Rat Liver Dna Isolation
Rat Liver Dna Isolation
Rat Liver Dna Isolation
The solution was transferred into a 250ml conical flask and extracted
(Shaking with mechanical shaker for 30 minutes) with an equal volume of
chloroform. Chloroform plays a role in denaturing proteins and dissolving
lipids. The solution was then centrifuged at 2500 r.p.m. for 5 minutes.
The supernatant was removed and transferred into a 250ml conical flask.
To the supernatant, an equal volume of solution C was added. Solution C
contains phenol which is a strong denaturing agent for proteins, the
contaminants aggregate into the organic phenol phase and the DNA
remains in the supernatant. The solution was put into the shaker for 20
minutes and then centrifuged at 2500 r.p.m. for 15 minutes.
The supernatant which contains the DNA was removed and transferred
into a beaker. One volume of cold ethanol is added to the supernatant
with stirring. The ethanol dehydrates the DNA so that it is easily
removed from the solution. The cold temperature prevents the DNA
from breaking apart. The DNA was collected on the glass rod and rinsed
with 3ml 96% ethanol.
The liver sample was run under tap water to remove the blood, and
was blotted dry with filter paper to remove excess water. The liver
was transferred to a mortar where it was minced to a paste form
using scissors, and then pulped with a pestle. This pulp was then
transferred into a 200ml beaker.