Cosmological Constant Implementing Mach Principle in General Relativity

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Cosmological Constant Implementing Mach

Principle in General Relativity

Nadereh Namavarian and Mehrdad Farhoudi

arXiv:1609.02406v1 [gr-qc] 8 Sep 2016

Department of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University, G.C., Evin, Tehran 19839, Iran
September 7, 2016

We consider the fact that noticing on the operational meaning of the physical concepts
played an impetus role in the appearance of general relativity (GR). Thus, we have paid
more attention to the operational definition of the gravitational coupling constant in this
theory as a dimensional constant which is gained through an experiment. However, as all
available experiments just provide the value of this constant locally, this coupling constant
can operationally be meaningful only in a local area. Regarding this point, to obtain an
extension of GR for the large scale, we replace it by a conformal invariant model and then,
reduce this model to a theory for the cosmological scale via breaking down the conformal
symmetry through singling out a specific conformal frame which is characterized by the
large scale characteristics of the universe. Finally, we come to the same field equations that
historically were proposed by Einstein for the cosmological scale (GR plus the cosmological
constant) as the result of his endeavor for making GR consistent with the Mach principle.
However, we declare that the obtained field equations in this alternative approach do not
carry the problem of the field equations proposed by Einstein for being consistent with
Machs principle (i.e., the existence of de Sitter solution), and can also be considered
compatible with this principle in the Sciama view.
PACS numbers: 04.20.-q; 98.80.Es; 04.90.+e; 04.20.Cv
Keywords: Operational Definition; Conformal Symmetry Breaking; Cosmological Constant; Mach Principle; General Relativity.


In the one hundredth anniversary of the advent of GR, it would be instructive to investigate
the intellectual roots of this theory. Actually, we propose to scrutinize the wellknown fact

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that Einstein was influenced by Machs thoughts and positivism, particularly, the idea that one
does not know the meaning of a concept unless one has a method for measuring it. Applying this
idea in physics leads to the belief that one is not allowed to enter any concept into physics unless
an operational definition is proposed for it. In this respect, Einsteins view, and also Bridgmans
effort [1], gave origin to a method of philosophical investigation on the meaningfulness of scientific
theories that nowadays goes under the name of operationism, however, that a theory calls for
experiments to prove or disprove its assertions is certainly not new in physics. In this regard, the
footprint of this belief can be traced to the appearance of special relativity [2]. Indeed, Einsteins
attempt for making a consistency between the Newtonian mechanics and the Maxwell theory led
him to provide operational definitions for the concepts of simultaneity, time interval and spatial
interval, that were finally manifested in the theory of special relativity. However, although
special relativity can be considered as a good substitution for the Newtonian mechanics, that is
also consistent with the Maxwell equations, but still it suffers from the lack of an operational
definition for the inertial observer.
In this context, the existed operational definition for the inertial observer, that was proposed
by Newton, was unacceptable for Einstein because it introduces the concept of absolute space
which itself has no operational meaning and has mostly been considered as a metaphysical one
that, usually believed, there is no room for it in physics. In this respect, Machs idea about the
inertia could have provided Einstein with an acceptable operational definition for the inertial
observer as an observer who moves at a constant velocity with respect to the far stars. In
fact, Mach was one of those who were against the absolute space and absolute motion as pure
mental constructs that cannot be produced in experience [3], and instead, he presumed that the
appearance of the inertial force can be related to the relative motion with respect to the far
massive bodies [3][5]. As, in the earliest expression [4] of Einsteins realization of Machs idea
(that can be traced in his paper in 1912 [6]), he mentioned that Machs idea suggests that the
whole inertia of a material point can be considered as the result of the presence of all other masses
depended on a kind of interaction with them. Such a realization led Einstein to conclude two
principles, namely, the general covariance and the equivalence principles. Then, his endeavors,
in employing these two principles and implementing the Mach idea through determination of the
metric tensor, g , via a tensor that describes matter and energy, resulted in the manifestation
of the theory of GR [7, 8]. He also hoped that this theory would not have any solution in
the absence of matter as the consequence of Machs principle.1 Nevertheless, even the trivial
Minkowski spacetime exists as a vacuum solution of it, and this fact caused Einstein to be
unsatisfied with the theory.
To remedy this issue, at first he thought the problem as the consequence of boundary conditions at infinity, and thus, attempted to remove the Minkowski solution by imposing suitable
boundary conditions which do not impart any absolute structure to spacetime [4]. However, he
did not succeed. After a while, he abandoned his boundary condition formulation of Machs
principle, and tried to implement Machs idea through proposing a model for the universe [9];
wherein, nowadays, it is believed that a cosmological model depends more on symmetries than
on initial conditions. In this context, Einstein claimed that, in a finite and closed universe with
More specific, the strong version of the Mach principle (namely, if there is no matter then there is no
geometry). However, the resulted theory only satisfies its weak version (namely, the matter distribution determines
the geometry).

no boundary region, the local metric is not determined in part by the boundary conditions, but
rather only by the matter distribution in the universe. In other words, his impression was that
by having no boundary region, there would be no room for nonMachian determination of the
metric. In this scenario, he was forced to enter an additional constant term (which the theory
also allows its inclusion) into the theory, and presented the field equations in the form2
G g = 8G T


in four dimensions, where G is the Einstein tensor as a function of the metric and its derivatives,
T is the energymomentum tensor, and is the cosmological constant. Now, Einstein expected
that these amended equations would not admit any matterfree solution in the model of a closed
universe. However, in the early 1917, a vacuum solution was found by de Sitter [10]. Thus,
despite his later attempts for showing the theory to be consistent with Machs principle [11], he
finally gave up the struggle and, his enthusiasm for Machs principle began to decrease [4, 12].
Nevertheless, the cosmological constant still survives in the theory and has obtained some other
By this brief consideration, we have endeavored to emphasize on the fact that focusing on the
operational meaning of physical concepts could have played an impetus role (at the beginning)
in the appearance of GR.3 Hence, still insisting on this point of view, let us also consider the
operational definition for the factor G in the Einstein equation. In this regard, it is wellknown
that this factor in GR is a constant which enters into the theory by making it consistent with
the Newtonian theory of gravitation in the weak field limit. Actually, it is the same gravitational
constant that appears in the Newtonian law of gravitation, and hence, the operational definition
for it is a dimensional constant that can be gained through the measurement in an appropriate
experiment, such as the Cavendish experiment [14]. For a historical review, and the list of
attempts that have been performed for measuring this constant, see Ref. [15].
As all these experiments specify the value of this coupling constant locally (at most in the
scale of solar system), one can say that G, and hence the Einstein equation, is operationally
meaningful only in a local area. Regarding this point, and insisting on the viewpoint that any
concept in a theory should be operationally meaningful, pose a question on how one can apply
such a theory to the large scale of the universe as a whole. In this respect, as the conformal
invariant theories do not include any dimensional constant and also are free from belonging to
any specific scale, it seems that it would be instructive to consider GR as a conformal invariant
model and then, reduce the model to a theory for the cosmological scale by breaking down the
conformal symmetry. This is a task that we propose to perform in this work. Hence, in the next
section, we take a glance on the conformal invariance while emphasizing on our intended points.
Then, in Sect. 3, we introduce the desired model for our purpose, and conclude the outcomes.
Some final remarks are left to the last section.

Throughout this work, the signature is (, +, +, +), the lower case Greek indices run from zero to three, and
we use units in which ~ = 1 = c.
Although, Einstein gave convincing argument against the absolute time by use of the operational method,
but Bridgman [13] declares his failure in carrying it over into GR.

Conformal Invariance

It is evident that the values of the units of mass, length and time employed in any theory
should be arbitrary. Regarding this point, the principle of conformal invariance has been developed as a principle that requires all fundamental equations in physics to be invariant under local
changes of the unit systems used [16][18]. In principle, these changes correspond to conformal
transformations of the metric which, loosely speaking, stretch/shrink all lengths and durations
via spacetimedependent conversion factors. This requirement poses a fundamental symmetry,
namely, the conformal symmetry in physics which is of everincreasing attention in modern
physical theories. As in this regard, many interesting results have been obtained by applying
this symmetry, see, e.g., Refs. [19][25].
In addition, in the conformal invariant theories, it is wellknown that in the absence of
dimensional parameters, the conformal invariance requires the vanishing of the trace of the
energymomentum tensor of the matter conformally coupled to gravitation, see, e.g., Ref. [26].
Also, in such theories, in the presence of dimensional parameters, the conformal invariance can
be established if such parameters are conformally transformed according to their dimensions as
well [17]. Indeed, in the conformal invariant material theories, the dimensional parameters are
replaced by scalar fields to allow for the local changes of the unit systems, and thus, a general
feature of such theories is the presence of varying dimensional coupling constants. It is also
wellknown that breaking down the conformal symmetry can be performed by introducing a dimensional constant into the theory. Regarding these points, it is possible to acquire gravitational
coupling through conformal symmetry breaking by looking at the massless scalar matter field
conformally coupled to gravity as a variant of GR, see Ref. [27]. Inspired by such an approach,
and noticing that conformal transformations are also considered as transformations between
metrics belonged to different scales, we propose a method for applying GR to cosmological scale.
Thus, in the next section, first we generalize GR to a conformal invariant theory via replacement of the gravitational constant by a scalar field (to let the unit systems being arbitrary at
every point) and choosing suitable coefficients. As conformal transformations can also be assumed to be transformations between metrics belonged to different scales, hence, the conformal
symmetry makes the new theory free from belonging to any scale. Then, we break the conformal symmetry to single out a preferred conformal frame corresponding to a specific scale. As
breaking down the conformal symmetry also amounts to considering a constant value for the
scalar field (i.e., the varying gravitational coupling), we perform the symmetry breaking by fixing
the value of the scalar field in a way that the theory is reduced to a conformal frame which is
characterized by the large scale characteristics of the universe as a whole. Thus, in this way, we
apply GR to cosmological scale.

The Model
Following the mentioned explanations, in a 4dimensional spacetime, we replace the Einstein

Hilbert action by the wellknown conformal invariant action functional4

1 2
1 4

d x g
R + + ,
S[, g ] =


where R is the Ricci scalar, is a real scalar field nonminimally coupled to the gravity (that
as explained, it is a substitution for the gravitational constant in GR), and is a dimensionless
coupling constant. Action (2) is invariant under the conformal transformations5
= 1 (x)

g (x) g (x) = 2 (x)g (x),



apart from a complete divergent term that gives no contribution to the variation of the relevant
action, where the conformal factor (x) is a nonvanishing arbitrary smooth function of the
spacetime coordinates.
Before adding an action for the matter, let us remind that the establishment of the conformal
symmetry in the vacuum sector of a gravitational model confronts one with a problem concerning
the incorporation of matter to the gravity. Indeed, as all the conformal frames are dynamically
equivalent, it raises the question that to which frame the matter should be coupled. As a choice,
we trust the weak equivalence principle (although, it is not reliable at quantum level), and
according to this principle, the metric appears in the matter part should be the same one that
describes the gravitational field.6 Thus, we consider the total action by adding a matter source
Sm with the same metric and independent of to action (2), i.e. S = S[, g ] + Sm . Now,
varying the total action with respect to the scalar and metric fields yields

and, with 6= 0,

 R 3 = 0


G 2 g = 62 T + T


+ g (g  ) 2


That is usually used as a model for a matter field conformally coupled to gravity. This action may also
be considered corresponding to the action of BransDicke theory
in the special case
 of = 3/2, where under

transformation g = 2 g , one can get it as S[g ] = 12 d4 x g 16 R + 21 without the scalar field [28].
Nevertheless, it should be noted that the scalar field in the BransDicke theory has a different meaning than the
one in our approach. In this theory, the value of the gravitational constant varies with position as the consequence
of Machs principle, i.e. the effect of matter distribution in the universe on the value of this constant at every
point. However, in action (2), G has been replaced by a scalar field as the consequence of the conformal invariance
and the arbitrariness of unit systems at every point, actually, the same as the scalar field proposed by Dirac in
the WeylDirac action [29].
In a spacetime with arbitrary dimension n, the conformal invariance can be achieved if it is accompanied
by the appropriate rescaling of the scalar field as w (x), where the conformal weight w depends on the
dimension of the scalar field of the model and is w = 1 n/2, see, e.g., Ref. [30]. However, the resulted two new
fields still remain independent.
However, in general, one can assume that the metrics in the gravitational and the matter parts are different
(although conformally related), and achieves interesting results, see, e.g., Ref. [25].

and as usual the symmetric energymomentum tensor of matter is defined as T (2/ g)
Sm /g . By taking the trace of equation (5), while using equation (4), one obtains
T = 0,


which is similar to the wellknown condition on the matter field conformally coupled to gravitation.7
At this stage, as explained before, we break the symmetry and fix the value of the scalar field
by introducing a dimensional constant, say , into the theory. For this purpose, we add


1 4 1 2
d x g (x)

S(x) =
to the total action. In this case, the corresponding equations (4) and (5) are
 R (1 + )3 + = 0


and, with 6= 0,

3 (1 + ) g = 62 T + T


while the variation with respect to gives a constant value to the scalar field, i.e. 2 = 2/(3),
although its value is not definite yet.8 However, by substituting this constant value of into the
trace of equation (10), one also gets
2 =

R/6 + 2/3


i.e., as expected, the conformal symmetry breaking is equivalent to coupling a matter with
nonzero trace energymomentum tensor to gravity, while singles out a specific conformal frame
corresponding to the constant value of the scalar field.
Now, to consider the symmetry breaking as a cosmological effect, we plausibly take of the
order of observational bound on the cosmological constant, i.e. R02 , where R0 is the radius of
the universe at the present epoch (i.e., roughly the Hubble distance). We also approximate T
by its average value, that is the mass density of the universe in central mass frame, i.e. hT i
M0 R0 3 (where the negative sign is due to the signature), while neglecting the (positive) energy
content of the universe (like photons), as these are identically traceless. By considering these
approximations in relation (11), the Ricci scalar should also have a constant value (just as in GR
when the trace of the energymomentum tensor is a constant). Further, following the symmetry
breaking as the cosmological effect, and as the dimension of this constant is one over length
square, we take it to be of the order of R02 too, for R0 being a length that characterizes the

Note that, in four dimensions, with the conformal transformations (3) not only the field equation (4) is
conformally invariant, but if, in addition to (3), the traceless symmetric energymomentum tensor of the matter
transforms as T = 2 (x) T , then the field equation (5) and the conservation equation T = 0 are also
T = 0 [26].
conformally invariant, i.e.
This condition is not a holonomic constraint, and we have introduced an auxiliary field (x) to have such a
condition, wherein with the obtained constant value of , the field equations also yield = 9T /(22 ).

size of the universe. Then, replacing back these approximations into relation (11) leads to the
estimation of constant value of as

6 M0
G1 ,
5 R0


where, in the second proportionality, we have used the wellknown empirical cosmological coincidence dimensionless relation GM0 /R0 1 [31][33], that is the Schwarzschild radius of the
universe agrees with its size.9 At last, by inserting the obtained fixed value of into the field
equations (10), one obtains10
G g 5 G T .

Therefore, in this alternative approach, wherein the attempt has been performed to achieve an
extension of GR for the cosmological scale, we have also reached to the same value for G as is
obtained locally, and to the same field equations as Einstein proposed for this scale through his
approach of making GR consistent with Machs principle. However, in the proposed model, the
field equations (13) have been achieved as the result of breaking down the conformal symmetry
by fixing the value of the scalar field through introducing the cosmological constant. Moreover,
in the absence of matter, the field equations (9) and (10) yield = 0, however, see also the
following properties.
Also, almost the same result can be obtained via this model with no potential term (4 )
in action (2), but through a different way of symmetry breaking as has been considered in
Ref. [27].11 Actually, the variation of this new action (used in that paper) gives the same field
equations (4) and (5) with = 0 terms, and yet with the same traceless energymomentum
tensor, i.e. equation (7). However, to break down the conformal symmetry in this potentialfree
action, a dimensional mass term for the scalar field, i.e. M 2 2 /2, has been added to its related
Lagrangian, which leads to the corresponding field equations
R M 2 = 0



G 3M 2 g = 62 T + T


with T = M 2 2 . Thus, by the same approximation for the energymomentum tensor and
assuming the mass M of the order of R01 , the scalar field is fixed. Then, inserting it into

It also infers that the inertial energy of a particle (with mass m) is due to the gravitational potential energy
of the matter of the universe upon it, i.e. mc2 GM0 m/R0 0, more or less a mathematical formulation of the
Machian point of view [34, 35].
The constant value of and those approximations also give = 5/(9M0 R0 ) and = 5/2. In addition, the
proportionality factor 5 in equation (13) can be improved. That is, if one considers all the employed approximations as = a R02 , R = b R02 , T = c M0 R03 and R0 /M0 = d G, hence, instead of the proportionality factor
5, one will get the equality factor d(b + 4a). Furthermore, one can usually consider d 1 b up to the first
order, and also uses the relation = 3 H 2 while assumes R0 = H01 (i.e., R0 = dH at the present epoch).
Thus, with the Planck data [36] for at the present epoch, if the resulted factor is supposed to be 8, it will
yield 2.
Note that, there is no explanation in this paper about the meaning one can attribute to the scalar field;
and however, as mentioned, the approach of this work inspired us in figuring out the way of applying conformal
symmetry, and then, breaking it as a method for acquiring a generalization of a theory operationally valid in
some scale, for some other scales.

equation (15), leads to the same field equations (13) (where the factor 5 has been replaced by
6) with an effective cosmological constant, of the right sign, i.e. 3M 2 R02 , that in turn, is
proportional to T |fixed .
Eventually, the field equations (13), that are obtained from this alternative approach, possess
the following properties.
First, the coupling constant G, that is acquired via breaking down the conformal symmetry,
is related to the mass distribution in the visible universe in the form of GM0 /R0 1.
Second, as the breaking down of the symmetry is equivalent to considering a matter field
with nonzero trace, hence, the existence of matter in the universe is a presupposition for
obtaining these field equations.
Third, the presence of the cosmological constant in the field equations is actually the
indication of the above presupposition.
These properties make the field equations (13) different from those proposed by Einstein.
Now, as the motivation behind the Einstein field equations was making consistency between
GR and Machs principle, let us investigate the consistency of the field equations (13) with
this principle too. In this context, according to the second and third properties, the vacuum
solution for these field equations is meaningless. Although, by having such a presumption one
cannot check the consistency of these field equations with Machs principle (through the vacuum
solution) in a closed universe, but, in this alternative approach, the de Sitter solution cannot
either be as an evidence against Einsteins expected consistency between these field equations
and the Mach principle. On the other hand, as the relation between G and the mass distribution
in the visible universe (i.e., GM0 /R0 1), besides being an observational relation, is also a
representation of Machs principle proposed by Sciama [34], the first property indicates the
consistency of the field equations (13) with Machs principle in the Sciama view. Therefore,
one can claim that in this work, the cosmological constant is playing the same role as Einstein
hoped, i.e. the cosmological constant introduced into GR has implemented Machs principle via
this alternative approach.
Also, an accepted view toward Machs principle is the formulation by Bondi, i.e. local inertial frames are determined through the distributions of energy and momentum in the universe
by some weighted averages of the apparent motions [37], that has been illustrated in the cosmological perturbation theory through the existence of the gauges in the theory called Machian
gauges in which the distribution of T determines uniquely and instantaneously the rotations
and accelerations of local inertial frames via Einsteins field equations [38]. Moreover, it has
been shown that in such a gauge, only differences of rotation rates of inertial frames are determinable for the case of a closed universe, and hence, no absolute rotations exist [39] in accord
with Machs ideas that all motions are relative. However, in the field equations (13), as the
value of the gravitational coupling depends on the energymomentum tensor of the matter in
the universe, it may change the results, and this matter can be investigated.
On the sidelines, although significant on its own, we should emphasize that the result of
the approach (that implements the cosmological constant should actually be related to the
matter) somehow reminds one of the interpretation of the vacuum fluid and the vacuum energy
density, see, e.g., Refs. [40, 41]. And more important, as the gravitational field equations in the

alternative approach cannot be considered without a nonzero cosmological constant term, and
wherein also, in the reverse side, the matter being somehow dependent on it, such a situation
reminds one of the ether issue, see, e.g., Ref. [42] and references therein. In this respect, we
should mention that even Einstein himself claimed [43, 44] that, in principal, the general theory
of relativity is merely an ether theory.

Final Remarks

By insisting on the viewpoint that any concept in a theory should possess an operational
meaning, we have applied GR to the cosmological scale through its replacement with a conformal
invariant model and then, have reduced this model to a conformal frame characterized by the
large scale characteristics of the universe. Finally, we have reached to the same field equations
(GR plus a cosmological constant) that Einstein proposed for this scale with the purpose of
making consistency between GR and Machs principle, although he was not successful. However,
in this alternative approach, the theory itself determines the constant G in the cosmological
scale. Also, we have declared that the field equations obtained in this approach do not carry the
problem of Einsteins field equations for being consistent with Machs principle and, they can
be considered compatible with this principle in the Sciama view as well.

We thank the Research Office of Shahid Beheshti University for the financial support.

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