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ProceedingsofROINMED2013 PDF
ProceedingsofROINMED2013 PDF
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
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Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
mai probabil explicata prin functionarea retelelor sinergetice neurocuantice, la nivelul de interactiuni intre: pattern-ul multi-level sub celular
si nivelul cuantic (constient/ subconstient/ informatie).
copyright CM - Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan, 2013, All rights reserved.
Authors: Corneliu I. Moldovan1 MD, D.Sc.(M.A.),
Dumitru Constantin Dulcan2 M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D,
Ioan Mamulas1 Ph.D., D.Sc. (M.A.),
Alexandru Corneliu Moldovan3 BEng Electronic Engineering Student
National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila, Bucharest
Romanian Acupuncture Society, Romania
University of Dundee, UK
Keywords: structured water, magnetization in a double sense, filtration,
ionization, 3-D laser irradiation, multiple oxygenation-ozonation water,
stimulation with acoustic and optical phonons, atomic absorption
spectroscopy, Kirlian modified technique, electroluminescence
spectroscopy, microscopy and video-Digital microscopy at the water-iceair interface, coherence field, synergistic neuro-quantum networks.
Due to its structure and molecular intra-reactions, water, the omnipresent
element on Earth, displays unique properties. Water is an essential
component of all living things. Its structure is much more important than
its chemical composition. In its ordinary state water has a pentagonal
structure which makes it impossible to pass easily in the intracellular
environment. Structured water is considered to be water made-up of six
water molecules displayed as a hexagon, the same shape as that of the
cellular membrane. This allows structured water to easily pass inside the
cell. Our research purpose has been to propose and test new techniques
that will yield structured active water that could be curatively used. Our
original method was the following: we filtered tap water; during this
process, we also applied to it a bidirectional magnetic field (N-S/S-N)
using 2 monophasic electromagnets with alternating current having a high
harmonic generating magnetic flux; the resulting magnetized water was
re-filtered and ionized; then, we used a 3-D with different inference band
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
multiple laser irradiation technique (we used three lasers with different
wavelengths and with different nominal-powers); the resulting
magnetized and ionized alkaline water (pH:9-9.5) was also oxygenated/
ozonized (with an average of 30 g/ml O3); then, the resulting water was
stimulated by means of acoustic and optical phonons generated by an
original crystalline structure that could generate different frequencies. We
used the following methods to characterize and test the resulting
structured water: pH determination and measurement, electricalconductivity (EC) measurement, total dissolved solids (TDS)
measurement, temperature measurement, redox potential measurement,
dissolved oxygen measurement; we determined the elemental
composition, the dry residuum and the nitrates percentage by means of
atomic absorption spectrometric method. We also used an adapted and
modified KIRLIAN photographic technique, as well as an automatic
analysis of the resulting images morphology and emission spectrum. To
be able to visualize the resulting waters structure we used a professional
digital microscope (Celestron, x 1500 max) to create an original recording
method applied to the water interface: liquid water ice air. We applied
the above methods to several water types: tap water, distilled water (pH
7.02), several structured waters with renowned therapeutic values and
natural therapeutic waters. Our resulting structured water (Fig. 1) is
drinkable, does not contain nitrites or any other pollutants, it is highly
ionized/ionic, alkaline and oxygenated; it has a high redox potential, it is
magnetized and has a particular structure and an extremely high
coherence that could be established by the KIRLIAN photographic
technique and spectrometric data analysis (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
The resulting structured water has high biological activity that could be
due to its particular, multi-layered molecular structure: from an initial
regular hexagonal structure it passes through an octagonal structure to
end up with a spherical structure, which, tested under digital video
microscopy, exhibits a coherent and coordinated movements. No matter
how hard the first author tried could not reproduce this structured water
unless the researcher was present. One possible explanation would be that
consciousness and a coherent consciousness filed might directly influence
unorganized matter and especially water, a hypothesis supported by other
researchers (see for example Massaru Emoto, the Japanese researcher).
Fig. 2
Autori: Prof. Dr. Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan1,
Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan2, Fiz. Ioan Mamulas2
Societatea Romana de Acupunctura,
Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila. Bucuresti, Romania
Se naste, sub ochii nostri, treptat si discret o noua lume cu o noua
cunoastere. Aproape fara sa sesizam, trecem de la era materialismului la
era constiintei, a spiritualitatii. In ultimii ani ai secolului ce s-a incheiat,
incep sa fie aduse in atentia publica o serie de achizitii noi in cunoastere
care au clatinat soclul ce parea de nelintit al unei gandiri limitate de legile
fizicii si chimiei ca ultim substrat al intergii existente. In 1969, prin
crearea Asociatiei de Psihologie Transpersonala, se deschidea calea unei
noi terapii care demonstra ca omul si Universul au o origine spirituala. In
1975, Raymond Moody publica celebra carte Life after Life, care aducea
in atentia oamenilor de stiinta existenta unui univers spiritual, alaturi de
universul fizic. Desi principiile fizicii cuantice au fost formulate inca in
1927, au trecut pragul laboratoarelor oamenilor de stiinta din domeniu
abia catre anii 90, provacand o adevarata revolutie in cunoastere.
Universul fizic era extins cu mult dincolo de limitele sale, intr-unul al
energiei, informatiilor cu mult mai adanci decit cele genetice, al
posibilitatilor latente infinite, in care logica formala a dispunerii
succesive a lucrurilor si a tertiului exclus, este inlocuita de o logica
probabilistica a simultaneitatii si a tertiului inclus. Surpriza esentiala a
Fizicii cuantice a fost aceea ca in vidul cuantic particulele sunt modelate
in formele lumii existente, de catre ceea ce Max Planck a numit Mintea
Materiei, aflata in doua ipostaze a Constiintei Cosmice si a Constiintei
Umane. S-a deschis astfel era Constiintei capabila sa edifice o lume fara
conflicte si suferinta, o lume a viitoarei spiritualitati. Mai mult, intre
universul cuantic si cel descris in experientele din apropierea mortii
clinice par sa existe mari similitudini de la ubicuitatea constiintei si a
capacitatii acesteia de a ordona si modela materia in forma sa de energie,
pana la continuitatea spatio-temporala. Incepand din 1992 stiintele
neurocognitive au un nou suport. Se demonstreaza ca celula nervoasa se
poate regenera din celule stem, ca semnificatia pozitiva sau negativa a
gandurilor si emotiilor noastre poate influenta procesele de neurogeneza
si neuroplasticitate intr-un sens sau altul. Numeroase experinte au
demonstrat de asemenea posibilitatea de a modela in sensul dorit forma
propriului nostru AND si de a invinge astfel fatalitatea ereditatii in
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Tradition is part of culture which implies beliefs and acceptance
according to the context of history and knowledge. Therefore Tradition
draws its strength on continuity and on permanence. A background in
time, a wealth of information transmitted through generations, an
accumulation of experience, and an array of theories, thoughts and
arguments. What does Tradition do to acupuncture in modern times?
Does it help or hinder? Does it immobilise or stimulate? Does it have the
final vote? We are all originating from civilisations or cultures relying on
customs, habits or traditions. Our existence is modelled according to our
past and then modified according to modern adaptations due to the
progress in sciences and social behaviour, according to individual and
group tendencies, according to art, techniques and ethnic profiles. In the
field of medicine the weight of Tradition has ambiguous effects. The part
of experience it carries in itself is certainly a good start for understanding.
Then modern and scientific approaches must prevail to sort out the part of
blind faith always carried in Tradition from the actual pragmatic
usefulness accompanying generally age old knowledge and techniques.
To think about Tradition, especially in the case of acupuncture, gives us
clues on where we should stand in front of this enormous amount of
information. It allows us to examine from a distance the texts and
references, the many schools and techniques. Then we might see
acupuncture from a different perspective. I am giving here a small
example of how the word tradition can be misleading and how
information carried through centuries is not always accurate. I could call
it: Chasing the Midday-Midnight rule.
Autor: Acad. Prof. Dr. Constantin Ionescu-Tirgoviste
Institutul National de Diabet, Nutritie si
Boli Metabolice N. C. Paulescu, Bucuresti, Romania
Acupunctura este metoda terapeutica care se practica si azi asa cum era
practicata cu 3000 de ani in urma. In acest context, o experienta de 40 de
ani nu poate insemna foarte mult. Baza ei teoretica fascinanta nu numai
pentru medici dar si pentru filosofi sau poeti, reprezinta uneori
argumentul pentru care multi medici se indreapta catre ea. In aceeasi
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
the oxidation processes and the lack of free electrons, and its the
negative values show the presence of electrons required to any cellular
regeneration process. The value of the redox potential measured at
intracellular water level is about + 60 mV. It is a fact known that two
opposite charges attract, so it is favoured the absorption of the ones with
more negative potential. I have noticed that the natural waters with
healing properties have a very negative ORP (over the minus 100). The
superficial tension (ST) sets the degree of hardness of the liquid. Tap
water is different than surrounding tissues and cells of our body, its
surface tension being 73dyn/cm. The ST of intracellular water is about
43dyn/cm. For a better absorption the two tensions should be closer as
possible. This paper presents the physical characteristics of natural water
(considered apart from flat waters) as well as some treated waters to
obtain improved qualities.
Autori: Dr. Ioan Dumitrescu, Dr. Maria Dumitrescu,
Fiz. Ioan Mamulas
Institutul National de Medicina Complementara
si AlternativaProf. Dr. Florin Bratila,
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: tiroidita Hashimoto, acupunctura, masurare puncte
electrice, eficienta.
Introducere: Din 2010 la nivelul institutului se utilizeaza ca metoda de
diagnostic si monitorizare procedura de masurare a potentialului electric
al punctului de acupunctura, adica valoarea electrica in milivolti a
acestuia, de catre fizicianul Ioan Mamulas. Initial s-au folosit punctele
standard Jing, Juo, pentru ca ulterior sa folosim selectarea personalizata a
punctelor acupuncturale in scopul reducerii numarului de ace folosite si
cresterii eficientei. Rezultatele sunt uneori spectaculoase nu numai in boli
acute, dar si in boli cronice greu de tratat cum este si cazul tiroiditei
Hashimoto. Material si metoda: Initial am utilizat tratamentul homeopat
ca tratament al tiroditei Hashimoto, ulterior am adaugat la metoda,
tratamentul acupunctural.jj In cazul de fata am selectat doar doua cazuri
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Autor: Acad. Prof. Dr. farm. Aurelia Nicoleta Cristea
UMF Carol Davila, Facultatea de Farmacie,
Disciplina de Farmacologie si Farmacie Clinica,
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: efectul bisens, principiul identitatii, individul sanatos
sensibil, Belladonna, Naloxon, Chamomilla, cercetari experimentale.
Obiectivul prezentei lucrari este de a demonstra ca, unele fenomene
cunoscute in homeopatie pot fi evidentiate experimental. Fenomenele
vizate sunt urmatoarele: efectul bisens, principiul identitatii (Aequalia
aequalibus curatur) si individul sanatos sensibil la un remediu
homeopat. Experimentele analizate sunt urmatoarele: Efectele remediului
Belladonna, in dilutiile 1- 200CH, asupra duodenului de sobolan, izolat
in baia de organ ( Cristea A.N. si colab.-Farmacia, 1-2, 1995, p. 17-19;
5-6/1995, p. 1-10; 1-2/ 1996, p. 63 68, 5-6/1996, p.3-6; Cristea A.N. si
colab.-"Signals and Images" edit. by M. Bastide, Kluwer Acad. Publ., the
Netherlands, 1997, p. 161 170, p. 171 - 178 (citata de Husemann G.
and Husemann F., in "Physiologischer und Physikalischer Nachweis der
Wirksamkeit Kleinster Entitten", Werlag AM Goetheanum, 1997);
Cristea A.N. si colab.-High Dilution Effects on Cells and Integrated
Systems edit. by C. Taddei - Ferretti and P. Marotta), World Scientific,
London, 1998 , p. 125 - 133 i p. 200 -207), efectele remediului Naloxon,
in doze alopate si in dilutii homeopate, asupra durerii la soarece, in testele
contorsiunilor si placii fierbinti (Cristea A.N. si colab.-Experimental
research on analgesic effect of Naloxon, in homeopathic dilutions 56-th
Congress of Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, 29 Aug.- 2
Sept. 2001, Sibiu, Romania, Extenso in Proceeding, Casa de Presa si
Edit. Tribuna Sibiu) si efectele remediului Chamomilla, in dilutii
homeopate joase si inalte, asupra activitatii motorii la soarece, masurata
in actometru.(Cristea A.N. si colab.-Farmacia-Bucuresti, 1-2, 1994, p.
3-7;Cristea A.N. si colab.-"Signals and Images" edit. by M. Bastide,
Kluwer Acad. Publ., the Netherlands, 1997, p. 161 170 si p. 171 - 178;
(citata de Husemann G. and Husemann F., in "Physiologischer und
Physikalischer Nachweis der Wirksamkeit Kleinster Entitten", Werlag
AM Goetheanum, 1997) si Cristea A.N. si colab.-High Dilution Effects
on Cells and Integrated Systemsedit. by C. Taddei - Ferretti and P.
Marotta), World Scientific, London, 1998 , p. 125 - 133 si p. 200 -207).
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Mots cles: homopathie, comportement, sommeil, adaptation scolaire,
anxit, agitation, mmoire, concentration.
On a tout essay, on baisse les bras ? Le mdecin homopathe relve le
dfi des enfants qui posent un problme difficile en attente de solutions
dans notre modernit. Les troubles du comportement de lenfant sont un
motif de consultation de plus en plus frquent : troubles de lattention, de
la concentration, insommnie, cauchemars, terreurs nocturnes,
somnambulisme, inadaptation scolaire, violence, perturbent la vie sociale,
familiale et scolaire de ces enfants. La prise en charge mdicale classique,
le suivi psychologique sont parfois insuffisants ou dcevants. Ces enfants
souffrent de maux et ont des mots pour le dire. Le mdecin homopathe
entend les mots dun sujet qui exprime un symptme inscrit dans les
divers troubles de comportement. La matire mdicale homopathique
riche en signes et en symptmes offre un traitement en adquation prcise
avec la demande du sujet. Lhomopathe avis axe sa consultation sur un
interrogatoire et une individualisation de sa prescription. Les rsultats
parfois rapides le confortent dans la poursuite dune prise en charge
plus long terme en bonne intelligence avec les pratiques conventionnelles.
Illustration par deux cas cliniques
Autor: Dr. Bartolomeo Allegrini, Italia
Incadrarea neurovegetativa homeotoxicologica, sinteza conceptului
constitutional occidental ia in considerare atat structura fizica (plecand de
la marii constitutionaliti italieni si francezi precum Pende si Martiny),
cat si reactivitatea psihica (bazandu-se pe lucrarile eminentilor psihiatri
precum Jung si Heysenck). Structura corporala a unui individ, dar mai
ales personalitatea sa sunt strans legate de functiile endocrine. Din acest
motiv de vedere incadrarea pacientului intr-o schema neurovegetativa
homeotoxicologica (luand in considerare constitutia fizica si
personalitatea) permite reconsiderarea etiopatogenezei tulburarilor
endocrinometabolice. Glandele endocrine nu mai sunt considerate ca
fiind structuri izolate, ci in stransa relatie intre ele. Din acest echilibru,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Cresterea presiunii arteriale este, posibil, cea mai importanta problema
de sanatate publica in tarile dezvoltate. HTA este uzual asimptomatica,
usor de identificat, usor de tratat si conduce adeseori la complicatii letale
daca nu este tratata si monitorizata corespunzator.
Cuvinte cheie: Monitorizarea indicelui de augmentare, monitorizarea
presiunii medii arteriale central aortice, laser-acupunctura de joasa
energie, bolnavii cu hipertensiune esentiala st. 1 si 2, Indice de Risc
Cardiovascular, Reflex Electro-Dermal de Potential, acupunctura si
auriculo punctura, studiu clinic.
Evaluarea tensiunii arteriale ca un factor de prognostic pentru bolile
cardiovasculare, este in prezent analizata atat prin componenta constanta,
care depinde de presiunea medie arteriala si debitul cardiac, rezistenta
vasculara periferica, iar componenta pulsatorie este influentata de ejectia
ventriculara stanga, de rigiditatea arteriala si de unda reflectata. Aceasta
noua directie de evaluare si monitorizare a bolilor cardiovasculare,
precum si progresul tehnologic in domeniul microelectronicii a dus la
aparitia de noi tehnologii in realizarea de dispozitive corecte si accesibile
pentru masurarea presiunii aortice centrale. Odata cu aparitia acestor noi
dispozitive de masurare, a crescut rolul monitorizarii tensiunii arteriale si
a indicelui de augmentare in indicatia terapeutica si in tratamentul bolilor
cardiovasculare. Scopul lucrarii a fost de a evidentia efectele laseracupuncturii asupra presiunii sanguine central aortice (cSBP) si asupra
indicelui de augmentare (AI) ca markeri pentru monitorizarea complexa a
laser-acupuncturii la bolnavii cu hipertensiune arteriala esentiala st I si II.
Studiul a fost efectuat pe 26 de pacienti, cu varste cuprinse intre 32 si 68
de ani (din care 58% de sex feminin, cu o medie de varsta de 52 ani si
42% de sex masculin, cu o medie de varsta de 46 de ani). Metoda de lucru
a constat in selectia bolnavilor pentru studiu utilizand Indicele de Risc
Cardiovascular (pe baza ghidului de practica clinica al Societatii Engleze
pentru Monitorizarea HTA), se exclud pacientii cu un IRCV >75%. Se
masoara reflexul electro-dermal de potential (REDp), palmar bilateral, pe
un interval de 2 minute, se masoara potentialul electric al punctelor Jing
distale (mV). Pe baza datelor inregistrate se calculeaza un Index Global
de Reactivitate Neurovegetativa (IGRNV) care poate fi: a) areactiv, b)
hiporeactiv, c) normoreactiv, d) hiperreactiv, e) oscilant sau
neclasificabil. Se selecteaza pacientii cu varsta mai mica de 71 ani, cu un
IRCV<70%, cu IGRNV din clasa b, c si d. Se efectueaza masuratori
complexe ale TA, ale undei pulsului, masurarea undei reflectate a
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Bucuresti, Romania
Lucrarea este un studiu al autorilor asupra unui caz in care dilema
atitudinii terapeutice clasice sau alternative s-a ivit in urma unui incident
petrecut unuia dintre autori. In plina stare de sanatate aparenta se
declanseaza o criza de insuficienta respiratorie severa ce necesita
internarea. In urma investigatiilor se constata pneumonie bilaterala, HVS
cu imobilizarea apexului, IMA si pericardita. In prima parte s-a facut
terapia infectiei pulmonare prin medicina clasica, dar s-a facut si o
stimulare a imunitatii prin acupunctura. Dupa echilibrarea fenomenelor
pulmonare se face transferul la chirurgie cardio-vasculara unde se
efectueaza dublu by-pass si revascularizatie din artera mamara interna,
anevrismectomie si sutura pe transa. In perioada de recuperare s-a facut
tratament prin acupunctura si alopat, precum si kinetoterapie. Evolutia
este favorabila, iar la 6 luni de la operatie recuperarea functionala este
efectuata in totalitate. Concluzie: chiar daca parametrii fiziologici se
imbunatatesc prin acupunctura, problema de fond este rezolvata
chirurgical, rezultand ca metodele combinate sunt superioare.
Authors: Cojocaru Gheorghe MD, Cojocaru Marius Cristian MD,
Cojocaru Ioana Maria MD,
Bucharest, Romania
This is a case study on the classical or alternative therapeutic approach
dilemma. In a relatively healthy individual an acute respiratory failure
occurred that requires admission in a coronary intensive care unit. The
medical examination revealed bilateral pneumonia, left ventricular
hypertrophy, akinetic apex, myocardial infarction and pericarditis. The
first step was to treat the pneumonia with antibiotics and to use
acupuncture for immune stimulation. After the pneumonia was cured the
patient was moved to a cardiovascular surgery unit where a double bypass with internal mammary artery revascularization and left ventricular
aneurysmectomy was performed. The recovery period was made by
acupuncture and allopathic treatment and physiotherapy. During the
rehabilitation period allopathic, physiotherapy and acupuncture treatment
was performed. After 6 months the patient was completely recovered.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
at breast and 1 - 12 month old infants the vegan diet may cause retards in
child development in absence of purposely enrichment with B12 that can
be easily overlooked. Yet, it isnt sure that artificial supplementing with
B12 (purified out of nonvegetal products) equates the natural extraction
of cobalamine from animal products, given the conutrient-dependent
assimilation. At the bottom line, avoiding any risk in child development
suggests the temporary interruption of vegan diet in pregnant and the
adjournment of such a diet in children until the end of juvenile age (4
years) during which the ovo-lacto-vegetarian nutrition could be the best.
As for the more and more numerous candidates to permanent vegan diet,
we have to observe that logics of human machinery doesnt accept sudden
bounces in nutrition, and that benefits of vegetarianism are not to be
waited for from a day to another. Multicultural vegetarian expertise offers
a big choice of zero cholesterol recipes, from which some featured by a
gastronomic flavour difficult to be equated even in omnivorous traditions.
Though, the various gram-counted vegetarian prescriptions are not to be
taken as absolute, but rather considered with serene detachment: The
Creator is not measuring using the gram or the millimeter. What perhaps
matters in vegetarianism is attitude and volition: You give the will to
take the strength the Orthodox Fathers are saying.
Autor: Prof. Dr. John Ionescu,
Clinica Neukirchen, Germania, Donau University Krems, Austria
Cuvinte cheie: foto-imbatranire, radicali liberi,
ultraviolete, sinteza melaninei, sinteza de colagen.
blocking agents like Vit. E, carrot oil and metal chelators are preventing
the sun exposure side-effects together with immune stimulating plant
extracts (-glucans) with anti-herpes virus activity. To slow down the
photoaging related wrinkle formation efficiently, a new collagen synthase
stimulating formula offers a synergistic anti-aging combination of UVlight blockers, free radical quenchers (Vit. E, Coenzyme Q10) and
collagen/ elastin synthesis promoters like hydroxyprolin and plant
bioflavonoids (ENERGO Repair). The active ingredients are
incorporated in liposomes containing skin identical phospholipids and
ceramides by means of the patented DMS nanoparticle technology. A
rapid uptake in the epidermis cells is thus granted. The use of the
described hypoallergenic topical products results in a significant
improvement of the skin structure and appearance within 30 days, as
documented with the standardized Surface Evaluation of Living Skin
(SELS) methodology in a group of 35 women aged 40 to 63 years.
Autori: Didi Surcel1, Mioara Butan2, Septimiu Toader3,
M. Surcel3, Simona Nitu4
Blue Life Medical Center, Cluj-Napoca, 2Centru de Sanatate Publica,
Cluj, 3Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie, Cluj, 4Plant Extract, Cluj,
Cuvinte cheie: Vascum Album, Crom, raspuns imun, radicali oxigenati
Lucrarea incearca sa demonstreze un posibil efect protector al
preparatelor homeopatice de Vasc asupra raspunsului imun si oxidativ,
alterat prin instilarea cu crom a animalelor de experienta. Experimentul in
vivo s-a realizat pe 80 sobolani, linia Wistar, impartiti in 4 grupuri: 1.Lot
-Martor (C); 2.Lot tratat cu Vascum Album (VA); 3.Lot tratat cu Crom
(Cr+); 4.Lot tratat cu Vascum Album i Crom (VA+Cr+). Cromul a fost
administrat prin instilare intratraheala de dicromat, iar Vascum Album
(VA) CH 30 a fost administrat 1ml/animal/zi din dilutia 1/100, 5 zile
/saptamana. O jumatate din fiecare lot a fost sacrificat la 30 zile dupa
instilare, iar cealalta jumatate la 180 zile. Au fost efectuati urmatorii
parametrii: 1.Incorporarea de 3HTdR a limfocitelor solenice; 2.Nivelul de
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
The procedure has general, holistic, does not address a specific disease.
Effects include: balance aura, activates chakras, increase vitality, trigger
the healing process, achieve in deep relaxation, peace of mind, regulates
sleep almost instantly enter the alpha brain waves, clean environment in
which the unit of information and energy negative amplify or trigger
various capacities redeclanseaza they were different people. The effect
can be spread and distance. There will be demonstrations, special cases
will be reported. It will be done and a brief history of color therapy.
Autor: Dr. Constantin Tecu, Dr. Dan Teofil Dumitru,
Psiholog Luminita Dumitru
S.C.Neuroimpuls SRL Timisoara, PFA Dumitru Dan
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: biocamp (energie subtila), structura energetica, centrii
energetici (chakre), meridiane, corpuri energetice (aura).
Fiinta umana dispune de anatomie multidimensionala. Paradigma
newtoniana privind corpul uman ca o structura mecanica complexa este
intregita de paradigma einsteiniana care poate defini un nou model al
corpului fizic intre - patruns cu corpurile energetice ca rezultat al naturii
duale de unda/ particula constatata la nivel subatomic. Energia si materia
nu sunt entitati distincte, ci forme diferite ale aceleiasi realitati,
interactionand permanent. Cercetatorul rus A.Gurvici a introdus notiunea
de camp biologic (biocamp) al cro-mozomului ca un complement al
genelor. Corpul fizic, avand cele mai joase vibratii, interactioneaza cu
planurile superioare de energie, avand vibratii din ce in ce mai fine, care
vor forma succesiv corpurile energetice (aura): eteric, astral, mental si
cauzal. Schimburile de energie si informatie se vehiculeaza printr-un
sistem de meridiane foarte complex care prin diferite tipuri de intersectari
vor genera diferiti centri energetici numiti Chakre, care la randul lor,
comanda fiziologia fiintei umane. Sistemul de meridiane permite trecerea
catre nervi, vase de sange si organele interne a unei energii subtile,
benefice; provenind din mediul inconjurtor, numita QI (Ch'i). Corpurile
de energie subtila integreaza fiinta in energiile universale; contopesc
omul cu universul.
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dreams of the provers and about the fire, about black and tormentings
clouds, about suffocating and reducing the own space, need for space, for
air, freedom, flying between heaven and Earth, of light; In light of
miasmatic Dynamics method of Dr. Masi, Dr. S.Fayeton concluded:
Man/Adam Iridium refused human condition of knowledge The First
Thruth by faith, by trusting in God that reveals Itself. Wants light for his
own contemplation. Divine attribute craved of him is "God is known
through his own Light because the science of God is identical to Its
essence." ("In Your Light, God, we shall see The light" Psalm say). The
psora is always in doubt, does not know if his actions are good or not, if
his judgment is good or not, avoid to answer, afraid to forgot and he
forgot much, but is attracted to light, beauty, contemplation . In egotrofia
of Grade 1 he has not lost the light of knowledge, he's great in wats he
does, read, meditate, write, send messages. He never lost power, no
freedom of movement, its full of energy, dance, think fast and calculates,
dreaming that its growing wings like an Angel, it dreams in huge
cathedrals, in scoring and great places. In egotrofia of Grade 2 he no
longer needs to read, to accumulate science world, he is the Science, hes
the light of glory, he's bright and spread the light, does not require
intensive grounding, practice Zen meditation, trance. In heteroliza is
annoyed the people around as it move too slowly, like choke him, as the
kidnap freedom. In egoliza he accepted and suffering becose nothing can
know and nothing can done, refuse to work, to think, try to contemplate
and noticed that his spirit is empty, he feels pinned himself in a place, not
longer able to walk; he feel acute pain, sensation of numbness and even
paralysis, suffocation, loss of vision, hearing, communication, he feels
humiliated, a tramp dog, he blames God for desert him, but in fact he
abandoned the God. Iridium in balance feels the presence of God in his
soul, illuminated by faith.
Autor: Dr. Franois Beyens
Presedintele de onoare al ICMART, Belgia
Atunci cand se ocupa de tulburari functionale parerea autorilor care
integreaza acupunctura in teoria TCM este confuza. Punctele de
acupunctura sunt considerate ca avand functii si indicatii similare
medicamentelor, ca si cum efectele lor pot fi observate si inregistrate in
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several manuals at, for example, the points for constipation and for
diarrhea, there is a common nucleus of points for all their different
patterns, so it is not really essential to make a TCM diagnosis. The same
goes for Lung disorders. Whether there are patterns of Excess or
Deficiency, there is a group of common points, to which one adds of
course a few individual points depending on the symptoms. A fairly
precise TCM diagnosis is necessary when you treat with plants, and it
requires a solid knowledge of the theory. This process can be avoided
when using acupuncture. We propose a simpler method based on a
pragmatic approach, on the observation of many practitioners ways of
treating, on logical thinking and, of course, on our own experience and
treating protocols. This method has to be refined, and adapted to each
practitioner. We start with the usual medical and gather the different
kinds of symptoms. These point towards one or several disturbed
functions. List of symptoms for each function are a help and good
indicators. It is not necessary to make a TCM precise diagnosis (contrary
to herbal therapy). Once the functions determined, through preconstructed
tables it is easy to choose the relevant points to needle, with certain
latitude depending on the individual pathological profiles.In this approach
western medical knowledge is essential to determine the limits of the
treatment possibilities and to strengthen the efficiency of the results. We
shall give a few examples to illustrate our position.
Autor: Dr. Ion Gheorghe
CMI. Dr. Gheorghe Ion, Voluntari, Romania
Fibromialgia (FM) reprezinta un sindrom cu diverse manifestari, greu de
diagnosticat, un sindrom pentru care un pacient poate ajunge sa fie consultat si tratat in diverse specialitati: reumatologie, neurologie, recuperare
medicala, psihiatrie, endocrinologie, specialisti in managementul durerii,
acupunctura, homeopatie, etc. Simptome cum ar fi: dureri cronice
musculare si/sau articulare, oboseala moderata sau severa, spasme
musculare, palpitatii, anxietate, tulburari ale somnului, dificultati de
memorie, de concentrare, de-presie, determina pacientul sa se adreseze la
diferiti specialisti. In aceste si-tuatii diagnosticul poate varia de la
fibromialgie la sindrom de oboseala cro-nica, atacuri de panica, sindrom
de anxietate, suspiciune de contaminare cu virusul Epstein-Barr,
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Folosirea plantelor in scop terapeutic a aparut odata cu societatea
omeneasca. Este inca neelucidat faptul ca populatii situate la mii de
kilometri unele de altele cum sunt cele tibetane, chineze, indiene,
amerindiene aveau o viziune holistica asupra metodelor de tratament.
Odata cu evolutia omului si dezvoltarea stiintelor medicale s-a trecut de la
traditional la modern, fitoterapia devenind o ramura a acestui domeniu.
In prezent, fitoterapia a devenit de la empirism o noua stiinta exigenta
care confirma sau infirma rolul substantelor active din plante, dupa cum
vom vedea in aceasta prezentare.
Author: Acad. Dr. Pharm. Ovidiu Bojor,
Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences,
Using plants in therapy appeared with human society. It is still unclear
that populations located thousands of miles from each other such as the
Tibetan, Chinese, Indian, Amerindian had a holistic vision of treatment
methods. With human evolution and development of medical science has
moved from traditional to modern, becoming a branch of herbal medicine
in this area. Currently herbal medicine from empiricism became a new
science that confirms or denies demanding role of active substances from
plants, as we will see in this presentation.
Autor: Dr. Xiong Wei, China
Autorul acestui articol a tratat cu succes peste 50 de cazuri de entorsa de
glezna prin acupunctura. Entorsa de glezna provoaca durere si edem,
limitarea miscarii si uneori eritem si temperatura ridicata. Primul pacient
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The author of this article has successfully treated over 50 cases of ankle
sprain through point. Ankle sprain causes partial pain and swell,
limitation of motion and sometimes black skin with higher temperature.
The first patient of joint sprain I treated was a boxing boy. Since then,
more and more patiens come to ask me for help to cure their spain ankle.
A month later, there already 2 football teams making fellowship with us.
Whenever there is a patient of acute joint sprain, they will send him to me
to treat. Here, I will make a record in detail about how to cure the first
patient. The boy, 19 years old, he did accentuation training for the boxing
match the next day, witch caused sprain of ankle on the right side, with a
large partial swelling and was about 2 times as large as the left ankle, and
with flushing dorsal skin and partial bruise. His joint motion was
restricted so that he could not walk. With his coachs help, he came here
for treatment. My therapeutic process was as follows: First, I prick blood
at Weizhong search for blue veins to prick blood between Weizhong
and Chengshan (This step can be omitted if the ankle is not swelled and
congested). After the blood was pricked out, the feet skin temperature
dropped and the patients pain alleviates mostly. Second, I used filiform
needles to prick on hands Section points, took the acupoints of the
patients healthy side, as the left side here. Then I pricked the foot by
reducing method, letting the needle tip towards Zhongzi and Zhongxian.
And then I told the pacient to try to move the affected part while pricking,
put the patient in parallel bars to stand firm by his helthy foot and helped
him to active his affected sprain foot for about 5-8 minutes. At this time,
his hurt foot made move and stood on the floor with much less pain. Then
I continued to acupuncture, and let the pacient to use his sprain ankle to
do supportive motion that people do when go up and down stairs for
about five minutes. At that point of time, he could go up and down stairs
by himself without any support. At last, I let him try using his injured
limb to carry out trainings of walking as well as walking up and down
stairs without any auxiliary equipment. Following that I let the pacient
begin jumping training with two legs in situ.(At this moment, the needle
was still in the hand of the patient, and acupuncture was also necessary
before exercise). Once the patient could finish this action, he could try the
last training: the single-leg jump training supported by injured leg. If the
action can be completed, the patient can recover and discharge from the
hospital. The process of acupuncture and moxibustion and bloodletting
took about one hour. Then the pacient could do the sport of boxing
normally, and got the second place in game the next day. What happening
later are not going to be talked about. Afterwards, I have cured 50 pacient
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of acute ankle joint sprain by using this method. Hand section points,
belongs to the gold in the lung. Ankle joint sprain is aways in the lateral
malleolus, belongs to the water in the bladder
Autor: Albutiu Peter
Presedintele FundatieiHipnoza Complementara Romania, Doctor in
medicina alternativa Colombo, Membru NGH, OIU, Presedinte UEK,
Membru fondator KHE, Ungaria
Fundatia Hipnoza Complementara desfasoara cursuri in domeniul
metodelor alternative cu scopul de a sustine oamenii in procesul de
transformare si vindecare la toate nivelele. Ca medic naturopat, am cautat
sursa insuccesului care ingreuneaza pornirea proceselor de autovindecare.
Am ajuns la subconstient, unde am gasit blocaje ce s-au format de-a
lungul vietii, unele chiar din copilarie, ce functioneaza ca trasaturi
personale si activeaza reactii spontane, instinctive pe care persoana nu le
poate modifica si controla. Prin hipnoza se identifica si se transforma
aceste blocaje dupa necesitatile clientului, avand ca rezultat schimbarea
scontata. Hipnoza este o stare de constiinta modificata, obtinuta in urma
unui proces inductiv, in timpul careia persoana aflata in transa hipnotica
poate avea anumite trairi, senzatii, a caror caracteristica principala este
detasarea partial de planul constient. Este un fenomen cu o baza clara,
care foloseste stiinta si cunoasterea. Faptul ca posibilitatea de memorare
se regaseste la toate nivelele psihice, face ca hipnoza sa fie un instrument
util, dandu-ne sansa de a accelera procesul experimentrii si al
schimbarii. Caz practic. Cum poate hipnoza ajuta intr-o problema de
alergie. Pacienta M. in varsta de 34 de ani, sufera de alergie in fiecare
vara din cauza polenului. Alergia nu este una majora, dar o deranjeaza in
multe activitati. In cadrul primei sedinte efectuam o evaluare a cazului, in
care una din cele mai importante puncte de vedere este clarificarea
situationala. Avem nevoie de cooperarea clientului si de dorinta lui de
schimbare. Numai asa se va deschide si vom putea gasi sursa problemei.
Tot in cadrul primei intalniri efectuam si o sedinta de hipnoza prin care
clienta poate sa realizeze ce este si ce nu este hipnoza. Clienta va realiza
ca ajungand in transa este inca constienta de realitatea exterioara, aude,
poate gandi si decide. Pentru verificarea adancimii transei producem
levitatia si catalepsia bratului. Daca ea nu vroia sa ridice bratul si totusi sa ridicat, dupa care in catalepsia bratului vroia sa miste degetele dar nu
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Author: Albutiu Peter
President of the Foundation " Complementary hypnosis Romania
",Doctor of Alternative Medicine Colombo, Member NGH , OIU,
President UEK, KHE Founder, Hungary
Foundation "Complementary Hypnosis" conducted courses in alternative
methods in order to support people in the process of transformation and
healing on all levels. As a naturopathic doctor, I tried turning the power
failure that hinders the healing process, I came to the subconscious, where
we found the blockages that were formed throughout life, some in
childhood, which functions as personal traits and activates spontaneous
reactions, instinctive that person can not change and control. Hypnosis is
identified and converted these bottlenecks by customer needs , resulting
in the expected changes. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness,
obtained from an inductive process, during which the person in hypnotic
trance may have certain feelings, sensations, whose main characteristic is
the partial detachment conscious plan. It is a phenomenon with a clear
basis, using science and knowledge. Memory that can be found at all
levels of psychic makes hypnosis is a useful tool, giving us the
opportunity to accelerate experimentation and change. Case study. How
can hypnosis help in a problem of allergy? M. client aged 34, suffering
from allergies due to pollen every summer. Allergy is a major one, but a
mind in many activities.In the first session an assessment of the case, one
of the most important ways is to clarify the situation. We need the
cooperation of the client and his desire for change. Only then will open
and we can find the source of the problem. Also at the first meeting
conducted and hypnosis session in which the client can achieve what
hypnosis is and what is not. The client will realize that goes into a trance
is still conscious of the reality outside, hears, can think and decide. To
check the depth of trance produce levitation and arm catalepsy. If she did
not want to raise his arm and stood still, then the arm catalepsy wanted to
move his fingers but could not then realize what power is subconscious.
Then perform psyhocliring: disposal technique of grief, fear, suffering,
etc. The second meeting started searching the source of the problem,
which can be initiated by several techniques. One of them may be in the
age regression using jumpers disorders. In trance we ask the person to
relive the moment you had allergic reactions. Reliving then ask the
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person to remember the details of the situation and realize that the angry
feelings that they produced. Then ask the person to regress the older and
more driven by sentiment and find the first occasion when it appeared
that feeling. Time of occurrence of allergy was when filled glass of water
, but can annihilate reaching first drop glass, which no longer collect
droplets. When he went through person did not know how to behave
assertively and resolve the problem, accumulating negative feelings. The
subconscious is not logical, but is situational in that form links with
absolute irrevocable general, instinctive level that will work without
giving person possibility of choice. Creates a subconscious self-defense
warning system consisting of several factors that have characterized
stressful situations (in our example the pollen). When exposed to pollen
in the defenses of the person in action and calling trying to defend, but
there's nothing to defend because there anxious situation, only energy
expended to defend the only remaining pollen. Factor became the enemy
harmless organism. Complementary Hypnosis helps us assess these
factors harmless. Help the client to gather skills, resources and knowledge
to solve similar cases before it produces anxiety problems. Each person
had situations where successful, has done well, he was smart, etc. If
hypnosis collect these positive situations and emotional force skills, they
clustered around the problematic situation, help the client to find
appropriate solutions. In another meeting customer can go in the future to
live in imaginative plan how you react next time, but living feelings of
success and excellence. Thus the real plan next time will pass easily
through the situation. The schools of Complementary Hypnosis courses
are on different topics. The basic course where all participants will learn
to hypnotize, they know the risks and legislation hypnosis. Specialized
courses: "Regression and reincarnation" for analyzing problems, "To
succeed " to increase performance and capacity, "Problems of couple and
sexuality" - the restoration of interpersonal relations, "Reducing fear and
pain decoupling" for resolving phobias, panic attacks etc., "Mysteries of
trance techniques" for profound transformation, "Parapsychology
hypnosis" - a spiritual development practice to activate latent capacities
of the brain.
Autor: Teodor Sandulescu,
Senior Researcher Physicist,
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Autor: Acad. Dr. Doc. Mircea Ciuhrii,
Centrul de cercetare Insectfarm Bucuresti,
Membru al AOSR, Romania
Entomoterapia este o noua ramura in medicina si farmacie si este studiul
substantelor biologic-active din tesuturile insectelor. Ca premiera
mondiala, academician prof. dr. doc. Mircea Ciuhrii, dupa peste 25 de ani
de cercetare in domeniul biologiei si farmaceuticii a descoperit miracolele
produselor din insecte. Insectele includ o serie de substante biologicactive cu anumite proprietati. Principala proprietate a acestor substante
este ca poate regla anumite procese vitale ale omului. Aceste preparate au
fost verificate pe organismul uman, de cele mai multe ori organismul
propriu. Am constatat vindecarea definitiva a mai multor boli care pina
atunci erau considerate incurabile. Substantele biologic-active extrase din
diferite specii de insecte au proprietati specifice si pot stopa infectiile
virale. Unele din cele mai importante proprietati ale extractelor din
insecte sint inhibitorii. S-au creat in premiera mondiala medicamente de
mare perspectiva in medicina contemporana si care deja sint in farmacii
atit in tara cit si in strainatate. Preparatele extrase din insecte nu au
actiune nociva asupra organismului uman.
In intreprinderea noastra s-au utilizat substante biologic-active pentru
producerea mai multor preparate farmaceutice folosite pentru tratamentul
traumelor, eliminarea diferitelor infectii produse de catre virusuri, bacterii
si fungi. Din substantele biologic-active extrase din insecte se pot produce
preparate antibacteriene, antivirale si antifungice. Pina in prezent au fost
elaborate preparate eficiente pentru tratarea multor afectiuni ale omului si
anume: -Imunomax - care poate ridica imunitatea organismului si elimina
tumori, infectii si micoze. Dintre cele mai importante medicamente
produse sint cele antivirale - Hepatitoloz 1 si 2 care poate stopa infectiile
ficatului; antibacteriene in special in cazul infectiilor produse de
stafilococi si streptococi, antimicotice - care pot stopa infectiile produse
de diferite tipuri de ciuperci. Preparatele pe baza extractelor din insecte
nu provoaca reactii adverse si sunt usor tolerate de organismul uman.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
that Qigong can cure cancer and she began to teach the method that today
is named after her: Guolin Walk or Wind Healing Walk. The principles of
this type of Qigong are: - a deep and forceful breathing, consisting of
cycles of two consecutive inhalations (without exhalation between them)
followed by one exhalation, to nourish the Qi Depletion; - a brisk walk, to
increase the blood circulation and generate more Qi; - body torsions, to
energize the acupuncture back-Shu points; - a specific healing sound of
high pitch, using the sound waves to break down the tumours barrier in
order for the Immune Qi to infiltrate and attack the tumor; - a spirit of
hope and joy, the foundation in every healing process. Using Guolin
Walk as complementary therapy to cancer patients during their allopathic
treatment, I have noticed: - the pain was reduced and even disappeared
during the Walk and several hours afterwards; - the side effects of
allopathic medication werw diminished, the appetite was improved; - the
pacients had a sense of empowerment and confidence when the cancer
was no longer perceived passively as a handicap, but as a challenge to act
and awake the inner life force. Anticancer Qigong can be applied with
more or less success, there is no failure in this therapy because the goal is
not the survival at all cost, but rather improving the quality of life and the
depth of self discovery through sickness.
Autor: Dr. Larisa Ionescu-Calinesti
Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila Bucuresti, Romania
Bolile autoimune sunt afectiuni cronice invalidante, cu o prevalenta in
crestere in intreaga lume. Majoritatea pacientilor cu patologie autoimuna
sunt femei, iar bolile autoimune se afla printre primele 10 cauze de deces
la femei la orice varsta pana la 64 ani. Desi s-au facut mari progrese in
tratamentul acestor boli, terapiile conventionale de sinteza sau biologice
se confrunta cu situatii dificile: non-responderi, efecte adverse,
interactiuni medicamentoase, costuri ridicate. Tot mai multi bolnavi
solicita servicii de medicina complementara ca adjuvant al terapiei
remisive de fond, fitoterapia, dietoterapia si suplimentele nutritionale
fiind prescrise frecvent, putand constitui chiar unicul tratament in
perioadele intercritice. Pe de alta parte, unele produse vegetale cu rol
imunostimulator pot avea, cel putin teoretic, efecte negative asupra
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starea ei a fost mult mai stabila dupa ce, in postul Pastelui, s-a spovedit si
s-a impartasit. Acest lucru l-am mai observat si la alte paciente, de unde
concluzia ca e bine intotdeauna de a indruma pacientul sa se spovedeasca
si sa se impartaseasca cu Sf. Trupul Domnului nostru Iisus Hristos
(Dumnezeu Fiul), ca sa primeasca de la Dumnezeu Tatal - Creatorul,
energiile Duhului Sfant, sfintitoare si reglatoare, datatoare de Viata
Adevarata, daca se poate si doreste chiar de la inceputul terapiei. Numai
asa am vazut ca se poate reface energia lipsa pe Rinichi si sa se
restabileasca echilibrul si vindecarea mai bine.
Author: Angelica Noica Dumitrescu
MD Family Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a progressive neurodegenerative disease
which is affecting both motor neuron central and peripheral.
Degeneration affects corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts and motor
neurons in anterior horns of spinal cord, motor neurons of cranial nerve
VII, X and XI, especially the hypoglossal nucleum. Central motor neuron
damage signs (NMC) are hyperrefletion, Babinski Sign and increase
muscle tone, while the peripheral motor neuron damage signs (NPM) is
manifested by hypotonia, muscle cramps, hiporeflexion and damage
cranial motor neurons are dysphagia, dislalia and most serious respiratory
problems. The incidence of this disease would be 1-3/100000 inhabitants,
more common among male population, with an average onset of 57 years
old and with a life expectancy for only 3-5years. The etiologic factors has
incriminated 10% genetic factors (family ALS), 90% other factors
including environmental factors: exposure to mercury, manganese, lead,
aluminum, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer in combination
with physical factors and food; microbial factors and especially viral
(polio virus, herpes-zoster, borellia, certain retroviruses, etc) or newer
combinations of existence of oxidative stress in the toxicity of
excitoneurotransmiter-sodium glutamate, mitochondrial dysfunction,
inflammation and cell apoptosis. I haven't really found in the literature for
making recommendation of acupuncture and homeopathy in these
patients. However, at the request of the patient which are to be presented
in this work and the encouragement of Mr. Dr. Corneliu Moldovan,
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which thanks on this occasion, I tried to help her with what I knew of
acupuncture and homeopathy, the patient having an amazing favorable
evolution. So, the patient S. M., 55-year-old, seamstress from Apaca,
without heredocolaterale any significant history and especially the SLA,
with a personal note from physiological a mense very painful and
profusely, menopause at 42 years and then began a series of very painful
headaches with photophobia, poliartralgii and cervical spondylosis treated
by physiotherapy, attending with gold salts and cortisone, poliarthrosis,
osteoporosis, followed by hypertension and ischemic heart disease,
observed through 2009 that get rid the objects of left hand and the
muscles of the hand are much atrophied. Presenting to the familly
doctor,he has sent her to the neurologist who did an EMG which
confirmed the presence of the SLA. At first she presented and dysphagia
by weight to swallow of liquids. Immediately she was put on Rilutec and
Cerebrolysin 10f/month and dysphagia was disappeared, but the NPM
simptoms was amplified and extend to the right hand and the inferior
limbs, preserving left predominence. In 2011 we started acupuncture
sessions, but sporadically 2 times per year, with favorable evolution.
From 2012 we stepped up and introduced electrical stimulation sessions.
I used the points: IG4, IG11, IG14, IG15, IG16, TF5, TF10, V10, V11,
TF14, V23, V40, V60, V62, V67, R6, R7, VB20, VB34, VB40, VB41,
VB43, F2/F3, F8, IS10, C9 +/-, C3 +/-, S37, SP2, SP4, SP9, VG14,
EXTRA28, VG4, VG14. I put the electrodes on the IG4 coupled with
IG14 and the IG11 with V11 and I used waves RIPP 10 min and 10 min
following ADJ, 6 sessions with 3 weeks break. As homeopathic remedies
I used organoterapy-Medulla spinalis 5CH, Ignatia 30CH upon her
mother's death and Iridium metalicum 30CH at the fifth session. The
evolution was favorable so as you will see in the pictures that I will
present, but the energy still remains low on the Kidney. A very important
conclusion, her pulses has regulated better and her condition was more
stabled after, in Lent, has been performing and she received The
Eucharist. I noticed this at the other patients, hence the conclusion that it
is better always to guide the patient to confess their sins and receive The
Eucharist with our Lord's body Jesus Christ (God the son) to receive from
God the Father-Creator, the energies of the Holy Spirit, The Truth and
The Life-giving, if possible even from the beginning of the therapy. Only
this way we have seen that they can replenish energy shortage on the
kidneys and to restore balance and heal better.
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Omul nu are o viata in sine ci viata vine din trei dimensiuni spatiale
diferite (David Bohm premiul Nobel pentru Fizic, 1957) in urmatoarea
ierarhie descrescatoare: Nivelul Subcuantic: Nivelul Creatorului (necreat,
nemanifestat, nelimitat) reprezinta singura sursa a vietii din Creatie, este
esenta vietii si asigura viata necreatavesnica (spirituala, duhovniceasca)
in Creatie; Nivelul Cuantic: Nivelul Creatiei (manifestate, limitata in timp
si spatiu) ierarhizat in: Nivelul Cuantic Nevazut: Nivelul Creatiei
Nevazute: mijloceste legatura dintre Dumnezeu - Creatorul si Creatia
Vazuta si asigura viata sufleteasca; Nivelul Cuantic Vazut: Nivelul
Creatiei Vazute: asigura viata trupeasca susti-nuta de viata necreata prin
intermediul sufletului omenesc. Fiecare dimensiune spatiala se manifesta
la randul ei in trei dimensiuni temporare in urmatoarea ierarhie
descrescatoare: preexistente din trecut, existente in prezent, proiectate in
viitor. Au fost descifrate prin metoda biodetectiei 9 Modele
Informationale Energetice (Mod IE) care sunt conectate la cele 9 surse
principale ale vieii umane (3 spaiale x 3 temporale) prin 9 Matrici
Informational-Energetice (Mat IE) corespunzatoare acestor surse. Mod IE
are o structura Informational-Energetic (IE) foarte complexa, formata
din 307 Corpuri IE, numite Memoriale (M), de forma ovoidala, care
intrepatund corpul uman si se intrepatund intre ele. Cele 307 M sunt
dispuse in grupuri si subgrupuri diferite de M. Fiecare Mod IE este
conectat cu o Mat IE prin cel mai inalt nivel ierarhic, format din 10 M =
(3 x 3 M) +1 M. Cele 9 Mod IE au aceeasi structura IE, dar acestea sunt
situate pe 9 niveluri ierarhic diferite, bine stabilite, in trei sisteme
descresctoare: 1,2,3 Mod IE preexistente din trecut: 1) Mod IE de la
Creator; 2) Mod IE de la Creatia (CR) Nevazuta (NV); 3) Mod IE de la
CR Vazuta (V). 4,5,6 Mod IE existente in prezent: 4) Mod IE de la
Creator; 5) Mod IE de la CR NV; 6) Mod IE de la CR V. 7,8,9 Mod
IE proiectate spre viitor: 7) Mod IE de la Creator; 8) Mod IE de la CR
NV; 9) Mod IE de la CR V. Toate cele 9 Mod IE : 9 x 307M = 2763M
dispuse pana la 12-14 metri in jurul corpului uman formeaza MONADA
care este conectata la Sistemul Holografic Universal printr-un M si care
contine in final 2763M + 1M = 2764M (2+7+6+4=19; 1+9=10; 1+0=1).
Mod IE ierarhic superioare stapanesc Mod IE ierarhic inferioare.
Rezultatele arata ca Dumnezeu Creatorul (1,4,7 Mod IE) stapaneste direct
CR NV (2,5,8 Mod IE) si indirect CR V (3,6,9 Mod IE). Mod IE din
trecut (1,2,3 Mod IE) stapanesc direct Prezentul (4,5,6 Mod IE) si indirect
Viitorul (7,8,9 Mod IE). Cele 9 Mod IE principale stapanesc inca 244
Mod IE din celelalte 9 surse complexe ale vietii. Cunoasterea si
respectarea acestor ierarhii din viata umana (prin comunicarea mijlocita
cu Creatorul si curatarea IE negative ale trecutului si prezentului) cat si a
Legilor Universale (7 x) ne ajuta sa evoluam spiritual tot mai mult in
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Alergia alimentara reprezinta o forma relativ frecventa de alergie. Riscul
de a dezvolta o alergie alimentara este mai mare in cazul n care exista in
familie cazuri de alergie. Alergiile alimentare se intalnesc mai frecvent la
copii decat la adulti. Alergia alimentara se instaleaza in conditiile unui
raspuns imunologic anormal la consumul de anumite produse nutritive.
Alergiile alimentare apar cand sistemul imun reactioneaza anormal la
substantele continute in alimentele ingerate, producand o reactie alergica.
Diagnosticul este deosebit de important in cadrul tratamentului. Pentru a
pune diagnosticul de alergie alimentara, medicul va incepe cu efectuarea
anamnezei si a examenului fizic, apoi se continua cu efectuarea testelor
cutanate si testul de evidentiere in vitro a IgE specifice. Nutritia este
bazata pe excluderea din alimentatie a produselor alergogene. Excluderea
se face dupa anumite tehnici nutritionale, intrucat pot sa apara grave
tulburari de nutritie. Dietele de excludere sau de eliminare constau in
indepartarea din alimentatia pacientului a unor produse care determina
manifestari clinice (diaree, crampe abdominale, vomismente, febra, vertij,
astenie, tulburari de vedere, cefalee, transpiratii) si de laborator. Dietele
de excludere prezinta avantajul ca sunt simplu de efectuat, necostisitoare.
Dietele de excludere permit in etapa de introducere treptata a produselor
nutritive identificarea alimentelor alergogene. Boala celiaca este
provocata de alergia la o proteina (gluten) continuta in grau si alte
Authors: Isabela Silosi, Cristian Adrian Silosi, Suzana Rogoz
University of Medicine and Pharmacy , Craiova, Romania
Food allergy is a relatively common form of allergy. The risk of
developing a food allergy is highest where there is a family history of
allergy. Food allergies are more common in children than in adults. Food
allergy is installed in conditions of abnormal immunologic response to
the consumption of certain nutrients. Food allergies occur when the
immune system reacts abnormally to substances contained in food intake,
causing an allergic reaction. The diagnosis is particularly important in the
treatment. To diagnose food allergy, the doctor will begin with a medical
history and perform a physical exam, and then continue with skin tests
and in vitro tests for specific IgE. Nutrition is based on the exclusion of
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The strong decline in the myocardial infarction (MI) mortality in USA
and EU (except Romania) is the consequence of the implementation of
the preventive primary and secondary measures in a coherent program.
The mortality of MI decreased by more than 50% in all the countries that
stress the importance of the preventive measure. In Romania the MI
mortality continue to rise due to the almost absence of the prevention.
The MI patient remains in the hospital a period of time much shorter than
the histopathological healing of the lesion that means a definitive scar.
The pacient leaves the hospital in a vulnerable phase. We strongly insist
on the utility of a second stage in a medical institution specialized for the
rehabilitation of the MI patients where all the risk factors are
appropriately corrected and the management is individualized as much as
possible. The results of a such a period of care after the first phase are
impressive. Most of the patients become able to perform a physical
activity not reached before the MI. In the majority of cases the return to
work is possible. We strongly recommend the multiplication of the
cardiac rehabilitation centers, the best way for a secondary prevention of
MI. Specific measures are discussed.
Autor: Dr. Constantin Erena,
Medic Primar Boli Interne, Asistent Universitar
UMF Carol Davila, Bucuresti, Romania
Majoritatea bolilor cronice au fost asociate cu nivele crescute ale
radicalilor liberi in sange. Scopul studiului a fost testarea unui supliment
alimentar, cu actiune imunomodulatorie, ASEA, care contine molecule de
semnalizare redox stabilizate intr-o suspensie salina, care s-au dovedit a fi
un activator hiperselectiv al proteinei NRF 2, la un numar de 30 de
pacienti cu boli cronice (arteriopatie obliteranta forma difuza 5 cazuri,
astm bronsic 6 cazuri, psoriazis 5 cazuri, sechele de accident vascular
cerebral ischemic 6 cazuri, diabet zaharat complicat cu neuropatie 5
cazuri, miastenia gravis 3 cazuri). Scopul studiului a fost evaluarea
impactului produsului asupra nivelului radicalilor liberi si asupra
simptomatolgiei si markerilor biochimici din cadrul bolilor respective.
Metoda: la un lot de 30 pacienti, suferind de bolile cronice mentionate, s128
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pain severity score
severity class
Glycemia (diabetes type
Daily total insulin dose
(diabetes type I)
160 27 mg / dl
115 29 mg / dl
33 14 UI
29 12 UI
the water of mouth. The silver is one of the most powerful natural
antibiotics with effect against more than 650 pathogens. The colloidal
water with silver acts 5-6 minutes, time which is sufficient for an
efficiency washing of the mouth. Its efficiency is increased according
with the reducing of the colloid dimensions in water. By effective
combining of these two inedited techniques are obtained colloidal
solutions of small sizes, by using diamagnetism and electrical currents
with a very low amperage. The water structured with variable magnetic
fields contributes significantly to the separation of the Nano metrical
structures of the colloidal silver and to the mixing of the final product.
The structure of the powerful diamagnetic water increases the absorption
at the cellular level and enhances product effects. Combination of the
methods increases the efficiency at the buccal level and protects a long
Autori: Dr. Adriana Tatomirescu1, Dr. Ing. chim. Stefan Manea2,
Dr. Farm. Gabriela Vlasceanu2
Centrul Medical Hofimed, Bucuresti, 2Hofigal Export Import SA,
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: enzime, boli cardio-vasculare, coenzima Q10 in ulei de
Sub termenul generic de enzimopatie se grupeaza afectiuni metabolice
diverse, cauzate de lipsa congenitala sau, mai rar, de sinteza diminuata
sau anarhica a uneia sau mai multor enzime. Enzimele au numeroase
utilizari terapeutice, toate argumentate stiintific. Exista studii clinice in
care s-a raportat ca terapia enzimatica determina reducerea simptomelor
asociate bolilor cardio-vasculare (dureri, crampe, edeme) si implicit
amelioreaza calitatea vietii pacientului. Coagularea sangelui este un
proces care consta intr-o succesiune de reactii enzimatice la nivelul carora
se poate interveni in caz de dezechilibrare patologica. In terapia
aterosclerozei si ischemiei tisulare cardiace, un rol esential il au enzimele
(superoxidismutaze) capabile sa degradeze speciile oxidative ale
oxigenului. Insuficienta cardiaca congestiva se poate ameliora ca stadiu
NYHA prin suplimentarea dietei pacientilor cu Coenzima Q10 forte in
ulei de catina.
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pancreas, abdominal lymph nodes. Also one can evaluate the distant
consequences caused by the germs or their toxins. In association with
the re-balancing induced by Meta-Therapy, for the home treatment one
can evaluate certain phytotherapic, nutriceutical, dietary, but also
allopathic remedies, all quantified by their potential to correct the
depicted deficits (bio-compatibility). The study describes the integrative
approach of certain clinical cases with different microorganisms detected
(bacteria, viruses, parasites) and different tissular localizations, cases
which benefitted from an integrative diagnosis and treatment: imagistic
dinamic aspects compared to NLS entropy analysis differential
diagnosis with other pathologies, immunologic blood tests versus
microorganism detection, evaluation of treatment efficiency by classical
and alternative methods.
Autori: Dr. Dan Teofil Dumitru1, Dr. Constantin Tecu2,
Psiholog Luminita Dumitru3
PFA Dumitru Dan, Bucuresti, 2S.C.Neuroimpuls SRL, Timisoara,
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: Aura, semnificatia cromatica, campuri energetice,
tratament SCIO.
Exista o varietate de campuri energetice care inconjoara si emana din
corpul nostru fizic. Aura este unul dintre ele. Aura umana reprezinta acea
radiatie eterica ce ne inconjoara corpul. In lucrare sunt precizate
caracteristicile ei in functie de varsta, starea psihica, alimentatie etc. Sunt
trecute in revista o serie de senzatii care au legatura cu aura si
influentarea ei de alte campuri energetice. Vizualizarea Aurei este
posibila prin antrenament, dar interpretarea a ceea ce vezi este insa mai
grea. Sunt aratate culorile Aurei si semnificatia lor. Aparatul de
biorezonanta SCIO poate vizualiza aura persoanei, poate depista
anomaliile ei si le poate corecta energetic.
Authors: Dr. Dan Teofil Dumitru1, Dr. Constantin Tecu2,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013
Autor: Dr. Didi Surcel
Blue Life Medical Center, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Homeopatia ocupa un loc de prim rang favorizand reannodarea legaturii
dintre om si mediul sau, intre medicina corpului si medicina sufletului,
intre finitul si infinitul in care noi ne inscriem. Medicina alopats exista
pentru supravietuirea noastra in incercari, iar celelalte medicini zise
paralele o acompaniaza, si astfel ne ajuta sa intelegem aceste incercari.
Cuvantul cheie este a indrazni. A indrazni sa gasesti solutii pentru tot ce
ne copleseste la un moment dat, este efort si bucurie, este curaj si daruire,
este multa, foarte multa munca pentru binele tuturor. Baza homeopatiei
consta in principiul similitudinii, sugerand ca dozele mici, respectiv
microdozele substantelor vor vindeca orice fel de simptome pe care
aceste substante le cauzeaza in doze mari, principiu observat si in
utilizarea vaccinurilor sau in tratamentul alergiilor. Homeopatia se
include perfect in grupul metodelor terapeutice care argumenteaza
mecanismele de aparare proprii ale organismului. In prezent, se accepta
ca remediile homeopatice stimuleaza apararea organismului, dar modul
lor de actiune ramane inca un mister. Exista studii experimentale care
demonstreaza stimularea macrofagelor, citokinelor sau a limfocitelor T si
B de catre diferite remedii homeopatice. Intelegerea homeopatiei in
lumina imunologiei aduce in vizor dezvoltarea unor preparate
medicamentos alternative, utile pentru combaterea bolilor induse de
deficiente imunologice. Remediile homeopatice pot fi utilizate in
domenii medicale moderne, unde medicamentele alopate de ultima ora,
precum citokinele, au esuat in incercarea de a combate boli induse de
dezordinea imunologica. In efortul de a creste capacitatea sistemului
imun de a tine sub control starea de sanatate a organismului, metoda
detoxifierii realizata de preparatele homeopatice prin modularea reactiilor
imune se remarca printr-un excelent rol antitoxic si de drenaj, realizand
stoparea si eliminarea acestor substante nocive. Remediile homeopatice
induc nu doar stimularea raspunsului imun, dar si supresia raspunsului
imun, a tolerantei fata de anumite substante straine, asigurand astfel
restabilirea starii de sanatate. Dezordini imunologice de tipul
citotoxicitate, hipersensibilitate, complexe imune, imunodeficienta si
bolile autoimune pot fi abordate cu succes prin terapia homeopatica.
Utilizarea diferitelor substante toxice in doze homeopatice au efect
modulator asupra sistemului imun in ceea ce priveste imunitatea celulara
si umorala, dar mai ales asupra maduvei osoase, la nivelul careia celula
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hypersensitivity, immune complexes, immunodeficiency and autoimmune
diseases can be successfully addressed through homeopathic treatment.
Using homeopathic doses of various toxic substances modulating effect
on the immune system in terms of cellular and humoral immunity,
especially the bone marrow, the hematopoietic stem cell which (MSC)
and mesenchymal stem cell (MSC), both involved major defense and
tissue healing abused, are mobilized in response homeopathic treatment.
Autori : Marinela Lache1, Elena Rusu2, Manole Cojocaru2
Spitalul Clinic Universitar de Urgenta , Bucuresti
Universitatea " Titu Maiorescu" , Facultatea de Medicina,
Bucuresti, Romania
Alimentele reprezinta unul dintre cei mai importanti factori de mediu care
influenteaza sanatatea umana. Nutritia este un factor major care participa
la realizarea unui management echilibrat al stilului de viata, la prevenirea
unor comportamente de risc. Conceptul de medicina personalizata este
acum extins la domeniul nutritiei. Ideea ca dieta / genomul interactiuni
medicamentoase pot provoca boli nu este noua. Interfata dintre mediul
nutritiv si procesele celulare / genetice este numita "Nutritie genomica".
Cele mai multe cazuri de boli cronice (boli cardiovasculare, diabet,
cancer) se datoreaza interactiuni complexe intre mai multe gene si factorii
de mediu. Acum este acceptat ca substantele nutritive (macronutrienti,
microelemente) modifica procesele moleculare. La nivel celular
substantele nutritive poate actiona ca ligaturi pentru receptorii factor de
transcriere, fie pot fi metabolizate de cai metabolice primare sau
secundare sau pot afecta pozitiv sau negativ caile de semnal. Modificarea
echilibrului energetic intracelular poate modifica indirect expresia
genelor. Regim alimentar bazat pe cunoasterea necesarul nutritional,
starea de nutritie si genotipul ("nutritia individualizata") poate fi folosit
pentru a preveni sau vindeca boli cronice. Variatia genetica individuala
poate influenta modul in care elemente nutritive sunt asimilate,
metabolizate, depozitate si eliminate din organism. Nutritia genomica
urmareste sa ofere o intelegere genetica pentru modul in care nutritia
afecteaza echilibrul intre sanatate si boala. Rezultatul dorit al nutritiei
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Belgrade, Serbia
Complementary/alternative medicine (CAM) is more popular than ever
before. Patients with pulmonary diseases often seek so-called alternative
treatment as supplementation but seldom as real alternative medicine.
One of the most highly publicized, yet least understood of all of the
vitamins is vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. The lungs are
constantly exposed to oxidants such as ozone and nitrogen dioxide that
are inhaled or release from inflammatory leukocytes. In order to protect
the lung from increased endogenous or exogenous oxidant burden,
several antioxidant systems are available, including vitamin C. Recent
study suggests that vitamin C is important antioxidant and indicate that
taking supplement such as vitamin C could benefit patients with
pulmonary diseases. We examined the vitamin C status in 40 patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 35 children with
asthma. Serum ascorbate concentrations were determinated in patients
with pulmonary diseases and in control group. The levels of serum
vitamin C were lower in COPD patients than in control group. In patients
with COPD and respiratory failure serum vitamin C concentration is
highly significantly decreased (p<0.001) than in patients with COPD
with normal arterial blood gases. Concentrations of serum vitamin C were
not in correlation with clinical score of symptoms and/or spirometry in
children with asthma. The obtained data indicate a relation between
vitamin C status and COPD. Our findings are also compatible with
observations that dietary vitamin C has a protective effect on pulmonary
function. Higher blood levels of vitamin C may be ideal nutritional
marker for overall health.
Autori: Rusu Elena, Epuran Silviu, Cojocaru Manole
Departamentul Preclinic, Facultatea de Medicina,
Universitatea Titu Maiorescu, Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: E. coli, antibiotice, rezistenta.
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