Clara's Vocal Library - 1.03

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Claras Vocal Library - 1.


Whats New ?
- New patches
- Bugs Fixed
- New Control SFX ( More easy and
simple )

Thank You very much for free downloading Claras Vocal Library , and
remember that if you like it there is a free donation to support us.
All the vocal samples are performed by the singer : Clara Sorace and
produced by Stefano Maccarelli
Clara's vocal library is created with the needs of the composer and
sound designer , the library contains :
Phrases and vocal sequences adaptable at bpm of your session.

The library is a open and young project and is continually updated ,

and im sorry if there are some bugs.

Your computer must meet the following minimum requirements for the
PC and Mac versions of Cubase:
Kontakt 5 , 8 GB RAM, 600Mb free disk space.
You Have tow possibilities to install the library : via the file in the
Kontakt Menu add library to Kontakt.

Add Claras Vocal to Kontakt using the Add Library button in the
Libraries panel near the top-leftcorner. Kontakt will ask you
to browse to the librarys folder, which is named Claras
Vocal Library.Browse to this folder, select it, and confirm.
Note that you do not have to select an individual file.
Selecting the folder it sufficient. After confirming, Kontakt
may ask you for your administrator credentials.

The Patches:
There are many different patches , divided into BPM, KEY and Style.
The Articulation named with BPM will always be in sync with your
BPM, but I advise to use the original bpm for a better quality.

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Many of these Articulation are created to start on the Beat , other

articulations instead to start off beat : for example 1/8 or 1/16.

There are also available the playable patches like: Pad ahh, ohh or
solo legato instrument.

The Pads like ahh , ohh are assigned to CC 1 Modulation Wheel LP 1.

CC 11 ( Expression ) are assigned to volume.
CC 64 ( Sustain ) disable loop .in the Patches named LOOP .

NEW effects Session:

With this upgrade theres a new Control TAB.
More easy and simple.
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The library is continually updated with new phrases and vocal samples.

CC 1: LP1 / CrossFade Velocity ( depend of the patch )
CC 2 : Delay Send
CC 4 : Reverb Return

CC 5 : Reverb Pre Delay

CC 6 : Reverb Size
CC 8 : FeedBack Delay

Stay Tuned!

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