SIPOC Instructions

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The purpose of a SIPOC Diagram is It is a simple diagram for identifying the basic
elements of a process (boundaries, suppliers, inputs, process steps, outputs, and
customers). It is a high-level process map showing the major steps in a process. SIPOC
acronym means Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer.
SIPOC is a good tool for translating customer requirements into input & output
requirements and identifying related Key Processes.


Source of)




Receivers of)

Suppliers: It refers to the provider of the key material, information or service. Many
processes of a company may have a large number of suppliers both internally
and externally.
Inputs: Inputs are items that are involved or used in the process such as the materials,
data, knowledge, information, or ideas.
Process Activity: It's the steps that transform inputs to outputs, summaries of the
whole procedure of the process.
Outputs: Outputs are the end results of the process, can be products, service, reports,
documents, information, etc.
Customers: Customers are the users receive the output of the process.

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Paramit ISO 9001:2015 Project



Beginning a SIPOC (Suppliers-Inputs-Process-OutputsCustomers)
To create a SIPOC diagram follow STEPS 1-4, you can vary the sequence of these steps
and begin with outputs. Often works best to identify the process steps you are
concerned with because that defines boundaries, then move on to Outputs/Customers,
and back to Suppliers/Inputs. See Example 1 of Quote Process.
Perform the Steps:
Define the Outputs of the process. These are the tangible things that the process
produces (e.g. a
report, or letter).
Define the Customers of the process. These are the people who receive the
Outputs. Every Output
should have a Customer.
Define the Inputs to the process. These are the things that trigger the process.
They will often be tangible (e.g. a customer request)
Define the Suppliers to the process. These are the people who supply the inputs.
Every input should have a Supplier. In some end-to-end processes, the supplier and
the customer may be the same person.
Define the Activities or Key process boundaries sub-processes that make up the
process. These are the activities that are carried out to convert the inputs into outputs.
They will form the basis of a
process map. Keep at a high level, with 6 Process
activities at most.
Identify process indicators needed for the process and how they are measured
(KPI, Metric, Qualitative, Quantitative.
a. Verify this step with data because later this will be used to show later
the auditor the
objective evidence the process is effective.
Example 1: Quote Process

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Identifying Inputs

Inputs can come from a supplier, customer, or internal source.

Examples: Physical items - materials used in production, supplies, , utilities, labor,
Non-purchased Inputs - Natural lighting, heating, cooling, water, clean air, natural
resources, waste from other sources etc.


Identifying Outputs

Outputs are generated as a result of the process or activity completed.

Examples: Products, services, reports, raw data, waste, contaminated air or water,
heat, economic wealth to the employees, community, shareholders, etc.


Party Identification

Define Interested Parties (list them by relevance most interest vs. least interest in
achieving process output. These could be impacted departments or organization
holding responsibility in the process. People or organization that can affect, be affected
by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activity. They can be
customers (including final consumer/end user), suppliers, employees, owners,

Minimally document those parties providing or receiving the input or output,



Metric Identification

Determine and apply the criteria and methods (including monitoring, measurements
and related
performance indicators) needed to ensure the effective operation and control of these

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