Proposed Project Title

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Proposed Project Title:

Information Technology has revolutionized the life of Human beings and made
the lives easier by the various kinds of applications. In the rapid changes with the use of
IT , there are many tools , technologies and systems have been produced and invented.
In the modern world, time is short so if there are many processes taken place at same
time within a place there is need for integration of all processes, creation of paperless
environment also ensure efficient task management. New Technology is changing the
ways we create access and use information. The design and development of digital
libraries depend on computer, communication and other technical skills. They affect our
lives each day and they are all around us.
This project is concerned with developing a Library Management System for
University of Perpetual (High School) in order to make library management more
efficient and easy to handle. The Library Management System enables a fully
automated library service. It has the ability to display the details of the books available
in various departments, the transactions of books and about the book holders.
Library Management System (LMS) provides a simple GUI (Graphical User
Interface) and using Object Oriented programming , for the library staff to manage the
functions of the library effectively. The Library Management System is designed and
developed for the receipt and issuance of books in the library.

Rationale of the Project:

Library Management System has several problems regarding of their current
cycle or system which is manual type transaction. We found out that most of the library
had difficulties in keeping the record of books being borrowed. If they have lost the
record of books they will had a hard time recall the students who had borrowed the
books and it wasting time to arrange what the students borrowed.
This study will help librarians to improve their transaction. Implementing this
system to helps student from hassle and easy way of borrowing and returning of books.
Library Management System is also another way of creating an good relationship
between students and librarians.
In this situation in our idea to develop an advanced application in Computer
Operation System. This could be a for modern process from manual system into
computerized system that can produce a more organized reliable and user-friendly
application which will access in computer.

Objective of the Project:

Our objectives of this project are to provide simplicity as well as security and
efficiency to the management of University of Perpetual (High School) and also reduce
managing personnel in the library. Here are the following:
The software keeps track of all information about the books and their complete details.
The system contains database where all the information will be stored safely.
wise search can be performed.
Give an opportunity to librarians to reduce mistakes that always happen during manual

Scope and Limitation of the Project:

The scopes of Library Management System are the following in student
registration and book registration in University of Perpetual ( High School )





-Add Book

-Add borrower

-Add user


-Delete Book

-Delete borrower

-Edit user

-Due date penalty

-Edit Book

-Edit borrower

-Delete user

-Number of borrows

-List of Books

-Borrowers list

The Limitations of Library Management System does not intend to manipulate or

trace the dates during local holidays including Sundays , such as included on the due
date count , and it cannot reserve a book. It does not have a back- up and the ability to
recover if ever a system loss occurs after a power interruption. It does not have the
ability to print receipts in good form whenever a penalty is paid and the system do not
produce library card.

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