It is our common mandate to promote sustainable industrial development of job creation and
employment generation and the Indian SME sector should realize the need for clean technology
adoption in industries so as to ensure fulfilment of committed goal of moving towards green
The ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has taken such initiatives to
promote energy efficiency in the SME sector. One such initiative is the GEF-funded programme of
UNIDO called, the Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) for SMEs, which aims at
identification and promotion of clean technology innovations in the SMEs. The project tries to
promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, waste to energy and water efficiency innovations
that are sustainable and reduce carbon footprint in the SMEs.
This book is the compilation of the many such innovation in the field of Cleantech, which have
been identified and mentored under the programme. It is an important resource to assess the
depth, breadth and quality of Cleantech innovations occurring in the Indian SME sector.
I hope, it will catalyze our development sector professionals, policy makers, and researchers to
understand, create and support many more valuable innovations with clean technologies which
happen in the Indian landscape.
India is currently faced with a range of climate, energy and economic challenges. Climate change
is not the only reason to invest in the transition to a clean energy future; India is also entering an
era of resource scarcity of land, water and energy, given its burgeoning population, which needs to
be addressed given the aspiration and dreams of the billion people in the sub continent. In India
we feel that this challenge can be met by a combination of good public policy and the right business
innovation and investment environment. Therefore you see the new government in India promoting this new ecosystem. We believe that solutions do exist and can be enacted with the right combination of political, social and financial will.
Agencies, governments, investors and business need to proactively collaborate as forces facilitating
this transition towards a sustainable energy future on a global level. Technology start-ups provide
one of the most important vehicles for developing and commercializing innovation to meet these
challenges, while generating value for investors. From research to commercialization, the life cycle
of high-impact technologies include many players, from governments and universities to investors
and multi- national corporations. In the center of this matrix is the entrepreneurial start- up, the
vehicle for taking an idea from the lab to the market. Innovation companies come in many different forms. Most common are companies introducing incremental innovations; those transferring
technological applications from one industry or geography to another; and those presenting
business model innovations. Completely new breakthrough companies are rare, though they do
Political debate sometime focuses on sustainability versus economic value creation on a global,
national, and company level. Yet the reality is that individuals, multinationals, and governments
are waking up to the need for renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable solutions in all
sectors of the economy. India has also understood this paradigm and therefore has set one of the
most ambitious targets in new and renewable energy sector in the world. This hopefully will drive
a growing market for new and innovative technologies and services. Similarly the tough economic
climate, which is likely to overhang much of the twenty first century where jobs and capital are in
short supply, it is imperative for countries to think about fostering economic growth and try and
give rise to a new set of companies in proportion to their size.
The cleantech revolution is happening because it is economically a must, and now the countries of
the world want to be part of the ecosystem that facilitates this revolution both in the interest of the
world and its own economic interest. Therefore understanding these innovation processes and the
cleantech market is a must and should complement the establishment of national climate targets
and international carbon thresholds.
In order to accelerate progress in the area of Cleanspace, India also needs to look at conditions
surrounding our solution providers. And in this very context, the Government of India saw the
virtue of the GCIP of UNIDO for SMEs, that was trying to leverage the power of entrepreneurship
to address the most important challenges of energy and environment. As the Cleantech Open USA
was the knowledge partner of UNIDO for the programme, we saw lot of merit in the GCIP
programme bringing exposure to the SMEs. It also provided a platform where the countries could
share their best practices and challenges. Partnering the Ministry of MSME, the Programme in
India has incentivized clean technology adopters among MSMEs by providing a platform for
recognition, reward, and replication. The annual competition run by the CGIP to find clean
innovations, examples of which you will find in this e-book, has been a great success. The
programme leverages the US-based Cleantech Opens model to find, fund and foster entrepreneurs with innovations that can address todays energy and environment challenges.
This book is a handy resource for those looking for a birds eye view of the breadth and range of
clean technology innovations currently being fostered by the GCIP in four crucial areas: energy
efficiency, waste-to-energy, renewable energy and water efficiency. Going through the summaries,
one can see the glimpses of the Indian innovative streak being manifested time and again, and also
an acutely aware and informed ecosystem of grassroots innovators and entrepreneurs that are
working on solving some of the most urgent and complex problems revolving around energy use
in various industry verticals. I hope the Programme will be able to contribute to the ecosystem by
sensitizing the stakeholders about the vibrancy in the innovation environment not only in the R&D
institutes, engineering colleges but also in the existing SMEs from where many of these innovations have been picked up.
The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) for SMEs is a global multi-stakeholder
partnership that leverages the power of innovation and entrepreneurship to address the worlds
most urgent energy, environment and economic challenges. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) with support provided by the Global Environment Facility (GEF)
is currently implementing the GCIP in seven countries namely Armenia, India, Malaysia, Pakistan,
South Africa, Thailand and Turkey. GCIP India was launched in May 2013 as a partnership
between the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), GEF and UNIDO, with the
Federtion of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) as main executing partners. The
Programme aims at creating an ecosystem of clean technology innovations in the MSME sector to
catalyze low carbon industrial growth in the country.
The Ministry of MSME has announced an ambitious and commendable vision for all twenty-six
million micro, small and medium enterprises in India to adopt energy efficiency and clean technology measures by 2025. In achieving this goal, technology, business, and policy innovations will be
crucial. To support the Indian government as well as other countries in achieving this vision,
UNIDO has developed the GCIP a platform to encourage the emergence of a formalized,
structured, enabling ecosystem for promoting clean technology innovations in the SME sector.
While SMEs in India are leading market players in clean technology innovations, much of their
efforts do not receive recognition nor translate into business opportunities. Therefore, a key contribution of the GCIP platform is in its ability to link other ongoing initiatives and bring innovators,
entrepreneurs and investors on a common platform to provide opportunities for collaboration and
As in other GCIP countries, GCIP India employs a competition-based approach to identify the
most promising innovators across the country, while its business acceleration programme
supports, promotes and de-risks the participating innovators and connects them to potential
investors, customers, and partners.
This e-book demonstrates how Indian MSMEs are buzzing with cleantech ideas and innovations,
and showcases that the GCIP has had considerable impact in creating a sustainable innovation
ecosystem to nurture ideas and prototypes. In doing so, the GCIP has highlighted and enhanced
green aspects of Indian MSMEs, and has also prepared Indian entrepreneurs to leverage investment and outreach from the emerging global cleantech market.
As GCIP India heads into its third year, results have been extremely positive and encouraging with
a cadre of clean tech entrepreneurs and innovations being brought to fruition.
SU M M ARI ES 20 14
The Idea
Replace conventional sources of energy in small-scale industrial
units with gasification technology.
The Innovation
Biomass gasifier-based micro power projects of capacity from 20 KW
to 2 MW, using technology licensed from the Indian Institute of
Science (IISc).
The gasifier design is open top, down draft, staged air entry system
with cleaning and cooling systems.
The gasifier also has a thermal application in the food, aluminium
melting, powder coating and mineral drying industries.
The Impact
> Reduces CO2 and SO2 emissions
> Cuts down operating costs
> Creates a local biomass economy
The Company
Manufacturers of Biomass Gasifiers, AHE provides sustainable
energy options for grid supply,
captive consumption, and thermal
P Prabakar
Phone:+91 42242 45555,
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Eliminate energy shortages hampering delivery of computer-based
education in developing economies like India.
The Innovation
A hybrid Energy Solution (HES) for computer labs in energy deficient areas for IT education and training, using renewable sources of
energy and shared computing technology.
The compay conducts practical demonstrations of this combination
of shared computing with hybrid energy at educational institutions
and computer labs. Six large scale deployments of Astrics HES has
been made in Bihar so far. The company has also assisted the State
Government of Bihar to adopt the technology in about 2000 government schools.
The Impact
> Over 50% savings in energy costs
> Efficient use of computing power
> Zero Carbon Footprint computer labs
The Company
Astric Solutions is a partnership
company seeking to create a
network of IT/ICT/ITeS training
solution centres across Bihar.
Prabhat Kumar Sinha
Phone:+91 94310 17775
Email: [email protected]
A rSta EC O
The Idea
India produces in excess of 500 million tons per year of agricultural
residue, which goes waste. This can be harnessed to meet energy
needs sustainably.
The Innovation
An integrated technology process model to efficiently convert the
agro residue into clean solid and gaseous energy sources and organic
biochar farm fertilizer.
The gas is used for power generation and the char is further
converted into solid charcoal fuel briquettes and Biochar soil amendment.
The proposed business model is a distributed honeycomb model
where micro units are built at a village cluster level.
The Impact
> Reduction in CO2 emissions
> More efficient utilization of feedstock
> Generates rural jobs
The Company
ArSta Eco is an eco company with
the mission to build and integrate
modern technology with traditional
techniques in a sustainable model.
Shankar MK
Phone:+91 9945650128
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Convert biowaste to energy using micro biomass gasifier technology.
The Innovation
A small biomass gasifier with dry filtrations and minimum tar
content, which is being used to convert biowaste to useful energy.
The product has minimum maintenance needs and its operation is
quite simple. The gasifier is surrounded by a water jacket and has the
capacity to handle multiple fuel sources.
The gasifier is an ideal solution to deliver off grid power to small and
medium scale agro-based industries and villages.
The Impact
> Smallest in size, mobile unit that replaces fossil fuels
> Sound proof system
> Generates rural employment
The Company
Enersol Biopower is one of the
leading manufacturers of biomass
gasifiers for both thermal and
electrical purposes. It also deals in
biogas plants and solar energy products.
Rai Singh
Phone:+91 9414535665
Email: neeru@enersol
The Idea
Combat challenges of water collection, storage and utilization in developing economies through sustainable technologies.
The Innovation
Bioengineering of purification technology to design a solar-enabled,
atmospheric water collection system. It consists of a potable solar
dehumidifier for collection of water from a humid atmosphere, along
with a storage tank (capacity 200l/day) and purifier. The dehumidifier can be used in diverse urban and rural settings, and comes with
a battery backup powered by solar energy.
The dehumidifer allows for low human intervention as maintenance.
The filtration system is through natural fibers and can withstand
conditions up to 12 months.
The Impact
> Ideal for water scarce regions
> A 'Zero Maintenance' product that can last up to 10 years
> Removes the drudgery asociated with water collection
The Company
Enoveo is an environmental bioengineering solutions provider firm,
catering to the treatment of water
and soil pollution.
Ashutosh Padhi
Phone:+91 876 333 39 54
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Create a more sustainable temperature control technology to replace
energy-guzzling conventional ACs.
The Innovation
A solar-wind hybrid coupled air conditioner that produces a refrigerating effect inside a house or office from both solar and wind energy
resources available at the roof top.
Using a power cycle (Rankine cycle) solar energy, the technology
powers a compressor directly coupled to a gas turbine and the wind
turbine through a variable coupler (CVT) with the same shaft. As
there is no conversion of mechanical work into electricity, storing of
electricity in batteries and again converting it through a motor to
mechanical energy to run a compressor is eliminated.
The Impact
> Zero intermittent energy loss
> Low installation and maintenance costs
> Eliminates air pollution from ACs
The Company
Fabonix is a tech start up that
engineering and innovations to
solve problems from industries to
Dhiraj Choudhary
Phone:+91 89841 18749
Email: dhiraj.technophilic
The Idea
A sustainable solution to concerns regarding environmental, ecological and health impacts of untreated wastewater.
The Innovation
Wide area Ultraviolet-C based water purification systems for groundwater, grey, sewage, polluted water and industrial effluents for communities and industries. A working prototype has been engineered,
developed and tested for disinfection and demineralization of industrial effluents and technologically polluted water to achieve clean and
safe water of potable standards.
The prototype is powered by off-the-grid single photo-voltaic panel
(~ 120 watt) and includes commercial off-the-shelf components.
The Impact
> Cost effective and efficient water purification systems
> Has long term implications for decentralization of water infrastructure
The Company
Greenfield Eco Solutions creates
decentralized water systems for
purifying industrial effluents and
technologically polluted water to
safe, clean and cost effective
Dr. K.D. Sharma
Phone:+91 291 2711895
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Reduce fossil fuel dependency among engine manufacturing OEMs by
solving the non-viability of attaining variable compression rates in
internal combustion engines.
The Innovation
A patented RVCR (Rotary Variable Compression Ratio) engine technology for automotive, tractor, marine, stand-alone applications.
Todays engines are single fuel machines and are saturated at current
fuel-efficiency levels, being unable to switch between different fuels
in engines. The RVCR technology enables VCR' feature in engines,
allowing multi-fuel usage in same engine (either fossil or green fuel),
hence enabling a level playing field for green fuels (biofuel, hydrogen, algae -based fuels) to compete with fossil fuels.
The Impact
> Unhooks economy from fossil fuel dependency
> Helps meet stringent of emission regulations
> Higher efficiency, power-density and downsizing in engines
The Company
'GYATK was founded by inventor
Mr. Ajee Kamath to commercialize
his globally patented Disruptive
RVCR Technology.
Ajee Kamath
Phone:+91 9895113495
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Harness the energy dissipated by collapsing cavitation bubbles to
accelerate chemical reactions in water and effluent treatment
The Innovation
The HyCator Reactor System -makes an overall efficiency improvement in a cost effective and environmentally friendly way for applications ranging from effluent treatment, cooling tower water treatment, biogas generation enhancement to chemical processes.
These are standalone, custom designed, skid-mounted units which
can be retrofitted into existing setups with minimum pipeline modification and with no plant stoppage. The company is already deploying prototypes with very encouraging results.
The Impact
> Overall efficiency improvement of a minimum of 15%
> Reduction in processing time, chemicals & energy usage
> Saves large quantities of water
The Company
HyCa Technologies is a research led
emerging company whose products
use in-house patent-pending clean
technology to provide equipmentbased solutions to customers.
Anjan Mukherjee
Phone:+91 9820219947
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Effect energy efficiency and water savings in plastics processing
through process improvement.
The Innovation
A national award winning technology for plastic processing, where
cold water is required for the cooling mould and machine. However,
the water temperature in the system is generally high at about 60
degrees celsius, causing higher production cycle time as the water is
cooled to the required temperature. This system has been modified
to achieve reduction in temperature by 5 degrees celcius.
With this modification, higher productivity, zero waste of water and
saving of energy in running a chilling plant have all been achieved.
The Impact
> Eliminates water wastage
> Direct energy savings by removing chilling plant
> Makes big savings in GHG emissions
The Company
Jagdamba Polymers is a manufacturer of plastic furniture, plastic
household products, toys, PET
performs, catering to general and
industrial consumers.
Phone:+91 6782 241787
Email: cpbhartia@jagdamba
The Idea
Implement process improvements to make the scouring and bleaching
process energy efficient and pollution-free.
The Innovation
The common practice of scouring and bleaching of hosiery cloth is on
closed winches by hot processing, wherein water as medium and coal
for heating up to boiling point is used in large quantities.
By modifying the process of controlling parameters like ph concentration of most compatible chemicals and time at different stages we
could perform the scouring and bleaching process at room temperature with no input of coal. The solution is actively deployed internally
and has achieved significant savings.
The Impact
> Fully eliminates coal consumption
> Reduces water usage by 60%
> No associated air or water pollution
The Company
Jet Knitwears is a manufacturer of
hosiery undergarments since 1969.
Its products are marketed by a well
developed sales network nurtured
by the company.
Balram Kumar Narula
Phone:+91 512 2217553
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Reduce energy wastage and boost energy efficiency of coal-based
The Innovation
A solid flow meter designed for the measurement of coal powder and
fly ash flow rate and totalizing for coal furnace. By measuring these
parameters one can assure that coal is burned properly and fly ash
doesnt contain coal residues.
Specially designed for Indian conditions, the meter is easy to install
and cost-effective. It is applicable in thermal power plants, coal-fired
furnaces, biofuel power plants, etc.
The Impact
> 20-30% cheaper than similar imported meters
> Improves the efficiency of coal fired furnaces
> More accurate than traditional impact-type solid flow meters
The Company
ResponSave is multiple-innovations
led business start-up with a portfolio
of patented and patent-pending
innovations ready for commercialisation, licensing and further R&D.
Kshrip Kumar
Phone:+91 9414068805
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
HDPE/LDPE - polethylene) into fuel oil without polluting the environment.
The Innovation
Neogi waste plastic fuel oil technology - an integrated system of
creating energy from waste which produces fuel oil at par with IS
1593 - 1982 specification (BIS) for fuel oil.
NTR has been successful in demonstrating the process to extract 1
litre of plastic fuel oil from 1 kg. of waste plastic in various exhibitions in many occasions. A commercial prototype for loading 5 kg of
raw material is available. Further R&D has been planned to economize the input energy.
The Impact
> Rids the environment from plastic pollution
> A new and viable addition to the alternativee energy mix
> Lower SO2 content than in conventional fuel oils
The Company
Neogi Technologies & Research has
43 years of engineering excellence,
which helps it design cleantech
solutions for sustainable development.
Samir Kumar Neogi
Phone:+91 09830705545
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Eliminate spillage, misuse and fraudulent practices in the sale of kerosene, petrol, diesel and other fuels.
The Innovation
A solar-powered KDM (Kerosene Dispensing Machine). The machine
has a biometric/Smart Card-based access control system, is tamperproof, and environment-friendly. Designed to work with Indias vast
PDS (Public Distribution System) and network of FPS (Fair Price
Shops), the KDM makes kerosene distribution more convenient and
Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the KDM is
growing popular with each day, and a tanker-mounted mobile
version is being developed for use in other industries.
The Impact
> ensures proper and uniform volumetric distribution of fuel
> Saves large quantities of fuel which otherwise is wasted
> Generates rural employement, especially for women
The Company
Neogi Technologies & Research has
43 years of engineering excellence,
which helps it design cleantech
solutions for sustainable development.
Samir Kumar Neogi
Phone:+91 09830705545
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Make industrial drying processes cost-effective and environmentfriendly.
The Innovation
The Omasil air sasnitizer and solar dryer to dry powders or liquid,
which consists of SS Jacketed floor, glass slides, roof with an air
circulating fan, and hot water in the bottom jacket. Typically, solar
drying in an open area is the classical technique, but Omasil has the
added value of drying in a closed aseptic system to minimise bioburden.
The technology has been validated by third party validators and has
achieved market acceptance.
The Impact
> Minimises the carbon footprint of the drying process
> Cost effective and simple to operate
> No decomposition of product being dried
The Company
Omatek Laboratories Pvt Ltd is a
R&D-based chemical, food, and
pharma company. It is also engaged
in innovation for energy conservation.
Dr Dev Lal Sharma
Phone:+91 9977389813
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Design an outdoor mobility solution powered by renewable energy for
the self-employment and mobility of physically challenged persons.
The Innovation
Ricky - a mobility equipment that is designed to be a shop on a
wheelchair, powered by battery and solar power. The equipment
covers most of the outdoor mobility needs of physically challenged
people, which includes but is not limited to, travel from home to the
sales location, travel to get supplies etc.
The shop is mobile and one can move from place to place to increase
the sales and hence the earning potential of differently abled people.
The equipment is customizable to individual needs and is easy to
The Impact
> Low operating expenses of less than 11 paisa per km
> Capable of handling Indian road conditions
> Operates on renewable energy and is non polluting
The Company
Ostrich Mobility Instruments Pvt
Ltd builds affordable mobility
solutions for people with physical
challenges and designs solutions for
their sustainability and freedom.
Hari Vasudevan
Phone:+91 9341126543
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Create an electricity generator powered by biomass producer gas and
biogas from cow dung to electrify rural and remote areas.
The Innovation
An ignition system to start producer gas generation set and biogasgeneration set, equipped with a control valve to supply gas in the
engine as per required quantity. The generator sets are run purely on
waste such as rice husk, wood waste, sewage, etc.
Currently being used for irrigation in farms and for household lighting, the generators are easy to operate, low on maintenance costs,
and highly mobile.
The Impact
> Clean source of energy
> Makes biowaste valuable for rural communities
> Offsets fossil fuel consumption
The Company
Prakash Diesels are manufacturers
of power generating sets running on
biowaste like rice husk, solidwaste,
and cow dung to generate electricity
and biogas.
Rajesh Garg
Phone:+91 9897445544
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Eliminate wastage of water in power plant boilers, where 2-3% of the
boiler hot water is thrown away every hour.
The Innovation
A unique Boiler Blow Down Heat Recovery Unit (BBHRU), which
heats the incoming boiler feed water to the deaerator on this waste
The BBHRU exchanges heat indirectly, due to which carry over of
high ppm water back to the deaerator is avoided. Further, the Unit
throws the condensed water back to RO land, and there is visible
steaming inside the plant.
The Impact
> Conserves water
> Converts waste heat into usable energy
> Creates a healthier work environment
The Company
Ravi Industries is into design and
manufacturing of process equipment like pressure vessels and Heat
Ravindra M. Pathak
Phone:+91 9822502565
Email: ravindra.pathak@
The Idea
Using energy storage technology to reduce power consumption by
air conditioners.
The Innovation
An energy storing air conditioner that stores thermal energy in the
form of ice within an insulated cabinet attached to the air conditioner. The cooling mechanism is calibrated to make ice, which in
turn is used to cool the air in the room. In this manner, the air conditioner stores power in the form of thermal energy, which can be used
during power failures or for load shifting from peak to off-peakhours.
The innovation is based on patented technology that can be applied
in smaller air conditioners, in which energy storage has so far not
been applied.
The Impact
> Energy efficient air conditioners
> Air cooling even during black outs
> Cost effective in comparison to conventional technology
The Company
ResponSave is multiple-innovations
led business start-up with a portfolio
of patented and patent-pending
innovations ready for commercialisation, licensing and further R&D.
Sanjiv Agarwal
Phone:+91 9831111561
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Transforming waste from agricultural residue into clean energy, while
retaining soil fertility by eliminating burning of agri waste.
The Innovation
Second generation bio diesel from rice straw - a waste byproduct of
rice cultivation. It is estimated that one kg of rice straw has about 370
gms of cellulose, which can produce 280 ml of bio ethanol.
The technology has been tested in the Orissa Institute of Agriculture
& Technology, and in its first phase will have the capacity to produce
15 mega liters (15 million l)/year by processing about 7% of the total
rice straw available. As the Government of India has mandated a 5%
ethanol mix in fuel products, the technology is poised to take off.
The Impact
> Cheaper ethanol than compared to molasses
> Eliminates large quantities of agricultural waste
> Gives farmers value for their crop residue
The Company
Rohit Singhal & Co is a rice milling
company with a capacity of 150 tpd,
and a rice bran-based solvent
extraction unit with a capacity of
150 tpd in Bargarh district of Orissa.
Rohit Singhal
Phone:+91 9438007837
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Remove the energy barrier to the availability and accessibility of high
load industrial sewing machines in electricity scarce areas.
The Innovation
Custom-made machines that can be operated at the rate of 75 watts
per hour, as against the standard machines that utilize 400-500
watts of electricity per hour.
This patent-pending technology seeks to help generate livelihood
options in under developed areas and save on electricity consumption in cities. The companys vision is to augment installation of these
machines with training centres and project sites in garment factories
in rural areas of the country.
The Impact
> Energy efficient garment manufacturing
> Sustainable livelihood generation in rural areas
> Portable and cost effective technology
The Company
Satnam Sewing Machine Company
is a New Delhi-based company that
deals in sales and spares of industrial sewing machines used in the
garment industry.
J.S Pasricha
Phone:+91 9999949444
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Replace fossil fuels with solar energy for thermal applications in
industrial processes and the hybrid power market.
The Innovation
SharperSun - a concentrating solar thermal industrial boiler that
concentrates solar heat on multi-pan plate throughout the day using
a cradle-like energy efficient sun tracking system.
The innovation has one of the largest aperture troughs for process
heat application, and a modular structure that can easily fit industrial spaces.
Since the product is modular, it is easier to scale up for larger size
projects from the existing 150 KWth model.
The Impact
> Quick payback to customers for displacing fossil fuels
> Offsets sizeable quantities of air pollution
> Drastic reduction in operating costs
The Company
Founded in 2009, Energy Guru
produces SharperSun - a Concentrating Solar Thermal system
empanelled with the Ministry of
New & Renewable Energy, Government of India.
Geetanjali Patil Choori
Phone:+91 997 559 1062
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Address the challenges of storing life saving drugs and vaccines in
electricity parched areas.
The Innovation
Domestic type Solar thermal refrigeration - a system of refrigeration
using solar heat directly or with the help of agro wastes.
The equipment comprises of a Solar Concentrator with electropolished aluminum reflector and Heat Receiving Element (HRE)
made of SS/Copper tube or chamber at its foci, coated with absorptive coating, with the whole solar system to be integrated with
absorption type refrigerator. The reflector concentrates and focus the
solar radiation on HRE. Thermic fluid in HRE, heated by the solar
radiation, supply heat to the absorption type cooler. Hot thermic
fluid is stored in an insulated storage tank for using when the solar
radiation is absent or not sufficient.
The Impact
> A standalone system not dependent on grid power
> Environment friendly technology not producing any GHG
> Cost effective and simple to use
The Company
Surya Engineering Pvt. Ltd. develops and manufactures Solar
thermal devices and is developing
Solar thermal Powered refrigeration systems particularly for use in
the remote and rural areas.
Soumitra De
Phone:+91 9831180250
Email: soumitrade2011@
The Idea
Improve the efficiency of ceiling fans to drastically reduce power
consumption by the estimated 350 million celing fans in use in India.
The Innovation
Superfan - India's first super efficient ceiling fan that consumes a
mere of 35W of electricity compared to 75W by regular fans, while
delivering the same amount of air.
The product does not use troublesome regulators and comes with a
sleek and durable remote to control its speed. Constructed with
highly efficient, durable and cost-effective BLDC motor technology,
the speeds are precise and stable even when the supply voltage
varies, even at as low as 140V or as high as 300V.
The Impact
> Slashes energy consumption by more than half
> Air flow efficiency greater than the energy star requirements
> Cost effective and environment friendly cooling
The Company
Versa Drives Private Limited
(VDPL) specialises in design and
manufacture of motor controls,
BLDC motors and super efficient
ceiling fans.
Sundararajan M.
Phone:+91 9442527999
Email: [email protected]
SU M M ARI ES 20 15
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Create an energy efficient alternative to conventional gas cooking technology.
The Innovation
Energy efficient burners - a patented technology developed for use in
kitchens that utilize LPG and other fuels. The equipment is noiseless,
flameless and smokeless and provides uniform radiant heat. This
enables tastier and healthier food due to uniform heat across the
vessel and preservation of moisture in the food.
The technology has not only been validated but also been certified for
highest thermal efficiency at 69%. These burners are eco-friendly as
they do not emit carbon soot and significantly bring down the ambient heat in kitchens.
The Impact
> Saves more than 30% LPG
PG compared to normal burners
> Conserves water and detergent in industrial kitchens
> Enables a cleaner, greener cooking environment
The Company
Agnisumukh is a start up led by a
team which has developed indigenously developed technology for
domestic and industrial food preparation.
Hari Rao
Phone:+91 9412092982
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Design a solution to the challenges of security, energy theft and poor
housekeeping of ATM sites.
The Innovation
WR600 (Web Remote 6 series) is a platform that automates and
monitors unmanned sites that consume significant electricity such as
Bank ATMs.
Using simple low-cost sensors and business rules, WR600 enables
detection of theft and wastage of electricity and alerts relevant
authorities to take corrective action. One caretaker can operate &
monitor 200+ ATMs from a remote network operation centre using
sensor based smart e-surveillance and rule based energy management system.
The Impact
> Reduces costs of operating ATMs without losing control of the sites.
> Energy vigilance at low costs for banks, restaurants, retail shops,
fuel stations, vending machines, and dairy farms.
The Company
Ahoy Systems Pvt Ltd develops
scalable internet of things (IoT)
solutions to save money and drive
efficiency in operations for customers cutting across sectors and
Amit Soni
Phone:+91 9810541423
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Address the paucity of low-cost clean energy for household use by using
biomass resources.
The Innovation
Pine needle-based biomass power generation systems for heating,
cooking, and lighting.
Electricity is generated through gasification of pine needles and the
residual ash from the process is briquetted into charcoal. While these
briquettes meet cooking energy needs in the villages, reliable supply
of electricity will create facilities for an entrepreneurial ecosystem in
rural areas, creating a positive impact at every stage of the value
The Impact
> Reduces carbon emissions
> Regenerating biodiversity
> Generates rural employment
The Company
Avani Bio Energy is a clean energy
company, which employs local
people to generate clean electricity
and cooking charcoal from ecologically harmful and abundantly
available biomass.
Rajnish Jain
Phone:+91 9412092982
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Create a low-cost clean energy solution for households by deploying
small wind turbines.
The Innovation
A low-cost Small Wind Turbine (SWT) with minimum viable features
to provide reliable power to residential & commercial customers in
coastal and windy regions. The product uses a patent-pending indigenous technology in partnership with the world's largest DC group
Emerge Alliance.
The SWT generates a minimum of 120 kwh/month/KW (scalable
upwards as required) and has the potential to reach and benefit
approximately 7.4 million domestic consumers using less than 150
kwh/month in Kerala state alone.
The Impact
> Low-cost, easy to use, and low maintenance
> Reliable and clean energy
> Enables income generation via grid paybacks
The Company
Avant Garde Innovations is a start up
aiming to introduce innovative,
affordable and sustainable solutions
that take renewable energy self
sufficiency to the next level.
Arun George
Phone:+91 9412092982
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Address the challenge of safe disposal of rice husk ash - a waste product
of rice husk-based fuel used in biomass gasifiers and industry boilers.
The Innovation
A technology to extract an advanced grade of silica from rice husk
ash. This silica - Highly Dispersible Silica (HDS) - is used in tyres and
can reduce rolling resistance of tyres and improve fuel consumption
of vehicles by 5-7%.
Every year more than 12-15 million tons of ash is generated globally,
which is either dumped in open grounds or land-filled. The
companys technology uses this waste and produces an advanced
grade of silica from it.
The Impact
> Helps rice husk fuel producers monetize their waste
> HDS reduces fuel consumption of vehicles
> Mitigates GHG emissions
The Company
Bridgedots Tech Services Pvt Ltd is
a leading technology solutions
provider for the chemical and allied
industries in India and around the
Tanmay Pandya
Phone:+91 8377946604
Email: tanmay.pandya@
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Capture industrial emissions at the point of release and convert them
into usable nano material.
The Innovation
A ground-breaking, patented technology that transforms waste
carbon emissions from industries into a form of Nano-material
called Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs). CNTs produced from the process
are used to make composite materials like rubber or aluminum
stronger and more lightweight.
The technology consists of a reactor that affixes to factory smokestacks and produces CNTs from carbon emissions on site. The reactors successfully capture 70% of the total emissions from the factories.
The Impact
> Creates value from emissions without harming the environment
> Carbon-neutral production of CNTs
> 70% reduction in carbon emissions
The Company
Carbon Continuum is a Bangalorebased nanotechnology company
that holds the patent to manufature
CNTs from carbon emissions.
Venkatesan K R
Phone:+91 7411241179
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Design end-to-end energy efficient solutions for the steel and allied
industries using customizable hardware.
The Innovation
A furnace developed for forging operations in the hand tool industry,
which consumes 26 kg LPG per ton of production against the
national average of 90 kg per ton of production.
The processor in the furnace adjusts LPG and air quantity so that
consumption of gas remains nearer to the lower end. This furnace is
equipped with very good thermal insulation so that skin temperature
do not exceed 55 degrees celcius. The furnace is also equipped with
an automatic APQP system for selection of optimum fuel consumption.
The Impact
> Reduces fuel consumption,
> Enhances profitability and reduces GHG emissions
> Reduces the temperature on the work floor by 6-10 C
The Company
Delta Energy Nature manufactures
cleantech hardware and provides
services to customers for energy
conservation and cost effective
Gurinderjeet Singh
Phone:+91 9316523651
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Design and develop a monitoring and evaluation system to optimize
energy usage.
The Innovation
SmartSense- an assembled product that is used to monitor live
energy consumption at any given point in time by any power/energy
consuming device. In development is a further enhancement that
offers energy intelligence through a proprietary analytics engine.
The user is charged a nominal fee for accessing the data on his or her
internet-enabled devices, with subsequent annual charges for maintaining the same.
The Impact
> Reduces fuel consumption,
> Enhances profitability and reduces GHG emissions
> Reduces the temperature on the work floor by 6-10 C
The Company
Ecolibrium Energy is a technology
Company based out of Ahmedabad,
Gujarat, and working in the domain
of Energy Intelligence.
Chintan Soni
Phone:+91 9662044680
Email: chintan.soni@
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Use available energy to provide air conditioning in LPG and CNG
The Innovation
Captive Energy Recovery - a system that uses readily available cooling energy from the expansion of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) to
a gaseous state, to cool the cabin of LPG vehicles. This cooling of 92
Watts/ Kg of LPG occurs without the need of any compressor or
condenser assembly.
The technology takes up the Latent Heat of Evaporation, generating
a very high amount of high quality cooling without the need for additional fuel consumption. In scientific parlance this cooling is termed
as the Joule Thompson Effect.
The Impact
> Eliminates the need for additional fuel to run vehicle
ehicle ACs
> Reduction in vehicular emissions
> Makes LPG vehicles comfortable at no additional running cost
The Company
Green Cooling and Energy Regeneration is based out of Lucknow,
and focuses on delivering sustainable cooling solutions for automobiles.
Aninda Sircar
Phone:+91 9838715861
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Using clean technology to enable sustainable food preservation and
reduce wastage of food.
The Innovation
Hot N Cool is a product which achieves maximum efficiency to dry
and preserve any perishable product by utilizing waste heat from
cold storage units.
In one thermodynamic cycle one can utilize condensation heat for a
hot room by using fresh air fans, exhaust fans, water pumps and by
modifications in the condenser fan coil unit.
In addition, one can easily convert old air conditioning/refrigeration
plants for hot storage using the product.
The Impact
> Saves upto 95% of electricity by utilizing cold storage waste heat
to run a hot storage
> Eliminates wastage of food
The Company
Hot N Cool Store is a Pune-based
company that is a pioneer in hot and
cold storage technology, and serves
customers in the hospitality and
food processing sectors.
Rajendra Ladkat
Phone:+91 9226759450
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Make a series of process improvements to cut down energy use in
hosiery manufacturing.
The Innovation
Jet has eliminated the process of boiling the cloth in Kiers with
harmful chemicals, which has removed the need for coal and water.
It has successfully introduced bleaching through a unique Cold
Bleaching Process at room temperature for the first time, and eliminated the use of caustic soda from the bleaching process.
It has also developed modified pole dryers for drying wet processed
cloth. This has resulted in thermal energy saving.
The Impact
> Reduction in power consumption in the knitting process by 32%
> Ending coal and chemical consumption in Kiers
> Garments with a small carbon footprint
The Company
Jet Knitwears is a manufacturer of
hosiery undergarments since 1969.
Its products are marketed by a well
developed sales network nurtured
by the company.
Balram Kumar Narula
Phone:+91 512 2217553
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Create a more energy efficient and cost effective solution to improve
conveyor belt processes in industrial plants.
The Innovation
The Hybrid Idler - used in conveyors from mines to factories in the
steel, cement, mining and power sectors. The Idler developed by the
company has a high abrasion resistance which has extended equipment life 10-fold.
The unique combination of polymer and ceramic powder is coated on
the idler by a casting method, and hence is an integral part of the
unit. Hybrid Idler is a joint patent with Tata Steel, which has
deployed the product with great success.
The Impact
> Long
ong lasting - about 8-10 times higher life than normal idlers
> Low
ow coefficient of friction and 10-12% energy efficient compared
to conventional idlers
The Company
Jamshedpur-based start up that
develops energy efficient products
for heavy industries.
Manoj Kumar
Phone:+91 9204750294
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Design a technological intervention to reduce chromium pollution from
traditional rollers in the cotton ginning industry.
The Innovation
A self-grooving rubber roller to be used as a substitute for chromeleather rollers in Double Roller Ginning Machines used for ginning
cotton, patented jointly with Central Institute for Research on Cotton
Technology (CIRCOT).
Grooving of the roller in the machines is not required since the roller
automatically generates workable grooves while running. The modified machines give very good ginning performance and the one time
investment on the modification is paid back within a short period of
six months.
The Impact
> Eliminates chromium pollution caused by leather rollers
> Improves
es ginning efficiency by 25% and lint output by 30%
> Reduces power consumption by 15%
The Company
Millennium Rubber Tech
formed in 2000 with a business
plan to manufacture rubber and
other polymer based products,
including specialty products for
high technology applications.
Noby Joseph
Phone:+91 9349760014
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Develop an off-grid and renewable energy-powered cold storage
solution for the first mile of our food chain.
The Innovation
GreenCHILL - an off-grid, compressor-less & renewable energypowered refrigeration system that uses farm waste (biogas, cowdung cakes, biomass pellets, dead wood, husk, hay, bamboo waste,
etc.), biomass gasifiers (producer gas) or waste heat of generators for
cooling to refrigerate food products.
The innovation can chill 500 1,000 litres of milk or 5 10 MT of
fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish and other horticultural produce without using grid power or diesel generators.
The Impact
> Sustainable solution to wastage of food
> Converts agricultural waste into energy
> Zero-emission cooling
The Company
New Leaf Dynamic Technologies is
a New Delhi-based company
committed to the development of
sustainable cooling solutions for
industrial and household use.
Akash Agarwal
Phone:+91 9810816292
Email: akash@
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Recover waste heat from chiller and compressor units, and reuse it as
heat energy.
The Innovation
ChillerMate - an innovative waste heat recovery system that is
sustainable and cost effective.
Over 50% of input energy to industrial applications is typically
wasted as heat to the environment. ChillerMate recovers this heat
and puts it to use as heat energy. Technology for this product has
been developed at IIT Bombay. The product has wide applicability
across a lot of industries including chemicals, food and beverages,
textiles, hospitality and automotive sectors.
The Impact
> Reduces the fuel required
uired by an industrial plant by upto 70%
> Reduces heating costs by upto 75%
> Rapid payback period of a few months
The Company
Promethean Energy builds unique
waste heat recovery solutions for
industrial and commercial applications, deploying cutting edge
technologies to tap into sources of
waste heat and recover them.
KP Ashwin
Phone:+91 9167516848
Email: ashwinkp@promethean
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Design sustainable and clean technologies for the niche foundry business.
The Innovation
Ecoflex an acronym for 'Economical & Flexible Plant' - sand plant
Ecoflex was designed by Rhino based on its experience of making
sand plants over the last 2 decades. It is a single configuration product with different capacities and has been introduced in the small
Twelve systems are operational, and the company is now looking to
take the product to medium and large foundries.
The Impact
> 50% reduction in power use in production equipment
> 70% reduction in energy use in dust collection systems
> Clean, efficient and sustainable foundries
The Company
Rhino Machines Pvt Ltd is a fully
fledged manufacturing firm that
produces machines & projects for
foundries for Sand Casting in all
processes of updated technologies.
Manish Kothari
Phone:+91 9227124977
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Reduction in Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) in steel plant induction furnaces through preheating of raw materials with cheaper alternate fuels.
The Innovation
Electrical Energy Switching to cheaper biofuel, a first of its kind
innovation in India where alternate fuels are used to preheat raw
materials outside the induction furnace.
This patented technology has the potential to save secondary steel
manufacturers 7,200,000 KWH/ year or 7.2 GWH/ year, which is
equivalent to 6.48 Tonnes of Carbon Equivalent per year per 10 ton
induction furnace. The technology is also cost effective, with payback
of investment in only four months.
The Impact
> 40% savings in electrical energy
> 35% increase in production
> 40% reduction in CO2 emissions
The Company
SEVAT is promoted by technocrats,
and is engaged in implementing
energy saving projects in Steel
Philip G Ittyerah
Phone:+91 9387676039
Email: philip.ittyerah@
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Using anaerobic digestion to cleanly convert organic waste into
biogas and organic fertilizer.
The Innovation
The worlds first of its kind sugar cane waste to bio gas plant by Spectrum handles 100 tonnes of sugar cane waste per day, converting it to
biogas, and then blending this biogas with 12,000 cubic metres of
biogas obtained from spent wash digestion, which is cleaned and
scrubbed for the removal of H2S and CO2.
This produces about 8,000 kg of compressed biogas with high methane content and 30 tonnes of organic manure on a daily basis. The
company contends that it is the first instance of converting agroindustry waste into fuel energy on such a large scale.
The Impact
> Substitutes fossil fuel use
> Generates rural employment
> Sustainable off-grid power for villages
The Company
Spectrum Renewable Energy is a
global biogas company dedicated to
providing innovative RE solutions
for the organic waste management
and agriculture sectors.
AV Mohanrao
Phone:+91 9000505670
Email: [email protected]
The Idea
Improve agricultural productivity through sustainable technologies to
empower the Indian farmer.
The Innovation
SmartAgri - Wireless Sensor Network-based monitor/control for
farm irrigation. SmartAgri proposes to eventually achieve a real-time
feedback system which monitors and controls all the activities of the
agricultural irrigation process.
SmartAgris successful implementation can achieve effective water
management, improve homogeneity in resource usage (water, fertilizer, etc) of agricultural land, visualize and map temperature, humidity, and moisture parameters.
The Impact
> Effective usage and minimal wastage of water resources
> Enhances profit from harvests
> Reduces the carbon footprint
The Company
An agritech company based in
Tamil Nadu, TTPL focuses on bringing clean technology to benefit the
Indian agricultural industry.
Dr.V. Viswanathan
Phone:+91 9566901583
Email: [email protected]
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
The Idea
Develop solutions and technologies for the printing industry that
conforms to global environmental standards.
The Innovation
A UV LED-based technology which is very heavily used in printing
and packaging sector for coating and associated purposes.
The product consumes very little energy compared to other products
working with conventional technology. It works in a single phase,
enables immediate lightning up, has a narrow range spectrum of 395
nm constant, and can be easily powered by renewable sources of
The product is designed by Ventechs own technical teams.
The Impact
> Substitutes fossil fuel use
> Generates rural employment
> Sustainable off-grid power for villages
The Company
Ventech, based in Mumbai, is
India's solitary manufacturer of
high-performance UV LED for the
printing industry.
Brijesh Maurya
Phone:+91 9757243052
Email: brijeshmaurya1992@
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
Aryaman Saxena
Aryaman holds a degree of Bachelors in Law from the prestigious
NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. He is currently employed
with a Public Sector undertaking involved in several Infrastructure
and Intellectual Property-related initiatives under implementation
by the Union Government. He has been on the Board of Editors for
the Journal for Corporate Affairs and Corporate Crimes and Journal for IP issues. He also a founding member for the bi-annual
Consumer Law Reporter.
Ashok Toshniwal
Ashok Toshniwal is Executive Director & CEO of Universal Instruments Manufacturing Company Pvt. Ltd. His core areas of operation
are power & energy, EPC contracting, and engineering consultancy.
Renewable energy is a love affair and a passion for Ashok, beginning
in 1986 when he developed a solar power controller for unmanned
offshore oil platforms. He is an Executive Committee member of the
Consortium of Electronic Industries of Karanataka, and a member of
several national industry associations. He was voted as the Mentor of
the Year in GCIP 2015 by participants.
Deepak Gadhia
Deepak Gadhia has done his Process and Environmental Engineering in Berlin. He started Gadhia Solar Energy System Pvt. Ltd.
which brought Parabolic Solar Concentrator technology to India in
co-operation with the developers and successfully commercialized
the technology in India. The company has undertaken prestigious
projects like the worlds largest Solar Steam Cooking System at
Shirdi Temple, which cooks 50,000 meals per day with steam
generated from Solar Concentrators.
Gyanesh Pandey
Gyanesh is a serial entrepreneur engaged in the fields of energy,
electrification, distributed manufacturing, and sustainability. He has
innovated solutions in waste-to-energy systems, metering and monitoring systems, production technologies, solar systems, and skill
development. He has been a consultant to different government
organizations as well as leading multi-national corporations.
Gyanesh has a master's degree in Electric Power and Power Electronics from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, and a Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering from Banaras Hindu University.
Karthik Chandrasekar
Karthik Chandrasekar is CEO of Sangam Ventures, a seed and early
stage venture fund that invests to improve access to sustainable
energy and resource productivity solutions. Earlier, he led cleantech
investments in India for Acumen Fund. He has also worked with
TVS Capital Funds, developing investment theses for providing basic
services in water, energy and agriculture. Karthik has also worked in
the banking and financial services sector with Goldman Sachs and
Merrill Lynch. He holds an MBA from Chicago Booth, MS in Public
Policy from Carnegie Mellon and a B. Tech from IIT Bombay.
Nagaraja Rao
Nagaraja Rao is Asia Regional Coordinator for Climate Technology
Initiative - Private Financing Advisory Network (CTI PFAN), hosted
by UNIDO and REEEP. He is also the Coordinator for the Asia
Forum for Clean Energy Finance. He has actively mentored clean
energy and renewable energy projects across Asia, Africa and
Eastern Europe. He has over three decades of experience in corporate finance and retail finance; working capital management, leasing,
hire purchase, factoring, trade finance etc.
Ramesh Gupta
Ramesh is an entrepreneur with twenty years of technology experience and has built products scaling to large number of devices and
supporting millions of users in real-time. He is CEO of LoudCell,
which helps organizations and industrial units save diesel and
eliminate energy wastage. He has led development of hardware and
software systems in various verticals with several startups in
Silicon Valley that have had successful IPOs and acquisitions.
Ramesh holds an MS from Supercomputing Education and
Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Shuvendu Bose
Shuvendu Bose is an Executive Director at Ernst & Young, having
extensive experience in the managerial, technical and operational
issues associated with energy systems design, energy economics,
energy conservation and emission trading. He also has extensive
experience in climate change policy development and CDM projects.
His skill sets include - energy efficient system design assessment,
market and sector development analysis for alternative energy
technologies, and entry strategy for renewable investments.
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
Sudhir Singh
Sudhir Singh is an Energy & Environment professional working
with UNIDO with more than 13 years of experience in both
thermal and renewable energy. He has worked in various areas
like Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Project Planning,
etc. He did his ME (Power) and MFM (Finance) and is also pursuing his Master in Business Law from National Law School of India
University, Bangalore.
Umesh Bhutoria
Umesh Bhutoria is the founder and CEO of E-Cube Energy.
Passionate about making energy efficiency simple, scaleable and
sustainable, he has over six years of experience in the Energy
Efficiency and Carbon Markets sectors. He is also an emerging
thought leader in the use of Energy Data Analytics to foster
energy efficiency in SMEs and MSMEs. His publications on
Energy Analytics have a combined viewership of more than
12,500 on SlideShare.
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India
Vivek Adhia
Vivek Adhia is currently Head of Business Engagement at World
Resources Institute (WRI) India, working with the private sector
to promote stewardship, innovation and an alternate response to
climate change. He has extensively worked with the corporate
sector on areas such as climate strategy, carbon footprinting and
abatement, water footprinting, and environmental mapping. He
also led a workstream on Collaborative Innovation with the World
Economic Forumcovering the areas of biorefineries, energy
harnessing and alternative materials.
Cleanovators!: Outstanding Projects From The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme - India