Midterm Exams - Anatomy
Midterm Exams - Anatomy
Midterm Exams - Anatomy
NAME OF STUDENT:______________________
DATE: _____________
SCORE: _____ /
Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much,
and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much! Luke 16:10
1. The functions of the skeletal system include all of the following EXCEPT:
A) support and protection
D) blood cell production
B) movement and leverage
E) storage of minerals
C) transport of materials via its fluid matrix
2. In the human body, bones are
A)continuously being recycled and remodeled.
D)capable of changing only during childhood or earlier.
B)flexible and elastic.
E)after childhood, capable of changing only after fractures or
C)lifeless, white, and unchanging.
3. The skeletal system helps maintain homeostasis by
A) acting as a calcium buffer and storage site.
D) acting as a blood cell production site.
B) acting as a phosphate buffer and storage site.
E) All of these aid in maintaining homeostasis
C) acting as an energy buffer and storage site.
4. Bones are a type of
A) cartilage.
D) connective tissue.
B) epithelial tissue.
E) multi-cellular membrane.
C) muscle tissue.
5. During growth of a long bone, the site of growth in length is the
A) medullary cavity.
D) endosteum.
B) marrow.
E) periosteum.
C) epiphyseal plate.
6. The outer surface of bone is covered by a connective tissue layer called the
A) lamellae.
D) epiphysis.
B) periosteum.
E) diaphysis.
C) endosteum.
7. A long bone
A) has a medullary cavity in the diaphysis.
D) has an epiphysis at each end.
B) has red marrow and yellow marrow in its cavities.
E) has all of these properties.
C) has endosteum lining the medullary cavity.
8. Compact bone consists of cells called osteocytes located within spaces in the matrix called
A) lamellae.
D) lacunae.
B) haversian canals.
E) medullary cavities
C) canaliculi.
9. The periosteum
A) contains blood vessels and nerves.
D) covers the outer surface of bones.
B) contains osteoblasts.
E) All of these are correct.
C) is composed of dense connective tissue.
10. After _____ (bone forming cells) become completely surrounded by bone matrix, they are called _____ (mature bone cells).
A) osteocytes, osteoblasts
D) osteoblasts, osteocytes
B) osteoblasts, osteoclasts
E) osteocytes, osteoclasts
C) osteoclasts, osteoblasts
11. Which of these bones is a part of the appendicular skeleton?
A) skull
D) clavicle
B) ribs
E) hyoid
C) sternum
12. The joint uniting the parietal and temporal bones is the
A) lambdoid suture.
D) mastoid suture.
B) coronal suture.
E) squamous suture.
C) temporomandibular joint.
13. The two bones of the skull in which teeth are located are the
E) prime mover
59. The muscle that works in opposition to another muscle is the
A) origin.
D) antagonist.
B) insertion.
E) prime mover.
C) agonist.
60. Muscles are named according to their
A) location or number of heads.
D) size or shape.
B) function or action.
E) Muscles can be named based on all of the above features.
C) origin or insertion point.
61. .All of the following are functions of muscle EXCEPT:
A) body movement
D) maintenance of posture
B) production of red blood cells
E) production of body heat
C) constriction of organs and vessels
62. Respiration refers to
A) gas exchange between blood and tissues.
D) gas exchange between the blood and the tissues.
B) ventilation, the movement of air into and out of the lungs.
E) All of these are parts of respiration.
C) gas exchange between the air in the lungs and blood.
63. The nasal cavity is divided into right and left sides by
A) the conchae.
D) the nasal septum.
B) the paranasal sinuses.
E) the hard palate.
C) external nares.
64. Structures that carry tears from the eyes to the nasal cavity are called
A) nasolacrimal ducts.
D) auditory tubes.
B) internal nares.
E) nasal septa.
C) paranasal sinuses.
65. Which of these problems in the trachea are associated with cigarette smoking?
A) Ciliated epithelium is replaced by squamous epithelium.
D) Irritation and inflammation stimulate the cough reflex.
B) Mucus and debris accumulate in the trachea.
E) All of these events occur in smokers.
C) Respiratory infections are likely because of accumulated
66. The pleural cavities
A) lie between the visceral and parietal pleura.
D) are lined with mucous membrane.
B) are filled with pleural fluid.
E) both lie between the visceral and parietal pleura and are
C) are found within the mediastinum.
filled with pleural fluid.
67. Which of these cause an increase in respiration rate?
A) stimulation of pain receptors
D) stress
B) anticipation at the start of exercise
E) All of these will increase respiratory rate.
C) movements of the limbs
68. The air that can be inspired forcefully above normal tidal volume is the
A) tidal volume.
D) residual volume.
B) forced expiratory vital capacity.
E) expiratory reserve volume.
C) inspiratory reserve volume.
69. The _____________ is the volume of air inspired or expired during quiet breathing.
A) tidal volume
D) residual volume
B) forced expiratory vital capacity
E) expiratory reserve volume
C) inspiratory reserve volume
70. The volume of air still remaining after maximum expiration is the
A) tidal volume.
D) residual volume.
B) forced expiratory vital capacity.
E) expiratory reserve volume.
C) inspiratory reserve volume.
71. All of the following are functions of the respiratory system EXCEPT:
A) gas exchange between the blood and air
B) regulation of blood pH by changing blood carbon dioxide levels
C) provides acquired immunity that prevents microorganisms from entering the body
D) air movement past the vocal cord makes sound and speech possible
E) provides innate immunity
72. The right lung has ______ lobes ..
A) 1
C) 4
B) 2
D) 3
73. The process that produces sex cells in both males and females is a special type of cell division called
A) mitosis.
B) meiosis
C) fertilization.
D) duplication.
E) transportation.
74. In humans, all of the cells of the body, except for the sex cells, contain
A) 23 chromosomes.
D) 69 chromosomes.
B) 35 chromosomes.
E) 92 chromosomes.
C) 46 chromosomes.
75. The testes are located in the scrotum, outside the body cavity because
A) they are closer to the penis than they would be in the body cavity.
B) they originally develop in the scrotum.
C) they must be at a lower temperature than the body cavity to produce functional sperm.
D) there is no room in the body cavity.
E) All of these are correct.
76. In the scrotum,
A) cold temperatures cause the cremaster muscle to contract.
B) cold temperatures cause the dartos muscle to contract.
C) warm temperatures cause the testes to descend away from the body.
D) if the testes become too warm or too cold, normal sperm will not develop.
E) All of these are correct statements.
77. Sperm cells normally mature and become able to swim while in the
A) epididymis.
D) ductus deferens.
B) rete testis.
E) seminal vesicles.
C) efferent ductules.
78. The duct formed by the joining of the ductus deferens and the seminal vesicle duct is called the
A) seminal duct.
D) common bile duct.
B) urethra.
E) prostatic duct.
C) ejaculatory duct.
79. The male urethra
A) extends from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body.
B) is a passageway for urine and male reproductive fluids.
C) has numerous mucus-secreting glands.
D) has both an internal and external urinary sphincter along its length.
E) has all of these characteristics.
80. Erection of the penis occurs as a result of
A) contraction of bulbourethral muscles.
D) engorgement of erectile tissue with blood.
B) movement of internal bones.
E) accumulation of fluid within the urethra.
C) accumulation of lymphatic fluid (edema).
81. Two columns of erectile tissue that form the sides and dorsal portion of the penis are called
A) the prepuce.
D) the glans penis.
B) the gubernaculum.
E) the corpus spongiosum.
C) the corpora cavernosa.
82. The prostate gland
A) has a single duct that joins with the ductus deferens to form the ejaculatory duct.
B) surrounds the urethra and ejaculatory duct.
C) has many short ducts that join the urethra.
D) both has a single duct that joins with the ductus deferens to form the ejaculatory duct and surrounds the urethra and ejaculatory duct.
E) both surrounds the urethra and ejaculatory duct and has many short ducts that join the urethra.
83. Which of the male reproductive glands makes the largest contribution (by volume) to the semen?
A) seminal vesicles
D) testes
B) prostate
E) urethra
C) bulbourethral glands
84. The discharge of semen into the urethra is called
A) ejaculation.
D) physiological contracture.
B) emission.
E) coagulation.
C) neutralization.
85. The forceful expulsion of semen from the urethra caused by contraction of smooth muscle in the urethra and skeletal muscle surrounding the
base of the penis is called
A) ejaculation.
D) physiological contracture.
B) emission.
E) coagulation.
C) neutralization.
86. Ovulation occurs in response to _____ secreted by the anterior pituitary gland.
B) estrogen
C) progesterone
87. After ovulation, the ruptured follicle is transformed into a glandular structure called the
A) mature follicle.
D) corpus albicans.
B) corpus luteum.
E) corpus striatum.
C) corpus cavernosum.
88. Long, thin processes surrounding the openings of the uterine tubes are called
A) theca cells.
D) fimbriae.
B) zona pellucida.
E) cervical extensions.
C) myometria.
89. Part of which of these layers of the uterus is sloughed off during menstruation?
A) endometrium
C) serous layer
B) myometrium
D) peritoneum
90. The vagina
A) is the female organ of copulation.
D) may have its opening covered by the hymen.
B) extends from the uterus to the outside of the body.
E) has all of these characteristics.
C) is a passageway for menstrual flow.
91. Thin, longitudinal folds that border the vestibule are called
A) the labia minora.
D) the labia majora.
B) the hymen.
E) the clinical perineum.
C) the mons pubis.
92. The clitoris
A) contains erectile tissue.
C) is located in the posterior portion of the vestibule.
B) is partly covered by a fold of skin called the prepuce.
D) has few, if any nerve endings.
E) both contains erectile tissue and is partly covered by a fold of skin called the prepuce.
93. In the milk-producing breast, ends of small ducts expand to form secretory sacs called
A) lobules.
D) areola.
B) lobes.
E) areolar glands.
C) alveoli.
94. The first episode of menstrual bleeding is called
A) menopause.
D) the secretory phase.
B) the LH surge.
E) menarche.
C) the proliferative phase.
95. The ____________ produce(s) thin, milky secretions with a high pH in the male reproductive tract.
A) prostate gland
C) seminal vesicles
B) bulbourethral glands
D) testes
96. The ____________ attaches the ovary to the uterus.
A) broad ligament
D) round ligament
B) mesovarium
E) suspensory ligament
C) ovarian ligament
97. In __________ two separate, identical daughter cells are produced and each one has 46 chromosomes.
A) mitosis
C) both mitosis and meiosis
B) meiosis
D) neither mitosis nor meiosis
98. Which of the following male reproductive hormones is NOT correctly paired with its source?
A) gonadotropin releasing hormonehypothalamus
D) testosteronetestes
B) luteinizing hormoneposterior pituitary
E) inhibinsertoli cells
C) follicle stimulating hormoneanterior pituitary
99. Each of the following statements is true, EXCEPT:
A) At the time of birth, the ovaries contain only primary oocytes.
B) All primary oocytes remain in Prophase I until puberty.
C) An ovum will only complete meiosis II if it is fertilized.
D) After ovulation, the cells of the ruptured follicle proliferate and form the corpus luteum.
E) After fertilization, a zygote with 23 chromosomes is formed.
100. Which of the following hormone pairings is incorrect?
A) anterior pituitary high follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) ovulation
B) anterior pituitary high luteinizing hormone (LH) development of secondary sexual characteristics
C) corpus luteum - progesterone growth & vascularization of endometrium
D) ovaries after ovulation estrogen inhibition of FSH
E) placenta human chorionic gonadotropin maintains corpus luteum
32. I- _________________
33. J- _________________