David Icke - Lucid - 666 Human Control System

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Flash Alert... Flash Alert... Flash Alert... Flash Alert... Flash Alert... Flash Alert... Flash Alert...

Flash Alert

Project L.U.C.I.D. is Here!

The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System
Flashpoint has received astonishing evidence of an incredible, new "Beast 666
Universal Human Control System." Officially called L.U.C.I.D., this grotesque
system of universal slavery is -- even as you read this -- being implemented by
federal and international intelligence and police agencies. The new Beast 666
system will mandate that every man, woman, and child on planet Earth be issued a
high tech, "Smart," I.D. card, called a Universal Biometrics Card. The chilling
system is slated to be fully in operation by the year 2000, to celebrate the dawn of
the New Age Millennium.
This I.D. card allows the New World Order's police state to track and link every
man, woman, and child on planet Earth. Our activities are to be monitored 24 hours
a day, seven days a week, by federal Gestapo agencies -- the FBI, IRS, BATF,
CIA, DIA, DEA, NSA, U.S. Treasury Service, and Department of Justice.
International police and intelligence agencies are linked with the Beast 666 system,
to include America's Big Brother-enforcing CIA, the vicious Russian KGB, the
devious and wicked British Intelligence Service, and Israel's terrorist Mossad spy
No Privacy With the Orwellian "Beast I.D." System
The computerized Universal Biometrics Card guarantees the control and
surveillance of every living human being. The card contains templates, or samples,
of the "individual's DNA genotype" and his or her "human leukocyte antigen." The
artificial intelligence software and special sensors loaded into the card implement a
number of other identification methods, including the capture of such human
features as profile and facial photos, fingerprints, footprints, and iris scans of the
A computerized, pen-like, fiber-optic and laser camera will be used at I.D. card
issuing centers to be set up around the world. All citizens will be ordered to report
to these centers and "volunteer" their bodies to the camera devices so that the I.D.
card can instantly be manufactured and issued. Babies born in the future will
immediately be entered into the system at hospitals and other birthing centers.

Massive, Global Computer System Established

Sophisticated, international, computerized, telecommunications and intelligence
gathering centers have already been established in preparation for the issuance of
the new, human control cards. The world's most advanced super computers are
being utilized. All spy information acquired on humans, plus the data from their
Universal Biometrics Card, is fed into the gigantic network, which is called the
Universal Computerized Identification Clearinghouse Resource Center. This
center is the very heart of the evil L.U.C.I.D., or Beast 666 Universal Human
Control System. L.U.C.I.D., reports one reliable source, is an interactive and
instantaneous tracking system of all living beings on Earth. It is designed so that no
one can escape its clutches. No one!
Gestapo Agencies to Arrest Anti-Government Suspects
Federal and international Gestapo agencies will use the instantaneous information
maintained on file at the Beast Universal Computer Center at Fort Meade,
Maryland, to trace, investigate, monitor, spy on, arrest, and incarcerate "resisters."
Resisters are categorized as: "Any and all persons who protest or oppose the
Illuminati's fascist agenda for the New World Order."
Recently enacted, so-called "anti-terrorist" legislation, plus the Omnibus AntiCrime Bill of 1994, are the catalysts that make possible the immediate arrest and
imprisonment of any and all persons suspected of being a "terrorist." These persons
are deemed as "risks to internal security." Significantly, the arrest of a targeted
Christian or other citizen will take place whether or not that person has actually
committed a criminal act. "Thought crimes" alone provide justification for the
arrest of dissidents. Arrests of targeted citizens are to be euphemistically called
"preventive detention."
Homes and Other Private Property to be Seized
The person's home, auto, bank account, and other property shall be seized. This
will be accomplished under existing forfeiture laws, originally designed to stop
drug dealers and kingpins, but now being used across America by Gestapo police
to harass and bankrupt private citizens opposed to Big Brother government's
criminal activities. These forfeiture laws are conveniently used by federal agencies
and local law enforcement authorities throughout the 50 states to grab the property
of people not guilty of any crime. No court order, no warrant is needed. Recently,
treasonous federal courts have ripped to shreds over 200 years of American
constitutional law, ruling a person's property has no constitutional rights."

Processing Centers...or Concentration Camps?

Individuals who have been arrested and their property seized and sold at auction
will then be transported with other dissidents by truck, bus, and air to a FEMAmanaged, regional Federal Prison Transfer Center for proper "categorization" and
"disposition." Entire families are to be disposed of in this manner. Neighbors and
the local communities will be given the excuse that the surviving spouses and
children of those arrested are being "assisted" by the government.
Final disposition, when deemed appropriate, will be made at a regional Processing
and Detention Center. The Nazis called such centers concentration camps! At
these "Centers," methods and techniques of interrogation, torture, and final
disposition honed and developed by the CIA through its Operation Phoenix
program are to be used on victimized citizens.
During the Vietnam conflict, the federal government's Top Secret Operation
Phoenix program was responsible for the arrest, incarceration, torture, and murder
of over 50,000 innocent civilians. The CIA and U.S. Army Special Forces
acclaimed it a success and a model and prototype for future "human pacification
"For Your Own Protection and Safety"
Preliminary information on Project L.U.C.I.D. is even now being disseminated to
federal law enforcement agencies. Managers of these agencies will be briefed on
how to use propaganda and cleverly respond to public and local press inquiries, so
that the awful truth will not become known until it is too late. For example,
government PR experts will reassure the frightened and startled masses that, "All
constitutional protections remain in place."
The White House spin doctors will, of course, soothingly reassure worried citizens
that the new system is designed to "protect them" from savage acts by international
and domestic terrorists, such as occurred in the Oklahoma City and New York's
World Trade Center bombings. The public is to be conned into believing that,
"L.U.C.I.D. is for your own good, and anyone who says differently is either a
conspiracy nut or a dangerous, anti-government protester."
God Warned This Day Would Come!
The Bible predicted that an end-times Beast 666 Universal Human Control System
would be used to control and enslave humanity: "That no man might buy or sell,
save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name"
(Revelation 13:17). Thus, we knew it was coming. Now, finally, it's here, just as

was prophesied!
Project L.U.C.I.D. is being implemented at the direction of the Inner Circle of the
Illuminati. Using the global internet, the system has been developed and is being
installed by international corporations, working jointly with United Nations
consultants and U.S. intelligence and law enforcement personnel. Project
L.U.C.I.D. is Satan's diabolical, end-times system of total and absolute human
control. It will put mankind under direct subjection to the Antichrist and his
jackbooted, Gestapo thug storm troopers. Every government on Earth will
cooperate to oppress its citizens. There will be nowhere to hide!
Startling information about the L.U.C.I.D. police state system was recently
published in The Narc Officer, an authoritative journal for narcotics law
enforcement officers. Included was this shocking chart depicting how a typical
family -- husband, wife, and two kids -- is to be minutely controlled by
computerized Universal Biometrics I.D. Cards linked with the global net.
Purging and Cleansing of "Enemies of the State"
The purging and cleansing of planet Earth is at hand. The Beast intends to be rid of
such dynamic "enemies of the state" as Christian Bible believers, American
patriots, and flag-waving nationalists. Every nation on Earth will join in this
campaign to eradicate the "human vermin and diseased human rats" who, it is said,
now infect the wounded, sacred body of Mother Earth.
Project L.U.C.I.D. is vividly bringing to pass Daniel 7:25 which reveals that the
"...shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the
most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until
a time and times and the dividing of time."

This frightening development in human control signals the rapid, breathtaking

emergence of the end-times Beast. His universal system is described by the Bible
as "dreadful and terrible." The awesome power of the Beast is such that he
"devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue" of the saints with his feet
(Daniel 7:7).
"The Wise Shall Understand"
Why do I publish these astonishing facts about Project L.U.C.I.D. -- facts which,
admittedly, are both alarming and stupefying, though absolutely true? My friends,

it is our duty to warn those who dwell in unbelief that the time is upon us. Some
will wisely understand and prepare by taking shelter in Jesus Christ. He alone
provides help and protection.
Regrettably, the vast majority will shun this knowledge. Many will be apathetic.
Others, frightened and scared, will desperately seek to deny these staggering facts.
But, this, too, was prophesied in God's Word. Only the chosen, the wisethose who
know and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ will understand, and this is as it should
be. For we read that in the final, momentous days:
"Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly:
and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." (Daniel 12:10)

The insider information we have obtained on L.U.C.I.D. is

tremendously important, unbelievably vital, and earthshaking. So
much so, that I have produced a special book exposing this
monstrous project and warning of its deadly implications for
Christian believers and American patriots. Order your personal
copy of this investigative book, Project L.U.C.I.D.: The Beast 666
Universal Human Control System, by using our on-line order
form. For faster service, please call our order line, toll free, at 1-800-234-9673.

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