Ecology is the study of living organisms and their environment. Its aim it to explain why
organisms live where they do. To do this ecologists study ecosystems, areas that can vary in
size from a pond to the whole planet.
Before studying ecosystems, it is important to appreciate the difference between energy and
matter. Energy and matter are quite different things and cannot be inter-converted.
Energy comes in many different forms (such as heat, light, chemical, potential, kinetic,
etc.) which can be inter-converted, but energy can never be created, destroyed or used up. If
we talk about energy being lost, we usually mean as heat, which is radiated out, but the
total amount of energy on the earth is constant.
Matter comes in three states (solid, liquid and gas) and again, cannot be created or
destroyed. The total amount of matter on the Earth is constant. Matter (and especially the
biochemicals found in living organisms) can contain stored chemical energy, so a cow
contains biomass (matter) as well as chemical energy stored in its biomass.
E n e rg y F lo w s
M a tte r C y c le s
h e a t + lig h t
H eat
E n e r g y is c o n s t a n t l y a r r iv in g f r o m t h e
s u n , p a s s i n g th r o u g h liv in g o r g a n is m s ,
a n d le a v in g t h e E a r t h a s h e a t.
M a t t e r c y c le s b e tw e e n liv in g a n d
n o n - liv in g t h in g s . B u t n o n e w m a tt e r
r e a c h e s th e E a r t h , a n d n o n e le a v e s .
All living organisms need energy and matter from their environment. Matter is needed to
make new cells (growth) and to create new organisms (reproduction). Energy is needed to
drive all the chemical and physical processes of life.
m a tte r
o n ly
t h e s e a r r o w s r e p r e s e n t f lo w o f e n e r g y a n d m a t te r
P r im a r y
C onsum er
S e c o n d a ry
C onsum er
T e r t ia r y
C onsum er
tr o p h ic le v e ls
Although this represents a typical food chain, with producers being eaten by animal
consumers, different organisms use a large range of feeding strategies (other than
consuming), leading to a range of different types of food chain. Some of these strategies are
defined below, together with other terms associated with food chains.
Top carnivore
An organism that produces food from carbon dioxide and water using
photosynthesis. Can be plant, algae, plankton or bacteria.
An animal that eats other organisms
A consumer that eats plants (= primary consumer).
A consumer that eats other animals (= secondary consumer).
A consumer at the top of a food chain with no predators.
A consumer that eats plants or animals.
A human that chooses not to eat animals (humans are omnivores)
P ro d u c e r
D e t r it u s
P r im a r y
C onsum er
C onsum er
S cavenger
D ecom poser
C onsum er
P a r a s it e
Ecological Pyramids
In general as you go up a food chain the size of the individuals increases and the number of
individuals decreases. These sorts of observations can be displayed in ecological pyramids,
which are used to quantify food chains. There are three kinds:
Pyramids of Numbers.
These show the numbers of organisms at each trophic level in a food chain. The width of
the bars represents the numbers using a linear or logarithmic scale, or the bars may be
purely qualitative. The numbers should be normalised for a given area for a terrestrial
habitat (usually m), or volume for a marine habitat (m). Pyramids of numbers are most
often triangular (or pyramid) shaped, but can be almost any shape. In the pyramids below,
A shows a typical pyramid of numbers for carnivores; B shows the effect of a single large
producer such as a tree; and C shows a typical parasite food chain.
ow l
3 c o n s u m e rs
2 c o n s u m e rs
1 c o n s u m e rs
p ro d u c e rs
s n a ils
c a te r p illa r s
g ra s s
tr e e
b lu e t its
m ic e
p a r a s ite s
a p h id s
ro s e b u s h
Pyramids of Biomass
These convey more information, since they consider the total mass of living organisms
(i.e. the biomass) at each trophic level. The biomass should be dry mass (since water stores
no energy) and is measured in kg m-2. The biomass may be found by drying and weighing
the organisms at each trophic level, or by counting them and multiplying by an average
individual mass. Pyramids of biomass are always pyramid shaped, since if a trophic level
gains all its mass from the level below, then it cannot have more mass than that level (you
cannot weigh more than you eat). The "missing" mass, which is not eaten by consumers,
becomes detritus and is decomposed.
b ir d s
la d y b ir d s
a p h id s
ro s e b u s h
p y ra m id o f n u m b e rs
p y ra m id o f b io m a s s
Pyramids of Energy
Food chains represent flows of matter and energy, so two different pyramids are needed to
quantify each flow. Pyramids of energy show how much energy flows into each trophic
level in a given time, so the units are usually something like kJ m -2 y-1. Pyramids of energy
are always pyramidal (energy cannot be created), and always very shallow, since the
transfer of energy from one trophic level to the next is very inefficient The missing
energy, which is not passed on to the next level, is lost eventually as heat.
b ir d s
l a d yb i r d s
a p h id s
ro se b u s h
Three things can happen to the energy taken in by the organisms in a trophic level:
It can be passed on to the biomass of the next trophic level in the food chain when the
organism is eaten.
It can become stored in detritus. This energy is passed on to decomposers when the
detritus decays.
S o la r E n e r g y
H eat
E n erg y
(a b s o rb e d b y
n o n -g re e n
p a rts )
c h e m ic a l e n e r g y in
P ro d u c e rs
c h e m ic a l
e n e rg y
c h e m ic a l e n e r g y in
P rim a ry C o n s u m e rs
H eat
e n e rg y
D e tritu s
(w a s te
e a te n
c o n s u m e rs )
c h e m ic a l e n e r g y in
S e c o n d a ry C o n s u m e rs
(fro m
m e t a b o lic
r e a c t io n s ,
w a rm
b o d ie s
f r ic tio n )
c h e m ic a l e n e r g y in
To p C o n s u m e rs
c h e m ic a l e n e r g y in
D e co m p o s ers
Eventually all the energy that enters the ecosystem will be converted to heat, which is lost to
Matter cycles between the biotic environment and in the abiotic environment. Simple
inorganic molecules (such as CO 2, N2 and H2O) are assimilated (or fixed) from the abiotic
environment by producers and microbes, and built into complex organic molecules (such as
carbohydrates, proteins and lipids). These organic molecules are passed through food chains
and eventually returned to the abiotic environment again as simple inorganic molecules by
decomposers. Without either producers or decomposers there would be no nutrient cycling
and no life.
S im p le in o r g a n ic
m o le c u le s
C o m p le x o r g a n ic
m o le c u le s
The simple inorganic molecules are often referred to as nutrients. Nutrients can be grouped
as: major nutrients (molecules containing the elements C, H and O, comprising >99% of
biomass); macronutrients (molecules containing elements such as N, S, P, K, Ca and Mg,
comprising 0.5% of biomass); and micronutrients or trace elements (0.1% of biomass).
Macronutrients and micronutrients are collectively called minerals. While the major
nutrients are obviously needed in the largest amounts, the growth of producers is usually
limited by the availability of minerals such as nitrate and phosphate.
There are two groups of decomposers:
Detrivores are animals that eat detritus (such as earthworms and woodlice). They digest
much of the material, but like all animals are unable to digest the cellulose and lignin in
plant cell walls. They break such plant tissue into much smaller pieces with a larger surface
area making it more accessible to the saprophytes. They also assist saprophytes by
excreting useful minerals such as urea, and by aerating the soil.
Saprophytes (or decomposers) are microbes (fungi and bacteria) that live on detritus.
They digest it by extracellular digestion, and then absorb the soluble nutrients. Given time,
they can completely break down any organic matter (including cellulose and lignin) to
inorganic matter such as carbon dioxide, water and mineral ions.
Detailed material cycles can be constructed for elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen or
sulphur, or for compounds such as water, but they all have the same basic pattern as the
diagram above. We shall only study the carbon and nitrogen cycles in detail.
r e s p ir a t io n
C arb o n
d io x id e
a tm o s p h e re
r e s p ir a t io n
c o m b u s t io n
w e a th e rin g
r e s p ir a t io n
d e a th
C o n s u m e rs
D e c o m p o s e rs
F o s s il F u e ls
C a r b o n if e r o u s R o c k s
d e a th
D e tr itu s
f o s s ilis a t io n
(w a s te
e a te n b y
c o n s u m e rs )
s e d im e n ta t io n
As this diagram shows, there are really many carbon cycles here with time scales ranging
from minutes to millions of years. Microbes play the major role at all stages.
Far more carbon is fixed by microscopic marine producers (algae and phytoplankton)
from CO2 dissolved in the oceans than by terrestrial plants from CO2 in the air.
During the Earth's early history (3000 MY ago) photosynthetic bacteria called
cyanobacteria changed the composition of the Earth's atmosphere by fixing most of the
CO2 and replacing it with oxygen. This allowed the first heterotrophic cells to use oxygen
in respiration.
A large amount of the fixed carbon is used by marine zooplankton to make calcium
carbonate shells. These are not eaten by consumers and cannot easily be decomposed, so
turn into carboniferous rocks (chalk, limestone, coral, etc). 99% of the Earth's carbon is in
this form.
The decomposers are almost all microbes such as fungi and bacteria. Most of the detritus
is in the form of cellulose and other plant fibres, which eukaryotes cannot digest. Only a
few bacteria posses the cellulase enzymes required to break down plant fibres. Herbivorous
animals such as cows and termites depend on these bacteria in their guts.
Much of the CO2 that was fixed by ferns during the carboniferous era (300 MY ago) was
sedimented and turned into fossil fuels. The recent mining and burning of fossil fuels has
significantly altered the carbon cycle by releasing the carbon again, causing a 15% increase
in CO2 in just 200 years.
Many different factors interact to determine population size, and it can be very difficult to
determine which factors are the most important. Factors can be split into two broad groups:
abiotic factors and biotic factors. Well look at 7 different factors.
1. Abiotic Factors
The population is obviously affected by the abiotic environment such as: temperature;
water/humidity; pH; light/shade; soil (edaphic factors); mineral supply; current (wind/water);
topography (altitude, slope, aspect); catastrophes (floods/fire/frost); pollution. Successful
species are generally well adapted to their abiotic environment.
In harsh environments (very cold, very hot, very dry, very acid, etc.) only a few species will
have successfully adapted to the conditions so they will not have much competition from
other species, but in mild environments lots of different species could live there, so there will
be competition. In other words in harsh environments abiotic factors govern who survives,
while in mild environments biotic factors (such as competition) govern who survives.
2. Seasons
Many abiotic factors vary with the seasons, and this can cause a periodic oscillation in the
population size.
p o p u la t io n
w in te r
a u tu m n
s p r in g
sum m er
w in te r
a u tu m n
s p r in g
sum m er
w in te r
a u tu m n
sum m er
s p r in g
w in te r
a u tu m n
s p r in g
sum m er
E x p la n a tio n :
w a rm
w e a th e r
c o ld
w e a th e r
m o re
r e p r o d u c t io n
le s s
r e p r o d u c t io n
p o p u l a tio n
in c r e a s e s
p o p u la tio n
d e c re a s e s
t im e
This is only seen in species with a short life cycle compared to the seasons, such as insects.
Species with long life cycles (longer than a year) do not change with the seasons like this.
3. Food Supply
A population obviously depends on the population of
its food supply: if there is plenty of food the population
introduced to an Alaskan island at first showed a
population increase, but this large population grazed the
p o p u la t io n
v e g it a t io n
t im e a f t e r in tr o d u c tio n o f d e e r
4. Interspecific Competition
Interspecific competition is competition for resources (such as food, space, water, light, etc.)
between members of different species, and in general one species will out-compete another
one. This can be demonstrated by growing two different species of the protozoan
Paramecium in flasks in a lab. They both grow well in lab flasks when grown separately, but
when grown together P.aurelia out-competes P.caudatum for food, so the population of
P.caudatum falls due to interspecific competition:
p o p u la tio n
P . a u r e lia
P . c a u d a tu m
g ro w n
to g e th e r
P . a u r e lia
p o p u la tio n
g ro w n
s e p a r a te ly
P . c a u d a tu m
t im e ( d a y s )
t im e ( d a y s )
5. Intraspecific Competition
Intraspecific competition is competition for resources between members of the same species.
This is more significant than interspecific competition, since member of the same species
have the same niche and so compete for exactly the same resources.
Intraspecific competition tends to have a stabilising influence on population size. If the
population gets too big, intraspecific population increases, so the population falls again. If the
population gets too small, intraspecific population decreases, so the population increases
p o p u la t io n
p o p u l a tio n
in c r e a s e s
E x p la n a t io n :
t im e
m o re
in t r a s p e c if ic
c o m p e tit io n
le s s
in t r a s p e c i f ic
c o m p e tit io n
p o p u l a tio n
d e cre a se s
Intraspecific competition is also the driving force behind natural selection, since the
individuals with the best genes are more likely to win the competition and pass on their
genes. Some species use aggressive behaviour to minimise real competition. Ritual fights,
displays, threat postures are used to allow some individuals (the best) to reproduce and
exclude others (the weakest). This avoids real fights or shortages, and results in an
optimum size for a population.
6. Predation
The populations of predators and their prey depend on each other, so they tend to show
cyclical changes. This has been famously measured for populations of lynx (predator) and
hare (prey) in Canada, and can also be demonstrated in a lab experiment using two species of
mite: Eotetranchus (an herbivore) and Typhlodromus (a predator). If the population of the
prey increases, the predator will have more food, so its population will start to increase. This
means that more prey will be eaten, so its population will decrease, so causing a cycle in both
p re y
in c r e a s e s
p r e d a to r
p o p u la t io n
p re y
E x p la n a t io n :
p re d a to r
d e cre a se s
p re d a to r
in c r e a s e s
p re y
d e cre a se s
t im e
p a r a s ite
p o p u la tio n
E x p la n a tio n :
t im e
in c r e a s e s
d e cre a se s
p a r a s it e
d e cre a se s
A populations niche refers to its role in its ecosystem. This usually means its feeding role in
the food chain, so a particular populations niche could be a producer, a predator, a parasite, a
leaf-eater, etc. A more detailed description of a niche should really include many different
aspects such as its food, its habitat, its reproduction method etc, so gerbils are desert seedeating mammals; seaweed is an inter-tidal autotroph; fungi are asexual soil-living
saprophytes. Identifying the different niches in an ecosystem helps us to understand the
interactions between populations. Members of the same population always have the same
niche, and will be well-adapted to that niche, e.g. nectar feeding birds have long thin beaks.
B la c k b u r n i a n
W a r b le r
B a y - b r e a s te d
W a r b le r
M y r tle
W a r b le r