EDUC 122 Classroom Management Plan

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Miss Coops Kindergarten Classroom

Camp Kindergarten
Classroom Management Plan
Chelsea Coop


Classroom Organization
Physical Layout...........................................................................Pg. 4
Record Keeping.........................................................................Pg. 5
Welcoming New Students.......................................................Pg. 6
Classroom Helpers...................................................................Pg. 7
Desk Cleanliness......................................................................Pg. 8
Displaying Student Work........................................................Pg. 8
Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethics
Establishing Group Rules/Expectations..............................Pg. 9
Consequences........................................................................Pg. 10
Rule Infractions.......................................................................Pg. 11
Student Disrespect Toward Teachers/Students.................Pg. 11
Student Motivation/Getting Work Done.............................Pg. 12
Cheating............................................Pg. 12
Tardiness.......................................................Pg. 13
Parent/Administrator Involvement....Pg. 13
Professional Behavior...Pg. 14
Classroom Routines and Procedures
Morning Routine......................Pg. 15
Student Sharing.....................................................................Pg. 16
Free Time................................................................................Pg. 16
Field Trips.................................Pg. 16
Homework/Handing in Papers...........................................Pg. 17
Passing out Papers/Announcements.............................Pg. 17
Dismissals...........................................................Pg. 18
Bathroom Procedure/Getting a Drink.Pg.18
Going to SpecialsPg. 19

Differentiation Policy
Assisting Struggling Students.............................................Pg. 20
Gifted Students.....................................................................Pg. 20
Parents/Guardians................................................................Pg. 21
Conferences.Pg. 21

Classroom Organization
Ms. Coops Kindergarten

Physical Layout:

Teacher Desk
and Trash

In kindergarten classrooms today, many appear to be very disorganized, clustered and

crowded due to all of storage, desks, and materials needed to teach the curriculum of a
kindergarten class. For my class, I wanted to design a kindergarten room that is less cluttered
and more organized for the student and the teacher. Within my design, I was able to
incorporate centers to promote content learning, windows to bring in the natural light and
bring in the comfortability of a safe place for the student to be.
When you first walk into my room, there is a bulletin board that will display important
parent information such as the lunch and class schedule as well as our camper of the week
which will display a student and list their favorite items as well as pictures they would like to
share. On the right side of the entry door, there is a bathroom for the students to use. During
this age, some students are still in the process of using the bathroom correctly so I wanted to
incorporate one so I am able to keep an eye on them. On the left is where the art center and
the student desks are located. I wanted to use wood lament floors in this area since students
will be working with paints and other materials with art so it will be an easier clean up. Next to
the bathroom are the student cubbies and coat hooks for the student hang up their coats and
backpacks. Further into the room is where the majority of the centers are located. Above each
center will have a fun, decorative sign of what each center is. Next to the student cubbies is the
exploration center where the student will explore materials in nature such as leaves, sand and

water. Next to this center is the science and math center where the student is able to use
blocks and other types of manipulatives when working in the math and science content area.
In my classroom, I wanted to incorporate a literacy corner and a writing center. I believe
reading and writing are vital and should be subjected to their own section. In the literacy
corner, I included a comfy couch, bean bag chair as well as a bookshelf full of books that are
organized in different subjects. The writing center is located next to the authors chair where
there are four chairs set up at a table where the student will be able to write and share their
stories in class during Authors chair. I also incorporated a home education center where
students can use their imagination to play house or dress up.
I put my desk in between the students desks and the authors chair so I have an overall
view of the classroom where I am able to watch and observe my students while they are
working and exploring in the content centers. Next to my desk is the elmo projector where I will
be able to project items on the whiteboard when needed in a lesson. In general, my
kindergarten classroom design fits the needs of the student and teacher by addressing all
aspects of the curriculum in a fun, organized and less cluttered atmosphere where it will make
learning enjoyable for the student as well as the teacher.

Record Keeping:
At the beginning of the school year, I will receive my class roster which I will enter into a
spread sheet, my school districts software as well as a hard copy record book to keep as a
backup incase records are lost on the computer. In the record book, I will record students
attendance and their progress among different content areas. Since I am teaching Kindergarten,
I will monitor more with the student on formative assessment by checking to see their progress
in a certain content then give a summative assessment individually to see if they have mastered
the given standard or benchmark for their grade. I will enter their progress and overall
summative grade to see if they have passed that standard or benchmark into the record book
which will be visible to the students parents on the school districts software.
Every week I will upload the students attendance and current progress in specific
content areas onto the software where the parent will be able to log in and see how their child
is doing. At the beginning of the year, a parent will receive a log in username for the schools
district software to individually check in and see their students current progress. This will not
only keep the parents informed and bring a sense of communication about their child but as
well protect the students privacy and identity. On the software, I will write comments about
the student during that given week that reflect on the student both academically and
behaviorally which will allow the parent to write a response either on the report or email me to
set up a time to discuss the needs of the student.

Welcoming New Students:

Coming to a new school can always be a nerve racking but yet exciting experience for a
student, especially when entering kindergarten. As an educator, one of my main goals is to
make my classroom a warm, inviting and safe place for the student to enter when learning
academic and social content. When a new student comes to my classroom, I will greet the
student individually at the door with the parent. Meeting the student at the door with
welcoming arms begins the relationship I will have with the student as well with the parent or
guardian. This will help establish a trusting and caring relationship not only with the student but
their parent/guardian as well.
Once entering the classroom, I will direct the student to where the coat racks are to
hang up their coat and bag. I will then escort the student to their seat and introduce the new
student to the other students at their table. At this time, I will give the student a welcome
folder that has important information about or class and the school for the parent, a welcome
letter, coloring pages for the student and information that needs to be filled out to be returned
to me.
At the beginning of class, I will have the students come to the carpet where I will
introduce the student. I will state to the class Good morning Camp Kindergarten campers, we
have a new camper joining us! I will have the student state their name and the rest of the class

will great the student and ask questions to get the know the student such as what is their
favorite color, food, movie etc. This will start to help build relationships among the class and
new student. For the remainder of the day, I will ask a fellow classmate to help guide the new
student around and check in with the student during the day and before class dismissal to see
how the student is and if any accommodations need to be made for the student.

Classroom Helpers:
In my classroom, students will learn the value of responsibility and helping one another.
Students will gain the understanding that being
responsible and helping each other out will not
only develop or character but help build our
classroom climate which will make for an
effective classroom. Every Monday during our
morning routine, we will sit at the carpet and
rotate our jobs so each student is aware of what
their duty is for the week and ask any questions
they may have about their job if they are
assigned one during that week. The job duties
will be located on a bulletin board next to the
white board that is visible for the student to see. The bulletin will state Campers Helping
Hands and will have the jobs listed below it. Each student will have their name written on an
outline of their individual hand cut out and will place it next to the job they are assigned that
specific week. The jobs will include line leader, caboose, lights, sanitizer and door holder. Since
these students are kindergartners, the helper list is short due to many
students are starting to learn a small amount of responsibility. Each
student will be placed in a group of five where their group will be on a
rotation with the other groups in the class.

Desk Cleanliness:
In order for the student to be fully engaged and active in their
learning, having a clean workspace and environment is essential. At
each students table, there will be a chair folder that wraps around the
back of their chair. Students will put their class materials in their chair
folder that need to be kept in the classroom such as their take home folder to add assignments
and documents to throughout the week to take home the following Friday. This will help keep
unnecessary clutter off of their table and gives the students more workspace. In the center of
each table will be tins that are filled with pencils for the students to use. When students need
to use their pencil box that contains their markers, color pencils etc. they will be placed in a

cubby above their assigned coat hook where it will be easy access for the student as well as be
free of clutter on their desk.
Since many children can get sick during the flu season, every Friday students will receive
a Lysol wet wipe to help wipe down their table as well as their individual chair and other desk
areas in the classroom. This will help prevent germs being spread as well as students becoming
ill and missing school. Every week I will keep a tally system on the board to see which table has
kept the most clutter free table during that week. Whichever table has the most tallies wins a
lunch date with me where I will either eat lunch with them in the cafeteria or the students can
come eat lunch with me in the classroom. This will not only build responsibility among the
students but also build on the relationship and communication I will have with the students
when earning lunch time with me.

Displaying Student Work:

In my classroom, I want my students to be proud of their accomplishments. In order for
students to feel confident in their overall well-being, displaying their art or certain activities
they feel that they succeeded well in will help boost that confidence and show pride in the
progress they have made. On one of the bulletins in the classroom, each month I will sit with
the students to discuss a topic they would like to draw or write about. Whatever the students
decide on, each student will draw or write something related to the topic of their choosing, and
will post it on that specific bulletin board. Letting students pick what to post gives them a sense
of ownership and free reign as well as responsibility within the classroom. The bulletin board
will be changed monthly where the students will think of a new topic each month.
If a student is the camper of the week the student will pick one-two items they have
done so far in the school year that they feel proud of and post it on the board. This will let the
student to individually pick work that they are either proud or feel that they succeed in and
wants the rest of the class to see. I as well will pick a piece of work that I feel the student has
either progressed in especially in a specific content area or a piece of art that I feel they did
exceptionally well on. This will help build the students self-confidence and remind them that
they should always be proud of their work and progress.
Depending on space, When the students are working on big class projects, I will post
each students art or work in the hallway for the rest of the school and parents to see. If the
student is not a camper of the week they will still have work displayed for others to see that
they will be proud of.

Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethics

Establishing Group Rules/Expectations:

Since this is a kindergarten class, we will spend a lot of time on classroom procedures
and rules throughout the year. Most children coming into a classroom for the first time are
unaware of what the expectations are such as behavior, mannerisms, and respons ibility while
being in a school setting. In order for the students to have an exciting, fun experience where
they feel safe and invited, I will administer the classroom rules and procedures with a positive
mind and aspect. As a kindergarten teacher, you need to keep in mind that many of these
students are adapting to a new environment where certain rules and expectations are different
than their household so having the patience to work with the students throughout the year is
an important mindset to be in.
Within the first few weeks, we will practice and and discuss the classroom procedures
and expectations. Students will practice how to line up in line, where to put their hands while
standing in line, how to sit on the carpet, and what their behavior should be when a student or
the teacher is talking. These are important aspects that students need to learn and
comprehend when entering a classroom setting.
As stated, since these are kindergartners, the classroom rules will be
general rules that every student needs to follow while in a classroom.
Throughout the school year, students will be constantly reminded to listen,
raise their hand, have quiet mouths when someone is talking, have walking
feet, helping hands and a caring heart. These rules will be routinely
practiced at the
beginning of the year
and will be carried
throughout the rest of
the school year.

In order to monitor
behavior, students will
be using a Camper
Behavior chart to help
keep the student as well
as me in check with
their behavior for the
day. Every day, each
student will start at
ready to camp. If the
student exhibits being
on task, productive and
being a nice caring

helper towards others, they can move their name to the top of the chart depending on how
well they are doing. If a student lands on smore outstanding behavior the student will pick a
day to have lunch with me and pick an item out of the camper jar.
If a student starts to exhibit off task behavior, not being productive or being caring and
helpful towards other classmates, they will move their name down the chart. If a student ends
on warning, take the right trail I will sit down and check in on the student to see what the
issue might be and if we can find a solution to get the student back on track to having good
behavior for the day. If the student ends up landing on Lost in the woods the student will get
a phone call, email or letter sent home to the parent explaining what happened that day and
figure out a solution with the parent/guardian to help get the student back on track and
prevent further behavioral issues and disruptions. Students who end up on this will only display
behaviors that are dangerous and disruptive to themselves and other students. At the end of
the day, each student will be placed back on ready to camp where they can start tomorrow as
a brand new day making good choices.

Rule Infractions:
Depending on the rule infraction will determine on how I handle the student and the
situation. If the student speaks without raising their hand, I will say I like calling on campers
who raise their hand quietly. Stating this to the whole class instead of singling out the student
individually can prevent student misbehavior. If a student does not show a caring heart or a
helping hand to another student, I will call the student aside and explain that what they are
doing is not caring nor helpful to the other student and figure out a solution to help them be
more kind and helpful towards others. Each rule infraction depends on how the student
handles the rule and how they respond to the reinforcement. If the student continues to break
that specific rule, I will meet with the student as well as the parent/guardian to figure out a
plan to help the student follow the rules and expectations of the class and help them succeed.

Student Disrespect Towards Teachers and Students:

If a student shows any form of disrespect towards me or another teacher, I will speak to
the student individually and have a conversation with them on why they chose the actions that
they did, explain that the choices that they made were not good choices and figure out a plan
to make sure it does not happen again. If the disrespect is shown towards another teacher, I
will ask the student to write an apology letter to the teacher and deliver it to them.
If a student shows disrespect towards another student, the same actions will be made
and depending on the situation, I will sit down with each student that is involved and have a
discussion on what happened. I expect the student(s) who were disrespectful towards another
student to either write an apology letter or verbally apologize.
If there is a conflict between students, I will meet with both students and figure out
what the situation is and have them discuss it. I will then have the students go to the reading
corner to sit down and discuss as solution. Once they have come up with a solution to their

conflict, the students will come to me and explain what their solution is and how they are going
to enact on it.

Student motivation and Getting Work Done:

If I notice that a student is lacking motivation or being inattentive during class, I will call
on the student individually to check in and see if there is something bothering the student or if
there is confusion with a task or assignment. If the student continues to show a lack of
motivation or getting their work done, depending on the situation I will take necessary action if
needed. If the student is not on task due to being by students who are keeping each other off
task, I will remove the students and sit them somewhere else. This action will only be taken
after three verbal warnings.
If the student shows lack of motivation due to not
understanding the task or assignment, I will meet with the
student individually to help work out the issue they are
struggling with to make sure they comprehend what is being
asked. I will meet with the student until they feel comfortable
to work on the task or assignment individually.
If the student shows persistent inattentiveness and does
not complete their homework for a period of time, I will meet
with the student individually either before or after school, or
during recess time to see how the student is and if anything
seems to be going on at home or with the student
individually. Depending on the circumstances, I will meet
with the student every day to talk and have someone there
for them as well as meeting with the guidance counselor. I
will contact the students parent/guardian to let them be
aware of the students behavior and ask if anything may be causing the students lack of
motivation and if so, figure out a plan to help work with the student to get them back on track.

Since my students are kindergartners, many will not know the aspect of cheating nor
understand that it is not a good thing to do especially when coming into a school setting for the
first time. At the beginning of the school year, I will talk with the students as a class about what
cheating is and why it is not a good thing to do. I will give several examples of what cheating
might look like to them and explain why we should not do that because we need to show
respect to others.
Throughout the next several weeks, if I notice a student cheating I will remind them that
it is not okay and that we need to respect others and ourselves. If the student keeps being
persistent with cheating I will sit down with the student individually and have a discussion on
why they are choosing this behavior and figure out a way that wont temp the student to keep

exhibiting cheating behaviors. I will also email the parent/guardian about their behavior and
see what steps they would like to take as well and figure out a solution to the problem.

In regards to being tardy in my classroom, it will only become an issue if it becomes a
constant one. Since my students are kindergartners, the majority of their tardiness is due to the
parent/guardian schedule or running late if working with another cooperating teacher. At the
beginning of the year, I will send out a welcome letter addressing the classroom rules and
procedures to the parents that will include being on time to class. I know schedules can get
hectic and students can be late so it will only be an issue if it is an everyday or constant
occurrence. If it does become a constant issue, I will contact the students parent/guardian to
let them know that their child has been tardy quite frequently and checking in to see if
something has changed in their household to cause the issue. If something has, I will work with
the students parents/guardian to help figure out a solution to make sure their student is on
time to class.
If the student is consistently tardy from meeting with a cooperating teacher, I will send
an email to that specific teacher or speak to them personally to clarify the time that the student
needs to be back in the classroom in case there may have been a miscommunication. If the
student needs more time with the teacher due to them being tardy, I will meet with that
teacher to figure out a different time during the day where the student can meet with them
where it wont conflict as much with my schedule and give them the allotted time they need
with the student.

Parental and Administrator Involvement:

When it comes to parental and administrator involvement, each will be contacted
depending on the circumstance or issue. Parents will always be involved in their childs lives
throughout the year with daily/weekly updates about their academic and social behavior and
progress and are aware they are able to contact me with any questions they may have.
If the child exhibits constant academic or social behavior that may be of concern, I will
contact both the parent/guardian of the student as well as the principal to figure out a plan that
will best fit the student and create a solution to the area of concern.
Having parental/guardian involvement is very crucial and important to have in the
students lives. The more active the parent/guardian is in their childs academic and social
behavior, the better outcome the student has to be successful and reach both their social and
academic goals.

Professional Behavior:


Exhibiting professional behavior in the workplace is a crucial and important aspect.

There will be many instances where there will be disagreements with fellow teacher colleagues
and possibly with the principal and administrators. If I may not agree with a certain aspect, I will
keep a professional, positive attitude and show respect because if not keeping one with the
people you work with, that attitude will carry on into your classroom and will be exhibited to
your students which is not a professional appearance to have.
Every person will have a different view about a certain subject and as fellow teachers,
we need to practice what we teach which is to show respect to others thoughts and opinions. If
there is something I may not agree
with, I will respect the fellow
colleague or principals thought and
state what I believe about the issue if
it is appropriate for the conversation.
As teachers, we can work together to
discuss about an issue and figure out
the best possible solution that best
fits with what the issue may be.
In regards to lounge gossip in
the work place, I will not participate
in any gossip that deems unfitting
and rude to other individuals. The
only gossip, (if I would even call it
that) would be one that involves my
students and if it is something to be of concern. I will speak with the individual who stated
something about a student of mine ask where they heard that information and look into it if

Classroom Routines and Procedures

Morning Routine:
Every morning there will be a routine that will students will be aware of. Before the
students enter the classroom, I will have all of the pencils sharpened and in their pencil tins on
their tables as well as write the SWBAT objective on the board and a question of the day that
will be answered in our morning meeting.
When the students come in, I will be standing at the door greeting each student with a
smile, hello and a hug telling them good morning. I want each of my students to have a positive
mindset and attitude while entering my classroom so I model that behavior to have it reflect
onto them. When the student walks into the classroom, they will hang their coat and backpack
on their assigned hook and go pick their lunch choice at the table by the door. Once the student
has picked their choice, they will sit at their table and play an educational activity either with a
partner or individually till the bell rings.

When the morning bell rings, the students will put their activity away and come meet
me at the carpet to have our morning meeting. During this time, we will answer the question of
the day on the board, change the date on the calendar and state what the weather is outside.
While stating the weather, I will have the students make observations by what they saw on
their way to school this morning, was it raining? Sunny? Cold? Having students make
observations and comparing them to the current season will help develop that content
knowledge with weather.
As a class, we will go through the daily schedule so the students are aware of what is on
the agenda for that day. Having students be aware of what the schedule is can help prepare
them for those transitions during the day which can help alleviate possible behavior issues.
During our morning meeting we will also work identifying the alphabet and our numbers
chart. Each day we will state our ABCs as well as our numbers. Depending on the day, students
will also be allowed to share certain work they are proud of and the camper of the week can
have their show and tell of certain items from their house.

Student Sharing:
When it comes to student sharing, I want my students to share any work they are proud
of. Once a week during our morning meeting, I will ask students to pick one item from ei ther
the current or last week that they are proud of and share it with the class. Students should
always be proud of their hard work and they should share it with others.
If a student is the camper of the week the student has the option to bring in one-two
items from home sometime during the week to share with the class. Each student will be a
camper of the week so every student will have the option to bring in something from home
to share. Having students share items both from home and in school develops a sense of
communication and relationship among the other students as well as myself while building a
classroom community.

Free Time:
Kindergartners are full of constant energy and need breaks to help keep them focused
throughout the day. If students are finished with their work, they will have the option to
takeout an activity to play with another student or go to a center that interests them until the
next direction is given. If the students have behaved well for the day, if time allows I will let the
students have an extra recess or dance to music in the classroom. Children at this age need to
be active to help keep them focused, giving as much time as you can to keep them engaged and
get their energy out while fulfilling the curriculum for the day is vital to the students overall
well-being in the school setting.

Field Trips:

Field trips are always an exciting time not only for the students but for the teacher as
well. Being able to see the look on your students faces of pure enjoyment about learning is
beyond rewarding. However, to make it an effective experience for both me and my students,
having the funding, planning and help can make it a rewarding and exciting one.
Depending on my schools budget, I will have two field trips for the school year, one
during the fall and the other in spring that correlates with the content that is being discussed at
that time. I will send out an email and ask for parent volunteers to help chaperone the students
and if short of parent volunteers, I will send out an email to the faculty and staff to see if they
have time in their schedules to help assist in the field trip. Depending on what time we go on
the field trip, I will have the students either bring a packed lunch or have one provided through
the school if they miss their lunch time. In regards to transportation, I will request a bus for the
field trip that will pick us up and bring us back to the school. Field trips are always an exciting
experience and I want my students to enjoy every aspect of it.

Homework and Handing in Papers:

When students turn in their assignments for the day or homework, they will place their
papers in the turn in basket which is next to my desk. Since students are starting to learn
about responsibility, they will be able to turn in homework and other assignments throughout
the day. Since these are kindergartners, the homework will mainly consist of papers that a
parent/guardian needs to sign or a worksheet that gives them practice on their letters and
numbers. Depending on the week, the student will receive a homework assignment which will
be placed in their Friday take home folder which will be due on the following Monday. When
students come in to class on Monday, they will turn in their Friday folder in the turn in basket
for me to go over and return to the student.

Passing Out Papers/Announcements:

Depending on the lesson, I will either pass out assignments at the carpet
and call on students who are sitting quietly and sitting in body basics or
have them go to their table and I will give their assignment then. In
regards to handing back papers such as their assignments, art work etc. I
will hand those back to the student on Fridays to put in their Friday take
home folder to take home over the weekend along with important
announcements to parents/guardians or any homework students may
have for that week. The parent/guardian needs to sign their signature on
their folder each week stating they have looked at the items in the folder.
In addition to putting announcements in their Friday folders, depending
on the emergency of the announcement, I will send out an email to


parents/guardians as well and post weekly announcements on our classroom bulletin next to
the main entry door.

Dismissals can be a hectic time for both teachers and students. With practice, students
will learn the proper way to either line up at the door for recess, lunch or specials and the
procedures that need to be done before being dismissed at the end of the day.
At the beginning of the school year, I will practice with my students daily on how to line
up at the door. Students will quietly get up from their table, push in their chair and walk to the
door to stand in line. If a student is either a line leader or caboose, they will walk to the front or
end of the line. Since these are kindergartners, it will take a lot of practice on how to line up
correctly and not run to the door as if it was a race. Students will line up this way every time
they are walking to recess, lunch or specials. While standing in line, students will practice
walking in the hallway. We will practice to have bubbles in our mouths and our hands to our
side before we leave the room and start walking in the hallway. Students will probably not
master this until the end of the year so it is crucial to practice this daily while making these
When dismissing at the end of the day, students will make sure that their table is
cleared off, their chair is pushed in and will grab their coat and backpack from their coat hooks.
Students will then stand in a certain line if they are riding the bus, parent pick up, or walking
home by the door. As a class we will start practicing this on the first day of school and will
continue to do so till the end of the year.

Bathroom Procedures/Getting a Drink:

At the beginning of the year, we will practice on how to use
the bathroom and what procedures you have to do when needing to
use it. Depending on if there is a restroom in my classroom, students
may use that one whenever they please but must ask permission
before using it. The student needs to come up and ask me so I know
where the student is at. On the bathroom door, there will be a sign
hanging from door knob where one side will say open and the
other side will say closed. When a student is using the restroom,
they will flip the sign to saying closed and will flip it back when
they are finished using the bathroom.
If the bathroom is occupied and another student needs to
use the restroom, the student may use one in the school building but
must ask permission to do so. Once given permission, the student
will place the bathroom pass on their desk so I am aware that they
are out of the classroom at the moment. Once the student has


returned, they will put the pass back on the table next to the bathroom.
While practicing the procedures on how to ask to go to the bathroom, we will also go
over the bathroom rules which is to flush the toilet and wash your hands. Since these are
kindergartners, we will be practicing this throughout the year until they have a complete
understanding on what the procedures are when using the bathroom.
In regards to getting a drink, students have the option to bring a water bottle to class
and use it to drink water throughout the day. Depending on the classroom, students can fill up
their water bottle at the sink where there should be a drinking fountain. If students do not
bring a water bottle to class, they may go get a drink of water any time they please without
permission at the drinking fountain. If there is no sink or drinking fountain in the classroom,
they must ask permission to leave the classroom to go either fill up their bottle in the bathroom
in the school or use a drinking fountain in the hallway. The student must put the pass on their
desk so I am aware that they are not in the classroom during that time.

Going to Specials (P.E, Art, Music):

Depending on the schedule, students will attend either music, P.E. or art on certain
days. When it is time to head to specials, students will line up at the door like we have practiced
and will wait till I start leading them down the hallway. During this time students will have their
hands to their side and bubbles in their mouth. Once I have dropped the students off to
specials, I will head back to the room and have my planning time until they are ready to be
picked up. When their special is over, I will meet the students at either the P.E, music or art
door and lead them back to the classroom. The special teacher will give one of the students a
piece of paper that will stated if they were well behaved or not. If the students behave well in
specials, I will stick the sheet on the white board. If the students receive good behavior sheets
that fill up the boarder of the white board, they will earn a pizza and pajama party. If the
students did not exhibit good behavior during specials, the behavior sheet will not go on the
board which will not help earn their chance to have a pizza/pajama party.

Differentiation Policy
Assisting Struggling Students:
For students who seem to be struggling either academically or socially, I will meet with
the student individually to see what the issue might be and figure out a solution. Due to
kindergartners being new to the school, many of them have not been identified with special
needs in regards to academics and behavior. As a kindergarten teacher, I need to keep a close
eye on each of my students to see how well they manage working in certain content areas as
well as their behavior. If I notice a student struggling in a content area, I will work with the
student individually to see what the problem might be. If the work is too difficult for the
student, I will give them a different sheet that may be less intimidating and easier for the

student to complete. Once the student is able to comprehend the content at that given stage, I
will then administer work that is a bit more challenging.
If I student seems to be struggling with behavior consistently, I will inform the
parent/guardian of the behavior I have been observing and ask if anything may be causing the
behavior at home. I will sit down with the parents where we will think of a plan or solution to
help improve the behavior of the student that will best fit their needs.

Gifted Students:
While observing my students throughout the school year, there will be several students
who will exhibit higher academic ability. If I notice that a student seems to be doing
exceptionally well on the activities and work in class and has a good comprehension of the
content, I will give the student assignments that are a little be more challenging for the student.
If a student who is considered high ability, they will become bored with the classwork that is
given to them and the rest of the students since it is not challenging them.
For my students who are high ability, I will pull them aside and work with them
individually on tasks and assignments that will give them a challenge. They are still expected to
do the work as the other students but more adapted to best fit the students needs.

Parents and guardians are an important aspect to their childs overall well-being in
regards to their academic and social behavior. I want the parent/guardian to be involved as
much as they can in their childs learning where they are free to email me with any questions or
concerns they have with their child as well as setting up meetings to discuss further concerns or
In order to keep consistent communication, at the beginning of the year I will send out a
welcome letter to both the student and their parent/guardian welcoming to my class giving
necessary important details and information as well as giving my work telephone number and
email to contact me anytime throughout the year for any concerns or questions. Stating this at
the beginning of the year will start to build the relationship between my student and their
parent/guardian where they can trust me and come to me with any concerns or issues they
may have.
Every week I will send home a weekly newsletter in their Friday take home folder for the
parent/guardian to look at and be up to date on what is going on in the classroom. This will help
keep the parent/guardian connected on what their student is doing throughout the school year.

Conferences are a great aspect to help keep parents and guardians in check with their
childs progress throughout the year. Depending on the school district, I will conduct two


conferences during the school year, one in the fall and the other in spring. In between these
conferences, I will collect data, the students work, artwork and anything that may be valuable
to demonstrate the students growth and progress they have made so far in the school year. I
will compile each students work and data into a portfolio to show to the parents/guardians in
the conference to display the great work their child has done so far in the school year.
In order to prepare for these conferences, I will send out a letter both in email and one
in the students Friday folder to remind parents to sign up for a conference time that best fits
their schedule. During the students conference time, I will invite the student to join with their
parent/guardian for I believe it is good to have the student hear how well they are doing so far
and to have them personally show their great work to their parent/guardian. It lets the student
be proud of their work and show off the hard work that they did.
During this conference time, I will also include areas of concerns I might have with the
student either academically or socially. I will make sure the parent/guardian will be well aware
of these concerns for I will have been in contact with them about these areas up until their
conference time. Parents and guardians are also more than welcome to bring up concerns they
may have with their child. As a team, the parent/guardian and I will think of a plan that will help
the student get back on track and have them be successful in their academic and social goals.

Wong, Harry K., and Rosemary T. Wong. The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective
Teacher. Print.



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