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2016 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 738 012078
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5th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSquare 2016) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 738 (2016) 012078
1. Introduction
The statistical characterization of the distributions of the relevant stochastic variables is of
crucial importance in the construction and empirical validation of stochastic models, such
as climate models. In particular, weather generators (WGs) play an important role in
agrometeorological studies, such as in crop models, as well as in studies of hydrological changes,
risk analysis, and as part of climate changes models [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. The main goal of a WG
is to produce synthetic time series for weather variables that statistically resemble the actual
ones from which the generator is calibrated. Several WGs were proposed in the literature, and
several studies were performed to investigate their adequacy to describe weather variables in
several specific sites (see, for instance, [3, 6, 7, 8, 9]).
An important class of WGs are the Richardson-type generators [1], which describes the time
series of a weather variable as an autoregressive process for its residuals [10], which are obtained
after the removal of the annual course of the mean and standard deviation of the observed
values. Autocorrelations and cross-correlations among residuals of different variables are taken
into account, and the stochastic terms associated with each variable is often assumed to be
independent gaussian shocks (white noise). Besides, each variable is modeled conditionally to
the precipitation status of each day (dry or wet). The parameters of the model, such as the
distribution parameters for precipitation and for the lengths of dry and wet periods, as well as
the cross and autocorrelations of the autoregressive process for the several variables must be
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5th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSquare 2016) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 738 (2016) 012078
estimated from the aggregated historical data. It is generally assumed in WGs that all years
are statistically similar, and then several years of data (typically of the order of 20-30 years) for
a given site are pooled together to the aim of parameter estimations (see [3] for an outline of
Richardson-type generators and a description of the parameter estimation procedures).
An important issue in the process of validation of a WG is to investigate if the observed
residuals are in fact distributed according to the assumptions of the underlying model. For
instance, if the residuals are not normally distributed then a WG which rely on the assumption
of normality may not be able to accurately describe extreme events in the corresponding variable.
Statistical tests for normality consider in general data aggregated from several years [11].
However, aggregation of data within large periods may hide temporal changes in the residuals
distribution, and the distribution of the pooled annual data (or data corresponding to a given
month but with several years pooled together) may not represent the actual distribution of the
residuals if its parameters, or the shape of this distribution, change with time.
In this work we are interested in testing the empirical consistency of the assumption that the
shape of the residuals distribution of a weather variable is constant in time.1 To this aim we
adapt a procedure first introduced in reference [12], which was originally designed to test the
assumption that (generally short) time series corresponding to the growth rates of business firms
aggregated in a large panel of firms can be considered as being withdrawn from distributions
which share the same shape, even if some of their parameters (namely the mean and variance)
may vary among the firms. In Section 2 we present the basic ideas underlying the test procedure
and its adaptation to climate time series. In Section 3 we illustrate the application of the
procedure to a simple model for just one weather variable, namely the maximum temperature in
a given site, conditioned on the precipitation status (wet or dry) of each day. In the last Section
we discuss our results and present our conclusions.
2. The test procedure
In reference [12] a procedure was proposed to test the assumption that the (generally short)
time series of growth rates of business firms aggregated in a large balanced panel of firms all
share the same shape for the growth rate distribution. Here we present a brief outline of the
basic ideas of such a procedure in the original context, and after we show how to adapt such
a procedure to a climatte time series, which we are interest in in this work. For deeper details
about the test and its power we refer the reader to [12].
2.1. Outline of the original test
Consider a large balanced panel (a matrix) formed by N rows and T columns. The i-th row
contains T time records (annual growth rates) for the firm i (i = 1, ..., N ). The null hypothesis is
that all the firms in the panel share the same shape for their growth rate distributions, without
necessarily sharing the same parameters. Thus, for example, a typical null could assert that all
the time series in the panel were withdrawn from normal distributions, which may have different
means and variances. The basic assumptions behind the null hypothesis are the following (below
Ri denotes the random variable (r.v.) associated with the growth rates of the firm i).2
n oT
A1. the time records rij
of firm i are T independent outcomes of the same r.v. Ri .
5th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSquare 2016) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 738 (2016) 012078
A4. each variable Ri may have an idiosyncratic mean i and standard deviation i , and it is
assumed that these are the only possible differences between the Ri s. Therefore, according
to this assumption the standardized r.v.
Xi =
Ri i
will be the same for all i. Let us denote this variable by X and its distribution function by
FX . It is precisely this distribution which characterize the null about the common shape
assumed to be shared by all the distributions of the firms (rows) in the panel.
Now, if one knows the actual values of all the idiosyncratic parameters i and i , then by
n oj=1,...,T
, the resulting aggregated
simply pooling together all the standardized outcomes xji
distribution would resemble the distribution of X. In order to test the null FX one could
simply apply a goodness-of-fit test to compare this distribution with that of the aggregated
observed data standardized by rows. However, in general we do not know the actual idiosyncratic
parameters i and i , and at the best these should be estimated from each row in the panel;
when T is large enough such estimates will be accurate, and the lack of knowledge about the
exact idiosyncratic parameters would not be an obstacle to do the standardization and perform
the suggested test. However, as it was shown in [12], when T is not large (roughly T . 50)
such estimates may be very rough, and even if the null is correct the aggregate distribution
of the outcomes standardized with respect to these roughly estimated parameters may deviate
significantly from FX . In [12] it was also shown that
Zi =
Xi X
i , sX
i and
i are the (generally innacurate) time series estimates for i and i , and X
are the (unknown) time series estimates for the mean and standard deviation of the standard r.v.
and sX . From now on we will reserve the word standardization for
(1), and similarly for X
standardization with respect to the actual parameters i and i , and will use the expression ztransformation for the standardization with respect to the corresponding time series estimates
i and sXi .
Equation (2) is central to designing a test procedure able to deal with the issue of short
time series in the panel. It states that under the null hypothesis the variables Zi obtained by
z-transforming the time series variables Ri must be the same for all firms and is distributed
identically to the variable Z X
sX , where X is the r.v. corresponding to the null FX .
Therefore, what we should to do to test the null is simply to compare (by using a goodnessof-fit test) the distribution of all the z-transformed growth rates pooled together with the modified
null distribution FZ (for details of how to obtain this distribution by a Monte Carlo simulation
see [12]).
2.2. Adaptation to climate time series
For the sake of illustration of application of the above procedure to climate time series we consider
a simple model consisting of a single variable V , whose daily time series is denoted by V j j=1 ,
and M is assumed to be large (in the next Section we consider 21 years of data, which correspond
to more than 7 thousands of daily records). To obtain a residual series the daily observations are
normalized with respect to the mean and standard deviation of the corresponding day, which
are modeled by a truncated Fourier series with an annual period. Two Fourier models are
5th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSquare 2016) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 738 (2016) 012078
considered, depending on the wet or dry status of the day. After such a normalization is done,
the resulting residuals Y j are assumed to follow an AR(1) process [3, 10]
Y j = Y j1 + 1 2 j ,
j = 1, , M,
where the index j labels the day in the whole time series, is the lag-1 autocorrelation, assumed
to be constant within each calendar month, but which may differ among different calendar
months (but not changing along the years), and j are independent random shocks, whose
distributions are often assumed in the literature to be a standard normal (white noise).
Our aim in this work is to adapt the procedure of the previous subsection to test the null
hypothesis that a particular shape (e.g., Gaussian) of the distribution of the residuals noise j is
time invariant. The test will apply even if the mean j and standard deviation j may change
in the time; however, in order to apply the test outlined above we will make the assumption that
within short time periods of length T (T . 30) the variations of the noises mean and variance
is negligible. Now, by spliting the whole time series in subperiods of length T we can build a
panel of N rows and T columns, where N is the number of subperiods.3 Together with the null
hypothesis we are interested in to test, it is straightforward to see that the set of assumptions
made so far in our simple climate model (3) is compatible with the assumptions A1 A4 of
the previous subsection. Therefore, the test procedure outlined there can be straightforwardly
applied to test the null hypothesis about the constancy of the shape of the residuals noise
distribution in the model (3).
3. An illustrative example
To illustrate the application of the proposed procedure we considered a time series of daily
data for the maximum temperature and precipitation for the locality of Chicago, USA (station
KMDW), available in the software Wolfram Mathematicar . We considered data covering a
period of 21 years, from January 1st, 1995 to December 31th, 2015, which resulted in a time
series of length M = 7, 665.
The time series of precipitations was used just to classify each day in the time series as wet
or dry we considered a day as wet if its accumulated precipitation was 0.1 mm; otherwise,
it was considered as dry. After, data on maximum temperature for each calendar day was split
into two groups (according to the dry or wet status), and for each group it was computed the
mean and standard deviation. The annual course of the means and the standard deviations
were approximated separately by a third order Fourier fitting, one fitting for each group (dry
or wet). After eliminating the annual course of the mean and standard deviation (by using the
values for each calendar day as given by the third order Fourier fitting), the normalized residues
Y j (j = 1, , M ) were obtained.
To estimate the 1-lag autocorrelation for each calendar month we proceeded as follows. We
used the well-known Yule-Walker (biased) estimator for the autocorrelation associated to each
month in the time series, resulting in a set of 21 (since we have 21 years of observations) biased
estimates for each calendar month [13]. Then, we taken the average of these 21 values and
1 +1
corrected for the bias, obtaining an estimate for the calendar month m given by (m) = n
n4 ,
where n is the number of days of the calendar month m and 1 is the mean of the set of 21
biased Yule-Walker estimates for that month.4 These estimates are shown in table 1.
Turning the estimated autocorrelations into (3) we computed the time series for the residual
noise j . When data for maximum temperature or precipitation were lacking for a day (this
occurred only for 263 days in 21 years of data) we filled that day in the noise time series by
5th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSquare 2016) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 738 (2016) 012078
Table 2. p-Values of the KS test for two nulls and several subperiods lengths.
Length (days)
randomly choosing a value from the remaining time series. Finally, we set the null hypothesis
about the shape of the distributions of residual noises, split the whole time series in short
subperiods of length T and applied the adapted procedure of Subsection 2.2. As for the goodnessof-fit test, which was the last stage of our procedure, we used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS)
test available in the software Wolfram Mathematicar .
3.1. Results
We considered two specific nulls. The first one consider that the invariant shape of the residuals
noise distribution is Gaussian, which is the most often assumed shape in the literature. The
second null we considered was that the invariant shape coincides with that empirically observed
when we pool together all the observed residuals noise for the whole time series (this particular
assumption implies that the parameters of this distribution does not change in the course of
time as well). En passant, the last version of the widely used generator LARS-WG uses semiempirical distributions for the noises and obtain better results in the simulation of maximum and
minimum temperatures when compared with its previous versions which used Gaussian noises
We tested the above two nulls by partitioning the time series in subperiods of lengths
T = 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The results are shown in table 2. Considering a 5% significance
level we observe that the Gaussian null should be rejected for all the lengths considered. On the
other hand, at the same significance level the empirical null should not be rejected in any of
the cases. It is not shown in the table, but the empirical null is consistently accepted also for
larger subperiods of lengths 90, 180, 365, 1825 (5 years) and 7665 (21 years, the length of the
whole time series). Figures 1 and 2 illustrates the goodness of fit of the two considered nulls for
subperiods of lengths 7 and 28 days.
4. Discussions and conclusion
We proposed an adaptation of the testing procedure introduced in [12] to investigate the null
hypothesis that the shape of the distribution of the residuals noise of a climate time series is
time invariant, even if its parameters are not. We illustrated the application of the adapted
procedure to a time series of a single weather variable (the maximum temperature) in a given
site, and showed that it was very effective in testing for two specific nulls, one stating that the
5th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSquare 2016) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 738 (2016) 012078
Figure 1.
Histograms of the ztransformed empirical data (orange), and
the corresponding histograms for the Gaussian (blue) and empirical (red) nulls, for
subperiods of T = 7 days.
time invariant shape is Gaussian and another stating that the empirically observed distribution
for the residual noises is time invariant (time invariant shape and parameters). From the results
we concluded that the Gaussian assumptions for the residuals does not describe well the observed
data in the context of this single variable model; instead, in this context the assumption that the
residuals noise maintain a time invariant distribution performs better. Further investigations in
the context of this simple model may consider analytical assumptions to describe the empirical
distribution. As such empirical distributions often present a non vanishing skewness (see, for
example, [4, 11]; it seems to be the case also in the situations illustrated in figures 1 and 2)
we could guess that members of the class of asymmetric exponential power distributions [14],
which generalizes the Gaussian by changing the tails behavior and by introducing skewness,
could be good candidates for it. It is worth to emphasize that the fact that the empirical
distribution of the noises was not reject by the test is by no means obvious, because the resulting
empirical distributions obtained by aggregating all the time series noises could be just an effect
of aggregating different variables with different distributions our test provided evidence that
this is not the case for the data considered here.
Finally, the proposed procedure can be straightforwardly extended to deal with multivariate
stochastic models presenting auto and cross correlations among the variables, and thus it can
be an additional and useful tool in the studies of validation of actual multivariate WGs for
diverse sites. Such an extension, along with a wide study of validation of some WGs for diverse
locations is presently under our investigation. The results will appear elsewhere.
JTL thanks CNPq/Brazil for partial financial support (Grant PDE 233512/2014-4).
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5th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSquare 2016) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 738 (2016) 012078
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