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For other uses, see Kayak (disambiguation).

A kayak is a small, narrow boat which is propelled by

Interior 360 degree photosphere of a kayak at the Smithsonian

National Museum of the American Indian. Click for an immersive 360 degree view

tors, and even by outboard gas engines.

Whitewater kayaker at Great Falls, Virginia, United States

means of a double-bladed paddle. The word kayak originates from the Greenlandic language, where it is the word
qajaq (pronounced [qajaq]). In the UK the term canoe is
often used when referring to a kayak.[1][2] The traditional
kayak has a covered deck and one or more cockpits, each
seating one paddler. The cockpit is sometimes covered by
a spray deck that prevents the entry of water from waves
or spray and makes it possible for suitably skilled kayakers to roll the kayak: that is, to capsize and right it without
it lling with water or ejecting the paddler.
Kayaks are often used to get closer to marine animals, such as
sea otters

The kayak was rst used by the indigenous Aleut, Inuit,

Yupik and possibly Ainu[3] hunters in subarctic regions
of the world.

1 History
See also: Kajukki
Kayaks (Inuktitut: qajaq (
[qjq]), Yup'ik: qayaq
(from qai- surface; top),[4] Aleut: Iqyax) were originally
developed by the Inuit, Yup'ik, and Aleut. They used the
boats to hunt on inland lakes, rivers and coastal waters of
the Arctic Ocean, North Atlantic, Bering Sea and North
Pacic oceans. These rst kayaks were constructed from
stitched seal or other animal skins stretched over a wood
or whalebone-skeleton frame. (Western Alaskan Natives
used wood whereas the eastern Inuit used whalebone due
to the treeless landscape). Kayaks are believed to be at

Inuit seal hunter in a kayak, armed with a harpoon

Some modern boats vary considerably from a traditional

design but still claim the title kayak, for instance in
eliminating the cockpit by seating the paddler on top of
the boat (sit-on-top kayaks); having inated air chambers surrounding the boat; replacing the single hull by
twin hulls, and replacing paddles with other humanpowered propulsion methods, such as foot-powered rotational propellers and ippers. Kayaks are also being
sailed, as well as propelled by means of small electric mo1

ter capsizing, especially as few Inuit could swim; their
waters are too cold for a swimmer to survive for long.[6]
Instead of a tuilik, most traditional kayakers today use
a spray deck made of waterproof synthetic material
stretchy enough to t tightly around the cockpit rim and
body of the kayaker, and which can be released rapidly
from the cockpit to permit easy exit.

Kayaking in the Upsala Glacier in Los Glaciares National Park

Inuit kayak builders had specic measurements for their

boats. The length was typically three times the span of
his outstretched arms. The width at the cockpit was the
width of the builders hips plus two sts (and sometimes
less). The typical depth was his st plus the outstretched
thumb (hitch hiker). Thus typical dimensions were about
17 feet (5.2 m) long by 2022 inches (5156 cm) wide by
7 inches (18 cm) deep. This measurement system confounded early European explorers who tried to duplicate
the kayak, because each kayak was a little dierent.
Traditional kayaks encompass three types: Baidarkas,
from the Bering sea & Aleutian islands, the oldest design,
whose rounded shape and numerous chines give them an
almost Blimp-like appearance; West Greenland kayaks,
with fewer chines and a more angular shape, with gunwales rising to a point at the bow and stern; and East
Greenland kayaks that appear similar to the West Greenland style, but often t more snugly to the paddler and
possess a steeper angle between gunwale and stem, which
lends maneuverability.

Most of the Aleut people in the Aleutian Islands eastward

to Greenland Inuit relied on the kayak for hunting a variety of preyprimarily seals, though whales and caribou
Two people in kayak, Nunivak, Alaska, photographed by were important in some areas. Skin-on-frame kayaks are
Edward S. Curtis, 1930
still being used for hunting by Inuit people in Greenland, because the smooth and exible skin glides silently
through the waves. In other parts of the world home
least 4,000 years old. The oldest existing kayaks are ex- builders are continuing the tradition of skin on frame
hibited in the North America department of the State Mu- kayaks, usually with modern skins of canvas or synthetic
fabric, such as sc. ballistic nylon.
seum of Ethnology in Munich.[5]
Contemporary traditional-style kayaks trace their origins
primarily to the native boats of Alaska, northern Canada,
and Southwest Greenland. Wooden kayaks and fabric
kayaks on wooden frames dominated the market up until the 1950s, when berglass boats were rst introduced
in the US, and inatable rubberized fabric boats were
rst introduced in Europe. Rotomolded plastic kayaks
rst appeared in 1973, and most kayaks today are made
from roto-molded polyethylene resins. The development
of plastic and rubberized inatable kayaks arguably iniNative builders designed and built their boats based on
tiated the development of freestyle kayaking as we see it
their own experience and that of the generations before
today, since these boats could be made smaller, stronger
them, passed on through oral tradition. The word kayak
and more resilient than berglass boats.
means mans boat or hunters boat, and native kayaks
were a personal craft, each built by the man who used it
with assistance from his wife, who sewed the skinsand
closely tting his size for maximum maneuverability. A
special skin jacket, Tuilik, was then laced to the kayak, This Greenland paddle is 7 feet (2.1 m) in length, and much narcreating a waterproof seal. This enabled the "eskimo roll" rower than European paddles.
to become the preferred method of regaining posture afNative people made many types of boat for dierent purposes. The baidarka, developed by indigenous cultures
in Alaska, was also made in double or triple cockpit designs, for hunting and transporting passengers or goods.
An umiak is a large open sea canoe, ranging from 17 to
30 feet (5.2 to 9.1 m), made with seal skins and wood. It
is considered a kayak although it was originally paddled
with single-bladed paddles, and typically had more than
one paddler.


Hull surface prole

Design principles

with only moderate primary, but excellent secondary stability are, in general, considered more seaworthy, espeTypically, kayak design is largely a matter of trade-os: cially in challenging conditions.
directional stability (tracking) vs maneuverability; sta- A V-shaped hull tends to ease traveling straight (track),
bility vs speed; and primary vs secondary stability. This but makes turning harder. V-shaped hulls also have the
is true for single hull (a.k.a. mono-hull) kayaks, but does greatest secondary stability.
not necessarily encompass newer types of hulls, such as
Conversely, at-bottomed hulls are easy to turn, but
twin hulls.
harder to direct in a constant direction.



As a general rule, a longer kayak is faster. See Hull speed.

Kayaks that are built to cover longer distances such as
touring and sea kayaks are longer, generally 16 to 19 feet
(4.9 to 5.8 m). With touring kayaks the keel is generally
more dened (helping the kayaker track in a straight line.)
Whitewater kayaks, which generally depend upon river
current for their forward motion, are short, to maximize
maneuverability. These kayaks rarely exceed 8 feet (2.4
m) in length, and play boats may be only 56 feet (1.5
1.8 m) long. Recreational kayak designers try to provide
more stability at the price of reduced speed, and compromise between tracking and maneuverability, ranging
from 914 feet (2.74.3 m).

The chine typically increases secondary stability by effectively widening the beam of the boat when it heels
(tips). Sea kayaks, designed for open water and rough
conditions, are generally narrower 2225 inches (5664
cm) and have more secondary stability than recreational
kayaks, which are wider 2630 inches (6676 cm), have
a atter hull shape, and more primary stability.

2.4 Hull surface prole

Traditional kayak hulls are categorized according to the
shape from bow to stern
Common shapes include:
Symmetrical: the widest part of the boat is halfway
between bow and stern.

Primary and secondary stability

Fish form: the widest part is forward (in front) of

the midpoint.

Primary (sometimes called initial) stability describes how

much a boat tips, or rocks back and forth, when displaced
from level by paddler weight shifts. Secondary (nal) stability describes how stable a kayak feels when put on edge
or when waves are passing under the hull perpendicular
to the length of the boat. Primary stability is often a big
concern to a beginner, while secondary stability matters
both to beginners and experienced travelers. By example, a wide, at-bottomed kayak will have high primary
stability and feel very stable on at water. However, when
a steep wave breaks on such a boat, it can be easily overturned because the at bottom is no longer level. By contrast, a kayak with a narrower, more rounded hull can be
edged or leaned into waves and (in the hands of a skilled
kayaker) provides a safer, more comfortable response on
stormy seas.

Swede form: the widest part is aft (behind) midpoint.


2.5 Rocker

Length alone does not fully predict a kayaks maneuverability: a second design element is rocker, i.e. its lengthwise curvature. A heavily rockered boat curves more,
shortening its eective waterline. For example, an 18foot (5.5 m) kayak with no rocker is in the water from
end to end. In contrast, the bow and stern of a rockered
boat are out of the water, shortening its lengthwise waterline to only 16 ft (4.9 m). Rocker is generally most evident at the ends, and in moderation improves handling.
Similarly, although a rockered whitewater boat may only
be a few feet shorter than a typical recreational kayak, its
waterline is far shorter and its maneuverability far greater.
2.3 Beam prole
When surng, a heavily rockered boat is less likely to lock
into the wave as the bow and stern are still above water.
The most important attribute in determining the stability A boat with less rocker cuts into the wave and makes it
of a single hulled kayak is the overall width of its cross harder to turn while surng.
section. The shape of the cross section can aect both
maneuverability and stability. Hull shapes are categorized by roundness/atness, whether it has a V shape 2.6 Paddling ease and ergonomics
at various points, and by the presence and severity of a
chine, where the side and bottom of a hull meet at an Some recreational kayak makers try to maximize hull volangle, creating an edge below the gunwales. This cross ume (weight capacity) for a given length as shorter kayaks
section may vary along the length of the boat. Kayaks are easier to transport and store. Many paddlers who use


a sit-in kayak feel more secure in a kayak with a weight

capacity substantially more than their own weight. Maximum volume in a sit-in kayak is helped by a wide hull
with high sides. But paddling ease is helped by lower
sides where the paddler sits and a narrower width. A narrower kayak makes a somewhat shorter paddle appropriate and a shorter paddle puts less strain on the shoulder
joints. Some paddlers are comfortable with a sit-in kayak
so narrow that their legs extend fairly straight out. Others want sucient width to permit crossing their legs inside the kayak. Traditional-style and most modern types
of kayaks (e.g. sit-on-top) require that paddler be seated
with their legs stretched in front of them, in a right angle, in a position called the L kayaking position. Most
modern kayaks feature a system comprising footrests and
a backrest, designed to provide the paddler with means
to support their paddling eort by allowing them to push
the footrests with their feet, and the backrest with their
lower back (lumbar spine). Such arrangements were not
included in kayaks made by native peoples of the arctic
regions, who were t enough to paddle their kayaks without needing such devices. Twin hull kayaks oer a dierent sitting position called the Riding position, in which
the paddlers legs are not stretched out in front of them.

along the edges. Copper wire is then used to stitch the

pieces together through the holes. After the pieces are
temporarily stitched together, they are glued with epoxy
and the seams reinforced with berglass. When the epoxy
dries, the copper stitches are removed. Sometimes the
entire boat is then covered in berglass for additional
strength and waterproong though this adds greatly to the
weight and is unnecessary. Construction is fairly straightforward, but because plywood does not bend to form
compound curves, design choices are limited. This is a
good choice for the rst-time kayak builder as the labor
and skills required (especially for kit versions) is considerably less than for strip-built boats which can take 3 times
as long to build.

and handiwork, depending on how they are made. Kayaks

made from thin strips of wood sheathed in berglass
have proven successful, especially as the price of epoxy
resin has decreased in recent years. A plywood, stitch
and glue (S&G) doesn't need berglass sheathing though
some builders do. Three main types are popular, especially for the home builder: Stitch & Glue, Strip-Built,
and hybrids which have a stitch & glue hull and a stripbuilt deck.

A special type of skin-on-frame kayak is the folding

kayak. It has a collapsible frame, of wood, aluminum
or plastic, or a combination thereof, and a skin of
water-resistant and durable fabric. Many types have air
sponsons built into the hull, making the kayak oat even
if ooded.

Strip-built designs are similar in shape to rigid berglass

kayaks but are generally both lighter and tougher. Like
their berglass counterparts the shape and size of the boat
determines performance and optimal uses. The hull and
deck are built with thin strips of lightweight wood, often
cedar, pine or Redwood. The strips are edge-glued together around a form, stapled or clamped in place, and
allowed to dry. Structural strength comes from a layer of
berglass cloth and epoxy resin, layered inside and outside the hull. Stripbuilt kayaks are sold commercially by
a few companies, priced USD 4,000 and up. An experienced woodworker can build one for about USD 400 in
200 hours, though the exact cost and time depend on the
3 Materials and construction
builders skill, the materials and the size and design. As a
second kayak project, or for the serious builder with some
Today almost all kayaks are commercial products inwoodworking expertise, a stripbuilt boat can be an imtended for sale rather than for the builders personal use.
pressive piece of work. Kits with pre-cut and milled wood
Fiberglass hulls are stier than polyethylene hulls, but strips are commercially available.
they are more prone to damage from impact, including
Skin on frame boats are more traditional in design, macracking. Most modern kayaks have steep V sections at
terials, and construction. They were traditionally made
the bow and stern, and a shallow V amidships. Fiberglass
of driftwood, pegged or lashed together, and stretched
kayaks need to be laid-up in a mold by hand, so are ususeal skin, as those were the most readily available maally more expensive than polyethylene kayaks, which are
terials in the Arctic regions. Today, seal skin is usually
rotationally molded in a machine.
replaced with canvas or nylon cloth covered with paint,
Plastic kayaks are rotationally molded ('rotomolded') polyurethane, or a hypalon rubber coating and a wooden
from a various grades and types of polyethylene resins or aluminum frame. Modern skin-on-frame kayaks ofranging from soft to hard. Such kayaks are particularly ten possess greater impact resistance than their berresistant to impact.
glass counterparts, but are less durable against abrasion
Wooden hulls don't necessarily require signicant skill or sharp objects. They are often the lightest kayaks.

Stitch & Glue designs typically use modern, marine- 4 Modern design
grade plywood eighth-inch, 3 millimetres (0.12 in) or
up to quarter-inch, 5 millimetres (0.20 in) thick. After Modern kayaks dier greatly from native kayaks in evcutting out the required pieces of hull and deck (kits of- ery aspectfrom initial form through conception, design,
ten have these pre-cut), a series of small holes are drilled manufacturing and usage. Modern kayaks are designed



their being designed mainly for paddling using a kayak
paddle featuring two blades i.e. 'kayak paddle'. However, even this inclusive denition is being challenged by
other means of human powered propulsion, such as foot
activated pedal drives combined with rotating or sideways
moving propellers, electric motors, and even outboard

5.1 Recreational
Main article: Recreational kayak

Modern sea kayak in west Wales

with CAD (Computer Aided Design) software, often in

combination with CAD customized for naval design.
Modern kayaks serve diverse purposes, ranging from
slow and easy touring on placid water, to racing and complex maneuvering in fast-moving whitewater, to shing
and long-distance ocean excursions. Modern forms, materials and construction techniques make it possible to effectively serve these needs while continuing to leverage
the insights of the original Arctic inventors.

Recreational kayaks are designed for the casual paddler

interested in shing, photography, or a peaceful paddle
on a lake, atwater stream or protected salt water away
from strong ocean waves. These boats presently make up
the largest segment of kayak sales. Compared to other
kayaks, recreational kayaks have a larger cockpit for easier entry and exit and a wider beam (2736 inches (69
91 cm)) for more stability. They are generally less than
12 feet (3.7 m) in length and have limited cargo capacity. Less expensive materials like polyethylene and fewer
options keep these boats relatively inexpensive. Most canoe/kayak clubs oer introductory instruction in recreational boats. They do not perform as well in the sea. The
recreational kayak is usually a type of touring kayak.[7]

Kayaks are long19 feet (5.8 m), short6 feet (1.8

m), wide42 inches (110 cm), or as narrow as the
paddlers hips. They may attach one or two stabilizing
5.2 Sea
hulls (outriggers), have twin hulls like catamarans, inate or fold. They move via paddles, pedals that turn
Main article: Sea kayak
propellers or underwater ippers, under sail, or moSea kayaks are typically designed for travel by one,
tor. They're made of wood/canvas, wood, carbon ber,
berglass, Kevlar, polyethylene, polyester, rubberized
fabric, neoprene, Nitrylon, polyvinyl chloride (PVC),
polyurethane, and aluminum. They may sport rudders,
ns, bulkheads, seats, eyelets, foot braces and cargo
hatches. They accommodate 1-3 or more paddlers/riders.


Modern kayaks have evolved into specialized types that

may be broadly categorized according to their application
as sea or touring kayaks, whitewater (or river) kayaks, surf
kayaks, racing kayaks, shing kayaks, and recreational
kayaks. The broader kayak categories today are 'SitIn', which is inspired mainly by traditional kayak forms,
'Sit-On-Top' (SOT), which evolved from paddle boards
that were outtted with footrests and a backrest, 'Hybrid',
which are essentially canoes featuring a narrower beam
and a reduced free board enabling the paddler to propel
them from the middle of the boat, using a double blade
paddle (i.e. 'kayak paddle'), and twin hull kayaks oering each of the paddlers legs a narrow hull of its own. In
recent decades, kayaks design have proliferated to a point
where the only broadly accepted denominator for them is

Kayaking in a double on Lake Union in Seattle, Washington,

United States

two or even three paddlers on open water and in many

cases trade maneuverability for seaworthiness, stability,
and cargo capacity. Sea-kayak sub-types include skinon-frame kayaks with traditionally constructed frames,
open-deck sit-on-top kayaks, and recreational kayaks.
The sea kayak, though descended directly from traditional types, is implemented in a variety of materials. Sea

kayaks typically have a longer waterline, and provisions

for below-deck storage of cargo. Sea kayaks may also
have rudders or skegs (xed rudder) and upturned bow or
stern proles for wave shedding. Modern sea kayaks usually have two or more internal bulkheads. Some models
can accommodate two or sometimes three paddlers.



for the paddler is higher than in a traditional kayak. To

compensate for the higher center of gravity, sit-on-tops
are often wider and slower than a traditional kayak of the
same length.
Contrary to popular belief, the sit-on-top kayak hull is
not self bailing, since water penetrating it does not drain
out automatically, as it does in bigger boats equipped with
self bailing systems. Furthermore, the sit-on-top hull cannot be molded in a way that would assure water tightness, and water may get in through various holes in its
hull, usually around hatches and deck accessories. If the
sit-on-top kayak is loaded to a point where such perforations are covered with water, or if the water paddled is
rough enough that such perforations often go under water,
the sit-on-top hull may ll with water without the paddler
noticing it in time.

5.3 Surf
Main article: Surf Kayaking
Specialty surf boats typically have at bottoms, and hard
A paddler in a sit on top kayak explores Kealakekua Bay in

Sealed-hull (unsinkable) craft were developed for leisure

use, as derivatives of surfboards (e.g. paddle or wave
skis), or for surf conditions. Variants include planing surf
craft, touring kayaks, and sea marathon kayaks. Increasingly, manufacturers build leisure 'sit-on-top' variants of
extreme sports craft, typically using polyethylene to ensure strength and aordability, often with a skeg for directional stability. Water that enters the cockpit drains
out through scupper holestubes that run from the cockpit to the bottom of the hull.
Surf Kayaking competition, Tono, British Columbia

edges, similar to surf boards. The design of a surf kayak

promotes the use of an ocean surf wave (moving wave) as
opposed to a river or feature wave (moving water). They
are typically made from rotomolded plastic, or berglass.

Recreational kayak

Sit-on-top kayaks come in 1-4 paddler congurations.

Sit-on-top kayaks are particularly popular for shing and
SCUBA diving, since participants need to easily enter
and exit the water, change seating positions, and access
hatches and storage wells. Ordinarily the seat of a sit-ontop is slightly above water level, so the center of gravity

Surf kayaking comes in two main varieties, High Performance (HP) and International Class (IC). HP boats tend
to have a lot of nose rocker, little to no tail rocker, at
hulls, sharp rails and up to four ns set up as either a three
n thruster or a quad n. This enables them to move at
high speed and maneuver dynamically. IC boats have to
be at least 3 metres (9.8 ft) long and until a recent rule
change had to have a convex hull; now at and slightly
concave hulls are also allowed, although ns are not. Surfing on international boats tends to be smoother and more
owing, and they are thought of as kayakings long boarding. Surf boats come in a variety of materials ranging
from tough but heavy plastics to super light, super sti
but fragile foamcored carbon ber. Surf kayaking has
become popular in traditional surng locations, as well as
new locations such as the Great Lakes.



Surf skis, are specialized narrow and long boats for racing, 5.4.2 Creekboat
surng breaking waves and surf-zone rescues.
The other primary type is the creek boat, which gets its
name from its purpose: running narrow, low-volume wa5.3.1 Waveskis
terways. Creekboats are longer and have far more volume
than playboats, which makes them more stable, faster and
Main article: Waveski
higher-oating. Many paddlers use creekboats in short
boat downriver races, and they are often seen on large
A variation on the closed cockpit surf kayak is called a rivers where their extra stability and speed may be neceswaveski. Although the waveski oers dynamics similar sary to get through rapids.
to a sitontop, its paddling technique and surng per- Between the creekboat and playboat extremes is a cateformance and construction can be similar to surfboard gory called riverrunning kayaks. These mediumsized
boats are designed for rivers of moderate to high volume,



and some, known as river running playboats, are capable

of basic playboating moves. They are typically owned by
paddlers who do not have enough whitewater involvement
to warrant the purchase of morespecialized boats.
Squirt Boating involves paddling both on the surface of
the river and underwater. Squirt boats must be customtted to the paddler to ensure comfort while maintaining
the low interior volume necessary to allow the paddler to
submerge completely in the river.

5.5 Racing
5.5.1 Whitewater

Whitewater kayak

Main article: Whitewater kayaking

Whitewater kayaks are rotomolded in a semi-rigid, high
impact plastic, usually polyethylene. Careful construction ensures that the boat remains structurally sound when
subjected to fast-moving water. The plastic hull allows
these kayaks to bounce o rocks without leaking, although they scratch and eventually wear through with
enough use. Whitewater kayaks range from 4 to 10 feet
(1.2 to 3.0 m) long. There are two main types of whitewater kayak:


Main article: Playboat

One type, the playboat, is short, with a scooped bow and
blunt stern. These trade speed and stability for high maneuverability. Their primary use is performing tricks in
individual water features or short stretches of river. In
playboating or freestyle competition (also known as rodeo
boating), kayakers exploit the complex currents of rapids
to execute a series of tricks, which are scored for skill and

White water racers combine a fast, unstable lower hull

portion with a ared upper hull portion to combine at
water racing speed with extra stability in open water: they
are not tted with rudders and have similar maneuverability to at water racers. They usually require substantial skill to achieve stability, due to extremely narrow hulls. Whitewater racing kayaks, like all racing
kayaks, are made to regulation lengths, usually of ber
reinforced resin (usually epoxy or polyester reinforced
with Kevlar, glass ber, carbon ber, or some combination). This form of construction is stier and has a harder
skin than non-reinforced plastic construction such as rotomolded polyethylene: stier means faster, and harder
means fewer scratches and therefore also faster.
5.5.2 Flatwater sprint
Main article: Sprint kayak
Sprint kayak is a sport held on calm water. Crews or individuals race over 200 m, 500 m, 1000 m or 5000 m
with the winning boat being the rst to cross the nish
line. The paddler is seated, facing forward, and uses a
double-bladed paddle pulling the blade through the water
on alternate sides to propel the boat forward. In competition the number of paddlers within a boat is indicated
by a gure besides the type of boat; K1 signies an individual kayak race, K2 pairs, and K4 four-person crews.
Kayak sprint has been in every summer olympics since it


debuted at the 1936 summer olympics.[8] Racing is governed by the International Canoe Federation.


Main article: Slalom canoeing

Slalom kayaks are athulled, andsince the early
1970sfeature low prole decks. They are highly maneuverable, and stable but not fast in a straight line.

Surf ski

Main article: Surf skis

A specialized variant of racing kayak called a surf ski has
an open cockpit and can be up to 21 feet (6.4 m) long
but only 18 inches (46 cm) wide, requiring expert balance and paddling skill. Surf skis were originally created for surf and are still used in races in New Zealand,
Australia, and South Africa. They have become popular
in the United States for ocean races, lake races and even
downriver races.
An inatable kayak


Specialty and hybrids

from them. However, there have been considerable advancements in inatable kayak technology over recent
The term kayak increasingly applies to craft that look years.[9]
little like traditional kayaks.


Inatables, also known as the duckies or IKs, can usually

be transported by hand using a carry bag. They are generally made of hypalon (a kind of neoprene), Nytrylon (a
rubberized fabric), PVC, or polyurethane coated cloth.
They can be inated with foot, hand or electric pumps.
Multiple compartments in all but the least expensive increase safety. They generally use low pressure air, almost
always below 3 psi.

5.6.2 Folding
Main article: Folding kayak

Folding kayaks are direct descendants of the skin-onframe boats used by the Inuit and Greenlandic peoples.
Modern folding kayaks are constructed from a wooden
or aluminum frame over which is placed a synthetic skin
made of polyester, cotton canvas, polyurethane, or Hypalon. They are more expensive than inatable kayaks,
but have the advantage of greater stiness and conseWhile many inatables are non-rigid, essentially pointed quently better seaworthiness.
rafts, best suited for use on rivers and calm water, the
higher end inatables are designed to be hardy, seaworthy vessels. Recently some manufacturers have added an 5.6.3 Pedal
internal frame (folding-style) to a multi-section inatable
sit-on-top kayak to produce a seaworthy boat.
A kayak with pedals allows the kayaker to propel the
The appeal of inatable kayaks is their portability, their vessel with a rotating propeller or underwater ippers
durability (they don't dent), ruggedness in white water rather than with a paddle. In contrast to paddling, kayak(they bounce o rocks rather than break) and their easy ers who pedal kayaks use their legs rather than their arms.
storage. In addition, inatable kayaks generally are stable, have a small turning radius and are easy to master,
5.6.4 Twin hull and outrigger
although some models take more eort to paddle and are
slower than traditional kayaks.
Traditional multi-hull vessels such as catamarans and
Because inatable kayaks aren't as sturdy as traditional, outrigger canoes benet from increased lateral stability
hard-shelled kayaks, a lot of people tend to steer away without sacricing speed, and these advantages have been

successfully applied in twin hull kayaks. Outrigger kayaks
attach one or two smaller hulls to the main hull to enhance stability, especially for shing, touring, kayak sailing and motorized kayaking. Twin hull kayaks feature
two long and narrow hulls, and since all their buoyancy is
distributed as far as possible from their center line, they
are stabler than mono hull kayaks outtted with outriggers.



Main article: Kayak shing

folding kayaks that can be launched from surfaced submarines or carried to the surface by divers from submerged ones. They can be parachuted from transport aircraft into the ocean or dropped from the back of Chinook
helicopters.[13] US Special Forces have used Kleppers but
now primarily use Long Haul folding kayaks, which are
made in the US.[14]

6 See also
Main article: Outline of canoeing and kayaking

While native people of the Arctic regions hunted rather

than shed from kayaks, in recent years kayak sport shing has become popular in both fresh and salt water, especially in warmer regions. Traditional shing kayaks are
characterized by wide beams of up to 42 inches (110 cm)
that increase their lateral stability. Some are equipped
with outriggers that increase their stability, and others
feature twin hulls enabling stand up paddling and shing.
Compared with motorboats, shing kayaks are inexpensive and have few maintenance costs. Many kayak anglers
like to customize their kayaks for shing, a process known
as 'rigging'.

Aleutian kayak


Kayak shing


Canoe & Kayak UK
Canoe polo

Recreational kayak
Sea kayaking
Squirt boating
Surf kayaking
Whitewater slalom
Klepper Aerius Quattro XT in military colors

Kayaks were adapted for military use in the Second

World War. Used mainly by British Commando and
special forces, principally the Combined Operations Pilotage Parties (COPPs), the Special Boat Service and
the Royal Marines Boom Patrol Detachment. The latter made perhaps the best known use of them in the
Operation Frankton raid on Bordeaux harbor.[10] Both
the Special Air Service (SAS) and the Special Boat Service (SBS) used kayaks for reconnaissance in the 1982
Falklands War.[11] US Navy SEALs reportedly used them
at the start of Unied Task Force operations in Somalia
in 1992.[12] The SBS currently use Klepper two-man

7 References
[1] Buying a canoe or kayak. gocanoeing.org. Retrieved 8
September 2014.
[2] BCU General Canoeing information. BCU.org.uk. Retrieved 9 September 2014.
[3] There is scant evidence of Ainu peoples using the classic
kayak design in prehistoric times. the follosing indicates
that they did use skin-covered vessels, however: Like the
yara chisei, bark houses, yara chip, bark boats, were
probably substitutes for the skin-covered boat, elsewhere
surviving in the coracle and kayak. Skin-covered boats


are referred to in old [Ainu] traditions. -Ainu material culture from the notes of N. G. Munro: in the archive of the
Royal Anthropological Institute, British Museum, Department of Ethnography, 1994 , p. 33
[4] Jacobson, Steven A. (2012). Yup'ik Eskimo Dictionary,
2nd edition. Alaska Native Language Center.
[5] (English) Voelkerkundemuseum-muenchen.de
[6] D.C. Hutchinson, The Complete Book of Sea Kayaking,
5th ed., Falcon Guides, Connecticut.
[7] Rideaucanoe.on.ca
[8] . International Canoe Federation http://www.canoeicf.
com/icf/Aboutoursport/Canoe-Sprint.html. Retrieved
18 July 2014. Missing or empty |title= (help)
[9] http://paddlepursuits.com/
[10] Cockle Mark II
[11] James D. Ladd, SBS, The Invisible Raiders: the History
of the Special Boat Squadron from World War Two to
the Present, Arms & Armour Press 1983, ISBN 978-085368-593-7 (p.231)
[12] The Star Canadas special forces to get ancient warghting machines: canoes
[13] Special Boat Service Information on the SBS Klepper
[14] Special Forces Long Haul Kayaks

External links
International Canoe Federation The International
federation of kayak and canoe bodies
The Canadian Museum of Civilization Native Watercraft in Canada
British Canoe Union The National Governing Body
of Kayaking in the UK
USA Canoe and Kayak The National Governing
Body of Kayaking in the U.S.



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Kayak Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kayak?oldid=737939540 Contributors: Bryan Derksen, Rmhermen, PierreAbbat, Heron,

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