Stats 265 Practice Final Paper Review
Stats 265 Practice Final Paper Review
Stats 265 Practice Final Paper Review
1. Show that Var(aY1 bY2 ) = a2 Var(Y1 ) + b2 Var(Y2 ) 2abCov(Y1 , Y2) with Cov =
E(Y1 Y2 ) E(Y1 )E(Y2 ).
2. Prove the Tchebysheffs Theorem: P ( k < Y < + k) 1
3. Suppose random variable Y follows a normal distribution with mean and variance 2 ,
find the mean and variance of Y using two methods.
(a) By definition.
(b) Using moment-generating function
4. Suppose that 60% of the students regularly attend the lectures, 20% attend once a while,
and 20% do not attend. If a student attend lectures, her/his chance of obtaining an A
is 5%; if a student attends lectures once a while, her/his probability of obtaining an A
is 2 %; if a student does not attend lectures, her/his chance is 1%. Randomly select one
student who obtains an A, what is the probability that this student does not attend
5. Suppose that emergency calls to 911 follow a Poisson distribution with an average of 3
calls per minute. Find the probability that
(a) 6 calls in a period of 2 minutes.
(b) At most 2 calls in a period of 2 minutes
(c) 2 calls in the first minute of a 2 minutes period, given that 6 calls occur in the
entire period.
6. Suppose Y has density function
(a) Find k.
for 0 < y 1
k(2 y) for 1 < y < 2
f (y) =
Practice Questions for STAT 265 Final Exam, December 14, 2015
(b) Let Y be the number of questions that David is not sure. If it takes David 5
minutes to solve a question that he is sure and (4Y 2 + 16) minutes to finish all
those questions that he is not sure. Let X be the total time that David finishes
the exam. Find the expected value and variance of X.
8. Suppose random variable Y follows a normal distribution with mean and variance 2 ,
find the mean and variance of Y using two methods.
(a) By definition.
(b) Using moment-generating function
9. Suppose random variable Y follows a gamma distribution with density function
y 1 e
f (y) =
(a) Find k.
for 0 < y 1
k(2 y) for 1 < y < 2
f (y) =
Practice Questions for STAT 265 Final Exam, December 14, 2015
f (y) =
If a random sample of size n is taken from a Weibull distributed population, find the
distribution function and density function for Y(1) = min{Y1 , Y2 , , Yn }.
(a) Find the density function of Y(1) .
(b) Find E[Y(1) ].