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Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Supliment al
Supplement of

Revistei Romane de Acupunctura

Romanian Journal of Acupuncture

ISSN 1233-1754


Editor: Corneliu Moldovan

publicat de
published by
Kapa Advertising S.R.L. Bucuresti

2013 INMCA. All right reserved

Copyright of National Institute for Complementary and Alternative
Medicines Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila (Bucharest 5, 22 Panduri street)

RRA 2013
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013


Al Trei-lea Congres National cu
Participare Internationala de Medicina Integrativa
Al 23-lea Congres National de Acupunctura

Al 28-lea Congres National de Homeopatie

Nutriterapia orientari actuale si de perspectiva
Bucuresti, 7-10 noiembrie 2013


The Third National Congress with International

Participation of Integrative Medicines
The 23rd National Congress of Acupuncture
The 28th National Congress of Homeopathy
Nutritherapy - current and prospective guidelines
Bucharest, November 7-10, 2013

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013


Presedinti/ Presidents and Chairpersons
Prof. Dr. Dumitru Constantin, Dr. Corneliu Moldovan
Vicepresedinti/ Vice-presidents
Acad. Prof. Dr. Mircea Ifrim, Dr. Doina Pavlovschi,
Dr. Francois Beyens
Editori / Editor and Special Advisor:
Dr. Corneliu Moldovan
Comitetul Stiintific/ Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Dumitru Constantin, Dr. Corneliu Moldovan,
Acad. Prof. Dr. Mircea Ifrim, Acad. Prof. Dr. Farm. Ovidiu Bojor,
Acad. Prof. Dr. Ionescu Targoviste, Acad. Prof. Mecinicopschi,
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila, Prof. Univ. Dr. Vasile Dumbrava,
Dr. Doina Pavlovschi, Fiz. Ioan Mamulas, Dr. Francois Beyens,
Acad. Prof. Dr. Aurelia Nicoleta Cristea, Acad. Prof. Dr. Adrian Restian,
Prof. Dr. Marian Constantinescu, Prof. Dr. Dan Ungureanu,
Conf. Dr. Manole Cojocaru, Dr. Iosif Mezei, Dr. George Cojocaru
Secretar/ General Secretary
Dr. Gigi Nastase
Secretariat/ Secretary
Irinel Peiu
Trezorier/ Treasurer
Mihaela Olteanu

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013


Autori: Corneliu I. Moldovan1 MD, D.Sc.(M.A.) ,
Dumitru Constantin Dulcan2 M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D,
Ioan Mamulas1 Ph.D., D.Sc (M.A.),
Alexandru Corneliu Moldovan3 BEng Electronic Engineering
Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila Bucuresti, 2Societatea Romana de
Acupunctura, Romania, 3University of Dundee, UK
Cuvinte cheie: apa structurata, magnetizare in dublu sens, filtrareionizare, iradiere 3-D laser multipla, oxigenare-ozonare apa, stimulare
cu fononi acustici si optici, spectroscopie de absorbtie atomica, tehnica
Kirlian modificata, spectroscopie electroluminiscenta, microscopie si
video-miscroscopie digitala la interfata apa-gheata-aer, camp de
coerenta, retele sinergetice neuro-cuantice.
Apa, cel mai raspandit element de pe Terra, prezinta proprietati unice
datorita structurii si inter-reactiilor sale moleculare. Apa este o
componenta esential a structurilor vii. Structura apei este mult mai
importanta decat compozitia sa chimica. Apa obisnuita are o structura
pentagonala care nu ii permite sa treaca cu usurinta in mediul intracelular.
Se considera ca apa structurata este compusa din sase molecule de apa
dispuse sub forma hexagonala, la fel ca si dispunerea membranelor
celulare, care lasa cu usurinta sa treaca in celula acest tip de apa. Scopul
lucrarii a fost realizarea unor noi tehnici pentru obtinerea si testarea unei
ape activ-structurate, cu multiple utilizari curative si experimentale. Am
utilizat o metoda originala care a constat in urmatoarea secventa: filtrarea
apei de la retea, concomitent cu o magnetizare in dublu sens (N-S/ S-N),
utilizand 2 electromagneti de curent alternativ monofazati cu flux
magnetic generator de armonice; filtrarea secundara si ionizarea apei
magnetizate; iradierea laser multipla (trei surse laser cu lungimi de unda
si puteri nominale de emisie diferite), in montaj 3-D cu franje de
interferenta variabile, a apei acaline (pH=9-9,5) magnetizate si ionizate,
obtinute anterior, concomitent cu oxigenarea/ ozonarea apei (in medie 30
g/ml O3) urmata de stimularea cu fononi acustici si optici generati de un
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

montaj original care contine structuri cristaline si generatoare de

frecvente. Am utilizat pentru caracterizarea si testarea apei structurate
urmatoarele metode: determinarea pH-ului, determinarea conductivitatii
electrice (EC), determinarea cantitatii de solide totale dizolvate (TDS),
determinarea temperaturii, determinarea potentialului redox, determinarea
oxigenului dizolvat, determinarea prin spectrometrie de absorbtie atomica
a compozitiei elementale a rezidiului uscat si a cantitatii de nitriti.
Complementar, am utilizat o metoda de imagistica electrostatica de
suprafata de tip KIRLIAN, modificata si adaptata, precum si analiza
automata a morfologiei si a spectrului de emisie a imaginilor obtinute.
Pentru vizualizarea structurii apei am utilizat o tehnica originala de
inregistrare la nivelul interfetei de separatie: apa in faza lichida gheata
aer, cu ajutorul unui microscop digital profesional (Celestron, cu puterea
de marire x 1500 max). Metodele de testare si explorare au fost aplicate
si pe urmatoarele tipuri de ape: apa de la retea, apa distilat (pH 7,02),
diverse ape prelucrate cu proprietati terapeutice recunoscute, ape naturale
terapeutice. Apa structurata obtinuta prin metodele descrise (Fig. 1) este:
buna pentru consum, nu contine nitriti si alti poluanti, puternic ionizata,
alcalina, oxigenata, are un potential redox crescut, este magnetizata,
particular structurata si are un camp de coerenta extrem de crescut,
evidentiat prin tehnici speciale de imagistica KIRLIAN si prelucrari de
date spectrometrice (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Activitatea biologica crescuta a acestei ape este, posibil datorita structurii

particulare, multistrat de aranjamente moleculare, initial hexagonale
regulate, ulterior octogonale si n final sferice, care sub videomicroscopie
digitala de transmisie, pare a fi animata de miscari coordonate, coerente.
Structura aceasta nu s-a putut reproduce, in profida a nenumarate
incercari, decat in prezenta experimentatorului care se concentreaza
asupra apei si este net diferita de structura si proprietatile apelor testate in
studiu. Indirect, acest fapt de observatie, posibil, reflecta influenta pe care
constienta si campul de coerenta constientala par sa o exercite asupra
materiei nevii si in special asupra apei, fapt demonstrat si de alti
cercetatori, ca de exemplu cercetatorul nipon, Massaru Emoto.
Fig. 2

Aplicatiile preliminare ale acestui tip de apa activa-structurata in

terapeutica par promitatoare, fiind de retinut: vindecarea si ameliorarea
unor tipuri de cancer cutanat, ameliorarea simptomatologiei si evolutiei
unor cancere gastro-intestinale, pancreatice si bronho-pulmonare,
ameliorarea edemelor periferice, ameliorarea sindromului de
suprasolicitare, a oboselii cronice, ameliorarea simptomatologiei unor
boli ale glandei tiroide, ameliorarea unori boli ale sferei ORL, etc. Sunt
descrise modele de interpretare a structurii, a propietatilor distincte
nregistrate si a fenomenelor particulare legate de apa structurata, posibil
activata psiho-energetic si informational. Aceasta activare poate fi, cel
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

mai probabil explicata prin functionarea retelelor sinergetice neurocuantice, la nivelul de interactiuni intre: pattern-ul multi-level sub celular
si nivelul cuantic (constient/ subconstient/ informatie).
copyright CM - Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan, 2013, All rights reserved.
Authors: Corneliu I. Moldovan1 MD, D.Sc.(M.A.),
Dumitru Constantin Dulcan2 M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D,
Ioan Mamulas1 Ph.D., D.Sc. (M.A.),
Alexandru Corneliu Moldovan3 BEng Electronic Engineering Student
National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila, Bucharest
Romanian Acupuncture Society, Romania
University of Dundee, UK
Keywords: structured water, magnetization in a double sense, filtration,
ionization, 3-D laser irradiation, multiple oxygenation-ozonation water,
stimulation with acoustic and optical phonons, atomic absorption
spectroscopy, Kirlian modified technique, electroluminescence
spectroscopy, microscopy and video-Digital microscopy at the water-iceair interface, coherence field, synergistic neuro-quantum networks.
Due to its structure and molecular intra-reactions, water, the omnipresent
element on Earth, displays unique properties. Water is an essential
component of all living things. Its structure is much more important than
its chemical composition. In its ordinary state water has a pentagonal
structure which makes it impossible to pass easily in the intracellular
environment. Structured water is considered to be water made-up of six
water molecules displayed as a hexagon, the same shape as that of the
cellular membrane. This allows structured water to easily pass inside the
cell. Our research purpose has been to propose and test new techniques
that will yield structured active water that could be curatively used. Our
original method was the following: we filtered tap water; during this
process, we also applied to it a bidirectional magnetic field (N-S/S-N)
using 2 monophasic electromagnets with alternating current having a high
harmonic generating magnetic flux; the resulting magnetized water was
re-filtered and ionized; then, we used a 3-D with different inference band
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

multiple laser irradiation technique (we used three lasers with different
wavelengths and with different nominal-powers); the resulting
magnetized and ionized alkaline water (pH:9-9.5) was also oxygenated/
ozonized (with an average of 30 g/ml O3); then, the resulting water was
stimulated by means of acoustic and optical phonons generated by an
original crystalline structure that could generate different frequencies. We
used the following methods to characterize and test the resulting
structured water: pH determination and measurement, electricalconductivity (EC) measurement, total dissolved solids (TDS)
measurement, temperature measurement, redox potential measurement,
dissolved oxygen measurement; we determined the elemental
composition, the dry residuum and the nitrates percentage by means of
atomic absorption spectrometric method. We also used an adapted and
modified KIRLIAN photographic technique, as well as an automatic
analysis of the resulting images morphology and emission spectrum. To
be able to visualize the resulting waters structure we used a professional
digital microscope (Celestron, x 1500 max) to create an original recording
method applied to the water interface: liquid water ice air. We applied
the above methods to several water types: tap water, distilled water (pH
7.02), several structured waters with renowned therapeutic values and
natural therapeutic waters. Our resulting structured water (Fig. 1) is
drinkable, does not contain nitrites or any other pollutants, it is highly
ionized/ionic, alkaline and oxygenated; it has a high redox potential, it is
magnetized and has a particular structure and an extremely high
coherence that could be established by the KIRLIAN photographic
technique and spectrometric data analysis (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

The resulting structured water has high biological activity that could be
due to its particular, multi-layered molecular structure: from an initial
regular hexagonal structure it passes through an octagonal structure to
end up with a spherical structure, which, tested under digital video
microscopy, exhibits a coherent and coordinated movements. No matter
how hard the first author tried could not reproduce this structured water
unless the researcher was present. One possible explanation would be that
consciousness and a coherent consciousness filed might directly influence
unorganized matter and especially water, a hypothesis supported by other
researchers (see for example Massaru Emoto, the Japanese researcher).
Fig. 2

The resulting actively structured water therapeutic uses seems to be

promising. It has been used successfully to ameliorate different skin,
gastrointestinal or lung cancers, to ameliorate peripheral edema, chronic
fatigue syndrome, or to ameliorate symptoms of various thyroid or ENT
conditions. Our presentation also discusses several interpretation methods
of the distinct properties of the resulting structured water, possibly
psycho-energetically and informationally activated. This activation might
be explained by means of quantum neuronal synergetic networks in
interaction: the subcellular multi-layered pattern and the quantic level
consciousness/ subconscious/ information).
copyright CM - Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan, 2013, All rights reserved.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Autori: Prof. Dr. Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan1,
Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan2, Fiz. Ioan Mamulas2
Societatea Romana de Acupunctura,
Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila. Bucuresti, Romania
Se naste, sub ochii nostri, treptat si discret o noua lume cu o noua
cunoastere. Aproape fara sa sesizam, trecem de la era materialismului la
era constiintei, a spiritualitatii. In ultimii ani ai secolului ce s-a incheiat,
incep sa fie aduse in atentia publica o serie de achizitii noi in cunoastere
care au clatinat soclul ce parea de nelintit al unei gandiri limitate de legile
fizicii si chimiei ca ultim substrat al intergii existente. In 1969, prin
crearea Asociatiei de Psihologie Transpersonala, se deschidea calea unei
noi terapii care demonstra ca omul si Universul au o origine spirituala. In
1975, Raymond Moody publica celebra carte Life after Life, care aducea
in atentia oamenilor de stiinta existenta unui univers spiritual, alaturi de
universul fizic. Desi principiile fizicii cuantice au fost formulate inca in
1927, au trecut pragul laboratoarelor oamenilor de stiinta din domeniu
abia catre anii 90, provacand o adevarata revolutie in cunoastere.
Universul fizic era extins cu mult dincolo de limitele sale, intr-unul al
energiei, informatiilor cu mult mai adanci decit cele genetice, al
posibilitatilor latente infinite, in care logica formala a dispunerii
succesive a lucrurilor si a tertiului exclus, este inlocuita de o logica
probabilistica a simultaneitatii si a tertiului inclus. Surpriza esentiala a
Fizicii cuantice a fost aceea ca in vidul cuantic particulele sunt modelate
in formele lumii existente, de catre ceea ce Max Planck a numit Mintea
Materiei, aflata in doua ipostaze a Constiintei Cosmice si a Constiintei
Umane. S-a deschis astfel era Constiintei capabila sa edifice o lume fara
conflicte si suferinta, o lume a viitoarei spiritualitati. Mai mult, intre
universul cuantic si cel descris in experientele din apropierea mortii
clinice par sa existe mari similitudini de la ubicuitatea constiintei si a
capacitatii acesteia de a ordona si modela materia in forma sa de energie,
pana la continuitatea spatio-temporala. Incepand din 1992 stiintele
neurocognitive au un nou suport. Se demonstreaza ca celula nervoasa se
poate regenera din celule stem, ca semnificatia pozitiva sau negativa a
gandurilor si emotiilor noastre poate influenta procesele de neurogeneza
si neuroplasticitate intr-un sens sau altul. Numeroase experinte au
demonstrat de asemenea posibilitatea de a modela in sensul dorit forma
propriului nostru AND si de a invinge astfel fatalitatea ereditatii in
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

favoarea sanatatii si a longivitatii, de a imprima noi proprietati cu caracter

vindecator apei, de a influenta in bine mediul social si de a face mai buna
lumea in care traim. Lucrarea isi propune sa aduca in discutie
argumentele experimentale care motiveaza o noua viziune asupra
posibilitatilor mintii noastre de transformare a omului intr-o fiinta dotata
cu atributele universului cuantic si spiritual.
Authors: Prof. Dr. Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan1,
Dr. Corneliu I. Moldovan2, Fiz. Ioan Mamulas2
Romanian Acupuncture Society,
National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila. Bucharest, Romania
Is born in our eyes, gradually and subtly a new world with new
knowledge. Almost without perceptible change, we pass from
materialism to era of consciousness and spirituality. In the last years of
the century over, it begin to be brought to the public attention a series of
new acquisitions in knowledge that have astounded our thinking socket,
limited by the the laws of physics and chemistry, as the as final substrate
of the existence. Early in 1969, the creation of the Association of
Transpersonal Psychology opens the way to new therapies that prove that
man and the universe has a spiritual origin. In 1975, Raymond Moody
published the famous book Life After Life, which highlights to scientists
the existence of a spiritual universe, alongside with the physical universe.
Although the principles of quantum physics have been made yet in 1927,
they crossed in the field scientists laboratories threshold only by the 90s,
triggering a revolution in knowledge. The physical universe was extended
far beyond its limits, in one of energy, information deeper than genetic
ones, of the latent infinite possibilities, where the formal reason of
successive arrangement of things and the excluded third is replaced by a
logic probability of simultaneity and where the third is included. The
surprise of Quantum Physics has been so complete, that in the Quantum
Vacuum, the particles are modeled in the forms of the existing world, by
which Max Planck called "Mind matter", located in two hypostases:
Cosmic Consciousness and of Human Consciousness. It was thus opened
a Consciousness Era able to build a world without conflicts and suffering,
a world of the future Spirituality. Moreover, between quantum universes
and those described in near-death experiences appear to be large clinical
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

similarities from the ubiquity of consciousness and its capacity to order

and shape matter in form of energy to the spatial - temporal continuity.
Since 1992 neurocognitive sciences have a new support. It have been
shown that nerve cells can regenerate from stem cells and the positive or
negative significance of our thoughts and emotions can influence the
processes of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, in one way or another.
Several experiences have shown also the possibility to form into the
desired shape our own DNA and so to defeat the fatality of our heredity
in favor of health and longevity, to pattern new structure and healing
properties to the water, to better influence the social environment and
make our world better. The paper aims to raise the experimental
arguments to motivate a new vision of our mind possibility that can
transform the man into a human being endowed with the spiritual and the
quantum universe attributes.
Autori: Florin Bratila1 MD, D.Sc.(M.A.),
Corneliu I. Moldovan1 MD, D.Sc.(M.A.),
Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa
Prof. Dr. Florin BratilaBucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: accidente vasculare ischemice, metoda optimizata de
selecie a pacientilor si a indicatiei terapeutice, selectia acupunctelor prin
metoda electro-termo-dermala, scala PEDro, combinarea acupuncturii
cu scalp-terapia si cu auriculo-terapia in aceeiasi sedinta de tratament,
suplimente nutritionale.
Accidentele vasculare ischemice, reprezinta a 3a sau a 4a cauza de
mortalitate pe plan international, avand o prevalenta globala de cca 18.2
la 1000 locuitori pe an. Accidentul vascular ischemic reprezinta una din
cauzele majore de dizabilitate (prevalenta 12 la 1000 locuitori/an) si de
ingrijiri pe termen lung in institutii de reabilitare sau la domiciliu.
Modalitatile curente de recuperare nu asigura nici separate, nici impreuna,
o reabilitare acceptabila pentru mai mult de 65% dintre pacientii tratati.
Modalitatile de tratament complementar sunt din ce in ce mai acceptate
de pacienti cu suferinte vasculare cronice, iar studiile clinice par sa indice
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

ameliorari semnificative a deficitelor neurologice globale (Studiu

Cochrane 2009). Scopul lucrarii a fost de a realiza o metoda optimizata,
reproductibila si cu efecte clinice notabile, bazata pe experienta anterioara
a autorilor si pe o metodologie originala de selectie a bolnavilor, de
indicatie terapeutica, de selectie a punctelor de acupunctura prin metode
Electro si Termo - Dermale, de selectie a secventei de aplicare a
acupuncturii si a tehnicilor utilizate, de indicatie personalizata a
suplimentelor nutritionale. Selectia si randomizarea bolnavilor in studiu a
fost efectuata pe baza scalei PEDro (Lista Delphi modificata) si pe baza
unui chestionar propriu. Indicatia terapeutica s-a bazat pe scorul obtinut la
interpretarea chestionarului si pe rezultatul masuratorilor electro si termodermale. Schema de acupunctura a constat in combinarea acupuncturii cu
scalp-terapia si cu auriculo-terapia in aceeiasi sedinta de tratament.
Numarul total de sedinte terapeutice a fost de opt. Frecventa tratamentelor
a fost de un tratament/zi. Numarul punctelor de acupunctura
stimulate/sedinta a fost variabil (7-18). Stimularea punctelor de
acupunctura a fost diferentiata in functie de gradientul electro si termodermal obtinut la masuratori si a constat in acupunctura manuala cu ace
de otel inoxidabil (profunzimea de insertie a acelor a fost intre 1cm-4.2
cm, timpul total de stimulare a fost de 25 minute), electro-acupunctura,
electrostimulare transdermica, TENS acupunctural, Laser-acupunctura,
Laser-scanning acupunctural. Punctele de acupunctura stimulate au fost
selectionate din urmatorul repertoar: VG 1, 2, 4, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22; R1, 2,
6, 7, 12, 23; S4, S6, S25, S36, S8, S43; IG4, IG11, IG14, IG15; P7, P9;
C5, C7, C8; VU 2, 4, 5, 7, 22, 23, 30, 32, 44, 60, 62; VB 18, 20, 21, 22,
24, 34, 35, 37: SP 7, 8, 9; F2, 3, 6, 8. Co-interventii terapeutice administrare de suplimente nutritionale. Acestea au fost selectate in
functie de starea clinica si de antecedentele pacientului din urmatoarea
lista de indicatii: vitamine (C, E, grup B, acid folic, betaina etc); calciu,
magneziu, zinc, seleniu; acid alfa lipoic; acizi omega 3, 6, 9; coenzima
Q10; Gingko Biloba; Ginseng Corean; Extract Garlic; antioxidanti;
preparate Ayurvedice, etc). Pacientii au fost randomizati in 2 loturi: lotul
A (lot martor) 21 pacienti (13 de sex masculin) la care s-a aplicat numai
acupunctura manuala si lotul B (lot in studiu) de 24 de pacienti (16 de sex
masculin) la care s-a aplicat metoda combinata de tratament. Rezultatele
au fost apreciate pe baza scorului obtinut la chestionarul propriu, pe o
scala care apreciaza ameliorarea deficitului global neurologic la sfarsitul
tratamentului (nul ameliorare marcata). Pe baza prelucrarii datelor
statistice sau obtinut pe lotul de control (acupunctura singura) ameliorari
marcate la 4% din pacienti, ameliorari moderate la 46% din pacienti,
ameliorari minore la 42% din pacienti si fara rezultat la 8% din pacienti.
Rezultatele terapeutice obtinute pe lotul in studiu (acupunctura, laseracupunctura, electro-acupunctura si suplimente nutritionale) au fost net
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

favorabile comparate cu lotul de control: ameliorari marcate la 27% din

pacienti, ameliorari moderate la 57% din pacienti, ameliorari minore la
10% din pacienti si fara rezultat la 6% din pacienti. Rezultatele au fost
interpretate prin efectul cumulat al procedurilor de stimulare cutanata a
punctelor de acupunctura, sumat cu efectele favorabile ale suplimentelor
nutritionale si a fitoterapeuticelor administrate pacientilor din acest lot.
Propunem extinderea acestei metode in planurile de recuperare la bolnavi
cu sechele post-accidente vasculare ischemice.
(manual, electric and low level laser) AND NUTRITIONAL
Authors: Florin Bratila1 MD, D.Sc.(M.A.),
Corneliu I. Moldovan1 MD, D.Sc.(M.A.),
National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: ischemic stroke, optimized method for the selection of
patients and treatment indications, electro-thermal-dermal method for the
selection of acupuncture points, PEDro scale, combining acupuncture
with scalp acupuncture and auriculo-therapy in one session, nutritional
supplements .
Ischemic stroke represents the third or fourth most common global death
cause, with a global prevalence of 18.2 /1000 inhabitants per year.
Ischemic stroke is also a major cause of long-term disabilities (with a
global prevalence of 12/1000 inhabitants per year) that presuppose longterm institutionalized or home-based medical attention. Patients with
chronic vascular conditions are increasingly turning their attention to
complementary medical treatments and techniques and clinical trials have
suggested that such methods to bring about real improvements of the
global neurological deficit (Cochrane study 2009). Our research purpose
has been to create an optimal method of treatment for ischemic patients
that could be used by other specialists. Our method is based on our past
medical and clinical experience. The acupuncture points to be stimulated
were selected by the Electro and Thermo-Dermal methods, and
acupuncture stimulation was corroborated with prescribing dietary
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

supplements. We designed specific treatments for each patient. We used

the PEDro (a modified version of the Delphi list) and a questionnaire to
select and randomize our patients. Based on the questionnaire scoring and
the electro and thermo-dermal measurements each patient was
recommended a particular treatment. During a single treatment session
acupuncture was combined with head- /scalp and ear therapy. The
treatment took place on a daily basis for 10 days. The number of
acupuncture points to be stimulated during each session varied from 7 to
18, depending on the results patients obtained during the electro - and
thermo-dermal measurements (ETD). The treatment consisted in: manual
acupuncture done with stainless still needles inserted 1- 4, 2 cm deep for
a 25 minutes, electro-acupuncture, transdermal electro stimulation, TENS
acupuncture, laser-acupuncture, laser-scanning acupuncture. The
acupuncture points that were stimulated were among the following: DU 1,
2, 4, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22; KI 1, 2, 6, 7, 12, 23; ST4, ST6, ST25, ST36, ST8,
ST43; LI4, LI11, LI14, LI15; LU7, LU9; HT5, HT7, HT8; BL2, 4, 5, 7,
22, 23, 30, 32, 44, 60, 62; GB 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 34, 35, 37: SP 7, 8, 9;
LR2, 3, 6, 8.
Based on each patient scoring and medical past, the acupuncture therapy
was complemented by dietary supplements that were selected from the
following list: vitamins (C, E, B group, folic acid, betaine, etc.); calcium,
magnesium, zinc, selenium; Alfa lipoic acid; omega 3, 6, 9 acids;
coenzyme Q10; Gingko Biloba; Korean Ginseng; Garlic Extract;
antioxidants; Ayurveda supplements, etc.). Patients were randomized in
two groups: group A (control group), made up of 21 patients (13 males)
who were exposed only to acupuncture and group B (study group) made
up of 24 patients (16 males) who were exposed to the combined therapy
described above. The effects were analyzed based on the results obtained
at our questionnaire and were based on a scale (where null was
interpreted as marked improvement) that measured the improvement of
the global neurological deficit, once the treatment sessions finished. The
statistical data analysis showed that 4% of the patients from the control
group (exposed only to acupuncture) exhibited a marked improvement,
whereas 46% of them exhibited only a moderate improvement and 42% a
minor one. 8% showed no improvement at all. For the study group
(exposed to the combined therapy), the results were the following:
marked improvement for 27%, moderate improvement for 57%, minor
improvement 10% and no improvement for 6%. It follows that the
combined therapy has greater effects with higher improvement rates
triggered by the various acupuncture techniques employed and the dietary
supplements. Our findings encourage the use of such combined
complementary medical procedures for all patients with post ischemic
stroke symptoms.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013


Autor: Dr. Franois Beyens
Presedinte de onoare al ICMART, Belgia
Traditia este o parte a culturii care implica credinte si acceptare din punct
de vedere al contextului istoric si a cunostintelor. Prin urmare, traditia isi
trage puterea din continuitate si permanenta. Reprezinta un fundal in
timp, o bogatie de informatii transmise prin generatii, o acumulare de
experienta, o serie de teorii, idei si argumente. Ce face traditia cu
acupunctura in timpurile moderne? O ajuta sau o impiedica? O
imobilizeaza sau o stimuleaza? Are votul final? Avem cu totii origini in
civilizatii sau culturi care se bazeaza pe obiceiuri sau traditii. Existenta
noastra este modelata de trecutul nostru, apoi este modificata in
conformitate cu adaptarile datorate progreselor in domeniul stiintelor si
comportamentului social, in functie de tendintele individuale si de grup,
in conformitate cu arta, tehnicile si profilele etnice. In domeniul medicinii
traditia are efecte ambigue. Experienta in sine este cu siguranta un
inceput bun pentru intelegere. Abordarile moderne si stiintifice trebuie sa
predomine in separarea partii de credinta oarba (intotdeauna prezenta in
traditie) de folosirea actuala (pragmatica) care insoteste in general
cunostintele si tehnicile invechite. Traditia, mai ales in cazul de
acupuncturii, ne ofera indicii cu privire la pozitia pe care ar trebui sa o
avem in fata aceastei cantitati enorme de informatii. Ea ne permite sa
examinam de la distanta o seama de texte si referinte apartinand mai
multor scoli si tehnici. Atunci am putea vedea acupunctura dintr-o
perspectiva diferita. Dau aici un mic exemplu a modului in care cuvantul
"traditie" poate fi inselator si modul in care informatiile care trec prin
secole nu sunt intotdeauna corecte. Am putea spune: "A tine cont de
regula miezul zilei-miezul noptii".


Author: Beyens Franois, MD
Honorary President of ICMART, Belgium

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Tradition is part of culture which implies beliefs and acceptance
according to the context of history and knowledge. Therefore Tradition
draws its strength on continuity and on permanence. A background in
time, a wealth of information transmitted through generations, an
accumulation of experience, and an array of theories, thoughts and
arguments. What does Tradition do to acupuncture in modern times?
Does it help or hinder? Does it immobilise or stimulate? Does it have the
final vote? We are all originating from civilisations or cultures relying on
customs, habits or traditions. Our existence is modelled according to our
past and then modified according to modern adaptations due to the
progress in sciences and social behaviour, according to individual and
group tendencies, according to art, techniques and ethnic profiles. In the
field of medicine the weight of Tradition has ambiguous effects. The part
of experience it carries in itself is certainly a good start for understanding.
Then modern and scientific approaches must prevail to sort out the part of
blind faith always carried in Tradition from the actual pragmatic
usefulness accompanying generally age old knowledge and techniques.
To think about Tradition, especially in the case of acupuncture, gives us
clues on where we should stand in front of this enormous amount of
information. It allows us to examine from a distance the texts and
references, the many schools and techniques. Then we might see
acupuncture from a different perspective. I am giving here a small
example of how the word tradition can be misleading and how
information carried through centuries is not always accurate. I could call
it: Chasing the Midday-Midnight rule.
Autor: Acad. Prof. Dr. Constantin Ionescu-Tirgoviste
Institutul National de Diabet, Nutritie si
Boli Metabolice N. C. Paulescu, Bucuresti, Romania
Acupunctura este metoda terapeutica care se practica si azi asa cum era
practicata cu 3000 de ani in urma. In acest context, o experienta de 40 de
ani nu poate insemna foarte mult. Baza ei teoretica fascinanta nu numai
pentru medici dar si pentru filosofi sau poeti, reprezinta uneori
argumentul pentru care multi medici se indreapta catre ea. In aceeasi
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

masura insa, simplitatea metodei o face accesibila in orice conditii, acele

putand fi, la nevoie, improvizate din spinii care cresc pe marginea
drumului sau pe orice teren necultivat, asa cum se mentioneaza in unele
texte mai vechi. Vizita pe care am facut-o in China, intr-o perioada de
aspru comunism, m-a convins ca traditia si medicina traditionala n-a
disparut niciodata in acea imensa tara. Revolutia tehnologica a patruns si
in domeniul acupuncturii, fara insa a-i aduce beneficii substantiale din
punct de vedere al efectului terapeutic. Identificarea sau obiectivarea
meridianelor de acupunctura intarzie inca, semn ca n-am ajuns sa
intelegem toate tipurile de energie care se asociaza cu viata. Nu este
exclus ca secretul acestor meridiane sa fie descoperite odata cu
identificarea modului de organizare al cromozomilor in nucleul celular. O
serie de analogii pot fi facute, intre cromozomi si meridiane, urmand ca
ipoteza pe care o vom avansa s fie validata de cercetarile viitoare.
Author: Acad. Prof. Dr. Constantin Ionescu-Tirgoviste
National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and
Metabolic Diseases "N. Paulescu ", Bucharest, Romania
Acupuncture is a therapeutic method that is practiced today as it was
practiced 3000 years ago. In this context, the experience of 40 years may
not mean very much. Her fascinating theoretical basis not only for
physicians but also for philosophers or poets is sometimes claiming that
many doctors are turning to it. Equally, however, the simplicity of the
method makes it accessible in any conditions, those can be, if necessary,
of the thorns that grow improvised roadside or on any uncultivated land,
as mentioned in some older texts. Visit we did in China in a period of
harsh communism convinced me that the tradition and traditional
medicine has not gone before in that huge country. The technological
revolution has taken off in the acupuncture, but without bringing
substantial benefits in terms of therapeutic effect. Identification of
acupuncture meridians or objectifying another delay, a sign that I have
come to understand all the energy that is associated with life. It is
possible that these meridians secret to be discovered with identifying the
organization of chromosomes in the cell nucleus. A number of analogies
can be made between chromosomes and meridians, following the
assumption that we will move forward to be validated by further research.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013


Autor: Dr. Doina Pavlovschi, Societatea Romana de Homeopatie,
Care este locul Homeopatiei si al altor terapii CAM, alaturi de medicina
conventionala, in sistemul de sanatate european, cu scopul mentinerii
si promovarii sanatatii, prevenirii imbolnavirii, promovarii unui stil de
viata sanatos, contribuind astfel la sustinerea sistemului de sanatate.
Author: Doina Pavlovschi, MD, Romanian Homeopathy Society,
Which is the place of the homeopathy and other CAM therapies beside
the conventional medicine in European healthcare system, having the
goal to maintain and promote health, disease prevention, promote
healthier lifestyles and contribute to the sustainability of health system?
Autori: Dr. med. R. C. Klopp1, Dr. Horvth Ilona2,
Kinetoterapeut Kelemen Anna Mria2
Institutul de Microcirculatie Berlin, Germania,
BEMER Medicintechnika Kft, Ungaria
Cuvinte cheie: microcirculatie, terapia BEMER, camp magnetic.
S-a inceput cercetarea efectelor campului magnetic puternic dupa
introducerea rezonantei magnetice ca dispozitiv clinic de diagnosticare
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

tomografica (schimbari EEG si EKG reversibile). Campul magnetic slab

are densitate energetica slaba, de aceea fata de campul magnetic puternic
efectul sau termic este nesemnificativ. Azi deja stim ca structurile iritabile
si contractile - indeosebi celulele muschilor netezi din peretele vascular
sunt influentate de campul magnetic. Un grup de cercetatori din Japonia
(Chiyoji si colegii sai), in 1997 intr-un studiu facut pe animale a descris
schimbarile produse in urma miscarii de contractie spontana a
musculaturii peretelui vascular a arteriolelor si a venulelor sub efectul
campului magnetic. La Institutul de Microcirculatie din Berlin aproape in
acelasi timp s-au facut cercetari pe oameni (folosirea dispozitivului
BEMER 3000) in urma carora s-au atins rezultate asemanatoare.
Cercetarile care au urmat au aratat ca folosirea terapiei cu camp magnetic
ajuta la stimularea terapeutica a alimentarii cu sange la nivelul diferitelor
organe. Din rezultatele masuratorilor se pot deduce urmatoarele concluzii:
Comparand tratamentul BEMER efectuat regulat cu terapii
medicamentoase recunoscute, folosite de mult timp pentru imbunatatirea
microcirculatiei, s-a dovedit ca tratamentul BEMER are efecte terapeutice
relevante in functionarea microcirculatiei; Efectul tranzitoriu al
tratamentului cu BEMER este adevarat si in cazul tratamentului
medicamentos; Efectele dovedite ale tratamentului BEMER folosit
regulat si corespunzator sunt protector si profilactic; pe baza acestora, in
cazul diferitelor boli cronice, fracturi, probleme in vindecarea ranilor,
tratamentul complementar BEMER are efecte foarte bune, deoarece in
evolutia acestor boli are un rol important metabolismul celular si
imunitatea scazuta. Conform cercetarilor facute in Europa si in Ungaria in
urma terapiei BEMER se amelioreaza problemele reumatologice, unele
boli neurologice, afectiuni ale organelor interne, etc. Aceste boli au la
baza o microcirculatie deficitara. Microcirculatia are o foarte mare
importanta in functionarea corespunzatoare a sistemului imunitar,
deoarece ameliorand microcirculatia ajutam la imbunatatirea imunitatii.
Authors: Dr. med. R. C. Klopp1, Dr. Horvth Ilona2,
Physiotherapist Kelemen Anna Mria2
Microcirculation Institute Berlin, Germany,
BEMER Medicintechnika Ltd., Hungary
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Keywords: microcirculation, BEMER therapy, magnetic field.

He began researching the effects of strong magnetic field, after entering
clinical magnetic resonance diagnostic device as tomographic (EEG and
EKG changes reversible). Weak magnetic field energy density is low, and
therefore to a strong magnetic field or thermal effect is insignificant.
Today we already know that irritable and contractile structures particularly in vascular smooth muscle cells are influenced by the
magnetic field. A group of researchers in Japan (Chiyoji and colleagues)
in 1997 in a study done on animals, described the changes as a result of
movement spontaneously contracting vascular muscle wall of arterioles
and venules under the effect of the magnetic field. Institute of
Microcirculation in Berlin almost at the same time have done research on
people (using the device BEMER 3000) following which have reached
similar results. Investigations that followed showed that use magnetic
field therapy helps stimulate therapeutic blood supply to various organs.
From the measurement results can deduce the following conclusions:
Comparing BEMER treatment performed regularly recognized drug
therapies used to improve microcirculation long proved that BEMER
treatment has therapeutic effects relevant to the functioning
microcirculation; The transitional effect of treatment with BEMER is
true of medical treatment; Effects of treatment proven BEMER are used
regularly and properly protective and prophylactic effect, the basis for
various chronic diseases, fractures, wound healing problems,
complementary therapy BEMER good effects, as in the evolution of these
diseases have an important role cellular metabolism and low immunity.
According to research done in Europe and in Hungary after BEMER
therapy improves rheumatologic problems, some neurological diseases,
diseases of internal organs, etc. These diseases are based on a poor
microcirculation. Microcirculation has a very important significance in
the proper functioning of the immune system as improving
microcirculation helps improve the immune system.
Author: Alexandru Tudor Constantinescu1 Ph.D.,
Prof. Dr. John Ionescu1,2,
Spezialklinik Neukirchen, Germany,
Donau University Krems, Austria
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Keywords: food-specific IgE/IgG4 antibodies, sugar intolerance,

histamine intolerance, rotation diet, nutrigenomics, hypoallergenic
antioxidant formula.
Our experience in the treatment of over 20,000 atopic eczema (AE),
urticaria and psoriasis patients shows that besides increased food-specific
IgE- and IgG4-antibodies, inflammation markers like acute phase proteins
(1-antitrypsin, 2-macroglobulin, haptoglobin and caeruloplasmin)
surprisingly increase after challenge meals CM in the patient groups, but
not in controls. Serum histamine levels significantly rise 1/2 hour after
CM and after individual oral provocation with lactose, fructose, tyramine,
serotonine or phenylethylamine and correlate with reduced DAO and
Type B MAO activities in thrombocyterich plasma of AE patients. The
carbohydrate intolerance reactions (H2-test) were in good correlation
with the significantly lowered disaccharidase activites (lactase, maltase)
in the gut of AE patients and chronic intestinal dysbiosis, leading to toxic
microbial breakdown products (alcohols, aldehydes, phenols, diamines)
and to an increased intestinal permeability. The emergence of affordable
microarray gene expression profiling allowed us to ex-vivo tests certain
nutraceutical combinations for their silencing ability of inflammatory
genes before administering them to the patient (nutrigenomic evaluation).
The input of the above mentioned nutritional data in a computer
supported, individual rotation diet plan (FOOD ALLERGY
CONTROL) routinely ensures a gradual improvement of the symptoms
and stabilization of the clinical course during and after therapy. Our
recent research shows that appropriate combinations of hypoallergenic
protein hydrolysates with sugar alcohols and -3 PUFAs (EQUIDERM
PLUS) exhibit high free radical quenching and anti-inflammatory
properties and a remarkable symptom alleviation in allergic and
dermatological patients.
Author: Dr. Karavis Miltiades
M.D, FICAE, physiatrist, Athens, Greece

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Many pain conditions that have been indicated in the international

literature that are effectively treated by acupuncture, such as tendonitis,
sinusitis, asthma, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or IBS, involve also
inflammation. Clinical and experimental evidence has accumulated that
acupuncture has a potent anti-inflammatory effect, in addition to
analgesia, although the precise mechanism of action is unknown. We
believe that endogenous opioid peptides play an essential role in
mediating analgesia, and probable control of inflammation. Prodynorphin
and/or proenkephalin - derived peptides have been detected in sensory
ganglia and in peripheral terminals of sensory nerves. Although many
opioid peptides (especially kappa opioids) are known to have powerful
anti-inflammatory properties within the central nervous system and in the
periphery (neurotransmitter control of inflammation), naloxone only
partially blocks the anti-inflammatory effect of acupuncture. Perhaps
there is a second mechanism of action, complementary to the previous,
through which acupuncture controls the inflammatory process.
Acupuncture is a peripheral sensory stimulation (PSS) technique.
Stimulating A and C skin and muscle nerve fibers (afferents) we assume
that we can activate neuro-endocrine-immune mechanisms to restore
inner homeostasis. Last decade, anatomical and physiological studies
have shown that there is an important link between the nervous and
immune system. Neuroendocrine system (HPA axis) and autonomic
nerves monitors and modulates the activity of our immune system and
influence both circulating immune cells and tissues immune cells. Both
sympathetic and vagal efferent participate in this bidirectional antiinflammatory and immunosuppressant action. The sympathetic nervous
system provides the primary pathway for the neural regulation of immune
function (sympathetic-immune interactions). While the epinephrine and
norepinephrine responses are rapid and short lived, the cortisol effect lasts
for hours and helps the body repair damage and reduce
inflammation. Recently, experimental studies demonstrated the existence
of a cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway which may have a role in fast
and localized immunity. Sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) vagal
pathways orchestrates this neuro-immune process. The sensory vagal
nerves transmit information from peripheral (inflamed) tissues to the
brain, in order to regulate the adaptive reactions (fever and sickness
behavior). The motor vagal nerve modulates the synthesis and release of
pro-inflammatory cytokines and normalizes immune reactions. The above
anti-inflammatory vagal reflex adjusts the intensity and duration of
inflammatory reactions according to actual needs and protects the body
from excessive and prolonged inflammatory responses. Kevin J. Tracey et
al, pioneers in this research field described the anti-inflammatory role of
the vagus nerve in animal models, as a pathway of neural inhibition of
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

inflammation. They proved that cytokines transmit signals to the brain

through the vagal sensory neurons (vagotomy inhibits the stimulation of
the HPA axis and norepinephrine axis). Acetylcholine, the main
neurotransmitter of vagus nerve, binds to the a7 subunit of the nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor (a7nAChR) on macrophages. Stimulation of the
afferent pathway of the vagal nerve induces immunesuppression
controlling TNF production of the spleen macrophages. The description
of this vagal arc reflex (sensory and motor pathway) through which the
vagus nerve participates in immunological homeostasis, still puzzling
pharmaceutical companies and research groups because it opens new
horizons for immunomodulation and treatment of autoimmune diseases.
The detailed description of peripheral and central components of the
vagus pathway was the next step. The catecholaminergic splenic nerve
fibers are the neural connection between the vagus nerve and the spleen
macrophages. Animal experiments indicate that vagus nerve drives
organisms achieve rapid and precise control of inflammation (systemic
cytokine production) through celiac-superior mesenteric plexus ganglia.
Thus, spleen plays a crucial role in preventing infection and evidence
showed a link between brain and autonomic control of inflammatory
cytokines produced by spleen macrophages. This is consistent with the
important role that the ancient Chinese doctors had given to the energetic
couple stomach/spleen. The question for medical acupuncturists was if
acupuncture controls inflammation through the cholinergic antiinflammatory reflex (decreasing TNF production). In our review we are
describing the auricular and body acupuncture points which act as
immunoregulators through the vagus nerve. These points have been in
clinical use for centuries by Chinese specialists for the control of
symptoms as fever, anorexia, fatigue, somnolence (cytokine
overproduction) and they are considered as a potentially useful treatment
of various chronic inflammatory disorders; Chrohns disease, rheumatoid
arthritis, autoimmune (allergic) diseases, colitis, inflammatory bowel
disease, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis,
Alzheimers disease etc, where cytokine overproduction has been
implicated. By measuring blood TNF, IL-1, IL-6, saliva cortisole and
immunoglobulin Ig concentration before and after acupuncture treatment
(in animals and humans) we could be able to prove the above assertion.
The intensity and duration of immune regulation are also factors that need
to be investigated. In our presentation we will describe the animal
research already carried out.
This decade opens up a new chapter in research in the field of
acupuncture regarding the biological mechanisms involved in its antiinflammatory action. In the near future, acupuncture will be an absolute
indication for treating inflammation - regardless the cause. Thus, we are
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

not going to be surprised if the use of acupuncture will become an adjunct

therapy to the conventional medical treatment of a number of chronic
inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.
Autori: Dr. Carmen Ines Morales Paneque
Grupul antreprenorial de produse chimice si biofarmaceutice
LABIOFAM, Departamentul de studii clinice, Havana, Cuba
Cuvinte cheie: Vidatox 30CH, cancer, homeopatie, capacitatea
functionala, Rhopalurus Junceus.
Introducere: Cancerul constituie una dintre primele cauze de deces la
nivel mondial. Tara noastra este in aceeasi situatie, de aceea este
important sa se modifice calitatea vietii acestui tip de pacienti. Obiective:
Descrierea comportamentului capacitatii functionale la pacientii cu
tumori avansate tratati cu o formula homeopata de venin de scorpion
Rhopalurus junceus (Vidatox 30CH) si descrierea sigurantei acestui
produs. Materiale si metode: A fost conceput un studiu observational si
prospectiv de catre serviciile medicale ale LABIOFAM. Au fost inclusi
2261 de pacienti cu diagnosticul histopatologic confirmat. Rezultate: Au
predominat pacientii de sex masculin si tumorile epiteliale. Mai mult de
70% dintre pacienti au avut o evolutie favorabila, cu imbunatatirea
capacitatii functionale si ameliorarea durerii. Cel mai bun raspuns a fost
obtinut la administrarea Vidatox 30CH cu frecventa de trei ori pe zi.
Reactii adverse severe nu au fost raportate. Concluzii: Utilizarea
Vidatox 30CH a fost eficace si sigura pentru imbunatatirea capacitatii
functionale a pacientilor cu tumori in stadii avansate.
Authors: Carmen Ines Morales Paneque MD,
Enterprise Group of Biopharmatheutical and Chemical
Productions LABIOFAM, Clinical Trial Department, Habana, Cuba
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Key words: VIDATOX 30CH, cancer, homeopathy, functional capacity,

Rhopalurus Junceus.
Introduction: Cancer constitutes one of the first causes of death
worldwide. Our country has the same situation, thats why it is important
to modify lifes quality of this kind of patients.
Objective: To describe the behavior of functional capacity in patients
with advanced tumors treated with an homeopathic formulation of the
Rhopalurus junceus scorpion venom (VIDATOX 30CH) and to describe
the safety of this product.
Materials and methods: It was designed an observational and prospective
study by the Medical Services of LABIOFAM. 2261 patients were
included with confirmed histological diagnosis.
Results: Prevailed masculine sex and epithelial tumors. More than 70% of
the patients had a favorable evolution with the improvement of functional
capacity and pain relief. The best answer was obtained with the frequency
of administration of VIDATOX 30CH three times a day. Severe side
effects were not reported.
Conclusions: The use of VIDATOX 30CH was effective and safe in the
improvement of the functional capacity of the patients with advanced
stages tumors.
Author: Sandeep Kaila, M.D, India
Cardio-vascular ailments are the most frequent cause of death in adults,
especially in developing countries. It is expected to take epidemic
proportions by 2015. Both sexes equally affected.
Risk factors for heart disease are:
1. hypertension,
2. hypertrophy,
3. obesity,
4. high BP, diabetes,
5. hereditary,
6. smoking & alcohol,
7. atherosclerosis,
8. hyper-cholesterolaemia.

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Cardiology & Homeopathy: Homeopathy can be very helpful in the

following ailments:
Emergencies and distressing symptoms:
Structural disorders:
failures, etc.
IHD Fatal condition. Predictable, preventable and treatable.
Constitutional remedies Unbelievable results (reverses pathologies)
Early Dyslipidemia Similimum cures.
Major manifestations of heart disease:
- chest pain,
- breathlessness,
- acute circulatory failure,
- heart failure,
-other symptomatic manifestations: oedema, palpitations, syncope,
tiredness, cough, anorexia, nausea & vomiting.
But these symptoms are common symptoms of the disease, so they are of
less importance from the homeopathic point of view. We have to look for
PQRS in the patient to get the totality of the symptoms. This will be
followed by case studies and comparison between homeopathic
Autori: Dr. Stefan Tiron1, Dr. Maria Marcvart2,
Dr. Ali Al Assadi3
Presedinte Societatea Stiintifica Romana de Oxigen-OzonoTerapie, 2Centrul Medical Dr. Tiron, 3Societatea Stiintifica Romana de
Oxigen-Ozono-Terapie, Romania
Premise si obiective: La majoritatea pacientilor adulti cu diabet zaharat
morbiditatea, invaliditatea si mortalitatea sunt date in principal de
complicatiile tardive ale bolii. In cadrul acestora, piciorul diabetic, cu o
mare diversitate patogenetica, are un loc important atat ca diagnostic, cat
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

si ca abordare terapeutica. In lucrarea de fata se doreste trecerea in

revista a efectelor ozonului medical aplicabile in cazul diabetului in
general si al piciorului diabetic in special. Atat consideratiile teoretice
prezentate, cat si abordarea cazurilor clinice prezentate se bazeaza pe
observatii indelungate si cercetari amanuntite, pe studii preclinice/clinice
despre ozonoterapie finalizate in peste 1800 lucrari publicate in intreaga
lume. La experienta clinica bogata a medicilor germani, italieni, rusi, sudamericani, spanioli, egipteni, etc. care de multe decade practica oxigenozono-terapia, se adauga si experienta medicilor din Romania care au
obtinut rezultate foarte bune in cazuri grave de picior diabetic - cazuri
clinice din care prezentam cateva. Material si metode: Cazurile clinice
prezentate au fost selectate dintr-un numar de 35 pacienti cu diabet
zaharat tip I si tip II si cu diferite forme/stadii de picior diabetic, tratati in
C.M. Dr.Tiron in perioada 2011-2012. Pacientii, de ambele sexe, au avut
varste cuprinse intre 3382 ani. Amestecul de ozon-oxigen a fost obtinut
cu ajutorul generatorului tip OzonosanGermania. Caile de aplicare ale
ozonului au fost, in funcie de caz, calea locala (bagging cu ozon), calea
loco-regionala (injectii sc) si calea generala (insuflatie rectala si
autohemoterapie majora). Concluzii: Ozonoterapia aplicata conform
procedurilor si protocoalelor internationale si-a demonstrat eficacitatea si
siguranta in ameliorarea/ vindecarea leziunilor specifice piciorului
Authors: Stefan Tiron MD1, Maria Marcvart MD2,
Ali Al Assadi MD3
President of Romanian Scientific Society of Oxygen-Ozonetherapy,
Dr Tiron Medical Center, 3Romanian Scientific Society of
Oxyge Ozonetherapy, Romania
Premises and objectives: The morbidity, invalidity and mortality in the
majority of adult patients with diabetes mellitus are mainly given by the
late complications of the disease. From these, the diabetic foot with its
high pathogenic diversity takes an important place because of the
diagnosis and treatment. This paper wants to specify the effects of
medical ozone used for diabetes in general and for the diabetic foot. The
theoretical considerations and also the clinical cases presented are based
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

on long term observations and precise research, on preclinical and clinical

studies about ozone therapy from over 1800 published papers from the
entire world. At the rich clinical experience of German, Italian, Russian,
South- American, Egiptian, etc. doctors, gained from decades of practice,
can be added the experience of Romanian doctors, who obtained very
good results in serious cases of diabetic foot-clinical cases from which we
will present. Materials and Methods: The clinical cases presented were
selected from a number of 35 patients with diabetes mellitus type I and II
with diabetic foot of different stages, treated in C.M. Dr Tiron between
2011-2012.The patients are of both genders, aged between 33 and 82
years old. The mix of ozone and oxygen was obtained with the help of the
ozone generator type Ozonosan-Germany. Depending on the case the
ozone was used locally (bagging), loco-regionally (subcutaneous) and
general (rectal insufflation and major autohemotherapy). Conclusion:
Ozone-therapy applied according to the international procedures and
protocols demonstrated its efficacy and safety in the improvement and
healing of the specific lesions of the diabetic foot.
Autori: Ing. Mihai Rapeanu, cercetator stiintific,
Dr. Mihaela Brad
Cuvinte cheie: Potential redox (POR), tensiune superficiala (TS),
concentraia ionilor (pH).
In compozitia organismului uman 70% - 75% este apa. In alimentatia
zilnica 2l sunt apa, plus alimente gatite care de asemeni contin apa. Apa,
pe langa aer, radiatii, campuri electrice si magnetice, este calea prin care
organismul uman este alimentat si influentat de mediul inconjurator. Apa
ingerata este asimilata de organism prin osmoza si penetrarea peretilor
celulari, penetrare ce este conditionata de potentialul redox si tensiunea
superficiala a lichidului asimilabil. Calitatea acestei ape influenteaza
procesele vitale in sens favorabil sau nefavorabil in functie de compozitia
al numarului de electroni si al potentialului energetic al lichidului.
Valorile sale pozitive desemneaza desfasurarea proceselor de oxidare si
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

lipsa electronilor liberi, iar cele negative arata prezenta electronilor

necesari oricarui proces de regenerare celulara. Valoarea potentialului
redox masurata la nivelul apei intracelulare este de aproximativ +60mV.
Se stie ca 2 sarcini de sens contrar se atrag, deci este favorizata absorbtia
celor cu potential mai negativ. Am observant ca apele naturale cu
proprietati vindecatoare au un POR foarte negativ (peste minus 100).
Aceste potentiale negative, ce indica proprietati antioxidante, favorizeaza
o absorbtie ridicata a substantelor incluse in lichidul ingerat. Tensiunea
superficiala (TS) da masura duritatii lichidului. Apa de la robinet se
deosebeste mult de apa care inconjoara tesuturile si celulele organismului
nostru, tensiunea ei superficiala fiind de 73 dyn/cm. TS a apei
intracelulare este de aproximativ 43 dyn/cm. Pentru o absorbtie cat mai
buna cele doua tensiuni ar trebui sa fie cat mai apropiate. Lucrarea
prezinta caracteristicile fizice ale unor ape naturale (considerate deosebite
fata de apele plate) precum si unele ape tratate pentru obtinerea unor
calitati imbunatatite.
Authors: Dipl.Eng. Mihai Rapeanu, scientist researcher,
Mihaela Brad MD
Keywords: Redox potential
concentration of ion (pH).





The human body composition is of 70 % - 75 % water. In the daily diet

there are two liters of water plus cooked food that also contains water.
Water, in addition to air, radiation, electric and magnetic fields are the
ways by which the human body is fuelled and influenced by the
environment. Water is ingested and assimilated by the body through
osmosis and the penetration of cellular walls; penetration that is
conditional to redox potential and the superficial tension of the
assimilated liquid. The quality of this water affects vital processes
favorably or unfavorably depending on its composition. The Redox
potential (ORP) is an indicator of the number of electrons and the
potential energy of the liquid. Its positive values designate the conduct of
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

the oxidation processes and the lack of free electrons, and its the
negative values show the presence of electrons required to any cellular
regeneration process. The value of the redox potential measured at
intracellular water level is about + 60 mV. It is a fact known that two
opposite charges attract, so it is favoured the absorption of the ones with
more negative potential. I have noticed that the natural waters with
healing properties have a very negative ORP (over the minus 100). The
superficial tension (ST) sets the degree of hardness of the liquid. Tap
water is different than surrounding tissues and cells of our body, its
surface tension being 73dyn/cm. The ST of intracellular water is about
43dyn/cm. For a better absorption the two tensions should be closer as
possible. This paper presents the physical characteristics of natural water
(considered apart from flat waters) as well as some treated waters to
obtain improved qualities.
Autori: Dr. Ioan Dumitrescu, Dr. Maria Dumitrescu,
Fiz. Ioan Mamulas
Institutul National de Medicina Complementara
si AlternativaProf. Dr. Florin Bratila,
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: tiroidita Hashimoto, acupunctura, masurare puncte
electrice, eficienta.
Introducere: Din 2010 la nivelul institutului se utilizeaza ca metoda de
diagnostic si monitorizare procedura de masurare a potentialului electric
al punctului de acupunctura, adica valoarea electrica in milivolti a
acestuia, de catre fizicianul Ioan Mamulas. Initial s-au folosit punctele
standard Jing, Juo, pentru ca ulterior sa folosim selectarea personalizata a
punctelor acupuncturale in scopul reducerii numarului de ace folosite si
cresterii eficientei. Rezultatele sunt uneori spectaculoase nu numai in boli
acute, dar si in boli cronice greu de tratat cum este si cazul tiroiditei
Hashimoto. Material si metoda: Initial am utilizat tratamentul homeopat
ca tratament al tiroditei Hashimoto, ulterior am adaugat la metoda,
tratamentul acupunctural.jj In cazul de fata am selectat doar doua cazuri
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

tratate numai prin acupunctura utilizand metoda-diagnostic de masurare

electrica a punctelor de acupunctura, aceasta permitand reducerea
numarului de ace folosite per sedinta la maxim 5 ace. Concluzii:
Masurarea valorilor electrice a punctelor de acupunctura a permis
utilizarea eficienta doar a punctelor acupuncturale utile, oferind in plus
informatii indispensabile despre metoda necesara de utilizat: dispersie sau


Authors: Ioan Dumitrescu MD, Maria Dumitrescu MD,
Physicist John Mamulas
National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Hashimoto thyroiditis, acupuncture, measuring electrical
points, efficiency.
Introduction: From 2010 to the Institute is used as a method of diagnosis
and monitoring procedures for measuring electrical potential of
acupuncture point, meaning its value in millivolts power by physicist
John Mamulas. Initially we used standard points Jing, Juo, and later to
use a customized selection of acupuncture points in order to reduce the
number of used needles and increase efficiency.The results are sometimes
spectacular not only in acute but also chronic and difficult to treat as if
Hashimoto thyroiditis. Methods: We used initial treatment homeopathic
treatment for Hashimoto tiroditei then I added the method of acupuncture
treatment.In this case we have selected only two cases treated by
acupuncture using only diagnostic method for measuring electrical
acupuncture points, it allows reducing the number of needles used per
session to a maximum of 5 needles. Conclusions: Measurement of
electrical acupuncture points allowed efficient use of acupuncture points
only useful, providing additional essential information necessary to use
the method: dispersion or toning.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Autor: Acad. Prof. Dr. farm. Aurelia Nicoleta Cristea
UMF Carol Davila, Facultatea de Farmacie,
Disciplina de Farmacologie si Farmacie Clinica,
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: efectul bisens, principiul identitatii, individul sanatos
sensibil, Belladonna, Naloxon, Chamomilla, cercetari experimentale.
Obiectivul prezentei lucrari este de a demonstra ca, unele fenomene
cunoscute in homeopatie pot fi evidentiate experimental. Fenomenele
vizate sunt urmatoarele: efectul bisens, principiul identitatii (Aequalia
aequalibus curatur) si individul sanatos sensibil la un remediu
homeopat. Experimentele analizate sunt urmatoarele: Efectele remediului
Belladonna, in dilutiile 1- 200CH, asupra duodenului de sobolan, izolat
in baia de organ ( Cristea A.N. si colab.-Farmacia, 1-2, 1995, p. 17-19;
5-6/1995, p. 1-10; 1-2/ 1996, p. 63 68, 5-6/1996, p.3-6; Cristea A.N. si
colab.-"Signals and Images" edit. by M. Bastide, Kluwer Acad. Publ., the
Netherlands, 1997, p. 161 170, p. 171 - 178 (citata de Husemann G.
and Husemann F., in "Physiologischer und Physikalischer Nachweis der
Wirksamkeit Kleinster Entitten", Werlag AM Goetheanum, 1997);
Cristea A.N. si colab.-High Dilution Effects on Cells and Integrated
Systems edit. by C. Taddei - Ferretti and P. Marotta), World Scientific,
London, 1998 , p. 125 - 133 i p. 200 -207), efectele remediului Naloxon,
in doze alopate si in dilutii homeopate, asupra durerii la soarece, in testele
contorsiunilor si placii fierbinti (Cristea A.N. si colab.-Experimental
research on analgesic effect of Naloxon, in homeopathic dilutions 56-th
Congress of Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, 29 Aug.- 2
Sept. 2001, Sibiu, Romania, Extenso in Proceeding, Casa de Presa si
Edit. Tribuna Sibiu) si efectele remediului Chamomilla, in dilutii
homeopate joase si inalte, asupra activitatii motorii la soarece, masurata
in actometru.(Cristea A.N. si colab.-Farmacia-Bucuresti, 1-2, 1994, p.
3-7;Cristea A.N. si colab.-"Signals and Images" edit. by M. Bastide,
Kluwer Acad. Publ., the Netherlands, 1997, p. 161 170 si p. 171 - 178;
(citata de Husemann G. and Husemann F., in "Physiologischer und
Physikalischer Nachweis der Wirksamkeit Kleinster Entitten", Werlag
AM Goetheanum, 1997) si Cristea A.N. si colab.-High Dilution Effects
on Cells and Integrated Systemsedit. by C. Taddei - Ferretti and P.
Marotta), World Scientific, London, 1998 , p. 125 - 133 si p. 200 -207).

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Din rezultatele ce au demonstrat efectele semnificative ale remediilor

luate in studiu, am desprins fenomenele urmarite. Efectul bisens a fost
evidentiat in primul model experimental, observand evolutia efectelor
bisens (antispastic si contracturant) induse de Belladonna pe o scala larga
de dilutii 1-200 CH, asupra activitatii muschiului neted duodenal izolat,
supus contractiei acetilcolinice standard. In primul model experimental,
efectul bisens (hipotonie si hipertonie) indus de Belladonna a fost
observat si asupra tonusului muschiului neted duodenal izolat, exclusiv pe
scala de dilutii 1-45 CH. Principiul identitatii a fost verificat tot in primul
model experimental, cercetand efectul antispastic al unor dilutii
homeopate inalte de Belladonna asupra contracturii induse de dilutia de
Belladonna 45 CH, duodenului cu tonusul normal. Individul sensibil la
un remediu homeopat a fost evidentiat in al doilea experiment, dupa o
metoda originala. (Cristea A.N. and colab. Farmacia Bucuresti, 1-2,
1994, p. 3-7; Cristea A.N. and colab. "Signals and Images" edit. by M.
Bastide, Kluwer Acad. Publ., the Netherlands, 1997, p. 161 170 si p.
171 178, citata de Husemann G. and Husemann F., in "Physiologischer
und Physikalischer Nachweis der Wirksamkeit Kleinster Entitten",
Werlag AM Goetheanum, 1997; Cristea A.N. and colab.-High Dilution
Effects on Cells and Integrated Systems edit. by C. Taddei - Ferretti and
P. Marotta, World Scientific, London, 1998 , p. 125 - 133 si p. 200 -207).
Initial, indivizii hipoactivi, intermediari si hiperactivi motor au fost
diferentiati, conform curbei frecventa-distributie normale, in clopot, in
baza activitatii motorii bazale. Indivizii situati la extremele curbei de
normalitate au fost considerati normalii sensibili. Ulterior indivizii
sensibili hipoactivi au fost adusi la activitate motorie intermediara, sub
tratament acut cu dilutii homeopate joase de Chamomilla. In timp ce
indivizii sensibili hiperactivi au fost adusi la activitate motorie
intermediara, cu dilutii homeopate inalte de Chamomilla. In lucrare sunt
prezentate graficele cu rezultatele experimentale ce reflecta fenomenele
luate in studiu.
Author: Acad. Prof. Farm. Aurelia Nicoleta Cristea
University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila",
Faculty of Pharmacy,
Chair of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy,
Bucharest, Romania
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Keywords: bisens effect, the principle of identity, healthy individual

"sensitive" Belladonna, naloxone, Chamomilla, experimental research.
The objective of this paper is to show that some phenomena known in
homeopathy can be highlighted experimentally. Phenomena targeted are:
bisens effect, the principle of identity ("Aequalia aequalibus curatur") and
healthy individual "sensitive" to a homeopathic remedy. Experiments
analyzed are: Belladonna remedy effects in large homeopathic scale of
dilutions 1 - 200CH, on the rat duodenum, isolated in organ bath (Cristea
A.N. et al. Farmacia Bucharest, 1995, 1-2: 17-19; 1995, 5-6: 1-10;
1996, 1-2: 63 - 68; 1996, 5-6: 3-6; Cristea A.N. et al.-"Signals and
Images" edit. by M. Bastide, Kluwer Acad. Publ., the Netherlands, 1997,
161 170 and 171 - 178; (cited by Husemann G. and Husemann F., in
"Physiologischer und Physikalischer Nachweis der
Kleinster Entitten", Werlag AM Goetheanum, 1997); Cristea A.N. et al.High Dilution Effects on Cells and Integrated Systems edit. by C.
Taddei - Ferretti and P. Marotta, World Scientific, London, 1998 , 125 133 and 200 -207,Naloxon remedy effects in alopatic doses and
homeopathic dilutions, on the pain at mice, in contorsions and hot plate
tests(Cristea A.N. and colab.-Experimental research on analgesic effect
of Naloxon, in homeopathic dilutions 56-th Congress of Liga
Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, 29 Aug.- 2 Sept. 2001, Sibiu,
Romania, Extenso in Proceeding, Casa de Pres i Edit. Tribuna Sibiu
and Chamomilla remedy effects in low and high homeopathic dilutions
on motor activity in mice, measured activity-meter (Cristea A.N. et al.Farmacia Bucharest, 1994, 1-2: 3-7; Cristea A.N. et al.-"Signals and
Images" edit. by M. Bastide, Kluwer Acad. Publ., the Netherlands, 1997,
161 170 and 171 178, (cited by Husemann G. and Husemann F., in
"Physiologischer und Physikalischer Nachweis der
Kleinster Entitten", Werlag AM Goetheanum, 1997); Cristea A.N. et al.High Dilution Effects on Cells and Integrated Systems edit. by C.
Taddei - Ferretti and P. Marotta, World Scientific, London, 1998 , 125 133 and 200 -207. From the results showed significant effects of the
remedies under study, we tracked off phenomena. Bisens effect was
revealed in the first experimental model, noting the evolution of
Belladonna bisens effects (antispasmodic and contractures) induced for a
large scale CH 1-200 dilutions, on the activity isolated duodenal smooth
muscle, subjected to standard acetylcholine contraction.In the first
experimental model, the effect bisens (hypotonic and hypertonic) induced
by Belladonna was observed on the isolated duodenal smooth muscle
tone, exclusively for 1-45 CH dilutions scale. The principle of identity
has been verified throughout the first experimental model, investigating
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

the antispasmodic effect of higher homeopathic dilutions of Belladonna

on the contracture induced with the 45 CH dilution of Belladonna on
duodenum with normal tone. The individual "sensitive" to a homeopathic
remedy has been emphasized in the second experiment, after an original
method (Cristea A.N., 1995), under the normal frequency-distribution in
Gauss bell curve, relative to basal motor activity. Individuals situated at
the extremes of the normal curve were considered the normals
"sensitive". Subsequently, the effects of the Chamomilla remedy, in low
and high dilutions, were observed compared to groups of individuals
sensitive and intermediate normal group. The paper presents
experimental results graphs that reflect the phenomena studied.
Autor: Dr. Philippe Lepivert, Franta
Cuvinte cheie: homeopatie, comportament, somn, educatie speciala,
anxietate, agitatie. memorie, concentrare.
Am incercat totul, bratele sunt coborate? provoaca medicul homeopat
copii care prezinta o problema dificila in asteptarea unor solutii actuale.
Tulburarile de comportament ale copiilor sunt un motiv din ce in ce mai
frecvent pentru consultarea medicului: tulburari de atentie, concentrare,
insomnie, cosmaruri, frici nocturne, somnambulism, inadaptare scolara,
violenta, care perturba viata sociala, familiala si educationala a acestor
copii. Ingrijirea medicala conventionala, monitorizarea psihologica sunt
uneori inadecvate sau dezamagitoare. Acesti copii au suferinte si se pot
gasi cuvinte care sa le poata spune. Medicul homeopat intelege cuvintele
spuse de un subiect care descrie un simptom in cazul unor probleme de
comportament. Materia Medica homeopata este bogata in semne si
simptome care pot oferi un tratament precis in concordanta cu cererea
subiectului. Un homeopat avizat axeaza consultatia pe un interviu si o
individualizare a prescriptiei. Uneori, rezultatele rapide confirma
continuarea sprijinului pe termen lung, in armonie cu practicile
conventionale. Ilustratie cu doua cazuri clinice.
Author:Docteur Philippe Lepivert, France
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Mots cles: homopathie, comportement, sommeil, adaptation scolaire,
anxit, agitation, mmoire, concentration.
On a tout essay, on baisse les bras ? Le mdecin homopathe relve le
dfi des enfants qui posent un problme difficile en attente de solutions
dans notre modernit. Les troubles du comportement de lenfant sont un
motif de consultation de plus en plus frquent : troubles de lattention, de
la concentration, insommnie, cauchemars, terreurs nocturnes,
somnambulisme, inadaptation scolaire, violence, perturbent la vie sociale,
familiale et scolaire de ces enfants. La prise en charge mdicale classique,
le suivi psychologique sont parfois insuffisants ou dcevants. Ces enfants
souffrent de maux et ont des mots pour le dire. Le mdecin homopathe
entend les mots dun sujet qui exprime un symptme inscrit dans les
divers troubles de comportement. La matire mdicale homopathique
riche en signes et en symptmes offre un traitement en adquation prcise
avec la demande du sujet. Lhomopathe avis axe sa consultation sur un
interrogatoire et une individualisation de sa prescription. Les rsultats
parfois rapides le confortent dans la poursuite dune prise en charge
plus long terme en bonne intelligence avec les pratiques conventionnelles.
Illustration par deux cas cliniques
Autor: Dr. Bartolomeo Allegrini, Italia
Incadrarea neurovegetativa homeotoxicologica, sinteza conceptului
constitutional occidental ia in considerare atat structura fizica (plecand de
la marii constitutionaliti italieni si francezi precum Pende si Martiny),
cat si reactivitatea psihica (bazandu-se pe lucrarile eminentilor psihiatri
precum Jung si Heysenck). Structura corporala a unui individ, dar mai
ales personalitatea sa sunt strans legate de functiile endocrine. Din acest
motiv de vedere incadrarea pacientului intr-o schema neurovegetativa
homeotoxicologica (luand in considerare constitutia fizica si
personalitatea) permite reconsiderarea etiopatogenezei tulburarilor
endocrinometabolice. Glandele endocrine nu mai sunt considerate ca
fiind structuri izolate, ci in stransa relatie intre ele. Din acest echilibru,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

din prevalenta functionala a uneia fata de cealalta si tinand cont de

contextul variabilitatii fiziologice, se poate determina expresia unei
tipologii precise constitutionale. Evidientierea conexiunii dintre sistemul
endocrin si cel nervos in raport cu structurile corticale, cu trunchiul
cerebral si sistemul limbic este un demers fundamental. Din aceasta
modaliatate de reprezentare a biotipurilor in cheie neuroendocrina si
neurovegetativa pot fi deduse interconexiunile cu variabilitatea
metabolica (hiper/hipooxidator), cu ph-ul tisular (acidoza), cu disbiozele
(micotice si/sau parazitare) si cu reglarea imunitar (TH1/ TH2). Noul
model de interpretare permite identificarea de biotipuri endocrine si
deschide noi perspective in medicina functionala.
Author: Bartolomeo Allegrini MD, Italy
The grading autonomic Homotoxicological synthesis of western
constitutional concept, considers both the physical structure, referring to
the great Italian and French constitutionalists such Pende and Martiny,
both the reactivity psychic, building on the work of eminent psychiatrists
such as Jung and, above all, Heysenck. The body structure of an
individual-but also his personality-are closely influenced by endocrine
function, so framing the patient's autonomic nervous Homotoxicological
in the scheme (taking into account physique and personality) allows us to
trace the etiopathogenesis of the disorder endocrine-metabolic. The
endocrine glands are no longer considered isolated structures, but rather
in close relation with each other. From this balance and by the prevalence
of one over functional, even under the physiological variability, it is
determined the expression of a specific constitutional typology.
It is important to highlight the connection of the Endocrine System
Nervous System, in relation to cortical structures of the brain stem and
limbic system.
Autor: Bernd Kostner, MD, OMD, DO
Membru administrator al Asociatiei de Acupunctura Austria,
Lector permanent la Universitatea Medicala Graz
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

(medicina pe baza de plante orientale),

Fost cercetator postuniversitar de medicina interna, Universitatea Osaka
Director al comitetului de organizare pentru viitorul congres al Societatii
Internationale de Medicina japoneza Kampo, Austria
Medicina japoneza Kampo a derivat din Medicina Traditionala Chineza
(TCM), care a fost adusa in Japonia in urma cu mai mult de 1000 de ani.
Acesta a fost transformata intr-un sistem clinic foarte util care in prezent
este utilizat de majoritatea medicilor din Japonia. Comparativ cu TCM,
aceasta are caracteristici unice. In primul rand - este mai usor de invatat,
pentru ca nu are nevoie de mult teorie, doar de abilitati practice. In al
doilea rand - extractele din plante sunt prelucrate prin proceduri
farmaceutice moderne pentru o mai buna standardizare si siguranta. Mai
mult decat atat - au fost publicate mai multe cercetari cu privire la
eficacitatea si posibilele efecte secundare. In cele din urma - Japonia a
demonstrat integrarea cu succes atat a medicinei occidentale cat si a
medicinei Kampo in sistemul de sanatate - aproximativ 150 de formule
sunt acoperite de asigurarile de sanatate japoneze. Aceasta lucrare ofera o
introducere in domeniul fascinant al medicinei Kampo.
Author: Bernd Kostner, MD, OMD, DO
Trustee member of the Austrian Acupuncture Association
Permanent lecturer at Graz Medical University
on oriental herbal medicine
Former postgraduate research fellow at the 2nd dept. of.Internal
medicine, Osaka University
Director of the organizing committee for the upcoming congress of the
International Society of Japanese Kampo Medicine, Austria
Japanese Kampo Medicine has derived from Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM), which was introduced to Japan more than 1000 years
ago. It was transformed into a very useful clinical system that is
nowadays used by most medical doctors in Japan. Compared to TCM, it
has it's unique features. At first, it is easier to learn, because it doesn't
require much theory, but practical skill instead. Secondly, herbal extracts
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

are processed by modern pharmaceutical procedures for better

standardization and safety. Moreover, much research has been published
on the efficacy and possible side-effects. Finally, Japan has demonstrated
successful integration of both western medicine and Kampo into it's
healthcare system - approximately 150 formulas are covered by the
Japanese health insurance. The lecture gives an introduction into the
fascinating field of Kampo medicine.
Autor: Prof. Dr. John Ionescu,
Clinica Neukirchen, Germania, Donau University Krems, Austria
Cuvinte cheie: Vitamina C, substituenti fenolici, metale grele, celulele
canceroase, radicali liberi, apoptoza.
Nivelurile crescute ale metalelor de tranzitie cum ar fi Fe, Ni, Cr, Hg si
Pb sunt legate de generarea de radicali liberi, peroxidarea lipidelor,
ruperea lantului ADN si aparitia unor tumori in sistemele celulare. In
scopul evaluarii corelarii cresterii tumorale maligne la om am investigat
acumularea de metale grele in 8 cazuri de subiecti sanatosi si 20 de cazuri
cu biopsii de cancer mamar, cu ajutorul unei metodologii AAS
standardizata. O concentratie semnificativ ridicata de Fe, Ni, Cr, Zn, Cd,
Hg si Pb a fost inregistrata in probele de cancer in comparatie cu grupul
de control (p 0,001). Asa cum am comunicat anterior, nivele ridicate de
metale grele gasite in diferite tumori pot fi folosite pentru interventii
terapeutice cu acid ascorbic sau amestecuri de substituenti fenolici. Autooxidarea vitaminei C in prezenta metalelor grele creste puternic
concentratiile de superoxid si H2O2 la locul tumorii cu oxidare si
inducerea apoptozei. La randul sau, bioactivarea compusilor fenolici in
prezenta metalelor grele si o oxidoreductaza crescuta a NADPH-chinonei
conduce la o generare semnificativa de radicali superoxidati si
semichinone cu efecte daunatoare pentru celulelor maligne bogate in
metale. Astfel, acumularea de metale de tranzitie din tesutul malign
confera atat ascorbatului, cat si compusilor fenolici o selectivitate sporita
pentru tumora.

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013


Author: Prof. Dr. John Ionescu,
Spezialklinik Neukirchen, Germany, Donau University Krems,
Keywords: Vitamin C, substituted phenols, heavy metals, cancer cells,
free radicals, apoptosis.
Increased levels of transition metals like Fe, Ni, Cr, Hg and Pb are related
to free radical generation, lipid peroxidation, DNA strand breaks and
tumor growth in cellular systems. In order to evaluate the correlation to
malignant growth in humans we investigated the accumulation of heavy
metals in 8 healthy and 20 breast cancer biopsies by means of a
standardized AAS methodology. A highly significant concentration of
Fe, Ni, Cr, Zn, Cd, Hg and Pb was recorded in the cancer samples when
compared with the control group (p 0.001). As previously reported by
us the higher heavy metal levels found in various tumors may be used for
therapeutic interventions with ascorbic acid or substituted phenolic
mixtures. The autooxidation of vitamin C in the presence of heavy metals
strongly increases superoxide and H2O2 concentrations at the tumor site
with oxidosis and apoptosis induction. In turn, bioactivation of phenolic
compounds in the presence of heavy metals and an overexpressed
NADPH- quinone oxidoreductase leads to a significant generation of
superoxide and semiquinone radicals with deleterious effects for the
metal rich malignant cells. Thus, the accumulation of transition metals in
malignant tissue confers both ascorbate and phenolic compounds an
increased tumor selectivity.
Autori: Corneliu I. Moldovan1 MD, D.Sc. (M.A.),
Mihai Chetan2 Dipl. Eng. D.Sc.
Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila Bucuresti, 2S.C. MED.CO S.R.L Bucuresti,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Cresterea presiunii arteriale este, posibil, cea mai importanta problema
de sanatate publica in tarile dezvoltate. HTA este uzual asimptomatica,
usor de identificat, usor de tratat si conduce adeseori la complicatii letale
daca nu este tratata si monitorizata corespunzator.
Cuvinte cheie: Monitorizarea indicelui de augmentare, monitorizarea
presiunii medii arteriale central aortice, laser-acupunctura de joasa
energie, bolnavii cu hipertensiune esentiala st. 1 si 2, Indice de Risc
Cardiovascular, Reflex Electro-Dermal de Potential, acupunctura si
auriculo punctura, studiu clinic.
Evaluarea tensiunii arteriale ca un factor de prognostic pentru bolile
cardiovasculare, este in prezent analizata atat prin componenta constanta,
care depinde de presiunea medie arteriala si debitul cardiac, rezistenta
vasculara periferica, iar componenta pulsatorie este influentata de ejectia
ventriculara stanga, de rigiditatea arteriala si de unda reflectata. Aceasta
noua directie de evaluare si monitorizare a bolilor cardiovasculare,
precum si progresul tehnologic in domeniul microelectronicii a dus la
aparitia de noi tehnologii in realizarea de dispozitive corecte si accesibile
pentru masurarea presiunii aortice centrale. Odata cu aparitia acestor noi
dispozitive de masurare, a crescut rolul monitorizarii tensiunii arteriale si
a indicelui de augmentare in indicatia terapeutica si in tratamentul bolilor
cardiovasculare. Scopul lucrarii a fost de a evidentia efectele laseracupuncturii asupra presiunii sanguine central aortice (cSBP) si asupra
indicelui de augmentare (AI) ca markeri pentru monitorizarea complexa a
laser-acupuncturii la bolnavii cu hipertensiune arteriala esentiala st I si II.
Studiul a fost efectuat pe 26 de pacienti, cu varste cuprinse intre 32 si 68
de ani (din care 58% de sex feminin, cu o medie de varsta de 52 ani si
42% de sex masculin, cu o medie de varsta de 46 de ani). Metoda de lucru
a constat in selectia bolnavilor pentru studiu utilizand Indicele de Risc
Cardiovascular (pe baza ghidului de practica clinica al Societatii Engleze
pentru Monitorizarea HTA), se exclud pacientii cu un IRCV >75%. Se
masoara reflexul electro-dermal de potential (REDp), palmar bilateral, pe
un interval de 2 minute, se masoara potentialul electric al punctelor Jing
distale (mV). Pe baza datelor inregistrate se calculeaza un Index Global
de Reactivitate Neurovegetativa (IGRNV) care poate fi: a) areactiv, b)
hiporeactiv, c) normoreactiv, d) hiperreactiv, e) oscilant sau
neclasificabil. Se selecteaza pacientii cu varsta mai mica de 71 ani, cu un
IRCV<70%, cu IGRNV din clasa b, c si d. Se efectueaza masuratori
complexe ale TA, ale undei pulsului, masurarea undei reflectate a
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

presiunii arteriale (SBP2), masurarea ratei pulsului in timpul masurarii

indexului de augmentatie (PULSE(r)/AI), masurarea Indexului de
Augmentatie (AI) prin metoda Applanatory Tonometry metoda
neinvaziva, compatibila cu masuratorile invazive prin cateterizarea
intraarteriala, efectuate cu ajutorul sistemului Omron HEM-9000AI
Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitor with Augmentation Index.
Masuratorile s-au efectueat inainte de tratament, dupa tratament si la
sfarsitul seriei de tratament laser acupunctic. Pentru efectuarea laseracupuncturii a fost utilizat un sistem Terraquant Laser Pro cu Dioda de
905nm, 50mW/ putere nominala de emisie, aplicator pentru acupunctura.
S-au aplicat 15J/cm2/ punct, maxim 600J/cm2/ cura. Frecventa a fost de
15 Hz/ secunda, timpul de aplicare: 2 minute/punct. Numarul de sedinte
de tratament a fost de 7. Terapia a utilizat urmatoarele acupuncte: F2,
F3,VB20, VB34, SP6, VG4, VG20, SP6, SP9, C7, S36, S40, VU18,
VU20, VU23, VU60, R1, R3. Punctele de auriculo-stimulare au fost:
santul hipotensor retroauricular, Shenmen, Punctul Rinichi, Punctul
materie cenusie, Punctul de zero Nogier, Punctul endocrin. Rezultatele
obtinute au fost net favorabile (scaderea valorii Ta sistolice si diastolice,
cu mai mult de 15-30 PAS/ 10-20 PAD/ mmHg) in 17% din cazuri,
favorabile in 35% din cazuri (scaderea valorii Ta sistolice si diastolice, cu
mai mult de 8-20 PAS/ 8-15 PAD/ mmHg), minore in 14% din cazuri si
fara rezultat in 34% din cazuri. Cazurile la care s-au inregistrat rezultate
net favorabile au fost asociate cu un indice de augmentare intre 72-92,
indicele SBP2 intre 98-128 si valori ale Tensiunii arteriale centrale
sistolice (+cSBP) mai mici de 160 mmHG. Pe baza rezultatelor obtinute
consideram ca laser-acupunctura este utila in terapia complexa a
pacientilor cu hipertensiune arteriala, producand efecte hemodinamice
care pot fi demonstrate si monitorizate, utilizand sisteme de monitorizare
non-invaziva ale pesiunii arteriale cu determinarea indexului de
Authors: Corneliu I. Moldovan1 MD, D.Sc.(M.A.),
Mihai Chetan2 Dipl. Eng. DSc.
The National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila, 2S.C. MED.CO S.R.L, Bucharest, Romania

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Hypertension (HBP) or high blood pressure is probably one of the most

important public health issues in developed countries. Most of the times,
HBP has no symptoms, is easily identifiable, easily treatable, but if not
treated correctly and monitored this condition can have lethal
Keywords: Augmentation index monitoring, aortic central blood
pressure monitoring, low energy laser acupuncture, patients with
essential hypertension st.1 and 2, Cardiovascular risk index, ElectroDermic Potential Reflex (REDp), acupuncture and auriculo puncture,
clinical study.
Blood pressure monitoring, a perfect way to diagnose cardiovascular
diseases, consists in analyzing two main component: a constant
component that is made up of the average blood pressure, the cardiac
output (CO) and the peripheral vascular resistance and a pulsatory
component that is determined by the left ventricular ejection fraction, the
arterial rigidity and the reflected
pressure waves. The latest
developments in evaluating and monitoring blood pressure, as well as
those from microelectronics have made possible the creation of new
technologies that led to new accessible and easy-to-use devices able to
accurately measure central aortic blood pressure. This has increased the
role of blood pressure and of the augmentation index screening in treating
cardiovascular diseases. Our research purpose was to discuss the effects
of laser-based acupuncture on central aortic blood pressure and on the
augmentation index understood as markers of a complex motorization of
patients with primary (essential) blood pressure, stage I and II. Our target
group was made up of 26 patients, aged 32 to 68 (58% women with an
average age of 52 and 42% men with an average age of 46). To select our
patients we used Cardiac Risk Index developed by the British
Hypertension Society. Patients with a CRI > 75% were excluded from our
study. We measured the patients potential electrodermal reflex on both
palms during a two-minute interval as well as the potential of the Jing
acupuncture points at the distal ends of the fingers. The data we gathered
was used to compute a Global Index of Autonomic System Reactivity
(ASR) that can be: a. a-reactive; b. hypo-reactive; c. normo-reactive; d.
hyper-reactive; e. oscillatory or f. unclassifiable. In our study we selected
patients younger than 71years, with a CRI < 70% with a type a, b, c and d
ASR. We carried out complex measurements of blood pressure, of the
pulse, of the reflected pressure waves, of the pulse during the
measurement of the Augmentation Index (PULSE(r)/AI). Using the
Applanation Tonometry, a non-invasive method compatible with the
invasive method of intra-arterial catheterization we measured the
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Augmentation Index using the Omron HEM-9000AI Non-Invasive

Blood Pressure Monitor with Augmentation Index. Our measurements
were done before the beginning of the treatment, after a treatment session
and at the end of the whole treatment process. We used a Terraquant
Laser Pro with a 905nm Diode, 50mW nominal emission power for
acupuncture. We applied 15J/cm2/ point, maximum 600J/cm2/ treatment
session. The frequency was 15 Hz/sec, application time: 2 mins/ point.
Each patient attended 7 treatment sessions. We stimulate the following
acupuncture points: LR2, LR3, 20, GB34, SP6, DU4, DU20, SP6, SP9,
HT7, ST36, ST40, BL18, BL20, BL23, BL60, KI1, KI3. The ear
acupuncture points stimulated were: the hypotension retro auricular point,
the Shenmen point, the Kidney Point, the grey matter points, the Nogier
Zero point, the Endocrine point. Our results showed that for 17% of our
patients the diastolic and systolic blood pressure decreased dramatically
with more than 15-30 PAS/ 10-20 PAD/ mmHg; for 35% of our patients
the diastolic and systolic blood pressure decreased significantly with
more than de 8-20 PAS/ 8-15 PAD/ mmHg), whereas for 14% of our
patients the decrease was minimal. 34% of our patients displayed no
change in their condition. The huge improvement was registered for those
patients with an Augmentation Index of 72-92, with an index of reflected
pressure waves of 98-128 and with a central systolic blood pressure lower
than 160 mmHG. Our findings support our hypothesis that laser-based
acupuncture is indeed a beneficial alternative method of treating patients
with primary hypertension. It has immediate hemodynamic effects that
can be monitored by means of non-invasive blood pressure monitors that
determine the Augmentation Index.
Autori: Dr. Carmen-Maria Caba1, Dr. Alina-Margareta Mitrache1,
Dr. Olivia-Carmen Timnea2
Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila Bucuresti, 2Centrul Medical Chiajna,
Cuvinte cheie: psihoneuroimunitate, psihotruma, anmneza homeopata
(comunicare verbala si non-verbala).

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Cresterea numarului de infectii respiratorii (viroze, gripa, etc.) in ultimul

timp este expresia unei afectari a sistemului imunitar al organismului.
Explicatiile sunt multiple: la copii este vorba de un sistem imunitar
imatur, la cei bolnavi, in general, sistemul imunitar este suprasolicitat,
etc. Pe langa aceste cauze, sa le numim firesti oarecum, exista si
numeroase alte cauze, expresie a civilizatiei in care traim: poluare
atmosferica, sonora, alimentatie (alimente fast food, obtinute prin
inginerie genetica, incarcate in chimicale hormoni, pesticide, etc.)
poluare electromegnetica (telefon mobil, cuptor cu microunde, computer,
etc.), produse cosmetice si detergenti. Cercetarile stiintifice din domeniul
psihoneuroimunologiei au aratat conexiunile profunde dintre creier,
sistemul endocrin si sistemul imunitar, astfel explicandu-se legatura
dintre stres, psihotrauma, depresie si actiunea de aparare a organismului.
Authors: Carmen-Maria Caba MD1, Alina-Margareta Mitrache MD1,
Olivia-Carmen Timnea MD, D. Sc.2
National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Prof.
Dr. Florin Bratila,Bucharest, 2Medical Centre Chiajna, Romania
Keywords: psychoneuroimmunology,
anamnesis (verbal and non-verbal).



Increasing the number of respiratory infections (viruses, flu, etc.) lately is

the expression of an effect on the immune system. The explanations are
many: the children it is an immature immune system, to the sick, in
general, the immune system is overloaded, etc. In addition to these
causes, to call them "natural" rather, there are many other causes,
expression of civilization in which we live: air pollution, noise, food ("
fast food " genetically engineered, loaded in chemicals - hormones,
pesticides, etc.). electromagnets pollution (cell phone, microwave oven,
computer, etc.), cosmetics and detergents. Scientific research in the field
of psychoneuroimmunology has revealed deep connections between the
brain, endocrine and immune system, this explaining the link between
stress, psychotrauma, depression and the action of the body's defense.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Autor: Acad. Prof. Dr. farm. Aurelia Nicoleta Cristea

UMF Carol Davila, Facultatea de Farmacie,
Disciplina de Farmacologie si Farmacie Clinica,
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: Principiile farmacoterapeutice ale alopatiei si
homeopatiei, principiul similitudinii, principiul contrariilor, mecanisme
biocibernetice Feed-back, Feed-before.
Obiectivul acestei lucrari este de a demonstra ca principiile homeopatiei
(Similia similibus curatur si Aequalia aequalibus curatur), precum si
principiile alopatiei (Contraria contrarius curatur si Aliena alienis
curatur) se regasesc in principiile de functionare ale mecanismelor
umane, respectiv de feed-back si de feed-before.
Mecanismul de feed-back (de retrocontrol) a fost descoperit si descris
intai in endocrinologie si apoi a fost remarcat si in functionarea sinapselor
neuronale. Dar nu a fost sesizat faptul evident ca, mecanismul de
retrocontrol functioneaza pe principiile identitatii si similitudinii,
principiile fundamentale ale homeopatiei. In fapt, dereglarile functionale
hormonale si de tonus sinaptic (hipo- sau hiperfunctii) sunt reglate de
insasi deviatiile (respectiv + sau ) in concentratia hormonilor sau
neuromediatorilor respectivi, adica de elemente identice sau eventual
similare din sistemul respectiv. Mecanismul de feed-before (de
anticipare) descris de Restian A. in 1978 (Restian A.-Feedback and
feedbefore mechanisms in biological systems Kybernetes 1978, 3, p.317319), denumit ulterior si feed-forward, nu a fost cultivat in fiziologie.
Analizand mecanismele fiziologice de control prin anticipare am observat
ca aceste mecanisme sunt reglate pe principiile alopatiei: principiile
contrariilor si deviatiei pe directii complementare. Am remarcat si descris
aceaste corelatii evidente incepand din anul 1991 (Cristea A.N.Proposals concerning biocybernetic regulation principles by drugs
Rom. J. Biophysics, 1998, 4, p. 303-308).
In aceasta lucrare vor fi detaliate ideile emise mai sus.


Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Author: Acad. Prof. farm. Aurelia Nicoleta Cristea

University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila",Faculty of
Pharmacy, Chair of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy,
Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Pharmacotherapeutics principles of homeopathy and
allopathy, similarity principle, principle of contraries, biocybernetics
mechanisms Feed-back, Feed-before.
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that the principles of
homeopathy ("Similia similibus curatur" and "Aequalia aequalibus
curatur") and principles of allopathy ("Contrary contrarius curatur" and
"Aliena alienis curatur") are found in the principles of the human
biocybernetics mechanisms, respectivery feed-back and feed-before.
Feed-back mechanism (retrocontrol) was first discovered and described in
endocrinology and was then noted and in the functioning of neuronal
synapses. But has not been noticed the obvious fact that retrocontrol
mechanism works on the principles of identity and similarity, the
fundamental principles of homeopathy. In fact, hormonal and synaptic
tone disorders (hypo- or hyperfunction) are controlled by the own
deviations (ie + or -) in their respective hormone or neuromediators
concentration, ie identical or possibly similar elements of the system.
Feed-before (anticipation) mechanism described by Restian
1978(Restian A.-Feedback and feedbefore mechanisms in biological
systems Kybernetes 1978, 3, p.317-319), subsequently called feedforward, was not cultivated in physiology. Analyzing control
physiological mechanisms by anticipation, I noticed that they are tuned to
the allopathy principles: the principles of contraries and deviation on
complementary directions. I noticed and described this obvious
correlation, since 1991 and developed in 1998 (Cristea A.N.-Proposals
concerning biocybernetic regulation principles by drugs Rom. J.
Biophysics, 1998, 4, p. 303-308). In this paper, above mentioned original
ideas will be detailed.


Autori: Dr. Cojocaru Gheorghe, Dr. Cojocaru Marius Cristian,
Dr. Cojocaru Ioana Maria,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Bucuresti, Romania
Lucrarea este un studiu al autorilor asupra unui caz in care dilema
atitudinii terapeutice clasice sau alternative s-a ivit in urma unui incident
petrecut unuia dintre autori. In plina stare de sanatate aparenta se
declanseaza o criza de insuficienta respiratorie severa ce necesita
internarea. In urma investigatiilor se constata pneumonie bilaterala, HVS
cu imobilizarea apexului, IMA si pericardita. In prima parte s-a facut
terapia infectiei pulmonare prin medicina clasica, dar s-a facut si o
stimulare a imunitatii prin acupunctura. Dupa echilibrarea fenomenelor
pulmonare se face transferul la chirurgie cardio-vasculara unde se
efectueaza dublu by-pass si revascularizatie din artera mamara interna,
anevrismectomie si sutura pe transa. In perioada de recuperare s-a facut
tratament prin acupunctura si alopat, precum si kinetoterapie. Evolutia
este favorabila, iar la 6 luni de la operatie recuperarea functionala este
efectuata in totalitate. Concluzie: chiar daca parametrii fiziologici se
imbunatatesc prin acupunctura, problema de fond este rezolvata
chirurgical, rezultand ca metodele combinate sunt superioare.
Authors: Cojocaru Gheorghe MD, Cojocaru Marius Cristian MD,
Cojocaru Ioana Maria MD,
Bucharest, Romania
This is a case study on the classical or alternative therapeutic approach
dilemma. In a relatively healthy individual an acute respiratory failure
occurred that requires admission in a coronary intensive care unit. The
medical examination revealed bilateral pneumonia, left ventricular
hypertrophy, akinetic apex, myocardial infarction and pericarditis. The
first step was to treat the pneumonia with antibiotics and to use
acupuncture for immune stimulation. After the pneumonia was cured the
patient was moved to a cardiovascular surgery unit where a double bypass with internal mammary artery revascularization and left ventricular
aneurysmectomy was performed. The recovery period was made by
acupuncture and allopathic treatment and physiotherapy. During the
rehabilitation period allopathic, physiotherapy and acupuncture treatment
was performed. After 6 months the patient was completely recovered.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Conclusions: although acupuncture improved the physiological

parameters the problem was solved using surgery underlining the fact that
using both alternativ and classic medicine together the results can be
Autori: Prof. Dr. Radu Negoescu1, Psih. Cristian Balan2,
Asist. med. princ. Doina Nitulescu2, Psih. Mirela Banateanu2
Academia de Stiinte Medicale, 2Institutul National de Sanatate Publica,
Centrul Regional Bucuresti Departmentul de promovare a sanatatii,
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: vegetarianism, beneficiile LEB si HALE, dieta vegana,
B12 la gravide si copii.
Alimentatia vegetariana este cea mai apropiata de preceptele de medicina
preventiva, care pledeaza sustinut in ultimele doua decenii in fata unei
populatiei dominate de omnivori, fara a fi primita si aplicata pe scara
larga. Dovezile stiintifice sugereaz destul de clar ca alimentatia
vegetariana prelungeste semnificativ speranta de viata la nastere (LEB).
Desi pentru moment nu sunt disponibile informatii specifice, logica
epidemiologiei sugereaza, de asemenea, o speranta de viata mai sanatoasa
(HALE). Cu alte cuvinte, vegetarienii traiesc mai mult si in timpul vietii
lor indelungate procentul de ani cu sanatate si wellness este mai mare.
Dieta vegana (dieta strict vegetariana) reprezinta o actiune destul de
dificila. Crestinii ortodocsi sunt in pozitia de a o aprecia pe deplin in
calitate de vegani alternativi. Vegani adulti pot compensa destul de usor
(folosind atent si suficient din legumele alese) biodisponibilitatea
oarecum diminuata de anumite substante nutritive organice sau minerale
importante in produsele vegetale. Cu toate acestea, studiile sugereaza ca
in cazul gravidelor, nou-nascutilor care au supt exclusiv la san si copiilor
cu varsta intre 1 - 12 luni dieta vegana poate duce la retard in dezvoltarea
copilului, in absenta intentionata a alimentelor bogatire in B12, care pot fi
usor trecute cu vederea. Cu toate acestea, nu este sigur ca suplimentarea
artificiala cu vitamina B12 (purificata din produse nonvegetale)
echivaleaza cu extracte naturale de cobalamina din produse de origine
animala, avand in vedere asimilarea conutrientului dependent. La final,
pentru evitarea oricarui risc in dezvoltarea copilului se sugereaza
intreruperea temporara a dietei vegane la gravide si suspendarea unei
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

astfel de diete la copii pana la sfarsitul varstei juvenile (4 ani) la care

dieta ovo-lacto-vegetariana ar putea fi cea mai buna. In ceea ce priveste
candidatii din ce in ce mai numerosi la dieta vegana permanenta, trebuie
sa observam ca logica mecanismului uman nu accepta salturi bruste in
nutritie si ca beneficiile vegetarianismul nu trebuie sa fie asteptate de la o
zi la alta. Experienta vegetariana multiculturala ofera o gama mare de
retete "colesterol zero", din care unele prezinta un gust gastronomic
dificil pentru a fi echivalate chiar si in traditiile omnivore. Diversele
retete vegetariene gram-numarate nu trebuie luate ca absolute, ci mai
degraba considerate cu detasare senina: Creatorul nu masoara folosind
gramul sau milimetrul. Ceea ce conteaza probabil in vegetarianism este
atitudinea si vointa: "Ai da vointa de a lua puterea" spun Parintii
Authors: Prof. Dr. Radu Negoescu1, Psih. Cristian Balan2,
Principal Medical Asistent Doina Nitulescu2, Psih. Mirela Banateanu2
Academy of Medical Sciences, 2National Institute of Public Health,
Bucharest Regional Center, Health Promotion Department,
Bucharest, Romania
Key words: vegetarianism, LEB and HALE benefits, vegan diet, B12 in
pregnant and infants.
Vegetarian nutrition is closest to the precepts of the preventive medicine,
sustainedly advocated in the last two decades to populations dominated
by omnivores, without being received and applied on a significant scale.
Scientific evidence suggests quite clearly that vegetarian nutrition
significantly prolonges life expectancy at birth (LEB). Though for now
specific information isnt available, the epidemiologic logics would also
suggest a longer healthy life expectancy (HALE). In other words,
vegetarians live more, and during their longer life span the percentage of
years featured by health and wellness is higher. The vegan diet (strictly
vegetarian nutrition) stands for a quite difficult enterprize, the Orthodox
Christians are in position to fully appreciate in quality of alternate vegans.
The adult vegans can quite easily compensate, using sufficiently &
carefully chosen veggies, the somehow diminished biodisponibility of
certain important organic or mineral nutrients in vegetal produces.
However, studies suggest that in pregnants, newborn suckled exclussively
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

at breast and 1 - 12 month old infants the vegan diet may cause retards in
child development in absence of purposely enrichment with B12 that can
be easily overlooked. Yet, it isnt sure that artificial supplementing with
B12 (purified out of nonvegetal products) equates the natural extraction
of cobalamine from animal products, given the conutrient-dependent
assimilation. At the bottom line, avoiding any risk in child development
suggests the temporary interruption of vegan diet in pregnant and the
adjournment of such a diet in children until the end of juvenile age (4
years) during which the ovo-lacto-vegetarian nutrition could be the best.
As for the more and more numerous candidates to permanent vegan diet,
we have to observe that logics of human machinery doesnt accept sudden
bounces in nutrition, and that benefits of vegetarianism are not to be
waited for from a day to another. Multicultural vegetarian expertise offers
a big choice of zero cholesterol recipes, from which some featured by a
gastronomic flavour difficult to be equated even in omnivorous traditions.
Though, the various gram-counted vegetarian prescriptions are not to be
taken as absolute, but rather considered with serene detachment: The
Creator is not measuring using the gram or the millimeter. What perhaps
matters in vegetarianism is attitude and volition: You give the will to
take the strength the Orthodox Fathers are saying.
Autor: Prof. Dr. John Ionescu,
Clinica Neukirchen, Germania, Donau University Krems, Austria
Cuvinte cheie: foto-imbatranire, radicali liberi,
ultraviolete, sinteza melaninei, sinteza de colagen.



Procesul de foto-imbatranire a pielii umane in prezenta luminii solare

naturale sau artificiale (surse UV) este strans legat de generarea puternica
de radicali liberi, peroxidarea lipidelor, activarea colagenazei,
glicozilarea/ oxidarea proteinelor (produse ale varstei), activarea
factorilor de transcriptie a p53, capacitate redusa de reparare a ADN-ului
si mutatii cumulative ale ADN-ului. Intelegerea mecanismelor de mai sus
a condus la strategii adecvate de incetinire sau blocare a acestor reactii
facand posibila proiectarea de formule inovatoare de ingrijire a pielii. In
acest sens, o noua formula germana de aparare impotriva fotoimbatranirii (SOLARIS SPF25) combina pentru prima oara protectia
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

dubla UVA + UVB (SPF25) cu aminoacizii care promoveaza melanina,

sporind direct procesul natural de bronzare. Agentii de blocare a
radicalilor liberi cum ar fi vit. E, uleiul de morcov si chelatorii metalici
impiedica efectele secundare ale expunerii la soare impreuna cu extracte
din plante de stimulare imunitara (-glucani), cu activitatea virusului antiherpetic. Pentru a incetini eficient formarea de riduri datorate fotoimbatranirii, o noua formula de stimulare a sintezei de colagen ofera o
combinatie anti-imbatranire sinergica de blocante a radiatiei de UV, de
saturare a radicalilor liberi (vit. E, coenzima Q10) si promotori ai sintezei
de colagen/ elastina ca hydroxyprolin si plante bioflavonoide (ENERGO
Repair). Ingredientele active sunt incluse in lipozomi care contin
fosfolipide si ceramide identice pielii prin intermediul tehnologiei
nanoparticulelor patentata DMS. Este garantata astfel o absorbtie rapida
prin celulele epidermei. Utilizarea produselor topice hipoalergenice
descrise au ca rezultat o imbunatatire semnificativa a structurii pielii si a
aspectului ei in termen de 30 de zile, asa cum este documentata cu
metodologia standardizata de evaluare de suprafata a vietii pielii (SELS)
intr-un grup de 35 de femei in varsta de 40-63 de ani.


Author: Prof. Dr. John Ionescu,
Spezialklinik Neukirchen, Germany, Donau University Krems,
Keywords: photoaging, free radicals, UV exposure, melanin synthesis,
collagen synthesis.
The photoaging process of the human skin in the presence of natural
sunlight or artificial UV-sources is closely related to a strong generation
of free radicals, lipid peroxidation, collagenase activation, glycation /
oxidation of proteins (AGE products), activation of p53 transcription
factors, low DNA repair capacity and cumulative DNA mutations. The
understanding of the above mechanisms led to appropriate strategies to
slow down or block these reactions making possible the design of
innovative skin care formulations. In this respect, a new German
photoaging defence formula (SOLARIS SPF25) combines for the first
time the double UVA + UVB protection (SPF25) with melanin promoting
aminoacids directly enhancing the natural tanning process. Free radical
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

blocking agents like Vit. E, carrot oil and metal chelators are preventing
the sun exposure side-effects together with immune stimulating plant
extracts (-glucans) with anti-herpes virus activity. To slow down the
photoaging related wrinkle formation efficiently, a new collagen synthase
stimulating formula offers a synergistic anti-aging combination of UVlight blockers, free radical quenchers (Vit. E, Coenzyme Q10) and
collagen/ elastin synthesis promoters like hydroxyprolin and plant
bioflavonoids (ENERGO Repair). The active ingredients are
incorporated in liposomes containing skin identical phospholipids and
ceramides by means of the patented DMS nanoparticle technology. A
rapid uptake in the epidermis cells is thus granted. The use of the
described hypoallergenic topical products results in a significant
improvement of the skin structure and appearance within 30 days, as
documented with the standardized Surface Evaluation of Living Skin
(SELS) methodology in a group of 35 women aged 40 to 63 years.
Autori: Didi Surcel1, Mioara Butan2, Septimiu Toader3,
M. Surcel3, Simona Nitu4
Blue Life Medical Center, Cluj-Napoca, 2Centru de Sanatate Publica,
Cluj, 3Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie, Cluj, 4Plant Extract, Cluj,
Cuvinte cheie: Vascum Album, Crom, raspuns imun, radicali oxigenati
Lucrarea incearca sa demonstreze un posibil efect protector al
preparatelor homeopatice de Vasc asupra raspunsului imun si oxidativ,
alterat prin instilarea cu crom a animalelor de experienta. Experimentul in
vivo s-a realizat pe 80 sobolani, linia Wistar, impartiti in 4 grupuri: 1.Lot
-Martor (C); 2.Lot tratat cu Vascum Album (VA); 3.Lot tratat cu Crom
(Cr+); 4.Lot tratat cu Vascum Album i Crom (VA+Cr+). Cromul a fost
administrat prin instilare intratraheala de dicromat, iar Vascum Album
(VA) CH 30 a fost administrat 1ml/animal/zi din dilutia 1/100, 5 zile
/saptamana. O jumatate din fiecare lot a fost sacrificat la 30 zile dupa
instilare, iar cealalta jumatate la 180 zile. Au fost efectuati urmatorii
parametrii: 1.Incorporarea de 3HTdR a limfocitelor solenice; 2.Nivelul de
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

IL-1; 3. Nivelul de TNF; 4.Testul de chemiluminiscenta (CL). Expunerea

indelungata la crom este asociata cu alterarea raspunsului imun si
oxidativ, demonstrat prin modificarea incorporarii de 3TdR, a nivelului
de citokine si de radicali oxigenati liberi eliberati. Reversibilitatea
partiala a parameterilor investigati in lotul nr.4 (lotul VA +Cr) a sugerat
un efect protector al remediului de Vascum Album prin reducerea
efectelor distructive induse de crom la nivelul reactiilor imune si
oxidative investigate.
Authors: Didi Surcel1, Mioara Butan2, Septimiu Toader3,
M. Surcel3, Simona Nitu4
Blue Life Medical Center, Cluj-Napoca, 2Center for Public Health, Cluj,
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj, 4Plant Extract, Cluj,
Keywords: Vascum Album, Chromium, Immune response, free oxygen
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate a possible protective effect of the
Vascum Album (VA) on the immune and oxidative response altered by
chromium administered. In vivo experiment was carried out on the 80
Wistar male rats divided in 4 groups following: 1.Control group;
2.Vascum Album (VA) - group; 3. Chromium - group; 4. VA +
Chromium - group.Chromium was administered by intratracheally
instillation. Animals from groups 2 and 4, were treated daily, per oral,
with Vascum Album, CH30, 1ml / animl / day, 5 days / week; a part of
the each group was sacrificed after 60 days and the other part after 180
days. The following parameters were assessed: 1.3HTdR incorporation
test; 2. IL - 1-assay; 3.TNF - assay; 4. Chemiluminiscence assay.
Chromium exposure is associated with alteration of the immune and
oxidative response, evaluated by the modification of the immune
response, cytokins and ROS level. Partial reversibility of the parameters
in the Vascum Album +Chromium-group, suggest a protective effect of
the VA on the dangerous effects induced by chromium on the immune
and oxidative reactions.

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013


Autor: George Cohal
Bucuresti, Romania
Se prezinta un aparat si procedeu care genereaza un efect biomodulativ
(energetico-informational) in interiorul tesutului biologic, reface si
totodata, echilibreaza biocampul (campul electromagnetic generat de
procesele metabolice specifice organismului biologic). Este un sistem
neinvaziv pentru corpul biologic in sensul ca nu se introduc substante
chimice, nu se lucreaza cu campuri magnetice sau electrice ori alti agenti
fizici exceptand lumina. Nu se atinge corpul, se proiecteaza doar asupra
acestuia lumina modulata produsa de aparat. Nu este necesara o pregatire
prealabila, se poate sta in picioare, pe scaun sau culcat. Procedura are
actiune generala, holistica, nu se adreseaza unei afectiuni concrete.
Efectele produse sunt: echilibreaza aura, activeaza chakrele, creste
vitalitatea, declanseaza procesele de vindecare, realizeaza o relaxare
profunda, o liniste interioara, regularizeaza somnul, intra aproape
instantaneu in domeniul alfa al undelor cerebrale, curata mediul in care
functioneaza aparatul de informatii si energii negative; amplifica,
declanseaza sau redeclanseaza diferite capacitati pe care le au diverse
persoane. Efectul se poate transmite si la distanta. Se vor face
demonstratii practice, vor fi relatate cazuri deosebite. Se va face si un
scurt istoric al cromoterapiei.


Author: George Cohal
Bucharest, Romania
It shows an apparatus and method that generates an effect biomodulation
(energetic- informational) within biological tissue, restores and also
balances the bio-field (electromagnetic field generated by metabolic
processes specific biological organisms). It is noninvasive biological
bodies in that it does not introduce chemicals and do not work with
electric or magnetic fields or other physical agents except light. Do not
touch the body; it is projected only on the modulated light produced by
the device. No prior training is required; it can stand on the chair or bed.
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The procedure has general, holistic, does not address a specific disease.
Effects include: balance aura, activates chakras, increase vitality, trigger
the healing process, achieve in deep relaxation, peace of mind, regulates
sleep almost instantly enter the alpha brain waves, clean environment in
which the unit of information and energy negative amplify or trigger
various capacities redeclanseaza they were different people. The effect
can be spread and distance. There will be demonstrations, special cases
will be reported. It will be done and a brief history of color therapy.
Autor: Dr. Constantin Tecu, Dr. Dan Teofil Dumitru,
Psiholog Luminita Dumitru
S.C.Neuroimpuls SRL Timisoara, PFA Dumitru Dan
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: biocamp (energie subtila), structura energetica, centrii
energetici (chakre), meridiane, corpuri energetice (aura).
Fiinta umana dispune de anatomie multidimensionala. Paradigma
newtoniana privind corpul uman ca o structura mecanica complexa este
intregita de paradigma einsteiniana care poate defini un nou model al
corpului fizic intre - patruns cu corpurile energetice ca rezultat al naturii
duale de unda/ particula constatata la nivel subatomic. Energia si materia
nu sunt entitati distincte, ci forme diferite ale aceleiasi realitati,
interactionand permanent. Cercetatorul rus A.Gurvici a introdus notiunea
de camp biologic (biocamp) al cro-mozomului ca un complement al
genelor. Corpul fizic, avand cele mai joase vibratii, interactioneaza cu
planurile superioare de energie, avand vibratii din ce in ce mai fine, care
vor forma succesiv corpurile energetice (aura): eteric, astral, mental si
cauzal. Schimburile de energie si informatie se vehiculeaza printr-un
sistem de meridiane foarte complex care prin diferite tipuri de intersectari
vor genera diferiti centri energetici numiti Chakre, care la randul lor,
comanda fiziologia fiintei umane. Sistemul de meridiane permite trecerea
catre nervi, vase de sange si organele interne a unei energii subtile,
benefice; provenind din mediul inconjurtor, numita QI (Ch'i). Corpurile
de energie subtila integreaza fiinta in energiile universale; contopesc
omul cu universul.
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Authors: Constantin Tecu MD, Dan Dumitru Teofil MD,
Psychologist Luminita Dumitru
S.C.Neuroimpuls SRL Timisoara, Dumitru Dan PFA
Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: biofield (subtle energy), energy structure, energy centers
(chakras), meridians, energy bodies (aura).
The human being has multidimensional anatomy. Newtonian paradigm of
the human body as a complex mechanical structure is completed by
Einstein paradigm that can define a new model of the physical body
intermingling with energy bodies as a result of the dual nature of wave /
particle shown at the subatomic level. Energy and matter are not separate
entities, but different forms of the same reality, constantly interacting.
Russian researcher A.Gurvici introduced the notion of biological field
(biofield) of chromosome gene as a complement. Physical body, with the
lowest vibration energy interacts with the higher planes, with vibrations
increasingly finer energy bodies will form sequentially (aura): ethereal
astral, mental and causal. The exchange of energy and information is
circulated through a very complex meridian system through different
types of intersections will generate different energy centers called
chakras, which in turn control the physiology of the human being.
Meridian system allows the passage of the nerves, blood vessels and
internal organs of subtle energies, beneficial, coming from the
environment, called Qi (Ch'i). Integrating subtle energy bodies being in
the universal energies, merge man with the universe.
Autor: Dr. Ileana Randasu,
Societatea Romana de Homeopatie, Bucuresti, Romania
Johann Martin Honigberger (1795-1869), misteriosul sas din Brasov care
a adus homeopatia in India, este cunoscut in principal publicului datorita
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

nuvelei lui Mircea Eliade Secretul doctorului Honigberger (publicata

in 1940), dar s-ar cuveni sa fie cunoscut mai ales datorita cartii sale
Treizeci si cinci de ani in Orient (prima editie, 1851, in limba germana;
editia engleza, 1852; editia romana, tradusa si publicata in 2004, la
editura Polirom). J. M. Honigberger s-a nascut la Brasov (Kronstadt),
Romania, pe data de 10 martie 1795 si a murit tot la Braov, pe 18
decembrie 1869, la varsta de 74 de ani, fiind ingropat in cimitirul
evanghelic al orasului. Lua astfel sfarsit o viata extraordinara, incarcata
de glorie, descoperiri (in domeniul medicinii, al farmaciei, botanicii, dar
si al arheologiei si numismaticii) si actiuni de pionierat a unui personaj cu
personalitate fascinanta, medic al Maharajahului din Lahore pentru mai
multi ani, dar si medicul multor oameni umili de pe trei continente, pe
care i-a salvat adesea de la moarte, in timpul marilor epidemii ale
secolului al XIX-lea. Dupa 144 de ani de la moartea doctorului
Honigberger, Societatea Romana de Homeopatie a reusit sa identifice
locul unde a fost inmormantat si sa puna o placa inscriptionata cu numele
sau la mormant, alaturi de ceea ce am putea numi motto-ul vietii sale,
care apare in prefata cartii : Nulla re homo proprius accedit ad Deum
quam salute hominibus danda. In ceea ce ne priveste, motto-ul care ne-a
indemnat la actiune a fost urmatorul: - Cel care stie sa-si pretuiasca
inaintasii va sti sa traiasca cu demnitate atat prezentul, cat si viitorul TRIBUTE TO DOCTOR JOHANN MARTIN HONIGBERGER
Author: Ileana Randasu MD,
Romanian Society of Homeopathy, Bucharest, Romania
Johann Martin Honigberger (1795-1869), the mysterious Transylvanian
Saxon from Braov, Romania, the man who brought homeopathy to
India, is known to the public from a short story written by Mircea Eliade
The Secret of doctor Honigberger (published in 1940), but should be
known mainly through his own book Thirty five years in the East (first
edition, 1851, in German; English edition, 1852; Romanian edition,
translated and published in 2004, at Polirom). J. M. Honigberger was
born in Braov (Kronstadt), Romania, on 10th of March, 1795 and died in
Braov on 18th of December, 1869, at the age of 74, being buried at the
Evangelic cemetery of the town. He had lived an extraordinary life, rich
in discoveries and pioneering actions (in the field of medicine, pharmacy,
botany, but also of archeology and numismatics) and had a fascinating
personality, being renowned for the services he brought as personal
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doctor to Ranjit Singh, the Maharaja of Lahore (in nowadays Pakistan)

for many years, but also as the doctor of many humble people from three
continents, whom he saved from death, during the great epidemics of the
XIX-th century. After 144 years from the death of doctor Honigberger,
Societatea Romn de Homeopatie The Romanian Society of
Homeopathy- has accomplished a duty of honour, succeeding to identify
the place where he was buried and to put a memorial plaque on the grave,
along with what could have been the motto of his life, from the Preface of
his book : Nulla re homo proprius accedit ad Deum quam salute
hominibus danda. As for us, the motto that has been calling for action
was: - Those who know to honour their forerunners will be able to live
with dignity both their present and their future.
Autor: Dr. Angelica Noica Dumitrescu,
Medic primar medicina de familie, Bucuresti, Romania
La solicitarea dr. Simonne Fayeton de a participa si noi romanii la un
studiu in lumina doctrinei dr. Masi asupra lui Iridium metalicum, am
efectuat mai intai un mic proving intre noi pentru a intra mai bine in
atmosfera remediului si de a incerca sa-l cunoastem mai bine. Am fost 3
doctorite si 4 pacienti, rude, prieteni din jurul nostru, nu multi, dar
suficienti sa ne dam seama cam cum lucreaza acest remediu. Simptomele
noastre au coincis cu cele ale altor proveri din Materia medica deja
existenta la ora aceasta. Concluziile mele au fost : Este nevoie de un
numar mare de experimentatori pentru ca simptomele remediului sa fie
revelate cat mai complet. Fiecare il va simti si trai in functie de
problemele lui actuale si de gradul de dezvoltare spirituala pe care-l are in
momentul acela, dar fiind foarte atent la tot ce apare nou si/sau modificat
in starea lui si coroborand cu ce au simtit si trait cat mai multi proveri,
iese la iveala Esenta Remediului; E interesant sa vezi si sa simti cum
Remediul incepe sa te posede si sa-ti sopteasca informatia lui. Incepi sa
devii greu, inert, ca un metal - dar totusi doresti sa te inalti ca orice spirit
sau sa cutreieri liber ca orice informatie. Doresti sa stabilesti legaturi - dar
totusi nu doresti, pentru ca Iridium se afla in coloana din mijloc a
tabelului lui Mendeleev, a celor care vor sau nu vor, au nevoie sau nu de
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electroni in plus sau in minus pentru a atinge starea de echilibru. Are

numarul atomic 77 de unde visele sau gandurile proverilor la nr.7 sau
multipli de 7 (cele 7 lumini ale curcubeului, cerc cu 7 stele, etc). Este
folosit la penitele stilourilor - de unde visele sau actiunile proverilor de a
cauta sau cumpara stilouri, de a dori sa scrie, sa trimita mesaje. Este un
metal care se gaseste si in meteoriti - de unde comportamentul proverilor
cam de extraterestri, priviri plutitoare, fixe, senzatia de outsider in
discutii, in relatii. De fapt Iridiul se gaseste pe pamant gratie unui mare
meteorit care a cazut pe pamant acum milioane de ani si care a provocat o
mare cantitate de pulbere si de foc ce a cuprins o buna parte din pamant.
Pulberea si cenusa care au rezultat au creat un stat in atmosfera din jurul
pamantului care a ecranat patrunderea razelor solare, ceea ce a dus la o
racire generala a planetei si la moartea dinozaurilor de pe toata suprafata
planetei. De aici multe simptome si vise ale proverilor cu si despre foc,
despre nori negri apasatori, despre sufocare si micsorarea spatiului
propriu, nevoia de aer, de libertate, de zbor intre cer si pamant, de lumina;
In lumina studiului dinamicii miasmatice dupa metoda dr. Masi, dr. S.
Fayeton a concluzionat: Omul/Adam Iridium a refuzat conditia umana a
cunoasterii Adevarului Prim prin credinta, prin incredere in Dumnezeu
care se reveleaza. Isi doreste lumina pentru propria sa contemplare.
Atributul Divin ravnit de el este : Dumnezeu se cunoaste prin propria lui
Lumina pentru ca stiinta lui Dumnezeu e identica cu Esenta Sa.(In
Lumina ta vom vedea lumina spun psalmii). In psora e mereu in
indoiala, nu stie daca actiunile lui sunt bune sau nu, daca judecata lui e
buna sau nu, se fereste sa raspunda, ii e frica ca uita si uita mult, dar e
atras de lumina, de frumusete, de contemplare. In egotrofia de grad 1 el
nu a pierdut lumina cunoasterii, el e mare in ceea ce stie, citeste mult,
mediteaza, scrie, transmite mesaje; el nu a pierdut nici puterea, nici
libertatea miscarii, e plin de energie, danseaza, gandeste si calculeaza
repede; viseaza ca-i cresc aripi, e ca un Inger; se viseaza in catedrale
imense, in locuri somptuase si marete. In egotrofia de grad 2 el nu mai are
nevoie sa citeasca, sa acumuleze stiinta lumii, el e Stiinta, el are Lumina
gloriei, el e luminos si imprastie lumina; nu are nevoie de miscare,
practica intensiv imobilizarea Zen, meditatia, transa. In heteroliza e
enervat de cei din jur ca se misca prea incet, ca-l sufoca, ca-i rapesc
libertatea. In egoliza el accepta cu durere ca nimic nu poate sa cunoasca si
nimic nu poate face; refuza sa munceasca, sa gandeasca, incearca sa
contempleze si constata ca spiritul lui e gol; se simte tintuit intr-un loc, nu
mai poate sa mearga; are dureri acute, senzatii de amorteala si chiar de
paralizie, de sufocare, de pierdere a vederii, auzului, comunicarii; se
simte umilit ca un caine vagabond; il acuza pe Dumnezeu ca l-a
abandonat, dar de fapt el L-a abandonat pe Dumnezeu. Iridium in
echilibru simte prezenta lui Dumnezeu in sufletul lui iluminat de credinta.
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Author: Angelica Noica Dumitrescu MD,
Family Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
At the request of Dr. Simonne Fayeton to participate that we Romanians,
too take part to a study in the light of the doctrine of Dr. Masi on Iridium
metalicum, I performed first a small proving for a better understanding.
There were three doctors and four patients, relatives, friends around us,
not many, but enough to realize about how this remedy works. Our
symptoms has coincided with those of other of Materia Medica provers
already existing. My conclusions were: That is necessary to takes a great
numbers of provers in order that the symptoms of the remedy to be
revealed more fully. Each will feel and live according current problems
and the degree of spiritual development that it has in its time, but being
very careful to everything new and / or change in its condition and
corroborate with what they have felt and lived as many provers, goes out
to reveal the essence of the remedy; It is interesting to see and feel how
the remedy is beginning to possess you and get you talk in a low voice the
information. You start to become hard, inert, as a metal - but still want to
get you high like any mood, or to wander freely as any information. Want
to set links, - but yet do not want, because Iridium is located in the middle
column of the table of Mendeleev, at those who will or not will need
electron in plus or minus to reach the steady state. It has the atomic
number 77, by where dreams or thoughts of provers about 7 or multiples
of 7 (the seven lights of the Rainbow, circle with seven stars, etc). It is
used in pens by the way dreams or actions of provers to find or buy
pens, to want to write, to send messages. It is a metal that is found in the
meteorites by the way proverss behavior about aliens, floating, fixed
sight, outsider feeling in discussions, in relations. Iridium is found in fact
on Earth thanks to a large meteorite who feld to Earth millions of years
ago and which caused a great deal of dust and fire that swept a good
portion of the Earth. Dust and ashes that have resulted have created a
state in the atmosphere around the Earth that has shielded the penetration
of sunlight which has led to a general cooling of the planet and the death
of the dinosaurs all over the planet. From here many symptoms and
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dreams of the provers and about the fire, about black and tormentings
clouds, about suffocating and reducing the own space, need for space, for
air, freedom, flying between heaven and Earth, of light; In light of
miasmatic Dynamics method of Dr. Masi, Dr. S.Fayeton concluded:
Man/Adam Iridium refused human condition of knowledge The First
Thruth by faith, by trusting in God that reveals Itself. Wants light for his
own contemplation. Divine attribute craved of him is "God is known
through his own Light because the science of God is identical to Its
essence." ("In Your Light, God, we shall see The light" Psalm say). The
psora is always in doubt, does not know if his actions are good or not, if
his judgment is good or not, avoid to answer, afraid to forgot and he
forgot much, but is attracted to light, beauty, contemplation . In egotrofia
of Grade 1 he has not lost the light of knowledge, he's great in wats he
does, read, meditate, write, send messages. He never lost power, no
freedom of movement, its full of energy, dance, think fast and calculates,
dreaming that its growing wings like an Angel, it dreams in huge
cathedrals, in scoring and great places. In egotrofia of Grade 2 he no
longer needs to read, to accumulate science world, he is the Science, hes
the light of glory, he's bright and spread the light, does not require
intensive grounding, practice Zen meditation, trance. In heteroliza is
annoyed the people around as it move too slowly, like choke him, as the
kidnap freedom. In egoliza he accepted and suffering becose nothing can
know and nothing can done, refuse to work, to think, try to contemplate
and noticed that his spirit is empty, he feels pinned himself in a place, not
longer able to walk; he feel acute pain, sensation of numbness and even
paralysis, suffocation, loss of vision, hearing, communication, he feels
humiliated, a tramp dog, he blames God for desert him, but in fact he
abandoned the God. Iridium in balance feels the presence of God in his
soul, illuminated by faith.
Autor: Dr. Franois Beyens
Presedintele de onoare al ICMART, Belgia
Atunci cand se ocupa de tulburari functionale parerea autorilor care
integreaza acupunctura in teoria TCM este confuza. Punctele de
acupunctura sunt considerate ca avand functii si indicatii similare
medicamentelor, ca si cum efectele lor pot fi observate si inregistrate in
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

acelasi mod. Astfel alegerea punctelor depinde de intreaga abordare TCM

ceea ce complica situatia in mod inutil. Se numeste "herbalizarea"
acupuncturii cazul in care un punct are acelasi efect ca un medicament.
Daca cautam in mai multe manuale punctele indicate pentru constipatie si
sau pentru diaree (de exemplu), observam un nucleu comun de puncte,
astfel ca nu este cu adevarat esential sa se faca un diagnostic TCM. La fel
este si in cazul bolilor pulmonare. Daca exista Exces sau Deficit atunci se
foloseste un grup de puncte comune, la care se mai adauga, desigur,
cateva puncte individuale in functie de simptome. Atunci cand se
efectueaza un tratament cu plante este necesar un diagnostic TCM destul
de precis si o cunoastere temeinica a teoriei. Atunci cand se foloseste
acupunctura acest proces poate fi evitat. Noi propunem o metoda mai
simpla, bazata pe o abordare pragmatica, pe observarea "modului de a
trata" al mai multor practicieni, pe gandire logica, protocoale de tratament
si desigur pe propria noastra experienta. Aceasta metoda poate s fie
detailata si adaptata de fiecare practician. Vom incepe in mod medical si
vom culege diferitele tipuri de simptome. Din acest punct de vedere sunt
una sau mai multe functii perturbate. Aceste simptome (pentru fiecare
functie) sunt indicatori buni si de un real ajutor. Nu este necesar un
diagnostic TCM precis (spre deosebire de terapia pe baza de plante).
Odata determinate functiile perturbate, prin intermediul unor tabele
stabilite, este usor sa alegem punctele relevante pentru acupunctura, cu o
anumita libertate in functie de profilurile patologice individuale. In
aceasta abordare occidentala a cunostintelor medicale este esentiala
determinarea limitelor posibilitatilor tarapeutice si consolidarea eficienta
a rezultatelor. Vom da cateva exemple pentru a ilustra pozitia noastra.
Author: Franois Beyens, MD
Honorary President of ICMART, Belgium
When dealing with functional disorders the picture of the authors that
integrate the acupuncture approach into the TCM theory is confused.
Points are considered as having functions and indications like medicinal
drugs, as if their effects could be observed and recorded in the same way.
As a result the choice of points depends on the whole TCM approach and
makes the situation unnecessarily complicated. It is called herbalisation
of acupuncture, as if a point was the same as a drug. If you look into
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

several manuals at, for example, the points for constipation and for
diarrhea, there is a common nucleus of points for all their different
patterns, so it is not really essential to make a TCM diagnosis. The same
goes for Lung disorders. Whether there are patterns of Excess or
Deficiency, there is a group of common points, to which one adds of
course a few individual points depending on the symptoms. A fairly
precise TCM diagnosis is necessary when you treat with plants, and it
requires a solid knowledge of the theory. This process can be avoided
when using acupuncture. We propose a simpler method based on a
pragmatic approach, on the observation of many practitioners ways of
treating, on logical thinking and, of course, on our own experience and
treating protocols. This method has to be refined, and adapted to each
practitioner. We start with the usual medical and gather the different
kinds of symptoms. These point towards one or several disturbed
functions. List of symptoms for each function are a help and good
indicators. It is not necessary to make a TCM precise diagnosis (contrary
to herbal therapy). Once the functions determined, through preconstructed
tables it is easy to choose the relevant points to needle, with certain
latitude depending on the individual pathological profiles.In this approach
western medical knowledge is essential to determine the limits of the
treatment possibilities and to strengthen the efficiency of the results. We
shall give a few examples to illustrate our position.
Autor: Dr. Ion Gheorghe
CMI. Dr. Gheorghe Ion, Voluntari, Romania
Fibromialgia (FM) reprezinta un sindrom cu diverse manifestari, greu de
diagnosticat, un sindrom pentru care un pacient poate ajunge sa fie consultat si tratat in diverse specialitati: reumatologie, neurologie, recuperare
medicala, psihiatrie, endocrinologie, specialisti in managementul durerii,
acupunctura, homeopatie, etc. Simptome cum ar fi: dureri cronice
musculare si/sau articulare, oboseala moderata sau severa, spasme
musculare, palpitatii, anxietate, tulburari ale somnului, dificultati de
memorie, de concentrare, de-presie, determina pacientul sa se adreseze la
diferiti specialisti. In aceste si-tuatii diagnosticul poate varia de la
fibromialgie la sindrom de oboseala cro-nica, atacuri de panica, sindrom
de anxietate, suspiciune de contaminare cu virusul Epstein-Barr,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

hipotiroidism, etc. Acupunctura poate ajuta acest tip de pacienti. Prin

includerea simptomelor in anumite sindroame MTEO un tratament
personalizat adecvat poate fi oferit pacientului cu resulte bune. Din
punctul de vedere al MTEO tratamentul FM poate fi declansat si sustinut
de modificarea energetica a ficatului, rinichiului si balanta Yin / Yang a
sangelui. Demonstrand ca simptomele apartin unor sindroame energetice,
am putut crea o plan terapeutic specific (doar cu acupunctura sau folosind
o asociere de terapii), ceea ce a dus la un bun echilibru energetic intre
diferitele organe si sisteme care sunt implicate in psihopatologia
fibromialgiei. Voi prezenta doua cazuri, ambele pacienti de sex feminin,
cu suferine de mai mult timp, care au fost tratate in diferite specialitati
medicale. Unul dintre cazuri a primit Tramadol (analgezic puternic,
utilizat pentru a trata du-rerea moderata pana la severa), iar celalalt a fost
sub medicatie cu Euthyrox 25 mg/zi (suspicionata de tiroidita
Hashimoto). In ambele cazuri tratamentul cu acupunctura a avut rezultate
bune: prima pacienta a renuntat la utilizarea de analgezice, iar a doua la
utilizarea de anxiolitice (folosirea Euthyroxului a ramas la decizia
endocrinologului). Aceste cazuri au fost urmarite din ultimii doi ani pana
in prezent si nu au revenit la folosirea de analgezice sau alte anxiolitice si
antidepresive. Acupunctura ca terapie unica sau asociata cu alte terapii
alternative ofera rezultate pozitive la pacientii care sufera de FM si
posibilitatea unui tratament fara efectele secundare ale medicamentelor
(in acest caz analgezice si anxiolitice).
Author: Ion Gheorghe MD,
Head Practitioner Acupuncture Competence
CMI. Dr. Gheorghe Ion, Voluntari, Romania
Fibromyalgia (FM) represents a syndrome with diverse symptom
manifestations, hard to diagnose, a syndrome for which a patient can get
to be consulted and treated in various specialties: Rheumatology,
Neurology, Rehabilitation medicine, Psychiatry, Endocrinology, diferent
specialists in pain management, Acupuncture, Homeopathy etc.
Symptoms such as chronic muscular or/and articular pain, moderate or
severe fatigue, muscle spasms, palpitations, anxiety, sleep disorders,
dificulty remembering, concentrating, depression determine the patient to
get a referral to different specialists.In this situations the diagnosis may
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

vary from literally Fibromyalgia to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Panic

Attacks, Anxiety Syndrome, suspicion of Epstein- Barr virus,
Hypothyroidism etc. Acupuncture can help this kind of patient. By
including the symptoms to certain MTEO syndromes a proper
personalised treatment can be offered with positive results.From the
MTEO point of view Fibromyalgia can be triggered and sustained by the
energetic modification of the liver, kindey and Yin/ Yang/ Blood
imbalances. By proving the symptoms appertain to energetic syndromes,
it can be created a specific therapeutic planning (only with acupuncture or
using an association of therapies) leading to a good energetic balance for
the different organs and systems that are involved in the physiopatology
of FM. I will be presenting two cases, both of female patients with
sufferences of several years that have been treated within different
medical specialties. One of them had received Tramadol- a powerful
analgesic used to treat moderate to severe pain and the other patient was
under medication with Euthyrox 25 mg/ day (adviced for suspicion of
Hashimoto's thyroiditis). In both cases the therapy with acupuncture had
good results; the first patient gave up the use of analgesics and the second
one the use of anxiolytics (the Euthyrox medication remained at the
decision of her endocrynologist). These cases have been followed for the
last two years till present and have not reinstated the former pain
medication, neither Tramadol or other anxiolytics and antidepressants.
Acupuncture as singular therapy or associated with other alternative
therapies offers positive results to patients suffering of FM and also offers
to these patients the opportunity of a treatment without the side effects of
different medications (in this casem - analgesics and anxiolytics).
Autori: Mioara Tinca Navrotescu1, Ioan Chirila1,2, Elena Toader2
I.N.S.P.-C.R.S.P. Iasi, 2Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie
Grigore T. Popa- Iasi, Romania
Multe studii din literatura medicala au cercetat potentialele beneficii ale
apei alcaline pentru sanatatea umana. Sursele de apa alcalina destinate
consumului uman pot fi naturale (ape minerale) si artificiale (frecvent
obtinute prin electroliza). Surse naturale de ape minerale alcaline cu un
pH ridicat (peste 8,5) sunt rare. Perla Moldovei este apa alcalina naturala
cu cel mare pH natural din Romania si una dintre putinele surse existente
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la nivel mondial. In Romania pH-ul apelor minerale naturale are valori

cuprinse intre 5 (ape carbogazificate) si 7,9, singura exceptie notabila
fiind Perla Moldovei, cu un pH de 8,8. In cazul acesteia, alcalinitatea este
data natural de filonul (tulpina) de bicarbonat de sodiu din straturile
geologice pe care apa le strabate. Perla Moldovei este o apa
oligominerala, arteziana, obtinuta prin foraj de adancime (210 m) in
judetul Bacau. In prezent se cerceteaza potentialele efecte benefice ale
apei alcaline Perla Moldovei in terapia refluxului gastro-esofagian, fiind
cunoscut faptul ca o apa alcalina cu un pH asa de ridicat a inactivat
ireversibil pepsina umana (in vitro) si are capacitate excelenta de tampon
pentru acidul clorhidric de la nivel gastric.
Authors: Mioara Tinca Navrotescu1, Ioan Chirila1,2, Elena Toader2
NIPH - RCoPH Iasi, 2University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Grigore T. Popa Iasi, Romania
Many previous studies have investigated the potential health benefits of
alkaline water for human health. Alkaline water sources for human
consumption may be natural (springwater) or artificial (often obtained by
electrolysis). Natural sources of alkaline mineral water with a high pH
(above 8.5) are rare. Perla Moldovei is the natural alkaline water with
higher pH in Romania and one of the few existing sources worldwide. In
Romania, natural mineral water pH is between 5 (carbonated water) and
7.9, the only notable exception being, Perla Moldovei, with a pH of 8.8.
The natural alkalinity of this water is given by the vein (strain) of sodium
bicarbonate in geological layers which the water passes through. Perla
Moldovei is an oligo-mineral, artesian water, obtained by deep drilling
(210 m) in Bacau county. It is currently investigating the potential
benefits of Perla Moldovei alkaline water, in gastroesophageal reflux
therapy, being known that alkaline water with a high pH irreversibly
inactivated human pepsin (in vitro) and has excellent capacity to buffer
hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
Autor: Acad. Dr. Farm. Ovidiu Bojor,
Academia de Stiinte Medicale din Romania,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Folosirea plantelor in scop terapeutic a aparut odata cu societatea
omeneasca. Este inca neelucidat faptul ca populatii situate la mii de
kilometri unele de altele cum sunt cele tibetane, chineze, indiene,
amerindiene aveau o viziune holistica asupra metodelor de tratament.
Odata cu evolutia omului si dezvoltarea stiintelor medicale s-a trecut de la
traditional la modern, fitoterapia devenind o ramura a acestui domeniu.
In prezent, fitoterapia a devenit de la empirism o noua stiinta exigenta
care confirma sau infirma rolul substantelor active din plante, dupa cum
vom vedea in aceasta prezentare.
Author: Acad. Dr. Pharm. Ovidiu Bojor,
Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences,
Using plants in therapy appeared with human society. It is still unclear
that populations located thousands of miles from each other such as the
Tibetan, Chinese, Indian, Amerindian had a holistic vision of treatment
methods. With human evolution and development of medical science has
moved from traditional to modern, becoming a branch of herbal medicine
in this area. Currently herbal medicine from empiricism became a new
science that confirms or denies demanding role of active substances from
plants, as we will see in this presentation.
Autor: Dr. Xiong Wei, China
Autorul acestui articol a tratat cu succes peste 50 de cazuri de entorsa de
glezna prin acupunctura. Entorsa de glezna provoaca durere si edem,
limitarea miscarii si uneori eritem si temperatura ridicata. Primul pacient
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cu entorsa pe care l-am tratat a fost un boxeur. De atunci, din ce in ce mai

multi patienti au venit sa-mi ceara ajutor pentru a-i vindeca. O lun mai
tarziu, deja doua echipe de fotbal faceau o intelegere cu noi: ori de cate
ori exista un pacient cu entorsa acuta, il vor trimite la mine pentru a-l
trata. Aici voi prezenta in detaliu modul de vindecare al primului pacient.
Baiatul de 19 ani a facut o pregatire intensa pentru meciul de box de a
doua zi, ceea ce a determinat o entorsa la glezna dreapta, cu o tumefiere
de aproximativ 2 ori mai mare decat glezna stanga, cu eritemul maleolei
interne si echimoze. Miscarea gleznei a fost restrictionata, astfel ca el nu
mai putea sa mearga. Cu ajutorul antrenorului sau, el a venit la mine
pentru tratament. Procedeul meu terapeutic a fost urmatorul: in primul
rand, am scos sange la Weizhong (acest pas poate fi omis daca glezna nu
este umflata si congestionata). Dupa ce sangele a fost scos, temperatura
pielii piciorului a scazut si durerea pacientului s-a ameliorat in cea mai
mare parte. In al doilea rand, am folosit ace filiforme pentru a intepa
puncte de pe maini, folosind acupunctele de pe partea sanatoasa a
pacientului, partea stanga in acest caz. Apoi am intepat piciorul prin
metoda reducerii, lasand varful acului spre Zhongzi si Zhongxian. Apoi iam spus pacientului sa incerce sa mute partea afectata in timp ce era
intepata, am pus pacientul sa stea ferm intre bare paralele cu sprijin pe
piciorul sanatos si l-am ajutat sa-si mobilizeze piciorul cu entorsa
aproximativ 5-8 minute. In acest moment a facut miscare cu piciorul ranit
si a stat pe podea cu mult mai putin durere. Apoi am continuat cu
acupunctura si am lasat pacientul sa-si foloseasca glezna cu entorsa sa
faca miscarea de sustinere pe care o fac oamenii atunci cand urca si
coboara scari, aproximativ cinci minute. In acel moment el a putut merge
in sus si in jos pe scari, fara nici un sprijin. Apoi am lasat pacientul sa
inceapa antrenamentul cu sarituri cu ambele picioarele, pe loc. (in acel
moment acul era inca in mana pacientului, iar acupunctura a fost de
asemenea necesara inainte de exercitiu). Odata ce pacientul a putut
finaliza aceasta actiune, el a incerca ultimul antrenament: sa sara intr-un
singur picior sprijinit de piciorul ranit. Daca actiunea poate fi finalizata,
pacientul se poate recupera si se poate externa. Procedurile de
acupunctura, moxibustie si sangerare au durat aproximativ o ora. Apoi
pacientul a putut sa faca box in mod normal si a obtinut locul al doilea in
meciul de a doua zi. Ulterior am vindecat 50 pacienti de entorsa acuta de
glezna folosind aceasta metoda. Punctele din partea dreapta, apartin de
aur in plamani. Entorsa de glezna apartine de apa in vezica urinara.
Author: Xiong Wei MD, China
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

The author of this article has successfully treated over 50 cases of ankle
sprain through point. Ankle sprain causes partial pain and swell,
limitation of motion and sometimes black skin with higher temperature.
The first patient of joint sprain I treated was a boxing boy. Since then,
more and more patiens come to ask me for help to cure their spain ankle.
A month later, there already 2 football teams making fellowship with us.
Whenever there is a patient of acute joint sprain, they will send him to me
to treat. Here, I will make a record in detail about how to cure the first
patient. The boy, 19 years old, he did accentuation training for the boxing
match the next day, witch caused sprain of ankle on the right side, with a
large partial swelling and was about 2 times as large as the left ankle, and
with flushing dorsal skin and partial bruise. His joint motion was
restricted so that he could not walk. With his coachs help, he came here
for treatment. My therapeutic process was as follows: First, I prick blood
at Weizhong search for blue veins to prick blood between Weizhong
and Chengshan (This step can be omitted if the ankle is not swelled and
congested). After the blood was pricked out, the feet skin temperature
dropped and the patients pain alleviates mostly. Second, I used filiform
needles to prick on hands Section points, took the acupoints of the
patients healthy side, as the left side here. Then I pricked the foot by
reducing method, letting the needle tip towards Zhongzi and Zhongxian.
And then I told the pacient to try to move the affected part while pricking,
put the patient in parallel bars to stand firm by his helthy foot and helped
him to active his affected sprain foot for about 5-8 minutes. At this time,
his hurt foot made move and stood on the floor with much less pain. Then
I continued to acupuncture, and let the pacient to use his sprain ankle to
do supportive motion that people do when go up and down stairs for
about five minutes. At that point of time, he could go up and down stairs
by himself without any support. At last, I let him try using his injured
limb to carry out trainings of walking as well as walking up and down
stairs without any auxiliary equipment. Following that I let the pacient
begin jumping training with two legs in situ.(At this moment, the needle
was still in the hand of the patient, and acupuncture was also necessary
before exercise). Once the patient could finish this action, he could try the
last training: the single-leg jump training supported by injured leg. If the
action can be completed, the patient can recover and discharge from the
hospital. The process of acupuncture and moxibustion and bloodletting
took about one hour. Then the pacient could do the sport of boxing
normally, and got the second place in game the next day. What happening
later are not going to be talked about. Afterwards, I have cured 50 pacient
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

of acute ankle joint sprain by using this method. Hand section points,
belongs to the gold in the lung. Ankle joint sprain is aways in the lateral
malleolus, belongs to the water in the bladder
Autor: Albutiu Peter
Presedintele FundatieiHipnoza Complementara Romania, Doctor in
medicina alternativa Colombo, Membru NGH, OIU, Presedinte UEK,
Membru fondator KHE, Ungaria
Fundatia Hipnoza Complementara desfasoara cursuri in domeniul
metodelor alternative cu scopul de a sustine oamenii in procesul de
transformare si vindecare la toate nivelele. Ca medic naturopat, am cautat
sursa insuccesului care ingreuneaza pornirea proceselor de autovindecare.
Am ajuns la subconstient, unde am gasit blocaje ce s-au format de-a
lungul vietii, unele chiar din copilarie, ce functioneaza ca trasaturi
personale si activeaza reactii spontane, instinctive pe care persoana nu le
poate modifica si controla. Prin hipnoza se identifica si se transforma
aceste blocaje dupa necesitatile clientului, avand ca rezultat schimbarea
scontata. Hipnoza este o stare de constiinta modificata, obtinuta in urma
unui proces inductiv, in timpul careia persoana aflata in transa hipnotica
poate avea anumite trairi, senzatii, a caror caracteristica principala este
detasarea partial de planul constient. Este un fenomen cu o baza clara,
care foloseste stiinta si cunoasterea. Faptul ca posibilitatea de memorare
se regaseste la toate nivelele psihice, face ca hipnoza sa fie un instrument
util, dandu-ne sansa de a accelera procesul experimentrii si al
schimbarii. Caz practic. Cum poate hipnoza ajuta intr-o problema de
alergie. Pacienta M. in varsta de 34 de ani, sufera de alergie in fiecare
vara din cauza polenului. Alergia nu este una majora, dar o deranjeaza in
multe activitati. In cadrul primei sedinte efectuam o evaluare a cazului, in
care una din cele mai importante puncte de vedere este clarificarea
situationala. Avem nevoie de cooperarea clientului si de dorinta lui de
schimbare. Numai asa se va deschide si vom putea gasi sursa problemei.
Tot in cadrul primei intalniri efectuam si o sedinta de hipnoza prin care
clienta poate sa realizeze ce este si ce nu este hipnoza. Clienta va realiza
ca ajungand in transa este inca constienta de realitatea exterioara, aude,
poate gandi si decide. Pentru verificarea adancimii transei producem
levitatia si catalepsia bratului. Daca ea nu vroia sa ridice bratul si totusi sa ridicat, dupa care in catalepsia bratului vroia sa miste degetele dar nu
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putea, atunci realizeaza ce forta are subconstientul. Apoi efectam

psihocliringul: tehnica de debarasare de suparari, frici, suferinte, etc. La a
doua sedinta incepem cautarea sursei problemei, care poate fi initiata prin
mai multe tehnici. Una din ele ar fi regresia in varsta cu ajutorul puntei
afective. In transa cerem persoanei sa retraiasca primul moment in care a
avut reactii alergice. Retraind acel moment cerem persoanei sa-si
aminteasca in detalii situatia si sa realizeze ce l-a suparat, ce sentimente iau produs. Apoi cerem persoanei sa regreseze si mai mult in varsta
condus de sentiment si sa gaseasca prima ocazie cand a aparut acel
sentiment. Momentul aparitiei alergiei a fost atunci cand paharul cu apa sa umplut; dar ajungand la prima picatura putem anihila paharul, sa nu mai
fie unde se strang picaturile. In situatia prin care a trecut persoana nu a
stiut cum sa se comporte asertiv si sa rezolve problema, acumuland
sentimente negative. Subconstientul nu este logic, ci face legaturi
situationale din care se formeaza generalitati cu valoare absoluta
irevocabila, ce vor functiona la nivel instinctiv fara a da persoanei
posibilitatea de alegere. Subconstientul pentru autoaparare creeaza un
sistem de alerta compus din mai multi factori care au caracterizat
situatiile stresante (in exemplul nostru fiind polenul). Cand se expune la
polen, sistemul defensiv al persoanei intra in actiune si suna incercand sa
se apere, dar nu are de ce sa se apere deoarece situatia anxiogena nu
exista, ci numai energia degajata, in scopul apararii ramanand doar
polenul. Factorul inofensiv s-a transformat in dusmanul organismului.
Hipnoza Complementara ne ajuta sa evaluam acesti factori inofensivi.
Ajutam clientul sa-si stranga capacitatile, resursele si cunostintele pentru
a putea sa rezolve cazurile similare de anxietate care ii produceau pana
acum probleme. Fiecare persoana a avut situatii cand a avut succes, s-a
descurcat bine, a fost destept, etc. Daca in hipnoza strangem aceste
situatii pozitive si forta sentimentala a aptitudinilor, le grupam in jurul
situatiei problematice, ajutam clientul sa gaseasca solutii adecvate. In alta
sedinta putem duce clientul in viitor, sa poata trai in plan imaginativ cum
va reactiona data viitoare, dar traind sentimente de succes si excelenta.
Astfel pe plan real data urmatoare va trece cu usurinta prin situatie. In
scoala de Hipnoza Complementara cursurile sunt pe tematici diferite.
Cursul de baza unde toti participantii vor invata sa hipnotizeze, vor
cunoaste riscurile si legislatia privind hipnoza. Cursuri de specialitate:
Regresie si reancarnatie pentru analizarea problemelor; Pe calea
succesului pentru marirea performantei si capacitatii; Probleme de
cuplu si sexualitate restabilirea legaturilor interpersonale; Diminuarea
fricii si decuplarea durerii pentru rezolvarea fobiilor, atacurilor de
panica, etc.; Tainele tehnicilor de transa pentru transformari profunde;
Parapsihologia prin hipnoz o dezvoltare spirituala practica pentru
activarea capacitatilor latente ale creierului.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Author: Albutiu Peter
President of the Foundation " Complementary hypnosis Romania
",Doctor of Alternative Medicine Colombo, Member NGH , OIU,
President UEK, KHE Founder, Hungary
Foundation "Complementary Hypnosis" conducted courses in alternative
methods in order to support people in the process of transformation and
healing on all levels. As a naturopathic doctor, I tried turning the power
failure that hinders the healing process, I came to the subconscious, where
we found the blockages that were formed throughout life, some in
childhood, which functions as personal traits and activates spontaneous
reactions, instinctive that person can not change and control. Hypnosis is
identified and converted these bottlenecks by customer needs , resulting
in the expected changes. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness,
obtained from an inductive process, during which the person in hypnotic
trance may have certain feelings, sensations, whose main characteristic is
the partial detachment conscious plan. It is a phenomenon with a clear
basis, using science and knowledge. Memory that can be found at all
levels of psychic makes hypnosis is a useful tool, giving us the
opportunity to accelerate experimentation and change. Case study. How
can hypnosis help in a problem of allergy? M. client aged 34, suffering
from allergies due to pollen every summer. Allergy is a major one, but a
mind in many activities.In the first session an assessment of the case, one
of the most important ways is to clarify the situation. We need the
cooperation of the client and his desire for change. Only then will open
and we can find the source of the problem. Also at the first meeting
conducted and hypnosis session in which the client can achieve what
hypnosis is and what is not. The client will realize that goes into a trance
is still conscious of the reality outside, hears, can think and decide. To
check the depth of trance produce levitation and arm catalepsy. If she did
not want to raise his arm and stood still, then the arm catalepsy wanted to
move his fingers but could not then realize what power is subconscious.
Then perform psyhocliring: disposal technique of grief, fear, suffering,
etc. The second meeting started searching the source of the problem,
which can be initiated by several techniques. One of them may be in the
age regression using jumpers disorders. In trance we ask the person to
relive the moment you had allergic reactions. Reliving then ask the
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

person to remember the details of the situation and realize that the angry
feelings that they produced. Then ask the person to regress the older and
more driven by sentiment and find the first occasion when it appeared
that feeling. Time of occurrence of allergy was when filled glass of water
, but can annihilate reaching first drop glass, which no longer collect
droplets. When he went through person did not know how to behave
assertively and resolve the problem, accumulating negative feelings. The
subconscious is not logical, but is situational in that form links with
absolute irrevocable general, instinctive level that will work without
giving person possibility of choice. Creates a subconscious self-defense
warning system consisting of several factors that have characterized
stressful situations (in our example the pollen). When exposed to pollen
in the defenses of the person in action and calling trying to defend, but
there's nothing to defend because there anxious situation, only energy
expended to defend the only remaining pollen. Factor became the enemy
harmless organism. Complementary Hypnosis helps us assess these
factors harmless. Help the client to gather skills, resources and knowledge
to solve similar cases before it produces anxiety problems. Each person
had situations where successful, has done well, he was smart, etc. If
hypnosis collect these positive situations and emotional force skills, they
clustered around the problematic situation, help the client to find
appropriate solutions. In another meeting customer can go in the future to
live in imaginative plan how you react next time, but living feelings of
success and excellence. Thus the real plan next time will pass easily
through the situation. The schools of Complementary Hypnosis courses
are on different topics. The basic course where all participants will learn
to hypnotize, they know the risks and legislation hypnosis. Specialized
courses: "Regression and reincarnation" for analyzing problems, "To
succeed " to increase performance and capacity, "Problems of couple and
sexuality" - the restoration of interpersonal relations, "Reducing fear and
pain decoupling" for resolving phobias, panic attacks etc., "Mysteries of
trance techniques" for profound transformation, "Parapsychology
hypnosis" - a spiritual development practice to activate latent capacities
of the brain.
Autor: Teodor Sandulescu,
Senior Researcher Physicist,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Institutul Oncologic Bucuresti, Romania

S-a costatat posibilitatea masurarii interactiei unui fascicol laser cu
campul generat de unele structuri vii sau nevii. In cazul omului s-au
determinat sapte valori extreme ale acestei interactii, care prezinta abateri
de la o valoare considerata optima, in situatia unei patologii si revenirea
la valorile considerate normale dupa o terapie adecvata. Cele sapte valori
isi mentin marimea considerata normala si dupa decesul persoanei de la
care s-au recoltat. Probele folosite au continut cheratinic mare.
Author: Teodor Sandulescu,
Senior Researcher Physicist,
Institute of Oncology Bucharest, Romania
It has been found possibility to measure a laser beam interaction with the
field generated by some living or non-living structures. In human were
determined seven extreme values of this interaction that is a deviation
from the optimal value, in a disease situation and return to values
considered normal after appropriate therapy. The seven values considered
normal and maintain their size after the person's death that were
harvested. The samples used have large keratin content.
Autor: Conf. Dr. Manole Cojocaru,
Facultatea de Medicina, Universitatea Titu Maiorescu,
Bucuresti, Romania

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Este important sa consideram ca stilul de viata ar putea avea un rol in

agravarea sau ameliorarea poliartritei reumatoide (PR). Regimul dietetic
in PR este un subiect intens discutat de multi ani. Specialistii au incercat
sa analizeze alimentele care ar putea fi folositoare sau daunatoare. Pana in
prezent nu exista dovezi clare care sa indice ca regimul dietetic ar avea un
rol in evolutia PR. Fundatia de Poliartrita Reumatoida mentioneaza ca nu
exista un regim dietetic specific in PR. Desi exista studii de multi ani, nu
exista concluzii care sa arate care alimente amelioreaza sau agraveaza
simptomele in PR. Pentru multi pacienti inlaturarea acelor alimente care
ar putea sa determine durerea si redoarea matinala ar putea sa ajute la
ameliorarea PR. Cercetarile arata ca acizii grasi saturati ar putea sa
agraveze inflamatia sistemica. Unele date semnaleaza cantitati crescute de
acid arahidonic in carne. Unii dintre pacienti au observat ca regimul
vegetarian ajuta la ameliorarea simptomelor precum durerea si redoarea
matinala. Exista studii care arata efectul antiinflamator al acizilor grasi
Omega 3 in PR, ceea ce este important pentru ca pacientii cu PR prezinta
riscul crescut de afectare cardiaca.
Author: Conf. Dr. Manole Cojocaru,
Faculty of Medicine, Titu Maiorescu University,
Bucharest, Romania
Its smart to consider how your lifestyle might play a role in the ups and
downs of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). The role of diet on RA has been a
topic of intense debate for years. Researchers have tried to find foods that
may be helpful or harmful. So far, no conclusive evidence has been found
to say that diet has any role in making Ra better or worse. According to
the Arthritis Foundation, there is no specific arthritis diet. Despite years
of study, no conclusive evidence exists to show that particular foods
make RA symptoms flare up or decrease. For some people, eliminating
those foods that seem to trigger pain and stiffness may hepl decrease RA
symptoms. Studies show that saturated fats may increase inflammation in
the body. In addition, some findings confirm that meat contains high
amounts of arachidonic acid. Some people with RA find that a vegetarian
diet hepls relieve symptoms of pain and stiffness. Some studies show a
pozitive anti-inflammatory effect of Omega-3 fatty acids with RA. This is
important because people with RA also have a higher risk of heart
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Autor: Acad. Dr. Doc. Mircea Ciuhrii,
Centrul de cercetare Insectfarm Bucuresti,
Membru al AOSR, Romania
Entomoterapia este o noua ramura in medicina si farmacie si este studiul
substantelor biologic-active din tesuturile insectelor. Ca premiera
mondiala, academician prof. dr. doc. Mircea Ciuhrii, dupa peste 25 de ani
de cercetare in domeniul biologiei si farmaceuticii a descoperit miracolele
produselor din insecte. Insectele includ o serie de substante biologicactive cu anumite proprietati. Principala proprietate a acestor substante
este ca poate regla anumite procese vitale ale omului. Aceste preparate au
fost verificate pe organismul uman, de cele mai multe ori organismul
propriu. Am constatat vindecarea definitiva a mai multor boli care pina
atunci erau considerate incurabile. Substantele biologic-active extrase din
diferite specii de insecte au proprietati specifice si pot stopa infectiile
virale. Unele din cele mai importante proprietati ale extractelor din
insecte sint inhibitorii. S-au creat in premiera mondiala medicamente de
mare perspectiva in medicina contemporana si care deja sint in farmacii
atit in tara cit si in strainatate. Preparatele extrase din insecte nu au
actiune nociva asupra organismului uman.
In intreprinderea noastra s-au utilizat substante biologic-active pentru
producerea mai multor preparate farmaceutice folosite pentru tratamentul
traumelor, eliminarea diferitelor infectii produse de catre virusuri, bacterii
si fungi. Din substantele biologic-active extrase din insecte se pot produce
preparate antibacteriene, antivirale si antifungice. Pina in prezent au fost
elaborate preparate eficiente pentru tratarea multor afectiuni ale omului si
anume: -Imunomax - care poate ridica imunitatea organismului si elimina
tumori, infectii si micoze. Dintre cele mai importante medicamente
produse sint cele antivirale - Hepatitoloz 1 si 2 care poate stopa infectiile
ficatului; antibacteriene in special in cazul infectiilor produse de
stafilococi si streptococi, antimicotice - care pot stopa infectiile produse
de diferite tipuri de ciuperci. Preparatele pe baza extractelor din insecte
nu provoaca reactii adverse si sunt usor tolerate de organismul uman.

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Author: Acad. Dr. Doc. Mircea Ciuhrii,

Insectfarm Research Centre Bucharest,
Member of AOSR, Romania
Entomotherapy is a new field in medicine and pharmacy and is the study
of biologically-active substances from insect tissues. As a world
premiere, academician Prof. Doc. Mircea Ciuhrii after over 25 years of
research in biology and pharmaceutics products insects found miracles.
Insects include a number of biologically-active substances with certain
properties. The main property of these substances is that it can adjust
certain vital human processes. These preparations were tested on the
human body, most often own body. We found a permanent cure several
diseases which hitherto were considered incurable.Biologically-active
substances extracted from various species of insects have specific
properties and can halt viral infections. Some of the most important
properties of insect extracts are inhibitory. We have created the world's
first high medicinal perspective in contemporary medicine and
pharmacies are already both in the country and abroad. Preparations
extracted from insects not injurious to the human body. In our company
we used biologically-active substances for the production of several
pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of trauma, removal of
various infections caused by viruses, bacteria and fungus. Of biologicallyactive substances extracted from insects can produce prepared
antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. So far have been developed
effective preparations for treating many human diseases, namely:
- Imunomax - which can waive the immunity of the body and remove
tumors, infections and mycoses. The most important products are the
antiviral drugs - Hepatitoloz 1 and 2 that can stop liver infections,
antibacterial - especially in infections caused by staphylococci and
streptococci, antifungal - that can stop infections caused by different
types of fungus. Preparations based on extracts from insects do not cause
side effects and are easily tolerated by the body .
Autor: Dr. Nogali Luiza-Amelia
Medic specialist MF, competenta in acupunctura,
Asociatia de Practici Taoiste Antice APTA Bucuresti, Romania
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Cuvinte cheie: cancer, terapie anticancer, Qigong Medical.

Folosirea Qigong-ului Medical in terapia anticancer a inceput in China in
anii 1970 in urma rezultatelor spectaculoase pe care le-a avut maestra
Guolin in propria sa vindecare de cancer uterin. Ea a declarat public ca
Qigong-ul poate sa vindece cancerul si a inceput sa predea metoda care
astazi ii poarta numele: Mersul Guolin sau Mersul Vindecator al
Vantului. Principiile acestui tip de Qigong sunt: - o respiratie puternica si
profunda care consta in cicluri de cate doua inspiratii succesive (fara
expiratie intre ele) urmate de o singura expiratie, pentru a rezolva
deficitul de qi; - un mers sustinut care stimuleaza circulatia sangelui si
genereaza mai mult qi; - rasuciri ale trunchiului care energizeaza punctele
Shu dorsale; - un sunet vindecator specific, de tonalitate inalta, care prin
undele sonore pe care le genereaza, slabeste bariera tumorii si lasa astfel
sa patrunda qi-ul imunitar pentru a ataca tumora; - inducerea unei stari de
optimism si bucurie, care este fundamentala pentru orice vindecare.
Lucrand cu pacienti bolnavi de cancer aflati sub tratament alopat, la care
am adaugat Mersul Guolin ca terapie complementara, am constatat
urmtoarele: - reducerea durerilor si chiar disparitia acestora in timpul
mersului si cateva ore dupa aceea; - diminuarea efectelor adverse ale
medicatiei alopate, cresterea apetitului; - o stare de putere si incredere,
deoarece boala nu mai este privita cu pasivitate ca pe un handicap, ci ca
pe o provocare de a actiona pentru a tezi forta interioara.
Qigong-ul anticancer poate fi aplicat cu mai mult sau mai putin succes,
fara sa existe esec in aceasta terapie, deoarece scopul ei nu este
supravietuirea cu orice pret, ci imbunatatirea calitatii vietii si profunzimea
propriilor descoperiri despre sine prin intermediul bolii.
Author: Nogali Luiza-Amelia MD
Family medicine doctor, Acupuncturist,
Ancient Taoist Practices Society "APTA" Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: cancer, Anticancer Therapy, Medical Qigong.
The use of Medical Qigong in anticancer therapy originated in 1970s in
China as a result of the spectacular achievements that Master Guolin
obtained in her own healing from uterine cancer. She publicly proclaimed
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

that Qigong can cure cancer and she began to teach the method that today
is named after her: Guolin Walk or Wind Healing Walk. The principles of
this type of Qigong are: - a deep and forceful breathing, consisting of
cycles of two consecutive inhalations (without exhalation between them)
followed by one exhalation, to nourish the Qi Depletion; - a brisk walk, to
increase the blood circulation and generate more Qi; - body torsions, to
energize the acupuncture back-Shu points; - a specific healing sound of
high pitch, using the sound waves to break down the tumours barrier in
order for the Immune Qi to infiltrate and attack the tumor; - a spirit of
hope and joy, the foundation in every healing process. Using Guolin
Walk as complementary therapy to cancer patients during their allopathic
treatment, I have noticed: - the pain was reduced and even disappeared
during the Walk and several hours afterwards; - the side effects of
allopathic medication werw diminished, the appetite was improved; - the
pacients had a sense of empowerment and confidence when the cancer
was no longer perceived passively as a handicap, but as a challenge to act
and awake the inner life force. Anticancer Qigong can be applied with
more or less success, there is no failure in this therapy because the goal is
not the survival at all cost, but rather improving the quality of life and the
depth of self discovery through sickness.
Autor: Dr. Larisa Ionescu-Calinesti
Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila Bucuresti, Romania
Bolile autoimune sunt afectiuni cronice invalidante, cu o prevalenta in
crestere in intreaga lume. Majoritatea pacientilor cu patologie autoimuna
sunt femei, iar bolile autoimune se afla printre primele 10 cauze de deces
la femei la orice varsta pana la 64 ani. Desi s-au facut mari progrese in
tratamentul acestor boli, terapiile conventionale de sinteza sau biologice
se confrunta cu situatii dificile: non-responderi, efecte adverse,
interactiuni medicamentoase, costuri ridicate. Tot mai multi bolnavi
solicita servicii de medicina complementara ca adjuvant al terapiei
remisive de fond, fitoterapia, dietoterapia si suplimentele nutritionale
fiind prescrise frecvent, putand constitui chiar unicul tratament in
perioadele intercritice. Pe de alta parte, unele produse vegetale cu rol
imunostimulator pot avea, cel putin teoretic, efecte negative asupra
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

procesului autoimun. Prezentarea urmareste o trecere in revista a

produselor vegetale si suplimentelor nutritionale utilizate in tratamentul
acestor boli - indicatii, mod de administrare, contraindicatii, efecte
adverse, in lumina medicinii bazate pe dovezi. Utilitatea fitoterapiei si
dietoterapiei in tratamentul acestor boli este exemplificata prin
prezentarea unei paciente de 76 ani cu patologie autoimuna multipla,
diagnosticata cu ciroza biliara primitiva, fibroza pulmonara si tiroidita
autoimuna, cu evolutie buna clinico-biologica sub tratament complex
herbomineral si dietoterapie.
Author : Larisa Ionescu- Calinesti MD,
National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
"Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila " Bucharest , Romania
Autoimmune diseases are chronic debilitating disease with an increasing
prevalence worldwide. Most patients with autoimmune pathology are
women, and autoimmune diseases are among the top 10 causes of death
in women at any age up to 64 years. Although there have been great
advances in the treatment of these diseases or biological synthesis
conventional therapies face difficult situations: non -responders, adverse
effects, drug interactions, costs. More and more patients seek
complementary medicine services as an adjunct remitting fund, herbal
medicine, diet therapy and nutritional supplements are commonly
prescribed treatment can be even only intercritical periods. On the other
hand, some plant products with immunostimulatory role may have, at
least theoretically, adversely affect the autoimmune process. The
presentation follows a review of plant products and nutritional
supplements used to treat these diseases - indications, method of
administration, contraindications, adverse effects, in light of evidencebased medicine. Phytotherapy and dietoterapiei utility in the treatment of
these diseases is exemplified by presenting a patient of 76 years with
multiple autoimmune pathology, diagnosed with primary biliary cirrhosis,
pulmonary fibrosis and autoimmune thyroiditis with good clinical and
biological evolution in complex treatment herbomineral and diet therapy.

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013


Autor: Dr. Gabriel-Christian Chiriac
CMI Chiriac G.- Policlinica judeteana Tg.Mures, Romania
Introducere: Gusa nodulara reprezinta o modalitate de evolutie a afectarii
glandei tiroide, care se manifesta prin prezenta unuia sau mai multor
noduli. La inceput tiroda este normofunctionala hormonal, ca dupa o
perioada de timp sa devina hiperfunctionala sau hipofunctionala.
Tratamentul alopat implica terapia homonala sau interventia chirurugicala
in cazurile care evolueaza spre malignizare. Material si metode: Am avut
in tratament pe o perioada de un an (01.01.2012-31.12.2012) un numar de
25 paciente cu gusa nodulara, in 18 cazuri normofunctional, 2 cazuri
hiperfunctionala si in 5 cazuri hipofunctionala. Tratamentul a constat intro prima faza in reglarea energetica pe baza interpretarii pulsurilor radiale
folosind nivelele energetice, apoi prin administrarea local si /sau in
puncte de acupunctura de venin de albine sau solutia de venin de albine.
La acestea s-au adaugat per os lptisor de matca pur si un preparat mixt
apifitoterapic. S-au urmarit reactiile la veninul de albine in primul rand si
acolo unde nu a fost suportata administrarea directa prin acul albinei s-a
injectat solutia de venin de albine. Nu s-au inregistrat cazuri de
intoleranta la produsele apicole, nici complicatii post-terapeutice.
Rezultate: Examinarile ecografice in dinamica au constatat, chiar si la
cazurile cu mai multi noduli, disparitia acestora fara modificarea
activitatii hormonale, la cazurile cu normofunctionalitate. In cazurile cu
hiperfunctionalitate s-a constatat revenirea activitatii hormonale la
normal, iar in cazul glandelor hipofunctionale nu s-a inregistrat nici o
modificare semnificativa a activitatii hormonale. Concluzii: In general
rezultatele terapeutice, atat morfologic cat si hormonal, au fost benefice,
cu exceptia cazurilor hipofunctionale pentru care va trebui gasita o alta
modalitate de influentare.
Author : Gabriel-Christian Chiriac MD,
IMC Chiriac G. County Polyclinic Tg-Mures, Romania

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Introduction: Nodular goiter represents one of the evolution possibilities

of thyroid gland disease, by the development of one or more nodules. In
the beginning, the thyroid gland maintains its hormonal functions within
normal levels, but it may reach hyper- or hypofunction after a period of
time. Allopathic treatment involves hormone therapy or surgery, in case it
evolves towards malignity. Material and methods: 25 patients with
nodular goiter, treated for one year (January 1st December 31st 2012)
18 with normal thyroid function, 2 with hyperthyroidism and 5 with
hypothyroidism. The treatment consisted of an initial energetic
adjustment based on the interpretation of radial pulses, using energetic
levels, followed by administration of bee venom or bee venom solution
locally and / or targeted to acupuncture points. Royal jelly and a mixed
api-phytotherapeutic substance were associated via oral route. Reactions
to bee venom were primarily monitored and, when the patient did not
tolerate direct administration of bee venom by bees needle, the bee
venom solution was injected. No cases of intolerance to apiarian products
and/ or therapy complications were registered. Results: Repeated
consecutive ultrasound examinations observed the disappearance of
nodules, including patients with multiple lesions, without changes in
hormonal activity in cases with normal thyroid function. In case of
hyperthyroidism, normalization of thyroid function was noticed. In case
of hypothyroidism, no significant changes in hormonal function were
observed. Conclusions: Therapeutic results were generally benefic, both
morphologic and hormonal, except cases of hypothyroidism, for which an
alternative approach should be found.
Autor: Prof. univ. dr. Viorica Istudor,
Universitatea de Medicina siFarmacie Carol Davila
Bucuresti, Romania
Pentru evaluarea corecta a raportul beneficiu/risc al unei substante
folosite in terapie este necesara cunoasterea actiunii specifice si, in egala
masura, a reactiilor adverse, teratogenitatii si a toxicitatii. Deoarece in
ultimul timp s-au depistat tot mai multe substante (vegetale si animale)
care manifesta proprietati alergene, ori foto-sensibilizatoare, am
considerat ca utila fitoterapeutilor o scurta prezentare a antigenilor
vegetali si mai ales a principiilor active antialergice (structura chimica,
mecanism de actiune, raspandire). A crede ca produsele vegetale sunt
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

lipsite de riscuri este o utopie. Stiut fiind ca sensibilizarea apare dupa

contacte repetate cu un antigen in doza sensibilizatoare, prin eliberarea de
anticorpi (imunoglobine), amine biogene (histamina, acetilcolina), enzime
(cicloxigenaze, lipoxigenaze s.a.), heparina si alte autacoide, care induc
inflamatie, crestere a permeabilitatii capilare, prurit si durere, am incercat
sa prezint eventualele principii active antialergice, clasificate dupa
mecanismul de actiune. Dintre substantele alergene cunoscute unele sunt
haptene = antigeni incompleti care pot deveni antigeni completi prin
combinarea cu anumite proteine ale organismului (compusii fenolici
forme cetonice, chinonele, lactonele, poliinele), altele - antigeni completi
(lectinele, anumite lipoproteine si proteine) sau fotosensibilizatoare
(cumarinele simple, furano-cumarinele, alcaloizii furano-chinolinici,
naftodiantronele). Exemple de haptene: compusi fenolici - urusiolii din
specii de Toxicodendron (Rhus) = sumach (arbori de lac), acidul anacardic si
alchilfenolii (cardol, cardanol) din Anacardium occidentale = nuca de cajou,
Rhus typhina = otetar, Corinus coggyria = scumpie, derivatii saligenolului si
acidului salicilic din Viburnum opulus = calin si V. lantana = darmoz,
derivatii acizilor benzoic si cinamic din Populus sp., Salix sp., Cinnamomum
sp., Propolis; chinone primina din Primula sp., dalbergionele din
semintele de Dalbergia sp., lapacholul, deoxilapacholul din lemnul de
Tectona, Tabebuia sp., Tecoma sp., Diospyros sp.; lactonele sesquiterpenice
- din Achillea millefolium, Anthemis nobilis, Matricaria chamomilla, Inula
helenium, Arnica montana, Cynara scolymus, Tanacetum partenium,
Laurus nobilis, Cnicus benedictus, Cichorium endiva, Crysanthemum sp.,
Dahlia sp. etc; poliine Arctium lappa, Echinacea sp., Matricaria
chamomilla, Hedera helix, Oenanthus crocata etc.; antigeni completi
lectine din oua, carne, cartofi, grau, fasole, ricin, vasc, numeroase legume;
fotosensibilizatoare - cumarine si furanocumarine in Anethum gravolens,
Angelica archangelica, Apium graveolens, Heracleum sphondylium,
Levisticum officinale, Pastinaca sativa, Ruta graveolens etc. Tratamentul
alergiilor consta in: inlaturarea permeabilitatii vasculare (antihistaminice,
vasoconstrictoare, inhibitori ai hialuronidazei), a spasmului (antispastice),
a pruritului (vasoconstrictoare) si a inflamatiei acute (inactivarea
complementului seric, cicloxigenazei I si 5-lipoxigenazei). Cateva exemple
de principii active utile fitoterapiei alergiilor: flavonele inhiba histidindecarboxilaza (reduc productia de histamina), 5-lipoxigenaza,
cicloxigenaza 1 si 2, fosfo-diesteraza AMPc, catechol-O-metil-transferaza
(reduc productia de eicosanoide proinflamatoare si pro-agregantplachetare), sunt captatori de radicali liberi (hidroxil, superoxid); cinarina,
acizii clorogenic si boswelici, taninurile galice si acidul gliciretic sunt
inhibitori ai complementului seric; vasoconstrictoare uleiurile volatile cu
mentol, camfora; antipruriginoase uleiurile volatile cu mentol, linalol,
geraniol, terpineoli; antispastice kelina, damascenona. Produse vegetale
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

folosite: Viola tricoloris herba, Cynarae folium, Rubi idaei folium,

Crataegi folium et flores, Liquiritiae radix, Rosmarini herba, Melissae
folium, Menthae folium et aetheroleum, Lavandulae folium et aetheroleum,
Equiseti herba, Ammi visnagae fructus, Nigellae fructus et aetherolea, s.a.
Author: Prof. Dr. Viorica Istudor,
University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila"
Bucharest, Romania
For correct evaluation of the benefit/risk of a substance used in therapy is
necessary to know the specific action and, equally, the side effects,
teratogenicity and toxicity. Because lately have found more and more
substances (plants and animals) that exhibit allergenic properties or photosensitizing , I thought it useful phytotherapeutic a short presentation of
antigens plant and especially antiallergic active ingredients (chemical
structure, mechanism action, spreading). To believe that crops are risk-free
is a utopia. Knowing that sensitization occurs after repeated contact with a
sensitizing antigen dose, by releasing antibodies (immunoglobulins),
biogenic amines (histamine, acetylcholine), enzymes (cyclo, lipoxygenase,
etc.), heparin and other autacoide that induce inflammation, increase
capillary permeability, itching and pain, I tried to introduce any antiallergic
active ingredients classified by mechanism of action. Of some known
allergens are haptens = incomplete antigens that can become antigen by
combining with certain proteins in the body (phenolic compounds - form
ketones, quinones, lactones, poliinele) other - antigen (lectins, certain
lipoproteins and proteins) or fotosensibilizatoare (simple cumarins cumarins Furano , furano - quinoline alkaloids, naftodiantronele).
Examples of haptens: phenolic compounds - urusiolii of species
Toxicodendron (Rhus) = sumach (trees lake), anacardic acid and
alkylphenols (cardol, cardanol) of Anacardium occidentale = cashew nuts,
sumac Rhus typhina, Corinus coggyria = expensive saligenol and salicylic
acid derivatives of Viburnum opulus = Calin and V. lantana = darmoz,
benzoic and cinnamic acid derivatives from Populus sp., Salix sp.,
Cinnamomum sp., Propolis, quinones - you receive from Primula sp., the
seeds of Dalbergia dalbergionele sp., lapachol, deoxilapacholul Tectona
wood, Tabebuia sp., Tecoma sp., Diospyros sp.; sesquiterpenoid lactones from Achillea millefolium, Anthemis nobilis, Matricaria chamomilla, Inula
helenium, Arnica montana, Cynara scolymus, Tanacetum partenium,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Laurus nobilis, Cnicus Benedictus Cichorium endive, Crysanthemum sp.,

Dahlia sp. etc. poliine - Arctium lappa, Echinacea sp., Matricaria
chamomilla, Hedera helix, etc. Oenanthus Croce; antigen - lectins from
eggs, meat, potatoes, wheat, beans, castor, mistletoe, numerous vegetables
fotosensibilizatoare - coumarins and furanocoumarins - in Anethum
gravolens, Angelica archangelica, Apium graveolens, Heracleum
sphondylium, Levisticum officinale, Pastinaca sativa, Ruta graveolens etc.
Allergy Treatment consists of: removing vascular permeability
(antihistamines, vasoconstrictors and hyaluronidase inhibitors), spasm
(antispasmodic), pruritus (vasoconstrictor) and acute inflammation (serum
complement inactivation, 5 - lipoxygenase and cyclo I). Some examples of
active ingredients useful herb for allergies : flavones inhibit histidine
decarboxylase (reduce the production of histamine), 5 - lipoxygenase,
cyclo 1 and 2, cAMP phosphodiesterase, catechol -O- methyl- transferase
(reduce the production of proinflammatory eicosanoids and pro platelet aggregates ) are scavengers of free radicals (hydroxyl, superoxide) cynarin,
and boswellia chlorogenic acids, tannins and gallic acid are inhibitors of
complement serum glycyrretic, vasoconstrictor - essential oils of menthol,
camphor, antipruritic - menthol essential oils, linalool, geraniol, terpineol,
antispasmodic - Kelin, damascenona. Vegetable products used: Viola
tricoloris Herb Cynarae folium folium Rubi idaea, Crataegi folium et
flores, Liquiritiae radix, Rosmarini Herb Melissae folium folium et
Menthae aetheroleum, et aetheroleum Lavandulae folium, herba Equiseti,
Ammi visnagae fructus, fructus et aetherolea Nigellae was.
Autor: Dr. Ileana Randasu,
Societatea Romana de Homeopatie, Bucuresti, Romania
Lucrarea de fata prezinta cazul unui copil cu sindrom anxios, cu
evidentierea rubricilor corespunzatoare simptomelor si pledeaza pentru
importanta utilizarii repertoarului homeopathic, combinata cu
cunostintele de Materia Medica in rezolvarea cazurilor.

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Autor: Ileana Randasu M.D,

Romanian Society of Homeopathy, Bucharest, Romania
The present paper deals with a case of a child with an anxiety state,
underlining the corresponding symptoms translated in rubrics and
explaining the importance of using the repertories combined with the
knowledge of materia medica in solving our cases.
Autor: Dr. Mihaela Hanganu,
Specialist de medicina interna, homeopat
Clinica de Medicina Integrata Sciencemed Buzau, Romania
Cuvinte cheie:





Z.A.M. - varsta de 8 ani, sex barbatesc, diagnosticat de 2 ani la Spitalul

Obregia din Bucuresti cu Sindrom Asperger. Simptomatologie: Auto si
heteroagresivitate, neliniste motorie generalizata, neliniste permanenta a
mainilor si a picioarelor seara, in pat, insomnie, cosmaruri, ticuri, fobii,
lipsa de empatie, de orientare spatio-temporala. Iubeste muzica rock
zgomotoasa, ritmata. Ii place sa se dea in leagan, adora sa faca glume si
farse, ii place sa urmareasca sporturi extreme. Este precipitat, fara nici un
folos, introvertit, ascuns, manifestari emotionale si comportamentale
alternand intre extreme. A primit ca tratament Medorrhinum, initial in
potenta MK picaturi zilnice, apoi, la consultatiile de control efectuate la
intervale de aproximativ 3 luni: Medorrhinum 10 MK picaturi, apoi
50MK picaturi. Cea mai buna evolutie, dupa consultatia din ianuarie
2013, cand a fost crescuta potenta medicamentului homeopatic la 50MK.
Evolutie favorabila constanta la testarea de biorezonanta. Tratament in
mai 2013 cu Medorrhinum 200CH, alternat cu Aranea Ixobola 200CH.
Author: Mihaela Hanganu, MD
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Internal medicine, homeopath

Integrated Medicine Clinic Sciencemed Buzau, Romania
Keywords: Asperger syndrome, homeopathic medicine, bioresonance.
Z.A.M. - 8 years old, male sex, diagnosed for 2 years at Obregia Hospital
in Bucharest with Asperger syndrome.He has the following symptoms:
auto and heteroaggression, marked generalized motor restlessness,
insomnia, nightmares, tics, phobias, lack of empathy, lack of spatiotemporal orientation. He loves loud rock music and rhythm, he likes to
swing, he loves to make jokes and pranks, he likes dangerous sports,
precipitates with no further avail, introverted, emotional and behavioral
manifestations alternating between extremes.He has initially received the
homeopathic remedy called Medorrhinum, 1 MK potency drops daily,
then at follow-up visits at a 3 months interval: Medorrhinum 10 MK
drops, then drops 50MK.Best performance after visit in January 2013,
when I raised the remedies potency to 50MK.Constant favorable
outcome of bioresonance testing.Treatment in May 2013 with
Medorrhinum 200CH, alternated with Aranea Ixobola 200CH.
Autor: Dr. Radu Naghiu
Medic specialist psihiatrie pediatrica, homeopatie
Napocensis Medical Center Bucuresti, Romania
Cel mai important obiectiv in tratarea unui copil cu autism este, ca din
primul an dupa ce a primit diagnosticul de autism, prin tratamentul
medicamentos si terapia pe care o urmeaza sa recupereze intr-un an
calendaristic cel putin un an pe varsta mintala. In aceste fel nu mai creste
decalajul dintre varsta mintala si varsta biologica, iar daca isi mentine
acest ritm de invatare va avea toate sansele sa ajunga la o viata
independenta. Copilul cu autism este incapabil sa invete singur din
mediu, el nu este capabil sa imite spontan. Pentru ca nu imita spontan din
mediu ramane in urma ca nivel de cunostinte si abilitati sociale fata de
copiii de aceeasi varsta. Copilul cu autism are nevoie de un tratament
medicamentos pentru a redeveni capabil sa imite spontan din mediu si
mai are nevoie de o terapie pentru a primi informatiile si a recupera
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

deficitul de cunostinte si de abilitati sociale. Protocolul Napocensis de

tratare a autismului contine un tratament medicamentos homeopat pentru
redarea capacitatii de a imita spontan din mediu si terapie ABA.
Obiectivul principal al protocolului Napocensis este ca pentru copiii care
il incep inainte de varsta de 3 ani sa recupereze din primul an de
tratament si terapie cel putin un an si cateva luni pe varsta mintala.


Author: Dr. Radu Naghiu
Specialist pediatric psychiatry, homeopathy
Napocensis Medical Center Bucharest, Romania
The most important goal in treating a child with autism is that the first
year after receiving the diagnosis of autism, by medication and therapy
that is going to recover in a calendar year, at least one year in mental age.
In this type grows the gap between mental age and biological age, and if
he keeps this pace of learning, will have all the chances to reach an
independent life. The child with autism is unable to learn only from the
environment, he is able to mimic spontaneous. Because it mimics the
environment spontaneously lag behind the level of knowledge and social
skills than children of the same age. Children with autism need a
medication to regain able to spontaneously imitate the environment and
still needs therapy to get information and recover the deficit of knowledge
and social skills. Napocensis autism treatment protocol contains a
homeopathic medication for playing ability to spontaneously imitate the
environment and ABA therapy. The main objective of the protocol is that
children Napocensis you start before the age of 3 years to recover from
the first treatment and therapy at least one year and a few months in
mental age.
Autor: Acad. Prof. Dr. farm. Aurelia Nicoleta Cristea
UMF Carol Davila, Facultatea de Farmacie,
Disciplina de Farmacologie si Farmacie Clinica,
Bucuresti, Romania
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Cuvinte cheie: Cauzalitatea informaionala, simillimum, specificitate

maxima, semnificatie maxima, disproportie intre cantitatea de semnal si
Obiectivul acestei lucrari este de a explica principiul fundamental al
homeopatiei, principiul similitudinii si idealul acestuia exprimat prin
simillimum pe baza legitatilor cauzalitatii informationale. Am dezvoltat
legitatile cauzalitatii informationale in cadrul conceptului de farmacologie
informationala, apreciat cu premiul C.I. Parhon al Academiei Romane
in 1994. Cauzalitatea informationala are legi totalmente diferite de
cauzalitatile substantiala si energetica. (Cristea A.N.-Causalit
informationnelle de lffet du signal mdicamenteux, Annales
pharmaceutiques franaises , 2004 ; 62 : 1-10
si Cristea A.N.Farmacologie generala, Edit. Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti,
Editia I-a, 1998 si a II-a, 2009, Cap. XII. Framacologie informationala,
p. 540-541 si 556-560 in Editia a II-a). In cauzalitatea substantiala si cea
energetica relatia cauza-efect este cantitativa, depinzand direct
proportional de cantitatea de substanta, respectiv de energie. In
cauzalitatea informationala in care cauza este informatia purtata de
semnal, relatia cauza-efect depinde de specificitatea semnalului fata de
destinatar (receptor) si de semnificatia pe care sistemul receptor o da
informatiei, pe care o decodifica din semnal in conformitate cu hardul,
softul, energia si conditiile sale de moment. Exista o imensa disproportie
intre cantitatea de semnal si efectul resimtit de destinatar. Astfel ca in
cauzalitatea informationala conteza mai mult specificitatea semnalului
pentru destinatar, decat cantitatea de semnal. Si cu cat specificitatea
semnalului este mai perfecta si semnificatia informatiei pentru destinatar
este mai inalta, cu atat nevoia de cantitate este mai mica, doza de semnal
putand descreste, tinzand spre infinitesimal. Homeopatia este o terapie
informationala, ca si terapia alopata de altfel. Medicamentul, fie el
homeopat sau alopat, functioneaza ca semnal purtator de informatie catre
organismul destinatar si catre sistemul-receptor specific. Ca semnal,
medicamentul, se supune cauzalitatii informationale si legilor ei. Si dupa
cum am aratat mai sus, un semnal medicamentos ideal ar fi acela care
dispune de o specificitate maxima pentru destinatar, fiind ca o imagine in
oglinda a sistemului receptor (Cristea A.N., 2001). Toate aceste conditii
ne duc cu gandul la terapia homeopata in care remediul ideal este
considerat cel care are similitudine cu destinatarul atat de inalta incat este
perfect superpozabil cu acesta, adica este similimum (in lat.,
asemanator la superlativ). In aceasta situatie ideala efectul
medicamentului homeopat poate fi maxim la o doza infinitezimala,
respectiv o diluie nalta. (Cristea A.N.-The power of infinitesimal relied
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

on informational causality, 56-th Congress of Liga Medicorum

Homeopathica Internationalis, 29 Aug.- 2 Sept. 2001, Sibiu, Romania,
Extenso in Proceeding, 80-83). Medicamentele alopate sunt active la doze
mici, de ordinul microgramelor, numai cele cu structuri similare
semnalelor biologice si cele ce actioneaza in cadrul mecanismelor de
feed-back. Sub acest ordin minim de marime medicamentele alopate nu
pot actiona deoarece principiile lor de actiune sunt altele decat cele
homeopate. In lucrare sunt dezvoltate toate aceste notiuni.
Author: Acad. Prof. Farm. Aurelia Nicoleta Cristea
University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila",
Faculty of Pharmacy,
Chair of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy,
Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Informational causality, similimum, maximum specificity,
maximum significance, high disproportion between the amount of signal
and effect.
The objective of this paper is to explain the basic principle of
homeopathy, the principle of similarity and its ideals expressed by
"simillimum" based on laws of informational causality. We have
developed laws of informational causality in the concept of informational
pharmacology, appreciated with the "CI Parhon Romanian Academy
prize for 1994. Informational causality laws are totally different
compared with substantial and energy. (Cristea A.N.-Causalit
informationnelle de lffet du signal mdicamenteux, Annales
pharmaceutiques franaises, 62, 1-10, 2004 and Cristea A.N.
Farmacologie generala, Edit. Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti,
Editia I-a, 1998 si a II-a, 2009, Cap. XII. Framacologie informationala,
p. 540-54 si 556-560 in Editia a II-a). In the substantial and energetic
causality, cause-effect relation is quantitative, depending directly
proportional to the amount of substance or energy. In the informational
causality, the cause is the information carried by the signal,and causeeffect relation depends on the specificity of signal to the recipient
(receiver) and the significance of information given by receiver system
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

which decodes the signal, according to the hardware, software, energy

and conditions of the moment. There is a huge disproportion between the
amount of signal and effect perceived by the recipient. So that, in the
informational causality, it matters more specificity of signal for the
recipient, than the amount of signal. And, the more specificity of the
signal is more perfect and the information significance for recipient is
high, the need for the amount is less and the signal dose may decrease,
tending to infinitesimal. Homeopathy is a informational therapy, as
otherwise allopathic therapy. Medication, whether homeopathic or
allopathic, works as the information carrier signal towards receiving body
and the specific receptor system. As a signal, the drug is subject to
informational causality and its laws. And as noted above, an ideal drug
signal would be that has a maximum specificity to recipient, being a
mirror image of the receiver system. All of these conditions, they remind
homeopathic therapy, in which the ideal remedy is considered which is
similar to the recipient so high, that it is perfectly superposable with it,
that is "similimum" (in lat., the superlative). In the ideal situation, the
effect of homeopathic medicine can be maximum to a dose of
infinitesimal, respectively to high dilution (Cristea A.N.- The power of
infinitesimal relied on informational causality, 56-th Congress of Liga
Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis,29 Aug.- 2 Sept. 2001, Sibiu,
Romania, Extenso in Proceeding, 80-83). Allopathic medicines, are
active at low doses of micrograms order, only those with similar
structures as biological signals and who is acting on the feed-back
mechanisms. Below this minimum order size, allopathic medicines can
act, becose their action principles are other than homeopathic. The paper
developed these concepts.
Autor: Ing. Nisulescu Elena,
Asociatia Generala a beneficiarilor de terapii complementare,
Bucuresti, Romania
Aura este campul de energie care inconjoara orice forma de materie.
Orice structura autonoma are o aura, un camp energetic care o inconjoara.
Sistemele interactive VIDEO AURA comporta urmtoarele niveluri:
Obiectivul sistemelor este de a masura si corela detaliile de bio-feedback
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

cu specific emotional energetic - personalizat. Astfel s-a ajuns la

posibilitatea de a se putea interpreta campurile subtile de energie.
Patrick Drouot arata ca: tocmai aici se afla radacinile unei medicine
psiho-somatice vibratorii, iar faptul ca prin constienta noastra ne putem
influenta intr-o anumita masura anatomia vibratorie are implicatii
importante pentru medicina si psiologia de maine. Aceasta ar explica
descoperirile campurilor electrostatice din chakre, descoperire realizata
de dr. Hiroshi Motoyama si, dupa toate aparentele, oscilatiile electrice
inregistrate pe piele la nivelul acelorasi chakre de catre dr.Valery Hunt
de la UCLA. In cele ce urmeaza voi prezenta rezultatele rapoartelor
interactive AURA CHAKRA REPORT personalizate, facand citirile din
campurile energetice pentru urmatoarele rapoarte: marimea aurei, privire
generala asupra marimii/formei chakrelor, activitatea chakrei inimii,
graficul minte-corp-spirit, graficul starilor emotionale, graficul starii
minte-corp, graficul nivelului energetic. Este foarte important sa
prezentam tot din Patrick Drouot unele elemente cu privire la chakre. In
trecut sistemul de chakre, nadis-urile si meridianele de acupunctura au
fost ignorate, considerandu-se ca ele reveleaza o mentalitate magica si
primitiva. Ori acest sistem este astazi validat datorita evolutiei
tehnologiilor complexe, care ii pot masura existenta si functiile. Din
punct de vedere fiziologic chakrele sunt receptori transformatori emitatori de energie subtila inalta. Ele primesc aceasta energie, o
incetinesc scazandu-i frecventa, ca unui electron care trece de pe un nivel
electronic pe altul; abia dupa aceea energia este transmisa prin corp.
Exista sapte chakre in corpul eteric care sunt asociate corpului fizic.
Fiecare chakra din corpul eteric se afla in legatura cu un plex nervos
major si cu o glanda endocrina majora. Aceste sapte chakre sunt situate
de-a lungul unei linii verticale care porneste de la baza coloanei
vertebrale si ajunge pana la cap. Prima chakra, numita chakra radacina se
afla la coccis. Ea este punctul de jonctiune a celor trei nadis - uri
principale, punct numit Yukta Triveni (flux triplu combinat). Cea de-a
treia este localizata la nivelul plexului solar. Ea este extrem de
importanta. Cea de-a patra, cunoscuta sub numele de chakra inimii, se
gaseste in centrul pieptului, putin deasupra inimii si a timusului. Cea de-a
cincea, chakra gatului, este situata in apropierea marului lui Adam,
imediat deasupra glandei tiroide si a laringelui. Cea de-a sasea, faimosul
ochi al treilea din traditia oculta, se situeaza in regiunea frontala, putin
deasupra radacinii nasului. Cea de-a saptea, chakra coroanei, este
localizata in crestetul capului. Fiecare chakra corespunde unui tip de
perceptie. Acest fapt pune in lumina o alta functie a chakrelor, aceea de
organe subtile de perceptie. Centrii nu sunt niciodata statici. Viteza lor
de rotatie este rapida si variabila in functie de starea de sanatate a
persoanei si de calitatea fluxului care intra in chakra. Procesul in
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

ansamblu este analog procesului respirator: energia este inspirata si

expirata de catre subiect. Voi da detalii despre activitatea CHAKREI
INIMII. Asa cum se precizeaza in zona acesteia se situeaz al doilea nod
energetic si reprezinta al doilea obstacol in calea focului sarpelui. Acest
nod produce Karuna, compasiunea, atasamentul fata de zeii cosmici si
dorinta de a ajuta omenirea aflata in suferinta. Anahata inseamna punct de
viata. Importanta ei este atingerea echilibrului intre cele trei chakre situate
deasupra inimii si cele trei chakre de dedesubtul ei. Elementul ei este
Aerul; aerul pe care il respiram si care este bogat in ioni negativi benefici.
Emotia provine din cei trei centri energetici inferiori ai corpului.
Author: Eng. Nisulescu Elena,
General Association of beneficiaries of complementary therapies,
Bucharest, Romania
Aura is the energy field that surrounds any forms of the matter. Any
autonomous structure has an aura, an energy field that surrounds it.
VIDEO INTERACTIVE AURA SYSTEMS covers the following levels:
- AURA COLOR TEXT, - AURA VIDEO STATION - AURA CHAKRA. The objective is to measure systems and correlate the details
of bio-feedback with specific emotional-energetic-custom. This has led to
the possibility of being able to interpret the subtle energy fields. Patrick
Drouot show that: "this is where the roots of psychosomatic medicine
vibration and through our consciousness that we can influence to a
certain extent vibratory anatomy has important implications for medicine
and psiologia of tomorrow." This would explain the findings of static
electricity chakra discovery made by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama and,
apparently, electrical oscillations recorded on the same leather chakras by
dr.Valery Hunt of UCLA. In the following I will present the results of the
inneractive AURA CHAKRA REPORT personalized readings by energy
fields for the following reports: - The size of the aura, - Overview of the
size/shape of the chakras, - Heart chakra activity, - Diagram mind-bodyspirit, - Diagram emotional states, - Diagram mind-body state, - Diagram
of energy levels. It is very important to present all of Patrick Drouot some
items on the chakras elements. In the past the system of chakra, nadis and
meridians of acupuncture sites were ignored, considering that they reveal
a magical and primitive mentality. Either the system is validated through
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

the development of today's complex technologies, which can measure the

existence and functions. Of physiologically - receptor chakras are subtle
energy transformers of high-emitters. They get this energy, a slow
decreasing its frequency as an electron passing from one electronic level
to another, only then the energy is transmitted through the body. There
are seven chakras in the etheric body that are associated with the physical
body. Each chakra in the etheric body is in relation to a major nerve
plexus and a major endocrine gland. These seven chakras are located
along a vertical line from the base of the spine and up to the head. The
first chakra, called the root chakra, is located at the coccyx. It is the
junction point of the three main nadis sites, point called Yukta Triveni
(triple flow combined). The third is located in the solar plexus. It is
extremely important. The fourth chakra known as the heart chakra is
located in the center of the chest, just above the heart and thymus. The
fifth, throat chakra, is located near the Adam's apple, just above the
thyroid gland and larynx. The sixth, the third eye of the famous occult
tradition, is in the frontal region, just above the root of the nose. The
seventh chakra, crown chakra, is located in the head. Each chakra
corresponds to a type of perception. This puts a different light on the
function of the chakras, subtle organs of perception that. Centers are
never static. Their speed of rotation is rapid and variable, depending on
the state of health of the person and the quality of the flow entering the
chakra. The overall process is analogous to the respiratory process;
energy is inspired and expired by the subject. I will give details about the
work of the heart chakra. As noted in this area lies the second energy hub
and is the second barrier to fire snake. This node produces Karuna,
compassion, commitment to the cosmic gods and the desire to help the
suffering humanity. Anahata means life point. Its importance is achieving
a balance between the three chakras above the heart and the three chakras
below it. Her element is the Air, the air we breathe and which is rich in
beneficial negative ions. Emotion comes from the three lower energy
centers of the body.
Autori: Didi Surcel1, Mioara Butan2, M.Surcel3
Blue Life Medical Center, Cluj-Napoca, 2Centru de Sanatate Publica,
Cluj, 3Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie, Cluj, Romania
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Cuvinte cheie: gemoterapie, aparare innascute si adaptative, proteine

Progresele in domeniul stiintelor biomedicale induse de revolutia cuantica
a dus la reconsiderarea cunostintelor din anii anteriori. Sistemul imunitar
(SI) poate proteja sistemele informatice ale corpului de actiunea
perturbatoare a numerosi factori din mediul extern si intern. Pentru a fi
siguri de integritatea structurala si funcionala a tuturor subsistemelor
informationale, organismul a trebuit sa dezvolte o retea imunologica
foarte puternica. Mecanismele biologice de aparare au ca tinta
eliminarea factorilor nocivi generatori de afectiuni
infectioase, canceroase si alergice. Sistemul Imun are doua linii de
aparare : una innascuta si alta adaptativa. Acestea asigura distrugerea
celulelor infectate, straine sau modificate, cu pastrarea memoriei lor,
permitand astfel organismului o mobilizare rapida de aparare la un nou
atac. Intre sistemul imun si gemoterapie exista o legtura puternica care
consta in asigurarea starii de sanatate, cu accent pe prevenirea bolilor. Si
ca un sistem cibernetic, sistemul imunitar ramane deschis pentru
schimbul de energie si de informatii cu mediul si cu sarcini din ce in ce
mai multe in termeni de control si echilibru. Proteinele receptorilor pot
recunoaste microorganismele si activeaza imunitatea innascuta.
Receptorii Toll-like (TLRs), analogi cu receptorii Toll de plante si
insecte, sunt senzori ai imunitatii innascute, iar celulele dendritice (CD)
activeaza si controleaza imunitatea adaptativa, inducand un raspuns inalt
la celulele T, cu crearea de memorie imunologica. Toti acesti factori care
au fost recent descoperiti par a avea implicatii importante in protectia
organismului si in activitatea terapeutica a medicinei integrative.
Authors: Didi Surcel1, Mioara Butan2, M. Surcel3
Blue Life Medical Center, Cluj-Napoca, 2Public Health Center, Cluj,
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj, Romania
Keywords: gemmotherapy, innate and

adaptative defence, receptor

Progress in biomedical sciences

assigned quantum revolution led
reconsideration of knowledge from previous years. Immune system (IS)
protect information
body of the
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

perturbing action of the external environment and internal factors. To

be assured of structural and functional integrity of the all the
informational subsystems, the body had to develop an very strong
immune network. Biological mechanisms of defense, whose target is
the removal of harmful factors generating of the
infectious, cancerous and allergic processes. Two lines of defense have
IS: defense innate and adaptive defense that ensures the destruction
of infected cells, foreign or
modified, to
preserve their memory,
which allows the body to mobilize defense to a new attack. Between SI
and gemmotherapy there is a strong link aiming at health insurance with
an emphasis on prevention. And as a cybernetic system, the immune
system remains open to energy and information exchange with the
environment and with increasingly more tasks in terms of control and
balance.Receptor proteins that can recognize microorganisms activate
innate immunity, receptors Toll-like receptor (TLRs), analogs with Toll
receptor from the plants and insects, that are innate immune sensors and
Dendritic cells (CD),the new type of cell that activates and controls the
adaptive immunity and induce a robust response from the T cells, with
creation of the immunological memory, were recentely descovered. All
these factors are with important implications in therapeutic activity of
the integrative medicine.
Autor: Dr. Angelica Noica Dumitrescu,
Medic primar medicina de familie, Bucuresti, Romania
Dupa cum se stie Scleroza laterala amiotrofica este o boala
neurodegenerativa progresiva care afecteaza atat neuronul motor central,
cat si cel periferic. Degenerarea afecteaza tracturile corticospinal si
corticobulbar precum si neuronii motori din coarnele anterioare ale
maduvei spinarii si neuronii motori ai nervilor cranieni in special VII, X
si IX (nucleul hipoglosului). Semnele afectarii neuronului motor central
(NMC) sunt hiperreflexia, semnul Babinski si cresterea tonusului
muscular, in timp ce semnele afectarii neuronului motor periferic (NMP)
se manifesta prin hipotonie, hiporeflexie, crampe musculare si
fasciculatii, iar a afectarii neuronilor motori cranieni sunt disfagia, dislalia
si cel mai grav, probleme respiratorii. Incidenta acestei boli ar fi de 199
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

3/100000 de locuitori, mai frecventa in randul populatiei masculine, cu un

debut mediu la 56 ani si cu o speranta de viata de numai 3 - 5ani. Are ca
factori etiologici incriminati 10% factori genetici (SLA familiala), 90%
alti factori printre care factori de mediu (expunere la mercur, mangan,
plumb, aluminiu, insecticide, pesticide, ierbicide, factori de fertilizare) in
asociere cu factori fizici si alimentari; factori microbieni si in special
virali (virusul poliomielitic, herpes-zoster, borellia, anumiti retrovirusi,
etc) sau mai nou existenta unei combinatii a stresului oxidativ cu
toxicitatea excitoneurotransmitatorului glutamatul de sodiu, disfunctia
mitocondriala, inflamatia si apoptoza celulara. Nu am gasit in literatura
de specialitate recomandarea de efectuare a acupuncturii si homeopatiei la
acesti pacienti. Cu toate acestea, la rugamintea pacientei care urmeaza a fi
prezentata in lucrarea de fata si la incurajarea pe care mi-a dat-o Dl. Dr.
Corneliu Moldovan, caruia ii multumesc cu aceasta ocazie, am incercat s
- o ajut cu ce stiam eu din acupunctura si homeopatie, pacienta avand o
evolutie uimitor de favorabila. Deci, pacienta S. M., in varsta de 55 ani,
croitoreasa la Apaca, fara antecedente heredocolaterale semnificative si
mai ales de SLA, cu antecedente fiziologice personale din care retinem o
menstra foarte dureroasa si abundenta, menopauza la 42 de ani dupa care
au inceput o serie de probleme: cefalalgii foarte dureroase cu fotofobie,
spondiloza cervicala si poliartralgii tratate prin kinetoterapie, infiltratii cu
saruri de aur si cortizon, antiinflamatoare; a urmat aparitia osteoporozei,
hipertensiunii arteriale si cardiopatiei ischemice. A observat prin 2009 ca
scapa obiecte din mana stanga si ca muschii de la mana s-au cam atrofiat.
Prezentandu-se la medicul de familie acesta a trimis-o la neurolog, care ia facut un EMG care a confirmat prezenta SLA. La inceput a prezentat si
elemente de disfagie prin greutate la inghitirea alimentelor si a lichidelor.
Pusa imediat pe Rilutec si Cerebrolysin 10f/luna, elementele disfagiei
dispar, dar cele ale afectarii NMP se amplifica si se extind si la mana
dreapta si membrele inferioare, pastrand predominenta stanga. In 2011
incepem sedintele de acupunctura, dar sporadic de 2 ori pe an, cu o
evolutie incurajator favorabila. Din 2012 am intensificat sedintele
introducand si electrostimularea. Am folosit punctele : IG4, IG11, IG14,
IG15, IG16, TF5, TF10, TF14, V10, V11, V23, V40, V60, V62, V67, R6,
R7, VB20, VB34, VB40, VB41, VB43, F2/F3, F8, IS10, C9+/-, C3+/-
S37, SP2, SP4, SP9, VG4, VG14, EXTRA28. Am pus electrozi pe IG4
cuplat cu IG11 si IG14 cu V11 si am folosit unde RIPP 10 min si ADJ
urmatoarele 10 min, cate 10 sedinte cu pauza 3 saptamani. Ca remedii
homeopate am folosit organoterapicul Medula spinalis 5CH, Ignatia
30CH in momentul mortii mamei sale si Iridium metalicum 30CH la a 5-a
sedinta. Evolutia a fost net favorabila asa cum se va vedea in imaginile pe
care le voi prezenta, dar energia pe Rinichi ramanea in continuare
scazuta. O concluzie foarte importanta, pulsurile ei s-au reglat mai bine si
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starea ei a fost mult mai stabila dupa ce, in postul Pastelui, s-a spovedit si
s-a impartasit. Acest lucru l-am mai observat si la alte paciente, de unde
concluzia ca e bine intotdeauna de a indruma pacientul sa se spovedeasca
si sa se impartaseasca cu Sf. Trupul Domnului nostru Iisus Hristos
(Dumnezeu Fiul), ca sa primeasca de la Dumnezeu Tatal - Creatorul,
energiile Duhului Sfant, sfintitoare si reglatoare, datatoare de Viata
Adevarata, daca se poate si doreste chiar de la inceputul terapiei. Numai
asa am vazut ca se poate reface energia lipsa pe Rinichi si sa se
restabileasca echilibrul si vindecarea mai bine.
Author: Angelica Noica Dumitrescu
MD Family Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a progressive neurodegenerative disease
which is affecting both motor neuron central and peripheral.
Degeneration affects corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts and motor
neurons in anterior horns of spinal cord, motor neurons of cranial nerve
VII, X and XI, especially the hypoglossal nucleum. Central motor neuron
damage signs (NMC) are hyperrefletion, Babinski Sign and increase
muscle tone, while the peripheral motor neuron damage signs (NPM) is
manifested by hypotonia, muscle cramps, hiporeflexion and damage
cranial motor neurons are dysphagia, dislalia and most serious respiratory
problems. The incidence of this disease would be 1-3/100000 inhabitants,
more common among male population, with an average onset of 57 years
old and with a life expectancy for only 3-5years. The etiologic factors has
incriminated 10% genetic factors (family ALS), 90% other factors
including environmental factors: exposure to mercury, manganese, lead,
aluminum, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer in combination
with physical factors and food; microbial factors and especially viral
(polio virus, herpes-zoster, borellia, certain retroviruses, etc) or newer
combinations of existence of oxidative stress in the toxicity of
excitoneurotransmiter-sodium glutamate, mitochondrial dysfunction,
inflammation and cell apoptosis. I haven't really found in the literature for
making recommendation of acupuncture and homeopathy in these
patients. However, at the request of the patient which are to be presented
in this work and the encouragement of Mr. Dr. Corneliu Moldovan,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

which thanks on this occasion, I tried to help her with what I knew of
acupuncture and homeopathy, the patient having an amazing favorable
evolution. So, the patient S. M., 55-year-old, seamstress from Apaca,
without heredocolaterale any significant history and especially the SLA,
with a personal note from physiological a mense very painful and
profusely, menopause at 42 years and then began a series of very painful
headaches with photophobia, poliartralgii and cervical spondylosis treated
by physiotherapy, attending with gold salts and cortisone, poliarthrosis,
osteoporosis, followed by hypertension and ischemic heart disease,
observed through 2009 that get rid the objects of left hand and the
muscles of the hand are much atrophied. Presenting to the familly
doctor,he has sent her to the neurologist who did an EMG which
confirmed the presence of the SLA. At first she presented and dysphagia
by weight to swallow of liquids. Immediately she was put on Rilutec and
Cerebrolysin 10f/month and dysphagia was disappeared, but the NPM
simptoms was amplified and extend to the right hand and the inferior
limbs, preserving left predominence. In 2011 we started acupuncture
sessions, but sporadically 2 times per year, with favorable evolution.
From 2012 we stepped up and introduced electrical stimulation sessions.
I used the points: IG4, IG11, IG14, IG15, IG16, TF5, TF10, V10, V11,
TF14, V23, V40, V60, V62, V67, R6, R7, VB20, VB34, VB40, VB41,
VB43, F2/F3, F8, IS10, C9 +/-, C3 +/-, S37, SP2, SP4, SP9, VG14,
EXTRA28, VG4, VG14. I put the electrodes on the IG4 coupled with
IG14 and the IG11 with V11 and I used waves RIPP 10 min and 10 min
following ADJ, 6 sessions with 3 weeks break. As homeopathic remedies
I used organoterapy-Medulla spinalis 5CH, Ignatia 30CH upon her
mother's death and Iridium metalicum 30CH at the fifth session. The
evolution was favorable so as you will see in the pictures that I will
present, but the energy still remains low on the Kidney. A very important
conclusion, her pulses has regulated better and her condition was more
stabled after, in Lent, has been performing and she received The
Eucharist. I noticed this at the other patients, hence the conclusion that it
is better always to guide the patient to confess their sins and receive The
Eucharist with our Lord's body Jesus Christ (God the son) to receive from
God the Father-Creator, the energies of the Holy Spirit, The Truth and
The Life-giving, if possible even from the beginning of the therapy. Only
this way we have seen that they can replenish energy shortage on the
kidneys and to restore balance and heal better.

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Autori: Dr. Ruxanda Dana Chirileanu1,

Dr. Octavian Chirileanu2
Conf. Univ., medic primar neurologie, Clinica de Neurologie 2
Spitalul clinic de urgenta judetean, UMF V Babes Timisoara
Asist univ., medic primar medicina interna si Gastroenterologie,
Clinica medicala Spitalul univ. CF Timisoara, UMF V Babes
Timisoara, Romania
Meditatia transcedentala si efectele ei asupra organismului uman au fost
intens studiate in ultimii 40 de ani. Cercetari stiintifice pertinente atesta
valoarea ei in dezvoltarea personala, in prevenirea si tratarea unor
afectiuni. Astfel s-au efectuat studii clinice longitudinale care dovedesc
efectul benefic in tratarea factorilor de risc vascular si prevenirea
accidentului vascular cerebral. Exista studii care dovedesc ameliorarea
unor tulburari psihice cum ar fi anxietatea, depresia, starile de
dependenta, agresivitatea, stressul posttraumatic al veteranilor de razboi.
La nivel social are un efect benefic asupra criminalitatii si
infractionalitatii in orasele in care exista o masa critica de persoane care
practica meditatia transcedentala. Este importanta reconsiderarea valorii
acestei tehnici de meditatie in Romania.
Authors: Ruxanda Dana Chirileanu MD1,
Octavian Chirileanu MD2,
Assoc., MD Neurology Clinic of Neurology
County Emergency Hospital, UMF "V Babes" Timisoara,
Assistant Professor., MD Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology,
Medical Clinic Hospital Univ. CF Timisoara, UMF "V Babes" Timisoara,
Transcendental Meditation and its effects on the human body have been
extensively studied in the past 40 years. Relevant scientific research
proving its value in personal development in the prevention and treatment
of diseases. Thus, longitudinal studies have been performed which show a
beneficial effect in the treatment of vascular risk factors and stroke
prevention. There are studies that show improvement of mental disorders
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such as anxiety, depression, addiction, aggression, post-traumatic stress

of war veterans. At the social level has a beneficial effect on crime and
crime in cities where there is a critical mass of individuals who practice
transcendental meditation. It is important to reconsider the value of this
technique of meditation in Romania.
Autori: Dr. Mindrescu Dorin1, Drd. Orodan Leucian Mihaela2
Medic ortopedie-traumatologie,
Spitalul Clinic Filantropia Craiova, Policlinica Solaris
Medic primar medicina de urgenta,
Spitalul Clinic judetean de Urgenta Arad, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: acupunctura, homeopatie, poliartrita reumatoida,
spondilita anchilozanta.
Apiterapia si homeopatia, ca metode alternative de tratament, au un rol
benefic deosebit, in terapia bolilor autoimune. Aceste boli cronice si
invalidante raspund mai bine si mai rapid la aceste tratamente alternative,
decat la tratamentul clasic medicamentos. Deasemeni s-a constatat o
scadere a recidivelor si o stopare in evolutie a acestor boli. In studiul
efectuat au fost tratate doua grupe de pacienti cu poliartrita reumatoida si
spondilita anchilozanta la care s-a intrerupt tratamentul clasic
medicamentos. In aceste boli autoimune s-a constatat un exces de citokine
proinflamatorii: TNF alfa, interleukina 1si 6. S-a folosit pentru terapie
Venex 20 injectat intradermic pe puncte de acupunctura si tratament
molecular n dilutie homeopatica cu produse de la Institutul Guna.
Aceste terapii alternative au rezultate benefice si rapide, datorita rolului
imunomodulator, prin inhibarea citokinelor proinflamatorii: TGF si
interleukina 10. La pacientii tratati s-a constatat o ameliorare remarcabila
a sindromului algic si inflamator, a redorii articulare in special la
pacientii cu poliartrita reumatoida, fata de pacientii cu spondilita

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Authors: Dorin Mindrescu MD1, Drd. Orodan Leuciana Mihaela2

Physician orthopedic traumatology
Filantropia Hospital Craiova, Solaris Clinic
Physician emergency medicine
County Emergency Hospital Arad, Romania
Keywords: Apipuncture, homeopathy, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing
Apitherapy and homeopathy, as alternative methods of treatment have a
very beneficial role in autoimmune disease therapy. These chronic and
debilitating diseases respond better and faster to these alternative
treatments than standard treatment with medication. Also found a
decrease in recidivism and a halt in development of these diseases. In the
study were treated two groups of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and
ankylosing spondylitis who stopped treatment medical classic. In this
autoimmune disease found an excess of proinflammatory cytokines:
TNF-alpha, interleukin 1and 6. He used Venex 20 intradermal injection
therapy on acupuncture points and molecular therapy in dilution
homeopathic products from Guna Institute. These alternative therapies
have beneficial results and fast due immunomodulatory role by inhibiting
proinflammatory cytokines: TGF and interleukin 10. At the patients was a
remarkable improvement algesic and inflammatory syndrome, stiffness of
joints, particularly in patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared to
patients with ankylosing spondylitis.
Autor: Dr. Marilena Gilca
Catedra de Biochimie, Facultatea de Medicina Generala,
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila,
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: digestie anormala, constipatie, afectiuni ginecologice,

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Studii stiintifice recente au aratat ca exista o legatura intre dezvoltarea

diverselor patologii (boli autoimune, disfunctii vasculare, astm),
agravarea lor si anomaliile digestive. Ayurveda, deasemenea, afirma ca o
digestie buna este o conditie sine qua non pentru o sanatate buna. Ar
putea intr-adevar tulburarile functiei digestive sa provoace boli extradigestice?. Obiectivul acestei prezentari este de a analiza aceasta ipoteza
in cazul bolilor ginecologice. Conform Ayurvedei o femeie nu va suferi
niciodata de afectiuni ginecologice, cu exceptia situatiei cand sufera de
agravarea lui vayu (vata dosha) Charaka Samhita, CS.XXX.115. Vata
dosha este una dintre cele trei forte vitale fundamentale responsabile de
sanatate si boala. Apana Vayu este vayu-l primar prezent in sediul
principal al lui vata dosha, in colon. Functiile sale se manifesta la nivelul
organelor excretorii (ex. defecatie), precum si al organelor de reproducere
(ovulatie, menstruatie, nastere). Pentru a testa aceste informatii
ayurvedice s-a realizat un studiu clinic in cadrul caruia a fost investigata
asocierea problemelor digestive cu bolile ginecologice. Au fost calculati
anumiti indicatori statistici (Odds ratio) sugestivi pentru factorii de risc.
In cadrul prezentarii vor fi discutate rezultatele studiului, precum si
cateva posibile strategii ayurvedice terapeutice in afectiunile
Author: Marilena Gilca MD,
Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Medicine,
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest,
Keywords: abnormal digestion, constipation, gynecological disorders,
Recent scientific studies revealed that there is a link between the
development of various diseases (autoimmune diseases, vascular
dysfunction and asthma), their aggravation and digestive abnormalities.
Ayurveda also states that a good digestion is a sine qua non condition for
a good health. Could indeed digestive function derangements cause extradigestive diseases? The objective of this presentation is to analyse this
hypothesis in case of gynecological diseases. According to Ayurveda a
woman never suffers from gynecological disorders, except as a result of
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

affliction by the aggravated vayu (vata dosha) Charaka Samhita,

CS.XXX.115. Vata dosha is one of the three fundamental vital forces
responsible for health and disease. Apana vayu is the primary vayu
present at the main seat of vata dosha, in the colon. Its functions are seen
in the excretory organs (eg. defecation), as well as in the area of
reproductive organs (ovulation, menstruation, childbirth). A clinical study
was done to investigate whether digestive troubles might be a risk factor
for gynecological disorders in women. Odds ratios were calculated for
gynecological disorders asssociated with digestive troubles. The results of
the study, as well as few possilble therapeutic ayurvedic strategies in
gynecological disorders will be discussed.
Autor: Col. (ret.) Dr. Constantin Stan M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.
Centrul de Cercetari Stiintifice si Ecologice CBRN,
Bucuresti, Romania.
Cuvinte cheie : biologice jumatate de norma a uraniului (235 U),
leziunile metale grele mercur (Hg), plumb (Pb), cadmiu (C), arsenic (As),
bariu (B) si Tehnetiu (T).
Cercetarea fundamentala farmacologica cu privire la nou brevetatele
produse farmaceutice STANOSIMAGNE (capsule si unguent), se
bazeaza pe actiunea specifica asupra organelor critice si dovedeste ca
principiile biologic active actioneaza sinergic pentru decorporarea rad bio - chem interna in vivo intr-un mod natural, dezvolta efecte de
restabilire prin suma mecanismelor biochimice si biofizice si se adreseaza
simultan atat organelor critice, sistemului endocrin si glandelor de autocuratare de metale grele si / sau izotopi radioactivi toxici. Siguranta si
eficienta administrarii clinice de tratament cu STANOSIMAGNE a
leziunilor metale grele a fost initiata si dezvoltata pe studii clinice pilot la
bolile chimio - radio toxice pentru decorporare in vivo a metalelor grele
Mercur (Hg), Plumb (Pb), Cadmiu (Cd), Arsenic (As), Bariu (Ba) si
Tehnetiu (Tc), cu efecte de recuperare. Principala metoda caracteristica
pentru decorporarea in vivo a agentilor radio - chimio - toxici pe cale
naturala - in excretia renala si digestiva - este timpul biologic de
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

injumatatire a uraniului (235U) Tb1/2U = 8 zile. Studiile preclinice anatomo

-patologice privind siguranta toxicitatii si tolerantei la produsul
farmaceutic STANOSIMAGNE a demonstrat ca medicamentul a
recuperat efectele asupra rinichiului ca organ critic, pe ficat ca al doilea
organ critic si pe splina care a prezentat efecte de tip stimulare reactiva.
Author: Col. (ret.) Dr. Constantin Stan M.D., Ph.D.,D.Sc.
Scientific Research Center of CBRN & Ecology, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Biological half-Time of Uranium (235U), Heavy Metal Lesions
of Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic (As), Barium (Ba)
and Technetium (Tc).
The fundamental pharmacological research on the new-patented
pharmaceutical product STANOSIMAGNE capsules and ointment, is
based on the specific action upon the critical organs and proves that the
active biological principles act synergic for in vivo internal rad-bio-chem
decorporation in a natural way, develops restorative effects through the
sum of biochemical and biophysical mechanisms and address
simultaneously both to the critical organs, endocrine system and glands
for self-cleaning off the heavy metals and/or radio-toxic isotopes. The
safety and efficiency of the clinical administration of the
STANOSIMAGNE treatment of the heavy metals lesions was initiated
and develops on pilot clinical studies of the chemo-radio-toxic diseases
for in vivo decorporation of the heavy metals Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb),
Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic (As), Barium (Ba) and Technetium (Tc) with
recovery effects. The main characteristic method for in vivo
decorporation of the radio-chemo-toxic agents, on natural way within
renal and digestive excretes is the biological half-Time of uranium
(235U) Tb1/2U=8days. The anatomic-pathological non-clinical safety
studies regarding the toxicity and tolerance of the pharmaceutical product
STANOSIMAGNE demonstrated that the drug has also recover effects on
the kidney as critical organ, on the liver as second critical organ and on
the spleen which presented reactive stimulation-type effects.

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Autori: Ionela Teodora Dascalu, Mihaela Jana Tuculina,
Evantia Coles, Mihaela Raescu4, Veronica Mercut5
Departamentul de Ortodontie, Facultatea de Medicina Dentara,
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Craiova, Departamentul de
Endodontie, Facultatea de Medicina Dentara, Universitatea de Medicina
si Farmacie Craiova, Departamentul de Morfologie Dentara, Facultatea
de Medicina Dentara Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Craiova,
Departamentul de Preventie Orodentara, Facultatea de Medicina
Dentara, Universitatea Titu Maiorescu, Bucuresti, 5Departamentul de
Protetica Dentara,Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Craiova,
Cuvinte cheie: factori de mediu inconjurator, alimentatie bio, calitatea
vietii, anomalii dento-maxilare.
Scopul acestui studiu este evidentierea influentei factorilor de mediu in
dezvoltarea sistemului stomatognat cu aparitia anomaliilor dentomaxilare. Studiul a fost efectuat pe un numar de 1061 copii din Craiova si
623 de copii din zonele rurale limitrofe Craiovei, cu varste cuprinse intre
6 si 14 ani. Am luat in considerare timpul petrecut in aer liber mai putin
poluat din mediul rural fata de urban si timpul petrecut in spatii inchise,
in preajma aparatelor electronice. S-a comparat tipul de alimentatie si
metodele bio de obtinere a legumelor si fructelor cu alimentatia bogata in
conservanti din mediul urban. Dezvoltarea somatica la copiii din mediul
rural cu alimentatie bio este armonioasa. Ei prezinta anomalii dentomaxilare intr-un procent cu 7,3% mai mic fata de cei din mediul urban.
Rezultatele obtinute la ora actuala subliniaza importanta factorilor de
mediu inconjurator in etiologia anomaliilor dento-maxilare. Copiii de
ambele sexe au fost constienti de afectarea esteticii faciale generata de
anomaliile dento-maxilare. Am remarcat un complex de inferioritate la
copiii cu anomalii dento-maxilare fata de ceilalti. Copiii din mediul rural
sunt dezavantajati fata de cei din mediul urban, atat datorita numarului
redus de cabinete stomatologice, cat si a posibilitatilor financiare
familiale. Datorita numarului mare de anomalii dento-maxilare se impune
necesitatea constientizarii parintilor privind profilaxia acestora, a
evaluarii ortodontice a copiilor si a momentului oportun pentru inceperea
tratamentului ortodontic. In acest context trebuie tinut cont de importanta
factorilor de mediu inconjurator in ceea ce priveste alimentatia bio,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

dezvoltarea somatica armonioasa a copiilor si managementul calitatii

Authors: Ionela Teodora Dascalu1, Mihaela Jana Tuculina2,
Evantia Coles3, Mihaela Raescu4, Veronica Mercut5
The Department of Orthodontics, The Faculty of Dentistry, The
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova, 2The Department of
Endodontics, The Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Medicine and
Pharmacy, Craiova, 3The Department of Dental Morphology, The
Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova,
The Department of Preventive dentistry, The Faculty of Dentistry,Titu
Maiorescu University, Bucharest, 5The Department of Prosthetics, The
Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova,
Keywords: environmental






The purpose of the research is to emphasize the influence of

environmental factors on the development of stomatognathic system,
leading to the appearance of malocclusions. The research consisted of
1061 children from Craiova and 623 children (aged 6 to 14) from the
suburban area of Craiova. We took into consideration the time spent
outdoors in the rural area where the air is less polluted than in the urban
area and the time spent indoors surrounded by electronic devices. The
food and the organic methods of obtaining vegetables and fruit were
compared with the food rich in preservatives from the urban area. The
somatic growth of children from the rural area where the food is mainly
organic is very harmonious. Moreover, the percentage of children with
malocclusions is 7,3% lower than in the case of those from the urban
area. The recent results highlight the importance of environmental factors
in the etiology of malocclusions. Children of both sexes were aware of
the impact of malocclusions on their facial esthetics. We noticed a
complex of inferiority to children with malocclusions unlike the others.
Children from the rural area have more disadvantages than children from
the urban one. They dont benefit of a big number of dental consulting
rooms and of financial resources. Due to the great number of
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

malocclusions, parents need to be aware of their prevention and the

necessity of an orthodontic examination in order to establish the right
moment to begin an orthodontic treatment. Regarding all these aspects,
much attention should be paid to the influence of environmental factors
and organic food on the harmonious somatic development of children and
the management of life quality.
Autori : Dr. Dan Peretianu1, Dr. Biol. Ela Lixandru2,
Dr. Manole Cojocaru3,
SCM Povernei , 2Spitalul Polizu , 3Centrul Metodologic de
Reumatologie Dr. Ion Stoia , 3Departamentul Preclinic, Facultatea de
Medicina, Universitatea Titu Maiorescu, Bucuresti, Romania
Modul in care apar personajele feminine in arta de-a lungul timpului
poate fi corelat cu alimentatia din acele vremi. Este de presupus ca toate
expresiile artistice reprezinta modele de atractivitate pentru timpurile in
care au fost realizate. Scop : De a analiza aspectele de atractivitate ale
unor reprezentari artistice in corelatie cu alimentatia vremii. Material :
Atractivitatea a fost conceputa pe baza raportului recunoscut dintre talie
si sold. Au fost alese 3 tipuri de analize: 1. Opere de arta din cele mai
vechi timpuri pana in perioadele moderne ; 2. Modele contemporane din
industria specifica; 3.Modele contemporane decedate din cauza de
anorexie sau conditii asociate. Metoda : I. Calculul raportului talie / sold.
Pentru reprezentarile artistice s-a masurat, prin mijloace digitale [in
pixeli] diametrele taliei (la cea mai mica dimensiune) si soldului
(tangenta la circa / aprecierea a 5 cm cranial de simfiza pubiana) obtinute
prin linie drepta. Imaginile au fost incarcate intr-o fila Excel. S-a trasat o
linie pentru talie si o linie pentru sold (insert / shapes / lines), dupa care
linia a fost asezata la orizontala (format / rotate / more rotation options /
rotation) si masurata (width, in pixeli). Pentru modelele contemporane sau folosit si datele antropomentrice existente public. a. S-a calculat media
(average) si deviatia standard (SDEV) din functia fx din programul Excel,
b. S-a calculat frecventa datelor raportului talie / sold in functie de medie
si deviatia standard din programul Excel, prin instructiunile: Data ,
Data Analysis , Random number generation , Histogram

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

(ultimele doua cu optiunile random si original data). II. Au fost cercetate

perioadele de foamete in locurile de unde provin operele de arta analizate.
III. Despre modul de alimentatie in diferitele momente ale istoriei, au fost
folosite date corelative existente in enciclopedii scrise si digitate.
Rezultate : I. Raportul talie / sold : 1. la opere de arta : media = 0,7302;
deviatia standard = 0,1470. 2. la modelele contemporane : media =
0,6915; deviatia standard = 0,0270. 3. la modelele anorexice : media
=0,7821; deviata standard = 0,0673. Nu exista diferente semnificative
statistic intre loturi. II. Perioadele de foamete au fost extrem de multe, in
mai toate regiunile lumii. Foamea a disparut in Europa dupa 1950.
III. Alimentatia de-a lungul istoriei consemneaza date numeroase, din
care rezulta un echilibru intre nutrienti, cel putin pentru cei care realizau
opere de arta. Concluzii : 1. Raportul talie / sold nu pare a se schimba in
timp, indiferent de greutatea femeii; 2. Chiar la femeile plinute, precum
Rubens, Klimt, Modigliani si / sau Renoir, el ramane constant; 3. La
femeile cu BMI extrem de redus (anorexigenice), raportul talie / sold nu
se modifica, dar atractivitatea scade; 4. Sugestia ar fi ca atractivitatea
raportului talie / sold apare dupa ce normalitatea fetei este afirmata; 5.
Femeile frumoase nu au suferit niciodata de foame oricare ar fi perioada
istorica a dezvoltarii umane.
Authors: Dr. Dan Peretianu1, Dr. Biol. Ela Lixandru2,
Dr. Manole Cojocaru3
SCM "Povernei", 2Spitalul "Polizu", 3Rheumatology Institut
Dr. Ion Stoia, Preclinical Departament , Faculty of Medicine Titu
Maiorescu, Bucharest , Romania
The way the female characters appear in art over time can be related to
diet in those times. It is assumed that all artistic expressions represent
attractive models for the times in which they were made. Purpose: To
analyze the attractiveness of artistic representations correlated with
feeding time. Material: Attractiveness was designed based on the report
acknowledged of waist and hip. We chose three types of analysis: 1.
Works of art from ancient times until modern times; 2. Contemporary
models of specific industry; 3. Contemporary models dead because of
anorexia or related conditions. Method: I. calculates the waist / hip. For
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

artistic representation was measured by digital means [in pixels] waist

diameters (the smallest size) and hip (tangent about / appreciation of 5 cm
cranial to the symphysis pubis) obtained by straight lines. The images
were loaded in a tab Excel. He drew a line waist and hip line (insert /
shapes / lines), after which the line was laid on horizontal (size / rotate /
more rotation options / rotation) and measured (width in pixels).
Contemporary models were used existing antropomentrics fact. a. We
calculated a mean (average) and standard deviation (sDEVICE) of the
function fx in Excel; b. Calculate frequency data ratio waist / hip
depending on mean and standard deviation of Excel, the instructions: "
Data ", " Data Analysis ", " Random Number Generation ", " Histogram "
( the last two with random and original options date). II. Were
investigated periods of famine in places where works of art coming
analyzed. III. About how eating in different moments of history have used
data correlation in written and digital encyclopedias. Results: I. Report
waist / hip: 1. to works of art: mean = 0.7302; standard deviation =
0.1470; 2. contemporary models: mean = 0.6915, standard deviation =
0.0270; 3. anorexic models: mean = 0.7821, standard deviation = 0.0673.
No statistically significant differences between groups. II. Periods of
famine were very many, in most regions of the world. Hunger
disappeared in Europe after 1950. III. Nutrition Throughout history many
data records, which shows a balance of nutrients, at least for those who
were making works of art. Conclusions: 1 . Report waist / hip do not
seem to change over time, regardless of the woman's weight; 2. Even
women "full as Rubens, Klimt, Modigliani and / or Renoir, he remains
constant; 3. In women with extremely low BMI (anorexigenic) ratio waist
/ hip does not change, but the attractiveness decreases; 4. The suggestion
would be that the attractiveness ratio waist / hip occurs after facial
normality is stated; 5. Beautiful women have never suffered hunger
whatever historical period of human development.
Autor: Chimist, Psiholog Ionela Simona Cofaru
Bucuresti, Romania
Motto:Putin stiinta duce la ateism, dar multa stiinta duce mintea la
cunoasterea lui Dumnezeu Roger Bacon(1214-1292).
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Omul nu are o viata in sine ci viata vine din trei dimensiuni spatiale
diferite (David Bohm premiul Nobel pentru Fizic, 1957) in urmatoarea
ierarhie descrescatoare: Nivelul Subcuantic: Nivelul Creatorului (necreat,
nemanifestat, nelimitat) reprezinta singura sursa a vietii din Creatie, este
esenta vietii si asigura viata necreatavesnica (spirituala, duhovniceasca)
in Creatie; Nivelul Cuantic: Nivelul Creatiei (manifestate, limitata in timp
si spatiu) ierarhizat in: Nivelul Cuantic Nevazut: Nivelul Creatiei
Nevazute: mijloceste legatura dintre Dumnezeu - Creatorul si Creatia
Vazuta si asigura viata sufleteasca; Nivelul Cuantic Vazut: Nivelul
Creatiei Vazute: asigura viata trupeasca susti-nuta de viata necreata prin
intermediul sufletului omenesc. Fiecare dimensiune spatiala se manifesta
la randul ei in trei dimensiuni temporare in urmatoarea ierarhie
descrescatoare: preexistente din trecut, existente in prezent, proiectate in
viitor. Au fost descifrate prin metoda biodetectiei 9 Modele
Informationale Energetice (Mod IE) care sunt conectate la cele 9 surse
principale ale vieii umane (3 spaiale x 3 temporale) prin 9 Matrici
Informational-Energetice (Mat IE) corespunzatoare acestor surse. Mod IE
are o structura Informational-Energetic (IE) foarte complexa, formata
din 307 Corpuri IE, numite Memoriale (M), de forma ovoidala, care
intrepatund corpul uman si se intrepatund intre ele. Cele 307 M sunt
dispuse in grupuri si subgrupuri diferite de M. Fiecare Mod IE este
conectat cu o Mat IE prin cel mai inalt nivel ierarhic, format din 10 M =
(3 x 3 M) +1 M. Cele 9 Mod IE au aceeasi structura IE, dar acestea sunt
situate pe 9 niveluri ierarhic diferite, bine stabilite, in trei sisteme
descresctoare: 1,2,3 Mod IE preexistente din trecut: 1) Mod IE de la
Creator; 2) Mod IE de la Creatia (CR) Nevazuta (NV); 3) Mod IE de la
CR Vazuta (V). 4,5,6 Mod IE existente in prezent: 4) Mod IE de la
Creator; 5) Mod IE de la CR NV; 6) Mod IE de la CR V. 7,8,9 Mod
IE proiectate spre viitor: 7) Mod IE de la Creator; 8) Mod IE de la CR
NV; 9) Mod IE de la CR V. Toate cele 9 Mod IE : 9 x 307M = 2763M
dispuse pana la 12-14 metri in jurul corpului uman formeaza MONADA
care este conectata la Sistemul Holografic Universal printr-un M si care
contine in final 2763M + 1M = 2764M (2+7+6+4=19; 1+9=10; 1+0=1).
Mod IE ierarhic superioare stapanesc Mod IE ierarhic inferioare.
Rezultatele arata ca Dumnezeu Creatorul (1,4,7 Mod IE) stapaneste direct
CR NV (2,5,8 Mod IE) si indirect CR V (3,6,9 Mod IE). Mod IE din
trecut (1,2,3 Mod IE) stapanesc direct Prezentul (4,5,6 Mod IE) si indirect
Viitorul (7,8,9 Mod IE). Cele 9 Mod IE principale stapanesc inca 244
Mod IE din celelalte 9 surse complexe ale vietii. Cunoasterea si
respectarea acestor ierarhii din viata umana (prin comunicarea mijlocita
cu Creatorul si curatarea IE negative ale trecutului si prezentului) cat si a
Legilor Universale (7 x) ne ajuta sa evoluam spiritual tot mai mult in
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

viata terestra, sa ne realizam adevaratul scop al vietii evolutia spirituala

prin mantuirea sufletului. Menirea in viata va fi tot mai mult implinita,
evolutia spirituala va fi tot mai sporita cu cat vei reusi mai mult: Sa
iubesti fara sa fi iubit; Sa slujesti fara sa fi pretuit; Sa daruiesti fara sa ti
se multumeasca ; Sa te jertfesti fara sa ti se recunoasca; Sa ierti fara sa fi
iertat; Sa-l susti pe cel care te-a lepadat; Sa ramai linistit desi esti
nedreptatit; Sa crezi desi nu esti deplin lamurit; Sa investesti cldind fara
sperante; Sa crezi desi nu vezi n fata; Sa taci pentru a nu face rau
aproapelui; Sa vorbesti de dragul adevarului; Sa induri fara sa murmuri,
fara sa cartesti; Totul sa-ti apartina dar tu de toate sa te lipsesti.


Author: Chem. Ionela Simona Cofaru
Motto:A few Sciences leads to atheism, but a lot of science leads mids to
reaching God Roger Bacon (1214-1292)
Man does not have a life on itself, but the life comes from three different
spatial dimensions (David Bohm, The Nobel Prize for physics, 1957), in
the following descending hiererchy: The sub-quantum level: the Creator's
level (God) that assures endless life in Creation, that represents the one
and only life source in Creation and the essence of the life in Creation.
The quantum level, the Creation level; The unseen quantum level: the
unseen Creation's level that assures the life of the hu-man soul and the
bond between the Creator and the unseen Creation; The visible quantum
level: the visible Creation's level that assures the carnal life supported
by the eternal life (from the Creator) through the human soul. Each of
those spatial dimensions manifests itself into three time dimensions in the
folowing descending hierarchy: pre-existing from the past, existing in the
present, projected into the future. 9 informational energetic patterns (IE
Pat) have been decoded (through the biodetection me-thod), and they are
connected to the 9 main sources of human life (3 x space x 3 x time),
through 9 informational matrix (IE Mat) that correspond to those sources.
IE Pat has a very complex informational energetic (IE) structure made of
307 IE bodies named Memorials (M), found in ovoid shape, which
overlap the human body and also overlap themselves. The 307 M are
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

organized in different M groups and sub-groups. IE Pat is connected to a

IE Mat throughout the highest hierarchical level. 10 M: (3 x 3 M) + 1 M.
The 9 IE Pat's have the same IE structure, but they are split in 9 different
hierarchical levels, in three descending systems: 3 x IE Pat from the past:
1) IE Pat from the Creator; 2) IE Pat from the unseen (NV) Creation
(CR); 3) IE Pat from the visible (V) CR. 3 x IE Pat from the present: 4)
IE Pat from the Creator; 5) IE Pat from CR NV; 6) IE Pat from CR V.
3 x IE Pat to the future: 7) IE Pat from the Creator; 8) IE Pat from CR
NV; 9) IE Pat from CR V. All 9 IE Pat's (9 x 307 M = 2763 M at about
12-14 meters around the body) from the MONADA, which is connected
to the Universal Holographic System through a M (1M) and that finally
includes 2763 M + 1 M = 2764 M (2+7+6+4=19; 1+9=10; 1+0=1). The
superior hierarchical IE Pat governs the inferior hierarchical IE Pat. The
results show that: God, the Creator (1,4,7 IE Pat) directly governs the
unseen Creation (2,5,8 IE Pat) and indirectly boverns the visible Creation
(3,6,9 IE Pat). The past IE Pat (1,2,3 IE Pat) directly governs the present
(4,5,6 IE Pat) and indirectly governs the future (7,8,9 IE Pat). It is
important to know and follow those human life's hierarchies and the
Universal Laws (7 x) that maintain, evolve and connect Life in Creation,
so we can spiritually evolve as much as possible in the Earth life.
Autori: Veronica Mercut1, Monica Scrieciu1, Mihaela Popescu2,
Ionela Dascalu3, Mihaela Tuculina4, Mihaela Raescu5
Departamentul de Protetica, Facultatea de Stomatologie,
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie, Craiova, 2Departamentul
de Reabilitare Orala, Facultatea de Stomatologie, Universitatea de
Medicina si Farmacie, Craiova, 3Departamentul de Ortodontie,
Facultatea de Stomatologie, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie,
Craiova, 4Departamentul de Endodontie, Facultatea de Stomatologie,
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie, Craiova, 5Departamentul de
stomatologie preventiva, Facultatea de Stomatologie, Universitatea Titu
Maiorescu, Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: bruxism, tulburari de somn, anxietate.
Bruxismul este activitatea parafunctionala cea mai severa a sistemului
masticator, cu consecinte pe ambele arcade dentare maxilare. De
asemenea bruxismul este considerat o tulburare de somn si/sau tulburare
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

de comportament. Implicarea factorilor psiho-comportamentali este

acceptata de majoritatea cercetatorilor. Obiective: Acest studiu a avut ca
scop stabilirea unor corelatii semnificative intre bruxism si cateva aspecte
comportamentale cum ar fi anxietate, insomnie, sforait si sindromul
picioarelor nelinistite. Metode: 132 de subiecti cu varsta intre 21-28 ani,
au fost inclusi in studiu. Consimtamantul pacientilor participanti la studiu
a fost obtinut in prima etapa. Diagnosticul de bruxism a fost stabilit dupa
datele obtinute prin completarea unui chestionar si examinarea clinica.
Rezultate: 21,96 % din subiecti au fost diagnosticati cu bruxism; 31,03 %
dintre ei au declarat ca au suferit de anxietate. De asemenea, subiectii cu
bruxism au declarat ca au suferit de tulburari de somn cum ar fi insomnie
(48,27 %), sindromul picioarelor nelinistite (13,79 %) si sforait (10,34
%). Subiectii cu bruxism au declarat dificultati in initierea somnului
(10,34 %), somn intrerupt (41.37 %) si treziri devreme dimineata (6,89
%). In comparatie cu subiectii care nu au bruxism, tulburarile de somn si
anxietatea au fost mai frecvente la pacientii cu bruxism. Concluzii:
Bruxismul este asociat in mod frecvent cu probleme de anxietate si de
somn cum ar fi insomnie, sindromul picioarelor nelinistite si somn


Authors: Veronica Mercut1, Monica Scrieciu1,
Mihaela Popescu2,Ionela Dascalu3, Mihaela Tuculina4,
Mihaela Raescu5
The Department of Prosthetics, The Faculty of Dentistry, The
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova, 2The Department of Oral
Rehabilitation, The Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Medicine and
Pharmacy, Craiova, 3The Department of Orthodontics, The Faculty of
Dentistry, The University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova, 4The
Department of Endodontics, The Faculty of Dentistry, The University of
Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova, 5 The Department of Preventive
dentistry The Faculty of Dentistry,Titu Maiorescu University,
Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: bruxism, sleep disorder, anxiety.
Bruxism is the most severe parafunctional activity of the masticatory
system, with consequences on both maxillary dental arches. Bruxism is
also considered a sleep disorder and or behaviour disorder. Psycho117
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

behavioural factors implication is accepted by the most researchers.

Objectives: This study aimed to establish correlations between bruxism
and some behavioural aspects, like anxiety, insomnia, snorring and
restless leg syndrome. Methods: 132 subjects aged 21-28 years were
included in the study. The informed consent of the study patients was
obtained in the first stage. Bruxism was diagnosed after data obtained by
filling in a questionnaire and clinical examination. Results: 21.96% from
subjects were diagnosed with bruxism. 31.03% out of them declared they
suffered of anxiety. Bruxism subjects also declared they suffered by sleep
disorders like insomnia (48.27%), restless leg syndrome (13.79%) and
snorring (10.34%). Subjects with bruxism also reported difficulties
initiating sleep (10.34%), disrupted sleep (41.37%), and early morning
awakenings (6.89%). Compared with non-bruxism subjects, sleep
disorders and anxiety were more frequent in bruxism subjects.
Conclusions: Bruxism is frequently correlated with anxiety and sleep
problems, like insomnia, resteless leg syndrome and disrupted sleep
Autor: Acad. Prof. Dr. Adrian Restian
Universitatea de Medicina Carol Davila, Bucuresti
Membru Titular al Academiei de Stiinte Medicale, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: substanta, energie, informatie, informatie moleculara,
camp informational, medicina complementara.
Marile progrese ale medicinii conventionale s-au bazat mai ales pe
aspectul substantial la patologiei umane. Astfel intreaga patologie umana
a fost transferata de la nivelul organic la nivelul molecular, care este
considerat ca fiind aspectul fundamental al patologiei umane. Tot la acest
nivel se cauta vindecarea bolilor. Pe de alta parte, succesul terapiilor
complementare s-a bazat mai ales pe aspectul energetic al fenomenelor
patologie, descriidu-se o multime de energii particulare. Insa in realitate
in spatele aspectului substantial si al aspectului energetic al fenomenelor
patologice se ascunde un nivel mult mai profund si mai subtil si anume
informatia. Organismul uman nu este doar un sistem fizic sau un sistem
chimic, ci si un sistem informational. El este un extrem de complicat
sistem de comunicatii in care fiecare celula si fiecare molecula participa
fie la construirea sistemului de comunicatii, fie la transmiterea
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

informatiilor prin acest sistem. Toti factorii patogeni actioneaz in cele

din urma fie prin afectarea sistemului de comunicatii, fie a informatiilor
care circula prin acest sistem. De aceea informatia reprezinta de fapt,
dup cum am aratat in 1992, parametrul ascuns al patologiei umane. Iar
mijloacele de tratament vor trebui sa se adreseze in cele din urma
tulburarilor de natura informationala. Medicina convenionala se adreseza
de obicei cu mijloace dure, de natura substantiala, mai ales asupra
substratului molecular al fenomenelor patologice, iar medicina
complementara se adreseza mai ales prin mijloace blande, caracteristice
energiilor subtile care sunt mai aproape de substratul informational al
fenomenelor patologice. Pentru a putea intelege substratul informational
prin intermediul caruia actioneaza terapiile complementare va trebui sa
aratam ca informatia reprezinta un alt apect al realitatii care are alte legi
de transformare si de conservare, pe care le-am descris in 1981. Va trebui
sa aratam ca in sistemele informationale apare o cauzalitate
informationala in care efectul depinde nu numai de cauza care actioneaz,
ci si de programul de functionare, de substantele si de energia de care
dispune destinatarul. Va trebui sa aratam ca fiecare molecula transporta
odata cu substanta si energia din care este constituita si programul ei de
prelucrare care depinde nu atat de substanta si energia din care este
formata, cat de informaia moleculara pe care o contine. Va trebui sa
aratam ca pe langa informatia moleculara mai exista o informatie cuantica
mult mai profunda si ca in cele din urma exista un camp informational, pe
care l-am descris in 1975, in care poate sa existe o informatie pura,
independenta de orice substanta si energie. Campul informational este un
camp de probabilitati care poate sa directioneze evolutia fenomenlor spre
una sau spre alta dintre diferitele cai posibile. In lucrare se face o
clasificare a terapiilor complementare in functie de componenta
substantial si energetica si se arata substratul informational prin
intermediul carora actioneaza diferitele terapii complementare.
Author: Acad. Prof. Dr. Adrian Restian
University of Medicine and PharmacyCarol Davila, Bucharest
Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Romania
Keywords: substance, energy, information, molecular information,
information field, complementary medicine.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Great advances of conventional medicine were based mainly on the

substantially aspect of human pathology. Thus the whole human
pathology was transferred from the organic level to the molecular level,
which is considered as the fundamental level of human pathology. Also
on this level the conventional medicine hopes to treat different diseases.
On the other hand, the success of complementary therapies was based
mainly on the energy aspect of pathological phenomena and in this reason
it refers to different sort of specific energies. But the reality behind the
appearance of substantial and energetic aspects of pathological
phenomena there is a deeper and more subtle reality, namely information.
Therefore the human body is not just a physical or chemical system, but
also an information system. This is an extremely complicated
communication system, in which each cell and each molecule is involved
in the construction of the communication system or in the transmission of
information flowing through the system. And all the pathogens factors act
on the latter by affecting the communication system or the information
flowing through the system. Therefore the information is in fact, as I
pointed out in 1992, a hidden parameter of human pathology. In this
reason, the treatment of different diseases will have to be addressed on
the informational disorders. Conventional medicine addresses by means
the usual challenge, on the molecular substratum to thereby carry out
processes the information, and complementary medicine addresses by
means of the subtle energy, which is more nearby to the informational
processes that underlie pathological processes. But in order to understand
the informational substratum of complementary therapies, we have to
show that information is another aspect of reality, which has other
transformation and conservation laws, which I described in 1981. We
have to show that in the informational system acts an informational cause
or determination, where the effect depends not only concerning the acting
element, but also concerning the program, the substance and the energy,
of the recipient. We have to show that each molecule carries beside the
substance and energy is created, its processing program, that depends not
only the matter and energy of which is formed, but the molecular
information that contains. We have to show that besides the molecular
information there is a deeply quantum information. Finally we have to
show that there is also an information field, that I described in 1978,
which is make up by a pure information which is independent by any
substance and energy. Information field is a field of probabilities that can
direct the evolution of the phenomenon on a one or the other way of the
various possible ways. In this paper we elaborated a classification of
complementary therapies concerning substantial and energy component

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

and the informational substratum by means acts various complementary

Autori: M. Raescu1, C. Defta2, M.V. Constantinescu3, C.N.
Cumpata4, M. Tuculina 5, O. Smatrea6
Disciplina Preventie oro-dentara, Universitatea Titu
Maiorescu, Bucuresti, 2Disciplina Microbiologie, Universitatea de
Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila, Bucuresti, 3Disciplina Reabilitare
Orala, Universitatea Titu Maiorescu, Bucuresti, 4Disciplina Chirurgie
OMF, Universitatea Titu Maiorescu, Bucuresti, 5.Disciplina
Endodontie, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie, Craiova, 6Disciplina
Reabilitare Orala, Universitatea Titu Maiorescu,Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: ozon, eficienta, patologie periapicala.
Afectiunile periapicale contin o flora mixta aerob-anaeroba, dificil de
distrus prin actiunea unui singur agent antimicrobian. Studiul de fata
evidentiaza clinic si microbiologic eficienta ozonului in tratamentul
acestui tip de afectiune. Micsorarea numarului sedintelor de tratament si
succesul acestuia recomanda utilizarea ozonului fie sub forma gazoasa,
fie sub forma apei ozonizate.
Authors: M. Raescu1, C. Defta2, M.V. Constantinescu3, C.N.
Cumpata4, M.Tuculina 5, O. Smatrea6
Department of Preventive dentistry ,Titu Maiorescu University,
Bucharest, 2Department of Microbiology, University of Medicine and
Farmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest, 3Department of Oral
Rehabilitation ,Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, 4Department of
OMF Surgery,Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, 5Department of
Endodontics, University of Medicine and Farmacy, Craiova, 6Department
of Oral Rehabilitation, Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Keywords: ozone, efficiency, periapical pathosis.

Periapical pathosis contains an aerob/anaerob microflora, which is very
difficult to destroy by using just one type of medicine or antimicrobial
agent. This study shows a clinical and microbiological proof that ozone is
efficient in the treatment of periapical pathosis. Given that time of
tratment is shorter and the success rate is higher, we recommend the use
of ozone as gas or ozonized water for the tratment of periapical pathosis
Autor: Dr. Ana Andreescu
Institutul National pentru Medicina Complementara si Alternativa
Prof. Dr. Florin Bratila Bucuresti, Romania
Firma Mona Vie este cea mai buna companie in domeniul vanzarilor
directe din industria Network Marketing. Are o experienta de peste 8 ani
si o prezenta globala in peste 25 de tari. In anul 2009 ocupa locul 1 in
industria alimentara din SUA. Ocupa 90% din piata mondiala de Acai
Berry si detine patentul de stabilizare a produsului Acai. A avut o crestere
de 5883% in plina criza economica. Produsul Mona Vie contine 19
fructe: strugure alb, strugure rosu, afina, banana, visine, aronie, goji, kiwi,
camu-camu, rodie, fructul pasiunii, coacaza, merisor, cupuacu, pruna,
mar, acerola si acai. Doar 60 ml din sucul natural Mona Vie reprezinta
echivalentul a 6-8 portii de fructe, ceea ce asigura necesarul de vitamine,
minerale, fitonutrienti, fibre, antioxidanti, flavonoide, polifenoli,
aminoacizi. Ingredientul principal este Acai Berry care este un fruct din
padurile Amazoniei. Studiile stiintifice demonstreaza ca Acai-ul are cel
mai inalt nivel de antioxidanti comparat cu orice alt fruct. Este tratat
printr-un proces de liofilizare si macinat, obtinandu-se un praf care isi
pastreaza toate proprietatile nutritive si le potenteaza. Mona Vie Original
ajuta la detoxifierea organismului, scade pofta de mancare, imbunatateste
sistemul digestiv, vederea, accelereaza tranzitul intestinal si elimina
disconfortul provocat de balonari, crampe, constipatii, previne aparitia
hemoroizilor si datorita concentratiei mare de fibre regleaza nivelul
zaharului din sange. Este un produs considerat de cercetatori ca fiind
unic. Mona Vie Activ contine glucozamina si colagen hidroxilat.
Glucozamina HCL este derivata din zaharurile unor fructe si vine in
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

ajutorul functionarii optime a cartilagiilor, ajuta la o buna mobilitate,

reduce inflamatiile articulare si durerea. Colagenul Hidroxilat este produs
din pulberea fructului Acai prin procedeul de liofilizare, pastrand
continutul nutritional al fructului. Acest tip de colagen restaureaza
flexibilitatea muschilor, rezistenta oaselor, a pielii, parului si unghiilor.
Shake Nutritie reprezinta o sursa de 26 de vitamine si minerale.
Micronutrientii ajuta la reducerea procesului de ardere a caloriilor si
transforma alimentele in energie, protejeaza si mentine celulele,
consolideaza metabolismul energetic. Fitonutrientii reprezinta o protectie
de antioxidanti echivalenta cu 12-14 portii de fructe dintr-o combinatie de
acai, coaja de pin, camu-camu, cupuacu si acerola. Bautura energizanta
Mona Vie EMV este un produs 100% natural, compus din 80% suc de
fructe, palatinoza, miere, trestie de zahar, ceai verde, guarana braziliana,
iarba de mate, cofeina naturala, ginseng si macca. Este usor acidulat, are
un gust placut, nu contine taurine si nici adaos de arome sau coloranti.
Mareste energia, imbunatateste randamentul, mentine rezistenta. 10
motive sa consumam Mona Vie: asigura un somn linistit, imbunatateste
digestia, fortifica sistemul imunitar, reduce durerile si inflamatiile,
imbunatateste functiile sexuale, ajuta la detoxifierea organismului,
regleaza nivelul colesterolului in sange, actioneaza ca un puternic
antiinflamator, reduce stresul si ajuta celulelesa se reproduca corect, ajuta
la prevenirea cancerului si a diferitelor boli metabolice.
Autori: Prof. Univ. Dr. Marian Vladimir Constantinescu1, Conf. Univ.
Dr. Bogdan Ovidiu Popescu2, Dr. Drd. Florin Eugen Constantinescu3,
Biolog Dr. Carmen Liliana Defta4, Conf. Univ. Dr. Mihaela Raescu5,
Dr. Laura Dumitrescu6,
studenta Loana Eugenie Eleonora Contogouris7
Departamentul de Protetica Dentara, Facultatea de Medicina Dentara,
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila, 2Departamentul
de Neurologie, Facultatea de Medicina, Universitatea de Medicina si
Farmacie Carol Davila, Spitalul Clinic Colentina, 3Asociatia pentru
Reabilitare Orala si Posturoterapie din Romania ROPOSTURO,
Departamentul de Microbiologie, Facultatea de Medicina Dentara,
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila, 5Departamentul
de Preventie Dentara si Sanatate Orala, Facultatea de Medicina
Dentara, Universitatea Titu Maiorescu, 6Spitalul Clinic Colentina,

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Facultatea de Medicina Dentara, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie

Carol Davila, Bucuresti, Romania

Cuvinte cheie: posturologie, medicina bioposturala, sistem postural,

informatie bioposturala, diagnostic postural specific, protocol diagnostic
digital neinvaziv, homeostazie, tratamentul tulburarilor de postura.
Medicina bioposturala studiaza echilibrul omului in pozitie verticala
si/sau in miscare si corecteaza tulburarile functionale ale sistemului care
gestioneaza activitatile de postura si cinetica numit Sistem Postural (SP).
Cand cauta sa se ridice, omul se lupta cu gravitatia pentru a-si asigura
stabilitatea si a-si organiza orientarea in spatiu. Fiinta umana capteaza
informatia senzoriala prin receptorii de la nivelul intrarilor posturale
(ochi, urechea interna, picioare, muschi si piele), iar creierul prelucreaza
schema corporala pentru a intelege rapoartele corpului fata de mediul
inconjurator in context spatial si temporal conform unor scheme motorii
pre-programate. Cand SP prezinta tulburari functionale, informatiile
senzoriale sunt discordante, ansamblul sistemului se deregleaza si apar
unele tulburari (rau de mare, rau de miscare, instabilitate etc), iar creierul
face apel la dimensiunea cognitiva pentru a gasi o strategie de
compensare. La fiinta umana expusa stresului, pentru identificarea
tulburarilor posturale se practica o analiza globala a individului printr-un
protocol diagnostic digital neinvaziv (biometrie digitalizata,
baropodometrie, stabilometrie, analize morfologice, etc) care ajuta in
descoperirea unor deficite anatomice si functionale ale receptorilor
posturali. Pentru inlaturarea disfunctiilor posturale pe langa posturologie
este nevoie si de interventia altor discipline medicale (neurologie,
oftalmologie, otorinolaringologie, ortopedie, stomatologie, osteopatie si
podologie) in reprogramarea bioposturala a fiintei umane.
Authors: Prof. Univ. Dr. Marian Vladimir Constantinescu1, Conf.
Univ. Dr. Bogdan Ovidiu Popescu2, Dr. Drd. Florin Eugen
Constantinescu3, Biolog Dr. Carmen Liliana Defta4, Conf. Univ. Dr.
Mihaela Raescu5, Dr. Laura Dumitrescu6,
student Loana Eugenie Eleonora Contogouris7
Departamentul of Prosthetics Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University
of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" , 2Department of Neurology ,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol

Davila " Clinical Hospital, 3Asociatia for Oral Rehabilitation and
Posturoterapie in Romania - ROPOSTURO , 4Departamentul of
Microbiology , Faculty of Dentistry, University of Medicine and
Pharmacy "Carol Davila" , 5Departamentul to Prevent Dental and Oral
Health , Faculty of Dentistry, University " Titu " 6Spitalul Colentina,
Facultatea of Dentistry, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol
Davila ", Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Posturology, bioposturala medicine, postural system,
bioposturala information, specific postural diagnosis, noninvasive digital
diagnostic protocol, homeostasis, treatment of disorders of posture.
Bio-posturala medicine study human balance upright and / or functional
disorder of movement and corrects system which manages the posture
and kinetic called Postural System (PS). When looking to get up, man
fights with gravity to ensure stability and to organize spatial orientation.
Human being captures information through sensory receptors in the
postural inputs (eyes, inner ear, legs, muscles and skin), and the brain
processes the body diagram to understand the body of the environment
reports in context spatially and temporally according to pre- motor
schemes scheduled. When PS shows functional disorders, sensory
information are inconsistent, the whole system goes awry and there are
some disorders (sea sickness, motion sickness, instability, etc.) and
cognitive brain size calls to find a compensation strategy. To human
beings exposed to stress, postural disorders identification is performed a
global analysis of the individual through a digital noninvasive diagnostic
morphological, etc.) that help in the discovery of anatomical and
functional deficits receptor posts. To remove postural dysfunctions
besides posturology intervention is needed and other medical disciplines
(neurology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, orthopedics, dentistry,
osteopathy and chiropody) bioposturala in reprogramming human being.


Autori: Isabela Silosi, Cristian Adrian Silosi, Suzana Rogoz
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie, Craiova, Romania

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Alergia alimentara reprezinta o forma relativ frecventa de alergie. Riscul
de a dezvolta o alergie alimentara este mai mare in cazul n care exista in
familie cazuri de alergie. Alergiile alimentare se intalnesc mai frecvent la
copii decat la adulti. Alergia alimentara se instaleaza in conditiile unui
raspuns imunologic anormal la consumul de anumite produse nutritive.
Alergiile alimentare apar cand sistemul imun reactioneaza anormal la
substantele continute in alimentele ingerate, producand o reactie alergica.
Diagnosticul este deosebit de important in cadrul tratamentului. Pentru a
pune diagnosticul de alergie alimentara, medicul va incepe cu efectuarea
anamnezei si a examenului fizic, apoi se continua cu efectuarea testelor
cutanate si testul de evidentiere in vitro a IgE specifice. Nutritia este
bazata pe excluderea din alimentatie a produselor alergogene. Excluderea
se face dupa anumite tehnici nutritionale, intrucat pot sa apara grave
tulburari de nutritie. Dietele de excludere sau de eliminare constau in
indepartarea din alimentatia pacientului a unor produse care determina
manifestari clinice (diaree, crampe abdominale, vomismente, febra, vertij,
astenie, tulburari de vedere, cefalee, transpiratii) si de laborator. Dietele
de excludere prezinta avantajul ca sunt simplu de efectuat, necostisitoare.
Dietele de excludere permit in etapa de introducere treptata a produselor
nutritive identificarea alimentelor alergogene. Boala celiaca este
provocata de alergia la o proteina (gluten) continuta in grau si alte
Authors: Isabela Silosi, Cristian Adrian Silosi, Suzana Rogoz
University of Medicine and Pharmacy , Craiova, Romania
Food allergy is a relatively common form of allergy. The risk of
developing a food allergy is highest where there is a family history of
allergy. Food allergies are more common in children than in adults. Food
allergy is installed in conditions of abnormal immunologic response to
the consumption of certain nutrients. Food allergies occur when the
immune system reacts abnormally to substances contained in food intake,
causing an allergic reaction. The diagnosis is particularly important in the
treatment. To diagnose food allergy, the doctor will begin with a medical
history and perform a physical exam, and then continue with skin tests
and in vitro tests for specific IgE. Nutrition is based on the exclusion of
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

allergenic food products. Exclusion is after some nutritional techniques,

as may occur grave disturbance of nutrition. Exclusion diets consist of
removal or disposal of patient nutrition products which cause clinical
symptoms (diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, fever, dizziness,
fatigue, blurred vision, headache, sweating) and laboratory. Exclusion
diets have the advantage that they are simple to perform, inexpensive.
Exclusion diets permit stage phasing identify food allergies nutritional
products. Celiac disease is caused by an allergy to a protein (gluten)
contained in wheat and other grains.
Autor : Florin Russu, Corneliu Zeana, Manole Cojocaru
Bucuresti , Romania
Declinul puternic in mortalitatea din infarctul de miocard (IM) in Statele
Unite ale Americii si Uniunea Europeana (cu exceptia Romaniei) este o
consecinta a punerii in aplicare a unui program coerent de masuri primare
si secundare de prevenire. Mortalitatea din IM a scazut cu mai mult de 50
% in toate tarile care subliniaza importanta masurilor preventive. In
Romnia mortalitatea din IM continua sa creasca din cauza absentei
prevenirii. Pacientul cu IM ramane in spital o perioada de timp mult mai
scurta decat vindecarea histopatologica a leziunii care inseamna o
cicatrice definitiva. Pacientul paraseste spitalul intr-o faza vulnerabila.
Credem cu tarie in utilitatea unei a doua etape intr-o institutie medicala
specializata de reabilitare a pacientilor cu IM, in care toti factorii de risc
sunt corelati in mod corespunzator si managementul este individualizat
cat mai mult posibil. Rezultatele unei astfel de perioade de ingrijire dupa
prima etapa sunt impresionante. Cei mai multi dintre pacienti devin
capabili de a efectua o activitate fizica pe care nu o efectuau inainte IM.
In majoritatea cazurilor este posibila intoarcerea la locul de munca.
Recomandam insistent multiplicarea centrelor de reabilitare cardiaca, cea
mai buna modalitate pentru a prevenirea secundara a IM. Sunt discutate
masuri specifice.
Author: Florin Russu, Corneliu Zeana, Manole Cojocaru
Bucharest ,Romania

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

The strong decline in the myocardial infarction (MI) mortality in USA
and EU (except Romania) is the consequence of the implementation of
the preventive primary and secondary measures in a coherent program.
The mortality of MI decreased by more than 50% in all the countries that
stress the importance of the preventive measure. In Romania the MI
mortality continue to rise due to the almost absence of the prevention.
The MI patient remains in the hospital a period of time much shorter than
the histopathological healing of the lesion that means a definitive scar.
The pacient leaves the hospital in a vulnerable phase. We strongly insist
on the utility of a second stage in a medical institution specialized for the
rehabilitation of the MI patients where all the risk factors are
appropriately corrected and the management is individualized as much as
possible. The results of a such a period of care after the first phase are
impressive. Most of the patients become able to perform a physical
activity not reached before the MI. In the majority of cases the return to
work is possible. We strongly recommend the multiplication of the
cardiac rehabilitation centers, the best way for a secondary prevention of
MI. Specific measures are discussed.
Autor: Dr. Constantin Erena,
Medic Primar Boli Interne, Asistent Universitar
UMF Carol Davila, Bucuresti, Romania
Majoritatea bolilor cronice au fost asociate cu nivele crescute ale
radicalilor liberi in sange. Scopul studiului a fost testarea unui supliment
alimentar, cu actiune imunomodulatorie, ASEA, care contine molecule de
semnalizare redox stabilizate intr-o suspensie salina, care s-au dovedit a fi
un activator hiperselectiv al proteinei NRF 2, la un numar de 30 de
pacienti cu boli cronice (arteriopatie obliteranta forma difuza 5 cazuri,
astm bronsic 6 cazuri, psoriazis 5 cazuri, sechele de accident vascular
cerebral ischemic 6 cazuri, diabet zaharat complicat cu neuropatie 5
cazuri, miastenia gravis 3 cazuri). Scopul studiului a fost evaluarea
impactului produsului asupra nivelului radicalilor liberi si asupra
simptomatolgiei si markerilor biochimici din cadrul bolilor respective.
Metoda: la un lot de 30 pacienti, suferind de bolile cronice mentionate, s128
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

a efectuat dozarea radicalilor liberi inainte si la 3 luni dupa admnistrarea

zilnica in doza unica a solutiei continand mesageri redox stabilizati, cu o
metoda spectrofotometrica (FORM). Toleranta produsului a fost foarte
buna, singura reactie adversa semnalata fiind cresterea usoara si
tranzitorie a valorilor tensiunii arteriale in primele 2 saptamani de la
initierea suplimentarii cu mesageri redox. Rezultatele obtinute au fost
Radicali liberi Radicali liberi Ameliorarea
dupa ASEA
Amelioararea simptomatologiei a fost observata la 90% din pacientii care
au consumat ASEA:
de 5428.7 m
280 49 m
astm 3.00.9
Suprafata leziunilor psoriazis 7.2 1.7cmp
1.7 1.5cmp
Scor Barthel (recuperare post 10.11.75
dureri 8.01.6
neuropatie DZ
Clasa severitate Miastenia 3,0
Glicemia(DZ tip II)
16027 mg/dl
11529 mg/dl
Doza zilnica insulina (DZ tip 3314 UI
2912 UI
Administrarea solutiei ASEA, continand molecule de
semnalizare redox stabilizate, duce la reducerea semnificativa a nivelului
radicalilor liberi si la ameliorarea semnificativa a simptomatologiei
clinice in cateva boli cronice (arteriopatie obliteranta, astm bronsic,
psoriazis, sechele de accident vascular cerebral ischemic, diabet zaharat
complicat cu neuropatie, miastenia gravis), influentand de asemenea
benefic glicemia si consumul de insulina la pacientii diabetici.

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Author: Constantin Erena, MD, PhD,

Internal Medicine Department, Assistant Professor
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Bucharest, Romania
Most chronic diseases have been associated with increased levels of free
radicals in the blood. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the
effect of intake of a dietary supplement containing stabilized redox
signaling molecules (ASEA), which have been shown as a potent NRF2
activator, in a total of 30 patients with chronic diseases (peripheral
arterial disease 5 cases, bronchial asthma 6 cases, psoriasis 5 cases,
sequelae of ischemic stroke 6 cases, diabetic neuropathy 5 cases,
myasthenia gravis 3 cases). The aim of the study was to assess the impact
on the level of free radicals and the symptomatology and biochemical
markers of the disease. Method: in a group of 30 patients suffering from
the chronic diseases mentioned above free radicals dosage was performed
with a spectrophotometric method (FORM, units Carr) before and 3
months after administration of the single daily dose of ASEA (120ml).
The tolerance of the product was very good, the only side effect noticed
was a transient increase in blood pressure in the first 2 weeks from
initiating ASEA supplementation.
Initial free
391.3 60.8

radical Free radical level after Symptom relief after

281.8 45.8
27 cases (90%)

Improvement of chronic disease symptoms was noticed in 90% of

patients who consumed ASEA:
Before ASEA
After 3 months ASEA
walking 5428.7 m
28049 m
distance in peripheral
aterial disease
Number of asthma 3.00.9
Surface of psoriasis 7.21.7 sqcm
1.71.5 sqcm
Barthel score (recovery 10.11.7
post stroke)
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

pain severity score
severity class
Glycemia (diabetes type
Daily total insulin dose
(diabetes type I)





160 27 mg / dl

115 29 mg / dl

33 14 UI

29 12 UI

Taking ASEA, a new potent NRF2 activator, significantly reduce the

level of free radicals in the blood and improves clinical symptoms in
several chronic diseases (peripheral arterial disease, bronchial asthma,
psoriasis, ischemic stroke, diabetic neuropathy, myasthenia gravis),
improving also the blood glucose level and reducing the insulin need in
diabetic patients.
Autori: Ioan Chirila1,2, Mioara Tinca Navrotescu1, Elena Toader2
I.N.S.P.-C.R.S.P. Iasi, 2Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Grigore
T. Popa- Iasi, Romania
Scop: Acest studiu si-a propus o trecere in revista a literaturii de
specialitate privind utilizarea apei alcaline pentru consum uman si
evidentierea principalelor efecte benefice pentru organism. Material si
metoda: S-au cautat articolele care contineau in titlu cuvintele apa
alcalina in publicatiile din anii 1950-2013, indexate in baza de date
PubMed si au fost selectate articolele relevante pentru efectele pe
organismul uman prin consumul acestui tip de apa. Rezultate: Au fost
selectate 23 referinte, cuprinzand studii originale experimentale si clinice.
Utilizarea de apa alcalina a influentat aparatul digestiv (secretia gastrica,
cinetica gastric si a vezicii biliare in refluxul gastro-esofagian si
dispepsie, efectul protectiv fata de leziunile hemoragice induse de etanol),
echilibrul hidric si acido-bazic (la subiecti sanatosi si pacienti cu acidoza
metabolica sau nefrolitiaza), refacerea parametrilor biochimici dupa
efortul fizic intens, raspunsul metabolic la exercitiul fizic in diabetul
zaharat insulino-dependent, reducerea resorbtiei si pastrarea/depunerea
calciului in oase si dinti, reglarea tensiunii arteriale, proprietatile
reologice ale sputei prin inhalatie, etc. Concluzii: Consumul de apa
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

alcalina poate aduce beneficii in prevenirea si tratarea unor patologii

Authors: Ioan Chirila1,2, Mioara Tinca Navrotescu1, Elena Toader2
NIPH - RCoPH Iasi, 2University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T.
Popa. Iasi, Romania
Objective: This study has proposed a review of the medical scientific
literature on the use of alkaline water for human consumption and
highlighting key benefits to the body. Methods: Papers containing the
words "alkaline water" in the title were searched in publications from the
years 1950-2013 indexed in PubMed database and relevant articles for the
effects on the human body by using this type of water were selected.
Results: We selected 23 references, including experimental and clinical
original studies. Using alkaline water influenced digestive (gastric
secretion, gastric and gallbladder kinetics in gastro-oesophageal reflux
and dyspepsia, protective effect against ethanol-induced hemorrhagic
gastric lesions), hydro-electrolytic and acid-base balance (in healthy
subjects and patients with metabolic acidosis and nephrolithiasis),
biochemical recovery after intense exercise, the metabolic response to
physical exercise in insulin-dependent diabetics, reduce resorption and
improve retention/accumulation of calcium in bones and teeth, blood
pressure regulation, rheological properties of sputum by inhalation, etc.
Conclusion: Drinking alkaline water can benefit in the prevention and
treatment of various diseases.
Autori: Marosy Zoltn1, Alexandru Cristian Ion2,
Dr. Farm.Gabriela Vlasceanu3
Universitatea Ecologica, Bucuresti, 2Asociatia de Terotehnica &
Terotehnologie , Bucuresti, 3Hofigal Export Import SA, Bucuresti,
Cuvinte cheie: apa de gura, argint coloidal, electroliza, diamagnetism.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Infectiile bucale devin o problema serioasa in randul populatiei. Folosirea

apei de gura poate inceti dezvoltarea bacteriilor periculoase la nivelul
gurii. O parte dintre pacienti cauta pentru spalarile zilnice solutii bazate
pe metode traditionale. O directie de studiu, neepuizata, este cea a
metodelor alternative de dezinfectie a apei cu argint coloidal. In secolul
trecut era o metoda costisitoare si greu de implementat, in prezent se pot
obtine coloizi de argint de calitate buna cu solutii low-cost. Conform
studiilor, argintul coloidal este ideal ca alternativa pentru apa de gura.
Argintul este unul din cele mai puternice antibiotice naturale cu efect
impotriva a peste 650 de patogeni. Apa coloidala cu argint actioneaza 5-6
minute, suficient pentru o spalare eficienta a gurii. Eficienta sa este cu
atat mai mare cu cat se micsoreaza dimensiunile coloidului in apa. Prin
combinarea eficienta a doua tehnici inedite se obtin solutii coloidale de
dimensiuni mici, prin folosirea diamagnetismului si curentilor electrici cu
un amperaj foarte mic. Apa structurata cu campuri magnetice variabile
contribuie semnificativ la separarea structurilor nanometrice ale argintului
coloidal si omogenizarea produsului final. Structura apei puternic
diamagnetizate mareste absorbtia la nivel celular si amplifica efectele
produsului. Combinatia metodelor mareste eficienta la nivel bucal si
protejeaza mai mult timp.
Authors: Marosy Zoltn1, Alexandru Cristian Ion2,
Dr.Pharm.Gabriela Vlasceanu3
Ecological University, Bucharest, 2Association of Terotechnic &
Terotechnology, Bucharest, 3Hofigal Export Import SA, Bucharest,
Keywords: water for mouth, colloidal silver, electrolysis, diamagnetism.
Buccal infections are becoming a serious problem among the general
population. Use of mouth water can slow shoes the dangerous bacteria to
the buccal level. Some of patients search for daily washings solutions
based on traditional methods. A direction of study is that of water
disinfection alternative methods with colloidal silver. In the past century
was a method expensive and difficult to deploy, at present it is possible to
obtain the silver colloids of good quality with low-cost solutions.
According to the studies, the colloidal silver is ideal as an alternative for
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

the water of mouth. The silver is one of the most powerful natural
antibiotics with effect against more than 650 pathogens. The colloidal
water with silver acts 5-6 minutes, time which is sufficient for an
efficiency washing of the mouth. Its efficiency is increased according
with the reducing of the colloid dimensions in water. By effective
combining of these two inedited techniques are obtained colloidal
solutions of small sizes, by using diamagnetism and electrical currents
with a very low amperage. The water structured with variable magnetic
fields contributes significantly to the separation of the Nano metrical
structures of the colloidal silver and to the mixing of the final product.
The structure of the powerful diamagnetic water increases the absorption
at the cellular level and enhances product effects. Combination of the
methods increases the efficiency at the buccal level and protects a long
Autori: Dr. Adriana Tatomirescu1, Dr. Ing. chim. Stefan Manea2,
Dr. Farm. Gabriela Vlasceanu2
Centrul Medical Hofimed, Bucuresti, 2Hofigal Export Import SA,
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: enzime, boli cardio-vasculare, coenzima Q10 in ulei de
Sub termenul generic de enzimopatie se grupeaza afectiuni metabolice
diverse, cauzate de lipsa congenitala sau, mai rar, de sinteza diminuata
sau anarhica a uneia sau mai multor enzime. Enzimele au numeroase
utilizari terapeutice, toate argumentate stiintific. Exista studii clinice in
care s-a raportat ca terapia enzimatica determina reducerea simptomelor
asociate bolilor cardio-vasculare (dureri, crampe, edeme) si implicit
amelioreaza calitatea vietii pacientului. Coagularea sangelui este un
proces care consta intr-o succesiune de reactii enzimatice la nivelul carora
se poate interveni in caz de dezechilibrare patologica. In terapia
aterosclerozei si ischemiei tisulare cardiace, un rol esential il au enzimele
(superoxidismutaze) capabile sa degradeze speciile oxidative ale
oxigenului. Insuficienta cardiaca congestiva se poate ameliora ca stadiu
NYHA prin suplimentarea dietei pacientilor cu Coenzima Q10 forte in
ulei de catina.

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013


Authors: Adriana Tatomirescu MD1, Dr. Eng. Chem.
Stefan Manea2, Dr. Pharm. Gabriela Vlasceanu2
Medical Center Hofimed, Bucharest, 2Hofigal Export Import SA,
Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: enzymes, cardio-vascular diseases, Q10 Coenzima in
seabuckthorn oil.
Under the generic term of "enzimopathy" shall be grouped various
metabolic disorders, caused by the lack congenital or, less frequently, the
reduced or erratic functioning synthesis of one or more enzymes.
Enzymes have numerous therapeutic purposes, all scientifically
substantiated. There are clinical studies in which it has been reported that
the enzymatic therapy reduces the symptoms associated with cardiovascular diseases (headache, cramps, and edema) and default improves
the patient quality of life. Blood coagulation is a process which consists
on a sequence of enzymatic reactions at which level may intervene in the
event of pathological imbalance. In the therapy of atherosclerosys and
cardiac tissue ischemia, an essential role hsve the enzymes
(superoxiddismutazes) that are able to degrade the oxidative species of
oxygen. Congestive heart disease can be improve like NYHA stage by
supplementing the patients diet with Forces Q 10 Coenzima in sea
buckthorn oil.
Autor: Dr. Ciprian Ene
Centrul holistic SOMA, Bucuresti, Romania
Fiecare proces patologic imprima un anumit spectru electromagnetic
tesutului afectat. Analiza NLS preia semnalele electromagnetice emise de
tesuturi si le compara cu modificarile caracteristice in diferite stari de
boala. Se pot aprecia starile de boala sau stadiile preclinice, prezenta de
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

microorganisme, toxine, alergeni, etc. intr-o maniera non-invaziva.

Ulterior se aplica diferite tipare electro-magnetice de corectie, care sunt
preluate de organism ca linii directoare pentru restabilirea starii de
echilibru (Meta-Terapie). In contextul patologiei infectioase digestive
metoda este utila atat in evaluarea prezentei germenilor patogeni cat si in
evaluarea extensiei leziunilor provocate de microorganisme in tesuturi:
perete gastric sau intestinal, ficat, splina, pancreas, ganglioni limfatici
abdominali. Deasemenea pot fi evaluate si consecintele la distanta
cauzate de germenii respectivi sau de catre toxinele generate de acestia.
Pe langa reechilibrarea prin Meta-Terapie, ca tratament la domiciliu
sunt evaluate anumite remedii fitoterapice, nutriceutice, dietetice, dar si
alopate, toate cuantificate din punct de vedere al potentialului de a corecta
deficitele respective (bio-compatibilitate). Lucrarea de fata prezinta
abordarea integrativa a unor cazuri clinice cu diferite microorganisme
depistate (bacterii, virusi, paraziti) si diferite localizri tisulare, cazuri
care au beneficiat de diagnostic si tratament integrativ: aspecte imagistice
in dinamica comparativ cu analiza entropica NLS - diagnostic diferential
cu alte patologii, analize de sange imunologice versus detectie de
microorganisme, evaluarea eficientei tratamentelor prin metode clasice si
Author: Ciprian Ene MD
SOMA Holistic Center, Bucharest, Romania
Every pathological process generates a specific electro-magnetic
spectrum for the affected tissue. The NLS analysis records the electromagnetic signals emitted by tissues and compares them to the typical
changes recorded in different pathological states. This allows us to
evaluate disease stages but also pre-clinical states, the presence of
microorganisms, toxins, allergens, etc. in a non-invasive manner.
Subsequently, corrective electro-magnetic patterns can be applied,
which are perceived by the human organism as guiding lines for reestablishing the state of equilibrium (Meta-Therapy). Reguarding the
infectious digestive pathology, the method is useful for detecting the
presence of germs, but also for evaluating the extent of the lesions caused
by the microorganisms in tissues: gastric or intestinal wall, liver, spleen,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

pancreas, abdominal lymph nodes. Also one can evaluate the distant
consequences caused by the germs or their toxins. In association with
the re-balancing induced by Meta-Therapy, for the home treatment one
can evaluate certain phytotherapic, nutriceutical, dietary, but also
allopathic remedies, all quantified by their potential to correct the
depicted deficits (bio-compatibility). The study describes the integrative
approach of certain clinical cases with different microorganisms detected
(bacteria, viruses, parasites) and different tissular localizations, cases
which benefitted from an integrative diagnosis and treatment: imagistic
dinamic aspects compared to NLS entropy analysis differential
diagnosis with other pathologies, immunologic blood tests versus
microorganism detection, evaluation of treatment efficiency by classical
and alternative methods.
Autori: Dr. Dan Teofil Dumitru1, Dr. Constantin Tecu2,
Psiholog Luminita Dumitru3
PFA Dumitru Dan, Bucuresti, 2S.C.Neuroimpuls SRL, Timisoara,
Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: Aura, semnificatia cromatica, campuri energetice,
tratament SCIO.
Exista o varietate de campuri energetice care inconjoara si emana din
corpul nostru fizic. Aura este unul dintre ele. Aura umana reprezinta acea
radiatie eterica ce ne inconjoara corpul. In lucrare sunt precizate
caracteristicile ei in functie de varsta, starea psihica, alimentatie etc. Sunt
trecute in revista o serie de senzatii care au legatura cu aura si
influentarea ei de alte campuri energetice. Vizualizarea Aurei este
posibila prin antrenament, dar interpretarea a ceea ce vezi este insa mai
grea. Sunt aratate culorile Aurei si semnificatia lor. Aparatul de
biorezonanta SCIO poate vizualiza aura persoanei, poate depista
anomaliile ei si le poate corecta energetic.
Authors: Dr. Dan Teofil Dumitru1, Dr. Constantin Tecu2,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Psiholog Luminita Dumitru3

PFA Dan Dumitru, Bucharest, 2S.C.Neuroimpuls SRL, Timisoara,
Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Aura, meaning color, energy fields, SCIO treatment
There are a variety of energy fields that surrounds and emanates from the
physical body. Aura is one of them. The human aura is the radiation
etheric body that surrounds us. The paper stated its characteristics by age,
mental state, diet etc. Are reviewed a series of sensations connected with
her aura and influence other energy fields. Aura Viewing is possible by
training, but the interpretation of what you see is harder. Showing Aura
colors and their meaning. SCIO biofeedback device can view the person's
aura, can detect abnormalities and can correct them energetic.
Autor: Dr. George Florian Baltei
Medic rezident an 3, Romania
Pe masura inaintarii in varsta, scade capacitatea transportorilor
mitocondriali de a accepta sau a dona electroni. Activitatea lezanta a
radicalilor oxidativi este afectata de balanta creata intre producerea de
radicali si mecanismele de aparare la stresul oxidativ. De retinut, lantul de
transportori electronic-mitocondriali este principalul furnizor de radicali
oxizi. Se defineste starea redox (SR) ca reprezinta forta energetica pentru
transferul electronilor si este un parametru ce masoara abilitatea de a dona
electroni sau de a accepta electroni de catre componentele lantului
transportor electronic mitocondrial. Statusul redox este o masura a fortei
de a dona sau a accepta un electron asa cum pH-ul este o masura a
transferului de protoni. Masurand acest potential referitor la raportul
plasmatic GSH/GSSG s-a constatat ca exista o medie de -137mV ce se
mentine constanta pana la varsta de 50 de ani apoi scade la -110mV pe la
75-80 de ani. Acest declin poate fi franat de administrarea de suplimente
nutritive antioxidante pe baza de vitamina C, beta-caroten,etc. La
diabeticii tip 2 se constata un declin al potentialului redox GSH/GSSG la
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

-110mV. Ce ne spun toate acestea? Ne spun ca, pentru a ne mentine o

viata cat mai indelungata, cat mai activa si cat mai sanatoasa, este necesar
sa facem miscare combinata cu o dieta hipocalorica predominant de tip
vegetal. Apele alcaline cu potential redox negativ contribuie la reducerea
efortului mitocondrial (mitocondriile prin lantul citocromilor de transport
de electroni contribuie in mod direct la neutralizarea radicalilor agresivi
mentinand in interiorul celulei un raport convenabil GSH/GSSG).
Aceaste ape impiedica manifestarea timpurie a bolilor degenerative
specifice procesului de imbatranire din organism (arterioscleroza,
insuficienta de organ, boala Alzheimer, etc). In concluzie, procesul de
imbatranire este incetinit. Prescurtari: GSH = glutation redus; GSSG=
glutation oxidat.
Author: George Florian Baltei MD
Resident year 3, Romania
As aging, lowers mitochondrial transporters to accept or donate electrons.
Lezant activity is affected by oxidative radicals created balance between
radical production and oxidative stress defense mechanisms. Note,mitochondrial electron transport chain is the main supplier of oxide
radicals. We define the redox state (SR) that are energy force for electron
transfer and is a parameter that measures the ability of electrons to donate
or accept electrons to the mitochondrial electron transport chain
components. Redox status is a measure of the strength of the electron
donating and accepting as the pH is a measure of transfer of protons.
By measuring this potential on plasma GSH ratio / GSSG was found that
there is an average of-137mV which is constant until age 50 and then
decreases to-110mV at 75-80 years. This decline can be slowed by taking
antioxidant supplements of vitamin C, beta-carotene, etc.. In type 2
diabetes there is a decline in GSH redox / GSSG at-110mV. What do we
say this? We say that, in order to maintain life as long as active and
healthy as it is necessary to make the move combined with a reduced
calorie diet predominant vegetation type. Negative redox potential
alkaline water helps reduce effort mitochondrial (mitochondria by
cytochrome electron transport chain contributes directly to neutralize
aggressive radicals inside the cell maintaining a convenient report GSH /
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

GSSG). This prevents water early manifestation of specific degenerative

diseases of aging in the body (atherosclerosis, organ failure, Alzheimer's,
etc). In conclusion, the aging process is slowed. Abbreviations: GSH =
reduced glutathione; GSSG = oxidized glutathione.
Autori: Rusu Elena1, Sarbu Ionela2, Pelinescu Diana2,
Ionela Nedelcu2, Vassu Tatiana2, Cojocaru Manole1
Departamentul Preclinic, Facultatea de Medicina,
UniversitateaTitu Maiorescu Bucuresti
Departamentul de Genetica, Facultatea de Biologie,
Universitatea Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: Candida, viabilitate celular, NSAID
Tema studiului nostru a fost determinarea efectului pe care il are
asocierea unor antiinflamatoare nesteroidiene cu unele substante
antifungice asupra viabilitatii unor specii de Candida (C) albicans si C.
krusei. Cercetarea s-a efectuat pe 6 tulpini de drojdii patogene izolate din
infectii orofaringiene si vaginale (C. albicans si C. krusei). Testele
(metoda difuzimetrica si metoda microdilutilor seriale) s-au facut in
prezenta unor antiinflamatoare nesteroidiene (NSAID) in diferite
concentratii (0,25 mg/ml si 1mg/ml). Medicamentele antifungice au avut
o concentratie mai mica decat valoarea MIC (1/ml). Viabilitatea celulara
a tulpinii C. krusei a fost de 82% pentru NSAID utilizate, iar asocierea
acestora cu Ketoconazolul a dus la o scadere a viabilitatii celulare la 60%
comparative cu celulele tratate doar cu antifungic. In prezenta NSAID,
viabilitatea tulpinilor de C. albicans a scazut intre 6% si 18% pentru
Diclofenac si Ibuprofen. In cazul utilizarii simultane a celor doua clase de
medicamente s-a constatat o crestere a activitatii antimiocrobiene, in
special pentru asocierea Diclofenacului cu antifungice, viabilitatea
celulara fiind redusa pana la 60% si respectiv 70%, comparativ cu
celulele tratate doar cu Ketoconazol sau Fluconazol. Noi am observat o
actiune sinergica a unor NSAIDs cu cei doi compusi antifungici utilizati
pentru unele specii de Candida. Aceasta lucrare a fost finantata prin
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Programul National de Cercetare CNCSIS Programul Resurse Umane

Authors: Rusu Elena1, Sarbu Ionela2, Pelinescu Diana2,
Ionela Nedelcu2, Vassu Tatiana2, Cojocaru Manole1
Preclinical Department, Faculty of Medicine,
Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest,
Department of Genetic, Faculty of Biology,
Bucharest University, Romania
Keywords: Candida, cell viability, NSAID
The main goal of our study was to determine the effect that association of
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with antifungal drugs on
viability of Candida (C.) albicans and C. krusei species. Six yeast strains
were isolated from pharyngeal and vaginal secretions (C. albicans and C.
krusei). Tests (diffusion and serial microdilutions methods) were carried
out in the presence of some NSAIDs by using different concentrations
(0.25mg/ml and 1mg/ml). Antifungal drugs were used in lower
concentrations than the MIC (1g/ml). Cell viability of C. krusei strain
was of 82% for NSAIDs used and association of these with ketoconazole
led to decrease of cell viability of C. krusei strain to 60% as compared to
the cells treated with antifungal drugs. In the presence of NSAIDs, cell
viability of C. albicans strains, decreased between 6 to 18% for
diclofenac and ibuprofen. In the case of simultaneous use of the two
classes of drugs, there was observed an increase of antimicrobial activity,
especially for diclofenac association, cell viability was reduced up to 60%
and respectively 70% as compared to the cells treated only with
ketoconazole and fluconazole. We observed a synergistic action of certain
NSAIDs with two antifungal drugs used on some Candida species.This
work has been supported by the national research project CNCSIS
Human Resources TE66/2010.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Autor: Dr. Didi Surcel
Blue Life Medical Center, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Homeopatia ocupa un loc de prim rang favorizand reannodarea legaturii
dintre om si mediul sau, intre medicina corpului si medicina sufletului,
intre finitul si infinitul in care noi ne inscriem. Medicina alopats exista
pentru supravietuirea noastra in incercari, iar celelalte medicini zise
paralele o acompaniaza, si astfel ne ajuta sa intelegem aceste incercari.
Cuvantul cheie este a indrazni. A indrazni sa gasesti solutii pentru tot ce
ne copleseste la un moment dat, este efort si bucurie, este curaj si daruire,
este multa, foarte multa munca pentru binele tuturor. Baza homeopatiei
consta in principiul similitudinii, sugerand ca dozele mici, respectiv
microdozele substantelor vor vindeca orice fel de simptome pe care
aceste substante le cauzeaza in doze mari, principiu observat si in
utilizarea vaccinurilor sau in tratamentul alergiilor. Homeopatia se
include perfect in grupul metodelor terapeutice care argumenteaza
mecanismele de aparare proprii ale organismului. In prezent, se accepta
ca remediile homeopatice stimuleaza apararea organismului, dar modul
lor de actiune ramane inca un mister. Exista studii experimentale care
demonstreaza stimularea macrofagelor, citokinelor sau a limfocitelor T si
B de catre diferite remedii homeopatice. Intelegerea homeopatiei in
lumina imunologiei aduce in vizor dezvoltarea unor preparate
medicamentos alternative, utile pentru combaterea bolilor induse de
deficiente imunologice. Remediile homeopatice pot fi utilizate in
domenii medicale moderne, unde medicamentele alopate de ultima ora,
precum citokinele, au esuat in incercarea de a combate boli induse de
dezordinea imunologica. In efortul de a creste capacitatea sistemului
imun de a tine sub control starea de sanatate a organismului, metoda
detoxifierii realizata de preparatele homeopatice prin modularea reactiilor
imune se remarca printr-un excelent rol antitoxic si de drenaj, realizand
stoparea si eliminarea acestor substante nocive. Remediile homeopatice
induc nu doar stimularea raspunsului imun, dar si supresia raspunsului
imun, a tolerantei fata de anumite substante straine, asigurand astfel
restabilirea starii de sanatate. Dezordini imunologice de tipul
citotoxicitate, hipersensibilitate, complexe imune, imunodeficienta si
bolile autoimune pot fi abordate cu succes prin terapia homeopatica.
Utilizarea diferitelor substante toxice in doze homeopatice au efect
modulator asupra sistemului imun in ceea ce priveste imunitatea celulara
si umorala, dar mai ales asupra maduvei osoase, la nivelul careia celula
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

stem hematoformatoare (MSC) si celula stem mezenchimala (MSC),

ambele implicate major in apararea si vindecarea tesuturilor agresate, sunt
mobilizate in raspunsul tratamentului homeopatic.
Author: Didi Surcel MD
Blue Life Medical Center, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Homeopathy occupies a prime favoring the reinstatement of the bond
between man and his environment, between body medicine and medicine
of the soul, between the finite and the infinite in which we are signing.
Allopathic medicine there for our survival medicine clinical trial and said
other parallel accompanies and thus help us understand these attempts.
The key word is to have courage. To have courage means to find
solutions for all overwhelms us at one time effort and joy, the courage
and dedication and a lot of very hard work for the common good. The
base principle of homeopathy is to similars, suggesting that low doses of
Micro substances that will cure any symptoms that are causing
these substances in high doses principle observed in the use of vaccines
or allergy. Homeopathy is included in group therapeutic methods that
perfect thought to enhance the body's own defense mechanisms.
Currently, it is accepted that homeopathic remedies stimulate the body's
defenses, but their mode of action remains a mystery. There are
experimental studies that demonstrate stimulation of macrophages,
cytokines or T and B lymphocytes by different homeopathic remedies.
Understanding homeopathy in immunology brings light visor developing
alternative medicinal preparations useful for combating diseases induced
immunodeficiency. Homeopathic remedies can be used in modern
medical fields where the latest allopathic medicines such as cytokines,
failed in an attempt to combat the disease induced immunological
disorder. In an effort to increase the immune system's ability to keep
control of the health of the body's detoxification method realized by
modulating immune reactions homeopathic preparations are distinguished
by an excellent drainage and antitoxic role, making stopping and
removing these harmful substances. Homeopathic remedies not only
boost immune response induction, and suppression of the immune
response, tolerance to certain foreign substances, thus ensuring the
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

hypersensitivity, immune complexes, immunodeficiency and autoimmune
diseases can be successfully addressed through homeopathic treatment.
Using homeopathic doses of various toxic substances modulating effect
on the immune system in terms of cellular and humoral immunity,
especially the bone marrow, the hematopoietic stem cell which (MSC)
and mesenchymal stem cell (MSC), both involved major defense and
tissue healing abused, are mobilized in response homeopathic treatment.
Autori : Marinela Lache1, Elena Rusu2, Manole Cojocaru2
Spitalul Clinic Universitar de Urgenta , Bucuresti
Universitatea " Titu Maiorescu" , Facultatea de Medicina,
Bucuresti, Romania
Alimentele reprezinta unul dintre cei mai importanti factori de mediu care
influenteaza sanatatea umana. Nutritia este un factor major care participa
la realizarea unui management echilibrat al stilului de viata, la prevenirea
unor comportamente de risc. Conceptul de medicina personalizata este
acum extins la domeniul nutritiei. Ideea ca dieta / genomul interactiuni
medicamentoase pot provoca boli nu este noua. Interfata dintre mediul
nutritiv si procesele celulare / genetice este numita "Nutritie genomica".
Cele mai multe cazuri de boli cronice (boli cardiovasculare, diabet,
cancer) se datoreaza interactiuni complexe intre mai multe gene si factorii
de mediu. Acum este acceptat ca substantele nutritive (macronutrienti,
microelemente) modifica procesele moleculare. La nivel celular
substantele nutritive poate actiona ca ligaturi pentru receptorii factor de
transcriere, fie pot fi metabolizate de cai metabolice primare sau
secundare sau pot afecta pozitiv sau negativ caile de semnal. Modificarea
echilibrului energetic intracelular poate modifica indirect expresia
genelor. Regim alimentar bazat pe cunoasterea necesarul nutritional,
starea de nutritie si genotipul ("nutritia individualizata") poate fi folosit
pentru a preveni sau vindeca boli cronice. Variatia genetica individuala
poate influenta modul in care elemente nutritive sunt asimilate,
metabolizate, depozitate si eliminate din organism. Nutritia genomica
urmareste sa ofere o intelegere genetica pentru modul in care nutritia
afecteaza echilibrul intre sanatate si boala. Rezultatul dorit al nutritiei

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

genomice este utilizarea de diete personalizate pentru a intarzia debutul

bolii si de a optimiza si a mentine sanatatea.
Authors: Marinela Lache1, Elena Rusu2, Manole Cojocaru2
Clinical University Emergency Hospital, Bucharest
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
Foods represent one of the most important environmental factors
influencing human health. Nutrition is a major factor participating in the
accomplishment of a balanced lifestyle management, preventing some
risk behaviors. The concept of personalized medicine is now being
extended to the field of nutrition. The idea that adverse diet/genome
interactions can cause disease is not new. The interface between the
nutritional environment and cellular/genetic processes is being referred to
as nutrigenomics. Most cases of chronic diseases (cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, cancer) are due to complex interactions between several
genes and environmental factors. It is now accepted that nutrients (i.e.,
macronutrients, micronutrients) alter molecular processes. At the cellular
level, nutrients may act as ligands for transcription factor receptors, be
metabolized by primary or secondary metabolic pathways, or positively
or negatively affect signal pathways. Altering intracellular energy balance
may indirectly alter gene expression. Dietary intervention based on
knowledge of nutritional requirement, nutritional status, and genotype
(i.e., individualized nutrition) can be used to prevent, or cure chronic
disease. Individual genetic variation can influence how nutrients are
assimilated, metabolized, stored, and excreted by the body.
Nutrigenomics seeks to provide a genetic understanding for how common
nutrition affects the balance between health and disease. The desired
outcome of nutrigenomics is the use of personalized diets to delay the
onset of disease and optimize and maintain human health.
Autor : Prof. Simona Pop , DDS , MD ,
ECC Medical Care , Viena , Austria
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Introducere: In secolul trecut lumea a devenit mai dezvoltata si mai

poluata. Sursele de poluare sunt variate. Multe dintre aceste substante
poluante au metale grele, care atunci cand sunt absorbite in organism pot
crea o sarcina toxica pe care organismul nu o poate trata adecvat.
Explozia de boli cronice din ultimele decenii isi are izvorul, in parte, in
aceasta crestere mortala de toxine de metale grele si pesticide. Laser-ul
bland bazat pe fotoni bio (SLBP) este un dispozitiv ambulatoriu
neinvaziv folosit pentru pacientii cu supraincarcare suspecta de metale
pentru a facilita detoxifierea si este acelasi ca si pentru intoleranta
alimentara, alergie sau alergii incrucisate. Rezultatele clinice au
demonstrat un impact pozitiv al SLBP pe pacientii intoxicati cu metale
grele, cu boli asociate intolerantei la alimente sau alergii incrucisate.
Scopul: Pentru a evalua efectul SLBP in procesul de detoxifiere, precum
si rata de satisfactie la pacientii care sufera de intoxicatii cu metale grele,
intolerante alimentare si alergii incrucisate. Metode: Au fost studiate un
numar total de 60 de pacienti: 60 de pacienti cu varste intre 10 - 65 ani,
30 de femei cu varste intre 24 - 60 de ani si 30 de barbati cu varste intre
10 - 65 de ani. Toti pacientii au fost supusi la cel putin un tratament
conventional pentru o boala pe o perioada de 2-3 ani. Tratamentul
conventional nu a ajutat si pacientii au avut aceleasi simptome ca acum 23 ani. Toti pacientii au primit vaccinuri, au avut sau nu plombe de
amalgam si/sau tratament protetic si/sau aparate ortodontice, si pentru toti
am facut testul de sange MELISA pentru a masura sensibilitatea la metale
grele. In timpul tratamentului toti au avut doar un tratament ortomolecular
si toti au fost expusi la SLBP. Jumatate dintre pacienti au fost plasati intrun grup de control care nu a primit tratamente de detoxifiere. Tratamentul
- curs a constat din mai multe sesiuni pe parcursul unei perioadei de mai
multe luni. Au fost dou sedinte pe saptamana.
Rezultate: Pacientii care au primit tratament ortomolecular si SLBP au
cunoscut o reducere semnificativa a problemelor lor de sanatate, cum ar fi
reducerea CF, a mancarimii pielii sau o reducere la jumatate a migrenelor
digestive. Pacientii care au primit tratament de dezintoxicare au aratat, de
asemenea, o imbunatatire semnificativ mai mare decat pacientii care au
primit doar tratament ortomolecular si SLBP. Dupa tratament
mancarimea pielii a disparut, nu au mai avut dureri de cap, tulburari
digestive, probleme cardiace sau respiratorii. Satisfactia generala a
pacientilor cu dezintoxicare si tratament cu laser a fost mare. Concluzie:
Eficacitatea si rata de satisfactie la pacientii intoxicati cu metale, alergii
alimentare asociate au fost influentate pozitiv de un protocol de tratament
de dezintoxicare, SLBP si ortomolecular, in plus fata de grupul de
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013


Author: Prof. Simona Pop, DDS, MD,
ECC Medical Care, Vienna, Austria
Introduction: In the last century, world has become more developed and
more polluted. The sources of the pollution are varied. Many of these
pollutants have heavy metals which when absorbed into the body can
create a toxic load that the body cannot adequately deal with. The
explosion of chronic diseases over the last few decades has its source in
part from this deadly increase of heavy metal toxins and pesticides. Soft
laser based on Bio Photons (SLBP) is a noninvasive outpatient device
used for patients with suspected metal overload to facilitate detoxification
the same as for food Intolerance, allergy, or cross allergy. Clinical results
have demonstrated a positive impact of SLBP on patients with heavy
metal, food or cross allergy-associated diseases. Aim: To assess the effect
of SLBP on the detoxification process as well as the satisfaction rate in
patients suffering from heavy metals, food, and cross-allergy. Methods: A
total of 60 patients were studied: 60 patients aged 10 years to 65 years, 30
women aged 24 to 60 years and 30 men aged 10 to 65 years. All patients
had undergone at least one conventional treatment for a disease during a
period of 2-3 years. The conventional treatment has not helped and
patients had the same symptoms as 2-3 years ago. All the patients had
received vaccines, had or not amalgam fillings and / or prosthodontic
treatment and / or orthodontic appliances, and for all of them it had
MELISA BLOOD TEST to measure the heavy metal sensitivity. During
treatment, all of them have had only orthomolecular treatment and all of
them were exposed to SLBP. Half of the patients were placed in a control
group which did not receive detox treatments. The treatment course
consisted of many sessions distributed over the period of several months.
There were two sessions per week. Results: Patients who received
orthomolecular treatment and SLBP experienced a significant reduction
of their ill- health, such as reduction of CF, skin rush, or migraine
digestive disturbances frequency that was halved. Patients who received
detox treatment also, showed a significantly higher total improvement
than patients who received only orthomolecular and SLBP treatment.
After treatment, skin rush disappeared, and they had no more headaches,
digestive disturbances depression, cardiac or respiratory problems.
Overall satisfaction of patients with detox and laser treatment was high.
Conclusion: The efficacy and satisfaction rate of detox in patients with
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

metal food allergy-associated diseases were positively influenced by a

treatment protocol of detox, SLBP and orthomolecular in addition to the
control group.
Autor: Dragana Begovic,
Belgrad, Serbia
Medicina complementara/alternativa (CAM) este mai populara decat
oricand. Pacientii cu boli pulmonare cauta de multe ori asa-numitul
tratament alternativ ca suplimentare, dar rareori medicina alternativa
reala. Una dintre cele mai cunoscute, dar cel mai putin intelese dintre
toate vitaminele este vitamina C, cunoscuta sub numele de acid ascorbic.
Plamanii sunt in mod constant expusi la oxidanti, cum ar fi ozonul si
dioxidul de azot, care sunt inhalate sau eliberate din leucocitele
inflamatorii. In scopul de a proteja plamanii de sarcina oxidanta endogena
sau exogena, sunt disponibile mai multe sisteme antioxidante, inclusiv
vitamina C. Studii recente sugereaza ca vitamina C este un important
antioxidant si arata faptul ca administrarea ca supliment a vitaminei C ar
putea fi benefica pentru pacientii cu boli pulmonare. Am examinat nivelul
de vitamina C la 40 de pacienti cu boli pulmonare obstructive cronice
(BPOC) si 35 de copii cu astm bronsic. Concentratiile de ascorbat in ser
au fost determinate la pacientii cu boli pulmonare si la grupul de control.
Nivelurile de vitamina C in ser au fost mai mici la pacientii cu BPOC
decat la cei din grupul de control. La pacientii cu BPOC si insuficienta
respiratorie concentratia de vitamina C din ser este scazuta in mod
semnificativ (p<0,001) fata de pacientii cu BPOC cu nivel normal de
gazele in sange. Concentratiile de vitamina C din ser nu sunt in corelatie
cu scorul clinic al simptomelor si/sau al spirometriei la copiii cu astm.
Datele obtinute arata o relatie intre nivelul de vitamina C si BPOC.
Descoperirile noastre sunt de asemenea compatibile cu observatiile care
arata ca vitamina C din dieta are un efect protector asupra functiei
pulmonare. Nivelurile sanguine ridicate de vitamina C pot fi un semn
nutritional ideal pentru starea generala de sanatate.
Author: Dragana Begovic,
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Belgrade, Serbia
Complementary/alternative medicine (CAM) is more popular than ever
before. Patients with pulmonary diseases often seek so-called alternative
treatment as supplementation but seldom as real alternative medicine.
One of the most highly publicized, yet least understood of all of the
vitamins is vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. The lungs are
constantly exposed to oxidants such as ozone and nitrogen dioxide that
are inhaled or release from inflammatory leukocytes. In order to protect
the lung from increased endogenous or exogenous oxidant burden,
several antioxidant systems are available, including vitamin C. Recent
study suggests that vitamin C is important antioxidant and indicate that
taking supplement such as vitamin C could benefit patients with
pulmonary diseases. We examined the vitamin C status in 40 patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 35 children with
asthma. Serum ascorbate concentrations were determinated in patients
with pulmonary diseases and in control group. The levels of serum
vitamin C were lower in COPD patients than in control group. In patients
with COPD and respiratory failure serum vitamin C concentration is
highly significantly decreased (p<0.001) than in patients with COPD
with normal arterial blood gases. Concentrations of serum vitamin C were
not in correlation with clinical score of symptoms and/or spirometry in
children with asthma. The obtained data indicate a relation between
vitamin C status and COPD. Our findings are also compatible with
observations that dietary vitamin C has a protective effect on pulmonary
function. Higher blood levels of vitamin C may be ideal nutritional
marker for overall health.
Autori: Rusu Elena, Epuran Silviu, Cojocaru Manole
Departamentul Preclinic, Facultatea de Medicina,
Universitatea Titu Maiorescu, Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: E. coli, antibiotice, rezistenta.
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Tema centrala a studiului nostru a fost determinarea incidentei infectiior

urinare cauzate de prezenta diferitelor specii microbiene si sensibilitatea
acestora la diferite clase de medicamente. Noi am observat un lot de 638
de pacienti care au fost internati la spitalul Gerota din Bucuresti, timp de
6 saptamani, care prezentau diferite patologii (gastroenterite, boli
cardiovasculare, pneumonii si infectii urinare). Din totalul pacienilor,
100 au prezentat rezultate pozitive la determinarea infectiilor urinare.
Specia predominanta a fost E. coli (65%) urmata de specii ale genurilor
Enterococcus (15%), Proteus (10%), Enterobacter (6%), specia
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3%) si Staphylococcus aureus (1%). Incidenta
speciei E. coli a fost de 57% pentru femei si de 23% pentru barbati. Sase
tulpini bacteriene au prezentat sensibilitate la Imipenen si au fost
rezistente la toate clasele de antibiotioce utilizate (patru tulpini E. coli si
doua tulpini Enterobacter sp.). Cinci dintre acestea au fost recoltate de la
barbati si una de la o femeie. Incidenta rezistentei la medicamentele
antibiotice a speciei E. coli a fost de 45% pentru Gentamicina, 43%
pentru Cefaclor, 43% pentru Tetraciclina, 21.5% pentru Ciprofloxacin si
26% pentru Amoxicilina si Acid clavulanic. Marea majoritate a tulpinilor
identificate apartin speciei Escherichia coli si prezinta rezistenta crescuta
la medicamentele antibiotice.
Authors: Rusu Elena, Epuran Silviu, Cojocaru Manole
Preclinical Department, Faculty of Medicine, Titu Maiorescu
University, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: E. coli, antibiotics, resistance
The aim of our study was to determine the urinary infection incidence
caused by different microbial species and the sensitivity to the different
antibiotics classes. We observed a lot of 638 patients which were
hospitalized in Gerota Hospital from Bucharest during six weeks for
pneumonitis, and urinary tract infections). From the total number of
patients, 100 were done positive for urinary tract infections. The
predominant species was E. coli (65%) followed by Enterococcus species
(15%), Proteus species (10%), Enterobacter species (6%), Pseudomonas
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

aeruginosa (3%) and Staphylococcus aureus (1%). The incidence E. coli

species was 57% for women and 23% for men. Six strains were
susceptibility only to imipenen and resistant to all antibiotics used (four
E. coli strains and two Enterobacter strains). Five of these were from men
and one from a woman. Incidence of antibiotic drugs resistance was 45%
for gentamicin, 43% for cefaclor, 43% for tetracycline, 21.5% for
ciprofloxacin, and 26% for amoxicillin and clavulanic acid for E. coli
strains. Most of identified strains belong to Escherichia coli species and
have a great resistance to antibiotic drugs.
Autori: Alexandra Dana Maria Panait1, M. Cojocaru2
Agentia Nationala a Medicamentelor si a Dispozitivelor Medicale,
Bucuresti, 2Universitatea Titu Maiorescu", Facultatea de Medicina,
Dept. de Fiziologie, Bucuresti, Romania
Micotoxinele sunt substante naturale care apar ca produsi din dezvoltarea
ciupercilor parazitare (Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium, Claviceps si
Alternaria) la plante si produse depozitate si utilizate apoi pentru hrana
oamenilor si a animalelor. Acestea sunt substante toxice care au un risc
semnificativ pentru siguranta alimentara. Principalul producator de
aflatoxina este Aspergillius flavus, un mucegai de la Ascomycota clade;
este o specie comuna (in sol, materia organica in descompunere, seminte
oleaginoase, cereale). Ficatul este organul cel mai deteriorat atunci cand
se produce o intoxicatie cu aflatoxina. Studiile epidemiologice au aratat o
asociere intre consumul de aflatoxina din alimentele contaminate si
incident crescuta a cancerului de ficat.
Authors: Alexandra Dana Maria Panait1, M. Cojocaru2
National Agency of Medicine Drug and Medical Devices, Bucharest,
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Physiology,
Bucharest, Romania

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

Mycotoxins are natural substances that occur as byproducts from the

development of parasitic fungus (Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium,
Claviceps and Alternaria) at plants and stored products and used then to
feed people and animals. They are toxic substances that have a significant
risk to food safety. The main aflatoxin producer is Aspergillius flavus, a
mold from Ascomycota clade; it is a very common species (soil, decaying
organic matter, oil seeds, cereals). The liver is the most damaged organ
when aflatoxin poisoning occurs. Epidemiological studies have shown an
association between the consumption of aflatoxin contaminated food and
increased incidence of liver cancer
Autori:Sef lucr. dr. Coculescu Bogdan-Ioan,
Conf. univ. dr. Cojocaru Manole
Facultatea de Medicina - Universitatea Titu Maiorescu
Bucuresti, Romania
In ciuda faptului ca s-au inregistrat progrese evidente in diagnosticul
toxiinfectiilor alimentare (TIA), acestea, alaturi de bolile digestive acute
(BIA), ocupa un loc important in patologia umana, cu precadere in cea
pediatrica, prin frecventa, complicatii si tratament antibiotic inadecvat.
Timpul lung de la prevalarea probei pana la izolarea si identificarea
patogenilor enterici, derulat in detrimentul imbunatatirii prognosticului
clinic si epidemiologic al infectiei declansate, au impus dezvoltarea
metodelor moleculare de diagnostic si tipizare ale diverselor izolate
clinice. Un diagnostic microbiologic rapid este necesar si in cazul
tulpinilor apartinand genului Salmonella, grupare taxonomica cu
prevalenta ridicata in etiologia bolii diareice acute, respectiv a
toxiinfectiilor alimentare in intreaga lume, indiferent de nivelul socioeconomic al populatiei afectate. De altfel, datele din literatura de
specialitate indica incidenta salmonelozelor ca fiind pe unul dintre
primele locuri in ceea ce priveste etiologia bolii diareice acute. In
conditiile in care infectiile intestinale sunt prin ele insele o problema de
sanatate publica, implicarea etiologica a unor microorganisme rezistente
la antibiotice sporeste gravitatea acestora. Supravegherea continua a
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

aparitiei si raspandirii tulpinilor producatoare de beta-lactamaze cu

spectru extins (BLSE) este unul dintre obiectivele majore ale programelor
de sanatate care se adreseaza controlului bolilor infectioase. Infectiile
digestive determinate de bacili gram negativi producatori de ESBL ridica
probleme deosebite in practica medicala prin scaderea sensibilitatii la
antibiotice datorita achizitionarii unor modalitati variate de realizare a
rezistentei, printre care si producerea de ESBL. Scopul studiului : In
cadrul acestui studiu desfasurat in perioada 2007-2009 s-a urmarit
izolarea din prelevate clinice a unor tulpini de Salmonella spp.
multirezistente la antibiotice si, in paralel, producatoare de betalactamaze cu spectru extins (BLSE). Rezultate si discutii : Prelucrarea
statistica a datelor bazate pe interpretarea antibiogramelor si analizate
conform CLSI 2008 a evidentiat faptul ca din cele 54 tulpini de
Salmonella testate la antibiotice, un numar de 8 (14,95%) au prezentat
fenomenul de multirezistenta la antibiotice (MDR). Acestea au fost
identificate ca fiind din grupul S. enterica serovar Typhimurium. Alte 2
tulpini de Salmonella Typhimurium provenite din acelasi focar
epidemiologic au fost incluse in lotul studiat pentru decelarea moleculara
a rezistentei la antibiotice beta-lactamice. Analiza evolutiei incidentei
salmonelozelor indica pentru perioada 2007-2009 o reducere de la
27,3%000 la 19,7%000. Cu toate acestea, identificarea unor tulpini de S.
rezistente la antibiotice (MDR) continua sa ingrijoreze. Prevalenta
tulpinilor de Salmonella circulante la om o constituie serotipurile
Enteridis (54,5%) i Typhimurium (12,7%). In acest context, cresterea
prevalentei tulpinilor de Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium
rezistente la antibiotice, si in principal a celor rezistente la betalactamine,
este ingrijoratoare pentru tratamentul salmonelozelor umane. Studiile
publicate pana in prezent indica o pondere variabila a rezistentei acestui
germene la antibiotice, in functie de perioada si zona geografica in care
au fost efectuate. Avand in vedere incidenta in crestere a
enterobacteriozelor, precum si scaderea continua a sensibilitatii
enterobacteriaceelor la o serie de antibiotice, trebuie subliniata importanta
deosebita a alegerii optime a chimioterapiei antiinfectioase in scopul de a
preveni selectarea tulpinilor bacteriene multirezistente (multidrugresistant bacteria/MDR). Utilizarea adecvata a terapiei antimicrobiene in
caz de rezistenta la antibiotice a fiecarei tulpini patogene enterice izolate
si corelarea acesteia cu evolutia bolii diareice acute, respectiv a
toxiinfectiilor alimentare, este obligatorie. Concluzii : Acest studiu cu
valoare orientativa privind caracterizarea rezistentei la antibiotice prin
metode fenotipice a tulpinilor de S. Typhimurium identificate ca
producatoare de beta-lactamaze a aratat ca : Toate tulpinile izolate au fost
rezistente la amoxicilin/acid clavulanic si ceftazidima. Nu s-a identificat
nici o tulpina sensibila la aceste antibiotice. Determinarea rezistentei de
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

nivel inalt la augmentin/co-amoxiclav are un impact deosebit in decizia

terapeutica la copii. Carbapenemele (imipenemul) reprezinta antibioticele
beta-lactamice fata de care au fost sensibile toate tulpinile de S.
Typhimurium producatoare de ESBL (100% din cazuri). La fel, nu s-a
izolat nici o tulpina rezistenta la cefamicine (cefoxitim). Cel mai activ
antibiotic din clasa quinolonelor s-a dovedit a fi ciprofloxacina, toate cele
10 tulpini de S. Typhimurium testate prezentand sensibilitate. Toate
aceste substante antimicrobiene pot fi folosite ca antibiotice de electie in
infectiile digestive produse de Salmonella serovar Typhimurium. Un
procent relativ crescut de sensibilitate s-a inregistrat si fata de
cloramfenicol (la care 61,11% dintre tulpinile selectate au fost sensibile).
In schimb, un procent inalt de tulpini au manifestat rezistenta fata de
tetraciclina (94,45%), ampicilina, cefotaxim, gentamicina, kanamicina,
streptomicina, sulfonamida, trimetoprim, respectiv acid nalidixic (in
aceleasi procente, 88,89%). In plus, studiul fenotipurilor de rezistenta
dobandita la chimioterapicele antiinfectioase a scos in evidenta faptul ca
intr-un procent ridicat de 89,34% (8 dintre cele 10 selectate) tulpinile de
S. Typhimurium producatoare de ESBL au prezentat fenomenul de
multirezistenta la medicamente (MDR), conform antibiogramei
difuzimetrice. Multirezistenta la antibiotice a tulpinilor producatoare de
BLSE a fost definita prin prezenta concomitenta a rezistentei la
aminoglicozide, fluorochinolone si sulfametoxazol-trimetoprim. Tulpinile
de S. Typhimurium producatoare de ESBL au prezentat mecanisme de
rezistenta la beta-lactami asociate cu cele de rezistenta la aminoglicozide,
quinolone, sulfamide si tetracicline.
Autor: Dr. Tiris Cornelia,
Secia ATI, Spitalul Clinic Judeean de Urgenta Ilfov
Malnutritia protein-calorica insoteste comun afectarea tumorala
laringiana. Recunoaste drept cauze: aportul alimentar scazut, casexia
neoplazica, modificarile globale de metabolism, efectele secundare ale
radioterapiei si factorii de risc asociati (alcool, fumat). Nutritia controlata
are drept scop pe termen scurt limitarea pierderilor de azot declansate de
actul chirurgical ,,per se", iar pe termen lung imbunatatirea supravietuirii.
Turn-over-ul tumoral crescut solicita mari rezerve de glutamina pe care
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

organismul gazda le pune la dispozitie numai initiind proteoliza acuta.

Ameliorarea prognosticului precoce presupune reversia malnutritiei
protein-calorice si cresterea imunocompetentei. Cel tardiv se refera la
durata de viata si la calitatea acesteia. S-au administrat preparate
standard, hipercalorice, sterile, bogate in glutamina, pe cale enterala.
Evolutia malnutritiei s-a apreciat anamnestic, antropometric si biochimic.
Cresterea imunocompetentei s-a obiectivat prin scaderea complicatiilor
infecioase, atat locale (supuratii, fistule) cat si generale (de tip sepsis, soc
septic, insuficienta multipla de organe). Calitatea vietii s-a apreciat prin
indicele Karnovsky care exprima afectarea functionala. Rezultatele
obtinute la lotul studiat (60 pacienti) arata efectul favorabil al pozitivarii
balantei azotate asupra prognosticului la subiectii laringectomizati pentru
Autor: Adrian Cranta
Fit for Life, Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: Deshidratare, Ioni, Hidrogen, Zeta, Silicati, Microcluster,
Deshidratarea este o problema cu care ne intalnim din ce in ce mai des in
viata de zi cu zi dar, in cele mai multe cazuri ea este diagnosticata tarziu
sau de loc. In multe cazuri medicina clasica interpreteaza in mod gresit
simptomele acesteia si le trateaza cu medicamente ce o amplifica ducand
la probleme de sanatate din ce in ce mai mari. In astfel de situatii
organismul are nevoie de un ajutor din afara care sa il ajute sa se
hidrateze puternic pentru a putea rezolva cauza problemei. Un astfel de
supliment cu efecte benefice puternice asupra organismului il reprezinta
produsele create pe baza silicatilor Microcluster descoperiti de Patrick

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013


Author: Adrian Cranta
Fit for Life, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Dehydration, Ions, Hydrogen, Zeta, Silicates, Microcluster,
Dehydration is one of the common problems in today's life but in most
situations it is not detected in time or not detected at all. In a lot of cases
classical medicine wrongly interprets dehydration symptoms and treats
them with medicine which amplifies it leading to bigger health problems.
In these types of situations the body needs external help in order to
hydrate itself and solve the problem's cause. The products created with
the Microcluster silicates discovered by Patrick Flanagan are such help,
having a proven beneficial effect.
Autor: Adrian Cranta
Fit for Life, Bucuresti, Romania
Cuvinte cheie: Teslatron, Camp, Electrostatic, Terapie, Potential, Nikola
Tesla, Energie, Voltaj
Atunci cand potenialul electric al celulelor este mare, viata curge lin si
infloritor, fara oboseala, stres si boli. Dar pe masura ce timpul trece si
neglijam hrana, somnul si emotiile, potentialul electric ni se reduce astfel
incat, atunci cand nu facem nimic pentru sanatate si viata, voltajul scade
odata cu timpul de la -35 mV la -25 mV, apoi la -15 mV si in final sub
aceasta valoare apare boala si in cele din urma moartea. Cresterea si
mentinerea unei tensiuni optime a membranei celulare se poate obtine
prin plasarea corpului intr-un camp cu potential electrostatic ridicat cum
este cel generat de Teslatron.

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013


Author: Adrian Cranta
Fit for Life,Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Teslatron, Field, Electrostatic, Therapy, Potential, Nikola
Tesla, Energy, Voltage
When the cells' electric potential is high life is good without tiredness,
stress and disease. But as the time passes and we neglect food, sleep and
emotions our electric potential lowers the result being that when we don't
do anything to improve our health and have a better life our voltage drops
from -35 mV to -25 mV, then to -15 mV and finally, below this value,
disease and even death will happen. Increasing and maintaining an
optimum tension of the cellular membrane can be attained by placing the
body in a high potential electrostatic field such as the one generated by
the Teslatron.
Autori: A.R.M. Chirculescu, Mihaela Chirculescu
Disciplina Anatomie i Embriologie, UMF C.Davila, Bucureti,
Cuvinte cheie: factori de transcripie, modulatori, kinaze, TRPM7/6,
EEF2, Hist3H3, MBP, AnxA1
TRPM7 (transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M,
member 7) este o molecul membranar ATP - dependent, cu dubl
funcie: de canal ionic (yang) - spre interfaa extracelular i de fosfokinaz (mai yin) - domeniul intracelular, capabil s-i autoregleze
activitatea. Cutnd date pentru documentare despre TRPM7, am gsit pe
Internet o diagram pentagonal (anonim) a interaciunilor sale directe,
care ne-a sugerat asemnarea cu reprezentarea Legii celor 5 elemente.
TRPM7 interacioneaz cu urmtoarele gene/molecule: 1. EEF2
(eukaryotic elongation factor 2): iniiaz translocaia GTP-dependent a
ribozomilor. 2. Hist3H3 (Histone cluster 3, H3, 1t): responsabil pentru
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

structura nucleozomului fibrei cromozomiale la eucariote. 3. MBP : 1.

(myelin basic protein) - molecula reglatoare a procesului de mielinizare a
fibrelor nervoase. 4. TRPM6 (din acceai familie): molecul membr a
familiei, care intervine numai n caz de hipoMg2+ i hipoCa2+. 5. AnxA1
(anexina A1): molecul membr a familiei Anx, fosfolipid-binding, Ca2+dependent, care intervine n reglarea secreiei de ACTH/cortizol n
condiii normale i n stress, cu efect potenial anti-inflamator i
anticancerigen, asupra apoptozei, cu rol protector contra leziunilor ADN,
dar exprimat n exces n: leucemia cu celule proase, cancerul mamar,
tumorile maligne ale capului i gtului. Un sinonim al su este transient
receptor potential-melanostatin-like, ceea ce face ca TRPM7 s se
potriveasc bine ca un nou argument molecular ntr-o ipotez
(Chirculescu 1987), asupra rolului melanocitelor n embriogenez i
acupunctur. Aceste date arat c se poate stabili o coresponden bun
ntre cele 5 molecule modulatoare aflate sub influena direct aTRPM7
(cu cele 2 funcii ale sale: yin i yang) i proprietile atribuite celor 5
elemente din medicina tradiional extrem-oriental.
Authors: A.R.M. Chirculescu, Mihaela Chirculescu
Division of Anatomy & Embryology, UMF C.Davila, Bucharest,
Key words: transcription factors, modulators, kinase, TRPM7/6, EEF2,
Hist3H3, MBP, AnxA1
TRPM7 (transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M,
member 7) is an ATP-dependent membranar molecule, with dual
function: ionic channel (yang) - toward extracellular surface (phospho-)
kinase (more yin) - intracellular domain, able of self regulating its
activity. During an Internet search about TRPM7, we found a pentagon
diagram (anonimous) illustrating its direct interactions, surprisigly
resembling the usual representation of the Law of the 5 elements. TRPM7
interacts with the following genes / molecules: 1. EEF2 (eukaryotic
elongation factor 2): promotes GTP-dependent ribosomal translocation.
2. Hist3H3 (Histone cluster 3, H3, 1t): responsible for the nucleosome
structure of the chromosomal fiber in eukaryots. 3. MBP : 1. (myelin
basic protein) - regulatory molecule of the nerve fibers myelination. 4.
TRPM6 (of the same family): member of the molecules family, active in
case of hipoMg2+ and hipoCa2+. 5. AnxA1 (annexin A1): member of the
Anx molecules family, fosfolipid-binding, Ca2+-dependent, which
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

regulates ACTH/cortizol secretion, in both normal conditions and in

stress, with possible anti-inflammatory and tumor-supressor effects,
controlling asupra apoptosis, with a protective against DNA damage; upregulated expression is found in: hairy cell leukemia, breast cancer,
cranio-facial malignant tumours. Its sinonimous name transient receptor
potential-melanostatin-like, makes TRPM7 a consistent molecular
candidate as a new argumentation sustaining an older hypothesis
(Chirculescu 1987), on melanocytes involvement in embryogenesis and
acupuncture. These data show that a good correlation between the 5
modulator molecules directly linked to TRPM7 (with its 2 functions : yin/
yang) and the basic features of the 5 elements of the traditional medicine.
Autori : Dr. Mezei Iosif MD, DSc.(MA), M.Ac.
Dr. Mezei Dan MD
Centrul Medical TONGTIAN Sighisoara,
Cuvinte cheie: test electrofiziologic,reactivitate informationala,
diagnostic medical specializat,biorezonanta,SCIO,potentiale evocate
Organismul uman supus actiunii campurilor informationale specifice ale
diferitelor componente endo si exogene care-l structureaza si/sau
interactioneaza cu el raspunde printr-un mecanism fiziologic de
reactie,manifestat obiectiv la nivelul variatiei parametrilor electrici
(V,A,R) cutanati = reactivitate electrica evocata = test electrofiziologic.
Datele cat si analiza reactivitatii electrice evocate au fost culese cu
ajutorul aparatului denumit Sistem Universal Electrofiziologic Tip SCIO,
inregistrat la MS ca si dispozitiv medical cu nr.9536/27.12.2005. In
practica este cunoscut ca fiind singurul aparat de biorezonanta cu bucla
feed-back, denumit SCIO/ EPFX. Autorii prezinta si demonstreaza pe
doua cazuri sugestive utilitatea clinica diagnostica si terapeutica a
utilizarii TERRE. Utilizand si interpretand corect datele de reactivitate
electrica evocata se ajunge la stabilirea unui diagnostic etiopatogenic de
finete care tine cont de particularitatile individuale si genetice ale
pacientului,conducand astfel la stabilirea unui plan terapeutic
individualizat. Autorii prezinta in primul caz un pacient cu trombofilie
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

congenitala diagnosticat cu ajutorul SCIO pana la nivel de gena,confirmat

ulterior si de testele hematologice si genetice efectuate in clinica
universitara. Intricarea etiopatogenica complexa insa nu a putut fi
descifrata decat cu TERRE efectuat la nivelul centrului nostru. In al
doilea caz mecanismele etiopatogenice complexe nu au putut fi elucidate
cu metode ale medicinii alopate, ducand din pacate la un deces prematur
fara un diagnostic cert. Doar cu SCIO a fost stabilit diagnosticul care nu a
fost luat in seama in clinicile in care a fost internat. Metoda si modalitatea
de lucru a aparatului SCIO, este neinvaziva si nenociva pentru organismul
uman si utilizata cu discernamant doar de un medic specializat, poate
constitui un mijloc complementar util si valoros in paractica medicala.
Datorita complexitatii demersului diagnostic am ales sa prezentam doar
doua cazuri din cele cateva mii examinate in centrul nostru inca din anul
1997 cand am prezentat un raport efectuat pe 500 de cazuri la MS/
SVIAM in vederea acreditarii primului aparat de acest gen la nivelul
centrului nostru.
Authors : Dr. Mezei Iosif MD, DSc. (MA), MAc.
Dr. Mezei Dan MD
Medical Center TONGTIAN Sighisoara,
Key words: electrophysiological test, informational reactivity,
specialised medical diagnosis,bioresonance, SCIO evoked potentials
Under the influence of specific informational fields of different endo and
exogenous items which are structuring or interacting with the human
body, it reacts to this stimuli in a physiological way, by modifying the
body electrical parameters (V, A, R) = evoked electrical reactivity =
electrophysiological testing. Data and interpretation of evoked electrical
reactivity are originating from a device called SCIO - Univeral
Electrophysiological System, a device which is registered as a medical
device at the Romanian Ministry of Health under the nr.9536/27.12.2005.
It is known as SCIO/EPFX QED beeing the only one bioresonance device
having a feed-back loop monitoring constantly and in real time the
electrical response of the body. The authors present two cases diagnosed
with the device and demonstrate the clinical diagnostic and therapeutical
Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

utility of EERT. By using a correct interpretation of the reactivity data, an

accurate ethiopathogenic diagnostic can be drawn, a diagnosis which
takes into account the patients individual and genetic pecuilarities which
will lead to an individual therapy plan. The authors present a patient, with
a genetic trombophylia, diagnosed with SCIO up to the level of
chromosomes and genes involved, confirmed after with blood and genetic
arrays done in an university clinic. But the complex intricated mechanism
could be clearly emphasised only by hand of EERT in our clinic. Within
the second example the complex ethiopathogenetical mechanisms havent
been discovered with allopathic methods and led so to a premature loss of
the patient without having been diagnosed accurately. Only with SCIO
we were able to accuratly diagnose, but unfortunatly it was not accepted
by clinics were he was admitted and so he could not benefit from an
alternative therapy with SCIO. SCIO device used by a qualified medical
practitioner is a non invasive and not harmfull medical diagnostic
procedure and can be considered as a valuable complementary
investigation in medical practice. Because of the diagnostic complexity
and for an accurate understanding of the procedure we have choosen only
2 examples, from the thousands of cases examined and documented in
our clinic since 1997 when in order to get the accreditation for the use of
the first device of its kind in Romania we prepared a report for the
Ministry of Health using data from 500 cases examined at Medical Center
Tongtian, located in Sighisoara.

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INMCA 2013 All right reserved

Rezumate RO-INMED 2013/ RO-INMED 2013 Abstracts/ Editor: C. Moldovan INMCA 2013

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