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Ott, Ashley 09.2016CV

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Ashley Rose Ott

Saint Louis
University 3800
Lindell Boulevard
St. Louis, MO
[email protected]

Ph.D. Candidate
Ph.D. English (expected May 2017)
Saint Louis University
Saint Louis, MO
Primary Area: Late Medieval and Early Sixteenth-Century Literature and
Secondary Areas: History of the Book, Manuscript Studies, Rhetoric and
Composition, Animal Studies
Dissertation: Writing and Erasure in Middle English Texts and Medieval Manuscripts,
Committee: Ruth Evans, chair; Antony Hasler, and Paul Acker
M.A. English
Saint Louis University (May 2011)
Saint Louis, MO
Thesis: Human-Animal Transformations and Medieval Notions of
Committee: Ruth Evans, chair; Antony Hasler; Georgia Johnston
B.A. English, Magna cum laude
Harlaxton College
Grantham, England (study abroad)
Eastern Illinois University (May 2009)
Charleston, IL

Areas of Interest
Late Medieval and Early Sixteenth-Century Literature and Culture | Manuscript Studies |
History of the Book and Print Culture | Erasure Studies | Animal Studies | Gender and
Sexuality | Rhetoric and Composition

Awards and Honors

Newberry Library Travel Award awarded by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance
Studies, $125 (Fall 2016)
Brennan Award for Dissertation Research Abroad, Graduate Student Association, $2,000
(Spring 2016)
Donald Howard Travel Scholarship to London, New Chaucer Society, $200 (Spring
Philanthropic Education Organization Dissertation Fellowship Award, partial funding
(Spring 2016)
Distinction, Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination (Fall 2014)
Professional Travel Funding, Saint Louis University Department of English, $500
(Spring 2014)
Donald Howard Travel Scholarship to Iceland, New Chaucer Society, $675 (Spring
First Prize Paper, Saint Louis University Graduate Student Symposium, $200 (Spring
Edward L. and Rhelda Marbry Morgan, Ph.D., Endowed Book Fund Award, $800
(Spring 2013)
Harvard Universitys 69th English Institute, selected delegate for Saint Louis
University (Spring 2010)
Graduate Teaching and Research Assistantship, Saint Louis University English
Department (2009-2015)
The Knapp Award for outstanding and most promising of the English Departments
incoming Masters students, $1,000 (Fall 2009)

The Book of Margery Kempes Middle English Recipe on Folio 124v. Studies in the Age of
Chaucer (in progress)
Counterfeit Speech and Chaucers Manciples Tale. Exemplaria (in progress)
New Acquisitions to the Medieval Manuscript Collection at Saint Louis University: A
Manuscripta: A Journal for Manuscript Research 60.2 (2017). (accepted)
An Annotated Chaucer Bibliography, 2013. Studies in the Age of Chaucer 37 (2015): 347401. (contributor)

Professional Memberships
The New Chaucer Society (NCS) | Illinois Medieval Association (IMA) | Modern Language Association
(MLA) |Medieval Academy of America (MAA)

writen in his tables: Surveillance as Inscription and Erasure in Chaucer, Twentieth
Biennial International Congress of the New Chaucer Society: London, England. July
10-15, 2016.
Letters that Fly: Bird Sound in Chaucer, Nineteenth Biennial International Congress of

the New Chaucer Society: Reykjavik, Iceland. July 16-20, 2015.

Penning Chaucers Birds, Twentieth Annual Graduate Student Association Research
Symposium: Saint Louis, Missouri. April 11, 2015.
Human-Animal Transformations. Panel Organizer and Chair. 48th Annual Kalamazoo
International Medieval Congress: Kalamazoo, Michigan. May 9-12, 2013.
Image and Text in the Late Medieval Wound Man Tradition, 39 th Annual Saint Louis
Conference on Manuscript Studies: St. Louis, Missouri. October 12-13, 2012.
"Ilz sont pour certain la viande: The Rhetoric of Hunger and Satiation in The Danse
Macabre of Women, 47th Annual Kalamazoo International Medieval Congress:
Kalamazoo, Michigan. May 11-14, 2012.
Seeing Through the Squint: Annie Dillards Pilgrim at Tinker Creek and the Space of a
Medieval Anchorhold, International Anchoritic Society ConferenceSeptember
16-18: Grand Forks, North Dakota. September 16-18, 2011.
Forging the Female: Galenic Medical Discourse and the Destabilization of Gendered
Spaces in Guigemar, 46th Annual Kalamazoo International Medieval Congress:
Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship (SMFS) panel. Kalamazoo, Michigan. May
11-14, 2011
This pye dothe borne: Masculine Inadequacy and Marriage in Johan Johan, Medieval
and Early Modern Studies Conference: Chapel Hill, North Carolina. February 18-19,

Research Experience and Service

New Chaucer Society Bibliographer (2013-present)
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) Lab Assistant (Spring 2015)
Saint Louis University Research Assistant for the Knights of Columbus Vatican Film
Library (2012-2013)
Guest Lecturer for classes visiting the Vatican Film Library (Book History; Medieval
Books of Hours)
Curator of Two Medieval Manuscript Exhibits:
How shal the world be served? Aspects of the Medieval Secular World, Pius XII
Memorial Library (Oct-Nov, 2012)
"Recollected Forms, Vatican Film Library, Saint Louis University (February-August
Saint Louis University Assistant Coordinator of University Writing Services (2011-2012)
-conducted a semester-long Writing Services internship for undergraduate
-consulted with undergraduate writers
-trained undergraduate and graduate consultants

-organized staff meetings and staff development workshops

-organized new staff orientation and training sessions
-coordinated and developed workshop presentations for classes across the
Saint Louis University Graduate Writing Center Consultant (2010-2011)
Research Assistant to Professor Vincent Casaregola (Spring 2011, Spring 2015)
Research Assistant to Professor Jonathan Sawday, Walter J. Ong, S.J., Chair in the
Humanities (Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2014)

Saint Louis University
Department of English (2009-Present)
English 1900: Advanced Strategies in Rhetoric and Research
Fall 2010, Summer 2011, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014 (2)
English 202: Introduction to Literary Studies: Metamorphosis and
Summer 2013, Fall 2013
ENGL 2550: Gender, Identity, and Literature
Fall 2015, Guest lecturer for Professor Antony Hasler, two classes
English 2650: Technology, Media, and Literature
Summer 2015
English 493: Writing Consulting Across Disciplines in a Multimedia World
Fall 2012
Department of
English 102: Composition II (online
Summer 2013

French (read, write, speak)
Old English (read)
Old French (read)
Middle English (read)
Latin (read)

Ruth Evans (Dissertation Chair), Dorothy McBride Orthwein Professor of English
Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO 63108. (314) 977-3007, [email protected]
Paul Acker (Dissertation Committee Member), Professor of English
Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO 63108. (314) 977-3011, [email protected]
Antony Hasler (Dissertation Committee Member), Associate Professor of English
Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO 63108. (314) 977-3513, [email protected]

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