Developmental Delay Fact Sheet
Developmental Delay Fact Sheet
Developmental Delay Fact Sheet
✧ Introduction ✧
roduction First, you may want to talk with
your pediatrician about your child’s
Think of all the skills that children development. Don’t be surprised if the
have to learn when they come into the pediatrician tells you not to worry, to
NICHCY Disability Fact Sheet—No. 9
world: smiling, turning over, responding be patient, to give your child more
to people, communicating, eating solid time to develop. Often, that’s what
food, crawling, standing, and on and on. parents hear, especially in the early
We expect these skills to emerge naturally stages of investigating their child’s
over time and know more or less when seeming delays. And it’s often true.
they should. At 3 months, Susana will Children develop at different rates; the
probably be doing this, at 4 months, pediatrician is well aware that many
she’ll be doing that. By a year, well, she’ll children show sudden bursts in
be tottering around, getting into every- development rather than slow, steady
thing. growth.
This time-table for skills to emerge is On the other hand, your pediatri-
commonly called the developmental cian may suggest that a developmental
milestones. What’s considered normal screening be conducted to see if,
development is described broadly, be-
cause children don’t necessarily learn
skills at the same pace. Two different
children born on the same day may learn
the same skill months apart, and both
can be considered “on schedule.” It’s
when skills don't emerge as
expected, more or less on that broad
schedule, that parents and caregivers may
become concerned.
• First Signs.
All about early detection of developmental delays
and disabilities, especially autism.
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NICHCY, the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities.