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Introduction + Basic/ General Trends + Details Description + Conclusion

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The general format for writing academic writing task 1 is as


Introduction + Basic/ General Trends + Details Description +

Each part has a specific format and therefore being equipped with the
necessary vocabulary will help you to write the task 1 efficiently and will
save a great deal of time.


Presentation Type



The given /
The supplied /
presented /
The shown /
The provided

diagram / table /
figure / illustration /
graph / figure / chart /
flow chart / picture/
presentation/ pie
chart / bar graph/ line
graph / table data/
data / information

shows / represents /
depicts / illustrates /
presents/ gives /
provides / describes /
compares/ shows /
figures / gives data
on / gives information
on/ presents
information about/
shows data about

the comparison of
the differences .
the number of .
information on .
data on .
the proportion of.
the amount of .
information on....

Example :
The provided diagram shows data on employment categories in
energy producing sectors in Europe starting from 1925 to 1985.
The given pie charts represent the proportion of male and female
employee in 6 broad categories, divided into manual and non-manual


The chart gives information on expenditures of 4 European

countries on six consumer products namely Germany, Italy, Britain
and France.

Vocabulary for the General trends Part:

In general, In common, As is presented, Generally speaking, As is
In general the employment opportunity has increased till 1970 and
has dropped down afterward.
As is observed, the figures for imprisonment in the five mentioned
countries show no overall pattern of increase or decrease rather
shows the considerable fluctuation from country to country.
Generally speaking, USA had far more standard life than all the
other 4 mentioned countries.

Vocabulary to show the changes:


Verb form

Noun Form


rise / increase / go up /
uplift / rocketed / climb /
upsurge / soar.

a rise / an increase / an upward

trend / a growth


fall / decrease / decline /

plummet / plunge / drop /

a fall / a decrease / a reduction /

a downward trends /a
downward tendency / a decline/
a drop


unchanged / level out /

remain constant / remain
steady / plateau / remain

a steadiness/ a plateau / a
stability/ a static

the same / remain stable

/ remain static



leveled off / remained

constant / remained
unchanged / remained
stable / prevailed
consistency / plateaued /
reached a plateau /
stayed uniform
/immutable / leveled out

an upward trend / an upward

tendency / a ceiling trend

a downward trend / a downward

tendency / a descending trend


The overall sale of the Company has increased by 20% at the end
of the year.
The expenditure of the office remained constant for the last 6
months but the profit rose by almost 25%.
There was a 15% drop in the student enrollment of the University.
The population of the country remained almost the same as it was
2 years ago.

Vocabulary to represent changes in graphs:

Type of

Adverb form

Adjective form

Rapid change

dramatically /
rapidly / sharply /
quickly / hurriedly /
speedily / swiftly

dramatic / rapid / sharp / quick /

hurried / speedy / swift


moderately /
gradually /
progressively /

moderate / gradual /
progressive / sequential

Slight change

slightly / slowly /
mildly / tediously

slight / slow / mild / tedious

The economic inflation of the country increased sharply by 20% in
There was a sharp drop in the industrial production in the year
The demand for new houses dramatically increased in 2002.
Vocabulary to represent frequent changes in graphs:
Type of

Verb form

Noun form

Rapid ups
and downs

wave / fluctuate /
oscillate / vacillate /

waves / fluctuations /
oscillations / vacillations /

The price of the raw materials fluctuated for the first three months.
The graph shows the oscillations of the price of fuel from 1998 to

Vocabulary to represent highest and lowest point in graphs:

t Point

peak / culminated /
climax / reach a
peak / hit a peak /
touch the highest
point / reach the

a peak / hit a vertex / get a vertex /

get the highest point


touched the lowest

point / get the
lowest point /

the lowest point /the lowest mark /

bottommost point / rock bottom
point/ bottommost mark

The price of the oil reached a peak amounting $20 in February
and again touched the lowest point amounting only $10 in July.
Student enrollment in foreign Universities and Colleges increased
dramatically hitting a peak of over 20 thousand in 2004.

Vocabulary to represent comparison in graphs:


Word(s) should be used


about / almost / nearly / roughly / approximately /

around / just about / very nearly /

Just over

just above / just over / just bigger / just beyond /

just across

Just short

just below / just beneath / just sort / just under /

just a little

Much more

well above / well above / well beyond / well

across / well over

Much less

well below / well under / well short / well beneath

The number of high-level women executives is well beneath than
the number of male executives in this organization where
approximately 2000 people works in executive levels.
About 1000 people died in the highway car accident in 2003 which
is well above than the statistics of all other years.
The number of domestic-violence cases was just below 500 in
March which is just a little over than the previous months.

Compare and contrast

One syllable

Adjectives with one syllable form their comparatives and superlatives :

cheap cheaper cheapest || large larger largest


bright brighter brightest etc.

good better best || bad worse worst etc.

Two syllables
Some adjectives with two syllables form their comparatives and
superlatives :
pretty prettier prettiest


happy happier happiest etc.


But many form their comparatives and superlatives using 'more':

striking more striking most striking


common more

common most common || clever more clever/cleverer most

clever/cleverest etc.

Three or more syllables

All adjectives with three or more syllables form their comparatives and
superlatives using 'more' & 'most':
attractive more attractive most attractive || profitable more
profitable most profitable || expensive more expensive most

Using Appropriate Prepositions:

You must use the right preposition in the IELTS writing task 1 to get a
high score. Be accurate about the uses of to, by, of, off, in, on, for etc.
Example :
Papers are sold by the ream.
Oranges are purchased and sold by the dozen.
Students enrollment in the University has increased by 2% this year.
Eggs are counted in dozens.
Rice is measured in kg.
He is junior to me by 4 years.
The employees are paid per week in this factory.
Words to make a comparison / contrast:

a bit / slightly / a little / only just / approximately / about / almost /

precisely / quite / nearly / considerably / a huge / a great deal / quite a
lot / completely / exactly
This year population growth of the country is slightly larger than the
previous year.
This year population grown is almost twice than 2007.
Sale of the company has increased quite a lot this year.

Vocabulary to write the Conclusion part:

To draw the conclusion : In conclusion / To conclude / On the whole
To Summarize : In short / In brief / To sum up / In summary
In conclusion, third world countries have improved their production
sectors like: garments, over the last 10 years whereas the first world
countries have improved their technology and research sectors in the
same period.
In brief, the overall sale of the company has improved in the last 5
years except 2005 when the sale reduced significantly due to

IELTS Writing Task 1 vocabulary:

Following are the vocabularies for Academic IELTS Writing Task 1
grouped as Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, and Phrase to help you
improve your vocabulary and understanding of the usages of those

A growth: There was a growth in the earning of the people of the city at
the end of the year.

An increase: Between the noon and evening, there was an increase of

the temperature of the coast area and this was probably because of the
availability of the sunlight at that time.
A rise: A rise of the listener in the morning can be observed from the
bar graph.
An improvement: The data presents that there was an improvement of
the traffic condition between 11:00 am till 3:00 pm.
A progress: There was a progress in the law and order of the city
during the end of the last year.
Rapid Increase:
A surge: From the presented information, it is clear that there was
surge on the number of voter in 1990 compared to the data given for
the previous years.
A rapid increase/ a rapid growth/ a rapid improvement: There was a
rapid growth in the stock value of the company ABC during the
December of the last year.
N.B: Following adjectives can be used before the above nouns to show
a rapid growth/ increase of something:
Rapid, Sudden, Steady, Noticeable, Mentionable, Tremendous, huge,
enormous, massive, vast, gigantic, monumental, incredible, fabulous,
great etc.
(The above list is the words which are actually adjective and can be
used before nouns to show the big changes)
A/ The pick: The number of visitors reached to the pick in 2008 and it
exceeded 2 million.
Top/ highest/ maximum: The oil prices reached to the top/ highest in
1981 during the war.
N.B: Some of the words to present the highest/ top of something are
given bellow:
Apex, pyramid, zenith, acme, obelisk, climax, needle, spire, vertex,

summit, tower, most, greatest, max, tops, peak, height, crown,

A fluctuation: There was a fluctuation of the passenger numbers who
used the railway transportation during the year 2003 to 2004.
A variation: A variation on the shopping habit of teenagers can be
observed from the data.
A disparately/ dissimilarity/ an inconsistency: The medicine tested
among the rabbits shows an inconsistency of the effect it had.

Stability: The data from the line graph show a stability of the price in
the retail market from January till June for the given year.
A plateau: As is presented in the line graph, there was a plateau of the
oil price from 1985 to 1990.
A fall: There was a fall of the price of the energy bulbs in 2010 which

was less than $5.

A decline: A decline occurred after June and the production reached to
200/day for the next three months.
A decrease: After the initial four years, the companys share price
increased and there was a decrease of the loss it was bearing.

The graphs below show the numbers of male and female workers
in 1975 and 1995 in several employment sectors of the republic of
Write a report for a university teacher describing the information
You should write at least 150 words.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


Sample Answer 1:
The given diagrams compare the male and female employment status
in six different job sectors in two different years 1975 & 1995. As is
seen from the given illustration, men were well ahead of women in all
the job sectors in Freedonia in 1975. However the scenario changed in
the 1995 and women did a remarkable progress in their professions.

According to the given diagrams, men in Freedonia were well ahead of

female in manufacturing, finance/banking, wholesale & retail trade,
defence and non-defence sectors. In manufacturing more than 600
male employees could be seen against only 300 female employees.
Except in communication sector, ratio of male employees was far
greater than that of females. Among the given job sectors, public / nondefene sector had the highest number of employees while the defence
sector had the least number of employees.

After 20 years, women showed an outstanding advancement in the job

sectors and they went well ahead of men in communication, wholesale
& retail trade sectors. They become almost equal in number in finance
and banking jobs while the gap between male and female employees
numbers reduced in defence jobs. Only sector that was still male


dominant was manufacturing and the job ratio in this sector remained
almost same as it was 20 years earlier.
Sample Answer 2:
The given line graphs illustrate the number of male and female workers
in various employment sectors of the republic of Fredonia in the year
1975 and 1995. The first point to note is that, highest number of male
and female workers occupied in public sector and wholesale and retail
trade sector in both years.
Public sector occupied same number of employees in both two years
that is 840 males and 640 females. Wholesale and retail trade sector
stands close behind with 650 male and 460 female employees in the
year 1975, while a slight reverse order in the year 1995 with 800
females and 650 males. Manufacturing section consumes almost equal
number of employees in both years with 600 males and half of its
females. Interestingly, almost equal number of employees in
communication sector in the year 1975 with 240 and 250 females and
males respectively, changed to its double in female workers and with
same number of male workers in the year 1995. This same trend shown
in finance and banking sector. However, defense public sector occupied
lowest number with 10 female and 210 male workers in the year 1975
and 100 females and its double male workers in the year 1995.
In conclusion, it is clear from the graphs that, there are fluctuations in
the number in both years. But male employees are more compared to
females in almost all the sectors in the given years.
(Approximately 238 words | Written by - Jayesh Joseph )
Model Answer 3:
The provided illustrations compare the male and female workers in
different employment sectors in Freedonia over 20 years of time by
providing data for the years 1975 and 1995. As is observed from the
given line graphs, women were far behind in employment in Freedonia
in 1975 but within 20 years they made remarkable progress almost in

all sectors and went well ahead of men in communications and

wholesale & retail trade sectors.
The graphs compare the number of male and female workers in 6
different sectors of Freedonia per thousand. In 1975, more men than
women were employed in almost all the mentioned sectors of job
categories. For instance, approximately 650 men were employed in
manufacturing related jobs compared to only 300 women per thousand
of total employees in the same sectors. In almost all other cases, the
numbers of male employees were much higher than the women and in
communication sectors men were bit ahead than female in their
employment ration. After 20 years, in 1995, women made outstanding
progress in Freedonian job sectors. For instance, in communication
sectors almost 600 female were employed compared to 300 male
workers per thousand. Women went ahead of men in wholesale & retail
trade sectors too. Except for the public sectors (non-defence) women
hold the trends of progress compared to men in all other sectors. In
1975 only about 40 women worked in defence sectors and this number
grew to more than 100 per thousand after 20 years.
In summary women did remarkable progress in Freedonian job fields
over 20 years and they went ahead of men in many job sectors.
(Approximately 270 words)
(These two model answers can be followed as examples of a well
written answer. However, please note that this is just one example out
of many possible approaches.)
Sample Answer 4:
The provided line graphs compare the employment history of men and
women in 1975 and 1995 dividing in six major sectors namely:
manufacturing, communications, finance/ banking, wholesale & retail
trade, non-defence public sectors and defence public sectors. As is

observed from the given illustration, significant changes have been

made in women's employment and women appear to have made
remarkable improvements in almost the entire job sectors in Freedonia
and in some sectors women went well ahead of men.
Initially in 1975, men were notably ahead of women in every sector of
employment. For example, in communication sector about 260 men
worked against 220 women in every thousand employees. Twenty
years later, though the number of men remained unchanged, the
number of women rose to over 550 in one thousand. A similar trend can
be seen in the wholesale and retail trade sector, where the number of
women rose from about 550 to almost 800 in every 1000 employees of
this sector two decades later. The number of men in this sector
remained stable over the period, at around 700 / thousand.
Women also made their prominence in both the finance/ banking
industries and in the defence-related public sector during this period.
Where 125 women among one thousand employees worked in finance
& banking institutions in 1975, this number increased to 450 by 1995.
The number of men grew only marginally from 425 to 480 over the
same period. In defence sector, the number of men declined from 225
to 200 per thousand, while the number of women rose from 25 to over
100 per thousand. Two sectors that remained almost stable in terms of
men and women employee ration are manufacturing and public sector.
In manufacturing about 300 women and 650 men worked in both
surveyed years, and in public sector (non-defence), which employed
650 women and 850 men.
In conclusion, we can say that, women appear to have made gains in
the work force in Freedonia and in some sectors they went well ahead
compared to men.

Tips for Answering this Academic Writing Task 1 Question:

1. Two line graphs are provided in this writing task 1, so start the
introduction part as follows:

The given line graphs provide data on.....

Do not use, the give line graph shows... as there are more than
one graphs present in this question.
2. The two line graphs compare the number of male and female
employees in 6 employment sectors in Freedonia. The first graph
shows the data for the year 1975 while the second graph shows data
for the year 1995.
3. The first graph shows that the male employees were well ahead in all
the job sectors in Freedonia. But after 20 years that scenario changed
and women did a remarkable progress in the job sectors.
4. Initially in 1975, men were higher in number in terms of their
involvement in different work sectors. Only in Finance and Banking
sector, female were close to the male.
5. After 20 years in 1995, the number of women employees crossed the
number of men employees in communications & wholesale & retail
trade sectors.
6. In communication sector, the number of women employees reached
to 550 per thousand while this number was only 210 per thousand in
7. Do not only only give the numbers of male and female employees in
6 job sectors of Freedonia in 1975 and 1995. Rather make a
comparison of the male and female employee numbers and show some
of the comparisons for women about how many of them were employed
in 1975 and how these numbers have increased in 1995. Keep in mind
that the writing expects you to be able to compare the women's
improvement and increasing involvement in job sectors of Freedonia.
Summary of the graphs:
In Freedonia, women's involvement in major job sectors has increased

remarkably in 20 years. Initially in 1975, they were less in number than

the male employees in all the 6 major job sectors. But within 20 years,
they did significant progress and have crossed the number of male
employees in some sectors.
Model Answer 8:
The graph gives us a brief idea about the various changes that has
taken place in 6 different employment sectors in Freedonia based on
the population of different sex from 1975 to 1995. Though there isn't a
major increase in the overall number of employees, some of the
individual sectors showed notable increase in its work population.
The defence sector had the least number of men and women and even
though there was a slight variation in the number of women the number
of men in this sector remained the same in both the years.
Manufacturing at 600 above men, 250 women and public sector apart
from defence at 800 above men and 600 above women has no
significant changes in both the years whatsoever. Most changes had
been in the communication, finance and wholesale sectors with a large
increase in the number of people from 1975 to 1995 speaks out in
volume of the interest of the general public towards these sectors.
Communication and wholesale sector had seen a huge hike in the
number of women even overtaking men in the process.
On these grounds, I conclude by saying the prominence of women in
employment sectors in Freedonia is evident when we compare the
graph of 1995 and 1975.
(Approximately 172 words | by Abhijith )
Model Answer 9:
As can be seen from the graph, among all the sectors, non-defense
public sector was the most popular working field for both the genders in
1975, in which, the number of males and females was around 900,000
and 700,000 respectively. Interestingly, the figures for both the genders

in this sector remained the same even in1995, followed by whole sale
and retail sector, where the rate of women employees was 570,000
in1975 which rose to 800,000 after 2 decades whereas the figures for
their counterparts worked in the same sector stayed at a constant figure
of 800,000 throughout the period.
Likewise, in the field of manufacturing, the number of males and
females had no change after 20 years from 700,000 and 300,000
respectively. Noticeably, the number of men occupied in the field of
communication and banking /finance remained steady during the time
period at 300,000 and just over 400,000 correspondingly; whilst the
figures for female employees in communication sector underwent a
threefold increase from about 300,000 by 1995.
Similarly, in banking sector, women had a fourfold rise to almost
450,000. It can be seen that, only 25,000 women worked in defense
public sector in1975, while the figures for men was more than 225,000.
However, the rate of the former rose by 4 times and reached 100,000
after 20 years whereas the figures for the latter had a fall to 200,000.
To conclude, the occupational data for men had no considerable
change whereas massive changes took place in the case of women
workers over a 20 year period.
(Approximately 256 words | by Sriya Bimal )

Eating sweet foods produces acid in the mouth, which can cause
tooth decay. (High acid levels are measured by low pH values)
Describe the information below and discuss the implications for
dental health.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You should write at least 150 words.

Sample answer 1:
The provided line graph illustrates the acid level in the mouth which is
created by consuming sweet foods specifically sugar and honey and
possibility of tooth decay because of this acid level. As is presented in
the line-graph, the higher the acid level the lower the pH value and a
pH level less than 5.5 is detrimental for the tooth and causes the tooth
The given graph shows that the initial pH level of our mouth is 7 which
begin to fall after consuming sweet foods. When we eat sweet item like
cane sugar, the pH level drops to 3.5 in 5 minutes and remain in danger
level (below pH level 5.5) for more than 30 minutes. Consuming fruit
sugar drops the pH level nearly to 4 and remains in danger level for
about 20 minutes. And finally when we eat honey, the pH level fall
below 5 and it remains under risk level for about 13 minutes. As the low
pH level means higher acidity and causes tooth decay, cane sugar

among the mentioned three food items is the most harmful for our
(Approximately 186 words)

Sample Answer 2:
The provided line graph shows the acid level of our mouth which is
created from consumption of fruit sugar, cane sugar & honey and
compares their effects on our tooth decay.
When the pH level in the mouth is above 5.5, acidity remains in such a
level that teeth are unlikely to be in danger from decay. Sweet foods,
however, cause pH in the mouth to drop for a time, and the longer the
pH levels remain below 5.5, the greater the possibility for decay to
occur. The illustration compares the fruit sugar, cane sugar and honeys,
which are the most common ingredients of sweet foods, causes the pH
level to drop below the danger level after 5 minutes.
Among these 3 sweet items, cane sugar decrease the pH level most
quickly and causes to remain the level under the danger level for the
longest period (over 30 minutes) and thus produce the greatest risk
among the three. After consuming the cane sugar, the pH level drops to
level 3.5 and remains there for over half an hour. On the other hand,
fruit sugar causes the acidity level of mouth to fall under pH level 4 in 5
minutes and remains under threat level for 20 minutes. Finally the
honey appears to be less risky among the three causes the pH level to
drop to 4.7 in 5 minutes and proceed to above pH 5.5 level within 15
minutes of consumption.
In conclusion all of the sweet items possess the possibility of causing
tooth decay and honey and fruit sugar are likely to cause less decay

than the cane sugar does.

(Approximately 271 words)
( These 2 model answers can be followed as examples of standard
answers. However, please note there are other good ways of writing
possible good answer.)

Tips for answering this Writing Task 1 Question:

1. Please note that the question asks you to "describe the information
presented in the graph and also discuss the implications for dental
health". So you have to mention which food items creates more acid
level for longer time and are comparatively injurious for teeth. You must
classify which food items are comparatively safe as well. First compare
the three food items in terms of the acid level they create in mouth and
how long this acid level remains in danger level. Then suggest which
food items among cane sugar, fruit sugar and honey is comparatively
safe and which item/ items are not.
2. Notice the following trends from the given line graphs:
a) Higher the acid level, the lower the pH level.
b) pH level below 5.5 is dangerous for the tooth as the tooth decay
occurs below 5.5 pH level.
c) Honey is comparatively safer than other two food items as it
decreases the pH level of the mouth slowly and the acid level goes to
the safe level very quickly. On the other hand after consuming cane
sugar the pH level falls under danger level quickly and remains there
for the longest time among the three food items.
3. To answer this question first mention the acid / pH level which occurs
the tooth decay and the level when it is safe. Now take the three given
food items and mention them individually: how longer it takes to reach
the pH level of mouth below 5.5 after consuming this food item and
then how longer this level remains under 5.5. Finally suggest which
food items are comparatively safer and which are not.

Summary of the Line Graph:

After consuming different sweet food items, the acid level of our mouth
increases. The higher acid level is presented by the lower pH value.
When the pH value gets under 5.5, the tooth decay occurs. Among the
given three food items i.e. cane sugar, fruit sugar and honey, the third
item (honey) is comparatively safer for our dental health. This is
because after consuming all the honey the pH level remains under
danger level for about 12 minutes compared to the 20 minutes for the
fruit sugar and 31 minutes for cane sugar. This also indicates that the
cane sugar is more likely to damage our tooth among the provided
three sweet food items.
Sample Answer 3:
The bar graph illustrates the acid level of mouth after consumption of
three different nutrients such as fruit sugar, cane sugar and honey over
the period of forty minutes. According to the bar graph, it is obvious that
cane sugar is the most acidic nutrient.

After the consumption of cane sugar, acidity level of mount increased

sharply in five minutes and reached 3.5 pH level. From now onwards
acidity level of mouth decreases steadily and reached the normal level
after thirty-five minutes. However, teeth remained in dangerous level
more than 25 minutes.

Another acidic nutrient is fruit sugar. After the consumption, pH level of

mouth decreased hurriedly and reached 4.25 in five minutes. After that,

level of acidity of month reached normal level in 15 minutes. Therefore,

teeth remained in dangerous level for 15 minutes. The last and the least
acidic nutrient is honey, after the consumption of honey acidity level of
mouth increased dramatically in five minutes and reached 5 pH level
and then, plateau for 5 minutes and from now onward decreased
moderately. However, teeth remained in an acidic environment for 10

To conclude, the more hazardous nutrient for teeth is cane sugar

because teeth remained in an acidic environment for more than 25

(Approximately 208 words)

( This model answer was submitted by an IELTS Student as a
comment. )
Sample Answer 4:
The given line graph gives information on amount of acid produced in
our mouth by eating sugar and honey made from three different
resources namely fruit, sugarcane and honey. Also the graph estimates
the time taken by them to reach different acid levels which is related to
the tooth decay.


The maximum level of acidity produced by sugary content is reached 5

minutes after consuming them reaching up to 3.5 pH for sugarcane, 4
pH for fruit sugar and 5 pH for honey. After this time the acidity level
declines for cane and fruit sugar, whereas it is sustained for 10 minutes
for honey. Honey takes approximately 15 minutes to reach the pH of
5.5. It is at this pH at which tooth decay is unlikely. Fruit sugar takes 20
minutes and cane sugar takes the maximum time to reach this safety
level. After 40 minutes all three sugars reach neutral pH that is 7.

Acidity promotes tooth decay which results in teeth cavities. Proper

brushing and mouth washing can eliminate sugar particles and may
protect teeth from the hazards of high acid levels.

From the given data it is clear that cane sugar has highest acidity and
its acid content above safety level is sustained for the longest period in
mouth. Therefore it should be avoided. Honey is the safest sugary food
which causes least chances of tooth decay.
(Approximately 230 words | Written by - Anum Faisal )

The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men
and women of different employment status.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information

shown below.
Leisure time in a typical week in hour: by sex and employment
status, 1998-99.

Model Answer:
The provided chart shows the number of leisure hours enjoyed by men
and women in a typical week in 1998-99, according to gender and
employment status. As is observed from the graph, the unemployed
and retired men and women had more leisure time than the other type
of people.
Among the full time employed people, men had about 45 hours of
leisure time on an average per week compared to the 38 hours of
leisure time for woman. No data is given for the part-time employed
men and woman from this category enjoyed 40 hours of leisure time in
a week. This figure is slightly more than the employed woman perhaps
because of their employment nature.

Unemployed and retired people had the longest period for leisure
activity both for men and woman and men had a bit more hours than
the women. As expected the retired and unemployed people enjoyed
about 78 to 82 hours per week which is longer than people from other
employment status. Lastly housewives enjoyed approximately 50 hours
of leisure time which is more than the employed woman but less than
the unemployed and retired woman. The graph reflects that men had
more leisure time from all status than woman which indicates that
woman spent on more time working at home than the male.
The graph summarises that the male enjoy more leisure time than
woman and employed people had less time for leisure activity than
retired and unemployed people.
(Approximately 244 words)
Alternative Answer :
The graph compares the amount of leisure time enjoyed by people of
different employment level s in a typical week in the year 1998-1999.
In the given column graph, no data has been provided for the part-time
employed and house-staying men. For rest of the cases, Men have
more leisure time than women of the same category. The highest
amount of leisure hours are enjoyed by those, who are unemployed.
Unemployed men had approximately 85 hours of spare time and
women from the same category had about 83 hours. The retired people
also enjoyed the same amount of leisure activities as did the
unemployed men and women. On the contrary, full-time employed men
had a total of 40 hours leisure time compared to about 37 hours of
women from the same status. Finally woman with part-time job had 40
hours-time to spend as leisure time and Housewives had 50 hours
leisure time.


In conclusion, unemployed and retire people, both men and women

enjoyed more leisure time than employed people and men compared to
women had more time for leisure activities.
(Approximately 181 words)

Tips for writing answer for this Academic Writing Task 1:

1. The given bar graph compares the data for the year 1998 and 1999.
So your answer should be in past tense. For instance: Full time
employed men enjoyed about 44 hours of leisure time while the female
of this category hadapproximately 38 hours of leisure time.
2. Notice that no data for the house-staying husbands and part-time
employed men are given in the graph. So mention that fact as well.
Example: No data for the part-time employed men and house-staying
men are given in the illustration....
3. Observe that men and women of retired and unemployed categories
had more free times than the employed people. This is an important
fact of the graph. So mention this fact in your writing.
4. Female had less leisure time than the men in the given categories.
As this is an important factor of the graph, mention this and also give a
hint that this might have happened because of the females
engagement of household works, child rearing etc.
Summary of the graph:
Unemployed and retired people had more leisure time than the parttime and full-time employed men and women. Also, women enjoyed
less leisure time than men as they have more involvement in household
works. No data was given for the part-time job holding and housestaying male.


Academic IELTS Writing task 1 Sample 31 - Expenses in 7 different categories in 1966

and 1996 by American Citizens

The given pie charts compare the expenses in 7 different

categories in 1966 and 1996 by American Citizens.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information
You should write at least 150 words.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Sample Answer 1:
The pie charts compare the expenditure of US residents in two different
years for seven categories namely food, cars, petrol, restaurants,
furniture, computers and books.
It is clear that, the largest proportion of American citizens spending
went on foods and cars. On the other hand, computers and books have
the lowest percentage in the chart in 1966 and 1996 respectively.
In 1966, 23% of American citizens expenditure went on cars. The
percentage rose to nearly double, at 45% in 1996.The proportion of
spending on food fell from 44% in 1966 to only 14% in 1996.
Expenditure on computers stood at only 1% in 1966, but reached 10%
in 1996. The percentage of American citizens spending on restaurants

had doubled from 7% in 1966 to 14% in 1996. Spending on books was

highest in 1966, at 6%. By contrast, there was no significant change in
the proportions of petrol and furniture over a period as a whole.
(Approximately 156 words | by - Safa Ahmed )
Sample Answer 2:
The pie charts show changes in American spending patterns between
1966 and 1996.
Food and cars made up the two biggest items of expenditure in both
years. Together they comprised over half of household spending. Food
accounted for 44% of spending in 1966, but this dropped by two thirds
to 14% in 1996. However, the outlay on cars doubled, rising from 23%
in 1966 to 45% in 1996.
Other areas changed significantly. Spending on eating out doubled,
climbing from 7% to 14%. The proportion of salary spent on computers
increased dramatically, up from 1% in 1996 to 10% in 1996. However,
as computer expenditure rose, the percentage of outlay on books
plunged from 6% to 1%.
Some areas remained relatively unchanged. Americans spent
approximately the same amount of salary on petrol and furniture in both
In conclusion, increased amounts spent on cars, computers, and eating
out were made up for by drops in expenditure on food and books.
(Approximately 159 words)


Academic IELTS Writing task 1 Sample 20 - The table below shows the figures for
imprisonment in five countries

The table below shows the figures (in thousand) for imprisonment
in five countries between 1930 and 1980.
Write a report for a university, lecturer describing the information
shown below.
You should write at least 150 words.

Answer 1:
The given bar graph shows data on the number of prisoners in five
countries namely Britain, Australia, New Zealand, US and Canada
between 1930 and 1980. As is given on the graph, Canada had the
highest number of prisoners initially in 1930 while Great Britain had the
least prisoners in the same year but after 50 years in 1980 the number
of total prisoners decreased in Canada and United States had the
largest number of prisoners.
Initially in 1930, there were 120 thousand prisoners in Canada which
was the largest number among the given five countries. There were 100

thousand prisoners both in US and New Zealand which was second

largest in this year. Australia had around 70 thousand prisoners and
Great Britain had only 30 thousand prisoners which was least in
number. After ten years in 1940, Prisoners number in Britain remained
same while the number decreased in Australia, New Zealand and
Canada. But this year the total number of prisoners increased in US by
30 thousand and reached to 130 thousand which was highest among
the five countries for this year. In 1950, the prisoners number increased
in Britain and slightly decreased in Australia and New Zealand. On the
other hand the prisoner in Canada increased and got highest among
the five countries and decreased in US. In 1960, the prisoners, number
increased in all the countries except Canada and US had the largest
number of prisoners. Interestingly in 1970, the number became same in
Britain, New Zealand and Australia which was about 63 thousand and
both Canada and US had more than 80 thousand prisoners in this year.
Finally in 1980, the prisoners number all of the countries increased
while the number decreased in Australia. US had the highest number of
prisoners in this year amounting around 137 thousand and Great
Britain, Canada and New Zealand had more than 80 thousand
prisoners in this year.
In summary, over the 50 years period the crime and imprisonment
number got worse in US and Britain while Australia, Canada and New
Zealand did some progress in it. In 1980, Australia had the least
number of prisoners which indicate their improvement in law and order.
( This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good
answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many
possible approaches.)
Sample Answer 2:
The table chart compares the numbers of prisoners from 1930 to 1980
in five different countries namely Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand,
United States and Canada.


It is clearly seen that, United States had the highest number of

imprisonment overall. Also, Britain had the lowest figure for 4 out of 6
years. In 1930 ,The number of prisoners in the United States was the
highest with 120 thousands prisoners , then increased significantly to
reach a peak of 140 thousands people in 1980.By contrast, Britain had
the lowest figure until 1970, then figure jumped suddenly to reach 90
thousands prisoners.
Canada had the highest number of imprisonment in 1930 and 1960 with
nearly 140 thousands people in each year.In 1970 the number of
prisoners in Great Britain, New Zealand and Australia was same at
about 70 thousand people.In 1980, 50 thousands of people in New
Zealand were putted in prison which was the lowest figure in this year.
( Written by - Safa Ahmed )
Sample Answer 3:
The given bar graph depicts the total number of prisoners in thousands,
in five different countries namely Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand,
United States and Canada during a period of 50 years commencing
from 1930.
As is evident in the presentation, Great Britain had the lowest number
of imprisonment throughout the initial 40 years till 1980. Interestingly,
Britain had witnessed a steady growth in figures, which started from
around 30000 in the year 1930 and reached around 70000 in the year
1970. By contrast, the United States had the maximum number of
criminals throughout the entire span of years except in the first decade,
which is 1930. Moreover, in the year 1980, United States had to
imprison the highest number of citizens in the entire period, which
accounted for around 130000.
It is apparent from the graph that the crime rate in Canada had fallen
gradually and steadily, from 120000 people in 1930 to a significantly
less 90000 people in 1980. However, except for the years, 1930 and
1980, Australia had considerably less number of jailing and the New

Zealand had always positioned as top three consistently just behind

Canada and United States.
Overall, the graph gives an impression that, collectively, the crime rate
had been more or less the same without any significant or dramatic
changes and many countries shows a dip and hike which accounts for
the fact that there is no specific trend in the context of imprisonment.
( Written by - Anoop Asokan )
Academic IELTS Writing task 1 Sample 19 - Amount spent on six consumer goods in
four European countries

he chart below shows the amount spent on six consumer goods in

four European countries.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information
shown below.
You should write at least 150 words.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


Sample Answer 1:
The given bar chart compares the money spent on different consumer
goods by the people of four European countries namely Britain, France,
Italy and Germany. As is observed from the illustration, British people
spent more money on those consumer goods while Germans spent the
least to buy them.
As is given in the bar graph, British people spent more than 170
thousand pound sterling for photographic films which is the highest
amount spent on any consumer good by them as well as than other
countries. British people also spent more than 160 thousand pound
sterling for purchasing Toys and CDs, which is more than any other
given nation. For perfumes, Tennis racquets and personal stereos they
spent more than other nations as well. On the other hand, French
people spent around 165 thousand pounds sterling on purchasing
photographic films which makes it the highest amount they spent on

consumer goods.
They spent about 158 thousands on Toys which is a tie with the Italian
people. For photographic films, toys and CDs, their spending totaled
second highest among the given four nations. Finally they spent less
than 150 thousand on remaining consumer goods. Italian citizens spent
around 150 thousands on personal stereos, tennis racquets and CDs
while they spent about 5 thousand more on photographic films and
toys. Finally, German people spent less in all consumer good items
than any other nation and their average spending was 145 thousand
which is less than the other nations.
( This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good
answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many
possible approaches.)
Model Answer 2:
The chart gives information regarding the money spent on consumer
goods namely photographic film, toys, CDs, perfumes, tennis racquets
and personal stereos by 4 countries in Europe (Britain, France, Italy
and Germany). The units are sold in pounds sterling.
Overall, Britain, among all the other countries, spent most of their
money in all the 6 consumer goods in contrast with Germany spending
the least amount of money in all the goods. British also spent the
highest amount of money to photographic film while France spent the
least amount of money to tennis racquets. In terms of photographic film,
Britain spent well above 170 thousand pounds. This is the highest
money spent to any other consumer goods. France came in second
spending more or less 165 thousand pounds. Italy and Germany
compared to the 2 latter countries; spent around 150,000 and 145,000
respectively. Toys and CDs are the second and third most purchased by
the 4 countries.
Furthermore, Britain and France purchased tennis racquets the least
with only around 155000 and 145000 respectively. Italy spent the least

of their money in buying personal stereos with exactly 150000 same as

well in Germany spending around 3000 pound lesser than that of Italy.
[ Written by - Jaycee ]


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