James & Giant Peach Ch1-10
James & Giant Peach Ch1-10
James & Giant Peach Ch1-10
By Roald Dahl
Reading Comprehension Chapters 1-10
Directions: Use the information from the chapter noted to answer the questions below.
Chapter 1
1. Why did James no longer live with his parents? Who did he go live with?
2. What three words did James use to describe his Aunts?
3. As James became more and more sad, what did he do for hours and
Chapter 2
1. What words did the author use to describe the three peculiar things that
2. Name three characteristics used to describe Aunt Sponge and Aunt
3. What emotion did James exhibit at the end of this Chapter?_________
Chapter 4
1. When the old man said, That sets them off! It gets them going! what was
he referring to?
1. What is James to do with the jug of green things?___________________
2. What does the old man already know about James?_________________
3. What is the marvelous, fabulous, and unbelievable thing that will happen
to James?
Chapter 5
1. What happened as James ran back towards the house? _____________
2. Where did the little green things go? _____________________________
2. How did this discovery make James feel?___________
3. What was the peach doing?____________________________________
Chapter 7
1. How did the author describe the peach when it first started growing?
2. What three colors were used to describe the skin of the peach? ______
3. What did Aunt Spiker think they could get for the peach?___________
Chapter 8
1. What did the carpenters build and why?___________________________
2. How were the aunts making money?____________________________
3. Where was James when all of the townspeople were coming around?
5. What was it that James pleaded, before doing what they told him?
Chapter 9
1. According to James, what are most people and especially children
scared of?
2. What seemed to be alive with magic? ___________________________
3. What did James see on the peach? ____________________________
Chapter 10
1. What did James do after seeing the hole?
2. When James approached the stone in the middle of the peach, what did
he see and do next?
3. When he first heard the voices, how did he feel? __________________
1. enormous
2. horrible
3. miserable
4. desolate
5. wistfully
6. peculiar
7. hideous
8. blunt
9. brute
10. emerge
11. bristly
12. beckon
13. extraordinary
14. luminous
15. froth
16. pulpy
17. despair
18. bulge
19. advanced
20. seething
21. glinting
22. tremendous
23. extreme
24. marvelous