HEAT PIPES Review, Opportunities and Challenges
HEAT PIPES Review, Opportunities and Challenges
HEAT PIPES Review, Opportunities and Challenges
DOI: 10.5098/fhp.5.1
A detailed overview of heat pipes is presented in this paper, including a historical perspective, principles of operations, types of heat pipes, heat pipe
performance characteristics, heat pipe limitations, heat pipe frozen startup and shutdown, heat pipe analysis and simulations, and various applications
of heat pipes. Over the last several decades, several factors have contributed to a major transformation in heat pipe science and technology . The first
major contribution was the development and advances of new heat pipes, such as loop heat pipes, micro and miniature heat pipes, and pulsating heat
pipes. In addition, there are now many new commercial applications that have helped contribute to the recent interest in heat pipes, especially related
to the fields of electronic cooling and energy. For example, several million heat pipes are now manufactured each month since all modern laptops use
heat pipes for CPU cooling. Numerical modeling, analysis, and experimental simulation of heat pipes have also significantly progressed due to a
much greater understanding of various physical phenomena in heat pipes, as well as advances in computational and experimental methodologies.
Keywords: heat pipes, performance characteristics, types of heat pipes, numerical modeling, heat pipe applications
The heat pipe (Faghri, 1995) is a highly effective passive device for
transmitting heat at high rates over considerable distances with
extremely small temperature drops, exceptional flexibility, simple
construction, and easy control with no external pumping power.
Engineers, scientists and graduate students interested in heat pipe
science often times struggle and spend considerable time poring
through archival publications or the contents of heat pipe books in
order to understand and predict a heat pipe system. Being aware of this
situation, this review is a self-contained document of the state-of-the-art
heat pipe science and technology. The physical significance and
performance characteristics, as well as the technological and
experimental issues related to this technology are covered in this
review. The purpose of this review article is also to make a thorough
presentation of the basic and advanced techniques for analyzing various
heat pipe systems under a variety of operating conditions and
The subject of heat pipe science has immense importance in a
large variety of traditional engineering disciplines. The sub-discipline
of heat pipe science has its foundation in several classical fields, such
as fluid mechanics, heat transfer, thermodynamics and solid mechanics.
Heat pipe science also provides an opportunity for scientists and
engineers to apply a variety of complex physical phenomena and
fundamental laws in the thermal-fluids area to a relatively simple
system, such as the heat pipe. This includes the steady and unsteady
forced laminar and turbulent convective heat and mass transfer,
compressible vapor effects, phase-change phenomena, boiling,
condensation/evaporation, two-phase flow, rotating flows, thin film
flows, liquid flow in porous media, rarefied gases, interfacial heat and
mass transfer, magneto-hydrodynamic flows, and conjugate heat
transfer effects.
This review provides detailed information about the following
topics related to heat pipe science and technology:
Of the many different types of systems which transport heat, the heat
pipe (Faghri, 1995) is one of the most efficient systems known today.
The advantage of using a heat pipe over other conventional methods is
that large quantities of heat can be transported through a small crosssectional area over a considerable distance with no additional power
input to the system. Furthermore, design and manufacturing simplicity,
small end-to-end temperature drops, and the ability to control and
transport high heat rates at various temperature levels are all unique
features of heat pipes.
The predecessor of the heat pipe, the Perkins tube, was introduced
by the Perkins family from the mid-nineteenth to the twentieth century
through a series of patents in the United Kingdom. Most of the Perkins
tubes were wickless gravity-assisted heat pipes (thermosyphons), in
which heat transfer was achieved by a change of phase (latent heat of
evaporation). The Perkins tube design closest to the present heat pipe
was patented by Jacob Perkins (1836). This design was a closed tube
containing a small quantity of water operating as a two-phase cycle.
The introduction of the heat pipe was first conceived by Gaugler
(1944) of the General Motors Corporation in the U.S. Patent No.
2350348. Gaugler, who was working on refrigeration problems at that
time, envisioned a device which would evaporate a liquid at a point
above the place where condensation would occur without requiring any
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additional work to move the liquid to the higher elevation. His device
consisted of a closed tube in which the liquid would absorb heat at one
location causing the liquid to evaporate. The vapor would then travel
down the length of the tube, where it would recondense and release its
latent heat. It would then travel back up the tube via capillary pressure
to start the process over. In order to move the liquid back up to a higher
point, Gaugler suggested the use of a capillary structure consisting of a
sintered iron wick. A refrigeration unit proposed by Gaugler used a heat
pipe to transfer the heat from the interior of a compartment to a pan of
crushed ice below. His idea, however, was not used by General Motors
for the refrigeration problem.
In 1962, Trefethen (1962) resurrected the idea of a heat pipe in
connection with the space program. Serious development started in
1964 when the heat pipe was independently reinvented and a patent
application was filed by Grover at Los Alamos National Laboratory in
New Mexico. Grover et al. (1964) and Grover (1966) built several
prototype heat pipes, the first of which used water as a working fluid,
and was soon followed by a sodium heat pipe which operated at 1100
K. Grover and his co-workers also demonstrated the effectiveness of
heat pipes as a high performance heat transmission device and proposed
several applications for their use. In a U.S. patent application filed by
Grover on behalf of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grover
(1966) coined the phrase heat pipe and described a device almost
exactly the same as Gauglers, stating, with certain limitations on the
manner of use, a heat pipe may be regarded as a synergistic engineering
structure which is equivalent to a material having a thermal
conductivity greatly exceeding that of any known metal. In the patent
application, Grover (1966) gave a very limited theoretical analysis of
heat pipes, but presented experimental results obtained from stainless
steel heat pipes that incorporated a screen wick with sodium, silver and
lithium as working fluids.
The recognition of the heat pipe as a reliable thermal device was
initially due to the preliminary theoretical results and design tools that
were reported in the first publication on heat pipe analysis by Cotter
(1965). Following this publication, research began worldwide. The
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Laboratory at Harwell started
experimenting with sodium heat pipes to use as thermionic diode
converters. In addition, scientists started conducting similar work at the
Joint Nuclear Research Center in Ispra, Italy, which soon became the
most active research center outside the U.S. Shortly thereafter, other
countries such as Germany, France, and the former USSR initiated
efforts in this regard.
The early development of terrestrial applications of heat pipes
proceeded at a slow pace. Due to capillary action, heat pipes can
operate in microgravitational fields without any external force field or
pump. Because of this, most early efforts were directed toward space
applications. However, due to the high cost of energy, especially in
Japan and Europe, the industrial community began to appreciate the
significance of heat pipes and thermosyphons in energy savings
applications. Today, all developed countries have been actively
involved in research, development, and commercialization of heat
Within the last decade, a major transformation regarding heat pipe
technology and application has occurred due to the critical need of
electronic cooling and energy systems, as well as the invention of new
heat pipes. Several million heat pipes per month are now being
manufactured since all modern laptop computers use heat pipe
technology to transfer heat away from the processor. Furthermore,
research and development for new heat pipes such as loop heat pipes,
micro and miniature heat pipes, and pulsating heat pipes, has matured
enough for use in various applications.
There is a wealth of published literature: several heat pipe books
and monographs, as well as the proceedings of eleven international heat
pipe symposiums and seventeen international heat pipe conferences. In
addition, there are a large number of archival and non-archival
publications and reports related to heat pipes, dating back over the last
end cap
Vapor flow
Liquid flow
of gravity
end cap
Heat sink
Heat source
Fig. 2 Axial variation of the liquid-vapor interface, and the vapor and
liquid pressures along the heat pipe at low vapor flow rates.
b) Vapor and liquid pressure distributions
Heat source
Fig. 4 Axial variation of the liquid-vapor interface, and the vapor and
liquid pressures along the heat pipe at high vapor flow rates.
Heat sink
Fig. 3 Axial variation of the liquid-vapor interface, and the vapor and
liquid pressures along the heat pipe at moderate vapor flow rates.
The maximum local pressure difference occurs near the evaporator
end cap. This maximum local capillary pressure should be equal to the
sum of the pressure drops in the vapor and the liquid across the heat
pipe in the absence of body forces. When body forces are present, such
as an adverse gravitational force, the liquid pressure drop is greater,
indicating that the capillary pressure must be higher in order to return
the liquid to the evaporator for a given heat input. At moderate vapor
flow rates, dynamic effects cause the vapor pressure drop and recovery
along the condenser section, as shown in Fig. 3(b).
Heat pipes have been designed and built with various crosssectional areas as small as 30 m width 80 m depth and 19.75 mm
in length (micro heat pipes), and heat pipes as large as 100 m in length.
All heat pipes have an evaporator and condenser section where the
working fluid evaporates and condenses, respectively. Many heat pipes
also have a transport or adiabatic section which separates the
evaporator and condenser sections by an appropriate distance, intended
to satisfy the heat pipe limitations and/or the design constraints of the
application. A given heat pipe may have multiple evaporators,
condensers and adiabatic sections. The working fluid is usually
circulated by capillary forces in a wick. However, gravitational,
centrifugal, electrostatic, and osmotic forces can also be used to return
the liquid from the condenser to the evaporator.
For simplicity of design and manufacturing, heat pipe containers
are generally circular cylinders. Other shapes, however, such as
rectangular (flat heat pipes), conical (rotating heat pipes), corrugated
flexible heat pipes, and nosecap (leading edge heat pipes) geometries
have been studied.
Liquid flow
thermosyphons occurs when a vapor film forms between the pipe wall
and the liquid in the evaporator section of the heat pipe. For small
liquid fill volumes, the dryout limit may be reached, where all of the
working fluid is held in the liquid film, and no liquid pool exists. In this
case, any further increase in the input heat will cause a severe
temperature increase at the bottom of the evaporator section.
The operation of the thermosyphon is sensitive to the working
fluid fill volume. For thermosyphons without wicks, it has been shown
experimentally that the maximum rate of heat transfer increases with the
amount of the working fluid up to a certain value. A wick structure is
sometimes included in the design of thermosyphons to postpone
flooding and improve the contact between the wall and the liquid. The
capillary limit is generally of no concern in the operation of the
thermosyphon due to the fact that gravity is the major driving force for
condensate return.
Vapor Chamber
Heat input
Evaporator section
block of wick
Liquid flow
Heat sink
The LHP in its simplest form (Fig. 13) consists of a capillary pump (or
evaporator), a compensation chamber (or reservoir), a condenser, and
liquid and vapor lines. The wicks are only present in the evaporator and
compensation chamber. The high capillary force is created in the
evaporator due to fine-pored wicks (primary wicks) such as sintered
nickel, titanium and copper powder with an effective pore radius of 0.715m and a porosity of 55-75%. The compensation chamber is an
important component in the LHP and is often an integral part of the
evaporator. The purpose of the compensation chamber is to
accommodate excess liquid in an LHP during normal operation. A
secondary wick (usually made of larger pores) physically connects the
evaporator to the compensation chamber in order to supply the primary
wick with liquid, particularly when the compensation chamber is below
the evaporator, or when the LHP is operating in microgravity
conditions. The motion of vapor and liquid flow in the primary wick
proceeds mainly in a radial direction. The evaporator meniscus is
inverted down toward the wall being heated. Both the liquid and vapor
lines are made of small diameter tubing with no wicks. LHPs can be
made flexible and bendable. LHPs provide heat removal over long
distances without sensitivity to gravity. Several factors make the LHP
an attractive option for spacecraft cooling over conventional heat pipes.
Since the wick structure is only in the evaporator, the rest of the
container walls can be smooth, which reduces pressure drops in the
vapor and liquid flows. The pressure drops throughout the system are
also reduced because the vapor and liquid flow are co-current, as
opposed to the counter-current flow in conventional heat pipes. For
these reasons, the LHP is a more effective thermal bus, and the heat
source and sink can be separated by a longer distance than with
conventional heat pipes.
Condensate flow
Cotter (1984) was the first to propose the micro heat pipe concept for
cooling of electronic devices. The micro heat pipe was defined as a heat
pipe in which the mean curvature of the liquid vapor interface is
comparable in magnitude to the reciprocal of the hydraulic radius of the
total flow channel. Typically, micro heat pipes (Fig. 17) have convex
but cusped cross sections (Peterson, 1992) (for example, a polygon),
with hydraulic diameter in range of 10 to 500 m (Cao and Faghri,
1994a). Miniature heat pipe is defined as a heat pipe with a hydraulic
diameter in the range of 0.5 to 5 mm (Hopkins et al., 1999).
References to micro and miniature heat pipes in open literature are
sometimes not properly differentiated as defined above. For example,
miniature heat pipes with micro grooves are sometimes improperly
referred to as micro heat pipes. It is also worth noting the other
structural differences between micro and miniature heat pipes in
addition to the size ranges noted above. A true micro heat pipe, for both
metallic and silicon applications, has a single non-circular channel for
both liquid and vapor phases where the liquid return from condenser to
evaporator by capillary force occurs in the sharp corner of the channel.
this case, evaporation takes place in the dry region of the porous
structure at the liquid-vapor interface, the location of which shifts
depending on the operational conditions. The heat is conducted to this
interface from the heated surface through the dry region of the porous
element, and the vapor flows mainly along the solid surface through
this porous region towards the triangular vapor channel. The vapor flow
is provided by the capillary pressure gradient due to the difference in
the curvature of the menisci along the liquid-vapor interface inside the
porous structure. Therefore, with high heat fluxes, part of the capillary
pressure is spent on the compensation of the pressure drop in the vapor
flow through the dry porous region. Hence, the maximum heat flux for
this configuration should be calculated with respect to the formation of
this vapor blanket and can be less than that estimated from the
traditional capillary limit. Numerical results show that miniature copper
water heat pipes with an inverted meniscus type evaporator of estimated
dimensions of 2x7x120 mm is capable of withstanding high heat fluxes
on the evaporator wall, which can be about 200 W/cm2 for horizontal
orientation at 120C (Khrustalev and Faghri, 1996b).
Fig. 20 A sketch of the heat pipe turbine vane: (a) heat pipe turbine
vane cooling; (b) representative vane cross section.
Melting Point,
K at 1 atm
Boiling Point,
K at 1 atm
Range, K
Freon 22
Freon 21
Freon 11
Freon 113
Flutec PP2
Flutec PP9
container thickness must increase to the point where the heat pipe
becomes limited by the thermal resistance through the container.
Compatible Material
Stainless Steela,
Copper, Silica,
Nickel, Titanium
Aluminum, Inconel
Aluminum, Stainless
Steel, Cold Rolled
Steel, Iron, Nickel
Aluminum, Stainless
Steel, Copper, Brass,
Aluminum, Iron
Stainless Steel,
Copper, Silica
Tungsten, Tantalum,
Stainless Steel,
Nickel, Inconel,
Stainless Steel,
Nickel, Inconel,
Titanium, Niobium,
Stainless Steel,
Stainless Steelb
Molybdenum, Nickel,
Tantalum, Inconel,
Titanium, Niobium
Tungsten, Tantalum
Stainless Steel,
Nickel, Inconel,
Titanium, Niobium
Tungsten, Tantalum
to cleaning;
The wick structure within the heat pipe is present to return condensate
to the evaporator section. While small pores are needed at the liquidvapor interface to develop high capillary pressures, large pores are
preferred within the wick so that the movement of the liquid is not
restricted too greatly. For this reason, many different types of wick
structures have been developed in order to optimize the performance of
the capillary heat pipe. The types of wick structures can be divided into
two categories: homogeneous and composite wicks. Homogeneous
wicks (Table 3) (Faghri, 1995) have the benefit of being relatively
simple to design, manufacture and install. Composite wicks (Table 4)
(Faghri, 1995), however, can significantly increase the capillary limit of
the heat pipe, but have the drawback of high manufacturing costs.
When selecting a wick structure for a particular application, one must
keep in mind the benefits and drawbacks of each type of wick.
There are three properties of wicks that are important in heat pipe
Minimum capillary radius: This parameter should be small if a large
capillary pressure difference is required, such as in terrestrial operation
for a long heat pipe with the evaporator above the condenser, or in
cases where a high heat transport capability is needed.
Permeability: Permeability is a measure of the wick resistance to axial
liquid flow. This parameter should be large in order to have a small
liquid pressure drop, and therefore, higher heat transport capability.
Effective thermal conductivity: A large value for this parameter gives
a small temperature drop across the wick, which is a favorable
condition in heat pipe design.
A high thermal conductivity and permeability, and a low minimum
capillary radius are somewhat contradictory properties in most wick
designs. For example, a homogeneous wick may have a small minimum
capillary radius and a large effective thermal conductivity, but have a
small permeability. Therefore, the designer must always make trade-offs
between these competing factors to obtain an optimal wick design.
Austenitic SS
Homogeneous Wicks
The low temperature range is from 200 to 550 K. Most heat pipe
applications fall within this range. Commonly used fluids are ammonia,
acetone, the Freon compounds, and water. Water, which is perhaps the
most widely used working fluid, has good thermophysical properties
such as large heat of vaporization and surface tension, and has the
added benefit of being safe to use during handling.
by the number of wraps and the looseness of the wraps, which create
annular gaps through which the condensate can flow.
Table 3 Typical homogeneous wick designs
Composite Wicks
Sonic Limit
The evaporator and condenser sections of a heat pipe represent a vapor
flow channel with mass addition and extraction due to the evaporation
and condensation, respectively. The vapor velocity increases along the
evaporator and reaches a maximum at the end of the evaporator section.
The limitation of such a flow system is similar to that of a convergingdiverging nozzle with a constant mass flow rate, where the evaporator
exit corresponds to the throat of the nozzle. Therefore, one expects that
the vapor velocity at that point cannot exceed the local speed of sound.
This choked flow condition is called the sonic limitation. The sonic
limit usually occurs either during heat pipe startup or during steady
state operation when the heat transfer coefficient at the condenser is
high. The sonic limit is usually associated with liquid-metal heat pipes
due to high vapor velocities and low densities. Unlike the capillary
limit, when the sonic limit is exceeded, it does not represent a serious
failure. The sonic limitation corresponds to a given evaporator end cap
temperature. Increasing the evaporator end cap temperature will
increase this limit to a new higher sonic limit. The rate of heat transfer
will not increase by decreasing the condenser temperature under the
choked condition. Therefore, when the sonic limit is reached, further
increases in the heat transfer rate can be realized only when the
evaporator temperature increases. Operation of heat pipes with a heat
rate close to or at the sonic limit results in a significant axial
temperature drop along the heat pipe.
Boiling Limit
If the radial heat flux in the evaporator section becomes too high, the
liquid in the evaporator wick boils and the wall temperature becomes
excessively high. The vapor bubbles that form in the wick prevent the
liquid from wetting the pipe wall, which causes hot spots. If this boiling
is severe, it dries out the wick in the evaporator, which is defined as the
boiling limit. However, under a low or moderate radial heat flux, low
intensity stable boiling is possible without causing dryout. It should be
noted that the boiling limitation is a radial heat flux limitation as
compared to an axial heat flux limitation for the other heat pipe limits.
However, since they are related through the evaporator surface area, the
maximum radial heat flux limitation also specifies the maximum axial
heat transport. The boiling limit is often associated with heat pipes of
non-metallic working fluids. For liquid-metal heat pipes, the boiling
limit is rarely seen.
There are various parameters that put limitations and constraints on the
steady and transient operations of heat pipes (Faghri, 1995). In other
words, the rate of heat transport through a heat pipe is subject to a
number of operating limits. Physical phenomena that might limit heat
transport in heat pipes are due to capillary, sonic, entrainment, boiling,
frozen startup, continuum vapor, vapor pressure and condenser effects.
The heat transfer limitation can be any of the above limitations
depending on the size and shape of the pipe, working fluid, wick
structure, and operating temperature. The lowest limit among the eight
constraints defines the maximum heat transport limitation of a heat pipe
at a given temperature. The physical phenomena for each limitation are
briefly presented below. A detailed presentation of the criteria for the
heat transfer limitations for heat pipes are provided in Faghri (1995).
Entrainment Limit
A shear force exists at the liquid-vapor interface since the vapor and
liquid move in opposite directions. At high relative velocities, droplets
of liquid can be torn from the wick surface and entrained into the vapor
flowing toward the condenser section. If the entrainment becomes too
great, the evaporator will dry out. The heat transfer rate at which this
occurs is called the entrainment limit. Entrainment can be detected by
the sounds made by droplets striking the condenser end of the heat
pipe. The entrainment limit is often associated with low or moderate
temperature heat pipes with small diameters, or high temperature heat
pipes when the heat input at the evaporator is high.
Capillary Limit
The ability of a particular capillary structure to provide the circulation
for a given working fluid is limited (Faghri and Thomas, 1989; Faghri,
1995). This limit is commonly called the capillary limitation or
hydrodynamic limitation. The capillary limit is the most commonly
For heat pipes with very low operating temperatures, especially when
the dimension of the heat pipe is very small such as micro heat pipes,
the vapor flow in the heat pipe may be in the free molecular or rarefied
condition. The heat transport capability under this condition is limited,
and is called the vapor continuum limit.
Figure 22(a) shows the startup of a heat pipe in which the axial
temperature is nearly uniform throughout the startup period. This type
of startup profile is normally seen in heat pipes in which the working
fluid in the wick is in the liquid state, and the vapor is in the continuum
state. An example is a copper-water heat pipe starting from ambient
temperature to some higher operating temperature. As can be seen, no
problems are encountered during the uniform startup.
Flooding Limit
The flooding limit is the most common concern for long thermosyphons
with large liquid fill ratios, large axial heat fluxes, and small radial heat
fluxes (Faghri et al., 1989a). This limit occurs due to the instability of
the liquid film generated by a high value of interfacial shear, which is a
result of the large vapor velocities induced by high axial heat fluxes.
The vapor shear hold-up prevents the condensate from returning to the
evaporator and leads to a flooding condition in the condenser section.
This causes a partial dryout of the evaporator, which results in wall
temperature excursions or in limiting the operation of the system.
Frozen Startup
Figure 22(b) presents the case of a heat pipe in which the working fluid
within the wick structure is initially frozen, and the vapor space is
essentially evacuated. This type of frontal startup is usually found in
liquid-metal heat pipes, since liquid metals are in the solid state at room
temperature. Frozen startup proceeds as follows: Heat is first conducted
through the pipe wall and into the wick structure, increasing the
temperature in the evaporator section only. After the working fluid in
the evaporator wick is liquefied, evaporation begins to fill the vapor
space with vapor. The vapor travels to the adiabatic section and
condenses, releasing its latent heat and increasing the adiabatic section
temperature. This front continues down the length of the pipe until it
reaches the condenser end cap. At that time, the axial temperature
distribution starts to become uniform, and the startup process is
completed. The presence of large axial temperature gradients indicates
that the sonic limit is occurring during frozen startup. In actuality, this
is not a limit per se, since the heat pipe will not be damaged during this
process. Another more important limit is the frozen startup limit, as
previously discussed. The frozen startup limit occurs when more
The procedures typically used in designing heat pipes are based on the
fact that the heat pipe is in its normal operating state, i.e., nominal
temperature at the steady state. However, the heat pipe must be started
from the ambient temperature, which is either lower or higher than the
operating temperature (Faghri, 1995). If the startup is too fast, the
possibility of overheating the evaporator section can result in damage to
the heat pipe.
Ideally, the heat pipe should first be started by increasing (or
decreasing) the temperature of the entire pipe to its operating
temperature. The heat input to the pipe is then slowly increased from
Testing point
a) Testing configuration
b) Transient response
Wick Design
Lt = 0.4 m
Le = 3 cm
Lc = 11.5 cm
Di = 7 mm
Lt = 5.5 m
Le = 0.91 m
Lc = 0.91 m
Dv = 13.4 mm
Dl = 6.32 mm
slot width = 0.381
Outer pipe same as
above; Inner pipe:
Do = 29.7 mm
Di = 25.4 mm
Do = 19.05 mm
Di = 15.75 mm
Lt = 355.6 mm
Le = 101.6 mm
Lc = 152.4 mm
Lt = 120.65 mm
W = 13.41 mm
Le = 15.6 mm
Lc = 34.4 mm
La = 70 mm
L = 1.0 m
Le = (4)@6.4 cm
Lc = 30 cm
Dv = 25.4 mm
Di = 22 mm
Lt = 120 mm
H = 2 mm
W = 7 mm
Le = 20 mm
Lc = 20 mm
Do = 19.1 mm
Di = 17.3 mm
Lt = 610 mm
Le = 393 mm
Lc = 170 mm
Lt = 82 mm
170 (vertical)
90 (horizontal)
150 (vertical)
Lt = 120 mm
W = 7 mm
H = 3 mm
Lt = 1.2 m
Le = 0.2 m
Lc = 0.2 m
Dv = 13.4 mm
Do = 22.2 mm
Do = 15.8 mm
Di = 6 mm
Lt = 209 mm
Le = 45 mm
Lc = 100 mm
Do = 25 mm
Di = 20 mm
Lt = 1000 mm
Le = 400 mm
Lc = 550 mm
70 (vertical)
25 (horizontal)
35 (vertical)
mesh wick and
arterial wick
Stainless steel
Axial grooves
copper screen (50
Axial grooves
Copper with
cross section
Axial rectangular
Axial rectangular
100 C
SulfurIodine 5%
Mild steel
Axial Heat
Axial Heat
Radial Heat
Flux (W/cm2)
NaK (with
Argon as
(1500 K)
Wick Design
Stainless steel
stainless steel
screen (100 mesh)
Axial Heat
Lt = 1.0 m
Le = (4)@5.3 cm
Lc = 29.2 cm
Do = 26.7 mm
Di = 21.5 mm
Nickel sintered
Stainless steel Do = 21.3 mm
powder metal
Di = wick and an artery
Lt = 460 mm
Le = 100 mm
Lc = 160 mm
Lc,inactive = 100 mm
Double-wall artery Stainless steel Lt = 2.0 m
Le = 25 cm
Lc = 91 cm
Do = 2.22 cm
316L stainless Do = 25.4 mm
Di = 21 mm
Lt = 1000 mm
Le = 200 mm
Lc = 640 mm
304 stainless wick 304L stainless Do = 19.1 mm
Di = Lt = 600 mm
Le = 114 mm
Lc,1 = 73 mm
Lc,2 = 66 mm
Lc,inactive = 50 mm
Free-floating Mo- molybdenum Do = 19.1 mm
41wt.%Re 400Di = 16.06 mm
mesh screen wick
Lt = 1800 mm
(0.41 mm thick)
Le = 300 mm
Lc = 1470 mm
A 0.37 mm
annular gap
separates the wick
from the wall
Axial Heat
Radial Heat
Flux (W/cm2)
Yamawaki et al.
Ponnappan (1989)
Thermal Transformer
The heat pipe can be effectively used as a thermal transformer to link
energy sources and sinks having different heat fluxes. Energy can be
added at a high heat flux rate to the heat pipe over a small surface area
and removed over a larger surface area at a lower heat flux, or vice
versa. Thermal flux transformation ratios as large as 15 to 1 can be
achieved using heat pipes.
Since heat pipes are a closed systems and do not need any external
electrical or mechanical drives, they can operate over long periods of
time without maintenance.
Power Flattening
A heat pipe that provides power flattening can be easily designed. A
constant output heat flux at the condenser can be maintained for
variations in the input heat flux in the evaporator section.
Temperature Control
Freedom of Design
Since the basic mechanisms of a heat pipe are the capillary pumping of
a wick and the evaporation and condensation of a working fluid, heat
vapor pressure. Some of the working fluid in the wick is still frozen
in the adiabatic and condenser sections.
Fig. 26 Flow chart for heat pipe operation and interaction between
different regions.
The parameters limiting heat transport in conventional heat pipes due to
vapor flow are the capillary, sonic, and entrainment limitations. The
sonic limitation is not greatly influenced by any aspect of the wick
structure. Therefore, the choking phenomena should be of primary
interest in the vapor flow analysis due to the fact that the vapor velocity
becomes significant compared with the sonic velocity. Furthermore,
vapor flow analyses are required to predict the capillary limitation. In
each concentration, there are several levels of approximation, ranging
from a simple one-dimensional vapor flow analysis to a complete threedimensional analysis, considering the conjugate nature of the wall and
wick. Important modeling considerations include vapor compressibility,
heat pipe geometry, and heat input distributions.
These methods cover various approximations and approaches,
such as compressible vs. incompressible, analytical and closed-form
solutions vs. numerical analyses, as well as one-dimensional, twodimensional, and three-dimensional modeling considerations in each
region. Faghri (2012) reviewed the advances in analysis and simulation
of the different types of heat pipes under various operating conditions,
also presented in this section.
This section summarizes the developments in modeling and
discusses important results for various types of heat pipes under various
operating conditions in the following order (Faghri, 2012):
1 Steady state (period 6 above)
2 Transient (period 5 above)
3 Frozen start up (periods 1 through 6 above)
4 Axially grooved heat pipes
5 Thermosyphons
6 Rotating heat pipes
7 Loop heat pipes
A steady state operational performance prediction is of significant value
in the design of heat pipes. Faghri (1986) modeled the steady-state twodimensional incompressible vapor flow in an annular heat pipe. In this
study, the boundary-layer approximations were used to reduce the fully
elliptic conservation equations to the partially parabolic Navier-Stokes
equations, which were solved using a fully implicit, marching finitedifference scheme.
Fig. 28 The axial interface temperature profile along the sodium heat
pipe with Q = 560 W, Rv = 0.007 m, Le = 0.1 m, La = 0.05 m, kl = 66.2
W/m2-K, ks = 19.0 W/m2-K, l = 0.0005 m, w = 0.001 m. (Chen and
Faghri, 1990)
This methodology was extended to model a low-temperature,
multiple-evaporator heat pipe by Faghri and Buchko (1991). The heat
pipe was simulated using a two-dimensional compressible formulation
for the vapor flow, and a two-dimensional conduction model in the
wall. However, Faghri and Buchko (1991) included the twodimensional effects of liquid flow in the wick using volume-averaged
velocities in the porous media. The conservation equations were solved
using an elliptic finite control volume iterative scheme with the results
as shown in Fig. 29. The experimental data corresponded to a watercopper multiple-evaporator heat pipe. One case was performed with
only evaporator 1 active and a heat input of 97 W. Another had
evaporators 1 and 2 active, with heat inputs of 99 W and 98 W,
Fig. 29 Heat pipe wall and vapor temperature versus axial location for
(a) single evaporator; (b) two evaporators (Faghri and Buchko, 1991).
A first-order transient model of the vapor flow in a heat pipe was
proposed by Jang et al. (1991). This model simulated heat pipe
operation with one-dimensional compressible vapor flow in a porous
pipe, accounting for laminar and turbulent skin friction. The results of
this model are compared with the experimental data of Bowman (1987)
in Fig. 32, where the transient vapor pressure at three locations along
the heat pipe is shown. As in a conventional heat pipe, pressure
recovery occurs in the condenser section can be seen. A major
advantage of this method is the ability to capture sharp pressure
gradients, such as those that would occur in supersonic flow or across
shock waves.
A comprehensive transient heat pipe analysis is presented by Cao
and Faghri (1990). This two-dimensional model accounts for vapor
Two iterative estimate-correction processes and a new pressurecorrection method were incorporated in the vapor solution procedure.
Significant reduction of the computation time was obtained by using
this hybrid FDM/BEM. Comparisons with previous experimental and
numerical results validated the assumption of a quasi-steady-state vapor
and the solution methods.
compressibility and couples the vapor flow with heat conduction in the
wall and wick. For high-temperature heat pipes, it was determined that
the conduction model is sufficient to describe heat transfer in the wick.
This methodology allows heat pipe simulation for pulsed heat inputs
with either a convective or radiative boundary condition at the outer
pipe wall of the condenser. The transient vapor temperature profile for a
pulsed heat input of Q = 623 W to 770 W with the convective boundary
condition is shown in Fig. 33(a). The operating temperature of the heat
pipe increases with time after the heat pulse. This is due to the coupling
of the vapor to the wall, because the outer pipe wall temperature in the
condenser must increase to reject the additional heat. The vapor
temperature with the radiative boundary condition is shown in Fig.
33(b). Faghri et al. (1991b) adapted the numerical model of Cao and
Faghri (1990) to a high-temperature heat pipe with multiple heat
sources and sinks. Numerical results for continuum transient and
steady-state operations with multiple heat sources were compared with
the experimental results of Faghri et al. (1991a) and found to be in
good agreement.
Frozen Start Up
In some applications, heat pipes are required to transfer energy with the
working fluid initially in the solid phase. As heat transfer progresses,
the frozen working fluid melts, and the heat pipe undergoes a transition
to normal operation. To fully understand frozen start up, significant
efforts have been made toward numerical simulation of this process.
Early frozen start up research classified the frozen start up process into
six periods, as discussed earlier (Jang et al., 1990). These stages
describe the condition of the working fluid as solid, mushy, or liquid,
and the condition of the vapor flow as free molecular, partially
continuum, continuum transient, and continuum steady. In the
mathematical formulation by Jang et al. (1990), the heat transfer
through the free molecular vapor flow was neglected and the frozen
start up was solved in the wick and wall for the first two stages.
During the early start up period, the vapor density in the heat pipe
vapor space is extremely low and partly loses its continuum
characteristics. This condition is referred to as rarefied vapor flow.
During the early stage of start up, when the melting interface has
reached the wick-vapor interface, the liquid-vapor interface cannot be
considered to be adiabatic. Otherwise, there would be no molecular
vapor accumulation in the vapor space and the vapor would never reach
the continuum flow state. The rarefied vapor flow was simulated by a
self-diffusion model (Cao and Faghri, 1993b), where self-diffusion
refers to the interdiffusion of particles of the same species due to the
density gradient. This method has the advantage of modeling the heat
transfer through the rarefied vapor flow as coupled to the phase change
of the working fluid in the wick. However, this model is only valid for
the early stages of frozen start up.
A complete numerical simulation of frozen start up was completed
by Cao and Faghri (1993c) by combining the rarefied self-diffusion
model of Cao and Faghri (1993b) with the continuum transient model
of Cao and Faghri (1990). The model completely described frozen start
up, including the effects of conjugate heat transfer within the wall. Heat
transfer and fluid flow in the wick coupled to the vapor flow were
simulated. This methodology was applied to simulate the multipleevaporator high-temperature sodium/stainless-steel heat pipe studied by
Faghri et al. (1991a) shown in Fig. 37(a) and the single evaporator
sodium heat pipe of Ponnappan (1990) as shown in Fig. 37(b). The
comparison with the experimental data is excellent, and the location
and progression of the hot front is closely simulated as a function of
As mentioned previously, it may not always be possible to initiate
frozen start up of a heat pipe. To address this difficulty, Cao and Faghri
(1992) derived a closed-form analytical expression to describe heat pipe
operation from frozen start up to continuum steady state. Also, a
criterion was derived for the frozen start up limitation. The analytical
model was derived under the assumption that the temperature profile at
any time can be represented by three linear temperature
approximations: one each in the hot and cold section of the heat pipe
and one across the hot-cold front. The results of the model are shown in
Fig. 38(a) when compared with the experimental frozen start up profiles
of Faghri et al. (1991a), and in Fig. 38(b) when compared with the data
of Ponnappan (1990).
It was determined that the frozen start up of a high-temperature
heat pipe depends on several factors, such as the difference between the
melting temperature of the working fluid and the ambient temperature,
the liquid density of the working fluid, the porosity of the wick, and the
physical dimensions of the heat pipe. These parameters were combined
into a nondimensional parameter, which is a measure of the frozen start
up ability of the heat pipe. This frozen start up limit (FSL) was
validated using different experimental cases. Determination of the
frozen start up limitation is one of the most significant contributions to
frozen start up heat pipe analysis in recent years. The limit provides a
fundamental design tool when considering heat pipe operation from a
frozen state (Cao and Faghri, 1992).
accounting for the local interfacial radius of the curvature of the liquid
Fig. 37 Wall temperature prediction for frozen start up by Cao and Faghri
(1993c) compared with the experimental data of (a) Faghri et al.
(1991a); (b) Ponnappan (1990) (Cao and Faghri, 1993c).
and the fluid pressure variation (p), is shown in Fig. 40(a) for
ammonia (Le = 0.343 m, Tv = 250 K). For positive values of the
inclination angle (when the condenser end is elevated) the points of
minimum and maximum liquid surface curvature (the so-called dry
and wet points) were shifted from the ends of the heat pipe towards
the adiabatic section. As a result, the meniscus contact angle
distributions in the heat loaded sections were even more uniform than
those in the horizontal case. Note that the meniscus angles in the
condenser differ very slightly from the maximum value, and their
values in the evaporator can be almost the same as that in the condenser
for positive . The corresponding longitudinal distributions of the local
heat transfer coefficients in the evaporator and condenser and also wall
and vapor temperature variations are shown in Figs. 40(b) and 40(c).
The local heat transfer coefficient in the middle of the condenser was
about two times larger than that at the entrance or end cap, which
resulted in the external wall temperature variation shown in Fig. 40(c).
In the evaporator section, the variation of the local heat transfer
coefficient was weaker (for heat loads which are not close to the
maximum), so the wall temperature profile was very smooth. The
temperature drop along the vapor flow was less than 0.01 K.
Hopkins et al. (1999) for a flat miniature heat pipe with a micro
rectangular axial grooved wick structure.
When applying the Nusselt theory to a closed, two-phase
thermosyphon, a variable vapor condensation rate must be considered.
This approach was taken by Spendel (1984), who modeled a
conventional thermosyphon condenser section with a two-dimensional
incompressible formulation in the vapor space and an application of the
Nusselt theory for the falling liquid film. With this model, Spendel
(1984) performed a limited parametric study on the importance of
including the interfacial shear stress and vapor pressure drop in
determining the falling film thickness and the resulting Nusselt number
for the thermosyphon. Based on these effects, the local Nusselt number
in the condenser of a thermosyphon can vary as much as 60% from the
approximate formulation derived by Nusselt.
An examination of conventional and concentric annular
thermosyphons was performed by Faghri et al. (1989a), by which an
improved flooding limit formulation was determined. Furthermore, in
this study, the effects of the empirically obtained interfacial shear stress
of the counterflowing vapor on the falling liquid film were considered
in the condenser section alone.
Harley and Faghri (1994b) coupled a general quasi-steady Nusselttype solution of the falling film with the complete two-dimensional
vapor solution to simulate the transient two-dimensional behavior of
thermosyphons with variable properties. This model is significantly
different from the previous models in that it simulates the entire
thermosyphon, rather than only the condenser section. A twodimensional transient formulation for the vapor is coupled with
unsteady heat conduction in the pipe wall. Furthermore, the quasisteady falling condensate film in the condenser, adiabatic, and
evaporator sections are simulated by accounting for the variable vapor
condensation rate, interfacial shear stress, and vapor pressure drop. The
equations, however, this model can only be used in cases where heat
conduction in the wall is either dominant or negligible. Furthermore,
this formulation only models the condenser section where all properties
were assumed to be constant.
Harley and Faghri (1994a) coupled a general quasi-steady Nusselttype solution of the falling film with the complete two-dimensional
vapor-gas formulation to simulate the transient two-dimensional
behavior of gas-loaded thermosyphons with variable properties. This
formulation is significantly different from the previous models in that it
simulates the entire thermosyphon rather than only the condenser
section, using a two-dimensional transient formulation for the vapor
and gas that is coupled to unsteady heat conduction in the pipe wall.
Furthermore, this formulation models the quasi-steady falling
condensate film in the condenser, adiabatic, and evaporator sections
that accounts for the variable condensation rate, interfacial shear stress,
and vapor pressure drop.
Zuo and Gunnerson (1995) presented a numerical model of
inclined thermosyphon performance. Liquid-vapor interfacial shear
stress and the effects of working fluid inventory at various inclination
angles were included in the model. They analyzed limiting mechanisms
of the dryout and flooding and demonstrated that the model is capable
of predicting the performance of an inclined thermosyphon. A onedimensional steady-state mathematical model describing natural
circulation two-phase flow in a thermosyphon with a tube separator was
developed by Lin and Faghri (1997b). Void fraction distributions along
the thermosyphon were obtained under various operating conditions.
Liquid fill ratios for steady flow were suggested. Lin and Faghri
(1998b) numerically studied the hydrodynamic stability of natural
circulation two-phase flow in a high performance thermosyphon with
tube separator. The simulation results showed that the operating
temperature, the heat rate and thermosyphon inclination angle have
significant influence on the flow instability.
El-Genk and Saber (1999) developed a one-dimensional, steadystate model to determine the operation envelopes of closed, two-phase
thermosyphons in terms of dimensions, type, vapor temperature of
working fluid, and power throughput. The thermosyphon operationenvelope was an enclosure with three critical boundaries, related to
dryout, boiling, and flooding limits. The calculations showed that an
increase in the thermosyphon diameter, evaporator length, or vapor
temperature expanded the operation-envelope, while an increase in the
length of either the condenser or the adiabatic section only slightly
changed the envelopes upper and lower boundaries. Pan (2001)
presented a condensation model for a two-phase, closed thermosyphon
by considering the interfacial shear stress due to the mass transfer and
interfacial velocity. The relative velocity ratio and the momentum
transfer factor greatly affect the condensation heat transfer in the
thermosyphon. A sub-flooding limit was proposed to capture the
interaction between the condensation and evaporation in the
Jiao et al. (2008) developed a model to investigate the effect of the
filling ratio on the distribution of the liquid film and liquid pool. The
total heat transfer rate of the liquid pool, including natural convection
and nucleate boiling, was calculated by combining their effective areas
and heat transfer coefficients. The correlation for effective area was
obtained based on experimental results. The range for the filling ratio
was proposed for the steady and effective operation of the
thermosyphon based on analysis and comparison. The effects of heat
input, operating pressure, and geometries of the thermosyphon on the
range of the filling ratio were also discussed. Jiao et al. (2012) further
developed the model presented by Jiao et al. (2008) to investigate the
effect of the filling ratio on dryout, flooding and boiling limits. The
experiments were conducted using nitrogen as working fluid and the
experimental results were compared with the calculations. The
maximum filling ratio was introduced, beyond which the heat transfer
performance could be declined due to the accumulation of the liquid in
numerical results of Harley and Faghri (1994b) were compared with the
experimental data of Mingwei et al. (1991).
The transient axial variations of the outer wall and centerline vapor
temperatures are shown in Fig. 42(b), where the agreement with the
steady-state experimental data of Mingwei et al. (1991) is quite good.
The transient centerline axial vapor velocities for this low-temperature
case are small and the axial pressure drop is negligible. The low axial
vapor velocity is due in part to both the relatively high vapor density
and latent heat of water and the low heat flux input to the evaporator.
Obviously, compressibility is not a factor for the low-temperature
thermosyphon because the maximum Mach number is much less than
0.3. The negligible axial pressure variation is typical of lowtemperature two-phase heat transfer devices due to the low vapor
There are three approaches related to the analysis of CPLs. The first
approach is to examine the heat transfer without including the fluid
flow analysis in the wick or vapor regions of the evaporator (Kiper et
al., 1990). Since an analytical approach was used for solving the energy
equation instead of a numerical approach, approximations were made in
the solution procedure. It should be noted that the fluid flow problem is
of significant importance in the evaporator and no meaningful
conclusions can be made without a combined fluid flow and heat
transfer analysis. This approach also included a lumped analysis of the
evaporator and subcooler, in which an exponential temperature profile
was assumed in the analysis. A second approach included a detailed and
accurate analysis of the evaporator component for steady and transient
performance, based on solving the complete differential forms of the
momentum and energy equations (Cao and Faghri, 1994b; 1994c). This
methodology is the most appropriate technique for analyzing the CPL
system. The third approach is related to an overall system simulation
using existing semi-empirical correlations under 1 g conditions to
calculate the pressure drop and heat transfer coefficients in different
parts of the CPL (Kroliczek et al., 1984; Ku et al., 1986a; 1986b;
sensible heat; not due to the latent heat of vaporization. Latent heat
served only to drive the oscillating flow. Sakulchangsatjatai et al.
(2004) applied Shafii et al.s model (2001) to model closed-end and
closed-loop PHPs as an oscillating two-phase heat and mass transfer in
a straight pipe, while neglecting the thin liquid film between the vapor
plug and the pipe wall.
Zhang et al. (2002) analytically investigated oscillatory flow in a
U-shaped miniature channel-a building block of PHPs. A significant
difference between this model and other mathematical models is the
nondimensionalizing of the governing equations. Flow in the tube was
described by two dimensionless parameters, the non-dimensional
temperature difference and the evaporation and condensation heat
transfer coefficients. It was found that both the initial displacement of
the liquid slug and gravity had no effect on the amplitude and angular
frequency of the oscillation. In addition, the amplitude and frequency of
oscillation were increased by increasing the dimensionless temperature
difference. The amplitude and frequency of oscillation were correlated
to the heat transfer coefficients and temperature difference.
Zhang and Faghri (2003) investigated oscillatory flow in a
closed-end pulsating heat pipe with an arbitrary number of turns (see
Fig. 48). The results showed that for a PHP with few turns (less than 6),
the amplitude and frequency of oscillation were independent of the
number of turns. The motion of the vapor plugs was identical for odd
numbered plugs once a steady state had been reached. Even numbered
plugs also exhibited identical motion. Odd and even numbered plugs
had the same amplitude, but were out of phase by a factor of . As the
number of turns increased above 6, the odd and even numbered plugs
no longer showed identical oscillation. Each plug lagged slightly
behind the next. Each plug remained out of phase by , however. (see
Fig. 49).
Fig. 48 Open-loop PHP with arbitrary turns (N=5) (Zhang and Faghri,
Dobson and Harms (1999) investigated a PHP with two open
ends. The open ends were parallel and pointed in the same direction.
These ends were submerged in water, while the evaporator section was
coiled and attached to a float so that it remained out of the water. The
evaporator was heated and the oscillatory fluid motion produced a net
thrust. A numerical solution of the energy equation and the equation of
motion for a vapor plug was presented to predict the plugs
temperature, position and velocity. Oscillatory motion in the PHP
generated a net average thrust of 0.0027N. Heat transfer due to sensible
heat was not taken into account. Dobson (2004; 2005) proposed the use
of open-ended PHP in conjunction with two check valves to pump
water; however, the maximum attainable mass flow rates are on the
order of mg/s, which is hardly enough to irrigate fields. An improved
model for liquid slug oscillation that considered pressure difference,
friction, gravity, and surface tension was also presented.
Fig. 50 Heat transfer rate: (a) sensible heat; (b) evaporative heat (Shafii
et al., 2002).
Liang and Ma (2004) presented a mathematical model describing
the oscillation characteristics of slug flow in a capillary tube. In
addition to the modeling of oscillating motion, numerical results
also be examined through the partial vapor pressure. As the heat input
increases, the total pressure increases. However, because the total
pressure is comprised of both the partial vapor and partial gas
pressures, the increase in total pressure is accounted for by an increase
in the partial gas pressure, maintaining a constant vapor pressure, and
thus a constant vapor temperature.
Noncondensible gas-buffered heat pipes have been modeled
previously with several different levels of approximation. The classic
flat-front analytical model of Marcus and Fleishman (1970) neglected
all diffusion across the vapor-gas interface. Later studies modeled onedimensional steady diffusion (Edwards and Marcus, 1972) and onedimensional transient diffusion (Shukla, 1981). Rohani and Tien (1973)
studied the steady-state two-dimensional diffusion process in a
noncondensible gas-buffered heat pipe. The importance of modeling
radial diffusion in a NCHP was demonstrated where the
noncondensible gas tends to accumulate at the liquid-vapor interface,
which retards vapor condensation. However, Rohani and Tien (1973)
neglected the effect of conjugate heat transfer through the wall as well
as transient effects. The importance of the transient response of a
NCHP was shown by Shukla (1981), as transient thermal overshoots
were discovered. This study, however, did not include the effects of
radial heat conduction in the wall or wick or the radial diffusion effects
of the noncondensible gas.
Harley and Faghri (1994c) studied the two-dimensional, transient
NCHP operation, including the effects of conjugate heat transfer
through the wall, and is modeled through a solution of the general
differential conservation equations. This procedure was used to
simulate the high-temperature heat pipe experimentally studied both
with and without noncondensible gases. The major advantage over
previous models was that this model treats the noncondensible gas as a
separate entity that is described by mass transport phenomena.
Additionally, the energy transport through the wall is coupled to the
transient operation of the heat pipe through the use of a conjugate
solution technique. The complete behavior of the heat pipe, along with
the location and two-dimensional shape of the noncondensible gas
front, are modeled from the initial continuum-flow, liquid-state start up
to steady-state conditions. The proposed model by Harley and Faghri
(1994c) predicted the existing experimental data for the operation of
high-temperature heat pipes with and without noncondensible gases.
The gas-loaded heat pipe experimentally studied by Ponnappan (1989)
was simulated (Case 2), with results shown in Figs. 51 and 52. This
case has a higher radiative emissivity than Case 1, which results in a
decrease in the thermal resistance at the outer condenser surface. In the
experiment performed by Ponnappan (1989), the emissivity was
increased when the noncondensible gas was added, so that a nearconstant operationg temperature (compared with Case 1) could be
maintained. In Fig. 51, the wall and vapor temperatures decreased
significantly in the condenser section due to the presence of the
noncondensible gas. The gas density increased in the condenser during
transient operation, as shown in Fig. 52(a). The steady-state wall
temperature is in good agreement with the data by Ponnappan (1989).
A transient lumped heat pipe formulation for conventional heat
pipes is presented, and the lumped analytical solutions for different
boundary conditions at the evaporator and condenser are given by
Faghri and Harley (1994). For high temperature heat pipes with a
radiative boundary condition at the condenser, a nonlinear ordinary
differential equation is solved. In an attempt to reduce computational
demands, a transient lumped conductive model was developed for
noncondensible gas-loaded heat pipes. The lumped flat-front transient
model was extended by accounting for axial heat conduction across the
sharp vapor-gas interface. The analytical solutions for conventional and
gas-loaded heat pipes were compared with the corresponding numerical
results of the full two-dimensional conservation equations and
experimental data, showing a good agreement.
Fig. 51 Temperature profiles for the gas-loaded heat pipe with Qin =
258 W (Case 2): (a) transient wall temperature profile; (b)
transient centerline temperature profile (Harley and Faghri,
Fig. 52 Vapor-gas dynamics for the gas-loaded heat pipe with Qin =
451 W (Case 2): (a) transient centerline gas density profile; (b)
transient centerline axial velocity profiles (Harley and Faghri,
R j
Energy Systems
With home heating costs increasing, more attention has been focused
on the use of heat pipes to collect solar energy (Bienert, 1973; Roberts,
1978). A relatively simple design incorporates a bank of inclined
thermosyphons exposed to the south side of a residence. Solar energy is
absorbed and transported into the living space, where it is convected to
the interior air or stored in a water tank for later use. During the night,
the thermosyphons essentially act as thermal diodes, since the only way
heat can be transferred from the interior to the outside is by axial
conduction through the pipe walls. A similar design can be used for
desalinating sea water using solar energy. In this application, however,
a heat pipe would be positioned at the focal point of a trough-shaped
parabolic reflector in order to generate the high temperatures and heat
fluxes necessary for desalination.
Singh et al. (2011) presented the design and characteristics of
various energy conservation systems and renewable energy systems
utilizing heat pipes as the thermal control mechanism. A wide range of
energy systems including data center cooling, agricultural products cold
storage, bakery waste heat recovery and automotive dashboard cooling
were discussed. It was argued that zero emission and economical
advantages can be achieved by using thermosyphon and capillary
pumped loop.
Concentrating photovoltaic (PV) systems use low-cost optical
systems such as the Fresnel lens, a mini-reflecting mirror that can
concentrate solar intensity from 200 to 1000 suns. The concentrated
solar energy delivered from the solar cell is from 20 to 100W/cm. Part
of the energy is directly converted to electricity, while the remainder is
removed as waste heat. Heat pipe cooling systems (Fig. 57) were
developed to passively remove the high heat flux at the PV cell and
reject it to the ambient by natural convection (Akbarzadeh and
Wadowski, 1996; Gi and Maezawa, 2006; Anderson et al., 2008).
Heat transfer devices and methodologies for novel thermal energy
storage systems (TES) for various applications including concentrating
solar power (CSP) generation systems using latent heat phase change
materials (PCMs) are in great demand in the energy field. However,
latent heat thermal energy storage PCMs, despite their great potential,
suffer from low thermal conductivity. Faghri (1990; 1991) invented two
methods (Figs. 58 and 59) to significantly increase the thermal
conductivity of PCMs by embedding micro or conventional heat pipes
in the PCM for applications in thermal energy storage systems and heat
Fig. 57 Solar house which has an energy collection mechanism (Gi and
Maezawa, 2006).
1.0 kW and 50% efficiency generates 1.0 kW of waste heat. This heat
may be dissipated by convection, conduction, radiation or phase
change. The heat generated in a fuel cell stack may be dumped to the
atmosphere, but often, it is used in other system components that
require heat. In some cases, the heat is used to run a thermodynamic
cycle for additional power generation. Heat pipes can be utilized in fuel
cell systems for thermal management purposes which allow for
effective use of the fuel cell byproduct, heat, leading to a substantial
increase in heat transfer and overall system efficiency (Faghri and Guo,
2005; 2008).
The matter of heat generation in fuel cell stacks presents
challenges for thermal management. Stacks operating at 40% to 60%
efficiency generate heat at the same rate to more than twice the rate of
electric generation. Due to changes in mass concentration, temperature
gradients, and in some cases, phase change throughout the stack, the
heat generation is not uniform. This non-uniform heat generation
further increases thermal gradients in the stack. Increasing the mobility
of the heat is a challenge that, if met, leads to three main benefits: (1)
The risk of stack failure due to overheating is reduced, (2) The stack
operates more closely to its design temperature, resulting in better
power density and efficiency, and (3) The heat can be reused, perhaps
for reactant preheating, prevaporization, combined cycle operation, or
cogeneration. For example, the heat pipe embedded with a bipolar plate
(Faghri and Guo, 2008) is an innovative approach that would increase
heat transfer in fuel cell stacks while requiring significantly smaller
thermal gradients and much smaller volumes and weights than
alternative methods. As conceptualized in Fig. 60, a bipolar plate is
fabricated with holes, into which micro heat pipes are inserted and
bonded. The micro heat pipes that are shown in Fig. 60 are embedded
in an axial and transverse direction.
Fig. 60 Bipolar plate integrated heat pipe (Faghri and Guo, 2008).
Fig. 61 Micro heat pipe embedded bipolar plate (Faghri and Guo,
Another method for thermal control in the fuel cell stack is
presented with the integrated bipolar plate flat heat pipe (Faghri and
Guo, 2008). For example, as conceptualized in Fig. 61, a carbon bipolar
plate contains a flat heat pipe. A challenge for developing this
component is sealing the heat pipe. Due to the permeability of the
carbon, two halves of the bipolar plates are coated with a liner--silver
activated brazing alloy (ABA). Also in the enclosure is a porous wick
of metal foam, felt, or porous carbon. The two halves are then sealed
together, perhaps with brazing in an inert gas. The structure of the
interior is designed to allow good electrical conductivity, thermal
conductivity to the wick, and structural support, while the working fluid
is typically at a pressure different than the surroundings.
Passive DMFC technology uses various capillary approaches to
manage methanol and water without the need for a complex microfluidic subsystem (Fig. 62) (Guo and Faghri, 2006a; 2006b; Faghri and
Guo, 2005; 2009). At the core of this new technology is a unique
passive system that uses the heat pipe concept for fuel delivery.
Furthermore, the fuel cell is designed for both passive water
management and effective carbon dioxide removal. The passive
components that are critical to the fuel cell design are the fuel delivery,
and air-breathing and water recirculation systems. The passive fuel
delivery system stores pure methanol, which can be mixed with water in
situ without the use of a pumping system, and can be passively supplied
to the fuel cell anode at an optimal concentration. Since water is needed
in the anode for the methanol reaction to occur, the water created in the
cathode can be passively supplied to the anode. This water
recirculation, in conjunction with passive methanol fuel delivery, can
dramatically extend the operation time of the fuel cell per refueling. The
passive mass transfer concept (wick structure) developed in heat pipe
technology is an effective approach for mass transfer management in
various fuel cell technologies. The proposed DMFC technologies
developed were operated passively, without moving parts, which
resulted in a highly reliable system. Due to their significantly longer
charging life, passive miniature DMFC system are seriously being
considered for replacing the battery for applications such as cell
phones, digital cameras and laptops.
Current dish/Stirling systems use directly illuminated receiver
design in which the concentrated solar radiation is absorbed by tubular
receiver which also serve as the heater tubes of the Stirling engine.
Replacing the directly illuminated receiver design with spherical heat
pipe receivers improves the performance by about 20% (Andraka et al.,
1996). Two primary reasons contribute to this improvement; (a) in the
heat pipe receiver the temperature difference between the output gas
temperature and the receiver peak temperature is much less than the
directly illuminated receiver due to nearly isothermal operation of the
heat pipe. This allows higher operating temperatures resulting in higher
conversion efficiencies, and (b) in heat pipe receiver heat is transferred
to the Stirling engine by condensation on the entire surface of the heater
tubes, whereas in directly illuminated receivers only one side of the
tubes is irradiated. Hence the "dead volume" of the engine is decreased
and higher compression ratios can be achieved which result in greater
system efficiency (Andraka et al., 2012).
Fig. 62 Passive direction methanol fuel cell using heat pipe concept
(Faghri and Guo, 2008).
fluid condenses in the reservoir, causing the wick to dry out. This
results in the heat pipe becoming an insulator, because heat can only be
conducted axially through the thin pipe wall. Heat pipes have also been
qualified and/or used for thermal control applications in avionic
systems including aircrafts with more electric architectures.
Radioisotope Stirling systems are proposed to replace the
radioisotope thermoelectric generating systems as a long-lasting
electricity generation solution in space missions due to their higher
efficiency (Thieme and Schreiber, 2003). In the current radioisotope
Stirling systems if the Stilrling engine stops, the heat removal from the
system would be ceased and the insulation will be spoiled to prevent
damage to the clad fuel, but the mission will also be ended. Alkalimetal variable conductance heat pipes are proposed and tested to allow
multiple stops and restarts of the Stirling engine (Tarau and Anderson,
2010). In the proposed design, the evaporator of the heat pipe is
connected to the heat generation module. During the normal operation,
the heat is transferred from the heat generation unit to the heater head
of the Stirling engine by evaporation and condensation of the sodium
working fluid. When the Stirling engine stops, the temperature and
pressure of the heat pipe working fluid increases. The higher pressure
inside the heat pipe compresses the non-condensable gas and opens up
a radiator through which the heat is dissipated and the system
temperature stabilizes. Once the Stirling engine restarts, the temperature
and pressure drop and the radiator is covered by the non-condensable
gas to prevent unwanted heat rejection.
Heat pipe
and a crankshaft for the generation of power from thermal energy. The
sodium heat pipes deliver heat from a molten salt heat storage system to
the gaseous helium which is used to drive the engine. The coupling of a
Stirling cycle engine with sodium heat pipes can also be used in the
direct conversion of solar energy.
Adiabatic section
Production Tools
An important application of heat pipes is in the field of die casting and
injection molding (Winship, 1974; Reay, 1977). The most obvious use
of heat pipes in this field is the removal of heat during the solidification
process; however, heat pipes are also useful in minimizing thermal
shock in the dies. Die casting involves introducing a material in molten
form into a closed die. The material is cooled until it solidifies, the part
is removed, and the process repeated. An important consideration is the
time required for the material to cool into solid form, so most dies are
water cooled. It is often difficult to cool inaccessible parts of the die,
however, so heat pipes are used to cool these sections. These heat pipes
can also be used to preheat the die to assure the continuous flow of
molten material due to the reversible nature of heat pipes.
pipes are placed in order to transfer heat either to or from parts of the
body (Fig. 66). In cold climates, heat pipes could bring heat from the
torso to the extremities such as the fingers, toes, and ears to prevent
frostbite. Figure 67 shows a conceptual design for cold weather
handwear with heat pipes, where body heat is transferred from the
forearm to the fingers. In very hot environments, such as those
experienced by fire fighters, a cold suit employing heat pipes could be
developed which would be lighter and less bulky than the suits
presently worn. This type of suit would also be beneficial in the respect
that the wearer would be kept cooler, resulting in more time available
for extracting people from a burning building, for instance.
Fig. 66 Temperature regulation system for the human body using heat
pipes (Faghri, 1993b).
Similar garments or blankets using heat pipes (Faghri, 1993b)
could also be applied to medical patients whose own body temperature
regulation system is impaired or not functioning. Patients with spinal
cord injuries or people with Multiple Sclerosis often become
overheated during hot weather because of the inability of the nervous
system to control their body temperature. A heat pipe suit equipped
with an external heat exchanger could significantly improve the quality
of life of these patients by allowing them to be more exposed to the
elements. Likewise, patients who are bedridden often become overly
warm or cold. In some cases, a blanket with a single-phase fluid loop is
placed on the patient for heating or cooling. Since this type of blanket is
quite heavy due to the fluid loop, a heat pipe blanket has been
proposed, which would decrease the weight and improve the heat
transfer and temperature uniformity.
Permafrost Stabilization
Permafrost stabilization is an important matter in designing the
foundations of buildings or other structures in arctic regions. During the
summer months, heat is conducted into the permafrost, which tends to
melt the water trapped in the soil. Normally, this thawing would allow
the foundation to sink or shift, thereby damaging the building. To avoid
this problem, engineers responsible for the Trans-Alaskan pipeline
placed heat pipes around the pilings of the pipeline supports (Fig. 68)
(Waters, 1976). The heat from the soil adjacent to the pilings was
dissipated to the ambient by the heat pipes, which maintained a
permafrost bulb around the pilings throughout the year.
Mashiko et al. (1989) developed an artificial permafrost storage
facility in Hokkaido, Japan (Fig. 69), where the evaporator of the heat
pipe is buried underground and the condenser is exposed to the
ambient. The heat pipe transfers the ground heat to the ambient in
winter which freezes the soil. When the temperature rises in the spring,
the heat is not transmitted from the ambient to the ground (thermal
diode), so the frozen soil is kept throughout the year. The main feature
of this system is that no power is required, and the temperature is kept
constant for a long period of time.
High temperature heat pipes have been proposed for use in the
manufacturing of glass bottles (Brost et al., 1973). The glass bottle
forming procedure starts by periodically dipping a steel piston into a
steel form filled with molten glass. This forms a hollow glass tube,
which is later blown into its final shape. The initial glass temperature is
around 1100C and the surface temperature of the piston needs to be
kept around 600C. At higher piston temperatures, the glass will stick to
the piston, and at lower temperatures, the glass viscosity increases,
causing insufficient deformation during the forming process.
Insufficient deformation is the cause of thin-walled bottles which
contribute to the waste rate. A stainless-steel/potassium heat pipe was
proposed and tested, and it was found that the heat pipe could be kept
nearly isothermal. This resulted in a higher dipping frequency and a
reduced amount of glass bottle waste.
Heat pipes
(Carbon steel)
Cold air
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