Effective Parenting in A Defective World: Book Discussion Guide
Effective Parenting in A Defective World: Book Discussion Guide
Effective Parenting in A Defective World: Book Discussion Guide
2. What are one or two of your top goals as a parent right now? For example, I want to
teach my child one new character trait (such as obedience) every month, including
memorizing a definition and acting out scenarios where the character trait is important in
life, or I will take Josh to the father/son retreat every year, or Sarah will take care of
her own laundry by age twelve and prepare one meal a month for our family starting at
age fifteen.
3. Now try to explain your why for each item you listed under question 2. Example: If
you wrote, I will teach Jordan how to divide his allowance, giving a tenth to the church,
saving a tenth for the future, and carefully stewarding the rest toward wise purchases,
you might write, My purpose is to teach Jordan how to be a good steward and to
understand that everything belongs to God and is simply managed by us.
4. What are some positive ways your children model the example you have lived out in
front of them?
6. What one positive step could you take this week to improve the way you model
Christlikeness for your child?
1. Look at the following eight keys to building a stronger bond with your children. Think
of one way that you can incorporate each of these keys into your relationship this week.
Eight Keys for Building Relationships That Bond
Unconditional love
Scheduled time
Focused attention
Eye contact
Ongoing communication
Meaningful touch
2. Take some time to reflect on your parenting. Can you identify one key attitude or
behavior that, with Gods help, youd like to adjust? How might you begin to do so?
2. Next ask each of your children what kinds of things make him or her feel secure. Your
child may not give the right answer (When you enforce the boundaries.) But just
listen and record below any sensitivities, fears, concerns, or other issues you havent seen
before. Did you discover anything new?
3. Look at the Spiritual Formation and Mental Development chart (see page 55) and
identify the level of instruction (rules, relationship, reasons, or resolve) that correlates
with each of your childrens current ages.
Childs name: _________________
4. What specific responsibilities does each of your children have in your home? for their
own room? housework? pets? meals? laundry?
5. How can you be more effective in helping them take responsibility for themselves and
their actions?
3. Gods Word says that obedience is your childs greatest responsibility. In contrast,
what are some of the things the culture around you says about children and their
4. What areas of your familys lifestyle need to change to reflect this biblical priority?
2. Does your perception of your parenting line up with what your spouse/friends have
told you?
3. If you believe change in your parenting style is needed, how might you adjust your
style to best suit the emotional needs of your children?
2. In contrast, name a time when you would use another form of correction. Provide a
scenario (for example, for minor infractions); a situation (When Jeffrey forgets to
answer properly, I will correct him verbally); and a stipulation (when another
consequence is more logical, such as taking away a privilege to correct misuse of that
b. Next ask him or her, What makes you feel afraid? Write your childs
response and your reflections below.
2. Now consider some signs that may help point to your childs vocational calling in life.
3. Now that youve worked through this book, can you identify the one area in which you
would most like to grow as a parent? As you look to God to help, are you extending the
same grace toward yourself as He does to you? Explain.