech recognition function.




Wake up Command Text

The word or phrase which the user must pronounce for reactivating the speech recognition function.
Wake up Ack. Text
The word or phase which the system must pronounce to confirm that the speech recognition
function has been reactivated.
Don't understand Text
The word and phase which the system pronounces for indicating that it hasn't understood the
spoken word/phrase. The word or phase is followed by the word or phase which the system is
thought to have heard.

13.6.2. Shortcut Command General Properties

The Shortcut Command General Properties are used to define whether the Shortcut must also be
active during the opening of a modal Screen.
In order to do this just select the Shortcut and then edit its settings through the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
Shortcut Key
This edit box is used for entering the key (or combination keys) to which the command is to be
associated to. Movicon offers the possibility to enter the key to be associated by pressing the key
directly from the keyboard. In order to do this press the "..." button on the right of the edit box
which will display the following window:

Then just press any one of the keyboard keys or a combination of keys which also incudes the
'modifier', as this is recorded in the 'Shortcut Key' box.
The operation can be cancelled with the Cancel button.
User Level
This property is used for setting the Password User Level necessary for executing, for example, the
command list associated to the Shortcut command. When the Shortcut in question is to be used by a
user, Movicon will request activation of a user with a Password User Level equal or higher than that
set in the command itself. When the user executes Logon with correct authentication they will have
all the access rights necessary, otherwise if Logon fails and access is denied they will not be able to
execute the operations they require.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "User Levels and Access Levels".

13.6.3. Shortcut Command Execution Properties

The Shortcut Execution properties are used to determine whether the Shortcut should also be active
or not during the opening of a modal Screen.
In order to do this just select the Shortcut and then edit the settings through Movicon "Properties
On Release
This property is used to establish whether the command should be activated upon pressing or
releasing the key. When the required key in programming stage has already been associated with
the Windows standard functions (eg. F1 for the Guide), always leave this property unchecked.
The name of the variable which determines the activation of the Shortcut command is entered in this
edit box (or selected with the browse '...' button on the right). When the selected variable obtains a


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

'zero' value, the Shortcut command will not be available. When the selected variable obtains another
value apart from 'zero', the Shortcut command will be available for execution. If nothing is specified
in this option by leaving it empty, Movicon will consider the Shortcut command as being enabled.
The Movicon 'Command List' window is opened by means of this button, through which a list of
one or more commands, to be executed when the Shortcut command is activated, is set. For further
information about the commands available please consult the paragraph on "Command List".
Enable Speech Recognition
Enabling this option will activate the shortcut command speech recognition function.
Text Command
The word of phrase that the user must say for activating the command (or commands) associated to
the Shortcut.
Require Confirm
Enabling this option will activate the confirm request, by the system, before the command (or
commands), associated to the Shortcut, is activated.
Prompt Confirm
The word of the phrase which the system must say, through the PC's speakers or a predefined audio
output, for requesting a confirm to activate the command (or commands) associated to the Shortcut.
This word or phrase is followed by the word or phrase entered in the "Text Command" field.
Confirm Text
The word or phrase the user must say for confirming the activation of the command (or commands)
associated to the Shortcut.
Value Prompt Text
The word or phrase which the system says when waiting for input value. This is used in case when
the command associated to the Shortcut is"Numeric Pad" or "Alphanumeric Pad" type. When the
speech recognition is active, the system will prompt a vocal input instead of displaying the numeric
or alphanumeric keypad for receiving inputs from the user.
Invalid Value Text
The word or phrase enounced by the system for indicating that the vocal input it received was
incorrect (ie. when waiting for a numeric input and the word pronounced is the wrong number).


14. String Table

The Strings Resource contains all the texts which have
to be handled in dynamic mode in the project.
The Movicon strings allow the project to make use of any kind of text in a simple manner. By
grouping together a number of texts under a single identifier the resource can handle Multilanguage functions.
The text strings are needed for handling alarms and messages, for displaying dynamic texts in the
screens, and for handling customized popup type windows. When there is the possibility of
representing a text dynamically, this text must almost always be contained in the Strings Resource.
All the texts typed directly into the drawings or the Movicon objects (i.e. not inserted in the Strings
resource) are represented statically in the resource that represents them.
The language change in Parent-Child projects is contextual to the
project and independent from Parent and Child project, thus the
String IDs are resolved by first searching in the Child projects local
String Table and then in the Parent Project. This is also applies to
linked Sting IDs using the speical @(String-ID) syntax .


The text title of an object or symbol can represent a text string which is considered static
when typed in directly using the properties window, or can be specified using the Identifier of
a text from the String Table. In this case the text will change in accord with the Column
(Language) selected.
An Alarm or Message, a dynamic text or a pop-up text can be referred to identifiers of strings
from the Strings Table.

The String Table can contain a virtually unlimited number of Strings

divided up according to columns, whose text can be entered directly in the
table fields, or copied or imported from other text applications. String will
be saved into a XML file, each one for any language inserted.
Management of text strings as a Movicon Resource makes for an extremely flexible project capable
of handling the widest range of applications. One of the main functions of the Strings resource is to
contain Alarm and Message texts. When you set an alarm, you will be asked to select a text string
from the associated strings resource. Text strings can also be used for displaying information inside
pop-up windows. If a pop-up window is associated, it will be formatted according to the length of the
text within the workspace.

14.1. String Table Filter

A new function has been added within the string editor to filter all the table's strings based on the
text contents in "StringID" column.
This functionality is available in both the string table working modes:
The Movicon MDI (being the string editor opened from the "View" menu)
Popup Menu (being the window that appears when modifying the properties linked to the strings of
the objects on screen. e.g. an object's 'Title' property).
The filter bar is composed of a text box within which you can inserted the desired text, an 'Apply
filter' button for applying a filter, and a 'Remove filter' button for removing all the filters set.


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Filter settings
To set a filter to be applied to the project string list, you need to first insert the text desired in the
text box identified with the 'Filter by StingID' label, after which you need to click on the ''Apply filter'
or press 'Enter' on the keyboard.
The inserted test will then be searched for in 'StringID' column, considering the following generic
conditions: if an 'abcd' format has been inserted, the filter will search for the StringID containing the
exact text inserted. If none of the StringIDs correspond to the filter's text, Movicon will return an
empty list.
For this reason there exists a possibility to carry out an advance test search by using the '*' jolly
character. This character may appear many times in the filter's text box, and in various positions.
Here are some examples:
'*abc', 'abc*', 'a*b', '*abc*
You will need to press the 'Apply Filter' key in the 'Popup Menu' mode to apply the
filter: the 'Enter' key closes the popup window assigning the string, selected at that
moment, to the object.
Removing filters
To remove a previously set filter just press the "Remove filter" key found in the filter bar.
As an alternative other possibilities exist to display all the project strings:
Enter the '*' jolly character only;
Remove the text (if any) from the filter's editor box and click 'Apply filter' or press the 'Enter' key on
the keyboard.
After having applied a filter to the string table and closing it, Movicon will
remember the last filter set when that table is reopened afterwards. In
order to view all the strings you must therefore remove the applied filter.

14.2. Inserting Strings

Inserting text strings in the Movicon String Table is done through an appropriated window which is
accessed with the 'Edit String Table' command from the Project Explorer's "Commands"
The window can then be closed by using the Windows standard techniques such as the ( ) box
from the control panel or the CTRL+F4 combo keys.
By using the appropriate commands it will be possible to insert, modify or delete strings as well as
columns from the table representing the different languages to be used. The first time that the
String Table is opened, Movicon will request that a column be inserted so that at least one language
can be used. Once the first column has been inserted, it will then be possible to add others by
pressing the right mouse button within the area of the table, and then selecting the "New
Language Column...". To change the column name afterwards (therefore the language) right click
on one of the rows of the column in question and select the "Cancel this column!" command.
New strings are inserted by right clicking withing the table area and then selecting the "New
String" command. At this point a new String ID will be added with a progressive name. The editing
or writing of string texts or string IDs is done by clicking the mouse directly in the box of the table
which you wish to edit. The "F2" key can be used for enabling the modifications of the field selected.
The TAB key is used for scrolling the different cloumns in edit mode and when reaching the last
column passes to the beginning of the next line. This process can be reversed by pressing the SHIFT
In addition to this, by clicking with the right mouse key on the string, a menu will appear with the
"Edit Multiline String..." item.
When selecting this item a window will open where you can type in the text using more than one
line. Movicon will then insert the right start and end line characters:
The edit window will open on more lines if you click on the string field while
keeping the "ALT2 key pressed down at the same time the pressed.
The "\n" character can be inserted at the point where you wish the string to start from the beginning
without having to open the "Edit Multiline String" window.




Text in 'Basic Shapes' will be displayed on more than one line only if the
"Fonts - Test Align" property has been set with the "Top", "Left" or "Right"
option. Otherwise the string will however be displayed on one line only.

The String Table fully supports the Windows copy & paste command
standards using the Windows clipboard. Therefore you can copy the strings
from one project to another or paste them in another editor such as Word
or Excel. You can also do the reverse in the same way by copying the
strings from an editor such as Excel into the Movicon String Table.
The Copy/Paste functions of strings from Movicon to other text editors is carried out with the
insertion of separation characters between the various columns (String ID, Language1, Language2,
etc.,). Movicon inserts the 'TAB' character for default but a different character can be specified (i.e.
the "," character) by setting the "StringSep" register key.
The String Tables are saved on files in XML format inside the Project folder. These files can then be
accessed through ordinary text editors for any eventual editing. Movicon will create a file for each
language inserted.

Special characters
The '&' character works in a certain way, and is not always acknowledged as a simple character by
Movicon. When it has to be used in a string, or inserted in the title of an object, or whenever you
wish to make it appear, it may not be enough to write is once only like all the other characters:
Movicon acknowledges and interprets it as a special Shortcut command, whereas Windows uses the
'&' symbol placed before a letter to use it as an Shortcut. Therefore in order to write a string with the
'&' character you will need to type it twice consecutively. For instance, in order to make the "Start &
Go" text appear you will need to type the "Start && Go" string:
String: Start && Go
Text displayed: Start & Go

14.2.1. Inserting Missing Strings

Movicon provides you with a command to find all the used and missing strings in the different project
resources, such as IDs in the String Table. This command, provided for all the project's resources,
when executed automatically opens the string editor and adds the missing strings. As normal, only
the String IDs will be added leaving the programmer to insert the texts for the different set
languages. This allows you to add string IDs to object or resource properties without having to
predefine them and then add them to the string table automatically using this command.
This command, "Check Missing Strings", is available as an item from the 'Edit' and 'View' menus
and can be found in icon form on the tool bar.
This command only has effect in those resources that are currently selected
in the Project Explorer window or screen (and the objects it contains)
currently opened in the workspace. This command supports multiselections, therefore more than one resource can be selected at the same
time (even consisting of a mixture of different resources such as alarms and
screens) before executing this command. If the project name is slsected in
the Project Explorer window before executing the command, the strings will
be searched for in all the project resources that support this command.

14.3. String Selection Window

Each time a text can be inserted into a project resource or object's property you can also select a
string from the String table. In order to do this, just click on the (...) browse button to the right of


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the property field to open a modal window showing the String Table. This window can be used for
selecting, modifying or cancelling or inserting a new string or for cancelling or adding a new column.

To modify a string you will need to enter into edit mode in the field of interest with the usual mouse
click, F2 key or TAB key. To add a new string or column right mouse click on the table to open a
You cannot use this window to access the columns' properties.
Column properties cannot be accessed from this string selection

14.4. Changing Languages

The String Table is the container of all the texts in the project which are used to fit any animation
requirements. Texts which are typed in directly as titles for the components or drawings, therefore
not contained in the String Table, will be presented as permanent fixtures.
The String Table is a container that can be subdivided into columns, if desired, where each one
represents a language. When columns are not inserted the resource will be formed by one identifier
only and the relative string.
As the columns grow in number, the identifier will refer to different strings according to the column
selected as active language.
The following table shows how the columns are divided, where an ID refers to columns with strings
in different languages. The enabled column (active selection in the combo.box) will be the one to
show the text in the desired language.

To insert a new column press the right mouse button in the area of the table, then select the 'New
Language Column...'. An input-box for inserting the column's name will appear. To change the
name of a column (and therefore the language) right click on it's name. To cancel a column right
click on one of the column's lines and select the 'Delete this Column!'.




The language to be activated is selected directly from those available in the purpose-built combobox:

Project Language Activation

The Movicon Status Bar, whether in design or Runtime mode, shows on the right hand side which
language is currently active.

By double-clicking the mouse on the active language field a dialog window will open showing the list
of the project's set languages. Here you can select another language and confirm it with OK to
activate it.

Selecting a column in Runtime mode, to activate the language desired, can also be done by using
the change language' command button from the Movicon "Commands List.
Caution! if you modify the name of the language column while in Design
mode, and this language is active, Movicon will not reload the new column
name but will keep the old one. Therefore as a consequence, String ID will
be displayed in texts due to the fact that set column no longer exists. In
this case you will need to perform a language change by selecting the new
name of the language to activate.


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14.5. String formatting through String

The String ID management also allows you to link together more than one string ID within a text
field. When text is inserted into a field subjected to multilingual, the string ID is searched for in the
String Table and replaced with the one relating to the language active. However, if you insert
@(ID) in the text field, a string with the same ID specified in the brackets will be search for. This
will enable you to link together more than one ID string in the same text field.
Example: the following ID strings have been defined in the String Table:
String ID

Alarm Active:
Tank Max Level!
Motor Overload!

Allarme Attivo:
Livello Max Serbatoio!

By inserting the following syntax in the "Title" property of a rectangle:

@(Alarm) @(MotorOverload)
the following text will be displayed:
Alarm Active: Motor Overload!
Naturally a "@(Alarm) @(MotorOverload)" String ID should not exist in the String Table, otherwise
the string associated to that ID will be retrieved redirectly instead of the text format desired.

14.5.1. Change System Language

Movicon has certain dialog windows which are used for customizing texts.
To guarantee the complete support of the multilingual function, Movicon has provided you with a
function purposely built for replacing window system texts with customized texts contained in the
string resource. In order for this to work you need to insert the customized test, which have been
preset with an "key" ID code as described in the table below, into the string resource. When
Movicon comes across these special identifiers in the project, it will replace the system's text with the
text contained in the string resource according to the language which has been activated.
"CustomStringID_UNICODE.csv" file to the public documents folder
(i.e. for Windows 7: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Progea\Movicon)
within which all the special String ID have been inserted with all
Movicon installation language columns and relating translations
with default text. This file is in compatible '.csv' format for direct
importing using the "StringImpExp.exe" tool.

Virtual Keypad for Touch screens

Special ID



Text for CANCEL key


Text for DELETE key


Text for ENTER key


Text for virtual keyboard title. Movicion for default sets

the title with the name of the variable to be modified.
When inserting the custom string ID, the variable name




will nolonger be displayed.


Text to replace the "Value" string: on alphanumeric pads.


Text to replace the "Low limit" string: on numeric pads


Text to replace the "High limit" string: on numeric pads.


Text for CAPS LOCK key


Out of range value error message text. Special chars can

be used in the message text to display limit values, such
as %f, %1, %2. For example, when defining text as
"Enter a value between %f and %f", the first %f will be
replaced with the minimum value and the second with
the maximum value. When using the %f special
character, the number will be displayed with a floating
point and even thought the number is integer, i.e. 100, it
will be displayed with 6 zeros like this: 100.000000. To
display a number without decimal figures use the %1 and
%2 characters or the %.0f character. For instance, if set
limits are 0 and 100 the following possibilities can be
"Enter a value between %f and %f" becomes "Enter a
vaue between 0.000000 and 100.000000"
"Enter a value between %.0f and %.0f" becomes "Enter
a value between 0 and 100"
"Enter a value between %1 and %2" becomes "Enter a
value between 0 and 100"



Test for the maximum character number error message.

The %d and %f special characters can be used in the
text for displaying the maximum number of characters.
For example, a text defined as "The maximum number
of characters allowed is %d".
Text for "Enter a number" error message generated
when an alphanumeric value is entered on Numeric Pad.

Password Request Window

Special ID



Text desired for OK command


Text desired for Cancel command


Text desired for user name request


Text desired for password request


Text desired for user Log On window title. Movicon also

inserts requested password level for logon for default.
When inserting custom string ID, the custom string ID will
not be displayed. In this case the requested level can be
inserted using the "_LEVEL_GETPTEXT_" ID.
Text desired for "Expired Password" window title.



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E



Test desired for defining password level in the user Log On

Warning, to display the password level request you need
to put the %u character after the text specified, ie:
Password Level = %u
Text desired for defining password level in the "Expired
Password" window.


Text desired for check-box requesting password change

after login.


Text desired for re-enter password request in the window

which appears when password has expired.

Trend Legend
Special ID



"Description" Text


"Value" Text
"Min." Text


"Max." Text


"Average" Text


"Date and Time" text which appears in the legend when

Trend is stopped.

The change language function also works with the Trend pens by inserting a
string ID with the same name as the pen's. In Runtime the Trend will
display the text contained in the string ID instead of the name of the pen.

Dialog Box for Filter Command in the Viewer Windows (His Log,
Trace DB, DataLogger/Recipes)
Special ID



Text desired for OK command


Text desired for Cancel command


Text to replace the "User:" string


Text for the title of the Dialog Box


Text to replace the "Sort by:" string


Text to replace the "Event Type:" string





Text to replace the "From Date:" string


Text to replace the "From Date Compare:" string


Text to replace the "To Date:" string


Text to replace "To Date Cokmpare:" string


Text to replace the "Severity Condition:" string


Text to replace the "Severity:" string

Dialog Box for insert Trace Comment for a variable

Special ID



Text desired for OK command


Text desired for Cancel command


Text to replace the "Name:" string


Text to replace the "Current Value:" string


Text to replace the "Changing Value:" string


Text to replace the "Changing Object:" string


Text to replace the "Comment:" string


Text for the title of the Dialog Box

Special ID strings for customizing texts when using multilanguage

Special ID



Text for window title.


Text to replace "Alarm Name:" string.


Text to replace "State:" string.


Text to replace "Tempe ON:" string.


Text to replace "Tempe OFF:" string.


Text to replace "Help:" string.


Text to replace "Comment:" string.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


Text to use for the "Use for All" option.


Window's "OK" button text.


Window's "Cancel" button text.

14.6. Language Column Properties

The properties which can be associated to each language (String Table columns) allow you to
defined certain settings which will be used in the runtime phase when the language is activated.
These setting are then used by the Alarm Dispatcher to send messages.
To display the column properties just select a string in the desired column and the Properties
Window will get updated with the column's properties.

14.6.1. General Language Column Properties

The General properties allow you to define settings to do with the Style References for objects and
TTS setups for the speech functions.
To change the General properties, click on a string in the column desired and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
Read only property which shows the name of the selected column.
Style Source Container
This is used for selecting the reference screen for the style management. For further information on
how these properties work please see "Style Sources in Symbols".
TTS Engine
This property is used for selecting the item to be used for the text speech. The items which can be
selected are the same ones provided in the operating system which can be verified in its "Control
Panel - Speech". The moment the language is activated the voice associated to it is automatically
loaded to enounce texts.
This setting is used also for sending messages through the alarm Dispatcher based on the language
associated to the message recipient user.
TTS Volume
This property is used for setting the speech volume percentage. This percentage will be applied to
the volume level set in the PC. The end volume level will depend on different factors, speaker
volumes, volume set in the Control Panel, TSS Volume property settings.
This setting will also be used for sending messages with Alarm Dispatcher based on the language
associated to the message recipient user.
TTS Rate
This property is used for setting the speech speed. The 0 to 10 value will make the speech faster,
while the 0 to -10 value will slow it down.
This setting will also be used for sending messages with Alarm Dispatcher based on the language
associated to the message recipient user.


15. Variable Scaling

The Variable Scaling resource tool is needed when
carrying out automatic scaling of data, which entails
converting numerical values into engineering units.
Variables are very often acquired in a project from the plant which correspond exactly to the digitally
converted raw values of measured physical quantities.
This value must be converted or 'scaled' in 'engineering units', which is a value corresponding to the
measured physical quantity. This involves carrying out calculations for transforming, nearly always
linear, from a minimum and a maximum of the digital value to a minimum and maximum scaled
Movicon allows these conversions to be done directly through the "Variable Engineering Data
Properties", so that the variable directly gets the scaled value arriving from the field.
It may also be necessary at times to carry out the scaling between two variables within the project,
or to do NON linear conversions which entails the use of the 'Variable Scaling' resource through
which the two variables can be specified, the one to be scaled and the scaled one, to get NON linear
This resource is available in the Movicon 'Project Explorer:

A virtually unlimited number of objects can be inserted into the Variable Scaling resource, each one
will be scaled between two variables.
To add, copy or cancel Scaling objects use the standard techniques described in the paragraph on
"The Resources".
The main properties of Scaling objects can also be edited in the Runtime
phase through the appropriate Basic Script functions.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

15.1. Variable Scaling Properties

The Variable Scaling Properties are used to determine the input variables to be scaled and the scaled
output ones, by associating the conversion or linear or non linear scaling factors.
To edit the properties of Variable Scaling objects, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Scaling is bidirectional: in normal operations, the variable to be scaled
is scaled on the output variable, and scaled on the input variable in
inverse operations. Movicon executes inverse operations only when the
scaled output variable undergoes a change.

15.1.1. Variable Scaling General Properties

The General properties are used to determine the input variables to be scaled and the scaled output
ones, by associating the conversion linear or non linear scaling factors.
To edit the property of Variable Scaling objects, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
The name to be assigned to the scaling object is entered in this edit box. Each object must have a
unique name within the list so that they can be referred to through the Basic Script functions in order
to be used during Runtime.
This selection box has to be enabled to activate the scaling object in question otherwise the
conversion operations will not be executed.
Raw Variable
The name of the variable containing the value to be scaled is entered in this edit box (or selected
with the '...' browse button on the right).
Scale to Variable
The name of the variable containing the scaled value, being the calculated result of the conversion
based on conversion factors set in the property described below, is entered in this edit box (or
selected with the '...' browse button on the right).
Dead Band
This edit box is used to establish a dead band in the conversion factors. The dead band establishes
the value to which the scaled variable is to be set when the non raw variable value goes over the set
conversion limit. The default value set by Movicon is '-1'.
Raw Min.
The minimum value of the raw variable is specified in this box, being the input value. The minimum
and maximum linear scaled output value will be calculated based on the minimum and maximum
input value.
Raw Max.
The maximum value of the Raw variable is specified in this edit box, being the input value. The
minimum and maximum linear scaled output value will be calculated based on the minimum and
maximum input value.
This value will represent the first non linear segment when non linear scaling is being used. The next
segments are entered through the "Non Linear Scaling" window.
Scale to Min.
The minimum value of the scaled variable is specified in this box, being the output value
corresponding to the real physical quantity.
Scale to Max.
The maximum value of the scaled variable is specified in this box, being the output value
corresponding to the real physical quantity.
This value will represent the first non linear segment when non linear scaling is being used. The next
segments are entered through the "Non Linear Scaling" window.




Non Linear Scaling

Non Linear Scaling can also be used if required. The segment settings are accessed through this
button where they can be established between the min. and max. values. This will create a theoretic
line broken up into a number of segments.
For further information refer to the paragraph "Non Linear Scaling".

15.2. Non Linear Scaling

Movicon consents the scaling of non linear values, which are those whose behaviour does not follow
an exact straight line between the minimum and maximum values.

To insert non linear conversions, access the values settings by using the "Non Linear Scaling"
button from the "Variable Scaling General Properties'.
In this case, the maximum values set previously assume the first segment of the non-linear curve.
The proceeding segments are set through the window as illustrated below:

After establishing the first segment from the maximum values set in the "Value" property in the
"Variable Scaling General Properties', the other segments can be added by entering the
following maximum values and clicking the 'Add' button. This will establish an equivalence between
the two segments.
The 'Edit' button is used for changing the previous entered. The 'Delete' button is used for deleting a
previous entered value.


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The values comprised in one single segment will be scaled in linear mode,
therefore the more segments inserted the more the line will become


16. Command Scheduler

The Command Scheduler resource tool is used for
configuring timed command executions.
The scheduler is a very handy tool to have in projects when commands need to be activated on
preset times, especially on plants where commands must be activated at a certain time and for a
certain period.
Time is also noticeably reduced when creating projects where commands have to be repeatedly
activated on the plant at preset time intervals.
The scheduler's job is to execute commands or list of commands based
on preset times respecting the PC system's clock.
This resource is available in the Movicon 'Project Explorer' window:
This resource can contain a virtually unlimited number or commands
which can be executed according to preset times or preset weekly
schedules, which are edited through the 'Properties Window'.
The Command Scheduler resource offers great operating advantages in any application, especially in
those sectors (ie. Building Automation) which normally require commands to be automatically
executed on preset times.
A few of the most common uses would be for example the commands for turning on/off of lights,
central heating, etc.
These simple operations can therefore be realized through this purposely built resource which has
the job of slimming down and speeding up the procedures for setting these type of commands.
To add, copy or cancel a Scheduler object use the standard techniques described in the paragraph
on "The Resources".

Adding new Schedulers at runtime

The Hour Selector object allows, during runtime, to add new Schedulers and to remove them, if
required, using the dedicated command buttons ("Add Scheduler Button", "Remove Scheduler
Button"). Please note that the Schedulers created at runtime can manage only the "Commands On":
if used to manage the set of a variable, you should also add the time intervals when the variable
should be reset.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Schedulers retentivity files

Schedulers set as "Daily Plan" create during runtime a retentivity file named
"<ProjectName>_<SchedulerName>.sst" in the "DATA" project folder. The retentivity file purpose is
avoiding to repeat the ON command, if this command has already been executed once. If, while the
project is starting, the ON command is modified by a time interval of the Scheduler, which sets the
value or the name of the variable associated to command, the ON command will be executed

16.1.1. Holiday Planning

The Scheduler objects can be set to manage holidays as well. When a Scheduler is enabled through
the relating property to do this, it will be able to memorize, internally, the dates set as holidays.
Therefore two types of planning, one for normal planning and one for holiday planning, can be set
by means of using the "Scheduler Window" graphic object.
The holidays are controlled only when the Scheduler is a 'Date' type or 'Daily plan' type and only the
day and month of the holiday date are controlled (if they correspond with the current day and
month), while the rest of the date field is not valuated.
The holidays are only managed when the Scheduler is 'Date' type or 'Daily plan' type in the two
following modes:

Daily Plan: By means of using the "Scheduler Window" object you can set two different daily
plans: normal and holidays. The Scheduler object's "Holiday Button" to switch from one daily
plan to the other. The hours in both of the two plans are composed of a 7 day by 24 hour
grid. The holiday daily plan settings are in periods of 15 minutes. The periods selected in the
holiday daily plan are represented in the default grey colour; while the normal ones are in
blue. At this point the Scheduler will us the appropriate daily plan according to whether the
day has been set as a holiday or not
Date: The scheduler will execute the preset command, not only for the specified date but
also for the date set as a holiday

Setting Holidays
In order to set holidays you need to use the some of the VBA methods from the
"SchedulerCmdTarget" interface. The methods available for managing holidays are as follows:
AddHoliday: allows a holiday to be added to the scheduler object
RemoveHoliday: allows a holiday to be deleted from the scheduler object
HasHolidays: lets you know in write whether the scheduler object has been set for managing




IsHoliday: allows you to verify whether a date has been set as a holiday in the scheduler
GetHolidaysString: returns a string divided by a pre-chosen separator character (parameter
from function) with the list of all the holiday dates set in the scheduler object
HolidaysPlan: allows you or read the current weekly daily plan from a "Daily plan" scheduler
SaveRetentive: allows you to save the daily plans (normal or holiday) and the days of the
holidays on external files to be retained even after an application re-startup
You can however set a list of holiday dates also through editing XML files. These files must be saved
in the project folder, with the same name of the project and with the "defhol" extension. All the
"fixed Date" type schedulers, which do not have holiday lists, will use those defined with the XML file
with the ".defhol" extension as their holidays.
When a ".defhol" file cannot be found in the project folder, it will be searched for in the Movicon
installation with the "Holidays.defhol" fixed name.
the XML file with the holidays list is read only at the project startup
and therefore modification to the file will not be managed until the
project is started up again.
The Holiday XML file structure must be in the same way as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
This example shows the Italian national holidays.

16.2. Command Scheduler Proprieties

The Command Scheduler Properties allow you to select the execution times and commands to be
To edit the Scheduler object properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.

16.2.1. Command Scheduler General Properties

The General properties allow you to select the execution times and commands to be activated.
To edit the General properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
The name of the scheduler object is entered in this edit box. Each object must have its own name
within the list. This is very essential when each object must be referred to singularly through the
Basic Script functions so it can be used during Runtime.
When enabling this selection box the Scheduler object in question will be activated. If this box is left
disabled any eventual commands will not be executed.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Support Holidays
You can activate the "Holidays Planning" management for the Scheduler object in question by using
this selection box. For further information about "Holidays Planning" please refer to section with the
same title.
Treat Holidays as Sunday
This option box, if enabled, consents the normal Sunday hour plan be used for managing the days
set as Holidays, being the ones set in the scheduler's holiday list. This option does not oblige the
user to set a seven day hour plan for the holidays but helps in simplifying work when all the holidays
of one scheduler must be managed in the same way, independently from the day of the week.
Execute Commands Off If Disabled
The "Execute Command Off If Disabled" property is used for disabling the activation of the command
list executed on the falling edge of the schedule set the moment in which the scheduler is disabled
using the "Enable scheduler variable. Contrary to this (for default) the Off Command list will be
executed when scheduler is disabled.
Enable Variable
This edit box allows you set a variable for enabling the Scheduler. The Scheduler object must,
however, be enabled in development mode with the appropriate "Enable" property, otherwise it will
always be disabled in runtime.
The Scheduler object's purpose is to execute one or more Movicon commands on preset time
The "Type" selection box permits you to select in which moment the command must be executed.
Other fields may have to be set according to the item selected in order to complete this type of
programming. For instance, when selecting the 'Every Minute' or 'Every Hour' item it is not
necessary to specify anything else, as it is quite explicit that the onset of each new preset period the
associated event will be automatically executed.
However when selecting a day or a month, it is then necessary to indicate, inside that period, at
what precise time the command must be executed. The time must therefore be set in the 'Time'
Amongst the scheduled time settings to be assigned you will find the 'Date' setting. This selection
allows the activation of a virtual calendar, through which you can select a date up to the year 9999.
The moment the selected date is verified (after midnight of the previous day) the event will be
executed. The date in question must be set in the 'Time' property.
The 'Daily Plan' setting activates a weekly plan. When selecting this setting it will be necessary to
access the weekly plan scheduler setting through the 'Plan' property.
The command activation time is entered in this edit box.
This field is enabled only when the "date" item has been selected in the "Type" property. In
this case, when clicking on this box a window will open for selecting the day when the
command is to be activated.




The presence of the "Date" field distinguished by the "Time" field permits two things:

To set the command execution time in "Date" type schedulers

To make sure that the command is executed on a certain day in each year. Movicon only
controls the month and day and not the year set

Commands On
This button opens a Movicon 'Command List' through which you can set a list of one or more
commands to be executed by the scheduler when the time goes On.
For further information on the commands available please consult the paragraph on "Command
Commands Off
This button opens a Movicon 'Command List' through which you can set a list of one or more
commands to be executed by the scheduler when the time goes Off.
For further information on the commands available please consult the paragraph on "Command
In cases where the Scheduler is set with "Hour Plan" the Off condition is triggered when the set
interval time runs out. For example, if an hour range has been programmed to start at 7:00 and
sinish as 8:00, the "the 'On Command List' will be executed at 7:00:00, while the 'Off Command List'
will be executed at 8:00:59. When the Scheduler is set with another type of plan, the Off condition is
triggered when the hour and date set for the On condition changes. For example, if a scheduler is
set at Every Minute, the "On Command List" will be executed upon every new minute (00 minute)
and when each minute expires (59 seconds), the 'Off Commands List? will be executed.
The daily plan window allows you to configure the time ranges in which the command associated to
the Scheduler must be executed.
The table provides seven lines corresponding to the days of the week, and 24 columns corresponding
to the hours in a day.
Left click on the squares to select the day and hour required. Click on the square again to deselect.
Right click to select the precise time of each hour, each click equals 15 minute resolutions.
Click on the day to select the whole 24 hours for that day.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

16.2.2. Scheduler Access Level Properties

By using this Access Level properties you can enable which are the default write access levels for
the selected Scheduler.
To modify the Access Levels of a Scheduler, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Propery Windows".
There are 16 access levels available and they can be selected individually one by one:

Write Access Level

By using this property you can define the Access Level mask for modifying the Scheduler through the
"Scheduler Window". By using the "Scheduler Window" you can in fact select a Scheduler and display
or modifying its plan. However, if the password management has been enabled and the "Always
Visible" property disabled, the modifications to the Scheduler's plan will only be applied if the active




user has the right Access Level requested by the Scheduler's "Write Access Level" mask. Otherwise
the "Scheduler Window" will remain disabled as far as the plan editing commands are concerned.
For further information on 'Access Levels' please refer to "User Levels and Access Levels".
Read Access Level
By using this property you can define the Access Level mask for selecting the Scheduler the
"Scheduler Window". By using the "Scheduler Window" you can select a Scheduler through an
appropriate list-box and display or modify its plan. However, if the password management is enabled
and the "Always Visible" property disabled, the Scheduler can only be selected if the active user has
the right Access Level requested by the Scheduler's "Read Access Level" mask. Otherwise the
Scheduler will not be listed in the selection listbox and therefore will not be available for selecting.
For further information on 'Access Levels, please refer to the paragraph on "User Levels and
Access Levels".
Always Visible
When enabled, this property allows the Scheduler to be selected and modified through the
"Scheduler Window" independently from the active User. In cased where the Password management
has been disabled, it will be necessary to enable this property in order to view the Scheduler in the
"Scheduler Window" (therefore selectable and modifiable).
For further information on 'Access Levels, please refer to the paragraph on "User Levels and
Access Levels".

16.3. Command Scheduler Example

Let's suppose you need to configure your project so that every evening at 21.00 all the plant's
lighting is automatically turned on (subject to the 'ILLU1 variable) managed by the supervision, and
automatically turned off in the morning at 6.30.
First of all you need to proceed with editing the scheduler objects by selecting the 'Scheduler object
list' resource from the 'Project Explorer' window to add the scheduler command. Go ahead and edit
the Movicon scheduler objects as follows:

Select the 'Scheduler object list' from the 'Project Explorer' window
Use the right mouse button to insert a new object in the Scheduler resource using 'Add
New Scheduler Object' command
From the object's General Properties window set the 'Type' property with 'Every Day' and
set the time at '21.00' in the 'Time' box. Then enter 'Turn On' as name
By using the 'Command' property open the 'Command List' window and select the 'Variable
command'. Enter the variable required, in our example we will use the 'ILLU1' variable,
and enter 'Set' as Action and enter '1' in the 'value' property
Confirm with OK to enter the first scheduler object called 'Turn On'. Now continue with
entering the second one which will be called 'Turn Off'
Right mouse click on the 'Scheduler Object List' resource and insert a new object using
the 'Add New Scheduler' command
From the object's General 'Properties Window' set the 'Type' property to 'Every Day' and
set '06.30' in the 'Time' box. Then assign the object with the name 'Turn Off'
Click the 'Command' property to open the 'Command List' window and select 'Variable
Command'. Insert the variable required, in our example we will use the 'ILLU1' variable,
and set the 'Set' value to '0'
Confirm with OK to enter the second and last Scheduler object

At this point the plant's light management has been completed.

When running the project the scheduler will execute the corresponding command automatically
when the set time has been reached and verified.
The time set in the scheduler refers to the PC system's clock.


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17. Commands on Event

The Event Objects resource is the tool which allows
commands to be executed according to Movicon
variable changes.
The Commands on Event are very handy when values of one or more variables must be kept
monitored in the project on which command executions are to be based.
The Event Objects therefore have the job of executing the command or list
of commands according to the value obtained by a certain variable.
This resource is available in the Movicon 'Project Explorer' window.

This resource can contain a virtually unlimited number of Event Objects,

each one of which is associated to a different variable, which can be
edited by means of the 'Properties Window'.
The Event Object resource offers great operating advantages in any application where variable
values need to be controlled to execute one or more commands upon value changes. This enables
the programmer to avoid writing codes need for the controls of the variables in question. To add,
copy or cancel an Event Object use the standard techniques described in the paragraph titled "The


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

17.1. Event Object Properties

The Event Object properties are used for selecting the variables to be monitored and commands to
be activated.
To edit the Event Objects' properties, select the object the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties

17.1.1. Event Objects General Properties

The General properties are used for selecting the variables to be monitored and the commands to be
To edit the General properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties
This edit box is used for assigning a name to the Event Object. Each object must be given a unique
name in the list. This is essential for referring to each object through the Basic Script functions so
that they can be used during Runtime.
Checking this selection box will activate the Event Object in question.
The name of the variable which is to be monitored is entered in this edit box (or selected with the
'...' browse button on the right). When the variable's value changes, if requested by the 'Condition'
property settings, the associated 'Command' will be executed.
Enable Variable
The name of the variable which determines the dynamic enabling of the Event Object is entered in
this edit box (or selected with the '...' browse button on the right). When this variable's value is
equal to 'zero' during Runtime, the Event Object's 'Command' will not be executed. When its value
is different from 'zero' the Event Object's 'Command' will be executed according to the set
This functionality is managed by Movicon only when the 'Enable' property
has been activated. If otherwise the Event Object will not execute any
commands whatever the 'Enable Variable' state if the 'Enable' property
has not been activated.
This property is used for establishing which type of variable value's change executes the command.
The possibilities are:

Change: the command will be executed every time the variables changes value
Major: the command will be executed every time the variable's contents passes from a low
or the same value specified in the 'Value' property to a higher value
Minor: the command will be executed every time the variable's contents passes from a high
or the same value specified in the 'Value' property to a lower value
Equal: the command will be executed every time the variable's contents pass from different
value to that specified in the 'Value' property to one with the same value

This edit box is used for specifying which threshold value is to be referred to by the 'Condition'
property. This setting is insignificant when the 'Change' option has been selected in the
'Condition' property.
This button opens the 'Command list' to setup the list of one or more commands which are to be
executed by the Event.
For further information on the available commands please consult the paragraph titled "Command





Run At Server
When the Event is run on command, by means of the Command List, in a Client project, with this
option enabled (default), the Event object's commands will only be run in the Server project. If this
option is enabled, the commands will only be run in the Client project. This option only has meaning
when used in a Client project created with the child project techniques or in Redundancy.

17.2. Events as Templates

Movicon has a extremely useful function when needing to set many repetitive Event objects in the
project, which record and sample series of different variables in the same way.

A practical example would be: we have to get our

project to manage 50 data recordings with the same
sampling time and recording modes. The RealTime
Database has declared the 50 variables exchanged with
the field and relating to the process information. These
variables must generate the same type of event, set in
an event object.

In a case such as this, we need a tool which to quicken the process of assigning Tags to the Event
object, one which provides you with the possibility to set up the event object only once and
associate it to the 50 variables, of the example above, all at once.
A tool such as this exists in Movicon and is called "Event Template".
To get this function you have to set the Event as "Template" type in the Event Object Resource
along with the activation modalities and command desired. Then you can select the variables needed
from the Variables List from the RealTime Database and use the "Associate an Event" command with
the right mouse key and select the event window desired from the window that pops up. The
variables (in our example this would be the 50 process variables) will then be linked to the Event
Template. Technically Movicon has set 50 different variables linked to the same Event in its project
on receiving just one click. of the mouse.

The request to associate an Event will open a another window containing a list of Events, which
should have been inserted beforehand.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

CAUTION: there shouldn't be any reference variable specified in the

properties of the event to be associated but only the activation condition
and command list.


18. Objects Command List

18.1. Command List
Movicon provides a list of commands which can be
executed during Runtime from both the resources and
The Movicon resources and controls predisposed for executing commands are set up through the
'Command' property found in the 'Properties Window' of the object selected.
By activating the 'Command' property the 'Command List' will open through which the required
commands can be inserted, edited or cancelled.
The command objects usually provide the possibility to permit or deny the
operator command execution by means of associating the object with a
password and access level variable.
The execution of any command can only take place during Project Runtime mode.

Command List Window

The "Command List" window lists the commands that are already inserted in the selected resource
or control.
There are some buttons available in the Window which execute the following functionalites:
New Command...: consents to adding a new command to the list. The "Command Type" selection
window will open to select and configure a new command.
Edit: consents to editing an already inserted command on the list. In this case just select the
command to be edited with the mouse and click on the button to open the "Command Type"
selectin window.
Remove: consents you to remove the command selected with the mouse from the list
Add Wait time: consents a wait time command to be instantly inserted on the Command List. This
command will be inserted as a System Command (also see the "Wait Time" system command) with a
default timeout value of 1000 msecs.
Copy: this button allows you to copy the displayed Command List to the Windows Clipboard to then
past it in another object or resource.
Paste: this button allows you to paste a previously copied Command List. The Command List, once
copied to the Windows clipboard, can be copied to any other project object or resource or even to
another project.
Cut: this button allows you to remove displayed Command List by copying it to the Windows
clipboard, allowing it to be then pasted in the same object again later or in another project resource
or object or in another project entirely.
The Command List Window's "Copy" and "Cut" buttons copy the command
list to the Windows clipboard. However when using Windows "Copy"
command for any other project object or even an object from any other
application (i.e. for copying a file from the Windows Resource Explorer),
whatever was copied previously to the clipboard, in this case the Command
list, will be overwritten and lost. .

18.1.1. Alarm Commands

This group of commands are used for carrying out the acknowledge and reset operations of the
Movicon alarms.


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The 'Period', 'Duration' and 'Date' parameters are optional. If one or all of
these parameters are not inserted they will be requested through an
appropriate dialog window configured in the Report when doing a preview
or a direct print. Otherwise all the commands will be indicated without
showing a dialog window and the Report will use these parameters to filter
the data.
The Alarm Statistics is not supported if the database engine being
used for the Historical Log is "InMemoryDB". In addition, the ODBC
driver used must support the following commands in the SELECT
SQL syntax: "SUM", "COUNT", "GROUP BY" and "ORDER BY". If
these commands are not supported by the database being used it will
not be possible to use the Alarm Statistics Reports.
The command or action type to be executed on the Movicon alarms is selected through this property.
The choices are:




Ack All

This command executes the acknowledgement of all the

active alarms.

Reset All

This command executes the reset of all the active alarms.


This command enables or disables the management of the

acoustic signal which will be activated for unacknowledged
alarms,according to user activated.
This command only has effect when the sound has been
enabled in the Alarms Window. This command does not
disable the Sound functionality as, for example, the Alarm
Window button or the "AlarmsSoundState" system variable
does, but only limits silencing the siren.


This command shows a preview of the report selected, in

Crystal report format, for the Alarm Statistics.
This command is only available when the "Alarm Statistics"
option has been enabled on the license.
For further information see section on "Alarm Statistics".

Print Report

This command directly sends the selected report for the

Alarm Statistics, in Crystal report format, for printing without
opening a print preview window.
This command is only available when the "Alarm Statistics"
option has been enabled on the license.
For further information see section on "Alarm Statistics".


This command exports the selected report for the Alarm

Statistics in Crystal report format, in a html file. The
exported file is saved in the project's "DLOGGERS" folder in
the name of "<Report Name >_<gg/mm/yy>.html".
This command is only available when the "Alarm Statistics"
option has been enabled on the license.
For further information see section on "Alarm Statistics".


This command opens a window to view the textual report.

For further information see the section on "Textual Report
Commands and Parameters".


This command sends the textual report directly to the

predefined printer for printing. For further information see
the section on "Textual Report Commands and Parameters".


This command creates and saves a new textual report file.

For further information see the section on "Textual Report





Commands and Parameters".


This command adds a new page to textual report file set in

the "Textual Report - Destination File" parameter. For
further information see the section on "Textual Report
Commands and Parameters".

Export and
Send Email

This command exports and sends the selected alarm

statistics report via email. The email is sent according to the
settings defined in the SMTP Plug-in using the "SMTP
Settings" button located in the project's General properties,
and for which the editor generates a file called
"smtp_direct.settings" in the "ProjectName\DATA" folder.
The report export file, saved in the
"ProjectName\DLOGGERS" folder with the Report's name, is
attached to the email.
The email recipient is the User of User Group defined in the
"Recipient" property.
The Timeout time for executing this
command, generating the report and
sending email can be changed using the
"GeneralTimeout" registry key. The value
in this key for Timeout interventions can
be increased from its default value of 10
seconds to a higher value.
This command is not available for "Textual Reports".


This command shows a preview of the selected Alarm

Statistics Embedded Report. For further information, please
also refer to the sections on "Embedded Report Generation
Commands" and "Alarm Statistics".
This command is only available when the license "Alarm
Statistics" option has been enabled.


This command prints the selected Alarm Statistics

Embedded Report. For further information please refer to the
sections on "Embedded Report Generation Commands" and
"Alarm Statistics".
This command is only available when the license "Alarm
Statistics" option has been enabled.


This command saves the selected Alarm Statistics Embedded

Report on pdf file. For further information please refer to the
sections on "Embedded Report Generation Commands" and
"Alarm Statistics".
This command is only available when the license "Alarm
Statistics" option has been enabled.


This command /saves the selected Alarm Statistics

Embedded Report on pdf file and sends it by email. For
further information please refer to the sections on
"Embedded Report Generation Commands" and "Alarm
This command is only available when the license "Alarm
Statistics" option has been enabled.


When this command is executed the statical data of all the

alarms, or those in one individual area, specified in the "
Alarm Area" parameter, will get reset.
For further information please refer to the section on "Alarm


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Alarm Area
The alarm area name can be entered in this field for which the "Ack All" or "Reset All" command will
be executed. In this way the ack or reset commands are only executed in the area specified and not
in all the alarm areas. The (*, ?, etc.) special characters can also be used as described in the Alarm
Window's "Filtro per Area" property.
Report File
This field is used for selecting the report file for the "Alarm Statistics". The Alarm Statistic Report files
are available in both "Crystal Report" and Movicon "Embedded Report" formats. According to the
command type selected in the "Action" field, four report files in "Crystal Report"(f".rpt" file extension)
format or Movicon "Embedded Report" (".movrep file extension) format will be shown in the drop
down list. These report files already exist in the Movicon installation folder and they are:
Cristal Report File: OrderByDate.rpt, OrderByDuration.rpt, GroupByThreshold.rpt,
Movicon Embedded Report File: OrderByDate.movrep, OrderByDuration.movrep,
GroupByThreshold.movrep, GroupByFrequency.movrep
As you can see the Crystal Report and Movicon Report file name are the same but have different
extensions. All these file names are shown in the drop-down list without extensions. When
command is executed, Movicon will load report type, ".rpt" o ".movrep", based on the command
selected from the "Action" field.
If you wish to use a custom report, therefore different from the one proposed for default, you can
enter its file name and path in the drop-down list. If the custom report to be used already exists in
the Movicon installation folder you will only need to enter the name of the report without extension
(ie. MyReport), otherwise you will have to enter the complete path including its extension (ie.
C:\Temp\MyReport.rpt o C:\Temp\MyReport.movrep).
The four types of default Reports interface with project's Historical Log "Alarms" table and show the
following information:

OrderByDate: Report of alarms ordered by date. For further information please see section
on "Alarm Statistics".
OrderByDuration: Report of alarms ordered by duration (starting from the longest to the
shortest). For further information please see section on "Alarm Statistics".
GroupByThreshold: Report of alarms grouped by threshold. For further information please
see section on "Alarm Statistics".
GroupByFrequency: Report of alarms grouped by frequency. For further information please
see section on "Alarm Statistics".

This property permits the toolbar to be displayed or hidden in the report preview window.
This option is only managed if the report is in Crystal Report format, otherwise it will have no effect.
Group Tree
This property permits the group in tree structure to be displayed or hidden in the report preview
This option is only managed if the report is in Crystal Report format, otherwise it will have no effect.
This property permits a temporal filter to be set for extracting data from the database. The possible
values are:
Selected date time


Yesterday or today
Current week
Current month
Current year
Last 7 days
Last 30 days
Last 60 days
Last 90 days
Last 1 years
Last 2 years




Last 5 years
Last 10 years

The filter is carried out according to the activation date of each alarm.
This property permits a filter to be set on the duration of each alarm. The default value is '00:00:00'
but the filter can be set so that only the alarms which last longer than a certain set time in
'hour:minutes:seconds' are retrieved from the database.
This property permits a filter to be set on the date. This setting is only valid when the 'Period'
parameters have been set in the 'Select date time'. Two dates can be inserted here for representing
the start and end date for retrieving data. The format is: "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss dd/mm/yyyy
Report Template File
For further information see the section on "Textual Report Commands and Parameters".
Report Destination File
For further information see the section on "Textual Report Commands and Parameters".
Report Query
This field is used for entering the query to be used for extracting Historical Log data to be displayed
in the report. This property is only enabled if the "Textual Report" command has been selected in the
"Action" field. Data will be extracted from the Historical Log "Alarms" table for default. However, a
different table from which to extract data (Drivers or SysMsgs) can also be specified. In cases where
no query has been set, all the database data will extracted starting from the most recent to the
oldest data based on the date and time of the recording.
The query text is entered in this field but variable names cannot be entered to make query the
dynamic. In order to make the query dynamic you will need to use the "ExecuteCommand()" script
function from the "UIInterface" interface or the "TextualRptSQLQuery" property from the
"CommandAlarmCmdTarget" interface.
Report Max Pages
Maximum number of printed pages on one single Textual Report command ("View Textual Report",
"Print Textual Report", "Save Textual Report" and "Append Textual Report) or Embedded Report
command ("View Embedded Repor, "Print Embedded Report", "Save Embedded Report" and "Send
Embedded Report"). The '0' value does not impose a limit on the number of pages that can be
printed (it is advised not to use the '0' value setting to avoid memory or printer overuse in cases
when errors occur in the data extraction query formulation).
The maximum number of pages should be taken into consideration only
for commands that have been set a Data Logger from which data is to be
obtained or for report commands in the Historical Log.
In cases with "Embedded Reports" that contain "Chart" objects in the "Report
Header" or "Report Footer" band, the first and last pages will be used for printing
the "Chart". The number of pages to be printed indicated in the "Report Max
Pages" parameter will relate to the number of paged from the "Details" section
Report Page Width
This command is used for setting the print page Width. Values are in millimeters and the -1 value
(default value) uses the printer's print page sizes.
This parameter is only taken into consideration if the "Print Embedded Report" command
has been selected from the "Action" field and if the report's "Use Paper Settings"
property is disabled.
Report Page Height
This command is used for setting the print page Heigth. Values are in millimeters and the -1 value
(default value) uses the printer's print page sizes.
This parameter is only taken into consideration if the "Print Embedded Report" command
has been selected from the "Action" field and if the report's "Use Paper Settings"
property is disabled.
Report Left Margin (mm)


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This command is used for setting the left print margin which will be added to the printer's default
margin. This margin is set in millimeters and the -1 value (default value) allows you to use any
default print margins retrieved through the driver of the printer being used.
This parameter is only considered when the "Print Textual Report" or "Print Embedded
Report" has been selected in the "Action" field.
Report Right Margin (mm)
This command is used for setting the right print margin which will be added to the printer's default
margin. This margin is set in millimeters and the -1 value (default value) allows you to use any
default print margins retrieved through the driver of the printer being used.
This parameter is only considered when the "Print Textual Report" or "Print Embedded
Report" has been selected in the "Action" field.
Report Top Margin (mm)
This command is used for setting the top print margin which will be added to the printer's default
margin. This margin is set in millimeters and the -1 value (default value) allows you to use any
default print margins retrieved through the driver of the printer being used.
This parameter is only considered when the "Print Textual Report" or "Print Embedded
Report" has been selected in the "Action" field.
Report bottom margin (mm)
This command is used for setting the bottom print margin which will be added to the printer's default
margin. This margin is set in millimeters and the -1 value (default value) allows you to use any
default print margins retrieved through the driver of the printer being used.
This parameter is only considered when the "Print Textual Report" or "Print Embedded
Report" has been selected in the "Action" field.
Show Print Dialog
When enabling this option a dialog window will show before printing the report to allow you to select
a printer from those installed on the PC.
This parameter is only considered when the "Print Textual Report" or "Print Embedded
Report" has been selected in the "Action" field.
This field is used for choosing which printer the report should be send to. The printer can be
selected from the PC's local printers. If no printer is specified in this parameter, the Windows default
printer will be used instead. The "Show Print Dialog" option will however have priority over this
In cases where the project has been set for the Windows CE platform, the list of printers is fixed
showing those supported by the "PrintCE.dll" tool, which are:

Epson ESC/P 2
Epson Stylus COLOR
PocketJet II
PocketJet 200
Canon BJ (300 dpi)
Canon BJ (360 dpi)
Epson LX (9-pin)
Adobe PDF file
Canon IP90
Partner M1POS
Canon IP100
O'Neil 4 inch
O'Neil 3 inch

These parameters are only considered if the the "Print Textual Report" or "Print
Embedded Report" has been selected in the "Action" field.





When enabled this property allows you to set the Report page horizontally instead of vertically.
This parameter is only considered when the "Print Textual Report", "View Embedded
Report", "Save Embedded Report", "Print Embedded Report" or "Send Embedded
Report" have been selected in the "Action" field and if the report's "Use Paper Settings"
property is disabled.
Printer Port
This field is used for selecting the port to be used for printing. The list below shows shows the
possible choices and cannot be modified:

Network Printer
Broadcom Bluetooth
Microsoft Bluetooth

This parameter is only considered if printing is done in Windows CE and if the "Print
Embedded Report" command has been selected from the "Action" field. If the "Windows
CE" platform has not been selected in the project, the "Printer Port" field will remain
Port Setting
This field is used for inserting a print port configuration string. This setting is used only when one of
the "File". "Network Printer", "Broadcom Bluetooth" or "Microsoft Bluetooth" options has been
selected in the "Printer Port" parameter:
File: the file's path and name to be used by the printer's driver for saving print output (i.e.
"\FlashDrv\Output.prn") must be entered
Network Printer: the network printer's path (i.e. "\\ServerName\PrinterName") must be entered
Broadcom Bluetooth: three values devided by the ('|') pipe character must entered here. The first
value represents the bluetooth card address (i.e. 00:0A:D9:EB:66:C7), the second value represents
the name of the service to be used and the third value represents the channel number.
Microsoft Bluetooth: the bluetooth chard address must be entered here (i.e. 00:0A:D9:EB:66:C7)
This parameter is only considered if printing is done in Windows CE and if the "Print
Embedded Report" command has been selected in the "Action" field. If the "Windows
CE" platform has not been selected in the project, the "Printer Port" field will remain
The name of the user or user group to send email with attached report file is entered in this field.
This parameter is only accepted if the "Export and Send Email" or "Send Embedded
Report"commands have been selected in the "Action" field.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

18.1.2. Event Commands

This group of commands consents Events to be executed no matter what their activation conditions
are. This functionality consents the project's Events resource to be used as a container for
commands to be used in the project. By keeping the commands list in one unique point, will make it
possible to edit just one command list of one Event object in order to automatically modify the
command lists of all the object referring to that Event object.
Any activation conditions associated to Event objects will remain valid.
The event to be executed can be selected in this property. All the Event objects in the project's
"Event Object List" will be included in the list.

18.1.3. Help Command

This group of commands are used to execute the display of help or text message files.
This property is used for selecting the command or action type to be executed. The choices are:



This command executes the opening of the topic

specified in the 'Topic' property. The topic will be
searched for in the help file associated to the project, by
means of the "HTML Help File" property available in
the 'Project Work Folder Path Settings'.
This command displays a pop-up message. The text has
to be inserted in the 'Topic' property and can also be
as string ID existing in the project's String Table.

Tooltip Popup

The topic name or the pop-up text to be displayed is entered in this edit box. This property changes
according to the selection made in the 'Action' property.

18.1.4. Language Commands

This group of commands are used for carrying out operations to change languages in Movicon texts.
The language to
Table are listed.
languages in the
language desired

be activated is selected through this property. The languages set in the Strings
If this field is left blank, therefore without a selected language, the list of available
project will open up in a dialog window when executing the command. Select the
from this list and activate it by confirming with OK.

18.1.5. Menu Commands

This group of commands is used for carrying out operations for displaying Movicon Menus.
The name of the Menu to be displayed is entered in this edit box (or selected with the '...' browse
button on the right).
When selecting a child project Menu the syntax is:





When selecting a parent project Menu from a child project the syntax is:
X Pos
This property is used for entering the horizontal position of the Menu window's origin. The value is
expressed in pixels (the '-1' value takes the position of the mouse).
Y Pos
This property is used for entering the vertical position of the Menu window's origin. The value is
expressed in pixels (the ' - 1 ' value takes the position of the mouse).

18.1.6. Report-Recipe Commands

This group of commands allows command operations to be executed in the Movicon DataLoggers
and Recipes.
Data Logger/Recipe
The name of the Data Logger or Recipe, where the command selected in the "Action" field is to be
executed, is entered in this edit box (or selected by using the "..." browse button on the right).
When using "Textual Reports" this field is optional and is entered only in cases where the Textual
Report must extract data from a Data Logger. In cases where a "Embedded report" is being used,
this property results disabled and therefore will be ignored by the set command.
This editBox is used for inserting (or selecting by means of using the "..." browse button to the right)
the name of the Movicon "Report" for which the command selected in the "Action" field will be
executed. This property is only enabled for the Movicon "Embedded Reports".
A report list can also be inserted in this field, where each name will be separated with the ";"
character. In this way, one report will be generated composed with all the pre-selected reports
which will be printed or saved one after the other in one unique ".pdf" file according to the order
they were inserted in. In this case the "Report Title" band will only be printed in the first report on
the list. Therefore, the first report's "Report Title" band can be used as the main title for all the
reports, while the "Report Header" bands can be used to give each record, included in the main
report, a specific heading. In addition, the special field "Page nr1 of n2" does not take into account
the total number of pages but only the progressive number (i.e. Page 12 of ?), which not be zeroed
until all the report pages have been printed in sequence.
The command or action type to be executed for the selected report or recipe. Some of the
commands allow reports, which have been previously associated to the DataLogger/Recipe, to be
viewed or printed. In this case the report files supported by Movicon must be created with the
appropriate "Report Designer" editor integrated in Movicon or with "Crystal Reports" version
10.0. When using the Movicon "Embedded Reports", the name of the "Report" to be used is
specified Instead of selecting a Datalogger or Recipe.



This command executes the opening of a window containing

DataLogger/Recipe. The Report can also be printed by using
the appropriate commands in this window.
This command has effect in reports created with "Report
Designer" or "Crystal Report".


This command executes the direct printout of the Report file

associated to the DataLogger/Recipe without showing any
This command has effect in reports created with "Report
Designer" or "Crystal Report".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


View Report

This command executes the opening of the window

containing the preview of the Report associated to the
DataLogger/Recipe in safe mode by creating a new process
instance. The Report can also be printed from this window
by using the appropriate commands.
This command has effect in reports created with "Report
Designer" or "Crystal Report".

Print Report

This command executes the direct printout of the Report file

associated to the DataLogger/Recipe in safe mode, without
showing any previews, by creating a new process instance.
This command has effect in reports created with "Report
Designer" or "Crystal Report".

Move First

This command is only available when a Recipe has been

selected in the "DataLogger/Recipe" field.
This command allows the values of the first database record
to be loaded in the recipe's variable.
This is equivalent to the "Move First Variable" variable's
function which can be set in the Recipe's " Execution

Move Last

This command is only available when a Recipe has been

selected in the "DataLogger/Recipe" field.
This command allows the values of the last database record
to be loaded in the recipe's variable.
This is equivalent to the "Move Last Variable" variable's
function which can be set in the Recipe's " Execution

Move Prev

This command is only available when a Recipe has been

selected in the "DataLogger/Recipe" field.
This command allows the values of the previous database
record to be loaded in the recipe's variable.
This is equivalent to the "Move Prev Variable" variable's
function which can be set in the Recipe's " Execution

Move Next

This command is only available when a Recipe has been

selected in the "DataLogger/Recipe" field.
This command allows the values of the next database
record to be loaded in the recipe's variable.
This is equivalent to the "Move Next Variable" variable's
function which can be set in the Recipe's " Execution


This command is available only when a Recipe has been

selected in the "DataLogger/Recipe" field.
This command executes the activation of the selected
recipe. This is equivalent to the "Activate Variable" function
which can be set in the Recipe's "Execution Properties".


This command is available only when a Recipe has been

selected in the "DataLogger/Recipe" field.
This command executes the save of the selected recipe.
This is equivalent to the "Save Variable" function which can
be set in the Recipe's "Execution Properties".


This command is available only when a Recipe has been

selected in the "DataLogger/Recipe" field.
This command executes the delete of the selected recipe.
This is equivalent to the "Delete Variable" function which
can be set in the Recipe's "Execution Properties".





This command is available only when a Recipe has been

selected in the "DataLogger/Recipe" field.
This command executes the requery of the recordset of the
selected recipe. This is equivalent to the "ReQuery
Variable" function which can be set in the Recipe's
"Execution Properties".


This command is available only when a Recipe has been

selected in the "DataLogger/Recipe" field.
This command executes a query in SQL standard language
on data to be selected from the Database. This is equivalent
to the "Query Variable" function which can be set in the
Recipe's "Execution Properties".


This command is used for exporting the indicated report in

a file (format can be selected from the "Export Format"
property). The exported report is saved in the project's
"DLOGGERS" folder with the name "<ReportName
This command has effect in reports created with "Report
Designer" or "Crystal Report".


This command calls the DatChart.exe application, residing

in the Movicon installation folder, which allows the you to
display the selected DataLogger/Recipe data in tables and


This command opens a window to view the textual report.

For further information see the section on "Textual Report
Commands and Parameters".


This command sends the textual report directly to the

printer for printing. For further information see the section
on "Textual Report Commands and Parameters".

Save Textual

This command creates and saves a new textual report file.

For further information see the section on "Textual Report
Commands and Parameters".


This command adds a new page to textual report file set in

the "Textual Report - Destination File" parameter. For
further information see the section on "Textual Report
Commands and Parameters".


This command exports values currently existing in the

temporary variables of the Recipe selected in the "Data
Logger/Recipe" field in "csv" format, using the character
set in the " Separator Import/Export Recipe" field as the
separator. Therefore temporary variables should have
previously been associated to the Recipe fields and the
desired recipe should have been loaded before going ahead
with the exportation procedures.
This command imports a recipe from the "csv" file to the
temporary variables of the Recipe selected in the "Data
Logger/Recipe" field, using the character set in the "
Separator Import/Export Recipe" field as the separator.
Therefore temporary variables should have previously been
associated to the Recipe fields. The file must be formatted
correctly by providing all the fields belonging to the Recipe
selected in the "Data Logger/Recipe" field.



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Export and
send mail

This command allows you to export or e-mail the report

associated to the selected DataLogger/Recipe. The e-mail
is sent according to the settings entered in the Plug-In
SMTP using the "SMTP settings" button, from the project's
General properties, where the ediitor will generate a
"smtp_direct.settings" file name in the
"NomeProgetto\DATA" folder. The Report export file,
created in the pre-chosen format using the "Export Format"
property, is attached to the email and saved in the
"ProjectName\DLOGGERS" folder with the name of the
Data Logger in which the report was created.
The e-mail recipient will be the user or user group defined
in the "recipient" property.
the Timeout for command execution,
creating reports and sending emails, can
be modified in the "GeneralTimeout"
registry key. In cases of Timeout
intervention, the value of this key which
is set at 10 seconds for default, can be


This command has effect in reports created with "Report

Designer" or "Crystal Report".
This command consents a viewing of the selected
Embedded Report preview. For further information please
refer to the section on "Embedded Report Generation


This command sends the selected Embedded Report to be

printed. For further information please refer to the section
on "Embedded Report Generation Commands".


This command consents the selected Embedded Report pdf

file to be saved. For further information please refer to the
section on "Embedded Report Generation Commands".


This command consents the selected Embedded Report to

be saved on pdf and sent by e-mail. For further information
please refer to the section on "Embedded Report
Generation Commands".


This command is only available when a Recipe is selected in

the "DataLogger/Recipe" field.
This command is used for reading recipe values form the
filed and updating values read with the selected recipe's
temporary variables. Equivalent to the "Tag.Read" variable
functionality settable in the recipe "Execution Properties".

X Pos
This property is used for entering the horizontal position of Report preview window's origin. The
value is expressed in pixels ( '-1' value is the default position).
This option will only be managed when the report is in Crystal Report format otherwise it will be
Y Pos
This property is used for entering the vertical position of the Report preview window's origin. The
value is expressed in pixels ('- 1 ' value is the default position).
This option will only be managed when the report is in Crystal Report format otherwise it will be
This property is used for setting the Report preview window's width. The value is expressed in pixels
('0' value is the default size).
This option will only be managed when the report is in Crystal Report format otherwise it will be





This property is used for setting the Report preview window's length. The value is expressed in pixels
(' 0 ' value is the default size).
This option will only be managed when the report is in Crystal Report format otherwise it will be
This check box is used for displaying or hiding the toolbar in the report preview window.
This option will only be managed when the report is in Crystal Report format otherwise it will be
Group Tree
This check box is used for displaying or hiding the group Tree in the report preview window.
This option will only be managed when the report is in Crystal Report format otherwise it will be
Report Template File
For further information see the section on "Textual Report Commands and Parameters".
Report Destination File
For further information see the section on "Textual Report Commands and Parameters".
Report Query
This field is used for inserting the query to be used for extracting data from the Data Logger or
Historical Log for displaying in the report. This property is only enabled if the "Embedded Report" or
Textual Report" command has been selected in the "Action" field.

Textual Report: queries in textual reports are only used when the"Data Logger/Recipes"
field has been specified as well. In cases where no query has been set, all the data in the
database will be extracted by date and time order starting with the most recent.
Embedded Report: queries in embedded reports are used for extracting data from the
database table associated to the Embedded Report. If no query is specified in this property,
the one set in the Embedded Report's "Query Report" property will be used. If no query has
been specified in this property as well, the default query will be used instead which will
extract all values from the table by date and time order staring with the most recent.

The query's text is entered in this field and it is not possible to insert the name of a variable to make
query dynamic. In order to create the query dynamically you will need to use the
"TextualRptSQLQuery" property from the "CommandReportCmdTarget" interface.
Report Max Pages
The maximum number of printed pages with one single Textual Report command ("View Textual
Report", "Print Textual Report", "Save Textual Report" and "Append Textual Report") or Embedded
Report command ("View Embedded Report", "Print Embedded Report", "Save Embedded Report" and
"Send Embedded Report"). The "0" value is used for setting an unlimited number of printed pages,
(it is advised not to use the '0' value to avoid occupying too much memory and printer use in cases
where errors occur in the data extraction query formulation).
The maximum number of pages is evaluated only for those commands
which have also been set with a Data Logger fro where to extract data or
for report command in the Historical Log.
When using an "Embedded Report" command with a Report containing a "Chart"
object in the "Report Header" band or in the "Report Footer", the first and last
pages will be used for printing the "Chart". The number of the page to be printed
indiicted in the "Maximum Page Number" parameter concerns the page number
for the "Details" band only. In addition, when generating a multiple report, being
a list of a various number of report, thise parameter will only be considered
individually for each report and will not be applied to total number of pages of all
the reports listed.
Reference Period
The time ranges for extracting data to be displayed on the Report can be selected in this field. The
possible selections are:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Yesterday and Today
Current Week
Current Month
Current Year
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days
Last 60 Days
Last 90 Days
Last Year
Last 2 Years
Last 5 Years
Last 10 Years

This parameter is only considered if one of the following commands has been selected in
the Action field: "View Report", "Print Report", "Export Report", "View Embedded
Report", "Print Embedded Report", "Save Embedded Report"and "Send Embedded
Export Format
This parameter is used for selecting the file format in which to export the Report using the "Export
Report" command. The possible selections are:


This parameter only considered if the "Export Report" command has been selected in the
Action field.
Select Date
When enabling this check box a dialog window will display when the Report is opened for the user to
enter the data and time for the selection query of the data to be displayed on the Report.
This parameter is only considered if one of the following commands has been selected in
the Action field: "View Report", "Print Report" and "Export Report".
Separator Import/Export Recipe
This field is used for setting a separator for the ".csv" file when using the "Import Recipe" and
"Export Recipe" commands. ";" is the default character.
Report Page Width
This command is used for setting the Width of the printed Report page. Values are set in millimeters
and the -1 value for default uses the printer's sizes.
This parameter is only considered when the "Print Embedded Report" command has
been selected from the "Action" field and if the report's "Use Paper Settings" property
has been enabled.
Report Page Height
This command is used for setting the Height of the printed Report page. Values are set in millimeters
and the -1 value for default uses the printer's sizes.
This parameter is only considered when the "Print Embedded Report" command has
been selected from the "Action" field and if the report's "Use Paper Settings" property
has been enabled.
Report Left Margin (mm)
This command is used for setting the left print margin which will be added to the one used by the
printer for default. This margin is set in millimeters and the -1 value (default value) allows you to use
any default print margins retrieved through the driver of the printer being used.





This parameter is only considered when the "Print Textual Report" or "Print Embedded
report" has been selected in the "Action" field.
Report Right Margin (mm)
This command is used for setting the right print margin which will be added to the one used by the
printer for default. This margin is set in millimeters and the -1 value (default value) allows you to use
any default print margins retrieved through the driver of the printer being used.
This parameter is only considered when the "Print Textual Report" or "Print Embedded
report" has been selected in the "Action" field.
Report Top Margin (mm)
AThis command is used for setting the top print margin which will be added to the one used by the
printer for default.This margin is set in millimeters and the -1 value (default value) allows you to use
any default print margins retrieved through the driver of the printer being used.
This parameter is only considered when the "Print Textual Report" or "Print Embedded
report" has been selected in the "Action" field.
Report bottom margin (mm)
This command is used for setting the bottom print margin which will be added to the one used by
the printer for default. This margin is set in millimeters and the -1 value (default value) allows you to
use any default print margins retrieved through the driver of the printer being used.
This parameter is only considered when the "Print Textual Report" or "Print Embedded
report" has been selected in the "Action" field.
Show Print Dialog
When this option is enabled, a dialog window will open for setting the setting of the printer to be
used before printing the report. Therefore it will be possible to choose which printer to use among
those available in the PC.
This parameter is only considered when the "Print Textual Report" or "Print Embedded
Report"command has been selected from the "Action" field.
This field is used for choosing the printer to send the report to. The printer can be selected from the
PC's local printer. If a printer is not specified in this field, the Windows default printer will be used
instead. The "Chose Printer" option always has priority in this setting.
In cases in which the project has been setup for the Windows CE platform, the list of printers is fixed
and will show those supported by the "PrintCE.dll" tool as follows:

Epson ESC/P 2
Epson Stylus COLOR
PocketJet II
PocketJet 200
Canon BJ (300 dpi)
Canon BJ (360 dpi)
Epson LX (9-pin)
Adobe PDF file
Canon IP90
Partner M1POS
Canon IP100
O'Neil 4 inch
O'Neil 3 inch

This parameter is only considered when the "Print Textual Report" or "Print Embedded
Report"command has been selected from the "Action" field.
When enabling this setting the Report page will be printed horizontally instead of vertically.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This parameter will only be considered when the "Print Textual report", "View Embedded
Report", "Save Embedded Report", "Print Embedded Report" or "Send Embedded
Report" have been selected from the "Action" field.
Printer Port
This field is used for choosing the port to be used for printing. The choices are listed below and
cannot be changed:

Network Printer
Broadcom Bluetooth
Microsoft Bluetooth

This parameter will only be considered if printing is executed in Windows CE and when
the "Print Embedded Report" command has been selected in the "Action" field. In
projects where the "Windows CE" platform has not been selected, the "Printer Port" will
remain disabled.
Port Settings
This field is used for inserting a printer port configuration string. This setting is only used in cases
when one of the "File", "Network Printer", "Broadcom Bluetooth" or "Microsoft Bluetooth" options has
been selected in the "Printer Port" parameter:
File: the file name and path as well as the printer driver to be used for saving print out put must be
set (i.e. "\FlashDrv\Output.prn")
Network Printer: the printer's network path must be set (i.e. "\\ServerName\PrinterName")
Broadcom Bluetooth: the three delimited values separated by the pipe ('|') character must be set.
The first value represents the bluetooth card address (i.e. 00:0A:D9:EB:66:C7), the second value
represents the service to be sued and the third value represents the channel number.
Microsoft Bluetooth: the bluetooth card address must be set (i.e. 00:0A:D9:EB:66:C7)
This parameter will only be considered if printing is executed in Windows CE and when
the "Print Embedded Report" command has been selected in the "Action" field. In
projects where the "Windows CE" platform has not been selected, the "Printer Port" will
remain disabled.
This field is used for inserting the name of the user or user group to be sent the email with attached
report file.
This parameter is only considered when the "Export and End Email" or "Send Embedded
Report" command has been selected from the "Action" field.

18.1.7. Script Command

This group of commands are used for carrying out operations of the Movicon VBA Script.





The name of the Script VBA to be run or stopped is entered in this edit box (or selected with the '...'
browse button on the right).
When you need to select a script from a child project the following syntax should be used:
When you need to select a script from a Parent project the following syntax should be used:
This property allows you to select the action that has to be executed for the selected VBA Script. The
choices are:


Run Normal

Run the script in normal mode

Run Synchro

The Basic Script is run synchronized with the component or

interface that put it into execution. In this case the object in
question will remain blocked until the Basic Script has
stopped running.

Run Safe

Runs the script in Safe mode. In this case the script will be
executed in a new Movicon process, allowing the Movicon
application to be saved if the script causes a crash. Please
keep in mind that script loading/unloading is rather slow.


Stop the execution of the script, but don't unload it from



Unload the script from memory

The unload command of a basic script resource
unloads only those basic resources which are being
run in separate threads from memory. The other basic
script resources being run in the same thread are only
stopped. As a consequence of this, the "Unloading"
event is no longer executed following an unload
command for those basic script resources which are
not in separate threads. In addition to this the
variables used by the basic script always remain in
use once the basic script has been run at least once.

Allows you to set the eventual script parameters. Each parameter must be separated by the ","
(comma) character.
The example above is considered as three parameters "Start", "1" and "500". The "GetParameter()"
function from the "ScriptMEInterface" should then be used within the Basic Script routine for
retrieving the parameters.
New Instance allowed
This property allows you to run more instances from the same Basic Script at the same time. In
order for this to work property you must, however, specify a number higher than one in the Basic
Script's "Maximum Instances" property.
This property allows you to insert a timeout by taking into account when the Basic Script is run in
synchronized mode. In any case, the Basic Script will release the interface which called it when the
timeout expires.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

18.1.8. Screen Commands

This group of commands are used for carrying out opening operations of the Movicon Screen
Screen (Page)
The name of the Screen required to be opened, printed or closed is entered in this edit box (or
selected with the '...' browse button on the right).
When selecting a child project screen the syntax is:
When selecting a parent project screen from a child project the syntax is:
The type of command or action to be executed on the selected Screen is selected through this
property. The options are:


Open Normal (scree


This command consents a Screen window to be opened in the

more classic mode being a window within the Movicon Main
frame. Opening the Screen in this way will automatically close
the previous Screen (which is loaded in the system's RAM),
unless the "Not Destroyable" option has not been enabled in
the 'Screen Style Properties'.

Open Modal (pop-up


This command consents the opening and displaying of Screen

as a 'Modal Window', meaning that it will be managed in the
same way as a Dialog Box. There it will open on top of the
Screen window from which it was called up. The Modal Screen is
a secondary window which captures all the input from the user
until it is closed.

Open Frame (multimonitor)

This command opens and displays a Screen by opening a new

window different from Movicon's main window. This command
can also be used for opening screens in another Monitor that is
not for default to allow you to manage projects in a MultiMonitor system.
When using the Open Frame command to open a screen
in another monitor (different from the one in which the
project was started up), the screen in question may be
sized using the "Width" and "Height" parameters. If the
'0' value is set in either one of these parameters, the
screen in question will always be opened within a
window and maximized to the sizes of this second

process (Safe Mode)

This command allows the opening and displaying of a Screen

executing another instance. (therefore a process in a different
memory area).
This is useful when Screens using ActiveX might cause an error
in the main application.
Using this mode however consumes more overall
resources whether for the Screen in 'Safe Mode' (which
acts as client) and for the one loading it (which acts as







This command consents to direct printing (in the printer set as

the operating system's default printer) of the selected Screen.
In order to get more print options, such as the window used for
selecting the printer or print preview, you will need to use the
"PrintSynoptic" function from the "ScreenCmdTarget" basic


Execute Synapses

This command closes the selected Screen. If the Screen has

been opened in 'Normal' mode, the current Screen will be
closed and the previously displayed screen loaded. This
happens only when the screen to be closed is the same one
displayed on video screen or when nothing has been specified in
the "Close" command's "Screen" parameter.
When the "Close" command is executed
leaving the "Screen" field empty to return
to the previous screen, it will only work if
invoked from a screen object, such as a
Button , a Hot Region, etc., and will not
work for all those resources outside the
Accelerators, Basic Scripts, Event Objects,
Alarms, etc. In this case a messaged will
be generated in the Historical Log stating
"Cannot find the screen":
This command type activates the Synapses logic contained in
the specified Screen. The logic will always be executed in
'asynchronous' mode.
The command can also be executed by Basic Script, where is
can be executed in 'synchronous' or 'asynchronous' mode.

Open Next (open as


This command opens the next screen to the one already

opened, based on a map determined by the value set in the ID
property of each screen. The next screen will open in "Normal"
mode. For further information on how to used this command
see "Screen Change commands based on Screen IDs".

Open Prev. (open as


This command permits you to open previous screen to the one

already open,based on a map determined by the value set in
the ID property of each screen. The previous screen will open in
"Normal" mode. For further information on how to used this
command see "Screen Change commands based on Screen

Capture and Print

This command consents to capture the desired screen and

sending it to the printer predefined in the operating system
being used. This screen can be either be the one already
opened or another one. When the screen to be printed is not
the one currently opened, its name must be specified in the
"Screen" parameter. Movicon will then open this screen in
Background and send it to the printer. this command used the
"PrnWnd.exe" (PrnWndCE.exe per Windows CE) tool, which is
installed in the same folder where Movicon is installed. This tool
is called automatically by Movicon when the command is
executed, by passing it the handle of the window to be printed.
This command can also be used for defining the print page
sizes and margins using the parameters described below.
For further information on how to use the "PrnWnd.exe" tool
see the appropriate "Tools" section.

Capture and Save

This command allows you to create a bitmap image for the

specified screen. This image will be saved in the project's
DLOGGERS folder with the same name used by the screen. The
screen for which the image is to be created for doesn't have to
be the one currently opened. In this case the name of the
screen must be specified in the command's "Screen" parameter.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

If the screen is not already loaded in memory when the

commanded is executed, Movicon will open the screen in
background and save the file in ".bmp" format, with the same
name of the screen's, in the DLOGGERS folder. You can also use
this command to defined the sizes of the image to be saved
using the appropriated parameters described as follows.
Setting sizes with the default -1 value will resize the image,
when possible, with the same screen sizes. If the image sizes
are larger than the screen resolution sizes, the image will be
created with the same same resolution sizes.
Repeating command execution for the same
scree, will overwirte the file in bitmap format
losing the image previously saved.
For further information refer to the paragraph on "Opening Screen Modalities".
The Monitor where the Screen is to be opened is specified in this parameter. Therefore the system
must be correctly configured to manage the Multi-Monitor beforehand.
The '0' value opens the window on the Monitor set for 'default' in the operating system.
When 'Open Normal (Movicon MDI) has been selected as 'Action' the
window will be opened on the default Monitor independently of the value
set in the 'Monitor' property.
Parameter File
The name, and eventually the path, of the parameter file is entered in this edit box when it is
required to open the Screen with parameters.
For further information on Screens with parameters refer to the paragraph on "Screens with
When the file name is entered only and not the path, Movicon will search
for the file in the current folder, then in the folder where the Screen is
found, and finally in the folder defined for the Images through the
"Images Path" property which can be accessed from the 'Project Path'
ATTENTION! Movicon is a Unicode application, therefore the Parameter
file must be saved in Unicode version.
X Pos
The window's origin position (left side) for the X axis is set in this property. The value is expressed in
pixels, and the zero point represents the zero point of the monitor's horizontal axis (left side).
"Frame". Value is expressed in pixels, and the zero point of the Movicon main window is considered
as zero point.
All of the Movicon application's window including the Movicon title bar and side borders. This means
that when setting the X coordinate value to 0, the Pop-up window or Frame may result slightly
hidden on the left side when the Movicon main window is opened at full screen. The following
special values can also be entered in the "X Pos":

-1value: when setting the X Pos. with the -1 value, the Pop-up window or Frame will open in
the central horizontal position within the Movicon Main window.
-2 value: when setting the X Pos. with the -2 value, the Pop-Up window will open 0
coordinate horizontal position within the main screen and not within the Movicon window. In
this way, if Movicon is opened at maximized screen size, the Pop-up screen will display in full.
This parameter is only managed if the "Open Modal (pop-up screen)" command is used.
When the 'Open Normal (MDI Child) has been selected as 'Action' the
window will be opened on the Monitor's zero origin point.

Y Pos
The window's position of origin (top side) for the Y axis is set in this property. The value is expressed
in pixels, the zero point refers to the Monitor's vertical axis (top side).





This value is expressed in pixels, and its zero point refers to the Movicon main window's zero point.
The whole Movicon application window includes the Movicon title bars and side borders. This means
that when setting the Y coordinate value to 0, the Pop-up or Frame may be slightly hidden at the top
when the Movicon main window is opened at full screen. The following special values can be inserted
in the "Y Pos.":

-1value:when setting the Y Pos. with the -1 value, the Pop-up window or Frame will open in
the central horizontal position within the Movicon Main window.
-2 value:when setting the Y Pos. with the -2 value, the Pop-Up window will open 0
coordinate vertical position within the main screen and not within the Movicon window. In
this way, if Movicon is opened at maximized screen size, the Pop-up screen will display in full.
This parameter is only managed if the "Open Modal (pop-up screen)" command is used.
When the 'Open Normal (MDI Child)' has been selected as 'Action' the
window will open on the Monitor's zero point origin.

The size of the window's width is set in this property. The value is expressed in pixels.
When the 'Open Normal (Movicon MDI)' has been selected as 'Action'
the window will open with the sizes set in programming mode.
The widow's height is set in this property. The value is expressed in pixels.
When the 'Open Normal (Movicon MDI)' has been selected as 'Action'
the window will open with the sizes set in programming mode.
When enabled, this property consent the displaying of the title bar for the selected Screen.
When enabled, this property gives more highlight to the selected Screen's outer border.
Resize Border
When enabled, this property allows the selected Screen to be resized during Runtime. This can be
done by using the mouse and the usual Windows techniques.
Sys Menu
When enabled, this property allows the System Menu to be displayed on the selected Screen's title
bar. This setting will have not effect If the 'Title' bar has not been enabled. The System Menu can
be accessed through the icon on the top left in the title bar.
Also when enabling this property, the button for closing the window will be made available and
displayed on the top right of the title bar ( ).
Maximized Box
When enabled, this property allows the button for enlarging the window to be displayed on the top
right in the title bar ( ). If the 'System Menu' has not been enabled, this setting will have no
Minimized Box
When enabled, this property allows the button for reducing the window to be displayed on the top
right in the title bar ( ). If the 'System Menu' has not been enabled, this setting will have no
Keep Print Proportions
This property, when enabled, prints the screen as you see in keeping to the same proportions. When
disabled (therefore for default), the height and width sizes are adapted to the page size. This
parameter has effect on both the "Print" and "Capture and Print" commands.
Print Page Width
This property permits you to set the width of the print or image to be saved. This value is expressed
in mm for the print and in pixels for the image. Setting this value to "-1", according to command
type, the print default size will be used or the image will be created with the origin screen sizes.
This parameter only has effect on "Capture & Print" and "Capture & Save".
Print Page Height


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This property permits you to set the height of the print or image to be saved. This value is expressed
in mm for the print and in pixels for the image. Setting this value to "-1", according to command
type, the print default size will be used or the image will be created with the origin screen sizes.
This parameter only has effect on "Capture & Print" and "Capture & Save".
Top Margin
This property is used for setting the print page's top margin. Value is expressed in mms where the
"-1" value uses the default print page size. This parameter has effect only for the "Capture & Print".
Bottom Margin
This property is used for setting the print page's bottom margin. Value is expressed in mms where
the "-1" value uses the default print page size. This parameter has effect only for the "Capture &
Left Margin
This property is used for setting the print page's left margin. Value is expressed in mms where the
"-1" value uses the default print page size. This parameter has effect only for the "Capture & Print".
Right Margin
This property is used for setting the print page's right margin. Value is expressed in mms where the
"-1" value uses the default print page size. This parameter has effect only for the "Capture & Print".

18.1.9. System Commands

This command group allows operations to be executed for closing Movicon or starting up external
The command type or action to be executed is selected through this property. The options are:




Shut Down OS

This command executes the shut down of Movicon and the

Operating System.

Shut Down App

This command executes the shut down of Movicon.

Launch App

This command launches a Windows application, which must

then be specified in the 'Command Line' property. If
allowed by application, the "Work Folder" to be used by the
applicationcan also be specified.

Launch App and


This command launches a Windows application, which must

then be specified in the 'Command Line' property. If
allowed by application, the "Work Folder" to be used by the
applicationcan also be specified.
In this case the Movicon user interface will be put on hold for
the time specified in the "Timeout" parameter. This will stop
further operations from being performed while the specified
application is being started up.

Play Sound File

(Parameter is the
Sound file)

allows a wav. sound file to be reproduced by exploiting the

preset audio card. The name of the sound file to be
reproduced must be entered in the 'Command Line'
parameter. If only the file path is shown and not its name,
"Recources/ProgjectName" folder.

Beep (Parameter
is the frequency
of the sound)

Allows a beep sound to be made by using the computer's

speaker. The sound frequency must be entered in the
'Command Line' parameter (ex. values from '37' to
'37767' are permitted)The beep duration time is entered in




the "Timeout" parameter in milliseconds.

Only one sound can be used in WinCE.
This command is not supported in 64 bit operating systems.
In this case you will need to use the "Run Audio File"
command for activating ".wav" files.
Speak (Parameter
is text to speak,
not available for

Allows the text, set in the 'Command Line', to be executed

in text-to-speech mode. This command supports multilingual
for which you can also set string IDs from the project string
Not available on WinCE.

Reboot OS

Allows you to command a reboot of the operating system.

However, to monitor the status of an application it would be
best to use the service and the "Recovery" (Service Property,
recovery folder) just in case you have to intervene and take
action when errors occur.
Not available in WinCE.


Show or Hide
Output Window
(not available for

This command consents to hiding or showing the Output

window during runtime. This command works as a toggle,
meaning that if the window is showing the command will
hide it and viceversa.


This command allows you to insert a timeout between two

commands on the Command List. In this way the command
entered before Timeout will be executed with a delayed time
equal to the one entered in the "Timeout" parameter. A
timeout can also be entered using the "Add Wait Time"
button in the "Command List Window" . In this case a new
System Timeout Command will be added with the 1000
msec. default settings which can be changed later when
editing the new inserted command.
Note: This command is in synchro. with the User
Interface, therefore when the command is being
executed the interface's graphics will freeze. The user
interface will not freeze if the command is executed
through an "Event" object in a separate Thread.

Command Line
The value which is inserted in this editbox changed according to the command type selected. Those
commands which require this parameter are:
Launch Application: the application file path and name to be run is entered here (i.e. Windows
application). If no executable file path is specified , Movicon will search for file in the Windows folder.
Launch Application and Wait: the application file path and name to be run is entered here (i.e. a
Windows application). If no executable file path is specified , Movicon will search for file in the
Windows folder.
Play Sound File: the ".wav" audio file name and path is entered here that is to be run from the
audio card. If file name is entered without path, Movicon will search for it inside the
Beep: the beep frequency time value is entered here. Values allowed are from "37" to "37767" Hz
Speak: insert text to be spoken. This command supports multilanguages so it is also possible to set
String IDs from the project's String Table. In this case ID cannot be selected from the "String Table
Window" and must be entered manually.
Work folder
The complete path of the work folder to be passed to the application when the "Launch Application"
or "Launch command and Wait" is entered in this field. In this way, the application to be launched
will be passed this parameter as the initial work folder.
Caution! Not all application support the use of the initial Work Folder,
therefore check whether the application in question can manage it
before using this parameter.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Caution! initial Work Folder utility is not supported in Window CE

The value inserted in this editbox changes accroding to the command type selected. Commands that
require this parameter are:ametro sono:
Launch Application and Wait: timeout is entered in milliseconds here during which the Movicon
user interface will freeze while the requested application is being launched.
Beep: Beep duration time in milliseconds is entered here.
Wait time: Timeout in milliseconds is entered here

18.1.10. User Commands

This group of commands allow the operations for Logging on and Logging off Movicon users to be
The command type or action to be executed or the Basic Script selected is selected through this
property. The options are:



This command opens the window for executing the log on

of a user.


This commands executes the log off of the user currently




This command allows the editing of users during Runtime

to be executed. In this case a executable file is used for
editing the XML file containing the "Runtime Users". The
default executable file must be called 'EditUsr.exe', but
the name can be changed by means of the 'EditUsersExe'
registry key. The application name which Movicon must
execute upon the edit users in runtime command is saved
in this key. When the file name is specified only, Movicon
will first search for it in its installation folder then in the
Windows list of PATHS.

The Logon and Logoff commands are also available in the Movicon Status Bar:

The icon which represents the user on the bottom right can be in colour or in just grey. Grey means
that no users are logged on therefore simply double-click on the icon to display the User logon
window where a '0' level authentication will be requested. When the icon is in colour, this means that
a user is active and therefore simply double-click on the icon to deactivate the user.
This edit box is used for setting the lowest level to be associated to the user logging on. If the user
does not have any rights for the level specified they will not be authenticated.
This property is only significant when 'Log on' has been selected in the 'Action' property.





18.1.11. Variable Commands

This group of commands is used for carry out operations on the Movicon Real Time DB variables.
The variable name on which the required command is to be activated is enter in this edit box (or
selected with the '...' browse button on the right).
When selecting a child project variable the syntax is:
When selecting a parent project variable from a child project the syntax is:
Screen Alias
The Alias name (entered without angled brackets) to be set using the "set screen alias" command is
inserted in this box. You can click on the browse button to open the Alias Table to add/select the
Alias name.
For further information about using Aliases please refer to "Aliases in Objects".
The command type or action to be executed on the variable, is selected through this property. The
options are:



This command sets the variable to the value specified in

the 'Value' property. When the variable is string type, any
numeric values will automatically be converted in string.
When the 'Value' field is left empty, the 'set' command
will have no effect on numeric type variables, while an
empty string will be inserted if the variable is string type.


This commands sets the variable to '0' value (zero)

independently of the 'Value' field's contents. When the
variable is string type, an empty string will be inserted.
In addition to this, this command also sets the "append
decimal mode" to OFF (ON-OFF decimal append values).
In this way the next command used for appending a new
value will always insert the value before the decimal point.
This change makes it easier to use Numeric Pads created
with Screens (Numeric and Alphanumeric Screens).


This command, changes the variable's value upon each

execution according to the previous state. The two
alternating values are the '0' value and the value set in the
'Value' property. When the variable is string type, an
empty string will be inserted instead of the '0' value.


This command sets the variable to the value contained in

the 'Value' property, and is kept for the time specified in
the 'Strobe Time' property. When this time runs out the
previous variable value will be restored.


This command increases the variable specified in the

"Variable" property by one value which is specified in the
"Value" property. When the variable is string type a chain
of strings will be executed instead, adding in line to the
'Value' field's contents.
The increasing of the variable will only have effect up to
the maximum value, set in the 'Max. Value' property for
numerics and 'Max. Chars' property for strings.
When the 'Value' field is left empty, the 'increase'
command will have no effect on the variable.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

In order to add characters to string type variables you

should use the "Append Value" and not the "Increase"

This command decreases the variable specified in the

'Variable' property by one value which is specified in the
'Value' property.
The variable decrease will only have effect until the
minimum value set in the 'Min. Value' property has been
reached. A null string will be inserted when the variable is
string type.
In order to remove characters from string type variables
you should us the "Remove Value" command and not the
"Decrease" command.


This command opens a alphanumeric pad where values can

be entered without using the keyboard. The value will
return to the variable after being confirmed with the 'Ok'
key as usual. This is fundamentally used with TouchScreens.
If the name of a screen has been specified in the project's
"Alphanumeric Screen" execution property this screen will
be opened instead of the default Alphanumeric Pad. In this
way the Alphanumeric Pad can be customized. For further
information please refer to the section on "Numeric and

numeric pad

This command opens a numeric pad where characters can

be entered without using the keyboard. The value returns
back to the variable after being confirmed with the 'OK' key
as usual. This is fundamentally used with Touch-Screens.
If the name of a screen has been specified in the project's
"Numeric Screen" execution property this screen will be
opened instead of the default Numeric Pad. In this way the
Alphanumeric Pad can be customized. For further
information please refer to the section on "Numeric and

Append Value

This command appends the value specified in the "Value"

field to the selected variable. This command does not
execute a adds up the values but adds the specified value
to the end of the current value. If, for instance, the
variable has a "10" value and the "1" value is to be
appended the result will not be "11" but "101". Naturally
the value to be appended must be a numeric figure if the
variable type is numeric, or otherwise a alphanumeric
figure if the variable is string type.
If a value has not been specified in the "Value" field
Movicon will append the value which has been set in the
"Title" of the object which executed the command (eg. the
button's title).

Remove Value

This command removes the last figure from the selected

variable. If, for instance, the variable's value is "101" it
will then become "10" when this command is executed.


This command allows the variables value to swap over

from positive to negative and viceversa.
This command has effect only when the variable type is
numeric. This command it toggle type, meaning that the
variable's current sign is inverted with the other sign each
time it is executed.





This command allows you to specify whether the "Append

Value" or "Remove Value" command must be executed on
the variable in integer part or fractional part. This
command has meaning only when the variable is floating




point type. This command is toggle type, meaning that it

inverts current position to the other each time it is
Move Value

Allows a value from one variable to be moved to another

variable. In this case the source variable is the one
specified in the "Variable" parameter, while the target
variable is the one specified in the "Move to Variable"
parameter. Different variable types can also be used. In
this case Movicon will execute the necessary conversions
according to each variable type. For instance, you can
move the value of a string value to a numeric value and
viceversa. Two Structure variables can also be moved from
one to the other proving that these do not contain String
members and the same size in bytes.

Reset Statistic

This command will reset all the statistic data of the variable
set in the "Variable" parameter. This operation can also be
executed with VBA.


This command copies the minimum value statistic of the

variable indicated in the "Variable " parameter to the
variable indicated in the "Move to Variable" parameter.
Therefore the destination variable will get the minimum
value that the source variable has obtained during the
project run.



This command copies the maximum value statistic of the

variable indicated in the "Variable" parameter to the
variable indicated in the "Move to Variable". Therefore the
destination variable will get the maximum value obtained
by the source variable during the project run.

Move Average

This command copies the average value statistic of the

variable indicated in the "Variable" parameter to the
variable indicated in the "Move to Variable" parameter.
Therefore the destination variable will get the average
value obtained by the source variable during the project

Set da ID di

This command searches the string table for an identifier

with the text set in the "Value" field. Then sets the variable
with the identifiers contents based on the activated
language. If the identifier is not found, the variable is set
with the same text set in the "Value" field. In this case the
variable should therefore be string type.

Set Screen

This command consents screen Alias values to be modified.

The Alias to be modified will be the one selected in the
"Screen Alias" property and it new value will be the one
inserted in the "Value" property. This command also allows
you to insert a new Alias in the screen. If the Alas selected
in the "Screen Alias" property does not exist in the
screen's Alias Table, it will be added as a new Alias. In this
case, however, this change will not be retained when the
page is unloaded from memory.
For further information on using aliases please refer to the
paragraph entitled "Aliases in Objects".

Move to Variable
The name of the destination variable is entered in this edit box (or selected with the browse button
on the right) when selecting a "Move Value" command. This is the variable on which the value of
the source variable specified in the "Variable" property, will be moved to according to command
When selecting a child project variable the syntax is:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

When selecting a parent project variable from a child project the syntax is:
The value to be obtained by the variable when the command is executed is entered in this edit box.
Its significance changes according to the type of 'Action' the variable is associated with. In cases
using the "Set Screen Alias" command it may be a value or the name of a variable.
In cases where the "Increase" or "Decrease" command has been selected in the "Action" field, the
name of the Real Time DB variable can also be inserted in the value field. In this way the increase
or decrease will be executed with a value equal to the variable's value, allowing the increase or
decrease step to vary during runtime.
Strobe Time
This property is only valid when 'Strobe' has been selected in the 'Action' property. In this case the
time, expressed in milliseconds, in which the variable will remain set with the value entered in the
'Value' property. When this time runs out the variable will go back to previous value again.
Max. Value
This property is only valid when the following items have been selected in the 'Action' property:

Numeric Pad

The specified value is the maximum limit that the variable can assume during increase operations or
Numeric Pad entries.
The name of the variable from the RealTimeDB can also be inserted in this field whose contents will
be taken as the value limit rendering the value limit dynamic and can be entered using the numeric
Min. Value
This property is only valid for numeric type variables and when the following items have been
selected in the 'Action' property:

Numeric Pad

The specified value will be the minimum limit which the variable can assume during decrease
operations or Numeric Pad entries.
The name of the variable from the RealTime DB can also be inserted in this field whose contents will
be taken as the value limit rendering the value limit dynamic and can be entered using the numeric
Max. Chars
This property is only valid for string type variables and when the following items have been selected
in the 'Action' property:

Alphanumeric Pad

The value specified will be the maximum number of characters which can be entered in the variable
during increase operations or Alphanumeric Pad entries.
Password Style
This property only has meaning for string variables selected with the "Alphanumeric Pad" item as
"Action" type. In this case, if this property is checked, the value inserted in the Alphanumeric Pad will
be crypted displaying the inserted characters as asterisks. Usually used when text to be inserted is a


19. Alarms Management

19.1. Alarms
The Movicon Alarms resource consents the managing of
diagnostics and messages in projects.
The diagnostics is one of the fundamental elements on which any supervision application project is
based. Basically, the system's task is to generate alarms in relation to variable or logic intervention
The Movicon management complies with the ISA (S-18) normative, but is completely configurable to
adapt to any application requirement. The project alarms are grouped in objects which are then
grouped into thresholds.
Alarm activation can be evoked by a fixed threshold value or by another tag.
The Acknowledge or reset operations on each alarm can be configured, just like the style and
functioning modalities can be. The priority levels, which can be assigned to each alarm by the
programmer, are virtually unlimited. The Alarms can be grouped into 'Areas' to obtain display filters
for the operator or Alarm Window dedicated to each plant sector. The time-stamping is precise and
accurate to the millisecond. Movicon also integrates calculated statistics of the alarms with the
highest frequency and/or duration in the specified period. Managing alarms in network architectures
has been extremely simplified by connecting alarm windows to network stations, or to OPC AE
The alarms also support tag-linked texts, therefore the real values measured at alarm interventions
can be displayed and recorded. The alarms also manage SMS, Fax, Email, Speech notifications,
through customizable sound files and any kind of intervention, acknowledgement and reset
customizing can also be done through the VBA script in response to each alarm event.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The Movicon alarms can be configured so that they can be acknowledged

and reset by the operator before disappearing or they can be linked to the
status of a variable only, becoming just simple notification messages.
The "Alarm Window" window, which can be inserted in any of the project's Screens, is used for
viewing the Alarms' situation. The operator can verify and interact with the alarms' situation through
this window, evoking the acknowledge or reset commands according to the ISA level 2 norms.
The Alarms can be grouped in one certain area, to allow the Alarm Window to display the alarms
relating to a specific logic area of the plant only.
An Alarm Window can be dedicated to display the remote alarms of a
station (Server) connect in net. through the Networking functionalities.
The displaying of Alarm Window is setup by the project's developer by configuring the window in
order to adapt the project to the plant's graphical or functional requirements.

Alarms List Resource

Movicon has a powerful tool for configuring the alarm objects to be managed in the project. The
'Alarms List' is the tool for generating the events which will be represented in the appropriate
display windows placed in the Screens.
Each single alarm is considered as an object, which can be completely configured through the
'Properties window'. The property of each single alarm allows you to completely customize both
the thresholds and execution functionalities.
An alarm can be associated to a symbol from the "Symbol Library", only if the alarm has not been
defined as a "Template", this means that the alarm needs to have been associated to a variable in its
"alarm variable" property.
The 'Alarms List' resource is available in the Movicon 'Project Explorer' window.

Scroll Lock Led Key

The "BlinkLedKeyboard" register key can be configured so that any alarm presence still not
acknowledged causes the 'Scroll Lock' key to blink on the keyboard. This enables the presence of
new alarms to also be seen at a distance.

Alarm Printout Spooler

Movicon manages the printout of alarms and events directly to the printer as they occurs. Please
refers to the Project Spooler Manager Settings properties.

Script Code in Alarms

Script code can be associated to each of the alarm's thresholds. For further information please refer
to the section on "VBA Basic Script in Object and Alarm Code ".

19.2. Inserting Alarms

To insert an Alarm into the project, you need to start this procedure by inserting a new object into
the 'Alarms List' group in the 'Project Explorer' window. To do this you can either right mouse click
on the 'Alarms List' group in the 'Project Explorer' window and select the 'New Alarm' command, or
use the same command also found in the Project Explorer's 'Commands' window.




When confirming this operation, the new alarm will appear in the group or in the point selected in
the project's structure. At this point you can go on and carry out the Alarm property settings as
described in the documents on "Alarm Properties".
Afterwards the Alarm object can be assigned a Name by clicking on the resource and entering the
name replacing the one for default, or after having selected the object, press the F2 key and carry
out inserting the new name procedure.
New Alarms can be entered by copying the data from the resource, from the same or other projects.
In order to do this, select the alarm or the alarms you wish to copy, then use the Copy/Paste
function from the Edit menu (or with the equivalent keyboard keys, tool bar or right mouse key
To delete one or more alarms from the project first select them then activate the 'CANC' key or
'DELETE' key from the keyboard.
The setting or editing of alarms is done through the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Each entered alarm must then be associated with one or more intervention thresholds To add an
intervention threshold to an alarm, first select the alarm then right mouse click and select the 'New
Alarm Threshold' command, or use the same command which can also be found in the Project
Explorer's 'Commands' window. When confirming this operation, the new threshold will appear in the
Alarm's structure. At this point you can proceed with setting the threshold's properties as described
in the document about "Alarm Properties".

The only difference between alarms and messages are the "Support ACK" and "Support RESET" '
property settings of the alarm threshold. If these two properties are both disabled, the alarm will not
need acknowledging and resetting by the user and therefore will only be displayed according to the
status of the associated variable, thus making it a simple display message.
In the Project's Explorer Window 'Alarms List' the image displayed for the alarm thresholds will differ
according to whether they have been configured as alarms or as messages. During runtime the
image shown in the Alarms Window, next to the text, will also differ according to whether an alarm
or message is being dealt with. This function is valid for local alarms only. Different icons, to


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

represent whether an alarm or message, are not supported for alarms and messages displayed by
Client projects. In addtion to this, "MESSAGE ON" and "MESSAGE OFF " instead of "ALARM ON" and
"ALARM OFF" texts will display as the event identifier in the "Historical Log Window". Therefore the
MESSAGE ON" and "MESSAGE OFF " events can be filtered in the Historical Log's message filter

Alarm Areas
The alarms can be grouped in different areas so that they can be displayed in the "Alarm Window"
window based on their on the area they belong to. This may be helpful to enable you to divide the
alarms according to the different plant zones they come from. The are two methods to use for
associating an alarm to a certain area:

insert the name of the area in the "Area" property in the "Alarm Threshold General
Properties". This will associated the Area name to the alarm threshold.
create Areas in the "Alarm List" resource by using the "Add new Alarm Area..." command.
This command allows you to add folders to the "Alarm List" resource. Each folder represents
an area, and all the alarms which are moved to this folder will then belong to that specified
area. The name of the Area will also be associated to the alarm object.
Warning! When both of the above listed methods are applied to the same
alarm, priority will be given to the Area set in the "Alarm Threshold General


Create "implicit" alarm areas using a Variable Group: if the alarm is associated as a Template
to a Variable Group, the name of this Variable Group can be used as the Alarm Area name.
This method is very handy when needing to create nested alarm areas. A sub-group of
variables is a sub-area in a way that the name of the area by identified by the linking of
Variable Group names separated by the "." char. For instance, if the "Group01" variable
group contains the "Group02" sub-group, the Alarm Area of Alarm Templates can be
distinguished by then being called "Group01.Group02".
Areas created as Folders or as Alarm threshold properties are XML
Attributes of the Alarm object or threshold, and are not File System

The create Alarm Area can be deleted from the Alarm resource by selecting it then pressing the
keyboard "Canc" key. However in order to cancel an Alarm Area, it must not contain any alarm
objects. Alarm Areas can also be deleted by simply moving or deleting the alarms contained within
until it is completely empty. The Alarm Area will then become non-existent when the project is
saved, closed and then re-opened afterwards.

Importing Alarms from other Projects

Movicon allows you to copy one or more Alarms from one project to another. To do this, both
projects must first be opened, then the Alarms selected and copied using the Copy command from
the 'Project Explorer' window of the source project. Then position mouse pointer in 'Project Explorer'
window of the destination project and execute the Paste command. The copied Alarms should then
also be available in the destination project.
The Drag & Drop techniques can also be used with the following procedure: select the Alarms from
the source project and keep the left mouse key pressed and drag them to the point desired in the
destination project, then release the mouse key.

Enabling Alarms
The Movicon Alarms predisposed with a useful enabling property, to allow the programmer to
temporary deactivate the working of each single alarm.
This setting can be done by accessing the "Enable" item through the 'Alarms General
Properties' of the Alarms' 'Properties Window'.
Alarm groups or the all the contents of the Alarms Editor can also be enabled or disabled at the same
time. In this case simply select all the alarms required from the 'Alarms List' and set the "Enable"
property from the 'Alarms General Properties'. In this way the setting will be propagated to all
the alarms selected.




19.3. Alarms Historical

The alarms have two pieces of useful information to give them more detail, a Unique ID and a
Transaction ID. The Unique ID is created the once the project is put into runtime mode for the first
time, and is a number between 1 and 2147483647, being a Long number. This value is unique for all
the alarms, meaning that each alarm has its own Unique ID, which is saved in the alarms' status file
in the project's ALARM folder. Once this ID has been created it will remain so until the alarm's status
file is cancelled after which it will be assigned a new Unique ID which may be different from its last
one. The Transaction ID, however, is increased each time the alarm turns ON and remains at this
value until the alarm turns ON again. Therefore all the ON,ACK, RESET and OFF events are recorded
with the same Transaction ID. The Transaction ID's initial value is zero. Its value is saved in the
alarm's status file and is loaded at the project startup. The value limit is 2147483647, long number
type value that once reached restarts from the 1 value. The Transaction ID restarts from zero when
the alarm's status file is cancelled.
These two ID values are recorded in the Historical Log table as well and where two new columns
have been inserted, "UniID" and "TraID" for this purpose. The values of these two columns only
have meaning for the Historical Log "Alarm" table and not the "SysMsgs" and "Drivers" table.
After entering these new features, in a Client-Server configuration
all the applications must be aligned with the same Movicon 11
version. In fact an Alarm Window or a Historical Log window will not
be able to retrieve logged alarms or events from a project run with
an earlier Movicon version.
Each time an alarm event is recorded, it will be identified with an Unique ID and a Transaction ID.
This consents to a more structured and detailed alarm information in the "Alarms Window and in the
"Historical Log Window":
Historical Log Window
The alarm events are displayed in groups according to the Transaction ID. For instance, the "ON",
"ACK", "OFF" and "RESET" events recorded for the same alarm event will have the same Transaction
ID, and the one same Unique ID, and will be displayed as an Alarm subgroup. There is a "+" symbol
next to the alarm's text that when clicked on opens a tree structure showing all the events of that
Alarms Window
The alarms are listed in the window in the usual way. However, when selecting an alarm and clicking
on the "Get History" button, all the history for that alarm will be retrieved, which included all the
times the alarm was activated and the events generated for each activation ("ON", "ACK", "OFF"and
"RESET"). A "+" symbol will appear on the left of the alarm's text which will open a tree of the
alarm's chronology when clicked on.

Alarm Statistics
There has also been a series of function added to the "AlarmThresholdCmdTarget" interface which
allow you to get statistical information on alarms. This information is always saved in the alarm's
status file:
TotalTimeOn: returns the alarm's total on time
LastTotalTimeOn:returns the date and time of the alarm's last ON transaction
LastComment: Sets or returns an alarm comment
GetTotNumOn: returns the total number of times the alarm went ON
GetTotNumAck:returns the total number of times the alarm was acknowledged
GetTotNumReset: returns the total number of times the alarm was reset
GetUniqueID: returns the alarm's Unique ID
GetTransactionID: returns the alarm's transaction ID

Alarm recording language

When multi-languages and alarms are handled in a project they are associated to String IDs. The
same alarm may be recorded in the historical log in different languages. The language used for
inserting records (ON, OFF, ACK and RESET events) is the one active in the project when event was
If the user management has not, the alarm event will be recorded using the language that was used
before user logged on. If the logged user has been enabled in the project, or if no user has logged
on, the alarm event will be recorded using the language that is active at that moment. However, if


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the alarm event is executed while a user is logged on in the project, the alarm event will be recorded
using the language that was active before user logged on. However, if the user's LogOn have been
activated with a custom language or if the user has changed languaged after logging on, the alarm
event will nevertheless still be recorded with the language that was active before user logged on.

19.4. Alarm Acknowledgement

In the alarm threshold properties you have the option to enable "Comments on ACK (Audit Trail)".
When the alarm is acknowledged with this option enabled, a widow will appear showing information
relating to this alarm including an editing space in which the user can insert a comment. The edited
comment will then be recorded in the historical log's alarm table "CommCol" column.

The alarm is only acknowledged after the operator has existed from the comment window with the
"OK" key, while pressing the "Cancel" key will annul the alarm acknowledgement. The comment
window is also managed in client network projects, or when the command is invoked in a multi alarm
selection, or using the basic script interface functions, or with the commands from the command
The comment window is not managed with Web Client. In this case the
acknowledge command invoked from the Web Client will be activate the
alarm's acknowledgement without requesting user to enter a comment.
The font and font size of the dialog window used for entering comments can be edited using the
appropriate Movicon "AlarmCommentFont" and "AlarmCommentFontSize" registry keys. The window
will adapt adequately to any font modifications. Texts that appear in the window can also be
customized using special String IDs listed in the "Cambio Lingua di Sistema" section.

Numerous Alarm Acknowledgements

In cases where many alarms need acknowledging at the same time, a comment window will appear
for each alarm enabled with the "Comments on ACK (Audit Trail)" option. The comment windows will
appear in sequence, one at a time for each alarm. Therefore when existing with "OK" the next
alarm's comment window will appear. However when pressing the "Cancel" key, this will cancel not
only that alarm's ackknowledgement but all the others still to be acknowledged.




The "Use for All" option consents all other alarms still to be acknowledged to use the comment
entered in the window. This option therefore is to be used for entering just one comment for all
alarm acknowledges in a multi alarm selection.

19.5. Alarms as Templates

Movicon has a very handy functionality which can be used when the project has many alarms with
similar text messages and are of the same type associated to a series of different variables.

A common example: A project must manage 200

motors which all have "Motor Overload" alarm
conditions. The RealTime Database has 200 variables
exchanged with the field relating to the motors' status.
These variables have to generate 200 different alarms,
one for each motor, but the alarms are actually all of the
same type except for the name of the motor on each
alarm and the associated variable.

In cases such as above, you need to have a tool which parameterizes the generation of the alarms,
providing you with the possibility to setup the alarm only once and quickly associate it to the 200
variables, such as in the case above.
In Movicon, this functionality is called "Alarm Template".
To obtain this useful function you need to define the alarm 'type' (Template) in the Alarms Resource.
Associate the desired intervention threshold (or thresholds) and the relating "standard" text (the text
used in the above example is "Motor Overload").
Then you can select the variables from the RealTime Database's Variable List and use the 'Associate
an Alarm' command with the right mouse key to select the desired alarms from the alarm list. This
will link the variables (in our example this would be the 200 motor variables) to the alarm
'Template'. Therefore with one click on the alarm Template Movicon will automatically setup 200
different alarms in the project. Each variable will be monitored to activate an alarm whenever any
threshold is exceeded. The displayed alarm text will show the standard text (in our example above
this would be "Motor Overload") and the name of the associated variable.
When an alarm is used as a template: if the Alarm's "Alarm Area"
property is left empty and the variable associated belongs to a variable
group, the alarm will be created belonging to the area with the same
variable group name. For instance, associating an digital alarm as
template to the "VAR00001" variable inserted in "Group1", the alarm will
be created belonging to the "Group1" area.
In addtion, if the variable is inserted in a sub-group, the alarm area will
obtain the group's name separated with the ".". For example, if the
"VAR00001" variable belonging to "Group1" is inserted in "Group2", the
alarm will then belong to the "Group1.Group2" area.

1. Create a new alarm object with a standard alarm text with "Motor Overload". Set an
intervention threshold.
2. Associate the alarm created as a Template to 200 variables existing in the project with names
from MT1 to MT200. This association is done by selecting the group of variables indicated
(Shift + click or CTRL + click) and using the right mouse key with the "Associate an Alarm"
3. The assigned alarm icon will appear in all the variables from MT1 to MT200.
4. When a threshold is exceeded during runtime, for instance the MT33 variable threshold, an
alarm will appear indicating "MT33 - Motor Overload".
The name of the variable inserted as "standard" text can be replaced with a
customized text. To do this, just insert a string in the "String Table" with an
ID in the same name of the variable. When the alarm is activated, it's name
will be replace with the text contained in the string.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

You can associate an Alarm to a Variable by right clicking on the Variable in the "Variable Group" list
presented in the "Project Explorer" window and then select the "Associate an Alarm" command, or
use the same command also found in the Project Explorer's "Command window".

The request to associate and alarm opens another window containing the list of alarms which were
inserted beforehand and are now available for use.
In the properties of the Alarm to be associated to a variable, you should not
specify any reference variable but only the text and activation condition.
Alarms as templates can also be associated to individual structure variable members. In this case, it
will be necessary to enable the member's "Enable Member Properties" and then associate the alarm
Template to the members by right mouse clicking directly on the member's name. It will then
become possible to generate an alarm of each bit of the variable member as described in the next
paragraph headed 'Creating alarms for each variable bit".

Creating Alarms for each variable bit

When variables are not 'bit'' type but of another type such as 'word' and one alarm must be
managed for each variable bit in Word type, you can associate an alarm template to a word type
variable to then generate 16 Alarms each one for each bit. To do this:

create an alarm with relative digital threshold without setting the "Alarm Variable' property
associate the alarm template, previously created in above point, to the variable
insert one or more ID Strings using the "<Variable>.<Bit>" syntax in the String Table.

Movicon will then create an alarm for each bit of the variable whose ID has been found in the String
Table found.
For instance, when associating an alarm template to the "VAR00001" word type variable and then
inserting the following String IDs in the String Table:




Movicon will create 16 alarms at project startup, each one will be activated in each single variable
The string ID for the single bits will then be used for managing the template's text as well. If String
ID is not inserted for each single bit, only one alarm will be created and managed in the Word
variable (or defined variable type).
This same mechanism can also be applied to Structure variable members. For instance, if needing to
generate 16 alarms in each bit of a Structure variable Word type member, "StructVar1:Member1",
you will only need to enable the member's properties, associated the alarm template to the member
and add the following ID String to the String Table:

19.6. Alarms activated by homonymous

When an alarm is not associated to an activation variable, "Alarm Variable" property, Movicon will
control if a variable exists in the Real Time DB with the same alarm name in runtime. If a variable
does exists with the same name, it will be used as the alarm's activation variable and therefore its
value will be used for activating the alarm based on its threshold activation settings.
For instance, if an alarm has been defined as "Alarm01" without an activation variable associated to
it and a variable called "Alarm01" exists in the Real Time DB, this variable will be used by the alarm
as its activation variable.
In this case the alarm can also be associated as a template to other variables and result as a
different alarm for each variable, one for the variable which has the same alarm name and one for
each variable to which the alarm has been associated as a template.
When using alarms as templates, therefore without any associated
activation variable, be careful not to define variables in the Real
Time DB with the same name as the alarm's, otherwise a link to the
variable with the same name of the alarm will be created in
addition to the alarms as templates as well.

19.7. Alarm Status File

Each alarm defined in the project will create a Status File in XML format in the "ALARM" folder during
runtime mode. This file is normally created with a syntax of this type:
The reason for having this file, as for the variable retentivity file, is to keep saved certain information
inherent to the alarms when the project is closed. The saved information gives details on the

Alarm Status: this lets you know at the project startup which status, ON, OFF, ACK
etc, the Alarm was when the project was last terminated. This serves for restoring the
present situation back to how it was before the project was last terminated
Total Time ON: shows the total time in which the alarm remained in the ON status
Last Time ON: shows the date and time of the alarm's last ON transaction
Comment: shows any comments associated to the alarm by users by using the
appropriate script functions
Number of ON Events: shows how many times the alarm turned ON
Number of ACK Events: shows how many times the alarm was acknowledged
Number of RESET Events: shows how many times the alarm was reset


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Unique ID: shows the alarm's unique ID

Transaction ID: shows the alarm's transaction ID

Some of this information such as the Unique ID and the Transaction ID is important for identifying
that particular alarm for managing the "Alarms History" in the "Alarms Window" and in the"
Historical Log Window". The other information is just for statistical purposes.
Cancelling an alarm Status File will loose all the statistical
information and identifiers for that alarm. A new file will, however
be automatically recreated by Movicon again.

19.8. Alarm Statistics

Movicon has an in-built feature that manages calculations and analysis on system downtimes and
alarm occurrences. This feature analytically works with the Event Log from the historical archive to
generate Reports with Tables and Graphs showing alarm classifications and total number of
occurrences and durations overall.
This feature is completely integrated in the system and does not need additional
installations or configurations. This feature comes as a license option to be enabled on

The commands for opening, saving or printing Alarm Statistics reports can be activated from the
"Alarm Commands" from the Movicon "Commands List".
The report files have been created both in "Crystal Report" format and using the Movicon
"Embedded Reports" resource. You can decide which format to use based on the open report
command selection using the "Action" parameter from the "Alarm Command List".
These reports allow access to the historical data archive database ('Alarms' table), independently
from the DB format being used.
The analysis is carried out on the 'Alarms' table, creating a table, histogram and pie chart to display
the alarms classified by duration (total time ON) or for intervention frequency. Reports can be
applied filters for different time periods and can be open in preview mode or printed out directly.
Furthermore, custom reports can be created to open in substitution to those proposed by Movicon
for default.
Alarm Statistics are not supported if the "InMemoryDB" database
engine is being used for the Historical Log. In addition, the ODBC
driver being used must support the following commands in the
SELECT SQL syntax:: "SUM", "COUNT", "GROUP BY" and "ORDER BY".
It will be impossible to use the Alarm Statistics Reports if these
commands are not supported by the database being used.




The report files in question are already in the Movicon installation folder. Four types of Report files
created with the Crystal Reports 10 version are available (OrderByDate.rpt, OrderByDuration.rpt,
GroupByThreshold.rpt, GroupByFrequency.rpt) along with another four files created with the Movicon
GroupByThreshold.movrep, GroupByFrequency.movrep). Even though the "Crystal Report" and
Movicon "Embedded Report" files display the same information and have the same names, they have
different extensions. Each report file provides the possibility to obtain the following statistical data:

OrderByDate.rpt (Crystal Reports): Report of alarms ordered by activation date. Each

alarm is reported with a activation date and time, Off time and date, description and duration.
The overall duration total for each selected day and period are also reported.
OrderByDate.movrep (Embedded Reports): Report of alarms ordered by deactivation
date. Each alarm is reported with an activation date and time, Off time and date, description
and duration.
OrderByDuration.rpt (Crystal Reports): Report of alarms orders by duration (starting
from the longest to the shortest length of time). Each alarm is reported with a activation
date and time, Off time and date, description and duration. The overall duration time of
period selected is also shown.
OrderByDuration.movrep (Embedded Reports): Report or alarms orders by duration
(starting from the longest to the shortest length of time).Each alarm is reported with a
activation date and time, Off time and date, description and duration.
GroupByThreshold.rpt (Crystal Report): Report on alarms grouped by alarm text.
Activation ON/OFF times and dates, duration and description are reported for each alarm.
Total durations for the period selected are also shown for each alarm and all the alarms as a
whole. The last page shows a pie chart with duration in percentages of each single alarm for
the period selected.
GroupByThreshold.movrep (Embedded Reports): Report of alarms grouped by
threshold and ordered by duration. Each alarm is reported with a description, duration and
number of ON, ACK and RESET events. The last page shows a bar graph which displays
durations in seconds for each single alarm for the period selected.
GroupByFrequency.rpt (Crystal Reports): Report of alarms grouped by frequency. Each
alarm is reported with a description, activation time and the how many times they came ON
for the period selected. Alarms are also classified by the most frequent for the period
selected. The last two pages show a bar graph showing the frequences for each single alarm
for the period selected and a pie chart with frequences expressed in percentages for each
alarm for the period selected.
GroupByFrequency.movrep (Embedded Reports): Report of alarms grouped and
ordered by frequency. Each alarm is reported with a description, how many times it came on
for the period selected and number of ON, ACK and RESET events. A bar graph is shown on
the last page reporting frequencies for each alarm for the time selected.

In addition, default reports can be modified or new customized ones can be created to open instead
of those proposed by Movicon. In this case, to modify or create a new report in the "Crystal Report"
format, you will need to have the "Crystal Report" developer tool. The Movicon "Embedded Reports"
can be modified or created using the project's "Report" resource. In this case, when needing to
modify one of the four default "Reports"only the following procedures need to be performed:

copy the ".movrep" report file to be modified from the Movicon installation folder to the
project's resource folder
open the project in development mode and modify the report, which will be found in the
"Report" resource in the Project's Explorer Window
after completing modifications, copy the ".movrep" report file from the project's resource
folder to the Movicon installation folder, overwriting the one already existing within.

When needing to create a new report file in the Movicon format, perform these procedures below:

open a Movicon project in development mode and add a new "Report" resource with the
desired name
edit the report by customizing it as pleased
when completing all modifications, copy the ".movrep" report file from the project resource
folder to the Movicon installation folder
enter the report name manually in the create report command from the "Alarm Commands"
without specifying its extension in the "Report File" parameter
The statistical alarm reports created with the Movicon Embedded
Reports can also be left within the project resource folder. The first


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

thing Movicon does is search for report files within the project's
resource folder (and any existing sub-folders) and if the file is not
found, a search is made in the Movicon Installation folder.
When editing a Movicon "Embedded Reports" , the "Alarm Statistic" option is available in the report's
properties that once enabled will provide the alarm statistical values in the list of fields that can be
inserted on the report. These fields are:
_TotalNumOn_: statistical information representing the total number of times the alarm turned
_TotalNumAck_: statistical information representing the total number of times the alarm was
_TotalNumReset_: statistical information representing the total number of times the alarm was
_TotalTimeOn_: statistical information representing the total time the alarm remained in the ON
_ProgressiveId_: statistical information representing the alarm's progressive Id number. This
value is used as the chart's X axis in default Alarm Statistic Reports.
_DateTimeOn_: this field is used for displaying the alarm's activation date and time. This value is
calculated for each record, during the report generation phase by Movicon, based on the alarm's OFF
date and time and duration.
Some of the statistical values described above are saved by Movicon in the "Alarm Status File" and
can be reset during runtime using the "Reset Statistic" command from the Alarm Command list.
The statistical alarm reports created with the Movicon Embedded
Reports manages any Alarm table or column name customizing
automatically. Therefore Alarm table and column names can be
customized as pleased without having to repeat same operation in
the statistical alarm reports as well. However, this functionality is
not available for reports created with Crystal Report which will
need to be modified as well.

19.9. Alarm Sound Management

Each User can customize alarm sounds and save their preferences in the Alarm Window's "Enable
Sound" command. The enabling status type is memorized for each project user or for each runitme
user so that when user logs in the enabling status will be restore to how it was when user last
logged off.
By comparing the logged on Users "Access Level" with the active alarm threshold's "Read Access
Area level" will determine the alarm to show in the Alarm Window. If the active user does not have
the sufficient access rights, the alarm will not show in the window automatically disabling its sound.
After the user logs off the 'Enable Sound' button will be restored back to the
previous status before user logged on. If, for example, the sound was
enabled before user logged on, and then disabled after user logged on, once
the user has logged off with alarm still active, it will obtain the condition it
had by being restored with the alarm sound.
In cases where the alarm is set with "Read Access Levels" different to those
for default, when no users are logged on this alarm will not be displayed in
the alarm window but its sound will still be activated based on the enable
button's status.

In regards to applications in networking, a Client application that uses the Alarm window is capable
of enabling or disabling the Client machine locally the warning sound when alarm notifications arrive
from the Server application. Also in this case the status of the "Enable Sound" button setting for the
warning sound will be retained after screen closes and reopens, independently for each user to
whom the Alarm Window has given access towards the Server application. Therefore, in this case,
alarms that display in the Client Alarm Window and the consequent warning sound are managed in
function with the user used for connecting to the Server (user inserted in the "Network Client




Settings" from the Client project's "Network Services" resource or the user inserted in the "Default
Logon User" property from the Server project's "Network Client" resource).
If the "Password Management" has been enabled in the client application as well, the Cllient user's
Access level defined for the same user in the Server application will be considered (and not the one
defined in the Client) and compared with the active alarm threshold's Read Access Area Level, and
only if they match will the alarm be displayed in the Alarm Window.
The warning sound stops ringing when the Client's Alarm Window
disconnects from the Server. This may happen for different reasons:
timeout with Server, screen change, etc. If you wish that the warning
sound of a new alarm sounds independently form the fact that the Alarm
Window screen is displayed or not, you will need to set the client screen with
the "Keep in Memory" option and enable the "Pre-load Screens" property
situated in the Client project's "Execution" property group.
It is also possible to set more then one Alarm Window on the same screen, each one connected to
different Servers with the each single Alarm Window's activated alarm Ack/Reset command received
by the relative Server.
Once again, the "_SysVar_:AlarmsSoundState" system variable and the "Alarm - Enable Sound"
command have the same behaviour as described above for the Alarm Windows. Even if the "Enable
sound" button is disabled in only one of the Alarm Windows, the general alarm sound status will be
disabled for all the windows. Likewise, if a "Enable Sound" button is re-enabled, the general alarm
sound status will be re-enabled for all the windows.

Web Client
When there are active alarms in the project, a warning sound is given by the Web Client
independently from the screen page opened. In addition, these warning sound can be
acknowledged using the icon placed on the applet status bar. The warning sound is set through
applet's "PlaySoundOnAlarm" (default "false") parameter. This parameter gets inserted
automatically upon creation html files but can also be created manually for html files created by
previous Movicon versions. You can also customize the sound produced by adding the optional
"FileToPlayOnAlarm" parameter in the html file with the desired WAV file to be played. This
parameter is also inserted by default upon creating htlm files. The audio file must be place on the
Web server in the same folder where the Movicon "MovWebClientX.jar" applet resides, usually found
in the project's resource folder.
For further information on the syntax used for the two parameters described above please refer to
the section on "HTML creation pages" in the WebClient manual.

Statuses for warning sound users cannot be saved in Windows CE independently from the fact that
the password management is enabled or not.
On ".wav" type audio files can be reproduced on Web Client.

19.10. Alarm Properties

The alarms and messages inserted in the 'Alarms List' can be completely customized in the
properties. The alarms and messaged are built from intervention thresholds, each one composes the
alarm structure whose settings can be edited in the 'Properties window'.

19.10.1. Alarm General Properties

The moment an alarm or message is inserted it can be configured in the general properties as
described below. The general properties allow you to associate the variable which determines the
alarm's intervention.
To modify an alarm's general settings, select it with the mouse and use the 'Movicon 'Properties


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This edit box permits you to define the Alarm or message object's name which is to be configured.
The object's name only identifies the alarm or message in the 'Alarms List' and identifies the object
if inserted into the Template library.
Device Name
This edit box allows you to define the device's name that the Alarm or Message refers to.
The device's name will be displayed in the alarms window, before the alarms' text. The name of the
device will be displayed in the alarm window, preceding the alarm's text. this syntax will be used
only in cases where alarm is not an alarm Template. The displayed text in Alarm Window will be
composed according to alarm type as follows:
Alarm with associated variable or Alarm generated by variables with the same name
Displayed Text = <Device Name> - <Alarm Text> (when "Alarm Text" property has been
Displayed Text = <Device Name> - <Threshold Name> (when "Alarm Text" property has not
been set)
Alarm as Template
Displayed Text = <Variable Name> - <Alarm Text> (when "Alarm Text" property has been
Displayed Text = <Variable Name> - <Threshold Name> (when "Alarm Text" property has
not been set)
The variable value can be displayed in the text by inserting the following
%(Variable Name)
For instance, if you want to insert the VAR00001 value in the text, the
string should be:
"Device Name %(VAR00001)
By doing this the variable's value will be displayed dynamically. The value
displayed in the Alarm Window will be the value read the exact moment
the alarm was turned ON.
Alarm Variable
This box is used to select the variable from those presented in the Movicon 'Variables List' which
generate the alarm or alarms (or messages) in function with event thresholds, defined through the
relevant properties. You can use the syntaxes relating to the bit pointing within a variable or
structure variables (eg. VAR0001.5, or STR0001:ALL_01).
If this field is left blank, in runtime Movicon will control if there is an
existing variable with the same name of the alarm in the Real Time DB. If
one does exist it will be used as the activation variable for that alarm (see
the section on "Alarms activated by homonymous Variables").
Var. Duration
Enabling this property will make the alarm work with the usual threshold, but the confrontation will
be referred to the "Total Time ON" instead of variable's value. The time is the total duration
expressed in seconds that the variable was at a value different from zero. By using a new variable
statistics (see "Retentive Variables and Statistical Data") you will be able to find out how long the
variable has been at a value that is not zero. This function can be very handy in managing
programmed maintenance. In order to use this function you will need to enable the "Retentive not
Shared" and "Enable Statistic Data" properties for the variable in question.
When the variable's "Total Time ON" exceeds the value set in the alarm's threshold, the alarm will be
activated. After which by resetting the variable's statistics, its "Total Time ON" will be zeroed and
the alarm will turn to OFF.
Enable Alarm Variable
This box is used for selecting a variable which consents the alarm intervention. When the selected
variable has a value other than zero (><0), when conditions subsist, the alarm will be notified
regularly. When the variable has a 0 value, even though there maybe alarm conditions present, this
will not be activated.
When this box is not selected, the alarm will always be enabled if the 'Enable' property is set at
'True' value.




Enable Dispatching Messages Var.

This selection box is used for selecting a variable to consent the sending of messages to the Alarm
Dispatcher. The sending of sms, email,etc. messages to the Alarm Dispatcher will be enabled when
the selected variable is set with a value other than zero (><0). On the other hand, when the variable
is set at zero value the sending of messages to the Alarm Dispatcher will be disabled.
Hysteresis Alarm Value
The alarm's hysteresis allows you to insert a control on the alarms effective re-entry when the
threshold value is oscillating, in order to provoke an over-intervention (ON) and re-entry (OFF) of the
alarm itself.

The hysteresis is an absolute value which is dealt differently according to how the condition of the
alarm's intervention is set:
Condition "="
The alarm intervenes when the variable assumes a value equal to the value set for the
alarm's threshold. The alarm re-enters when the value of the variable is higher or lower than
the threshold value +/- half of the hysteresis value.
Condition ">="
The alaarm intervenes when the variable assumes a value higher or equal to that of the
alarm's threshold. The alarm re-enters when the variable is lower than the threshold value
less the hysteresis value.
Condition "<="
The alarm intervenes when the variable assumes a value less or equal to the that of the
alarm's threshold. The alarm re-enters when the variable is higher than the threshold value
plus the hysteresis value.
Exclusive Threshold
When there are more than one threshold present, the enabling of this property will evoke the
disappearance of a alarm referred to one threshold when the alarm referring to the next threshold
appears. Otherwise both alarms will both remain active.
Enable Alarm Variable
This selection box is used to enable or disable the alarm intervention.
The 'Enable' property has priority over the 'Enable Variable'.

Enable only if Quality Good

This selection box is used for enabling the alarms management only when the quality of the its
connected variable is good. This means for example that the alarms associated to the variables
directly arriving from the PLC or from any other field device, will automatically be disabled when
there are any communication interruptions.

19.10.2. Alarm Threshold General Properties

The alarms and messages inserted into the 'Alarms List' are equipped to have one or more
intervention thresholds according to the functions to be carried out. The threshold interventions


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

determine the alarm's or message's behaviour when the defined threshold values are reached or
exceeded. The Threshold properties can be activated in the editor through the tree structure of each
single Alarm.
To modify the general settings of the alarm's thresholds, select the threshold with the mouse and
use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Threshold Name
The name of the threshold to be configured is defined in this edit box. The name of the threshold will
be displayed in the alarm window instead of the "Alarm Text" if not previously defined. The displayed
text in Alarm Window will be composed according to alarm type as follows:
Alarm with associated variable or Alarm generated by variables with the same name
Displayed Text = <Device Name> - <Alarm Text> (when "Alarm Text" property has been
Displayed Text = <Device Name> - <Threshold Name> (when "Alarm Text" property has not
been set)
Alarm as Template
Displayed Text = <Variable Name> - <Alarm Text> (when "Alarm Text" property has been
Displayed Text = <Variable Name> - <Threshold Name> (when "Alarm Text" property has
not been set)
Alarm Area
This editbox allows you to associate the Alarm or Message in question its own area if necessary.
The alarm will then be displayed for viewing by activating the chosen area in the "Alarm Window".
When an alarm is used as a template: if the Alarm's "Alarm Area"
property is left empty and the variable associated belongs to a variable
group, the alarm will be created belonging to the area with the same
variable group name. For instance, associating an digital alarm as
template to the "VAR00001" variable inserted in "Group1", the alarm will
be created belonging to the "Group1" area.
Further more if the variable is inserted in a sub-grop, the alarm area will
obtain the name composed by those in the group separated by the "." .
For example if the "VAR00001" variable belonging to "Group1" is inserted
in "Group2" , the alarm will then belong to the "Group1.Group2" area.

Alarm Text
The threshold's Title string is typed in this box which will constitute the alarm's text. You can select
the text among those inserted in the project's String resource. In this case the text may be subject
to the Language Change functionalities.
The text which appears in the Alarms or Messages window will be determined by <threshold name>
- <device name> : <alarm text>
The variable value can be displayed in the text by inserting the following
%(Variable Name)
For instance, if you want to insert the VAR00001 value in the text, the
string should be:
"Alarm Title %(VAR00001)
By doing this the variable's value will be displayed dynamically. The value
displayed in the Alarm Window will be the value read the exact moment
the alarm was turned ON.
In cases where a String ID has been associated in the "Alarm Text"
property, the %(VariableName) syntax will be inserted within the string's
text in the table.

Alarm Help
This box, whose use is not obligatory, allows you to type the text string which will constitute the
eventual alarms help guide. The Help guide will be available to the operator during runtime by
double-clicking on the alarm or activating the appropriated information button. The box allows you to
select the text from those inserted in the project's string resource. In this case the text may be
subject to the Language Change functionalities.




Duration Message Format

The message to be filed in the 'CommCol' column of the Historical Log's 'Alarms' table is entered in
this property. The message is recorded only on an event of 'Alarms Off'.
The message may only include the following special codes:

%D = Duration of alarm in days

%H = Duration of alarm in hours
%M = Duration of alarm in minutes
%S = Duration of alarm in seconds

If this property is left empty, Movicon will automatically insert the total alarm duration with the
following string:
Total Duration 0,00:00:00
where 00:00:00 indicates the alarm's duration in days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Read Access Area Level
By using this property you can setup the Access Level mask needed for displaying the alarm in the
"Alarm Window". When the Access Level mask of the user currently logged on does not correspond
to the control's settings, the user will not be able to see the alarms. The "0000" and "FFFF" settings
make the object accessible in read to any user.
The historical logging operations of the alarms are carried out independently of the access rights of
the user logged on at that moment.
For further details on 'Access Masks' please refer to the "User Levels and Access Levels"
Write Access Area Level
By using this property you can set the Access Level mask needed for executing, for instance, an
alarm acknowledgement and reset. When the Access Level mask of the user currently logged on
does not correspond to the control's settings, the user will not be able to execute any command
operations associated to the alarms. The "FFFF" level makes the object accessible in write to any
For further details on 'Access Masks' please refer to the "User Levels and Access Levels"

19.10.3. Alarm Threshold Execution Properties

The alarm's value and intervention condition are defined in the Alarm Threshold's Execution
To edit the alarm threshold's executions select the threshold with the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
Activation Value
This edit box allows you to set the threshold value to be reached so that the relative alarm be
activated effectively. The maximum value permitted depends on the variable type associated to the
alarm. You can also associate a Real Time DB variable to this property to make the intervention
threshold dynamic during the project run.
The intervention threshold can be made dynamic during the project run by
associated a Real Time DB variable in the "Dynamic Threshold" property.
Activation Low Value
This editbox permits you to set the minimum threshold value for activating the alarm. This value is
only considered when the "Between" has been selected as the "Activation Condition". This value has
no effect in other cases.
The intervention threshold can be made dynamic during the project run by
associating a Real Time DB variable in the "Threshold Variable Low Value"


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Threshold Variable Value

In this editbox you can insert ( (or selecting by using the "..." browse button on the right) the name
of the variable whose value will be used instead on the one in the "Low Value" property. This will
make the threshold's low value dynamic for the "Between" activation condition, so that the variable's
contents can be modified during Runtime.
Threshold Variable Low Value
This edit box is used for inserting (or selecting by using the "..." browse button on the right) the
name of the variable whose value will be used instead of the "Activation Low Value" property.
This will make the threshold value dynamic so that the variable's contents can be taken and
modified during Runtime.
The fixed contents in the "Activation Low Value" property will be considered if this filed is left
When this field is left empty, the contents in the "Low Value" property will
be considered as the fixed low threshold.
Command-Status Variable
This editbox is used for entering (or selecting with the "..." browse button on the right) the name of
a variable for managing the Command or Status of an Alarm. Each variable bit has a precise meaning
as described below:

Bit 0 : Strobe command for acknowledging alarm (bit returns to zero once the alarm has
been acknowledged)
Bit 1 : Strobe command for resetting alarm (bit returns to zero once the alarm has been
Bit 2 : Reserved
Bit 3 : Reserved
Bit 4 : Alarm is active in the Off status
Bit 5 : Alarm is active in the Off status but has already been acknowledged (OFF ACK)
Bit 6 : Alarm is active in the On status
Bit 7 : Alarm is active in the On status but has already been acknowledged (ON ACK)
Only the alarm's Acknowledge command can be used In cases where the
set variable is bit type.
In order to program and manage this functionality properly, each alarm
must use a command-status variable that is not already being used by the
other thresholds.

Severity Variable
The name of a variable can be inserted (or selected with the "..." browse button on the right) to
make the alarm Priority value dynamic in Runtime. However if you set a RealTimeDB variable in the
"Severity Variable" property, any value set in the "Severity" property will be ignored.
Activation Condition
This property determines on what condition the alarm is to activate:


Major-equal ('>=' means that the alarm activated when the variable value is equal or higher
than the 'Value' property setting
Minor-equal ('<=' means that alarm activates when the variable value is equal or lower than
the 'Value' property setting
Equal ('=' means that the alarm activates when the variable value is the same as the 'Value'
property setting
"Rate Change Decrease": means that the alarm is active when the associated variable's
value does not change to the quantity desired ("Activation Value" property) within the time
set ("Delay (sec.)" property). The time count starts the moment the alarm is enabled with the
"Enable Alarm Variable"
"Rate Change Increase": means that the alarm activates when the associated variable's
variable does not change to the quantity desired (Activation Value" property) within the time
set ("Delay (sec.)" property). The time count starts the moment the alarm is enabled with the
"Enable Alarm Variable"



"Different (<>)": means that the alarm activated when the variable value is different from
the one set in the "Activation value" (or "Threshold Variable Value") property
"Between": means that the alarm activates when the variable value is higher or equal to the
value set in the "Activation low value" (or "Threshold Variable low Value") property, and less
or equal to the value set in the "Activation value" (or "Threshold Variable Value") property.

Rate change increase/decrease conditions

These two alarm activation conditions can be used for generating an alarm if the associated
variable's value does not change to a greater or smaller value within a certain time compared to the
one set. These conditions must be used together with the "Delay (sec.)" and "Enable Alarm variable"
properties. The function of these conditions is: the moment an alarm is enabled with the "Enable
Alarm Variable" the variable's value is recorded. At this point onwards a confrontation takes place
with the variable's recorded value and its current one and if the current value has not increased (or
decreased) by a greater (or smaller) quantity of the threshold value within the delayed time set, the
alarm will activate. Each time the difference between the value saved for the comparison and the
actual value of the variable exceeds the set threshold, the comparison value is updated with the
current value and the delay time is zeroed and restarts counting from the beginning.
For instance, let's suppose that we have an alarm configured in this way:
Alarm Variable = VAR00001
Enable Alarm Variable = EnableAlarm
Activation Value = 5
Activation Condition = Rate change increase
Delay (sec.) = 10
At this point when an alarm is enabled by setting the "EnableAlarm" variable to the value '1', the
current variable's value is saved as the reference value and the time count starts. If the value of the
variable associated to the "VAR00001" alarm does not increase to a value higher than the set
threshold (5) compared to the saved reference value within 10 seconds (Delay (sec.)), the alarm will
activate. If the variable increases to a value higher than 5 before the 10 seconds are up, this value is
saved as the new reference value and the count is zeroed, after which the control starts from the
beginning, meaning that the variable's set value will have to increase above the new reference value
before the delay time expires.
This works in the same way when the "Activation Condition" is set with "Rate change decrease": in
this case the variable decrease in value is controlled and not its increase.
This box allows you to select the alarm priority required. The priority will be displayed and recorded
in the appropriate field reserved for the alarm.
Is possible to assign a number comprised between 0 and 65535. The alarm window and the Log will
record the number of priorities assigned.
Delay (sec)
You can enter a numeric value comprised between 0 and 65535 in this edit box. The value entered,
expressed in seconds, will establish the alarm's intervention delay time, thus creating a filter in the
The default value is zero (no delay).
Commands on CTRL + Dbl Click
This command opens the Movicon "Command List" window through which you can set a list of one
or more commands to be executed on operator request when the alarm is active. The Command List
can be executed, when the alarm is active and displayed in the Alarm Window, by double clicking the
alarm while keeping the CTRL key pressed down at the same time.
For further information on the commands available please refer to the paragraph on "Command
Commands when Alarm ON/ACK/RESET/OFF
This button opens the Movicon "Command List" window, through which you can set a list of one or
more commands which will be executed by Movicon when the alarms generate the specified event
(Alarm ON, Alarm OFF, etc.).
For further information about available commands please consult the paragraph on "Command


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

19.10.4. Alarm Threshold Style Properties

The Alarm Threshold Style Properties allow you to define the graphic and operating styles.
To modify the Alarm Threshold Style settings, select the threshold the mouse and use the Movicon
'Properties Window'.
By means of the 'Support ACK' and 'Support RESET' properties you can
define whether the operator is needed to acknowledge and reset the
alarms. When these two properties are disabled the alarms will be
displayed according to the associated variable status only, and therefore a
simple display Message.
Support ACK
This selection box permits you to determine whether you want the alarm acknowledgement (ACK)
activated or not.
When the "Support ACK" property is enabled with the "Support RESET"
property disabled, once the alarm has been acknowledged it will disappear
from the Alarm Window even though its status is still active.
Comment on ACK (Audit Trail)
When this option is active while the alarm is acknowledged, a window will appear showing
information relating to that alarm with editable space at the bottom for the user to enter a comment.
(for further information please refer to "Comments on Alarm Acknowledged").
Support RESET
This selection box permits you to determine whether you want the alarm reset (RESET) activated or
If you disable an Alarm threshold's "Support Reset" option, the alarm will remain on screen active
until conditions from the field satisfy the threshold Execution properties (Activation Value and
Activation Condition) even when Acknowledged. As soon as the threshold's activation conditions are
no longer true, the "Alarm Off" event will be historically logged and the Alarm will disappear from
screen once acknowledged or straight away if already acknowledged.
This function is determined by the "NoAlarmStatusOnACK" DWord value in the system registry's
"General" key (or Movicon.ini file) which is set the False value (0) for default . When this value is
set to the True Value (1), the Alarm will disappear from the Alarm window once Acknowledged even
though the conditions from the field are still keeping the threshold active.
Use Variable TimeStamp
When this property is enabled the alarm ON and OFF times will include a TimeStamp (date and time
of last modification executed) of the variable that generated it. The Variable's TimStamp is set from
the communication driver and the OPC management.
In additon to this and as usual the event in question will be recorded in the Historical Log with the
TimeStamp of the variable that generated it.
This function could be handy in situations where the variable's value is notified to Movicon with a
delay time in respect to its effective variation. For instance, in a OPC communication, the Server may
happen to be in Client refresh mode for a few seconds. In this case the variable TimeStamp will
nevertheless be received by the Server indicating the actual time in which the variable effectively
changed in the Server.
The "Use Variable TimeStamp" can be also read and modified in runtime using the
"DateTimeFromTimeStamp" property from the "AlarmThresholdCmdTarget".
Allow Reset with Condition ON
This property can be disabled to prevent alarms from being reset when their status is still ON.
This selection box permits you to determine whether or not to active the alarm blinking function the
moment the alarm activates.
This property is not currently in use. To print alarms you need to use the report functions which can
be activated with the "Alarm Commands" from the "Command List".
Record on Historical Log
This selection box permits you to determine whether or not to activate the recording in the Historical
Log of alarms or messages upon the relative ON, OFF, ACK, RESET events. These recordings will be




contained in the "Alarms" table of the Historical Log Database created by Movicon in the defined
format or in the Alarms.dat file,depending on the data source you are using (ODBC or IMDB)
If you are using the ODBC connection, the Historical Log is created with
the Movicon default settings, but the Historical Log file can be customized
when put into use, where you can create a personalized ODBC link and
define a different table name. These functionalities can be carried out
from the Project's "Historical Log Settings".
This property allows you to decide whether the alarm threshold should make a beep sound when the
alarm is activated.
Bmp File
This property allows you to set an alarm image. The image will be displayed as an icon in one of the
alarm window's columns. The image set in the alarm threshold has priority over the one set in the
variable. This property cannot be modified using VBA language.
Sound File
This property allows you to set a alarm sound wav. file which will activate when the alarm activates.
The sound set in the alarm threshold has priority over any one set in the variable. This property
cannot be modified using VBA language.
When more than one alarm have been associated an audio file to be executed when the alarm turns
ON, this file is executed according to the alarm priorities. For example, when an alarm turns ON,
when other alarms associated with audio files, are already ON, the new alarm will executed the audio
file only when its priority is greater than those already present. Note that the "1" priority is the
When the Alarm Window's "Abilita Suono" button is active, the threshold's
Beep property will behave differently in the following cases:
Windows 32 bit systems: If the beep property is active when the
alarm is activated, the sound file will be executed with the PC's
Buzzer simultaneously.
Windows 64 bit systems: in order to execute the custom Sound
File you will need to disable the Beep property, otherwise only the
standard sound will be executed (i.e. the Buzzer)
When the Alarm Window's "Abilita Suono" button in both Windows 32 bit
and 64 bits systems, is not active, the alarm sound is only executed for
those alarms which have been set with a customized audio file
(independently from the relating Threshold's Beep property).
Repeat Alarm Sound
This check box permits you to define the behaviour of the sound files associated to the alarms. By
activating the property the file will be executed continuously until it is acknowledged. Otherwise the
file will only be executed once when the alarm appears.
Speech Alarm Text
This property allows you to enable the speeching functions for vocal synthesis of the text string
which builds the alarm. The alarm's text will then be pronounced by Movicon when it occurs if the
PC being used has been equipped with an audio card and speakers. You will also need to ensure that
the phonemes, to be used in pronouncing the text, have been installed with language desired. The
phonemes are used to pronounce the text by interpreting the pronunciation of the language
selected. The phonemes are normally supplied separately and therefore it is the user's responsibility
to get and install the ones desired. However, by using Movicon's customized installation you can
select some of the most commonly used phonemes.
Repeat Speech
This property allows you to set the repeat time of the alarm's Speech. When setting this property
with a '0' value the alarm's speech will be repeated once only. This time must also be set allowing
enough time for the alarm's speech to be executed.
Enabling Speech Variable
This selection box is used for selecting a variable which will determine the activation of the alarm's
speech. When the selected variable obtains a value different from (><0), the alarm's text will be
spoken when the alarm is activated. When the variable obtains a '0' value the Speech will result


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This property is dedicated to selecting the colour to be associated to background relating to the
alarms or messaged display in the appropriated window.
Selecting colours is done according to the standard selection modes using the colour palette.
You can reset the set colours (restoring those of default) by selecting the 'Automatic' option found
on the colour palette.
This property is dedicated to selecting the colours to be associated to the texts relating to the alarms
or messages displayed in the appropriated window.
Selecting colours is done according to the standard selection modes using the colour palette.
You can reset the set colours (restoring those of default) by selecting the 'Automatic' option found
on the colour palette.
Blink BackColor
This property is dedicated to selecting the colour to be associated to the background relating to the
alarms or messages displayed in the appropriated window during the blinking phase.
Selecting colours is done according to the standard selection modes using the colour palette.
You can reset the set colours (restoring those of default) by selecting the 'Automatic' option found
on the colour palette.
Blink TextColor
This property is dedicated to selecting the colour to be associated to the text relating to the alarms
or messages displayed in the appropriated window during the blinking phase.
Selecting colours is done according to the standard selection modes using the colour palette.
You can reset the set colours (restoring those of default) by selecting the 'Automatic' option found
on the colour palette.

19.10.5. Alarm Threshold Event Notification Properties

The Alarm Threshold Events Notification properties allow you to define the managing of messages on
event with the aim of sending Email (by means of the MAPI functions), Vocal Messages, SMS, Fax
etc. (by means of the TAPI functions).
To modify the Alarm Threshold Events Notification's settings, select the threshold with the mouse
and use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.

Note: This is an optional feature: check your dongle options.

Movicon supports the MAPI (Messaging Application Program Interface) by

means of any management tool of the electronic post, whether in Client of
Server mode. For example, Windows has been installed with the post
Client Outlook Express, which can be exploited for your specific aims. If
you have a post Server (eg. Microsoft Exchange), the operating
possibilities can be customized. Installation and configuration of the post
tools the modem and access to Internet are to be taken care by the PC's
post administrator.
Movicon supports TAPI (Telephonic Application Program Interface) for
managing telephone lines. Sending SMS messages, faxes or vocal
messages requires the configuring of the appropriated optional functions.
In addition to this it will be necessary to configure the relevant tools such
as modem or other in function the management being used.
Through this property you can select or type the recipient user of recipient user group to which the
message, SMS, E-mail etc., is to be sent.
The user profile, which is defined through the 'Users & User Groups' settings, must contain a
telephone number or E-Mail, needed for sending messages.
Sending notifications to user groups is managed with the list of users in
alphabetical order.
Text to Send




This property allows you to set a custom text which will then be used for SMS, Voice, Email and Fax
notifications. When this property is left without a value, the sent string will be composed in the usual
way by Movicon. This property cannot be modified using VBA language.

When enabling the E-Mail Alarm event notification via Alarm Dispatcher, an
e-mail text will be sent containing the alarm text , while the object's email
text will show the following information:
Alarm Area Name - Alarm Object or Device Name - Event Type
In this selection box you can specify one or more files to be attached to the message to be sent to
the recipient when needed. If there are more than one file to be sent use the ";" character as a
separator (eg. File1.zip;File2.zip;File3.zip).
If is not specified the absolute files path, Movicon will search for these files within the setting folder
for the Alarm Dispatcher (.dspt).
Note that this function is available starting from Build 956.
Send Email ON
This property activates or deactivates the sending of E-mail messages management. This
management requires the E-mail Client and Server management tool installation, as well as the
necessary modem and Internet connections.
The message will be sent upon the Alarm's intervention (ON).
Send Email ACK
This property activated of deactivates the send E-mail message management. This management
requires the E-mail Client and Server management tool installation, as well as the necessary modem
and Internet connections.
The message will be sent the moment in which the alarm is acknowledged (ACK).
Send Email RESET
This property activated or deactivates the send E-mail message management. This management
requires the E-mail Client and Server management tool installation, as well as the necessary modem
and Internet connections.
The message will be sent the moment in which the alarm is reset (RESET).
Send Email OFF
This property activated or deactivates the send E-mail message management. This management
requires the E-mail Client and Server management tool installation, as well as the necessary modem
and Internet connections.
The message will be sent the moment the alarm stops ringing, independently from the acknowledge
or reset status.

Send Voice ON
This property activates or deactivates the voice message management. This management requires
the enabling and configuring of the appropriate functions for sending voice messages (TAPI), and
the installation of any other tools required as well as the configuring of any modem needed.
The message will be sent upon the Alarm's intervention (ON).
Send Voice ACK
This property activates or deactivates the send voice messages management. This management
requires the enabling and configuring of the appropriate functions for sending voice messages
(TAPI), and the installation of any other tools required as well as the configuring of any modem
The message will be sent the moment in which the alarm is acknowledged (ACK).
Send Voice RESET
This property activates or deactivates the send voice messages management. This management
requires the enabling and configuring of the appropriate functions for sending voice messages
(TAPI), and the installation of any other tools required as well as the configuring of any modem
The message will be sent the moment in which the alarm is reset (RESET).


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Send Voice OFF

This property activates or deactivates the send voice messages management. This management
requires the enabling and configuring of the appropriate functions for sending voice messages
(TAPI), and the installation of any other tools required as well as the configuring of any modem
The message will be sent the moment the alarm stops ringing, independently from the acknowledge
or reset status.

This property activates or deactivates the send SMS management. This management requires the
enabling and configuring of the appropriate functions for sending SMS messages and the eventual
modem to be configured.
The message will be sent upon the Alarm's intervention (ON).
This property activates or deactivates the send SMS management. This management requires the
enabling and configuring of the appropriate functions for sending SMS messages and the eventual
modem to be configured.
The message will be sent the moment in which the alarm is acknowledged (ACK).
This property activates or deactivates the send SMS management. This management requires the
enabling and configuring of the appropriate functions for sending SMS messages and the eventual
modem to be configured.
The message will be sent the moment in which the alarm is reset (RESET).
This property activates or deactivates the send SMS management. This management requires the
enabling and configuring of the appropriate functions for sending SMS messages and the eventual
modem to be configured.
The message will be sent the moment the alarm stops ringing, independently from the acknowledge
or reset status.

This property activates or deactivates the send FAX management. This management requires the
enabling and configuring of the appropriate functions for sending FAXES and the eventual modem to
be configured.
The message will be sent upon the Alarm's intervention (ON).
This property activated or deactivates the send FAX management. This management requires the
enabling and configuring of the appropriate functions for sending FAXES and the eventual modem to
be configured.
The message will be sent the moment in which the alarm is acknowledged (ACK).
This property activates or deactivates the send FAX management. This management requires the
enabling and configuring of the appropriate functions for sending FAXES and the eventual modem to
be configured.
The message will be sent the moment in which the alarm is reset (RESET).
This property activates or deactivates the send FAX management. This management requires the
enabling and configuring of the appropriate functions for sending FAXES and the eventual modem to
be configured.
The message will be sent the moment the alarm stops ringing, independently from the acknowledge
or reset status.




19.11. Alarm Dispatcher

The Alarm Dispatcher is a software program for sending message and alarm notifications by using
the various configured communication methods (PlugIn). The available communication technologies

SMS messages using SMPP protocol

SMS messages using GSM
Voice Messages (Vocal Synthesis)
E-mails using SMTP protocol
E-mail using MAPI
The Alarm Dispatcher is accessed through the Movicon "Tools Menu". For
further information on configuring the Alarm Dispatcher please refer to
the specific program's Help (Appendix).

The dispatcher can manage message notifications with programmed delays, according to the severity
of the alarm ("Settings->General"). All the pending messages, which therefore have not been sent,
are rendered persistent by Movicon in the "ADPending.xml" file saved in the project's DATA subfolder. In cases where Movicon is started up with messages still pending, the Alarm Dispatcher will
also automatically start up to allow these pending messages to be sent.
The above described pending message manager is NOT supported on


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


20. Historical Log

A project's Historical Log automatically manages the
recording of plant alarms or events on archive files in
database or text format.
In every supervision system the sequence of all significant events (Alarms, Messages) which verify
during a project run must be recorded. Event recordings is therefore a basic functionality, and
permits historical analysis of everything that happened while the plant was working. The Movicon
function which records events on Log files is called the Historical Log.
The Historical Log's task is to record chronologically all the project events (Alarms, System Messages,
Drivers Messages) which happened during the applied progress runtime process.
Recording takes place, according to the modalities described in the "Historical Log Management"
chapter, which Movicon writes in appropriate files and displays logged information in the Log
Window, one of the graphic objects which can be inserted from the toolbox into project screens.

The events which can be recorded in the Historical Log archive are:

System operations (operator moves on system)

System diagnostics (auto-diagnosis, Driver diagnosis)
All the project Alarms considered important by the programmer
Log On and Log Off of users
Status change of variables associated to the Trace function
The contents of plant variables associated to project strings on event established by the
Basic script logic messages coming from the "Debug.Print" function
Basic script logic messages coming from the Trace functions
Messages deriving from other applications established by the programmer

All the project alarms, if not specified otherwise in the properties, are recorded in the Historical Log.
The programmer can then configure the alarm properties not to record in the historical log if
The System and Driver Events are always recorded in the appropriate Log files. If you don't wish
them to be displayed, set the log data display in the log window appropriately.
The recording of events and the database format must be configured in the "Project Historical
Log Settings".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The log data can be displayed through the appropriated "Log Window" and "TraceDB Window"
windows which can be inserted into any project screen.

20.1. Log File Management

Movicon provides the possibility to use two different types of historical logs in managing files on disk:

Standard ODBC

When using the standard ODBC, Movicon will use relational database tables and files as log files.
Normally, files in this case are MsSQL Server or MsAccess type, but the ODBC formats of any
Relational DB can be used (ie. Oracle or other).
The two different technologies are described in the corresponding chapters.
The type of archive choice does not change the fundamental way the Historical Log is used. In both
cases Movicon will record events on files, and their contents will be automatically displayed in log

Nevertheless, it would be handy to remember that the use of standard

ODBC offers you the advantage of managing a database in Relational DB,
with many potentialities in terms of analysis and statistics with the use of
the SQL language. However, in some cases the ODBC technology may be
too much in terms of performances and resources required in reduced
hardware devices such as embedded systems or those based on Windows
CE (HMI or Mobile).

In conclusion the historical log format choice is, of course, in the hands of the programmer. Movicon,
for default, will use the ODBC in desktop systems based on Wikn32 and IMDB in embedded systems
based on Windows CE. The programmer may decide whether to use IMDB on desktop or force the
use of ODBC in WinCE which requires ADOCE pre-installation to convert the ODBC links automatically
in ADOCE in the devise. (ODBC is not supported by Window CE).
Note that with creating projects for Windows 32/64 bit, Movicon permits
activation of automatic ODBC link creation to historical logs. IMDB use is
not selected for default. When nothing has been selected, Movicon will use
the ODBC links with historical logs based on SQL Server where possible,
otherwise it will use MsAccess.
When creating projects for WinCE, Movicon will select the historicals based
on IMDB for default.
All the default settings can be modified as pleased.

Log File Size

The size of the log files is set in the "Project Historical Log Settings" item in the project settings.
The size or age is expressed in days and has been set at 180 days for default. This value can be set
as desired.
The file size therefore depend on the data format used and by the number of events to be recorded
by the system in the reset period.

20.1.1. Database Log File

The Database file containing Log information will be created by Movicon automatically in the
project's 'LOGS' folder. Based on the file type chosen, the data available will be as indicated below.
In any case, the Log display windows access the files to show logged events on screen,
independently from the type of file being used.




Normally, in the Windows 32/64 bit environment, the use of logs based on Relational DB offers many
advantages in terms of managing files, openness, analysis and statistics. Movicon, if not specified
otherwise, will use the ODBC links for managing Log files on Windows 32/64 bit systems.
The Log file names, if not specified otherwise, will be "ProjectName_hisLog" in the project's "LOGS"
folder. However, you can customize the file name and the ODBC links through the "Project
Historical Log Settings" properties. Three different tables will then be created in the Database,
each one will contain the data relating to a certain type of event.
Movicon, if not specified otherwise, will use ODBC in Windows 32/64 bit
environments. The format it will use is MsSQL Server or MsAccess as an
alternative. When unable to create files and connections automatically,
Movicon will alert with a message where you may then need to use the
ODBC link manually of use the IMDB.

The log file management in IMDB (InMemory DB) is a valid alternative to Relational DB, which is
ideal for embedded systems with limited recourses or based on Windows CE or Pocket PC.
The IMDB does not use ODBC and managed log files in text mode, by managing data in memory and
unloading it on files at preset time interval. Filed data can be based on XML, on simple text or
The advantaged of using this management as an alternative to the potentialities used by the ODBC

Increased performances
Minimum resources required
Date base can be crypted against unauthorized access.
Movicon, if not specified differently, will use IMDB in WinCE environments.
When the programmer is obliged to setup the ODBC management,
Movicon will automatically to convert the project's ODBC links to ADOCE
links in the device. This however, requires the implementation of the
ADOCE components on the device.

Data Tables
The Log file archive tables are:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Alarms: contains the project's alarm messages

Drivers: contains messages coming from the project's Communication Drivers
SysMsgs: contains the project's system messages

Each one of these tables has the following structure:

Time Column (TimeCol): reports the date and time of the recording in GMT (Greenwich
Mean Time)
Local Time Column (LocalCol): reports the date and time of the recording in local time
MSec Column (MSecCol): reports the milliseconds relating to the time of the recording
User Column (UserCol): the name of the user logged in the project will be recorded in this
field only if the recorded event was prompted by that user (e.g. by a button, etc.)
Event Column (EventCol): reports the event type recorded (E.g. Alarm ON, Alarm OFF,
System, etc)
Event Number Column (EvNumCol): reports an ID number of the event recorded
Event Description Column (EvDescCol): reports the event description
Description Column (DescCol): reports information about the event type
Comment Column (CommCol): reports information about the event type
Duration Column (DurCol): reports the duration time of the event in question
Unique ID Column (UniID): reports the alarm's unique ID (value valid for the "Alarms"
table only)
Transaction ID Column (TraID): reports the alarm's transaction ID (value valid for the
"Alarms" table only)
The active user name is recorded in the Table's User column only when the
event recorded was prompted by that user. For instance in the Alarms
Table, the active user will only be recorded for the "Alarm ACK" and Alarm
RESET" events but not for the "Alarm ON" and "Alarm OFF" events.

However the names of the database columns can be customized through the "Project Historical
Log Settings".

An Example of a Log Window containing data taken from

the three log tables.


21. Historical Files Management

The Movicon recording engines allow process data to
historically logged in two alternative modes. You can
either use the ODBC standard or the IMDB technology.
Usually, a supervision project has, among other tasks, to record and log process data on files,
whether this be significant events or messages, process information (variables/tags) which are
traced and recorded at timed intervals on event or change.
Movicon provides you with the possibility to use two different types of management for recording
historical data on files:

Standard ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

IMDB (InMemory DB)

When using the standard ODBC, Movicon will use relational database tables and files as log files.
Normally, the files in this case are MsSQL Server type or MsAccess, but ODBC formats from any
Relational DB can be used (ie. Oracle or other).
When using the IMDB, Movicon will record historical log data in text mode, which can be structured
in XML or crypt.
These two different technologies are described in the corresponding chapters.

A system structure for the historical log management.

The type of archive choice does not change the fundamental way the Historical Log is used. In both
cases Movicon will record events on files, and their contents will be automatically displayed in log


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Nevertheless, it would be handy to remember that the use of standard

ODBC offers you the advantage of managing a database in Relational DB,
with many potentialities in terms of analysis and statistics with the use of
the SQL language. However, in some cases the ODBC technology may be
too much in terms of performances and resources required in reduced
hardware devices such as embedded systems or those based on Windows
CE (HMI or Mobile).

In conclusion the historical log format choice is, of course, in the hands of the programmer.
Movicon, for default, will use the ODBC in desktop systems based on Wikn32 and IMDB in embedded
systems based on Windows CE. The programmer may decide whether to use IMDB on desktop or
force the use of ODBC in WinCE which requires ADOCE pre-installation to convert the ODBC links
automatically in ADOCE in the devise (ODBC is not supported by Window CE).
Note that with creating projects for Windows 32/64 bit, Movicon permits
activation of automatic ODBC link creation to historical logs. IMDB use is
not selected for default. When nothing has been selected, Movicon will use
the ODBC links with historical logs based on SQL Server where possible,
otherwise it will use MsAccess.
When creating projects for WinCE, Movicon will select the historicals based
on IMDB for default.
All the default settings can be modified as pleased.
WARNING: Data Loggers or Recipes based on IMDB do not support reports
created with the "Report Designer" and "Crystal Reports". If the case need
be use historicals in the ODBC.

Archive sizes
The file size is set in the "Project Historical Log Settings" item in the project settings for the
Historical Log and is set in the respective Data Logger Recording Time Properties or the DB trace
objects. The size or age is expressed in days and has been set at 180 days for default. This value
can be set as desired.
The file size therefore depend on the data format used and by the number of events to be recorded
by the system in the reset period.
Recording and life span of historically logged data in the database from project rescources are
subject to continuous recycling and updating during the project execution in runtime mode. The
frequency with which the DELETE queries will be executed towards the historical log database is
represented in minimum time units relating to the set maximum duration. Meaning that the DELETE
querywill be executed:

every minute, if the historical log age is higher tha a minute but lower that an hour
every hour, if the historical log age is higher than an hour but lower than one day
every day, if the historical log age is more than one day.

The DELETE query will always be executed before putting into effect the INSERT query relating to
new data to be recorded.

21.1. ODBC Standard

Movicon fully supports the Open Data Base Connectivity
standard allowing data to be saved in standard format
and real-time links to external databases.
The Open Data Base Connectivity (ODBC) is the Microsoft standard which consents applications to
organize data in database files in the specific format of any other application enabled to support this
By using this technique you can knock down the data exchange barriers between different formats.





For example with the ODBC you can record data from the Historical Log or
record with the Data Logger and Recipe tables data containing Movicon
The data can be archived, by using the ODBC link, in the user's preferred
format. If the user has a management system based on MsAccess or SQL
Server, s/he can read and manipulate the data recorded by Movicon
according to their own requirements.

Movicon carries out data recordings by using the ODBC standard. The ODBC link interprets the data
to be recorded according to how it has been configured and carries out the recording in the
corresponding format through the ODBC driver of the preferred database application. The file or files
will therefore contain Movicon data, which will actually be recorded in the format requested by the
ODBC system.
Movicon is independent from the data format used, seeing as the driver is
property of the database and the operating system's ODBC manager being
the means of putting the writing of data into effect.
ODBC is a Microsoft standard and the ODBC manager files (drivers) are
property of the respective owner of each single Database application. For
further information please refer to the ODBC online guide or to the current
bibliography available from Microsoft or the makers of the database being

21.1.1. ODBC Drivers

In order for Movicon to log historical data on files in standard ODBC format, the Windows OS needs
to be equipped with the appropriate ODBC drivers for the chosen database product.
During a normal installation Movicon sees to it that the necessary files are installed for the ODBC
management and drivers forMsAccess. To install the SQL Server driver you will need to install
"SQL Server 2008 Express" which can be found on the Movicon installation DVD. In this way
Movicon will install the "SQL Server 2008 Express" kit which integrates the Runtime management of
the SQL Server database only.
Movicon is predisposed for installing ODBC drivers from Microsoft Access
and SQL Server 2008 Express products.
When using other database products you will need to check whether the
relevant ODBC driver supplied by the manufactures has been installed.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Being a 32bit application, Movicon used the ODBC 32 bit drivers in 64bit
operating systems as well. Therefore in order to manage the ODBC directly
from "ODBC Data Source" you will need to launch the "Odbcad32.exe"
executable located in the "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\" folder. The ODBC 64
bit manager is in fact launch from the "Control Panel - Administrator Tools ODBC Data source.
The operating system, however, provides a series of ODBC drivers already available in different
formats (Paradox, FoxPro, dBase, ecc.), which can be accessed just like all the other ODBC settings
from the 'Administrator Tools - ODBC Data Source' item on the 'Control Panel'.

21.1.2. ODBC Links

In order for an application to record data by means of the ODBC standard, as well as to dispose the
chosen data format of the ODBC driver, you will need to create a 'Link' between the Server
application, the table and the destination file, in which the values from the ODBC driver will be
It is through this 'Link with the ODBC driver that enables a resource from a Movicon project
application to record data on file. The ODBC links must all be registered in the operating system
through the appropriate ODBC system settings from the 'Administrator Tools - ODBC Data
Source' item on the 'Control Panel'. However, Movicon is provided with a guide tool (Autoconfigure) to create ODBC links for all the resources or functionalities permitting their use.
The ODBC link is the tool through which an application is linked to the
ODBC driver so that it can write or read data using an external format.
The ODBC driver standard is based on the specifications defined by





This window shows the list of ODBC drivers usually

currently existing in the Windows OS, according to the
installation standards. Other drivers can be added when
installing other compatible ODBC applications.
ODBC link can be configured by setting the data manually, by activating he ODBC system from
Movicon or from the Windows' 'Control Panel, by activating the icon as shown in the above figure.
To make the configuring operation easier, Movicon automatically creates the ODBC links and the
database files relating to the most commonly used components being Data Loggers, Recipes,
Historical Log, Variable Tracer, etc.
These links and files created for default by Movicon naturally have a predefined name which also
includes the project's name. The automatic creation consents you to create links (eg, file and/or
table if required) in MsAccess or in the format set in the project's "Plugin ODBC Default" property.
However, you can execute the create a customized ODBC link and relating database file by exploiting
a Wizard left at your disposition by Movicon to make this operation easier, so you don't have to
enter the configuration through the Operating System's 'Control Panel'. The resources which can
interact with the database through ODBC links have a field in their 'Properties Windows' for creating
customized ODBC links. The Wizard procedure, for creating the links, is started by clicking the "..."
button positioned on the right hand side of the edit box:

ATTENTION! Even though Microsoft also provides a ODBC driver for

Excel it is not a Database, but an electronic sheet. It is for this reason
that Excel does not support all the SQL commands compatible with the
most common Databases
and therefore Excel cannot be used as if it were a database. The
Movicon resources, such as the Data Loggers, Recipes, Historical Log,
Variable Tracer, etc., cannot therefore be managed through ODBC links
to Excel files.
The ORACLE's ODBC driver has some special requirements that force
the programmer to observe some specific rules creating the project
links. These rules are:
a. All the column's names must be written with upper case. Due to this, it's
necessary to change the standard column name of any historical table, using the
related properties. For instance, the column TimeCol must become TIMECOL.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

b. Spaces inside columns and tables name are not allowed.

c. Columns and Tables names cannot begin with a number.
d. Some data types are not supported, and the Oracle ODBC driver uses NVARCHAR
also for numeric types (byte, word, integer). This is not a problem when data are
displayed using the standard Movicon object windows.

21.1.3. Saving data on file in the event of ODBC error

If a Log (historical Log, DataLogger or Variable TraceDB) ODBC connection error should occur while
running a project thus disabling Movicon to record data on database, this data will be buffered and
loaded onto text files as a safety measure. When the ODBC connection is restored, Movicon will also
restore the data saved on text file in the relative database using the "RestoreFlushedData.exe" tool.
The text files, or Flash files, that Movicon creates when a ODBC connection occurs, will be given a
name and location according to log type. The possibilities are as follows:
Historical Log
When an ODBC error occurs, Flash files relating to the three Historical Log tables will be created in
the project's "LOGS" folder with the same name of the relating table and "HisLogEx" extension:

SysMsgs.HisLogEx: system messages "SysMsgs" table Flush file

Alarms.HisLogEx: alarm messages "Alarms" table Flush file
Drivers.HisLogEx: communication driver messages "Drivers" Flush file

When an ODBC error occurs, Flash files relating to the project's DataLoggers will be created in the
"DLOGGERS" folder. A Flush file will be created for each DataLogger defined in the project with the
same DataLogger table name and "DataLoggerEx" extension:

DataLogger1.DataLoggerEx: Flush file relatiing to DataLogger1

DataLogger2.DataLoggerEx: Flush file relating to DataLogger2

Variable TraceDB
When an ODBC connection error occurs, Flash files relating to the variables in the project's TraceDB
will be created in the project's "DATA" folder. A Flush file will be created for each varialbe in the
TraceDB defined in the project with the same name of the relating variable table and "TraceDBEx"

VAR00001.TraceDBEx: Flush file relating to the VAR00001 variable

VAR00002.TraceDBEx: Flush file relating to the VAR00002 variable

The names of data Flush files will be created with the same names relating
to the tables they refer to. Therefore, if customized names have been
given to the Historical Log, DataLogger or Variable TraceDB tables, the
Flush files will be created with these customized names.
When an ODBC error is verified, data is buffered in memory and unloaded
into Flush files a bit at a time. Therefore, when stopping the project, the
last data bufferized and not yet unloaded onto file will be lost.

Restoring Flush Files

Flush files are restored within the database tables when the ODBC connection reactivates back to
normal, after which these files are then deleted. If Flush Files are also found by Movicon at project
startup, they will be restored if the ODBC connection is active as well.
In circumstances where a Flush file is damaged and Movicon cannot
interpret it correctly, the file's extension will be renamed with the
"_oldformat" suffix (".HisLogEx_oldformat", "DataLoggerEx_oldformat",
"TraceDBEx_oldformat") and not deleted. In cases like this, the
"RestoreFlushedData.exe" tool will not be able to restore such files back to
the database.





Flush files in the "LOGS", "DLOGGERS" and "DATA" folders may be found
when importing projects from versions prior to 11.2.1085. These Flash files
will not be restored in the database if their format is different from the one
required by the "RestoreFlushedData.exe" tool.

21.1.4. Connection Pooling

Starting from the 3.5 version of the Windows ODBC manager a 'Connection Pooling' tab has been
added in which you can enable the pool management for each single ODBC driver.

The connection pooling consents the user's application to use one of the available connections in a
pool so it does not have to be restored each time it is used. This is because the moment a
connection has been created, it is placed in a pool to be re-used by the application to avoid having to
carry out the whole connection procedure again hence improved performances.
Always check whether the ODBC driver supports the pool management
before enabling it.

21.1.5. Project ODBC Plugins

Movicon manages ODBC connection creations using the plugins contained in a Movicon
installation subfolder called "ODBCMgr".
When in the process of creating a new project using the wizard ("DataBase Settings
(ODBC)"), you will be asked to choose which database format to use for default. The
options are:

MSAccess: MS Access (uses the "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)" driver. This is
the predefined default choice)
MySQL: MySQL 5.1 (uses the driver installed with this version of MySQL)


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

OracleEx10: Oracle Express (uses the client-less driver installed with this
version of Oracle)
OracleEx11g: Oracle Express (uses the client-less driver installed with this
version of Oracle)
SQLServer2000: MS SQL Server 2000 (uses the "SQL Server" driver)
SQLServer2005: MS SQL Server 2005 (uses the "SQL Native Client" driver)
SQLServer2008: MS SQL Server 2008 (uses the "SQL Native Client 10.0" driver)
SQLServerExp2000: MS SQL Express 2005 (uses the "SQL Native Client" driver)
SQLServerExp2008: MS SQL Express 2008 (uses the "SQL Native Client 10.0"
SQLServer2012: MS SQL Server 2012 (uses the "SQL Native Client 11.0"
SQLServerExp2012: MS SQL Express 2012 (uses the " SQL Native Client
11.0" driver)

Once the project has been created with wizard, the chosen default plugin (using the "
DataBase Settings (ODBC)" window) will be indicated in the project's "Plugin ODBC
Default" property and can be changed afterwards if need be. The "Settings ODBC"
command in the project's General properties allow you to modify the connection
parameters, in the same way as the wizard's "Customize ODBC Settings" command. these
parameters are saved in the "pluginname.settings" configuration file
SQLExpress2005.settings) in the ODBCMgr. folder. The configuration xml file structure
type will be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<ID text="Driver">SQL Server</ID>
<ID text="DATABASE">prjSql2000</ID>
<ID text="Trusted_Connection">yes</ID>
<ID text="Description"></ID>
The settings file gets saved in the project's "DATA" folder when it is run for the first time
so that the parameters become specific to that project only.
The default ODBC plugin will be used by Movicon each time a new ODBC DSN connection
needs to be created.
The MSAccess default value is used for projects created with the "Template" or "Empty
project" wizards or pre-existing projects that do not have the "Plugin ODBC Default"

21.1.6. ODBC Plugin List

ODBC connections are created by using plugins found in the "ODBCMgr" folder. Movicon installs
some predefined plugins but other customized ones can be added in order to be used with different
The meanings of the different parameters which must be configured using the "for the different
plugins are briefly described below and are configured using the "Customize ODBC Settings" or
"ODBC Settings" command for the different plugins.
MS Access
Driver: this is the ODBC driver used by Movicon for connecting to the database. Default
value: "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)" (driver preinstalled by Movicon).
Database: this is the name of the .mdb database which will be created in the project's
"DLOGGERS" subfolder and which the created ODBC connections is referred to. If this
field is left empty, the database's name will be the same as the project's name.
MS SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2005 Express, 2008 and 2008 Express, 2012 e 2012
Driver: this is the ODBC driver used by Movicon for connecting with the database. The
default values are:
MS SQL Server 2000->"SQL Server"





MS SQL Server 2005->"SQL Native Client"

MS SQL Server 2008 and 2008 Express->"SQL Server Native Client 10.0"
MS SQL Server 2012 e 2012 Express->"SQL Server Native Client 11.0"
Server: this is the name of the SQL Server instance to connect to. This can be local or on
a network pc. In this case the parameter will have the
PCName\InstanceName format. Default value: (local). Default value for MS SQL Server
2008 Express: .\SQLEXPRESS.
Database: this is the name of the database which will be created in relation to the
instance specified in the "server" parameter. If this field is left empty, the database's
name will be the same as the project's name.
The plugin uses a "Trusted connection", meaning that it uses Windows authentication. If
you wish to use another authentication type, you can modify the ODBC connection
manually once created.
MySQL 5.1
Driver: this is the ODBC driver used by Movicon for connecting to the database. Default
value: "MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver".
Server: this is the name of the MySQL instance which to connect to. It can be local or on
a network pc. Default value: localhost.
Database: this is the name of the database which will be created in relation to the
instance specified in the "server" parameter. If this field is left empty, the database's
name will be the same as the project's name.
User and Password: are the name of the user and their password respectively which are
used for connecting to the MySQL instance. This data is saved in the settings file without
being encrypted. In order to keep passwords secret, they can be inserted using
the"Administration tools - Source ODBC" "Control Panel" item after the ODBC has been
Oracle Ex10, Oracle 11g
Driver:this is the ODBC driver used by Movicon for connecting to the database. Default
value: "ORACLE in XE".
"Oracle in OraDb11g_home1"
Server: this is the name of the Oracle instance which to connect to. It can be local or on
a network pc. Default value: XE.
Database: warning: in Oracle the entity underneath where the Movicon data tables will be
created it not a database but a "Database user" or "schema" that is created with the name
set here relating to the instance specified in the "server" parameter. If this field is left
empty, the database's name will be the same as the project's name.
User and Password: are the name of the user and their password respectively which are
used for connecting to the Oracle instance. This data is saved in the settings file without
being encrypted. In order to keep passwords secret, they can be inserted using
the"Administration tools - Source ODBC"" "Control Panel" item after the ODBC has been

21.1.7. Creating ODBC links automatically

The first thing Movicon does at Startup is check for any existing ODBC links and only when none
exist does it create one by using the provider set in the project's "Plugin ODBC Default" property.
An exception is made for the 'Recreate All' command in the properties of the resources which use
ODBC. In this case the link is created (using the default provider MSAccess), when the existing one
does not allow database connectivity.

21.1.8. Creating ODBC Links Manually

By selecting the customized create ODBC Manual Link, you will need to configure the necessary data
to get an ODBC link. The procedure, as already seen, is a Movicon Wizard, therefore the programmer
will be guided through each step. When clicking on the "..." button found on the right hand side of


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

the "ODBC DSN" property introduction field of the resources which support the ODBC links, the
following procedure will display:



The first thing you will be asked is to select the type of ODBC data source. The most common
selections are usually 'User Data Source' or 'System Data Source':


At this point you will need to select the ODBC driver you intend to use:


From this moment onwards the configuration windows which will be proposed
depend upon the type of driver you selected. Therefore we suggest you consult
either the application's manual or the Microsoft ODBC guide or the Database




application to be linked. To continue our demonstration we will select the Microsoft Access
driver as an example, seeing that it is the most used, to display the following window:


The last proposed window will permit you to define the name of the ODBC link (data source
name) and the associated Database file:

If the Database file already exists in the PC, you only need to use the 'Select...' button to
select it. On the other-hand if the file has not yet been created you will have to create it by
using the 'Create...' button.
Confirm and terminate the create ODBC Link procedure with the 'OK' button.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

21.1.9. Using the SQL Server

When deciding to used the SQL Server data format, it is possible to install the "SQL Server Express"
version that is included on the Movicon installation DVD. However, all these SQL Server versions can
be used:, MSDE 2000, SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 Express, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server
Express 2008, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server Express 2012, SQL Server 2012". In this case, the
programmer must decide which version to used and install it on the PC.
Before connecting with ODBC with SQL server data formatting, you will need to make sure that the
Microsoft SQL Server service is already running by checking the Control Panel - Administrative tools services to see if this service is active.
The tables created in MS SQL Server are created with a "clustered"
index in the "TimeCol" column. this allows the highest
performances to be obtained when retrieving data sorted out
according to that column, being operations which Movicon objects
usually do.

21.1.10. Using the ORACLE

Movicon consents to recording data in ORACLE databases requiring that the ORACLE ODBC driver be
The ORACLE ODBC driver however has certain characteristics that obliges the user to observe a few
regulations when creating projects. These regulations are:


All the column names must be written with capital letters (uppercase). Therefore this requires
that the standard column names of the project's historicals be changed through their
appropriate properties. For instance, TimeCol would become TIMECOL (or with a custom
name but in capitals)
Spaces are not allowed in the table and column names
Table and column names cannot begin with a number
Many data types are not supported, and the Oracle ODBC driver also uses NVARCHAR for
numeric types (byte, word, integer). However, this will not cause any problems when data is
displayed in the standard Movicon windows

Creating the ODBC connection towards the ORACLE database in the Movicon project can be done by
using the appropriate plug-in available in the project's "Project ODBC Plugins" general properties.
However, this task can always be done manually by inserting a custom DSN in the historical log's
"ODBC DSN" property. In this case, it will also be necessary to create a user with same name and
password belonging to the user defined in the ORACLE database. This Movicon user must then be
inserted in the historical log "ODBC DSN User" property.
When using recipes in the project, you will need to define the name of each of the "TimeCol",
"LocalCol"and "RecipeIndex" columns so that they are unique in respect to the other project table
column names. These three columns cannot have the same names as those already assigned to the
other Recipes, Data Loggers or historicals (Historical Log, TraceDB, etc.) in the project (or of any
other project using the same ORACLE database). This restriction was made evident due to the fact
that ORACLE uses unique column index names, thereby two indexes with the same names are not
acceptable even when belonging to different tables. Seeing that Movicon indexes tables with these
three columns ("TimeCol", "LocalCol"and "RecipeIndex"), in respect to record uniqueness for a same
recipe key, you will need to carry out the above described procedures. Otherwise, ORACLE will not
create indexes for these tables and each time an already existing recipe is saved, it will not get
updated but inserted as a new record with the same "Recipe Index" instead (resulting as a
duplication of the same record).
It is for this reason that Historical Log tables (SysMsgs, Alarms and Drivers) cannot be indexed as, in
this case, it will not be possible to customize the "TimeCol" and "LocalCol" column names for all
three tables (the settings are unique for all three tables). This would simply slow down data
accessing performances due to too much data. This can be avoided by inserting the indexes in the
database tables manually.





21.1.11. Caution when using different DataBases

When using the ODBC Drivers, Movicon allows you to choose which database to use for recording
historical data (Historical Log, Data Logger, Recipes, Variable Trace, etc.). However, especially when
creating projects, you must take into complete consideration which limits and restrictions your
chosen database have. The first thing to do is check whether the database you plan to use provides
ODBC drivers that are compatible with the operating system in use, then you will need to take into
consideration any existing restrictions while creating your project. The Movicon database
management has been optimized for "SQL Server" use but it easily adapts to using many other
databases as well. By using the "Plugin ODBC del Progetto" you can select a database to use from
among the most popular ones currently available or manually create a ODBC (DSN) link towards any
Plugin not listed.
Another thing is to remember is that Movicon is "case-sensitive" when managing names of database
tables and columns as well as user names. Furthermore, Movicon also supports spaces in names
which can also begin with a number. However, this kind of syntax management is not supported by
all databases. For instance when using "ORACLE", names of columns, table and users must always
begin with a capital letter in contrast to the "PostreSQL" database where all table and column names
must all be in lowercase. If you use databases such as these, you must make sure you structure the
database tables in your project according to their imposed restrictions.
In addition, the use of spaces in DataBase table and column names may vary from DataBase to
DataBase. Infact, in table creation queries or table access queries, certain syntax must be used
according to the Database in question. In this case, names containing spaces are enclosed between
specific characters. To remedy this problem you can use the "ODBCTokenForSpaces" registry key to
define which character must be used for default in cases where table and column names contain
To avoid problems of this sort we suggest you use texts in table and column
names as indicated below:

names should not start with a number or a "_" character

names should not contain spaces. Any spaces in names would be
best replaced with the "_" character

The most used databases require the following syntax as listed below:
SQL Server, SQL Server CE and MS Access
These databases require the use of squared brackets when table and column names contain spaces.
For example, sql code for creating these types of database tables would be:
[TIME COL] [datetime] NULL,
[MSEC COL] [smallint] NULL,
[LOCAL COL] [datetime] NULL,
[USER COL] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[EVENT COL] [nvarchar](24) NULL,
[EVNUM COL] [smallint] NULL,
[DESC COL] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[EVDESC COL] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[COMM COL] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[DUR COL] [int] NULL,
ORACLE requires the use of double speech marks when table or column names contain spaces. For
example, sql code for creating a database table of this type would be:


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MySQL requires the use of the [`] character, ASCII 96 (60 HEX) code, when table or columns names
contain spaces. For example, sql code for creating a database table or column of this type would be:
`MSEC COL` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`USER COL` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`DESC COL` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`COMM COL` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
Creating ODBC links from Movicon with system Administrator or Standard user
When Movicon is run with a the machine Administrator user, the ODBC links are created in ODBC
data Origin in the "DSN System" card. When run with a Standard user, these links are created in the
"DSN User" card.
However, if links are already present in the System DSNs, they can be used without being modified
since the users do not have priveleges and therefore will not be recreated in the "DSN User".
Warning! In systems based on Windows 8/7 technology, based on the
Windows UAC settings, an Administrator user of the machine may not
however have rights for creating a "System DSN", unless Movicon is
launched with the "Run as Administrator" command.

21.2. IMDB (In Memory DB)

The IMDB manager (In Memory DB) of historicals
allows data to be saved in text and xml format.
The Movicon historicals management can be executed through the IMDB manager which allows data
to be saved in text and XML format. This functionality can be used as an interesting alternative to
the using the ODBC Manager, to allow you to obtain historical archives in text format (file ".dat"), in
clear or crypted as well as XML format (file ".xml"). By doing this you get the advantage of getting
better performances by avoiding the 'layer' of ODBC software and the possibility to cript data in
proprietor format, even if you give up using relational Databases formats.
Only ".dat" text format files can be encrypted by selecting the appropriate
property, while files in xml format, if enabled, will result always in clear.





By using the IMDB in devices based on Windows CE, there is no longer the
need to convert the ODBC links to ADOCE, thus the ADOCE component and
the SQL Server CE installed on the devise are no longer needed which will
improve the device performances.
The IMDB manager, with the exclusive Progea technology, manages a memory buffer in which data
is placed and then unloaded on file at fixed time intervals The unloading data on file time can be
configured through the appropriate properties of the log engine (ie. Data Logger, Log).
All the data query functions are supported as if managed by a database manager. This function can
be activated with a specific option in the historical log, data logger and in the db trace. It is not
possible to use this technology in the "Real Time DBMS" as it wouldn't be necessary to use it in that
Data is recorded on text files with the ".dat" extension. When the project is started up, Movicon will
create table in memory by loading data from these back-u' files. The files can also be saved in XML
The"UNION" clause for the data extraction query is not support by the
IMDB. Therefore the "Historical Log Window" will only display system
messages even when set to view all message types.
WARNING: Data Loggers or Recipes based on IMDB do not support reports
created with the "Report Designer" and "Crystal Reports". If the case need
be use historicals in the ODBC.

21.2.1. IMDB Settings for Recording data

Some of the parameters which are used for the IMDB parameters are the same ones used whether
recording a historical Log, a Data Logger or a variable trace, etc. The significance of these
parameters are described Below:
Use IMDB Manager
Enables the use of the IMDB manager to record data. In this case data will not be recorded in
DataBase format through the ODBC drivers.
The"UNION" clause for the data extraction query is not support by the
IMDB. Therefore the "Historical Log Window" will only display system
messages even when set to view all message types.


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A "The table <Table Name> has been created" message will be shown in the output window upon
each project startup. The difference in messages when recording with IMDB and not ODBC is that
messages for IMDB do not indicate table creations in physical databases but indicate that virtual
tables have been created in RAM by taking data from the ".dat" file.
Shared Tables
When this property is enabled, the system's global memory will be used for saving data and not that
of the process. This option is especially indicated when using WinCE as operating system because
the Movicon CE process memory has a limit of 32 Mbytes.
Further more this option is needed also when wanting to access data through external ActiveXs or
libraries. In this way the IMDB tables are made available in ram and can be accessed using
appropriated ActiveX or library functions.
Save XML File
Data is always saved in text files with the ".dat" extension and by enabling this option will also allow
data to be saved in files in XML format.
Save CSV File
Data is always saved in a text file with the ".dat" extension. When activating this option you will be
able to save data in a CSV file which also includes the field names in the first row.
You can also customize the field delimitor character (Tab used for default) by editing the
"XMLcIMDBDelimiter" tag directly in the project files. The ".movprj" project files must be modified
for the Historical Log, the ".movrealtimedb" file must be modified for the Variable Trace and the
".movdlrec" file for the DataLoggers or Recipes. In this last case, it will also be possible to modify the
xml tag through the XML Code Explorer window and possible to specify a different separator for each
inserted DataLogger or Recipe object.
Crypt File
The ".dat" file used for recording data is crypted with a Progea proprietary algorithm and with the
public domain algorithm. XML files are not crypted.
Write Behind Delay
This setting represents the time, in seconds, when the data is unloaded from memory to files.
Max Nr. Records
This setting allows you to define the maximum number of records the Historical Log can execute.
Once this limit had been reached, the data will start recycling. However, data with ages older than
the maximum age set will be deleted even when the max. number of records has not yet been
reached. This function is disabled when set at the '0' value which means that there are no
restrictions to the number of records that can be executed.

21.2.2. IMDB Database Limitations

When using the IMDB manager for recording historical data you will need to keep in mind that there
are some limitations that a more conventional database would not have using ODBC drivers. Below
you will find a list of the main SQL commands supported by IMDB and its restrictions:

SQL Language
The IMDB manager supports a significant subset of SQL database language functions. The following
instructions are particularly supported:
SELECT qualifiers: DISTINCT, TOP n
WHERE expressions: AND, OR, NOT, LIKE, BETWEEN, + - * /, IS [NOT]
NULL, <, >, =, < >, <=, >=, Constants, Parameters, ColumnNames
SELECT list expressions: MAX, MIN, AVG, SUM, COUNT, +, -, *, /,
Constants, Parameters, ColumnNames
Value list qualifiers: ANY, ALL, SOME, IN
UPDATE expressions: +, -, *, /, Constants, Parameters, ColumnNames
INSERT values expressions: Constants, Parameters
Subqueries within SELECT statements





The following limitations must also be taken into consideration:

Table and Column names cannot contain spaces or any punctuation characters and must start
with an alpha character (names cannot start with numbers)
Views are not supported
Select list field aliases names are not supported
Security statements such as COMMIT, GRANT and LOCK are not supported
The LIMIT TO nn ROWS cause used to limit the number of rows returned by a query is not
supported. Use TOP instead to return the top nn rows of a query
Outer Joins are not supported
No indexes create and drop statements. Indexes must be created when creating tables

Data Types
The IMDB manager supports the following types of data for table columns:





4/8 bytes (32/64 bit value)

8 bytes (DOUBLE)
1 bit
1 byte per character (2 bytes for
Zero to a maximum of 256 MB/row
8 bytes 0 to year 20.000,
100 nano-seconds resolution
Zero to a maximum of 256 MB/row
For storing Guid values

Database Default Limits

The IMDB manager has the following default limits:
Maximum data store size

~ 2 GB

Maximum number of tables


Maximum number of columns

on table

127 for Windows

32/64 bit, 90 for

Maximum number of indexes

on table
Maximum length of table
Maximum length of column
Maximum number of rows in a
Maximum length of fixedlength column

2 Billion (2*10^9)


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Maximum length of variablelength column

Maximum size for binary
Maximum number of cursors
opened simultaneously
Maximum number of columns
in an index
Maximum number of XML
nodes in a table
simultaneously active IMDB

256 MB
256 MB
Unlimited (memory
2 Billion (2*10^9)
Unlimited (memory

21.2.3. DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase

Some parameters which are used for DBMS links are always the same ones used, independently
whether recording a Historical Log, a Data Logger, variable tracing, etc. These parameters are
described below:
Keep the DB Connection open
This property, when enabled, allows the ODBC connection to be kept open and used for all the
transactions to be executed. When the property is disabled, the ODBC connection will be opened
when a transaction is requested and then closed again.
We suggest you disable the 'Recycle DB Connection' property only when
recording is less frequent.
Max. Error Number
The highest number of DBMS errors allowed after which the connection is considered not valid and
data is saved on files in ASCII format ("DLOGGERS", "LOGS", "DATA").
Max. Transitions
Maximum number of transitions per cycle to be updated before closing.
Max. Cache Size
This setting allows you to set the Cache's maximum size before they system loads data on file. The
number is set in Bytes.
Max. VarChar Precision
This setting allows the maximum precision to be set for the string type columns. The set number
represents the number of string characters.
This setting allows you to set a customized ODBC connection. Movicon will create a file in
Access2000 format in the project's 'LOGS' folder for default with the name:

However you can also customize the ODBC connection through this property, creating a different
data base from that of Access2000 with a different name.
Unfortunately the ODBC Manager does not pass on any information about the name of the any
created connections. Therefore the procedure requires that the name of the connection be inserted
first so that Movicon can pass it over to the ODBC Manager. The name of the connection can also be
inserted after it has been created. In any case the name of the connection has to be typed in the
box manually.
This property specifies the users name to be used for the ODBC connection.





21.2.4. DataBase Filter Settings

The Recipe resources and the Trend and DataAnalysis objects provide some properties for applying
queries, filters or sort bys on data to be extracted from the Data Base. In this way the resulting
query for extracting data can be customized when the default query is not suitable for the task at
hand. The three properties described below are available in the Recipe "Recipe Database Settings
Properties" properties and in the Trend/DataAnalysis object's "Stile" properties.
Default Filter
This edit box permits you to enter a text string containing the filter function in SQL standard
language on data to be selected from the Database. The filter functions automatically by showing the
WHERE suffix in a drop-down window, to allow you to simply indicate the filter parameters. For
example, let's suppose a "Temperature1" column has been defined in the database table" and we
need to apply a filter for extracting records where the "Temperature1" value is more than 100 only,
in this field we will have to enter:
Temperature1 > 100
This text string is static and cannot be changed in runtime.
When the object is a Recipe and you wish to use a dynamic filter function in
the database object, you will need to use the "Tag Query" which can be
setup in the "Recipe Execution Properties".
Default Sort
This edit box allows you to enter a text string containing the sort function in SQL standard language
in data to be selected from the Database. The sort functions automatically drops down a window
with the ORDER BY suffix in it, allowing you to simply indicate the data sort parameters. For
example, let's suppose a "Temperature1" column has been defined in the database table" and we
need to apply a filter for extracting records in sort by increase mode based on the "Temperature1"
column, we should enter:
Temperature1 ASC
This text string is static and cannot be changed in runtime.
When the object is a Recipe and you wish to use to dynamic Sort function
in the database object, you will need to use the "Tag Query" which can be
setup in the "Recipe Execution Properties".
Default Query
This edit box allows you to enter a text string containing the query in SQL standard language in data
to be selected from the Database.
The text string is static and cannot be changed in runtime.
When the object is a Recipe and you wish to use to dynamic query
function in the database object, you will need to use the "Tag Query" which
can be setup in the "Recipe Execution Properties".
When this property is set in a Trend/DataAnalysis object, it will be necessary that all the columns to
be selected for the Trend be specified correctly in the query. For instance, let's suppose that these
three "Value1", "Value2" and "Value3" columns have been defined in the DataLogger, and that they
have also been selected for displaying in the Trend, the query would be customized as:
Select LocalCol, Value1, Value2, Value3 From DataLogger Where Value1 > 100 Order By
LocalCol DESC
if the "Show msecs." option had been enabled in the Trend/DataAnalysis the query should then be :
Select LocalCol, MSecCol, Value1, Value2, Value3 From DataLogger Where Value1 > 100
Order By LocalCol DESC
However a query like the one shown below would result as being incorrect because it includes
columns that the Trend does not have:
Select * From DataLogger Where Value1 > 100 Order By LocalCol DESC


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22. User and Password

Using the Users and Passwords management in
projects allows access to protected functions be
managed. The project Users can also be used for
sending SMS, Voice and Fax messages.
When using supervision projects it is often necessary to protect the managing of the plant's
conditions against unauthorized persons by granting access to the system's functions only after the
user's authentication has been verified and confirmed.
Plants can be protected by using the Users and Passwords management.
The Users and Passwords management is a supervision project to allow the possibility to manage
supervisor access security, by declaring identification of users enabled to work in the system, by
entrusting them with an exclusive password and access level. The access privileges (hierarchical
levels and Areas) can be issued normally or by group.

there are 1024 hierarchical levels and 16 area levels

Log On will not be requested when the objects have been left with the default
value (level 0)

The project must request Log On for each command and function to be protected from unauthorized
access. The hierarchical level must be declared in the properties of "sensitive" objects to be
able to execute the command and the area it belongs to.
The execution of these objects will therefore be subject to a Log On to verify the access privileges of
the user executing the command.
In this way, any supervisor function can be protected with this type of user level and user password
settings verification, according to the modalities and settings described in this chapter.

Movicon allows complete password management, with a

unlimited number of users and user groups each one can
be set with a level (1-1024) and area (1-16).


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

22.1. Change Password after User Login

There is a "Change Password after Login" checkbox in the Movicon user and password login window
which when checked allows the user to change their password in runtime that was initially assigned
to them in design mode. The user can change their password straight after logging in.
Both Developer Users and runtime users can change their Passwords in runtime.
If an error is made while changing passwords, a modal window will appear showing a "Incorrect
Password" error message. This window must be closed by the user to enable to continue.
Passwords can be changed in runtime when at least one of the following conditions exists:

"Must Change Password" option enabled

"Cannot Change Password" option disabled
"Expiring Password (Day)"option more than 0

Passwords cannot be changed if al the following conditions exist at the same time:

"Must Change Password" option disabled

"Cannot Change Password" option enabled
"Expiring Password (Day)" option equal to 0
The possibility for users to change passwords in runtime is not available for Web
Client users, but it does open various prospects to do with Client-Server Network
projects. In each Client and Server project development and runtime users can
change their password independently from one project to another or only those of
development by centralizing the runtime user management in one database for
each proeject (see "General - Runtime Users File" from the "Users and User
Groups" resource. .

22.2. User Levels and Access Levels

Each user is assigned a User Password Level for user authentication and a Access Level, which
determines which read and write rights the user has on the various project controls, in the Movicon
user management.

User Password Levels

The User Password Levels are needed for user authentication. When a user has logged on their
Password level is activated enabling the user to execute all the commands protected by a password
levels the same as or lower than theirs. The User Password Levels are:

User Level 0 (0) = no password level required

User Levels (1-1022) = password levels required from 1 to 1022. These password levels
are assigned to normal project users.
Administrator User Level (1023) = password level for Administrator or System users.
System operations can also be executed With this password level such as closing the
project, etc.
Developer User Level (1024) = password level for Developer users. The project can also
be developed with this password level.
The User Password Levels are hierarchical meaning that each User of a
certain Level can also execute operations of lower levels. Level i is the
lowest User Level , while the Developer Level is the highest.

User Level
This property can be set in various points and in various components of a Movicon project. For
example, in the "Users General Properties" this setting permits each user to be associated with a
Password Level.
Where the project's controls and resources are concerned the 'User Level' property is used for
defining which User Password Level is necessary for executing the command list associated to that






control. For further information please refer to the 'User Levels' property of the component or
resource of interest:
Object "User Level" property (paragraph: "Access Levels Properties common to Drawings
and Controls")
Menu "User Level" property (paragraph: "Item Menu General Properties")
Shortcut "User Level" property (paragraph: "Shortcut Command General Properties")

Access Levels (Areas)

When log on has been executed correctly by verifying the Users authentication it is possible to set a
limit to User intervention on various project controls or components by using the 'Access Levels'.
There are 16 distinct levels, from 'Access Level 1' to 'Access Level 16'. In this case each Access
Level, which can be activated by using a Check-Box, is independent of the others. For example, by
enabling 'Access Level 5' on a Button control means that only the Users that have 'Access Level 5'
checked on their 'Access Level' Masks can access this Button. The Access Mask setup for various
Users must therefore have a correspondence with the Access Mask setup for the project's controls or
components to be able to grant access, in read/write, to them.
The Access Levels are not managed hierarchically, therefore the high levels
(i.e. Level 16) do not acquire the access rights of lower Levels (i.e. Level 1).
You must keep in mind that the User Password Levels have priority over the 'Access Levels',
which means that the users must first logon and have their Password Level verified for
authentication before the Access Levels assigned to the user are verified.

The figure illustrates an example of user access control at

Log On.
Based on the access level and area required to execute the
command, the users 1 & 2 are permitted or denied not
access based on their privileges.
Write Access Levels
This property, which is found in various controls and components of Movicon projects, defines which
is the control's Write Access Level. If the User has been authenticated but their Access Level does
not correspond with the control's, the user will not be able to write in that control.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

You must also consider that a project's control's or component's write access assumes different
meanings according to the object itself. For further information please refer to the 'Write Access
Level' property of the component of interest:
Variable "Write Access Level" property (paragraph: "Variable Access Level Properties")
Alarm Threshold "Write Access Level" property (paragraph: "Alarm Threshold General
Object "Write Access Level" property (paragraph: "Access Levels Properties common to
Drawings and Controls")
Scheduler "Write Access Level" property (paragraph: "Scheduler Access Level Properties")
Read Access Levels
This property, found in various Movicon project controls and components, defines which is the
control's Read Access Level. If the User has been authenticated but their Access Level does not
correspond with the control's, the user will not be able to read that control.
You must also consider that a project's control's or component's write access assumes different
meanings according to the object itself. For further information please refer to the 'Read Access
Level' property of the component of interest:
Variable "Read Access Level" property (paragraph: "Variable Access Level Properties")
Alarm Threshold "Read Access Level" property (paragraph: "Alarm Threshold General
Object "Read Access Level" property (paragraph: "Access Levels Properties common to
Drawings and Controls")
Scheduler "Read Access Level" property (paragraph: "Scheduler Access Level Properties")
Always Visible
This property is only available for the "Scheduler" object and Real Time DB variable resources. This
property allows you to keep these resources always available in the project's "Scheduler Window"
selection list. By enabling this property the scheduler or variable can be made available and selected
in the "Scheduler Window" independently from the Access Level of the user logged in. For further
information please refer to the desired component's "Read Access Level" property:
Variable "Always Visible" property (paragraph: "Variable Access Level Properties")
Scheduler "Always Visible" property (paragraph: "Scheduler Access Level Properties")

Invalid Authentication
Movicon has an mechanism to deter repeated invalid access attempts where after the third invalid
logon attempt the time to re-display the logon window will take longer. In addition, after the third
invalid attempt a message will be recorded in the log reporting: "Login Failed. User 'xxx'".

22.3. Custom Password Dialog Windows

Movicon consents custom Password Dialog Windows which open when user authentication is
requested or when needing to re-enter an expired user password. Custom panels can actually be
created by using the Movicon screens and symbols. The custom panel can be created with a screen
within which a "Editable Display" can be positioned with a series of "Buttons". The screen, in order to
be managed by Movicon instead of the one for default, must be inserted in the project's "Get
Password Screen" or "Expired Password Screen" general properties. This will ensure that the
customized screen will open instead of that for default when user authentication is required. The
screen will open in modal mode. In addition to the two screens, 'Get Password Screen' and 'Expired
Password Screen', manage some local system variables which are needed so that user
authentication works correctly. These variables are:
For user authentication, "Password Screen", the local screen variables used are:
user_ = variable in which the name of the user must be written and used for requesting
authentication. The user_ variable must be declared string type
password_ = variable in which the password must be written for user authentication. The
password_ variable must be declared string type
OK_ = this variable is needed in the screen's closing phase. When its value is different from
zero, the screen will execute the authentication of the user entered when closing. When its






value is set at zero, the user will not get logged in when the screen closes. The OK_ variable
must be declared Bit type
title_ = when Movicon opens the Screen the local title_ variable is set with the requested
user level value. the title_ variable must be declared string type
reset_ = when this variable obtains a value that is not zero, it forces the password renewal
of the user logged on. This variable can be associated to an object such as the Checkbox in
the custom Password Dialog Window which resets the local variable when different from
For entering expired passwords, "Expired Password Screen", the local screen variables used are:
nMinimunPasswordLength_ is set with the password's minimum length value. This values is
the same set in the users "Min. Password Length" property. The nMinimunPasswordLength_
variable must be declared integer type
password_ = variable in which the new password, to be associated to the user, is written.
The password_ variable must be declared string type
OK_ = this variable is needed in the screen's closure phase. When its value is different from
zero, the new password will get associated to the user when the screen closes. However,
when the value is set at zero, the new password will not get associated to the user when the
screen closes. The OK_ variable must be declared Bit type
title_ = when Movicon opens the screen the local title_ variable is set with the name of the
user changing their password. The title_ variable must be declared string type
The above describe local variables must be created by the programmer
when needed respecting the exact syntaxes. When using Templates from
the Movicon Symbol Library, the local variables will be created
automatically when inserted on screen.

22.4. General Properties common to

Users and User Groups
Some properties are available for both User Groups and single User levels. This allows the same
properties to be easily propagated to all the users of one group which can then be eventually
diversified to differentiate these users. The management of these properties, presented in more
than one hierarchy level, provides that the priority starts from the lowest. For example if one of
these properties has been defined with single user level settings, these settings will be counted as
valid. If, however, nothing has been set for the single user, this property will be inherited by the
Group to which that user belongs.
To change the User Group General properties, select the Group from the Project Explorer window
with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
To check the General properties specifications for each single category please refer to the following
paragraphs: "Users and User Groups General Properties", "User Group General Properties", "Users
General Properties".
Style Source Container
You can select the screen to be used as the style source container through this property for
managing styles. For further information on the functionality please refer to "Style Sources in
Enable Auto Logoff
A password request will involves the activation of a user in Runtime mode. The activated user will
remain active until deactivated in one of the following ways:

Deactivate User command (LogOff)

Timed Deactivation (Auto LogOff)
Activation of a different user

The LogOff commands can be executed by commands associated to the objects or from the project


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

When this 'Enable Auto Logoff' is activated, the automatic logoff will be executed by Movicon after
the time set in the "Auto Logoff Timeout (sec)" property. Countdown will start the moment in which
the user discontinues performing operations on the keyboard or with the mouse.
When the 'Enable Auto Logoff' property is disabled, the user who logged
on will remain active until the deactivation command is executed
(established by the project programmer) or the substituted by a different
Movicon allows user activation and deactivation commands to be setup
in the project by means of using the command which can be associated
to objects or to the functions available in the project's Basic Scripts
The "Users and User Groups" resource has a tree structure which can be composed of three levels:
Users and User Groups
User Groups
The 'Auto Logoff' property can be enabled for each one of these groups. In this case the property
will be propagated from the high hierarchical level to those below. For example, if the "Auto Logoff"
property is enabled at "Users and User Groups" level this will also be propagated to all the users of
all the groups, independently of its group or user level setting. If, however, the "Auto Logoff" is
disabled at "Users and User Groups" level, each user will acquire the settings of its own group, and
even when it is disabled in its group each single user setting will then be considered.
When "Windows Users" have been enabled in the project, the Auto LogOff
of these users will only be managed based on the "Users and User
Groups" resource's "Enable Auto Log Off" property. In this case it will not
be possible to specify this option for individual users or groups.
Auto Logoff Timeout (sec)
This property is used for setting the time after which Movicon will execute an Automatic Logoff of the
active user. This setting is only significant when the "Enable Auto Logoff" has been activated. The
countdown will start the moment in which the user no longer performs operations on the keyboard
or with the mouse.
The "Users and User Groups" resource has a tree structure which can be composed of three levels:
Users and User Groups
User Groups
A value can be assigned to the "Auto Logoff Time (sec)" of each one of these levels. In this case
the value associated to the lowest hierarchical level to which the "Auto Logoff" property has been
enabled will be considered. For example, if the "Auto Logoff" property has been enabled on all three
levels, the Logoff time for each user will be the one specified in the property of each single user.
Web Client Auto Logoff (sec.)
Web Client users can exploit this property which consents to setting the inactive value seconds with
which the user will automatically be disconnected from the project Server. In this case the Movicon
applet window will re-appear in the Browser requesting a new login.
The "Web Client Auto Logoff (sec.)" property exists at User level, Group level and "Users and User
Groups" general resource level and managed with the modality set in the user management.
If the "Enable Password Management" general property of the "Users and User Groups" resource is
enabled, the first time value set other than 0 in the "Web Client Auto Logoff (sec.)" property will be
used for disconnecting Client, starting with the user and then any group user may belong to until
reaching the value set in the "Users and User Groups". For instance, the value set in the user's
"Web Client Auto Logoff (sec.)" property will be used if higher than zero, otherwise the value set in
the group user belongs to will be considered. If this value is also set at zero, the value entered in
the "Web Client Auto Logoff (sec.)" property in the "Users and User Group" resource.
If, however, the "Users and User Groups" resource's "Enable Password Management" general
property is not enabled, the auto logoff time of a Web Client user connected to a Server project will
be taken from the one set in the "Users and User Groups" resource's "Web Client Auto Logoff (sec.)"
general property.






User Level Resizing

This property is used for defining the user level required for system resizing operations or reducing
the Movicon window to an icon.
When set with the "0" level, user authentication for operations to reduce to an iron or resize the
Movicon window will be asked. However attempts to close the window will always require an
Administrator level (1023), independently from the value set in this property.
This functionality permits access to the PC Desktop even when the
block properties are active (i.e. "Hide Windows Desktop","Hide
Windows Startup Button' etc).
Logon Script
This selection allows you to choose a Basic Script routine to be executed during the User Logon
stage. When this setting is executed in the User's properties, the Basic Script routine will only be
executed when the specified user logs on. When, however, the setting is executed in the property of
a User group, the Basic Script routine will be executed when all the users belonging to that group log
The functionality described above is not supported by WebClient.

Logoff Script
This selection allows you to choose a Basic Script routine to be executed during the User Logoff
stage. When this setting is executed in the User's properties, the Basic Script routine will only be
executed when the specified user logs off. When, however, the setting is executed in the property of
a User group, the Basic Script routine will be executed when all the users belonging to that group log
The functionality described above is not supported by WebClient.

Logon Commands
This selection allows you set a "Commands List" to be executed during the User Logon phase. When
this setting is executed in the User property, the "Commands List" will be executed only when the
specified User Logs on. When the setting is executed in the Users Group property, the "Commands
List" will be executed when al the Users belonging to the Group log on.
The functionality described above is not supported by WebClient.

Logoff Commands
This selection allows you to choose a "Commands List" to be executed during the User Logoff phase.
When this setting is executed in the User property, the "Commands List" will be executed only when
the specified User Logs off. When the setting is executed in the Users Group property, the
"Commands List" will be executed when al the Users belonging to the Group log off.
The functionality described above is not supported by WebClient.

Expiring Password (Days)

This property is used for setting the number of days after which the User's Password will expire and
will no longer be usable. Once expired a new pass will be requested for the next user authentication.
When this value is left at zero on the User's property then will be considered the Group's property
value. When this value is left at zero in both the two properties then the password will not expire.
This property allows you set a default language for the User. When this setting is executed in the
User properties, this default "language will only be valid for that User. However, if set in the User
Group properties, the default "Language" will be valid for all those users belonging to that User
group and which don't have the same property set.
When inserting a language in this property, it will automatically activate when the User logs on. This
consents to you to have a multilanguage system where each user can be associated a different
language for default as desired.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

22.5. Users and User Groups Properties

You can setup Users and User Groups in projects, which are needed for either sending messages on
event or alarm, or for managing access security to project functionalities. Each command which can
be setup by Movicon in the project can be associated with a password request, in relation to user
level or a specific user. In addition to this the Movicon system commands require (if the password
management is active) an access level equal to or higher than the "Administrator" level 1023.
By using the "Users & User Groups" resource you can set the project's security properties, such as
activating the password management in the project, installing users so they can access the operation
and system performances in function with the password level they have been associated with, etc.
The password will be requested only during the project Runtime when the
"Enable Password Manager" property is enabled before its startup. The
password with Developer level will be also requested when opening the
project in programming mode where the "Password Protected Project"
property has been enabled. Therefore it is strongly advised to safeguard
the "Developer" level password and not forget it.
The project Users can also be inserted (or edited) during the project runtime, by using the purpose
built RunTime Users editing functions, if the Project's "Enable Runtime users" property has been
The Users which can be inserted during the RunTime cannot receive in
associated the "Developer" level (level 1024), reserved for the programmer.

22.5.1. Users and User Groups General Properties

By using the Users and User Groups General properties you can define how to manage project
protection. For instance, you can enable the protection on project editing, active the password
management in Runtime, etc.
To modify the Users and User Groups General properties, select "Users & User Groups" from the
Project Explorer window with the mouse and use the Movicon "Properties Window".
To verify the General properties common to Users and User Groups please refer to the "Users and
User Groups General Properties" paragraph.
Enable Runtime users
This selection allows you to activate the Runtime Users management so that new users can be
added, changed, deleted during project runtime. In order to execute these functions the appropriate
commands in the Commands list of the Movicon controls or the dedicated Basic Script function must
be used.
This property is only managed when the "Enable Password
Manager" property has been activated. Otherwise the Runtime users
will not be managed by Movicon.
User Level Editable
This property allows you to define the User Level where the ones above will not be able to carry out
any editing in Runtime. For example, if "User Level 5" is set, this means only users up to the fifth
level can carry out any editing during Runtime.
Runtime Users File
This property is used for specifying the path and Runtime users definition file name. The file name
can be specified with or without the ".rtusers" extension. In addition, if a path is not specified, the
local project folder file will be considered.
It is also possible to specify a network path to allow the same runtime user file to be shared among
other applications, such as in a Client-Server configuration.
The network path can be specified in various ways:
''UnitDiRete:\FolderName\RTUsers.rtusersFileNome'' (i.e.: ''Z:\SharedFolder\RTUsersDB.rtusers'')






or when using Window CE systems:

''\NET\RTUsers.rtusers''FileName"(i.e.: ''\\NET\RTUsersDB.rtusers'')
Therefore, in cases of a pure Client project, only the ".rtusers" file path needs to be set as described
above, whereas Client-Server projects with Parent-Child technology with one or more Server projects
(Child projects) sharing the same runtime users file resource, being Client project users (ParentChild) managed through the Parent project users, the Parent project will have to be set with the
same Parent projects' (Server projects) runtime users file network path. In cases where the Parent
project is not specified with a file or another runtime users file name, this management will always
use the Parent project's file without considering those defined at Child project level.
When the runtime user file is placed in a network path, the folder in which
this file has been saved must be enabled to access various clients. In
addition, when projects run in a machine outside the domain, the ".uxp"
file in which Movicon saves modified passwords, must be enabled with
anonymous access.
Run Commands after Login
This option can be used in objects set with "Password Levels" to run command/s associated to the
object once user has logged in, with having to re-click object again.
In cases running Parent-Child network Client projects, the "Run Commands
after Login" property is only considered by the Father project "Users and
User Groups" level settings.
Password Protected Project
This selection permits you to activate project protection by using passwords. When the protection is
enabled only users with Developer rights (level 1024) can open the project in development mode.
Keep in mind that a project with active protection will not request any
passwords at the system startup in Runtime, but the Developer password will
be required (Level 1024) for entering in programming mode or for opening
the project in programming mode.
Before activating the password protection, the system will ask that there be
at least one user with Developer password (level 1024) present.
WARNING! If the User Name of Developer Password is forgotten, it
will not be possible to open the project in programming mode.
Enable Password Manager
This selection permits you to activate the project's password manager during Runtime phase. By
doing this you can associate different password levels to the project commands according to their
When the project's password management is enabled the System's operations
(or Administrator) such as closing the project, can only be done by Users with
Administrator rights.
Enable CRF21- Part 11 Settings
This selection permits you to set User's Description like Electronic Signature in conformity with the
"FDA21 CFR Part 11" normative.
Set CFR21-Part 11 Settings
This selection permits activation of User settings editing in conformity with the "FDA21 CFR Part
11" normative.
Min. User Name length
This property is used for setting the minimum number of characters which must be used for
composing the Name of Users setup in the project.
Four characters is the minimum length set by Movicon for default.
suggest you don't use less than this for normative and security reasons.
Min. Password Length
This property is used for setting the minimum number of characters which must be used for
composing the Password of users setup in the project.



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Six characters is the minimum length set by Movicon for default. We suggest
you don't use less than this for normative and security reasons.

22.5.2. Users and User Groups Windows User Properties

By using the Windows User properties you can enable the option to use Operating System users
inside your Movicon project. This will also allow you to associate user levels to the O.S. user groups.
To change the Windows Users properties, select the "Users And User Groups" group from the
Project Explorer window with the mouse and use the Movicon "Properties Window".
When enabling Windows Users in the project with the "Guest" user in the PC's local protection
settings enabled, users that do not belong to the dominion will be granted access with "Guest" user
credentials within Movicon. However, in certain cases User and Password entry is not requested
when logging on from WebClient to a Server as logon is done automatically using the Guest user
rights. This also applies to Network Client logons. Project commands protected by passwords are
also subject to this functionality, therefore if user logon is invalid , Movicon will nevertheless grant
access with Guest user rights.
For further information about this Windows feature go to link
Enable Windows Users
Movicon provides you with the possibility to share users from the O.S. domain or from a Windows
Server in the applied project.
In this way, when the password management is activated, the project will acknowledge and grant
access to users inserted and activated from the O.S. domain installed or a Windows server.
Movicon accepts mixed applications, such as users inserted in the project list and users deriving from
the domain.
When the "Enable Windows Users" option activates, the domain users are remapped within the
project without needing to insert these users on the Movicon project's "Users List". In this way, the
domain users will be acknowledged by Movicon in runtime. The "Password Level" and the "Access
Level" for enabled domain users will be the one preconfigured according to which group users
belong to, such as Administrators, Users, Guests, as indicated in the properties described below.
However, in cases needing to associate a domain user with a customized "Password Level" or
"Access Level", which is different to the one associated to the domain group, it will be necessary to
define a user with the same domain user name in the project's users list and leave the password
empty. In this way, the user will be able to access using the domain password, but will inherit the
"Password Level" and "Access Level" defined in the project user's properties.
Warning! Movicon is "case sensitive" when managing user names
whereas Windows is not. This means that if you insert a user with the
same name of a Windows user to allow them to have a custom user level,
you must be careful to insert their name by using the right Upper/Lower
case chars. For instance, if you insert a user name as "User1" or "user1",
Windows accepts both as being the same user, but Movicon will consider
them as being two different users.
The "Enable Windows Users" is only needed for remapping dominion users
within the project with levels and preset access levels according to user
type. If the dominion user's name has been inserted in the project user list
without a password (as explained above), the user will be automatically
given authentication by using their dominion password even though the
"Enable Windows Users" option has been disabled.
Different password levels can be assigned to domain users. This function is available when adding
users who have the same userID configured in the primary domain controller, to the Movicon users
list. The authentication of a user who has been configured in this way, is carried out by the primary
domain controller which controls the validity of the password.
For instance, if a user exists with UserID = "guest" inside the primary domain controller, the user
should then be configured in the Movicon project's user list with the same UserID, 'guest' with the
password left empty so that the user can be assigned with the level desired. In runtime the user






name and password inserted in the Movicon Authentication window are validated by the primary
domain controller. This also permits the password expiration to be used with Windows users.
This mechanism is also valid for users configured directly in runtime with the Movicon users editor
Windows Admins Level
This property is used for selecting the Password level to assign to the Operating System Users
belonging to the Administrators group.
Windows Users Level
This property is used for selecting the Password level to assign to the Operating System Users
belonging to the Users group.
Windows Guests Level
This property is used for selecting the Password level to assign to the Operating System Users
belonging to the Guests group.
Windows Admins Access Level
This property is used for selecting the Access level to assign to the Operating System Users
belonging to the Administrators group.
Windows Users Access Level
This property is used for selecting the Access level to assign to the Operating System Users
belonging to the Users group.
Windows Guests Access Level
This property is used for selecting the access level to assign to the Operating System Users
belonging to the Guests group.

22.5.3. Users and User Groups Child Project Option Properties

By using the Child Project Option properties you can enable the possibility to use eventual declared
Child Projects internal the Movicon project.
To edit the Child Project Option properties, select the "Users and User Groups" group from the
Project Explorer window with the mouse and use the Movicon "Properties Window".

Include Child Project Users

When this property is enabled users of eventual Child Projects setup in the Project will be inherited.
This makes it possible to enable and use child project users in the parent project according to their
password and access levels.
This property will only be managed when the "Enable Password
Manager" property has been activated. Otherwise child project
users WILL NOT be inherited from the parent project.
Child Project User Max Level
This property permits you to set the maximum password level which can be inherited by a child
project. The users in the child project who have a higher level to that set in this property will not be
inherited and therefore cannot be used by the parent project.

22.6. User Group Properties

The Movicon User management provides the possibility to put project users into groups. Not only
does the User Group setup clearly organize the plant's users, but also gives you the great advantage
of being able to send SMS, Fax or voice messages automatically to preset user groups on the list.
When creating a new project with the "Create Default User Groups" option enabled, Movicon will
insert four default groups, "Developers", "Administrators", "Users" and "Guests". Apart from
the "Developers" group, all the other three reflect the classic O.S. groupings. You can then create


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

customized groups where the project Users can be inserted and then edited. Each User Group can
be associated with properties, such as password levels, which can be propagated to all the users
belonging to the same group. You can also customize further each single user of the Group. To
modify the User Group Properties by selecting the Group in question from the Project's Explorer
Window with the mouse and using the Movicon "Properties Window".

22.6.1. User Group General Properties

The User Group General Properties are used for associating each group with the main characteristics
concerning the password and access levels for the group's users.
To modify the User Group General Properties, select the Group from the Project Explorer window
with the mouse and use the Movicon "Properties Window".
To check the General properties common to Users and User Groups please refer to the paragraph on
"General Properties common to Users and User Groups".
The name of the group you wish to create is entered in this edit box.
When creating a new project Movicon will insert four default groups:
"Developers", "Administrators", "Users" and "Guests" if the "Create
Default User Groups" option has been enabled. Apart from the
"Developers" Group, the other three reflect the classic O.S. groupings.
The Group's description is entered in this edit box. The description is only used as a reminder for the
programmer and appears in the Group's "Properties Window" only.
Default Level
The Password Level to be associated to the Group is set in this property. This property will also be
propagated automatically to all the Users created within this group, until any later modifications are
made through these Users' properties. The password levels associated to groups created for default
by Movicon are:

Developers: Developer Level (Level 1024)

Administrator: Administrator Level (Level 1023)
Users: User Level 5 (Level 5)
Guests: User Level 0 (Level 0)

Default Access Level

The Access Level mask to be associated to the Group is set in this property. This property will also be
programmed automatically to the Users created within this group until any later modifications are
made through these Users' properties. The Access Levels associated to the groups created for
default by Movicon are:

Developers: FFFF (Access Levels 1-16)

Administrators: FFFF (Access Levels 1-16)
Users: 0010 (Access Levels 5)
Guests: 0000 (Access Levels 0)

22.7. Users Properties

The Movicon Users management, in addition to running projects with security, gives you the great
advantage of sending SMS, Fax or voice messages automatically to one or more preset users in the
list. This is due to possibility of associating each client with a customizable telephone, e-mail and FAX
number etc. When a new project is being created Movicon will insert the users belonging to the
Operating System's domain if the "Create Users from Windows Users -> Server Name" is enabled.
These Users will automatically be inserted into the relative "Administrators", "Users" and






"Guests" groups if the "Create Default User Groups" has also been enabled or otherwise inserted
in one single group for default.
To edit the Users General properties, select the User in question from the Project Explorer window
with the mouse and use the Movicon "Properties Window".

22.7.1. Users General Properties

The Users General Properties are used for associating each user with the main characteristics
concerning the password and access levels for those users.
To edit the Users General properties, select the User from the Project Explorer window with the
mouse and use the Movicon "Properties Window".
To check the General properties common to Users and User Groups please refer the paragraph on
"General Properties common to Users and User Groups".
The user's name (User ID) is assigned in this edit box. The name will be the first information
requested as soon as the command dealing with the password is executed in Runtime.
Alphanumeric and case sensitive characters, discrimination between upper/lowercase keys, can be
inserted in this field.
The user name must be unique and obligatory.
Four characters is the minimum length, imposed by Movicon for default, for
the User's Name. We suggest that you do not use less characters for
normatives and security reasons.
When creating a new project with the "Create Users from Windows Users > Server Name", option enabled, Movicon will insert the users belonging
to the Operating System's domain. These Users will automatically be
inserted in the relative "Administrators", "Users" and "Guests" groups
if the "Create Default User Groups" option has also been enabled,
otherwise they will all be inserted in one group only for default.
A descriptive text of the user's profile can be associated to the user's name in this edit box.
The user's description will be used by the system to identify the active User, and then registered
where needed when the electronic signature is required.
The description is unique and obligatory.
This property is used for entering the Password relating to the User. Alphanumeric and case sensitive
characters, discrimination between upper/lowercase keys, can be inserted in this field.
Password declaration is obligatory.
Six characters is the minimum length, imposed by Movicon for default, for
the User's Name. We suggest that you do not use less characters for
normatives and security reasons.
Numeric Password
This property allows you to insert a numeric Password which can be used as an alternative to the
alphanumeric one.
User Level
This property is used for setting a Password level to be associated to the User. The field is set at
"Get Group Level (-1)" for default, which means that the User automatically acquires the Level
from the Group it belongs to. However a customized level can be selected for the User,
independently of the Group it belongs to.
Movicon provides up to 1024 password levels, where the first 1022 levels are inferior type (for
users), level 1023 or "Administrators" also authorize commands in the operating system, level 1024
or "Developer" is the highest and authorizes access to the project being programmed.
Level declaration is obligatory.
User Access


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This property is used for setting the Access Level Mask to be associated to the User. When creating
the User this property is set automatically to the same value of the "Default Access Level" of the
owner group.
For further information on "Access Levels" see paragraph "User Levels and Access Levels".
This property is used for disabling the User. This means the user will not be managed in the runtime
This property locks the User out. the 'Locked' user is one who cannot be substituted with a runtime
user who has the same name. This means that any runtime user with the same name will not be
managed. For further information please refer to the section on "Runtime Users".
Must Change Password
When this property is enabled the new created user will be asked to change their password when
logging on for the first time. This will allow the user to change the password, inserted by the
programmer, with their own.
Cannot Change Password
This property is only active when the "Expiring Password (Days)" property, of the same user and the
group the user belongs to, is set to zero and impedes the user's password to be renewed in runtime
if the "Change password after Login" checkbox has been checked.
If the user's "Expiring Password (Days)" property is set to zero, the one set in the Group to which
the user belongs to will be considered instead.
For users set with "Administrator Level (1023)" with their "Expiring
Password (Days)" property set at zero, the "Change Password after Login"
property will always result enabled even when the Group "Expiring
Password (Days)" property that the user belongs to is set with a value
different to zero.

22.7.2. User Data Properties

The User Data properties are used for associating each user with a different telephone number or email address to which SMS, FAX, e-mail, etc., can be sent.
To change the User Data properties, select the User from the Project Explorer window with the
mouse and use the Movicon "Properties Window".
Note: This is an optional feature: check your dongle options.
Mobile Country Code
The country code relating to the User's mobile number is entered in this box.
Mobile Area Code
The area code of the User's mobile number is entered in this box.
Mobile Phone Number
The User's mobile phone number is entered in this box.
Voice County Code
The country code relating to the User's voice message number is entered in this box.
Voice Area Code
The area code relating to the User's voice message number is entered in this box.
Voice Phone Number
The User's voice message number is entered in this box.
Fax Country code
The country code relating to the User's Fax number is entered in this box.
Fax Area Code
The area code relating to the User's Fax number is entered in this box.






Fax phone Number

The User's Fax number is entered in this box.
Messenger Recipient
In this edit box you can enter the name or address of the user's Messenger recipient.
Sending Messages with the Microsoft MSN Messenger is not yet
The User's E-mail address for sending e-mails is entered in this box.

22.8. RunTime Users Manager

The Movicon Users management also provides the possibility to edit, change or add users during the
project Runtime mode. The "EditUsr.exe' tool is used for this purpose which is installed with Movicon
and resides in the Movicon installation folder. This tool can be executed by using the "Edit User
List" command found in the Movicon "Command List".
The Users created in Runtime are saved in the ProjectName.rtusers" file which is saved in the project
folder. If the project is enabled with the "Crypted Project" property, the Runtime Users file will also
be in crypted format.
Starting from the "EditUsr.exe" tool's version, runtime users are
saved in crypt mode, according to the "Crypted Project" settings. When
the Runtime Users file has crypted, its information cannot be read by
external programs, due to the fact that the application crypt key is used.
This new version of the runtime users editor can be used with any Movicon
You can, however, use a non-crypted version of the ".rtuser" file even when the "Crypted Project"
property has been enabled due to the fact that Movicon is capable of reading this file even when
crypted. In this case, you will need to create a customized user edit window for saving data on file
using basic script codes. When writing the file you will need to keep to the following XML structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
<Name Description="Description Group00001" DefAccLevel="0" DefLevel="5"
LogonScript="" LogoffScript="" EnableAutoLogoff="true" AutoLogoffSecsTimeout="60"
<Name Password="Utente00001" NumericPassword="" Description="Description
Utente00001" ExpDaysPassw="50" AccessLevel="4294967295" Level="4294967295"
MobileCountryCode="0123" MobileAreaCode="0123" MobilePhoneNumber="0123456"
VoiceCountryCode="0123" VoiceAreaCode="0123" VoicePhoneNumber="0123456"
FaxCountryCode="0123" FaxAreaCode="0123" FaxPhoneNumber="0123456"
MessengerRecipient="" Email="[email protected]" AccDisabled="false"
CannotBeChanged="false" LogonScript="" LogoffScript="" EnableAutoLogoff="true"
AutoLogoffSecsTimeout="60" TimePassword=""
Loading Runtime Users
If the Runtime Users file is present, Movicon will also load the Runtime users in this file at the project
startup. In addition to this, this file will be reloaded during Runtime each time it is changed with the
"EditUsr.exe" tool.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The Runtime Users are therefore Users who can be used within the project like the user created in
the Development mode are. However you need to take into account the following rules when
managing runtime users:


The loading Runtime users will be only be executed when the "Enable Runtime User"
property from the "Users and User Groups" resource has been selected.
Movicon, when loading the file containing the runtime users, will only activate those users
with a level not higher than the one set in the programming mode in the "User Level
Editable" property from the "Users and User Groups" resource. A warning message will
be generated in the Output and Historical Log Window for those users with a higher level who
will not be activated
Movicon, when loading the file containing the runtime users, will not activate those users who
have the same "Description or Digital Signature" of a already existing user. In this case
a warning messaged will be generated in the Output and Historical Log window
When a runtime user is created with the same name of user declared in the programming
phase, they will be replaced by the runtime user. In this way the properties of the user
created in the programming mode can be changed during runtime. The settings of the user
created in the programming mode will not be actually changed just simply those settings of
the runtime user will be loaded. This mechanism can be executed only when the "Locked"
property of the user, created in the programming mode, has not been enabled. Otherwise
the runtime user will be refused generating a warning message in the Output and Historical
Log window

The "EditUsr.exe" tool can also be executed independently of Movicon. For further information on
how the "EditUsr.exe" tool works, please refer to the application's help.

Virtual Keyboard Use

The Runtime Users Editor provides the option to use an alphanumeric pad with the same look as the
standard one used in the Movicon application. A button has been purposely placed at the side of
each edit box so that it can be called whenever needing to edit values for systems with touch
This function has been inserted both in the desktop version and that for Windows CE. The difference
between the two is that the Windows CE version still has the option for you to use the operating
system virual keyboard (SIP) by simply clicking on the editbox. In addition to this some of the
"General" key values are managed in the Windows CE version as well:

"AlphaNumericPadFont" and "AlphaNumericPadFontSize" to choose the font type and font

text size for the alphanumeric pad. This will change the size of the pad window as well
according to the options chosen.
"ShowSIP" to enable or disable the appearance of the Windows CE virtual keyboard with a
click on the runtime user editor' editable controls.
Attention: the runtime user editor is no longer supported and installed for
PocketPC platforms.
It is only available for Windows 32/64 bit and Windows CE in SSDK devices.

22.9. CFR21 Part 11 General Concepts

The aim of the CFR21 Part 11 regulations, written up by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration), is to
obtain a legal equivalence between electronic documents (digital records and electronic signatures)
and traditional paper documents. This has evolved due to the increasingly frequent use of automatic
systems in managing production processes in systems that operate under FDA approval. In order
that automation and control systems are realised in conformance with the CFR21 Part 11 regulations
it is necessary that all recorded data is made referable to the operator in charge (Electronic
signature), furthermore certain regulations regarding any precautions must be adapted to safeguard
against forgery and mishandling of electronically recorded data, or to allow easy identification of any
misuses, whether intentionally or unintentionally, of electronic devices which generate electronic
records. Many pharmaceutical industries have especially benefited from using electronic records
where untold amounts of paper documentation, archived over many years of research, has been
transferred into electronic records which not only has reduced space but also precious time in
acquiring and reviewing important information before releasing medicine on the market for sale.






It is absolutely crucial that these types of industries have the devices with the right protection
mechanisms to safeguard against any intentional or unintentional data errors in electronic format.

General Concepts for supporting these regulations

The concepts described below define how to use Movicon to develop applied projects with
compatibility with the act and its regulations discussed in this document.
A list of the main concepts has been put together by Progea to give a clearer picture on the
indications explained henceforth and which are based on the understanding that it remains the user's
responsibility to ensure that the application, developed with Movicon, is compliant with these


The Movicon project must be encripted (Movicon uses a 128 bit encoding) so that all the
configurations and passwords used in the project are accessible from the outside.
Movicon guarantees unique user password entries in the project. Each user is identified in
the project with a UserID, Password, printable Description or Name (Electronic Signature).
Movicon does not accept Users with the same electronic signature name (unique identity
control) of another individual. The names must be made up with not less than 4 characters
and not more than 64 characters.
To guarantee data integrity and safeguard against any tampering of data, the Movicon
application should be run as Service of the Windows operating systems. This will require
identification of users registered in the system's domain according to the security
requirements stipulated in order to access the operating system and its files.
Movicon supports Windows OS domain sharing so that the user passwords, set up by the
system administrator, can be used.
Users who manage the recording of data by using the Data Loggers must take the right
measures to prevent any unauthorized access, undesired modifications and tampering to
database records. The IMDB archives (InMemory DB) allow users to manage encrypted
historical log files or secure databases can be used, such as Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle
with the appropriate administering of the Windows 32/64 bit operating system, which only
permit the system administrator or developer access to records.
To put an access limit on the developed application's functions and controls, the Movicon
project must use the User Password Profile management correctly, which involves the
entering of a Password, UserID, User Name and Access Level. Movicon provides 1024 access
levels and 16 areas.
Users must manage their passwords with great care and integrity. New users, inserted by
the administrator, can replace their password with a more personal one on their next Log On.
All passwords can be set with an expiry time to make the user to issue a new password
periodically, which will contribute to increasing system security.
To fully comply with the regulations, the Auto LogOff (timeout of enabled access) must be
appropriately used in the Movicon password management in order to prevent unauthorized
access to the system after a certain period of user inactivity.
To ensure validity and the correct entering of data, users must make sure that the Movicon
operating stations are allocated in safe places and that they are accessible to authorized
personnel only.
The Movicon AutoLogoff function must be used in systems in continuous use.
Movicon has tools and procedures that can be used for discouraging any unauthorized access
attempts and are the same as those used in the Windows 32/64 bit operating system as
required by the regulations. After the third failed attempt to access, Movicon will purposely
take longer to respond to the re-entry of the password to discourage the intruder.
Any further attempts to violate the system (Upon the fifth unauthorized Log On attempt)
Movicon will display and record the event in the Historical Log in order to safeguard against
and control any further system violations.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Digital Recording/Electronic Signatures

Movicon returns the descriptive name of the registered user to identify and individualize the
active operator.
The applied program must be configured to record electronic signatures each time a digital
recording is carried out (creating a record in the database) as required by the regulations.
The user must execute LogOn in the project by linking two combined data (UserID and
Password), and the electronic signature must be the genuine name of the user, the date,
time and reason for the recording. The Movicon Data Logger allows the recording of all
necessary data on the Database.
For reasons of legal responsibility relating to the Electronic Recording, the operator must
always be acknowledged every time data is recorded or when accessing the system. The
User's ID is unique and belongs to that user only in Movicon and no other individuals are
allowed the same ID.
To satisfy the Electronic Recording requirements, the recording of events must be configured
appropriately by using the IMDB archives (InMemory DB) where crypted historical log files
can be managed or if ODBC archives, such as the Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle, secure
databases must be used with the correct security management administered. Furthermore
the user must configure applications to acquire and record electronic signatures on record of
any operator undertaking actions. The user must also prevent any data from being lost by
configuring the application to execute backups of all data recorded, or by using the Movicon
redundancy functions. The user can also eventually configure the system so that it uses the
Data Logger resource to record crypted data on IMDB or on relational ODBC database files.
If needed, new data files can be created with prefixed timeframes (eg. Every 4, 8 or 24
hours) by using the Basic Script functions.
The user can configure the system to copy recorded data in a safe and secure location by
using procedures appropriately written with Basic Script codes. The Windows OS security
functions protect files and their data from any unauthorized access. When multiple files are
created the user must control whether the right code is entered to prevent saturating free
space on the hard disk where the oldest files may need to be deleted.
The user may have to synchronize the system's time in real time or to that of another
system's (Microsoft or third parties) so that recorded data relate to the true date and time, or
they may have to manage data synchronization between Client and Server so recording
becomes coherent. Synchronization of this type can be managed directly with the Windows
OS functions or with the Basic Script codes for third party products.

Validation and Documentation


Some of the requirements stipulated in the regulations are not altogether implemented in
software applications. These Part 11 requirements can be satisfied if the client validates their
application to guarantee accuracy, reliability and security when recording data, as well as the
capacity to prevent unauthorized editing, errors and data deletions. The Movicon users must
validate their application in order to comply with the FDA act. The users can develop and/or
execute the validation of programs and protocol themselves or delegate this task to others.
The validation must follow a methodology established from system's life cycle (SLC).
In order to meet the controls requested by the regulations in this act, the client must adopt
adequate procedures to verify the identity of the individuals who have been assigned an
electronic signature.
The client must enter and set up the operator and their operating responsibilities executed
under their electronic signature, to impede any forgeries or tampering of signatures or
recordings, in compliance to the regulations of this act.
The client must always be certain on the identity of the individual assigned an electronic
signature. Further more the client is held responsible that the enrolled operator is fully aware
of the regulations stipulated by the FDA agency and that they intend to use their electronic
signature as a substitution and an equivalent of their own handwritten signature used on
traditional paper and, when necessary, produce certification of their true identity, being
legally binding to their handwritten signature, when under FDA inspection.
The client is responsible for producing documentation on system use or on the application
realized, on its distribution and updates, and also the details on personnel training. However,
the client is not responsible for documentation on the platforms being used (Movicon,






All the data must be stored in a relational database, which fully meets the necessary security
requirements (ie. IMDB crypted data, SQL Server or Oracle with the relevant protection) and
protected from any violation to or tampering of the security functions belonging to the
Windows 32/64 bit OS. Data must be filed and kept available for an adequate period of time
according to the operating requirements.
To further enforce the safeguard of data, project, images and recipes the user should use a
third party software type, which can guarantee version maintenance and management (eg.
Microsoft Source Safe can be used for controlling the versions).

22.10. Validation Configuring Techniques

To get a Movicon project 21CFR Part 11 ready, you need to configure it appropriately so that it is
compliant with the FDA validation criteria. The necessary measures to take in doing this are indicated


The project must be configured in its General Properties by selecting "Crypted Project" and
"Crypted Project Resources". In this case all the project's XML information can be accessed by
using a 128 bit encoding.
To prevent unauthorized system access, select all the project's Execution Properties which
deny Operating System and Desktop access. The following can be denied:

Windows Desktop
The Start button form the Windows' Task bar
Windows Task Bar
Windows task Options
Windows Task Manager

As an alternative, Movicon can be run as "Service" of the operating system, as described in

more detail ahead. When Movicon is run as service, it does not manage the project's
properties that deny operating system access and which are listed above.


All the application commands that can be executed by operators to interact on the process
must be protected by passwords.
The password management must be enabled in the project's User Passwords resource

Project Protected with Password: the password will be requested only for entering
in "Development" mode
Enable Password Management: the passwords will be activated according to the
levels and access modalities to the preset commands
Enable Electronic Signature: the unique user Description of the user whose name is
to be used as an Electronic Signature will be managed
Auto Log Off: determines the time (sec.) for automatically deactivating the active
user after a period of inactivity
Minimum Length (user name and password): set for default at 4 and 6 characters
respectively, as suggested by the regulations

Secondary parameters relating to the password management need to be set according to the
general properties illustrated below


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Windows Security Synchronization

Movicon provides the possibility to share, in applied applications, users from the operating system
domain or from a Windows server.
Therefore, when activating the password management, the project will acknowledge and accept
users inserted and activated from the domain of the installed operating or from a server station.
Movicon accepts mixed configurations, whether being users inserted on the project list, or users
deriving from the Windows domain.
Users on the project list can be associated with a customized user level. Users deriving from a
Windows station domain can receive a customized user level when inserted on the user list,
otherwise they will be associated the same password level specified for the group they belong to
(Administrators, Users, Guests).
Different password levels can be assigned to domain users. This function is made available by
adding users to the Movicon user list who have the same UserID configured in the primary domain
controller. Password authentication and validity are carried out by the primary domain controller for
those users configured in this way.
For instance if a user with UserID = "guest" exists in the primary domain controller, a user can be
configured with the same UserID, in this case "guest", and the password can be left blank in the
Movicon project's user list. By doing this the user can be assigned the appropriated level desired. In
runtime, the user's name and password, which are inserted in the Movicon user authentication
window for logging on, are validated by the primary domain controller. This permits expiry
passwords to also be used for Windows users.
This feature is also valid for users configured directly in runtime with the Movicon edit users window.

User Passwords

Each user or user group who has access to commands or process interaction, must be
inserted and configured in the project appropriately.
Users are inserted in the project's User Password Resource where they can be configured in
their properties. These properties include those which involve the requirements stipulated in
the FDA act:


Name (ID) and Password: These are assigned to the user and are used for
identification by the system
Electronic Signature: This is a unique text which corresponds to the user's
electronic signature and is recorded as absolute user identification (the Electronic
Signature management must be enabled in the User Password Resource)
Auto Log Off: This can be specified singularly for each individual user
Expiring Password: The act stipulates that the user password expires after a certain
preset time so that the user is obliged to change it periodically to increase system






Must Change Password: For identification certainty this obliges the user to enter
their own personal password on the next Log On so it is only known to themselves
and no one else including the administrator who logged them on the first time

Command Access

Each command, change or setting influencing the process must be given protected access by
requesting user identification.
The User Level in a hierarchical scale structure must be set in the "Access Level" property of
each object. The Levels in Movicon start from 1023 (reserved for the system administrator) to
level 1 (the lowest operating level). The 1024 level is reserved for the programmer.
The command objects can also be provided with a Access Level (Area) in read or write,
permitting users to access commands not only on a hierarchy scale but also by area of

Operating System Access

Movicon provide the possibility to block and deny operating system access. The follow two
modalities can be used:

Lockout Windows access from Movicon: to prevent unauthorized access in the system you
need to select all the project's Execution Properties which deny access to the Operating
System and Desktop. When Movicon is started up these will deny access to Windows
according to the settings, which have been activated (described above).
Using Windows services: you can configure the project to be installed as the operating
system's Service, therefore it will be started up automatically before the Windows operating
System's Log On procedure. By doing this, as an alternative to the above indications, only
the system administrator can access the operating system.

Biometric Systems
Using Biometric Systems is highly recommended in application validity according to the regulations.
In this case you need to choose the right recognition system among those available on the market
that can be easily integrated into your application.
The most popular biometrics systems are ultimately those that use digital fingerprints. These
systems are simple to use and integrate perfectly with operating systems and software applications.

Progea has run tests on the Toca Fkey product (digital fingerprint scanner). This device can
be plugged in to a USB port and has its own user profile management where the Movicon
project users can be associated by using the appropriate VBA script module provided by
Progea. This biometric system can be completely integrated into the project using the
Movicon "User Password Fingerprint" association.
Progea has also run tests on the Microsoft Fingerprint product, a simple and reasonably
priced device that can be plugged into any USB port with Windows. This system runs its own
software as service and provides files where users are inserted and recognised by their
biometrics every time a password entry request is made. A tool, such as this one, does not
require any project modifications or any particular interfacing or configuration. However,
authentication of the operating system's users (Windows 32/64 bit only) is only allowed when
the PC users do not belong to a Domain.

Any type of biometrics recognition system can easily be used if the operating system has been
predisposed to support one as described above, otherwise it can be integrated into the Movicon
application by using the appropriate Basic Script interface.

Recording Data (Audit Trail or Tracing)

Movicon provides the possibility to trace all the status changes of each variable which has significant
relevance to or influence on the process: Usually all the set-point or process command changes
need to be traced.

Note the difference between the Trace and Data Logger files: The Trace records each data
value change in the appropriate database along with all the relevant information, while the


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

historical value recordings refer to the historical logging activity executed by the Data Logger
In certain cases, it is sufficient enough to carry out the following procedures to sensitive data:

Request user identification before accessing to commando

Identify user and validate them (password management)
The user carries out the changes. The variable (Tag) is traced
The value change is recorded in the appropriate Trace DB, reporting the date, the previous
value, the current one and electronic signature

All the historical information inherent to each change that took place in the process can be obtained
from the appropriate Trace viewer so it can be easily traced back to what caused it.
The Tracing function is one of the properties belonging to each single Variable (Tag) and must be
activated and configured by clicking on the "Trace Options" property in each Tag (variable).

Audit Trail
In many cases, before the user can proceed in making any process variable changes (eg. Set points),
confirmation may be requested before the change can be put into action, together with a comment
to explain the reason why this change has been made (text string). In order to enter this comment
the "Trace Comment" item needs to be ticked/checked in the Trace Property beforehand.
Movicon will display the window shown above after each manual Tag change occurs and
authenticated by the user, indicating the change and requesting the user to state the reason this
change was made. The comment inserted by the user is recorded:

In t'column of the Tracing DB table referring to variable which was changed

If the 'Add Msg to SysLog' check box has been checked, the event and the comment are also
recorded in the main historical Log DB, in the 'DescCol' of the Historical Log's 'SysMsgs' table
Note: When the 'Trace Comment' window is open on screen, the variable's value is frozen.
Any other process, such as the drivers, the IL logic, basic scripts, cannot change it

Audit Trail with Process Manager Validation

There maybe times when the above described operations need not only the operator user's
authentication but also validation from the Process Manager before a Tag change can be made
effective. However, authentication must only be requested from Process Managers with the same
level or higher.
As each process has different needs from the next, Movicon does not manage this function
automatically the user must provide a Template being a graphic object that can be called up every
time an edit request is made. This object allows access, user identification and data settings (Tag
variables), which can be linked to both Tracing function and a Data Logger which have been
configured to record the values relating to each status change.

Electronic Records
Electronic Records contain all the process information (dates, values, events) recorded electronically
on files that must guarantee data integrity and prevent any unlawful handling from unauthorized
All the information recorded on file by Movicon is called "Electronic Records".
In order to get the Movicon Electronic Records standard ready, the following indications and the
guidelines contained in this document need to be followed to guarantee security in data integrity and
prevention against any unauthorized access and data tampering.

Data Security
Guaranteed Electronic Record security is absolutely fundamental in obtaining valid applications. The
data recorded by Movicon (Data Loggers, Log, Tracing) are physically built by:


IMDB: criptable XML text files with an algorithm in 128 bits. To use this format you need to
check the "Crypt File" option to guarantee inaccessibility to external manipulation of
historically logged data.





ODBC: Relational Databases by means of the integrated ODBC manager. The data,
therefore, physically resides in data files and tables that can be recorded on hard disk locally
or on mass files residing physically in diverse servers. Thanks to the use of "safe" relational
databases such as SQL Server, Oracle or others, Movicon uses protected accounts for
accessing files. It is the user's responsibility to configure the system so that no one can
access files, by removing access rights to file both in the database itself and in the operating
system folders access rights (Movicon run as service). Data security must be guaranteed by
means of using the following procedures:


Always use a data format based on relational databases that provide access
protection, such as Microsoft SQL or Oracle
To avoid unauthorized access to files, User Account protection will need to be setup
by using the access criteria explicitly for system administrators or program
designers only (eg. With the same project protection password). This will impede
access to data tables where authorization has not been provided.
Use the operating system's access lock (Locked by Movicon) or access rights to
operating system by using Movicon as Service. By doing this, file access through
the operating system will be physically denied
Do not share folders or disks when the station is operating in net, except for
system administrator access
Remove all rights to modify database records (Updates). Movicon lets new records
to be inserted whose data cannot be accessed for altering no matter what the
reason is
A special document describing this normative and its regulations in relation
to Movicon projects has been published by Progea. Please contact the
Progea Support Center if you need this document.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


23. Data Loggers and Recipes

The Data Logger is a powerful tool for recording and
simplifying the managing of data in databases, both
ODBC and XML text. The Reports, Trends and Recipes
functions can all be linked to the Data Logger.
This section describes the Data Loggers & Recipe resource, which is the main tool for recording
process data (Variables or Tags) on archive files, with the aim of creating and managing historicals
which can be used for executing analysis in the project.
The project's Data Loggers and Recipe resource can contain an unlimited number of Data Logger
and/or Recipe objects, which have the task to sample associated variables (Columns) and record
data on file according to the recording modes setup in the project's properties.
The archive management and input/write modalities of the file structures are described in the
"Historical Log Management" section where the possibility to use ODBC files in a relational database,
and use IMDB files in XML test.
All the data managed by Data Loggers will be available in the project in Reports, Recipes, Charts or
in any other display functionlality, as well as analysis on stored process data as illustrated below:

Before using a report or data table, you will need to configure the database according to your
You can access the Movicon database engine settings through the "Data Loggers & Recipes"
resource which can be selected from the "Project Explorer" window.
The Movicon Data Loggers and Recipes can access Database files through ODBC or IMDB links,
where the user can get production data in the format they prefer best guaranteeing system
openness to external managers and integration of factory data to the highest production hierarchy


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The Data Loggers are easy and simple to use to solve any real-time data storing requirements where
all the integrated project tools can be used for obtaining recorded data for viewing, displaying,
analysing, formatting, presentation or printing out production reports.
Note that the "Recipes" functionality from the Data Loggers & Recipes
resource is always enabled in any purchased product license type.
However, the "Data Logger" is optional and therefore not included in the
ordinary license version.
WARNING: Data Loggers or Recipes based on IMDB do not support Reports
from "Report Designer" and "Crystal Reports". If case need be, use
historicals in ODBC.

23.1.1. The DataBase

The Data Loggers and Recipes record data on log files known as a database, whether ODBC or
IMDB. These Databases are created automatically by Movicon according to the description in the
Historical Log Management section.
However, it is necessary to first configure these Databases' characteristics, which are nothing more
but properties of the same Data Loggers or Recipes, being the Database name, the Table name, the
quantity of data to be recorded (records) and columns. These are the minimum requirements the
Database must know before being created by Movicon.
Databases contain data in tables (A linked ODBC Database file may contain diverse tables), which
are organized in records, being the line and column numbers representing the variables.
With the IMBD, each column is built from a XML text file.

Organization of data in a normal database

Every time the recording command is evoked, the Movicon Data Logger records in the Database
records the variables associated to the columns in order of progression. When the set maximum
recorded time has elapsed the recording will recycle on the oldest values.

Log File Sizes

The size of the files is set in the project's properties for the Historical Log, in the Project Historical
Log Settings item and is set in the respective Data Logger Recording Time Properties or those of the
DB Trace objects. The file sizes are expressed in days with 180 days preset for default. This value
can be set as pleased.






The file sizes therefore will depend on the data format being used and on the number of events to
be recorded by the system in prefixed time periods.

23.1.2. DataBase Structure

Data Loggers or Recipes are presented with tree structure in the "Data Loggers & Recipe" source
found in the 'Project Explorer' window. By using this structure you can view the Data Logger or
Recipe components which will represent the Database columns. Each element of the structure which
composes the Data Logger or Recipe can be configured through the "Properties Window".
The Data Logger or Recipe structure displayed graphically indicates the Database's components,
which can be edited not only in the property but also in the structure itself. The represented order of
the columns can be changed as pleased by using the Window's drag functions. For example, select a
Data Logger item column) and drag it towards the top or bottom according to where you wish to
place it.
In the Database, which is created by Movicon, some system columns will always be inserted by
Movicon in addition to the data columns defined by the user. These columns, whose name can be
customized through the "Data Loggers and Recipes Common Database Settings Properties" are as

Time Column
Local Time Column
MSec Column
User Column
Reason Column
The active user's name is recorded in the Table's User column only
when the record command is prompted by that user. For instance,
when choosing "Record on Command" and the user sets the
"Recording Variable", using a button or another control, their name
will be recorded. However, if "Record on Time" is chosen, the
active user will not be logged down.
WARNING! If a Data Logger or a Recipe use the InMemoryDB
(IMDB) for data recording, the table can not include more than 127
columns. Otherwise the Data Logger or the Recipe will not be
initialized at the project startup and a message will appear in the
log, asking to reduce the columns number. The IMDB has a
maximum limit of 127 columns.

If any ODBC errors are generated at project startup (also shown in the DBMS Log) the tables
managed directly by Movicon (Historical Log, Data Logger, Recipes, Trace, Realtime ODBC) will get
recreated only when their structure is not compatible with the one provided by Movicon. Tables will
not get regenerated if other ODBC error types are generated and detected when tables are in the
process of being checked thru.
In both these cases an error message is printed in the "Log DMBS" output window. In the first case
the 'DROPPED' table is alerted with a message reporting the missing column's name following by
notification of its creation. In the second case, for example if the error was caused by an inactive
SQL Server service, the tables will not get recreated when restoring this error type.
The "Create DB Table" command in historicals (Log Storico, Data
Logger, etc.) will attempt to use the existing connection for opening
a link towards the database, if this fails to work a new connection
will be created using the ODBC pluging default settings selected in
the Project's General properties.

Recording Bit Variables

When a Data Logger is associated with Bit Variables, the relating DataBase table field will created as
"String" tyep and not "Boolean" type. In this way, the Bit's corresponding "True" or "False" text will
be inserted instead of its value. If the two "Close Bit String" and "Open Bin String" variable
properties are set, these two texts will be inserted to correspond to the variable's 1 an = variable.


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In case where you wish to use a numeric value and not a string in the DataBase, it will be necessary
to use a dummy Byte variable. At this point the the "Not Normalized Minimum Value" and
"Corresponding Minimum Value"
ranges will set to "0" and the "Not Normalized Maximum Value" and "Corresponding Maximum
Value" ranges will set to "1". Then the Byte variable will be assigned to DataLogger for recording.

23.1.3. Database Link to Report Files

Even though Reports can be managed according to the different programming techniques, as
described in the respective sections, the Data Loggers and Recipe Databases are predisposed to
connect to Report Designer", in .repx format, or a "Crystal Reports" file in .rpt format.
The association of the .repx or .rpt file to Data Loggers or Recipes and variable definitions for
automatic print on event, are done through the properties "Data Loggers and Recipes Common
General Properties". The print or view report commands can be executed from any of the project's
controls or resources.
WARNING: Data Loggers or Recipes based on IMDB do not support Reports
from "Report Designer" and "Crystal Reports". If case need be, use
historicals in ODBC.

23.1.4. Displaying Database Data

Although the displaying of data of Databases linked to Data Loggers or Recipe can be done with
different programming techniques, Movicon has a purpose built object for doing this which is
available in the Advanced Shapes library and can be inserted into the project's Screens.
The "DataLoggers/Recipes Window" permits you to display components inside the Screen which
are linked to the Database created by the Data Loggers and Recipes (appear as windows containing
The "DataLoggers/Recipes Window" permits you to represent data contained in the Databases
in table format, showing the Database columns and records. The object provides a few simple
functions which are the Default Query or Dynamic Query, allowing the operator to carry out
operating maneuvers in the window such as putting into order, filtering by customizing the SQL
queries for DBMS Database.
The "DataLoggers/Recipes Window" is described in the respective section.

23.2. Data Loggers as Templates

Movicon has a extremely useful function when needing to set many repetitive Data Loggers in the
project, which record and sample series of different variables in the same way.

A practical example would be: we have to get our

project to manage 50 data recordings with the same
sampling time and recording modes. The RealTime
Database has declared the 50 variables exchanged with
the field and relating to the process information. These
variables must generate 50 different columns, one for
each piece of data, in a database.

In a case such as this, we need a tool which to quicken the process of assigning Tags to the Data
Logger, one which provides you with the possibility to set up the data logger only once and
associate it to the 50 variables, of the example above, all at once.
A tool such as this exists in Movicon and is called "Data Logger Template".
To get this function you have to set the Data Logger as "Template" type in the Data Loggers
Resource with the recording mode desired. Then you can select the variables needed from the






Variables List from the RealTime Database and use the "Associate a Data Logger" command with the
right mouse key and select the Datalogger desired from the window that pops up. The variables (in
our example this would be the 50 process variables) will then be linked to the Data Logger Template.
Technically Movicon has set 50 different variables linked to the Datalogger in its project on receiving
just one click. of the mouse.
This procedure is very handy to have during application development mode when variables that
have to be recorded in DataLoggers/Recipes are added to the project at different times.
Data Loggers can be associated to Variables by clicking the right mouse key on the Variable in the
"Variable List" group found in the "Project Explorer" window and by selecting the "Associate a
DataLogger/Recipe" command, or by using the same command which can also be found in the
"Commands" window at the bottom of the "Project Explorer" window.

The request to associate a Data Logger/Recipe will open a another window containing a list of Data
Loggers/Recipes available, which should have been inserted beforehand:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

DataLogger/Recipe associations to variables can also be done with objects already containing
variables to be recorded. Furthermore, if the DataBase already contains data, it will be stored and
simply inserted in a new column within the DataBase structure.
CAUTION: managing DataLoggers/Recipes as Templates can also be
done with the Recipes, but variable associations can only be
handled with "Working Variables" and not "Temporary Variables".
This means that a Recipe can be used as a Template only in cases
where it is necessary to use working variables only and not
temporary variables.

23.3. Data Loggers and Recipes Editor

Movicon has a powerful tool to configure registration engines managed by projects. The "Data
Loggers & Recipes" resource is the main tool for generating data files in standard format which
can be used for managing reports, recipes, graphics or any other viewing functions, printing or
analysing filed data.
The advantage offered by the Data Loggers and Recipes is that each single Database is considered
as a an object, completely configurable through the "Properties Window". The property of each
single Data Logger or Recipe consents complete customization, whether in recording or visual display
unit connecting.
The Data Logger and Recipe objects, after been configured, can be saved in the Symbols library, as
Templates. Each single Data Logger or Recipe can be saved in the library individually or associated
to a symbol as desired.
This technology, defined Power Template, permits the programmer to drastically reduce project
developing time allowing the automatic insertion of variables and other correlated Templates, if any,
to the symbol being inserted.
The "Data Loggers & Recipes" tool is a project resource which can be accessed from the Movicon
"Project Explorer" window.






23.4. Inserting Data Loggers and

The insertion of Database objects in the Movicon "Data Loggers & Recipe" resource is done
through the "Project Explorer" window. This resource, even when empty, is always present in any
Movicon project application.
The Data Logger and Recipe objects can be inserted, modified, deleted and associated with data by
using the usual Windows' commands and the Movicon "Properties Windows". The name, number of
columns and records and recording mode of the Data Logger or Recipe object are all defined in the
"Property Window".
The insertion of a new Data Logger object or Recipe is done in the 'Data Loggers & Recipe' resource
from the 'Project Explorer' window. The recording mode and the Data Logger or Recipe data are
specified through the 'Property Window'. Each Data Logger or Recipe object has a tree structure,
whose branches are a distribution of Database columns.
To insert a new Data Logger or Recipe object you need to select the 'Data Loggers & Recipe'
resource with the mouse and then execute 'New Data Logger' or 'New Recipe' from the
'Command' selection of the 'Project Explorer' window. These same commands are also made
available by clicking the right mouse button on the 'Data Loggers & Recipes' resource.
New Data Loggers or Recipes can be entered by copying the data from the resource of the same or
other projects. In order to do this select the Data Logger or Recipe objects you require for copying,
then use the Windows' Copy and Paste standard functions (CTRL+C and CTRL+V command keys,
mouse right button).
To delete one or more Data Loggers or Recipes from the project, select them first then activate the
'DELETE' button or 'CANC' on the keyboard or use the mouse right button.
Data Logger or Recipe settings or modification are done through the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Every Data Logger or Recipe entered will be correlated with one or more columns relating to the
data to be recorded. The 'Properties Window' allows the recording mode for the columns to be
configured, as illustrated further along
Note: To carry out the Multi Selection of Data Loggers or Recipes, proceed according to the
Windows stands by using the mouse together with the SHIFT or CTRL keys, or the SHIFT
key together with the UP and DOWN arrows.

23.4.1. Data Loggers and Recipe ODBC Link

Apart from setting the ODBC with the chosen format you also have to create a link between the
application Server, the table and destination file, in which values will be written by Movicon through
the ODBC driver, so that the Data Logger or Recipe can record data using the ODBC standard.
It is through this link with the ODBC driver that the Movicon "Data Loggers & Recipes" resource is
able to record data on file.
The ODBC links have to be registered in the Operating System by using the appropriate ODBC
system settings found in the "Data Source ODBC" item from the "Administrative Tools" group on the
Control Panel. Movicon also has a guide tool (Wizard) to create ODBC links for all the resources and
functionalities that allow its use.
Movicon creates Database files in Access format for default in which all the project's Data Loggers
and Recipes will be inserted. Each Data Logger or Recipe is identified by a table within the
The Database file created by Movicon will be inserted in the project's 'DLOGGERS' folder with the
project's name plus the "_DLR" suffix. For instance, if the project is called 'Project1' the Database file
name will then be "Project1_DLR.mdb".
The ODBC link can be customized, by defining the position, the name and
Database file format to be used, by using the "ODBC_DSN" and "User
ODBC DSN" properties which can be accessed from the "Data Loggers
and Recipes Common Database Settings Properties" of each Data
Logger or Recipe object.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Each Data Logger or Recipe object will be represented within the Database by a Table with the same
name or with a name defined by the programmer by using the appropriate "Table Name" property
accessed through the "Data Loggers and Recipes common General Properties".

23.4.2. Importing Data Loggers and Recipes from other Recipes

Movicon allows one or more Data Loggers or Recipes to be copies or moved from one project to
another. In order to do this just open the two projects at the same time, so that both are displayed
in the 'Project Explorer' window. After having done this one or more Data Loggers or Recipes, or only
a few individual columns can be copied or moved from one project to the other by using Window's
Copy, Paste or Dragging standard techniques.
The 'Data Loggers & Recipes' resource is saved by Movicon in the
"NameProject.movdlrec" file inside the project folder in XML format. The
"NameProject.movdlrec" file can also be copied directly when having to
copy all the 'Data Loggers & Recipes' resource from one project to another.

23.5. Recipes on Database

Often production plants need to record parameters and set-points of a certain product type on file to
be kept in archives so that it can be later edited in order to activate the production of a different
product. The previous product can be taken from the archives and reactivated in the plant according
to the production requirements.
This is usually known as 'production recipe management'. For instance, in a production process
where the final product is the result of a mixture of different components specified in percentages, it
is evidently necessary to establish which components these are and their percentages in the
production recipe to then be activated in function with the final product type you require.
This concept can be applied whenever it necessary to insert, archive, print and activate data
whenever required.
Movicon provides you with a 'Data Loggers & Recipes' resource, a powerful tool for manipulating
databases and using them for managing recipes by means of the purpose built functions in the
Recipe properties or by means of the Basic Script function.
Movicon can use ODBC or IMDB to record Recipe data on log files. Consult
the appropriate chapters on Historical Log Management to evaluate and
choose the file format type which suits you best.






A block diagram of how a recipe works: The variables are

linked to a Recipe object from the DataLoggers/Recipe
resource, which are set to record data in function with the
operating commands , which also allows the handling of

How Recipe objects work

Even though the Recipe objects are in the same resource as the Data Loggers and share the same
functional technology, they have a different way of working. While the Data Logger records data, at
preset times or on event, on files with data recycle management, different operating commands are
needed as explained below.
Recipe DB table structure:
Recipe 1
Recipe 2
Recipe 3
Recipe 4
Recipe ...




This table shows an example of data organized in a recipe log file. The table columns are associated
to the process variables. The column indicating the recipe index is obligatory.
The techniques used for creating project recipe objects are explained in the next section, Creating
However, the basic concept is:

The Recipe object, in the Data Logger & Recipe Resource, is defined with its working criteria
in its properties
The Recipe object's components are the index and Process Variables which are represented
by the columns in the table
The operating commands in the recipe are "Save", "Activate" and "Delete" as well as the
selecting the recipe on file by means of its index. These operating commands become
executable by associating the variables to the respective commands in the recipe properties
The last operation to carry out involves creating the recipe's graphical interface which can
also be done by using the"Creting Recipes"." command. Movicon will automatically create a
new screen containing all the controls needed for managing the recipe,as described in the
paragraph on "Creting Recipe".

23.5.1. Creating Recipes

By using the "DataLogger/Recipe" resource, Movicon permits you to create Recipe objects in the
Database to consent recipe and data archive management based on archive files, exploiting the
screen graphics potentialities for user interfacing.
The recipe file management is completely automatic and object orientated.
To create a recipe follow the steps described below:

Setting the Variables

The first thing to do is to create the necessary variables, if not already done so, in the project. Apart
from the recipe process variables (Set Points), there should also be variables, which are those that
determine how the recipe works.
These variables should at the minimum be:

Index Variable
Variable for the Save command
Variable for the Activate command
Variable for the Delete command


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Creating the Recipe object

After having identified the necessary variables, you will now need to select the project's "Data
Logger & Recipe" resource. From here, use the "New Recipe " command to create a new recipe in
the project. The object will be added to the resource's tree structure.
After having created the Recipe object use the "New Column" command to add columns in
correspondence with to the process variables (Set Points). You can also drag the variables from the
Recipe with the drag & Drop technique.

Configuring the Recipe object

After having inserted the Recipe object and create its data process structure, you need to configure
the recipe's operability. Select the Recipe object and access to the "Recipe Execution Properties".
Here you will be able assign the variables for the Save, Activate and Delete commands. There are
also other operative command types available and which are described in the section about the
Recipe Execution Properties.
The recipe Save, Delete, Move Next, etc., commands can be executed by
using the appropriate variables which can be associated to the recipe
("Recipe Execution Properties"), and by using the appropriate commands
from the object Command List ("Report Commands"). When using the
"Report Commands" you will not need to create any variables.

Creating Recipe screens

When you have finished configuring your recipe the next and last thing to do is to set its graphic
interface which will be the screen and the objects which display and act on the recipe's values.
Movicon has a very simple but powerful command which allows you to automatically create the
recipe screen with just one click of the mouse. All you have to do is to select the Recipe object
and use the "Create Recipe Editor" command. In this case, Movicon will automatically create a
screen containing all the graphic controls and objects that the selected recipe needs. All the graphic
objects will be already linked to the recipe's variables and the operating commands, leaving you
nothing else to do but run the project.
The wizard will create a screen with the following components:

1 combo-box to which the "Recipe Index" temporary variable and the "Recipe List" variable
will be associated. If the "Recipe List" variable and "Recipe Index" temporary variable have
not yet been created and associated to the Recipe, Movicon will create them in the
RealTimeDB and then associate them automatically to both the screen's Recipe and combobox object.
1 editable display for each one of the recipe fields to which will also be associated a
temporary variable. If temporary variables have not yet been created and associated to the
Recipe, Movicon will create them in the RealTimeDB and associate them automatically to both
the screen's Recipe and displays.
1 "Activate" button for activating the selected Recipe
1 "Save" button for saveing the selected Recipe
1 "Delete" button for deleting the selected Recipe
1 "Read" button for loading field values in the selected Recipe's temporary variables
1 "Export" button for exporting the selected Recipe values in cvs files
1 "Import" button for importing values from csv file to the selected Recipe's temporary

The "Activate", "Save", "Delete" and "Read" buttons will be set as "ON-OFF" type and automatically
associated with the Recipe's execution variables if specified in the "Recipe Execution Properties". If
these variables have not been specified, "Command Execution" type buttons will be created and
associated to the corresponding " Report - Recipes Commands" (Activate, Save, etc.).
The "Import" and "Export" buttons will be set as "Command Execution" type and associated with the
corresponding " Report - Recipes Commands" (Import and Export).
Below is an example of a graphical result of a simple Recipe:






23.5.2. SQL Commands for Recipes in the Database

The Recipes memorized with ODBC connection can be done selecting the Database chosen format,
with the advantage of being viewed and accessible from other applications supporting the same
chosen database format.
The SQL standard language commands, supported by all relational databases, must be used so that
Movicon can manage and manipulate the recipes according to the database's technology.
The commands needed to: UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT; their syntaxes below are:
UPDATE NameTable
SET NameColumn1 = {value1 | NULL}
[,NameColumn2 = {value2 | NULL}]
[WHERE condition-filter]
DELETE FROM NameTable [WHERE condition-filter]
INSERT INTO NameTable [(NameColumn1 [,NameColumn2])]
{query | VALUES (value1 [,value2])}
In order to use these SQL commands in the project's recipe management you have to use the
appropriate variables predisposed for this purpose, described in the "Recipe Execution
Properties" which can edit the query (default query, filter or order) for extracting data from the
Recipe Database.
Below are SQL query examples for the three commands seen above:
Data Update for existing recipe
UPDATE TRecipe SET Value01 = 10, Value02 = 20, Value03 = 30, Value04 = 40, Value05 = 50
WHERE IdRecipe = 'Recipe001'
TRecipe = name of the Recipe Table contained in the Database
Value01, 02, etc. = name of table column, corresponding to the Recipe's data
IdRecipe = column name 'Recipe Index'


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Delete Recipe Data

DELETE FROM TRecipe WHERE IdRecipe = 'Recipe001'
TRecipe = Recipe Table name contained in the Database
IdRecipe = column name 'Recipe Index'
Insert new recipe
INSERT INTO TRecipe (IdRecipe, Value01, Value02, Value03, Value04, Value05)
VALUES ('Recipe001',1,2,3,4,5)
TRecipe = name of Recipe Table contained in the Database
Value01, 02, etc = Table column name, corresponding to the Recipe's data
IdRecipe = column name 'Recipe Index'

23.5.3. The Query in Recipes

The Recipes are predisposed for extracting data from records registered in the tables by the Movicon
registration engine.
Data extraction, defined Query, Ordering or Filter, permit the selecting, filtering or putting the
Database contents into order according to the parameters desired, by using the Structured Query
Language functions, the standard language of all the databases and is independent from the ODBC
data format chosen. The Query also permits commands to be executed in the corresponding
Database in order to edit or insert its records.
When a Query is executed it creates a RecordSet, which is a group of data in memory extracted by
the Query which can be used and viewed according to the requirements imposed.
The command query, ordering and filter are set by using the variables that can be inserted in
"Recipe Execution Properties". If this variables are not declared, Movicon will use the default
query, if specified, available in "Recipe Database Settings Properties".

SQL Command


The default Query, corresponding to a text string in SQL

language, supports all the SQL commands but does not
create RecordSets. As these commands do not generate
RecordSets they can be used for editing or adding records
in the database (INSERT or UPDATE are the usual


The ordering, corresponding to a text string in SQL

language, consents you to set the criteria for putting the
extracted fields into order by generating a RecordSet in
which the database records are loaded in memory in the
order according to the parameters set.
Corresponds to the SQL 'ORDER BY' command.


The Filter, corresponding to the text string in SQL

language, consents you to define a criteria for extracting
data that correspond to specific conditions (ie. Value >
100), by creating a RecordSet according to the criteria
Corresponds to the SQL 'WHERE' command.

This functionality's use can be configured through a Recipe property which can be assigned a
command, filter or ordering Query, then point to the record from the RecordSet, automatically






created by the Query execution, to represent, in the variables associated to the Data Logger or
Recipe columns, the values extracted by the Query.
In addition to this Movicon also allows you to use the appropriate Basic Script functions to get
complete management of the SQL commands in the queries or Recordsets, making this functionality
very powerful and open. Please refer to the section dedicated to the Basic Script for further details
on the Basic Script instructions regarding Databases.

23.6. Data Loggers and Recipes common

The Data Logger and Recipe objects inserted into the project can be completely customized in the
properties. The Data Logger and Recipe objects are built with Tables, Records, recording events,
each one structuring the Databases to be generated, and whose properties are accessible from the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
The Data Loggers and Recipes present different operation analogies, some of whose properties are
common to both the resources.

23.6.1. Data Loggers and Recipes Common General Properties

Each Data Logger or Recipe object, from the moment it is inserted, can be configured in the General
properties described as follows. The General properties are used to determine the Data logger's or
Recipe's name, their enabling and any associated report file.
To modify the General properties of a Data Logger or Recipe select the object with the mouse and
use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
This property allows you to insert the Data Logger's or Recipe's name which has been inserted. The
name entered identifies the Data Logger or Recipe object in the "Data Loggers & Recipes"
resource. If a name is not specified in the "Table Name" property, the name of the Data Logger or
Recipe will be also used as the table's name.
Enable Data Logger / Recipe
This property permits you to enable or disable the Data Logger or Recipe. This command consents
the programmer to temporary deactivate the recording and running of each single Data Logger or
Objects will not get created in runtime mode with the Data Logger or
Recipes disabled and therefore will not be accessible through the basic script
functions. In addition to this, other viewer objects displayed as Data Logger
windows or Trends linked to them will not be capable of retrieving the
associated database structure.
Always in Use
When setting this option to "false" the variables used in the recipe fields will not go into use when
the recipe is initialized. As a consequence these variables will not get counted on the license if not
on recipe activation command and for the time needed for transferring recipe values to the field
(through the opc client or communication driver).
When a recipe is managed using a screen window, it will need to use
temporary variables. Otherwise disabling the 'always in use' option will not
consent recipe editing. However, if you use the "Recipe Manager" window, it
will not be necessary for the recipe to have temporary variables.
The recipe variables must be connected to the field using "Exception Output"
tasks when using a communication driver.


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Warning! In occurrence of communication errors and a recipe is activated,

the recipe's variables will remain in use when the driver is unable to perform
the "Exception Output" task correctly relating to the recipe. This means that
if the communication error persists for more than two hours and the recipe
variables have been put into use using the activation command provoking
major use of license bytes, the project will go into demo mode and close
after the two hours have expired.
Report File
Each Data Logger or Recipe can be linked to a Report file to display and print documents with
formatted texts and graphics. The Report files, containing the print matrix, can be created with
Report Designer or Crystal Reports. The Report file can be linked to the Database through
direct file access or by using the ODBC link created by Movicon.
The Report file can be predisposed to link up to variables recorded in the Database table records.
You can select a "Report Designer" format report by using the browse button on the right hand side
of the field. If you need to insert a "Crystal Report" file you will have to enter its name manually.
Edit Report File
This command executes the Report Designer for creating or modifying reports to be associated to
DataLoggers or Recipes. While a report is being created, Movicon will associate the report with a
DSN, relating to the DataLogger or Recipe, to be used. Before opening the report in eidt mode a
dialog window will show with the following message:
Do you want to recreate the table and update this in the report ?
You should answer "Yes" to this question for the following reasons:

The report does not yet exist and will be created for the first time
The report has been created but the structure or the DataLogger's name has been changed.
When using a DataLogger or Recipe as Template the table structure will be created
only after the project has been launched into runtime at least once. In this case, the
report should be created with the Movicon command after the table has been
created, and therefore after having run the project at least once. In the same way,
if the DataLogger or Recipe structure is modified it will be necessary to re-launch the
project in runtime to update the table structure.

Printer name
This property allows you to insert the printer's name where eventual reports associated to Data
Logger or Recipe are to be printed. The printer predefined by the system will be used if the printer's
name is not specified.
Table Name
This property allows you to insert the name of the table associated to the Data Logger or Recipe.
Each Data Logger or Recipe contains its data in tables composed of records and columns. The table
has to have a name in the database because database files linked through the ODBC may contain
more than one table.
If the table name is not specified, it will be created with the same "Name" of the Data Logger or

23.6.2. Data Loggers and Recipes common Execution Properties

The common Execution properties of a Data Logger or Recipe allow variables to be defined for the
print or reset command executions of the database associated to the Data Logger or the Recipe.
To modify the a Data Logger's Execution property, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
To verify the Execution properties' specifications for Data Loggers refer to the "Data Logger
Execution Properties" paragraph.
To verify the Execution properties' specifications for Recipes refer to the "Recipe Execution
Properties" paragraph.
Print Variable
The 'Print Variable' selection box allows a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be associated
which will carry out a recorded data print out when it changes to a logical state different from zero.






The variable will therefore be set at 'zero' value by Movicon once the operation has been executed.
The printer always refers to the Report specified in the Data Logger's "Report File" property.
For further details on Reports management and printing reports please consult the 'Reports' chapter
in this document.
Reset Variable
The 'Reset Variables' selection box allows a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be
associated, so that when it changes to a logical state different from zero all the values recorded in
the table up to that moment will be cancelled to then restart a new set of recordings. The variable
will then be set to 'zero' value by Movicon once the operation has be executed.
The next recording command will write data on the first record of an empty table.
Status Variable
A variable from the Movicon RealTime DB can be selected in this field to show information on the
DataLogger or Recipe's status. This information will differ according to the object in question:
DataLogger Object
Here the variable will indicate the DataLogger's ODBC connection status. The "0" value means that
the ODBC connection is working correctly and the "1" value, or non '0' values means there is a
connection error.
Recipe Object
Here the variable will indicate the status of the query executions and ODBC connections.
Once a query is executed, Movicon informs logic on the set query's execution state, by notifying the
status using the following bits in the set variable:



1: query being executed

1: BOF
1: EOF
1: Record Cancelled
1: query execution error or ODBC connection error

23.6.3. Data Loggers and Recipes common Database Settings

The Data Logger or Recipe Database Settings property allow you to customize the settings of the
database to be created.
To edit the Database settings property of a Data Logger or recipe select the object with the mouse
and use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
To verify the Data base Settings property for Recipes please refer to "Recipe Database Settings
Properties" paragraph.
Use IMDB Manager
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Shared Tables
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Save XML File
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Save CSV Format
Please refer to the paragraph on "IMDB Settings for Recording data" from the "IMDB" section.
Crypt File
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Write Behind Delay
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".
Max Nr. Records
See paragraph "IMDB Settings for Recording data" in the section on "IMDB".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Keep the DB Connection open

See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Max. Error Number
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Max. Transactions
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Max. Cache Size
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Max. VarChar Precision
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
This parameter is very handy in cases where the column is linked to a
structure variable containing many members. In this case the list of the
member values is serialized in a string type column in the Data Base table.
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
See paragraph "DBMS Settings for Recording data on DataBase" in the section on "Historical
Log Management".
Time Column
This setting permits you to insert the name of the Data Logger table's Time Column. The default
name will be used if one is not inserted. The Time Column indicates the date and time of the
recording in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) which is universally used as time reference. Time zones
are calculated by starting from Greenwich 00 hrs.
Local Time Column
This setting allows you to enter the name of the Local Time Column of the Data Logger table. If you
do not enter a name here the default name will be used instead. The Local Time Column indicates
the data and local time the recording took place.
MSec Column
This setting allows you to enter the name of the MSec Column of the Data Logger table. If you do
not enter a name here the default name will be used instead. The MSec Column indicates the
milliseconds relating to the recording time.
User Column
This setting allows you to enter the name of the User Column of the Data Logger table. If you do not
enter a name here the default name will be used instead. The User Column indicates the user name
which was active when the recording took place.
Reason Column
This setting allows you to enter the name of the Reason Column of the Data Logger table. If you do
not enter a name here the default name will be used instead. The Reason Column indicates which
event triggered the recording (command, change or time).
Create DB Table
This command executes the creation of the Data Logger table in the database. If the table is already
present the command's execution will cancel the table and recreate it without any data. This means
that any data previously recorded will be lost.






23.6.4. Data Loggers and Recipes common Column General

Each Data Logger or Recipe object has been conceived to manage any required number of values to
be recorded which are therefore Database columns. If an ODBC link is used, the maximum number
of columns that can be managed depends on the type of Database format being used and the
relative ODBC links.
Each database column must be associated to a variable from the project through the General
properties of a column.
To modify the General properties of a Data Logger or Recipe Column you have to select the object
with the mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
To verify the General properties' specifications of a Column for Data Loggers please refer to the
"Data Logger Column General Properties".
To verify the General properties' specifications of a Column for a Recipe please refer to the "Recipe
column General Properties".
This edit box permits you to assign a name to the Database column.
The name is to be built from a text string which will also be used to identify that same column.
This selection box allows you to associate the required variables, selected among those inserted in
the project, to the column.
If an ODBC link is used the data type supported by the column depends on the selected database
format and the ODBC link.
When dealing with a Data Logger, the variable contents will be the value
recorded in the records with the recording command.
When dealing with a Recipe, the variable in question will be the one where
the recipe data will end up when the activation command is executed.
Caution! The <Variable.bit> syntax cannot be used in this field. If
used, a DBMS error will be generated during runtime blocking all
further database recordings.

23.7. Data Logger Properties

The Data Logger objects inserted into the project can be completely customized in their properties.
The Data Logger objects are formed up of Tables, Records, recording events, some of which form
the structure of the Database to be generated and whose properties can be accessed from the
Movicon 'Property Window'.

23.7.1. Data Logger Style Properties

The Style Properties of a Data Logger allow you to define how the data recording modes are to be
Movicon allows data recording to be done on event, on change and on time or with more than one
mode at the same time. To modify the Data Logger's Style property, select the object with the
mouse and use the Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Quality Good Only
This property allows you to enable the recording of data only when all the variables associated to the
Data Logger columns have Good 'Quality' properties. When the setting is left at False the recording
will take place independently from variables' quality.
On Change


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This selection allows you to enable recording on the variable's status change. Recording on status
change will not influence the recording on command or on time, as all these modes can co-exist.
Movicon will carry out a recording upon every value change of the variables (columns) associated to
the Data Logger object, which will be added to those carried out on command or on time when
Recording will take place each time any one of the variable changed and only in the following

the "Records On Change" property must be enabled

if the "Enable Recording Variable" has been inserted, the variable must be other than
if the "Quality Good Only" property has been enabled, a control is carried out on the
quality of the variable assoicated to the columns which must all have the "Good" quality
if the "Enable Day Timeframe" property has been enabled, a control is carried out if reentered within the set timeframe ("Timeframe from" - "Timeframe to")

If the Data Logger's "Recording Variable" has been inserted some considerations have to be added
to the recording on change operation.
In this case the operation is as follows:

Movicon records on the rising edge of the "Enable recording Variable", if a variable
associated to a Data Logger column has changed value since the last recording carried out
Movicon DOES NOT record on the rising edge of the "Enable recording Variable" if all the
variables associated to the Data Logger columns have remained unchanged since the last
recording carried out. This also goes for all those variables which changed during the period
in which the "Enabling recording Variable" remained at zero, but returned back to values last
recorded before the "Enable recording Variable" changed to a different value other than zero
If the "Notify Timestamp Changes" property has been enabled in the
RealTimeDB "In Use Variable Manager" property group, the DataLogger
will also insert a new record only if the variable's TimeStamp changes and
not its value.

Enable Dead Band

This selection allows the use of a dead band to be enabled for recording on Change. In this case the
recording will be executed only when the variable change exceeds the dead band's set value.
Dead Band
This edit box is used for inserting the dead band value within which the DataLogger will not record
on any variable change. This value may be an absolute value or a percentage value according to
whether the "Dead Band Percent" has been enabled or not.
Dead Band Percent
This selection allows the use of the "Dead Band Percent" to be enabled in respect to the variable's
value. The percent value will be the one specified in the "Dead Band" property.
On Variable
This selection allows you to enable record on command, meaning that when a determined variable
from the Movicon Real Time DB, defined by the programmer, changes its value from 'zero' to a value
'different from zero'. The variable in question must be selected through the Data Logger's
"Recording Variable" property and can be declared any type (bit, byte, word, etc.), as Movicon
carries out the recording when the value contained in the variable is different from zero. When the
recording has finished, Movicon will force the value in the recording variable to zero.
The data recording sequence is therefore as follows:

Set the recording variable to >< 0 value when you want to carry out a recording
Movicon buffers the data in its cache memory
Movicon sets the recording variable's value = 0
Movicon notifies the DBMS of the data in the cache, while it is ready for a new recording

Recording on command does not influence recording on change or on time, as all modes can co-exist
at the same time.
Recordings are only executed when the following conditions have been applied:






the "Record On Command" property must be enabled

the variable associated to the "Recording Variable" property must be other than zero
(once recording has finished Movicon will reset to zero)
Record on Command is done independently from the "Quality Good
Only", "Enable Recording Variable" and "Enable Day Timeframe"
property settings. Meaning that, independently from these
settings, the Data Logger will record each time the "Recording
Variable" is set at a value other than zero.
When data are recorded with ODBC, the recordings are done according to
the ODBC modality characteristics. The data sampled from the Data
Logger is managed by a cache memory as well as passed over to the
Windows ODBC administrator. This may cause a display delay between
the sample being effected and the availability of values in the external
database file values availability. The ODBC buffer's size can be modified
from the operating system's property. Cache unloading can also be
forced from the appropriated Basic Script functions.

On Time
This selection permits you enable the recording cause on a time basis. The recording on time will not
influence recording on command or on change, as all modes can co-exist at the same time.
By selecting the recording on time, you will have to specify the time interval within which the
recording is to be done by entering the recording frequency, (Hour, Minutes, Seconds and
Milliseconds), in the "Data Logger Recording Time Properties".
At each specified time interval Movicon will invoke a recording, which will be added to those done on
command or on change whenever they are managed.
Recording takes place at each time interval set only if the following conditions have been applied as

the "Record On Time" property must be enabled

if the "Enable Recording Variable" has been inserted, it must be set other than zero
if the "Quality Good Only" had been enabled, the quality of all the variables associated to
the columns are controlled to see if they all have the "Good" quality status
if the "Enable Day Timeframe" property has been enabled, a control is carried if reentered within the timeframe set ("Timeframe from" - "Timeframe to")

23.7.2. Data Logger Recording Time Properties

The Data Logger's Recording Time properties permit you to define the time intervals where the data
recordings are to take place when the "Record on Time" item has been selected in the Data Logger's
To modify the Data Logger's Recording Time property, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
Hour Frequence
This value represents the Data Logger's sampling time in hours. This value is only of significance if
the "Record on Time" property has been enabled.
Minutes Frequence
This value represents the Data Logger's sampling time in minutes. This value is only of significance if
the "Record on Time" property has been enabled.
Seconds Frequence
This value represents the Data Logger's sampling time in seconds. This value is only of significance if
the "Record on Time" property has been enabled.
MilliSeconds Frequence
This value represents the Data Logger's sampling time in milliseconds. This value is only of
significance if the "Record on Time" property has been enabled.


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Enable Day Timeframe

This setting permits you to enable a data recording day timeframe. When you activate this function,
you will need to specify in which day timeframe the data recording is to be carried out (apart from
the recording consented by "Recording Variable"). All the Data Logger recording commands evoked
outside the established timeframe will be ignored accept for the recording executed with the "Record
on Command" variable which remains active.
The recording of data in the timeframe, especially if they are variables,
can also be executed using "Recording Variable".
Timeframe from
Setting of the starting time of the Data Logger's data recording when the 'Enable Day Timeframe' is
Timeframe to
Setting of the finishing time of the Data Logger's data recording when the 'Enable Day Timeframe' is
Data Max.Age
This field defines how long the data is to be memorized before being recycled. The time entered
here must take into consideration how frequently you intend to carry out data recordings so as to
avoid creating tables containing too much data. Practically, more the recording frequencies means
more the maximum recording time has to be reduced for each Data Logger.
For further information please refer to the paragraph on "Archive Sizes".
The maximum recording time to be inserted should be based on your
requirements, but you also need to keep in mind both the recording
frequency and the type of database to be used. For instance if you use a
Access2000 database you will be more limited in the number of data
recordings in respect to a SQL Server database.

23.7.3. Data Logger Execution Properties

The Execution properties of a Data Logger allow you to define the variables with which commands
will be executed in the Data Logger such as recording on command, enabling Data Logger, etc.
To modify the Execution property of a Data Logger, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Property Window'.
To verify the Recipes and Data Loggers common Execution properties refer to the "Data Loggers and
Recipes common Execution Properties" paragraph.
Recording Variable
In this edit box you can select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used to execute the
Data Logger's record on command. This selection only works if the "Record on Command" property
has been enabled. The variable can be declared any type (bit, byte, word, etc.), as Movicon executes
the recording when the value contained in the variable is different from zero. When the recording
has taken place, Movicon will force the value in the recording variable back to zero.
Enable Recording Variable
The "Enable Recording Variable" field permits you to associate a Movicon Real Time DB variable
which determines recording data on time frequency (Record On Time Frequency).
This is handy in situations where you may have to impede value recordings due to various reasons,
one being that such recordings would be insignificant, and another would be that such recordings
are not needed in certain phases of the process. If such situations arise, you can then enter a
variable that when set with "different from zero" logic state will consent to recording data associated
to the Data Logger. Note that this variable only effects data recorded on time frequencies (Record
On Time Frequency) and not for data recorded on change (Record On Change) or on command
(Record On Command).
The recording of data can also be set in timeframes, by enabling the
appropriate Data Logger's "Enable Day Timeframe" property.
By leaving the selection empty, as proposed for default, the recording will
always be enabled, apart from any time range disabling.






23.7.4. Data Logger Column General Properties

Each Data Logger object had been created to manage the required number of columns. If an ODBC
link is used, the maximum number of columns which can be managed depends on the type of
database format being use and the relating ODBC links.
Each database column must be associated to a project variable through the Column's General
To modify the DataLogger column's General property, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
To verify the Recipe and Data Logger common Column General properties please refer the "Data
Loggers and Recipes common Column General Properties" paragraph.
Through this property you can select which value from the variable must be recorded in the
database. The choices are:

Instantaneous: the variable's instantaneous value will be recorded, which is the value
contained in the variable at the moment of recording
Minimum: the variable's minimum value obtained in the time interval, that elapses between
one recording and the next, will be recorded
Maximum: the variable's maximum value obtained in the time interval, which elapses
between one recording and the next, will be recorded
Average: the variable's average value obtained in the time interval which elapses between
one recording and the next, will be recorded

As regards to recording the "minimum", "maximum" and "average" values you

will need to take into account that the statistics are reset at each recording,
therefore the initial values of these variables will not be considered in the
statistic calculations between one recording and the next.
Add Quality
This property, when enabled, allows you to add a column to the Database table which will refer to
the variable which reports the Quality Status of the same variable at the moment the recording is
Quality Column Name
This property allows you to define a customised name for the Quality column when the "Add Quality"
property is enabled. If the field is left empty the default name will be used instead
Add Timestamp
This property, when enabled, allows you to add a column to the Database table which will refer to
the variable that reports the date and time of the last variation it underwent.
Timestamp Column Name
This property allows you to define a customised name of the Timestamp Column when the "Add
Timestamp" property is enabled. If the field is left empty the default name will be used instead
Add Num.Updates Column
This property, when enabled, allows you to add a column to the Database table which will refer to
the variable that reports the number of variations it underwent in the time interval which elapses
between one recording and the next.
Num.Updates Column Name
This property allows you to define a customized name for tbe Num.Updates Column when the "Add
Num.Updates Column" property is enabled. If the field is left empty the default name will be used
instead (NameColumn_NumUpdates).


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23.8. Recipe Properties

The Recipe objects inserted into the project can be completely customized in the properties. The
Recipe objects are built with Tables, Records, recording events, each one composes the structure of
the Database to be generated, and whose properties can be accessed from the Movicon 'Properties

23.8.1. Recipe Execution Properties

The Recipe Execution properties allow you to define the variables to execute commands in the same
Recipe such as save, activate, cancel, etc.
In order to modify the Recipe's Execution properties select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
To verify the Recipes and Data Loggers common Execution properties please refer to the "Data
Loggers and Recipes common Execution Properties".
Execute Variable
In this edit box you can select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to use for executing any
queries setup for the Recipe. The query to be executed must be contained in the Query Variable.
The variable will be then set at 'zero' value by Movicon once the operation has been executed.
It may be necessary to establish the Recipe's data management with an event which will determine
the activation of the Query's Selection, Filter and Order, for extracting data contained in the
Database according to the search criteria, which can be setup in the properties listed below.
The 'Execute Variable' selection box permits you to select a variable among those contained in the
Movicon Variable's Real Time DB to be used for executing any queries setup for the Recipe.
The variable can be declared any type (bit, byte, word, etc.), as Movicon will execute the query
when the value contained in the variable is different from zero. After the execution has taken place
Movicon will force the execution variable's value to zero.
The query execution sequence therefore results as follows:

Set the execution variable to value >< 0 the moment the query is needed
Movicon launches the query execution in the database and manages the execution status
variable being run
Movicon sets the execution variable value = 0
Movicon notifies the query execution completion by resetting the status variable = 0
In order to execute the query successfully check the status of the query
execution being run before executing another.
When a variable is introduced in the 'Execute Variable' property,
the project will load the values of the data file's first record into
the variables associated to the columns upon startup of the project
in runtime.

Move First Variable

The execution of a query, filter or data order determines a RecordSet, which is a group of data
extracted from the database and kept in the PC's memory. The 'Move First Variable' edit box allows
you to select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used for executing moves to the first
record of the eventual RecordSet of the selected data.
The rising edge of this variable will permit the extracted values in the RecordSet to be represented
in the variables associated to the database columns.
For instance, by filtering a data group from the database by executing the Filter command, a
RecordSet will be generated in the memory containing filtered data. When activating the 'Move
First Variable' with a value different from zero, all the extracted values in the RecordSet relating to
the first record will be written in the variables associated to the database columns.
The variable will then be reset to 'zero' value by Movicon once the operation has been executed.
Move Last Variable
The execution of a query, filter or data order determines a RecordSet, which is a group of extracted
data from the database and kept in the PC's memory. The 'Move Last Variable' edit box allows you to
select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used for executing moves to the last record of
the eventual RecordSet of selected data.






The rising edge of this variable will permit the extracted values in the RecordSet to be represented
in the variables associated to the database columns.
For instance, by filtering a data group from the database by executing the Filter command, a
RecordSet will be generated in the memory containing filtered data. When activating the 'Move Last
Variable' with a value different from zero, all the extracted values in the RecordSet relating to the
last record will be written in the variables associated to the database columns.
The variable will then be reset to 'zero' value by Movicon once the operation has been executed.
Move Prev Variable
The execution of a query, filter or data order determines a RecordSet, which is a group of extracted
data from the database and kept in the PC's memory. The 'Move Prev Variable' edit box allows you
to select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used for executing moves to the record
before the current one being used in the eventual RecordSet of selected data.
The rising edge of this variable will permit the extracted values in the RecordSet to be represented
in the variables associated to the database Columns.
For instance, by filtering a data group from the database by executing the Filter command, a
RecordSet will be generated in the memory containing filtered data. When activating the 'Move
Last Variable' with a value different from zero, all the extracted values in the RecordSet relating to
the record before the current one will be written in the variables associated to the database columns.
The variable will then be reset to 'zero' value by Movicon once the operation has been executed.
Move Next Variable
The execution of a query, filter or data order determines a RecordSet, which is a group of extracted
data from the database and kept in the PC's memory. The 'Move Next Variable' edit box allows you
to select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used for executing moves to the record
after the current one being used in the eventual RecordSet of selected data (Each record
corresponds to a recipe).
The rising edge of this variable will permit the extracted values in the RecordSet to be represented
in the variables associated to the database Columns.
For instance, by filtering a data group from the database by executing the Filter command, a
RecordSet will be generated in the memory containing filtered data. When activating the 'Move
Next Variable' with a value different from zero, all the extracted values in the RecordSet relating to
the record before the current one will be written in the variables associated to the database columns.
The variable will then be reset to 'zero' value by Movicon once the operation has been executed.
Activate Variable
In this edit box you can select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used for executing
the activation of the selected recipe. The recipe data temporary loaded into the variable will also be
activated in the recipe's own variables with this command.
The variable will then be set to 'zero' value by Movicon once the operation has been executed.
Save Variable
In this edit box you can select a Variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used for executing
the selected recipe save. The recipe data temporary loaded into the variable will also be saved in the
Database with this command.
The variable will then be set to ' zero' value by Movicon once the operation has been executed.
Delete Variable
In this edit box you can select a Variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used for executing
the elimination of the selected recipe. The selected recipe will also be eliminated from the Database
with this command.
The variable will then be set to ' zero' value by Movicon once the operation has been executed.
ReQuery Variable
In this edit box you can select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used for executing a
refresh of the recipe recordset.
List Recipes Variable
In this edit box you can select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used for displaying
the list of recipes. When a variable is entered in this field a ComboBox component will be inserted
instead of a simple Display in the Recipe Index field when the synoptic is created with the Create
Recipe Editor command.
Filter Variable
In this edit box you can select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used for executing a
filter of the recipe data (WHERE clause).


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Sort Variable
In this edit box you can select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used for sorting out
the recipe data (ORDER BY clause).
Query Variable
In this edit box you can select a variable from the Movicon Real Time DB to be used for executing a
query in SQL standard language in data to be selected from the Database.
Read Variable
This field is used for selecting a Movicon RealTime DB variable to used for reading Recipe values
from the field. The values read from the field will be loaded in the Recipe's temporary variables,
therefore will overwrite the Recipe's current values selected through the "Recipe Index" (which is the
recipe loaded for example by using the recipe selection combo-box found in the screen created by
using the "Create Recipe Screen" wizard command). Once data has been read from the field and
therefore updating the temporary variables, when activating the command to save the recipe, this
data will be recorded on database overwriting the previous values of the Recipe displayed. This
command only updates the Recipe's temporary variables and will have no effect if recipe is without.

23.8.2. Recipe Database Settings Properties

The Recipe Database property settings allow you to customize queries for extracting data from the
linked database.
To modify the Recipe Database Settings property, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
To verify the Recipes and Data Loggers common Database Settings Properties please refer to the
"Data Loggers and Recipes Common Database Settings Properties" paragraph.
Default Filter
This edit box permits you to enter a text string containing the filter function in SQL standard
language on data to be selected from the Database. For further information please refer to the
section on "Default Filter".
Default Sort
This edit box allows you to enter a text string containing the sort function in SQL standard language
in data to be selected from the Database. For further information please refer to the section on
"Default Filter".
Default Query
This edit box allows you to enter a text string containing the query in SQL standard language in data
to be selected from the Database. For further information please refer to the section on "Default

23.8.3. Recipe column General Properties

Each Recipe object has been created to manage any required number of values to be recorded and
therefore Database columns. If an ODBC link is used, the maximum number of manageable columns
depends on the type of database format being used and the relative ODBC links.
Each database column has to be associated to a project variable through the column's General
To modify a Recipe's Column's general property, select the object with the mouse and use the
Movicon 'Properties Window'.
To verify Recipe and Data Logger common Column General Properties please refer to the "Data
Loggers and Recipes common Column General Properties" paragraph.
Recipe Index
By using this property you can indicate whether the column in question is to have a recipe index,
being that which identifies the recipe. Only one recipe index can be defined for each recipe.






Even though the column has been enabled to be the "Recipe Index",
it is also possible to use a numeric variable index and not
necessarily a string variable. I this case the recipe index field in the
database will however be created string tpe, but internally Movicon
will only accept numeric values as recipe names. In cased where a
numeric index is used, the command which generates the recipe
editing screen, "Create Recipe Screen", will create a "Display"
control for inserting the recipe name.
The use of numeric indexes enables numeric indexed recipe
activation to be managed by variables that are read externally
through the communication driver or OPC.
Furthermore, in order to obtain a numeric order of index values in
display objects you will need to set the "xx" index variable default
format so that recipe names are displayed by in double figure order.
Recipe Temp. Variable
The name of the Variable from the Movicon Real Time DB, which will be used as a temporary
variable for holding the recipe's data, is specified in this edit box. The values contained in the 'Temp.
Variable' are copied into the recipes output variable only when the recipe's activation command is


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


24. Reports
The Movicon Report management can be used by
exploiting the Movicon native tools (Embedded Reports
and Textual Reports) or by exploiting the Report
Designer and Crystal Report tools.
The Reports are tools for displaying or printing filed process data according to preset time ranges.
Thanks to Movicon, the Report management is extremely easy to use, guaranteeing openness in
obtaining Report printouts adaptable to end user needs. In fact, in addition to accessing historical
data recorded by the Data Loggers, the Reports must guarantee visualization of calculated amounts,
totals, averages, variances, selecting time ranges, product batches, operators, shift etc criteria.
In order for this to happen Movicon has integrated a "Report" resource called "Embedded Report",
through which reports can be autonomously created for displaying data recorded on database, using
the Historical Log and Dataloggers, or for simply just displaying project variables. When needing to
create reports without graphics it is easier to create Textual Reports which are simple to use. Both
the Movicon "Internal Reports" and " Textual Report" are compatible with the Windows CE
environment as well. In additon to the navtive reports, Movicon has also included the "Report
Designer" for free to give users the possibility to create more complex reports by using a purposely
designed ".NET" tool. Movicon is still compatible with the "Crystal Report" report engine which is
not integrated but needs to be purchased separately to create the reports desired.
When creating reports in projects, it is necessary to evaluate whether the
Movicon Embedded Reports should be used or the "Report Designer" or
"Crystal Report" external libraries. The choice should be made based on
the type of report to be realized, as each solution has its pros and cons.
For further information about the pros and cons please refer to the
section on "Advantages and Disadvantages of using Movicon Embedded
Reports ".
The Movicon native report files have the ".movrep" extension and are saved in the project's resource
folder. The report files created with the "Report Designer" have the ".repx" extension, whereas those
created with "Crystal Report" have the "rpt" extension.
Report files created with the Report Designer Crystal Report can be associated to
"DataLogger/Recipe" resources, "Historical Log Window" and "TraceDB Window" objects. When a
report file is inserted in the "Report File" property of one of these objects, the "Print" command
available in the "DataLogger/Recipe window", "Historical Log Window" and "TraceDB.
Window" objects will send the report to be printed. If this report file has a ".repx" extension, Movicon
will execute this operation using the "Report Designer" libraries, if the file has a ".rpt" extension,
Movicon will use the "Crystal Report" libraries.
It is not possible to associate the "Embedded Reports" and "Textual
Reports" to the "Report File" property of a "DataLogger/Recipe" resource
and the "Historical Log Window" and "TraceDB Window" objects. The
"Embedded Reports" or "Textual Reports" can only be executed through
the "Command List - Report-Recipe" or the "ExecuteCommand()" script
You can perform various operations in the reports such as displaying, printing and saving data on file
by using the "Commands List - Report/Recipe" and "Commands List - Alarm" commands.

Reports from Web Client

This Report generation commands which can be invoked from Web Client are always executed on
the Server. It is for this reason the "View Report" command is not enabled on Web Client to avoid
opening Report display windows on the Server. The "View Report" command cannot be enabled by
Web Client whether report be an Embedded Report, Text Report or a Report created with "Crystal
Report" or "Report Designer". However, the 'Save Report", Print Report and "Send Report


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

commands are available from Web Client (keeping in mind that they will also be executed on Server

24.1. Embedded Reports

Movicon provides an Embedded Report resource through which reports can be created for displaying
historical data or project variables. A Movicon Embedded report object is represented as a Screen
object divided into five predefined sections called bands. Objects and symbols can be inserted to
become part of the Report's features such as displays, charts etc.
Your license must be enabled with the "Data Logger" option in
order to use the Movicon Embedded Reports. Likewise when using
Reports for Alarm Statistics you must enable your license with the
"Alarm Statistics" option.

Embedded Report Resource

New "Textual Reports" or "Embedded Reports" can be inserted by using the follwoing commands:

"Add a new Report" command from contextual menu which appears when right clicking on
"Embedded Report" group from the Project Explorer window.
"New Report" command available from the "Commands" section located at the bottom left of
Project Explorer Window.
"Add a new Report layout in the project" available as an icon form the Movicon Toolbar.

When inserting a new Report object, it will appear as a screen and will open within the Movicon
workspace. The Report will be created with A4 paper sizes (sizes will be expressed in pixels and
calculated by Movicon based on screen resolutions), with a white background (color can be changed
afterwards) and divided into seven Bands. These bands also have their own default sizes which can
be modified as pleased. Each Band has a different role to play within the Report layout and will only
be accepted for final printout if it contains objects. The Bands are sectioned off with a separation
line only in design mode to determine how much space can be used for inserting objects and they
will not show in the final report. The seven Bands in question are:


Page Header (one per page): represents the area for the page header. This band will be
repeated on all pages.
Report Title (one per report): represents the area for inserting the report title. This band
will be printed once only on the first report page. When this band is printed as a single page
(enabled "Keep in Separate Page" option the "Page Header" will not be printed on the
paged dedicated to the report' title. The use of the Report Title band may result useful above
all in cases when generating a multiple report, being many reports together with one
command, to get one print showing one report after another (see section on "Report-Recipes
Commands"). In this case the Report Title will be repeated on once on the first page of the
first report on the list, while the "Report Header" band will be printed for all the reports listed.
Report Header (one per report): represents the area for the Report Header and is also a
container for any graphs that need to be placed at the beginning of the Report. This band will
be displayed on the first Report page only, after the "Report Title" band.
Details Header: represents the are for the "Details" band. If data in the Details area
occupies more than one page, the "Details Header" band will be repeated on all the pages
containing "Details" and will be displayed before the "Details".
Details: represents the area in which objects are inserted (i.e. displays) to display variable
values and historical log values extracted from the database by queries. This band, and the
objects it contains, can be duplicated on the page and distributed to other pages if needed in
order to display all recordset information obtained by the query from the database. If the
Report has not been associated with a Database because if is being used for displaying
RealTimeDB variable values, the Details band will not be show when creating the report. As
a consequence, any objects inserted in this band will not be shown either.
Report Footer (one per report): represents the area in which Graph type objects (i.e.
Trends) are arranged and shown on the last report page. This band will only show on the
last Report page.


Page Footer (one per page): represents the area of the Page Footer. This band displays
on all Report pages.
The Report Bands have a minimum size of 1 pixel and cannot be deleted
or new ones added. Those Band/s you wish not to display/print on your
Report Just leave empty.

Each Band can be configured through their "Height" and "Keep in Separate Page" properties, as
described in corresponding paragraphs.

Report Objects and Displayed Data

Different object types can be inserted in Reports for displaying data. These objects are those
contained in the "Toolbox Object" for Reports,made available when the Movicon Embedded report is
opened in edit mode in the project's workspace. These objects are a subset of those objects that
can be inserted on Screen and are provided with a subset of properties.
Objects can also be Copy&Pasted from screens to Reports and viceversa.
During this operation Movicon will convert the object to make it
compatible with the new container in which it is inserted. For example, if a
"Button", that is not available for Reports, is copied from a Screen and
pasted onto a Report, it will be converted into a 'Radio button'. Some
objects such as the "List Box", "Alarm Window" etc., cannot be inserted
in a Report. Copying and pasting these objects in Reports will fail issuing
a a message in the output window as follows:
Cannot understand object type "ListBox"
Nothing to Paste
Also those objects that can be inserted in reports such as Screens, can be grouped into composed
Symbols then inserted into the "Symbol Library".
The following type of data can be associated and displayed in Report objects:

Project's RealTimeDb variables (or child project)

Fields containing data extracted by queries from tables associated to the Report
Alarm statistical values (only when "Alarm Statistic" has been enabled)
Report or system information, displayable exclusively through predisposed objects such as
"Data Ora", "Utente", "Query", etc.

Values to be displayed in the Report objects can be inserted by editing the data entry fields manually
or by simply selecting values from the "Tag Browser Window" window. In addition to selecting
variables there is also a "DB Field" tab in this window where database fields can also be selected.
It is also possble to manage some animation graphics for objects insertable in the reports, such as
Visibility, Transparency, background color, etc. In this way it will be possible to animate certain
objects in different ways based on the project's variable values. Object animations are only
modifiable in report generation phrase and once displayed or printed can no longer be edited. The
following animations can be used:

Visibility (object may be made visible or invisible but cannot blink

Transparency (this functionality is not supported in Windows CE)
Rotation (this functionality is not supported in Windows CE)
Text - Display Value
Background Color
Dynamic Text and Text and Edge Color
Gradual Filling (available only for objects from the "Basic Shapes" category)
Dynamic Images (object and display an image but cannot be managed with an automatic
scroll of diverse images)

The animations above listed can also be used for objects for the "Details" section. In this case, the
DataBase field can be used as an animation variable instead of a variable so that the object will
animate with the current record value for each row displayed in the report. For example, let's


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suppose a display object has been inserted in the "Details" band which displays a DataLogger field
associated with the same Background Color animation as the DataLogger field. At this point, when
the Report is generated, for example by extracting the last 10 records from the datalogger table, the
ten display objects displayed in the Report will obtain a different set background colour based on the
value to be shown.
Basic Expressions in objects
Basic expressions can also be inserted in object fields where variables are inserted. In this case,
however, it is not possible to use expressions in database fields (DB fields, i.e. DF:VAR00001]) or
special fields (SP fields, i.e. [SP:time]), where only variables from the RealTimeDB can be used.

Report and Alarm Statistics

By using the Movicon "Embedded Reports" you can create reports for displaying data recorded by
the project's DataLoggers and Historical Log. Report's made on project "Alarms" tables also allow
reports to be created on alarm statistics, as described in the paragraph on "Alarm Statistic". There
are already some reports on alarm statistics available in the Movicon installation folder which can be
customized or new ones creates.
In certain cases it is also possible to generate reports on variable trace tables. In this case, the
variable Trace must be set with the same DSN used by the DataLogger (or Historical Log). In this
way the variable table will be created within the same DataLogger database (or Historical Log). As
regards to Embedded Reports, the "DataLogger/Recipe" ( or Historical Log) item must be set as
"Data Source Type", then the name of the DataLogger must be selected in the "Data Logger/Recipe"
field (or a table in the "Event Log Type" field). At this point, it is fundamental that a customized
"Query Report" be inserted for extracting data from the variable trace table and not from the
DataLogger table (or Historical Log). For example, if the variable being traced is called
"VAR00001",and the table has the same name as the variable, the query will be:
Select * From VAR00001 Order By LocalCol DESC
Caution! Using the SQL Server CE, therefore in a device with Windows CE,
it is not possible to create reports on variable trace tables, due to the fact
that the database file created for variable trace is different to both the
DataLogger database file and the Historical Log database file.

Operations for editing Reports and multi-object selecting

While editing Report certain operations can be done using the SHIFT key:
Selecting Report Properties: to display properties belonging to the Embedded Report resource in
the Properties Window just click on the Embedded Report's name in the Project Explorer window or
click on any Report band, in an area not containing objects, while keeping the SHIFT key pressed
Selecting Report Band Properties: to display properties belonging to the Embedded Report's
Band just click on the band in an area not containing objects.
Multi-object Selecting: to select a number of objects contained in an Embedded report, as well as
those belonging to different bands, just click on each object while keeping the CTRL key pressed
down or by dragging the mouse keeping the SHIFT key pressed down.
Modifying Band sizes: to modify the band's height size:

modify its "Height" property located in the Properties Window

select the interested band with mouse, click on the small square located in the center of the
bands bottom separation line and drag it further down to enlarge or up to reduce it
select the next band to the one you wish to change, click on it with the mouse and drag it
down to enlarge the one above. This method cannot be used for enlarging the "Page Fotter"
band being the last one on the Report.

Functionalities which are not available in Reports

The Reports are used for displaying values of a range of historical logs for a determined range of
time to be then printed of saved as a document. This means that once the Report has been created
it can no longer be modified. It is for this reason that functions and properties made available when
editing the Screen resource are not available when editing the Embedded report resource and
included objects.



Procedures which cannot be performed and function that are not for use in the Embedded Report
resourse are as follows:

it is not possible to edit Basic Script code within the Report resource or its object content
it is not possbile to edit IL Logic within the Report resource or its object content
it is not possible to use the Report resourse's local variables
objects inserted in Reports cannot be edited, therefore all the properties used for inserting
data or for executing commands are not available for use


and Disadvantages


using Movicon Embedded

When reports have to be created within the project, it will be necessary to evaluate whether to use
the Movicon Embedded Reports or the "Report Designer" or "Crystal Report" external libraries based
on the type of report to be created. Below are listed the advantages and disadvantages of using the
"Embedded Reports" compared to the "Report Designer" or "Crystal Reports":
The Movicon Embedded Reports are compatible with Windows CE
The Movicon Embedded Reports also support the "InMemoryDB" database format (along with
any database limits)
Multilanguage reports can be created with the Movicon Embedded Reports by using the ready
to use integrated change language management
Vectorial graphics from the Movicon Symbol Libraries can be used in the Movicon Embedded
Variable values within the project can be displayed in the Movicon Embedded Reports without
having to write script code
Certain types of graphical animations, such as Visibility, Transparency, Background Color,
etc., can be used within Embedded Reports which are evaluated during the Report generation
The Movicon Embedded Reports integrate the advantages of using the Movicon editor while
creating reports: Cross Reference, Refactoring, Renaming Management, Check for Missing
Strings, XML Structure, etc.
The Movicon Embedded Reports for alarm statistics must not be modified when customizing
the names of the Historical Data Log columns (Movicon will take this into account during
report generation phase)
The Movicon Embedded Reports show statistical information for each single alarm for alarm
statistics (Total Time ON, number of ON/ACK/RESET events)
The ToolBox used in the Movicon Embedded Reports contains a limited number of objects
Sub-reports and automatic data groupings cannot be managed in the Movicon Embedded
Simple data calculations to be printed cannot be done in the Movicon Embedded Reports
(calculations must be first done using the Movicon logic with results then applied to the
variable before generating a report)
Reports can only be saved or exported in "PDF" format when using the Movicon Embedded
Basic Script code ("wwb.com" or "wwb.net") cannot be used in the Movicon Embedded
Reports for managing reports in advanced mode.
Reports cannot be displayed on Web pages using the Movicon Embedded Reports
Sub-reports cannot be used for alarm statistics with the Movicon Embedded Reports and as a
consequence detailed alarm information cannot be accessed through report display windows.

24.1.1. Embedded Report Generation Commands

To support the Movicon Embedded Reports a series of commands have been made available in the
Command List under the "Report/Recipes" e "Alarm" categories. This commands can be selected
from the "Action" field.
Reports defined through the Movicon "Reports" resource can be generated using the
"Report/Recipes" commands category. By using the "Alarm" commands category reports can be


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

generated for "Alarm Statistic". In this case the report file that can be selected are already included
in the Movicon installation folder, however these reported can be modified or new ones can be
edited as explained in the paragraph entitled "Alarm Statistic".
Independently whether a project report or alarm statistic report is selected or not, the commands
provided for generating Embedded Reports rest the same:



This command allows you to open a window for viewing the

report, generating a print preview and creating a temporary
pdf file and opening it in the pdf viewer in the PC/device.
The PDF printer is used in Win32/64 bit PCs, installed by the
Movicon SetUp with the name of "Movicon PDF Writer".
This default printer can be changed using the "PdfPrinter"
registry key.
The executable predefined for opening the PDF file in WinCE
devices is: "\\Windows\\wt6explr.exe". This default
application can be changed using the "PdfViewer" registry
Please also refer to the "Internal Report" section.


This command sends the selected Embedded Report to be

printed. You can either use the Windows default printer or
specify the use of a predefined one through the " ReportRecipes Commands- Printer" or "Alarm Commands - Printer"
properties or request the opening of the printer selection
window by enabling the "Report-Recipes Commands- Chose
Printer" or "Alarm Commands -Chose Printer" option.
When project is run on the Windows CE
platform, it is important to specify which
printer is to used and above all which print
port to be used. The print port can be
Commands- Printer Port" or "Alarm
Commands - Printer Port" parameters.


This command creates and saved a new report file in pdf

format. The report file will have the same report name with
a suffix showing the system date and time when this
command was executed. The data and time are always
added using the "DDMMYY_HHMMSS" format. The final pdf
file name will result as:
"EmbeddedReportName_DDMMYY_HHMMSS.pdf". The saved
file will then be inserted into the project's "DLOGGERS"
folder when created using a "Report-Recipe" command and
inserted in project's "LOGS" folder when created using an
"Alarm" command.
Please also refer to the "Internal report" section.



This command creates a pdf file of the selected Embedded

Report and sends it via email. The email is send according
to the settings defined in the SMTP Plug-In using the "
SMTP Settings" button found in the project's General
properties, and whose editor generates a file named
"smtp_direct.settings" in the "ProjectName\DATA" folder.
The report pdf file is attached to the email and is saved in
the "ProjectNameProgetto\DLOGGERS" folder with the
Report's name.
The email recipient is the user of user group defined in the
"Recipient" property.


The Timeout for executing this command,

generating the report and sending it by
email, can be modified using the
registry key.
default timeout intervention value of 10
seconds can be increased using this key.
The Embedded Report send e-mail
command is not currently supported in
the Windows CE platform.

Please also refer to the "Internal Report" section.

24.1.2. Possible Embedded Report Generation Errors

When generating a Movicon Embedded Report, some errors might occur which could compromise
the correct displaying of the Report. These errors are mainly due to an incorrect Report
configuration. When a problems happens while generating the Report, apart from having a result
which is not the one initially desired, a warming message is printed both in the Output Window and
Historical Log. Always check for messages in both the "System" and "Log DBMS" Tabs in the Output
window or Historical Log if Report generation errors occur.
Report generation error messages are reported in the Output Window's
"System" and "Log DBMS" Tabs accordingly. If problems do arise you
must always check to see if there are any relating error messages in this
window. The same error messages are also reported in the same way in
the project's Historical Log files: "Sistema.log" and "Log DBMS.log" files.
Below are described possible errors which may occur. According to the situation, the error text may
be slightly different to the text reported in this paragraph (for example, the name of the band or
objects concerned may be different).
Warning! The Report header exceeds the page size!
This error is generated when one of the Report bands is too big to fit on the printed page. In this
case, only the part of the report page which fits on the printed page will be printed leaving out the
remaining part which exceeds print page sizes. To remedy this problem, the Report will need to be
edited to reduce the height sizes of the band indicated in the message so that its contents can
completely fit in the print page.
Failed to print embedded report 'Report1.movrep'!
This error occurs for one of the following causes:

the "DataLogger/Recipe" value has been selected as the report's "Data Source Type" but an
invalid DataLogger/Recipe has been selected in the "DataLogger/Recipe" field. To remedy
this problem, check whether the DataLogger/Recipe associated to the Report is valid (check if
name syntax is correct, check to see if the DataLogger/Recipe's DSN has been configured
correctly, etc.)
The Report's data selection query is invalid. To remedy this problem, check all customized
queries associated to the Report, check to see if the DataLogger/Recipe's DSN has been
configured correctly, etc. In this case you must check whether the query has been set in the
Report conforms with the DataBase type being used. For example, when inserting a query
that includes the TOP clause, even though written correctly, an error will rise if the "MySQL"
or "Oracle" database has been selected as both these databases do not support the TOP

Cannot find the variable '[[DF:VAR00001]', action 'Check Button', object 'Check
Box36', Screen 'Report1.movrep'
This error occurs when an object, that displays a database fields such as the Display and Option
Button objects, is not inserted in the 'Details? band but in another one. In this case the object will
not display any values. To remedy this problem, the Report will need to be edited in order to move


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

the object/s causing the error to the "Details" band, or associate objects with RealTimeDB variables
and not DataBase fields.

24.2. Embedded Report Properties

The Reports inserted in the "Embedded Report" folder in the "Project Explorer" window can be
customized through their properties. In order to do this, select and open the Report desired and
then edit its settings through the Movicon "Properties Window".

24.2.1. General Report Properties

The General Report Properties are used for settings the desired Embedded Report page sizes. Some
of these properties are the same as those for normal Screens. In order to access the General Report
Properties, select and open the desired Embedded Report and then change its settings using the
Movicon "Properties Window"
When a new Embedded Report object is inserted, it is created with the A4 paper sizes 210x297 mm.
The relating sizes in pixels are calculated together with the video screen resolution automatically.
This property is used for reading or changing the name of the Embedded Report.
This edit box is used for setting the Embedded Report window display width in pixels. Modifying
this value will automatically modify the value in mms in the "Report Page Width" property. When the
enabling the "Landscape" property, the Report's width in pixels will be recalculated automatically
using the value in mms from the "Report Page Height" property and not the value from the "Report
Page Width" property.
This edit box is used for setting the Embedded Report window display height in pixels. Modifying
this value will not cause any changes to the value in mm in the "Report Page Height" property. The
Report page height setting in pixels will only be acknowledged in design mode and will depend on
the sizes of each individual band. When in report is opened or printed, the page height will be set to
the print page height. In addition, when being opened or printed, the number of report pages will
depend on the various bands used in the report, considering that the "Details" band will have a
variable size based on the data extracted by the query.
Report Page Width
This edit box is used for setting the width in mm with which the Embedded Report window will
display with. Changing this value will automatically change the "Width" property value in pixels as
well. When the enabling the "Landscape" property, the Report's width in pixels will be recalculated
automatically using the value in mms from the "Report Page Height" property and not the value from
the "Report Page Width" property.
Report Page Height
This edit box is used for setting the height in mms with which the Embedded Report window will
display with. Modifying this value will not cause any changes to the value in mm in the "Report Page
Height" property. When the enabling the "Landscape" property, the Report's height in pixels will be
recalculated automatically using the value in mms from the "Report Page Height" property and not
the value from the "Report Page Width" property.
Enabling this property will set the page to be printed horizontally instead of vertically. Be reminded
that when the page print is set to vertical, the Report page's width size in pixels will be calculated
based on the value set in the "Report Page Width" property. When the print layout is set to
horizontal, the Report page's width size in pixels will be calculated based on the value set in the
"Report Page Height" property.



Use Paper Settings

Enabling this property in report generation mode, will force the print page sizes with the width,
height and landscape values set in the "Report Page Width", "Report Page Height" and "Landscape"
properties. However, if this property is disabled the print page settings set in the report generation
command will be used instead. If the report generation command "Report Page Width", "Report
Page Height" and "Landscape" parameters have been left set with their default values, the page print
sizes set in the printer will be used. In this case, the report page will automatically adapt to the print
page sizes.
Screen Alias Editor
The "Screen Alias Editor" command opens the table of aliases relating to the Embedded Report. The
Aliases defined in the Report will then be used by the Report objects in which these Aliases have
been inserted by not defined at object level.
For further information on using aliases please refer to the paragraph on "Aliases in Object".

24.2.2. Embedded Report Style Properties

The Embedded Report's graphics are defined through its Style properties. These properties are
accessed through the Movicon "Properties Window" which opens by selecting the Embedded
Report from the Explorer window.
Show Bands Title
This option box is used for making the titles of each individual Band visible/invisible. However the
Band titles are visible when designing the Embedded Report and are helpful for identifying each
Embedded Report Band.

24.2.3. Embedded Report Background Properties

The Movicon Embedded Report Background properties are a subset of Screen Background
properties. To get details on these properties please refer to the paragraph on "Screen Background

24.2.4. Embedded Report Data Properties

The Report Data properties are used to define the data source type and query to extract data to be
shown in the Report. The settings of these properties are made available in the Movicon
"Properties Window" which automatically appears when selecting the Embedded Report resource
from the Project's Explorer window.

Data Source Type

This field is used for defining the Report's data source by selecting which DataLogger/Recipe or
Historical Log table the report must connect to. The items that can be selected are:
Data Logger/Recipe
Historical Log
Based on the selection made, only one of the two "Data Logger/Recipes" or "HisLog Event Type"
properties will enable allowing you then to select a reference table for the Report.
Data Logger/Recipe
This property will only enable when the "Data Logger/Recipe" option has been selected in the "Data
Source Type" property. When enabled, you will be able to select which Data Logger or Recipe,
defined in the project, to use as the Report's data source.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

HisLog Event Type

This property enables only if the "Historical Log" option has been selected from the "Data Source
Type" property and is used for selecting which Historical Log table is to be used as the Report's data
source. The possible options are:
System Messages
Alarm Messages
Comm. Driver Messages
Report Query
A customized query can be specified in this field which will then be used by the Report for extracting
data from the connected database table. You can also insert one query for extracting data from
various tables at the same time (i.e. JOIN clause) providing that these tables all belong to the same
database. In this case you will need to specify a "Data Logger/Recipe" or a "HistLog Event Type"
which is needed to acquire data for connecting to the database (DSN, User and Password). The "DB
Fields" tab from the "Tag Browser" window will show the fields in the recordset obtained when the
query is applied.
Caution! when inserting a customized query you will need to take into
account the connected database's limitations. For example, if the IMDB
database has been selected it will not be possible to perform the UNION or
JOIN query among the various tables. Therefore you will need to insert a
query that can be applied correctly to the referenced database.
Also take into account that a data extraction query can also be specified in the "Report-Recipe
Command List" > "Report - Query" property. When a customized query is specified in the Report's
generation commands, this query will have priority over those set in the actual Report. When no
customized query has been set in either the Report or its generation commands, Movicon will use the
following default query for extracting all the data from the table:
WinCE Report Query
A customized query can be specified in this field which will be used by the Report for extracting data
from the connected database table. This query will be applied instead of any query specified in the
"Query Report" property when the project is run on the Windows CE platform. Therefore Two
different queries can be defined and applied according to the operating system in question. If the
"WinCE Report Query" property is left empty, the one set in the "Report Query" property will be
applied even if the project is running on the Windows CE platform.
Also in this case, a data extraction query can also be specified in the "Report-Recipe Command List"
> "Report - Query" property. When a customized query is specified in the Report's generation
commands, this query will have priority over those set in the actual Report. When no customized
query has been set in either the Report or its generation commands, Movicon will use the following
default query for extracting all the data from the table:
The "Query Report WinCE" field will only display in the Properties Window
if the project' "Platform - Windows CE" has been enabled.
Max Records
The maximum number of records that must be returned by the query applied by the Report can be
defined in this field by entering a value other than '0'. This parameter corresponds to the TOP clause
in Windows 32/64 systems if the IMDB is not used. For instance, if this parameter is set with the
value '10', the default query applied by the Report will result as:
In cases where a customized query is entered with the TOP clause already entered, this query will
be used for extracting data but the number of records displayed/printed in the Report will not exceed
the one defined in the "Max Records" field. For instance, by setting a customized query as "SELECT
TOP 20 * FROM TableName" with the "Max Records" set with the value 5, only the first five of the of
the 20 records extracted by the query will be displayed/printed in the Report.
In WinCE systems, where the TOP clause is not valid, a query extracting all data will be applied
("SELECT * FROM...") but Movicon will only consider the first number of record indicated by the



parameter. This same mechanism is also applied to IMDBs independently from platform type being
If the "Max Records" property value is left at zero, the number of records displayed/printed in the
report will correspond to those extracted by the customized or default query (default query =
Alarm Statistics
This field will only enable when the historical log is used as data source type, which means that the
"Historical Log" item has been selected in the "Data Source Type" property. When the Alarm
Statistics is enabled, additional fields which show the alarm statistics or each individual alarm read by
the database will automatically become available in the "Tag Browser" window. These fields can
then be inserted in the Report as fields relating to the connected table columns. For further
information please refer to the paragraph relating to " Alarm Statistic".
Time Format
Please refer to the "Time Format" property described in the "Stile propertiesTime Format "
paragraph from the Drawings and Controls section.
Duration Time Format
Please refer to the "Duration Time Format" property described in the "Stile properties Duration
Time Format " paragraph from the Drawings and Controls section.

24.2.5. Embedded Report Band Size Properties

The sizes of Embedded Report Sections can be set through the corresponding Size properties. In
order to do this, open the desired Embedded Report and select the Band desired and then edit its
settings through the Movicon "Properties Window".
This edit box is used for defining the Height in pixels with which the selected embedded report band
will be displayed. This size is only significant in the design phase. When displaying or reporting the
Report, the various band size's will depend on different factors. For example, the "Details" band will
expand according to the amount of data to be displayed, while the "Report Header (one per report)"
may have the first page to itself based on the "Keep in separate page" property setting. The size
of the print page will also influence the Band sizes.

24.2.6. Embedded Report Band Paging Properties

The Paging Properties are used for defining the displaying of a Report Band. This can be done by
simply opening the Embedded Report and selecting the desired Band to edit its settings through the
Movicon "Properties Window".
Keep in Separate Page
This property is only valid for the"Report Title (one per report)", "Report Header (one per report)"
and "Report Footer (one per report)".
For the "Report Title (one per report)" Band, with the "Keep on Separate Page" property selected,
only the contents from the "Report Title (one per report)" will be printed on the first page and any
text in the "Page Header (one per page)" will not be inserted. However, if the "Keep on Separate
Page" property is not selected, the objects in the next band will be lined up in the same page, after
the "Report Title (one per page)" band's contents. In this case, the page will also show "Page Header
(one per page)" text if any.
The "Report Header (one per report)" Band will always be printed after the "Report Title (one per
report)". This means that depending on how the "Report Title (one per report)" Band is set, the
Report Header" might be inserted in the first or in the second Report page. At this point if the "Keep
in Separate Page" property belonging to the "Report Header (one per report)" is selected the objects
from the "Details" band will be shown on the same page after the "Report Header (one per report)"
band's contents.


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The"Keep in Separate Page" option is always selected for the "Report Footer (one per report)" Bands
and any objects contained in this Ban will be printed in the last page to avoid splitting up the
graphics onto different pages.
Repeat Details
This property is only valid for the "Details" band and permits you to choose whether to duplicate the
objects within the page (i.e. to created data tables) or create as many pages as there are records
returned by the data extraction query. In this case, each page will contain a copy of the objects
contained in the "Details" band.

24.3. Report Designer

The Report Designer is an extremely powerful tool that has been integrated in Movicon for give users
the possibility to automatically create reports relating to the Movicon databases, without having to
purchase supplementary software packs. The Report Designer Libraries are therefore installed with
Movicon totally free without needing you to enable any license options in order to use them.
The basic steps in creating a minimal report are briefly described below:
The Report Designer can be called through "Edit Report File" command found in the Data Logger or
recipe properties of "Historical Log Windows" or "TraceDB Windows". In this case the Report
Designer will open in edit mode:

The Report Designer opens showing its "Tool Box" on the left and the "Report Explorer", "Field List"
and "Grid Property" on the right. The report Layout is in the centre.
By using the Movicon commands the report will open with the database connection already
configured with the original object's data table fields listed in the "Field List" for reference
(DataLogger/Recipe table variable TraceDB or Historical Log).
The report is composed of "Band" objects, which are inserted using the "Insert Band" command
accessible with a right click on the report layout area. The Bands are:


Top Margin: one per page only. Represents the top limit of the report page.
Report Header: one per report only. The first thing printed and only on the first
report page.
Page Header: page header and is printed at the top of every page.
Group Header: you can use more than one group header per report to represent
the beginning of a data group.


Detail: contains the data to be shown.

Group Footer: closes a data group and always corresponds to a Group Header.
Report Footer: printed at the end of the report on the last page.
Page Footer: closes each report page.
Bottom Margin: one only per page. Represents the report page's bottom limit.

Only the Detail Band is needed to build a simple report. The fields you wish to display can be
dragged from the "Field List" and when the report is executed these fields will show with all the
records exiting in the table.
You can use the xtraReport object's Grid "FilterString" property (select the xtraReport in the Report
Explorer Window). This property must contain the expression criteria (WHERE (Es. [col] > 0, where
"col" is the name of a data table column).
You will need to insert a Group Header Band and use the "GroupFields" property for setting the
second field to group data. You can also specify the data order in the same property.
Data Summary
The report can execute summaries (totals, counts, averages,..) on data groups. This is done by
inserting a "Label" band, linked to a field from the Field List. The "Label's" "Summary" property
allows you to set the summary type you wish to create using the dialog window which contains:

Bound field: name of field in which operation is to be executed

Summary function: operation type to be executed
Format string: format type for results where you can add measure units as text
Ignore NULL values: specifies whether or not to ignore NULL field value records
Summary Running: defines the environment in which to execute the operation.
Obtains these values:
o None = no calculation
o Group = executed for all group members. This value resets at the
beginning of the next group
o Page = executed for the values presented on one page
o Report = executed for all the values in the report

24.3.1. How to create a Report

This is an example to show you how to create a report using the Report Designer for displaying data
recorded by a Data Logger:



First create a new project and insert a Data Logger for recording three temperatures. Set
three Float variables and call them "Temp_A", "Temp_B" and "Temp_C". Then add three
columns to the Data Logger, set a 1 minute recording time and generate the table using the
"Create Table" command from the Data Logger's "Database Options".
Now proceed with creating the Report. Click on the "Edit Report File" command from the Data
Logger's General properties to open the Report Designer window. The ODBC link to be used
will automatically be passed to the Report Designer and therefore the Data Logger table
structure with relating fields should be ready and available in the "Field List" window.
The window's center pain is the workspace and will appear completely empty. Here you will
need to add the different report sections one at a time.


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First start with inserting the sections, or Bands, to be displayed in the report. Normally the
"detail" band is the most important one because this is where the data to be displayed is
inserted. To insert a Band right click on the report workspace and select the "Insert Band"
item and add the "TopMargin" Band. Only one Band per page can be inserted and represents
the pages top limit. Now add a horizontal line and a label, with Movicon written inside, within
the Band by selecting and inserting the "Line" object from the "Standards Controls" window
located to the right of the editor window and drag it horizontally across Band. Then select
and insert the "Label" object in the Band, right click it to open its "Property Grid" window, or
click on the arrow which appears on the top right of the control to access its main properties,
and insert "Movicon" in its "Text" property.


Now insert the "ReportHeader" Band. This Band represents the report's heading and will be
printed at the beginning of the report on the first page only. To insert the heading select and
insert another label into the "ReportHeader" band, size it and through its properties give it a


color and insert the "Temperature Trend" heading in the text property. Then apply bold and
change the heading font size and center it within the label.


Insert the "PageHeader" Band. This Band represents the page heading and is printed at the
top of every page. Insert a "Label" in this Pageheader band with text as "Print Date". Then
insert an "PageInfo" object with the Label and select the "DateTime" item in its PageInfo
property field. After which click on arrow, to the top right, to open the "XRPageInfoTasks"
window edit the data and time format through the "Format" field as desired.


The aim of this report is to create and display a table with date retrieved from the database.
In order to do this, insert the "GroupHeader" Band. This Band is used for showing a group
heading and there can be more than one in a report. This group header will represent the
beginning of a data group and you will only need to insert one group to achieve the aim of
our project. In this band a line is to be inserted with the headings of the table columns.
Therefore add a "Table" object from the "Standard Controls" window. The Table object is
inserted with three columns for default but you will need four, so select the object and right
click to add another column using the "Insert - Column To Left" command. Now size the
columns to fit across the page and insert headings to be displayed in each cell's tasks
properties done by clicking top right arrow to open each cell's tasks window. The texts for the
four columns are "DateTime", "Temp_A", "Temp_B" and "Temp_C".


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


Insert the "Detail" Band. This Band will contain the data to be displayed for the data group.
Here you must create a table with the same sizes inserted for the "GroupHeader" or
copy&paste the table to save time. After you have done this, associate each table cell with
the database field from which data is be retrieved. First start by selecting the first cell on the
left and open its task window. Then select the "LocalCol" table column from the "Data
Binding" field.

Perform this operation for the other three columns by associating the "Temp_A", "Temp_B"
and "Temp_C" field respectively. Also set each cell with a data format where the "LocalCol"
column will be in "Date" format and the other remaining three will be "Float" type.




Insert the "GroupFooter" Band. This Band closes the group and always corresponds to the
"GroupHeader". This Band will show the average values extracted for the three temperature
columns. Insert another table with four fields columns as before. The first field just add
"Average Values" as text. Select the second field, open its tasks window and click on the
"Summary" field to open another window where you can define the formula to apply to the
field. The window items must be compiled as follows:

Bound field: select the table field in which to apply the formula, in our case
Summary function: select the function type to apply, in our case "Avg"
Format string: define the data format type, in our case "Float"
Ignore NULL values: enable this check box when wishing to ignore null values
Summary Running: select which environment to run operation, in our the case

Repeat the same procedure for the other two "Temp_B" and "Temp_C" table fields. Apply a
background color to average values table.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


Insert the "ReportFooter" Band. This Band will printed at the end of the report at the last
page. This Band is will be inserted with a field so that the operator can enter notes. Simply
insert a "Label" and three lines and modify them into dotted lines.

10. Insert the "PageFooter" Band. This Band closes each report page. In this Band you are going
to insert a field for display the page number. Therefore add a "Label" with the "Pag." text and
a "PageInfo" field and select the data type to be displayed, ie. "NumberOfTotal" (displays the
current page and the total number of pages).



11. Insert The "ButtomMargin" Band. Only one of these a page can be inserted and represents
the page's bottom limit. Add a horizontal line in the Band just like the one inserted in the
"TopMargin" Band.

12. This ends the report and if you have data already in the database you can see how it will look
by clicking on the "Preview" tab on the bottom Report Designer Bar to get a report preview.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

You can also preview the report at any time while creating it in order to see how the report
is coming along and if it needs changing or adding to.
13. Save the report and close the Report Designer to return back to the Movicon project. At this
point insert a new screen in the project and insert the following objects into it:

a "Data Logger-Recipe" window, to which the previously created Data Logger will
be associated, for displaying recorded data. By using the window's "Print" button
you can get a direct printout without previewing the report first (the printer preset
in the OS will be used)
three meters or Displays for modifying the three "Temp_A", "Temp_B" and
"Temp_C" temperature variables.
A Button to which the "Report-Recipe" command shall be associated to. Select the
previously created Data Logger in this command and in the "Action" field select the
"View" item. This button will be used for opening the report in preview mode.

Now you can run the project and after having recorded data, test the report out.
Not all the Bands provided have been used in this example, but as mentioned at the beginning this is
just an example and there are no set rules as to which ones to use and therefore it is the
programmer's discretion to choose those most suited.



24.3.2. Reports and Viewing Data via WEB

Movicon allows you to use the Web to view data recorded by Data Loggers and Recipes. This is
easily done by using the two commands available from a menu which appears with a right click on
the Data Logger or Recipe object:

Create Web Report Page: This command creates the Web page for displaying Reports
asscoiated to Data Loggers or Recipes. In this case you will need to create and associate a
Report to the data Logger/Recipe of interest beforehand using the Report Designer ("Report
File" property).
Create Web Dataview Page: This command creates the Web page for displaying Data
Logger or Recipe data through the web. In this case, data will be displayed in table format
and therefore you will not need to associate a Report to the DataLogger or Recipe.

As for the Web Client, Reports via Web are also published using the Web Server (i.e. Internet
Information Services). All the files needed are created by Movicon for default in the project's
"DLOGGERS" subfolder, and more precisely in:

Creating WEB pages

Right Click on the name of the Data Logger/Recipe of interest directly in the Movicon programming
environment (Design Mode), then use the "Create Web Report Page" or "Create Web Dataview Page"
command. The window used for enabling the Virtual Directory for the Web Server will appear upon
confirming the command chosen:

If you confirm the creation of the Virtual Directory, the following window will appear only if you are
using Windows XP and NOT Windows 8/7:

This window belongs to the operating system and is the same one which appears when running
applications using the "Run as.." command. Therefore the application can be run using the user


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

specified, and not the user active in the operating system at that very moment. The user you select
for creating the virtual directory with must have Administrator rights.
PAY ATTENTION! To make Movicon creates the virtual directory
automatically you must disable the "Protect my computer and data
from unauthorized program activity" option. If you leave this option
marked, the virtual directory will not get created leaving you to do it
manually by means of using the IIS. This is due to the fact that the
application is run with user right restrictions making it impossible to create
virtual directories. Therefore you either disable this option by unmarking it or
you run the application by selecting the 'The following User:' option.
When confirming the procedures you have selected, Movicon will ask whether you wish to test the

When answering with 'Yes' the system's default browser will open with the specified URL in function
with the local path for pointing to the report page created (page aspx). Answer No if you wish to
carry out this test later on.
At this point, the browser functionality for accessing the report page should be working correctly.
The same aspx page can be pointed to by using other browsers by simply replacing
"Http:\\localhost" with the IP address or the name of the server recognized on the net.

Recurring Errors
After having created Web pages you may find that you have problems trying to display them even
though created correctly, i.e. with IIS. If any errors should occur please verify the following:


The Virtual Directory must be positioned outside the "Documents & Settings" folder (if using
Windows XP) or the "Users" folder (if using Windows 8/7). Otherwise the ASP.NET user may
be denied the right to read the virtual directory. Therefore, the project, or at least the aspx
file, should be moved to another folder, such as the "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot" folder, that is not
linked to any specified user.
"ASPNET" is the default user used by the ASP.NET for accessing the virtual directory. If any
problems occur when accessing, check for users and their credentials.
The .NET2 Framework must be installed.
If you have to install .NET Framework 1 after having installed .NET
Framework 2, you must first remove .NET Framework 2, then install .NET
Framework 1 and then reinstall .NET Framework 2. If you do not follow this
procedure, you may have problems running applications that use .NET
framework 1.

Some of the most frequent errors are:

Access is denied
Description: An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve this request. You
might not have permission to view the requested resources.
Error message 401.3: You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the
credentials you supplied (access denied due to Access Control Lists)...
Solution: this may have been caused by the fact that the Movicon project had been saved in a
folder that the user used by ASP.NET does not have access to. For instance, an operating system or
desktop user's "Documents" folder. In this case the "Create Web Report Page" and "Create Web
Dataview Page" also create and publish all the necessary files in a project subfolder, and therefore
the user used by ASP.NET may not be able to execute the aspx code within this folder. The best



solution would be to move the project, or at least the aspx files, to another folder that is not read by
just one specific user, such as the "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot" folder for instance.
Failed to access IIS metabase
Details: System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironmentException: Failed to access IIS metabase.
The process account used to run ASP.NET must have read access to the IIS metabase (e.g.
IIS://servername/W3SVC). For information on modifying metabase permissions, please see
Solution: this may have been caused by the fact that the IIS and .NET Framework had not been
installed in the right order. The IIS must be installed first, then the .NET Framework. If you do this
in the reverse, the IIS configuration for managing .NET pages will not install everything correctly (ie.
the "ASPNET" user may not get created), generating the error indicated above.
To solve this problem, you will need to go to the Framework installation folder (usually
windows\microsoft.net\framework\frameworkversion) and launch this command:
aspnet_regiis.exe -i
this command installs the Framework version updating the metabase etc.
Server error in 'DATALOGGER_NAME\REPORT' application
Description: Exception not managed during currrent Web request. For further information on error
and point of origin in code, see stack analysis.
Exception Details: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR[IM014][Microsoft][Driver Manager
ODBC] Error corresponding to architecture between drive and application in specified DSN.
Solution: in 64bit operating system machines you will need to creat a 64 bit ODBC manually form
the "Control Panel - Administration Tools - ODBC Data Origin" which connect the Data Base used by
the Data Logger and Recipe resources.

24.4. Crystal Report

Crystal Report is a very userfriendly and powerful tool for creating basic graphics dedicated to data
lists, tables, reports and any other graphical format formats for presenting database data tables
created with the Movicon recording tools.
Report pages created with Crystal Report will have the ".rpt" extension. These reports must be
generated using this tool, purchased separately, and they will be linked to the data table generated
by Movicon.
Movicon supports Crystal Report version 10.0.

24.4.1. Creating Reports with Crystal Report

The procedures for creating data reports using the integrated Crystal Report with Movicon are
described below. In order for these procedures to work properly you will need to use the Crystal
Report version 10.0 .
Let's suppose we want to create a project containing a DataLogger which records three Movicon
system variables, in order to simulate a random distribution of values recorded in intervals of five
seconds between each one. The project must be started up at least once (with ALT-F12 or with the
run button) to allow Movicon to create the database.
The next step involves the use of the Crystal Report for creating the report required. When the
program is started up a screen is displayed showing a dialog window asking you to choose a report
type: select the "Standard" type and click the "OK" button to continue.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Crystal Report: New Project

Now a list of the types of database connections will be displayed in a tree structure: click to extend
the "Create New Connection" node and select "ODBC (RDO)". A list of already existing connections
will appear among which you should find the one created previously by the project, with the name
defined as "ProjectName_DLR". By clicking on "Next" a request to enter User Name and Password
for the database will appear: leave these fields blank and click on "End".

Crystal Report: Create a new ODBC Connection

At this point select the chosen ODBC connection to get the list of its table names (in the example
shown the table is called "LogExample" like the DataLogger's name). Click on the button with the
arrows pointing towards the right to add the item to the list of selected tables and click on "Next".



Crystal Report: Add Table

On the next page you will find the fields in the previous selected table listed on the left; double left
click on the fields or select them and click on the arrows pointing right to add the fields to the list on
the right which contains the database fields which are to be shown on the report.

Crystal Report: Add the fields to be displayed

Click on "Next" to group the gathered data into one or more columns and, on the next page, set the
data filters. To conclude, choose a template for displaying the data from the last page. If you want
to create a simple list without any graphic items just select 'No Template' from the list.


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Crystal Report: Choose Template

Click "End" to open the report you have just created using the procedures above. You can adapt the
report by using the Cyrstal Report function to suit your needs by adding information on data or
calculations on values like average values, sum of data, ecc. (see Crystal Report documentation for
Save the report on file to end the report creating procedures.

Crystal Report: End Result

You now need to link the report file to the Movicon Datalogger. Open the project and display the
DataLogger's properties window. In the "General" properties, click on "Report File and type in the
name of the previously created Crystal Reports (.rpt). Click on "OK" and the name of the file will
display in the DataLogger property. By doing this you will be able to display the report directly from
the screen during runtime. To do this, add a button to the screen and select the "Report Command"
by specifying "View" as its action and the name of the DataLogger as the object. When this button
is clicked on during the runtime mode the Movicon Report Viewer should open and display.



Movicon: Chosen Report File

24.5. Textual Reports

Movicon allows you to use and manage simple textual reports. This report function's logic is based
on a layout "template" file which the report file structure is defined. This layout supports fields with
special syntax, with which variables or Data Logger or Historical Log fields are to be viewed and in
which format. The textual reports can also be of "mixed" type, meaning that they can display values
of some variables together with Data Logger or Historical Log field values in the same one report. In
addition, there are other special fields for date and time printouts and page number. The layout file
must be in a format that can be opened in text mode (ie. Rich Text Format or Text).
The textual reports are also supported in runtime for Windows CE, which
allows simple reports to be viewed, printed and saved.
The Textual reports can be used for visualizing Data Logger/Recipe data
or data from the Historical Log tables as well (in this case, the data
extraction query is executed in the Alarms table as well).
Below are listed the commands which have been provided in the Command List's "Report-Recipe"
and "Alarm" category for supporting the textual report management:
View Textual Report
Print Textual Report
Save Textual Report
Append Textual Report
All these commands are synchronous to the user interface. This means that the project's user
interface objects cannot be accessed until the command has been completely executed. For instance,
the "View Textual Report" command requires that you close the application that opened the
temporary file before using this command.
The commands listed above also need you to set parameters, found in the Command List's "ReportRecipe" and "Alarm" category and listed below:
Data Logger-Recipe
Textual Report Template File (Layot File)
Textual Report Destination File
Textual Report Query
Textual Report Max Pages


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For further information on the above listed commands and parameters please refer to the "Textual
Report Commands and Parameters" section.
The " Layout File" will be searched for in the project's resource folder by
default if no path is specified.
The "Destination File" will be created in the project's "DLOGGERS" folder
for default if no path is specified.
The command for managing Textual Reports can be also executed using
the "ExecuteCommand()" script function.
If a command for managing a Textual Report fails, the cause of the error will be reported in the
project's Historical Log and Output Window. The list of error messages and their causes is reported
in the paragraph titled "Textual Report Errors".

Template for Textual Reports (Layout File)

The Template document (Layout File) must be text type. The formats supported are ascii and
unicode (.txt) generic text files and "Rich Text Format" (.rtf) files. To edit this document you will
need to use an external program (not currently provided internal Movicon). We recommend you use
"Notepad" for generic text files and "WordPad" for "Rich Text Format" files.
We advise against using "Microsoft Word" for editing "Rich Text
Format" files. The main reason being is that when saving "Microsoft
Word" files format characters are added between special fields by
the textual report parser. As a consequence, these special fields
cannot be viewed unless by re-opening the file with WordPad, reformatting and saving it again.
In addition to normal text in the Layout File, you can also insert fields with special syntaxes. These
fields determine the point in which the textual report manager must insert variable values or Data
Logger or Historical Log data. The square brackets are used for determining the beginning and the
end of a special field. The special fields can be as follows:
Variable Field
You must use the following syntax to insert a variable value from the project's RealTimeDB:
The "Variable" part indicates the name of a project variable. The special field is therefore replaced
with the variable's actual value upon the moment the command is executed. If this variable does not
exist, the special field is deleted and replaced with an empty text.
The "Format" part indicates the format to be used for representing the variable's value (see
paragraph "Data Formats" for further details). When the variable is string type and you need that a
fixed number of characters be printed in order not to mismatch format alignments, insert the same
number of "x" as there are characters to be printed in the "Format" parameter:
In the example above, after having inserted 10 "x", the number of characters that will be printed will
be equal to 10. When the string is composed of number less than 10 characters, a number of spaces
equal to the number of characters missing will be inserted. Control checks are only made if the
number of characters is less than the number set. If the string exceeds the set number of
characters, all of the string's characters will be printed.
Data Logger or Historical Log Field
To insert a Data Logger or Historical Log column value you must used the following syntax:
The "Column" part indicates the name of the Data Logger or Historical Log column to be displayed.
The special field is then replaced with the value of the column presented in the data extracted from
the Data Logger or Historical Log, using the row currently in use (the first row if command for next
row has not been used). This special field will be deleted and replaced with an empty text, if the
column does not exist in the data set extracted from the Data Logger or Historical Log.



The "Format" part indicated the format to use for representing the field value (see paragraph "Data
Formats" for further details). When the data base field is string type and you need that a fixed
number of characters be printed in order not to mismatch format alignments, insert the same
number of "x" as there are characters to be printed in the "Format" parameter:
In the example above, after having inserted 10 "x", the number of characters that will be printed will
be equal to 10. When the string is composed of number less than 10 characters, a number of spaces
equal to the number of characters missing will be inserted. Control checks are only made if the
number of characters is less than the number set. If the string exceeds the set number of
characters, all of the string's characters will be printed.
Data Logger or Historical Log next row field
To insert the next value of a Data Logger or Historical Log column you must use the following
In this case and different to the previous command, the data set pointer is moved to the next row
before retrieving the column's value.
Page Number Field
To insert a Page number field you must use this syntax:
This special field is replaced with the current page number when command creates more pages. The
page number is set to the "1" value at the command start and increases every time a new page of
data needs to be created by re-reading the Layout File.
Date Field
To insert a Date field you must use this syntax:
This special field is replaced with the current operating system's date upon command execution. The
date is formatted using the operating system's local settings for short date.
Time field
To insert a Time field you must use this syntax:
This special field is replaced with the operating system's current time upon command execution. The
time is formatted using the operating system's settings.

Viewing Data Logger or Historical Log values

When the Data Logger or Historical Log fields are displayed in the Textual Report the moment the
report is opened a data recordset is passed depending on the selection query set (if no query has
been set all the table's records will be loaded). The values of the recordset's first record are
displayed at this point on the report page. If there are other records, the pointer will then be
increased and the new record data will be inserted on a new report page. In this way, the number of
report pages will be the same number for records resulting from the selection query.
The report example below shows how values are displayed for project values and Data Logger fields.
In this case the same number of report pages will be created for the number of records selected by
the data extraction query.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

In order to display recordset data in table mode on the same page, you will need to insert the same
database field many times using the syntax used for pointing to next record ([!$Column$|Format]).
By doing this the records will display on the same report page. However, a new report page will be
created if the number of records selected is higher than the number of rows set in the report.
The below report example shows how Data Logger values are displayed in table format.



24.5.1. Textual Report Commands and Parameters

A series of commands for the Command List's "Report-Recipe" and "Alarm" categories has been
made available to support the textual report management. These commands can be selected within
the "Action" field.
When these commands are executed from the "Report-Recipe" category, the reference table, from
where data is to be extracted, will be the one connect to the Data Logger/Recipe selected in the
"Data Logger/Recipe". However,when the commands are executed from the "Alarm" category, the
reference table where data is to be extracted from will be the Historical Log's Alarms table.
Nevertheless, you can still also extract data from any one of the other Historical Log tables (Drivers
and SysMsgs) by specifying the name of the table in the data extraction query using the "Textual
Report Query" property.
The commands now available for Textural Reports are:



This command opens a window to view the textual report.

This command reads the layout file ("Textual Report-Layout
File" parameter), interprets the special fields and creats the
documents that have the same extension of that layout file.
Also see the "Textul Report" section.


This command sends textual report to printer for printing.

The Windows default printer can be used or the one
predefined in the "Report/Recipe Commands Printer" or
"Alarm Commands- Printer" properties. A selection window
can also be used for selecting one by enabling the
"Report/Recipe Commands- Chose Printer" or "Alarm
Commands - Chose Printer" options. This command reads the
layout file parameter ("Textual Report-Layout File"
parameter), interprets the special fields, opens a channel with
the predefined printer and sends the page/s to be printed.
The print command manages a few formats for "Rich Text
Fort" (RIF) documents, while all the other document types
are printed exactly as the file contents are arranged. As a
consequence we advice you against printing documents that
are not text or rtf format.
In cases where the RTF document contains unsupported
format, an error will be printed in the output window and the
print will be aborted. The formats which are supported are:

Text alignment: left, center and right

Font: type, size, italics, bold, bold italic, underlined
Tabulations and tab position markers
Paragraph: left, right and first line indent
Text color: even when print is only done in black text

Also see the "Textul Report" section.


This command creates and saves a new textual report file.

This report file will have the same file name set in the
"Textual Report - Destination File" parameter, with a suffix
added on showing the system's date and time when
command was executed. The data and time is always added
using the "ddmmyyyyhhnnss" format. The report file is
created the layout file set in the "Textual Report-Layout File"
Also see the "Textul Report" section.


This command adds a new page to textual report file set in

the "Textual Report - Destination File" parameter. This report
file is created for the first time when not already existing,
after which a new page is added to the queue each time this
command is executed. Pages are added using the layout file


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

set in the"Textual Report-Layout File" parameter.

The difference between the "Append" command and the
"Save" command in cases where data is taken from a Data
Logger ,is that "Append" command adds a page only
independently from the amount of data in the recordset
retrieved from the Data Logger.
Also see the "Textul Report" section.

In addition to these commands some other properties have also been made available in the "ReportRecipe" and "Alarm" properties used for configuring Textual reports:
Report Template File
The textual report's Layout File name which in addition formatting, contains the special fields to be
used and described in the "Template for Textual Reports (Layout File)" paragraph. If the file path is
not specified, it will be searched for in the project's Resource folder.
Report Destination File
File name with which to save textual report. This parameter is only requested by the "Save Textual
Report" and "Append Textual Report" commands. If the file path is not specified, it will be created in
the project's "DLOGGERS" folder.

24.5.2. Text Error Report

The Text Report manager may notify error messages following command execution. These error
messages are recorded in the Historical Log and printed in the Output Window. The possible error
messages are:

TXT Report - Format string not correct. Format: '%s' Field: '%s'
A special filed has an invalid format string for that type of data (i.e.. [<WordVariable>|%s]). The
format and the special field are indicated in the message text and can be traced in the Layout File.
TXT Report - Max number of pages exceeded for the command '%s'
The report printout (in printer of file) has been interrupted due to exceeding the maximum page limit
set as command parameter. The last report file page will show the "Max number of pages exceeded"
notifying the user that the printing out of this file has not been completed with the data requested.
TXT Report - Error appending the report file ('%s')
The "Appending" command has failed because it was not possible to open in write the report file set
in the command. This may have been due to path setting error or file access has been denied due to
invalid access rights.
TXT Report - Error saving the report file ('%s')
The "Save" command has failed because the report file set in the command could not be open in
write. This may have been caused by path setting error.
TXT Report - Error opening the report file ('%s')
The Layout File set in the command could not be opened. This may have been caused by an error in
the path setting or file name, or insufficient access rights to this file.
TXT Report - Printer not available
The "Print " command failed because the operating system's preset printer could not be found.
TXT Report - View application not found
The "View" command failed because the operating system's preset application to be used for
opening the report file set in the command could not be found. Check to see if the report file's
extension is correct.
TXT Report - Report file format not supported ('%s')
The Layout File format is not supported, for instance, file may not be text but binary.



TXT Report - Cannot open DB for Datalogger '%s'

The Data Logger set in the command is not valid and cannot be opened in write, or the query set in
the command is not valid. Further messages may be saved in the DBMS Log following this error
TXT Report - The report '%s' cannot be printed because it has an unsupported format
(command not supported: '%s')
The report cannot be printed because it contains text control characters with are not supported. The
unsupported text control character that interrupted the print procedure will be highlighted in the
message text.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


25. Child Projects

Movicon allows you to structure projects by
decentralizing resources in other projects (child) with
dynamic relationships, giving you the possibility to
distribute your projects.
Movicon has a powerful and innovative feature, which allows you to face new challenges in planning
supervision systems. "Child Projects" are normal Movicon projects which, even when planned to
function independently, are linked to parent projects creating a "Parent-Child" relationship where the
Parent project is provided with all the resources of the Child project as if they were its own.
One project can be associated with many Child projects which can then
become Parent projects and have their own Child projects. Therefore you
can create a true and real dropdown family tree of projects.
Warning! Alarms from Child projects cannot be visualized in the Parent project
because the Alarm Window in Parent projects is unable to displayed alarms from
Child projects. In addition, "Embedded Screen" or "Tab Group" objects can not
be used in Parent project screens to display Child project Alarm windows. In
this case, Alarm Windows displayed as such in "Embedded Screen" or "Tab
Group" objects will remain blank. To display alarms of a Child project you will
need to open the open the Child project screen containing the Alarm Window.
This opens the way to many types of advantages. Let's look at the main ones:

Distributed Projects
Projects structured with Parent-Child relationships provide many advantages to companies working in
teams. In respect to the traditional technologies, where many people work using and sharing tasks in
the same project, Movicon offers the possibility to distribute work in different projects independently
where the Team Leader can have, in their own Parent Project, all the resources of the Child Projects
of its collaborators, who can also completely work independently.
The Father Project is provided with all its children's resources internally, without any resource name
distinction or duplication, as the name difference is governed by the child project's path. Therefore,
for instance, a VAR0001 may co-exist in the parent project as well as in the child project because
individualized by the project's name and path.

Note: This architecture provides the automatic startup of child projects in Run when the
Parent project Run is started up. This option is found in the Project's "Child Project Options
Settings" properties.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

A traditional Project team structure diagram

A distributed project structure diagram of Parent-Child

project relationships

Distributed Run
The Father-Child Project relationship is very useful for modular systems or machines where, for
instance, the plant is divided into zones which can also be independent from one to another. In a
situation like this you can create more projects, one for each zone, and then integrate them into one
Father project from which you can access the pages and the variables of the Child projects.
An automation line is composed of 3 independent machines. Each machine has its own project run
locally on its PC. The machines are then integrated into a production line and linked to a main
Supervision PC.
The big advantages Movicon gives you not only involve drastic development time reductions but also
the chance to create a main supervision project such as the "Parent Project" and three
"Child Projects" representing the three individual machines, which reside in local PCs.
In this way, the parent project can automatically be provided with all the individual variables of the
various child projects, to produce general summary screen layouts. By using these general layout
screens, residing in the parent project, you can then open the screens of each individual
machine by simply opening the child project screens, which reside locally in the machines' PCs, in
the father project. Not only do you save time but you get the advantage of having any future
modifications executed on the machines will automatically be executed in the main
supervisor as well.


Note: In the example indicated for this architecture, the automatic child project startup with
the Parent project run startup, option provided in the Project "Child Project Options Settings"
properties, is not required (being independent projects). However, the child projects must be
entered with the Server project's (Supervisor) IP address in their settings.



This figure illustrates an automation system composed of

one Server project (Supervisor) being the "Parent Project"
of three individual local machine projects being the "Child

Client-Server with Child Projects

Parent-Child Projects may also be very useful in situations when needing a Server station and a
certain number <n> of the "same" Client projects.
In this case, by using the "Parent-Child" relationship you can create child projects which can be
easily be distributed in any PC network that won't need modifying if the Server has to be modified.
In order to do this just create an 'empty' Client project and setup a " project within to correspond to
the Server project.
The child project can reside in the Client physically (by making an exact copy of the Server project
beforehand) or it can be directly linked to the Server project via net. This second configuration
will allow you to use the same identical Client project in any PC connected in net. Any
client can connect to the Server PC to run project files.
Furthermore, this technique automatically provides you with software centralization: any
modifications executed on the Server will automatically be available to all clients.

Client-Server structure with Parent (Client) - Child (Server)


Note: In the example indicated for this architecture, the automatic child project startup with
the Parent project run startup, option provided in the Project "Child Project Options Settings"


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

properties, is not required (being independent projects). However, child projects must be
entered with the Server project's (Supervisor) IP address in their settings.
In this context it is important to specify that the port number set in the Parent
project's networking services are different from the ones set for child projects and
the child projects' ports are different from each other. For instance, if you had two
child projects called ProjectA and ProjectB, ProjectA's port would be set to the 12233 value,
ProjectB's port set to the 12234 value and the Parent Project's port would be set to the 12235
value. You must also keep in mind that any server projects corresponding to the various
child projects should have the same port value set for the various clients. Therefore in our
example, ProjectA's Server's port would be set to the 12233 value and ProjectB's Server's
port would be set to the 12234 value. If this is not done correctly, you may have some
problems when a Web Client or a Client needs to be connected to the Parent project. In fact,
if you open a child screen from the Parent project, and since the screen's variable has to be
connected to the network server configured within the child project, Movicon will run the
network services for that specific child project. If the child project uses the same port as the
parent, this will cause them to have conflicts with each other.

25.1.1. Child Project Paths

The 'Child Projects' can be retrieved both with a local PC path in which the 'Parent Project' resides
and with a network path.
When the Child project is local, it would be to your advantage to insert the folder containing the
"Child Project" in the "Parent Project" folder, even though in reality it should be possible to set any
path. In this way, however, it makes it easier because the search path of the "Child Project" will
always be related to that of the "Parent Project", therefore by moving all of the "Parent Project'"
folder in a different path or to another PC, will not cause any problems of unfound absolute paths.
When the "Child Project" is in the "My Documents" folder the search is always carried in relation to
the "My Documents" folder of the user logged on to the operating system at that moment.
When the 'Child Project' is in another folder or in a computer working in net, the search path is a
fixed one. In this case it is best to emphasize that the folders from the PC are to be shared.
When possible it is always best to insert the 'Child Project' inside the
'Parent Project' folder or subfolder to avoid absolute search paths errors.

25.1.2. Child Project Resource Access

One of the great uses of using 'Child Projects' is that they have the same resources of their 'Parent
Project' which can be accessed from both projects. For instance a 'Parent Project' may need to call
up a screen of the Child Project and vice-versa.
The pages of both projects may be displayed during Runtime without realizing that they come from
different projects.
In the programming phase, resource access between Parent and Child projects simply requires only
one syntax. Normally in the browse window for selecting the Parent project's resources you can also
see the Child project's resources. This makes it easier to select the resource desired. However the
Parent project's resources cannot be seen in the Child project therefore it is necessary to type in the
name of the interested resource.
The syntax needed for accessing the Child Project's resources from the Parent project is as follows:
for example:
Childroject\Screen 1
ChildProject\Basic Script 1
ChildProject\Menu 1
The syntax for accessing the Parent project's resources from the Child Project is as follows:




for example:
..\Screen 1
..\Basic Script 1
..\Menu 1
It must be taken into account that there could be different nesting levels. For instance, if you have a
"Father Project" with two "child projects, "Child Project 1" and "Child Project 2" you can access the
"Child Project 2" resources from "Child Project 1" by using the following syntax:
For instance:
..\ChildProject2\Screen 1
..\ChildProject2\Basic Script 1
..\ChildProject2\Menu 1
The other possibility would be to have a father project and a child project which itself has a further
child project. Therefore you would have a "Father Project", a "Child Project" and a "Child Project2".
In this case the syntax for accessing the "Child Project 2's resources" from the "Father Project"
would be:
for instance:
ChildProject\ChildProject2\Screen 1
ChildProject\ChildProject2\Basic Script 1
ChildProject\ChildProject2\Menu 1
The syntax for accessing the resources of the "Father Project" from the "Child Project2" would be:
for instance:
..\..\Screen 1
..\..\Basic Script 1
..\..\Menu 1
Caution! If local screen variables have been set in the screen you are working in,
the syntax to access the parent project variables may be different. When the
parent project variable has the same name as the local variable you must use
the following syntax:
..\..\<variable name>
The suffix"..\" is used for returning back one hierarchy on the variable's access.
The hierarchy is:
Local Screen Variables -> Project Variables -> Parent Project Variables
It is also possible to use variables between Parent and Child project in basic
script expressions of objects. In this case however, you must take into
consideration that local variables are not supported in basic script expressions.
Therefore if you want to insert a basic script expression in a Child project's
object, the syntax would be for example:
[VAR00001] + [VAR00002] -> variables are loaded from the Child project
[..\VAR00001] + [..\VAR00002] -> variables are loaded from the Parent project
[..\..\VAR00001] + [..\..\VAR00002] -> no variables will be loaded because
there is an error in the reference


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Database Viewer
Data from the Child Project's Database can be displayed by the Parent Project. By using the
execution properties of the "Log Window", "DataLogger Window" and "TraceDB Window"
objects you can select the 'Child Project' name to be linked in order to view its data.

25.1.3. Strings in Child Projects

Each Child Project could have his activation language context and his local languages. The Child
Project first will find the String ID in the local string and if it doesn't exist then the string will be find
in the Father Project String Table. In this way is not necessary copy the Child Project strings in the
Father Project strings.

25.1.4. Child Project Users Inclusion

The User and Password management internal 'Child Projects' dependents exclusively on settings
carried out in the 'Parent Project'. When the Password management is enabled in the 'Parent Project'
this means that it will also be active in 'Child Project'. On the other hand, when it is not active in the
Parent Project it won't be active in the 'Child Project'.
When the Password management is active, the 'Parent Project' users will be enabled, and therefore
can also access the project commands of the 'Child Project' if they have requested rights to do so.
The 'Child Project' Users are only active when they have been enabled in the settings of the Parent
Project's "Include Child Project Users" group in the "Users and User Groups Child Project
Option Properties". In addition to this the Child Project User Max Level can also be specified for
which the users must have in order to log on. Users with higher levels will not be acknowledged and
denied access.


26. Networking
The Networking exploits the potentialities of protocols
capable of going on Ethernet networks for interlinking
Movicon workstations in Client/Server mode.
It is more than often that the distributed architecture of process control require plants to include
multiple workstations, control or display stations which are used through one or two PCs linked up
together in Ethernet network. Today's Ethernet network is the most used means of communication
due to its hi-performances/low cost ratio.
This means, however, that more tools are needed for interlinking more stations capable of sharing
process data.
Movicon nevertheless is able to satisfy these Networking connectivity requirements by exploiting the
TCP/IP, UDP, and HTTP protocols which are also used on the Ethernet network as being the most
widely used and fastest.
Two or more Movicon stations can be interlinked with just a few simple mouse clicks.
The remote link functions (Networking) are enabled in Runtime only
when the appropriate option on each hardware key of each PC station
(Client or Server) is active.
The variables in use in a Client and exchanged with the server will
naturally be in use in the server as well.

An example of the network architecture. Each PC station is

connect in LAN network in Client/Server architect. Each
Movicon station participant can read or write data to each


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

26.1.1. Network Installation

Before going ahead with connecting two Movicon stations in network you need to provide
connections of two PCs through a Ethernet network and install the TCP/IP protocol on the Microsoft
Windows operating systems.
We will describe the procedures needed for connecting up two Movicon stations to each other by
using a normal compatible Ethernet NE2000 card and the TCP/IP network protocol, which is
presented in the Windows operating system, as an example.
For any other network configuration permitting the use of the TCP/IP
protocol please refer to its instructions.
After having installed the network card in the PC bus and having provided the relative configuration
when a Plug & Play card is not being used, it is possible to use the Network functions from the
Windows Control Panel to install the card and protocol in the system.
When having activated the network functions from the control panel you need to proceed with
installing the card and protocol by using the Add button and selecting the item desired:
We will select the card type, the makers, any drivers needed etc for the card.
As for the protocol, in our example we will install the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol and configure it by
assigning a specific IP address, such as illustrated in the figure below:

Obviously each PC should receive in association its own IP address which

is expressed as being unique by the last two figures.
A check should be made at the re-startup of the system to see if the network has been connected
correctly and the protocol for the operating system is working properly.
In order to be completely sure that the TCP/IP network is working correctly you can use the
PING.EXE utility provided in all Microsoft systems.
To carry out a check use the Run command from the Start menu or start the DOS prompt, then write
the PING command followed by the IP address of the station whose connections you wish to check.



For instance, let's suppose we need to check the correct running of the communication towards the
PC connect in net whose IP address is, therefore we shall write:
DOS window responding to the call made should appear showing the connection which was carried

Only in this way can we be certain that the network has been installed correctly to be able to
connect data of the two Movicon stations.

26.1.2. Network Connection

After installing the network correctly you can proceed with connecting data from one Movicon station
to another.
Movicon permits one, a group or all the Real Time DB variables to be connected to the project
through as many Real Time DB variables of another Movicon applied project existing on the same
To configure the connection of variables of one project to the variables of another project, proceed
with using the "Variable Network Client Properties" through the 'Properties Window' to
configure the necessary variables.
When you wish to connect a group of variables (or all the Database) you need to selection the ones
needed and modify them through the "Variable Network Client Properties" from the 'Propertied

26.1.3. Exchanging Variables through a Network

Notification is given when communication takes place in the Movicon Network Client-Server
architecture for exchanging variables and those "Even-Driven", being every time data changes at
both Server and Client levels. Variable updating happens in the following modes:
When a Client variable, to be exchanged with the Server in "read" or "read/write" mode, is put into
use in the Client, its "subscription" is the first operation performed towards the Server. This consents
the Server to know that this variable must be kept updated. At this point, the Server will carry out
the first update to align the Client's value, after which further variable changes on the Server or
Client side will be notified. In addition,, the Client will use the time set in the "Network Client
Settings- Timeout(msec)" property for variable read refreshes. This means that if a variable is set
with "read" mode, a further change to this variable on the Client side will be subscribed again with
the Server's value after "Timeout" even when the variable on the Server side has not changed.
No variable "subscription" operations are performed towards the Server when a Client's variable, to
be exchanged with the Server in "Write" mode, is put in use on the Client side. However, each time
the variable in question changes, a update command will be sent to the Server. Furthermore, the
Client will use the time set in the "Network Client Settings- Timeout(msec)" for refreshing variables


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in write. This means that when a variable is set with "write" mode, a further change to this variable
on the Server side will overwrite it again with the Client's value after "Timeout" expires even when it
has not changed on the Client side.
It must be taken into consideration that if a variable is exchanged in "read" or "read/write" mode
when put in use on the Client, it is subscribed to the Server which updates it and then as soon as the
variable goes in use, its value will be updated on the Client side. If, however, a variable is exchanged
with "write" mode, nothing is notified to the Server when it goes in use unless it undergoes a
variation. In this case, you will notice that it will take a few seconds from the moment in which the
variable goes in use to the moment in which it is updated on the Server. This time is the one set in
the "Timeout (msec)" used for refreshing variables.

Using variables in scripts

When a variable is used within the script code, it might happen that a read or write command of this
variable must be executed twice before it is updated. This usually happens when the variable is put
in use by the same command and the script is executed for the first time:
Situations with Variables in "read" or "read/write" mode
A variable read command, such as a "GetVariableValue("VAR00001")", puts in use the variable the
moment it is executed followed by executing a subscription operation towards the Server. The
value returned by this function will be the variable's current value and not the one updated by the
Server, because the Server will not have carried out a variable refresh yet. A second execution of
this function will return the correct value if the Server manages to update the variable beforehand.
Situations with Variables in "write" mode
A variable write command, such as a "SetVariableValue("VAR00001", 1)", sets the variable and puts
it in use the moment it is executed. However, the fact that from the moment this variable goes in
use, its value does not change and is not updated on the Server side immediately but only after the
"Timeout (msec)" used for refreshing the variable has run out. However, if the variable changes
again after going in use, the command will be sent immediately to the Server.

Unicode String Variables

Messages travelling in the Networking system are converted into ANSI code. any string variables
containing Unicode texts are not however supported in this conversion in Movicon Networking.

26.1.4. Windows Terminal Server

The new Movicon Networking "Local Transport" management now allows easier project realization in
the Terminal Server environment. The Movicon Terminal Server instances and projects started up as
Service can communicate locally using the Networking and not the OPC (as was the case in the
To run Movicon from a Windows Terminal Server you need to use a certain configuration because
each Terminal Server client runs a different Movicon project session. The system configuration must
be done as follows:

The first Movicon project must be run as Service and has to manage field communications. It
must be a Network Server and all the its project variables must be exposed to the Clients.
The second project must be a Network Client of the previous project, it must enable the
"Local Transport" and it mustn't enable any communication driver. When the Client project is
run, it will acquire the variables from the Network Server project.
The Terminal Server session must run the Network Client project and NOT the Network
Server project, which is however managed as service.
The Movicon license must be NET type (network license) to enable a number of users equal
to the maximum number of Terminal Server connections desired at the same time.
Cases in which the Movicon Service is launched in a Windows Terminal
Server system, MoviconService.exe module, from remote control
(Desktop Remoto), it will not be necessary to have a NET key as Movicon
can work with a normal key without going into Demo Mode. However the
Movicon.exe and MoviconRunTime.exe modules will need to have a NET
licence in order to launched by remote control without going into Demo



The use of the Network Server-Client configuration is necessary because only one project must
execute the communication drivers. If the Terminal Server runs a new project session which has
been enabled with drivers there will be communication conflicts. Therefore the project, run from the
Terminal Server, must not have its communication drivers enabled and thus must retrieve data from
the field by exchanging variables through Networking from the Server project.
You must take into account that Log files will be created independently from both the Server and
Client projects. Therefore it will be necessary that the two ODBC connections are different (if the two
project names are different so will the ones for default be for the ODBC connections). If you want to
display the Server project's Historical Log from the Client project you must use the grid object.
As regards to DataLoggers and Recipe with the need for one data source only, you will have to
enable the registration in the Server project, set the Client project's ODBC connections to the Server
project's database and disable the DataLogger/Recipe registration in the Client project.
Starting from the 11.0.1018 and 11.1.1055 versions the local protocol can also be used in Windows
8/7 operating systems or later versions by launching the Server project as service. However you will
need to heed the following rules:


The service must be started up by a user with administrator rights and not a "LocalSystem"
user (default user)
If the Windows UAC is enabled, the Client project must be started up with the "Run As..."
specifying a Administrator User. It is for this reason that the "with Windows 8/7, the Local
Transport networking requires Administrator privileges. Please, run Movicon as
Administrator." message appears in the Client project in cased when the local protocol is
If the Windows UAC is not enabled, the user who starts up the Client project does not have
to be administrator but must be inserted in the 'Local Policy Settings' relating to the 'Create
Global Object' configuration parameters.
Warning message has only been inserted in the 11.1 version and appears
only when an error generates while installing the local protocol.
The Screen and basic script "OpenSafe" command uses the local protocol
for connecting to the instance variables in run mode. It is for this reason
that the instance in run mode must have privileges for opening the local
protocol port in listening mode.
Caution! In order to permit the Client project connect to Server correctly
using the "Local Transport" protocol, there should not be any sessions,
such as design mode, opened in Movicon. Otherwise the Server network
services will not initialize properly causing the Client to switch into
timeout when connecting to the Server.

26.1.5. Remote Project Debugging

The remote project debug function allows you to connect to other Movicon instances being run on
remote computers/devices (Windows 32/64 bit or WinCE). This makes it all possible to debug
projects in remote and above all those projects being run on WinCE platforms. This function exploits
a major part of the potentialities provided in the Movicon Networking.
The command to execute remote process debugs can be evoked in two modes:

by using the "Attach to Process" command from the ToolBar

by using the "Attach to Process" command from the Upload window in projects for WinCE

When executing the "Attach to Process" command a dialog window will open to insert the Server
to be connected to. The Server can be indicated by its set IP address or its name, or by searching for
it in the tree of connections available in the network to which the computer is connected.
Caution! the server's name or its IP address must be specified without
placing the "\" char. at the beginning.
After having set and confirmed the Server with OK, a second window will open requesting User
authentication. The User name and password are obligatory only when the project being run has
been enabled with the User management, otherwise click on the OK button straight away. When the


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

project has been enabled with the User management, the user must have administrator level (level
1023) in order to be authenticated and granted connection. Furthermore the project must be
enabled for remote debugging. This is done by enabling the "Debugger" option in the project's
"Networking Server" properties (default = false).
After this procedure the project is started up in the same mode as the non startable child project.
Therefore the variables in the controls are connected in dynamic mode ([\\NET]), the alarm, historic
data viewer windows and the scheduler window are connected to the Networking Server. In addition
to this all the project logic is not executed.
The remote debug provides the following functionalities:

The Watch window allows the data relating to the Server project to be displayed and to
monitor the variables in the Server
The 'Scripts' new Watch window allows you to verify which Scripts have been loaded in
memory and the total execution time of those in run mode. The debug window is opened by
double clicking on a script
A debug can be executed on the local and project IL logic (you can view the logic executed
locally in the "Local IL Logic Window")
The remote process can be restarted (not possible for the service). This possibility is
proposed when disconnecting from the Server. A window opens where you can restart the
project on the Server
Analyses the project statistics with the right debug window (not supported on WinCE)

Other things to consider:



The remote debug messages have the lowest priority, they do not influence the normal
running of the system where network traffic is concerned
The project to be connected to must be enabled with the "Networking Server" option (as well
as the "Debugger" option) in the Networking Services settings
The Networking default transport is used for connecting in remote debug, this is the one
selected in the "Client Network Settings" of the project to be connected to. This same
transport must also be enabled in the Server's "Networking Service" otherwise any attempt to
connect will fail
The screen's file path and name can be entered in the command line instead of those of the
project and are exploited by Movicon to execute the remote project debugging

26.2. Network Services Properties

The "Network Services" properties are used for defining the settings concerning both Server and
Client projects. This particularly includes the possibility to select and configure which protocol to use
for communicating through the Ethernet.
The available protocols are:

Some of the advanced protocol options may slow down
communications when dealing with big packets ("Sealing" and
"Enable Encryption" properties), or with supplementary operations
which the Server and Client must execute before sending packets
("Enable Compression" property).

26.2.1. Network Server Properties

The "Network Server" properties allow you to define the settings concerning the Server projects.



Network Server
This property is used for enabling or disabling the Network Server for the project in question.
Default Log On User
This property allows you to set the User that the Server project is to use for any anonymous remote
connections. Therefore any anonymous Client trying to connect to the Network Server will be
authenticated with the credentials of the user entered in this property. This option is only used when
the user management is active in the Server project and behaves in the following way:

A Web Client project will be automatically authenticated with the user set as "Default Log On
User" in the Server. Therefore no login window will appear.
A Network Client project without any user name entered for connecting to Server (Network
Client Settings -> User), will be authenticated with the same user set as the "Default Log On
User" in the Server. Therefore no "Network Server 'ServerName' Authentication failed"
message will appear in the Client log window. Also "Alarm Windows" and "Scheduler
Windows" will be authenticated using the user entered as the "Default Log On User" in the
This property is used for activating the debug function for the Networking communications.
Max # Clients
The maximum number of Client Stations, which can connect to the Server at the same time, is
entered in this edit box.
Max # Failing Actions
The maximum number of error packets which can arrived from a Client Station before it put into
quarantine is entered in this edit box.
Network Server Threading Pool
Number of threads to be used for handling Server packets. When inserting a number in the negative
the subdivision of threads will be done based on the number of processors in the PC.
Routing Table
This property is used for re-addressing messages on another Server. In this case the PC works as a
bridge. This maybe useful in situations where the destination Server is not visible from the source
Server, for instance, when the destination Server is part of a local Lan and access is gained through
a Server connected to internet.

26.2.2. Log and Security Properties

The "Log and Security" properties are used for defining the settings for the Log files inherent to the
network communications and any eventual filters on IP addresses which can access the Server.
This property allows you to enable or disable the recording of Log files relating to the Networking
communication information. The Log files are saved in the project's "NETLOG" folder in ASCII
format and contain information relating to the connection status, variable changes, etc.
Network Server log interpretation
Message types:
a. Variable subscription by a network client. Means that the variable in the client had gone
in use. No messages appear in the network server log in cases where the network client is
unable to get authenticated successfully on network server, or denied access to the variable
they want to subscribe.

Requested variable monitoring get (Local_I1, 0), Result = 1

b. Cancellation of a variable from the list of the one subscribed. Means that the variable in
client is no longer in use.

Stopped variable monitoring (Local_I1, 0), Result = 1

c. The network client has sent a request to the network server asking for a variable value.
The network server will send the value only if if has changed. This type of request occurs
for all subscribed variables by clients when the timeout, set in the client rules, expires, or


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

beforehand if the variable changed in the network server: in this case the network server
sends notification to the network client about variable changed, therefore the network client
will send a request to read new value.

Requested variable monitoring poll (Local_I1, 0), Result = 1

d. The network client has sent a variable value to the network server. Means that the
variable has changed value in the network client.

Requested variable set (Local_I1, 0), Result = 1

e. A webclient has connect to a network server screen.

Requested Open Screen (Screen1), Result =

Log File Size (Kb)

This property allows you to set the maximum size (in Kb) for each Log file. When this size is reached
the Log file will be closed and a new one will be created with a progressive number at the end.
Max. Log File Age (days)
This property allows you to set the maximum log file duration. When this limit has been reached,
expressed in days, Movicon will start to recycle by overwriting the files starting with the oldest ones.
Starting IP Address
Movicon allows IP address ranges to be set for which the Server will accept connection requests.
Addresses which are not in these ranges will be refused. In this property you can insert the start
addresses of the range desired.
Ending IP Address
Movicon allows you to set IP address ranges for which the Server will accept connection requests.
Addresses which are not in these ranges will be refused. In this property you can insert the ending
addresses of the range desired.
Clean Quarantine Address tick (min)
This property allows you to set every how many minutes the IP addresses in quarantine must be
cleaned. In this way any Client in quarantine can be accepted by the Server again if the request to
do so does not continue to generate an error.
Beep Under Attack
When enabling this property, the Server will give out an acoustic signal every time an unauthorized
Client tries to connect.
Banned IP List
This property allows you to set a list of IP addresses which will be banned from accessing the Server.
A dialog window will open through which you can insert the list of IP addresses to be banned:

26.2.3. Local Transport Properties

The Local Transport properties are used for defining the setting inherent to the Local communication
protocol which concern the Network services. The "LOCAL" protocol is needed for communicating
internal the same machine without using the net.
A network client project can connect to a local network server project. Any project not enabled as
"Network Server" will startup its network services in client mode only if this is requested (it will not
be committed to listen in on ports configured as Servers). This will allow the network client project's
network connections to be set on "localhost" and to use the local or TCP transport for connecting to
a Movicon network Server started up locally.

It would be best to leave the network client project with its local transport
enabled, as this transport uses a shared memory block which is much more
faster than the local network communication when using the TCP transport.
This property let's you enable or disable the use of the Local Transport for networking between
Server-Client stations.



Timeout (ms)
This property allows to enter the timeout in milliseconds for the response of a message sent to a
remote station. When this time expires a error message will be generated.
Inactivity (ms)
The set value (default 10 sec.) is used for keeping the resource active in the sockets so that to
avoid having to repeatedly recreate it on the Server for the different Clients. In addition, this value is
multiplied by 30 (default 10000 x 30 = 5 min) for managing the disconnection of inactive Clients.
When a Client connection remains inactive for the time set here, it will be disconnected and
reconnected only when the next request is made.

26.2.4. TCP Transport Properties

The "TCP Transport" properties allow you to define the settings inherent to the TCP communication
protocol concerning the Network services.
This property allows you to enable or disable the use of the "TCP Transport" between Server-Client
Timeout (ms)
This property allows you to set the amount of time to wait for a response (expressed in ms) after a
message has been sent to a remote station. When this time elapses an error message will be
Inactivity (ms)
The set value (default 10 sec.) is used for keeping the resources active in the sockets as not to
continually create on the Server for the various Clients. This value is multiplied by 30 (default 1000 x
30 = 5 mins) to manage the disconnection of inactive Clients. When a Client's connection is inactive
for the time set, it will be disconnected and only reconnected on the next request.
This property allows you to set the number of ports (sockets) to be used for the transport.
Allow Routing
This property allows you to enable the Transport to participate in routing messaged addressed to
other Transports.

26.2.5. TCP Transport Advanced Settings Properties

The "Advanced Settings" properties allow you to define the settings inherent to TCP communication
protocol regarding the Networking
Transport Threading Pool
The number of threads to be used for managing the processes linked to the Transport. When
entering a negative number the sub-diving of threads will be done based on the number of
processors existing in the PC.
Client Threads Limit
This property is used for setting the number of threads to be entered at the same time for managing
the Transport.
Incoming Speed Limit
This property is used for setting the maximum number of Bytes according to what can be received
from the Transport.
Outgoing Speed Limit
This property is used for setting the maximum number of Bytes according to what can be
transmitted by the Transport.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Bind Source IP Address

This property is used to ensure that Movicon opens the communicating port on the specified port. If
nothing is specified in this field, the communication ports will be opened on the network card or
ethernet communication channels predefined by Windows.
Max. Message Size
This property is used for entering the maximum message size which can be managed from the
Nr. Attempts to Connect
This property is used for setting the maximum number of connection attempts to a Server
communication port before timeout expires. The default "0" value does not impose any limit on the
number of connections attempts by the Client to a Server.
Attempts Interval
This property is sued for setting the interval in milliseconds between one attempt to connect and the
next. The default value is "1000".
Enable Compression
This property allows exchanged packets to be compressed. This is handy to use when transmitting
with low band rates.
Enable Encryption
This property allows exchanged packets to be encrypted for higher security reasons.
When publishing screen pages for the Web client the current TCP transport settings are used at that
moment and set in the java applet parameters called in the html page published with IIS for the
(Internet Information Services). However, these parameters can also be modified by opening th
html page with an external editor.
AES is used as the encryption algorithm with a 128 bit private encryption key property.
This option must be enabled in both network Server and network
Client in order for it to work properly.
This property is used for setting a integrity control on messages sent in networking. The TCP
transport has its own integrity control on exchanged data. By setting a sealing type you will make
data transmission and reception more secure, but slower. There are three modes to choose from:


26.2.6. TCP Transport SOCKS Options Properties

The "Socks Options" Properties allow you to set the settings inherent to the TCP communication
protocol regarding the Networking services.
This property is used for enabling the Socks Option for the Transport in question.
This property is used for specifying which is the Socks Server for the Transport.
This property is used for setting the number of ports (sockets) to be used for the transport.
This property is used for specifying the name of the Socks user to be used.
This property is used for selecting the Socks version to be used. The choices are:



Ver. 4
Ver. 5

Enable Authentication
This property is used for enabling the Socks authentication for the Transport.
This property is used for selecting the authentication type to be executed. The choices are:

No Authentication
User Code

26.2.7. UDP Transport Properties

The "UDP Transport" properties allow you to define the settings inherent to the UDP communication
protocol concerning the Network services.
This property allows you to enable or disable the use of the "UDP Transport" between Server-Client
This property allows you to set the number of ports (sockets) to be used for the transport.
Inactivity (ms)
The set value (default 10 sec.) is used for keeping the resources active in the sockets as not to
continually create on the Server for the various Clients. This value is multiplied by 30 (default 1000 x
30 = 5 mins) to manage the disconnection of inactive Clients. When a Client's connection is inactive
for the time set, it will be disconnected and only reconnected on the next request.
Allow Routing
This property allows you to enable the Transport to participate in routing messaged addressed to
other Transports.

26.2.8. UDP Transport Advanced Settings Properties

The "Advanced Settings" are used for defining the settings inherent to the UDP communication
protocol concerning the Networking services.
Bind Source IP Address
This property is used for excluding or rendering the IP addresses, specified for the Transport in
question, invisible.
Max Message Size
This property is used for inserting the maximum message size to be managed by the Transport.
Enable Compression
This property is used for compressing transmitted packets. This may be useful when the band rate
used in the transmitter is low.
Enable Encryption
This property consents to crypting messages exchanged between network Client and Server.
When publishing screen pages for the Web client the current UDP transport settings are used at that
moment and set in the java applet parameters called in the html page published with IIS for the
(Internet Information Services). However, these parameters can also be modified by opening the
html page with an external editor.
AES is used as the encryption algorithm with a 128 bit private encryption key property.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This option must be enabled in both network Server and network

Client in order for it to work properly.
This property is used for setting a integrity control on messages sent in networking. The UDP
transport has its own integrity control on exchanged data. By setting a sealing type you will make
data transmission and reception more secure, but slower. There are three modes to choose from:


26.2.9. HTTP Transport property

The "HTTP Transport" properties allow you to define the settings inherent to the HTTP
communication protocol concerning the Networking services.
This property allows you to enable or disable the use of the "HTTP Transport" between Server-Client
Timeout (ms)
This property allows you to set the amount of time to wait for a response (expressed in ms) after a
message has been sent to a remote station. When this time elapses an error message will be
Inactivity (ms)
The set value (default 10 sec.) is used for keeping the resources active in the sockets as not to
continually create on the Server for the various Clients. This value is multiplied by 30 (default 1000 x
30 = 5 mins) to manage the disconnection of inactive Clients. When a Client's connection is inactive
for the time set, it will be disconnected and only reconnected on the next request.
This property allows you to set the number of ports (sockets) to be used for the transport.
Allow Routing
This property allows you to enable the Transport to participate in routing messaged addressed to
other Transports.

26.2.10. HTTP Transport Advanced Settings Properties

The "Advanced Settings" properties allow you to define the settings inherent to HTTP communication
protocol regarding the Networking services.
Transport Threading Pool
The number of threads to be used for managing the processes linked to the Transport. When
entering a negative number the sub-diving of threads will be done based on the number of
processors existing in the PC.
Client Threads Limit
This property is used for setting the number of threads to be entered at the same time for managing
the Transport.
Incoming Speed Limit
This property is used for setting the maximum number of Bytes according to what can be received
from the Transport.



Outgoing Speed Limit

This property is used for setting the maximum number of Bytes according to what can be
transmitted by the Transport.
Bind Source IP Address
This property is used for excluding or rendering the IP address, specified to the Transport in
question, invisible.
Max. Message Size
This property is used for entering the maximum message size which can be managed from the
Nr. Attempts to Connect
This property allows you set the max. number of attempts to connect to a Server communication
port before timeout expires. The default value '0' does not limit the number of attempts by the client
to connect to the Server.
Attempts Interval
This property allows you to set an interval in milliseconds between a connection attempt and the
next. The default value is "1000".
Enable Compression
This property allows exchanged packets to be compressed. This is handy to use when transmitting
with low band rates.
Enable Encryption
This property allows exchanged packets to be encrypted for higher security reasons.
When publishing screen pages for the Web client the current HTTP transport settings are used at
that moment and set in the java applet parameters called in the html page published with IIS for the
(Internet Information Services). However, these parameters can also be modified by opening the
html page with an external editor.
AES is used as the encryption algorithm with a 128 bit private encryption key property.
This option must be enabled in both network Server and network
Client in order for it to work properly.
This property is used for setting a integrity control on messages sent in networking. The HTTP
transport has its own integrity control on exchanged data. By setting a sealing type you will make
data transmission and reception more secure, but slower. There are three modes to choose from:


26.2.11. HTTP Transport SOCKS Options Properties

The "Socks Options" Properties allow you to set the settings inherent to the HTTP communication
protocol regarding the Networking services.
This property is used for enabling the Socks Option for the Transport in question.
This property is used for specifying which is the Socks Server for the Transport.
This property is used for setting the number of ports (sockets) to be used for the transport.
This property is used for specifying the name of the Socks user to be used.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This property is used for selecting the Socks version to be used. The choices are:

Ver. 4
Ver. 5

Enable Authentication
This property is used for enabling the Socks authentication for the Transport.
This property is used for selecting the authentication type to be executed. The choices are:

No Authentication
User Code

Enable HTTP Proxy Server

This property enables the use of the Proxy Server to establish the connection to the Server.
HTTP Proxy Server
This property is used for setting the Proxy Server's IP address.
HTTP Proxy Server Port
This property is used for setting the Proxy Server's port.

26.3. Setting up Network Clients

The 'Network Client' properties allow the settings concerning Client projects to be defined. The Client
settings can be personalized in a particular way according to the Server which must be connected.
Therefore 'Client Profiles' can be inserted ("Add new Client Rules" command) to diversify the
Client's properties according to the Server to be connected (for example a different protocol may be
selected for each Server). In addition to this you can also add 'RAS Stations' ("Add new RAS
Station" command) in order to connect to a Server through phone connections.

26.3.1. Network Client Properties

The "Network Client" properties allow you to define the settings concerning Client projects.
Server Alias Table
This property allows you to re-route Server names with other names. This function is very handy, for
instance, when having to change names of computers belonging to the network where this operation
can be done altogether in one point of the project. The dialog window for editing the table of Aliases
is as shown below:



The fields shown in the Alias window have the following meanings:

Server: Name of the Server to which the project has to connect to when the Alias Table is
not enabled. This is the name which the Server was set with in the "Network Server"
property of the "Variable Network Client Properties"
Alias: Name of the Server in which the connections must be re-addressed.
Using the Alias Table is very handy also in the designing and debug phases.
You can, in fact, quickly re-route the Server's name in project tests. In
addition, by knowing the plant server's name in advance you can insert it in
the project and use it's Alias for internal testing in the office.

Black List Expiry Time

This property consents you to customize the Server expiry time on the Black List. The time is
expressed in milliseconds and the default value is equal to 60,000. A Client can put the IP or the
name of a Network Server on its Black List in cases where a timeout error has occurred for that
Server. The Server will then remain on the Black List for the time set in this property and the Client
will not make any attempts to connect to that Server during this time. The Black List management
consents faster re-connections of variables from the primary Server to the backup Server, or
viceversa. In Client-Server network configurations with only one network Server, it may be
convenient to set this time to zero in order to eliminate any waiting times in reconnecting the Server
which went into timeout.

26.3.2. Network Client General Properties

The "General" properties are used for defining time and transport settings to be used for Client
Timeout (ms)


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The Server's answer timeout (expressed in ms) after a message has been sent from the Client is
entered in this property. An error message will be generated when the Timeout has expired.
This value is also used by the Client project as polling time for asking the Server for variables in use
This property is used for entering the name of the user with which the Client will represent itself to
the Server. This setting is only significant when the Server project has the 'Password Management'
enabled. In this case the user must also be present in the Server project to be acknowledged. By
doing this the Client acquired the rights associated to the user in question, and can get access to
variables based on these rights.
Ping Time (ms)
This property is used for setting the ping time to be used while connecting to the Server (the "0"
value avoids the use of the ping time).
This property is used for selecting the Transport (Protocol) type to be used by the Client for
communicating with the Server.
This property is used for associating a priority level to the connection in question The values are
from 0 to 100. The higher the number, the higher the priority therefore the highest priority is a 100.
RAS Station
This property is used for selecting a RAS connection (which must be created beforehand) to connect
to Server exploiting telephone lines.
Enable RAS Station
This property is used for enabling the use of a RAS station to connect to the Server exploiting
telephones lines.

26.3.3. OPC XML DA Client Properties

The "OPC XML DA Client" properties allow you to define the settings concerning the Movicon XML
Thread Pool
The number of threads to be used for requests to the XML Server. If you have to connect to more
than one Server you can enter more threads, one for each Server. The value -1 is the setting for
Poll Time Server In Use (ms)
This edit box is used for setting the polling time in milliseconds towards the Server. This setting can
be changed in Runtime with the appropriate Basic Script functions.
Poll Time Server NOT In User (ms)
This edit box allows you to set the polling time towards the Server in milliseconds when the variable
are not in use. This setting can be changed in Runtime with the appropriate Basic Script functions.
Write Behind Delay (ms)
This edit box allows you to set the time in milliseconds for the Write Behind Delay. The OPC XML DA
Client manager will delay the writing towards the Server according to the time set in this box.

26.4. RAS Stations

The Network communication between two Movicon stations can be done through a Ethernet network
and through a RAS connection via modem as well. To make this possible you need to create an



"Incoming Connection" on the PC Server, so that when the Client makes a call and connection is
established, the two PCs will be linked as if they were networking with each other.
To add "RAS Stations" you need to use the "Add new RAS Station" command.
The RAS Connection is a Operating System function that allows a
Server-Client type connection between two stations using a connection via
Modem. One the connection has been established the TCP/IP protocol can
be used for exchanging data between Server and Client. The RAS
connection can be created from the "Control Panel - Network
Connections". However, the configuration procedure may change slightly
according to the Operating System being used (ie. Windows 32/64 bit).
The RAS Station must be created only on the PC acting as Client, while an "RAS Incoming
Connection" must be configured on the PC Server which will allow it to respond to the Client's calls
For further information on how to set up a "RAS Connection" please consult the relevant form on the
"Web Support Center".
Be careful not to confuse a "RAS Station" with a "RAS Connection". The
"RAS Station" is infact a component of the Movicon project, which is used
for setting up communication parameters between Server and Client. The
"RAS Connection", however, is a Operating System Setup which is used for
establishing a physical connection between Server and Client.

26.4.1. RAS Stations General Properties

The 'General' properties allow you to define the RAS Station settings for the Client project.
The name of the RAS station is entered in this property. The Name is essential for being able to
identify and access the properties and methods of the RAS Station through the Basic Script functions.
The name of the RAS Connection to be used for connecting the Client to the Server is entered in this
property. In this case the RAS Connection should be created and configured in the Operating System
beforehand. When this field is left empty you will need to fill in the next fields: "Telephone Number",
"User Name" and "Password".
For further information on how to configure a "RAS Connection" please consult the appropriate card
available on the "Web Support Center".
Phone Number
The telephone number which the Client station must dial is entered in this field. The number should
correspond to the line connected to the Server station.
If the "Connection" property has been filled in this field my be left empty.
User Name
The user's name with which the Client station is to be authenticated by the Server station is entered
in this property.
In this case the user must be a user known to the Operating system and therefore not necessarily a
user of the Project Server, but a user declared in the Operating System.
If the "Connection" property has been filled in, this field my be left empty.
The user's password with which the Client station is to be authenticated by the Server station is
entered in this property.
If the "Connection" property has been filled in this field my be left empty.
The maximum number of connection attempts, which are to be carried out when the called fails first
time, is entered in this property.
Disconnect after (sec)
How long after the inactivity time is the connection to be closed is entered in this property.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The time count starts the moment in which all the variables connected to the Server are no longer in
Retry Hold Time (sec)
The Retry Hold Time, before re-dialing when connection fails, is entered in this property.
Prompt Before Connecting
When enabling this property a confirmation window will appear each time Movicon execute a
connection. In this case the operator must confirm or abort the call.
Show Dlg
When enabling this property a window will appear during the calling phase showing the current
status of the connection.
Connection Variable
A numeric variable from the project's RealTimeDB can be entered here. Through the variable's
settings you can control the RAS station connection and disconnection during runtime. When
setting the variable with a value that is not zero, Movicon will make the RAS call to connect by using
the RAS station settings. When setting this variable to zero, Movicon will close any connections
currently in use. The variable can return to zero when the user decides to hang up on the call being
If this field is left empty, Movicon will connect/disconnect according to whether variables are in use
or not in the project. Movicon will make calls in cases where at least one variable is in use and must
connect to a RAS server.
The connection to a RAS station can be controlled using the command
variable, even when the RAS station has not been associated to any
Client Rules. In this case you just need to have this option enabled on
your license.

26.5. Client Rules

The Movicon Networking communication architecture allows two or more stations to connect to each
other with the possibility for additional Servers and Clients. When a Client station has to connect to a
Server only the settings need configuring through the "Network Client General Properties". But
when a Client station must connect to two or more Servers you will need to configure various
communication setups between the Client and the various Servers (eg. communication protocols,
eventual RAS Stations, etc.). In this situation it would be appropriate to create 'Client Rules' to
customize the settings of the Client according to the Server to be connected to. By doing this the
Client will be able to connect to the Server by using the 'Client Rules' settings and not the general
settings specified in the "Network Client General Properties".
The "Add new Client Rules" command is used for adding 'Client Rules'.
The name of the 'Client Rules' must be the same as the Server to which the
rules refer to. When a IP address is specified, the name of the "Client
Rules" should be the same as the IP address.

26.5.1. Client Rules General Properties

The 'General' properties allow you to define the 'Client Rules' settings for Client Projects.
Apart from the 'Name' property all the others are the same as already described in "Network Client
General Properties".
This property is used for entering the name of the Client Rules.
The 'Client Rules' name must be the same as the Server's name to
which the rules refer to. When a Client project connects to a



certain Server it verifies whether one exists with the same Server
name on the Client Rules list. In this case the connection is carried
out according to the settings specified in the Client Rules,
otherwise the Client's general settings will be used.
When a IP address is specified. the name of the "Client Rules"
should be the same as the IP address.
The name is also essential for being able to identify and access properties and methods of the Client
Rules through the Basic Script functions.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


27. Redundancy
Movicon embeds powerful automatic functions to
support the Hot Backup of critical stations workstations
redundantly connected in network. Slave intervention,
re-entry, data synchronization are managed in
completely in automatic.
Some critical processes under supervision and control require emergency station intervention, known
as Secondary Server, when the main PC unit, known as Primary Server, crashes.
This ensures that the process's supervision and control service will continue to function when the
Master supervision station suddenly becomes unavailable or crashes.
The redundancy management, in a supervision and control system, has
the task of preventing data and control functionality of the plant.
The redundancy functions are enabled in runtime only when the
Redundancy and Networking option in each hardware key of every
PC station (Primary or Secondary) have been enabled.

An example of a redundancy architecture for supervision

stations. The Secondary Server enters into function
automatically when the Primary PC crashes.

27.1.1. Redundancy Levels

The Redundancy's role in automation systems is to completely take over and substitute the primary
component when it crashes with all the identical functionalities until the primary component has
been repaired and put back into action.
The "Hot Backup" provides a secondary server to go into action automatically without requiring any
manual intervention from the operator.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The redundancy concept can be applied to both software and hardware to stop the system loosing
any data or functionalities when transferring control over to the secondary backup component from
the Primary component.
The redundancy concept can be applied to the following components in automation systems:
I/O Cards
Network Cable
Display System
Control System
The Redundancy functions embedded in Movicon support the Backup functionalities in your
computer, allowing all the communication, display and control functions from the Primary PC Server
to be transferred to a Secondary Server entirely in automatic.
This proprietary technology adopted by Movicon to perform these functions permits very fast
synchronization times of up to less than a second when great amounts of data are involved. This is
due to synchronizing data acquired during the emergency take over period by transmitting data in
binary format instead of database format structures.

27.1.2. Redundancy Functionality

The redundancy management, whether with Master functionality or Slave functionality, is completely
embedded in the Movicon software and ensures secondary system intervention in complete
automatic mode after primary system timeout set up in the system's configuration.
The redundancy functions are imbedded and native in the following critical system functionalities in

Communication Drivers management

Data Logger management
Recipe Management
Historical Log management
Alarm management

Any one of these functions can be kept on Stand-by in the secondary station to activate when the
Primary station crashes to safeguard against losing plant system control.
The Movicon redundancy control system requires two PC stations connected in network based on
TCP/IP, with Primary and Secondary Server functions:

Primary Server: is the workstation which is conditioned to function as normal to manage

the plant, by communication with it, acquiring data and providing control. If this station
crashes, the secondary station will enter into function and assume complete control
Secondary Server: is the workstation which is conditioned to function as normal to manage
the plant in redundancy mode, through shared variable memory areas. This station allows
plant interaction in independent mode and supplies all the same identical functions of the
primary station. If the Primary server crashes, the secondary server will automatically assume
plant management by starting up the communication driver and recording engine functions,
acquiring data and performing process control

"Normal" Conditions
In normal working conditions, both the Primary and Secondary Servers are operative in the plant
according to distinguished functionalities.
The Primary Server is dedicated to manage the driver's communication and historically log data on
hard disk, according to the normal functioning of each Movicon application.
The Secondary Server is kept on stand-by and operative to carry out the same functions as the
Primary in independent mode, except for the following different operating modes:



The drivers of the secondary server are put on Stand-by and do not communicate directly.
Operability of the secondary server is based on mirroring the variable memory areas, which
are shared in automatic and transparent mode on the Primary server. As a consequence a
command towards the field can be performed both on the Primary or Secondary indifferently,
but change page performances must be done locally as each workstation processes its own
graphic functions locally
The Secondary's historical logs (Data Logger, Recipes and Log) do not work directly, to
ensure absolute seamless recorded data. The system's redundancy functions make sure that
collected and recorded data from the Primary of Secondary Server is archived in the same
identical and transparent mode used in these Servers. The synchronization mechanism
ensures complete data integrity and time precision, and is independent from the Data Base
type being used (SQL Server, MS Access, IMDB, etc) on the Primary and on the Secondary .
The cache memory shows the alarm situation of the primary's alarms and updates by
mirroring the primary's cache for the same reasons as above
The General IL Logic will be placed in pause mode on the Secondary project, while the Local
IL logic assoicated to the Scree or object will however be executed.
the Event list and the Events in script variables will not be executed in the Secondary Server

"Emergency" Conditions
When the primary server stops working (crashed, error, hardware damages), the secondary server
will go into action immediately and communicate with the driver on stand-by and the execution all of
the project's logic and Events is reactivated. The configurable response time is immediate to the
The historical engines will start to record the plant data directly the moment it enters into service to
assess how much data has to be sent to the primary server the moment it returns into action. This
will allow you to optimize the historicals' synchronizing times.
Once the Primary server re-enters into action it will automatically synchronize the historicals' status
and the alarm situation in order to completely restore its functionality and archives to avoid any data
The system, by exploiting its own technology, will only send the data recorded during the emergency
period to the primary server by transferring the data in binary mode without using any database
Once synchronization has been completed, which is automatically done by the redundancy
management embedded in the system, the secondary server will return on Stand-by.
For correct use of the redundancy management you must install and
configure the network form and the TCP/IP protocol in the operating system
being used beforehand. For more information on how to do this please
refer to the section on Networking.
Data Synchronization
The redundancy management optimizes those projects which have many Data Loggers and a high
sampling frequency because they have to manage large volumes of historical data. This
management mainly limits memory used for data synchronization files, to avoid any system memory
saturation in cases where large amounts data MBytes have to be synchronized. Two properties have
been provided in the redundancy to deal with this allowing data synchronization to be managed with:
Max Historical Cache
Max. Nr. Historical Cache Files
The data synchronization files are created in the project's "DATA" folder. This files signify:

Cache file

Struttura XML


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"

/el/e Node with all the necessary information
for recording data records of a Data Logger
/el/e/HE Node with the information relating to
the Data Logger that has generated a record:
Data Logger name, date and time of recording
and standard column values
/el/e/list Node with the information on the
recorded record columns
/el/e/list/c Node with the information on one


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


Cache file for the

Log tables.


Cache file for the

Trace DB tables for

of the recorded record columns

information of one of the recorded record.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"
/el/e Node with all the information needed for
recording a Historical Log table's data record.
/el/e/HE Node with all the information relating
to the record to be recorded: table name, data
and time and standard column values.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"
/el/e Node with all the information needed for
recording a data record of a variable's Trace DB
/el/e/HE Node with the information relating to
the variable which has generated a Trace DB
record: table name, date and time of recording
and standard column values.
/el/e/vb Node with information of the
variable's previous value.
/el/e/va Node with information on the current
variable's value.

27.1.3. Advanced Redundancy Functions

Movicon has some special functions embedded in the critical system redundancy management to
extend the functions provided for the user.

Synchronized Time Frequency

The Movicon Redundancy has an automatic tool embedded in the complex synchronization control
management between two PC Servers: the automatic synchronization of the system's clock on the
Secondary Server by the Primary Server.
Automatic Secondary Server clock synchronization always ensures the user that data is always
congruent in all circumstances.
Synchronized time frequency takes place according to how the "Sych. Time Frequency" property
from the "Redundancy Settings has been set.

System Diagnostics
Movicon gives out information system messages when the Secondary Server has entered into action,
the re-entry of the Primary Server and the data being synchronized etc.
This information will be displayed on both systems and recorded in the Historical Log automatically.
This will enable the operator to always have the information s/he needs to carry out an accurate
analysis to valuate how the critical system is working.

Status Variable
The redundancy management also provides the programmer the option to use a status variable, in
order to inform the logic on the operating status of the Primary and Secondary Servers. For further
information please refer to the "Status Variable " property from the "Redundancy Settings".
Some Basic Script functions dedicated to the Redundancy management have also been provided.

Communication via OPC

Communication via OPC is not managed in redundancy by Movicon. This means that both the
Primary Server and Secondary Server will be connected to the OPC Server at the same time
(different to the communication drivers which communicate one at a time).
To maintain communication with just one of the two Movicon Servers (Primary or Secondary), you
will need to create a script that manages the enbling/disabling of Movicin OPC Groups and disable
the projects variables in use management (InUse Variable Manager).



Redundancy Restrictions
The Redundancy management used in a critical plant situation has some restrictions as regards to
how some of the project's functionalities work and which the programmer should keep in mind.
This would be best done by considering those Movicon functions which are not critical and not
managed in redundancy.
These functions must be evaluated carefully as their non redundancy use
may effect the system backup management in a critical situation.
The functions not subject to Movicon project redundancy are:


System Variables

Movicon System Variables can not be made redundant.

Alarm Basic Scripts

The Alarm Basic Script interface is not managed in


Trend Output

Out put on Trend files is not managed in redundancy due

to the fact that the Trend's connection to the Data Logger
is managed for this.

Furthermore, you must keep in mind that while the IL Logic associated to the project is executed
only on the active Server, the screen or designs' Local IL Logic is always executed on both the
Primary and Secondary Servers independently from which one is active. To avoid any problems you
need to manage the Local IL Logic shrewdly by using, for example, the screens' local variables.
Please also remember that the Event and Alarm managements are disabled in the Secondary Server
when in 'Stand-by' mode. For instance, this will mean that Alarm Areas used for symbol animations
('Variable Is Alarm Group' property from the symbol's Dynamic 'Background Color' and 'Dynamic
Text and Edge Color' property groups) will not have any effect in the Secondary Server when in
When using the communication driver's basic script functions you will need to introduce the right
controls in the codes. In this case, for example, before executing the functions for creating and the
task management, it will be necessary to verify whether the station is communicating (verify whether
there are any errors and its quality status). Otherwise, the driver may not be loaded because being
used by another Server. You can also refer to the appropriate status variables to see if the
Secondary Server has driver control.
Caution: The Redundancy function and the data synchronization
mechanism may present criticalities when the total amount of data to be
managed is very high. Therefore, it is advised you carefully read the section
on "Data Synchronization" and to also consider the hardware characteristics
of the PC being used.

System Requirements
A redundant system must be based on a configuration which allows the network connection of two
PCs, which do not have to be necessarily identical to the hardware's configuration.
Both systems should at least give the same performances and have the same memory capacity
while having identical redundancy functionalities.
It is fundamental that both systems are correctly installed with the network card and TC/IP protocol,
on which the whole redundancy management is based.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

27.2. Redundancy Settings

The Redundancy Settings can be configured through the "Network Services" resource found in the
"Project Explorer" window. To edit the Redundancy settings, select the group with the mouse and
use the Movicon "Properties Window":
This edit box is used for selecting the Server type to be used for running the project. The options


When the "None" option is selected the Redundancy functionality will not be activated.
The name or the IP address of the Primary Server is entered here. This property is set only in the
Secondary Server project.
The IP address or Server name which is to be set in this redundancy field is also used as Backup
Network Server for each variable that is not set with a Backup Network Server.
Backup Server
The name or IP address of the Primary Server is entered in this box. This property is set only in
Secondary Server projects.
The Secondary Server will attempt to connect to the Primary backup Server when the main Primary
Server is not available. Once the connection remains connected to the backup Server, and failure to
do so, an attempt will be made to connect to the main Primary Server. Failure of both connection
procedures to one of the two primary Servers will activate the Secondary Server. When the Backup
Server is not specified only the main Primary Server will be used. The 6 bit in the status variable
indicates that the primary server is connected through the Backup Server. In cases where the
Secondary is the active Server, the 6 bit will blink each time the secondary controls the presence of
the backup server.
This edit box is used for entering the timeout after which the Secondary Server will take over control
when the Primary Server crashes, disconnected etc.
The number of connection retries the Secondary Server should carry out before going into action is
entered in this box.
Status Variable
This box is used for selecting one of the variables from the Movicon Real Time DB which will be used
as the Redundancy's status variable. The meaning of each bit of the selected variable depends on
the Server where the project is being run:


Bit 0: Primary Server. This bit is set at true only in the project set as Primary Server
Bit 1: Secondary Server. This bit is set at true only in the project set as Secondary Server
Bit 2: Active Server. This bit is set at true only in the Server project active at that moment
Bit 3: Secondary Connected. This bit will be set at true only in Primary Server projects when
the Seconddary project is connect to the Primary Server.
Bit 4: Synchronization in course. This bit is set at true in both projects, Primary and
Secondary, when synchronization is taking place between the Secondary Server and Primary
Bit 5: Drivers startup on Secondary. This bit will be true in projects set as Primary Servers
when the Communication Drivers in the Secondary are activated due to an error in the
Primary Server.
Bit 6: Secondary Server. This bit will be true when the Secondary Server is connected to the
Primary Backup Server. It will start blinking when controlling the presence of the Secondary
Backup Server
Bit 7: not used


Switch on Driver Error

This selection box is used for activating the Secondary Server to switch on its own Communication
Drivers when any errors in the Primary Server's Communication Drivers occur. This switching on can
also happen without the Secondary Server taking over plant control.
Driver Error Timeout
This box is used for entering the timeout after which the Secondary Server will switch on its own
Communication Drivers in event of problems in the Primary Server's Communication Drivers.
Max Historical Cache
This box is used for setting the maximum number of records in the historical cache file for
redundancy (default value = 100). A new cache file will be created when this value is exceeded.
Historical data is cached when the primary or secondary project is verified to be the only when
active. The cache files are then used for synchronizing the two primary and secondary projects.
Max. Nr. Historical Cache Files
This box is used for entering the maximum number of files which can be used for recording historical
data which must be made redundant. There cache files are created on disk and used as unvolatile
memory for synchronizing historical data of the two primary and secondary project.
Sych. Time Frequency
The number or hours the Secondary Server is to synchronize its time frequency with that of the
Primary Server is entered here. The synchronization will not be executed when the "0" value is


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


28. OPC (OLE for Process Control)

28.1. OPC (Ole for Process Control)
OPC is the most commonly used standard due to its
user-friendly communication modalities based on
different bus technologies.
OPC stands for "OLE for Process Control", where OLE refers to the Windows' abbreviation of: "Object
Linking and Embedding", a powerful automation interface for the Windows applications.
OPC simply rounds off the programming concept which implements an unified interface of different
bus technologies on one part and programs for vision and automation on the other. Thanks to the
standard technologies, today's communication between automation devices means more
independence for the individual producer, especially when their apparatus supports the OPC
standard. Thanks to the unified interface, hardware producers can always guarantee OPC interface
availability by equipping their hardware product with OPC Server software products. This will ensure
the user of being able to interface their purchased product with any applied software supporting the
OPC standard.
The OPC standard is defined by public specifications released by the OPC
Foundation consortium which are adhered to by Microsoft and all the major
automation manufactures worldwide including Progea.

Movicon is an application based both on the OPC Client and OPC Server standards.
As Client it can interface with all the OPC Serves with follow the 1.0A and 2.0 standards; as Server it
allows all or part of the project variables to be shared with other applications and notifies them of
events such as: Alarms, messages, system information and variable changes within the project.
In view of the increasing consolidation of the OPC standard in industrial automation, this technology
must be considered as a communication mode with bus network devices or with other local or
remote applications only.

This figure shows a block diagram of a typical OPC

OPC XML Client
To use Movicon as OPC Client XML implement the follwoing settings:
1) use the variable's "Physical I/O address" property to connect an opc xml tag to it
2) select the OPC XML Server to connect to by using the variable's "Physical I/O address" property.
The server name must be its address plus the port to be used (i.e. http://ServerXML.progea.it:9090)
3) enable the License "OPC XML Client" option


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

28.2. OPC Client Editor

In the OPC communication Movicon has provided a Client interface which can be entirely configured
and which supports any OPC Server created according to he OPC 1.0A and 2.0 specifications. This
resource, integrated into the system, is identified with the "OPC Client DA (COM)" name and can be
accessed through the Movicon "Project Explorer" window.
By using this resource you can setup the communication in OPC with one or more Servers. Movicon
displays a list of Servers available on the local computer, but you can also go and use OPC Servers
installed on other remote computers connected in net or on the web.
Two OPC Server interfaces are currently supported: "DataAccess" and "Alarms&Events", identified
respectively with the signs "DA" and "AE".
Data Access Specification
The first type of Server is organised in a structure composed of Groups and Items, as shown below,
and permits I/O or variables in devices, which form part of the network field bus, to connect with
variables from Movicon projects.

Alarms & Events Specifications

The second type of OPC Server, "Alarm&Event", notifies the occurrence of a specific event and
alarm condition, configured within the Server itself, therefore it can be acknowledged with the
Movicon project and managed accordingly.
The managing of events and alarms sent by the AE OPC Server can be
done by using the corresponding event of any basic script within the

Importing from other Projects

Movicon allows any object (OPC Server, Groups, Items) setup within the "OPC Client DA (COM)"
resource to be copied from one project to another. In order to carry out this procedure, you need to
activate the project containing the parts to be copied, select the objects desired from the "OPC Client
DA (COM)" resource, execute the Copy command, then activate the current project again, from the
"OPC Client DA (COM)" local resource, and execute the Paste command. The copied objects will
then be also made available in the current project.
The Drag & Drop technique can also be used to carry out this procedure.

DCOM Settings
The connection to a OPC network Server involves the usual necessity to setup the Windows DCOM
services so that Clients are allowed access to the Servers. To get easy access to the DCOM
configuration window use the "Edit DCOM Settings" command in the "Commands window" from
the "Project Explorer" or from the text menu which appears by right mouse clicking on the name of
the interested OPC.

OPC Client Log

the OPC client Log can be set for recording information relating to events received for value change
notification items and items written to opc servers. This is made possible by setting the
"OPCClient\Trace" key to value "1" (key is already documented in the list of registry keys).



( O L E



C O N T R O L )

28.2.1. OPC Client DA Properties

The OPC Client DA properties allow you to set some of the parameters for the dynamic Items and
test functions.
To change the OPC Client DA properties, select the resource with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
Default Dynamic Update Rate
The update time for the project's dynamic OPC Items is entered in this edit box.
Add Item Timeout
The Timeout time, in milliseconds, for inserting a new dynamic OPC Item is entered in this edit box.
Startup Timeout
This property controls the timeout for initializing the OPC Server. When the OPC Server does not
initialize within the time set, including all items set, a "Cannot start OPC Client Manager Thread"
message will show. The default value is 30000 msecs, but this value my not be enough for projects
with very high numbers of items which are synchronized at startup and therefore will need to be
This property can also be accessed through the "StartupTimeout" of the "OPCClientCmdTarget" basic
script function.
# Test Thread Pool
This edit box is used for entering the number of Threads to be used for the OPC Item test run upon
connecting to the Server.
Test Item Timeout
This edit box is used for entering the Timeout, in milliseconds, for the OPC Item test run upon
connecting to the Server.

28.2.2. OPC Server DA Properties

The OPC Server DA properties allow you to set some of the OPC Server parameters so that Movicon
can connect to it afterwards.
To change the OPC Server DA properties, select the resource with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
This edit box is used for entering the name of the OPC server. This is filled in automatically by
Movicon when selected from the "Tag Browser" window.
Network Node
This edit box is used for entering the OPC Server's network path. This is filled in automatically by
Movicon when selected from the "Tag Browser" window. The Local Server will be entered When left
The OPC Server's CLSID code is entered in this edit box.
Reconnect time
The time after which the Server will be reconnected is entered in this edit box in milliseconds.
ReRead Dynamic Items
This option, which is only applied to dynamic items created by directly inserting the OPC link in
variable "Fixed I/O address" properties, allows you choose whether to execute a synchro. value read
every time a write (syncro or asynchro) is executed. This may be necessary when using certain OPC
Servers (re. RsLinx by Rockwell) which do not manage asynchro. notifications correctly.
A analogous "Reread Items" property and also be set in Items defined as objects in the Item list of
the Server selected from the "OPC Client DA" resource.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Read Dynamic Items at startup

This option allows all dynamic OPC items that have direct link to variables (in "Fixed I/O address),to
be read at project startup.

28.2.3. Entering New OPC Servers

To enter a new Server into the "OPC Client DA (COM)" resource is done by selecting the "Add a New
OPC Item" command from the Project Explorer's Commands window or by selecting the same
command from the menu which appears after double-clicking on the "OPC Client DA (COM)"
In both case a "Tag Browser" window will appear showing a list of available OPC Servers in the
local computer and a list of Servers existing in other computers in the network.
In the window which shows the list of available Servers you can select a local Server from the
"Local (My Computer)" group or a Server residing in another PC on the network from the "Microsoft
Windows Network" group. Whereas the "Internet Servers (OPC XML DA)" group allows you to select
a OPC XML Server instead.
In this text box you can execute filters for displaying the selected Server's items. The filter is then
applied on the right side of the window and in order that the list is updated in accordance with the
filter you need to execute the "Refresh" command with the appropriate button.
The name of the Server with which you wish to connect to is entered in this text box. A further setup
window is opened by using the Browse button on the right where you can enter the User and
Password for Server access.
Live Data
When this option box is enabled the list of Items displayed on the right side of the window will be
refreshed according to the values of the Server.

28.2.4. OPC Item Connection String

In the project's Real Time DB XML file (<ProjectName>.movrealtimedb) you will find the attributes
which consent to modifying the characters used in the OPC Server's 'Tag Explorer' window for
dividing the various components in connection strings which return after selecting an OPC item.
These attributes are not visible in the Properties Window in the development environment, but can
be modified by opening the <ProjectName>.movrealtimedb file:
<EnableOPCServer OPCServerName="" OPCServerDescription="MOVICON OPC Server"
EnableOPCServerAE="0" EnableOPCServerDynTag="1" OPCServerDebugEvents="0"
OPCServerAutoShutdown="0" OPCServerAutoUnregister="0" OPCServerAutoRegister="0"
OPCServerRefreshRate="250" OPCServerShutdownClientsTimeout="5000"
OPCServerEnableAEAck="0" OPCServerThreadingMode="1" SINGLE_PATH_SEPARATOR="\"
The properties involved are:


SINGLE_PATH_SEPARATOR: character used for distinguishing the name of the OPC

Server form the other items (ie. "[OPC]MMIOPC.Simulator\Simulator.CosDouble"). The default
value is "\"
DOUBLE_PATH_SEPARATOR: character used for distinguishing the name of the computer
in which the OPC Server is located (ie.
"[OPC]\\PCTest\MMIOPC.Simulator\Simulator.CosDouble"). The default value is "\\"
OPX_PATH_SEPARATOR: character used for distinguishing the name of the OPC XML
Server from the other items. The default value is "~"


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C O N T R O L )

It might be necessary to modify the values in these attributes when the

OPC Server to which is being interfaced returns the same characters.

28.2.5. Entering New Groups

The next step to take after having inserted an OPC Server is to establish a connection by entering
one or more Groups which refer to that specific Server.
This operation can be done by selecting the "Add New OPC Group" item from the "Project Explorer's"
command window or from the menu which appears after having double-clicked the right mouse key
on the name of the interested OPC Server. The possibility of inserting more than one group will
optimize communication further: each group has its own parameters which can be setup and can be
enabled or disabled whenever needed by using the basic script functions.
To change the OPC Group properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
This edit box allows you to set the name to be assigned to the Group.
Update Rate
This edit box allows you to set the update time in milliseconds of the Items with in the Group. This
setting can be changed in Runtime with the appropriate basic script functions.
This update time is a parameter which is passed to the Server. The Server
can manage it as much as is possible. If for example, the update time is too
short the Server will use its own update rate.
Update Rate NOT In Use
This edit box allows you to set the refresh time in milliseconds of the Items within the Group when
the variables associated to the Item are not in use. This setting can be changed in Runtime with the
appropriate basic script functions.
This refresh time must be set longer than the "Refresh Every" time.

Deactivate NOT In Use

The RealtimeDB's variable "InUse Manager" property is used for deactivating the Group and setting
an update time in the "Update Rate NOT in use" property when all the variables associated to the
Items are not being used. The OPC Group's "Deactivate if NOT in Use" option is used to deactivate
the OPC Group in use definitively when all the variables associated to the Items are not in use and
therefore are not to be updated with the time set in the "Update Rate NOT in use" property.
This option can however be changed in Runtime using the appropriate basic script functions.
This option box allows you to enable or disable the Groups and as a consequence the Items it
contains as well. This setting can be changed in Runtime with the appropriate basic script functions.
Dead Band
This edit box allows you to set a Dead Band rate value from 0 to 100 for the Items contained in the
Group. The dead band is applied to the Group's Items which have a EU Type parameter set on
Analog, in this case the Low and High EU parameters are used for calculating the Item's range. The
range is multiplied by the dead band rate to create an exception limit in cases in which the difference
between the previous value read and the new one is higher.
The dead band is used for avoiding problems created due to interference in reading analogic
values: with exceptions, the Item remains at the previous value read.
Time Bias
This editbox allows you to set a value in minutes which will be used to convert the Item's Time
Stamp property, contained within the Group, to the device's local time. Normally, there is no need to
change the default value which is set by Movicon based on the PC's local time zone. For instance,
using Rome's local time, being GMT + 1.00 hr, the Time Bias will be set at -60, an hour less than


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Local ID
This edit box allows you to set the Group with a numeric ID value to localize the strings sent by the
Server. Normally the default zero value done not need changing.
Subscribed item Tag
When inserted a RealtimeDB variable in the static group property you can dynamically subscribe
Items to the OPC Server.
The subscription of a variable dynamically linked to an OPC Item through its "Dynamic I/O address"
property can also be managed dynamically when the name of a group from the static OPC resource,
for which the subscription variable has been set, is set in the variable's "OPC Group" property.
- the group's subscription is forced when a currently non-subscribed
variable's OPC address is changed.
- The license counts all the variables associated to the OPC Item
independently from the subscription status towards the field.

28.2.6. Entering New Items

One or more Items can be inserted into each Group and linked to project variables. The Item from
the Server of interest is selected through the "Tag Browser" window which is displayed by selecting
the "Add New OPC Item" from the Project Explorer's Commands window or from the menu which
displays when double-clicking with the right mouse key on the interested Server. One or more tags
can be selected at the same time by multiple selecting them from the "Tag Explorer" window and
when confirmed with "OK" all the items will be inserted and Movicon will automatically create the
variables and link them to the items. The variables will be created of the same OPC Server tag type
and with the name defined as:
<Name OPC Server>_<Name OPC Items>
All the characters not included in the name of a variable and which are found in the name of the OPC
Server or in the name of the OPC item will be replaced with the underscore ("_") character.
When customizing the name of the Movicon variable to be linked to the item, you will need to
change the names of those inserted automatically or create them again and link them by means of
using the item's appropriate properties.
To change the OPC Item properties, select the object with the mouse and use the Movicon
"Properties Window".
Item ID
This box is used for identifying the Item which you wish to add the group, this box is automatically
filled in when the Item is selected from the list situated in the "Tag Browser" window.
Access Path
It may be useful to enter the path for localizing the Server if requested by the OPC Server.
This list box allows you to select a variable from the project RealTime DB to be associated to the
Server's OPC Item. While the item is being inserted Movicon will insert the variable in automatic
mode by creating it with the <Name OPC Server>_<Name OPC Items> name.
This option lets you enter the variable type to be read from the Server. Normally it is advised to
leave the original format. The possible selects are:


Default Server: No conversions will be done following the read or write of an item when
this option box is enabled. In this case we advise you to use a Movicon variable of the same
type set in the Item properties
Short, Long, Float, Double, etc.: According to the option box checked, the corresponding
conversion will be carried out on the item, and therefore the project variable assigned, to
contain the data in the format indicated here


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Write Item to Server

This selection, when set enables the item in write, therefore the variable changes in the Movicon
project will also involve the writing of the item.
ReRead Item
This option allows you decide whether to execute a sync read of the value each time a write is
executed (synchronous or asynchronous). This may be needed when using OPC servers (such as
Rockwell's RsLinx) which do not manage asynchronous notifications in the correct way.
Write Sync
This opton allows you decide whether to execute a sync (default) or async write. The async writes
can be executed very fast, in respect to those in sync, but the OPC Server must be setup to able to
accept a very high number of requests, for example, when the variables in the Movicon project
change value continuously. It is for this reason that the default value has been set at Synchronous
which is slower and more reliable and works well with all OPC Servers.
Read Item Startup
This option allows you to decide whether to execute an item read at the project startup, after it has
been created, to synchronize the value of the variable with that from the field. This functionality is
disabled for default to avoid any delays in initializing the OPC communication due to the fact that all
items have been set at synchro. You can enable those properties in the items where it is really
necessary to synchronize values.

28.3. OPC Server

In addition to the OPC Client Movicon has also integrated the OPC Server functions which gives
notifications of events to any OPC Client applications connected. The Movicon OPC Server supports
Clients created with the "DataAccess" and "Alarms&Events" OPC standards.
This technology permits the sharing of project variables with other applications with a OPC Client DA
and at the same time it can notify a Client AE of events such as Alarms and Messages system
information and variable changes in the applied project real-time Database.
Any OPC Client wishing to connect to the Movicon Server, according to the settings given in the
project, is provided with a list of items to which it can connect to. The list is contained in a group
identified by the project name and each item has the same name of the project variable to which it is
linked. The possibility to change values is controlled within the project in the settings of each
variable permitting the Movicon variables to be viewed externally with the maximum security.
Based on the settings implemented in the project, the Movicon OPC Server will startup automatically
the moment a Client connects and likewise it will shutdown automatically when the Client


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

When selecting the Movicon Server you will be provided with a list of the variables enabled for being
shared with Clients.

OPC Server Settings

The Movicon OPC Server can be configured through the "Real Time DB OPC Server Settings"
which is accessed from the Real Time DB resource properties.
The Movicon OPC Server, if registered on the list of OPC Servers available, can startup in automatic,
with the last opened project, the moment an OPC Client connects. To enabled this function you
need to disable the " AutoUnregister Server" function.
When selecting the "AutoShutdown" option, Movicon will shutdown at the same moment in which
the OPC Client disconnects.
OPC Server XML settings
Iimplement the following settings in order to use Movicon as OPC Server XML:



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1) enable the OPC XML Server (Real Time DB resoure's "OPC XML DA Server - Enable OPC Server"
property )
2) enable the "Enable OPC Server" option from the "Options" property group of the variables to be
3) enable the "OPC XML DA Server" License option

OPC Server Variable Properties

To connect the variables through the OPC Server to OPC Client applications you need to setup the
variables to be connected by means of using the "Variable Options Properties" after having
configured the Movicon OPC Server settings. By doing it in this way the variables will be ready for
Clients to create communication Tags.
The Tag is only a link between the Movicon variable and the OPC Client's
item and nothing else. In order to obtain this link you must first enable
the "Enable OPC Server" property of the Movicon variable so that the OPC
Client can see the list of the Server variables.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


29. On-line Changes to Projests

The Movicon developer may need to make changes to his or her project without interrupting it
during Runtime mode as they would normally have to do. Movicon permits On-line changes to
various resources of the project, such as Screens, Menus, Accelerators, Basic Scripts, etc.
To make on-line changes during the project Runtime mode you will need to open another Movicon
instance, or rather start the Movicon application again. From the second active Movicon instance,
select the Open command from the File menu. Select the project you wish to edit, which should be
the one already running, from the window which appears.
Once you have made the changes you will need to save the project. This should of course be
consented by the protection key (License) being used. When the application in Runtime processes
the edited resource, it will be loaded by the project and opened with its new changes. This means
that the resources which were active when the changes were made will not acknowledge these
changes if not unloaded and then reloaded in Runtime.
The project in which will put the changed into effect On-Line must be
started up and executed directly in Runtime with a shortcut to Movicon .exe
and option/R, with a shortcut to MoviconRunTime .exe or as service.
Otherwise, if the project is run from a Movicon Development request any
changed made On-Line to the resources will be lost.
Project On-line changes can be also done between two PCs connected up in ethernet network. In
this case the Movicon development session should open the project residing on the RunTime station
by means of using the ethernet network.
On-Line Changes are not supported in WinCE. There is no way of
knowing which file has changed with WinCE, therefore it will be
necessary to reload all the project's files.
On-Line changes in redundant systems are not fully supported. In this we recommend that you
update the two Servers one at a time after stopping them. For instance, you can stop the
Secondary Server and apply changes, then restart it and stop the Primary Server to apply the same
changes. In this case the Secondary Server will take control of the system without having to stop
processes. The Primary Server can be restarted once it has been updated.
Online changes to Client Projects are less significant compared to the Server Project which manages
the logic and data recordings. The Client Project can be stopped and restarted after changes have
been applied. In any case, online changes are also supported in Client Projects. It is important that
the Server project is always updated first and then the Client Project.
In cases where the Client project has been created with Parent-Child architecture and the Child
project is not a local Server copy but selected with direct reference to the Network Server project,
changes must not be applied to this Client project because it loads the same Server project files.
modifications are also automatically loaded once the Server project has been updated when using
Web Client.

29.1.1. List of editable resources in RunTime

Projects can be edited with Movicon while being run. The changes made on-line are acquired straight
away during and throughout the project run. The resources which can be edited on-line have been
listed below. Those which cannot be edited on-line are not listed.
IL Logic
Project IL Logic on-line editing is supported for screens and objects.
When any editing is done to the project's IL Logic the Runtime session will temporarily stop for the
time necessary to load the changes.
When changes are made to the screen's IL Logic or one of its objects, you will need to reload the
screen in memory again to acquire the changes made.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The window for the project's IL Logic debugging does not fully support the
changes which can however be monitored with the local IL Logic debug.
Once the IL Logic modifications have been applied in runtime (project IL
Logic and/or Local Screen IL Logic), to make it persistent for the next
project startup, you will have to delete the <compiled></<compiled>
nodes from the respective ".movils" (Project IL Logic) and ".movscr"
(Screen IL Logic) files.
Real Time DB
Variables and Structure prototypes can be added.
The eliminated variables continue to be managed by the Runtime session until the next application
Not all of the variable properties support on-line changes. These properties are:

"General -> Type" Property

"General -> Area" Property
"General -> Address" Property
"Options-> Enable OPC Server" Property
"Options-> Enable Network Server" Property

Menu Resources
The on-line changes are applied to these resources after the first consecutive change page has been
Screen Resources
The on-line changes are applied when the screen is reloaded into memory. If the screen was already
active when the changes took place, you will have to close it, wait until it is unloaded from memory
and then re-open it.
Shortcut Resources
The on-line changes are applied to these resources after the first consecutive change page has been
Basic Script Resources
The Basic Script must be unloaded from memory with the "Unload" command because it will acquire
modifications upon the next startup.
String Table
The changes made in development mode for each column are loaded only when the column is
activated in the Project in Runtime mode.
Alarm Resources
Project alarm lists can also be modified Online in order to add new alarms, delete or modify existing
However it is not possible to add new alarm Templates because this would need the use the file
".movrealtimedb". Online modifications can only be done to alarms using the ".movalr" alarm file,
and therefore will need to be created in the usual way or from the "Variable Name".
When the project is saved after modifying the alarm list, the RunTime module will re-initialize the
Alarm Manager where upon the alarm list will be reloaded without needing to refresh or change
pages in order to reload the screen. During the reinitialization phase alarm transactions may get
lost. Once re-initialized the alarm manager will realign alarms with the variable statuses. In the
project's Historical Log and Output Window a message will show indicating that alarms have been
reloaded and initialized.
DataLogger/Recipe Resource
Project DataLogger/Recipe lists can be modified On-line as well. Therefore new DataLoggers or
Recipes can be added, existing one deleted or modified.
However it is not possible to add new DataLogger/Recipe Templates because this would need the
use the file".movrealtimedb", Online modifications can only be done to DataLogger/Recipe using the
".movdlr" DataLogger file, and therefore will need to be created in the usual way.
When the project is saved after modifying the DataLogger/Recipe list, the RunTime module will reinitialize the DataLogger/Recipe Manager where upon the DataLogger/Recipe list will be reloaded
without needing to refresh or change pages in order to reload the screen. During the reinitialization
phase Datalogger alarm transactions may get lost. Once the DataLogger/Recipe managment has
been re-initialized it will continue working normally. In the project's Historical Log and Output


O N - L I N E




Window a message will show indicating that the DataLoggers/Recipes have been reloaded and
To view the modification in the "DataLogger-Recipe Window" associated to the DataLogger/Recipe
modified you will need to perform a page change in the Movicon instance in run mode in order to
reload the screen again.
In cases where the DataLogger/Recepe's "Table Name" property is changed, a new table will be
created with the chosen name instead of renaming the existing table on database. This is
consistent with changes made in the conventional way.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


30. Movicon Configuration Keys

The Movicon configuration keys permit you to
customize some of the settings not available in the
programming environment.
There are a few advanced options within the Movicon environment which can only be modified when
setting certain values using the keys in the Windows configuration registry or when editing ".ini" files
with XML structures. You must take into account that in cases where the ".ini. file has been inserted,
Movicon will load the configuration values from the file and not from the Windows configuration
registry at startup. Movicon will only read values from the Windows configuration registry when no
".ini" file has been created.
The Windows configuration registry is an important component for
running the operating system and any errors could effect how it
runs. Therefore, it is advised that you always use the XML file for
modifying the configuration keys.

Editing XML Configuration files

The XML structure of the configuration file allows you to insert values in various keys as well. This
structure provides a XML root tag called "Settings" in which all the Movicon sub keys with their
respective values must be inserted. The file structure will result as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<NumericPadFont>MS Sans Serif</NumericPadFont>
In this example two values have been inserted in the "General" key and one value has been inserted
in the "OPCClient" key.
The XML files, according to the Movicon module used, must have the following names:

Movicon.ini (when Movicon.exe module is used)

MoviconRunTime.ini (when MoviconRunTime.exe module is used)
MoviconService.ini (when MoviconService.exe module is used)

The XML files listed above must be inserted in the Movicon installation file, being where the
executable files reside.
All the key values which can be inserted in the configuration files are listed and described in the
appropriate tables found in the "Configuration Key List" section.

Registry Key Editor Window

Windows configuration Registry key editing must be carried out with the Movicon program closed by
carrying out the below specifications.
Go to the Windows application bar by means of the Start menu, or activate the Run command
whereby a dialog window will display. Enter the 'Regedit' command by using the keyboard and
press Enter. This will open the System Registry Editor window which is divided into two panes: the


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

main items are listed in a tree structure of key classifications on the left, the values of the key
selected on the left are shown in the right pane.

When referring to the table describing the keys mentioned in the "Configuration Key List"
paragraph, you should select the key you are interested in by browsing through the tree structure on
the left in the window. Once you have found the key, select it to view its already set values in the
right pane. If the value you are interested in has not been set you can add it by activating the New
command found in the Edit menu or with a right mouse click. The value you wish to insert must be
one of they types specified in the key description table ("Type" column).
Any changes to just inserted or already existing values can be made by selecting the Edit command
from the Edit menu or by double-clicking on the name of the value. In the window which appears
you select the Hexadecimal or Decimal data Base and enter the value.

All the key values that Movicon uses can be searched for or inserted starting with this path:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Progea Automation 11.3\MOVICON
When Movicon is started up as a Windows service the following configuration key will be used instead
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Progea Automation 11.3\MOVICON
If you are using PowerHMI as scada the path where the keys are to be search for is:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Progea Automation 11.3\POWERHMI
This HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\ key is actually used by programs and services that are started up by
the "Local System" user and therefore by Movicon when started up as service under the "Local
System" user.

30.1. Configuration Key List

The registry keys listed below refer exclusively to the running of the Movicon program, and are
therefore not influential to the running of the system.





Please bare in mind that the following keys listed below can be used with
the last Movicon version but some of them may not be supported by
previous versions.
You must also take into consideration that the major part of the keys listed below are
not presented in the configuration file or Windows registry. In fact Movicon does not
create them in the installation phase. When a key is not present Movicon uses the
default value, which is shown in the Default column in the tables listed below. Therefore
it is at the programmer's discretion to create the keys and associate them to the values
desired if different from the ones for default.
The Windows registry keys are not used in the Movicon CE version to read
the attributes which allow modifications to change the way they work. In
order to modify the configuration key default values you must use the ".ini.
Configuration File as described in the relating Movicon section for WinCE.
Registry Keys Development
Registry Keys User Interface
Registry Keys Communications
Registry Keys Historicals
Registry Keys Generals
Registry Advanced Keys
Speech Synthesis Keys
SourceSafe Keys
MS ActiveSync Keys

30.2. Development Registry Keys

List of parameters which influence the development environment.







0 = VS.NET
1 = Office
2 = Office XP



Number of
undo or redo
levels of
executed in
project design





Area type
where to
insert new

0 = Not
1 = Area Flag


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E




option value
when a new
variable is

0 = Not
1 = Retentive



number of
listed in
recent files
under the
"File" menu
item and in
the "Recent"
tab after
executing the




Shows the
called by the
application in
the Output
"Trace Help"
folder of the
selected with
the Dynamic
Help window
when active.

0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled



factor of the
Valid only
with Windows
2000 OS or





Trigger in
for showing
script editor




Time in
for showing
controls. Not
used in
resources for
the time










Enables the
insertion of
objects on

0 = New
selection must
be made from
the 'Object'
window after
each object is
1 = Enabled



Number of
watch Tabs in
the Project
window) when
the project is
run from the
value = 1).




Screen side
ruler widths in





Values that
which appear
after certain
operations are
carried out in
are saved in
this key. If
the "Do not
ask again"
option is
before these
windows are
closed, the
window in
question will
no longer be
shown again.

To restore the
situation just
cancel the


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

values in this
registry key.



/ character
used for
string table
fields, when
imported or
exported from
text files.





Sets the
value which
the "Crypted
property must
obtain a new
project is
being created.


0 = New
projects will
not be saved
1 = New
projects will
be saved



Sets the
value which
the "Crypted
property must
obtain when a
new project is
0 = New
projects will
be saved
1= New
projects will
be saved with





Sets the
value to the
when a new
project is




0 = New
projects will
not be saved
in unicode.
1 = New
projects will
be saved in



value to the
property when
creating new
project is





0 = New
projects will
not be saved
1= New
projects will
be saved



Enables data
control of files
projects in
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled




Sets the
byte number
value for the
Input area
(shared area),
when creating
a new
value = 10.




Sets the
byte number
value for the
Output area
(shared area),
when creating
a new


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

value = 10.



Sets the
byte number
value for the
Flag area
(shared area),
when creating
a new
value = 10.





Max. number
of Handle
objects used
for project
when running
projects from





Max. size to
be obtained
by variables
in byte arrays
with fixed





Disables the
when the
mouse is
positioned a
tab, the
window will
appear on
already open.

0 = Docked
animation is
1 = Docked
animation is
Animations of
disabled when





working in a
session or
when the
symbol library
window is




MaxVariableToOpenLightDBVariable DWORD

Setting this
value to "1"
will enable the
log file
registration in

This value sets

the max.
number of
variables in the
RealTimeDB in
addition to
which Movicon
will open the
"Tag Window" in
light version
instead of Full

30.3. User Interface Registry Keys

List of parameters that influence the user interface and graphics.





Win32 Win




Time in milliseconds for

closing a tooltip window





Time needed in milliseconds

before a tooltip window can
reappear in an object. the
mouse pointer must remain
outside the object for the
time indicated in this





DWORD value which set to

the zero value will disable
the use of the computer's
Speaker and substitute it
with the audio file specified
in the "AlarmSound" string
value of the General key.
This file muse reside in the
Movicon installation folder.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E




String value used for

customizing alarm sound
through the sound card
when the speaker is
disabled(UsePCSpeaker =
0).. This file is searched for
in the Movicon installation




Permits the enabling or

prohibiting the Click's
'passing' effect on
overlapping buttons,
symbols or objects.
The value for default is "1"
and impedes the on click's
passing through effect on
overlapping buttons,
symbols objects, so that the
mouse click is intercepted
by background objects as
This kind of procedure has
an exception in cases when
two overlapped objects are
both using the Sub Click()
event in their VB script
context. In this case the
object at the forefront has
exclusivity over the other
object behind in background
in receiving Clicks
independently from the set




Permits the Tooltip to be

displayed with the Screen
resource or Basic Script
JPEG image preview when
the value is set at '1'.


Note:When this value is set

at '1', the screen's iimage
will automatically be created
or modified each time when
edited in the folder in which
it resides with the name of



Fading in duration index

time effect of the tooltip
window while appearing in




Fading out duration index

time of tooltip window while
disappearing from objects.







Permits you to choose

whether or not to have the
"Scroll Lock" led blink when
an alarm occurs.


0 = Blink disabled
1 = Blink enabled
Activating the blink might
compromise application
stability in devices which do
not use standard drivers for
managing keyboards.



'Fast' option blink time in

milliseconds, selectable in
some symbol animation





Blink time in milliseconds

for the 'Medium Blink'
option, selectable in some
symbol animation





Blink time in milliseconds

for the "Slow Blink' option,
selectable in some symbol
animation properties.





Number of colour shadings

when using backgrounds
with two colours fading into
each other.






Number of brightness tones

when using backgrounds
with one colour fading.





Number of Brightness steps

used when increasing or
decreasing design
brightness or contrast.




Font used in standard

variable"Trace Comment"





Font size used in variable

"Trace Comment" windows.

The size of the window on
screen is in relation to this
value. The size "8" is the
minimum size for the
default font. For reduce the
window dimension it's
necessary to use a different
font, such as the "Small


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E




Font used in "Filter" window

which can be opened from
the "Historical Log",
"DataLogger/Recipe" and
"DB Trace" windows.





Font size in the "Filter"

windows which can be
opened from the "Historical
Log", "DataLogger/Recipe"
and "DB Trace" windows.

The size of the window on
screen is in relation to this
value. The size "8" is the
minimum size for the
default font. For reduce the
window dimension it's
necessary to use a different
font, such as the "Small



This DWORD value

consents you to show the
MDI bar displayed in design
and runtime mode if
desired. The possible
values are:
0 = The MDI tab bar is a no
1 = The MDI tabs display in
3D. Three button are
displayed on the far right of
the MDI bar; two for
scrolling the tables and one
for closing the selected
2 = The MDI tabs are
displayed in 2D. The button
used for scrolling tabs are
on the far left and right.
Each tab contains a button
for closing the selected
3 = The tabs are displalyed
in 3D (VS2005 type). Each
tab contains a button for
closing the selected
document; wihile a menu
will appear on the extreme
right of the MDI bar to
change the tab.




Setting the DWORD value

to '1' will automatically
display all the Movicoin MDI
bar tabs in color.




Font used for the numeric

pad window.








Font size for numeric pad







Font used for alphanumeric

pad window.





Font size used for

alphanumeric pad window.







Font used for the password

window for authenticating
the chosen font type
must support the sizes
set in the
" value
the image on the top
left of the password
window will not appear
if this key is used.
This will avoid any
overlapping of edit
boxes and texts of in
the window when
changing size




Font size used for the

password window for
authenticating users.
The size "8" is the minimum
size for the default font. For
reduce the window
dimension it's necessary to
use a different font, such as
the "Small Font".


the image on the top
left of the password
window will not appear
if this key is used.
This will avoid any
overlapping of edit
boxes and texts of in
the window when
changing size


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E




Font used for the expired

password window for
authenticating users.



the chosen font type
must support the sizes
set in the
Size" value
the image on the top
left of the password
window will not appear
if this key is used.
This will avoid any
overlapping of edit
boxes and texts of in
the window when
changing size



Font size used for the

expired password edit
window for authenticating
The size "8" is the minimum
size for the default font. For
reduce the window
dimension it's necessary to
use a different font, such as
the "Small Font".


the image on the top
left of the password
window will not appear
if this key is used.
This will avoid any
overlapping of edit
boxes and texts of in
the window when
changing size


Changes the font used in

the comment window on
alarm ack.




Changes the font size used

in the comment window in
the comment window on
alarm ack.





Enables the appearance of

the WinCE virtual keyboard
when needing to edit




Enables the mouse cursor

visibility when application is
being run.







Sets the application to

manage fonts in order to
speed up graphics updating
to the max. Fonts will
appear less attractive
graphically as a


0 = Decorative fonts
1 = No Decorative fonts
When this parameter is set
at 1, the following attributes
are forced when a new font
is created:



Setting the value to zero in

the Movicon 11 'General'
key, the 'LastAlarmText'
system variable will not
scroll the active alarm list
but will display the last
active alarm only (as with
the previous Movicon




Setting this value to "0",

the Pad will be displayed in
accordance with the
editable display's "Show
Numeric Pad" option. When
using the default '1' value,
the Pad will always appear
in Window CE or in Touch
Screen panels without
mouse support.




When this value is set at

"1" the "mouse gesture" is
managed on screen in
WinCE. This means that
when keeping the mouse
button pressed down on a
point where there are no
objects, a menu will appear
consenting the following
commands to be invoked:

Zoom In
Zoom Out
Zoom To
Reset Zoom

This same menu also

appears in Windows 32/64
bit with a right click on
screen. This feature is


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

always enabled in Windows

32/64 bit independently
from the registry key which
is only need for WinCE.




This allows you to disable

the project startup
notification message from
showing in the Windows
System Tray by setting
value to '0'.




This value is used for

inserting the path where
Movicon will go to search for
the Symbol Library's
".msxz" file (new path
must terminate with "\" at
the end).

The default path

corresponds to :
"C:\Documents and
ovicon\Symbols\" for
Windows XP in English
"C:\Documents and
ymbols\" for Windows XP in
for Windows 8/7 in English
" for Windows 8/7 in Italian



Consents to restoring the

management prior to the
build 1056 to adapt images
in control objects. In fact,
previously when an image
had the same sizes as the
control that hosted it would
be adapted, obtaining a size
bigger by 1 pixel in height
and 1 pixel in width.




Increases the quality of

images that get adapted but
jeopardize page rendering








Permits alarms that don't

have Resettable thresholds
to stay active even when
acknowledged. When set to
1 (true) the alarm will be
restored with its previous
behaviour: as soon as it is
acknowledged it will
disappear from the Alarm
Window even though the
field condition satisfies the
Threshold's activation




In all the operations

requiring a name of a
symbol, first its description
will be used, if one does not
it exist, its name will then
be used. This search
sequence can be inverted
by leaving the default zero
value, meaning that the
symbol's name has priority
over its description. this will
change behaviours in
various areas:

Names used for

listing screen
Dynamic property
window Tabs
Tabs of all symbol
browser windows
'Name' parameter
to be used in basic
script functions
that return objects
Values returned by
the basic script
function that return
the object name

The symbol name has
priority over the description
in build 1056 and onwards;
while previous versions
gave priority to the
symbol's description.
Therefore you will need to
set this key to value 1 when
wishing to restore previous



This value enables or

disables the manager which
reloads project resources
modified with external
editors. For further
information about this
feature please refer to the
paragraph entitled


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

"Modifying Resources With

XML external editor".
When setting this value to
"1"the reload files
management will be
enabled. Whereas the '0'
value, will disable this



This value restores the data

displayed in the grids with
only one background color
in the same that the
previous build did. The
default value, however,
actives the data display in
the grid with an alternated
background color. Only the
alarm window is excluded
from this management.




This value restores the 3D

button look to as it was in
the 11.1 version. However
when regaining previous
look, you will no longer be
able to exploit new
characteristics such as
bolder border lines or
custom rounded effects.




Descriptio : Setting this

value to zero will disable the
possibility of pressing the
ESC key to allow Movicon to
free the user interface of
scripts being executed in
the user interface thread.




This value consents Display

objects to be entered in edit
mode selecting all texts with
one single click. This setting
may result very handy in
touch screen systems where
double clicking is difficult to
use. With the default 0
value, one single click on
the Display will enable it in
edit mode but will not select
text (Windows 7 standard
behaviour), whereas the
value 1 will also select the





This value is used for defining 0

the Grid object's behaviour
when loading data from the
WebClient. When set at value
"0" (default value), the
loading of data may result
slow, but the user interface
will not freeze. When set at
value "1" the loading of data
will be much faster but the
user interface may freeze until




the data loading procedure

has finished.

30.4. Communication Registry Key

List of parameters which influence communications: networking, drivers, OPC



Enables use of Windows
configuration registry to search
for installed OPC Servers. This
shows listed those OPC Server
1.0 which still used this method.


Win32 Wi

0 = Uses OPCEnum to make a

list of the installed OPC Servers.
1 = Uses the registry to make a
list of the installed OPC Servers.



Timeout in minutes before

closing inactive network client




Startup time in milliseconds for

loading communication driver.
When time expires the project
will startup even if the
communication driver has not
been loaded.





Enables the Don't Remove of

OPC server items, when the
variable is no longer in use in
the project. This only happens
when the the variable has been
configured with a OPC dynamic
address. In this case the OPC
Server item is created when the
variable goes into use, and can
be destroyed when the variable
goes out of use, according to
the value set in this parameter.




Buffer size of variables linked to

opc server items. Each variable
change linked to a opc server item
gets buffered. Changes are then
sent to the opc server one at a
time until the buffer is emptied.

1 = buffer management is


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

30.5. Historical Log Registry Keys

List of parameters which influence project historicals.










Timeout in seconds for

extracting data from
one historical. Once
exceeded the
operation in progress
will be annulled and
notified with a
message printed in the





Timeout in seconds for

database login. Once
exceeded the
operation in progress
will be annulled and
notified with a
message printed in the





Waiting Time in
seconds before
retrying a command
towards the database
which generated error.





Value in bytes of the

reception buffer for
ODBC dataabase
"nVarChar" values. If
the text in the
database exceeds this
value, it will be cut off
when in read. (in
existence starting from
build 1018).





Max. size in Kbytes of

each LOG file created
by the application's





Max. number of LOG

files used for each
trace type. Once this
value is reached data
will be recycled to the
oldest file.
When setting value to
0 the creation of the
log file creation will be
disabled in the "logos"
sub folder.








Max. size in Mbytes of

memory which can be
allocated to shared
areas to manage
InMemoryDB (IMDB)
Once this limit is
reached no other value
will be recorded until
memory space has
been freed. A "IMDB
- Internal error: Out of
shared memory"
message will appear in
the system log.


String =


Min. Value Min =

Max. Value = Memory
available in PC/Device



Max. size in Mbytes of

memory which can be
allocated to private
areas to manage
InMemoryDB (IMDB)
Once this limit is
reached no other value
will be recorded until
memory space has
been freed. A "IMDB
- Internal error: Out of
shared memory"
message will appear in
the system log.


Min. Value = 1048576

Max. Vaue = Max.
memory which can be
allocated for each
process for the
operating system
being used (WinCE 5.0
= 32 MB).



Enabling of registration
in the OPC Client log of
information relating to
events received for
value change items
and items written to
OPC servers.
0 = Only base
information is traced.
1 = All information is




Name of provider used

for connecting to
databases in WinCE.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E





Extension used for

creating databases in





This value is used for

inserting the start and
end character that
Movicon will use in
composing Queries
when Table or Column
names contain spaces.
These character may
differ according to the
DataBase being used.
The default characters
used in syntax for
SQL Server and MS
Access are square
brackets. String type
values must contain at
leas two characters
where the first will be
used for opening and
the last for closing





This key enabled when

set at 1, creates a Log
file (also visible in
"Output" window) with
detailed information on
script execution. The log
file will be saved in the
project's "LOGS" folder
with the name of "Script
Debug Trace.log".

30.6. General General Registry Keys

List of general parameters which effect the application in runtime.






Maximum number
of application
instances which
can be executed
at the same time.
0 = no instances
will be started up.









Time in
between the
execution of one
group of
instructions and
the next. The
group of
instructions' size
is set with




In cases where
the number of
instructions in an
object's Il logic is
lower than this
value, the sleep
time set will still
be respected.



The number of
processed before
sleep time goes
into action, equal
to the value set in
the "ILSleep"





Priority of the
thread which
processes the
project's IL logic.
This parameter
has no influence
on the priority
with which the IL
logic contained in
the screen or
object is
processed. This
value can be set
from 0 to 255,
where 0 is given
to the project's IL
logic with the
highest priority
over the rest.



WinCE is a
and determinstic
operating system,
therefore when
too many high
priorty project IL
logic will block all
the other O.S.
threads which
have lower


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E




VBA design
"OnTimer" event
frequency. The
value entered
corresponds to
the number of
times which the
procedure must
be executed a

Movicon PDF

Values 1 to 10 are



Enables the
installation and
registration of the
Server CE optional
components at
the application
0 = the ADOCE
and SQL Server
CE components
are installed and
registered only
when the project
being run needs
1= the ADOCE
and SQL Server
CE components
are installed and
registered at the
application startup
with any project.




This value allows

you to decide
whether Public
Symbol updates
should be done in
project design
time or runtime:
0 = updates
Public symbols in
design mode
1 = updates
Public symbols in





This value allows

you to set the
name of the PDF
printer to be used
for default by the
Embedded Report






This value is used

for setting the
executable name
which must be used
for displaying
Movicon Embedded
Report pdf files.
This registry key is
only valid for the
Windows CE


\\Windows\\wt6expl r.exe /d wt6pdf*.dfr

30.7. Advanced Registry Keys

Advanced parameter List. Avoid modifying these parameters unless absolutely necessary for they
may effect system behaviour.
Caution: These parameters should never need modifying but if
circumstances make this unavoidable only expert personnel, in strict
agreement with the Progea Technical Support team, must carry out the
necessary modifications only.



Enabling the use of
Windows functionalities
called LFH (Low
Fragmentation Heap,
available only for some
Windows versions). This
functionality allows memory
to be used more efficiently.




0 = Disables the use of LFH

1 = Enables the use of LFH



Percentage of fixed memory

in use in the operating
system whose situation will
become critical when
exceeded. When this
threshold is exceeded, the
application will enter into
"Low memory condition".
Please refer to the manual
for further information on
how the resources are
managed when entering the
"low memory condition"




Number of events per tick

emitted on the project
status bar.





Max. number of messages a

second printed in the output
window and the LOG files.



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Enables the use of the

memory map for managing
screens. The use of the
memory map allows some
operations on screen to be
down faster, such as
zooming, however this will
require additional memory
use for each screen


Font management cache

size. Therefore fonts can
be stocked away in the
cache for reuse instead of
being recreated right from
the beginning whenever




Application performance
optimization value.




Timeout used for executing

some operations. For
example, has influence on
maximum valuation
time of a Basic
Script expression
associated to a
ce" function
time for adding an
item to a OPC XML
process run (for
example, executing
the "Export and
Send Mail"




Max. size of the symbol

caches. Vectorial symbols
which do not contain
animations or VBA code, are
managed as bitmap images.


0 = Disabled
0 = Max. Num. of objects
that can be put in the






0 = Cache manager
The font cache keeps a map
to speed things up in the
most simplest way
possible. However, some of
the most common font
styles are also managed in






the cache such as bold,

underline etc.




This value allows you

modify the precision used
for converting floating point
numbers (float and double)
to text. The '0' default
value means that the
standard precision equal to
6 chars will be used.
Movicon converts floating
point numbers in text
format when needing to
save values in xml files such
as retentive variable files,
or in Movicon networking
communications. is '0'.

Some Examples:
6 figure default
The "100.000,12"
floating point value
is converted into
"100.000" text,
because "0,10"
difference has not
The "5200908"
floating point value
is converted into
"5200910" text,
because the
difference of "2"
has no meaning.
8 figure custome
The "100.000,12"
floating point value
converted into
"100.000,12" text,
therefore not
precision is lost in
this conversion.
The "5200908"
floating point value
is converted into
"5200908" text,
therefore not
precision is lot in
this conversion.
This value will also be used
for recording values with
floating points on


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

databases. When using the

default zero value, the
values in the database will
be written with six decimal
figure precision. If you
insert a custom value,values
will be written in the
database referring to the
precision used in this value.




Quantity of memory in bytes

still available, that becomes
critical when lowers. when
the memory still available
for programs in the WinCE
operating system , or the
VM memory allocated from
the process (WinCE 5.0
max. 32MB), is lower than
this value; the application
entered into the "low
memory condition" status.


Please refer to the manual
for further information on
how resources are managed
in a "low memory



This value allows the absolute

value to be modified for the
project's Gesture Speed Rate.


30.8. Speech Synthesis Keys

In this table you will find a list of Windows configuration registry keys concerning the
Microsoft speech synthesis (TTS - Text-To-Speech).
The values in these keys can be changed with the "MsMouth.exe" tool found on the
installation DVD.
The "MsMouth.exe" program utility always writes all modifications in the
U.S. key independently from the operating system language in use.
Therefore when using operating systems in Italian you will need to copy
the "Mode" binary key contents from the "Local PC" to the "Local
Computer" manually.


oice\VoiceText\Local PC

Local Computer







Default Win32

Phoneme settings which the

application used with the operating
systems in USA version or other.
Phoneme settings which the
application used with the operating
systems in Italian.





30.9. SourceSafe Keys

List of parameters which influence SourceSafe integration settings.




Default Win32





User name to be
used for connecting
to the SourceSafe
database. If not
specified the name
of the user logged in
the operating
system will be used.
The default value is
an empty string.





Password to be used
for connecting to the
database. Must
coincide with the
one set for the
SourceSafe User.
The default is an
empty string.





Path and name of

the SourceSafe
Configuration File
(usually called
"srcsafe.ini"). When
left empty, the
default database set
in the SourceSafe is
used. The default
value is an empty
string which
corresponds to the
last database
opened with the
sourceSage 2005
Note: This key
needs to be set
when using the
Visual Studio
SourceSafe 2005
version in Italian, as
no database has
been predefined for
the SourceSafe.
The Visual
SourceSafe 2005 in
English does not
have this problem.



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E




Consent disablement
of Auto check of
resources when
project closes. The
automatic check is
disabled when the
key value is set to




Path to created the

project in the
database. The
default value is
"$/". The path to
set in this key can
be read using the
SourceSafe and
displaying the
folder's properties
wished to be used as
Note: path to be set
must always end
with the "/"





Name of the
SourceSafe project
for the symbol
library. The default
value corresponds to
the name of the
product followed by
the "symbols" suffix.
The same folder tree
structure, with the
various symbol
categories filed in
the installation
folder in the
computer, will then
be created in the
SourceSafe project.





Consents the
SourceSafe dialog
window to be
displayed for
entering a comment
every time a "Check
Out for Edit..."
command is
executed in a
project resource.




Consents the
SourceSafe dialog
window to be
displayed for
entering a comment
every time a "Check
In" command is
executed in a
project resource.







Consents to enable the 1

Visual SourceSafe
managment. The
default value is 1. In
cases where the
management is
disabled, all
commands inherent to
the SourceSafe will
result as disabled.
Therefore, when
opening projects
shared with the
SourceSafe, problems
may arise when editing
their resources
because these
resources wil lbe
blocked in "read-only"
mode by the
SourceSafe. This will
need you to delete the
SourceSafe project and
restore all the project
files as "read-write".


30.10. MS ActiveSync Keys

This is a list of parameters which allow you to customize some of the aspects concerning the Project
"Upload/Download" management when the MS ActiveSync plugin is used.



Path used for
creating the
value in the
Windows CE
contained the
path in which
the runtime
has been in
installed and is
created from
the product
packet. Gets
used on





M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E




Name of
installed in the
Windows CE
desvice. Gets
used on





Relating path
where files are
searched for
driver setups.





Relating path
where files for
setups are
searched for.
This path is
used when the
project Startup
command fails
and consents
to finding the
installation cab
file for
Windows CE





Relating path
in which files
for setting up
for the SDK
platform are
searched for.
This is used
when the
command fails
and consents
the installation
cab file search
for Windows





Name of the
boot file. This
is used after
during the
search for the
boot file.







DWORD Valid for TCP

plugin. Defines
project transfer
modality. When
the value is set
to '1', the
date/time of the
synchronized to
the data/time of
the source PC
desktop before
transferring only
those project
files that have
been modified
since the last
transfer. When
set to '0', the
devices in
question are not
synchronized and
all the project
files are



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


31. IL Logics (Instructions List)

The Movicon IL Logic permits the use of PLC type logic
tasks in projects for managing the control of variables
or I/O.
The IL Logic (Instructions List) is the key feature of the Movicon system. This resource can has
all the effects of a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) which runs it program in background
independently of the system's logic, graphic or historical engines.
The IL Logic offers a number of obvious advantages. Basically it allows you to perform any type of
non-standard executions using internal PLC type programs.
Considering the possibility of installing or connecting digital or analog I/O
devices directly to the PC, the Movicon system is capable of replacing the
plant control device, such as the PLC (replaced by the IL Logic).
The IL Logic can be associated to projects, where it is known as General Logic, or it can be
associated to symbols (drawings and controls) and to screens where it is known as Local Logic. The
fundamental difference between the General Logic and Local Logic are:

At project startup the General Logic is run and continues running cyclically until the project
stops. The Local Logic, however, is run only when the object containing it is active, ie. when
loading a screen in RAM
The General Logic run has priority over the Local Logic

The Logic is edited through the "Logic Explorer" window which displays the logic associated to the
component selected at that moment.

31.1. Inserting IL Logic instructions

Inserting instructions which form the Movicon IL Logic Resource is done by using the appropriated
editing window called "Logic Explorer", which is accessed from the 'View Menu'.
The "Logic Explorer", illustrated below, allows you to type the instructions and the variables which
form the IL Logic program as a normal text editor, permitting the use of graphic formatting to make
the program easier to understand.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The Movicon Logic Editor should be used as a normal Windows standard text editor. The
programmer, while inserting the program, should naturally respect the programming syntaxes when
entering logic instruction for variable combinations.
The programming has been made easier by the possibility to insert all the
instruction by using the appropriated commands from the Insert Menu
found in the 'Logic Explorer' window. This makes editing easier for the
not-so-expert programmer by guiding them through the necessary
Any syntax errors made during programming unguided by the Insert Menu will be indicated and
highlighted in the compilation phase. However, you can use the 'Compile-Check Syntax' command
which is available from the 'Logic Explorer' window to check to see if there are any errors.
The opening of the Logic window determines the displaying of the empty editing area with the cursor
positioned at the top left. You can then proceed with writing the logic program by respecting the
Movicon Editor's programming syntaxes.
Program editing works with the ordinary procedures of a normal text editor, apart from the fact that
the programming syntaxes are automatically acknowledged and represented with default colors.
You are unlimited with the number of comment texts that can be written
as long as they are preceded at the beginning of the line with the '//'
Access to the variables is only permitted by using the Variable's name. You
cannot access to variables through their absolute addresses (even when the
variables are mapped in the Input, Output and Flag shared areas).
The IL logic instructions have also been adapted to the AWL syntax of the Step7. Therefore some
instructions may be written in three different syntaxes: Movicon standard syntax, English Step7
syntax, German Step7 syntax. You can use on of these three syntaxes in mixed mode in the same
listed IL logic. For further information on the instruction please consult the relevant tables.

Unsupported Variables
Some variable types cannot be used in the Movicon IL Logic especially those listed below:


Double Variables (64 bit double precision): these variables cannot be used in as the
ACCU1 and ACCU2 registered in 32 bit
String and Byte Array type variables: these variables cannot be used as their format is
not supported in IL Logic



( I N S T R U C T I O N S

L I S T )

Variable Access
You can address variables in the IL Logic which have been declared in a different hierarchical level in
respect to that of the object in which the logic has been inserted, such a Father or Child project
RealTimeDB Variables with the same Local screen variable name. You can use the
'..\<VariableName>' and '<ChildProjectName>\<VariableName>' suffixes tor indicate the variables.
When the name of the variable is indicated only, a search is made for the context in which the logic
is executed.

31.2. Logic Programming

The Movicon Logic Editor provides you with a powerful set of logic, mathematic or compare
instruction for combining variable with each other in order to activate logic commands which form
the base of the project.
The Movicon programming logic language is in instruction lists (known also as AWL or IL Instruction
This type of language, defined by the IEC 1131-3 standards to which Movicon abides by, require a
vertical list of logic or compare instructions which, combined with each other, determine a binary
result which will be referred to as "Combined Logic Result CLR" or "LCR" from now onwards.
The Logic Editor can be used indifferently either in the Project's General Logic or in the Local Logic.

31.2.1. Combined Logic Result CLR

The combination of two or more digital variables constitutes the basis of a logic program and always
determined a 'Combined Logic Result', being a binary logic state that determines whether or not
to activate the next operation.
The combined logic result "CLR" can assume two logic states only:
"zero" (0, FALSE, LOW)
"one" (1, TRUE, HIGH)
The CLR always works on the combination of instructions with variables in bit or the result of
comparison operations.
The other operations (mathematical, arithmetical, Load, Transfer) do not effect the CLR.
If for example the logic result of a given sequence of instructions is in logic state '1', the next
command will be executed or ignored if the logic state is otherwise.
All the mathematic, arithmetical, load and Transfer instructions do not
effect the CLR but they can be conditioned by it. All these instructions can
be conditioned in the execution of the combined logic result of the
previous instructions.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

31.2.2. Bracket levels for the CLR

The Movicon logic programs are capable of handling up to three bracket levels containing logic
instructions. Enclosing logic instructions between brackets means that logic conditions can be
determined whose CLR result is placed in relation to the previous CLR result. In practice, in an AND
combination inside brackets, an AND is placed between the CLR in brackets and the previous CLR.
Combinations inside brackets can be nested together up to the third level, and they can be opened
with AND or OR.

31.2.3. Jump to Labels

The Movicon logic programs are capable to manage instructions to jump to labels set up in the
program. The jump instruction transfers the flow of execution to the preset labels (obligatory).
The jump instruction can be absolute or conditioned. In the first case the jump will be executed
independently of the previous Combined Logic Result. In the second case, the jump will be executed
only when the CLR = 1, otherwise the jump instruction will be ignored.

The jump label, which must always be preceded by the ":" character, can be either positioned at the
front or at the back of the jump instruction.
ATTENTION! the programmer must take care not to insert closed jump
loops otherwise this will block the General Logic with out any warning from

31.2.4. Variables in Floating Point

You can process logic by using the values in floating point. The variables or constants in floating
point are 32 bit (Float).
To run programs in floating point, you need to precede the program with the FLOAT instruction. To
restore work on integer values, you need to declare the INT instruction.
If not specified differently, the logic will assume work with integer values for default. It is therefore
possible to run parts of the program working in floating point by enclosing the part of the program
concerned between the "FLOAT" and "INT" instructions.




( I N S T R U C T I O N S

L I S T )

L KF 124,5

31.2.5. The Logic Accumulators

In the instruction in byte, word or doubleword, Movicon uses two system logic accumulators called
ACCU1 to indicate the first accumulator (main) and ACCU2 to indicate the second accumulator. The
accumulators are considered as temporary buffers used by the system to process and handle the
variables in byte, word or doubleword. Only the ACCU1 is used in simple loading or transferring
operations. ACCU1 as well as ACCU2 are used in comparison or mathematical operations.




L VAR00001
L VAR00002
T VAR00003





Note: the format of the data contained in the accumulators is

understood as value with sign, independently of how the variable is
declared in the DB. Therefore even the variables declared without sign
are interpreted by the General Logic with sign.
When working with data in Float, the accumulators work with
variables in 32 bit floating point.

31.2.6. Constants
In the IL Logic you can use numeric constants preceded by the following suffixes:

Integer decimal numbers (i.e.

KD 28)
Integer hexadecimal numbers
(i.e. KH FE5A)
Floating point numbers (i.e. KF

Numerical constants may need to be used in compare instructions or in arithmetic instructions.

31.2.7. End program processing

The Logic program ends automatically with the last instruction within it. The system returns back and
executes the program from the beginning, cyclically, without needing a 'return' instruction.
Nevertheless you can insert an end program instruction which will terminate the processing and the
return back to the beginning of the programming.
The end program instruction can also be conditioned by the CLR combined logic result.



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


// end program processing unconditional


// end program processing conditioned by

VAR00003 variable

31.2.8. Inserting Comments

We highly recommend that you use comments internal logic programs so that they or part of them
are easier to understand. Movicon gives you unlimited use of comments in any point of the
program, whether being General Logic or Local Logic.
In order to this you must first insert a double slash '//' at the beginning of the line, before typing the
comment text. These characters indicate to the compiler to completely ignore the remaining text in
the line.
Entering comments is made easier by using the Comment command from the Insert Menu from the
'Logic Explorer' window.
A VAR00001
S VAR00002

// ***** Enabling command Motor 1 ******

Comments can be inserted either at the beginning of the line, as headings

for a block of instructions, or at the side of the instruction line. You must
keep in mind that the text typed in at the point where '//' is inserted up to
the end of the line will be considered as a comment.

31.3. Logic Bit Instructions

The Logic in bit instructions allow binary logic variables, available in the system, to be combined in
sequence with each other to create a CLR for activating following commands.
The start of a logic in bit sequence is done by directly using the AND or OR instructions.

31.3.1. AND Logic

To combine two Movicon binary variables together in sets (boolean multiplication), you need to use
the AND or AND NOT instructions. The AND NOT instructions will execute the AND operation with
the associated variable's negation (contact closed).
Example: to set the "Out_Motor1" output variable when both the "Start_Motor" and "Cycle-Machine"
input invariables are at logic state '1', you need to:





( I N S T R U C T I O N S

L I S T )

31.3.2. OR Logic
To combine in parallel two Movicon binary variables together (boolean sum) you need to use the OR
or OR NOT instructions. The OR NOT instruction performs the OR operation with the associated
variable in negative (contact closed).
Example: to get "Out_Motore1" output when any one of "Start_Motor" and "Cycle_Machine" inputs
are at logic status '1' logic, you need to do as follows:


31.3.3. Sequence Combination

Logic sequences can be combined together. The example below illustrates the OR combination of
two AND sequences for setting the output variable:


31.3.4. Setting Variables

The combination between two or more binary variables always determine a Combined Logic Result
CLR. The combined logic result can determine the setting of one or more variables or command
To set the binary state of a variable in function with the CLR, you need to use the '=' instruction. By
doing this, the indicated variable will assume the value '1' when the CLR is equal to '1', or value '0'
when the CLR is equal to '0'.
To assign a logic state to a variable in Latch mode, you need to use the SET (S) and RESET (R)
The Set instruction places a variable to logic state '1' when the LCR is equal to '1'. The variable will
subsequently remain at logic state '1', even if the CLR changed to '0', until the Reset instruction of
that variable is activated.
Example 1: the 'Out_Motor1' variable will remain at '1' only when both the 'Cycle_Machine' and
'Start_Motor' variables remain at '1'


Example 2: the 'Out_Motor1' variable goes to '1' only when both the 'Cycle_Machine' and
'Start_Motor' variables go to state '1' at the same time, after which it will remain at '1' until the
'Cycle_Machine' variable turns to state '0', independently of the 'Start_Motor' value.


AN Cycle_Machine
R Out_Motor1


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

31.3.5. Setting Timers

Movicon Timers start exclusively with the "=" instruction. The Movicon Timers are activation delay
type. When the CLR is equal to '1', the set timer will start to count until the desired Preset time, in
tenths of a second, has been reached.
When the timer is time count is higher or the same as that Preset, the Timer's variable ('Contacts') is
set at the logic value '1' and will remain so until the Timer activation CLR remains at '1'.

T 1.30

// timer preset with 3 seconds

There are 1000 timers available from 0-999. The Timers are 'local' logic, therefore each 'General'
and 'Local' logic provide 1000 timers for use. This means, for example, that the '0 Timer' can be used
internal the logic of each Movicon object without creating any malfunctioning.

31.3.6. Summary Table Bit Instructions









Combination of AND logic

between binary variables.
Bit interrogation on signal



Combination of OR logic
between binary variables.
Bit interrogation on signal






Combination of AND NOT

logic between binary
variables. Bit interrogation
on signal "0"






Combination of logic OR NOT

between binary variables.
Interrogation of bit upon "0"



Setting of variable to the

same value of the CLR. If
the variable is a timer, it
activates the time with
activation delay.



The variable is set to logic

state "1" when the CLR = 1.



Bracket AND




Opens brackets. The

contents of the brackets will
be combined by AND with
the previous CLR. The
instruction always needs the
close bracket ")".

Bracket OR




Opens brackets. The

contents of the brackets will
be combined by OR with the


The variable is reset to logic

state "0" when the CLR = 1.



( I N S T R U C T I O N S

L I S T )

previous CLR. The

instruction always needs the
close bracket ")".





Unconditional jump to
specified label. The program
flow will be transferred to
the label position ":".






Conditional jump to specified

label. When the CLR = 1,
the program flow will be
transferred to the label
position ":". When the CLR =
0 the instruction will be


= T 0.10

Start counting time (Delay)

for a Timer.

31.4. Word Logic Instructions

The word logic instructions allow the logic variables in byte, word or doubleword, which are available
in the system, to be combined with each other in order to allow data up to 32 bits to be loaded,
transferred or handled.
All the instructions in word can be conditionally executed according to the
CLR, by placing the letter "C" after the instruction. In this way, when the
CLR is equal to "1", the instruction will be executed or ignored if otherwise.
Instructions in word do not influence CLRs.

31.4.1. The ACCU1 and ACCU2 Logic Accumulators

The instructions with byte, word or doubleword are provides the use of the Movicon Logic
Accumulators. The main accumulator is called ACCU1 while the secondary one is called ACCU1.
These accumulators are temporary buffers through which the system handles variables in byte, word
or doubleword.
You must pay particular attention when using the instructions, described in the specific paragraphs,
as to where the data is loaded, how it is processed and where the result is placed.

31.4.2. Loading Variables and Constants

Before transferring variables or handling their contents, it is always necessary load them into the
Accumulator. The load instruction or LOAD (L) just transfers the contents of the variable specified
into the ACCU1 Accumulator. The system may have to move the contents of the ACCU1 to the
second accumulator AACU2, if the ACCU1 already contains a value which must not be lost.
Apart from a variable the data to be loaded may also be formed by a numeric constant (preceded by
a KD suffix), by a numeric constant with floating point (preceded by a KF suffix), by a hexadecimal
(preceded by a KH suffix).


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

31.4.3. Transferring Variables

When transferring previously loaded data or the result of previously run data processing, you need to
use the TRANSFER (T) instruction.
This instruction evokes the transferring of the ACCU1 contents in the specified variable. The
destination, cannot be a constant.

31.4.4. Logic Operations on Word Variables

Movicon allows logic combinations of byte, word or doubleword variables. The AND logic or OR logic
or OR EXCLUSIVE combinations permit the data of two variables to be combined (or of one variable
and one constant) previously loaded in the accumulators, with the result placed in the ACCU1
accumulator. The result may they used as pleased before the accumulator is used again in logic.
Example: to execute the OR logic between two 'Data1', Data2' words and transfer the result to
'Data3' word, you need to do as follows:
L Data1
L Data2
T Data3


load Data1 value into ACCU1

load Data2 value into ACCU1 and move the Data1 value into ACCU2
execute the OR between the two values and put it in ACCU1
transfers ACCU1 to Dato3

31.4.5. Operations on Accumulators

Movicon allows the contents of two accumulators, ACCU1 and ACCU2 to be swapped over when
needed by the programming requirements. When executing the TAK instruction, the contents in
ACCU1 are transferred to the ACCU2 and viceversa.
You can also execute the binary complement to '1' of the data contained in ACCU1 by executing the
KEW instruction. The result is always placed in ACCU1.

31.4.6. Word Summary Table










AND Word







from any
from any

Loading a byte, word or

doubleword into Accu1.
Loading a numerical
LC instruction = loading
conditional upon CLR
Transfer of contents from
Accu1 into a byte, word or
TC instruction = transfer
conditional upon CLR
Data contained in two
accumulators Accu1 and
Accu2 combined by AND
logic. The result is placed
in Accu1.
AWC = AND conditional
upon CLR



( I N S T R U C T I O N S

L I S T )

OR Word




Data contained in two

accumulators Accu1 and
Accu2 combined by OR
logic. The result is placed
in Accu1.
OWC = AND conditional
upon CLR





Data contained in two

accumulators Accu1 and
Accu2 combined by logic
is placed in Accu1.
conditional upon CLR





accumulators Accu1 and
Accu2 exchanged (Accu1
goes to Accu2 and vice
TAKC = Accumulators
exchanged if CLR = 1





Complement to "1" (NOT
operation) on contents of
accumulator Accu1. The
result is placed in Accu1.
KEWC = Complement to 1
upon CLR





Data contained in Accu1

converted from binary
code to BCD code. The
data must be in Word





Data contained in Accu1

converted from BCD code
to binary code. The data

Swap Byte




Bytes exchange for the

Accu1 Word

Swap Word




Words exchange for the

Accu1 DWord

31.5. Compare Instructions

All the Movicon compare instructions always examine the ACCU1 and ACCU2 contents. The data
contained in the ACCU1 or ACCU2 can be produced by processing operations or can be variables or
constants previously loaded with the Load instruction.
The execution of a compare instruction will always determine a CLR
Combined Logic Result.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Example: If you wish to transfer the 255 numeric constant to the "Data1" variable only when the
"Data2" variable is equal to zero or on the contrary, if you wish to transfer the 0 numeric constant to
the "Data1" variable you need to set as follows:
L Data1
L KD 0
L KD 255
TC Data2


load Data1 value in ACCU1

load zero in ACCU1 and move the Data1 value into ACCU2
when Data1 = 0 , CLR = 1
absolute loading of the 255 value into ACCU1
when CLR = 1, transfer ACCU1 into Data2

L Data1
L KD 0
TC Dato2


load Data1 value into ACCU1

load zero into ACCU1 and move Data1 value into ACCU2
when Dato1 is other than 0 , CLR = 1
when CLR = 1, transfer ACCU1 into Data2

The compare operations are largely employed in all applications. The outcome of the comparison,
which always determines a CLR, can activate any successive instruction or command type.

31.5.1. Compare Summary Table



Step7 ENG

Step7 GER





"Equality" comparison
between the data contained
in the two accumulators. If
Accu1 = Accu2, CLR is set at





"Difference" comparison
between the data contained
in the two accumulators. If
Accu1 is different from
Accu2, CLR is set at 1.





"Greater than" comparison

between the two
accumulators. If Accu2 is
greater than Accu1, CLR is
set at 1.





"Lower than" comparison

between the two
accumulators. If Accu2 is less
than Accu1, CLR is set at 1.

or Equal




"Greater than or equal to"

comparison between the data
contained in the
accumulators. If Accu2 is
greater than or equal to
Accu1, CLR is set at 1.

Lower or




"Lower than or equal to"

comparison between data
contained in the two
accumulators. If Accu2 is less
than or equal to Accu1, CLR
is set at 1.






( I N S T R U C T I O N S

L I S T )

31.6. Arithmetic Instructions

All the arithmetic instructions process and modify the contents of the ACCU1 and ACCU2
accumulators. The variables to be manages are therefore first loaded into the accumulators and,
after the arithmetic instructions, transferred to destination variables.
The execution of an arithmetic instruction does not influence the CLR Combined Logic Result.
The execution of an arithmetic instruction can be influenced by the CLR if
the letter 'C' is placed after the instruction.
Example: Let's suppose that we need to transfer the result of an arithmetic subtraction between the
"Data1" variable and the "Data2" variable to the "Data3" variable. To do this you need to set:



// load Data1 value in ACCU1

// load Data2 value in ACCU1 and move the Data1 value into ACCU2
// subtract the ACCU1 value from the ACCU2 value and put the result into
// transfer ACCU1 to Data3

31.6.1. Arithmetic Instructions Summary Table



Step7 ENG

Step7 GER




+, +C

+, +C

+, +C

Arithmetic addition of the

two values loaded in the
accumulators (integers or
floating point). Accu1 plus
Accu2 with result in
+C instruction = Addition
conditional upon CLR.


-, -C

-, -C

-, -C

Subtraction between the

two numbers loaded in
accumulators (integers or
floating point numbers).
Accu2 minus Accu1 with
result in Accu1.
-C instruction =
Subtraction conditional
upon CLR


*, *C

*, *C

*, *C

Multiplication between the

two numbers loaded in
accumulators (integers or
floating point numbers).
Accu2 multiplicated for
Accu1 with result in
*C instruction =
Multiplication conditional
upon CLR


/, /C

/, /C

/, /C

Division between the two

numbers loaded in
Accu2 divided by Accu1


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

with result in Accu1

(remainder in Accu2).
\C instruction = Division
conditional upon CLR.


from any

Logic variable increment

by specified quantity after
point (e.g. to increment
VAR0001 by 4, the syntax
is = I VAR0001.4 )
IC=Increment conditional
upon CLR.



from any

Logic variable decrement

by specified quantity after
point (e.g. to decrement
VAR0001 by 1, the syntax
is = D VAR0001.1 )
IC=Increment conditional
upon CLR.





ACCU1 increment by
specified quantity (e.g. to
increment ACCU1 by 4,
the syntax is = INC 4 )





ACCU1 decrement by
specified quantity (e.g. to
decrement ACCU1 by 4,
the syntax is = DEC 4 )

Shift to

>>, >>C



Data bit contained in

accumulator Accu1 are
shifted to right by
specified quantity. The
freed bits are placed
equal to zero (e.g. shift
right by 6 places: >> 6 ).
The right shift takes into
account the sign of the
value loaded in Accu1
(although variable used is
without sign) setting the
most significant bit at 1 if
Accu1 is negative.
>>C instruction = Shift to
right conditional upon CLR

Shift to Left

<<, <<C



Data bit contained in

accumulator Accu1 shifted
left by specified quantity.
The freed bits are placed
equal to zero.
(e.g. shift left by 2 places:
<< 2 )
<<C instruction = Shift to
left conditional upon CLR.




( I N S T R U C T I O N S

L I S T )

31.7. Mathematic Instructions

All the mathematic instructions process and modify the contents of the ACCU1 and ACCU2
accumulators. The variables to be managed are first loaded into the accumulators and then
transferred into the destination after the mathematic instruction has been carried out.
If you wish to get precise mathematic results use values with floating
commas by activating the "FLOAT" instruction before activating the
mathematic instruction. The "FLOAT" or "INT" instructions cause the
accumulators to swap over and remain active for the system until an
instruction to the contrary is given.
All the instructions can be made conditional upon the previous CLR. By placing the letter "C" at the
end of the instruction it will be executed only when the CLR is equal to "1", otherwise it will be
The execution of a mathematic instruction does not influence the CLR.
Example: if you want to transfer the calculated cosine of the number contained in the "Data1"
variable to the "Data2" variable you will have to set as follows:
L Data1


preset to work with floating comma

load Data1 value into ACCU1
execute cosine calculation and put it into ACCU1
transfer ACCU1 to Data3

// preset to work with integers

31.7.1. Mathematic Instructions Summary Table



Step7 ENG

Step7 GER







Preset for
calculations with
numbers in
floating point
format. The
numbers will be
considered in
floating point
format. This is a
instruction and
can be
using INT





Preset for
calculation with
integers. The
numbers will be
integers. Active
by default
unless otherwise


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E





Calculation of
Sine of number
contained in
Accu1. The
result is placed
in Accu1.
The value of the
function is
express in





Calculation of
Cosine of
contained in
Accu1. The
result is placed
in Accu1.
The value of the
function is
express in





Calculation of
ArcSine of
contained in
Accu1. The
result is placed
in Accu1.












Calculation of
ArcCosine of
contained in
Accu1. The
result is placed
in Accu1.



Calculation of
Tangent of
contained in
Accu1. The
result is placed
in Accu1.
The value of the
function is
express in



Calculation of
ArcTangent of
contained in
Accu1. The
result is placed
in Accu1.
Calculation of
Hyperbolic Sine
of number
contained in
Accu1. The
result is placed
in Accu1.



( I N S T R U C T I O N S

L I S T )



Calculation of
Cosine of
contained in
Accu1. The
result is placed
in Accu1.



Calculation of
Tangent of
contained in
Accu1. The
result is placed
in Accu1.













calculation of
natural number
"e" with
contained in
Accu1. The
result is placed
in Accu1.
calculation of
Accu1 raised to
the power of
The result is
placed in Accu1.



Calculation of
logarithm (base
"e") of number
contained in
Accu1. The
result is placed
in Accu1.
Calculation of
base 10
Logarithm of
contained in
The result is
placed in Accu1.



Calculation of
square root of
contained in
The result is
placed in Accu1.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


32. Synapses
The synapse allow complex or not so complex logic to
be entered within screens using graphical links between
various objects.
Movicon has a powerful engine for processing logic internally within screens. The Synapse are tools
left at the programmer's discretion for entering this type of logic. Their use permits the programmer
to graphically connect objects on screen to each other and program logic using basic script code
associable to each object.
Each object can be configured with a determined number of inputs and outputs (the synapse), which
will be linked to other symbols using the connector objects. The input and output status can be read
within the basic script code of each object and the appropriate output values can be written as a
consequence and propagated to the other graphically linked objects.
Each symbol containing synapse can be saved in the Symbol Library and reused in other projects.
There are already fully working symbols containing synapse logic in this library, among which you
will find components for creating "PIDs" for instance.

An example of a screen with Synapse Logic

Synapse logic editing is composed of two phases:

Creating the graphics: this phase consists of creating the graphical part then after having
inserted the objects you need on screen, you should proceed with creating the Synapse (or
connector points) to be associated to each object. This points will then be linked to the
synapse of the various objects using the connector object (see "Inserting Synapse" and
"Connecting Synapses")
Inserting Script Code: this phase consists of inserting basic script code internal each object
to which one or more synapse has been associated. This will permit information to be
transmitted between the various objects during runtime mode (see "Synapse Logic

The graphical part is the most easiest to accomplish, compared to inserting code in each of the
objects needing you to have sufficient know how on the basic script functions (see "Synapse Logic
Programming"). However, programmers with little know how can still complete these tasks easily by
using the Synapse symbols from the Symbol Library, which are already tested, functionable and
modifiable in all their parts. After having inserted a symbol containing synapse from the Symbol
Library, you can replace the variables, used within, with those from the project you are developing.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

32.1.1. Inserting Synapse

The first thing to do when creating Synapse logic is to assign the screen object one or more synapse,
in "Input" or "Output". To insert an object's synapse right click on the object and select the "Edita
Sinapses..." command to open the dialog window listing any already Synapse associated to the

The following commands can be used through this window:

Add: this button adds a new synapse, by associating it to the selected object.
Upon pressing this button another dialog window will open to allow you to
configure the synapse as described below.
Edit: this button allows you to edit the synapse selected in the list. Upon
pressing this window the same dialog window used for inserting a new synapse
will show as the editable properties are the same ones at this moment.
Delete: this button allows you to delete the synapse selected in the list and
therefore its association to the object selected.

As mentioned above, the "Add" button is used for inserting a new synapse which will be configured
to define its type and graphical aspect. Once a synapse has been created it can then be edited
afterwards using the "Edit" command. The Synapse configuration window is as shown below:




This editbox is used for assigning the synapse with a name. Its name must be unique and different
from the other synapses defined for the object you have selected. An error message will appear, If
you insert a name that has been already given to another synapse.
This selection box permits you to establish whether the synapse should be input or output:

Input: the synapse is considered as an input point for the object in which it is inserted and
can be connected to other output synapse in the same screen.
Output: the synapse is considered as an output point for the object in which it is inserted
and can be connect to other input synapse in the screen.

These controls are needed for establishing the synapse's position, presented by a small colored dot,
within the object in which it has been inserted. The position is provided with a selection dot in which
to apply the synapse and any eventual offset in the X and Y coordinates for moving the dot within
the object. The position options are:

top left
top right
bottom right
bottom left
at the top
on the right
at the bottom
to the left
in the middle

You must consider that the synapse's initial position is always on the edge of the rectangle that
surrounds the object it is associated to. However, you can associate a movement offset starting from
this initial position:

X: this editbox establishes the synapse's horizontal movement. This movement is always
towards the right with positive numbers and towards the left with negative numbers,
independently from the position assigned to the synapse.
Y: this editbox establishes the synapse's vertical movement. This movement is always
towards the bottom with positive numbers and towards the Top with negative numbers,
independently from the position assigned to the synapse.
by Pixel: The synapse's offset will be calculated in pixels when this check box is enabled.
It is not possible to position the synapses outside the symbol's perimeter (of
the surrounding rectangle). In cases where a X and Y offset has been
assigned making the synapse go outside the object, it will still be kept

Back Color
This button is used for assigning the synapse a color. When clicking this button a color will show
enabling you to pick the one desired. By assigning different colors to the synapses allows you to
visually tell Input and Output synapses apart.
Show Name
This option box is used for displaying the name of the assigned synapse at the side of the small
coloured circle. The name's position follows the position assigned to the synapse and the text is
positioned inside the symbol in which the synapse has been associated.

32.1.2. Connecting Synapses

Synapses can be connected to each other within screens by using "Connector" objects selectable
from the Toolbox "Advanced Shapes" group. These objects are displayed within the screen as
connector lines and their properties follow the synapses they are connected to. Therefore once the
synapse are connected up together, they can be moved around within the screen without losing their
original connections.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

This diagram below shows connected synapse objects. The "Out" synapse are in yellow and the "IN"
synapses are in Blue.

If the objects are moved, their Connector lines will change position and shape accordingly. Below is
described how the synapse connectors are inserted or modified:
Adding Connectors
The "Connector" objects are available from the Toolbox "Advanced Shapes" group. Unlike other
objects, these objects remain valid while being inserted until another object type is selected or
restoring the "Pointer" in the toolbox. You will find that this will speed up synapse connecting
operations of the various drawings and symbols on screen.

A new connector must always start from an Out synapse and finish at an In synapse. A grey square
will appear within the synapse to indicated that it is selectable, on the contrary a no entry sign will
appear to indicate that the Connector cannot be connected at that point, or that there is no synapse,
or the synapse is not the input/output type consented at that moment.
It is important to remember that each synapse can be connected with more than one connector and
therefore more than one object. This allows one single out synapse value to be shared with more
objects at the same time, simplifying code which controls logic.
Modifying a Connector
Modifying a connector inserted on screen can be done by simply selecting it and dragging one of its
ends to another synapse of the same type (input/output. In order to do this, you need to first
restore the point if not already done so, using the "Pointer" command from the toolbox. After having
clicked on the connector line to be changed, if you move on to one of the two synapse connected,
the mouse pointer will change shape indicating that the connector can be dragged. Press and keep
pressed the mouse key to drag the connector end to another synapse.
Deleting a connection
In order to delete a connection restore the mouse pointer, if not done so already, using the 'Pointer'
command from the toolbox. Select the connector to be deleted and cancel it with the "Canc"
keyboard key or use the "Delete" command from the Edit menu which appears with a right mouse
Deleting an object containing connected synapse will automatically delete all of the Connectors in the
Connector Properties
A Connector object is a normal line with all the effects and properties available for this type of
object. Therefore, please refer to the relating section describing object properties.



To modify the connector properties, select the one desired and then use its property window.

32.1.3. Synapse Logic Programming

So far we have seen how to insert and link synapse with each other within a screen. Now we come
to the most complex stage: programming Synapses.
The relationship between an input synapse and an output synapse must be programmed within the
basic script code of the object to which the synapses are associated and for which you will need
basic script programming know how.
Below you will find a brief description on the properties, methods and events regarding the synapse
basic script programming. For further information on these functions and basic script programming
we suggest you refer to the sections on VBA languages.
In cases where the user is not an expert basic script programmer but wishes to use synapses in a
screen, they can use symbols from the Movicon Symbol Library and build a logic linking the various
To access the basic script code of each object, select the object and activate the "Script Explorer"

Events generated from synapse executions

In the basic script code of each symbol you can used a series of events, generated automatically by
the system the moment in which the synapses are executed within a screen.
Each event is generated in a determined moment, during the synapse logic execution and is listed
A new event is entered by selecting the corresponding item in the "Proc" dropdown on the top right
of the "Script Explorer" window. In cases where the event has already been managed, the script will
appear in bold on the list will appear in bold and its selection will place cursor focus on the same
tested procedure.

The events available for managing synapses are:

OnChangeExecutionCanceled (DrawCmdTarget Event)
OnChangeExecutionToPromoter (DrawCmdTarget Event)
OnExecutionPending (DrawCmdTarget Event)
OnFireExecution (DrawCmdTarget Event)
OnFireSynapse (DrawCmdTarget Event)
OnStartSynapsisExecution (SynopticCmdTarget Event)
OnStopSynapsisExecution (SynopticCmdTarget Event)

Synapse Methods and Properties

There are a series of methods and properties available which allow you to created basic script code
for executing synapse logic. As already explained in the section on using VBA code, these methods
and properties are part of the "DrawCmdTarget Property" and "SynopticCmdTarget" basic script


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

SynapseBackColor (DrawCmdTarget Property)
SynapseValue (DrawCmdTarget Property)
SynapseValueFromID (DrawCmdTarget Property)
SynapsisVisible (DrawCmdTarget Property)
SynapsisExecution (SynopticCmdTarget Property)
GetConnectorObjectConnected (DrawCmdTarget Function)
GetNumConnectionsOnSynapse (DrawCmdTarget Function)
GetNumSynapsis (DrawCmdTarget Function)
GetObjectConnectedOnSynapse (DrawCmdTarget Function)
GetSynapseName (DrawCmdTarget Function)
GetSynapsePoint (DrawCmdTarget Function)
HasSynapsis (DrawCmdTarget Function)
IsSynapseConnected (DrawCmdTarget Function)
SynapsePassExecution (DrawCmdTarget Function)
GetObjectByUniqueID (SynopticCmdTarget Function)
SetSynapsisVisible (SynopticCmdTarget Function)

32.2. Synapse Execution

Synapse programmed within a screen can be executed at any given time using the appropriate
commands available from the different Movicon resources.
Synapses are executed starting with the first object's OnFireExecution() event contained by the
synapse logic inserted in the screen. The same events are generated for the other objects based on
the order they have been connected using the Connector objects, and commanded by the
"SynapseValue()", "SynapseValueFromID()" properties or the "SynapsePassExecution()"
When these above mentioned properties or methods are not used in an object's OnFireExecution()
event, the synapse logic's execution will remain pending and still in that object.
More than one distinct synapse logic block and be inserted on screen, where each block will be
composed of objects and synapse connected to each other with connectors. However,the individual
block cannot be connected to other but you can establish a tab order to execute each block when
The order in which the synapse logic is executed is established through each object's tab order
settings, activated with the "Tab Order" from the Layout menu or with the "Ctrl+D" keys.
In the flow chart illustrated below a screen is displayed with two synapse groups, marked out in two
decisive group boxes.
When the synapse logic execution command is given, the logic group in "Group 1" with the AND
block will be executed first. This is because the connector object with the lowest tab number is in
Group 1.



It is clear from this chart that only one connector object belonging to one group has been set in a
tab order to allow quicker order selecting. The final execution flow is therefore determined by the
logic connections created between the various synapse, but is given execution priority over those
groups containing connector objects assigned given lower tab orders compared to the others.
The command to start the synapse logic execution can be given in different ways as follows:
Synapse Logic Execution form Screen
There are two execution properties available in the screens, which consent you to manage the
synapse logic execution start:

Execute Synapse: When enabled, this property will active the execution of any synapse
logic upon Screen load. The logic will only be executed once.
Synapses Cyclic Execution: When enabled, this property will activate the cyclic execution
of any synapse logic when the Screen is active. The synapse logic needs to be executed at
least once before the cyclic execution activates, therefore you will need to enable the
"Execute Synapse" property as well or invoke the start command through one of the other
methods described below.

Execute Synapse Logic on command

The synapse logic execution can be commanded using the Movicon Command List. In the "Screen"
command group you will find the "Execute Synapses" command which will activate the synapse logic
execution for the screen selected. The Command List can be used in different Movicon resources and
therefore synapse logic execution activation can be commanded as pleases. In addition, it is
absolutely necessary that the screen be open or loaded in memory in order for its synapse logic to
be executed.
Execute Synapse Logic using Basic Scripts
To start the synapse logic execution from a basic script you will need to use the appropriated
"ExecuteCommand" function. The command string to be passed to the function is:
It is important to specify the below parameters for this type of command:


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

synoptic: name of the screen where the synapse logic is to be activated

action: The value 6 identifies the "Execute Synapse" command
It is indispensable that the screen be opened or loaded in memory in order to execute the synapse

Synapse Visibility
You may find it useful not to have the synapse and their connectors visible on screen during the
runtime mode. This can be done by disabling the screen's "Show Synapses" style property, or by
using the appropriated "SetSynapsisVisible" basic script function.


33. Soft Logic

33.1. SoftLogic IEC 61131-3 Integration
environment called Logicon, a SoftPLC software
compliant to the IEC 61131-3 standard.
Logicon is a SoftPLC programming environment integrated in Movicon. Thanks to this powerful tool,
users are now fully equipped with an all-in-one environment covering supervision and RealTime I/O
logic control.
Logicon is the result of intense collaboration between Progea and KW Software GmbH, the German
MultiProg producer company, whose Logicon version is integrated in Movicon.
The advantages offered are numerous where only one unique platform is needed, capable of
developing and creating both on the HMI side and control side, with the enormous benefit of sharing
Tags in an all-in-one system. Projects are run synchronized but separately in two Windows' layers
(User Mode for supervision and Kernel Mode for PLC).
The Movicon development environment is now even more enhanced and enriched with the additional
PLC IEC 61131-3 planning environment. The PLC runtime, called ProConOs, is executed in a realtime
kernel as a normal PLC and is also available for both Windows 32/64 bit and Windows CE.

The Soft Logic programming environment on-line help is only available in

English and can be accessed through the Soft Logic editing window.

Soft Logic Software Components

In order to create a project with Soft Logic you will need to use certain components to execute it in
runtime and exchange data with Movicon. These components are:

Logicon: is a soft logic project development which has ben implemented in Movicon and
therefore can be opened as a Movicon MDI window.
ProConOs: is a soft logic runtime module. Once the project has been created it must be
compiled and transferred to this module for running. ProConOs is available for both Windows
32/64 bit and WinCE versions.
ProConOs OPC Server: is the soft logic's OPC Server which consents tags to be exchanged
between the ProConOs runtime and Movicon.

Integrated Soft Logic Editor

The SoftLogic Logicon editor has been integrated in Movicon by means of using a resource with the
same name "Soft Logic". This resource appears in the Project Explorer's tree structure and has
specific commands and configuration options displayed in its corresponding properties window. It
also comes with an editor which is opened by double-clicking the resource name.
In cases where other Movicon processes have been started up
(Movicon.exe, MoviconService.exe or MoviconRuntime.exe) you
won't see the "SoftLogic" resource listed in the project's Explorer
As already mentioned, by double-clicking on the Soft Logic resource will open its editor. If this editor
has not yet been opened for creating a soft logic project, a window will show for selecting the
Template to be used for beginning the project. If you already have a soft logic project it will open up
directly in editing mode.


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

The soft logic project will be created with the same of the Movicon project but with the ".mwt"
extension. In addition, a new folder will be created with the same name of the project within which
all the soft logic project files will be inserted.
The ".mwt" project file and the soft logic folder must have the
exact same name of the Movicon project.
There are two "Soft Logic" resource command selections available in the "Command" pane in the
"Project Explorer" window:
Soft Logic OPC Server Configurator
This command allows you to open the ProConOS OPC Server configuration window. The ProConOS
OPC Server is the channel which consents Movicon application tag communication with Soft Logic.
The OPC Server must therefore be configured to allow Movicon projects and the ProConOS SoftLogic
to communicate with each other correctly (see "ProConOs OPC Server Configuration").
Synchronization Variable Database
This command allows the Soft Logic tags to be synchronized with those of the Movicon project. Tags
can be synchronized each time modifications are done to the global tag table in the Soft Logic. This
synchronization consents missing tags to be imported within the Movicon project and, for each tag
imported, the dynamic link is set automatically to the tag in the Soft Logic (see "Variable Database

Automatic Soft Logic Commands

Movicon manages the following Soft Logic commands in automatic while working in project
development mode:

Soft Logic Compilation: this command is activated each time the Movicon project is saved
only on the condition that the Soft Logic editor be previously opened at least once in the
opened project.
Soft Logic Compilation, Stop, Upload and Restart: this command is activated every
time the Movicon project switches from design to run mode only on the condition that Soft
Logic editor be previously opened at least once in the opened project. Movicon manages a 10
sec. timeout when uploading the SoftLogic after which the project is started even when no
Upload termination notifications have been received from the Soft Logic.

Debug Window in Runtime mode

When the Movicon project is activated in runtime from the development mode, you will find a button
in the command runtime bar to open the Soft Logic Debug window. This window is used for carrying
out modifications to the Soft Logic project, while the Movicon project is being run, which are applied
by uplaoding them to the Soft Logic PLC ProConOS. In addition, the soft Logic editor button also
allows you to activate the debug mode, consenting you to read the status of the tags in the Soft PLC
ProConOS, force values and monitor POU logic executions.

33.1.1. Soft Logic General Properties

These general properties are used for setting parameters for configuring the Soft Logic OPC Server.
To edit this properties, select the Soft Logic resource and use the Movicon "Properties Window".
OPC Server Soft Logic
This edit box allows you to insert the ProConOs OPC Server name to be used for connecting to the
Soft Logic (default = "OPC.OUT.PCOS.21").
Modifications to the OPC Server name do not require you to re-enter or
modify the dynamic addresses of each already imported tag. Modifications
will be displayed automatically and applied when the project is saved.
OPC Server Resource Name SoftLogic
This edit box permits you to insert the name of the OPC resource to be used for connecting to the
Soft Logic. The ProConOs OPC Server Configuration window consent you to insert more than one




resource. Each resource can be set connect to a different Soft Logic or PLC. The name or the
resource must be the same one set in the ProConOs OPC Server.
Modifications to the OPC Server name do not require you to re-enter or
modify the dynamic addresses of each already imported tag. Modifications
will be displayed automatically and applied when the project is saved.
Default Variable Group Name
This edit box permits you to customize the default name to be used for the Movicon Tag group which
contain the Soft Logic tags. Other sub-groups will be created within this group reflecting the same
group hierarchy in the Soft Logic.

33.1.2. Variable Database Synchronization

The Soft Logic tags can be synchronized with those from the Movicon project. This syncronization is
bidirectional, but there are few restrictions that must be taken into account. Below is described the
procedures to use for synchronizing tags.
Importing Movicon RealTime DB tags to Soft Logic
Tags created in the Movicon project, kept in the RealTimeDB, can be imported to the Soft Logic
project only when the project is created first time round where a window will show for selecting the
template to be used for creating the Soft Logic project. In this window you will find the "Import
Project Variables" option. When enabled this option consents the Movicon RealTimeDB variables to
be imported to the Soft Logic project when enabled.

When importing tags automatically, Movicon will insert the OPC link to the Soft Logic tags in the in
the "Fixed I/O address" tag properties. During this phase you will not be able make tag selections to
be imported as all tags existing in the RealTimeDB will be imported.
Once the Soft Logic project has been created you will not be able to import other Movicon variables.
Importing Soft Logic tags to the Movicon RealTimeDB
Importing soft Logic tags to Movicon can be done at any time using the "Synchronize Variable
Database" command from the "Project Explorer Window's command pane. This command gets
enabled automatically each time a tag's "OPC" option is enabled in the Soft Logic "Gobal Variables"
resource. If this command should become disabled, just enable the property of any Soft Logic
variable or check this option again. "Synchronize Tag Database command activation will import all
those Soft Logic tags with enabled OPC and not already present in the Movicon RealTimeDB. The
imported tags will be created with the same names of those from the Soft Logic and with the "Fixed
I/O address" properties already compiled with the corresponding OPC links. These tags will then be


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

inserted in a tag group with the same name set in the "Nome Gruppo Tag di Default" property. Other
sub-groups will be created within this group reflecting the same group hierarchy in the Soft Logic.
New tags can be created in the Soft Logic using the "Data Types"
resource. These types of tags can be "ARRAY", "STRING" and
"STRUCT". The tags which have been declared with a "Data Type"
in a custom "Global Variables" resource will not be imported
automatically to the Movicon RealTimeDB.

33.1.3. ProConOs OPC Server Configuration

Once the Soft Logic project has been created you should proceed in configuring the OPC ProConOs
Server to associate the Soft Logic as follows:

Start the OPC configurator using the "Soft Logic OPC Server Configurator" command found in
the "Commands" drop down window at the bottom right of the "Project Explorer" window, or
from the Windows "Start - All programs - KW Software - ProConOS OPS server 2.1 desktop
OPC Configurator" menu. This configurator window will appear:


Right click on the "OPCProject" and select "New Workspace..." or "Open Workspace..." if you
have a workspace already. This will open a browse window where you must select the Soft
Logic project in question. This will change the name of the "Workspace" to the project's
Now right click on the project's name (Workspace) and ass a new resource using the "New
Resource..." command. Change the name of the new resource by inserting the one defined
in the Movicon "OPC Server Resource Name SoftLogic" property (or as an alternative you can
insert an name of your choice and then also insert it the Movicon "OPC Server Resource
Name SoftLogic" property. Keep the resource name selected and select the "ARM_L40" item
from the "Resource Type" list on the right.






Click on "Settings..." button to open the dialog window below and select the communication
port option desired. If you don't have any field devices you can select "Simulation1" to test
the project in simulation mode. Otherwise select "TCP/IP" if communicating through Ethernet
and specify the device's IP address. Confirm with OK to close the window to go back to the
above window.


Right click on the "OpcProject" item and invoke the "Save Workspace" command. This will
create a file with the resource name in the Soft Logic project folder (ie. "TestResource") with
the ".opc" extension containing the OPC settings. This file will the one used by the ProConOs
OPC Server for exchanging data with the field devices and the Movicon OPC Client.
In cases where a Windows CE device has to be used and therefore the OPC Server, the
ProConOs will be executed on the WinCE device, the ".opc" file ("TestResource.opc" as an
example) must be copied to the "OPCProjects" folder from the OPC Server ProConOs
installation folder in the WinCE device.



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E


34. Index


Accelerator Activation .......................... 464

Accelerator Example............................ 467
Accelerators Properties ........................ 468
Inserting Accelerators ......................... 464
Keyboard Commands .......................... 465

Accelerators Properties

Accelerator Command Execution Properties

..................................................... 469
Accelerator Command General Properties
..................................................... 469
Accelerator General Properties.............. 468
Accelerator Properties ......................... 468

ActiveX, OCX, OLE

Active X Execution Properties ............... 454

Active X properties .............................. 453
ActiveX Editing ................................... 451
ActiveX General Properties ................... 453
ActiveX Objects .................................. 449
Editing ActiveX using VBA .................... 451
Editing OLE objects ............................. 455
Inserting an ActiveX ............................ 450
Inserting OLE objects .......................... 454
OLE Objects ....................................... 454

Alarm Window

Help in the Alarm Window ........... 312

Window .................................... 308
Window Execution Properties ...... 319
Window Field Choice .................. 312
Window Fields ........................... 309
Window Style Properties ............. 313


Alarms .............................................. 525

Alarms Properties ............................... 537
Inserting Alarms ................................. 526

Alarms Properties

Alarm Threshold Event Notification

Properties ....................................... 546
Alarm Threshold Execution Properties .... 541
Alarm Threshold General Properties ...... 539
Alarms General Properties .................... 537
Alarms Properties ............................... 537
Alarms Style Properties ....................... 544

Bugbase ......................................... 29
Buttons and Hot Regions

Buttons and Hot Regions ..................... 277

Buttons and Hot Regions Execution
Properties ....................................... 281
Components deriving from Button Objects
..................................................... 279


Charts ................................................394
Charts Settings ...................................395

Charts Properties

Execution Properties ....................400

General Properties ......................400
Properties ..................................400
Style Properties ..........................402

Child Projects

Child Project Resource Access ...............662

Child Project Users Inclusion .................664
Child Projects Path ...............................662

Client Profile

Client Profile .......................................682

Client Profile General Properties ............682


Combo Box Objects .............................303

Combo Box Style Properties ..................304
Combo Box Variables Properties ............305

Command List for the Objects

Alarms Commands...............................497
Change Language ................................504
Command List .....................................497
Help Commands ..................................504
Menu Commands .................................504
Report Commands ...............................505
Screen Commands ...............................514
Script Commands ................................512
System Commands ..............................518
Users Commands ................................520
Variables Commands ...........................521

Commands Schedulers

Commands Scheduler Properties ...........487

Commands Schedulers General Properties
Example of Scheduling Commands ........491

Data Loggers

Data Logger Properties .........................615

Data Loggers and Recipe ODBC Link ......605
DataBase ............................................600
Database Link to Report Files ................602
DataBase Structure..............................601
Displaying Database ............................602
Editor Data Loggers and Recipes ...........604
Importing Data Loggers and Recipes from
other Recipes ...................................606
Inserting Data Loggers and Recipes .......605

Data Loggers Properties

Data Logger Column General Properties .619

Data Logger Execution Properties ..........618
Data Logger Recording Time Properties ..617


M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Data Logger Style Properties ................ 615

Data Loggers and Recipes common Column
General Properties............................ 615
Data Loggers and Recipes common
Database Settings Properties ............. 613
Data Loggers and Recipes common
Execution Properties ......................... 612
Data Loggers and Recipes common General
Properties ....................................... 611

Database of Historical Log .................... 552


DBMS Settings for Recording data on

DataBase ........................................ 572

Hour Selector

Hour Selector ..................................... 344

Hour Selector Execution Properties ........ 347
Hour Selector Style Properties .............. 348

DataLogger Window

DataLogger Data Filter ......................... 330

DataLogger Window ............................. 327
DataLogger Window Execution Properties
..................................................... 330
DataLogger Window Field Choice ........... 328
DataLogger Window Fields .................... 327
DataLogger Window Style Properties ..... 328


Display Style Properties ....................... 299

Display Variables Properties .................. 297
Displays objects .................................. 296

Dynamic Variables

Drivers Dynamic Variables .................... 175

Dynamic Variables ............................... 172
Network Dynamic Variables .................. 173
OPC Dynamic Variables ........................ 174

Embedded Screens

Embedded Screen Style Properties ........ 295

Embedded Screens .............................. 294

Event Object Properties

Event Object General Properties ............ 494

Event Object Properties ........................ 494


Components deriving from the Gauge object

..................................................... 287
Gauge Circular Properties ..................... 291
Gauge objects ..................................... 284
Gauge Scale Properties ........................ 292
Gauge Style Properties......................... 290
Gauge Variable Properties .................... 289
Gauge Warning Zone properties ............ 293

Graphic Interface

Distribute Object Space........................ 234

Graphic Editing Operations ................... 231
How to create Graphic Interfaces .......... 228
Importing/Exporting Draws .................. 237
Multiple Objects Selection..................... 232
Object Alignment Functions .................. 233
Overlap Order ..................................... 232
Tabulation Order ................................. 231


The Grid ............................................. 388

The Grid Buttons ................................. 389

Historical Log



IMDB ................................................. 568

IMDB Settings for Recording data .......... 569


List Box Objects .................................. 301

List Box Properties .............................. 302

Log Window

DataBase Fields .................................. 321

Log Window ....................................... 319
Log Window Data Filter ........................ 325
Log Window Execution Properties .......... 325
Log Window Field choice ...................... 320
Log Window Fields............................... 320
Log Window Style Properties ................ 323

Logic IL (Instructions List)

AND Logic of Variables ......................... 746

Arithmetic Instructions ........................ 753
Bracket levels for the CLR .................... 744
Combined Logic Result CLR .................. 743
Compare Instructions .......................... 751
Constants .......................................... 745
End program processing ...................... 745
Floating Point Variables ........................ 744
Inserting Comments ............................ 746
Inserting Instructions into IL Logic ........ 741
Jump to Labels ................................... 744
Load of Variables and Constants ........... 749
Logic in Bit Instructions ....................... 746
Logic Operations on Word Variables....... 750
Logic Programming ............................. 743
Mathematic Instructions ....................... 755
Operations on Accumulators ................. 750
Sequence Combination ........................ 747
Setting Timers .................................... 748
Setting Variables ................................. 747
Summary Table of Arithmetic Instructions
..................................................... 753
Summary Table of Bit Instructions ........ 748
Summary Table of Comparison Instructions
..................................................... 752
Summary Table of Mathematic Instructions
..................................................... 755
Summary Table of Word Instructions ..... 750
The ACCU1 and ACCU2 Logic Accumulators
..................................................... 749
The Logic Accumulators ....................... 745
Transfer of Variables ........................... 750
Variable OR Logic ................................ 747
Word Logic Instructions ....................... 749




Customizing Menu Bars ....................... 460

Inserting a Menu ................................ 458
Menu Example .................................... 460
Menu Items........................................ 458
Menu Properties.................................. 461
Test Menu .......................................... 459

Menu Properties

General Properties ...................... 461

Item Execution Properties ........... 462
Item General Properties .............. 461
Properties.................................. 461

Menu's Project

Context Resource Menus........................ 76

Menu................................................... 63
Menu Draws ......................................... 70
Menu File ............................................. 64
Menu Help (?) ...................................... 75
Menu Insert ......................................... 69
Menu Layout ........................................ 69
Menu Modify ........................................ 65
Menu Tools .......................................... 73
Menu View ........................................... 67
Menu Windows ..................................... 74

Network Client Settings

Network Client General Properties ......... 679

Network Client Properties .................... 678
Network Client Settings ....................... 678
OPC Client XML DA Properties............... 680

Network Server Properties

HTTP Transport Advanced Settings

Properties ....................................... 676
HTTP Transport Properties ................... 676
HTTP Transport SOCKS Options Properties
..................................................... 677
Local Transport Properties ................... 672
Log and Security Properties.................. 671
Network Server Properties ................... 670
Network Services Properties ................. 670
TCP Transport Advanced Settings Properties
..................................................... 673
TCP Transport SOCKS Options Properties674
UDP Transport Advanced Settings Properties
..................................................... 675
UDP Transport Properties ..................... 675


Exchanging Variables through a Network 667

Network Connection ............................ 667
Network installing ............................... 666
Project Remote Debug ......................... 669
Windows Terminal Server .................... 668

New Project Wizard

Alarms Settings .................................... 42

Communication Driver ........................... 40
Data Loggers & Recipes Settings (ODBC) . 42
DataBase Settings (ODBC) ..................... 41
New Project ......................................... 37
New Project Wizard Customizing ............. 46
Project Constraints ................................ 43
Project Name ....................................... 38
Screens ............................................... 40
Users .................................................. 39

Connection Pooling ..............................561

Creating ODBC links automatically .........563
Creating ODBC Links Manually ..............563
ODBC Drivers ......................................557
ODBC Links.........................................558
ODBC Standard ...................................556
SQL Server with MSDE .........................566


Entering New Groups ...........................697

Entering New Items .............................698
Entering New OPC Servers ....................696
OPC (Ole for Process Control) ...............693
OPC Client DA Properties ......................695
OPC Client Editor .................................694
OPC Server .........................................699
OPC Server DA Properties .....................695

Project Settings

Child Project Settings ...........................131

Execution Project Settings ....................124
General Project Settings .......................118
Heap Manager Settings ........................126
Historical Log Project Settings ...............129
Project Path Settings............................122
Project Platform Settings ......................121
Project Settings ...................................118
Project Spooler Manager Settings ..........132

Project Windows

Confirmation Dialogs ............................105

Dynamic Help Window ..........................102
Dynamic Properties Inspector Window ..... 93
Logic Explorer Window .......................... 85
Objects Window ................................... 87
Output Window ...................................101
Popup Window ....................................105
Project Explorer Window ........................ 81
Properties Window ................................ 82
Symbols Libraries Window ..................... 91
Watch Window ....................................102

Public Symbols

Public Symbols ....................................442


RAS Station General Properties .............681

RAS Stations .......................................680

Real Time DB Settings

Real Time DB General Settings ..............165

Real Time DB OPC Server Security Settings
Real Time DB OPC Server Settings .........167
Real Time DB Retentive Data Settings ....165
Real Time DB Settings ..........................165
Real Time DB Trace DB Settings ............169
Real Time DB Variables InUse Management
Settings ..........................................166
Real Time in Shared ODBC Settings .......171



M O V I C O N _ P R O G R A M M E R _ G U I D E

Creating Recipes in the Database .......... 607

Recipes on Database ........................... 606
Recipes Properties ............................... 620
SQL Commands for Recipes in the Database
..................................................... 609
The Query in Recipes ........................... 610

Recipes Manager Window

Recipe Manager Window ...................... 331

Recipe Manager Window Commands ...... 334
Recipe Manager Window Execution
Properties ....................................... 338
Recipe Manager Window Field Choice ..... 333
Recipe Manager Window Style Properties 334
The Recipe Manager Window Fields ....... 332

Recipes Properties

Data Loggers and Recipes common Column

General Properties............................ 615
Data Loggers and Recipes common
Database Settings Properties ............. 613
Data Loggers and Recipes common
Execution Properties ......................... 612
Data Loggers and Recipes common General
Properties ....................................... 611
Recipe column General Properties ......... 622
Recipe Database Settings Properties ...... 622
Recipe Execution Properties .................. 620

Registy of Windows

List of Registry Keys ............................ 708

MS ActiveSync Keys ............................ 737
Registry Advanced Keys ....................... 731
Registry Keys Communications ............. 725
Registry Keys Development .................. 709
Registry Keys Generals ........................ 728
Registry Keys Historicals ...................... 726
Registry Keys User Interface ................. 715
SourceSafe Keys ................................. 735
Speech Synthesis Keys ........................ 734


Crystal Report .................................. 647

How to create a Report ........................ 637
Report Designer .................................. 636
Reports and Viewing Data via WEB ........ 645
Textual Report .................................... 651
Textual Report Commands and Parameters
..................................................... 655
Textual Report Errors ........................... 656

Scaling Variables

Non Linear Scaling .............................. 483

Scaling Variables Properties .................. 482
Variable Scaling General Properties ....... 482


Inserting a Screen ............................... 204

Local Screen Variables ......................... 209
Numeric and Alphanumeric Screens ....... 210
Opening Screen Modalities.................... 205
Screen Properties ................................ 216
Screens Resources .............................. 203
Screens with Parameters ...................... 207
Startup Screen.................................... 204

Screens Properties

Associating Variable Script Events to

Screens .......................................... 224
Screen Background Properties .............. 220
Screen Execution Properties ................. 221
Screen General Properties .................... 216
Screen Properties ................................ 216
Screen Style Properties ........................ 218



ProConOs OPC Server Configuration ...... 770

Soft Logic General Properties ................ 768
SoftLogic IEC1131-5 Integration ........... 767
Variable Database Synchronization ........ 769

Strings Table

Inserting Strings ................................. 472

Multilingual Functions .......................... 474

Structure of a Project

Customizing Menu and Toolbars .............. 51

Docking Windows .................................. 48
Grid..................................................... 50
Group of Resources ............................. 107
Menu ................................................... 63
Project Files ....................................... 108
Rulers .................................................. 50
The Resources .................................... 106
ToolBars .............................................. 53
Workspace ........................................... 47

Structure Variables

Default Structures in symbols ............... 180

Pointing to Structure Variables.............. 180
Structure Prototypes General Properties. 178
Structure Variables.............................. 176
Variable Member Order ........................ 179


Tech Support ........................................ 28

Web Support Center .............................. 29


Creating or Modifying Symbols ............. 243

Creating Symbols ................................ 242
Data Formats ..................................... 262
Event OnCustomizeSymbol() ................ 246
Graphic Editing of Symbols ................... 240
Images inside Symbols ........................ 246
Inserting Symbols in Screens ............... 245
Inserting Symbols into the Library ........ 244
Script Code Editing .............................. 245
Symbols as Templates ......................... 243
Variables inside Symbols ...................... 245

Symbols, Draws and Controls Properties

Access Levels Properties common to

Drawings and Controls ...................... 437
Associating Variable Script Events to
Symbols ......................................... 442
Back Color Properties common to Drawings
and Controls ................................... 427
Colour Threshold Settings in Drawings and
Controls .......................................... 430
Composed Movement Properties common to
Drawings and Controls ...................... 416
Dragging Properties common to Drawings
and Controls ................................... 441
Drawings and Controls common General
Properties ....................................... 409
Drawings and Controls Common Properties
..................................................... 404
Edge - Text Color Properties common to
Drawings and Controls ...................... 427
End X Point Property common to Drawings
and Controls ................................... 422
End Y Point Properties common to Drawings
and Controls ................................... 423
Filling Properties common to Drawings and
Controls .......................................... 428
Font Properties common to Drawings and
Controls .......................................... 438
Image Properties common to Drawings and
Controls .......................................... 432
Move X Properties common to Drawings and
Controls .......................................... 417
Move Y Properties common to Drawings and
Controls .......................................... 418
Points Properties common to Drawings and
Controls .......................................... 419


Position Properties common to Drawings and

Controls ......................................... 435
Rotation Properties common to Drawings
and Controls ................................... 424
Scaling Properties common to Drawings and
Controls ......................................... 424
Script Debug Output Properties common to
Drawings and Controls ..................... 440
Start X Point Properties common to
Drawings and Controls ..................... 420
Start Y Point Properties common to
Drawings and Controls ..................... 421
Stroke Atttributes Properties common to
Drawings and Controls ..................... 435
Style Proprieties common to Drawings and
Controls ......................................... 404
Text Properties common to Drawings and
Controls ......................................... 426
Visible Properties common to Drawings and
Controls ......................................... 414


Connecting Synapses .......................... 761

Inserting Synapse ............................... 760
Synapse Execution .............................. 764
Synapse Logic Programming ................ 763

System Variables

System Variables ................................ 140

Tool Bars

Aligning Bar ......................................... 57

Formatting Bar ..................................... 59
Layer Bar ............................................. 59
RunTime Bar ........................................ 62
Status Bar ........................................... 61
Symbol Bar .......................................... 58
Tool Bar............................................... 54
Tool Bars ............................................. 53

TraceDB Window

Data Filter ............................. 343

Window ................................ 339
Window Execution Properties ... 342
Window Field Choice ............... 340
Window Fields........................ 339
Window Style Properties ......... 341


Change Language for Trends Pens ........ 365

I Trends ............................................ 354
Keyboard with Trends.......................... 364
Links to Data Logger for Trends ............ 362
Runtime commands for Trends ............. 365
Template as vectorial Trends ................ 388
Trends advanced features using VBA
interface ......................................... 363
Trends data visualization ..................... 363
Trends Features .................................. 359

Trend Pens Properties ..........................375

Trends Execution Properties ..................383
Trends Grid Properties .........................382
Trends Legenda area Properties ............379
Trends Pens Area Properties .................379
Trends Settings ...................................367
Trends Style Properties ........................367
Trends Time area Properties .................380
Trends Variables Properties...................386

Updates .......................................... 29
User and Password

NT/XP Users Group Properties ...............584

User Levels and Access Levels ...............576
Users and User Groups Child Project Option
Properties ........................................585
Users and User Groups General Properties
Users and User Groups Properties ..........582

Users and User Groups Properties

General Properties common to Users and

User Groups ....................................579
User Data Properties ............................588
User Group General Properties ..............586
User Group Properties ..........................585
Users and User Groups Properties ..........582
Users General Properties ......................587
Users Properties ..................................586

Variables (Tags)

Retentive Variables ..............................160

Structure Variables ..............................176
Tracing Variables .................................155
Variable Areas .....................................159
Variable List(Tags) ...............................153
Variables Properties ..................... 183; 184

Variables (Tags) Properties

Associating Alarms to Variables .............199

Associating Data Loggers and Recipes to
Variables .........................................200
Associating Events to Variables .............200
Variable Access Level Properties ............192
Variable Engineering Data Properties .....189
Variable General Properties ...................185
Variable Network Client Properties .........198
Variable Options Properties ...................193
Variable Properties ...................... 183; 184
Variable Real Time ODBC Properties ......197
Variable Trace Options Proprieties .........195

Trends Properties


M O V I C O N 1 1

Movicon is a trademark of Progea, related to the HMI/SCADA platform entirely developed and
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