SGTB Khalsa College

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B.Sc.(Hons.) Physics IIIrd year

Faculty Members:
1. Dr. Anuradha Gupta
2. Dr. S. K. Soni
3. Dr. Nimmi Singh
4. Dr. Mamta Dahiya
5. Dr. Savinder Kaur
6. Dr. Ajay Wadhwa
7. Dr. Deepak Chandra
8. Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Kapil
9. Mr. Sushil Kumar Singh
10. Dr. Ravi. S. Bhattacharjee
11. Dr. Sukanta Dutta
The following report outlines many salient features of our department, involving both students and faculty




FACULTY: If anything, the faculty members are completely dedicated to their task. They are always
forthcoming with new facts and features of their respective subjects to interest the student and are
always bringing in quite new and innovative teaching methodology into play, to make it easier for
the student to grasp concepts. They also take initiatives to guide students through lots of problems
which makes their concepts stronger. And above all, they are never content being restricted by the
syllabus and venture into the complex and fascinating aspects of their respective subjects on a
egula asis. I
ief, it s uite fu studyi g u de su h p ofesso s.
STUDENTS: The stude ts a e al ost all uite e thusiasti (he e, of ou se, stude ts ea the
ones interested in the subject itself) about all the new ideas and concepts that the professors have
to offer. Though often the students balk and shy away at the complex concepts introduced,
eventually they come around to understanding and appreciating them. Occasionally, they are
forthcoming with ideas that are new to the professors themselves and serve for quite interesting
discussion during and after lecture hours.
PROJECTS: A few students (namely, Y.M. Sharma, A. Gupta, T. Kaur, A. Avasthi, P. Kalra, B.
Bhattacharjee, P. Bhargav, S. Mehta, A. K. Pathak etc) have been involved in Innovation Projects
(under UGC) with faculty members and also in their personal research work (details can be
obtained from the above mentioned students themselves). Most faculty members are quite
enthusiastic about involving students in their projects, as are the students themselves.
LAB WORK: Lab work in the department is very strict and heavily emphasised upon. The instructors
grill the students mercilessly until they are thoroughly familiar with their experiments. The




apparatus available, if not exemplary, is quite adequate. Sound understanding of the theory behind
the experiments is a must. The instructors often introduce additions to the experiments
themselves. The understanding of the nuances of the experiments, such as errors, is heavily
stressed upon. The lab staff are cordial and helpful in all respects. Stress is also laid on use of
advanced software packages for evaluation and analysis of results since that is how actual
experiments at the frontier of science are being conducted nowadays. Softwares such as GNUPLOT,
MATHEMATICA, QUCS, MULTISIM, OCTAVE and many other like it are used on a regular basis .All in
all, the lab education is as complete as it can be.
EVENTS: Students conduct many events in the Department, such a Farewell of IIIrd year students,
F eshe s for Ist yea stude ts a d Tea he s day ele atio s. Fa ulty e e s, o the other hand,
arrange for lectures from various professors (both DU and visiting) on diverse theoretical and
experimental topics. These lectures usually have a sound attendance.
ASSIGNMENTS AND EVALUATION: Assignments are usually quite challenging and often lead to
heated debate among students. Evaluation is done more or less on a regular basis through tutorials,
interactive sessions and by observing the general interactions among students and faculty
SCHOLARSHIPS AND OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS: Quite a few students hold prestigious scholarships
like INSPIRE. Few others have attended international conferences in prestigious institutes and some
are rank holders in competitive examinations


Aneesha Avasthi
Aakash Gupta
Gaurav Suryavanshi
Budhaditya Bhattacharjee
Parth Bhargava


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