The Raid On Rommel's Headquarters

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IWM E4732

Earlier that year it had been decided to

seize the Greek island of Rhodes to prevent
the Italians from using it as a base for striking at the main British naval base at Alexandria. To this end, Sir Roger Keyes, in his role
of Director of Combined Operations, proposed to assemble a Special Service unit and
send it to the Mediterranean to carry out the
The force comprised Nos. 7, 8 and 11
Commandos, with a troop from No. 3 Commando and the Folbot Troop (commandos
operating kayak-type canoes) a total of
around 100 officers and 1,500 other ranks.
They departed from Scotland on January 31,
1941 in two infantry landing ships, the
Glengyle and Glenroy.
Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Laycock was
appointed acting commander of the Special
Service Brigade, but to avoid the Axis command becoming aware that a large force of
commandos had arrived in the theatre, the
War Office ordered that the designation
Layforce was to be used and that no mention of commandos or Royal Navy involvement was allowed.
Sailing via the Cape, they arrived at Suez
on March 7. On its arrival in Egypt, the force
was strengthened by the addition of No. 50
Commando from Crete and No. 52 Commando from Sudan. Layforce then comprised four battalions:
A Battalion - No. 7 Commando
(Lieutenant-Colonel Felix Colvin)
B Battalion - No. 8 Commando
(Lieutenant-Colonel Dermot Daly)
C Battalion - No. 11 Commando
(Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Pedder)
D Battalion - No. 50/52 Commando
(Lieutenant-Colonel George Young)
After the German invasion of Greece and
Yugoslavia in April, the Rhodes operation
was called off and the role of Layforce was
changed to planning and undertaking raids
behind enemy lines along the North African
coast. On April 15 Brigade Headquarters
and A and C Battalions set off in the
Glengyle and Glenroy to attack Bardia while
four troops of B Battalion sailed for Bomba
in a destroyer. However, the swell was so
strong that re-embarkation of the commandos from the beaches would have been difficult if not impossible, and as a result the
whole operation was called off.

On the night of November 14/15, 1941, a British raiding party of 30 commandos led
by Lieutenant-Colonel Geoffrey Keyes landed on the shores of Libya, their mission
being to attack a house in the town of Beda Littoria thought to be the headquarters
of Generalleutnant Erwin Rommel, the famed commander of the German Afrikakorps, and kill or capture him. The attack failed and Keyes was fatally wounded in the
action, being posthumously awarded a Victoria Cross.


New orders were quickly issued and A
Battalion was selected for the raid on Bardia.
Escorted by HMS Coventry, an anti-aircraft
cruiser, and three Australian destroyers,
HMAS Stuart, Voyager and Waterhen, the
Glengyle landed troops on four beaches on
the night of April 19/20. The objective was to
disrupt enemy lines of communication and to
inflict as much damage as possible to installations and equipment. Although the landings
were unopposed, little was achieved and
losses amounted to 67 men taken prisoner
and one officer killed by friendly fire.
At this stage of the war, there were few
reserve forces in the Middle East so elements
of Layforce were now deployed as normal
infantry battalions, a role for which they
were neither equipped nor trained. In June
C Battalion intervened in Lebanon against
French Vichy-held Syria in the battle of the
Litani River loosing 130 men, almost of third
of the 379 who had landed; and at the end of
May, A and D Battalions were deployed on
Crete to help contain the German assault.
Fighting as the rearguard, they lost 600 men
out of the 800 committed.

IWM E3130

By Jean Paul Pallud

Keyes was the son of Admiral Keyes and the commander of C Battalion (No. 11
Commando) of Layforce. In May 1941, when the battalion was still under LieutenantColonel Richard Pedder, Keyes, then still a major, accompanied his CO in escorting
Governor Sir William Battershill during a tour of Kantara Castle in Cyprus. Keyes took
over C Battalion in June, following the death of Pedder during an operation to Lebanon.

IWM H39029

Accompanying the party on the raid to

Rommels headquarters was LieutenantColonel Robert Laycock, the commander
of Layforce (seen in this photograph
early in June 1944 when he was Chief of
Combined Operations and the British
Armys youngest major-general). Colonel
Laycock had a strong personal motive
for wanting to join Operation Flipper.
In May 1941, during the battle for Crete,
he had commanded A and D Battalions
that were deployed to cover the hasty
evacuation of Creforce, the combined
British, Commonwealth and Greek force
defeated by the German airborne and
seaborne assault of the island. On May
30, Lieutenant-General Bernard Freyberg, the Creforce commander, ordered
Laycock to stay behind and to keep fending off the German assault until all the
fighting units had safely boarded the
naval transports provided for the evacuation. If absolutely necessary, he was to
present the British surrender to the German commander. Late on the 31st, Laycock, judging that all Allied units were
ready to depart, ordered his force to
withdraw to the beach and embark. He
dispatched the surrender document to
Lieutenant-Colonel George Young, the
commander of D Battalion, while he himself embarked at Sphakia. However, in
actual fact, not all the units had left and
many were still queuing up to board
when the flotilla weighed anchor. Of the
800 commandos under Laycocks command, some 600 were killed or captured
on Crete. British historian Michael
Asher, the author of the painstakingly
researched book The British Plot to Kill
Hitlers Greatest General (first published
in 2004) judged that Laycocks conduct
was not out of cowardice but out of an
inflated sense of their own preciousness. Though he had clearly disobeyed
orders, Laycock was not court-martialled
but his reputation among his peers
suffered badly. So his motive to go along
on the Rommel raid was a strong personal one: to remove the stain from his
Greatly reduced in strength by these operations, Layforce was disbanded in July.
Many of the men were returned to their previous regiments while others were sent to the
Far East or to join alternative special units
like the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG)
and the Special Boat Section (SBS). C Battalion in Cyprus managed to dodge the disbandment and, when the invasion threat to
that island receded, it returned to Egypt in
early August.
During the operation in Lebanon, the
commander of C Battalion, LieutenantColonel Pedder, had been killed, so when the
unit returned Captain Geoffrey Keyes took
over although he was dismayed to see his
command broken up so soon after he had
acquired it. Consequently, LieutenantColonel Laycock, armed with a letter from
Geoffrey to his father, went to London to
plead with Sir Roger for the reconstitution of
a commando force in the Middle East.
In September Captain Keyes heard that
Rommel had been spotted by Arab agents at
a headquarters in Beda Littoria in Cyrenaica.
He probably learnt about this from an
acquaintance, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry
Cator, the second-in-command of G(R), the
code-name for the SOEs directorate of Special Operations in Cairo.
Beda Littoria lay some 250 miles behind
the front line but only 18 miles from the
coast so Keyes believed that this would make
it possible for a commando unit to be put
ashore and move inland to attack the headquarters and abduct or kill Rommel. He
therefore decided to put his plan directly to
Lieutenant-General Sir Alan Cunningham,

the commander of the new Eighth Army just

formed in September, at his headquarters at
Maaten Baggush near Alexandria.
Knowing that Keyes father was a personal
friend of Churchill, Cunningham agreed to
hear Captain Keyes out and although no
transcription of the meeting exists, his
response was favourable. Keyes adjutant,
2nd Lieutenant Thomas Macpherson, later
said how Keyes returned to camp at
Amiriyya joyfully exclaiming: If we get this
job, Tommy, its one people will remember
us by.
On October 10, one week after Keyes had
met Cunningham, the submarine HMS Torbay approached the beach at Khashm al
Kalb near Ras Aamer, a cape due north of
Beda LHoria. On board were Captain John
Haselden, an agent of G(R), and an Arab
NCO from the Libyan Arab Force (a Britishofficered unit made up of Arab exiles from
Libya). Born and raised in Egypt of a British
father and an Egyptian mother, Haselden
spoke fluent Italian and French as well as
several Arabic dialects.
Torbay also carried a detachment from the
Special Boat Section two crews each comprising an officer and NCO. The usual drill
when landing personnel was for the SBS
team to go in first to secure the beach but on
this occasion Haselden decided to swim in
first. As the submarine lay 300 yards off the
beach in darkness, Haselden, stark naked,
swam to the shore from where he flashed the
OK signal. Minutes later a folbot, loaded
with stores sealed in four-gallon petrol tins,

arrived with Haseldens Arab clothes before

returning to the submarine. The whole operation had taken just 34 minutes.
Haselden and his companion moved west
along the coast, bypassing El Hania where
there was an Italian garrison, before moving
inland up the escarpment that ran along the
shore. At Slonta, about a days march west of
Beda Littoria, they met a local contact, Hussain Taher. He confirmed the previous intelligence reports that Rommel had been seen
using a building in Beda Littoria and that he
slept in a villa not half a mile away.
Meanwhile, a patrol of the Long Range
Desert Group under Captain Jake Easonsmith was sent to pick up Haselden. They
waited for two days at the rendezvous at
Garet Tecasis but when Haselden failed to
show up, on October 19 Easonsmith dispatched two Arab scouts on foot to Marsua,
west of Slonta, to look for him there. While
two vehicles remained at Garet Tecasis, he
went with his other three Chevrolet trucks to
the fallback rendezvous 25 miles away. They
came across an Italian convoy and shot at it
before withdrawing to Siwa oasis (see After
the Battle No. 98) with one prisoner.
Having missed his rendezvous, Haselden
finally met the two Arab scouts despatched
to find him and was back at Siwa on October
24. Three days later he reached Amiriyya,
reporting that he was convinced that Rommel was still at Beda Littoria. He also
pointed out three additional targets that the
commandos might want to tackle: the Italian
headquarters at Cyrene, the Italian Intelligence centre at Apollonia, and a telephone
junction point at Cyrene crossroads.


By November 1941, Rommels fame as a commander was fast

becoming that of a legend. Having landed his Afrikakorps in
Libya in February-March 1941, his first offensive in April-May
had ended in the recapture of all of Cyrenaica. Here he is seen
inspecting the town of Bardia in eastern Libya on April 19
which had been retaken by his troops just a week before.

Talisman was nowhere to be seen. They

returned the following night but still the submarine failed to appear. (Due to recurring
navigation errors, Talisman was waiting in
the wrong bay.)
There was now no other choice for them
but to try to reach Tobruk on foot. They
started out in an easterly direction but the
going was slow and exhausting over the
rough terrain. As Macpherson crawled to a
spring to fill up with water, a hound from an
Italian patrol ran to him so he was forced to
kill it with his knife. As they left, they heard
a considerable inquest going on around the
dead dog.
They pressed on eastwards but by November 1 hunger had become an acute problem.
That night they came across the camp of a
German transport unit and Macpherson
decided to go with Evans to try to steal
something to eat. Although he found some

bread rolls and cheese in one tent, he made

some noise leaving and suddenly there were
shouts and gunshots. The two men got away
but when they reached the spot where they
had left Ratcliffe and Ravenscroft, they
found them no longer there. On hearing the
firing and assuming the other two had been
killed or captured, the two SBS officers had
retired deeper into the desert.
On the night of November 3/4, as they
approached Derna along an apparently
deserted road, Macpherson and Evans were
suddenly surrounded by Italians and captured.
Ravenscroft and Ratcliffe were brought in two
days later whereupon all four were taken to
Benghazi. When the Italians later found the
folbots, they realised that the patrol had come
in by sea. On November 15, Ultra intercepted
an Italian report that they had learned from
various reliable sources that the British were
planning a landing near Apollonia.



On October 19, Lieutenant Macpherson,
Keyes adjutant, went to double-check the
beach where the commandos planned to
land, and on the night of October 24/25 the
submarine HMS Talisman surfaced about
three miles off Ras Hilal. In company with
Captain James Ratcliffe, Lieutenant Trevor
Ravenscroft, and Corporal Andrew Evans of
the Special Boat Section, Macpherson
pushed off in two folbots. It was arranged
that the Talisman would return to the rendezvous on the next three nights.
A quick survey of the shingle beach
assured Macpherson that it would be entirely
suitable for the landing. They then climbed
up the escarpment to check where the commandos would be met by Arab agents. This
done, they returned to the beach and
paddled off. However when they reached
the rendezvous point three miles offshore,

(As it happened, Layforces A Battalion launched a seaborne

raid on the same town the very night after Rommels visit.)
Rommels successes led to a quick rise in rank and importance:
in July he was promoted to General der Panzertruppen and in
mid-August his command was raised to the status of Panzergruppe Afrika.

Left: As it turned out, Rommel was not even in Africa when the
British raid to eliminate him occurred. He was actually enjoying
a two-week leave in Rome, staying at the Hotel Eden on Via

Ludovisi with his wife Lucie. Right: This is his entry in the visitors book, written on November 16, 1941: E. Rommel, General
der Panzertruppen, Befehlshaber der Panzertruppen Afrika.





Detachment 2 comprising 11 commandos

under Lieutenant Harold Chevalier would
sabotage the wireless station and Italian
intelligence centre at Apollonia.
Detachment 3 of 12 Commandos led by
Lieutenant David Sutherland would attack
the Italian headquarters at Cyrene, and
destroy the main communications at the
Cyrene crossroads.
Detachment 4 comprised Haselden with
three other G(R) agents and the two Senussi
guides. Having travelled overland with the

Long Range Desert Group, they would

secure the landing beach and vector in the
submarines on a pre-arranged signal. This
done, they would then attack the headquarters of the Italian Divisione Trieste, blow up
motor transport, and cut the telephone line
near Slonta.
A supply dump would be set up at the
beach-head on the night of the landing. The
submarines would be available from the
nights of the 4th to the 6th, with Torbay lying
off Bay 1 and Talisman off Bay 6 about three


On November 3 the commandos were
moved to Alexandria harbour to practice the
use of two-man inflatable dinghies. They also
had a familiarisation tour of the Torbay and
Talisman and rehearsed inflating and launching the dinghies from the forward casing in
the dark.
Sent by Haselden, two Senussi guides from
the Libyan Arab Force who knew the way to
Rommels headquarters arrived at Amiriyya
on November 7. They showed the commandos how to correctly wear a jurd, the thick
woollen robe used by Arabs as both a cloak
and a blanket, although this caused some
consternation as it would be a breach of the
Geneva Convention to be captured in disguise. Haselden also sent along a corporal
from the Middle East Commando, a Palestinian Jew named Avishalom Drori, who
spoke both Arabic and Italian.
When Talisman returned to Alexandria
without Macpherson and the SBS team, they
were officially posted as missing. Consequently, with the Ras Hilal landing site probably compromised, Keyes decided to switch
to the beach at Khashm al Kalb previously
used to land Haselden.
Meanwhile, Keyes had collected the operational order for Flipper from the Senior
Naval Officer attached to Cunninghams
headquarters at Maaten Baggush. Dated
November 9 and signed by Laycock, this
stated that the aim of the raid was to inflict
maximum damage on enemy headquarters,
communications and installations but it did
not specifically mention the assassination or
kidnapping of Rommel.
The operation was split into four parts
with three detachments to be put ashore
from the submarines and the fourth coming
in over land. The landing would be at
Khashm al Kalb, designated Bay 1, five
other bays being specified as back-ups in
case the first one was compromised.
Detachment 1 under Keyes and consisting
of two officers and 22 commandos would
attack both the headquarters building at
Beda Littoria and the villa where Rommel
was known to sleep.

The commando force was transported to Libya aboard two T-class submarines, one
of them being HMS Torbay (N79). Launched at Chatham Dockyard in April 1940, she
served mainly in the Mediterranean (where this picture of her leaving Alexandria was
taken in May 1942) though she also served in the Pacific from May 1945. Unfortunately, her captain, Lieutenant-Commander Anthony Miers, was involved in two incidents alleged to be war crimes when in July 1941, on two occasions after sinking
Axis ships, he had ordered his crew to open fire on survivors in rafts. He duly
reported his actions in the ships log yet only received a strong reprimand from the
Royal Navy. In March 1942, Miers led Torbay into Corfu harbour, scoring hits on two
supply ships, an action for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross. Altogether Torbay sank five warships, 17 merchantmen and 24 sailing vessels during the war.

IWM A7820

The other submarine used in Operation Flipper was HMS Talisman (N78). Launched
in January 1940 at Cammell Laird & Co Shipyard at Birkenhead, she spent most of her
relatively short career in the Mediterranean, being lost with all her crew in September 1942. This picture was taken in February of that year in Holy Loch, Scotland, after
returning from a patrol.
ried out. He was warned that if the landing
was postponed because of inclement
weather, no landing must be attempted later
than the night of November 21/22.
Though the operation did not require an
officer of his rank, Lieutenant-Colonel Laycock decided to participate personally. It is
believed that he needed to remove the stain
on his record gained on Crete six months
earlier when, contrary to orders, he escaped
from the beach before all troops were evacuated. Lieutenant Macpherson later commented that with a close and exclusive interest in his own career the raid was a no-lose
enterprise for Laycock. If it was successful
then by going along he would get the credit,
and if it wasnt then, by staying on the beach,
he would almost certainly be in a position to
get out.

IWM A7819

miles to the west. If re-embarkation was

impossible, the instructions read: Detachments will restock from reserve dump at rendezvous and will take to the hills and lie up
and subsist as best they can on local
resources until such time as they can join our
own forces.
An SBS detachment of two officers and
two men with two folbots, one two-man team
landing from each submarine, would secure
the route in and would remove footprints
and traces of the landing.
The orders specified that the landing
would be carried out on the first night considered suitable by the Royal Navy. Keyes
was told that the Navy planned to have the
submarines off the beach before last light on
November 14 so that a daylight reconnaissance of the area by periscope could be car-

Lieutenant-Commander Michael Willmott, captain of the Talisman, pictured in March

1942. On September 10 Talisman departed from Gibraltar carrying supplies to Malta.
She was due to reach there no later than the 18th but never arrived and is presumed
either to have hit an Italian mine off Sicily or to have been destroyed by Italian surface forces on the 17th.

On November 7, the Long Range Desert
Group patrol left Siwa to drop Detachment 4
near Slonta. Commanded by Captain Tony
Hunter, the patrol comprised five Chevrolets
and 18 men and was carrying enough food
for 21 days. They were to deliver Haselden
by November 10, after which they would lay
up and observe the Mechili-Benghazi road
till November 29 when they would move to
recover Haseldens party near Slonta. If they
were not there by 6 a.m. on December 1, the
patrol was to return without them.
The patrol reached the Wadi Heleighma,
about 25 miles west of Mechili, and hid the
vehicles in a patch of acacias a mile from the
main track. Haselden and Mohammad
Khaufer, one of the Senussi agents, set off
towards Slonta after dark. Khaufer returned
three days later with the information that the
Divisione Trieste, the unit Easonsmith had
seen moving into place three weeks earlier,
had now left Slonta, and had been seen heading east. This suggested a move against
Tobruk and, though he had been instructed
to maintain radio silence until the 17th,
Hunter decided that it was important enough
to send the message in cipher to Cairo.
At midnight on November 13, the day
before the commandos were due to land at
Khashm al Kalb, Haselden knocked on the
door of Hussain Taher at Slonta. He said he
needed two men and a horse but Hussain
could only find one man, a venerable old
Senussi tribesman called Mikhael Hamed.
He agreed to loan his own horse provided
Haselden returned it within three days. At
first light on November 14, Haselden and his
companion set off for the beach.
On the afternoon of November 10 the
commandos boarded the two submarines in
Alexandria harbour. On Torbay were Keyes,
two officers and 22 men, and on Talisman
Laycock, two officers and 24 men. The vessels cast off at 4.22 p.m. and cruised eastwards for two days. While at sea Keyes
revealed that their mission was to capture or
kill Rommel and, in the stunned silence that
followed his announcement, he added, If he
comes quietly, well bring him along. If he
doesnt, well knock him off.
On the evening of November 13, Torbay
surfaced off Ras Aamer, a headland about
five miles east of the beach, and waited while
Talisman completed a periscope reconnaissance of the beach. Seeing that the weather
was ideal for a landing, Lieutenant-Commander Anthony Miers, the captain of Torbay, suggested that they should go for the
beach that night. However Keyes pointed
out that they could not land until Haseldens
shore party had cleared the beach and he
would not be in position to do that before the
following night. Seeing an Arab with three
horses and a flock of sheep, Talisman retired
to the north-east. An hour later Torbay
began its own periscope scan finding the
beach quiet with no movement at all.
The following afternoon the commandos
carried out last-minute checks of their
weapons and equipment and at 6 p.m., having synchronised watches, they lined up
ready to go on deck. The Torbay surfaced
three miles off the beach. The swell was quite
strong, too heavy to unroll a line to tow the
dinghies back to the submarine once the
commandos had landed, so Keyes agreed to
deflate them and hide them at the dump they
were to set up.
Just before 7 p.m. the men on Torbay
began to inflate the dinghies while the SBS
team, Lieutenant Bob Ingles and Corporal
Clive Severn, prepared their recce folbot. As
they did so, from the beach, Haselden started
to flash the pre-arranged signal, a set of four
dashes given three times, and repeated.
Ingles and Severn, paddling off hastily into
the swell, departed for the beach



Although vestiges of several vanished constructions remain on top of the promontory, it is difficult to identify with any certainty the precise ruins of the old fort in
which the commandos lit their fire.


On the beach the soaked and exhausted

men gathered around a fire lit by Haselden
in the ruin of an old fort. Bombardier
George Dunn who had injured his feet badly
was the only casualty.
In the meantime, Lieutenant-Commander
Michael Willmott, the captain of the Talisman, had got worried over not having
received a report from the Torbay so at 9
p.m. he had sent the SBS team aboard his
vessel, Lieutenant John Pryor and Bombardier John Brittlebank, to see what the
delay was about. Their folbot turned turtle
four times, but they finally got away.
Because of the swell they had to return to
Talisman but not before they had come
across Gunner Gornall who told them that
Torbay had launched her 13 dinghies and
that they were the last.
On Talisman, Willmott and Laycock had
already decided to postpone the landing till
the following night when they received the
SBS report, confirmed after midnight by the
signal from the Torbay. Though he was left
with a little over three hours to launch his
commandos, Willmott now decided to go
ahead as planned.
Meanwhile, Pryor and Brittlebank had
been sent to the beach to flash a light to
guide in the dinghies. They finally struggled
ashore after abandoning their folbot in the
heavy sea and signalled to Talisman.
It was now 1.45 a.m. and the eight boats
were ready on the casing with the troops
standing by. Willmott decided to stabilise the
submarine by putting her bows on the seabed
but during the manoeuvre the stern rose and
a strong wave swept away seven of the eight
dinghies and 11 men. Those commandos not
swept overboard held on to the jackstay but
it suddenly came loose sending all of them
into the sea. This sudden transformation of
an orderly scene on the casing to one of confusion, wrote Willmott in his log, was most
In the water, the commandos were struggling to survive, some trying to return to the
Talisman, others swimming for the dinghies.
The folbot sent to assist them was wrecked
during launching and became another writeoff.
Time was now becoming very critical as
Talisman had to retire in time to recharge
her batteries before daylight. Willmott therefore ordered the rest of the boats to be cast
into the sea and for the commandos to follow
and board them but all but one of the
dinghies capsized. This meant that the men
had first to struggle to right them and then
climb on board. In the end only four dinghies
were recovered and eight commandos, Laycock included, managed to paddle ashore.
Lance-Corporal Peter Barrand drowned, his
body being washed ashore a few days later.

shirt) and shivering from cold as he flashed signals to the Talisman in the early hours of November 15. Right: The full length of
the beach, seen from the promontory. The escarpment that the
commandos had to climb rises in the background.


Left: The landing beach, looking westwards with the Khashm

al Kalb headland in the background. One can almost imagine
Lieutenant Pryor standing half-naked on the beach (soaked to
the skin he decided it was better to take off his sopping wet

Keyes men used a cave on the beach to hide their deflated dinghies and Mae Wests
and they used the same cave as an assembly point after the raid. Steve Hamilton of
Western Desert Battlefield Tours, who took this photo, thinks this is the correct one:
It is the only cave where you can see up the wadi and back down onto the beach.
It was also hidden from the view from the regular Italian patrol route down to the
watch post above the beach.


This map is from the biography Geoffrey Keyes of the Rommel

Raid written by his sister Elizabeth Keyes, published in 1956.
By sunrise the raiding party was hidden in
a wadi where they dried their uniforms and
equipment in the sun and cooked a meal.
Meanwhile Keyes and Laycock checked the
situation. They were now only 30 commandos strong about half the force planned
and the two Senussi guides were among
those who had failed to get ashore. They considered waiting another night to see if any
more men from the Talisman arrived but
dropped the idea when the wind became
stronger and the sea rougher.
As most of Detachment 1 tasked to attack
Rommels headquarters was present it was
decided to go on with this part of the operation. Detachments 2 and 3 were simply not

However, the recce by the party led by Lieutenant Thomas

Macpherson should be more to the east, closer to Ras Hilal.

there and Detachment 4 was still out in the

desert. To make up for the absence of the
two Senussi guides, Haselden arranged for a
local shepherd to guide them up the escarpment before leaving as planned for Slonta.
The reserve ammunition, food and water
were hidden. Colonel Laycock was to stay
behind with Private Edward Atkins, the
medic, and three men: Sergeant John
Nicholl, Bombardier George Dunn and
Lance-Corporal Larry Codd. The two
stranded SBS men, Pryor and Brittlebank,
were to remain with them. Keyes then
briefed everyone on the new plan, and
ammunition and explosives were distributed.
It began to rain heavily and the atmosphere
soon turned cold and miserable.

Just after sunset, the 25 commandos with

blackened faces moved out from the wadi up
the first terrace along an old sheep track.
Keyes was in the lead behind the Bedouin
guide provided by Haselden, with his interpreter, Corporal Drori, following. Heavily
laden, they moved slowly in single file and it
took over an hour to reach the top of the
escarpment. At half-past midnight Keyes
halted the group and the Bedouin guide then
said that he was not prepared to go any further. They continued the march without him
until about 2 a.m. when Keyes called a halt
on a scrub-covered hillside. He detailed sentries, two men awake for each man asleep,
and those who were not on duty lay down in
their blankets for a welcome rest.


On the second night ashore (November 16/17) the commandos hid in a cave in the
Ain Zeidan gully. When Elizabeth Keyes visited Beda Littoria and its neighbourhood
in 1945, she took this shot of a cavern near Ain Zeidan although it is not clear
whether this was the actual one used in 1941. Visiting the area in 2010, Jean Paul
planned to search the gully and the nearby juniper orchard for the cave. However, he
was banned from even making an attempt because the area was the homestead of
Safia, the second wife of the Libyan ruler Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and mother of
six of his children. As a result security forces were everywhere.

Jean Paul persuaded his reluctant Libyan driver to stop briefly at the side of the road
by the bottom of the gully to take at least one quick picture. However, they had not
been there for more than a minute when a police car driving came down the road and
skidded to halt. As the officers on board vigorously waved and shouted them away,
Jean Paul swiftly whisked his camera out of sight and made a swift departure.
At first light on November 16 the sentries
reported Bedouins observing them so Keyes
sent Drori to meet them. The three
Bedouins, Awad Mohammad, his father, and
a cousin, were friendly and Drori handed
them an open letter from Sayid Idriss asSenussi, the hereditary leader of the Senussi
then in exile in Egypt. The trio then followed
Drori back to where Keyes was waiting.
Through Drori, Keyes asked if they could
guide them to the prefettura in Beda Littoria. Awad answered that he was willing to
help for a thousand lira and said he could
also show them a cave where they could rest.
For another thousand lira he would even
bring them meat and cigarettes. Keyes
agreed and the Bedouin returned about
noon with a young boy, Idriss Musa, bringing
cooked goats meat, soup and cigarettes.

The rain that had been falling all morning

got even worse in the afternoon and the
party were relieved to finally get going at last
light. After several hours march, they
reached the cave which was hidden in a wood
of juniper and lentisk on the lower slope of a
gully called Ain Zeidan (the location was
also known as Karm al Hassan after the
juniper vineyard). It was roomy and dry
inside and, apart from the awful goat smell,
was comfortable enough. Beda Littoria was
now just six miles away. Mohammad and the
boy now departed saying they would be back
at first light.
At daybreak Keyes moved the troop to the
shelter of the nearby woods and directed
Captain Robin Campbell to take charge of
the men while he went on a reconnaissance.

Taking Lieutenant Roy Cooke and Sergeant

Jack Terry, and guided by the two Bedouins,
they went as far as the top of the second
escarpment, about a mile short of Beda Littoria, but when Keyes proposed to walk into
the town the Bedouins refused. It was still
raining and by the time they returned to the
cave, they were soaked to the skin.
In spite of the risk of being compromised
by shepherds who might want to use the cave
as shelter, Keyes directed the men back
inside as he needed to try to keep them as
dry as possible for the nights operation. He
was not satisfied with his fruitless reconnaissance so he decided to send the Bedouin
youth into the town. With Drori translating,
he gave Idriss careful and detailed instructions to report on the layout of the buildings
and the number and dispositions of troops,
promising him a big bonus if he got it right.


Gnther Halm, a German soldier who fought in North Africa with a Flak unit, compiled a photo album to remember the places where he had served during the war.
However, he failed to note down where he took this particular snapshot but Jean
Paul immediately recognised it as showing the main square in Beda Littoria with the
town hall in the background. The troops marching past are Italian.

Visiting Beda Littoria in 2010, Jean Paul found the former Italian Municipio still standing but now occupied by a police headquarters. Knowing it was asking for trouble to
try to take a quick shot and scurry away, he went in to ask for permission. Being
taken ever higher up the chain of command, he finished up in front of the colonel in
charge of the towns police force. The latter very kindly agreed, provided that there
were no policemen in the photo. As a result, on his order over of dozen of his officers
quickly hid themselves away to the right of the building!
Campbell: During the Arab boys absence
the thunderstorm continued. Every now and
then the clouds seemed to open and a deluge
of rain fell. The country we had to march
over turned to mud before our eyes. Little
torrents of muddy water sprang up all over
the countryside we could see from the mouth
of the cave, and a rivulet ran into the cave,
which sloped down from the opening. The
roof began to drip. Spirits were sinking at
least I know mine were at the prospect of
a long, cold, wet and muddy march before we
even arrived at the starting point of this hazardous operation.
While waiting for Idriss to return, Keyes
called Lieutenant Cooke and detailed the six
men who were to go with him to demolish

the cable mast at the Cyrene crossroads. The

youth was gone for hours and they were
beginning to worry about him when he
returned with much useful information. This
helped Keyes produce a sketch plan of the
location of the target buildings. He now
assembled his men for a final briefing.
They were now only 24 strong as Private
Robert Fowler had stepped on a rusty nail on
landing and his leg was by now badly
infected. He was detailed to remain at the
cave and guard their rations, water-bottles
and blankets.
The party was divided into five sections: an
assault party of six, a close covering party of
four, an external covering party of four, and
a party of three who would cut the telephone

wires. The seven remaining (Cooke and his

six men) were to go and blow the telephone
mast at the Cyrene crossroads. The cave
would be the rallying point after the attack.
As the party prepared to set off, Awad,
their guide, suddenly refused to take them to
Beda Littoria. According to Gornall, Keyes
said, Tell him, if he makes a move, Ill shoot
him! He was a great one for shooting people
was Keyes. Anyway, the bloke finished up
leading us on the next step.
At 6 p.m. on November 17 the 24 men
marched off into the pouring rain. In complete darkness, they moved in single file,
each holding onto the bayonet scabbard of
the man in front to keep in contact. LanceBombardier Terence OHagen lost a shoe,
sucked off by the mud, and he was unable to
retrieve it in the dark so he had to carry on
barefoot. After four and a half hours they
finally reached the bottom of the last escarpment where they stopped for a brief rest.
Then they resumed their exhausting climb
and finally reached the top from where a
track led directly to Rommels headquarters.
It was 11.20 p.m.
The original plan had been for Cooke and
his six men to split from the main party at
this point but Keyes decided to keep them
with him a little longer to see if he needed
them. Awad and Idriss insisted that that they
were not needed any longer as the track
ahead led directly to the target so Keyes
reluctantly told them to wait for their return
under a pine tree some 500 yards away.
The commandos now moved off and soon
were among Arab shacks about 100 yards
from the headquarters building. A car
started up in the compound and drove away
towards Cyrene. Just after Keyes and
Sergeant Terry had left to carry out a preliminary reconnaissance, Gornall stumbled
clumsily over a pile of tins, arousing some
Arabs in huts nearby. They started talking
until Drori shouted in Arabic: Shut up! We
are a German patrol and were doing a night
According to Campbell, two Libyan Carabinieri arrived a moment later to find out
what the commotion was all about so Campbell explained in German with Drori
repeating in Arabic that they were a German patrol and asked them to tell the man in
the hut to be quiet. The Libyans then disappeared into the night wishing them Gute
Nacht. Moments later, Keyes and Terry
returned, reporting that they had spotted no
sentries at the back of the house so this
would be their best approach.
Keyes then directed Lieutenant Cooke
and his party Sergeant Frederick Birch,
Corporal John Kerr, Lance-Bombardier Terence OHagen, Gunner James Gornall, Gunner P. Macrae, and Private Charles Paxton
to leave to knock out the telephone mast
at the crossroads.
Adjusting his plans, Keyes detailed three
men Lance-Corporal William Pryde, Corporal A. E. Radcliffe, and Private John
Phiminster to watch the front of the house
for any sentries who might emerge while the
assault party entered from the rear. Keyes
then went for another look at the building
with these three men. They cut their way
through the fence at the back to check the
back door but when they found it locked,
Keyes did a rapid walk around the house to
check the windows but they were all high up
and shuttered. He therefore decided that
there was no other choice but to enter via the
front door.
He then gave his final orders. He, with
Captain Campbell, Sergeant Terry and
Lance-Corporal Coulthread, were to enter
the building through the front door with Corporal Drori and Lance-Bombardier Brodie
backing them up. Lance-Corporal Frank
Varney, Lance-Corporal Malcolm Hughes,
Corporal Stephen Heavysides and Bombardier Joseph Kearney would join the three


Another snapshot of Beda Littoria from Gnther Halms album, this time of the
church that stood directly across the town square from the Town Hall.


The city of Beda Littoria, which was the

name given to it during the pre-war
occupation of Libya by the Italians, has
today been renamed Al Bayda and is
the third largest city in the country. It
has a history reaching back to Ancient
Greece when it was known as Balagrae.
It later changed its name to Sidi Rafaa in
honour of a companion of the prophet
Muhammed, Ruwaifi bin Thabit alAnsari, whose tomb lay in the city. In the
19th century, when the Senussi movement built a white-painted religious
building on top of a hill, the place
became known as al-Zawiya al-Bayda
the white monastery. As time went on
the city became known simply as Al
Bayda the white. The old zawiya can
still be seen near the university at the
western entrance to the city, albeit in a
rather neglected state. The large modern
city was built up in the 1950s when Al
Bayda was the seat of government of the
Kingdom of Libya. The Gaddafi revolution in 1969 put an end to plans to make
it the new national capital and the city is
now simply the administrative seat for
the Jebel Akhdar (Green Mountain) district. Its climate is considered by many
Libyans to be the most pleasant in the
entire country.

already detailed in watching the house,

spaced at intervals around its perimeter with
orders to shoot anyone emerging through the
windows. They would finally set explosive
charges on the house and power plant.
Sergeant Charles Bruce, Corporal Charles
Lock, Private James Bogle and Private
Robert Murray were to position themselves
as a covering party in the car park on the
southern side of the house. They would
watch the assault from outside the grounds,
hold off any enemy relief force, and warn the
main party of its approach. Meanwhile, they
would set demolition charges on any vehicles
they found in the park. When pulling out, all
would regroup among the huts and a single
whistle-blast would then be the signal to
make for the cave. Keyes reminded the men
of the password, the challenge being Island
and the answer Arran (a tribute to the place
where they had trained).
Waiting until a light in an upstairs room
was extinguished, the nine men then followed Keyes through the gap which had
been cut in the fence. Varney, Hughes, Kearney and Heavysides peeled off to join the
covering party while the rest of the group
approached the front of the house. Keyes
stationed Brodie and Drori with rifles out-

Flipper. However, the information proved to be totally wrong.

Indeed, before the commandos had embarked in the submarines on November 2, British Intelligence knew that Rommel was not even in North Africa as an Ultra decrypt had disclosed that he had left for Rome the previous day. By
November 14, the day when the commandos had their final
contact with General Headquarters, no word had filtered
through about him having returned.

IWM E30463

Elizabeth Keyes took these two pictures from the top of the
grain tower, the highest building in Beda Littoria, which stood
about 350 metres north-east of the town square. Left: Looking
south-westwards down the main road, with the church tower
in background. Right: Looking due west towards the former
residence of the Italian Prefect (left). It was this building that
British intelligence thought was the residence of Rommel in
November 1941 and hence became the target of Operation

The myth that this building had been Rommels headquarters was still alive when
N. Gidel, a Press photographer of the American Sunday newspaper magazine Parade,
took this photo of it in 1943, a few months after the final capture of Beda Littoria by
British Eighth Army in November 1942. The Town Hall is some 200 metres off to the
left behind trees.


The gate of the Prefettura building compound. The Germans had placed a guard tent
here but the sentries were asleep inside when Keyes raiding party approached the
building during the night of November 17/18.

IWM K4394


side, and then he and Campbell ran up the

steps, followed by Terry and Coulthread,
armed with Thompsons. (It seems most
likely that Keyes was armed with a .45 Colt
automatic and Campbell a standard .38 Webley revolver although Campbells earliest
account states that Keyes had a Tommy
From this point on, the sequence of events
becomes confused for the main witnesses
(Robin Campbell, Jack Terry and Avishalom
Drori) were often self-contradictory if not
deliberately misleading in their later reports.
Terry the only man present who was not
killed or captured wrote his account three
months after the events but Campbell wrote
his in 1943 having in the meantime been in a
German hospital and prison camp for two
years. By then Keyes had been awarded the
Victoria Cross and become a posthumous
hero so Campbells account backed up the
official history. Laycocks official report and
his citation for Keyes VC are, as one historian has described, almost entirely specious
from beginning to end.
Another interesting document is the German report on the operation written in May
1942, six months after the action. Surprisingly, this report is not mentioned at all by
Geoffrey Keyes sister Elizabeth who wrote
his post-war biography.

British intelligence was sadly adrift as by
November 1941 the prefettura building at
Beda Littoria was no longer Rommels headquarters. His command post had been
located in the town some months earlier but
he moved eastwards around the end of
August to be closer to the front at Ain
Gazala. And by October he had gone even
further away to Gambut, some distance east
of Tobruk. Though it has been claimed that
Rommel had never ever used the building,
Oberstleutnant Fritz Bayerlein, by then
Rommels Chief-of-Staff, later declared that
Rommel had certainly had his headquarters
there. He had occupied the first floor while
his ADCs had the ground floor. This, it
seems, was in June and July 1941.
Also Rommel was not even in Africa on
November 17 as he had just spent two weeks
in Rome, staying with his wife Lucie at the
Hotel Eden (November 15 was his 50th
birthday). When flying back to Africa on
November 16, engine trouble with his aircraft forced him to make an overnight stop in
Athens. So when the British commandos
were mounting the attack on his supposed
headquarters, Rommel was safely tucked up
in bed in Athens!

Corporal Avishalom Drori squatting by the entrance. Right and

below: Visiting Libya in 2006, New Zealand researcher Vern
Simpson found the building occupied by some military agency
but managed to gain access to the compound. However,
despite his best efforts of persuasion, he was not permitted to
take photos inside.


Left: The entrance porch, pictured by N. Gidel in 1943. It was

here that Keyes and Captain Robin Campbell gained entrance
to the building, followed by Sergeant Jack Terry and LanceCorporal Denis Coulthread. Woken up by the shots and explosion inside the house, Schtze Matthe Boxhammer came running up the drive from the guard tent, only to be shot dead by


IWM E30464

Left: The entrance hall, pictured in January 1945 by AFPU

Sergeant A. Drennan. The door through which the four commandos entered is on the left. The man facing the door is Captain
Graham Skelton-Smith, at that time serving as District Commander of the Cyrenaica Defence Force who was using the house as
his HQ. (The CDF force of Senussi soldiers was set up under
British command after the final capture of Cyrenaica in late 1942.)
Right: In 2006, Stephen Hamilton was lucky enough to persuade
a Libyan officer to let him take this perfect comparison.
Either Campbell simply opened the door or
he knocked and demanded entry in German
whereupon the door was opened from inside.
(Campbell gave two versions of what happened though Drori and Terry told the latter
version.) In any case, a private, Schtze Jammatter, was inside as they entered. Probably
hoping to overpower him silently, Keyes hesitated in shooting him long enough for Jammatter to grab Keyes Colt. Campbell later
said that Keyes wanted to stab the German
but was unable to get his knife out, and that
he and Terry were unable to get round Keyes
to stab him either. Campbell then fired several shots at Jammatter who fell to the floor.
Keyes told Campbell and Terry to use both
grenades and gun, and then he muttered that
his arm had gone numb.
British historian and desert explorer
Michael Asher in his well-researched
account The British Plot to Kill Hitlers
Greatest General (published in 2004) for the
first time expounded, and convincingly
argued, the theory that Keyes was not shot
by any of the Germans but accidentally
by Campbell. He pays particular attention to
the German official report:
Let us suggest that Campbell, while
attempting to shoot the big German, also
shoots Keyes, who for a moment or two feels
only a numb sensation. At that moment,

Terry sees the door of Room WuG open and

a torch-beam shine out of it, and realises that
they are in trouble. He springs towards the
door and is seen by Kurt Lentzen, who has
got up thinking that what he has heard is an
accidental discharge by a sentry, and whose
pistol is consequently not cocked. Lentzen
dives for cover too late as Terrys first shots
hit him in the leg. Terry springs into the
room, by which time Leutnant Kaufholz,
whose P38 is cocked, has stepped up.
Kaufholz gets off a single wild shot before
Terry fires a burst that mortally wounds him.
Campbell, having recovered from the shock
of what he has done to Keyes, now enters the
room behind Terry and rolls a grenade. At
this moment, while Terry and Campbell are
momentarily inside the room, Leutnant
Ampt shines his torch downstairs and sees
Keyes body, unattended in the hall, and
hears shooting still going on in the room. He
retreats, and a split second later Terry and
Campbell withdraw from the room, hear the
grenade explode, then drag Keyes body out
of the house.
Terry recalls that at this point they heard
Keyes groaning and Campbell went to examine his body. He came back, Terry later
stated, saying to me: Its no use worrying
about him now, we cant do anything. Hes

IWM K4390


By November the building at Beda Littoria was actually the office of Major i.G.
Heinz Schleusener, the Chief Quartermaster
of Panzergruppe Afrika, who was billeted
there with a couple of dozen officers, orderlies, drivers the usual personnel to be
found on the staff of a quartermaster.
Schleusener himself was not there at the time
of the raid as he was recuperating from
dysentery in a hospital in Derna.
The German report of the raid indicates
that a meeting was in progress on one of the
upper floors between Major Friedrich
Barthel, Chief Engineer of Panzergruppe
Afrika, Hauptmann i.G. Rdiger Weiz, assistant Quartermaster of Panzergruppe Afrika,
and two of the latters staff, Leutnant Schulz
and Leutnant Ampt. The report also names
five men who were sleeping in the left-hand
room on the ground floor, designated Room
WuG (an acronym for Waffen und Gert
Weapons and Equipment). They were Oberleutnant Otto Jaeger, Leutnant Heinz
Kaufholz, Feuerwerker Kurt Lentzen,
Schirrmeister Otto Bartl and Oberschtze
Kurt Kovacic.
It was 11.30 p.m. when Keyes and Campbell ran up the steps to the front door and the
story of Keyes knifing (or shooting) a sentry
standing outside clearly appears to be a figment of post-war imagination.

Left: The back of the building, pictured by N. Gidel in 1943. It

was here that the commandos rammed charges down the generator exhaust pipe, successfully disabling the power plant.
The wartime caption states that the British soldier is pointing
towards the Roman ruins above the cave where Rommel slept
when he was there, and Mussolini too clearly a totally

muddled caption written by some completely uninformed person. Right: Although he was not permitted to take photos
inside the building, Vern Simpson was allowed to wander
around the compound and take photos there as he pleased.
The old Italian Prefettura remains virtually unchanged after
nearly seven decades.



The German report of May 1942 makes it

clear that it is fairly certain that both
(British) officers were shot by their own
Brodie later claimed to have been in the
hall but no one else mentions his presence
and Terry clearly said that only four men
entered the house.
Outside, the sentry, Schtze Matthe Boxhammer, who was asleep in the guard tent,
was awakened by the shots and explosion
and he ran to the house in his pyjamas with a
torch to investigate. Seeing the light coming
down the drive, Drori promptly shot him.
In Room WuG, the explosion of the
grenade mortally wounded Oberschtze
Kovacic and knocked out everyone in the
room. Oberleutnant Jaeger chose to jump
out of the window but Lance-Corporal
Hughes was ready and killed him with three
shots in the stomach. (It should be noted
however that it seems just as likely that
Jaeger was hit as he tried to get out of the
window by the burst fired from inside the
room by Terry. Apparently, Hughes never
claimed to have shot the German.)
Round at the front, Campbell heard the
shooting. Leaving Terry and Coulthread on
guard, he rushed round to the side of the
house where the firing had come from and
Hughes, who was by then expecting more
Germans to rush out, shot him in the right
Before swallowing his morphia tablets,
Terry says, Campbell gave the order to finish
off the charges and blow up the power plant.
Failing to open the steel door to the generator room in the back of the house, Terry,
Brodie and Coulthread rammed three gelignite charges down the exhaust pipe emerging
from the concrete wall. Knowing that the
match-head igniters were ruined by the rain
and would not work, they then dropped a
grenade into the pipe. Only one of the
charges exploded but this was enough to
wreck the generator at which point all the
remaining lights went out.
Meanwhile, Kearney and Hughes hurled
gelignite charges and an incendiary bomb
(supposedly in working order) through the
window where Jaeger had just emerged.
They hoped the latter would burn and set off
the gelignite but nothing happened.
Terry wanted to take Captain Campbell
back to the beach but the wounded man
refused, knowing that it would be simply
impossible for them to carry him at night
over rough terrain and in pouring rain. Leaving Campbell behind, they ran back to the
rendezvous among the huts outside the
grounds. Terry blew his whistle and Hughes,
Coulthread, Brodie, Kearney, Varney, Drori,
Heavysides, Pryde, Phiminster and Radcliffe
soon appeared.
Bruce, Lock, Bogle and Murray, who were
placing gelignite charges on the vehicles in
the park on the other side of the building, did
not hear the whistle. The German report
mentions no damage to vehicles (once again
ruined igniters?) but at least one grenade
thrown through the Town Hall window by
Bruce exploded.
Terry blew the whistle again but when
there was no sign of Bruce and his party so
he ordered the rest to make for the cave. The
night was pitch black and it was raining hard
and Terry, at the head of the column, suddenly fell over the edge of a cliff. He managed to catch hold of a bush and the others
hauled him up but it was a warning of the
danger of carrying on in the conditions so he
decided they should stay where they were till
daylight. The 11 men sat down huddled
together, soaked to the skin and exhausted.
According to the German report, the officers meeting upstairs were preparing to fight
back and, as things had quietened down,
Leutnant Ampt and Hauptmann Weiz ventured carefully downstairs. The body Ampt
had seen in the hall outside Room WuG was

While Keyes and his party attacked the house, Lieutenant Roy Cooke and his group of
six were to proceed to a crossroads south of Cyrene, 15 kilometres east of Beda Littoria, and blow up the mast that carried the Axis telephone and telegraph wires for the
whole region. Marching towards the objective, Lieutenant Cooke decided to hijack the
first vehicle they came across. It was about here, with some eight kilometres to go,
that the party saw headlights coming towards them. Cooke said Were having this!
and ordered Gunner James Gornall to stand by the road and wave a torch. As Gornall
recalled: The vehicle was approaching and I saw it slowing down and I was waving
the torch. I heard a shout and the revving of the engine, and it came straight towards
me. I just flung myself to the side and as I did the lads opened up. It got maybe ten
yards and shot over to the right-hand side of the road. The lights went up in the air, it
got maybe 30 yards off the road, then stopped. The lights were still on but the engine
died. Rushing to the vehicle, the commandos found no trace of the two passengers
who had obviously run off unscathed. Failing to start the engine, they smashed the
headlights and resumed their march towards their objective.
no longer there and, from a blood trail leading to the main door, it was clear that it had
been dragged outside. Room WuG was
flooded as the explosion had damaged the
central heating system. Leutnant Kaufholz
lay on the floor dying from gunshot wounds
and Oberschtze Kovacic was lying on his
bunk with his abdomen split open.
Within minutes of the commandos leaving,
German details arrived to find Oberleutnant
Jaeger lying by the south-west corner of the
building. Keyes lay near the front entrance
and Campbell was propped up against a tree.
He was taken inside for medical treatment.
Jaeger, Kaufholz and Kovacic all died during
the night. Boxhammers body was not found
until it was daylight.
During the afternoon of November 19,
Geoffrey Keyes and the four German dead
were buried with full military honours in the
local Catholic Church. Campbell was taken
to a hospital in Derna where Dr Werner
Junge told him that the shots from the
Tommy gun had completely smashed his
shinbone and that he was to be evacuated by
air to an Italian hospital. There his leg was
amputated and he spent two years recovering in a military hospital and camp in Germany before being repatriated in 1943.
The junction where Lieutenant Cooke was
to blow up the telephone mast was ten miles
from Beda Littoria. Knowing his men would
then have to walk almost 30 miles to reach
the beach, he decided to capture the first
vehicle they came across.
The rain continued so heavy you could
have cut it with a knife, Gornall later
recalled. Having lost his shoe, Lance-Bombardier OHagen quickly fell behind and
Cooke ordered him to return, detailing Kerr
to go with him. Cooke and the four men
remaining Birch, Gornall, Macrae and
Paxton then pressed on eastwards along
the road. When headlights appeared coming
towards them from the direction of Cyrene,

Cooke told Gornall to signal the car to stop

with the torch while the rest of them hid
along the edge of the road. As the car slowed
down, the commandos jumped out of the
ditch and fired at it as it passed by. It ran off
the road some distance further on but by the
time they reached it there was no one in it,
the two passengers having escaped into the
night. They tried unsuccessfully to recover
the vehicle from the ditch so ended up
smashing the headlights before resuming
their march.
It was 3.30 a.m. by the time they reached
the crossroads. The mast was a substantial
structure of four wooden poles with crossmembers and a lot of wiring and lines going
off in four directions. Cooke and Birch laid
charges on each pole, set the fuses, and Birch
struck the igniter. The two then ran back to
watch but the charge failed to explode, the
fuses soaked either from the sea while they
came ashore or by hours of rain.
Cooke and Birch returned to the mast to
put a grenade under one of the charges but
even that did not go off. They returned again
and laid another grenade. This time it
exploded but did not set off the gelignite.
Cooke and Birch returned once again to the
poles and tried this time with an incendiary.
This went off and successfully triggered the
fuse and the gelignite charge exploded a
minute later. When the smoke cleared the
pylon was still standing though badly listing.
(The German report described that the cable
mast had lifted off the ground but that it had
settled down in the same place. Communications had been interrupted but not been put
out of action permanently.)
Frustrated, Cooke and his men had no
more ideas so started out westwards for Bay
1. By now it was almost light and, as it was
again raining heavily, they decided to shelter
for the day in an old tomb in an Arab cemetery. It was large enough for all of them so
there they ate from their rations, cleaned
their weapons and dozed all day, huddling
together for warmth.

This section of the old road south of Cyrene (today named Shahat) is today bypassed
for some 15 kilometres by a new road. The old crossroads, seen here, lies some 700
metres south of the new one.
but then led him straight to the Italians and
he was bagged on the 18th.
Terrys party set out at first light and
climbed down the escarpment but they failed
to find the cave so instead made directly for
Bay 1. Midway, they ran into a patrol of
Libyan Carabinieri and Drori explained in
Arabic that they were Germans. The Libyans
let them pass although Terry was worried
that they might be discreetly following them
out of sight. However they reached the rendezvous in the wadi near Bay 1 at 5 p.m.
Meeting up with Colonel Laycock, they
reported the bad news about Keyes and
Campbell. Exhausted, they devoured a meal
of bully beef and hard-tack biscuits but 12
men were still missing: Cookes group of
seven, Bruces party of four, and Fowler.


On the morning of November 18, Axis
forces put together the incidents at Beda Littoria, the damaged cable-mast near Cyrene,
and the shot-up car on the road in between
both points, and realised that the enemy sabotage team was responsible and might still be
in the area. All available troops were immediately deployed to mount a search and
check every cave, and Kerr and OHagen,
who had retraced their tracks to Beda Littoria during the night, were quickly picked up
there during the day.
In the meantime, Fowler (the man left
behind with the badly infected leg) had left
the cave at Ain Zeidan in the morning. He
reached the coast safely but was then spotted
by a Bedouin who pretended to befriend him

The spot where the cable mast stood in 1941, in the north-west corner of the junction, photographed by Steve Hamilton in 2008. The mast was a large contraption
supported on four wooden poles with many terminals and wires going off in four
different directions.

They hoped they might be able to reembark that night so Laycock went down to
the beach with Private Atkins to reconnoitre
the conditions. There Lieutenant Pryor told
them that the rubber dinghies and the Mae
Wests could not be found. Friendly Bedouins
had moved them to a safer place but they
had then gone off without showing where
that was! Laycock remained reasonably confident that they would still get away as the
swell was light, if Torbay could send a folbot
with a line, towing the men out to the submarine even without dinghies as long as they
could be supplied with Mae Wests.
A runner then arrived from Terry to say
that a Bedouin had spotted the party before
running away. Laycock sent Atkins with
instructions that the party should move at
once down to the cave on the beach, the one
where Pryor had originally concealed the
dinghies. By the time Atkins reached the
wadi, Bruce had arrived with Lock, Bogle
and Murray. They all then fell back to the
cave leaving three men in the wadi to move
the stores and keep a look-out in case Lieutenant Cookes party came back.
Meanwhile, Cooke and the four men with
him waited till last light before starting down
the escarpment. They made good progress
and by the morning of the 19th were within
five miles of Bay 1 although there was no
particular urgency as they still had another
24 hours to make the final rendezvous. The
rain had stopped. They then met a family of
Bedouins herding their goats. They were
friendly, saying Inglesi buono, Italiani non
buono, and explained in pidgin Italian that
Italian troops had been searching the area
the previous day. They offered food and
invited them to sleep till noon when they
would then guide them to the beach. However, no sooner had they laid down than a
shout came from outside the cave. Birch
rushed outside and saw two Italian soldiers
advancing down the slope about 600 yards
away. One young Bedouin ran out with his
old rifle to try to draw them off but he
received a volley of return fire and it failed to
divert the Italians from advancing on the
cave. Cooke and Birch crept outside and saw
that in fact they were surrounded. They
crawled back inside, hoping they had not
been spotted, but a few seconds later two
Italian soldiers appeared at the entrance.
Cooke fired at them and hit one but the
other ran off screaming. The Italians
responded with grenades and, with the situation hopeless, Cooke emerged with his hands
up followed by the others. The five men were
marched to Cyrene where they spent the
night in a guardroom before being transported to Apollonia and on to Benghazi
where they joined Kerr and OHagen.
At last light on November 18, Laycock
went to the beach and saw through his binoculars Torbay surfaced a quarter of a mile off
Bay 1. He flashed the recognition signal
four dashes repeated three times but there
was no response.
Leaving a man to watch on the shore, Laycock returned to the cave. Pryor then came
in to say that the Bedouins who had moved
the dinghies and Mae Wests had come back
and they had now been found. About 11.30
p.m., the look-out returned from the beach
to say that Torbay was signalling with her
Aldis lamp so Laycock hurried back to the
beach. He exchanged a series of confused
messages with Torbay but proved unable to
make the signaller on the submarine understand. Michael Asher comments: Clearly,
the Royal Navy signaller on Torbay must
have known his job: the fact is that Laycock
was unable to read Torbays signals correctly
because his knowledge of the Morse code
was imperfect. As for his own signals, they
could not be properly read by Torbay for the
same reason.
The confused exchange ended with Miers
signalling: As you will be in danger by day,



Two days after the raid, in the afternoon of November 19, Keyes and the four Germans killed during the attack were buried with full military honours.

Above: The religious service was held in Beda Littorias Catholic church. Below:
Although it has ceased to be a church for many years, the building still stands on the
main street. Today it houses Rimas hairdressers shop for women.


am prepared to close the spit west of the bay

at dawn so that you can swim. Otherwise try
again tomorrow night. Having missed the at
dawn, Laycock understood that Miers was
suggesting they swim out now but he knew
this was impossible for the men were too
exhausted. Captain Miers log notes that the
answer came prompt: Try tomorrow
The submarine had already launched an
unmanned dinghy with a supply of life-jackets, food and water, so perfectly judging the
drift that the boat came ashore just 20 yards
from where Laycock was standing. He
ordered the stores brought up to the cave.
Next morning, about one hour before daylight, Laycock posted three sentries and sent
detachments out as flank pickets to the west
and east.
All was quiet until about noon when a rifle
shot echoed from the western pickets,
quickly followed by a salvo of return fire. A
troop of Italian soldiers was making for the
beach but now that they were under fire,
they were advancing slowly and cautiously.
Laycock sent men to outflank the Italians to
the west across the escarpment and assess
their strength. On the beach, Lieutenant
Pryor and, most probably, Lance-Corporal
Codd, ran west with a Tommy gun, working
their way to within 200 yards of the Italians,
but the gun jammed and Pryor was shot
through the thigh while withdrawing.
Laycock then gave the order to fall back
and go into escape and evasion: it was every
man for himself. Pryor was bleeding profusely and Laycock instructed Atkins to
attend to the bleeding and told them to surrender to the Italians. As Laycock dashed
off into the surrounding scrub, Atkins
waved a makeshift white flag.
Having withdrawn to the position of the
eastern picket, Terry waited there for Laycock who soon came hobbling up, having
injured his knee. They set out east, soon outstripping the Italians, and decided to go for
the Bay 6 where a submarine was due on the
nights of the 20th and 21st.
Meanwhile, the men at the cave were not
aware of what was going on until Laycocks
order to run came through. Having clambered up the escarpment the group, which
comprised Hughes, Dunn, Murray, Kearney,
Coulthread, Bogle, Heavysides and Brodie,
decided to head south towards Mechili
where they thought they would be picked up
by British troops.
Varney passed the order to Pryde, Radcliffe, Phiminster and Lock who were taking
cover in another cave. Under Italian fire,
they managed to escape, Radcliffe being
slightly wounded. Though they found their
rations amounted to only one tin of bully
beef, they decided to try to meet the Long
Range Desert Group patrol at Slonta.
Separated from the group because of their
outflanking movements, Sergeants Bruce
and Nicholl decided to walk east towards
Tobruk. Brittlebank, the lone SBS man now
that his partner Pryor was prisoner, headed
for the hills on his own.
Torbay surfaced off Bay 1 at sunset on
November 19 but saw no signal from the
beach. However a light was spotted in the old
fort so Miers decided to send in his last serviceable folbot to investigate. Lieutenant
Tommy Langton and Corporal Cyril Feeberry were instructed to approach with great
caution and pull out at once if they spotted
anything suspicious. If they found the commandos, the folbot was to return to the submarine and take a line back to the shore to
tow the men out. If this was not possible,
they were to tell the commandos to swim for
it at first light on the 20th.
Although the sea was heavy, Langton and
Feeberry managed to reach the shore. Cautiously inspecting the beach 200 yards in both
directions, Langton heard low voices and
spotted the glow of cigarettes. It seemed to


him that the voices were speaking Italian and

he reasoned that no commando would be
smoking so openly at night on an enemy
beach prior to re-embarkation. Rejoining
Feeberry, they paddled slowly along the
beach in the hope of spotting the commandos but to no avail.
The submarine surfaced again at last light
on the 20th but spotted no signals. The next
day, November 21, the watch spotted an aircraft landing near Khashm al Kalb. The sub
surfaced and opened up with her 4-inch gun
for some 20 minutes, finally scoring a lucky
hit on the aircraft which exploded. Torbay
then set sail for Alexandria where she
arrived on November 24.
Trying to make for the rendezvous with
the Long Range Desert Group at Slonta, on
November 21 Varney, Pryde, Radcliffe, and
Phiminster befriended with some Bedouins
who let them rest in a cave but it was soon
surrounded by Italians. The four were
shipped to Benghazi where they joined
Atkins and Fowler.
After walking by night on the 20th and
21st, Lock met with some Arabs on the 22nd
and was shown a cave to shelter. Moments
later, however, grenades were lobbed inside
and he was wounded in the leg. The Italians

IWM E30508

IWM E30462

IWM K4388

Above: The trailer bearing the five coffins

halted some distance from the cemetery
whereupon the German bearer parties
carried the coffins to their graves where
they were buried side by side. This
photo, and others of the funeral, were
taken by a German soldier, H. Kape, who
sent them to Elizabeth Keyes in the early
1950s. There was once a rumour that
Rommel himself had attended the
funeral, but this was certainly not the
case as on that particular day the German commander was completely occupied with countering the Eighth Armys
big Crusader offensive. According to
another story, this one backed by some
evidence, on hearing about the commando raid on his supposed headquarters at Beda Littoria, Rommel was very
indignant that the British should even
contemplate that his operational HQ lay
some 400 kilometres behind the lines.
Left: When Press photographer Gidel visited Beda Littoria cemetery in 1943, the
five graves were still there. The Germans
who made the crosses did not know that
Keyes was an acting Lieutenant-Colonel
when he died and gave him his substantive rank of Major.

Keyes grave, moved to the newly established war cemetery

at Benghazi, was photographed by Sergeant Drennan in January 1945. The cross now shows his correct rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and also the awards of the Victoria Cross and
Military Cross.

Sergeant Drennan also went to Beda Littoria to picture the

German graves. The remains of Schtze Matthe Boxhammer,
Oberleutnant Otto Jaeger, Leutnant Heinz Kaufholz and
Oberschtze Kurt Kovacic were later transferred to the German War Cemetery built at Tobruk in 1955.


Shaped like an old fort, the Tobruk Soldatenfriedhof commemorates 6,026 soldiers
killed in Africa whose names are inscribed on mosaic slabs lining the inside walls.
British forces had picked up Brittlebank who
had remarkably succeeded to survive alone
in the desert for 40 days. They were the only
three returnees from the abortive Rommel
Early in January 1942, Laycock completed
his report on the operation which we now

know is rather suspect from beginning to

end. Seeing opportunity for a propaganda
coup, the Middle East Command asked him
to submit names for awards. Laycock recommended both Keyes and Terry for the Victoria Cross. While Keyes got his VC, Terry was
awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal.


took him to Apollonia where his wounds

were treated. Drori was also betrayed by a
Bedouin and taken prisoner.
Bruce and Nicholl walked along the coast
and had almost reached the Tobruk perimeter when they were captured by an Italian
Walking by day and resting by night,
Dunn, Murray, Kearney, Brodie, Hughes,
Bogle, Heavysides and Coulthread headed
south towards Mechili. By November 26, as
they approached the town, they had walked
80 miles and had not eaten for three days.
Thinking Mechili was only lightly held by a
handful of Italians, they decided to raid the
village to take what food they could and
make off. They took cover some distance
from the village to wait for last light but they
had been spotted and three light tanks and a
lorry with a platoon of infantry soon
appeared. Knowing they had no chance they
Laycock and Terry were near Bay 5 on the
nights of November 20/21 and 21/22 but Italians were patrolling the beach so they
decided to continue eastwards, hide in the
scrub, and wait for the Eighth Army to
arrive. Water was not a problem but they had
nothing to eat and lived on berries and mushrooms for several days. They were never
betrayed by the Bedouins who occasionally
gave them bread and even a goat. At night
they lit a fire in a sheltered cave and shared
their only blanket. The weeks passed and on
Christmas Eve they saw in the distance what
they believed were British troops. They
waited for daylight and then crawled closer
to see that they were dressed in British battledress. Laycock and Terry had survived 41
days behind enemy lines. The day before,

Geoffrey Keyes now lies in the Benghazi War Cemetery (Plot 7,

Row D, Grave 5), just to the left of the Cross of Sacrifice (see
back cover). There are 1,214 Commonwealth servicemen from

the Second World War buried or commemorated in the cemetery which is located in the Fuihat area of Benghazi, about five
kilometres south-east of the town.

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