Ignp CPAT Training Plan 1943

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Downloaded on November 9, 2014 by Michael Buchanan,



This 4-week cycle is designed to improve performance on the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT), the gateway physical
fitness test for firefighters.
You wont be required to perform the actual CPAT, but rather a gym-friendly assessment designed to replicate the fitness demands
required for the CPAT.
This program follows a general format and gets progressively harder each week. Dont skip ahead!! The plan is designed to build
upon itself. If you have to miss a training day, start where you left off.
Heres the Week 1 and 3 schedule (assessment weeks):
Monday: Assessment
Tuesday: Assessment Work/Strength
Wednesday: Assessment Work/Work Capacity
Thursday: Assessment Work/Strength
Friday: Assessment Work/Endurance
And heres Weeks 2 and 4 schedule:
Monday: Assessment Work/Strength
Tuesday: Assessment Work/Work Capacity
Wednesday: Assessment Work/Strength
Thursday: Assessment Work/Work Capacity
Friday: Endurance
This program uses some unorthodox movements derived specifically from the CPAT. All of them will be executed with a 50#
weight vest. These movements are described and linked to a video below:
1. 50-foot Shuttles - Set two markers 50 feet apart and run line to line as many times as you can in a minute. Use your
foot to pivot; dont bend down and touch the line. Each time your foot touches the line is one rep. Dont count partial
reps. If you dont make it to the line as time expires, the rep doesnt count. CPAT Event: Hose Drag
2. Step-ups - Youll wear both your 50# vest and 25# pack for this assessment - 75# total. Set up an 8 step (two rubber
45# plates work or 2 of those Reebok step platforms - anything that can be an 8 step). Do as many step-ups as
possible in 3 min. following an up-up-down-down pattern with your feet. Each time both feet are on top of the box
counts as one rep. Dont hop at the top. Come to full knee and hip extension. CPAT Event: 3 min. Step-up Test
3. Kneeling Dumbbell Rope Pulls with 40 ft. Rope - In two minutes, pull a 60# dumbbell towards you while kneeling on
one knee. As soon as you pull the Dumbbell to you, grab the rope, stand up, and run to the opposite end, drop to your
opposite knee as before, and begin pulling. Repeat for the entire 2 min. 40 ft = 1 rep. CPAT Event: Hose Drag/Ladder
4. Farmers Carry w/ 60# Dumbbell in each hand - Grab a 60# dumbbell in each hand (use dumbbells, not kettlebells),
start your stopwatch and begin walking. You cant run, only walk, and you cant stop walking. Hold onto the
Dumbbells for as long as you can. Dont go past 3 min. If you make it 3 min., just stop and record 3 min. CPAT
Event: Equipment Carry
5. Seated Dumbbell Press w/ 25# - Start with the Dumbbells resting on top of your collar bones. Start your timer. Press
the weight overhead until your elbows are locked out. Keep your biceps close to your ears at the top of the movement.
Return the Dumbbells back to your collar bones. Thats one rep. If you dont come to full elbow extension at the top or
touch your collar bones at the bottom, the rep doesnt count. One rep is when your elbows come to full extension with
the weight overhead. You can rest and resume if needed. Just work the entire minute. CPAT Event: Ladder Raise

Copyright 2014 by Rob Shaul

Downloaded on November 9, 2014 by Michael Buchanan,


6. Seated Russian Twist w/ 25# Dumbbell - Begin with your feet 2 off the deck and the Dumbbell on your stomach. Start
your timer. Rotate your shoulders so that the Dumbbell touches the ground on either side of you. Count each touch as
one rep. Your feet must stay off the ground for the duration of the exercise. You can rest and resume if needed. Just
work the entire time. CPAT Event: Forcible Entry
7. Partial Squat to Thrust w/ 60# Dumbbell - Set up a bench press bench in front of you, with the 60# Dumbbell resting
on it vertically. Start your timer. Grab the Dumbbell and, from a partial squat, thrust your hips and arms to lift the
Dumbbell up to the level of your face. Squat back down until the Dumbbell touches the bench and repeat. One rep is
when the Dumbbell is at the level of your face. If the weight doesnt touch the bench or make it up to the level of your
face, the rep doesnt count. You can rest and resume if needed. Just work the entire minute. CPAT Event: Ceiling
Breach and Pull
8. 2-Arm Pull Downs - There are two ways to do this. First, you can use a Lat Pulldown machine. If you do, put the pin at
80# and attach the rope handle to the cable. Second, use your rope and throw it over a pull-up bar and tie it to a 40#
Dumbbell (40# with no pulley is roughly 80# pulled over a bar). Start your timer and grab the rope in front of your
face. Pull down until your hands are at the level of your hip, then repeat. Pulling the rope to your hands is one rep. If
you dont go from face to hips with your hand on the rope, the rep doesnt count. You can rest and resume if needed.
Just work the entire minute. CPAT Event: Ceiling Breach and Pull
During this train-up every number of repetitions you perform is based on the number of repetitions or times you completed
during your latest assessment (SESSION 1 and 11).
Athlete performs 35x Military Press, 50x Russian Twists, 30x Partial Squats to Thrust, and 40x 2-Arm Pull Downs during
SESSION 3 from the plan calls for:
5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest
30% max reps Seated Military Press w/ 25# Dumbbells
30% max reps Russian Twists w/ 25# Dumbbell
30% max reps Partial Squats to Thrust w/ 60# Dumbbell
30% max reps 2-Arm Pull Down w/ 80# using rope attachment
So, calculate your reps using the percentages above. Multiply .3 times your recorded number. For this athlete:
Seated Military Press: .3 x 35 = 10.5x (round to 11x)
Russian Twists: .3 x 50 = 15x
Partial Squats to Thrust: .3 x 30 = 9x
2-Arm Pull Down: .3 x 40 = 12x
Now you can see how the percentages relate to reps, substitute the calculated reps for the percentages:
5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest
11x Seated Military Press w/ 25# Dumbbells
15x Russian Twists w/ 25# Dumbbell
9x Partial Squats to Thrust w/ 60# Dumbbell
12x 2-Arm Pull Down w/ 80# using rope attachment
Note: You dont have to sprint through the circuit - its not a work cap. You simply want to work briskly, limiting
your rest as much as possible. However, you can break sets if you need to; try to limit rests/breaks to 5 breaths
before performing at least one more rep.
Youll train 5-ft. shuttles and Step-ups using density intervals, that youll calculate the reps for in the same way as above, but
youll execute them differently. Heres what they look like:
Athlete performs 17x 50 ft. Shuttles during SESSION 1.
SESSION 2, for example, calls for:
5 Rounds, every 75 sec.
30% max reps 50ft. Shuttles

Copyright 2014 by Rob Shaul

Downloaded on November 9, 2014 by Michael Buchanan,


Which means: Calculate your reps from your most recent assessment in the same way as on the previous page
(.3 x 17 = 5.1, so round to 5x). Then, set a repeating timer for 75 sec (1:15 sec). Start the timer and sprint through
5x reps as quickly as possible. When you complete all the reps, rest until the timer counts down to zero then start
the next round, again sprinting through 5x reps. Since you have 75 sec. to complete the required work, the faster
you get it done the rest youll earn.
The step-up circuit works the exact same way. Heres an example:
Athlete performs 84x Step-ups during SESSION 1.
SESSION 2, for example, calls for:
5 Rounds, every 75 sec.
30% max reps Step-ups
Which means: Calculate your reps from your most recent assessment in the same way as on the previous page
(.3 x 84 = 28x). Then, set a repeating timer for 75 sec (1:15 sec). Start the timer and sprint through 28x reps as
quickly as possible. When you complete all the reps, rest until the timer counts down to zero then start the next
round, again sprinting through 28x reps. Since you have 75 sec. to complete the required work, the faster you get it
done the rest youll earn.
What equipment is needed to complete this program?
A commercial gym will have all the weights you need to complete the program.
Youll also need these four things:
- 50# weight vest
- A backpack that you can load with 25# (dont get too fancy with the vest or pack)
- A stopwatch with a repeating countdown timer
- 40 ft. Rope
What if I miss a day?
Dont skip ahead. Start where you left off. The plan is progressive, and its training sessions designed to be completed in order.
What if I have less than 4 weeks before I officially test?
Still start at the beginning of this training plan anyway. Dont skip ahead.
What if I cant make the prescribed reps for the exercises, or the prescribed interval times for the runs?
Do your best, and break sets if you need. Be sure to do the total number of rounds, even if you cant make the reps unbroken.
Dont quit.
Why are there two numbers behind some lifts, like Seated Dumbbell Military Press@- 15/25#?
The 15# is female loading. 25# is male loading.
Why are there two numbers in front of some lifts, like 2/4x Pull-ups?
The 2x is how many reps female perform. 4x is how many reps males will perform.
Why do I have to work through so much of the training sessions after already being fatigued?
Part of any physical fitness test is assessing your ability to do the most amount of work you can in the face of fatigue. The
structure and volume of this training program reflects that reality and is designed to innoculate you from a significant
performance decrease due to fatigue. This is to your benefit.
Whats the proper uniform for training?
Train like youll be required to on the CPAT - long pants, shoes, T-shirt, gloves. Youll also be required to wear a helmet on the
CPAT. If you have one, wear it for the CPAT work at the beginning of sessions, then take it off for the rest of the session.
Unfamiliar Exercises? Questions?
This training program also inludes general strength training. Some of the prescribed exercises may not be familiar. Go to
www.strongswiftdurable.com and click the Exercises link to see unfamiliar exercises.

Copyright 2014 by Rob Shaul

Downloaded on November 9, 2014 by Michael Buchanan,


More Questions?
Email [email protected]
Good Luck!

Rob Shaul, Military Athlete

Copyright 2014 by Rob Shaul

Downloaded on November 9, 2014 by Michael Buchanan,







Obj: Assessment

Obj: Assessment Work/Strength

Obj: Assessment Work/Work Capacity

Obj: Assessment Work/Strength

Obj: Assessment Work/Endurance






3 Rounds - no weight vest

5/8x Push-ups
8x Air Squats
8x Sit-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

20x Step-ups - 8
5x Lunges
10x Plank Walk-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

5x Seated Dumbbell Press - 15/25#
5x EOs
10x Air Squats
5x Push-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

20x Step-ups - 8
5x Lunges
10x Plank Walk-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

5x Seated Dumbbell Press - 15/25#
5x EOs
10x Air Squats
5x Push-ups
Instep Stretch




Rest 3 min. between events. Complete

the entire assessment with a 50# weight

(1) 5 Rounds, every 75 sec.

30% max reps 50ft. Shuttles w/ 50#
weight vest

(1) Max reps 50ft. shuttles in 1 min. w/

(2) 10 Rounds, every 75 sec.
50# vest Do not touch the line. Pivot with 30% max reps Step-up in 75#
your foot.
(3) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest
Record reps:___________________
30% max reps Kneeling Dumbbell Rope
Pulls - 60#
(2) Max reps Step-ups in 3 min. in 50#
30% max time Farmers Carry - 60#
weight vest and 25# pack (75# total).
5x Lunges
Record reps:___________________
(3) Max reps Kneeling Dumbbell Rope
Pulls w/ 40 ft. Rope in 2 min. - 60# each length = 1 rep

(3) 6 Rounds - no weight vest

4x Front Squat - increase load until hard
but doable
4x Kettlebell Floor Press - increase load
until hard but doable
Lat + Pec Stretch

Record reps:___________________
(4) Max time Farmers Carry with 60# in
each hand. You must stay moving the
entire time. Dont go past 3 min.
Record time:___________________
(5) Max reps Seated Seated Dumbbell
Press in 1 min. w/ 25# Dumbbells
Record reps:___________________
(6) Max reps Russian Twists in 1 min. w/
25# Dumbbell
Record reps:___________________
(7) Max reps Partial Squats to Thrust w/
60# Dumbbell in 1 min.
Record reps:___________________
(8) Max reps 2-Arm Pull Downs w/ 80#
using Rope attachment (or alternative see write-up)
Record reps:___________________

(4) 3 Rounds - no weight vest

3rd World Stretch
3x Shoulder Jackknives

(1) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest

30% max reps Seated Dumbbell Press
w/ 25# Dumbbells
30% max reps Russian Twists w/ 25#
30% max reps Partial Squats to Thrust
w/ 60# Dumbbell
30% max reps 2-Arm Pull Down w/ 80#
using rope attachment or 2-Arm Pull
Down w/ 40# DB tied to rope
(2) 10 Rounds - no weight vest
20 sec. Burpees
20 sec. Touch Jump Touch
20 sec. Rest
(4) 4 Rounds - no weight vest
5x EOs
10x Sit-ups
15x Flutter Kicks
10x Face Down Back Extension
(5) 3 Rounds - no weight vest
Lat + Pec Stretch
Pigeon Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds, every 90 sec.
40% max reps 50ft. Shuttles w/ 50#
weight vest
(2) 10 Rounds, every 90 sec.
40% max reps Step-up in 75#
(3) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest
40% max reps Kneeling Dumbbell Rope
Pulls - 60#
40% max time Farmers Carry - 60#
10x Air Squats
(3) 6 Rounds - no weight vest
4x KB Walking Lunges - increase load
until hard but doable
2/4x Pull-ups
Lat + Pec Stretch
(4) 3 Rounds - no weight vest
3x Floor Slide
Hip Flexor + Pigeon Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest

40% max reps Seated Dumbbell Press
w/ 25# Dumbbells
40% max reps Russian Twists w/ 25#
40% max reps Partial Squats to Thrust
w/ 60# Dumbbell
40% max reps 2-Arm Pull Down w/ 80#
using rope attachment or 2-Arm Pull
Down w/ 40# DB tied to rope
(2) Run 3 miles - moderate pace - no
weight vest
Moderate = comfortable but not easy.

Downloaded on November 9, 2014 by Michael Buchanan,







Obj: Assessment Work/Strength

Obj: Assessment Work/Work Capacity

Obj: Assessment Work/Strength

Obj: Assessment Work/Work Capacity

Obj: Endurance






3 Rounds - no weight vest

20x Step-ups - 8
5x Lunges
10x Plank Walk-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

5x Seated Dumbbell Press - 15/25#
5x EOs
10x Air Squats
5x Push-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

20x Step-ups - 8
5x Lunges
10x Plank Walk-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

5x Seated Dumbbell Press - 15/25#
5x EOs
10x Air Squats
5x Push-ups
Instep Stretch

(1) Run 4 miles - moderate pace - no

weight vest



(1) 5 Rounds, every 90 sec.

40% max reps 50ft. Shuttles w/ 50#
weight vest
(2) 10 Rounds, every 90 sec.
40% max reps Step-up in 75#
(3) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest
40% max reps Kneeling Dumbbell Rope
Pulls - 60#
40% max time Farmers Carry - 60#
5x Lunges
(3) 6 Rounds - no weight vest
4x Front Squat - increase load until hard
but doable
4x Kettlebell Floor Press - increase load
until hard but doable
Lat + Pec Stretch
(4) 3 Rounds - no weight vest
3rd World Stretch
3x Shoulder Jackknives

(1) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest

40% max reps Seated Dumbbell Press
w/ 25# Dumbbells
40% max reps Russian Twists w/ 25#
40% max reps Partial Squats to Thrust
w/ 60# Dumbbell
40% max reps 2-Arm Pull Down w/ 80#
using rope attachment or 2-Arm Pull
Down w/ 40# DB tied to rope
(2) 10 Rounds for time - no weight vest
20 sec. Burpees
20 sec. Touch Jump Touch
20 sec. Rest
(4) 4 Rounds - no weight vest
5x EOs
10x Sit-ups
15x Flutter Kicks
10x Face Down Back Extension
(5) 3 Rounds - no weight vest
Lat + Pec Stretch
Pigeon Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds, every 105 sec.
50% max reps 50ft. Shuttles w/ 50#
weight vest
(2) 10 Rounds, every 105 sec.
50% max reps Step-up in 75#
(3) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest
50% max reps Kneeling Dumbbell Rope
Pulls - 60#
50% max time Farmers Carry - 60#
10x Air Squats
(3) 6 Rounds - no weight vest
4x KB Walking Lunges - increase load
until hard but doable
2/4x Pull-ups
Lat + Pec Stretch
(4) 3 Rounds - no weight vest
3x Floor Slide
Hip Flexor + Pigeon Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest

50% max reps Seated Dumbbell Press
w/ 25# Dumbbells
50% max reps Russian Twists w/ 25#
50% max reps Partial Squats to Thrust
w/ 60# Dumbbell
50% max reps 2-Arm Pull Down w/ 80#
using rope attachment or 2-Arm Pull
Down w/ 40# DB tied to rope
(2) 5 Rounds for time - no weight vest
6x Dumbbell Front Squats - 15/25#
3x Scotty Bobs - 15/25#
6x Sit-ups
(3) 4 Rounds - no weight vest
20 sec. Front Bridge
20 sec. EOs
20 sec. Rest
(4) 4 Rounds - no weight vest
20 sec. Flutter Kicks
20 sec. Face Down Back Extension
20 sec. Rest
(5) 3 Rounds - no weight vest
3x Ride it Down - 15/25# kettlebell or
3x Shoulder Jackknives
Lat + Pec Stretch

Moderate = comfortable but not easy.

Downloaded on November 9, 2014 by Michael Buchanan,







Obj: Assessment

Obj: Assessment Work/Strength

Obj: Assessment Work/Work Capacity

Obj: Assessment Work/Strength

Obj: Assessment Work/Endurance






3 Rounds - no weight vest

5/8x Push-ups
8x Air Squats
8x Sit-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

20x Step-ups - 8
5x Lunges
10x Plank Walk-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

5x Seated Dumbbell Press - 15/25#
5x EOs
10x Air Squats
5x Push-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

20x Step-ups - 8
5x Lunges
10x Plank Walk-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

5x Seated Dumbbell Press - 15/25#
5x EOs
10x Air Squats
5x Push-ups
Instep Stretch




Rest 3 min. between events. Complete

the entire assessment with a 50# weight

(1) 5 Rounds, every 75 sec.

30% max reps 50ft. Shuttles w/ 50#
weight vest

(1) Max reps 50ft. shuttles in 1 min. w/

(2) 10 Rounds, every 75 sec.
50# vest Do not touch the line. Pivot with 30% max reps Step-up in 75#
your foot.
(3) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest
Record reps:___________________
30% max reps Kneeling Dumbbell Rope
Pulls - 60#
(2) Max reps Step-ups in 3 min. in 50#
30% max time Farmers Carry - 60#
weight vest and 25# pack (75# total).
5x Lunges
Record reps:___________________
(3) Max reps Kneeling Dumbbell Rope
Pulls w/ 40 ft. Rope in 2 min. - 60# each length = 1 rep

(4) 6 Rounds - no weight vest

4x Front Squat - increase load until hard
but doable
4x Kettlebell Floor Press - increase load
until hard but doable
Lat + Pec Stretch

Record reps:___________________
(4) Max time Farmers Carry with 60# in
each hand. You must stay moving the
entire time. Dont go past 3 min.
Record time:___________________
(5) Max reps Seated Dumbbell Press in 1
min. w/ 25# Dumbbells
Record reps:___________________
(6) Max reps Russian Twists in 1 min. w/
25# Dumbbell
Record reps:___________________
(7) Max reps Partial Squats to Thrust w/
60# Dumbbell in 1 min.
Record reps:___________________
(8) Max reps 2-Arm Pull Downs w/ 80#
using Rope attachment (or alternative see write-up)
Record reps:___________________

(5) 3 Rounds - no weight vest

3rd World Stretch
3x Shoulder Jackknives

(1) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest

30% max reps Seated Dumbbell Press
w/ 25# Dumbbells
30% max reps Russian Twists w/ 25#
30% max reps Partial Squats to Thrust
w/ 60# Dumbbell
30% max reps 2-Arm Pull Down w/ 80#
using rope attachment or 2-Arm Pull
Down w/ 40# DB tied to rope
(2) 10 Rounds - no weight vest
20 sec. Burpees
20 sec. Touch Jump Touch
20 sec. Rest
(4) 4 Rounds - no weight vest
5x EOs
10x Sit-ups
15x Flutter Kicks
10x Face Down Back Extension
(5) 3 Rounds - no weight vest
Lat + Pec Stretch
Pigeon Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds, every 90 sec.
40% max reps 50ft. Shuttles w/ 50#
weight vest
(2) 10 Rounds, every 90 sec.
40% max reps Step-up in 75#
(3) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest
40% max reps Kneeling Dumbbell Rope
Pulls - 60#
40% max time Farmers Carry - 60#
10x Air Squats
(3) 6 Rounds - no weight vest
4x KB Walking Lunges - increase load
until hard but doable
2/4x Pull-ups
Lat + Pec Stretch
(4) 3 Rounds - no weight vest
3x Floor Slide
Hip Flexor + Pigeon Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest

40% max reps Seated Dumbbell Press
w/ 25# Dumbbells
40% max reps Russian Twists w/ 25#
40% max reps Partial Squats to Thrust
w/ 60# Dumbbell
40% max reps 2-Arm Pull Down w/ 80#
using rope attachment or 2-Arm Pull
Down w/ 40# DB tied to rope
(2) Run 4.5 miles - moderate pace - no
weight vest
Moderate = comfortable but not easy.

Downloaded on November 9, 2014 by Michael Buchanan,







Obj: Assessment Work/Strength

Obj: Assessment Work/Work Capacity

Obj: Assessment Work/Strength

Obj: Assessment Work/Work Capacity

Obj: Endurance






3 Rounds - no weight vest

20x Step-ups - 8
5x Lunges
10x Plank Walk-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

5x Seated Dumbbell Press - 15/25#
5x EOs
10x Air Squats
5x Push-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

20x Step-ups - 8
5x Lunges
10x Plank Walk-ups
Instep Stretch

3 Rounds - no weight vest

5x Seated Dumbbell Press - 15/25#
5x EOs
10x Air Squats
5x Push-ups
Instep Stretch

(1) Run 5 miles - moderate pace - no

weight vest



(1) 5 Rounds, every 90 sec.

40% max reps 50ft. Shuttles w/ 50#
weight vest
(2) 10 Rounds, every 90 sec.
40% max reps Step-up in 75#
(3) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest
40% max reps Kneeling Dumbbell Rope
Pulls - 60#
40% max time Farmers Carry - 60#
5x Lunges
(4) 6 Rounds - no weight vest
4x Front Squat - increase load until hard
but doable
4x Kettlebell Floor Press - increase load
until hard but doable
Lat + Pec Stretch
(5) 3 Rounds - no weight vest
3rd World Stretch
3x Shoulder Jackknives

(1) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest

40% max reps Seated Dumbbell Press
w/ 25# Dumbbells
40% max reps Russian Twists w/ 25#
40% max reps Partial Squats to Thrust
w/ 60# Dumbbell
40% max reps 2-Arm Pull Down w/ 80#
using rope attachment or 2-Arm Pull
Down w/ 40# DB tied to rope
(2) 10 Rounds for time - no weight vest
20 sec. Burpees
20 sec. Touch Jump Touch
20 sec. Rest
(4) 4 Rounds - no weight vest
5x EOs
10x Sit-ups
15x Flutter Kicks
10x Face Down Back Extension
(5) 3 Rounds - no weight vest
Lat + Pec Stretch
Pigeon Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds, every 105 sec.
50% max reps 50ft. Shuttles w/ 50#
weight vest
(2) 10 Rounds, every 105 sec.
50% max reps Step-up in 75#
(3) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest
50% max reps Kneeling Dumbbell Rope
Pulls - 60#
50% max time Farmers Carry - 60#
10x Air Squats
(3) 6 Rounds - no weight vest
4x KB Walking Lunges - increase load
until hard but doable
2/4x Pull-ups
Lat + Pec Stretch
(4) 3 Rounds - no weight vest
3x Floor Slide
Hip Flexor + Pigeon Stretch

(1) 5 Rounds w/ 50# weight vest

50% max reps Seated Dumbbell Press
w/ 25# Dumbbells
50% max reps Russian Twists w/ 25#
50% max reps Partial Squats to Thrust
w/ 60# Dumbbell
50% max reps 2-Arm Pull Down w/ 80#
using rope attachment or 2-Arm Pull
Down w/ 40# DB tied to rope
(2) 5 Rounds for time - no weight vest
6x Dumbbell Front Squats - 15/25#
3x Scotty Bobs - 15/25#
6x Sit-ups
(3) 4 Rounds - no weight vest
20 sec. Front Bridge
20 sec. EOs
20 sec. Rest
(4) 4 Rounds - no weight vest
20 sec. Flutter Kicks
20 sec. Face Down Back Extension
20 sec. Rest
(5) 3 Rounds - no weight vest
3x Ride it Down - 15/25# kettlebell or
3x Shoulder Jackknives
Lat + Pec Stretch

Moderate = comfortable but not easy.

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